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AUTORITATEA AERONAUTICA CIVILA REPUBLICA MOLDOVA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA wr 4 I cin 19. Of 20.4 Ministerul Economiei si Infrastructurii al Republicii Moldova Prin prezenta, cu referire la scrisoarea Aparatului Pregedintelui Republicii Moldova nr. 03/3-08-225 din 01 august 2019, privind masurile care urmau sa fie realizate de Ministerul Economiei gi Infrastructurii a Republicii Moldova de comun acord cu Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila a Republicii Moldova (AAC) in vederea asigur&rii sigurantei zborurilor in aviatia civilé, AAC remite anexat, in limita competentelor sale, Nota infromativl cu referire la actiunile Intreprinse pe parcursul perioadei septembrie 2018 — august 2019. Anexa: 92 file Cu respect, | Director / Octavian NICOLAESCU Republica Moldova tel: +373 22 823500 Chisinau, bd. Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 ‘e-mail: fax: #373 22529118 Domnului Vadim Brinzan Ministru al Economiei si Infrastructurii NOTA INFORMATIVA Stimate Domnule Ministru, La 27 septembrie 2018 in adresa Autorita ile a Republicii Moldova (AAC) a parvenit scrisoarea Comisiei Europene (CE) nr Ares(2018)4960049-27/09/2018, in care este exprimata ingrijorarea privind nivelul de siguranta al operatorilor aerieni certificati de AAC, precum si calitatea supravegherii realizata de AAC in domeniul sigurantei zborurilor. (Anexa 1) De asemenea, in anexa scrisorii sus-menfionate sunt enumerate un sir de informatii care urmau si fie prezentate de citre AAC pana la 12 octombrie 2018. ‘Totodat, AAC impreuni cu CA “Air Moldova’” au fost invitate la sedinfa Air Safety Committee, care urma s& aiba loc la Bruxelles in perioada 13-15 noiembrie 2018. in cadrul sedintei fie abordate subiectele aferente situatiei precare privind siguranta zborurilor aviatia civila a Republicii Moldova, precum si dovezile pe care le detinea Comitetul in acest sens. Ca rispuns la scrisoarea CE, AAC a solicitat organizarea unei intrevederi pentru discutarea ingrijorarilor expuse, (Anexa 2) Astfel, la data de 03 octombrie 2018 a avut loc intrevederea de clarificare intre AAC si CE. La 12 octombrie 2018 prin scrisoarea nr. 2392 AAC informeaza CE despre faptul ci dovezile la care se ficeau referire anterior nu au fost prezentate in adresa AAC pana in acel moment. (Anexa 3) in anexa la aceasta scrisoare, AAC a remis informatia solicitaté de CE i soli intrevedere in prima sptémana din noiembrie 2018, Ulterior, CE invinta AAC la o sedinta in data de 29 octombrie 2018 pentru a discuta subiectele care urmau si fie prezentate la sedinta Air Safety Committee din 13-15 noiembrie 2018. (Anexa 4) in Nota de convorbire, referitor la discutia purtata de catre Ambasadorul RM la Bruxelles cu Seful adjunct de unitate privind siguranta aviatiei din cadrul DG MOVE, se menfioneazi despre intentia delegirii unci misiuni de evaluare la inceputul anului 2019 pentru a evita includerea Republicii Moldova in “lista de siguranta” (asa zisa Lista neagra). (Anexa 5) Dupa intrevederea cu reprezentantii Air Safety Committee din 13 noiembrie 2018 la care au participat AAC, CA "Air Moldova” si CA “Aerotranscargo”, la 28 noiembrie 2018 CE a informat AAC privind necesitatea efectuarii unei vizite de evaluare de catre CE in prima jumstate a lunii februarie 2019. (Anexa 6) inaintea vizitei misiunii de evaluare, AAC a realizat o autoevaluare si a elaborat un Plan de acjituni in acest sens. (Anexa 7) Planul a fost prezentat echi n cadrul sedintei de deschidere, cu descrierea situatiet ta zi pe toate domeniile care urmau si fie auditate - operatiuni de zbor, navigabilitate, licentiere, calitate si siguranga. Astfel, in perioada 11-15 februarie 2019 avut loc misiunea de evaluare efeciuat de Comisia Europeand privind respectarea cerintelor internationale de siguranfa a zborurilor in aviafia civi Republicii Moldova in urma evaluarii domeniilor operatiuni de zbor, navigabilitate, licentiere, calitate si siguranfa au fost depistate un sir de neconformitiji majore, care reprezint& riscuri pentru intreg sistemul acronauti = _Lipsa dovezilor in dosarele de eertificare, ~ ipsa, in dosare, a listelor de verificare completate ca urmare a auditului sau inspect operatorului aerian, ~ Nerespectarea de citre inspectorii AAC a procedurilor descrise in manualele subdiviziunilor operationale, - Aprobarea modificarilor la cerficatul de operator fra acceptarea manualelor solicitantului de AOC, ~ Efectuarea inspectiilor de certificare dupa eliberarea certificatului de operator arian, - Eliberarea certificatului de operator aerian fir respectarea conditiilor si etapelor de cettificare, = Includeres AOC a aeronavelor fara a fi inspectate, La operatorii aerieni care efectueazi zboruri in statele UE detinitori de certificate TCO (Third Country Operator) s-a constatat un nivel acceptabil de implementare a standardelor internationale, astfel acestia urmeaza si opereze in continuare zborurile spre UE. La operatorii care nu detin certificate TCO (Third Country Operator) au fost depistate lacune pe toate domeniile verificate, astfel, acestia urmau a fi inclusi in lista de sigurangii a UE. Sistemul de certificare si supraveghere defectuos implica riscuri inalte in capacitatea AAC de a-si indeplini misiunea de supraveghere si asigurare a sigurantei zborurilor si diminucazi dramatic credibilitatea si imaginea AAC pe plan international, Sistemul de control al calititii, misiunea ciruia este evitarea si prevenirea unor astfel de situatii, a dat dovada de lipsi de verificare si monitorizare a subdiviziunilor AAC, dar si a operatorilor din ramura, astfel ducdnd la lipsa unui sistem de calitate eficient la detinitorii de AOC. Cele menfionate mai sus au fost expuse in Raportul misiunii de evaluare a CE si transmis AAC la 22 martie 2019. (Anexa 8) Dupa receptionarea Raportului, AAC a realizat o analiza a riscurilor asociate lacunelor depistate sia elaborat un Plan detaliat de actiuni corective pentru inlaturarea neconformititilor deserise in Raportul CE, (Anexa 9) in perioada imediat urmatoare AAC a intensificat supravegherea operatorilor aerieni efectuarea auditurior complexe pe toate domeniile de activitate. Ca urmare, certificatul unui operator a fost revocat (Tandemaero), certificatele a 4 operatori au fost suspendate (Terra Avia, Oscar Jet, Fly Pro, Diplomat Air). La moment doi operatori si-au reluat activitatea dupa inlaturarea neconformitatilor. Analiza riscurilor si Planul de actiuni imediate intreprinse de AAC au fost prezentate in cadrul sedinjei Air Safety Committee care a avut loc la 2 aprilie 2019. La 15 aprilie 2019, Comisia Europeand a informat AAC despre decizia de a sista zborurile operatorilor din Republica Moldova in spatiul aerian european. Totodatd, ludnd in consideratie cele prezentate de AAC Ia sedinta din 02 aprilie 2019, trei operatori Air Moldova, Fly One si Aerotranscargo au fost exceptati de la aceasti decizie. (Anexa 10) Dupa informarea statelor despre includerea Moldovei in lista de siguranta a UE, Romania si Franta si-au exprimat disponibilitatea in acordarea asistentei necesare pentru redresarea situatici, in acest sesns, AAC a incheiat acorduri de colaborare cu AAC Franfa si AAC Romania, demardnd deja misiuni comune de audit a operatorilor si instruire a inspectorilor din AAC. IATA 5i-a oferit sprijinul in a asista AAC prin propunerea unui program amplu de De asemenea, instruit a inspectorilor AAC. grat «ada 18-19 junie 2019 au fost stabilite un sir de intrevederi cu reprezentantii ICAO, ECAC, anja si AAC Turcia privind asistenta pe care o pot acorda institutiile mentionate. Astfel, reprezentantii AAC au purtat discutii: 1. sediul ECAC, dl Adam Borkowski (responsabil de domeniul securitajii aeronautice) — in cadrul intilnirii au fost discutate actiunile pe domeniul securititii aeronautice pe care AAC urma s& le intreprindd in urma auditului din 2015. Ludnd in consideratie cA la sfarsitul anului 2020 va avea loc auditul ICAO pe segmentul secur aeronautice, AAC a solicitat asistentd in pregatirea pentru acest audit, precum $i revizuirea Planului de acfiuni corective claborat in urma auditului ECAC 2015. 2. sediul AAC Franta, di Jacques Weyant (Director Cooperare Europa, CSI si Japonia), dl Pierre Andre Sabittoni (expert OPS, PEL, AGA), dl Louis Gerlin (Director Expertise& Consulting Services) —in cadrul intalnirii au fost discutate domeniile prioritare de asistenfii din partea AAC Franfa, in contextul solicitirii Comisici Furopene de prezentare a necesitijilor AAC. Aceasti lista de prioritati urma a fi discutata in cadrul sedinfei din 4 iulie de comun cu AAC Romania, Franfa si EASA. A fost agreati directia de colaborare si domeniile prioritare pentru termen scurt, necesitatile pe termen mediu si lung au fost stabilite péna la 24-25 iunie gi prezentate CE pentru consultare. sediul ICAO, di Elkhan Nahmadov (Director Regional Adjunct) — AAC a solicitat asistenta in revizuirea Planului de acfiuni corective urmare a auditurilor ICAO din 2009 si 2014, precum si revizuirea evidenfelor de inchidere a neconformititilor incluse de AAC in platforma electronica OLF. Tindnd cont de faptul ca in august 2020 va avea loc un audit complex ICAO pe domeniile operatiuni zbor, navigabilitate, navigatie aeriand, aeroporturi, liceniete personal, legislayie $i organizare, AAC a solicitat asisten{a in pregitirea pentru USOAP 2020, Asftel, a fost agreati de principiu delegarea inspectorilor ICAO pe segmentele sus-menfionate pana la sfirsitul acestui an (AAC a transmis ICAO 0 serisoare in acest sens), precum si revizuirea documentelor/ evidentelor din sistemul OLF. sediul ICAO, dl Haydar Yalein (Director General Adjunct AAC Turcia) — anterior AAC a purtat discutii cu AAC Turcia privind acordarea asistenfei prin instruirea inspectorilor AAC la Academia de Aviatie din Turcia. La 19 iunie, in cadrul intilnirii AAC a solicitat acordarca asistenfei si prin organizarea de OJT pe domeniile OPS, navigabilitate si aeroporturi. S-a agreat ca lista exhaustiva a necesitajilor de asistenfa, precum si domer de asisten{& vor fi remise, astfel incat partea Turcd si poata analiza disponibilitatea si amploarea asistentei La iulie 2019 a avut loc intrevederea AAC cu reprezentantii EASA, AAC Franja, AAC Romania si DG MOVE pentru a discuta necesarul de asistenji al AAC, luand in. consideratie neconformitifile prezentate in Raportul CE, dar si acfiunile deja realizate de citre AAC. Este de mentionat faptul cd, AAC a raportat regulat Comi Europene progresul pe marginea actiunilor realizate pentru inlaturarea neconformitatilor depistate. in acest context cele mai mari 1 semnificative actiuni intreprinse au fost: numirea sefilor subdiviziunilor ~ Operatiuni zbor, Navigabilitate, Controlul Calitati, Securitate. Navigatie Aeriana; suplinirea posturilor vacante cu inspectori operatiuni zbor si navigabilitate; elaborarea noilor proceduri referitoare la inspecfii, monitorizarea conformarii, managementul documentelor, MEL, RVSM, Manualul de management al AAC etc. ajustarea Planului de audituri/ inspeetii efectuate de AAC si formarea echipelor mixte de auditori, astfel asigurdnd un nivel sporit de verificare a conformarii agentilor aeronautici cu reglementatile nationale si internationale: revizuirea Planului de instruiri a inspectorilor AAC; semnarea acordurilor de cooperare si asistenta tehnica cu partenerii externi/ europeni. ‘Totodata, eforturile realizate de AAC sunt distorsionate de modificarile cadrului normativ in care activeaza. Ne referim la modificarea Codului aerian al Republicii Moldova nr, 301 din 21.12.2017 prin stabilirea cai - In cadrul autoritagii administrative de implementare si realizare a politicilor in domeniul aviafiei civile activeazi functionari publici, in conditiile Legii_nr.158/2008 cu privire la funcjia publica si statutul functionarului public, si alte categorii de personal, a e&ror activitate este reglementata de cadrul normativ in domeniul muncii.” ~ Bugetul autorita{ii administrative de implementare si realizare a politicilor in domeniul ile se claboreazai, se aprobi si se administreaza in conformitate cu principiile, regulile si procedurile stabilite de Legea finantelor publice si responsabilititii bugetar- fiscale nr.181/2014. avi in acest sens, are loc restrictionarea semnificativa a capacit3tilor AAC in recrutarea unui personal calificat, in special, din strainatate (avand in vedere ci companiile aeriene opereazi tot mai mult tehnicd occidentala). De asemenea se reduce capacitatea acfionarii prompte sub aspect de capacitti financiare (in cadrul plecarii inspectorilor in inspectii inopinate, realizarii inspectiilor pe timp de noapte, etc.) AAC este constienti de faptul c& sistemul finanfirii din bugetul de stat, in speti art.67 a Legit nr.181/2014 privind finantele publice si responsabilitatii bugetar-fiscale stabileste priori transferurilor de la bugetul de stat. insi o atare abordare creeazi situajii de blocare a angajamentelor asumate de ciitre AAC fat de personalul de inspectie si partenerii externi. O atare situatie este greu de explicat angajatilor si partenerilor externi in condijiile cand in contul trezorerial AAC sunt suficiente mijloace financiare pentru acoperirea necesitatilor curente, care, de altfel au fost aprobate in legea bugetara anual Mai mult, pe Ling faptul c& AAC se finanteazi din contul veniturilor colectate de aceasta prin intermediul contului trezorerial, statutul de functionar public (in formatul actul al cadrului normatiy) ale angajatilor are efect negativ asupra capacitatilor de recrutare a personalului, deoarece atragerea cadrelor specializate din strainatate este imposibila prin: - Obligativitatea detinerii cetijenici Republicii Moldova; = Sistemul de salarizare stabilit prin Legea nr.270 ,privind sistemul unitar de salarizare in sectorul bugetar”, pe linga faptul diminuarii in mediu cu circa 15% a veniturilor anuale a angajatilor, nu permite oferirea unui nivel de remunerare atractiv si concurential in ramura aviatiei civile AAC in repetate randuri s-a adresat cdtre organcle de resort a Republicii Moldova prin care a pus in evidenta problemele intampinate. (Anexa 11) in contextul celor expuse mai sus si finind cont de importan{a aspectelor impuse prin trecerea la sistemul nou de finjare si modificarea statutului angajatilor AAC, in cele ce urmeaza prezentm detaliat impactul acestor modificari. Migrarea la finele anului 2018, 1a sistemul de finantare stabilit prin Legea 181 din 25.07.2014 .privind finantele publice si responsabilitatea bugetar-fiscala si prin modificarea_statului personalului angajat din cadrul autoritiii (la momentul actual in cadrul autoritayit administrative de implementare $i realizare a politicilor in domeniul aviatiei civile activeaza functionari publici, in conditiile Legii nr.158/2008 cu privire la functia publica si statutul finctionarului public), AAC a intémpinat un sit de probleme si impedimente atit de ordin financiar cat gi organizatoric in implementarea adecvata a atribufiilor de baz la nivel national cat si respectarea angajamentelor fata de partenerii externi printre care se evidentiaza: = Mecanismul actual aplicat de finantare a cheltuielilor din bugetul de stat in functie de gradele de prioritate statuate de art. 67 alin. 2 din Legea nr. 181/2014, nu asiguri o reactie prompta in vederea asigurari finantarii deplasatilor inspectorilor/specialistilor in inspect participari in grupuri de lucru sau instruiri (ordinele find retinute in cadrul Trezoreriei pe o perioada de cel putin 2 3 sptmani). Avand in vedere ca inspectorii intreprind deplasiri de serviciu inclusiv si in state situate in Orientul Mijlociu, Asia sau Aftica, cheltuielile pentru aceste deplasai, find considerabile, sunt suportate adesea din contul personal al inspectorilor, urmand ca aceste cheltuieli si le fie restituite; = Finantarea de la bugetul de stat nu permite executarea cheltuielilor in avans, cea ce exclude posibilitatea accesarii unor servicii la preturi mai atractive (agenii economici nu sunt dispusi s& crediteze institutiile din sistemul bugetar fiind constienfi ca sumele vor fi virate in contul lor cu 0 intarziere considerabila);, = Desi, conform prevederilor Codului aerian, AAC acumuleaza venituri care urmeazi a fi utilizate exclusiy la finanfarea activitatii acesteia (AAC dispundnd de mijloace financiare suficiente) achitarea serviciilor utilizate/contractate de AAC sunt stopate de Trezorerie din motivul “lipsei finangari = AAC nueste in drept si angajeze/contracteze personal calificat din strainatate, finand cont de statutul special al angajatilor autoritatii (functionari publici) - in urma implementirii prevederilor Hotararii de Guvern nr. Nr. 1231 din 12.12.2018, veniturile salariale ale angajatilor AAC au fost diminuate cu cirea 15%; = Imposibilitatea aplicirii recomandatilor ICAO cu privire la motivarea financiara a inspectorilor, in care conditiile de munca si remunerarea muncii personalului de inspectie trebuie si fie comparabile cu conditiile de munca si de remunerare a personalului operational din ramura, a c&rui sarcina este de a inspecta si monitoriza activitatea acestuia! = Dificultati in acoperirea cheltuielilor legate de primirea vizitelor de documentare/inspectii comune a experfilor straini, in spet’ diurn, cazare, transport cat si realizarea masurilor de protocol, anume prin prisma executarii transferurilor prin Trezorerie. Astfel, AAC se confrunta constant cu problema ,,lipsei de finantare” in cadrul bugetului de stat pentru asigurarea financiara a activitatilor planificate si aprobate in bugetul institufiei. Acest fapt agraveazi constant capacitatea AAC de a-si onora obligatiunile de supraveghere a activitati agentilor aeronautici, cit si obligafiile financiare asumate, in consecin{Z, este greu de menfinut personalui ealificat antrenat in activitifile de inspectie si control in domeniul aeronautic. in cifre, pentru prima jumatate a anului 2019, ordinele de plata aferente instruirii profesionale au fost ,executate” in proportie de 30% (din 9 ordine de plat au fost executate 3) ceea ce in marime baneasca exprima doar 17% din obligatiunile AAC (achitat 19,5 mii lei din 112,3 mii lei). Durata medie de prelucrare si respectiv achitare a ordinelor de plata este de circa 2 saptimani. 1 FINAL REPORT ON THE ICAO COORDINATED VALIDATION MISSION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA, (18 to 24 February 2014), International Civil Aviation Organization. Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila denotd o abordare sistemicd a Ministerului Finantelor in partea executirii prioritare a transferurilor in raport cu AAC, care duce la sistarea, aménarea si chiar anularea instruirilor periodice care sunt obligatorii pentru personalul AAC responsabil de inspecti Acest fapt se rastrnge negativ asupra capacitatii statului de a asigura un nivel corespunzator al siguranjei si securitatii aeronautice. La moment, se atest un sir de impedimente in procesul de conluerare cu institufiile internationale in partea ce tine de acordarea asistentei in domeniul aviatiei civile in conditiile in care ramura aviatiei civile este monitorizata intens de cdtre structurile europene de profil. Ulimul exemplu elocvent fiind Acordul de colaborare dintre AAC si IATA (Agenfia Intemajionala a Transportatorilor Aerieni), cu privire la obtinerea accesului la resursele de training si consultant’, conform caruia AAC urmeazii si achite doar transportul si cazarea expertilor straini, insa lipsa unei finanfari continue, exprimata prin tergiversarile permanente a achitarilor cdtre furnizorii de servieii, pun in dificultate realizarea obligajiunilor asumate de catre AAC. Potrivit standardelor Organizatiei Internationale a Aviatiei Civile (ICAO), eficacitatea statului in vederea asiguririi interesului public privind controlul si supravegherea transportului aerian comercial depinde de competenta inspectorilor AAC. intru indeplinirea eficienta a functiilor de supraveghere si control structura AAC trebuie si fie organizata in modul corespunzator, inclusiv sis defina personal suficient capabil si execute o gama larga de activiti{i si documentare in materie de inspectii tehnice. Pentru indeplinirea acestor activitagi este important ca nivelul de pregitire si experienta in domeniile operationale sau tehnice si fie adecvat naturii inspectiei activitijilor in aviagia civild, precum si si nu fie in nici un caz mai jos decat nivelul de pregatire al personalului inspectat.? Urmare a auditurilor desfasurate de catre ICAO s-a constatat faptul c& pentru multe domenii de activitate din cadrul AAC, este dificil mentinerea, instruirea gi atragerea specialistilor de inalta calificare, iar tecerea AAC Ia bugetul de stat, inclusiv modificarea statutului personalului angajat in funcfionari publici a dus la imposibilitatea implementdrii recomandarilor facute de cdtre ICAO: Din auditul ICAO: . The Republic of Moldova has not established a mechanism to enable the CAA t0 attract, recruit and retain sufficient qualified and experienced technical staff: In particular, the current number of qualified and experienced technical staff employed by the CAA is not sufficient in the areas of persormel licensing, aerodromes and some areas of air navigation services. The CAA should ensure that comprehensive training policies and programs, including initial, recurrent and tailored specialized training and OJT, as well as periodie training plans are developed and systematically implememted for the areas of personnel licensing, aircraft operations and airworthiness of aircraft. Doe OAC! Doc 8335 ,Manualul privind procedurile de inspectie operationald, certficare si supraveghere continua” In addition, the compensation packages offered by CAA are not competitive with those offered by industry. "6 Experienfa internajionala arat’ c& intengiile de aplicare a unui regim auster sau implicarea direct’ in limitarea cheltuielilor legate de capacitatea statului de a asigura 0 supraveghere continua adeevata in domeniu, precum asigurarea cu personal calificat, instruirea continua a acestuia, achizifionarea de echipamente necesare, precum gi altor neces similare care sunt conexe siguranjei zborurilor, au fost soldate cu impact negativ, uneori afectind in mod tragic domeniul aviatiei civile. Complementar celor expuse, avand in vedere angajamentele asumate prin prisma Acordului privind spafiul aerian comun, Republica Moldova trebuie si asigure masurile necesare in vederea ajustitii structurilor sale institufionale pentru managementul traficului aerian la cerul unic european, iar conform Regulamentului cadru (CE) nr. 549/204 al Parlamentului European si al Consiliului din 10 martie 2004 de stabilire a cadrului pentru crearea cerului unic European, Statele membre se asigurii c& autoritijile nafionale de supervizare defin resursele si au capacitatile necesare pentru indeplinirea sarcinilor care le sunt incredintate.* Cu referire la actualizarea cadrului normativ national in domeniul aviatiei civile mentiondm c& in conformitate Capitolului 15 din PNAAA aprobat prin HG nr. 1472/2016, pentru perioada anilor 2017 — 2019, Guvernul RM gi-a asumat angajamentul de a realiza 21 de actiuni ce vizeaxi i eivile, printre care: Crearea Biroului de Investigare a Accidentelor; Modernizarea Aeroportului Intemational Balti Crearea Fondului aviatiei civile; Aderarea Republicii Moldova a Protocolul privind aspecte specifice ale echipamentelor aeronautice, adoptat la Cape Town la 16 noiembrie 2001; Transpunerea in cadrul normative national a Reglementarilor UE in domeniul aviatiei civile in numar de 17 actiuni in rezultatul carora urmau a fi transpuse 22 de acte normative ale UE (Directive / Regulamente). 5 ‘Totodata Acordul privind Spatiul Aerian Comun intre Republica Moldova si Uniunea European’ si statele sale membre, semnat la Bruxelles la 25 iunie 2012, prevede la Anexa III ca in termen de pana la 2 ani de la intrarea in vigoare a Acordului’, republica Moldova va transpune in cadrul normativ national un numar 78 acte normative ale UE ce reglementeaza acest domeniu. Nott: Anexa II se modifica de la an la an avénd in vedere noul cadrul normativ aprobat de cittre UE. # FINAL REPORT ON THE ICAO COORDINATED VALIDATION MISSION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA, (18 to 24 February 2014), International Civil Aviation Organization. § REGULAMENTUL (CE) NR. 549/2004 AL PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN SI AL CONSILIULUI din 10 martie 2004 de stabilire a cadrului pentru crearea cerului unic European (regulament-cadru} (JO L96, 31.3.2004, p. 1) » Acordul privind Spatiul Aerian Comun intre RM~UE nu a intrat In vigoare, acesta a fost ratificat de catre toate statele membre si urmeazi a fi aprobat de catre Parlamentul UE. Conform discufilor din cadrul ultimului Comitet mixt ce 2 avut loc la 30 lanuarie 2019, se preconizeaz8 ca acordul s8Intre in vigoare la sfarsitul anului 2019. Asifel, avand in vedere cele relatate supra, Va aducem la cunostin{a urmatoarele: 1. in scopul realizarii actiunilor prevazute in PNAAA aprobat prin HG nr.1472/2016, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civili a elaborat gi transmis in adresa Ministerului Economie si Infrastructuri toate proiectele actelor normative ce transpun cadrul regulator UE, cu exceptia proiectului Programului national de securitatea a aviatiei civile care urmeazi a fi definitivat dupa aprobarea in lectura finald a Legii privind securitatea aeronautic’. Nota: Situaria la zi pe fiecare din actiunile planificate este relatata in Anexa nr.12 la NL. Cu referire la implementarea Acordului privind Spatiul Aerian Comun intre RM si UE si statele sale membre, din totalul de 78 de acte normative UE specificate in Anexa II] la data semnarii Acordului, pand in prezent in cadrul normativ national au fost transpuse deja 27 acte UE. Aprobarea proiectului Legii privind securitatea aeronautiea va asigura transpunerea a altor 3 acte normative si respectiv Legea privind raspunderea si cerintele de asigurare ‘a operatorilor de aeronave inca 2 acte normative. Suplimentar, in proces de promovare sunt alte 5 acte normative nationale ce transpun 6 acte UE si alte 2 acte normative ce prevad asigurarea implementarii standardelor si practicilor recomandate de c&tre OACI. Astfel, reiesind din angajamentele asumate de edtre Republica Moldova, in scopul realizarii in termen a prevederilor PNAAA sia Acordului sus mentionat, este necesara concentrarea eforturilor (Parlamentului RM, Guvernului si in special al MEI si AAC) in scopul promovarii proiectelor definitivate cat si asupra elaborairii proiectelor ce urmeazd a fi transpuse. Cu respeet, ‘Octavian NICOLAESCU Director HB svoszorepsen04s 27002018 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brus 27 SEP, 2018 MOVE DDG2.EA/AE ‘Mr Radu BEZNIUC Director Department of Aviation Republic of Moldova, C Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 ‘Tel: +373 22 823 500 Fax: 4373 22 52.91 18 mail: devdieaa inau, Subject: MOLDOVA — update of the Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the European Union in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 pare seanvc, AL Caen ¢ am writing to alert you to concems the European Commission has regarding the safety performance of the air carriers certified by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova (CAAM). In the past year, the Moldavian air carrier Air Moldova had a serious incident, on MAYDAY due to fuel shortage, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Third Country Operators (TCO) on-site Contimtous Monitoring Approach (CMA) visit raised a series of level 2 findings, Assessments of the different cases by the EASA revealed serious weaknesses in the way CAAM currently discharges its safety oversight responsibilities, including: ~ Ineffective controlling of the oversight programme; = Issuing or extension of the Certificates of Airworthiness without a physical inspection of the aircrafts; = Findings raised by the CAM, not include severity level and category; - Potential conflict of interest for the staff of CAAM. As you may know, the European Commission is required by the European Legislation to act in case air carriers put safety at risk by non-complying with international safe standards. I attach for your information Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 and Regulation (EC) No 473/206 which indicate the measures that can be taken should the situation be Commission eviontenne/Curopass Commise, 1049 Sunoles/Brusel, BCLGIQUEMBELGIE Tet +32 27003711 Grice Daa, eSt076. Te! del tne 992 22862019, ip coreiagies euros ra not effectively addressed, ‘These rules provide also for a framework of formal consultations with the authorities with responsibility Jor regulations oversight. In order to update our information concerning the aviation safety sitvation in Moldova, would welcome any information that you consider relevant and that will assist in the process of gathering all the facts of this case as well as your assessment of the compliance of the oversight activities with the international safety standards. In particular, 1 would be grateful if you could provide me with a set of documents, as outlined in the Annex A to this letter, describing your organisation and illustrating the oversight activities conducted on air carriers certified in Moldova. 1 would appreciate if you could provide your contribution no later than 12 October 2018 in order to ensure that appropriate consideration can be given by all parties involved in this matter 1 need to inform you that this leter constitutes an official consultation with the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight over the air carriers certified in Moldova, pursuant to the provisions laid out in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 47312006. In addition, I am obliged (o notify you that CAM and Air Moldova have been placed on the agenda of the Air Safely Committee, which will meet in Brussels from 13 until 15 November 2018, The exact date and time for the hearing, to which you will be invited, will be decided closer to the date, and you will be informed of as soon as possible. This will be when the Committee will have the opportunity to examine and discuss all the information we have at hand conceraing the aviation safety situation in Moldova and to advise the Commission on the best waty forward can assure you that the European Commission is ready to work closely with you in order (o assist, where possible, in your efforts to improve the aviation safety situation in Moldova, whilst at the same time ensuring that any potential safety risks to travelling citizens are contained, Please address all correspondence by email to Andrei FILIPOTU (Andrei. Comelit, FILIPOIU@iee, who is the case handler for the Republic of Moldova in the Commissions’ EU Air Safety List team. Kc vege i sincerely, Aachments; A. List of dcomentsto be provided B. Regulation (C) No 2111/2005 Regulation (EC) Na 73/2006 Annex A Information to be provided hy the CAAM by 12 Octomber 2018 (CAAM STRUCTURE 1. Comprehensive view of the CAAM organisation (eg departments and their functions). 2. Staff (no names): Number, functions, job positions related to safety activities, CAAM OVERSIGHT SYSTEM 3. Oversight process: Short description: Establishment of inspection teams, planning of inspections, categorisation of findings, corrective measures, safety concems, follow-up, closure of findings, assessment of the corrective action plan implementation, No need to describe them if they are already in a manual. If this is the case, please send the manual indicating the pages where this information can be found, If the manual is under revision, please indicate it as well, 4, List of accidents and serious incidents experienced by the air carriers under the oversight of the CAAM for the period from 2013 until today, including relevant salety information, CAAM ACTIVITY 5. List of Air Operator Certificate holders, certified in Moldova, including the trading name (if different from the operator's name), the principal place of business and the ICAO designation number. 6. Copies of the Air Operator Certifi forall AOC holders cert es and oper in the Moldova. jonal specifications (Ops Specs) 7. List of aircraft registered in the Moldova, 8, Number of AOCs, companies and type of air carrier (cargo, scheduled pax, unscheduled, general aviation etc.) 9. List of oversight activities carried out by the CAAM in 2016, 2017 and 2018 10 date, together with a list of findings raised, their corrective actions planned and taken to close the findings, and current implementation status. 10, Level_ of achievement (planned vs. completed), indicating the locations, organisations and domains 11, Oversight plan for the present year 2018. CAAM ENFORCEME? 12, Approvals, suspensions, revocation and withdrawals during 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 to date. 13, Financial penalties (if'any). Any other type of enforcement measures. BB clerical so 27/09/2018 059 (UTC 02) fm acondance with aeticle 42 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commision Deion 200/563 ce, HE. Lilian DARI, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, brusellesma, MICHALKO Peter, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova, Delegation-Mokiovadreeas.curoga eu Mr C. B, ACOSTA, MOVE. DDG2.E2, Hol! MrK. WINKLER, EU representative, ICAO ‘Mr P. KY, EASA, Executive Director AUTORITATEA AERONAUTICA CIVILA REPUBLICA MOLDOVA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Mr Filip CORNELIS . ctor Nr ole 22 OF 28 Directorate E-Aviation Directorate General for Mobility and Transport European Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIE Tol, +32 22991111, Office:DM24, 05/078 Email, ©.C. HE. Lilian DARI, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, H.E. Peter MICHALKO, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the Europoan Union to Moldova, Mr. C.B, ACOSTA, MOVE,.DDG2.E2, HOU Mr. K. WINKLER, EU representative, ICAO Mr. P. KY, EASA, Executive Director Ref. Ares(2018}4960049 - 27/09/2018 | am writing to inform you that concem of the European Commission has drawn our immediate attention and itis rated as top priority 'ssue im our agenda In order to take proper measures and perform proper actions, to better understand what is required from CAAM and Air Moldova at this stage, we kindly request to set up a meeting at your premises as soon as possible but, not later than 05 October 2018 In order to prepare a comprehensive batch of documents and evidence for the abovementioned round of consultations, we will be very grateful to receive from your side prior the meeting, the copies of the assessments of the different cases by EASA mentioned in your letter. From aur side this meeting will be attended by CAAM personne! responsiie for safety management, qualityicompliance assurance and state oversight as well as Aw Moldova personnel responsible for safety management quality/compliance assurance and flight operations Focal point from our side is Dan STRATAN (dan stratan@caa gov md) Best Regarcs ily Radu Bezniuc! i / Director Republics Moldova Chisinau, bd. Dacia 80/2, MD+2026 AUTORITATEA AERONAUTICA CIVILA REPUBLICA MOLDOVA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA nr 23.92 din £2.10 201 Mr. Filip CORNELIS. Director Directorate E-Aviation Directorate General for Mobility and Transport European Commission 1049 Bruxclles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIE Tel. #32 22991111, Office:DM24, 05/076 Email, C.C. H.E. Lilian DARII, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, |H.E, Peter MICHALKO, Ambassador, Head! of the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova, (Mr. C.B. ACOSTA, MOVE.0DG2.E2, HOU Mr. i, WINKLER, EU representative, ICAO Mr. P. KY, EASA, Executive Director Ref. Ares(2018)4960048 - 27/09/2018 Dear Mr. CORNELIS, | am wariting first of all to thank you for a very fruitful meeting held on 030CT18 at your premises between our responsible personnel and Republic's of Moldova case handler in the Commissions’ EU Air Safety List team Unfortunately, we didn't receive from your side prior the meeting copies of the assessments of the different cases by EASA mentioned in your letter. Nevertheless, Mr. Andrei FILIPOIL's highly 2rofessional approach assisted our representatives to better understand what is required from us at this stage and to take proper measures Following the meeting, a Task Force was created to gather all the requested info. As a result we are pleased to send it altached to this letter We would like to draw your attention to the fo lowing: 1 ‘As you can see from the attached documents for the period 2013-2018 (day of writing this letter) we had only ong serious incident and zero accidents for CAT operations. Investigation of the serious incident is not yet finalized, according to the official information from investigation body of Italy. All level 2 findings raised by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Third Country Operators (TCO) on-site Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) visit were closed in due time (attached under number 15) As per attached documents, there are no cases of issuing or extension of the Certificates of Airworthiness without a ohysical inspection of the aircraft According to the attached documents, the requirements regarding the categorization of findings are laid down in several national acts Regarding potential conflict of interes! for the staff of CAAM, we would like to inform you that we had 3 cases in the past. These cases were solved as follows: persons with potential confict of interests resigned on 31JUL17, 15SEP17 and 17AUG18 respectively. As of today, we don't have any conflict of interest for the staff of CAAM ~ either direct or potential Additionally, to the requested info we have included our activity under SANA program for your consideration (attached under number 14). We are using this instrument as an additional tool for oversight in the Republic of Moldova. In the nearest future this too! will become the main tool for assessing aircraft operated by our airlines in line with Evropean requirements. According to the latest quarterly Continuous Monitoring Report, standardization rating for the CAAM are over 95% for AIR, OPS and PEL areas (attached under number 16). According to ICAO USOAP effectve Implementation of SARPS in the Republic of Moldova shows a positive trend from 71,7% in 2014 to above 80% after self-assessment. Please consider the above-mentioned information and kindly ask you to let 4s know if this information is sufficient as per your request. Taking into consideration that this issue is top priority for us, we would like to request @ consultation meeting at your premises in the first week of November 13 with the participation of responsible persons fram Ai Moldova. Please inform us about exact date and time at your earliest convenience Please accept the assurances of our highesi consideration Best Regards Radu BEZNIUC /| Director EUROPEAN COMMISSION ‘The Director Brussels, MOVE. DDG2.EA/AF Mr Radu BEZNIUC Director Department of Aviation Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 Tel: +373 22 823 500 Fax: +373 2252 91 18 Email: da@caa, Subject: MOLDOVA ~ update of the Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the European Union in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 - Invitation for a meeting Dear Mr. BEZNIUC, T thank you for your letwer dated 12 October 2018 and for the information provided concerning the evolution of aviation safety in Moldova, First and foremost, I weleome the efforts that you already have made and the fact that the competent authority of Moldova is ready (o swiftly take the necessary measures to address all the concerns that the European Commission has with regard to the safety performance of the air carriers certified by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova (CAAM). It will be very important that in the coming period we maintain this close bilateral cooperation, In view of the upcoming meeting of the Air Safety Committee (13-15 November 2018), I would like to invite you personally, together with your experts, to a technical meeting with the European Commission and EASA on 29 October 2018 between 11:00 and 14:00. The meeting will take place at the European Commission premises in rue De Mot, 24, meeting room DM24 01/152. Please note that in the view of preparation of our technical meeting the evidence that you provided has been shared with our EASA colleagues in order (o be evaluated, ‘Commission aurepdenna/Eurepesa Commisse, 1049 Bruxelas/Erussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIE - Tel +92:20891111 (Otce: Odes, OBITS - Tel. direct ine -<2 228-60219 incomes ec “Thank you in advance for acknowledging good receipt of this letter and please address all correspondence by = email «= to. Andrei. ~—FILIPOIU. (Andrei Corneliu,FILIPOIU who is the case handler for the Republic of Moldova in the Commissions’ EU Air Safety List team. ‘Yours sincerely, aif CORNELIS Cx: HLE. Eugen CARAS, Ambassador, Head of the Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the BU, MICHALKO Peter, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova, Delegation- Mr P. Bombay, Chairman of the Air Safety Committee Mr. B. ACOSTA, MOVE.DDG2.E2, HoU. Mr H. ROUSE, MOVE.A.2, HoU Mr P. KY, EASA, Executive Director MISIUNEA REPUBLICI MOLDOVA PE LANGA UNIUNEA EUROPEANA MISSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA TO THE EUROPEAN UNION ‘Ave. Franklin Roosovel 55.1050 Bruxelles, teh FAO0GA, Fax 322TAOOGOD, email: mission: L-UE/353.11/ “18” 10.2018 Doamnei Daniela MORARI, Sceretar de Stat NOTA de CONVORBIRE referitor la discutia purtata cu Seful adjunct de unitate privind siguranta aviatica din cadrul DG MOVE, Comisia Europeana SUMAR: Transportatorii aerieni din R. Moldova risea sa fie interzisi in spatiul aerian al UE in cazul in care se va _constata ca_nu_respecti standardele internationale de supraveghere si siguranté (). Procedura de evaluare a fost demaraté pe 27 septembrie 2078 prin remiterea scrisorii oficiale, care constata deficienfe grave privind modul in care Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila fyi desfasoard, in prezent, responsabilitdyile de supraveghere a siguranfei zborurilor. O decizie in acest sens urmeazé sé fie luaté de catre Comitetul pentru siguranta aeriand, care se va intruni la Bruxelles in perioada 13-15 noiembrie, Comisia Europeand intentioneazit si propund membrilor Comitetului efectuarea unei misiuni de evaluare la inceputul anului viitor, evitdnd astfel includerea R. Moldova in “lista neagra”. Seful AAC va fi invitat sé prezinte membrilor Comitetului progresele obtinute privind respectarea standardelor de supraveghere. 