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eRSITY. .BABES-BOLY AT” CLUJ-NAPOCA sy OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF TRANSYLVANIA, CLUJ-NAPOC. ORBIS ANTIQVVS Studia in honorem Ioannis Pisonis Editors: Ligia Ruscu, Carmen Ciongradi, Radu Ardevan Cristian Roman, Cristian Gazdac NEREAMIA NAPOCAE PRESS. CLUJ-NAPOCA 2004 CONTENTS LAVRVM LAVRO DIGNO- André Hurst |AMICITIAE MEMOR .....s.cssscoesesnernenentot eset Seas petal |. THE HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Géza Alfoldy EIN ZWEIMAL BESCHRIFTETER INSCHRIFTSTEIN AUS NORDPANNONIEN woes01o-eooro ols Katarzyna Balbuza THE ASPECTS OF DOMITIAN'S IDEOLOGY OF VICTORY 0.0 BALL DEANS: 25, Barnabds Lérincz TUR STATTHALTERLISTE DER ROMISCHEN PROVINZ PANNONIA INFERIOR 4 CD 35 Bruno Bleckmann DER BARBARENEINFALL VON 406 UND DIE ERHEBUNG DES USURPATORS CONSTANTINUS Ill. ZU EINEM CHRONOLOGISCHEN PROBLEM DES FRUHEN FUNFTEN JAHRHUNDERTS.......- 41 William M. Calder IIL NONNULLA TACITEA...... IESG. ti Un eACAN RIE snolaiceabh male atel 85 Raya Comes e Javier Velaza : NOTA ONOMASTICA HISPANO-DALMATICA: SOBRE AE 2000, 1178 ¥ MLH IV. K.0.7.4 (¥ K-} 31-3) ond Hannah M. Cotton und Werner Eck LATEINISCHE INSCHRIFTEN AUS DER USTINOV COLLECTION IN OSLO UND EIN OPISTOGRAPH MIT DER DAMNATIO MEMORIAE DES KAISERS PROBUS. Peter Eich OKONOMISCHER INTERVENTIONISMUS IM 3. JH.? ....-- oaeeet asa BSE Nicolae Gudea DIE COHORS VII BREUCOROM C. R. EQUITATA IN OBERMOESIEN....---- hein AAS Péter Kovacs SOME NOTES ON THE BUILDING INSCRIPTION OF C(AIUS) TITIUS ANTONIUS PECULIARIS FROM BATMONOSTOR (CIL III 10496=6452) Krzysztof Krolezyk VWETERANEN IM LEBEN DES ANTIKEN MAINZ (MOGONTIACUM, GERMANIA SUPERIOR) sci 89 Renate Lafer “ZU DEN LATRONES IM ROMISCHEN REICH UND IHRER REZEPTION IN DER FORSCHUNG: EINIGE UBERLEGUNGEN ZUR METHODIK 1.2 --esereor Lucretiu Mibailescu-Birliba LA VIE FAMILIALE DES AFFRANCHIS PRIVES EN ILLYRICUM ..-..---0-~ Lucietta Di Paola PER UN PROFILO DEL GOVERNATORE PROVINCIALE ‘COSTANTINIANO™ «2-22-20 oogaenisaas 14 Lietta De Salvo NUOVE TESTIMONIANZE (E RILETTURE) DI TEST! EPIGRAFICI .... Alfred S RELIGIOSE ERKENNUNGSZEICHEN Peter Scherrer *PRINCEPS CIVITATIS ~ EIN OFFIZIELLER TITEL LOKALER AUTORITATEN? -s.0-- ‘Comeliu Stan MARCVS VLPIVS TRAIANVS. A CHRONOLOGICAL TESTIMONIAL .... Karl Strobel DAKIEN, DER DONAURAUM UND ROM: EIN SPANNUNGSREICHES WECHSELVERHALTNIS.. Gerhard Thiir PACHTZINS UND VERGABE DER SILBERMINEN IM LAUREION... Giinther E. Thiry VENUS UND DER .REINE WEIN”. ZUM POMPEJANISCHEN GRAFFITO CIL IV 2776... Melinda Torbégyi ‘GOLD COIN OF A PERSIAN SATRAP IN THE COLLECTION OF THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM... ‘Claudio Zaccaria 'SCELTA DEI SIGNA ONOMASTICI E TRADIZION! RELIGIOSE LOCALI AD AQUILEIA... ee hy vio Zerbini “MANTUA ME GENUIT™: 7 TIMONIANZE EPIGRAFICH! DI MANTOVAN! NTUA ME GENUP ESTIMONIANZE EPIGRAFICHE ivi Zerbini “MAM E : NEL MONDO ROMANO (OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE: Y 11. THE ARCHAEOLOG (SIGNACULUM) DEL MUSEO AR Fiulia Baratta Giulia BOTA SU UN FERRO PER MARCARE DISPALATO. 0 Maurizio Buora ee SUI RAPPORTI TRA BASSO DAI STUDIO DELLE FIBULE..... sa ARSE VIE LABICANA E PRAENESTINA ..