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Catedra chirurgie oro-maxilo-facial i implantologie
oral Arsenie Guan Pag. 1/12

la edina catedrei chirurgie oro-maxilo-facial,
i implantologie oral Arsenie Guan,
Instituia Public Universitatea
de Stat de Medicin i Farmacie Nicolae Testemianu
Proces verbal Nr.7 din 04.05.2016
ef catedr, dr. t. med.,
confereniar universitar __________ N. Chele
ntrebri pentru examenul de promovare la chirurgia
oro-maxilo-facial anul IV de studii 2015-2016

1. Traumatismele oro-maxilo-faciale, date generale.

2. Caracteristica traumatizmelor OMF dup cauze.
3. Particularitile anatomo-morfologice ale maxilei i importana lor n leziunile traumatice.
4. Particularitile anatomo-morfologice ale mandibulei i importana lor n leziunile traumatice.
5. Frecvena (date statistice) traumatismelor OMF.
6. Clasificarea traumatismelor OMF. (Alexandrov)
7. Particularitile anatomo-morfologice ale osului molar, arcadei zigomatice i importana lor n leziunile
8. Particularitile anatomo-morfologice ale oaselor i cartilagelor nazale, importana lor n leziunile traumatice.
9. Particularitile anatomo-morfologice ale esuturilor moi faciale i importana lor n leziunile traumatice.
10. Anatomia nervului trigemen, leziunile traumatice la diferite niveluri.
11. Anatomia nervului facial, leziunile traumatice la diferite niveluri.
12. Examenul subiectiv a pacienilor cu traumatizme OMF.
13. Examenul obiectiv loco-regional a pacienilor cu traumatizme OMF.
14. Examenele paraclinice a pacienilor cu traumatisme OMF.
15. Formele i principiile de baz ale organizrii asistenei medicale accidentailor.
16. Plgile prilor moi OMF etiologie, aspecte clinico-anatomice.
17. Clasificarea leziunilor esuturilor moi faciale .
18. Tratamentul chirurgical al plgilor esuturilor moi faciale.
19. ngrijirea de urgen sau imediat al plgilor prilor moi faciale.