1. La data de 16 octombrie, la solicitarea parjii UE, C. AVORNIC, Secretar | in cadrul MRMUE a avut © intrevedere cu Peter BOMBAY, Sef adjunct de Unitate privind siguranta aviatica si Andrei Comeliu FILIPOIU, ofiter de politici din cadrul DG MOVE, pentru a alerta partea MD privind scul sist&rii operarii aeronavelor moldovenesti in spajiul aerian al oricarui stat membru din UE. 2. in continuare, prezen m mesajele comunicate de Seful adjunet de Unitate: = O serie de indicatori, semnalate inclusiv de catre Agengia Europeand de Sigurangl a Aviatiei (EASA), ridicd ingrijorari privind securitatea aviaticd din R. Moldova. De asemenea, semnale negative fin nu doar de céteva aeronave, ci mai cu seama de intreaga companie “Airmoldova”’ — Conform Regulamentului privind siguranfa aviatiea! Comisia Europeand, avand sprijinul SM UE, este obligatéi si ia decizia introducerii tuturor transportatorilor acrieni/a une compani aeriene de transport /sau a unei aeronave in ,ista neagra”, in cazul in care se constat’ cazuri serioase si confirmate” de nerespectare a standardelor internationale in materie de supraveghere si siguranta. This will be a terrible thing if we have to put Moldova on a safety lisi, a conchis dl BOMBAY; NOTA: Conform ar. 2 al Regulamentului, dout tipuri de interdict sunt previzute: (1) Transportatorit aerient ‘enumerati in “anexa A” fac obiectul unei interdictii de exploatare in cadrul Comunitatii pentru toate activitajile lor, (2) Intereicereafolosirii unei anumite aeronave sau a nor anumite ipuri de aeronave menfionate fn ,anexa B”. — Procedura aplicata in cazul statelor non-membre ale UE prevede transmiterea de catre CE a unei scrisori oficiale de instiinjare privind demararea evaluirii performanjei activititii autoritaii responsabile de certificare a transportatorilor aerieni. in cazul RM, riscul sistarii dreptului de a opera zboruri in spafiul aerian curopean a fost comunicat in scrisoarea oficial din 27 septembrie 2018, care informeazi despre deficienjele privind modul in care AAC isi * Regulamentul UE nr, 474/206 din 22 martie 2006 de stabilire a listei comunitare a transportatorilor ae obiectul unet interdictii de exploatare pe tertoriul Comunitagi desftigoard, in prezent, responsabilititile de supraveghere a sigurantei zborurilor (a se vedea 1a Ares(2018)4960049 semnata de Filip Cornelis, seful Directoratului privind aviatia, acestei proceduri au fost comunicate in detaliu colaboratorului AAC in sedinja din 3 octombrie 2018, avuta la Bruxelles: Informatiile oferite de citre AAC (in scrisoarea Nr. 2392 din 12.10.2018) sunt in proces de examinare. putea sii fic solicitate informatii suplimentare de clarificare. in context. interlocutorul a comunicat cd orice informatie oferita de autoritatile MD este plasata pe un site securizat pentru a fi diseminata SM UE: RM va fi invitata pe 14 noiembrie s& participe la Comitetul pentru siguranta aerian’, ce desfaisura la Bruxelles, si in cadrul careia se va lua decizia privind necesitatea sistirii dreptului dea opera zboruri in spatiul aerian europeat Mesajul de incurajare_al UE este ci, CE intentioneaza s4_propuna_membrilor Comitetului efectuarea unei misiuni de evaluare la inceputul anului_viitor, eviténd astfel_includerea R. ‘Moldova fn “lista neagri” in cazul unui aviz pozitiv, misiunea de evaluare ar urma si se desfagoare la Chisindu la inceputul anului vitor, cu o durata de cca 0 s&ptimana, echipa fiind format din 3 ~ 5 experti (e.g. reprezentantul CE - Andrei Corneliu FILIPOIU, experti ai EASA si SM UE). Acestia ar urma sa verifice implementarea cadrului legislativ si normativ, precum si asistarea (alituri de piloti) in cazul efectuarii eurselor aeriene pentru a se asigura de corectitudinea tehnicilor aplicate (Ilucru pe teren), Rezultatele evaluarii ar urma si fie comunicate pe parcursul urmatoarei reuniuni a Comitetului pentru siguranta aeriand din aprilie 2019, care ar urma si se expun asupra decizic de sistare a dreptului de a opera zboruri in spajiul aerian curopean, sau inaintarea unci liste de actiuni, care ar urma si fie intreprinse de Guvern/AAC pentru a evita \cluderea {ari in ,,lista neagri”. In context, s-a sugerat implementarea Regulamentului (UE} 1f.965/2012 de stabilire a cerintelor tehnice sia procedurilor administrative referitoare 1a operatiunile aeriene. fiind un element important in supravegherea sigurantei avia; Calendarul indicativ de parcurgere a etapelor premergitoare ludrii decizici aratd astfel: serisoa adresaté directorului AAC - Radu Bezniue). Cauzele lans ro uae 29 octombrie Sedinta tehnicd preparatorie de instruire a parti MD privind UE/RM asteptirile Comitetului pentru sigurana aerian 14 noiembrie Prezentarea pozitici RM (Sefului AAC) in fata plenului Comitetului = RM pentru siguranta aeriana Luarea deciziei Planului de efectuare a unei misiuni de evaluare in UE RM Tanwarie ~ februarie Efectuarea misiunii de evaluare echipei formati din experti ai UE/RM 2019 Comisiei Europene, EASA si statelor membre UE. Martie 2019 Redactarea raportului de evaluare UE Aprilie 2019 Prezentarea raportului de evaluare membrilor Comitetului pentru UE. siguranfa acriana, cu inaintarea unei liste de actiuni/tecomandari Aprilie—noiembrie Realizarea actiunilor de edtre autorititile MD RM 2019 Noiembrie 2019 pentru siguranfa aeriani de UE acordare/interzicere a dreptului de survolare a operatorilor aerieni MD in spatiul aerian european. Evaluarea este faicuti in baza standardelor internationale, care sunt mai joase decét cele curopene. Printre criteriile evaluate se numara si eficienta coopera cu partea UE. Ascunderea oricdror informatii relevante cazului se descurajeazA (citez: Don’ hide information, hecause experts will find it out and this is seen as an unwillingness to collaborate. It is really advised not to play games!). In cazul in care partea MD intémpind deficiente (si in viziunea interlocutorului — crede ci exista), suntem incurajati si le expunem, pentru a le evalua impreund si, dupa caz. oferi asisteny pentru imbunatitire — Excluderea transportatorilor aerieni/aeronavelor din “lista neagra” este anevoioasa si poate fi realizata avind dovezi suficiente si convingatoare, care si ateste gradul inalt de sigurania aeriana. Conform practicii, statele pot ramane in lista pret de mai multi ani, Printre acestea se numard: Kazahstan (exelus recent), Kirgizstan, Indonezia (exclusi din lista neagra dupa mai bine de 8 ani), Filipine, Andora, Nepal, Afganistan, Ar fi regretabil, dac& si R. Moldova s-ar regisi printre ele.; — in vederea pregatirii parfii MD pentru reuniunea respectiva, CE va convoca in data de 29 octombrie, la Bruxelles, o sedinfa tehnic& de instruire a reprezentanjilor AAC. Scopul edinfei este de a oferi detalii privind informajiile care ar fi binevenit si fie expuse in faja plenului Comitetului pentru siguranfa aeriand, asteptarile de pe urma reuniunii s.a.; Cu titlu aparte, dl BOMBAY a comunicat despre ingrijorarea partii UE fay de zvonul circulat per intern privind intentia concedierii dlui Radu BEZNIUC din functia de Sef al AAC, apreciind noutatea ca fiind ,0 idee foarte rea”. ,,Our feeling is that this guy knows what he is doing. It is up to the Government to decide how to proceed, but given the experience of other countries the replaced ‘persons sometimes prove to be worse. Tell your Government not to do that mistake!” Diui a mai adiugat c& ar fi binevenit ca actualul Sef al AAC si se prezinte personal in cadrul reuniuni Comitetului pentru siguranfa aeriand pentru a arta progresele intreprinse in perioada conducerii institufici (Acest mesaj este reflectat in ultima scrisoare Areas(2018) 5326390 din 17.10.2018). CONCLUZI: Subiectul siguranfei aeriene trebuie tratat cu maxima seriozitate pentru a evita includerea transportatorilor aerieni MD si/sau a anumitor aeronave in lista neagra” si astfel interzice accesul lor in spatiul aerian al UE. Pe Kinga institutia de resort (AAC), este important ca gi Guvernul si cunoasca riscurile la care este expusd fara. Reuniunea Comiterului pentru sigurana aeriand din 14 noiembrie este organul deliberativ cu drept de decizie asupra masurilor, care vor fi intreprinse in cazul R. Moldova. Prin urmare, este imperativ ca R. Moldova si aduci argumente convingitoare care si previni includerea ei in lista neagra, optind pe sugestia CE de # accepta misiunea de evaluare, planificata pentru inceputul anului viitor, Pentru a susfine pozitia ,arii, se recomanda si participarea Ambasadorului MRMUE in cadrul reuniunii respective, pentru a oferi semnal plenului Comitetului despre importanta acordata subiectului dat Aspectele legate de siguranta aeriand vor fi discutate si in cadrul clusterului 3 din 8 — 9 noiembrie curent. Eugen CARAS Ambasador Elaborat: C. Avornic, Secretar 1 COMMISSION EUROPEENNE Brussels, MOVE.DDG2.EaAr Mr Octavian Nicolaescu Director Department of Aviation Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 Tel: +373 22 823 500 Fax: 1373 225291 18, Email: decay, gov.nd Subject: MoLbova — update of the Community list of air carriers subject to Re perating ban within the European Union in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 Dear Mr Nicolaeseu. The EU Alt Safety Committee met from 13 10 15 November 2018 in Brussels in order to Update the list of air carriers on which the European Commission Ine imposed an operating ban under Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005. (cllowing the unanimous opinion of the EU Air Safety Committee the European Commission formally adopted today the Regulation amending Regulation (FC) No 374.2006 of 22 March 2006, establishing the Community list of uit canine which are subject to an operating ban within the Union. This Regulation will fe published tommorrow or one of the following days in the Official Journal of the European Union and Will enter into force the day after publication. A eapy of the lst may be accessed at the following website huipy ‘’modes/air/safetv/air-ban‘index_en.htm, he situation of the air carriers cenified in Moldova was examined during this meeting Ap excerpt of the Regulation with the resitals pertaining to Moldova attached. 1 need to underline that the decision not to impose al this stage any operational ceed ans on air carriers certified in Moldova remains subject to fusther improvements and the demonstration by the Civil Aviation Authorily of Moldecs (CAAM) of its income acctfy the air cariers and to conduct oversight activities on those ey carriers ‘im compliance with the relevant international safety standards Otc Babu Sve pest Comms. G48 Bites, BELGOUERELGIE Te «32 2as01011 tice: M24, S76 Tl cree =329 286 9 ot ‘Based on the discussions led during the technical meeting of 29 Octone 2018 and the peta of 13 November 2018, the Commission and the Air Safety Committee have weir the evidence provided by CAAM about its organisation’) seucre, about its mote lance activities, about the civil aviation legal framework in Moldova ‘and its future developments. in addition, the Commission and the Air Safery Committee have noted the information provided, during the hearing of 13 November 2018, by the Moldavian air carriers dir Miotdowa and leratranscargo, with respect to the commitment of Improving their safety performance. While there are no grounds at this stage which would require the amendment of the list of ovarviers which arc subject to ar. operating ban within the Union f9 include air carriers at frad in Moldova, 1 see however the need for an on-site assesarens visit before the ermnceting oF the Air Safety Committe planned for 2-4 App 2018, The Commission irends to earry out, with the assistance of EASA and the support ‘of Member States, this vst i Moldova in the fist part of February 2019, In this context [would be grateful if you could contirm your availability My services will prepare a Teams of Reference (TOR) forthe vst which will contain the Composition of the assessment team, the objective. the specific issues, the assessment Srethodology, the timetable, the reporting process as well as any other important details eomming the mission, You will be provided with this ToR in due time before the visit. Finally, 1 would like to reiterate that the Commission remains committed to its policy of engagement with the CAAM. | would like to ask you to acknowledge receipt ofthis letter and keep me informed on Irhur developments, Please address all correspondence by e-mail ® Andrei FILIPOIU (Andrei-Corneliu. Filipoiu@ec.curopa. cu) who is the case handler for Moldova in the Commissions’ EU air safety list team. Yours sincerely, ——————— Fitip CORNELIS Trrclosure: Excerpt of the Regulation pertaining to Moldova CC: HE. Fugen CARAS Mr Peter MICHALKO Ms Audrone PERKAUSKIENE Mr Klaus WINKLER Mr Carlos BERMEJO ACOSTA Mr Harvey ROUSE Mr Patrick KY Ambassador, Head of the Mi Republic of Moldova to the EU’ mn of the Head of EU Delegation in Moldova BEAS, Ilead of Division EURCA.EAST.1 EU representative. ICAO. MOVE.DDG2.E2, Ilo DG MOVE.A2, Hot EASA, Executive Director Annex Excerpt of the Regulation rexarding Moldova Air carriers from Moldova 08) _ By letter of 27 September 2018, the Commrsston informed the Civil Aviation Wy honty of Moldova (CAM) about cerain safety comeerts relied ty the att aan fied by CAAM. Atte same time the Commission notified © AN aie apenung oF ennstkations parsant to Arte 32) of Regulation (EC) No 478.2006 (oo) On 12 Oetober 2018, CP sutivities performed in respeet of the air caries Pant three years as well a about the oversight eordeted in respest the air earner ir Maldon AM informed the Commission about the oversight ertfied in Moldova during the (67) Based on information available at present including FASA’s TCO authorisation Baestonent the ramp inspections condueted, hy whe Member States within the SARA, prveramme andl calommation provided by CANN, the Commission spoilers that CAM shoud father develop ts inspection anaes of the air arrrore fr thigh Ht has centficatinn axl ersight responses tex) On 29 Oetober 2018, she Commission, RASA, CAAM and repre ae of ae Viuflone held a technical mecting Dusing that mecing, CAAN provided ‘Mtommanton on its surveillance activities, including, its plans as regards the Faeruiiment and araining of technical personnel an! its strategie approach Hruprove its surveitanee capability. tr Moldova provided jntornee con how it aerating with the eonicerns pointing wa presumed lack af anpeAPENS SS ety se inthe company awich were raed in saew of certain SABA Findings tov) In view of the safety deficiencies identified. the Commissin invited CAAM sind the air earriets ir Mokdove and Aerotranscarae For 0 hearing before the Air Safety Committec im avcordance with Article 701 Rewulation (EC) No si Toons. Such hearing took place on 13 November 2018. CAAM presented its Srgmnsational structure, anetuding details on its workloree, and provided ae goal the viv a¥vatir legal framework jn Moldova and is re ‘Rreclopmnetts, ibstiading the implementation of the “Common 10 ate Awa Nprvemen Retwee the Europea Uni ad is Metab Si and the Republic seeders) Aeoraing 1 information preided by CAML in 2008 font IHU legislative acts vere transposa ato the Mtdevan maton eg station and an fre planned fe transposition i the course oF 2019 additional seventect (70) Daring the hearing. CAAM undertook to keep the Commission tinuously dntormed about is oversight activities and actions taken to 1mpnye vil aviation sifety in Moldova, CAAM confinned that it would weleame and support a Union Onsite assessmient vist! fo Moldovss ayy 382, 20 10.2012, 9.3 ay (py (3) ay (78) (76) ay During the hearing, dir Moldova presented the structure and functioning of its quality management system and its safely management SYS'eh I also informed seat mmission and the Air Safety Committee about the processes a! © trad put in place to ensure the safety of its operations, including hazard identification, flight data monitoring and risk assessment and mitigation, Air Moldova provided explanations about its investigation concerning the serious incident involving one certs aircraft inthe landing process at Rome Fiumicino Airport in 2017, as well oe the safety actions it had taken immediately after that incident During the hearing, Aerotranscargo provided information Oa its safety management system, flight data analysis process and safely performance eaeaees, In particular, it communicated specific details in respect (0 8 safety performance and safety assurance ‘The Commission intends to carry out, with the assistance of EASA and the support of Member Sites, « Union on-site assessment VK ‘Moldova to verify sre cenifieation and oversight of air cariers by CAM is conducted in Compliance with the relevant international safety standards, ‘This on-site saree ment visit will focus on CAAM and on selected Moldovan sir carne Even though it is clear that the various deficiencies identified will need EvGjfication, they are not of a nature yet that would warrant te inclusion of air vSrriers trom Moldova in Annex A to Regulation (EC) No 474/206 Based on information currently available, in accordance with the commet criteria et oat in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2008, the Cornmisston therefore er iders that at this stage there are no grounds for amending the list of air confers which are subject to an operating ban within the Union by inclu carriers from Moldova. Member States should continue verifying the effective compliance of Moldova rth the relevant international safety standards through prioritisation of ramp inspections to be carried out on air carsors certified in Moldova, pursuant (0 Regulation (EU) No 65/2012. fany relevant safety information indicates that there are imminent safety risks as fn eonsequence of a lack of compliance with international safety standards, the ceeisission might be obliged 0 take further action, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005. AUTORITATEA AERONAUTICA CIVILA, ORDINaor. 196/INT din 19 noiembr Chisinau 2018 Privind aprobarea Planului de actiuni in scopul pregatirii pentru vizita misiunii EASA in trimestrul | al anului 2019 in temeiul prevederilor Regulamentului privind organizarea si functionarea Autoritatii Aeronautice Civile, aprobat prin Hot&rérea Guvernului Republici! Moldova nr. 645 din 07.08.2014, ORDON: 1. Se aproba Planul de actiuni potrivit Anexei la prezentul. 2. Sectia juridicd si resurse umane s& aduca la cunostina tuturor_persoanelor mentionate nominal in Anexa, sub sermnatura, prezentul. 3. Prezentul Ordin intra in vigoare din data semnarii. Director Octavian NICOLAESCU 3 7 ‘Anexa la Ordinul nr. 196/INT din 19.11.2018 Planul de actiu elaborat in scopul pregatirii pentru misiunea EASA din trimesteul 12019 Perioada Termenul epee Aciunea/ activitatea Persoana responsabila | Teen catre conducerea L _ ARC Directia operatiuni de zbor Revizuirea procesului de certificare | [ (AOC review) a operatorlor Cargo / PAX _ Fly Pro | nn, Nicolau /S. Muntean | 30.11.2018 | nls ane —— odatala Oscar Je M, Nicolau /S. Murtean | 31.01.2019 dou ele saptamani Teers Avia IM, Nicelau /S, Muncean | 26.02.2019 Aerotranscargo IM, Nicolau /5. Murtean | 30.03.2019 | nitierea procesbiui de angajare a | pina la personaiulul in functiile vacante ‘Blekancu Gardagevet | suplinire Revintea Panu de vaiWw OP) scone pun | edatila | pentru 2018 ~ 2019 si asigurarea ee 30.11.2018 doua ee Wir Curilova realizar acestuia = __saptamani fiaporrea juan dats la I oceduriorinerne (esac bee | 1.042019” dous seer Pd saptamani_| i erie whe sep ~edatt Nicoue Burs | _ implement Reguamenuu | MeCREB | sony 2618 {say ievtaves proeedirioe meme He ; data la Directiei operatiuni de zbor (a Nicolae Baru 18.12.2018 Elvira Curtiova | Revizvirea resurselor umane disponibile feolas Baru pentru asigurarea necesarului de fees Elvira Cuiilova | im domenist operation ©] ism Corasevici | Evaluarea Sterne “eiplementarea noir regenera) inspector | powive o data la al inretiaess a operato“lor (in parale! ae termeniior doua cu Directia operaguni de 209 Anciel Cobare dino} al | sAptémani | Efeciarea inspectillor planificate sad | |e | ‘A. Sistemelor de management ai | ryne! MEGaraton: “Opomei| Areca | 28.122008 | Air Nicolae Culeva } B. Organizatillor de iotretinere “Sky | Nicolae Buzu t | Technics”, “VALAN ICC Andrei Cebanu | 28.12.2018 1 Nicolae Culeva | Te, Imspeci Ge navigabliiae ale 1 H | | aeronavelor Embraer ER)- - || Reo As asao232 enooogs | Nebedura | | Bewng 3747400 RAL Ramey Ka | “Meicetar | 28.12.4018 | 327 ER-KGA, Mil Mi-8 ER-MHD, ER- Deed | er | | D. Inspect’ SANA ale unor aeronave | Nicolae Buzu doce ae “Ar Motina’ “ty One’ | Anercebams | 28122018 | Aerorranscargo”. “Air Stork” | lnstruirea suplimentard a inspeciorlo | ode: ebanw odata ta 9 Deel roveabinate | otvind “Siva faiean | 300042019 |” dou race anoiber Boal saptimani Implerentaea evaluasii ciscalor la] AndveiGebanu >) © data la pvanificarea anuaié a inspector Nicolae Culeva | 15.12.2018 doua [ins Vial Sevaru | sAptamani initierea procesului de angajare a. ; | pand la setsonajuli in Funcyile vacante Aerandru Gardasevid | suplinire Revizuivea procedurilor interme § Nicolae Buzu | 12 elaborarea Airworthiness Inspector | Andrei Cebanu 15.12.2019 Handbook J Igorfarba | | Realizares preves reglementari C1 AMC & GM 1 Blaboverea 3 jeocere ‘er paren ce se ceed lr | oat ta 13 actiunite necesare pentru Vasile Saramet doua molemenaves Aeordulul —_privind s8ptimani | spay Aerian : a | : “Aprezeniatea— Rapovtului pining | 1 | realizarea actiunilor pentru Vasile Saramet | 19.11.2018 | ranspunetea Aneel lz Acord | Borezentarea Plarului de aciuni T pentru transpunerea Anexe' It pentu | Vasile Seramet 19.11.2018 | unitar ani 2019 = eh _ ‘prezentares Raportull lunar plivind | | progresul inregistrat la anspunerea : data la Anew ils a. prevesedor din) YOSIESBAM — | ay r2.2619 |” doua Aranjamentele de cra inwe EASA si saptimani [AAC 7 | i * cg, 96512012 Nicole BY | Seog aor9 | oaathla | Elvira Curva | Hl M4 {ina in dova Vasile Saramet aes \ oe vwgoare) —sSptamani | leg rams | i | 2. Aprobarea 01.02.2019 | unit Industria - 5 . i oe 1 Tce nforat irouv'a prvine —“SIEBEME | ory 201g | uta ____aprobarea HG 831/201 Lo B i 4 de warsms pertrs conlii | yas gaa I | puolce prowiee cheame &— YSIESEEME | g5.94.2019 | ynitar | L cm _ See Arama | | | Reg.1321/2014 privind = mentinerea | vavigabiteai aeronavelor sa] Nicoize Buu — | 01.03.2019 | 6 gata ta | 15 | Produseler. reperelor si dispozitivetor Vasile Saramet HG priving dous “| aeronautice ai autorizarea, Oleg Arama transpunere a | sptanant mnreprinderiior si 2 personatului ce aéreiCebanu | Reg 132! avribugiin domeniu ____ | ___| = Reg, 78/2014 de sable a normelor | 31.03.2019 | de” punere Tn aplicare _privind | Eiaborarea Ci centiicarea pentey ravigebitiate si | aviearea | mediu a aeronavelor si a produselor, | proiectuilui de | [pices 5) ectpameriear ferent, wicca Baay | Hamsounewea | || precum s° cenifcarea organization de | yteceem, | reguiamertul } 16 | proiectare si productie ‘Oleg Arama fui wa doua | ARSED suporuut | stptamani } | Proecul | tehnie de sister la : | warspuneree f cst | Ree 8 a g. 376/2014 privind ri | Mingaquotenimcenecs, | YaileSaeet entail | privire la evenimentele de aviate civila Dan See SroTzore: ane | A, Elaborare proiect Vasile Saramet | ‘0 data la | Dan Stratan 26.11.2018 | doud a - __saptimani B. Consular publice Vasile Saramet 0 data fa Dan Seatan 27.11.2018 doua saptamani | € Trasmiveres penvaaprobare | o dati la { Vasile §aramet 31.12.2018 doua 4 saptamaci Modificarea —-Manwalilui de ag | management al AAC (cu retetire Ta| vaca saramet | procedure Joint inspections pe | pareursul activiagi ouside RM) selaborarea proiectului Ordinului ‘Vasile Sarame T Nastefamimet: | 49.112018' [_Alenandru Gascasevici saducerea la cunostinta inspectoriior | tw ARC | Serstanan voting aot | _ i Serviciul inspectii aeronave strine unitar Tinatorarea _ neconform . data la 19 | segmental RAMP io ur Aare coe doua scandardizare LASA | ee __ | sapcamani Aisactia roalomantsri Sanviriul caean!ls shanilne ef ehutsraealvare Canvicinl canton ealitari 20 {200°3-€ SSF Programe: preventare conceotuala 2 ceea (e insesmna SSP_ elaborarea si prezentarea Draft-ului 3 managerulu ae Prage Ge acini sent Dan Statan Vesite Saramet Cristina Novac 31.12.2018 o data la doua saptamani EUROPEAN COMMISSION EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova 11-15 February 2019 Regarding the Civil Aviation Authority of Moldova (CAAM) and certain air carriers under its supervision: IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA” CA “FLY PRO” SRL CA “TERRA AVIA” SRL. Final Draft Report (Dated 20 March 2019) Report on the EU Safety Asessment Visit to Moldova — ebraary 2019 AL. Part A Introduction This report, divided into five parts, contains the conclusions of the EU safety assessment visit to the Civil Aviation Authority of Republic of Moldova (CAAM) and the ait carriers IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA”, CA “FLY PRO” SRL and “TERRA AVIA” SRL. Part A contains a general overview: Part B contains the conclusions concerning CAAM:; Part C the conclusions concerning IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA”; Part D the conclusions concerning CA “FLY PRO” SRL and Part E the conclusions concerning “TERRA AVIA” SRL. The safety assessment was conducted by experts from the European Commission, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Member States of the European Union under the auspices of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 of 14 December 2005, ‘The Aim of the visit The aim of the visit was to verify the satisfactory implementation of measures taken by CAAM and whether certification and oversight of air carriers by CAAM is conducted in compliance with the relevant international safety standards. ‘The mission aimed to confirm that CAAM has addressed the root causes of the safety concerns and is able to conduct effective oversight of air carriers certified in Moldova. In addition, the visit will seek to confirm that CAM is able not only to confirm compliance safety regulations but is also able to detect any significant safety risk within an air carrier, and act in an effeetive manner to contain the risk, There will be a particular focus on ensuring that those directly responsible for air carriers certified in Moldova are correctly following CAAM procedures and the Moldavian national civil aviation legal framework. The mission will also seek to confirm that the air carriers sampled are able to ensure compliance with the Moldavian Civil Aviation Regulations and that the air carriers are able to adequately control and supervise its operations to ensure that the operations are carried out in accordance with ICAO standards. ‘The air carriers should be able to identify and take effective action concerning any safety risks to their operation, EU Team ‘The EU team comprised of the following persons: Entity Member Designation European Commission Mr Andrei FILIPOIU (AFI) Team Leader EASA Mr Piotr MATYSZEWSKI(PMAT) | Air Operations EASA Mr Jose sae MARTIN SANZ Kesisaeees "EU Member State RO | Mr Cristian Paul OLINESCU (CPO) | Flight Standards Page 2 of 59 Report on the FU Safety Assessment Visit 0 Moldova February 2019 Ad. AS. AG. Areas reviewed In order to achieve the aims of the on-site visit the following main areas within CAAM and the air carriers were reviewed a) CAAM ~The organisation and resources; ~ Aviation regulations; = Personnel licencing and training; = Oversight of air operators; ~ Safety Management: = Training and standardisation of inspecting staff. b) The air carriers = Quality Management Syste = Safety Management System; = Personnel licensing and training; = Airworthiness Management System; = Operations Management System. Reference Documents The following reference documents were used by the team: = Annexes 1, 6, 8, 13 and 19 to the Chicago Convention. ~ Relevant ICAO Doe's = Relevant Moldovan civil aviation laws; = CAAM Procedures; = The ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Report of September 2009; = The report of TCO on-site audit from 2017; = The ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission report of August 2014. Observations In the course of the visit the Team made a number of observations concerning the areas under review. The observations are described in the body of the report and are listed in the Appendices. The observations were presented to the management of CAAM, IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA”, CA “FLY PRO” SRL and “TERRA AVIA" SRL during the closing session of the on-site phase. CAAM and the air carriers remain responsible for taking appropriate actions in their lity should they consider it necessary. area of responsi Page 3 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visi to Moldova ~ Febuary 2019 AT. AB. Ad. CAAM, IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA”, CA “FLY PRO” SRL and “TERRA AVIA” SRL are invited to provide any follow-up reports to the European Commission concerning the actions taken as a result of this report. Limitations The purpose of the visit was not to conduct a detailed safety audit of CAAM nor of the air carriers under its oversight. Given the limited time available to the team and the fact that the ‘team members could only sample, review and analyse information and documentation made available it is possible that some safety issues may not have been identified during the Overall Assessment ‘The team has made a specific assessment of both CAAM and the air carriers in relation to the common criteria described in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005. However, the team has not made any recommendation regarding the applicability of the common criteria, and team members are not responsible for any subsequent decisions taken by the ‘Commission and Air Safety Committee on the basis of the report Distribution ‘The distribution of the report is as follows: Parts A, B, C, D and E: ~The Aviation Director, DG MOVE, European Commission; = The Members of the Air Safety Committee; ~The Chairman of the Board and DG of CAAM; ~The Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency; — Head of EU Delegation, Chisinau, Moldova. Parts A & C onl = Tulian SCORPAN, Accountable Manager ~ 1S CA “AIR MOLDOVA"; Parts A & D onl ~ Valentin PODARILOV, Accountable Manager ~ CA “FLY PRO” SRL; Parts A & E only: ~ Grigore GHILAN, Accountable Manager — “TERRA AVIA” SRL. Page 4 0f 59 Report on the EU Safty Assessment Vist 0 Moldova ~ February 2019 BI. B2, Part B Civil Aviation Authority of Moldova Introduction This part of the report of the EU assessment visit to Moldova contains the conclusions of the visit to the CAM, Scale of aviation activity in Moldova Currently there are 73 aireraft registered in the Civil Aircraft register (23 large airplanes, 12 airplanes bellow 5.700 kg, 32 helicopters and 5 balloons), 12 valid AOC’s, 190 valid pilot licences (ATPL ~ 90, CPL ~ 70, PPL(A) ~ 30), 350 maintenance technician licences, 17 flight dispatcher licences and 60 air traffic controller licences. CAAM has approved 18 foreign Approved Maintenance Organizations (15 — with EASA certificates in FU, 3 approved by CAA). There are 2 Approved Training Organisation in Moldova. Also, CAAM has approved 15 foreign Approved Training Organizations for pilot trainin ICAO Audits In November 2009 the results of the audit carried out by ICAO under the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) demonstrated some degree of ability of the authority responsible for the safety oversight of air carriers certified in Moldova to implement and enforce the relevant safety standards, with an effective implementation of 55.51 per cent. Following the USOAP, the Republic of Moldova submitted a corrective action plan. The action plan submitted was reviewed by ICAO and it was found that the majority of the findings and recommendations were correctly addressed. In September 2011, the Republic of Moldova signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ICAO regarding the USOAP CMA. According to the MOU, Moldova agreed to an ICVM, which was eondueted in February 2014. The purpose of the ICVM was to evaluate the status of implementation of the latest corrective action plan of the State on the USOAP Findings and Recommendations. The ICVM team reviewed the progress of the State in addressing 291 PQs in the areas of LEG, ‘ORG, PEL, OPS, AIR, ANS and AGA. Following this review, the status of 117 PQs was changed to satisfactory and that of 10 PQs to not applicable, which resulted in an overall El of 71.2 per cent. The Republic of Moldova is ranked 35/56 in the European Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR) with respect to overall effective implementation. Within this group, 85.71 per cent have reached the target of 60 per cent El of 74.4 per cent. The Republic of Moldova rates below the average of RASG — EUR. Page 5 of 59 Rept om the EU Safety Assess Vist to Meldova~Febraary 2019 BA. Aviation Regulations ‘The Republic of Moldova has promulgated the Civil Aviation Law No. 1237/1997, which ‘was enacted and published in the Official Journal 69-70/S81 of 23 October 1997. This law defines the Aviation Authority as the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, establishes CAAM as an assisting entity to the Aviation Authority (ie. the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Art. 5 Para. 2), empowers the Aviation Authority to make safety regulations and to ensure compliance without political interference, empowers the Aviation Authority to define technical and operational standards and empowers CAAM to take enforcement actions when necessary (Art. 5 Para. 9) ‘The provisions of the ICAO Annexes are transposed into the national legislative framework through Civil Aviation Requirements (RACs), Joint A\ Requirements (JARs), ‘Technical Requirements (CTS), Operational Directives (DOs) and other normative acts which were approved by the State Administration of the Civil Aviation (SACA)/ Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Transport Ageney (TA)! Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure (MTRI) depending on the period of adoption. ‘At present, following the 2013 changes of the Aviation Law. the attributions for the regulation of certification and authorization activities in the field of civil aviation were given to the Government. The transfer of these competences resulted in a lack of possibility to amend the RAC and JAR, and as a consequence all these elements have led to a legislative void ‘The RACs largely implement the ICAO Annexes. The last update of RACs was done at the end of 2013, since then, some of the RACs have been updated through technical requirements (CTs), operational directives (DOs) and other normative acts, which were approved by the Director General of CAAM (Art. 5, Para. 3, e) of the Civil Aviation Law No. 1237/1997). Due to the time since the initial publication and the last update of the RACS, it could not be ascertained that all amendments of the ICAO Annexes have been integrated into the Moldavian regulations. Obser jon (2019) BOL Moldova has adopted a number of RACs and Technical Requirements. Since the last update of the RACS, these regulations are not in accordance with the latest amendments to the ICAO Annexes. Currently CAAM is in a transition period and is working on the implementation of the EU regulations according to the Common Aviation Area Agreement between Moldova and the EU signed in 2012. Between 2012 and 2017 only 15 EU Directives’ Regulations were transposed into Moldavian legislation. During 2018, CAAM made some efforts and transposed 15 EU Directives/ Regulations, including Regulation (EC) 216/2008. In March 2018, the new Air Code of Republic of Moldova (Law 301/2017), which transposes the Regulation (EC) 216/2008 was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova. As a consequence of the adoption of the new Air Code, another 12 EU Regulations ‘were transposed into Moldavian legistation, as follow: Page 6 of 59 Report om the FU Safety Assesoment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 BS. Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 by Government Decision (GD) No 831/2018; Regulation (EU) No. 139/2014 by GD No 653/2018; Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 by GD No 462/2018; Regulation (EC) No 300/2008, Commission Regulation (EC) No 272/2009 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 1254/2009 by Law No 260/27.11.2018; 5. Regulation (EC) No 2111/2003, Commission Regulation (EC) No 473/2006, Commission Regulation (EC) No 474/2006 by GD No 780/2018 and MEI Order No 4439/2018 (Approval of Air carriers list); 6. Regulation (EC) No 63/2007 by CAA Order 21GEN/2018; 7. Regulation (EC) No 1033/2006 by CAA Order 17GEN/2018; 8. Regulation (EC) No 1032/2006 by CAA Order 16GEN/2018. In accordance with GD No 1472/2016, by the end of 2019 the following EU Regulations should be transposed into the Moldavian legislative framework: 1. Regulation (EC) No 785/2004, Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 through the Law on insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators (first Hearing in Parliament was on 01.11.2018); Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998, Regulation (EU) No 598/2014, Regulation (EU) No 9962010, Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, Regulation (EU) No 340/2015, Regulation (EC) No 80/2008. In addition, the CAAM has planned for 2019 to draft the transposition of the following lations: 1, Regulation (EC) no. 373/2016; 2, Regulation (EU) No 376/2014; 3. Regulation (EU) n0.923/2012; 4. Regulation (EU) no. 185/2010; 5. Regulation (EU) no.1206/2011; 6. Regulation (EU) no.1207/2011; 7. Regulation (EU) no.1079/2012. CAAM organisation CAAM has its offices located in Chisinau, the main place of business for the majority of aviation activities in Moldova. There are currently no regional offices. CAAM is currently established through the Civil Aviation Law No. 1237/1997 of 9 July 1997, which institutes the competences of the CAAM. CAAM is responsible to assist the ministry of economy and infrastructure and fulfils most of the tasks of the competent authority for civil aviation in Moldova. CAM is a public institution’ legal entity which is financed from the state budget. Organisational chart and staff CAAM currently counts 8 divisions, 4 sections and 9 services, including the: Page 7 of 59 Report om the EU Safety Assessment Visio Moldova February 2019, ~ Air Navigation Division; ~ Airworthiness Division, which include Continuing Airworthiness Section and Certification Section; ~ Flight Operation Division (vacant since 2013; at the time of the visit an interim ‘was appointed); ~ Airports Division; ~ Aviation Security Division; — Rulemaking Division: = Aviation Personal Licensing Section; ~ Aeromedical Service; ~_ SAFA Inspection Service; ~ SMS and SAR Service; = Quality Control Service. In addition, there are 2 deputy directors, one for Control and Oversight of Flight Safety and ‘one for Economic and Intemational Relations. The Deputy Director for Control and Oversight of Flight Safety is assigned the responsibility for air operations, airworthiness, personnel licensing, general aviation, airports and aviation medicine. The Deputy Director for Economic and International Relations post is vacant since 2016, Observation (2019) B.02 The CAA of the Republic of Moldova has established an organizational structure for a division responsible for the certification of commercial air transport operations. Nevertheless, the position of head of the division has been vacant for an extended period of time. According to CAM, there are no delegations to other organizations, CAM conducts all funetions through their own staff or individual designees under their supervision. CAAM has approximately 94 staff of which 52 work in technical areas and the rest are employed in administrative areas. The following inspectors of CAAM are qualified and in training: AREAS CERTIFIED | ONTRAINING [| TOTAL AIR 10 I i ops: a 1 10 PEL 3 0 3 ATM/ANS 3 0 3 AGA 5 0 5 AVSEC 4 1 3 Page 8 of 59 Report onthe EU Safty Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 BS3 MED H 0 i GENERAL AVIATION 2 0 2 __ SMS 3 0 a QMS 30 a ct 4 FACILITIES 3 0 3 Total: | 52 ‘The remaining staff occupy positions in the legal department, human resources department, financial department, and various other (support) departments such as public relations, documentation and information, and administrative and IT support. The levels of staffing are appropriate to the size of the aviation industry in the country. The facilities and tools seem adequate for the current size of the operations of CAAM. CAAM does not have a procedure for determining the amount of required personnel, CAAM shall develop a method to calculate the number of staff necessary to carry out the respective functions in the operational areas. All areas should use this methodology during the preparation of their business plans. Observation (2019) B.03 CAAM does not have a procedure for determining the amount of required personnel. CAAM shall develop a method to calculate the number of staff necessary to carry out the respective functions in the operational areas. All areas should use this methodology during the preparation of their business plans. ‘Management Manual CAAM has developed in 2014 a Management Manual. The manual is voluminous and contains information that is not reflected the main activities of the CAAM. It was identified that activities that are stipulated in the Management Manual are not followed by the inspectors. Some of the activities did not reflect the main objectives of the departments. Observation (2019) B.04 It was identified that activities that are stipulated in the Management Manual are not followed by the inspectors. Some of the activities did not reflect the main objectives of the departments. CAAM should update the Management Manual in accordance with their responsibilities as reflected in the Moldavian Civil Aviation Code Quality Control Service The tasks and duties of Quality Control Service as presented in CAAM’s Management Manual do not correspond to the activities of such a service. this manual, it was ian. The CAAM has created an elaborate quality manual. While reviewin; observed that some chapters are written in English, some in Russian and Ron manual contains information that does not replicate the international quality standards. At Page 9 of 59 Report onthe FU Safery Assessment Visi to Moldova ~ February 2019 the time of the visit there was no procedure in place to describe how the internal procedures of CAAM should be developed. The manual describes only the process of surveillance of carriers quality systems. It was identified that the procedures applied by the CAAM inspectors are not audited by the Quality Control Service. Observation (2019) BOS ‘The implementation of a stronger quality management function within CAAM would be beneficial to support the organisation in creating a set of manuals that are practical and that are in line with the current international safety standards. This quality management funetion could also have a role in standardising inspection methods, reports and findings. ‘Recommendation (2019) BOI According to the national legislation, the official languages accepted in Moldova are Romanian and Russian, All the internal documents used by the CAAM staff should be developed, at least, in Romanian and Russian. Financial resources CAAM became a public institution financed from the state budget at the beginning of 2019. Previously, it was a legal entity with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy. The new organisational form brings new challenges for the CAAM. According to the law on the unitary pay system in the Moldavian budgetary sector, particularly in the aviation branch, there is no room for salary increase in the next years. According to the statements of CAAM representatives, the existing methodology in pay calculation is based on the “base salary”, an amount much lower than an appropriate pay scale in aviation. The salary law guarantees as of 2019 the medium salary of 2018 for the personnel employed at that time. For new employees, a supplement amount could be applied. CAAM considers that this approach blocks the possibility to adopt a meritocratic policy by inereasing salaries on an annual basis. In addition, according to the new salary law in the budget sector, the (net) salary of a main specialist is around 320 EUR or 390 EUR for a chief inspector (even if belonging to the Flight Operations Division). According to the same law, given the specifics and complexity of the activity, an additional 110% of the funds is assigned for providing salary bonuses from the state budget, which are calculated according to the basic salaries of CAA employees. ‘Taking into account the provisions of the new law, the average salary of a main specialist or chief inspector within the CAA may reach a maximum of approximately 680 EUR for one main specialist and around 820 EUR for a chief inspector within the Flight Operations Division. In comparison, in 2018 the average salary in the CAA was approximately 1350 EUR. Paze 10 of 59 Report onthe EU Safty Assessment Visit o Moldova ~ February’ 2019 BO. B61 B62 Personnel licensing and training Introduction Personnel licensing related act managed by the Aeronautical Personnel s, including approval of training organizations are icensing Section and the Air Medici Service. ‘The team reviewed the personnel licensing system, including the administrative processes, for the issuing, revalidation and renewal of licences and associated ratings, conversion and validation of foreign, flight simulation training devices (FSTD) qualification and user approvals, English language proficiency requirements, theoretical and practical examinations and the aeromedical system. ‘The number of valid licences under the responsibility CAAM was approx. 787, sub-divided in: - ATPL(A) 90 licence holders; - CPL: 70 licence holders; - PPL 30 licence holders; - FSL: 187 licence holders; - ATCO: 60 licence holders: ~ Maintenance Technicians 350 licence holders; ‘Training of personnel is ensured as follows: ~ 3approved TO = 16 recognized TO Medical examinations are carried out by 3 aeromedical examiners approved by CAM, of Which 2 are located in the Republic of Moldova and one in Asia. Regulations and Guidance Material ulations by means of ICAO Annex 1 provisions have been transposed into national reg several regulations. The regulations for licensing of pilots, aireraft mechanies and flight engineers are based on the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) regulations, as for air traffic controllers Eurocontrol ESSAR 5 regulation is used. Observation (2019) B.06 Republic of Moldova licensing regulations are based on Joint Aviation Authorities requirements for pilots and maintenance personnel, which are used as both requirements and procedures, being referred by means of national regulations. Since the cease of JAA, licensing regulations were not amended and as a consequence they do not allow for the implementation of the last ICAO Annex | amendments. Furthermore, no clarification has been issued by CAAM regarding the status of JAA member states. As a consequence, conversions and validations of foreign licences are performed without meeting the requirements, which cannot any longer be used. In addition, for air traffic controllers, the applicable regulations are based on EUROCONTROL regulations, as a consequence full compliance with Annex | is not ensured. Page 11 of 59 Reporton EU Safety Assessment Vist to Molva ~Feuary 2019 B63 The Aeronautical Personnel Licensing Section has established and implemented processes and procedures, including guidance material and checklists, to enable its staff members to effectively accomplish their duties. The procedures are contained in a specific manual of the Aeronautical Personnel Licensing Section, including procedures for the validation and mutual recognition of foreign licences and also for the designation of flight examiners. Licensing procedures are available for the staff on intranet. All licensing regulations and forms are published on CAAM website, As of 28.11.2014, under EASA & Moldova Working Arrangements, art.7, CAAM is bound to accept without any other formalities certificates issued by EU member States. Licensing administration and record keeping In the area of personnel licensing, the CAAM has established requirements on the knowledge and experience of the personnel licensing staff. The Aeronautical Personnel Licensing Section is having 4 staff, one position for fight examiner being vacant for more than 7 months. Observation (2019) B.07 CAAM — has not established a method to determine the human resources needs in relation to licensing activities which should take into consideration not only the activities performed in relation to licensing but also the trends of the aviation industry. Furthermore, an order by Ministry of Transportation is limiting the number of stafT for each department of CAAM. CAAM has established a training programme for its personnel to ensure adequate knowledge for its licensing staff. Training records are maintained in personnel files that allow for the tracking of training planned and received. CAAM appoints, for a three-year period. designated flight and practical examiners from the industry to perform examinations on its behalf. Observation (2019) B.08 CAAM — has established a formal training programme for its PEL staff. The training programme is of general applicability for all staff, without mentioning of specific training courses needed for oversight activities (¢.g. auditing techniques). Furthermore, as the PEL section has only one staff responsible for monitoring activities of examiners for pilots, air traffic controllers, adequate training should be ensured. In addition, OJT does not contain any ndications on how this part of initial training is finishing. With respect to personnel licensing processes, all licences and ratings are of the expiring type, having various periods of validity with a maximum of five years. Renewals of ratings require theoretical examinations, flight checks or recent proof of experience, as applicable All applications are sent to the Aeronautical Personnel Licensing Section, where the assessment process is carried out. Records are kept within the Aeronautical Personnel Licensing Section in secured conditions, ‘ensuring all information for each holder is in chronological order. Records are kept for 5 years after expiry date, afterwards being archived. Page 1 of 59 Report ont B64 B66 EU Safety Astesoiet Visit to Moldova ~ February 21 icences and ratings Pilot licences and associated ratings are issued based on JAA requirements ~ JAR FCL | for aeroplanes pilots, JAR PCL 2 for helicopter pilots and JAR FCL 4 for flight engineers. No amendments have been issued since JAA has stopped its activity. issuance, revalidation or Al applications related to pilots are submitted to CAAM for renewal of licences and ratings. All theoretical knowledge examinations are carried out by CAAM, using national data base for PPL exams and European Central Question Bank for professional licences. Military experience is credited for the issuance of pilot licences Recommendation (2019) B.02 JAA requirements do not provide any indications or guidance for renewal of expired ratings, which are carried out based on operator's internal safety documentation. This procedure do not allow for a standardized approach for the renewal of the same ratings. Licensing of air traffic controllers Air traffic controllers are licensed based on Eurocontrol regulations (ESSAR 5) which are implemented into the legal system by reference through a national regulation. All applications related to ATCO are submitted to CAAM for initial issuance, revalidation or renewal of licences and ratings. The student ATCO licences are issued based theoretical examinations provided by CAAM. ATCO licences and associated ratings are obtained and maintained based on practical tests performed by ANSP ATCO examiners, Surveillance activities of ATCOs are performed by Air Navigation Section. which are assessing the performance of ATOCS are of very general nature. Observation (2019) B.09 Republic of Moldova has adopted, for the ATCO licensing, the Eurocontro! ESARR 5 standards, approved to be used through RAC APL. No additional procedures and guidance material have been established by CAAM to provide sufficient information for its staff to accomplish their duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, the requirements for examiners icensing of maintenance personnel Licensing of maintenance personnel is carried out based on national regulation which makes reference to JAA regulation, e.g. JAR 66 for aircraft maintenance staff and JAR 147 for training organizations. Since the cease of JAA, no further amendments have been issued. + Refer to Observation (2019) B.O1 Page 13 of 59 Report on the FU Safety Asessmen Visi to Moldova February 2019, B67 fF to ensure clear Additional procedures have been established by CAAM for its licensing guidance for implementing the licensing regulations. All applications are submitted to CAAM. Theoretical knowledge examinations for initial issuance are organized and carried out by CAAM whilst the examinations for extension of privileges are carried out by the training organizations, Military experience is credited for the issuance of aircraft maintenance licences. Conversion and validation of foreign licences Republic of Moldova has issued regulation for recognition of foreign licences, through issuance of validation certificates of the foreign licences or by issuance of national licences based on conversion of the foreign licences. Recognition of foreign licences is reflecting the licensing regulation, ice, it is based on JAA regulations. As a consequence, conversion of foreign licences is depending on the validity of the initial licence, different requirements being used for JAA and non-JAA States. In practice, CAAM is considering all States as non-JAA, except for the EU Member States for which EASA and Republic of Moldova Working Arrangements provisions are applied. Furthermore, validations of non-JAA licences is limited to one year, without the possibility of further extension unless there is an agreement of JAA Member States. In practice, CAAM ng another validation certificate of the licence, in contradiction with the national is iss regulation. During the interviews and sampling of individual files, the team has verified a Confidential Safety Report received through EASA concerning the conversion process of foreign licences by CAM. The legal basis for conversion of foreign licences, as explained above, is based on JAR FCL requirements, ie. on a system no longer applicable, Republic of Moldova has not amended the licensing regulations since the cease of JAA, as a consequence, the conversion of foreign licences is carried out considering all States as non-IAA, except for EU Member States for which the MOU with EASA is in force. Following the conversion process a national licence is issued, which, being based on JAR FCL requirements, is considered as, “JAR FCL”. The affirmation from the CSR that JAR licence cannot be issued is false, as in Republic of Moldova the only licence which can be issued is JAR FCL as explained above. Any conversion of an ICAO licence (Russian licence being ICAO licence) is finalized with the issuance of the Moldovan licence. The current situation of conversion process in Republic of Moldova has been identified in the Observation below. Furthermore, the CSR has also identified possible problems concerning the English language assessment, ‘The system for evaluation of English language proficiency for pilots has been verified, an Observation being raised (B.11) concerning the tests used which have not being changed since approval of the system, the objectivity of the assessments being questionable. In addition, the third information contained in the CSR concerns one of the visited operators, ic. FLY PRO, in relation with the training of pilots. Currently, pilots training if carried out in one training organization recognized by CAAM, a user approval having been for the FSTD. issued on behalf of this operator. As a consequence, the situation raised by the CSR was probably based on an intemal conflict Page 14 of 59 Report onthe EU Safty Assessment Vist o Moldova February 2019 B69 B6.10 Observation (2019) B.10 CAAM has established a system for recognition of foreign licences, through validations or conversions. The actual practical situation differs from the regulated one, due to the MOU of, recognition signed between EASA and CAAM for the recognition of EU member States certificates and also due to the cease of JAA and the mutual recognition system. The legal framework was not updated to reflect the current situation. Furthermore, one sampled validation certificate of a flight dispatched did not include instructor privileges which that person has performed within one airline, Flight simulation training devices - FSTDs Republic of Moldova has adopted the JAA regulation concerning the qualification of synthetic training devices JAR FSTD A for aeroplanes and JAR FSTD H for helicopters. In practice, the FSTD used by air operators are recognized automatically if issued by EU Member States, user approvals being issued based on the original qualification certificate of the national competent authority. English language proficiency CAAM has developed and implemented a system to evaluate the English language proficiency of its pilots and ATCOs. Only English language is endorsed in the licence. As a consequence, pilots flying VFR do not have a language endorsement in the licence, in contradiction with the national applicable regulations. For air traffic controllers, the English language proficiency is evaluated by the ANSP using the Eurocontrol ELPAC system. Pilots are evaluated by a system developed and managed by ANSP, several tests being developed when the system has been approved but never amended since. Observation (2019) B.1T English Language assessment is carried out by ANSP. For ATCOs Eurocontrol ELPAC system is used. For pilots, specific tests have been developed and used, however, these tests were never been changed since approval. Furthermore, the only language endorsed in the pilot licences is English, PPL licences being issued without any language endorsement. ‘Theoretical and practical examinations ‘Theoretical knowledge examinations for the issuance of licences are generally organized and conducted by CAAM, through the Licensing Section. All examinations are computer based organized in accordance with a procedure developed by CAAM. Concerning professional pilots, theoretical knowledge examination are conducted using the European Central Question Bank, managed by CAAM under agreement with EASA. For private pilots examinations, CAAM has developed a national question bank which has never been amended. For revalidation of ratings, the theoretical knowledge examinations has been delegated to air operators, Page 15 of 59 Report onthe FU Safty Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019) B6.IL In case of air traffic controllers, theoretical knowledge examinations are carried out by CAAM except for 2 disciplines which are performed by the training organizations and accepted by AAC In case of Aircraft maintenance licences, the examinations is carried out by CAAMfor only 2 disciplines, for the other disciplines the examinations conducted by training organizations being recognized. No evidence could be provided to demonstrate CAAM is conducting surveillance of the delegated tasks. Observation (2019) B12 CAAM has implemented a dual system for theoretical knowledge examinations. For some categories. e.g. air traflic controllers theoretical exams are carried have been delegated to organizations, however, no surveillance system could be demonstrated. In addition, for revalidation of pilot licences, the theoretical knowledge examinations are partially carried out by the operators, without a documented surveillance form the AAC. Plight and practical examiners have been designated by Order of CAAM, based on national regulations. The list of approved practical examiners is published on CAAM websit Candidates for designation as flight or practical examiners must hold the pertinent licence and ratings and meet the experience requirements stated in the applicable national regulations. The validity period of the designation is three years. Practical examinations of ATCOs is performed by designated examiners from the ANSP. Flight examinations are given either by CAAM flight examiners or by externally designated examiners. Supervision of the performance of flight and practical examiners is ensured only at the initial and the renewal of the designation. CAAM does not have a procedure and a surveillance programme for performing oversight of CAAM designated examiners to ensure that the examinations are consistent and reliable. Observation (2019) B.O13 Practical examinations are carried out by designated examiners. No guidance material has been developed to provide CAAM inspectors enough information for these activities, including the frequency for such activities for each category of examiners. In addition, CAAM has not established and documented a surveillance system of the practical examiners, performance of the examiners being assessed only for revalidation of examiners certificates, Aeromedical system Medical examiners are designated individually by CAAM after an evaluation performed by the medical assessor. Aviation medical examinations have been delegated either within the Republic of Moldova or to medical examiners from other ICAO Contracting States. Page 16 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 All medical assessments performed in the Republic of Moldova are issued by the designated medical examiners to the medical assessor of CAAM in electronic format, using a password- protected computerized system which ensures the confidentiality of the data. JAR FCL 3 standards are used for medical certificates class 1 and 2. The original documents of the medical assessments performed by foreign approved designated medical examiners are sent via secure mail to the Air Medical Service within CAAM Medical files are kept in digital format, using a password-protected computerized system, available to both the CAA medical assessor and approved medical examiners. CAAM has appointed a medical assessor responsible for the review of medical reports submitted by the medical examiners designated by the CAAM. Both the medical assessor and the designated medical examiners have extensive initial and recurrent training, including aviation medicine training. In addition, practical experience, such as observation in a flight simulator, personal flying experience or observation of ATC activities, is required. A recurrent training programme is being implemented, which includes partici: seminars organized by CAAM and attendance at various aviation medicine conferences. ion in refresher Surveillance activities of designated medical examiners are conducted through the analysis of the submitted documentation, however, onsite inspection are performed only before the renewal of the approval. Observation (2019) B.14 CAAM has developed and implemented a system for the designation and oversight of aeromedical examiners. Continuous oversight is carried out only by the analysis of medical files being submitted by AMEs, as the inspections are carried out only for revalidations of AME certificate. Furthermore, for class 3 medical there are no limitations established through the national legal framework, B6.12 Training Organizations Training of aeronautical personnel is carried out by training organizations approved or recognized by CAAM. All training organizations located in the EU are recognized without any other formalities. Training organizations located outside EU must be inspected by CAAM before recognition. ‘The list of those training organizations is published on CAAM website, ‘The regulations for the approval of pilot training organizations is based on JAR FCL 1 for aeroplanes pilots and JAR FCL 2 for helicopter pilots. For aireraft maintenance licenses training, provisions of JAR 147 are used. However, for the approval of training organizations for air traffic controllers, the requirements are of very general nature, without any additional guidance being established by AAC. Furthermore, as the regulations have never been amended since the cease of JAA, there are contradictions between the requirements of the national regulations which are specific to the JAA system and the current situation based on agreement with EASA. Specific procedures for the surveillance of training organizations have been developed. However, the surveillance programme has not been effectively implemented to ensure continuing compliance with the approved requirements. In addition, during the evaluation of Page 17 of 59 Reps om the FU Safety Assessment Visi 0 Moldova ~ February 2019 BT. BUA air operators, evidence was found of training conducted by training organizations not being recognized by CAAM and included in the list published on CAAM website. Observation (2019) BIS CAAM has established a system for certification and recognition of training organizations. The list of certified and recognized training organ is published on CAAM website, However, during the assessment of air operators, evidence was found other TOs were used which were not part of the recognized TOs. Furthermore, for ATCO TO, the national regulation requirements are only of very general nature, without providing detailed requirements. In addition, even if surveillance activities have been conducted, the traceability is not ensured to demonstrate the full implementation of the annual surveillance plan. CAAM oversight of air operators Certification The Flight Operations Division has introduced procedures for the certification of air operators as part of the Flight Operations Division Manual, currently at issue 03, revision 00 approved 9 January 2019. Some specific procedures were also included in the Management Manual For the certification of air operators, CAAM has introduced procedures follow the ICAO five phase approach. A review was conducted of two certification files. The first case included an initial certification and the second an update the operations specification by removing one fleet and replacing it with another of a different aircraft type. ‘The five phases (as defined by ICAO) have been reviewed, including pre-application, initial phase, document evaluation, inspection and certification, The first sampled case revealed that the five phase certification process has not been strictly followed. ‘The formal application for the AOC process was submitted to CAAM on 16 November 2016 ‘with the AOC itself being issued on 30 November 2016. The operator intended to operate a single B747-200 cargo aircraft. This means that the full certification process took only two weeks. The overview of the specific certification activities revealed that some of the inspections, being part of the 4th phase, were completed only in December 2016, after the issuance of the AOC. These activities included amongst others a ramp check, line check, an audit of the flight dispatch. It is worth mentioning here, that the operator itself is located in Chisinau, Moldova with the aircraft and all the operations being based in Sharjah, UAE. However, the above mentioned inspection have all been done in Baku, Azerbaijan, Not a single inspection/audit was performed in Sharjah, the secondary base of the operator, as part of the certification process. It is also worth noting that some documents (e.g. Operations Manual Part A) were approved before the date of the formal application, The sampled certification file included also minutes of the certification committee mecting ~ a group of experts recommending the issuance of the AOC for the operator in question. According to the evidence, the meeting took place on 29 November 2016. Furthermore, one of the Page 18 of 59 Report om the EU Safety Assessment Visit Moidova~ Febrry 2019 documents used in the certification process is listing all the relevant phases of the inspection phase. This document is managed by the certification team leader. According to the intemal procedures once this document is completed the team leader signs it with his recommendation to issue the AOC. The form was finalised and signed on 15 December 2016 —after the issuance of the initial AOC. The second sampled case revealed that the five phase certification process has not been strictly followed. The formal application to amend the Operations Specification was registered by CAAM on 17 July 2017. The operator intended to remove the A320 form the Operations Specification and replace it with two B747-400 aircraft in passenger configuration. The updated Operations Specification listing one B747-400 was issued on 19 July 2017. On 20 July 2017 the CAAM issues the Operations Specification listing already the two requested B747-400 aircraft. The certification file included the approval of the maintenance system (equivalent to a continuing airworthiness management organisation approval) which was issued on 18 August 2017 — after the date the updated Operations Specifications were issued. The on-site inspection phase (including amongst other a ramp check, in-flight inspection and release of flight/dispatch) was performed on 22 July 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The ramp inspection revealed seven discrepancies which should have been rectified before the issuance of the updated Operations Specification. As part of the assessment it was not possible to determine when CAAM approved some of the documents pertaining to the addition of the new fleet e.g. Operations Manual Part A. There was a general issue with the traceability of the approval process of the particular revisions of the OM-A. Only the checklist related to the latest OM-A revision could be presented. There was no checklists for OM-A revisions approved at the time of the certification process. Furthermore, it was determined that the Operations Manual Part B — aircraft specific procedures, was only submitted to CAAM for approval on 28 July 2017 — after the issuance of the updated Operations Specification. The document was approved on 16 February 2018. No checklist could be shown for this process. The Minimum Equipment List was submitted to CAAM for approval on 28 July 2017 —after the issuance of the updated Operations Specification. On 1 August 2017 CAAM has issued decision to allow the air cartier to operate its aireraft without an approved MEL under the condition that all inoperative equipment will be repaired before each departure. On 29 September 2017 the CAAM wrote a letter to the operator explaining that the MEL contains ‘many mistakes which need to be corrected before the document ean be approved. The MEL has been finally approved on 13 February 2018. No checklist could be shown for this process. Observation (2019) B.16 The Flight Operations Division has established procedures that include through technical evaluation that lead to the approval/acceptance of required procedures, documents and operations however, the mentioned procedures were not followed. This is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases, evidence of a review done to operational documentation could not be presented prior to the issuance of an updated Operations Specification, Page 19 of 59 Ay Assessment Visit to Moldova ~Febnuary 2019 Report the EU S Observation (2019) B17 ‘The Flight Operations Division did not ensure that all elements of the flight safety documentation system are approved before the issuance of an air operator's certificate. Th is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases several documents of the said system have been approved after the issuance of the AOC. Observation (2019) B18 The Flight Operations Division did not ensure that all required audits and/or inspections are performed, in order to establish compliance with applicable regulations, before and air operators’ certificate can be issued. This is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases, part of the verification audits were performed afier the AOC has been issued. As part of the visi, the special approval process was also assessed. It was determined that the Flight Operations Division has approved changes in OM-B of one operator, pertaining to the use of an Electronic Flight Bag without receiving a formal request from the operator to obtain such a special approval. There is a comprehensive process established for the approval of the EFB but it was not followed. Observation (2019) B.19 The Flight Operations Division has not implemented procedures for approving spec authorisations to be granted