-» a SLO NS CHAFTSGEBAUDE DER ROMISCHEN TOPFEREIEN IN DEN PROVINZEN GERMANIA SUPERIOR UND GERMANIA INFERIOR......-+--- eibies rane Manet OTTER DEPULSOR - DIE NORISCHEN BEFUNDE ...-------~ a y, Olive i CONSTRAINTS OF TRADITION DEPICTIONS OF HERCULES IN AUGUSTUS’ REIGN. fee. 235 Henner von Hesberg EINE STATUE DER MINERVA IN KOLN Franz Humer 4 MALEREIRESTE AUS EINEM WOHNHAUS DER COLONIA SEPTIMIA AVRELIA ANTONINIANA KARNVNTVM 0. Manfred Kandler ZUR DEUTUNG DES TEMPELS II AUF DEM PFAFFENBERG BEI CARNUNTUM L110... cecrnrecenee 0.269 ‘Mare Mayer : EL AVGVSTEVM DE NARONA (VID, METKOVIC, CROACIA) EN EPOCA DE LOS SEVEROS Fabien Pilon L’APPORT DES DECOUVERTES DE CHATEAUBLEAU (FRANCE) A LA CONNAISSANCE DES MONNAIES COULEES EN GAULE AU III° SIECLE APRES J.-C. big ita John Scheid QUAND FUT CONSTRUIT L'SEUM CAMPENSE ? Sebastian Sommer INTRA LEUGAM, CANABAE, KASTELLVICI UND DER OBERGERMANISCH-RAETISCHE LIMES ... ‘CHEOLOGICO NUBIO E ALTO ADRIATICO SULLA BASE DELLO MI. DACIA Agnes Alfoldy-Gazdac TRACKING DOWN A ROMAN STATUETTE: THE VENUS FROM NAPOCA. (CLUJ NAPOCA, COUNTY OF CLU)).......... Dorin Alicu EDIFICES DE CULTE DEDIES A DES DIVINITE A 5 ES GRECO-ROMAINES SU! CARACTERE MILITAIRE DE LA DACIE ROMAINE wscsscssoss Seon Adrian Ardet : THE ROMAN PROVINCE OF DACIA: ASPECTS OF (fe aaa COMMERCE IN LIGHT OF AMPHORAS FIGURATIVE BRONZE PIECES USE! CARAS-SEVERIN COUNTY Radu Ardevan DIE CLAUDII VON APULUM.... Gica Baestean TYPES OF AQUEDUCTS IN ROMAN Istvan Bajusz pet $322 e345 354 Adrian Bejan LA DACIE DE SUD-OUEST (LE BA\ ) rene : DECOUVERTES ARCHEOLOGIQUES Vit SIECLES REFLETEE PAR Les Doina Benea 380 SEPTIME SEVERE ET L’URBANISATION DE LA PROVINCE DE DACIE Franziska Beutler . bl. 390 EIN FRAGLICHER ALTAR AUS APULUM IM BESITZ Carmen Ciongradi ” . 34 UBER DIE TYPOLOGIE UND CHRONOLOGIE DER GRABMEDAILLONS IN APULUM UND MICIA Sorin Cociy a NORICO-PANNONIAN BROOCHES FROM ROMAN DACIA. 406 Mariana Cringus THE REPRESENTATION OF PERSONAL FEMININE OBJEC’ ‘TS ON THE FUNERAL STELAE FROM DROBETA. - 426 Dan Dana Ss ONOMASTIQUE EST-BALKANIQUE EN DACIE ROMAINE. (NOMS THRACES ET DACES). 430 Giinther Dembski ANTIKE FUNDMUNZEN AUS SIEBENBURGEN IN DER SAMMLUNG DES WIENER MUNZKABINETTS. A 449 Alexandra Diaconescu and Emilian Bota EPIGRAPHY AND ARCHAEOLOGY: THE CASE OF TWO RECENTLY EXCAVATED NYMPHAEA FROM COLONIA DACICA SARMIZEGETUSA. - - 470 Mariana Egri Convivio celebrantur amici. NOTES ON SOME CERAMIC ASSEMBLAGES WITH A FUNERARY CHARACTER .. senses tdi ie oe mole 502 Manuel Fiedler und Constanze Hipken WEIN ODER WEIHRAUCH? ~ .TURIBULA” AUS APULUM.... 510 Gelu Florea DACIANS AND WINE (1st Century B.C. - Ist Century A.D.) “ . S17 Florin Fodorean ROAD-REPAIRS IN THE DANUBIAN PROVINCES DURING MILITARY ANARCHY (A.D. 235-271). 523 Gabriela Gheorghiu ONE TOREUS TOOL FOUND WITHIN THE DACIAN FORTRESS AT ee CETATUIE (HUNEDOARA COUNTY) “ 5 eae NTS 331 Joan Glodariu ROADS ACROSS THE CARPATHIANS DURING THE DACIAN ANTIQUITY oo 538 Kurt Gschwantler BRONZESTATUETTEN AUS SIEBENBURGEN IN DER ANTIKENSAMMLUNG. DES KUNSTHISTORISCHEN MUSEUMS IN WIEN : ae Eugen laroslavschi UBER DIE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DER BRONZEN AUS RUMANIEN....... i 554 Dan Isac : ‘A PRESUMABLE GNOSTIC AMULET FROM SAMVM-CASEIU ... 