20. Tratamentul complex, definitiv al plgilor esuturilor moi ale feiei.
21. Suturarea plgilor, materiale de sutur, metode de aplicare a suturilor.
22. Pansamentul i ngrijirea pacienilor cu plgi faciale.
23. Complicaiile plgilor prilor moi faciale, profilaxie i tratament.
24. Traumatismele dento-paradontale, date generale, etiologie.
25. Clasificarea traumatismelor dento-paradontale.
26. Leziuni dentare: fisuri, fracturi coronare, fracturi corono-radiculare.
27. Leziuni paradontale.
28. Studiul clinic i radiologic a leziunilor dento-paradontale.
29. Evoluia traumatismelor dento-paradontale. Prognosticul.
30. Tratamentul traumatismelor dento-paradontale.
31. Fracturile crestelor alveolare, etiologie, examen clinic, simptomatologie.
32. Tratamentul fracturilor crestelor alveolare.
33. Fracturile de mandibul: date generale, statistica.
34. Clasificarea fracturilor de mandibul.
35. Etiologia fracturilor de mandibul.
36. Mecanisme de producere a fracturilor de mandibul.
37. Mecanisme de deplasare a fragmentelor osoase n fracturile de mandibul.
38. Factorii principali ce influeneaz deplasarea fragmentelor osoase.
39. Tipuri de deplasare a fragamentelor osoase n fracturile de mandibul.
40. Simptomatologia subiectiv (acuzele), comun tuturor fracturilor de mandibul.
41. Simptomatologia obiectiv, comun tuturor fracturilor de mandibul.
42. Simptomatologia fracturilor mediane (mediosimfizate) la mandibul.
43. Simptomatologia fracturilor paramediane mandibulare.
44. Simptomatologia fracturilor laterale (ale corpului mandibulei).
45. Simptomatologia fracturilor unghiului mandibulei.
46. Simptomatologia fracturilor ramului ascendent a mandibulei.
47. Simptomatoloigia fracturilor apofizei condiliene.
48. Simptomatoloigia fracturilor apofizei coronoide.
49. Tratamentul medicamentos al fracturilor de mandibul.
50. Fazele de formare a calusului i factorii ce-i influeneaz.
51. Tratamentul de urgen n fracturile de mandibul.
52. Metodele de reducere a fragmentelor, indicaii.
53. Metode de imobilizare a fragmentelor n cadrul fracturilor de mandibul.
54. Cerinele principale n confecionarea atelelor.
55. Indicaiile tratamentului chirurgical al fracturilor de mandibul.
56. Metode de osteosintez.
57. Metode de osteosintez a fracturilor de mandibul n caz de edenie total.
58. Complicaiile imediate n fracturile de mandibul.
59. Complicaii secundare n fracturile de mandibul.
60. Complicaiile tardive n fracturile de mandibul.
61. ngrijirea bolnavilor cu fracturi de mandibul.