to air carriers. This is substantiated by the fact that for one operator the Flight Operations Division has approved manuals that included procedures | pertaining to a special approval for which the air carrier has not yet officially applied for. Another element assessed during the visit was the cooperation of the CAAM divisions in the certification activities. CAAM has established procedures, in their manuals, for a peer review of some documents before they can be approved, However, it was assessed that these procedures are not followed. In the sampled cases of OM-B an MEL approval processes, there was no evidence of the Airworthiness division taking part in the initial review of these document before issuing the approvals. Observation (2019) B.20 ‘The CAAM has not implemented procedures for coordination with other relevant areas in the process of air operator's certification. This is substantiated by the fact that there is no exchange of information between the Flight Operations Division and the Airworthiness Division in the process of approving documents e.g, MEL, Operations Manual Part B. As previously noted, there is a general lack of traceability in the sampled records. For many approved manuals the Flight Operations Division could only present checklists related to the latest approved revision of a particular manual. Apart from the approval pages of the previous revisions or editions, no evidence could be shown of any assessment done leading up to the approval of the mentioned manuals. Furthermore, in most cases there was no record of any exchange of communication, related to discrepancies in the reviewed documents, Page 20 of 59 Report cn the EU Safety Assessment Vist to Moldova ~ February 2019 BI2 between the operators and the Flight Operations Division in the process of approving manuals. Also the available checklist almost never included any remarks regarding the reviewed documents, It is therefore determined that CAAM is not fulfilling all its safety responsibi ing operators to perform international commercial air transport Surveillance of air operators and other entities ‘The Flight Operations Division has established a surveillance programme for the air operators it has certified, The programme included scheduled inspections/audits for the sake of the annual AOC renewal. The programme included also in-flight inspections and audits to the FSTDs. The Flight Operations Division could show performance of some ad-hoc inspections called “random” but there was no explanations in documents why these were performed. Overall there is no policy in place to base the surveillance programme on risk and adjust it based on e.g. the complexity of an operator or the results of previous oversight activities. Furthermore, there were no established procedures on the exchange of surveillance results between the divisions within the CAAM. There was also no evidence of such an ‘exchange taking place, Observation (2019) B21 The Flight Operations Division has not implemented, as part of the surveillance policy and programme, requirements to base the surveillance programme on risk, complexity or size of the operation and results of previous oversight ac Observation (2019) B.22 ‘The Flight Operations Division has not implemented, as part of the surveillance policy and programme, processes and procedures for coordination among its different divisions for the purpose of adjusting the surveillance plan, It was assessed that there is no surveillance programme for the oversights of entities involved in the transportation of dangerous good by air other than air carriers. The Flight Operations Division could not show evidence of performing any inspections of this type since 2015 with some operators being certified to carry dangerous goods by air. Observation (2019) B.23 The Flight Operations Division Moldova has not established a surveillance plan to include regular and random inspections to all entities, except air operators, involved in the transport of dangerous goods by air. The Flight Operations Division has implemented a system for controlling the results of surveillance activities. The system was based on an Excel spreadsheet. The system was proven to be up to date and effective in controlling the discovered non-conformities, ‘As part of the assessment visit, the team performed an industry visit to check the effectiveness of the surveillance and oversight activities as performed by the CAAM. The Page 21 of 59 Repo om the BUS ty Assessment Visi ta Moldova ~ February 2019 B73 industry visit revealed several issues, of different magnitude, in all the visited undertakis ‘These uses are considered of such a nature that they should have been discovered by the CAAM as part of the certification/surveillance activities. It was assessed that all the areas which generated the most issues were recently audited/inspected by the CAAM without revealing any discrepancies. It is therefore determined that the established surveillance programme is infective in recognising safety issues related to the operators certified by CAAM. Observation (2019) B.24 ‘The Flight Operations Division has implemented a surveillance plan to oversee the operators it has certified. However, the surveillance has been proven ineffective. This is substantiated by the fact that the industry visits revealed many issues in the undertakings which should have been detected by the CAAM as part of their surveillance obligations. Approval of modifications and repairs CAAM has established an Airworthiness Inspection Division (AID) which is organized in ‘two sections, the Continuing Airworthiness Section and the Certification Section, Current organization structure including the lines of responsibility has been approved by regulation, ‘The regulation describes the functions and responsibilities of the AID as well as the job descriptions of aircraft register staff and airworthiness inspectors. By regulation the number of staff allocated to AID is limited in number independently of the workload assigned to the Division. imum The CAAM has issued and approved a procedure to establish the appropriate mi qualifications and experience requirements for airworthiness inspectors. ‘The initial requirements were met for the airworthiness inspectors checked, this including two recently recruited staff. ‘The AID of CAAM has developed an internal procedure for the initial and recurrent training vorthiness inspectors which identifies the training requirements. In addition, a formal training programme is developed yearly, this including the training subject and the staff 10 atiend. However, when cross-checking the requirements against staff training records and training programmes it was evident that the recurrent training delivered does not comply with the established requirements. In addition, the AID of CAAM could not demonstrate to have a system in place to control compliance with the applicable procedures regarding t Observation (2019) B.25 ‘The training programs put in place by AID of CAAM were found not in compliance with the established associated procedures and not sufficient for the airworthiness staff to maintain the required level of knowledge, skills, competence and qualifications. In addition, AID of CAAM has not developed a system to control that the established training programmes are appropriately implemented for airworthiness. A review of the certification and re-certification process for operators and maintenance organisations was carried out. Procedures and checklist are available for airworthiness staff to conduct these assignments in a standardised manner. A yearly planning was available and Page 22 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Vist to Moldova ~ February 2019 AID of CAAM demonstrated full execution of the established oversight plans, these including re-certification and oversight visits of operator and maintenance organizations and aircraft inspections. However, while reviewing a sample of re-certification and oversight audit files the following observations were raised, Observation (2019) B.26 CAAM has established procedures for the review and approval of maintenance programs. However, it does not ensure that in every case the maintenance programs are based on the information made available by the organization responsible of the type design. This is substantiated by the fact that, despite the fact that some aircraft registered in the Republic of Moldova are operated clearly outside the utilization figures established for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Reports and Maintenance Planning Document issued by the organization responsible of the type design, no evidence was available to demonstrate any action taken by the Airworthiness Division regarding this issue. In addition, even though non-conformities are raised during the review process of the maintenance programs, the Airworthiness Division should ensure that an appropriate follow up of these non-conformities is carried out and the new set of documents is not approved until all identified deficiencies are rectified. This is substantiated by the fact that non- conformities were raised during the re programmes reviewed but the following revision was approved while most of these non- conformities were not rectified. w carried out of one of the maintenance Observation (2019) B.27 The Airworthiness Division of the CAAM have established an appropriate surveillance program for the certified operators. However, the audits or inspections could be strengthen as the assessment team discovered issues in the industry visit that should have been identified by surveillance audits. The AID of CAAM approves modifications and repairs for the aircraft in their registry. A sampling was carried out and records were available of an appropriate review of the applications before approval. However, AID of CAAM has not yet approve a procedure for the approval of repairs, which have been drafted Observation (2019) B.28 AID of CAAM would benefit from the approval of the already drafied procedure for the approval of repairs. ‘When reviewing the certification and re-certfication process for operators it was evident that the interface and necessary share of information between the AID and the Operations Division has not been properly implemented in CAAM. In particular, the following observations were identified. Page 23 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova February 2019 BB. B81 Observation (2019) B.29 Procedures, guidelines and/or checklists should be developed to strengthen the process of approval of all airworthiness related aspects of the Minimum Equipment List, which is leaded by the Operations Division, Observation (2019) B.30 CAAM has put in place procedures for the authorisation of operators to conduct operations in areas requiring RVSM and for the conduct of low visibility (CATIVCATII) instrument approaches. However, these procedures are executed without the involvement of the Airworthiness Division to ensure that @ proper evaluation of the aircraft, equipment reliability and maintenance procedures is carried out before these approvals are granted, The AID of CAAM is reviewing reliability programmes and associated data while ‘conducting the on-site audits on a yearly cycle, however there is no ongoing surveillance of the existing reliability programmes or attendance by AID to the air operator's periodic meetings. Observation (2019) B.31 The rel programs and reliability data are assessed by the CAAM when conducting recertification or surveillance visits. However, the AID of CAAM would benefit from the development and implementation of an ongoing surveillance of the operator's rel programs Safety Management System and Search and Rescue Service State Safety Program ‘The Effective Implementation of international safety standards in Moldova stands at 71.2 per cent, according to the results of the ICVM of 2014, Therefore, Moldova has to develop a State Safety Program (SSP). CAAM with the support of EASA developed a GAP Analysis and Implementation Plan for SSP in June 2017. According to this plan, the first task should have been completed by the ‘end of December 2017. To date/ until the end of this assessment visit, none of the tasks established in the plan were implemented Observation (2019) B.32 CAAM with the support of EASA developed a GAP Analysis and Implementation Plan for SSP in June 2017. The start of the implementation of the SSP in accordance with the developed plan is still pending, Page 24 of 59 ‘Report on the EU Salty Assessment Vist to Moldova ~ February 2019 CAAM developed a Safety Policy and is at the fourth edition. The policy was developed in English and no version in Romanian or Russian was available at the time of the visit. Before the end of the visit a version in the official language was made available ‘The accident and incident investigation function used to be within CAAM. In 2011/ 2012 a separate division within the Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure (MPRI) was created. Currently, in accordance with the Civil Aviation Law no 1237/1997 (Art. 4, Para 3, i) the accident and incident investigation function was assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. However, in accordance with the Moldavian legislation, the occurrence reports should be sent to the CAAM and to the investigation division from MTRI From 2012 until the date of the visit, the occurrence reports were collected in conformity with the RAC-REAC and recorded in ECAIRS. In 2017, only 3 occurrences reports out of 122 have been investigated/ analysed, while in 2018 from 119 occurrences reports only 5 have been investigated/ analysed. During 2018, CAAM started to implement the Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 and for this purpose a specific procedure for the evaluation and analysis of safety data was developed. At the time of the visit this procedure was not yet approved, Observation (2019) B.33 In 2017 CAAM received 122 occurrence reports and in 2018 another 119 reports. Out of these, only 3 reports have been evaluated/ analysed in 2017 and only 5 reports in 2018, It would be beneficial for the CAAM to develop an internal procedure to establish the framework for the evaluation/ analysis of the occurrence reports. CAAM developed procedures for Hazards Identification and Risk Management (HIRM). However, during the investigation process of the occurrence reports these procedures were not applied. CAAM has also developed the procedure for the Management of Change, but for this procedure the risk management principles were not applied. Observation (2019) B34 CAAM should re-evaluate the Hazards Identification, Risk Management and Management of Change procedures and update them in accordance with the international safety standards. CAAM has developed a specific procedure for the evaluation of the safety managers of a civil aviation entity. The evaluation of the safety managers is done in accordance with this procedure and the evaluation process is well documented. Nevertheless, while the procedure assigns specific attributions to the Director-General of CAAM, it was approved at the level of the Head of Flight Safety and SAR Service. CAAM has not developed any procedures related to safety promotion. However, efforts were made in the last years to organise workshops together with the industry. CAAM used to also publish Safety Bulletins, with the last one released in 2014. Page 25 of 59 Report onthe EU Safety Assesment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 B82 Search and Rescue According to the Management Manual the Flight Safety and SAR service is in charge of the fulfilment of the SAR function. During the visit, it was identified that the ICAO Annex 12 is not transposed into the national legislation. In July 2018, a working group was established by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, including representatives of CAAM. The group has developed a GAP analysis concerning the Moldavian legislation in the area of SAR, Observation (2019) B35 ‘The Management Manual stipulates that the Flight Safety and SAR service is in charge of the fulfilment of the SAR function. At the level of the CAAM, no intemal procedure with respect to the SAR process is developed. B9, Training and Standardisation of Inspecting Staff. ‘The Flight Operations Division has established a training policy and schedule. A sample check of all the performed trainings, including initial and OJ revealed that all of them were performed as planned. However, the established training programme was assessed as not detailed enough and not fully developed. Some of the trainings, as included in the programme, inchided only a list of topies to be covered but without specifying time needed to be spent on each of the specific elements. This is also applicable to the OJT as it did not list the amount of exercises needed to be performed to complete the OJT. Observation (2019) B36 The Flight Operations Division has established a training programme for its flight operations inspectors. However, the training plan does not specify the exact hours that need to be spend on each training element as part of the initial inspectors” training or as part of the on the job B10. Enforcement ‘The Flight Operations Division could not present any examples of enforcement actions taken against certificate folder. There were no evidence of any fines, limitations, suspensions or revocations of issued approvals/certificates. Observation (2019) B.37 The Flight Operations Division has not implemented an effective enforcement policy. This substantiated by the fact that up to the time of the assessment there have been no cases of fines, limitations or suspensions imposed on air carrier certified by the State. | B11, Overall Assessment CAAM has followed a traditional approach to aviation safety and has yet to embrace modern aviation safety management techniques. However, progress has to be made in order to have a strong safety oversight system in place. The legislative framework has to continue to be updated, Largely the RACs cover all the ICAO annexes, with the exception of Annex 12 and Page 26 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Vist o Moldova ~ Februny 2019 Annex 19. The assessment concluded that not all amendments of ICAO Annexes have been integrated into the Moldavian regulation. Currently, CAAM is working on the plementation of the EU regulations in accordance with the Common Aviation Area Agreement between Moldova and the EU signed in 2012. ‘There is considerable work still to be done, but the current management of CAAM was clear in the expressed aspiration to see CAAM become more capable and effective in its day to day work, Nevertheless, CAAM still lacks the implementation of sound internal mechanisms and procedures to translate the existing legal and technical framework into the routine it is desirable for CAAM to implement a qu: activities of the organisation. ‘Therefore, management function. ity The Effective Implementation of international safety standards in Moldova stands at 71.2 per cent, according to the results of the ICVM of 2014. CAAM with the support of EASA had developed a GAP Analysis and Implementation Plan for SSP. CAAM has to start the implementation of the SSP in accordance with the developed plan. Licensing activities are performed by the Aeronautical Personnel Section and Aeromedical Service of CAAM, ensuring, in general, the implementation of licensing responsibilities of Republic of Moldova as an ICAO Contracting State. However, the regulations need to be revised to allow full implementation of latest ICAO Annex | Amendments and also to reflect the Agreements concluded with EASA. Furthermore, the procedures have to be amended to establish a system for oversight of delegated theoretical knowledge and practical examinations. In addition, record keeping was identified as another area for improvement, in particular, to ensure traceability of for the surveillance activities. The Flight Operations Division, in general, has established good internal processes and procedures however these were not followed, as showed by examples. Therefore, the effective implementation could not have been proven. The assessment has identified areas needing improvement, in particular, strict adherence to the certification process, better tractability of manuals review and approval and strengthening of the surveillance obligations of the division. The AID is organized in two sections, the Continuing Airworthiness Section and the Certification Section. The training programs put in place by AID of CAAM were found not in compliance with the established associated procedures and not sufficient for the airworthiness staff to maintain the required level of knowledge, skills, compete qualifications. The audits or inspections conducted by AID could be strengthen, as the assessment team discovered issues in the industry visit that should have been identified by surveillance audits. and The assessment concluded that CAAM has only very limited capabilities to oversee the ificant further improvements are necessary in order to aviation activities in Moldova and si address arising safety deficiencies. Page of 59 Rept om the EU Safety Assessment Visit Moldova February 2019 ANNEX BI to Part B of the EU On-Site Visit to Moldova List of observations and recommendations ‘Observation (2019) B.O1 Moldova has adopted a number of RACs and Technical Requirements. Since the last update of the RACs, these regulations are not in accordance with the latest amendments to the ICAO Annexes. Observation (2019) B.02 ‘The CAAM has established an organizational structure for a division responsible for the certification of commercial air transport operations. Nevertheless, the position of head of the division has been vacant for an extended period of time, Observation (2019) B.03 CAAM does not have a procedure for determining the amount of required personnel. CAAM shall develop a method to calculate the number of staff necessary to carry out the respective functions in the operational areas. All areas should use this methodology during the preparation of their business plans. Observation (2019) B.04 It was identified that activities that are stipulated in the Management Manual are not followed by the inspectors, Some of the activities did not reflect the main objectives of the departments. CAAM should update the Management Manual in accordance with their 3s as reflected in the Moldavian Civil Aviation Code. responsibil Observation (2019) BOS The implementation of a stronger quality management function within CAAM would be beneficial to support the organisation in creating a set of manuals that are practical and that are in line with the current international safety standards. This quality management function could also have a role in standardising inspection methods, reports and findings, Page 28 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visto Moldova ~ February 2019 Observation (2019) B.06 Republic of Moldova licensing regulations are based on Joint Aviation Authorities requirements for pilots and maintenance personnel, which are used as both requirements and procedures, being referred by means of national regulations. Since the cease of JAA, licensing regulations were not amended and as a consequence they do not allow for the implementation of the last ICAO Annex 1 amendments. Furthermore, no clarification has been issued by CAAM regarding the status of JAA member states. As a consequence, conversions and validations of foreign licences are performed without meeting the requirements, which cannot any longer be used. In addition, for air traffic controllers, the applicable regulations are based on EUROCONTROL regulations, as a consequence full compliance with Annex 1 is not ensured Observation (2019) B.07 CAAM ~ has not established a method to determine the human resources needs in relation to licensing activities which should take into consideration not only the activities performed in relation to licensing but also the trends of the aviation industry. Furthermore, an order by Ministry of Transportation is limiting the number of staff for each department of CAAM Observation (2019) B08 CAAM — has established a formal training programme for its PEL staff. The training programme is of general applicability for all staff, without mentioning of specific training courses needed for oversight activities (e.g. auditing techniques). Furthermore, as the PEL section has only one staff responsible for monitoring activities of examiners for pilots, air traffic controllers, adequate training should be ensured. In addition, OJT does not contain any indications on how this part of initial training is finishing. Observation (2019) B.09 Republic of Moldova has adopted, for the ATCO licensing, the Eurocontrol ESARR 5 standards, approved to be used through RAC APL. No additional procedures and guidance material have been established by CAAM to provide sufficient information for its staff to accomplish their duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, the requirements for examiners which are assessing the performance of ATOCS are of very general nature. Observation (2019) B.10 .ystem for recognition of foreign licences, through validations or conversions. The actual practical situation differs from the regulated one, due to the MOU of recognition signed between EASA and CAAM for the recognition of EU member States certificates and also due to the cease of JAA and the mutual recognition system, The legal Page 29 of 59 Report the FU Safety Assessment Visi to Moldova ~ Febuary 2019 framework was not updated to reflect the current situation. Furthermore, one sampled validation certificate of a flight dispatched did not include instructor privileges which that person has performed within one airline Observation (2019) BIT English Language assessment is carried out by ANSP. For ATCOs Eurocontrol ELPAC system is used. For pilots, specific tests have been developed and used, however, these tests were never been changed since approval. Furthermore, the only language endorsed in the pilot licences is English, PPL licences being issued without any language endorsement, Observation (2019) B.12 CAAM has implemented a dual system for theoretical knowledge examinations, For some categories, e.g. air traffic controllers theoretical exams are carried have been delegated to organizations, however, no surveillance system could be demonstrated. In addition, for revalidation of pilot licences, the theoretical knowledge examinations are partially carried out by the operators, without a documented surveillance form the AAC. Observation (2019) B.013 Practical examinations are carried out by designated examiners. No guidance material has been developed to provide CAAM inspectors enough information for these activities, including the frequency for such activities for each category of examiners. In additio CAAM has not established and documented a surveillance system of the practical examiners, performance of the examiners being assessed only for revalidation of examiners certificates Observation (2019) B14 CAAM has developed and implemented a system for the designation and oversight of ‘aeromedical examiners. Continuous oversight is carried out only by the analysis of medical files being submitted by AMEs, as the inspections are carried out only for revalidations of AME certificate. Furthermore, for class 3 medical there are no limitations established through the national legal framework, Observation (2019) BIS CAAM has established a system for certification and recognition of training organizations. ‘The list of certified and recognized training organizations is published on CAAM website. However, during the assessment of air operators, evidence was found other TOs were used which were not part of the recognized TOs. Furthermore, for ATCO TO, the national regulation requirements are only of very general nature, without providing detailed Page 30 of 59 Report onthe EU Safty Assessment Visit to Moldova ebruary 2019, requirements. In addition, even if surveillance activities have been conducted, the traceability is not ensured to demonstrate the full implementation of the annual surveillance plan. Observation (2019) B.16 ‘The Flight Operations Division has established procedures that include through technical evaluation that lead to the approval/acceptance of required procedures, documents and operations however, the mentioned procedures were not followed. This is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases, evidence of a review done to operational documentation could not be presented prior to the issuance of an updated Operations Specification Observation (2019) BIT The Flight Operations Division did not ensure that all elements of the flight safety documentation system are approved before the issuance of an air operator's certificate. This is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases several documents of the said system have been approved after the issuance of the AOC. Observation (2019) B18 ‘The Flight Operations Division did not ensure that all required audits and/or inspections are performed, in order to establish compliance with applicable regulations, before and air operators’ certificate can be issued. This is substantiated by the fact that for sampled cases, part of the verification audits were performed after the AOC has been issued. Observation (2019) B19 ‘The Flight Operations Division has not implemented procedures for approving special authorisations to be granted to air carriers. This is substantiated by the fact that for one operator the Flight Operations Division has approved manuals that included procedures pertaining to a special approval for which the air carrier has not yet officially applied for. Observation (2019) B.20 CAAM has not implemented procedures for coordination with other relevant areas in the process of air operator's certification, This is substantiated by the fact that there is no exchange of information between the Flight Operations Division and the Airworthiness Division in the process of approving documents ¢.g, MEL, Operations Manual Part B Page 31 of 59 Report on the EU Safty Assessment Visit to Moldova Febvury’ 2019, Observation (2019) B.21 ‘The Flight Operations Division has not implemented, as part of the surveillance policy and programme, requirements to base the surveillance programme on risk, complexity or size of the operation and results of previous oversight activities, Observation (2019) B.22 The Flight Operations Division has not implemented, as part of the surveillance policy and programme, processes and procedures for coordination among its different divisions for the purpose of adjusting the surveillance plan. Observation (2019) B.23 ‘The Flight Operations Division Moldova has not established a surveillance plan to include regular and random inspections to all entities, except air operators, involved in the transport of dangerous goods by air. Observation (2019) B24 ‘The Flight Operations Division has implemented a surveillance plan to oversee the operators, it has certified. However, the surveillance has been proven ineffective. This is substantiated by the fact that the industry visits revealed many issues in the undertakings which should have been detected by CAAM as part of their surveillance obligations Observation (2019) B.25 The training programs put in place by AID of CAAM were found not in compliance with the established associated procedures and not sufficient for the airworthiness staff to maintain the required level of knowledge, skills, competence and qualifications. In addition, AID of CAAM has not developed a system to control that the established training programmes are appropriately implemented for airwort! Observation (2019) B.26 CAAM has established procedures for the review and approval of maintenance programs. However, it does not ensure that in every case the maintenance programs are based on the information made available by the organization responsible of the type design. This is substantiated by the fact that, despite the fact that some aircraft registered in the Republic of Moldova are operated clearly outside the utilization figures established for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Reports and Maintenance Planning Document issued by the Page 32 of 59 ‘Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova February 2019 | organization responsible of the type design, no evidence was available to demonstrate any action taken by the Airworthiness Division regarding this issue, In addition, even though non-conformities are raised during the review process of the ‘maintenance programs, the Airworthiness Division should ensure that an appropriate follow Lup of these non-conformities is carried out and the new set of documents is not approved until all identified deficiencies are rectified. This is substantiated by the fact that non- conformities were raised during the review carried out of one of the maintenance programmes reviewed but the following revision was approved while most of these non- conforn ies were not rectified. Observation (2019) B27 The Airworthiness Division of the CAAM have established an appropriate surveillance program for the certified operators. However, the audits or inspections could be strengthen as the assessment team discovered issues in the industry visit that should have been identified by surveillance audits. Observation (2019) B.28 AID of CAAM would benefit from the approval of the already drafted procedure for the approval of repairs. Observation (2019) B.29 Procedures, guidelines and/or checklists should be developed to strengthen the process of approval of all airworthiness related aspects of the Minimum Equipment List, which is leaded by the Operations Division. Observation (2019) B.30 sin CAAM has pat in place procedures for the authorisation of operators to conduct oper areas requiring RVSM and for the conduct of low visibility (CATIVCATI instrument approaches. However, these procedures are executed without the involvement of the Airworthiness Division to ensure that a proper evaluation of the aircraft, equipment reliability and maintenance procedures is carried out before these approvals are granted. Observation (2019) B31 The reliability programs and reliability data are assessed by the CAA of the Republic of Moldova when conducting recertification or surveillance visits, However, the AID of CAAM ‘would benefit from the development and implementation of an ongoing surveillance of the operator's reliability programs. Page 33 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visi to Moldova ~ February 2019 Observation (2019) B.32 CAAM with the support of EASA developed a GAP Analysis and Implementation Plan for SSP in June 2017. The start of the implementation of the SSP in accordance with the developed plan is still pending. Observation (2019) B33 In 2017 CAAM received 122 occurrence reports and in 2018 another 119 reports. Out of these, only 3 reports have been evaluated! analysed in 2017 and only 5 reports in 2018. It ‘would be beneficial for CAAM to develop an internal procedure to establish the framework. for the evaluation’ analysis of the occurrence reports, Observation (2019) B34 CAAM should re-evaluate the Hazards Identification, Risk Management and Management of Change procedures and update them in accordance with the international safety standards. Observation (2019) B.3S The Management Manual stipulates that the Flight Safety and SAR service is in charge of the fulfilment of the SAR function. At the level of CAAM, no internal procedure with respect to the SAR process is developed. Observation (2019) B.36 ‘The Flight Operations Division has established a training programme for its flight operations inspectors. However, the training plan does not specify the exact hours that need to be spend oon each training element as part of the initial inspectors’ training or as part of the on the job training, Observation (2019) B.37 The Flight Operations Division has not implemented an effective enforcement policy. This is, substantiated by the fact that up to the time of the assessment there have been no cases of fines, limitations or suspensions imposed on air carrier certified by the State. Page 34 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment to Moldova ~ Febraary 2019, Recommendation (2019) B.O1 According to the national legislation, the official languages accepted in Moldova are Romanian and Russian. All the intemal documents used by the CAAM staff should be developed, at least, in Romanian and Russian, Recommendation (2019) B.02 JAA requirements do not provide any indications or guidance for renewal of expired ratings, which are carried out based on operator’s internal safety documentation. This procedure do not allow for a standardized approach for the renewal of the same ratings. Page 35 of 59 Repart onthe EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova February 2019 c1. C2. Part C IS CA “AIR MOLDOVA” Introduction ‘This report gives details of the visit to the Air Moldova offices in Chisinau (holder of Air Operator Certificate number MD-001, issued on 24 October 2018 and valid until 28 October 2019) performed on 13 February 2019 as a part of the EU Safety Assessment visit. Ait Moldova is the largest commercial operator and is certified under RAC - AOC, Commercial Air Transport Operations. It should be noted that, because of the limited time available, a strategy of relevant sampling was adopted by the team. The team therefore focused on how Air Moldova conducts the management of Safety and Quality systems, the operation of aircraft, the training and licensing of air crew, as well as that of Continuing Airworthiness. ‘Air Moldova provided a comprehensive presentation covering items such as company organisational structure and company development plans. Throughout the visit all discussions were conducted in an open and cooperative manner with a timely response by the airline management team and other personnel for items requested by the assessment team. Company History and future aircraft fleet plans Air Moldova is the flag carrier of the Republic of Moldova and has the main base in Chisinau International Airport, Republic of Moldova. Air Moldova operates regular flights to 25 18 between Chisinau and Europe/CIS/Middle East. Currently, Air Moldova holds about 42% from the air passengers flow registered on the local market. The main activities fare