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Prins Mara Bucharest, March 21° 2018 Dear Me President, As Prime Minster of the Romanian Government, | have a high responsiblity to protect and promote Romania asa democratic state, based on the separation of powers and on the bhaependence of the foicary, where the fancomental rights and freedoms of the cizen are suaranteed, ‘The rule of law i the fundamental pillar of the development and consolidation of any emocratc society and this Is the cae of my county too. Tas fs my belle, this Is the belle! of iy Cabinet too and ofall other people who share the European principles and values. For theve ressons and in the view of our common beliefs, | am addresing you, Mr. President, in relation toa subject that conceras the puste opinion In Romania. Lam referring 103 letter atrbuted to the European Commission, dated October 10, 2072, that was sent to Mrs. Mona Pivnicery, Minster of Justice at that tine, containing 21” requests from the European ‘estitution to the Government of Romania regercing the Ceeperaton and Verification Mechanism. ‘mong these requirements are also concrete requests regarding certain criminal cases and ‘ome persons investigated for coruption and service crimes, namely heerghe Copes, Adrian ‘Mista, ferban Alexandru Brédigteanu, lon Dumitru, Decebal Talan Rema, Dan Voleuescu, George Becali,Ctdlin Voicu, Tudor Alexandru Chuar ‘aking into sccount the solid relation of partnership between Romania and the European Union, a relationship based on transparency and mutual trust, ask you, Mr. President, to clarity ‘he factual sna legal lsues related tothe document in quedtion. tf essential for securing our institutional collaboration and strengthening judicial integrity fn Romania to find cut whether the document stiibuted to the European Commission fs an authentic one, assumed institutionally, and If tthe only document of ks kind and whether Was capable of bringing, by its content or effects, Interference with the proper functioning of Justice and breach principles of aw. | am convinced that, though your direct involvement, we will have the opportunity to understand the underlying reasars ad criteria that led to te drafting of this nominal tit By the European Commission, together with the way the information requested and obtained by the European institution contributed to the analysis and especially tothe evaluation ofthe progress made by Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, ir, Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission tn my opinion, Me. President Juncker, clarifications are urgenty requied, taking into account tht such imperative requirements tothe Romanian suthrtics were. repeated Dratice, asthe Minister of Justice, Mr. Tusrel Toader, informed me, atm) request: | am frmly convinced that your response wil Include relevant and wef detats that wil further enatle us to achieve significant results within te CVN, Based on the values of respect for democracy, the rule of law, citizens fundamental rights and freedoms i a soiety characterized bythe lack of any discrimination, Juste, truth and equality of rights, | fully believe in maintaining an effective, balanced and efficiet calogue with you, by Which the rule of law and Justice n Romania wil be stronger and better coratdated inthe Spin of the European principles and te coe values that unite us From te above considerations and in view ofthe constant progress made by Romania in the {eld of justice, I would righty stess again, Mr. Present, Gat our county fulfils all the ‘contin fer the liting of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, 8 measure which, once. ‘aken, wil pen new horizons and perspectives of eur partnership. Pease accep, dear Mr. President, the assurance of my highest consideration. Viorica Dlncis Prime Minister:

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