62. Termeni de consolidare a fracturilor de mandibul n dependen de forme anatomo-clinice.
63. Luxaia temporo-mandibular: date generale, clasificare.
64. Luxaii temporo-mandibulare anterioare, etiologie, simptomatologie i diagnostic.
65. Metode de tratament a luxaiilor anterioare temporo-mandibulare.
66. Luxaii temporo-mandibulare posterioare: etiologie, simptomatologie, diagnostic i tratament.
67. Luxaii recidivante cronice temporo-mandibulare, etiologie, simptomatologie, diagnostic i tratament.
68. Luxaii laterale temporo-mandibulare, etiologie, simptomatologie, diagnostic i tratament.
69. Fracturile etajului mijlociu al feei: date generale, clasificare, statistic.
70. Fracturile maxilei, date generale, fracturi orizontale, verticale, oblice, piramidale, cominutive.
71. Etiologia fracturilor de maxil, mecanisme de producere.
72. Forme anatomo-clinice a fracturilor maxilei.
73. Simptomatologia fracturilor orizontale a maxielei (Le Fort I).
74. Simptomatologia fracturilor a maxilei (Le Fort II).
75. Simptomatologia fracturilor a maxilei (Le Fort III).
76. Disjunciile intermaxilare sau fracturile medio-sagitale a maxilei.
77. Principii de diagnostic n fracturile maxilei.
78. Tratamentul de urgen n fracturile maxilei.
79. Tratamentul definitiv n fracturile maxilei.
80. Indicaii i metode chirurgicale n tratamentul fracturilor maxilei.
81. Complicaiile imediate n fracturile de maxil.
82. Complicaiile secundare a fracturilor de maxil.
83. Complicaiile tardive n fracturile maxilei.
84. Fracturile complexului zigomatico-orbital: date generale, etiologie i patogenie, statistica.
85. Forme anatomoclinice de fracturi zigomatico-maxilare: (fracturi anterioare, fracturi posterioare).
86. Simptomatologia i diagnosticul fracturilor anterioare (orbitosinuzale).
87. Simptomatologia i diagnosticul fracturilor posterioare (arcada zigomatic).
88. Taratamentul fracturilor zigomato-maxilar (anterioare i posterioare).
89. Cile de acces la reducerea deplsrii fragmentelor n fracturile zigomatico-orbitale.
90. Complicaiile fracturilor complexului zigomatico-orbital.
91. Traumatismele piramidei nazale: date generale, etiologie i patogenie, statistic.
92. Forme anatomo-clinice traumatismelor piramidei nazale.
93. Simptomatologia fracturilor piramidei nazale, diagnostic, evoluie.
94. Tratamentul traumatismelor piramidei nazale.
95. Metode de reducere a deplasrii fragmentelor oaselor nazale.
96. Metode de fixare i ngrijire dup reducerea fragmentelor oaselor nazale.
97. Metode de reducere precoce a fracturilor osului molar i arcadei zigomatice.
98. Metode de reducere tardiv a fracturilor osului molar i arcadei zigomatice.
99. Termenele i evoluia consolidrii fracurilor oaselor faciale.
100. Metode de hemostaz n fracturilor oaselor nazale
101. Procese inflamatorii ale articulaiei temporo-mandibulare: date generale, etiologie, clasificare.
102. Artrite nespecifice acute: date generale, etiologie i patogenie, clasificare , anatomie patologic.
103. Simptomatologia artritelor acute, diagnostic evoluie i complicaii.
104. Tratamentul artritelor acute.
105. Artrite cronice: etiopatogenie, simptomatologie.
106. Artrite cronice: diagnostic, evoluie, tratament.
107. Constricia mandibulei: etiologie i patogenie, clasificare.
108. Simptomatologia constriciei de mandibul, diagnosticul.
109. Tratamentul conservativ i chirurgical n constricia mandibulei.
110. Anchiloza temporo-mandibular: etiopatogenie, clasificare.
111. Simptomatologia anchilozei temporo-mandibular.
112. Tratamentul anchilozei temporo-mandibular.
113. Durere n teritoriul OMF: date generale, fiziopatologie, clasificare.
114. Nevralgia esenial de trigemen: etiologie i patogenie.
115. Simptomatologia nevralgiilor trigeminale.
116. Metode conservatoare n tratamentul neuralgiei trigeminale.
117. Metode fizioterapeutice, blocajul medicamentos n tratamentul neuralgiei trigeminale.
118. Metode chirurgicale (neuroectomii periferice) n tratamentul neuralgiei trigeminale.
119. Neuralgiile faciale simptomatice sau secundare.
120. Neurita i leziunile traumatice fr sau cu ntreruperea continuitii nervului (cauze, evoluie, tablou clinic,
121. Neurita nervului trigemen (etiologie, tablou clinic, tratament).
122. Neurita nervului facial (etiologie, tablou clinic, tratament).
123. Indicaiile extraciei dentare n fracturile de mandibul.
124. Particularitile anesteziei i extraciei dentare n fracturile de mandibul.
125. Principalele cerini n confecionarea inelor Tigherstedt.
126. Variantele principale de confecionare a atelelor n diferite forme de fracturi a maxilarelor.
127. Indicaiile i metode de confecionare a gutierelor n traumatismele dento-paradontale i a maxilarelor.
128. Indicaiile i metode de confecionare a gutierelor n fracturile de mandibul.
129. Principii generale de tratament n fracturile maxilarelor.
130. Indicaiile confecionrii i aplicrii ligaturilor interdentare intermaxilare.
131. Semne i simptoame comune traumatismelor regiunii OMF.
132. Trauma asociat a regiunii OMF.
133. Accidente i complicaii ale traumatismelor OMF.
134. Complicaii imediate n traumatismele OMF (clasificare, etiologie).
135. Forme de asfixie n traumatismele OMF.
136. Asfixia prin dislocare. Etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul de urgen, profilaxie.
137. Asfixia prin obturare. Etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul de urgen, profilaxie.
138. Asfixia stenotic. Etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul de urgen, profilaxie.
139. Asfixia valvular. Etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul de urgen, profilaxie.
140. Asfixia prin aspirare. Etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul de urgen, profilaxie.
141. Lipotemia de cauz traumatic, tablou clinic, tratament de urgen. Profilaxie.
142. ocul traumatic n traumatismele OMF, tablou clinic, tratament de urgen, profilaxie.
143. Complicaii locale n traumele regiunii OMF (defecte, deformaii, cicatrice).
144. Complicaii tardive n traumatismele OMF (consolidare ntrziat, pseudoartroze, anchiloze) etiologie,
diagnostic, tratament, profilaxie.
145. Hemoragiile primare i secundare post traumatic, diagnostic i tratament de urgen i definitiv.
146. Hematomul n traumatismele OMF. Tratamentul.
147. Tratamentul leziunilor traumatice cu risc vital imediat.
148. Complicaiile fracturilor de maxil, etiologie, simptomatologie i tratament.
149. Complicaiile imediate, secundare (supuraiile) tardive n fracturile de mandibul.
150. Organizarea asistenei chirurgicale OMF n armata naional a R.Moldova.
151. Organizarea i volumul asistenei de chirurgie oral n cabinetele stomatologice (mixte) n cadrul serviciilor
medicale ale marilor uniti.