passenger and cargo transportation. Air Moldova is a member of the International Air ‘Transport Association (LATA) and holds since July 2017 an IOSA certificate. In the context of the TCO authorisation process, as of 2016, Air Moldova is authorized to perform commercial air transport operation into, within or out of the EU - EASA.TCO.MDA-0001.01. In addition, Air Moldova is designated as an “Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport” (ACC3) - DE/ACC3/MDKIV-9U. A TCO on-site audit took place from 17 to 18 October 2017. The operator has demonstrated compliance with the applicable ICAO and TCO requirements, however some shortcomings were identified and five (5) findings level 2 have been raised, followed by two (2) ‘observations. AIR Moldova has submitted a corrective action plan to EASA, which was accepted, and the findings have been resolved, The airline operates the following fleet of aircraft 3 Embraer 190; Page 36 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ Fe ary 2019 C3. ca. cs. = 2 Airbus 319; = 2 Airbus 320. Air Moldova is currently working on its development strategy and wants to take in dry lease two Airbus (320 family) in order to open new destinations in Greece and in France. In summer time the traffic increases up to 10 per cent due to the charter flights, Management Structure ‘The management organisational structure was deemed to be typical for an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holder of the size of Air Moldova. There was personnel in place with direct accountability for the management of Safety, Quality, Operations and Continuing Airworthiness. ation of the ‘The team considered that the senior managers interviewed had a good app: relevant issues, as well as a good knowledge of the systems used to manage and control the flight and ground operations and of the continuous airworthiness within the AOC. Flight Data Monitoring Flight Data Monitoring is performed within Air Moldova and the Airfase B3 system is used and is customized for both fleets of Air Moldova. There is a non-punitive policy and the {light data monitoring is used to monitor trends and improve safety and efficiency. Data is collected on a regular basis, twice per week through Quick Access Recorders for both fleets. The data capture rate is above 99%. The data is retrieved by maintenance and the safety department processes and analyses the data. Events and trends are presented in the Flight Safety Analysis Report which is evaluated in the Safety Review Board. Since 1993 Air Moldova performs the FDM programme in-house. Safety Management System (SMS) & Accident Prevention and Flight Safety Programme ‘The Safety department of Air Moldova (Flight Safety Service) consists of 4 employees (1 position vacant since December 2018). ‘The following documentation was sampled in order to conduct the review: = Safety Management Manual (SMM); = Hazards Data Base; = Occurrence reporting system. A review of the Safety Management System was completed using ICAO Doc 9859 as a reference. SMS of Air Moldova is assessed to be in phase 4, full implementation of a safety management system, ‘The safety department of Air Moldova presented the Safety Management System and provided additional information on the topies in the Safety Management Manual, Upon Page 37 of 59 Report onthe EU Safety Assessment Visi (o Moldova February 2019 co. request, the safety department provided supporting evidence on several of these topies, for instance on the safety policy, on the permanent investigation committee, on the hazards data base, on the safety electronically communication platform, on the safety review board and on other topics Recommendation (2019) COT The operator has developed a Hazards Data Base, which is well documented. It would be desirable to share this database with the other divisions (for example Quality, OPS, AIR ete.) ‘Air Moldova has developed since 2016 safety targets, which are reviewed on a yearly basis by the Safety Review Board, According to the SMSM, safety audit should be conducted. These audits are not conducted by the personal of the Flight Safety Services, but by the Quality Department. The checklist used for these audits is the IOSA checklist. It would be beneficial for the operator to involve the Flight Safety Service personnel in the safety audit process. Every two years, the entire operational staff receives a safety training which is delivered by the personnel of the Flight Safety Service. In 2018, a total of 121 persons were trained on safety. The safety promotion activities within Air Moldova are aiming to involve all staff in safety activities. Air Moldova develops Safety Bulletins on a regular basis and they are part of the safety data exchange program by IATA. However, further development is welcome; at the time of the visit no drug and alcohol policy was in place Recommendation (2019) C02 It is recommended for the operator to develop a Drug and Alcohol policy. ‘The Emergency Response Plan is part of the Flight Safety Service, it is managed by the dedicated manager. The head of the Flight safety Service is part of the emergency response committee Quality Assurance An assessment of the quality assurance system was performed with a special focus on the follow-up of the Air Moldova oversight activities and the notified non-compliances follow- up. The training of auditors, the internal quality planning and follow-up of findings were also reviewed. The Quality department of Air Moldova consists of 5 employees. ‘The Quality System at Air Moldova is functioning well. The Quality Manager outlined the Quality System and demonstrated the planning of audits, the results of performed audits and the schedule for the upcoming year. The audit plan is followed and audits and inspections are carried out according to the schedule. In the audit planning for quality, internal and external audits are included. The internal audits are mainly in other departments and at out stations Page 38 of 59 Report on the EU Safty Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 cr. The external audits are the audits third parties are planning to perform on Air Moldova (CAAM, TCO audit, IOSA audit etc.) and Air Moldova plans to provide on its service providers. The Quality Department auditors performed around 53 audits every year and covered all areas of operations, including subcontractors. The following documentation was shown during the visit = Quality Manual; = Reference Manual For OSA: = The Audit Plan; = Assample of Audit reports; = Follow-up of findings. The findings made during internal and extemal audits are recorded in the document management system of the Company in the “Audit Log”. The Audit Log is an electronic recording system that provides systematized data on audits performed within the Air Moldova Quality Assurance Programme, Regarding the follow-up process, it was observed that some of the findings are over dated and the closing dates have been prolonged. Training on quality is fully performed, The evaluation of auditors is carried out by the Quality Manager, as recorded in the forms “Evaluation of internal auditors”. All personnel of the Quality Directorate is well qualified. ‘The Quality Assurance system covering maintenance aspects was sampled. ‘The system foresees findings to be classified in two levels which relate to the required time for the corrective action (7 days for level 1, 90 days for level 2) and also includes the possibility of observations. The audit schedule for the years 2017 and 2018 was reviewed and two audits ‘wore sampled: one at a ground handler (2018) and another one at the Base Maintenance from ‘Aerostar. It could be verified that the audit findings were recorded, followed up and closed. ‘Overall, based on the sample review, it was possible to confirm that a robust and functional Quality Assurance System is in place, with further slight improvements desirable. Maintenance and Continued Airworthiness The following elements were reviewed during the visit of Air Moldova: = Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition and associated procedures; = Maintenance Programmes; ~ Technical records, sampling of records; = Maintenance Control; ~ Reliability Programme and Engine Condition Monitoring: = Storage of serviceable and non-serviceable spare part. Page 39 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit o Moldova ~ February 2019 cB. oo C10. ‘The organization showed a robust and structured system to control the different aspects of the continuing airworthiness, No issues, or shortcomings were identified during the visit. Training and Aeromedical Centre Based on interview with post holders and sampled cases, it was confirmed that initial type training was being done in EASA approved organisations in Romania and Poland. The simulators, for the OPC/LPC were based in Frankfurt and approved to be used by AAC. Furthermore, training of cabin crew and flight dispatchers was being partly performed in Moldova and partially in Romania. Regarding the flight dispatchers training, evidence was found the initial training has not been carried out in accordance with the approved procedures, Observation (2019) COL Air Moldova has established a system to maintain and record training for its staff. However, the sampled files have demonstrated that traceability of initial training for flight dispatcher assistants could not be demonstrated. Furthermore, the initial training programme for this category of personnel involved in operational duties differed from the approved syllabus. In addition, the TO which is providing initial training for this category of personnel, was not recognized by CAAM. Operations Air Moldova uses a computer-based crew scheduling and monitoring system. This system takes into account the validity date of the erew licenses and recurrent training and checking activities, ‘The system in use for tracking flight, duty and rest times had a build-in fiction to record office time of pilots holding also managerial positions within the company. However these feature was not being used at the time of the assessment. When sampling flight dispatchers training record, there was an issue with the traceability of the initial training provided to the dispatchers before releasing them for independent work. Overall Assessment Air Moldova has a well-functioning and solid Safety Management Systems in place that generates useful data to the operator. The Quality Management System is robust and functional, but further slight improvements are desirable. The upper management of the company has a good understanding of these systems and utilises them to identify risks and to take appropriate measures to mitigate the highest risks to acceptable levels ‘The operations are supported by qualified technicians and line stations with maintenance capability. The organization showed a robust and structured system to control the different aspects of the continuing airworthiness. No issues, or shortcomings were identified during the visit Page 40 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ Pebrury 2019 Air Moldova has developed the required manuals containing the policies and detailing the associated procedures which are approved by CAAM. The certified staff are properly trained on the operated types. Air Moldova evaluation has shown a functional management system, improvements being necessary to the quality system to ensure a better traceability of records and to identify any discrepancies in training performed by subcontracted organizations from the approved Operations Manual specifications. The current Operations Manual is reflecting the approved operations and approvals. The organization showed a robust and structured system to control the different aspects of the continuing airworthiness. No issues, or shortcomings were identified during the visi Overall, it was found that the carrier has professional crews and staff with systems in place to manage the various operations. The management receives and acts on presented safety and quality information and analyses, and also disseminates the information and actions through internal publications, electronic and otherwise. Page 41 of 59 Report onthe EU Safty Assessment Visit wo Moldova ~ February 2019 ANNEX J to Part C of the EU On-Site Visit to Moldova List of observations and recommendations Observation (2019) COL Air Moldova has established a system to maintain and record training for its staff. However, the sampled files have demonstrated that traceability of initial training for flight dispatcher assistants could not be demonstrated. Furthermore, the initial training programme for this category of personnel involved in operational duties differed from the approved syllabus. In addition, the TO which is providing initial training for this category of personnel, was not recognized by CAAM. ‘Recommendation (2019) C01 The operator has developed a Hazards Data Base, which is well documented. It would be desirable to share this database with the other divisions (for example Quality, OPS, AIR ete.) Recommendation (2019) C2 It is recommended for the operator to develop a Drug and Alcohol policy. Page 42 of 59 Report onthe EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019, D1. D2. DB. Part D FLY PRO. Introduction This report gives details of the visit to the offices of FLY PRO (holder of Air Operator Certificate (AOC) number MD 023, last issued on 28 November 2018, valid until 30 January 2019) in Chisinau carried out on 14 February 2019 as a part of the EU Safety Assessment visit to Moldova. It should be noted that, due to the limited time available, a strategy of relevant sampling was adopted by the assessment team. The team therefore focused on the continuing airworthiness management, flight operations procedures, safety and quality syster FLY PRO provided an oral overview of the company, based on the organisation chart of FLY PRO, covering as a main item the organisational structure, company mission and development plans. Throughout the visit all discussions were conducted in an open and cooperative manner. F LY PRO has operated in 2017 a total of 102 flights and 403 flights in 2018. Company History and Future Aircraft Fleet Plans FLY PRO is a cargo airline which was created in 2016, The air carrier operates a Bocing 747 = 281SF. The main customers of FLY PRO are the United Nations and its World Food Program, US troops in Afghanistan, National Air Cargo (UAE/ USA), Flying Carpet and DFS Middle EAST FZE. FLY PRO’s mission is to become one of the leading air cargo carriers in the Republic of Moldova, delivering cost effective solutions to international quality standards and to exceed customer requirements through highly qualified people and innovative safety technology and organizational procedures. The airline is planning a midterm extension of the fleet up to three B747-200 or -400 aircrafts FLY PRO has its headquarters in Chisinau, Moldova and one out-base in Sharjah, UAE. ‘There are 18 employees in the airline headquarter. Management Structure ‘The management organisational structure was deemed to be typi Certificate holder of the size of FLY PRO. | for an Air Operator ‘There was personnel in place with direct accountability for the management of Safety, Quality, Operations and Continuing Airworthiness Page 43 of 59 Report the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova — February 2019 D4. Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) FLY PRO has a Flight Data Monitoring programme in place. Data is collected by Global ‘every two weeks or at every 45 flight hours. Service Solution on a regular bi The collected flight data is analysed internally. There is a non-punitive policy and the data is used to monitor trends and improve safety and efficiency. Safety Management System (SMS) & Accident Prevention and Flight Safety Programme ‘The Safety department of FLY PRO consists of 2 employees: a safety manager and one flight safety advisor. The following documentation was sampled in order to conduct the review: — Safety Management Manual (SMM); = Risk Data Base; Safety Audits; ~ _ Emergeney Response Plan. The safety manager of FLY PRO presented the Safety Management System and provided additional information on the topics in the Safety Management Manual, FLY PRO has a safety management system manual, which was last updated in January 2019. According to the Chapter 1, point 1.2 Statutory Requirements of the SMM, the operator developed a SMS in accordance with all provisions of the ICAO Annexes 6, 11 and 14. The SMM does not refer to the national legislative framework specific to flight safety. The description of the SMS contains most of the necessary elements, Observation (2019) D.O1 ‘The SMM should be amended and developed in accordance With the international safety standards. the national legislation and Upon request, the safety manager provided supporting evidence on the risk management, on the management of change, on the safety audits and on the safety training of the staff. The risk management process is done in accordance with the intemational safety standards and the identified risks are registered in the risk data base. With respect to management of change, the SMM contains a procedure for management of change. FLY PRO showed some operational changes as evidence. The safety audits are conducted on a yearly basis. In 2018 a number of 5 audits were conducted during which 6 findings and some observations were raised. For 2019, 6 safety audits are planned, Safety training is delivered by the safety manager to each new employee. Furthermore, all operational staff receives recurrent safety training every 3 years. Page 44 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assesment Visto Moldova February 2019 D6. ‘The Emergency Response Planning is part of the Safety Management System and is described in a separate Emergency Response Manual. The SMS Manager and the Flight Operations Director manage the Emergency Response Plan, including the emergency response exercises. Since 2016 when the company was established, no emergency response exercise was carried out. The first such exercise is planned for March 2019. Observation (2019) D.02 ‘The Emergency Response Plan is part of the SMM. In accordance with the Emergency Response Plan, every two years an exercise should be completed. Since 2016 when the company was established, no emergency response exercise was carried oul, Quality Assurance ‘An assessment of the quality assurance system was performed with a special focus on the follow-up of the FLY PRO oversight activities and the notified non-compliances follow-up. The training of auditors, the internal quality planning and follow-up of findings were also reviewed. The Quality department of FLY PRO consists of 2 employees. FLY PRO’s Quality Manual is at the third edition, the last one was approved by CAM in January 2019 and all three editions were written in English. During the visit, a number of inconsistences were identified in the manual (for instance a mention of checklists to be found in chapter 10, whereas the manual contains 5 chapters). With respect to the quality fimetion of FLY PRO, there is a system of audits in place- quality audits are performed and findings are raised. The findings are categorised and for each level of findings a time period is assigned to resolve the findings. The operator could not demonstrate that the administrative system for controlling the findings was properly It was not possible for FLY PRO to show the actual status of findings (open or Observation (2019) D.03 FLY PRO could not demonstrate that all audits of the yearly audit program were performed, The quality system and the quality manual of FLY PRO, including the training of auditors, requires further improvement. Recommendation (2019) D.O1 ‘The QMM was written in English, but the Quality Manager is not an English speaker. The manual should also be developed in one of the official languages of Moldova. An overview of the quality function provided evidence of an active system, although it is observed that further improvement to the quality assurance system is necessary. Page 45 of 59 Report om the EU Safety Assessment Visit w Moldova ~ Febuary 2019 D7. Maintenance and Continued Airworthiness ‘The organization seemed to have a robust system in place for continuing airworthiness and acts confidently in their different roles. While sampling the documentation and records, in particular the Maintenance Programme for B747 the team raised the following observations. Observation (2019) D.04 he Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated This is substantiated by the fact that all new inspections introduced by the last Maintenance | Review Board Report issued by the organization responsible for the type design were introduced with a wrong interval. Observation (2019) D.O5 Even though the aircraft they operate is clearly below the utilization figures idemtified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the operator has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance. D8. Operations The organisation setup of the operational control as put into place by the operator was not ensuring effective oversight of the actual operations conducted as all the functions were performed by a sub-contracted organisation with no clear involvement of the operator. Observation (2019) D.06 FLY PRO has not established an effective operational control in order to exercise authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aireraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. This is substantiated by the fact that: = The full responsibility rests with the Chief Dispatcher who has no deputy in ease of his absence; ~ All the funetions of the OCC were performed by a sub-contracted OCC; = The operator could not demonstrate direct involvement in the superv operations; ~ No evidences could be demonstrated to indicate any training being performed for the sub- contracted organisation on Fly Pro flight safety documentation ‘The operator made use of a system (spreadsheet) to track all the training and checking, including the validity dates. There was also a system in place for observing flight, duty and rest periods. The loadmasters, being employees of another company were not trained on the FLY PRO procedures even though the operator has established duties and responsibilities for Joadmasters, Page 46 of 59 ‘Report on the EU) Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 D9. D10. | Observation (2019) D.07 | FLY PRO has established duties and responsibilities for loadmasters. Fly Pro has not delivered any company induction training or CRM training to the loadmasters, Training Training of the pilots for initial type rating is carried out in PANAM International Flight Academy, the training organization being approved by CAAM to perform such activities for Moldovan licence holders. User approvals of FSTDs have been issued by CAAM. ‘The sample review of the training and checking record revealed issues with the traceability of initial pilot’s training. Many forms were missing crucial information like dates, si grading or the final outcome of a check, Moreover, it was assessed that the training forms in use, do not correspond to the approved training programme making it therefore impossible to verify that certain elements of the required training have been covered. Observation (2019) D.08 FLY PRO has established a system to maintain and record training for its staff. However, the sampled files have demonstrated that traceability of initial training forms could not be demonstrated, e.g. conversion training files not properly filled ~ missing grading, signatures, ete. Furthermore, a difference between the content of training programs and training reports was identified Overall Assessment FLY PRO has a Safety Management System and @ Quality Management System in place. During the assessment of the safety and quality systems, the team identified deficiencies which required improvement in these domains. Nonetheless, the operator showed a very positive attitude towards further enhancement of the safety and quality systems. With regard to the safety management system, FLY PRO should update the SMM. in accordance with the national legislation and with the international safety standards. In addition, FLY PRO should conduct as soon as possible an emergency response exercise. With respect to the quality management system, the operator could not demonstrate that all audits of the yearly audit program were performed. Moreover, the assessment team concluded that the administrative system for controlling the findings was not functioning properly. FLY PRO should develop the quality manual in one of the working languages of the designated personnel. ‘The Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated. This is substantiated by the fact that all new inspections introduced by the last Maintenance Review Board Report issued by the organization responsible for the type design were introduced with a wrong interval. Page 47 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visto Moldova — Pebruary 2019, FLY PRO’s functions of the OCC are performed by a sub-contracted OCC, but the operator could not demonstrate direct involvement in the supervision of its operations. In addition no evidences could be demonstrated to indicate any training being performed for the sub- contracted organisation on Fly Pro flight safety documentation. FLY PRO evaluation has shown functional problems in relation to the operational control, training and record keeping management, the quality system being unable to identify the shortcomings. ‘The current Operations Manual is not reflecting the approved operations and approvals. Page 48 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assesment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 ANNEX | to Part D of the EU On. ite Visit to Moldova List of observations and recommendations Observation (2019) D.OL ‘The SMM should be amended and developed in accordance with the national legislation and with the international safety standards, Observation (2019) D.02 ‘The Emergency Response Plan is part of the SMM. In accordance with the Emergency Response Plan, every two years an exercise should be completed. Since 2016 when the company was established, no ney response exercise was carried 01 ery Observation (2019) D.03 FLY PRO could not demonstrate that all audits of the yearly audit program were performed. The quality system and the quality manual of FLY PRO, including the training of auditors, requires further improvement, Observation (2019) D.04 ‘The Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated. This is substantiated by the fact that all new inspections introduced by the last Maintenance Review Board Report issued by the organization responsible for the type design were introduced with a wrong interval. Observation (2019) DOS Even though the aircraft they operate is clearly below the utilization figures identified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the operator has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance, Observation (2019) D.06 FLY PRO has not established an effective operational control in order to exercise authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the Page 49 of 59 Report onthe EU Safety Assessment Visi wo Moldova February 2019 safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. This is substantiated by the fact that: ~ The full responsibil absence; = All the functions of the OCC were performed by a sub-contracted OCC; = The operator could not demonstrate direct involvement in the supervision of its operations; - No evidences could be demonstrated to indicate any training being performed for the sub- contracted organisation on Fly Pro flight safety documentation, ty rests with the Chief Dispatcher who has no deputy in case of his Observation (2019) D.07 Fly Pro has established duties and responsibilities for loadmasters. FLY PRO has not delivered any company induction training of CRM training to the loadmasters. Observation (2019) D.08 FLY PRO has established a system to maintain and record training for its staff. However, the sampled files have demonstrated that traceability of initial training forms could not be demonstrated, e.g, conversion training files not properly filled ~ missing grading, signatures, etc. Furthermore, a difference between the content of training programs and training reports, was identified. Recommendation (2019) D.01 ‘The QMM was written in English, but the Quality Manager is not an English speaker. The ‘manual should also be developed in one of the official languages of Moldova, Page 50 of 59 afety Assessment Vist ta Moldova ~ February 2019 E2. E3. EA, Part E TERRA AVIA Introduction This report gives details of the visit to the offices of TERRA AVIA (holder of Air Operator Certificate (AOC) number MD 022, last issued on 22 October 2018, valid until 23 October 2019) in Chisinau carried out on 14 February 2019 as a part of the EU Safety Assessment visit to Moldova. It should be noted that, due to the limited time available, a strategy of relevant sampling was adopted by the assessment team. The team therefore focused on the continuing airworthiness ‘management, flight operations procedures, and safety systems. TERRA AVIA provided an oral overview of the company, based on the organisation chart of TERRA AVIA, covering as a main item the organisational structure, company mission and development plans. Throughout the visit all discussions were conducted in an open and cooperative manner. Company History RA AVIA was established in 2005 as a private air company. The main base of the air carrier is in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova and the operational base is situated in Sharjah International Airport, UAE. TERRA AVIA started with two Aircraft Ilyushin 18 and operated cargo and passenger flights in Affica and Middle East. In 2015 the fleet was extended with six Ilyushin 76, to provide cargo flights in Asia, Middle East, Africa and South America, In 2017 the air carrier started operating Boeing 747-400 as seasonal flights to Hajj. ‘The airline operates two Boeing 747-400 (ER-BAC and ER-BAE). Management Structure ‘The management organisational structure was deemed to be typical for an Air Operator Certificate holder of the size of TERRA AVIA. There was personnel in place with direct accountability for the management of Safety, Quality, Operations and Continuing Airworthiness. At the time of the visit, the Quality manager was not available, but in a training course Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) TERRA AVIA has a Flight Data Monitoring programme in place. Data is collected by Viemo Scaled Analytics and is being analysed internally. The data capture rate in 2018 for Page SI of 59 Repost om the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 ES. ER-BAE was 98.36 per cent and for ER-BAC 99.99 per cent. Events and trends are discussed in the Safety Action Group and measures are taken if necessary and possible. There is a non- punitive policy and the data is used to monitor trends and improve safety and efficiency. Safety Management System (SMS) & Accident Prevention and Flight Safety Programme The Safety department of TERRA AVIA consists of one employee: the safety manager. The following documentation was sampled in order to conduct the review: ~ Safety Management Manual (SMM); ~ Risk Data Bases — Safety Performance Indicators; ~ Emergency Response Plan. ‘The safety manager of TERRA AVIA presented the Safety Management System and provided additional information on the topics in the Safety Management Manual. TERRA AVIA has a safety management system manual, which approved by the CAAM and last updated in February 2018. According to its Chapter 0.1, point 0.1.1 Compliance with the internal, external regulation of the SMM the operator developed a SMS in accordance with all provisions of the ICAO Annexes 19, ICAO Doe. 9859, ICAO Doc. 9422, ICAO Doe. 9156, ICAO Doe. 9756, RAC-AAI and RAC-REAC. ‘The SMM does not refer to the national legislative framework concerning SMSs. Some of the requirements stipulated in the SMM go beyond the international safety standards. The organisational chart which is included in the SMM is not the same as the one included in the Operational Manual at the second edition and was Observation (2019) E.01 ‘The SMM should be amended and developed in accordance with the national legislation and With the international safety standards, Upon request, the safety manager provided supporting evidence on the risk management, on the management of change and on the safety audits. The occurrence report process is, described in the SMM, but in 2018 no safety report was received. Procedures for Hazards Identification and Risk Management were developed by the operator, however risk management principles are not applied correctly. While reviewing a safety risk analysis, it ‘was found that through mitigating measures the severity of the event was changed, whereas mitigating measures can only impact the occurrence of such an event. With respect to management of change, the SMM contains a relevant procedure. TERRA AVIA showed one ‘operational changes as evidence. ‘The safety audits are described in the SMM, but up to the date of the visit, no audits were conducted. The air carrier is planning to conduct safety audits in 2019 together with the ‘quality department ‘Report on the EU Safety Assesment Visit to Moldova February 2019 6. Observation (2019) E.02 TERRA AVIA has a Safety Management System in place, but it does not carry out all activities according to the requirements in the manual (risk management is superficially performed, safety promotion is not fully implemented, no safety audits performed). The Emergency Response Planning is part of the Safety Management System and is described in a separate Emergency Response Manual. The SMS Manager manages the Emergency Response Plan, including the emergency response exercises, Since 2005 when the company was established, no emergency response exercise was carried out. The first such ‘exercise is planned for March 2019. Observation (2019) E.03 ‘The Emergency Response Plan is part of the SMM. In accordance with the Emergency Response Plan, every two years an exercise should be completed. Since2005 when the company was established, no emergency response exercise was carried out, Maintenance and Continued Airworthiness TERRA AVIA Continuing Airworthiness management is carried out by two different sections, one located in Moldova and the second in Sharjah (UAE), where the airerafts are based. During the visit to the offices of the operator in Chisinau is was not possible to properly assess some elements of the continuing airworthiness management as most of the records were not available. There is considerable room for improvement in this domain as the maintenance information should be easily retrievable and the system in place should be able to reflect the current status of compliance with the established requirements at any given time. As a result the following observations were raised. Observation (2019) E04 ‘The Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated. This is substantiated by the following: - Reliability reports for CATIV/CATHI operations are described in the manual while the operator is not approved to conduct these kind of operations. No reliability report was provided by the operator; = The list of documentation used for the development of the maintenance program was incomplete; - The list of repetitive inspections deriving from Airworthiness Directives did not include the intervals at which the inspections have to be performed and was not reflecting in an accurate manner the actual status of the aircraft Observation (2019) E.05 Even though the aircraft they operate is clearly below the utilization figures identified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the operator has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance Program. Page 53 of 59 Report om the EU Safety Assessment Vii to Moldova ~ February 2019 [ Observation (2019) E.06 TERRA AVIA could not demonstrate how it is discharging its responsibilities in terms of continuing airworthiness (this is associated with the fact that the Airworthiness Section has divided their responsibilities between the office in Chisinau and the outside station in harjah). This is substantiated by the followin, = TERRA AVIA was unable to demonstrate the status of compliance with the maintenance program; | = The status of compliance with Airworthiness Directives did not reflect the actual situation of the aircraft; - The information regarding life limited parts was found incomplete, Training Plight crew training is carried out in CAAM recognized training organization, the FSTDs used for training and checking having a user approval issued by AAC. As part of the assessment and sampling of pilot’s training records it was not possible 10 establish whether Line Training under Supervision was completed as part of the Operator's Conversion course for newly hired pilots. Furthermore, no record of recurrent simulator training could be found in the sampled pilots” folders. Observation (2019) E.07 ] TERRA AVIA has established a training and checking programme for their flight crews. However, the air carrier was not able to demonstrate that all required elements are covered as part of both the conversion course and the recurrent training. This is substantiated by the fact that in the sampled training records there was no evidence of: - Line training under supervision performed as part of the operators’ conversion course: ~ Recurrent simulator training The operator made use of a sub-contractor for OCC functions however, when sampling training files of dispatcher working on behalf of the operator, evidence of the approved training programme being implemented could not be shown, Training records for FDOs are maintained by the operator for a period which does not follow the approved procedures, Observation (2019) E.08 TERRA AVIA has developed a Flight Dispatcher Manual to be used for operational control However, the sampled FDOs files have demonstrated the initial and recurrent training programmes were not fully implemented. Furthermore, the retention period of the training records is not in accordance with the approved procedures. Cabin crew training is carried out by 2 training organizations, for both initial and recurrent. However, one organisation used for training of