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Numrul populaiei stabile a Republicii Moldova (cu excepia

NUMRUL I raioanelor de Est i mun. Bender) nregistrat la recensmntul din 5 - 12
octombrie 2004, a fost de 3383332 locuitori, inclusiv 1305655 locuitori n
mediul urban i 2077677 locuitori n mediul rural. n numrul total al
POPULAIEI populaiei recenzate snt incluse i persoanele temporar absente, plecate peste
hotarele rii, n numr de 273 mii, dintre care 130 mii (47,7%) cu durata
absenei de peste un an.
Distribuia populaiei n profil teritorial relev faptul c 21% din locuitorii rii (fiecare al cincilea) triesc n
mun. Chiinu, 4,6% n U.T.A. Gguzia, 3,8% n mun. Bli. Raioanele cu o populaie de peste 100 mii locuitori snt
Cahul, Hnceti, Orhei, Ungheni. Cel mai mic numr de locuitori l au raioanele Basarabeasca (29 mii), Dubsari (34
mii), oldneti (42 mii) i Taraclia (43 mii).
Conform datelor furnizate de ultimele dou rencensminte, perioada 1989 - 2004 s-a caracterizat prin
reducerea numrului populaiei, nregistrnd o scdere de 274 mii persoane, declin demografic care s-a produs ntr-un
ritm mediu anual de 0,5%. Descreterea populaiei n aceast perioad a fost influenat de reducerea natalitii i de
soldul negativ al migraiei externe.
Comparativ cu 1989, se constat meninerea preponderenei populaiei rurale a rii - 61,4% fa de 57,9%.
Populaia urban s-a redus n perioada intercenzitar cu un ritm mediu anual de 1,0%, iar pentru populaia
rural ritmul mediu anual de scdere a fost de 0,13 %, majorndu-se astfel decalajul procentual ntre cele dou medii.
n perioada dintre cele dou recensminte, densitatea populaiei a sczut de la 120,4 la 111,4 locuitori pe kmp.

Evoluia fenomenelor demografice, precum i fluxurile migratorii, att

STRUCTURA externe, ct i interne, i gsesc reflectare n distribuia populaiei pe sexe i
Populaia de sex feminin continu s fie predominant (51,9% din
total populaie n 2004 i 52,3% n 1989). Numrul femeilor nregistrate la
ultimul recensmnt a fost de 1755643 persoane, depind cu 128 mii numrul brbailor. Astfel, la 1000 de persoane de
sex feminin reveneau 927 de persoane de sex masculin, fa de 912 n 1989.
n pofida faptului, c scderea numrului populaiei feminine n aceast perioad a fost mai mare dect cea a
populaiei masculine, decalajul numeric ntre sexe s-a pstrat. Femeile snt mai numeroase dup vrsta de 30 de ani.
Structura populaiei pe vrste a nregistrat schimbri eseniale la toate cele trei grupe mari de vrst.
n numrul total al populaiei rii, ponderea persoanelor sub vrsta de 15 ani a constituit 21%, micorndu-se
cu 8,6 puncte procentuale fa de 1989.
Populaia n vrst apt de munc (brbai 16 - 61 ani, femei 16 - 56 ani) a nregistrat o pondere de 63,9 % din
total populaie pe ar, majorndu-se cu 8,8 puncte procentuale fa de 1989. Aceast majorare a fost cauzat de
completarea acestei categorii de populaie cu persoane nscute n anii optzeci, caracterizai printr-un nalt nivel de
natalitate i de majorarea vrstei de pensie cu cte doi ani att pentru femei, ct i pentru brbai.
Numrul populaiei peste vrsta apt de munc a nregistrat o descretere cu 0,5 puncte procentuale, constituind
14,8 la sut din total populaie.
n Republica Moldova se face evident accentuarea procesului de mbtrnire demografic, n primul rnd, prin
reducerea numrului persoanelor tinere cu vrsta sub 15 ani i, concomitent, prin creterea numrului populaiei
vrstnice (de 60 de ani i peste). n 1989 aceste categorii de populaie constituiau respectiv 29,6% i 12,6% din total
populaie, iar n 2004 - 21,0% i 14,3%. La recensmntul din 2004 au fost nregistrate 97 persoane n vrst de peste
100 de ani, 85 din acestea fiind femei, iar 79 persoane locuiau la ar.
n perioada analizat a crescut cu 3,5 ani vrsta medie a populaiei, fiind de 35,3 ani, a femeilor - 36,8 ani i a
brbailor 33,6 ani (conform datelor recensmntului populaiei din 1989 vrsta medie a populaiei constituia 31,8 ani,
a femeilor - 33,3 ani i a brbailor -30,1 ani).