152. Organizarea, volumul i funciile asistenei chirurgicale OMF n timp de rzboi sau calamniti (etapele
prespitaliceti i spitaliceti).
153. Particularitile leziunilor (plgilor) prin arm de foc ale feei.
154. Particularitile anatomo-fiziologice ale leziunilor OMF provocate prin arm de foc.
155. Clasificarea plgilor i leziunilor de rzboi OMF (date generale, principii de baz).
156. Clasificarea leziunilor prin arm de foc a mandibulei.
157. Clasificarea leziunilor prilor moi faciale provocate prin arm de foc i n timpul calamnitilor, frecvena,
158. Clasificarea leziunilor prin arm de foc a maxilei, frecvena, evoluie.
159. Simptomatologie general a leziunilor prin arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
160. Simptomatologia local comun tuturor leziunilor prin arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
161. Tipurile leziunilor OMF prin arm de foc.
162. Metode de diagnostic a leziunilor prin arm de foc.
163. Particularitile psiho-emoionale la rnii prin arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
164. Particularitile evoluiei clinice a leziunilor prin arm de foc a prilor moi OMF (dup regiune, zone de
distrucie, perioade).
165. Evoluia clinic a leziunilor prin arm de foc ale oaselor scheletului facial.
166. Tratamentul general i local al leziunilor prin arm de foc a prilor moi a feei.
167. Cerinele principale i particularitile prelucrrii chirurgicale ale plgilor prin arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