359 Ted Kaizer 5 LATIN-PALMYRENEAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE MUSEUM OF BANAT AT TIMISOARA 00-505 Felix Marcu : e MILITARY TILE-STAMPS AS A GUIDE FOR THE GARRISONS OF SEVERAL FORTS IN DACIA... 370 Razvan Mateescu SERVANTS OF THE SACRED IN THE DACIAN WORLD... Virgil Mihailescu-Birliba ANFANG UND ENDE DER DAKISCHEN MUNZPRAGUNG...... John Mina, Bruce Wright, Alexandru Matei, Cristian Gazdac MARS FROM POROLISSUM.. é Miroslava Mirkovie DAKISCHE EINFALLE NACH MOSIEN UND ROMISCHE FELDZUIGE NACH DAKIEN UNTER DOMITIAN UND TRAJAN.. ‘Vasile Moga, Radu Ciobanu SEPTIMIUS ASCLEPIUS HERMES. LE MEDECIN D’APULUM, DANS UNE NOUVELLE INSCRIPTION RECEMMENT DECOUVERTE.... 1595 617 625 7 : 6 Le IE DAKERKRIEGE DOMITIANS =~ LEGIO XV Mia te CENTURY OVERSTRUCK COIN Edna HORS TABLIA GAESATORUM MILLIARIA Sorin Nemeti oon DIT PATRI! DEI BENE AGRUD. cor STONISATION ETACCULTURATION EN DACIE. LES MECANISMES DE L'INTEGRATION DANS LE MONDE ROMAIN. fo ‘ Adela Paki . A MVNDYS AT VLPIA TRAIANA SA OF ANCIENT CITIES... "APOLLINARIS UND DI DIE IDENTITAT EINER ROMISCHEN HILFS TRUPPE........63) 64 651 RMIZEGETVSA. ABOUT THE RITUAL OF FOUNDATION sclera accom hen eee 6m ae PepILOPHORO! ET KOMETAI; POINTS DE VUE SUR LES STRUCTURES DE LA SOCIETE GETIQUE ...-..0-.667 Marana PRESUMABLE HOARD FROM THE LEGIONARY CAMP OF POTAISSA o.scsscese An: 6 Horea Pop, Emanoil Pripon. Zsolt Csok DACIANS AT THE NORTH WESTERN FRONTIER OF DACIA 2ND CENTURY A D 687 ‘Mihai Rotea ed NON-FERROUS METALLURGY IN BRONZE AGE TRANSYLVANIA .... Viorica Rusu-Bolindet TARDO-ITALICA TERRA SIGILLATA FROM ROMAN DACIA. Valeriu Sirbu SACRIFICES ET INHUMATIONS RITUELLES DE CHEVAUX CHEZ LES THRACES DU NORD DES BALKANS AU COURS DE L’AGE DU FER. = oe Toan Stanciu, Alexandra V. Matei 'SONDAJUL DIN ASEZAREA DE LA BOCSA - «LA PIETRIS» (COM. BOCSA. JUD. SALAJ). CONTRIBUTIL LA DETERMINAREA ETAPEI DE INCEPUT A EPOCII ROMANE IMPERIALE TARZII IN NORD-VESTUL ROMANIEI.. ees i Eee Liliana Suciu PLANTS IN THE MEDICINE OF DACIA. ‘Szabo Adim DER LOCUS” VON APULUM (1. Vorliufiger Bericht)... Calin Timoe BEITRAGE ZUR GESCHICHTE DER COHORS / SAGITTARIORUM BEI TIBISCUM-JUPA...... i... 80 ‘Ovidiu Tentea COHORS I ITURAEORUM SAGITTARIORUM EQUITATA MILLIARIA . Ekkehand Weber NORIKERINNEN UND NORIKER IM ROMISCHEN DAKIEN Mateusz Zmudzinski DIE ROMISCHE WIRTSCHAFT IN DER PROVINZ DACIA POROLISSENSIS IM LICHTE DER 708 ma ARCHAOLOGISCHEN QUELLEN .. IY. GREEK-ROMAN EAST. ‘Alexandru Avram SUR LA DATE DE LA DIVINISATION DI A paeee E PTOLEMEE I] PHILADELPHE A BYZANCE... ‘THE COINS IN THE CITY OF TP Seer ane 'YRAS AND THE ROMAN AUTHORITY IN THE REGION ‘ZUR BEDEUTUNG (5. UND 4. 1H.) Johannes Engels at KLEARCHOS VON SOLOI UBEI VON KLEARCHOS FR. 6 a UND JUDENTUM - EINE INTERPRETATION Jerzy Hatlas THE MONUMENTS OF SEPULCHRAL ARCHITECTURE IN KAZANLAK VALLEY - TOMBS OR TEMPLES. 881 Vavile Lica FATUM DAPYX'S BROTHER, GETARUM REX Gydrgy Németh ‘OF MICE AND MEN... Ligia Ruscu FAMILIES AT HISTRIA, TOMIS AND CALLATIS: TWO PROSOPOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 887 895 Y. THE ROMAN HERITAGE Livia Calian ‘THE HABSBURGS - THE LAST ROMAN EMPERORS... . oa 912 Werner Eck EIN DONAUHANDLER IN STRASSBURG ~ KURZE ANMERKUNGEN ZUR REZEPTIONSGESCHICHTE DER ANTIKE IN RENAISSANCE UND HUMANISMUS....... e 917 Zsolt Visy WORLD HERITAGE. SOME CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT HUNGARY AND THE CARPATHIAN REGION.....920 Irina Nemeti e Sorin Nemeti DAL RE SALOMONE AL SANTO SISOE. EREDITA ANTICHE NELLA MAGIA CRISTIANA... 