STAREA CIVIL Starea civil a populaiei rii, nregistrat la recensmnt, la fel ca i

alte caracteristici socio-demografice, este foarte important. Efectele directe

pe care le are asupra creterii populaiei, fertilitii, participrii la activitatea economic i asupra nivelului de instruire a
populaiei rii, poate influena evoluia societii n ansamblu.
Structura dup starea civil relev faptul c n 2004 persoanele cstorite constituiau 58,5% din totalul
populaiei n vrst de 15 ani i peste. Persoanele necstorite deineau o pondere de 25,9%, cele vduve de 10,1%, cele
divorate oficial de 4,2%, iar cele desprite - 1,2%. Femeile divorate erau de 2 ori mai numeroase dect brbaii
divorai, iar femeile vduve de 3,8 ori depeau numrul brbailor vduvi. n mediul urban att brbaii necstorii i
cei divorai, ct i femeile cu aceeai stare civil, deineau o pondere mai major dect n mediul rural, respectiv brbaii
cu cte 5,6 i 2,5 puncte procentuale i femeile cu cte 9,3 i 6,2 puncte procentuale. n mediul rural persoanele
cstorite i cele vduve deineau o pondere mai major dect n mediul urban.
Conform datelor recensmntului din 1989, persoanele cstorite deineau o pondere de 68,5 %, cele
necstorite de 17,0 %, persoanele vduve de 9,8 % i cele divorate i desprite de 4,4 %.
Se impune a fi menionat c la recensmntul din 2004 s-a colectat, pentru prima dat, informaia despre starea
civil de fapt a populaiei. Numrul total al cuplurilor recenzate a constituit 801 mii, din care 58 mii au declarat c snt
cstorii neoficial, adic triesc n uniune consensual. Din totalul persoanelor care au declarat c triesc n uniune
consensual 68,7% snt locuitori din mediul rural.
Rezultatele recensmntului din 2004 a confirmat tendina de descretere a fertilitii populaiei feminine.
Contingentul fertil (femeile n vrst de 15 49 ani) constituie 64,8% din numrul total al femeilor n vrst de 15 ani i
peste, fa de 65,3% n 1989.
Din numrul total de femei n vrst de 15 ani i peste, care au indicat numrul de copii nscui vii, fiecare a
patra femeie nu a nscut nici un copil, 20,2% din femei au nscut 1 copil, 30,3% femei au nscut 2 copii, 13,2% femei 3
copii, 4,9% femei 4 copii i 5,4% femei au nscut cte 5 i mai muli copii.
Comparativ cu 1989 a crescut ponderea femeilor care nu au nscut nici un copil cu 3,4 puncte procentuale, cu
0,5 puncte a femeilor care au nscut 1 copil, cu 1,5 i 0,2 puncte procentuale a femeilor care au nscut respectiv 2 i 3
copii. Tendina este invers, n schimb, la femeile care au nscut 4 sau 5 i mai muli copii, ponderea lor micorndu-se
respectiv cu 1,0 i 4,5 puncte procentuale.
S-a constatat faptul c fenomenul fertilitii este diferit n mediul urban i cel rural. Dac numrul mediu de
copii nscui vii la 1000 de femei, la nivel de ar, a fost de 1720, atunci n mediul rural acest indicator a fost de 1,6 ori
mai mare fa de cel din mediul urban, constituind respectiv 2035 i 1270.