168. Prelucrarea chirurgical primar a plgilor provocate prin arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
169. Tabloul clinic general i local (particulariti) a leziunilor prin arm de foc ale oaselor scheletului facial.
170. Tratamentul local i general al rniilor cu leziuni a oaselor scheletului facial.
171. Metode de imobilizare a fragmentelor osoase n leziunile prin arm de foc ale oaselor splanhnocranului.
172. Particulariti de ngrijire i alimentare a rniilor cu leziuni a regiunii OMF.
173. Pansamente, drenaje folosite n ngrijirea rniilor cu leziuni OMF (indicai, scopuri).
174. Succesiunea etapelor de prelucrarea a diferitor esuturi n leziunile prin arm de foc.
175. Reabilitarea rniilor cu arm de foc a regiunii OMF.
176. Trauma asociat i combinat prin arm de foc, particulariti, diagnostic i tratament.
177. Metode de diagnostic a corpurilor strini n plgile oarbe.
178. Leziunile termice OMF, date generale, particulariti.
179. Clasificarea leziunilor termice. Frecvena arsurilor feein timp de rzboi i calamniti.
180. Boala arilor.
181. Particularitile evoluiei clinice ale leziunilor termice n regiunea OMF.
182. Simptoame clinice generale i locale n leziunile termice OMF.
183. Particularitile primului ajutor n caz de leziuni termice ale regiunii OMF pe cmpul de lupt.
184. Asistena medical accidentailor cu leziuni termice ale regiunii OMF i tratamentului lor la etapele evacurii
185. Particularitile leziunilor asociate ale regiunii maxilo-faciale.
186. Leziuni combinate ale regiunii OMF, particularitile apariiei, evoluiei clinice, tratamentul.
187. Factori principali ce determin gravitatea arsurilor faciale.
188. Metode de determinare a suprafeei leziunilor termice.
189. Boala actinic: etiologie, patogenie.
190. Formele clinice, grade de gravitate ale bolii actinice.
191. Tabloul clinic a bolii actinice.
192. Principii de diagnostic n boala actinic.
193. Particularitile tratamentului traumelor la pacieni cu boala actinic.
194. Rolul chirurgului OMF i stomatoogului n tratamentul bolii actinice.
195. Principi generale n tratamentul bolii actinice.
196. Sindromul agravare reciproc n traumele combinate.
197. Factorii ce determin contraindicaiile serviciului n armat.
198. Traheotomia, conicotomia metode i variante, indicaii i contraindicaii.
199. Fizioterapia i educaia fizic curativ n tratamentul traumelor OMF.
200. Alimentarea, ngrijirea, regimul, urmrirea n timp, particulariti de reabilitare a rniilor n regiunea OMF.

Oro-maxilo-facial surgery examination questions for the IV year students, 2015-2016

1. Traumas in OMF region, general facts.

2. Characteristics of traumas in OMF region according to causes. (traumas in conditions of life, traumas by
transport, industry agriculture etc.).
3. Frequency of traumas in OMF region.
4. Classification of traumas in OMFR (by Alexandrov).
5. Anatomo - morphological peculiarities of the maxilla and its significance in traumatic damages.
6. Anatomo - morphological peculiarities of the mandible and their significance in traumatic damages.
7. Anatomo - morphological peculiarities of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch and their significance in
traumatic damages.
8. Anatomo - morphological peculiarities of nasal bones and cartilages and their significance in traumatic
9. Anatomo - morphological peculiarities of the facial soft tissues and their importance in traumatic damages.
10. Anatomy of trigeminal nerve. Traumatic damages in different conditions.
11. Anatomy of facial nerve. Traumatic damages in different conditions.
12. Subjective examination of the patient with damages in OMFR.
13. Local objective examination of the patient with damages in OMFR.
14. Auxiliary methods of examination of the patients with damages in OMFR.
15. Main Principles and forms of organization of the medical assistance for the patients with damages in OMFR.
Damages of soft tissues in OMFR: etiology, pathological anatomy.
16. Clinical picture of the damages of soft tissues in OMFR: etiology, pathological anatomy.
17. Clinical picture of the damages of soft tissues in OMFR.
18. Surgical treatment of wounds of soft facial tissues.
19. Performance of urgent assistance in case of damages of soft facial tissues.
20. Therapeutical (by drugs) treatment of damages of soft facial tissues.
21. Suture of the wound. Sutural material. Methods of sutures performance (primary suture, laminal (plate) suture,
secondary suture).
22. Bandage and care for the patient with damages of soft facial tissues.
23. Complications of the wounds of soft facial tissues. Prophylaxis and treatment.
24. Dental traumas and traumas of parodontal tissues. General facts. Etiology.
25. Classification of both, dental traumas and traumas of parodontal tissues (bruises, dislocations, fractures).
26. Dental traumas: cracks, fracture of the crown, fracture of both dental crown and root.
27. Damages of parodontal tissues: hurt, incomplete and complete dislocation, etc.
28. Clinical and radiological examination of the patients with both dental traumas and traumas of parodontal
tissues. Analysis, Objective examination, radiological examination.
29. Course of dental traumas and traumas of parodontal tissues. Prognosis.
30. Treatment of both-dental traumas and traumas of parodontal tissues: conservative, orthopedic, surgical
31. Fractures of the alveolar process. Etiology. Clinical picture.
32. Treatment of fractures of the alveolar process.
33. Fractures of the mandible. General facts, statistics.
34. Classification of fractures of the mandible: unilateral, double, multiple, splintered, fractures according to line of
fracture, opened, closed fractures.
35. Etiology of factures of the mandible.
36. Mechanism of fractures of the mandible.
37. Mechanism of bone fragments displacement in fractures of the mandible: primary and secondary displacement.
38. Basic factors that determine displacement of bone fragments of mandible: force, direction and area of the contact
with traumatic agent, position of the teeth, traction of the muscles.
39. Types of bone fragments displacement in case of fractures of the mandible: in vertical, horizontal directions,
interposition, rotation, angular and combined displacements.