the cabin crew was not recognised by the CAA of Moldova. Page $4 of 39 Report onthe EL Safty Assessment Vist to Mekdova February 2019 ‘The operator was using a system (spreadsheet) to monitor training, checking and the validity of the mentioned for cabin crew. A sample reviewed revealed no issues in both the initial and recurrent training, | Observation (2019) E.09 TERRA AVIA has established a training programme for its cabin crew staff carried out by two training organisations (TO). All cabin crew have Moldavian issued licences. Sampled files showed one of the TOs is not recognized by CAAM for conducting such training, Operations The organisation setup of the operational control as put into place by the operator was not ensuring effective oversight of the actual operations performed by a sub-contracted organisation with no clear involvement of the operator. conducted as most of the functions were Observation (2019) E.10 TERRA AVIA has not established an effective operational control in order to exercise authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. This is substantiated by the fact that: ‘The full responsibility rests with the OCC Manager who has not deputy in case of his absence; = Most of the functions of the OCC were performed by a sub-contracted OCC; ~ The operator could not demonstrate effective supervision of its operations ‘The operator was using a software for controlling flight, duty and rest periods. However, the system did not have any built-in features to prevent or notify about actual or potential violations of the flight, duty or rest ti Observation (2019) ELL TERRA AVIA has put into place a system to control the flight, duty and rest times of the flight and cabin crews. However, the system did not include any notification system to inform of any violations, This is substantiated by the fact that for one flight the maximum allowed daily duty was exceeded without the system identifying this Overall Assessment TERRA AVIA has a Safety Management System in place. During the assessment of the safety system the team identified deficiencies which required improvement in these domains. Nonetheless, the operator showed a very positive attitude towards further enhancement of the safety systems. With regard to the safety management system, TERRA AVIA should update the SMM in accordance with the national legislation and with the international safety standards, TERRA AVIA does not carry out all activities according to the requirements in the SMM (risk Page 55 of 59 Report on the FU Safety Assessment Visi to Moldova ~Fehnutry 2019 management is superficially performed, safety promotion is not fully implemented, no safety audits performed). In addition, TERRA AVIA should conduct as soon as possible an emergency response exercise. TERRA AVIA has not established an effective operational control in order to exercise authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. Furthermore, the ‘Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated In addition, even though the aircraft operated by TERRA AVIA is clearly below the utilization figures identified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the operator has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance Program, ‘TERRA AVIA has not put into place a system to control the flight, duty and rest times of the flight and cabin crews. However, the system did not include any notification system to inform of any violations. Page 56 of 59 ‘Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ February 2019 ANNEX 1 to Part E of the EU On-Site Visit to Moldova List of observations and recommendations Observation (2019) E.01 The SMM should be amended and developed in accordance with the national legislation and with the international safety standards, Observation (2019) E02 TERRA AVIA has a Safety Management System in place, but it does not carry out all activities according to the requirements in the manual (risk management is superficially performed, safety promotion is not fully implemented, no safety audits performed). Observation (2019) E.03 ‘The Emergeney Response Plan is part of the SMM. In accordance with the Emergency Response Plan, every two years an exercise should be completed. Since2005 when the company was established, no emergency response exercise was carried out. Observation (2019) E.04 ‘The Maintenance Program presented by the operator was found not appropriately updated. This is substantiated by the following: ~ Reliability reports for CATIVCATII operations are described in the manual while the operator is not approved to conduct these kind of operations. No reliability report was provided by the operator; ~ The list of documentation used for the development of the maintenance program was incomplet - The list of repetitive inspections deriving from Airworthiness Directives did not include the intervals at which the inspections have to be performed and was not reflecting in an accurate manner the actual status of the aircraft. Observation (2019) E.05 Even though the aireraft they operate is clearly below the utilization figures identified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the operator has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance Program. Page 87 of 59 Reporton the EU Safety Assessment Visi to Moldova February 2019, Observation (2019) £.06 TERRA AVIA could not demonstrate how it is discharging its responsibilities in terms of | continuing airworthiness (this is associated with the faet that the Airworthiness Section has | divided their responsibilities between the office in Chisinau and the outs | Sharjah). This is substantiated by the following: | | - TERRA AVIA was unable to demonstrate the status of compliance with the maintenance program: ~ The status of compliance with Airworthiness Directives did not reflect the actual situation | of the aircraft; | - The information regarding life limited parts was found incomplete. Observation (2019) E.07 TERRA AVIA has established a training and checking programme for their flight crews. However, the air carrier was not able to demonstrate that all required elements are covered as part of both the conversion course and the recurrent training. This is substantiated by the fact that in the sampled training records there was no evidence of: ~ Line training under supervision performed as part of the operators’ conversion course; - Recurrent simulator training. Observation (2019) E.08 TERRA AVIA has developed a Flight Dispatcher Manual to be used for operational control However, the sampled FDOs files have demonstrated the initial and recurrent training programmes were not fully implemented, Furthermore, the retention period of the training, records is not in accordance with the approved procedures, Observation (2019) E.09 TERRA AVIA has established a training programme for its cabin crew staff carried out by two training organisations (TO). All cabin crew have Moldavian issued licences. Sampled files showed one of the TOs is not recognized by CAAM for conducting such training. Observation (2019) E.10 TERRA AVIA has not established an effective operational control in order t0 exercise authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. This is substantiated by the fact that Page 58 of 59 Report on the EU Safety Assessment Visit to Moldova ~ Febrasy 2019 - The operator could not demonstrate effective supervision of its operations. ity rests with the OCC Manager who has not deputy in case of his ~ Most of the functions of the OCC were performed by a sub-contracted OCC; Observation (2019) E11 allowed daily duty was exceeded without the system identifying this. ‘TERRA AVIA has put into place a system to control the flight, duty and rest times of the flight and cabin crews. However, the system did not include any notification system to inform of any violations. This is substantiated by the fact that for one flight the maximum Page 59 of 59 Planul de actiuni claborat in scopul inliturarii lacunelor depistate in urma autoevaluarii efectuate de subdiviziunile AAC Perioada ‘Actiunile intreprinse Actiunea/ activitatea Persoana responsabita | Termenul limita, conducerea AAC reefia operafiuni de zbor Revizuirea procesului de certificare (AOC review) a operatorilor Cargo / PAX /Evaluarea Sistemului de management al intrefiner operatorilor ops. AW Fly Pro Ops AW 15.12.2018 o data la doua siptimini ~ Ely PRO (Audit efectuat in perioadal0-13.12.2018, in urma vizitei CE a fost initiat un nou audit cu schimbarea echipei de audit, care a depistat un sir de neconformitafi. Neconformitajile au fost prezentate cadrul Comisiei de certificare, care a decis suspendarea AOC pentru o perioada de 6 luni.) - Oscar Jet (Audit complex a fost finalizat in data 30.01.2019. La data de 11.02.19 AAC a interzis operarea aeronavei B747-243F ER-BAR pina la remedierea neconformititilor de niv.1, La 14.03.19 AAC a permis reluarea zborurilor in urma prezentirii evidenfelor —satisfticitoare _privind inliturarea neconformitijilor de niv.1.) - Terra Avia — AOC suspendat = Aerotranseargo ~ 12.04.2019 inspeeti pentru luna aprilie 2019. replanificata Tofi detindtorii de AOC urmeazii a fi recertificati pandt in luna septembrie 2019, in contextul implementarii Reg 965. Companiile aeriene au fost informate deste acest fapt ta eursul din 17.01.2019. ops Osear Jet AW 31.01.2019 ops Terra Avia re 28.02.2019 ops Aerotranscargo ye 30.03.2019 | Efectuarea inspestilor planificate i siad-hoc : |_ our temelor de management al FLY PRO S.R.L. —20.11.2018 intrefinerii “Air Moldova”, “Ai Nicolae Buzu DIPLOMAT AIR S.R.L. = 20.11.2018 Stork”, Fly Pro’ Andrei Cebanu | 28.12.2018 AIR STORK ~ 17.12.2018 “MEGAviation”, “Diplomat Air” Nicolae Culeva MEGAviation — 21.12.2018 Air Moldova 27.12.2018 Organizal Nicolae Buz SKY TECHNICS ~ 11.11.2018 ky Techni Andrei Cebanu 28.12.2018 VALAN ICC ~ 16.11.2018 Nicolae Culeva | G Tnspectit de navigabilitate ale Embraer ERJ-190-100LR ER-ECD — 27, 29.11.2018; acronavelor Embraer ERJ-190LR ‘ieadaesBizea Airbus 320-232 ER-00001, ER-00003 ~ 20, 21.11.2018; ER-ECD, Airbus A320-232 ER-| Ana Goby ser2enrs Boeing 747-400 ER-BAM ~ 13.11.2018; ndrei Cebanu 12. i 5 . 00003, Boeing B747-400, ER-JAI, Vitali Scutaru Boeing 747-412BDSF ER-JAI — 28.11.2018; Kamov Ka-32T ER-KGA, Mil Mi- Mi-8MTV-1 ER-MHK ~ 24.11.2018, 8 ER-MHD, ER-MHK D. Inspectii. SANA ale unor MLD A320 ER-AXV 14.12.2018 aeronave operate. de “Air Nicolae Buzu AIR STORK A300 ER-ABE 06.12.2018 Moldova”, “Fly One”,| Andrei Cebanu | 28,02,2019 Fly One ER-00002 — 05.09.2018 “Aerotranscargo”, “Air Stork” Aerotranscargo ER-BAJ ~ 19.10.2018 Revizuirea Programului gi Planului Tn perioada 18-22 februarie 2019 a avut loc activitatea in de instruiri al AAC. Stabilirea unui data Ia | °&4rul proiectului EASA EaP/CA privind erearea unui 3, | sistem eficient de evidentii a Valeriu Cazan 15042019 | doua | Sistem de instruire a inspectorilor AAC, inclusiv elaborarea calificatilor inspectorilor din cadrul | Cristina Novae 04. aptimani | Manualului de instruire, stablirea cerintelor si calificarlor, AAC siptimAni 5 anului de instruire pentru 5 ani si sistemului de evidenta a acestuia. Noul sistem va fi implementat AAC ineepand cu 15.04.2019, imediat dupa receptionarea raportului cu recomandarile proiectului EASA EaP/CA. Elaborarea: p dati la | Planul a fost elaborat si aprobat la 05.02.2019 | A+ Planului de tranzitie si Nicolae Buzu mat implementare a Nicu Berla aa nail Regulamentului 965 biaaioisnand B. Cerinjelor tehnice in Scopul ae pdati ia | Cetintele tehnice au Tost elaborate si transmise pentru Te AIDES Nicu Berla 25.12.2018 | dows | Comstltare eu Elvira Curilova saptamani . Aprobarea Cerinjelor Nee Ber CT- Cerinjele tebnice au fost aprobate. Ordinul AAC nr. tehnice in scopul Nereis o dati la | 11/GEN din 21.02.2019 este publicat in Monitorul Oficial. implementarii 01.03.2019 | dowd Regulamentului 965. siptimani Revizuirea procedurilor inteme ale | Nicolae Buzu data ta | Executat 5 | Ditectiei operatiuni de zbor (cu Nicu Berla 5 | implementarea noilor reglementiri) acer siptimani Descrierea procesului de interacfiune/ —comunicare intre . subdiviziuni si a schimbului de | 44 ea es o data la 6 | informajii in procesul de 30.05.2019 | doua supraveghere a agentilor siptiméni aeronautici certificafi de AAC. “A, Elaborarea, aprobarea. si] 7 a implemenrea Procedusir dine Henn interactiunea in cadrat | 9° Suvdiviziuni AAC | 15 95 2919 proceselor/subproceselor comune ale subdiviziunilor AAC Revizuirea sistemului de arhivare 5 a Nicolae Buzu si pistrare a informatiei (Check- ; listurilor etc) pentru demostrarea NiculHeria o dati la 7 Andrei Cebanu 01.05.2019 | dous proceselor de certificare si noes g easkei Elvira Curilova siptimani modificare a AOC, ‘ Inspectorii responsabili Revizuirea sisiemului de NicuBerla o data la 8 | supraveghere a domeniului SC 30.04.2019 | doua Elvira Curilova ‘ni bunutilor periculoase siptimani Implementarea evaluirii riscurilor odati la | Planul de inspecfiv/audituri a fost elaborat cu Tuarea in la planificarea anual’ a inspectiilor dows | considerare a criteriilor bazate pe rise, desi actualmente sunt si modificarea planului anual de siptimani | auditate/inspectate 100% din operatori/organizatii pe supraveghere (cu referire la Nicolae Buzu parcursul unui an, g | neconformitajile depistate SAFA, Nicu Berla airs HG nr 838 din 20.08.2018 SANA ete.) Andrei Cebanu PI privind inspecjiile - in proces de elaborare a amendamentelor cu includerea criteriilor corespunzatoare. Elaborarea Politicii si sistemului efivient de suspendare (graunding) Nicolae Buzu a exploatirii aeronavelor la Nici Bala o data la 10 | identificarea deficienfelor care Andieb@ebanu. 15.04.2019 doua reprezinti 0 amenintare la adresa siptimani sigurantei. Revizuirea procedurilor inteme 3 Nicolae Buzu odatila | in proces de elaborare | 11 | claborarea Airworthiness Inspector | Andrei Cebanu 15.06.2019 | dowa __| Handbook siptimani | 7 Stabilirea politicit impuse de eatre odatila | A fost inifiati revizuirea ratei de utilizare a aeronavelor AAC privind aplicarea cerinfelor Andrei Cebanu. dowd | operate ~ 25.02.2019. 12 | producdtorului Boeing (Aireraft | Nicolae Culeva 31.05.2019 | siptimani | A fost petrecuti instruirea inspectorilor DN privind low utilisation) in vederea operarii verificarea ratei de utilizare a aeronavelor in cadrul aeronavelor de tipul Boeing ~ 747- inspectiilor de navigabilitate si la examinarea Programelor 200/400, Revizuirea Programelor de | intrejinere tehnica cu. verificarea includerii_cerinfelor privind “low utilization” de intrefinere ~ 01.03.2019. A fost solicitata de la operatori rev intretinere, dupa caz — 01.03.2019. rea programelor de includerea acestor criteri Manualul de proceduri al Sectiei. || Blaborarea procedurilor privind ‘dati la | in proces de elaborare: | | 43 | aprobarea modificatilor si Andrei Cebanu 15052019 | _, 4Uk __ | Modsd&Repairs ~ 50% ~ reparatiilor, RVSM/EFB/MEL. Nicolae Culeva a saptimani | RVSM/EFB/MEL — 20% | Asigurarea pai AAC Ia odatila | A fost elaborat proiectul de Dispozitie a Directorului AAC 14 | sedinjele de fiabilitate (reliability Andrei Cebanu 19.04.2019 |. 1ua | privind participarea inspectorilor DN AAC la sedinfele de meetings) ale operatorilor aerieni 4. siptimani | fiabilitate ale operatorilor aerieni ~ 29.03.2019. | Implementarea Regulamentului de o dati Ia 15 | Stabilire a normelor detaliate Oleg Drebujan 30.09.2019 | _ 4ov& | Regulamentului a fost elaborat si transmis Ministerului referitoare la personalul navigant siptimani | Economiei si Infrastructurii spre aprobare din aviatia civila | Tmplementarea Regulamentului de odati la | “Regulamentul de stabilire a cerinjelor si procedurilor stabilire a normelor detaliate doua | administrative privind certificatele de controlor de trafic 16 | referitoare 1a controlorii traffic Oleg Drebujan 30.09.2019 | saptimani | acrian" a fost aprobat de Guvernul Republicii Moldova aerian Decizia nr.134 din 27.02.2019 In proces - elaborare CT-uri, PIAC-uri si PI Elaborarea cerintelor pentru 0 dati la monitorizarea performanfelor dou examinatorilor de zbor si a siptimini | cunostinfelor teoretice, Oleg Drebujan 30.09.2019 in proces - elaborare CT-uri, PIAC-uri si PI Includerea acestor cerinje in CT (cerinte tehnice) Elaborarea eriteriilor de delegare si o dati Ia eee aa Au fost elaborate criterii si operate amendamente la 18 | contractati din alte organizatii gi Oleg Drebujan 25.04.2019 | saptimani a an maaan Manualul de proceduri al Sectiei Interne Elaborarea si includerea testului de o dati la competenta lingvisticd pentru pilofi dou | A fost claborat amendamentul Ia testul de competent in 19 | si ATCO, inclusiv cu elaborarea de Oleg Drebujan 19.03.2019 | saptimani | limba engleza pentru pilofi, cu alte 4 variante de testare variante multiple de testare ~— | Realizarea prevederilor Acordulut de Asociere in partea ce se refer’ la 20 | actiunile —necesare—ppentru| ‘Vasile Saramet : lunar implementarea Acordului_ privind Spafiul Aerian Comun : ‘Asprezentarea Raportului privind realizarea —acjiunilor pentru |_—_-Vasile Saramet 19.11.2018 | unitar | Executat transpunerea Anexei III la Acord B.prezentarea Planului de acfiunt — pentru transpunerea Anexei TI] Vasile Saramet 19.11.2018 | unitar | pianul este aprobat de citre Directorul AAC. —_| pentru anul 2019 C.prezentarea Raportului Tunar privind progresul inregistrat Ia ; transpunerea’ Anexei TIT si a Vasile Saramet 31.12.2019 lunar —_| Executat a at , Alexei Latu prevederilor din Aranjamentele de lucru intre EASA si AAC Implementarea Reg. 965/2012 Nicolae Buzu sapon0is |) o dakta Elvira Curilova ; 24 (intra in douk | Parfial executat. Vasile Saramet ; 7 vigoare) | siptamani AMC & GM Nicolae Buzw Elaborarea Elvira Curilova | 31.12.2018 i unitar | Executat Vasile Saramet Constantin Vozian | 2. Aprobarea CT- Cerinjele tehnice au fost aprobate. Ordinul AAC nr. Conform Procedutii , LI/GEN din 21.02.2019 este publicat in Monitorul Oficial, 31.05.2019 | unitar Urmeaz consultarea si adoptarea AMC si GM Industria 1, de informat industria} Vasile Saramet 19.11.2018 | unitar | Exeewtat privind aprobarea. HG ste Scrisoarea AAC nr 2728 din 16.11.2018 831/2018 2, de transmis pentru | Executat partial AMC si GM vor fi expediaie pentru consultiti publice consultiri publice dup’ definitivarea acestora de citre proiectele CT, AMC & GM Vasile Saramet | sy.942919 | unitar | SUbdiviziunile AAC. CT- au fost aprobate. AMC ~ urmeaza a fi plasate pentru consultiri publice _| GM — urmeaza a fi plasate pentru consultiti publice Reg. 1321/2014 privind menfinerea Proiectul Regulamentului de transpunere este in proces de navigabilitiqii acronavelor sia claborare. Pind la moment au fost elaborate urmatoarele produselor, reperelor gi documente: dispozitivelor aeronautice si Nicolae Buzw | 30.04.2019 | 4 gutg qq | I: Proicctul HG de aprobare gp | autorizarea intreprinderilor sia Vasile Saramet_ | HG privind | ° Qa" | 2. Nota informativa (partial) Personalului cu atributii in| Constantin Vozian | transpunere |, 40wia,, | 3. Sectiunea I (integral) domeniu Andrei Cebanu | a Reg.1321 | S#P@mant La un stadiu avansat este sectiunea Partea M. Tindnd cont de volumul si complexitatea documentului respectiv, acesta el | | va fi definitivat pina pe 10.04.2019. Reg, 7498/2014 de siabilire a 31.03.2019 normelor de punere in aplicare Elaborarea | privind certificarea pentru si avizarea . ; : navigabilitate si mediu a proiectului een oe aeronavelor sia ___produselor, de late iene bt roiece pieselor si echipamentelor aferente, Nicolae Buzu transpunere | 4 aatata | 3, Proieetul HG de a bare 23 | Precum si certificates | = “VasileSarimer = | a dont 4, Tebohal deconmercangs organizatiilor “de proiectare si] Constantin Vozian | regulamentu Sar productie Andrei Cebanu | lui cu] SAPtimani | 7 suportul achetul deplin al proiectului a fost transmis pentru Proiectilui promovare citre MEI (Scrisoare AAC nr. 702 din ae 22.03.2019) sistent la transpunere aReg. 748 Reg. 37672014 privind raportarea, foe Vasile Saramet o dati la 24 | analiza si aotiunile subsecvente cu . P e la evenimentele do avis Dan Stratan| 31052019 | out Partial executat ‘A. Blaborare proiect Parfial executat ; Y ) 4 . wassie Saves odata ta | Proiectul Reg. 376/2014 _privind raportarea, analiza. si a 31.12.2019 acfiunile subsecvente cu privire la evenimentele de aviafie yan Stratan dows sdptgmini | Wilda fost elaborat. iP A fost transmis pentru expertiza catre Eurocontrol (Regulamentului UE 2015/1018 - transmis aditional) B. Consultari publice Vasile Saramet o dati Ia ; A ; 7 Sangean 31.08.2019 | doug | Utmenziia fi remis pentru consultari publice dupa primirea saptimani | °*Ulul de la expen ©. Transmiterea pentru dati Ia aprobare Vasile Saramet 31.05.2019 do - saptimani Modificarea — Manualului de 2g | Management al AAC (cu referire la o Sarame 142 . a procera Joint inspections pe | Yesile Saramet 19.11.2018 | unitar | Executat parcursul activitiii outside RM) _ -claborarea proiectului Ordinului Vasile Saramet 19.11.2018 Prin Ordinul 19S/INT din 09.11.2018 a fost modificat Alexandru Gardageviei_ | 19-1! Regulamentul privind inspecjiile aeronautice, caducerea‘Ta___cunostinfa i: La 09.17.2018 in sistemul e-Management a fost publicata inspectorilor AAC Constantin Vozian | 55 415943 | unitar | versiunea modificata a Regulamentului privind inspectiile te aeronautice, cu includerea tuturor angajatilor AAC. ‘Actualizarea reglementirilor odatala [A fost elaborat Planul de —acjiuni__privind 26 | existente cu versiunea curenti al Vasile Saramet 31.12.2019 | dows —_| claborarea/amendarea cadrului normativ national in seopul Anexelor ICAO sfiptimani_| transpunerii prevederilor Anexelor ICAO. _ Analiza datelor de siguranja Dan Stratan o dati la 27 Olga Cebanu doua siptimani - Definitivarea procedurii interme privind analiza datelor de siguranta 15.03.2019 Executat = Coordonarea proceduril interne privind analiza datelor de siguranga cu subdiviziunile implicate 15.04.2019 28, Tdentificarea pericolelor si managmentul riscurilor (HIRM) Dan Stratan Olga Cebanu o dati la doua siptimani L1. __ Revizuirea procedurilor interne Identificarea pericolelor i managmentul riscurilor (HIRM) si Managmentul schimbitrilor 15.03.19 Executat 12. Coordonarea procedurilor interne Identificarea pericolelor si managmentul riscurilor (HIRM) si Managmentul schimbarilor eu subdiviziunile implicate 15.04.2019 29 Prezentarea raportului__aferent Programului de identificare a pericolelor si managementul riscurilor Serviciul siguranta zborurilor si c&utare- salvare 31.01.2019 Executat Elaborarea unei scrisori caitre agenfii acronautici cu recomandarea ca la viitorul amendament al Manualului SMS si introducd referinfa la cadrul Dan Stratan Olga Cebanu 22.02.19 o dati la doua siptimini Executat 18.02.19 legislativ national, implementarea SSP || Denunjarea din 23.03.19 a Dan Stratan 22.02.19 |_| Acordului de colaborare in Olga Cebanu stiaeaiTe 31 | Autoritatea Acronautica Civila si dous | Exeeutat 19.02.19. In serisoarea de raspuns IGSU_ne-a Serviciul Protectiei Civile si sot an; | anuntat ca Acordul a fost considerat nevalabil din 25.02.19. Situatiilor Exceptionale al MAL in apelin domeniul SAR _ _ Inlaturarea neconformitafilor pe Finding MD# 20872: action 3 (80199) has been closed. segmentul RAMP in urma vizitei However, as actions | (80197) and 2 (80198) remain open, de standardizare EASA the finding remains open. ; odata ta Finding MD# 20874: action 3 (79708) has been closed. a Andrei Cebanu oun | However, as action 4 (79709) remains open, the finding en otk | remains open. Siptimani | solicitare cdtre EASA privind extinderea termenului de inchiderea neconformitijitor. Semnaté scrisoarea — 06.02.2019. Termenul solicitat ~ 31.05.2019. Elaborare SSP Programe | Executat parjial - prezentare conceptuali a | ceea ce inseamna SSP in decembrie 2018 prin ordinul Ministrului Economiei si 33 Infrastructurii a fost creat grupul de lucru interministerial La 11 ianuarie 2019 a fost transmis MEI proiectul Dan Stratan Programului najional de siguranti in domeniul aviatiei _ Vasile Saramet iui le (SSP) - elaborarea si prezentarea Cristina Novae 81991 o cata Ta | La 13.03.2019 a avut loc prima sedinfa a Grupul de lueru 12.2019 | doua : Drafi-ului Olga Cebanu. siptamani | ierministerial la care a fost discutat planul de sept implementare pe faze si proiectul SSP. Propunerile Grupului de lueru interministerial urmeaza a fi transmise Secretarului de Stat responsabil de acest domeniu. _ Urmatoarea sedinta este planificata pentru 05.04.2019, - aprobarea Planului de actiuni pentru = desemnarea managerului de Program etc. Elaborarea edifiei not a Manualului | Seofia Juridica si Vatianta consolidati a comentariilor si propunerilor la MM de Management al AAC resurse umane/ Directia este in proces de evaluare. Reglementari 19.04.2019 = prezentarea__propunerilor/ | Sefii subdiviziunilor Subdiviziunile au prezentat propuneri privind modific&ri la obiectilor/ completarilor AAC 28.02.2019 capitolele din MM care fi vizeaza, 34 = propuneri de actualizare a) — Serviciul Controlul listci de PI, PIAC, CT, | calitati (va sistematiza AMC, regulamente, | toat informatia manuale ete, pentru fiecare | prezentata la capitolul subdiviziune in parte respeetiv de edtre toate subdiviziunile AAC) _| Permanent ‘Actualizarea Registrului unic al Nicolae Buzu Executat partial 3g | Prescripiiilor (introducerea datelor | _Sefii subdiviziunilor relevante 01.01.2019-prezent) AAC 06.02.2019 436 | Revizuirea dosarelor personale ale Direcia Navigabilitate - Executat inspectorilor AAC SMS ~ Executat > completarea cu orele de Direcfia Operatiuni de zbor zbor, instruirile, calificarile, figele de post 06.02.2019 > Prezentarea in SIRU al Peronalul AAC Direcfia Operafiuni de zhor - Executat copiilor Directia Navigabilitate - Executat certificatelor/calificarilor care nu au fost prezentate anterior i 06.02.2019 7 Revizuirea dosarelor _agenfilor | Sefii subdiviziunilor Direcia Navigabilitate - Executat aeronautici certificati (listele de AAC Directia Operatiuni de zbor - Executat 37 | vetificare, raportul de audit, planul | Control: Nicolae Buzu SMS - Executat de actiuni corective, evidenta inchiderii_neconformitatilor, ro cause gi alte documente relevante) _ 06.02.2019 = Fly Pro (prioritar) - Air Moldova (prioritar) + Air Stork (prioritar) Inspectorul responsabil Direcfia Operatiuni de zbor - Executat Directia Navigabilitate - Executat SMS - Executat 05.02.2019 = Restul agenfilor aeronautici | Inspectorul responsabil Directia Operariuni de zbor ~ Executat | certificati Directia Navigabilitate - Executat | SMS - Executat _ 28.02.2019 |Executrea Indicajiei_ ar 15 din 38 | 08.12.2018 ~ Prezentarea planului | Nicolae BUZU Direciia Operatiuni de zbor - Executat detaliat de Directia Navigabilitate — Executat auditurifinspectii, _inclusiv cu indicarea reglementarit/punctului de reglementare care sta la baza audituluifinspectiei 01.02.2019 ~ Analiza neconformitajilor | Sefit subdiviziunilor Direcfia Operafiuni de zbor - Executat constatate in cadrul AAC Directia Navigabilitate— Executat inspecfiilor/auditurilor SAFA/SANA/ anuale 96.02.2019. raportul la precedente cu scopul a verificirii modalitajii de ‘ : verificare inlaturare a ulterioard neconformitafilor respective, analiza caus penaapent if - Ade citre misurilor preventive intreprinse de agenji/operatori pentru a preveni repetarea evenimentelor respective pe viitor - Modificarea — manualelor | Sefii subdiviziunilor Direcfia Operatiuni de chor - Executat operationale! regi lamentlor AAC 28.02.2019 Directia Navigabilitate ~ in proces de actualizare de activitate si altor documente interme ale subdiviziunilor AC pentru a transpune —_sarcinile dicate in compartimentul _ de mai sus Actualizarea procedurilor | Sef subdiviziunilor Direcfia Operajiuni de zhor - Executat interne/manualelor/regulamentelor AAC SMS —Executat 39 | de efectuare a Control: SCC Direcfia Navigabilitate ~ Executat * | auditurilor/inspectiilor cu categorizarea si definirea | neconformitailor. | 04.02.2019 Prezentarea —_exeout PQ) Eugen Kostefchi/ Executat 4p | formulate in urma auditului ICAO | Valeriu Cazan’ (USOAP)/ precum si motivele | Sefii subdiviziunilor neexecutirii PQ AAC (04.02.2019 Invitarea reprezentanjilor agenfilor | Sefii subdiviziunilor Direcfia Operafiuni de zbor — Executat aeronautici certificati in sedinfe | AAC (inspectorul Directia Navigabilitate ~ Executat 05.02.2019 41 | Pentru discutarea si explicarea responsabil) SMS - Executat aspectelor din Terms of Reference | Control: Nicolae Buzu EU Safety Assessment Mission to Moldova 01.02.2019 Asigurarea_seturilor de | Sefil subdiviziunilor Directia Operafiuni de zhor —Ta necesitate in procesul documentele relevante pe fiecare | AAC (inspectorul auditului domeniu care urmeaza a fi auditat | responsabil), SCC, Directia Navigabilitate ~ Executat de clitre CE SIRU, DR SMS'- Executat az Directia reglementari — pe intranet au fost create mape in care se regiisesc: 1, Toate Anexele / Documentele / Circulare / PANS- utile ICAO, actualizate la zi (pentru a putea fi accesate de catre inspectori) 2, Toate actele normative nationale aplicabile tertilor 08.02.2019 (CT, RAC, JAR, AMC, GM, etc) 3. Actele normative interne utilizate in activitatea subdiviziunilor. (in acest sens a fost oferit acces tuturor subdiviziunilor AAC la mapa de pe intranet in scopul plasdirié tuturor PI, Manuale, Regulamente etc.) Familiarizarea inspectorilor AAC | Sctia Juridica si resurse cu domeniul —contraventional | umane/ Gh. Golubas, (drepturile si obligajiile agentului | Control: Oleg Balmus 43. | constatator, —procedura’ gi | modalitatea completarii formularului PY cu privire la contraventi, alte aspecte relevante procesului contraventional) 15.04.2019 ‘Actualizarea informatie’ plasate pe | Directia Reglementari Executat gg | site-ul AAC (capitolul Informatia din compartimentul "Cadrul normativ” este la zi reglementiri, inclusiv exeluderea ___| informatie’ care nu este relevant) 29.03.2019 Publicarea in sistemul intranet (¢- | Direcfia Reglementiri Executat management) a bibliotecii AAC si] urmare a prezentarii Pe \\DATASERVER\ibrary au fost plasate PI, PIAC, CT, AMC, regulamente, documentelor 1, RAC-urile si Lista acestora; 45 |manuale ete. pentru fiecare | _ respective de catre 2. Directivele gi Lista acestora; subdiviziune in parte (ultima | subdiviziunile care le- 3. Circularele si Lista acestora; variant aprobat) au elaborat. 4. JAR-uri gi Lista acestora. Control: SCC 29.03.2019 5._CT-uri gi Lista acestora, Expedierea Ia adresa electronica a | Directia Regiementiri Executat 4g | inspectorilor AAC a listelor de Ordinul de aprobare precum si Listele de verificare au fost verificare aprobate de MEL plasate pe \DATASERVER\DataBaselListe de verificare 29.01.2019 AAC Cheeklist-uri, inspectorii AAC informati. borarea listet documentelor in| Sefii subdiviziunilor Directia Operatiuni de zbor, Directia reglementari, vigoare dejinute in cadrul fiectrei AAC Direcfia Navigabilirare, SMS—Executat 47 | subdiviziuni AAC (cu indicarea datei aprobarii, edit amendamentului — documentului |__| respectiv) 01.02.2019 ‘Asigurarea c& pe fiecare document | Sefit subdiviziunilor Direcfia reglementi ] de reglementare elaborat de AAC | AAC (inspectorul Direcia Operariuni de zbor - Exccutat 48 | conjine lista de coordonare cu responsabil) Directia Navigabilitate ~ Executat semnaturile persoanelor implicate Control: SCC in proces, SC si data aprobarii 06.02.2019 Documentarea necesarului de | Sefit subdiviziunilor Directia Navigabilitate, Directia Operafiuni de zbor — in 4g | Personal prin calcularea in onvore AAC proces de realizare a proceselor si subproceselor SMS —Executat pentru fieeare subdiviziune tn parte 01.06.2019 Elaborarea unui program de testare Alexei Latu Evaluarea nivelului de cunoastere a limbil engleze de catre gp | nivelului de cunoastere a limbii | Natalia Cortae inspectorii AAC va fi efectuata pana la 31.05.2019 *” | engleze si evaluarea inspectorilor AAC 30.04.2019 Familiarizarea gf instruirea Vasile Saramet Tnstruirea este planificati pentru 05 aprilie 2019 inspectorilor AAC privind Constantin Vozian 51 | implementarea evaludrii riscurilor | Vladimir Buini | la planificarea si efectuarea Dan Stratan inspeefiilor 08.04.2019 Revizuirea_resurselor _umane Nicolae Buza Th perioada O1.01-31.03.2019 au fost suplinite partial disponibile pentru asigurarea | Alexandru Gardageviei functiile vacante - Direcjia Navigabilitate, Directia 52 | necesarului de inspectori iJ Sefii subdiviziunilor | permanent Operatiuni de zbor, Serviciul Controlul ealitay inifierea procesului de angajare a AAC personalulu in functiile vacante SAFETY ANALYSIS OF THE CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA March 2019 1lPage Contents PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS acces ecamcrse 1 2. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS.. 3. ACRONYMS oo 4. RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX (RAM). 5, 6 RISK CLASSIFICATION, DEFINITION AND ACCEPTANCE ACTIONS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 6.1 CONCLUSION SAFETY MANAGEMENT QUALITY CONTROL SECTION ... 7.1 CONCLUSION QUALITY CONTROL SECTION... 8. FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISON 7.1 CONCLUSION FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISION tisuasaanescacneneusencs dL 9. ACTIONS OF CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA. 13 © BOON DHoH eww 2| Page 4. PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS The purpose of this Safety Analysis is to identify the main dangers to the work of the Civil Aeronautical Authority of the Republic of Moldova on the supervision of the safety of civil aircraft flights by air carriers, aerodrome operators (airports), air navigation service providers, legal entities operating in the field of civil aviation Both the initial release of the documents permitting the activity, the extension of the validity term (for those issued with a validity term) as well as in the implementation of the measures for monitoring the activity of the aeronautical agents, the CAAM inspectors must actively seek and detect the circumstances that could constitute a danger for flight safety. Once these circumstances have been identified, the inspectors must identify the hazards, assess the associated risks, develop / examine treatment and control measures, and ensure that the measures have been applied in the manner established so that the aeronautical activity at any time is in acceptable risk limits. 2. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS The risk management process conducted at the level of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova consists of § distinct stages’ Setting the context Considering > the specificity of the CAAM activity; > high-level management changes by replacing the CAAM Director, > Action plan specific to CAM activities set in November 2018: > The requirements of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and the Republic of Moldova > EU Safety Assessment Visit 11-15.02.2019, Identifying hazards This stage is based on: > Analysis of the activity carried out within the subdivisions QC, OPS, PEL, AW, SMS; Planning and conducting audits; correct and efficient application of the legislation and regulations in force: the air operator certification and surveillance processes; the level of qualification and training of CAAM inspectors. vvvy Analysis and risk assessment The identified risks are subject to a safety assessment that is initiated by this analysis, based on both statistical considerations and human factors. Treatment and control of risks The response level to be assigned to a hazard to address the hazard associated with this hazard is defined in the Risk Response Matrix. Matrix-defined actions are specified in terms of urgency of action, level of management that should be involved in the action, level of management that should be informed about the actions taken, and the process that should be followed. 3|Page Monitoring and review The risks and effectiveness of control / action measures will be monitored to ensure that the evolution of the situation does not change the priorities, 3. ACRONYMS CAA Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova B.1,2, Observations EASA European Aviation Safety Agency ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization OMB Operations Manual Part B OPS Flight Operations Division RP Risk Probability RS Risk Severity RAC Civil Aeronautical Regulation (CAAM) SMS Safety Management System 4|Page 4, RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX (RAM) RISK SEVERITY Wo Significant RISK PROBABILITY | Catastrophic _| Hazardous Major Minor Safety Effect 5 4 3 2 1 frequent | 5 40 05 occasional _| 4 2 os of REMOTE 3 ae: 03 0s 03 imeropaste | 2 10 0 06 0a o EXTREMILY impropaste | - 0s. 0 03 02 on 5. RISK CLASSIFICATION AND DEFINITION AND ACCEPTANCE ACTIONS ‘CLASSIFICATION DEFINITION. ‘A Fisk falling into this region is regarded as unacceptable whatever the level of benefits oleae associated with the activity. Any activity or practice giving rise to risks falling in that region ‘would, asa matter of principle, be ruled out unless the activity or practice can be modified to reduce the degree of risk so that it falls in one of the regions below, or there are ‘exceptional reasons for the activity or practice to be retained, Risk Intolerable, CAA Director will be immediately informed, and action must be taken to reduce the risk to a tolerable level. (15-25) ‘TOLERABLE. 