COMPONENA NAIONAL, Componena naional a populaiei Republicii Moldova

nregistrat la recensmntul din 2004 relev faptul c moldovenii,
STRUCTURA LINGVISTIC, populaia majoritar, constituie 75,8% din totalul populaiei, marcnd o
CETENIA cretere cu 5,9% fa de 1989. Alturi de moldoveni, n ara noastr
convieuiesc ucraineni, reprezentnd 8,4%, rui cu o pondere de 5,9%,
gguzi - 4,4%, romni 2,2%, bulgari -1,9% i alte naionaliti, cu o pondere de 1,0% din numrul total al populaiei
rii. Pentru 0,4% din locuitori naionalitatea nu a fost nregistrat.
Structura populaiei dup naionaliti reflect modificrile care au avut loc n societatea noastr n ultimii 15
ani, impunndu-se a fi menionat intensitatea emigrrii populaiei, fapt ce a influenat descreterea ponderii populaiei
de origine ucrainean cu 2,9% i celei ruse cu 3,9%. Potrivit datelor ambelor recensminte, locuitorii de naionalitate
ucrainean i rus se plaseaz pe al doilea i al treilea loc n numrul total al populaiei rii.
Ponderea populaiei de naionalitate gguz s-a majorat n aceast perioad cu 0,3% iar a populaiei de origine
romneasc cu 2,1%, plasndu-se respectiv pe al patrulea i al cincilea loc n total populaie.
n acelai timp, a sczut cu 0,1% ponderea populaiei de naionalitate bulgar, ct i a altor naionaliti cu
Este necesar de menionat, c moldovenii, gguzii, bulgarii locuiesc preponderent la sate, iar ruii, romnii i
ucrainenii n orae.
La recensmntul din 2004, 78,8% din populaia rii a declarat ca limb matern (prima limb care a nsuit-o
n frageda copilrie) limba naionalitii sale, iar 20,8% a indicat o alt limb, care nu coincide cu naionalitatea sa. Din
rndul moldovenilor, 78,4% au declarat ca limb matern, limba moldoveneasc, 18,8% limba romn, 2,5% limba rus
i 0,3% au declarat alte limbi materne. Ucrainenii, care au declarat ca limb matern limba ucrainean, reprezint
64,1% din total, iar 31,8% au declarat ca limb matern limba rus. Din rndul populaiei de etnie rus, 97,2% au
declarat ca limb matern limba rus. Gguzii, la fel ca i ruii, majoritatea au declarat ca limb matern, limba
propriei etnii 92,3% din total, iar 5,8% limba rus. Bulgarii cu limba matern bulgar, reprezint 81% din total i
13,9% au declarat-o matern pe cea rus.


Alturat cu informaia viznd limba matern, n cadrul recensmntului din 2004 a fost obinut i informaia
despre limba n care vorbete de obicei populaia. Din numrul total a locuitorilor rii, 58,8% vorbesc de obicei n
limba moldoveneasc, 16,4% n limba romn, 16,0% n limba rus, 3,8% n limba ucrainean, 3,1% n limba gguz
i 1,1% n limba bulgar. n alte limbi, dect cele enumerate, vorbete de obicei 0,4% din populaie i tot atta populaie
nu a indicat limba n care vorbete de obicei.
Cu toate c majoritatea ucrainenilor, gguzilor i bulgarilor au indicat ca limb matern, limba naionalitii
sale, fiecare al doilea ucrainean, fiecare al treilea bulgar i fiecare al patrulea gguz vorbesc de obicei limba rus.
Moldovenii care vorbesc de obicei limba rus constituie 5,0% din total.
Din rndul minoritilor etnice, 6,2% de ucraineni, 4,4% de rui, 1,9% de gguzi, 2,2% de romni i 7,1% de
bulgari au declarat c vorbesc de obicei limba moldoveneasc.
Pentru prima dat n cadrul recensmntului populaiei a fost obinut informaia viznd numrul cetenilor
Republicii Moldova, care a constituit 3371082 persoane sau 99,6% din totalul populaiei rii. Cetenia altui stat aveau
6486 persoane (0,2%) i 5374 persoane erau fr cetenie.
Din rndul cetenilor Republicii Moldova 12705 persoane au declarat c au dubl cetenie. Numrul
locuitorilor care n-au indicat cetenia era de 390 de persoane.