40. Subjective symptoms in case of different types of fractures of the mandible.
41. Objective symptoms in case of different types of fractures of the mandible.
42. Symptoms of medial fractures of the mandible.
43. Symptoms of the fractures in mental region of the mandible.
44. Symptoms of lateral regions of the mandible (body of the mandible).
45. Symptoms of the fractures of the angle of the mandible.
46. Symptoms of fracture of ascending branch of the mandible.
47. Symptoms of fractures of condylar process of the mandible.
48. Symptoms of coronoid process fractures.
49. Medical treatment of fractures of the mandible.
50. Phases of formation of the bone callus and its determinative factors
(age, mechanical factors ,constitution, nutrition).
51. Urgent assistance in fractures of the mandible.
52. Methods of bone fragments reposition (manually, by elastic traction, surgical methods). Indications.
53. Methods of fixation of bone fragments in case of fractures of the mandible.
54. General requirements in the manufacture of immobilization tires.
55. Indications to surgical treatment of fractures of the mandible.
56. Methods of osteosynthesis in case of fractures of the mandible.
57. Methods of osteosyntesis by device for extra oral fixation. Indications, technique.
58. Early complications in case of fractures of the mandible: shock, asphyxia,
bleeding, neural damages.
59. Secondary complications in case of fractures of the mandible (infection,
bleeding, osteomyelitis).
60. Late complications in case of fractures of the mandible (delayed consolidation of the bone fragments, false
articulation, irregular knitted fracture, contracture of the mandible, ankyloses).
61. Care for the patients with fractures of the mandible.
62. Terms of healing of fractures of the mandible according to anatomo-clinical form.
63. Dislocation of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). General facts. Classification.
64. Anterior dislocation of TMJ, etiology and pothogenesis, pathomorphology, symtoms and diagnostic.
65. Methods of treatment of anterior dislocation of the TMJ.
66. Posterior dislocation of the TMJ: etiology, symptoms, diagnostic, treatment.
67. Primary dislocation of the TMJ, etiology, symptoms, diagnostic, treatment.
68. Lateral dislocation of the TMJ, etiology, symptoms, diagnostic, treatment.
69. Fractures of the medial facial zone. General facts. Classifications.
70. Maxillary fractures .General facts. Horizontal and vertical, oblique and splintered fractures.
71. Etiology of the maxillary fractures. Mechanism of the fracture.
72. Anatomo-clinical forms of the maxillary fractures, fracture of the alveolar process, and fracture of the maxillary
73. Symptoms of horizontal fractures of the maxillary bone (Le Fort-I).
74. Symptoms of horizontal fractures of the maxillary bone (Le Fort-II).
75. Symptoms of horizontal fractures of the maxillary bone in upper
region (craniofacial separation Le Fort III).
76. Intermaxillary separation of the upper jaw or medio-sagittal fractures of the maxilla.
77. Principles of diagnosis in case of maxillary bone fractures.
78. Urgent assistance in maxillary bone fractures.
79. Constant immobilization in case of maxillary bone fractures.
80. Indications and surgical methods of treatment in case of maxillary bone fractures.
81. Early complications of the maxillary bone fractures: shock, respiratory insufficiency, bleeding.
82. Secondary complications in case of maxillary bone fractures (sinusitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses and phlegmons).
83. Late complications in case of maxillary bone fractures (irregularly accreted fracture, retrognaty, facial
asymmetry, defects).
84. Fractures of zygomatic-maxillary complex, general facts, etiology and pathogenesis, statistics.
85. Anatomo-clinical forms of zygomatic-maxillary complex fractures (anterior fracture, posterior fracture).
86. Symptoms and diagnosis of anterior zygomatic-maxillary fractures.
87. Symptoms and diagnosis of posterior zygomatic-maxillary fractures (fractures of the zygomatic arch).
88. Treatment of both anterior and posterior zygomatic-maxillary fractures.
89. Methods of consolidation and repositioning in regular position of bone fragments in case of zygomatic-maxillary
fractures (temporal way, infraorbital, intraoral, through maxillary sinus).