05-12 Ficks in that region are typical of the risks from activities that people are prepared to tolerate in order to secure benefits, in the expectation that: ‘+ the nature and level ofthe risks are properly assessed, and the results used properly to determine control measures. The assessment of the risks needs to be based on the best avalable scientific evidence and, where evidence is lacking, on the best ‘available scientific advice; ‘+ the residual risks are not unduly high and kept as low as reasonably practicable (the ALARP principle); and ‘+ the risks are periodically reviewed to ensure that they stil meet the ALARP criteria, for example, by ascertaining whether further or new contcol measures need to be introduced to take into account changes over time, such as new knowledge about the risk or the availabilty of new techniques for reducing or eliminating risks. Risk reduction / mitigation must be considered. Where risk reduction / mitigation is not practical or viable acceptance by CAA Director i required. (08-12) [BROADLY ACCEPTABLE 01-06 Fisks falling into this region are generally regarded 2s insignificant and adequately controled. The levels of risk characterizing this region are comparable to those that people regard as insignificant or trivial in their daly lives. They are typical ofthe risk from activities that are inherently not very hazardous or from hazardous activities that can be, and are, readily controlled to produce very low risks. Risk s considered acceptable but would be reviewed if reoccurs. (01-06) Sl Page 6. SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Operators certification and surveillance processes are the top priority in civil aviation safety management, in particular the passenger air transport component. ‘The factors listed below may have a negative impact on the normal progress of certification, recertification and civil aircratt safety surveillance: FAILURE CASES CONSEQUENCE MITIGATION MEANS | RP | RS CAAM with the support | Republic of Moldova could | To star as soon as 4|2 Of EASA developed a | be late (beyond 2022 possible the GAP Analysis and year) with the implementation of the Implementation Plan for | implementation of SSP._| SSP in accordance with SSP in June 2017. The the developed plan start of the implementation of the SSP in accordance with the developed pian is stil pending. B32 Score - 8. ‘Some of the precursors of | Develop, implement, 2|5 the majorffatal accident | document and maintain could be overlooked. | an internal procedure to establish the framework In 2017 CAAM received 122 occurrence reports and in 2018 another 119 Score - 10. reports. Out of these, for the evaluation! ly 3 reports have be analysis of the ovaluatedl analysed in occurrence reports evaluated! analysed in 2017 and only 5 reports in 2018. It would be beneficial for the CAAM to develop an internal procedure to establish the framework for the evaluation! analysis of the occurrence reports B33 CAAM should re- Some hazards and | Re-evaluation of the 2|5 evaluate the Hazards | associated risks could be | Hazards Identification, Identification, Risk overlooked leading to | Risk Management and Management and majorifatal accident | Management of Change Management of Change Sare~t0l procedures, updating procedures and update them in accordance with them in accordance with the international safety the international safety standards and enforcing standards. applicability B34 G| Page FAILURE CASES: CONSEQUENCE MITIGATION MEANS | RP | RS Observation (2019) B.35 Lack of proper Review of the national 2] 5 coordination of the SAR. | legal framework and activity in the absence of | implementation of ‘The Management —_| the responsible person(s) | missing Annex 12 Manual stipulates that _ provisions the Flight Safety and ‘Seer8— 10, SAR service is in charge of the fulfilment of the ‘SAR function. At the level of the CAAM, no internal procedure with respect to the SAR | process is developed. | 10 7 6.1 CONCLUSION SAFETY MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION DEFINITION, Risks in that repion are typical ofthe risks from actives that people are prepared to tolerate inorder to secure benef, nthe expectation tha + the nature and level ofthe rks are propery asessed, and the results used properly to determine control measures. The astéasmet ofthe rks needs to be based on the best avaliable scientific evidence and, where evidence i lacking. on the best avalablescentiic advice; Touenaste the residual ists ave not unduly igh and kept as low as reasonably practicable a {the ALARE principle) and the rsks are periodically reviewed to ensure tat they stil meet the ALARP criteria, for example, by ascertaining whether further or new control measures need to be AIR CRESTOR. introduced to tae into account changes over tine, such as new knowledge about the skor the avalblityof new techniques for edicing or eminting risks. Fisk eduction / mtgston must be considered. Where risk reduction J mitigation is or viable acceptance by CAA Directors required. (08-12) 7| Page 7. QUALITY CONTROL SECTION FAILURE CASES CONSEQUENCE MITIGATION MEANS | RP | RS Quality management function within CAAM was not properly developed B.05 ‘The use of personnel that does not meet current requirements Ensure the section with | 5 | 3 qualified and appropriate staff Lack of a well-defined annual audit plan Develop an annual audit plan for 2019 The inspection methods do not comply with standardization ‘The lack of procedures or the use of outdated | procedures Inspectors training Develop the checklists | Changing the organizational chart by | staffing and change of the subdivision status Analyze and update the procedures and documents of the subdivision Introduction of the internal procedure "Audit for Compliance Monitoring” Edition 01 Revision 00 Revision of the Management Manual, Chapters 5.16 and 6 7.4 CONCLUSION QUALITY CONTROL SECTION CLASSIFICATION DEFINITION UNACCEPTABLE FREQUENT / MAIOR {isk falling Into this region is regarded as unacceptable whatever the level of benefits associated with the activity. Any activity or practice giving rise to risks faling in that region would, as a matter of principle, be ruled out unless the activity or practice can be modified to reduce the degree of there are exceptional reasons for the activity or practice to be retained, CAA Director will be immediately informed, and immediate action must be taken to reduce the risk to a tolerable level. (15-25) risk 50 that falls in one of the regions below, or 8|Page 8. FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISON ‘This chapter analyzes the work carried out within the Flight Operations Division. Operators certification and surveillance processes are the top priority in civil aviation safety management, in particular the passenger air transport component. At the same time, the level of qualification and training of CAAM inspectors will determine the correct application of applicable laws and regulations, compliance with the requirements for the certification and supervision of aeronautical agents The factors listed below may have a negative impact on the normal progress of certification, recertification and civil aircraft safety surveillance: FAILURES CASES CONSEQUENCE | MITIGATIONMEANS | RP | RS Failure to comply with _| Certification of air Verification of ala the 5-Step Certification | operators without certification Process specified in complying with mandatory | documentation for all air RAC-AOC. certification conditions | operators holding an (8.16 &B.17) Score — 16 ae Tr ing inspectors to appropriately assimilate applicable laws and regulations. Approval of fight safety | Verification of ala documentation documents | certification after the issuance of the | documentation for all Air Operator Certificate. | operators holding an AOC certificate. Score ~ 16 Training inspectors to appropriately assimilate applicable laws and regulations Failure to carry out the | Audits processes are Verification of aia necessary audits and/ | done after the issuance or | certification r inspections on time, to | of the AOC; documentation for all air determine compliance i operators holding an with the applicable No audlls Processes ate | AOC certificate regulations before the | Perform issuance of the Air Score - 16 factored reining IoC Garage CARE the inspectors to raise | seal awareness of their (8.18) responsibilities, Training for inspectors to the appropriately applicable laws and regulations 9 Page FAILURES CASES CONSEQUENCE miTiGATION MEANS | RP | RS | Lack of procedures for | Approval of manuals Developing anewPIAc-| 4 | 3 approving special Which include procedures | OPS aeronautical authorizations to be | for special approval for | procedure and {granted to air operators. | which the air carrier has _| instructions with the (6.19) not formally requested. _| following structure Score = 12 Part GEN - general provisions specific to all types of air operations Part CAT - Specific provisions for ‘commercial ar transport operations: Part NCC NCO IGA - Specific provisions for non-commercial operations performed with complex /non- complex motorized airerat - Aircraft holding or not holding an EASA type certificate; Part of SPO - Specific provisions for specialized operations Lack of coordination —_| No exchange of Develop aprocedureto | 4 | 3 procedures with other | information between the | describe the relevant areas in the air | fight operations direction | coordination between operator certification | and the airworthiness _| subdivisions in the | process. (B.20) and for | direction in the document | airline certification / purpose of adjusting the | approval process, MEL, | recertification process. surveillance plan (6.22) | OM-B. Score 12 Outdated surveillance | Develop aprocedureto | 4 | 3 plan describe coordination between subdivisions for Score = 12 the purpose of adjusting the surveillance plan Non-impiementation of | inadequate oversight of | Implementation ofthe | 4 | 4 the underlying air operators and lack of | requirements underlying requirements of the | monitoring ofthe evolution | the oversight program oversight program on the | of risk on the risk, complexity risk, complexity orsize | Son 16 or size ofthe operation of the operation and the and the results of results of previous previous oversight oversight activities activites (B.21) 10| Page FAILURE CASES CONSEQUENCE MITIGATION MEANS | RP | RS Lack ofa surveillance | Efficient survellance of air | Establishment and s | a plan including regular | operators involved in the | compliance with a and random inspections || transport of dangerous _| surveillance plan of air carriers involved in | goods by air including regular and the transport of Score 20 random inspections of dangerous goods by air air cartier involved in the transport of (8.23) | dangerous goods by air Failure to comply with | inefficient suveilance, | Additional training for | 4 | 4 the requirements for | Voluntary or involuntary | the inspectors to raise operator surveillance | omission of non- | evarnace otto zh conformities responsibilties Score — 16 Additional training for the inspectors to appropriately assimilate | applicable laws and regulations. | regula 41 | 3.66 7.1 CONCLUSION FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISION CLASSIFICATION DEFINITION {risk falling into this egion is regarded as unacceptable whatever the level of benefits TAeeeeerante associated with the activity. Any activity or practice giving rise to risks falling in that HAZARDOUS / OCCASIONAL region would, as a matter of principle, be ruled out unless the activity or practice can be ‘modified to reduce the degree of risk so that it falls in one of the regions below, oF there are exceptional reasons forthe activity ar practice to be retained. CAA Director will be immediately informed, and immediate action must be taken to reduce the risk to a tolerable level. (15-25) 11 |Page Not updated regulation ‘Qualty System not propery developed tack of procedures 'SMS System net propery developed “Transition period on {ack of Heed of Fight Operations Ienplementation ofthe Decisions in contradiction with EU Regulation presented documentation Ee | ete screnance Urmotvated ature to comply wih the 5-ep ‘cetifcation process Lack of standardization Decrease ofthe average salary Untimely inspections "Financed from the state budget English language at ciferent levels Transfer of competences 12|Page 9. ACTIONS OF CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA QUALITY CONTROL SECTION No Observations Actions Planned Performed | Responsible Completed actions The implementation of a ah : | stronger qualty management |1- Ensure subdivision with | 01.03.19 | 01.03.19 The new Head of Quality Control Section function within CAAM would be | Qualified and appropriate CAA Director | "28 appointed beneficial to suppor the staff | organisation in creating a set of | - Replacing the manuals that are practical and accountable person | that ar in tne withthe current international safety standards. | _ Chenging the otoa1s | 18.03.19 ‘A new inspector was employed This quality management chan function could also have a role ergs nanny: if in standardising inspection staffing and change of = methods, reports and findings. the subdivision status Ise 2. Analyze and update the | 01.04.19 | 15.03.19 The “Audit for Compliance Monitoring” procedures and Quality | Procedure, including the relevant forms, Gonumenisich the ade ality | was developed and sent for coordination Sava Manager | and approval = Introduction of the intemal procedure "Audit for Compliance Monitoring” Edition 01 Revision 00 = Developthe checklists | 01.04.18 | 12.03.19 | Quality | Checklists for the certification of air | Manager | oPetators (RAC-AOC) and aircraft (RAC- i 8 AW) have been developed 13|Page No Observations Actions, Planned | Performed | Responsible Completed actions = Revision of the 07.03.19 | 04.03.19 | Quality | Chapters "Quality Policy" and "Quality Management Manual, 2 Manager | Control Department” have been revised Chapters 5.16 and 6 5 3. Existence of an annual Coordination of the draft plan with the plen of internal audits 07.0418 | 27.03.19 | auatty | 2¥@labilly of subivisions was ensured = Develop an annual - —— interne! eudt plan for b Manager | The Internal Audit Plan for 2019 was developed and approved 2019 4, Performing one intemal | 180319 | 15.03.19 Audit of the renewal of the "Aim Air" AOC audit of CAA subdivision performed during 14-15.03,2019. = Auditing the file of an aval operator certified and cel supervised by Flight Manager | Audit report approved by CAM Director Operations Division and | 01.04.18 ‘on 18.03.2019 and submitted to Flight honttees Operations Division and Airworthiness irworthiness Division Division for corrective actions (deadline 01.04.2019) 5. State Safety Program In December 2018 by the Order of the (ssP) errr Minister of Economy and infrastructure = Drafting and approval of SSP p. 33 from the Sel assessment Plan. inter-ministerial working group responsible {for drafting the SSP was created (On January 14, 2019 a draft of SSP was sent to the Ministry. On 03.13.2019 the first meeting of the inter-ministerial working group was held. During the meeting the implementation plan and the draft of the SSP were discussed. Inter-ministerial working ‘group's proposal will be submitted to the State Secretary responsible for this area The next meeting is scheduled for 5" April 14] Page SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM No Observations Actions Planned | Performed | Responsible Completed actions 1 | sett dota aaysis Drafting of he procedure and | 16.08.19 | 21.0210 Drating of the procedure Observation (2019) B.33 reeronaltical Instructions ny | Head of sms p. 27 from the Self-assessment | Coordination of the procedure | 15.04.19 Plan with stakeholders: 2 | Hazardidenticatin and risk | Review ofthe existing intemal | 15.03.19 | 20.00.10 Drating of the procedure mmenagerent (FIRM) prooodire end ibe 3 New Creer goryea4 | procedure and aeronautical 1d | Headotses servation (2019) instructions. p. 28 from the Self-assessment | Coordination of the internal 15.04.19 Plan procedure with stakeholders 3 | Termination of the Cooperation Agreement between he GAA Welgova and te Chl Protection ad Emergency Situations Service ofthe | ater of termination zz0a.1e | 1002.19 | Head ot sus | completed area on 23.03.19 (when new i@ Aviation Code will be in force) p. 31 from the Self-assessment Pian 15|Page FLIGHT OPERATIONS DIVISION No Observations Actions Planned | Performed | Responsible Completed actions | 41. Flight Operations Division has | Ensure OPS subdivision with | 15.03.18 17,09.19 | CAA Director | Recruitment and nomination of the Chief established procedures that _| qualified and appropriate staff of Flight Operations include through technical evaluation that lead to the | approvaliacceptance of Head of PEL CAAM — has established a 15.04.2019 |) Head of PEL | Onsite support activity for creation of a formal training programme for | Amendment of the Manual Training Training and Development Division its PEL staff. The training | of Licensing Section, which Manager was delivered during 18-22 February, programme is of general| includes specific training 2019 applicability for all staff, courses needed _for Outcome The proposal for new training 28 | Page ‘without mentioning of specific training courses needed for oversight activities (e.g. auditing techniques). Furthermore, as the PEL section has only one staff responsible for monitoring activities of examiners for pilots, air traffic controllers, adequate training should be ensured. In addition, OJT does not contain’ any indications on how this part of initial training is finishing Observation (2019) B.08 p. 3 from the Self- assessment Plan oversight activities, licensing staff and revise OuT system was developed — including a review of processes and procedures related to the staffing and training system, Training Manual, 5 years Training Plan, system for training evidence and tracking Republic of Moldova has adopted, for the ATCO licensing, the Eurocontrol ESARR 5 _ standards, approved to be used through RAC APL. No additional procedures and guidance material have been established by CAAM to provide sufficient information for its staff to accomplish their duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, the requirements for examiners Which are assessing the performance of ATOCs are of very general nature Observation (2019) B.09 To develop and implement the regulation setting the requirements procedures for licensing and ATCO 30.08.2019 Head of PEL Regulation laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic Controllers’ licences (‘Regulamentului de stabilire a cerinfelor si procedurilor administrative referitoare la certificatele controlorilor de trafic aerian’) has been approved by GD nr.134 as of 27.02.2019 with the provision to be fully implemented after transitional period of 6 month, 29| Page p16 from the Self assessment Plan CAAM has established a system for recognition of foreign licences, through validations or conversions. The actual practical situation differs from the regulated one, due to the MOU of recognition signed between EASA and CAAM for the recognition of EU member States certificates and also due to the cease of JAA and the — mutual recognition system. The legal framework was not updated to reflect the current situation. Furthermore, one sampled validation certificate of a fight dispatched did not include instructor privileges _ which that person has performed within one aiine Observation (2019) 8.10 CAA does not issue cerlificates for flight dispatched English Language assessment is carried out by ANSP, For ATCOs. Eurocontrol ELPAC system is used. For pilots, specific tests have been developed and used, however, these tests were never been changed since approval. Furthermore, the only language endorsed Develop amendment of English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots, which include additional 4 variants of the test 79.03.2019 Head of PEL The amendment of English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots, additional 4 variants of test has been developed 19.03.2019. and implemented 30| Page with on in the pilot licences is English, PPL licences being issued without any language endorsement. Observation (2019) B.11 p. 19 from the Self assessment Plan CAAM has implemented a dual system for theoretical knowledge examinations. For some categories, e.g. air traffic controllers theoretical exams are carried have been delegated to organizations, however, no surveillance system could be demonstrated. In addition, for revalidation of pilot licenses, the theoretical knowledge examinations are partially carried out by the operators, without a documented surveillance form the AAC Observation (2019) B.12 p. 18 from the Self assessment Plan Develop amendment for Manual of Licensing Section, which include the procedures of rights. delegation for theoretical knowledge examination to approved Training Organisations and supervising over exams, 25.04.2018 id Head of PEL The system for aircraft maintenance | engineer licenses oral and written examinations has been developed RAC-APL 0040 Manual of Licensing Section C chapter 4 para 1.3(2)(e) Practical examinations are carried out by designated examiners, No guidance material has been developed to provide CAAM inspectors ‘enough information for these activities, including the frequency for such activities foreach category _of | ‘All_the guidance material is included in RAC-APL chapter 9 and the check- list 31|Page ‘examiners. In addition, CAAM | has not established and documented a surveillance system of the practical examiners, performance of the examiners —_being assessed only for revalidation of examiners certificates Observation (2019) B.013 CAAM has developed and implemented a system for the designation and oversight of aeromedical examiners. Continuous oversight is. carried out only by the analysis of medical files being submitted by AMEs, as the inspections are carried out only for revalidations of AME certificate. Furthermore, for class 3 medical there are no limitations. established through the national legal framework, Observation (2019) B.14 Continuous oversight of designated medical examiners (AMEs) by the medical assessor of the CAA of Moldova is carried out in full ‘compliance with ICAO standard "The medical ‘examiner shall be required to submit sufficient information to the Licensing Authority to enable that Authority to undertake Medical Assessment audits" Note— The purpose of such auditing is to ensure that medical examiners meet applicable standards for good ‘medical practice and aeromedical risk assessment, Guidance on aeromedical fisk assessment is contained in the Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine (Doc 8984), 10 CAAM has established a system for certification and recognition of training organizations. The list of certified and recognized training organizations is. Published on CAAM website However, during the ‘According to RAC-APL “The approved training organization isthe organization approved by a Contracting State in accordance with the requirements of p. 1.282 and Appendix 2 of Annex 1 of The Convention on International Civil Aviation, to_perform the training of 32 | Page ‘assessment of air operators, evidence was found other TOs were used which were not part of the recognized TOs. Furthermore, for ATCO TO, the national. regulation requirements are only of very general nature, without Providing detailed requirements. In addition, even if surveillance activities have been conducted, the traceability is not ensured to demonstrate the full implementation of the annual surveillance plan. Observation (2019) B.15 fight crew members and that works under the control of this state”. Organizations providing online courses are not subject for acceptance or recognition by the CAM. 33|Page HBL Fe sroszorozses0s2-1s0420%9 COMMISSION EUROPEENNE Soe St AE esti sho mearont Beet am Brussels, MOVE.DDG2.B4/AF Mr Octavian Nicolaescu Director Department of Aviation Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 Tel: +373 22 823 500 Fax: 4373 22 5291 18 Bmail: Subject: MOLDOVA — update of the Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the European Union in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 Dear Mr Nicolaescu, ‘The EU Air Safety Committee met from 2 to 4 April 2019 in Brussels in order to update the list of air carriers on which the European Commission has imposed an operating ban under Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005. Following the unanimous opinion of the EU Air Safety Committee the European Commission formally adopted today the Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 474/2006 of 22 March 2006, establishing the Community list of air cartiers which are subject to an operating ban within the Union. This Regulation will be published tomorrow or one of the following days in the Official Journal of the European Union and will enter into force the day after publication. A copy of the list may be accessed at the following website: hitp:// The situation of the air carriers certified in Moldoy An excerpt of the Regulation with the recitals pertai was examined during this meeting. ing to Moldova is attached. Unfortunately as you will note from the extract, I have to inform you that the Commission, with the unanimous support of the EU Air Safety Committee has decided, in accordance with the common criteria set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 that the Union list of air carriers, which are subject to an operating ban within ‘Commission européenne/Europase Commissie, 1049 Bruxeles/Busse, SELGIQUEISELGIE - Tol. +32 22001111 (Otiee: DN24, 176- Tel drool ine +32 7 296.92 19, the Union should be amended to include all air carriers certified in Moldova, with the exception of Air Moldova, Fly One and Aerotranscargo, Based on the discussions held during the hearing of 2 April 2019, the Commission and the Air Safety Committee have noted the evidence provided by the Civil Aviation Authority of Republic of Moldova (CAAM) about its organisational structure, including details on the workforce assigned to its Airworthiness Division and Flight Operations Division. However, the currently available evidence, notably from the February 2019 Union's on-site assessment visit, lead to the conclusion that CAAM has only very limited capabilities to oversee the aviation activities in Moldova and therefore significant further improvements are necessary to address arising safety deficiencies, ‘The CAAM should make improvements to the aviation safety oversight system in Moldova, specifically in the areas of inspector training and standardization, the quality management system, the management of safety oversight results and the other elements of a safety oversight system that need further improvement, including the Moldovan legislative framework. To this end we would welcome any updates on actions taken by the CAAM, particularly regarding the observations made during the recent EU Air Safety List Assessment visit of February 2019, Furthermore, we would welcome information regarding the status of air carriers certified in Moldova and the enforcement measures the ‘CAAM applies to air carriers under its supervision. In addition, the Commission considers that any interlinkages between political considerations and safety considerations should be avoided. In this respect, CAAM will have to demonstrate its full independence in its decision-making process despite the fact that, fom beginning of 2019, it has been restructured into a public institution, financed from the state budget. Furthermore, ! would like to inform you that I have asked the Chairman of the Air Safety Committee to contact the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the French Civil Aviation Authority, and the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority to joint their efforts in order to explore the possibilities to provide some technicat cooperation to the CAAM For this purpose, CAAM will be invited for a technical meeting in Brussels. This meeting will be scheduled for June of this year; the exact date will be decided in common agreement. Finally, I would like to reiterate that the Commission remains committed to its policy of engagement with the CAAM. 1 would like to ask you to acknowledge receipt of this letter and to keep me informed on further developments. Please address all correspondence by e-mail to Andrei FILIPOIU (Andrei-Corneliu Filipoiu@ec.curopa.e) who is the case handler for Moldova in the Commissions’ EU Air Safety List team, ‘Yours sincerely, J ‘Tip CORNELIS Enclosure: CC: HE. Eugen CARAS Mr Peter MICHALKO Ms Audrone PERKAUSKIENE Mr Klaus WINKLER Mr Carlos BERMEJO ACOSTA. Mr Harvey ROUSE Mr Patrick KY Excerpt of the Regulation pertaining to Moldova Ambassador, Head of the Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the EU Head of EU Delegation in Moldova EEAS, Head of Division EURCA.EAST.1 EU representative, ICAO MOVE.DDG2.E2, HoU DG MOVE.A2, HoU. EASA, Executive Director Annex Excerpt of the Regulation regarding Moldova Air carriers from Moldova 55) (56) (58) (59) (60) In September 2018, the Commission informed the Civil Aviation Authority of Moldova (CAM?) about certain safety concems related to the air carviers certified by CAAM. At the same time, the Commission notified CAAM about the opening of consultations pursuant to Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 43/2006. From 11 to 15 February 2019 experts from the Commission, EASA and Member States conducted a Union's on-site assessment visit in Moldova at the offices of CAAM and at the offices of a number of air carriers certified in Moldova, namely Air Moldova, Fly Pro and Terra Avia. According to the report from the experts, CAAM follows an approach to aviation safety that lacks modem aviation safety management techniques. The legislative framework should be updated, since not all amendments of ICAO Annexes have been integrated into the Moldovan regulations. Currently, CAM is working on the implementation of Union regulations in accordance with the Common Aviation Area Agreement signed between the Union and its Member States and the Republic of Moldova in 2012 CAAM lacks the implementation of robust intemal mechanisms and procedures to translate the existing legal and technical framework into the routine activities of the organisation. Therefore, CAAM should improve its quality management function. CAAM’s Flight Operations Division has established internal processes and procedures, however those are not respected. The Union's on-site assessment visit identified areas for improvement, in particular the need for a strict adherence to the certification process, the need for a better traceability of review and approval of manuals, and the need to strengthen surveillance obligations of the Flight Operations Division. In the area of licensing activities, CAAM has not established any system for oversight of delegated theoretical knowledge and practical examinations. In addition, record keeping should be improved, in particular to ensure traceability of the surveillance activities, The training programmes developed by CAAM’s Airworthiness Division do not comply with the established associated procedures and are not sufficient to maintain the required level of knowledge, skills, competence and qualifications of the airworthiness staff. The audits or inspections conducted by the CAAM’s Airworthiness Division should be strengthened, as the Union's on-site assessment revealed problems at Moldovan air carriers that should have been identified by CAAM's own surveillance audits. Air Moldova, the largest air carrier from Moldova, has a well-functioning and solid Safety Management System in place that generates useful data to the air carrier. The Quality Management System is robust and functional and only requires slight improvements, The senior management of the company has a good 4 (n) (62) understanding of those systems and utilises them to identify risks and to take appropriate measures mitigating the highest risks. The operations of the air cartier are supported by qualified technicians and line stations with maintenance capability. The organization showed a robust and structured system to control the different aspects of continuing airworthiness. Air Moldova has developed the required manuals containing the policies and detailing the associated procedures, which are approved by CAAM. The certified staff is properly trained on the operated aircraft types. The Union's on-site assessment visit identified no major shortcomings. Fly Pro is a cargo air carrier with a Safety Management System and a Quality Management System in place. The Union's on-site assessment of those systems identified some deficiencies requiring improvements. The Safety Management Manual of Fly Pro should be updated in accordance with the Moldovan legislation and with international safety standards. With respect to the Quality Management System, the ait carrier could not demonstrate that all audits of the yearly audit programme were performed. Moreover, the administrative system for controlling the findings was not functioning properly. Fly Pro has developed an Operations Manual, but the current version of this manual is not reflecting the approved operations and approvals. The Maintenance Programme is not up-to- date, because all new inspections introduced by the last Maintenance Review Board Report issued by the organization responsible for the type design were introduced with a wrong interval. The evaluation of Fly Pro has shown functional problems in relation to the operational control, training and record keeping management, the Quality Management System being unable to identify the shortcomings. Terra Avia is a private air carrier from Moldova, which has its operational base in Sharjah Intemational Airport, UAE. The Safety Management Manual of Terra Avia should be updated in accordance with the Moldovan legislation and with international safety standards. In addition, Terra Avia does not carry out all activities according to the requirements of the Safety Management Manual (risk management is superficially performed, safety promotion is not fully implemented, and no safety audits are performed). Terra Avia has not established an effective operational control over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight. Furthermore, the Maintenance Programme presented by. the air carrier is not updated. In addition, even though the aircraft operated by Terra Avia are clearly below the utilization figures identified for the validity of the Maintenance Review Board Report and Maintenance Planning Data, the air carrier has not considered the development and implementation of a Low Utilization Maintenance Programme. Terra Avia could not demonstrate how it is discharging its responsibilities in terms of continuing airworthiness. Furthermore, the air cartier was unable to demonstrate the stalus of compliance with the Maintenance Programme. The Union's on-site assessment visit has identified that the information regarding life-limited parts was incomplete. Finally, with respect to the training and checking programme for its flight crew, Terra Avia was not able to demonstrate that all required elements were covered under the conversion course and the recurrent training. Terra Avia has developed a system to control the flight, duty and rest times of the flight and cabin crews, but the system did not include any notification system to inform about any violations. (63) (64) (66) (67) (68) (69) Following the 2019 Union's on-site assessment visit, CAM carried out a Safety Analysis and drafted a CAP, addressing the observations raised during the visit, The Commission considers that the analysis is comprehensive and establishes specific deadlines for actions. However, significant efforts should be made to cover all the tasks included in the Safety Analysis. In addition, pending the effective implementation of this Safety Analysis, the safety risks identified during the 2019 Union's on-site assessment visit remain unmitigated On 2 April 2019, the Commission and the Air Safety Committee heard CAAM and the air carriers Air Moldova, Fly One and Aeroiranseargo. CAAM presented its current organisational structure, including details on the workforce assigned to its Airworthiness Division and Flight Operations Division. CAAM provided details with respect to the measures taken since the last Air Safety Committee meeting of November 2018, including information about the training for the operational inspectors, about the recruiting process of new inspectors, and about the actions taken with respect to a number of air carriers registered in Moldova. In addition, CAAM provided information on the status and planning of the harmonization of Moldovan legislation with the Union regulatory framework and the review of internal procedures and manuals. CAAM presented a summary of the corrective actions taken with regard to the observations made by the experts during the 2019 Union's onsite assessment visit. in addition, CAAM informed the Commission that the AOCs of Fly Pro and Terra Avia were suspended. CAAM also informed that since the beginning of 2019 it has been restructured into a public institution, financed from the state budget. The Commission considers that any interlinkages between political considerations and safety considerations should be avoided. In this respect, CAAM will have to demonstrate its full independence in its decision-making process despite this new institutional framework. In accordance with all available information, including the results of the Union's on-site assessment visit and the information provided at the hearing, the Commission and the Air Safety Committee consider that CAM has only very limited capabilities to oversee the aviation activities in Moldova and therefore significant further improvements are necessary to address arising safety deficiencies. Air Moldova presented its CAP addressing the observations and recommendations of the Union's on-site assessment visit. This plan contains corrective and preventive actions based on a robust reot-cause analysis. In this context, EASA has confirmed that from the perspective of TCO and SAFA this air carrier at present does not give rise to specific safety concerns. Fly One gave an overview of the company, including its current fleet and the available resources and facilities. It described its Safety Management System and the Quality Management System as robust and well developed systems. The air carrier uses a set of software tools in order to integrate the safety, quality and risk management data, and to have an effective control of its operations. In this context, EASA has confirmed that from the perspective of TCO and SAFA this, air carrier at present does not give rise to specific safety concerns. Aerotranscargo presented the structure and functioning of its Quality Management System and its Safety Management System. It also informed about 8 (70) (ny (72) its commitment to improve its safety performance and culture. In this context, EASA has confirmed that from the perspective of TCO and SAFA this air carrier at present does not give rise to specific safety concerns, On the basis of information currently available, in accordance with the common criteria set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005, the Commission therefore considers that with respect to air carriers from Moldova there are grounds at this stage for including all