Rezultatele recensmntului din 2004 mrturisesc despre modificri
I GRADUL DE eseniale n structura nivelului de instruire i gradul de alfabetizare a populaiei
n vrst de 15 ani i peste.
Numrul persoanelor cu nivelul de instruire superior i general
AL POPULAIEI (secundar i obligatoriu) reprezint 86,6% din totalul persoanelor n vrst de 15
ani i peste, fa de 75,5% n 1989. Persoanele cu nivelul de instruire primar
deineau 10,1% i cei fr studii primare 2,2%, fa de 14,3% i respectiv, 6,6% n 1989. Femeile pentru prima dat au
nregistrat performane la nivelul de instruire superior i mediu de specialitate, depind cu 6,3 puncte procentuale
brbaii cu acelai nivel de instruire.
Se menine decalajul ntre nivelul de instruire al populaiei din mediul urban i cel rural. n mediul urban
persoanele cu nivelul de instruire superior i general (secundar i obligatoriu) reprezint 93,9% din numrul total al
persoanelor n vrst de 15 ani i peste, n mediul rural acest nivel de instruire l aveau 81,7% (cu 12,2 puncte
procentuale mai puin).
Asemenea discrepane erau i ntre genuri. Brbaii i femeile din urbe aveau acest nivel de instruire respectiv
cu 9,3 i 15,1 puncte procentuale mai mult dect brbaii i femeile din sate. n 1989 discrepanele erau mai majore la
acest nivel de instruire. ntre mediul urban i cel rural era de 24,9 puncte procentuale n favoarea mediului urban, ntre
brbaii i femeile din orae i sate discrepanele constituiau respectiv 21,6 i 27,6 puncte procentuale, de asemenea n
favoarea celor din orae.
Se impune a fi menionat c creterea nivelului general de instruire a populaiei a avut ca consecin o reducere
a numrului netiutorilor de carte. Proporia populaiei analfabete a sczut de la 3,6% n 1989 la 1,1% n 2004. A sczut
numrul netiutorilor de carte att n urbe ct i n sate, respectiv cu cte 1,3 i 3,9 puncte procentuale. n ambele medii
de via femei analfabete snt de 4 ori mai multe dect brbai analfabei.

STRUCTURA Recensmntul din 2004 a fost primul care a furnizat informaii privind
distribuia populaiei dup religie.
Din numrul total al populaiei rii, 93,3% s-au declarat de religie
A POPULAIEI (confesiune religioas) ortodox. Din rndul persoanelor de alt religie
(confesie), urmeaz a fi menionai: baptitii, reprezentnd aproximativ 1,0% din
total; adventitii de ziua a aptea, cu o pondere de 0,4% din total; penticostalii, cu o pondere de 0,3%; cretinii de rit
vechi i cretinii dup Evanghelie, care au nregistrat cte o pondere de 0,15% i de alte religii, dect cele enumerate,
1,1% din total populaie.
Numrul persoanelor care s-au declarat atei i fr religie a fost de 46 mii sau 1,4% din total. Religie
nedeclarat a fost nregistrat pentru 75,7 mii de persoane, reprezentnd 2,2% din populaia rii.


, ,


. ),
5 - 12 2004 3383332 ,
1305655 2077677 .
, ,
273 , 130 (47,7%) .
, 21% ( )
. , 4,6% - , 3,8% - . .
100 - , , , . - (29 ),
(34 ), (42 ) (43 ).
, 1989 - 2004 ..
274 , 0,5%.
2004 ,
61,4% 57,9% 1989 .
1,0% , -
0,13%, , , .
120,4 111,4 1 . .

, , ,

- 51,9%
2004 . 52,3% - 1989 . 1755643 , 128 ,
. 1000 927 , 912 1989 .
, , .
30 - .

15 21%,
8,6 1989 .
( 16 - 61 , 16 - 56 ) 63,9%
, 1989 . 8,8 .
, 2
0,5 ,
14,8% .
, ,
60 . 1989 . 29,6% 12,6%
, 2004 . 21,0% 14,3%. 2004 . 97 100
, 85 , 79 - .
3,5 35,3 ,
36,8 , 33,6 ( 1989 . ,
, 31,8, 33,3 30,1 ).


- .
, , ,
, 2004 58,5% 15
. , , 25,9%, 10,1%,
- 4,2% - 1,2%. 2 ,
, 3,8 , . ,
, , ,
5,6 2,5 9,3 6,2 . ,
, , .
1989 , , 68,5%,
17,0%, 9,8%, 4,4%.
, 2004
. 801 , 58
, , - .
, , , 68,7% .
2004 .
( 15 49 ) 64,8%
15 , 65,3% 1989 .
15 ,
, , 20,2% 1 , 30,3%
2 , 13,2% 3 , 4,9% - 4 5,4% 5 .
1989 , - 3,4
, 0,5 , 1 , 1,5 0,2 ,
2 3 . , 4 5 ,
, , 1,0 4,5 .
, .
1000 1720,
1,6 , , , , 2035 1270.