90. Complications of zygomatic-maxillary fractures.
91. Fractures of the nasal bones, general facts, etiology and pathogenesis, statistics.
92. Anatomo-clinical forms of nasal bones fractures (osseous and cartilage parts).
93. Symptoms, diagnosis and course of fractures of the nasal bones.
94. Treatment of nasal bone fractures
95. Methods of consolidation of bone fragments in case of nasal bones fractures.
96. Methods of fixation and care for the patient after consolidation of nasal bone fragments.
97. Methods of early consolidation of bone fragments in case of fractures of both zygomatic bone and arch.
98. Methods of late consolidation of bone fragments in case of zygomatic bone and arch fractures.
99. Terms of facial bones fractures healing.
100. Methods of bleeding stopping in case of traumas in OMFR.
101. Inflammatory disease of TMJ, general facts, classification.
102. Acute nonspecific arthritis, general facts, classification, etiology, pathomorphology.
103. Symptoms of acute arthritis, diagnosis, course and complications.
104. Treatment of acute arthritis, diagnosis, course and complications.
105. Chronic arthritis: etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, symptoms.
106. Chronic arthritis: diagnosis, course, treatment.
107. Contracture of the mandible: etiology, pathogenesis, classification .
108. Symptoms of contracture of the mandible, diagnosis.
109. Conservative and surgical treatment, contracture of the mandible.
110. Ankylosis of TMJ. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification.
111. Symtomatology of ankyiosis of TMJ.
112. Treatment of ankyiosis of TMJ.
113. Pain syndrome in OMFR. General facts. Pathophysiology. Classification.
114. Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve. Etiology, pathogenesis.
115. Symptomatology neuralgia of trigeminal nerve.
116. Conservative methods of trigeminal nerve neuralgia treatment.
117. Treatment of trigeminal nerve neuralgia by physical methods with the help of blockades.
118. Surgical methods of trigeminal nerve neuralgia.
119. Symptomatic and secondary neuralgia.
120. Neuritis and traumatic damages of trigeminal nerve with or without nerve damage. Causes, clinical picture,
121. Neuritis of trigeminal nerve. Etiology, clinical picture, treatment.
122. Neuritis of facial nerve. Etiology. Clinical picture, treatment.
123. Indications for tooth removal in case of fractures of the mandible.
124. Peculiarities of anesthesia and operations of tooth removal in case of fractures of the mandible.
125. Main requirements to manufacture of Tighershtedts splints.
126. Choosing of the splint type according to form of fracture.
127. Indications and methods of splint- caps manufacture in case of traumas of the teeth and parodontium.
128. Indications and methods of splint-caps manufacture in case of fractures of the mandible.
129. Principles of general treatment in case of fractures of the mandible.
130. Indications to application of interdental and intermaxillary ligatures (Ayvr, Leblank).
131. Signs and symptoms, common for all injuries in OMFR.
132. Combined traumas in OMFR.
133. Complications of traumas in OMFR.
134. Early severe complications, that appears in traumas of OMFR (etiology, classification).
135. Types of asphyxia in case of traumas of OMFR.
136. Dislocation asphyxia. Etiology, diagnostics, urgent assistance, prophylaxis.
137. Obstructive asphyxia. Etiology, diagnostics, urgent assistance prophylaxis.
138. Stenosis asphyxia. Etiology, diagnostics, urgent assistance, prophylaxis.
139. Valve asphyxia. Etiology, diagnostics, urgent assistance, prophylaxis.
140. Aspirate asphyxia. Etiology, diagnostics, urgent assistance, prophylaxis.
141. Faint in case of trauma in OMFR, clinical picture, urgent assistance, prophilaxis.
142. Traumatic shock in case of traumas in OMFR, clinical picture, urgent assistance, prevention.
143. Local complications in case of traumas in OMFR (defects, deformation, scars)
144. Late complications in case of trauma OMFR (slow consolidation of bone fragments, false articulation,
ankyloses, etiology, diagnostics, treatment,
145. Primary and secondary late bleedings in case of traumas in OMFR: diagnostics and treatment (assistance and
final treatment).