94 TABVLA GRATVLATORIA. 929 Viorica Rusu-Bolindet TARDO-ITALICA TERRA SIGILLATA FROM ROMAN DAC, Tare forme) } ic workshops were extremely sieillata from the late Italic w " scoveries of imported sigi isco as included j due to the fact that those workshops ceased to CO ig the time our province w i i f specialists. re. At leas the former opinions o Bm Empire. At least Merch proved that the production of vessels with red fimis realized in the tra ecen at ‘Areal continued into the 2"! century. The Italic producers continued to many center with relief decoration and plaine sigillara mainly decorated in the barbotine tech reese e were named “terra sigillata tardo-italica”’ and their production is dated in the perio, vessels igillata reigns of Nero and that of Antonius e Campania and Etruria. Those from the later region 7 s “terra sigillata tardo-padana" . a ; as = aiine oreo both the ones with relief decoration and the plaine ones was exported jg entire Mediterranean bassin (the Ligurie coast, Gallia Narbonensis, the Oriental harbours from Spa those of Northem Africa), as well as in Britain and in the Danubian provinces of the Empire. Frog later, Pannonia was considered to be the most far away eastern province where such pottery was 4g found on the markets they were still able to sustain the competition with the South gaulish sigitlagg IV). In the meantime, terra sigillara tardo-italica were recorded both in Moesia Superior’ (pl. vy, Moesia Inferior (pl. VI)’, In his study concerning the differences between imported pottery from westem and Danubian provinces, D. Gabler recorded the only late Italic item known in Dacia a time®. It was a fragmentary vessel type Conspectus 20.4.4 found at Drobeta that had stamped 9 bottom the name Q. S. P. This fragment was published by Gh. Popilian in his synthesis about the pottery from Oltenia. The producers, Q. S. (...) P (...) = Q. SEN(...) P(...) is dated in the inter 100° and the vessel above mentioned is the earliest late-Italic item entered in Dacia (pl. VIW/3) 7, PhD thesis, D. Isac increased the number of importation from late-Italic workshops at five: a vessel Conspectus 34.1.1 from Apulum (pl. VIII/1)*, two of type Conspectus 34.1.1 and one of type Cons 34.1.2 from Timisoara’ dition g facture nique. i" d between Pius. There are two regions where this production was recog (with this center at Pisa) are known in the bibliogg Pucci 1990, 6; Gabler 1996; the latest research concerning the presence of the last late-Italic products in ROF bibliografy concerning the production centers see Rizzo 2003. « Defined as such by Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1990, p. 16; thoroughly explained later by Zabehlicky-Scheffen who then classified the sigillata tardo-padana, and precised the chronology and the spreading area, The author bd arguments to define the sigillata not only the place of production but also the period when they were made and repertory of decorative motifes starting