2004 ,

, .
75,8% 1989 5,9%.
, - 8,4%, 5,9%,
4,4%, 2,2%, 1,9%
1,0%. 0,4% .
15 ,
, 2,9% 3,9%.
, ,
, .
2,1%, , , 4- 5-
0,1%, - 1,7%.
, , , ,
2004 , 78,8% ( ,
) , 20,8% ,
. 78,4% , 18,8% - , 2,5% -


0,3% . 64,1% , 31,8% -

. 97,2% . ,
, 92,3%, 5,8% -
. 81,0%, 13,9% .
, 2004 ,
, . 58,8%
, 16,4% - , 16,0% - , 3,8% - , 3,1% -
1,1% - . , , 0,4%
, , , .
, , ,
, ,
. , , 5,0%
6,2% , 4,4% , 1,9% , 2,2% 7,1%
3371082 99,6% .
6486 (0,2%) 5374 .
12705 .
390 .


15 .
( )
86,6% 15 , 75,5% 1989 .
10,1%, 2,2% ,
, 14,3% 6,6% 1989 .
6,3 .
( ) 93,9%
15 , - 81,7% ( 12,2 ).
( ) , , 9,3 15,1
, . 1989
. 24,9
, , ,
, 21,6 27,6 .
, 3,6% 1989 1,1% 2004 .
, , , 1,3 3,9 .
4 , , .

2004 .
, , : , 1%;
- 0,4%; 0,3%; ,
0,15% , 1,1% .
, 46 . 1,4%, 75,7 .
2,2% .



The number of resident population in the Republic of Moldova (except

NUMBER AND eastern counties and Balti municipality) registered at the population census
held from 5 to 12 october 2004, was estimated to be 3383332 inhabitants,
POPULATION DENSITY including 1305655 persons in urban area and 2077677 persons in rural area.
The total number of the enumerated population, 273 thousand, includes
temporarily absent persons, went abroad, of which 130 thousand (47,7%) have been absent for more than one year.
The population distribution in territorial aspect reveals that 21% of residents of the country (each fifth resident)
live in Chiinau municipality, 4,6% in U.T.A Gagauzia, 3,8% in Bali municipality. Counties with a population over 100
thousand inhabitants are Cahul, Hncesti, Orhei, Ungheni. The lowest number of population was revealed in the next
counties: Basarabeasca (29 thousand), Dubsari (34 thousand), oldaneti (42 thousand) and Taraclia (43 thousand).
According to the data furnished by the last two censuses, the 1989 2004 period was characterized by a 274
thousand persons decrease in the population number, the demographic decline occurred with an average annual decrease
rate of 0,5%. The run-down of the population number in this period is due to the reducing of birth rate and to a negative
international net migration.
It was stated that rural population continues to prevail over urban population representing 61,4% compared to
57,9% in 1989.
In the intercensal period, the average annual decrease rate for urban population was estimated to be 1,0% and
for rural - 0,13%, inducing thus an increase in the percent gap existed between these two areas.
The population density has decreased from 120,4 to 111,4 residents per km during the period between the last
two censuses.
The evolution of demographic phenomena, as well as international
and internal migration flows is reflected in the population distribution by sex

AGE Female population continues to prevail (51,9% of the total

population in 2004 and 52,3% - in 1989). The number of women registered during the last census was estimated to be
1755643 persons exceeding thus the number of men by 128 thousand. Hereby, there are 927 men per 1000 women,
compared to 912 in 1989.
Despite the decrease in female population number which has been, in this period, more significant than the
decrease in male population number, the difference between both sexes has been maintained in terms of absolute
numbers. Women are more numerous after 30 years of age.
There were observed important changes in the population structure by age within all three big age groups.
Of the total population number, 21% are aged under 15 years, which represents a 8,6 percentage points
increase compared to 1989.
The population of working age (men 16-61 years, women 16-56 years) represents 63,9% of the total countrys
population, representing a 8,8 percentage points increase compared to 1989. This growth is due to new-born persons
who completed this category of population in eighties, characterized by a high level of birth rate, also it is due to a rise
by two years in the retirement age for both groups: men and women.
The number of population of working age has decreased by 0,5 percentage points, representing 14,8% of the
In the Republic of Moldova, there is more evident the increase in demographic ageing, firstly, it is due to the
reducing of the number of young people under 15 years age and, concomitantly, to a rise of the number of old people
(aged 60 years and over). In 1989, these groups of population represented respectively 29,6% and 12,6% of the total
population, in 2004 21,0% and 14,3%. At the 2004 population census, there were observed 97 persons aged over 100
years, of which 85 women and 79 from rural area.
For the analyzed period, the mean age of the population has increased by 3,5 years, representing 35,3 years, for
women 36,8 years and for men 33,6 years (according to the population census data from 1989, the mean age of the
population was 31,8 years, for women 33,3 years and for men 30,1 years).