146. Hematoma in case of traumas in OMFR. Treatment.
147. Treatment of traumatic damages in OMFR in patients with immediate risk for the patients life.
148. Complications in case of fractures of the maxilla. Etiology, symptoms and treatment.
149. Early secondary and late complications in case of fractures of the mandible.
150. Organization of surgical oro-maxillo-facial assistance in Moldavian National Army.
151. Organization and volume of surgical dental assistance in Moldovian National Army during a peacetime.
152. Organization and volume of surgical oro-maxillo-facial assistance in time of war in calamities/natural disasters
(pre- hospital and hospital stages).
153. Peculiarities of the OMFR region trauma caused by firearms.
154. Anatomo-phisiological peculiarities of damages in OMFR due to firearms and in case of calamities/natural
155. Classification of firearm wounds in OMFR (general facts, basic principles).
156. Classification of firearm wounds of mandible.
157. Classification of firearm wounds of soft facial tissues frequency, course.
158. Classification of firearm wounds of maxilla frequency, course.
159. General symptomatology of firearm wounds in OMFR.
160. Local symptomatology of firearm wounds in OMFR.
161. Symptomatology of firearm wound of soft tissues in OMFR.
162. Methods of diagnosis of firearm wounds in OMFR (analysis, studying of medical documents, examination of
the wound, radiography).
163. Psyco-emotional disturbances in patients with facial wounds (peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment).
164. Peculiarities of clinical course of firearm wounds of soft tissues in OMFR according to region of the wound,
zone of destruction, etc.
165. Clinical course of firearm damages of facial skeleton.
166. General and local treatment of firearm damages of soft facial tissues.
167. Basic requirement and peculiarities of surgical preparation of firearm wounds in OMFR.
168. Stages of primary surgical preparation of firearm wounds in OMFR.
169. Clinical picture (general and local) of firearm damages of facial skeleton.
170. General and local treatment of the patients with firearm damages of facial skeleton.
171. Methods of bone fragments immobilization in case of firearm damages of facial skeleton bones.
172. Peculiarities of both care and nutrition of persons with facial wounds.
173. Indications and purposes of bandages and deranges usage in case of firearm damages in OMFR.
174. Succession of surgical preparation of different tissues (mucous membrane, skin, facial bones) in case of firearm
wounds in OMFR.
175. Rehabilitation (medical, psychical, social) of patients with firearm wounds in OMFR.
176. Combined and mixed trauma in case of firearm wounds: peculiarities, diagnostics and treatment (general facts).
177. Methods of diagnostics of foreign bodies (bullets, fragments) in case of blunt wounds.
178. Thermic burns in OMFR, general facts, peculiarities.
179. Frequency of facial burns in time of war and in time of calamities.
180. Classification of thermic burns. Burn disease.
181. Peculiarities of clinical course of thermic burns in OMFR.
182. General and local clinical signs of thermic burns in OMFR.
183. Primary assistance in case of facial burns on the battle field.
184. Medical assistance for patients with thermic facial burns and their treatment in stages of medical evacuation.
185. Peculiarities of combined damages on OMFR.
186. Combined damages of OMFR: peculiarities of appearance clinical course.
187. Factors that determine severity of facial burns.
188. Methods of damaged area determination in case of burn of the face.
189. Radiation sickness. Etiology, pathogenesis.
190. Clinical forms, degrees of severity of the radiation sickness.
191. Clinical signs of radiation sickness (according to periods).
192. Principles of radiation sickness diagnosis.
193. Peculiarities of treatment of traumas in OMFR in patients that have suffered radiation sickness.
194. Role of oro-maxillo- facial surgeon and dentist in radiation sickness treatment.
195. General principles of treatment of radiation sickness.
196. The syndrome of mutual aggravation of combined injuries.
197. Factors that determine unsuitability to military service.
198. Tracheotomy, conicotomy. Indications and contraindications, methods.
199. Physiotherapy in case of traumas of OMFR.
200. Care and nutrition, observation and peculiarities of rehabilitation for the patients with traumas of OMFR.

ntrebri pentru examenul de promovare la chirurgia

oro-maxilo-facial anul IV de studii 2015-2016
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