with the middle of the Ist century., as well as the simplification of the m producers who are now only the innitials of the tria nomina (Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1992, p. 415). As for the local Workshops, see Menchelli 1994, and the synthesis of Gabler 1996, p. 61-62. An analyze of the stage of the re Padan sigillara with the newest pee an fiala with the newest discoveries of workshopsand the chronology of forms Mazzeo Saracino 200 Pisani in lunula; p. 120-142, pl, 55- Dimitrova-Miléeva 2000, p. 5-9, cat 2, fig. 3;p. 14, pl. 13, nr. iaeccaee ar. 1-91, p. 43-49, pl. 1-4, 5/85-91 - plain sigillara some stamped on the bot 2 decorated vessel in the style of L. Rasinius Pis Gabler 19 s 'yle of L. Rasinius Pisanus. ae ae P. 103, fig 2; the same site at Zabelilicky-Scheffenegger 1992, Abb, 13, on the map with the Faten ior ia stamp Q. S. P. without reference in the text to Dacia as one of the importars of the: Gee ne f 1, again in the synthesis from 1988 Popilian-Ciucé 1988, p. 62. Unfortunately, there ISM eet ct S¢¢ OCK, 1765, p. 377. A fragment of a vessel with the stamp in planta pedis L. OB discovery was not known Popilign sys > the Severeanu collection from Bucharest but that was not catalogued 351 earliest tem cont 1276, P. 25, nota 34, If one would consider this fragment, too we woul! enh depending on the type of starmny = pron the Attetine (2); the producer work around 10-50 p. Chr, (or 15 1. Cht-— 1 Usac-Rusu-Bahus 1979, oe, OCK, 878, p. 233-234; 879, p. 234-237. Ise 1983p 40, pl Tote, ee Pe Hs Esa 1985, p, 39-40, V2. 72 ti the "90 there were no findings of 1 i va Bpnyilaeta ie i ptedent eo Sleilata with deter akg px concerning similar items from Panno cater Recently, a fragmentary vessel with 1 the name of nd in the timber forum of Colonia neighbouring provinces !°. the producer L, RASINIUS PISANUS in lunula Ulpia Traiana i ‘ Sarmizegensa, ti ith reli rf emia inka forum of Colonia Ua Tr Selusa, together with a bowl with relief i , Production J * yt of the earliest producers of rerra sigittara Redeosrattdia li deca re PISANUS was jef decorated vessels puts Dacia on the s wise! small number of such items". On the contr, Ne of plaine vessels with applicated deco bah number of stamps of the late It janing to change. The last three decades ee: jerra sigillata tardo-padana, From adana with relief decoration’*, The presence of a Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior that © above-mentioned provinces hay y re-me s have a great ak ‘or with decoration in the barbotine technique as well Pee roducers"". Dacia's situation also in this respect is of stratigraphic excavati i ig: ‘avation produced a certain number among the sites th; ihe ‘i ‘at produced that items we 4 Phy getusa, With a autnbef of Seven vessels of type Conspectus 39 gi 43 ol IX), and ie gaunitems from Apullum where sigillata tardo-padana was Tourn boty ie camp of 13th legi the Gunna", and in Colonia Aurelia Apulensis"”, We add also ¢ ml 2-4: Xb) nj Du ix items found in Napoca (pl. VIII/2-4: XI) sone eo persis S sede - Thus, the real Picture of the importation of sigillata tardo-italica igillata tardo-padana mainly) presents now a closen similarity with neigh i