The marital status of the population observed during the census, as well as other social - demographic
characteristics, is very important. Its direct effects on population growth, on fertility, employment and on educational
attainment of the countrys population may affect the evolution of the whole society.
The marital status structure reveals that in 2004 married persons represented 58,5% of the total population aged
15 years and over. Single persons represented 25,9%, widowed 10,1%, officially divorced 4,2%, de facto separated
1,2%. Divorced women were two times more numerous than divorced men, widowed women exceeded 3,5 times the
number of widowed men. In urban area, single and divorced men as well as women with the same marital status
represented a more significant percentage than in rural area, respectively, by 5,6 and 2,5 percentage points for men and
by 9,3 and 6,2 percentage points for women. In rural area the percentage of married and widowed persons was bigger
than in urban area.
According to the census data from 1989, married persons represented 68,5%, single 17%, widowed 9,8%,
divorced and de facto separated 4,4%.
It is necessary to mention that during the 2004 population census, for the first time, there has been collected
information about de facto marital status of population. The total number of observed couples was estimated to be 801
thousand, of which 58 thousand were stated as living in consensual unions. Of the total of persons who have declared
that they are living in consensual unions, 68,7% have been from rural area.
According to the results of 2004 population census, there was observed a decrease in the tendency of female
fertility. The fertile contingent (women aged 15-49 years) represents 64,8% of the total number of women aged 15 years
and over, compared to 65,3% in 1989.
Of the total number of women aged 15 years and over who have indicated the number of live-born children,
each 4-th woman has no child, 20,2 % of women gave birth to 1 child, 30,3% gave birth to 2 children, 13,2% - 3
children, 4,9% - 4 children and 5,4% of women gave birth to 5 children and more.
Compared to 1989, there was registered a 3,4 percentage points rise in the proportion of women who have no
child, a 0,5 percentage points rise for women who gave birth to 1 child, a 1,5 and a 0,2 percentage points rise for
women who gave birth to respectively 2 and 3 children. The tendency is inverse for women who gave birth to 4 and 5
and more children, their percentage is in decrease by respectively 1,0 and 4,5 percentage points.
It was stated that the fertility in urban area is different from the fertility in rural area. If at the national level the
number of live-born children per 1000 women was estimated to be 1720, then in rural area this indicator was 1,6 times
higher than in urban area, representing respectively 2035 and 1270.

Ethnic composition of the population of the Republic of Moldova

observed during the 2004 census reveals that moldovans, the majority of the
LINGUISTIC STRUCTURE, population, represent 75,8% of the total population, in growth by 5,9%
compared to 1989. Together with moldovans live ukrainians - 8,4%, russians
CITIZENSHIP 5,9%, gagauzs 4,4%, romanians 2,2%, bulgarians 1,9% and other
nationalities with a percentage of 1,0% of the total countrys population.
There was no nationality registered for 0,4% of inhabitants of the country.
The population structure by nationalities reveals changes that have taken place in our society during the last 15
years and it is very important to mention the intensity of population emigration that induced a decrease in the
percentage of ukrainian population by 2,9% and of russian population by 3,9%. According to both censuses, inhabitants
of ukrainian and russian nationalities are placed on the second and third place in total number of the countrys
The percentage of gagauz population has increased by 0,3% in this period, the percentage of the population of
romanian origin - by 2,1% taking, respectively, fourth and fifth places in the total population.
At the same time, there was observed a 0,1% decrease in the population percentage of bulgarian nationality
and a 1,7% decrease in the percentage of other nationalities.
It is worth to mention that moldovans, gagauzs, bulgarians live preponderant in rural area, russians, romanians
and ukrainians in urban area.
At the census from 2004, 78,8% of the population declared as mother tongue (the first language spoken in
early childhood) the language of their nationality, 20,8% declared another language which does not correspond to their
own nationality. Among moldovans, 78,4% declared that their mother tongue is moldavian, 18,8% - romanian, 2,5% -
russian and 0,3% - other native languages. Among ukrainians, those who declared as mother tongue ukrainian, represent
64,1% of the total, 31,8% declared russian as mother tongue. Among russians, 97,2% declared their mother tongue
being russian. Gagauzs, as well as russians, declared as mother tongue the language of the ethnic group they belong to -


92,3% of the total and russian language - 5,8%. The native language for bulgarians is bulgarian 81% of the total and
for 13,9% of them mother tongue is russian.
Except information regarding mother tongue, information about the language usually spoken by the population
has been collected during the 2004 census. Of the total number of inhabitants, 58,8% speak moldavian language, 16,4%
- romanian, 16% - russian, 3,8% - ukrainian, 3,1% - gagauzian and 1,1% - bulgarian. Languages which are different
from those enumerated above are spoken by 0,4% of the total population and the same percentage of population did not
declare the language usually spoken.
Even that the majority of ukrainians, gagauzs and bulgarians indicated as mother tongue the language of their
nationality, each second ukrainian, each third bulgarian and each fourth gagauz usually speaks russian language.
Moldovans who usually speak russian represent 5,0% of the total.
Among minority populations, 6,2% of ukrainians, 4,4% of russians,1,9% of gagauzs, 2,2% of romanians and 7,1% of
bulgarians declared that the language usually spoken is moldavian.
For the first time, during the population census, information about the number of citizens of the Republic of
Moldova have been collected, this number was estimated to be 3371082 persons or 99% of the total countrys
population. There are 6486 persons (0,2%) who hold the citizenship of another country and 5374 persons without
Among citizens of the Republic of Moldova, there are 12705 persons who declared holding double citizenship.
The number of inhabitants who did not match their citizenship represents 390 persons.

The 2004 population census results show important changes in the

EDUCATIONAL educational attainment structure and in the literacy degree of the population 15
years of age and over.
The number of persons who attained high and general (secondary and
POPULATION LITERACY general obligatory) educational levels represents 86,6% of the total persons 15
years of age and over, compared to 75,5% in 1989. Persons who have primary
education represent 10,1% and those who have no primary education are 2,2% compared to 14,3% and respectively
6,6% in 1989. For the first time, for women there were observed performances at the high and secondary specialized
educational levels, their percentage exceeds by 6,3 percentage points the percentage of men with the same educational
The difference between the educational attainment of the population in urban and rural areas was maintained.
In urban area, persons with high and general (secondary and general obligatory) levels constitute 93,9% of the total
number of population aged 15 years and over, in rural area these educational levels were attained by 81,7% (a 12,2
percentage points decrease).
Such discrepancies were also detected among categories by sex. Men and women from urban area having this
educational attainment are more numerous respectively by 9,3 and 15,1 percentage points than men and women from
rural area. In 1989, these discrepancies were more significant. If we compare urban and rural areas, then there are 24,9
percentage points in favour of urban area, if we compare men and women from urban and rural areas, then there are
21,6 and 27,6 percentage points in favour of men and women from urban area.
It is necessary to stress that the decrease in the number of illiterate population is a consequence of the rise in
general educational attainment of the population. The percentage of illiterate population has decreased from 3,6% in
1989 to 1,1% in 2004. In urban area, as well as in rural area, the number of illiterate population was reduced
respectively by 1,3 and 3,9 percentage points. In both areas illiterate women are more numerous than illiterate men.

The 2004 census was the first census which furnished information
POPULATION STRUCTURE on population distribution by religion.
BY RELIGION Of the total population of the country, 93,3% declared being of
orthodox religion (religious confession). Among persons who have another
religion (confession) there can be mentioned: baptists, representing about 1,0% of the total; seventh day adventists,
representing 0,4% of the total; penticostals 0,3%, old rite christians and evangelical christians - by 0,15% for each of
them and other religions - 1,1% of the total population.
The number of the population who declared being atheists represents 46 thousand or 1,4% of the total. There
are 75,7 thousand persons who declared no religion, this number constitutes 2,2% of the total countrys population.

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