cK ven i Sodan eine. y neighbouring provinces, even if The sigillata of type Conspectus 20.4 and 34, belonging to group A of terra sigillata tardo- are well represented among importation of such items in the Danubian provinces'. From among ihemany sites where such vessels are recorded we menti ion Savaria”, Novae, Oescus”! etc. Vessels with ite stamp Q.S.P. (among which the above-mentioned forms are on majority) are very frequent in the seishbouring provinces Pannonia and Moesia”” Vessels Conspectus 39 and 43, included in Danubian provinces, analogies from neighbouring sies recording such findings: Kalvaria??, group B of sigillata tardo-padana, are frequent in the Provinces being numerous. We only mention a few 24 Blase aoa 2 Carnuntum™, Flavia Solva’>, Poetovio®, Aquincum”, “Gabler 1996, p. 64-66, fig. 8; Gabler 2001, p. 53, fig. 4. forthe activity of L. Rasinius Pisanus see Medri 1992, p. 122: Gabler 2001. p. 54 ete. “Daconeseu, Rusu-Bolinder 2004, p. 5-6, nr. 11-12, pl. Il; the type of stamp in lunufa with the name of the producer in OCK, wi) GI 758), p. 365. It is dated between 50-120 p. Chr., and the center of production is Pisa (see below catalogue nr. mibthe dating). Probably this vessel without the mentioning of the stamp is recorded at Gabler 2001. p. 53, fi. 4 itt Were 3 fragmets of late-Italic relief decorated vessels known in Moesia Sueprior until 1990 see note 4, while in Mesa Inferior there was only one single record until 2000, atributed to the style of L. Rasinius Pisanus ~ see note 5 ‘Sen. 45, sPaconescu, Rusu-Bolindet 2004, 2-6, nt. 1-12, pl. U1 pls 1999, p.215-216, fig. 2. Unfortunatly there could not be question of using the illustrations! . ha fragments of type Conspectus 39 si 43, decorated in the barbotine technique were found on the northem side of the ¥ during excavations from 1991 and at the sanctuary of Liber Pater from the same site but the result of the exc: wation is {LE published. Some references at Diaconescu-Piso 1993, p. 70 and n 32; Opreanu 1998, p. 126 (for the first of the two Meioned sites), 1989, p. 445, pl. V/6, 7 — plate Drag. 3 ‘Mibuted to the late-Padan wor i late-Padan workshops. , uy, sich Scheffenegger 1992, Pa19, Abb. 10, presenting comparative graphics for the frequency of the forms Conspectus 30, and 34 in the west and Danubian area. C 2, p, 64-65: form eee 2 pl. 1/2-15; 2/16-30; 3/31-52: 4/53-68; 5/69-80, Form Conspectus 34 ET pl 799-112; srit4-133 tha Sloe ye Mileeva 2000, Conspectus 20 - p. 6-7, catalogue nr, 6-13, Taf. 1; catalogue 14-27, = Conspectus 39, decorated in barbotine technique on the rim which was not ; Conspectus 34 — Ubehy 238. Taf. 2, nr. 71-84, Taf. 4. : ; : Saeear Usp. : ieflnesger ia P. 220 ‘Abb. 10: see also Abb. 8, with the main sigillata tardo-padana that are stamped wil “Sp. . p. 420, Abb. iter 19654 i ia known it re sated in the barbotine technique from Pannonia then, >. with a synthesis about the sigillara tardo-padana decorated in the barbotine tec! : slr Zachman 1997, p.101-102, pl. /1-9. 595 toa, T. 2TSTP 21, T 4/TSTP 26, 27 etc. “hey oe? 90, pl. 9:3, m. 39, pl. 18:1, 3, m. 583 etc. 2, p. 99: Nagy 1964, p, 43: Gabler 1976, p. 22- a

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