of them, with the exception of Air Moldova, Fly One and Aerotranscargo, in the list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Union, Member States should keep verifying the effective compliance of Moldova with the relevant international safety standards through prioritisation of ramp inspections carried out on air carriers certified in Moldova, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012. If any relevant safety information indicates that there are imminent safety risks as ‘a consequence of a lack of compliance with intemational safety standards, the Commission might be obliged to take further action, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005. EBB Heceronctly signed ou 12/04/2019 1783 (UTC-G2) accordance mith atcle-.2 (allt felectronk dounents) of Commlstn Decision 2004/563 TCA CIVILA IC OF MOLDOVA LEA, RB DE 0S MINISTERUL FINANTELOR AL REPUBLICH MOLDOVA MINIST ERULUT ECONOMIEI $I INFRASTRUCTURTT AL REPUBLIC MOLDOVA, Prin prezenta, Autoritates Aeronautica Civil (AAC) isi exprima dezacordul in vederea diminuirii cu cirea 19,3 mil. lei a nivelului bugetat al cheltuiclilor de personal enunfat de Ministeral Finanjelor in proiectul de modificare a Legii bugesului de stat pentru anul 2019 nr. 3032018, Plafonul impus de 30.2 mil lei acoperd doar 7 luni de activitate al AC, sau in parame reali de timp ultimul transfer va fi efectuat la inceputul lunii septembrie pentru activitates din luna ‘august 2019. Deja pentru luna septembrie 2019 AAC nu va dispune de alocayii bugetare aferente ‘cheltuiclilor de personal pentru garantarea remunerSrii personalului angajet. Propunerile AAC, fundameniate de calcule, au fost inaintate prin serisoarea nr. 1999 din (04.07.2019 intra respectarea nivelului cheltuielilor de personal pentru anul 2019 la valoarea de 42.1 iil. kei, siatesta diminuarea acestora cu 7.4 mil, lei stu 15% fala de valoarea aprobata initial (49.5 mil. le) Subliniem c& executarea lunar de facto a cheltuiclilor de personal in decurs de 6 luni se efectveart cu economii de pénd la 15% lunar constant, ceea ce atest2 c& nu este loc de diminuare mai ‘mare pentru urmatoarele § luni. in cifre AAC a suportal cheltuieli de personal de 20,9 mil. lei pentru luni 2019 din ecle aprobate pentru anvl 2019, ceea ce constituic 84,3% ca raport dintre 20.9 mil. lei (cheltuieli executate februarie ~ iunie) fafa de 24,8 mil, lei (cheltuieli aprobate februarie ~ iunie). Pitonul activityii Autortafii este capitalul uman fayd de care sunt stabilite cerinte de etre Organizatia Aviatiei Civile Imemationale (ACD la care Republica Moldova este membru, in spetd, Documentul OAC] Doc 8335 ,,Manualul privind procedurile de inspectie operational, certificare si supraveghere continua” releva c& wpentru indepliniea activitatilor de inspectie este important ca rivelul de pregitire si experieny® in domenitle operajionale sau tehnice s8 fie adecvat naturit AUTORITATER AERONAUTICA CIVILA REPUBLICA MOLDOVA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY UBLIC OF MOLDOVA 1219 0 (EOS Ministerul Finantelor al Republicil Moldova Prin prezenta, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civlé (AAC), atrage atentia repetat (sublectul a fost prezentat initial prin demersul nr. 647 din 14.03.2019) asupra problemei tergversari transterunilor in interesele operationale ale AAC. ‘Actuaimente pe lista de asteptare” in Trezoreria mun. Chisinau se afla cu statut de acceptat” 19 ordine de plata care dateaza din 29.03.2019 pand la 26.04.2019. Neachitares acestora, deja creeaza canditionalltati din partea furnizorilor, fat care impiedica desfésurarea aciivitalilor AAC. Jn acest sens. solicitim respectuos urgentarea achitarilor pe ordinele de plata (19 ordine), anexate la prezenta be asemenea, aragem atentia ssupra faptuivi cd, prin demersul AAC 1.647 din 14.03.2019 am indicat importanta pentru AAC de a realiza in termen achitanie catre institutiile de instruire din vamtale (peste $0% cin instru se reaizeazs la sedile rezidentilor UE). In acest sens, rugdrm vcpuctuos eceptarea in regim prior a solicit AAC de achitere a cureuior do instru in stiainatate ‘Anexai 1 fila (nomenclatorul Ordinelor de plata acceptate dar neexecutate de Trezoreria mun, Chisinau). Cu respect, in speranta solufionarif pozitive a celor indicate supra. Director ‘Octavian NICOLAESCU wverwcaa ad teh 4373 22 823500 Boz, MD-2026 rai if fax: 4373 22 520118 i j | MEE. BLE =? Ministerul Finantelor al Republicii Moldova Prin prezenta, suplimentar Demersului nr.1404 din 21 mai 2019, in scopul asigurarii tunel respect depline gi corecte a cerintelor metodologice de evident& contabilé in sectorul bugetar, Autoritatea Aeronauticé Civilé (AAC) solicit& respectuos explicalli pe marginea Ordinului Ministrului Finantelor rv.216 din 28.12.2015 cu privire la aprobarea Planului de conturi contabile in sistemui bugetar si a Normelor metodologice privind evidenta contabila si raportarea financiard in sistemul bugetar. Incepand cu 01 ianuarie 2079, finantarea activitatii AAC se efectueaza in conformitate cu principille, regulile si procedurile stabilite de Leaea finantelor publice si responsabilitati in procesul de tranzitie de la evidenta contabilé cu respectarea cerintelor SNC la cea din sectorul bugetar, in cadrul AAC au mai fost identificate elemente, care necesita concretizéri prin prisma Ordinului Ministrului Finantelor 216/2016, si anume: |. Contabilizarea cheltuielilor de instruire. Pentru exercitarea functilor sale de cerlificare, supraveghere si control in domeniul aviatiei civile, AAC asigurd instruirea obligatorie 2 angajatilor sai cu catalogarea acestor cchettuieli prin contul contabil 222600 ,Formare profesional Suplimentar, in cadrul institutiei se organizeaza periodic activitati de asistent& / suporturi tehnice oferite de organizatii europene (EASA si Eurocontrol) a céror scop este suport in consolidarea cadrului normetiv in domeniul aviatiei civle, Evident ca in cadrul acestor asistenje ersonalul AAC cap8té experient’ pe partea implementarii aquis-ului comunitar in domeniul aviatie civile Pentru buna desfasurare a masurilor date (asislenta tehnica) sunt prevazute cheltuieli de transport a reprezentantlor (aeroport hotel - sediul AAC - aeroport) cu automobilul AAC, cheltuleli materiale pentru asigurarea pauzelor de cafea, precum $i servicli de asigurare cu pranz a acestore, a cinei de protocel. In acest sens, rugam respectuos 0 explicatie metodologicd de contabilizare a cheltuiellor enumerate mai sus pentru desfasurarea asistentel ighnice, cu ingiearea Codului_ Eco corespunzator. Ik Contabilizarea cheltuielilor de reparatie a incdperilor arendate ‘Autofitatea Aeronautica Civila 'si desfasoard activitalee avind sediu in spatii primite in locatiune pe baz de contract. Conform cerintetor Ordinului Ministrulul Finantolor 216/20%6 cchelluielle de chirie @ imobilelor si bunurlor, de servici comunale refacturate de catre Srendator, se contabilizeaz’ la subcontul 222300 .Servicii de locatiune’. Recent a aparut secesitatea unor imounatat in oladirea arendata (instaléni unui geam termopan, reparetia @ Cateva plase antinsecte) Aceste lucréri au fost executate de catre 0 companie speciaizata pe servici de repatie a incaperiior Considerdim c& cheltuielle date se atribuie la articolul de cheltvieli “Servicii de locatune ev ECO 222200 atat conform prevederilor contitiior contractului de locatiune semnat de AAG are prevede expres obligatia Locatarului de a efectua lucran de reparaiie curentd a punulu! frchinat col putin anual, cat si conform cerinjelor Ordinului Ministrului Finantelor 216/2015. Af corectl $i logicd 0 astlel ce contabiizare, decarece informativ s-ar acumula in acest cont ‘contabil uma integralé a cheltuieliulor de locatiune suportate de entitatea noastra La etapa de achitare a senvicilor prestste ne confruntam cu nectaritates calificar ‘acestora, astfel incat se Impune transferut costulu’ lor de la ECO 222500 Servicii de reparatii Sorente’, din motivul cé livrarea geemului, lucrale de instalare @ acestuie $i de reparatie ¢ plaselor sunt prestate nu de locater, dar de 0 alté persoand juridic® Solicitam respectuos explicatii melodologice pe marginea formulelor contabile pentru contabllizerea acestor operatiuni economice. I Mijloace fixe. Valoarea reziduald gi durata de functionare utild a acestora. In procesul de trenzite de la evidenta contabila a mifoacelor fixe (MF} cu respectares cerinjelor SNC la cea din sectorul bugelar in cadrul AAC au fost idenificate aspecte nectare are tin de valoarea reziduala si de durata de exoloatare a activelor date Astfel, la situatia din 31.12.2018 ~ in bitant sunt inregistrate M care, in conformitate cu prevedariie SNC .Imobilizari necorporale si corporale” au avut stabilia la momentul dari lor in exploatare o valoare reziduala, Flind uzate Complat conform duratei prestabilte, valoarea lor de bilant coincide cu valoarea reziouale = in bilan} sunt inregistrate MF care, in conformitate cu prevederile SNC lmobilizar: necorporale si corporale” au avut stabilté la momentul dni lor in exploatare 0 valoare reziduald, lar uzura nu a fost inca calculeté complet, AAC solicit’ respectuos s8 acordali asistentd la aspectul contabilizari velori reziduale: 1. aME uzate complet. dar_atiate inca in exploatare 2. acelor panial uzate din punct de vedere al termenului de exploatere. Programul de evident contabilé elaborat de CTIF nu prevede un algontm de contabilizare a valorilor reziduale a MF. De asemenea, informam cé Catalogu! milloacelor fixe gi a activelor nemateriale aprobat prin HG n.338 din 21.03.2003 in cap.1X .Durata de functionare uta a mifoacelor fixe 1 8 Activelor nemateriale” prevede posibiltatea de stabilire in mod independent a durater de functionare ull a unui oblect’grup de obiecte omegene. ‘Astiel, pe parcursul a mai mulli ani de gestine a MF conform SNC, pentru determinarea duralel de fuctionare ulilé a acestora, AAC aplica coeficientul 0,8 pentru activele ‘cu exploatare mai intensa si cel de 1.3 pentru cele cu expioatare mai redusa Ins, odata cu contabilzarea soldurilor in evidenta contabilé bugetara la situatia 101.01,2019 programul de evidenté 1-C buget nu permite aplicaree normelor anuale de uzurs ajustate anterior prin aplicares coeficientilor 0.8 $i 1.3. AAC Via solicité opinia pe aspectul aplicarii din 01.01.2019 in evidents contabilé buaetara 2 normelor anuale_de uzura modificate_anterior conlorm prevederlior SNC. Modificarea duratei de exploatare ull 2 MF este important si datorita faptulul ca ta moment suntem la etapa de achizitionare a unui Server, care,conform cerinjelor Ordinului Ministrului Finantelor 216/2015, se regaseste In grupa de conturi 314 .Magini si utiaje", avand urata de functionare utié 3 ani. In aceasté grupa de conturi se regaseste si, de exemplu, un computer monobloc, duraté de functionare utilé @ cBrui constitule la fel 3 ani. Regimul de fexploatare a acestor doua aclive este difert atét dupa intensitate, cét i dupa durata de functoionare a lui pe percursul unet zile in acest sens, explicatile Ministerului Finantelor despre posibilitatea alustaril duratei de ‘unctionare ulila a MF simiare ca clasificare conform Catalogulu, dar cu intensitate dferta de exploatare sunt necesere. Mizdim pe un réspuns prompt la subiectele invocate supra, ceea ce ar permite Autoritati ‘meronautice Civile intocmirea cat mai corect& si informativa @ repoartelor financiare ce vor fi prezentate ulterior. Cu respect, Octavian Nicolaescu rector Exy-Bojenary {1.022-823-700 AUTORITATER AERONAUTICA CIVIL REPUBLICA MOLDOVA BIE vw VO3 WE Ministerul Finantelor Ministerul Economiei gi Infrastructur Centrul pentru implementarea Reformelor i Stimati Domni/Doamne, Prin prezenta, Autortatea Aercnauticd Civila (AAC) doreste s@ aduca in atentia Dumneavoastrd cificultatile intampinate in partea finantarii activtatiior AAC si, in special, cele ce tin Ge instrvirea personalului. Jn conformitate cu prevederile cadrului legal aferent ramurii aviatiel civile (Legea aviatie! civile nv.1237-Xill din 09.07.1997, cu modificdrile si completarile ulterioare), AAC este 0 autoritate administrativa de control, certificare si supraveghere in domeniul aviafiei civile. In acest context, activititile statuate urmeazé a fi realizate de personalul califcat la zi, care detine cunostintele $i cerlficdrile corespunzatoare activtatilor de inspecti jn lipsa unor institut’ de instruire profesionala in Republica Moldova, care ar asigura proficienta continu (mentinerea calficarior) @ personalului Autoritati, suntem obligali de a executa aceste instrvirl in institut specializate de peste hotare Prin migrarea (la finele anului 2018) Autoritati Aeronautice Civile la sistemul de finantare stabilt prin Legea 181 din 26.07.2014 ,privind finantele publice gi responsabilitatea bugetar-fiscala” transferurie banesti se realizeaza prin Trezoreria de stat, mun. Chisinau | Pe parcursul lunitor ianuarie-martie 2018 AAC se confrunta constant cu problema .lipsel de finantare™ in cacrul bugetului de stat pentru asigurarea financiaré a activitatilor planificste si | aprobate in bugatul institutie. Acest fapt agraveaz4 constant capacitatea AAC de a-si onora oblicatiunile financiare asumate, in consecinta, mentinerea unui personal calificat la orice etapS 2) activitatilor de inspectie si control in domeniul aeronautic. Jn cifre, de la inceputul anulul 2019 pana in prezent, ordinele de plata aferente instruiri profesionale au fost .executate’ in proportie de 30 % (din 9 ordine de plata au fost executate 3) cea ce in marime baneasca exprima doar 17% din obligatiunile AAC (achitat 19,5 mil lei din 112,3 mii lei), Ourata madie de prolucrare si, respectiv, achitare a ordinelor de plata este de circa 2 saplaméni Ministerul Finantelor Copié, — Ministerul Economiei si Infrastructurii Prin prezenta. in contextul reformelor inslitutionale care s-au produs in anul 2018, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civilé vine s8 va informeze asupra urmatoarelor. in baza prevederitor Legii nr.140 din 27.07.2016 .cu privire la modificarea si completarea unor acte legislative”, sistemul de finantare 2 Autoritatii Aeronautice Civile a fost ajustal la exigentele Legii nr.181 .privind finantele publice si responsabiltatea bugetar-fiscalé” in conformitate cu art.€2 al Legii nr.181 .privind finantele publice si responsabiltatea bugeterfiscala, la momentulinstituiri contului trezorerial pentru institutie, Autcritatea Aeronautica Civilé a Inchis conturile bancare de care dispunee in institut financiare private. La momentul inchiderii contuiui bancar, Autoritalea Aeronautica Civil a transferat soldul de mijloace banesti existent (42,5 min. lei) in contul trezorerial aferent Autoritajii Aeronautice Civile din urmatoarele motivele: Obiigativitatea expusa in art'62 al Legii nr.i81 privind finantele publice si responsabiltates bugetar-iscala’ Lipsa unui act normativ care ar prevedea expres adresa unde urma a fi transferat soldul ramas la finele arului 2018. Suplimentar, am dori s& atragem atentia ca, in baza discutillor cu Trezoreria Ministerului Finanjelor, utima @ solicitet transferarea acestui sold catre un all cont trezorerial in bugetul de stat, fapt care ar lipsi Auloritatea Aeronauticd Civili de milloace financiare necesare activist curente a acesieia, in sustinerea atirmatei supra, se anexeaza analiza transferusior in contul Autoritait in anul 2018 cét si situatia la 21 (01.02.2019), Conchidem c@, lunar, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila se confrunta cu un deficit de miloace banesti de circa 2,1 min. lei, ceea ce constituie 40% din cheltuiolile Iunare @ acesteia (calcul realizet in baza bugetului AAC aprobat in bugetul de stat in anul 2019). Lipsa mijloacelor financiare necesare va afecta incontestabil activitatea de reglementare a Autoritati Aeronautice Civile si va crea un climat social negativ, la baza carvia se va pozitiona Neachiterea in mBrime deplina a obligatiunior salariale (nerespectarea prevederilor Legii nr.270 din 23.11.2078 ,privind sistemul unitar de salarizare in sectorul bugetar’) si_linsa_milloacelor financiare pentru instruires obligatorie 2 inspectorilor, cat | imposibilitatea de supraveghere a activitatii agentilor aeronautici care opereaza in afara {ari atare evolutie a lucrurilor este extrem de periculoasa in contextul in care, in anu! curent, aviatia civild national8 va fi auditat’ de catre Organizatis Europeand privind Siguranta Zborurior (EASA) privind corespunderea la standardele internationale si gradul de implementare 2 cerintelor europene in domeniu. Lipsa unui personal molivat sau teralmente dedicat scopulul de ‘obtinere a unel aprecieri pozitive a eforturilor Republicii Moldova In aceasta directie, poate duce ia o eventuala sistere a zborurilor companillor aeriene nationale in spatiul european. Pentru evitarea posibilelor repercusiuni indicate mai sus, consideram important si absolut obiectiv revizuirea pozitiel Ministeruiui Finantelor in_vederea transferului soldulyl ce miloace financiare din conlul rezorerial al Autoriati Aeronautice Civile in alt cont trezorerial al buaelulul ge stat. Ne exprimam disponibiltatea de a furniza informatii suplimentare, la necesitate, in intentia solutionari pozitive a solicit Autort&ti Aeronautice Civile Anexé: Not® informativa ~ 3 file ctor \\ Octavian NICOLAESCU Ex V.Gorea Tel: 823500 Nota informativa Privind evolutia veniturilor Autoritatii Aeronautice Civile (AAC) pentru anul 2018 |. in conformitate cu Legea aviatie! civile nr.1237-Xill din 09.07.1997, cu modificarile si completarit operate (pana la aprobarea Legii nr. 140 din 27.07.2018), Autoritatea Aeronautica Civili avea statut de autoritate de certificare, supraveghere sicontrol care activa pe principii de autogestiune si autofinantare. in baza art.6 a Legii prenotate sursele de finantare a AAC constituie plati de supraveghere a mentinerii a conditiilor de certificare. in vederea realizarii Legit avia civile, prin HotSrdrea Guvernului nr.1 din 04.01.2013 au fost stabilite marimile concrete @ platilor de supraveghere si anume: supravegherea mentinerii conditiilor de certificare a aerodromurilor cod 3 si cod 4 in mérime de 1,25 euro/pasager la plecare sila sosire; ~ supravegherea mentinerii conditiiior de certilicere a serviciilor de navigatie aerian’ {in mirime de 1,0 euro/ ton3/MTOW aeronavé la decolare/aterizare; supravegherea mentinerii conditillor de certificare 2 operatorilor aerieni care efectueaz3 transporturi de mérfuri in afara teritoriului Republicii Moldova in marime de 1,0 euro/MTOW aeronava la decolare. Mijloacele financiare sub forms de plati de supraveghere se transferau pnd la data de 25 a lunii imediat urmatoare pe contul bancar al Autoritatii Aeronautice Civile, iar in enul 2018 acestea constituie venituri cotectate si constituie sursi de finantare AAC. i. in baza bugetelor anuale aprobate de Guvern (anit 2027 si 2018), cata veniiutilor de pe seama plitilor de supraveghere a mentinerii conditillor de certificare a aerodromurilor este de circa 65%, restul fiind atribuite la venituri de la operatorii aerieni - 20% si de la prestatorul de servicii de navigatie aeriand - 15%. Mai jos este reprezentata corelaree intre veniturile calculate — col.3 (plati de supraveghere) si transferurile efective realizate ~ col.d de agentii aeronautici (veniturile de casa) in anul 2028. (la situatia de 29.01.2019) Nr. | Denumirea entitaii | Calcutst, | Achitat (in JAchitat d/o miilei { baza {a col.3), | obligatiuni anit mii lei Precedenti, mii | lei 7 1 2 3 4 5 | a | Avia Invest” S.RL | 69865,8 | |2_Tis. MoldaTsa” 3__|Companii aeriene _ t ——JOTAL__ jin concluzie, tabelul elucideazs cd AAC, in anul 2018, a primit doar 36% din veniturile calculate, ceea ce constituie circa 63% din cheltuielile curente ale AAC {62,5 mln. tei, aprobate de Guvern in anul 2018). Pe langi sumele anvale pasibile transferarii (sub form’ de plati de ere), Autoritatea Aeronautic’ Civilé este angajatd in procese de judecats supravegh iar pentru obligatiunile financiare ce reid din anit anteri Pe plati de supraveghere iis. ,Aeroportul International ChisinSu” suma de bazé fn litigiu ~ 33 886,6 mil lei S.R.L, .Avia Invest” suma de baz’ in litigiu ~ 4 $89,6 mii lei TOTAL 38.4762 Pe cantracte cosiune de creante iS. ,Air Moldova” suma de bazd in litigyu ~ 23081, nui lei S)R.L. ,Fly One” suma de bazi in litigiv ~ 28 $43,6 mii lei TOTAL -51624,7 Sumele indicate nu includ penalitatile si dobancile de intérziere. IW. Suplinires AAC cu mijloace financiare in anul 2018 (cum am indicat mai sus, 63% din cheltuieli au fost acoperite de mijioace financiare primate din plat de supraveghere in nul 2018) s-2 efectuat din contut soldului de mijloace binesti existent Ia inceputul anului in contul AAC. Evolutia soldului se prezinta in materialul grafic de mai jos: ECvolutia soldului de mijleace banesti in contul AAC in anul 2018 orsisan39 amon | » a Bog EE Bess ‘g saoonsone AL © § : 3 F 4 micoonm e i tru anul 2018 se conturear’ urmétoarea realitate: 63% (sau 39 ellie AAC au fost acoperite din contul platilor de supraveghere, jloace banesti aflate in contul Astfel, pent 176,0 mii ei) din cheltu iar 37% (sau 24 78,1 mii lei) din contul soldului de AAC Ia inceputul anului. E necesar de mentionat c& principalul formator al veniturilor colectate de AAC este S.RL. ,Avia Invest”, care pe parcursul anului 2028 (conform tabelului de mai sus) nua executat transferuri pe plati de supraveghere, iar tendinta se pastreazé si in anul curent. in aceste circumstante, ih conditille cind 5.R.L. ,Avia Invest” au va execute $i in continuare obligatiunile sale stabilite prin Hatararea Guvernului nr. din 04.01.2013, Autoritatea Aeronautic’ Civild in permanent va avea deficit de mijioace colectate in raport cu cheltuielile lunare ce urmeaza a fi suportate, Solutia care ar putea remedia situatia pe anul 2019, ne referim ia asigurarea finantarii activitatii AAC, ar fi utilizarea soldului de la finele anului 2018 (conform informatiei din grafic) pentru cheltuielile AAC, aprobate in bugetul de stat pentru anul 2019. Pentru luna ianuarie 2019, situatia transferurilor in contul trezorerial AAC este simiter8 celei din anul 2018. Ca siin anul 2018, onorarea obligatiunilor stabilite prin Legea aviatici civile si Hotaririi Guvernului prin care s-au stabilit cuantumul platilor de supraveghere are un caracter partial. Tabelul de mai jos reprezinté situatia calculari si transferului plijilor de supraveghere fn luna ianuarie 2019. [Nr | Denumires entitayii | Calculat, mii lei | Achitat (in baze la ta/o | rm | col.3), mii tei | { Eo tk 4 aan | 4667.0 | I 1143 | 1835.5 | TOTAL 66455 Achitarile realizate constituie 45% din totalul plitilor de supraveghere ce urmau a fi transferate in ianuarie 2019. Cheltuielile salariale pentru luna lanuarie 2019 se estimeaz’ la circa 3,3 min. lei, care se suplimenteaz’ cu cheltuieli aferente destésurarii _activitatilor regulamentare (cheltuieli materiale, cheltuieli aferente serviciilor prestate, etc.) jin baza celor expuse, raportand cheltuielile lunare la bugetul AAC aprobat pentru anul 2019, cheltuielile lunare AAC sunt estimate la 5,1. min. Lei, cea ce denots é pentru luna ianuarie 2019 AAC deja are un deficit de mijloace circulante de circa 2,1 min. lei REPUBLICA MOLDOVA vit AVU LEB AL OL 8 JON AUTHORITY Ministerul Finantelor Ministerul Economiei si Infrastructuri Autoritatea Aeronauticd Civila (AAC) prezint& consideratiunile sale pentru activitatea pe care 0 desfagurati si vine si informeze asupra urmitoarelor. Cu referint& la scrisorile anterioare a Autorititii Aeronautice Civile (se anexeaz) adresate Ministerului Finanjelor, prin care au fost expuse dificultatile ea activitatii AAC, cu regret constatdm cii situatia nu s-a intampinate in finant schimbat, in conformitate cu prevederile Codului Aerian al Republicii Moldova (Legea nr.301 din 21.12.2017) si Regulamentului de activitate a Autoritatii Aeronautice Civile, aprobat prin Hotérdrea Guvernului nr.133 din 27.02.2019 »Platile de supraveghere a mentinerii conditiilor de supraveghere..... constituie venituri_colectate de cdtre autoritatea administrativa de implementare si realizare a politicilor in domeniul aviatiei civile si se_utilizeaz la finantarea activitatii acesteia Jn conformitate cu standardele OACI (Organizajia Aviatiei Civile Internationale la care Republica Moldova este parte), pct. 53.3.1 al Doc OACT 8333, editia 2011, Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance” este specificai ca inspectorit AAC sii posede calificari, experienja de munca operajionala sau tehnicd, precum si instruire compatibild cu activitdfile‘operatiunile care sunt necesare pentru a certifica, inspecta sau supraveghea. Calificdrile inspectorilor trebuie sé fie comparabile cu cele ale agentului aeronautie certificat, inspectat sau supravegheat in cadrul inspectiilor, dar nici intr-un caz nu mai joase decit nivelul de pregdtire al personalului inspectat | | ‘Actualmente, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila dispune de mijloace financiare suficiente, in contul trezorerial atribuit. pentru a-si asuma cheltuielile necesare asiguririi activitajii curente. Tomusi, se atest faptul restantelor semnificative la realizarea transferurilor, prin intermediul Trezoreriei, pe ordinele de plata (care deja au statut de “acceptat”) incepand cu data de 38.06.2019. Majoritates ordinelor de platé (10 din 15 acceptate de Trezorerie) se referd direct la cheltwieli de deplasare si instruire, celelalte sunt aferente jilor si procurérii materialelor. Motivul intérzierii transferurilor prestarii serv este vociferat ca .lipsa alocatiilor™ Suplimentar, informim 4, din data de 28.06.2019 AAC nu-si poate nora obligatiunile fajé de institutia de instruire din Ukraina din acelasi motiv lipsa alocatiilor pentru transferul_valutar conform clasifiestorulut economic .Chelwieli de instruire™ in aceste circumstante, consideram problematic de a dialoga cu insttufiile intemationale in partea ce fine de acordatea asistenjei in domeniul aviatiei civile in conditile in eare uni operatori aerieni nayionali au fost inclusi la data de 16.04.2019 in Lista de Siguranti a UE. Unul din motivele includeri operatorilor najionali in lista daté au fost neefectuarea inspectilor de lificarilor si instruirii persoanalului AAC, supraveghere de catre AAC $i lipsa Suplimentar, fa enuntul de mai sus, prin exemplificare coneretd tinem s& statudim 8: = AAC a semnat acorduri de colaborare cu AAC Romania si Franta, EASA, IATA (Agentia Internajionala a Transportatorilor Aerieni), care permit obtinerea accesului 1a resursele de training si consultanti. In baza acestor ‘Acorduri AAC urmeaza si achite doar transportul, hrana sau cazarea expertilor = AAC a semnat contractul privind biletele avia care din data de 03.06.2019 se afla la inregistrare in Ministerul Finantelor. Acest fapt blocheazA executarea obligatiilor de bazi a AAC in partea ce fine de efectuarea supravegherii continue @ Agentilor Aeronautici care activedzi in afara tari, cit si ingreuneaz adoptarea deciziilor pe partea ce tine de paniciparea angajatilor AAC la instruiri speciaiizate. La moment, cum sa intimplat si anterior, angajatii AAC pleacd in inspectii si la instruire fra a primi diurna pentru deplasare, iar biletele de avion sunt cliberate de ciitre compania cistigatoare in datorie. in acest sens, lipsa unei finantiri continue pune in dificultate realizarea obligatiunilor asumate de AAC ih raport cu partenerii de dezvoltare si, respectiv, dauncazd imaginii institusiei in condifiile in care Comisia European insist pe asigurarea une independentei financiare a AAC, considerind acest lucra un element important in executarea functiilor de supraveghere a agentilor aeronautici pe partea respectirii siguranfei zborurilor si securitajii aeronautice, solicitam respectuos suportu! Dvs in solutionarea celor expuse mai sus. Director Octavian NICOLAESCU Realizare prevederi PNA AA 2017-2019 (Revizuit 14 iunie 2019) Transport aorlan Termenal de peetare sruBserh Costuri estimative si . . Indicator de} Insitute | termenul de ProvederileAcorduui de Asociere Aasuiedimplementare ee ceneanie mplenonare sou S98 aopere a Note chetucitor Acorduli de Ascciere Regulamentul (CE) _nr.300/2008 all LT4. Ret nou|Lege inirata|Mingteral _[Trimestrul I, 2018, 20000 Tei [Protech de lege a fost aprobat in| Pafamertusi European sil Consul in 11]Proiect de lege. prvnd secuttatealinvigoare |Economiei [Contam AcorukilBugetul de statfprma i a doua lect oe marti 2008 privind norme comune in domeniul aeronautica cu un nou —cuprinss| infrastructuri |privind Spatiul Aerian Alte surse (asistentaParlament securtti aval civle si de abrogare | Trenspune [Comun (in coninuare|tehict UE .Suport Regulamentuui — (CE)-—_-nr.2320/2002;|1. Regulamentul (CE) nr.300/2008; |ASAC) - 3 ani de la|asistent3 in comeniul|A fost remis pentru reexamine} [Regulamentul (UE) nr. 18/2010 al Comisiei din|2. Regulamentul nv. 1254/2009/UE; Jmomentul intrari in| aviate’ civile fArior din|t® care Presedintele Republcil [8 ianuarie 2010 de modifcare a Regulamentului|3. Regulamentul (UE) nr-72/2010 \vigoare a Acordului |Parteneriatul Estic si|Moldova (CE) n.30072008 a Patamerivui European gi Asia Conralé) {al Consilivlul in cea ce priveste specificatile [Pomualicareena.201 pein programelenajonae de contr clit Lissa n-aptia wth in domenul securtafi_aviajed cv; linalé de cate Parlamentul RM RRegulamentul (UE) n7.1264"2009 al Comisie din 18 deceninie 2008 de stabire a citer SET, et nou|Holarre de) Mitel rms, 2018 [In imele resurselorProgramul —nafional de [care sa permita statelor membre s& deroge de la Proiectl hotériti Guvernului cu privire fa} Guvern Economiei si lougetare disponibile silsecuritate a aviatiei civile, este| stndariele de bevd comune prvind securittes|aprobarea Programuki nafonal denial in|nrestuctu in ate suse (essenalun act normativ ce deriva din avialel cvle ss adopte mésuri de securate|secutato a aviajei__cle;igoare tehnicd UE Sipor gipoul preiect de lege privina ternative: Transpune: asisten’® tn’ domenilsecurtatea aeronautics, ast! Regulamentul (UE) n.7220%0 al Come dn | Regularmenl (UE). 2018/1998 avail civle frior dnjpromovarea proiectull va avea 26 ianvarie 2010 de stabire a proceduror de Parteners Este soc dups aprobarea Leg no lefectuare a inspecilor Comisiei in domeniul Asia Centrals’) secur eronauce Regulamentul (UE) nr. 59872014 _al|SLT2 rr nou|Holirre de|Minislerul | Trimestral IV, 2018;| 70000 Tei Aprobata HG nr246/2019, MO| Pelamertuhi European gial Consul din 16|Proiect hotéri Guverulai pentu)Gwvem Economist sifConfom ASAC ~ 2] ugetu de stat I. 162-166/285 din 10.05.2019 aie 2014 de stabiie normelor si alaproberea Regulament de stabire anata n|inestuctri [ani de la. moment procedurlor cu pre la inodceresrestiyjar|armelor 3} procedunior cu prvre la igoar imran: in vigoae de operarerefetoare la zgomet pe aeoporurinvoducerearestclilr de operar| din Uriune Tn cadrul unei abordérechilibrate gi[refertoare la zgomot pe aeroporturile din] (Aoordulul de abrogere a Directive! 2002/30/08 Republica Moldova tn cedrulunel bord echilibrate; /Regulamentul (UE) nr.439/2014 al Conisiel din|SLT3. ‘Act nou|Hotarire de|Ministenul —[Trimestral 1, 2078;]20000 lei [Aprobata HG nr.653/2018] 12 februarie 2014 de stabire a cerinfelor|Proiectul hotrii Guvernului pentru Guvem [Economiei gi|Conform ASAC - 2[Bugetul de _stat;/MO256-265/713 din 11.07.2018 fehnice si @ procedurilor administrave}aprobarea Regulamentului _privind|ntrat&_—in}Infrastructurii Jani de la momentullAlte surse _(asistent’ referitoare la aerodromuri in temeiul|procedurile administrative refertoare lal vigoare: invari tn vigoare altehnic& UE .Suport si Regulamentului (CE) nr-216/2008 all aerodromur JAcordulu asistenta in domenial Parlamentului European si al Consiiulai Transpune: aviaie civle (arilr din} Reguiamentul (UE) n.13912014 Parfeneriatul Estio $i Asia Centralé’) Directiva 96I67ICE a Consifului din 16/SLT4. ‘et ‘nou|Hotirie —de|Minisierul —[Trimestrul IV, 2017] 10000 lei[Aprobata. HG nr.97%/2017| loctombrie 1996 privind accesul Ia plaja[Proiectul hotérii Guverului pentrulGuvern _|Economiei _si|Conform ASAC - 2|Bugetul de stat MO399-440/ 1081] servicilor de handling fa sol in aeroporturie|aprobarea Regulamentului privind|intrata in inrestructuri' ani de la moment Ale surse (asistent8|din 17.41.2047; [Comunitatt /accesul la piata senvcilor de handing lal vigoare invari tn vigoare altehnic& UE ,Suport si sol in aeroporturle Republici Moldova; Acordulu asistont in domenial Transpune: aviatie’ ciile {ror din Direciva 96/67/CE Parteneriatil Estic $i Asia Cenirala’) 1. Transpunereaelementelor in| Comitet_—[Ministerul | Trimestrul I, 2018 [Comitetul Utiizatorilor din] Directva prin insiturea Comitetuuil institut Economiei si |Aeroport a fost insttuit prin Uiilzatorior din Aeroport Inrastructuri’ [Ordinul Directorului General al [Comitetul de |,Aviainvest” SRL [Supraveghere a Concesionari Regulamentul (UE) nr-996/2010 all LT2. ‘Act nou|lege iniratd|Ministerul | Trimestru ll, 2018, | 70000 lei Proiect de lege este definitivat, Parlamentului European si al Consiiului din 20}Proiectul de lege cu privire alin vigoare |Eoonomiei si|Conform ASAC - 2/Bugetul de stat octombrie 2010 privind investigarea —sifinvestigarea accidentelor si incidentalor Infastructuri [ani de la momentul IMEI urmeazd si prezinte} prevenitea accidentelor si incidentelor surverite in trensportui intr in vigoare al proiectul cBtre Guvem, jin aviatla civid si de abrogare @ Directivei|Transpune! |Acordului 945810 Regulamentul (UE) or. 99812010 4. Crearea Biroului de Investigare a| Biroul va fi creat prin aprobarea| [Accidentelor(aricolul 81, 1 termen de] realizare ~ trimestrul1V 2018) [Legit cu privire 1a investigare| laccidentelor $i incidentelor in ransportur Regulammental (UE) ar. 74872012 al Comisiel dn] SLTS ‘at nou] otaire de) Minstenul | Trmnestul 1, 206;| 16000 Tei|fransmis WEI epre consulta 3 august 2012 de statilre @ normelor de punere|Proiectul Hotri Guvemuli cu pie la|Gwem Economist gi[Conform ASAC- 2|Bugetul do stat, Alto publce gi avizara jn aplicare —privind cerficarea —pentulcertfcarea pentru navigabiltate gi medintratain|inastuctui Jani de. ta momentl|surse (asstnl tehrica navigaitate §1 mediu a aeronavelor si ala aeronavelr gia preduselr, pieseor | igoare intrani in vigoate.aJUE .Suport si asitongalt-702 din 22.03.2018 Produselor, ieseor si echipamenteloraferentelechipamentelor aferente, precum cord in domenit ava precum si certicarea orgarizafilor de proiectare|certficareaorganizafilor de poiectare civic frlor nl snare 14.0848 siproducfie (Text cu relevanta pentru SEE) | produce; Pertoneriatud Estic ijn Ctualizare 1408.18: ae a Cantal) [transmis spre aprobare in gedinga de Guvern Regulamentul (UE) n.74812012 Regulamentol (CEE) nr.9810 al Consiuli an] SLT Rat ‘nau|Hotarre de) Minster’ | Trmnestul 1 2018;] T6000 Tei|Aprobata WG ne.a6202016| 18 ianvare 1993 privind normele comune de|Proiectl hota Guvernului cu privirela|Guvern _|Economiei_ s].Conform ASAC- 2|Bugetul de stat [mo1s7-1751513 ain 25.05.2018; docare a sltuilor orare pe aeroportue| aprobarea Reguementuui prvindlintat8tn|inastuctui ani de ta moment comunitare socarea slur ore pe aeropotue|vgoare intra tn vigoare_ a ain Republica Moldova Acordui ranspune: Regulamentul (CEE) 95/80 Regulamentul (CE) ar. 768/2006 al Corisie| SLIT. Bet iou|Herre —de|Miistend| | Trmestral 0, 2016;] 76000 Tei|Aprobata WG n.78002016| dir 19 mai 2006 de punere In apicare a|Proecul hotaiii Gwvemului cu pie falGuvem | Economiet gi{Conform ASAC 2 ani|Bugetl de stat |mo30s-320/851 ain 17.08.2018; Directvei 0046ICE @ Parementuui Eropeen|stablirea uel liste comunitare a|inret& —infintastucturi de la -momentul i 2 Consiuli cu pridre la eolectarea 5 laltansporatorlor ariel cere se supun|vigoare intraniin vigoare a (Ordin MEI nr.439/2018, MO 400, Schimbul de informa refertoare la siguranta eronavelor care flosesc —_aeroporturl} Jcomuntere ila gestionerea sistem informational Text cu relevan’ pentru SEE); Regulamentul (CE) ne2ttt2005 Patlamentui European si al Consul din 14 decembrie 2005 de stable @ une! liste Jomuntere a tenspottoror aereni cre se supun unelinterdici de exploatare pe terior Comuniayi si de informare a pasogeror une! interdici de exploatre pe tertorl [Comunitai side informare a pasegertor| trensportlei aerian cu privet dentate transportatorlui—aerian efecti Trenspune: 1. Reguamentol (CE) 7682006; 2. Regulementul (CE) r-2111/2006, 3. Regulamentul (CE) _.473/2006 4, Regulamentl (CE) nr474/2008 Acordului l409/1874 din 26.10.2018 fransportului aerian co prvre la Wentlatea| transporatorulul aerian efectv gi de abrogare a| aricolului 9 din Directive 2004/38/CE (Text cu relevants pentru SEE}, Regulamentul (CE) nr.478/2006 al Corsit din 122 marie 2008 de stable a normelor de| aplicare pentru liste comunitara | transportatoor aerieni care se supun une} interdict de exploatare pe tertorul Comuniti menjonate a capitol I din Regulamentl (CE nr-2111/2005 al Parlamentului European si al IConsiiuhi (Text cu relevant pentru SEE), Regulamentl (CE) nv. 4742006 al Comisiei din 22 mare 2006 de stabire a isti comunitare a transporatonor aerieni care fac obiectul unel interdcfi de exploatare pe tertorsl Communit Imeryonate la capital din Regulamentl (CE) rv.2111/2005 al Parlamentuli European si al Consul (Text eu relevant pentru SEE) [Regulamentul (CE) aratei2008 fT. ‘Act wou ]Lege iva] Minsied —[Trimestull, 2018 [Ih iniele resucelor|Aprobati Legeaar01 a Pattamentui eutopean si al Consiuki din 20/Proiecul —Coduui-»=—aetianinvigoare Economiei i bugetare disponible 21.12.2017, MO nr9s-oatss feruarie 2008 priind normale comune. in| Transpune Inrestucturi ain 23.03.2018 domeniul avait vie sinsttuteaunei Agent. Reguiamental (CE) nr. 218/2008; Europene de Sigurants a Avia side abrogere la Ditectei 9V67010EE a Consul, a Requlementui (CE) n.15922002 gt a Directive 2008/961CE, publcat in Jumatl fica al Uni Euopene L 79 din 18 mart 2008, Regulamentul (UE) nr.9652012 al Corse’ dls, Act now Fotarre delisted fires W, 2018), tele resurasofAprobata WG ar832018, MO) 8 octombrie 2012 de sabe a cerneor ec pail hotriti Guvemdu cu pve lfGINEM IntetiEconomielsConform ASAC-3 enibugetare.disponile fF 366-367964 din 28.08.2019, si @ procedurior administabve refertoare laleprabarea Reguementul pring! Vgoare —fnrastuctrt [ela momentu inn ate sure (assent loperaijuile aeriene in temeil Regulamentus (CE) n.216,2008 al Partamentuii European si procedure administrative retertoare ‘a loperaturile aerene: in vigoare a Acordulut ehnic8 UE ,Supor lsistongé in domeni lOrdinul AAC nr.t1IGEN di (21.02.2019, din] ai Consiak Transpune: lavejey ave (rior arjveas.2079 FRegulamentul (UE) n 93512012 IPoreneviati) Esch sa Contra) Reguamertl UE) nr. T2NR0T4 al Combes ry gay Foire — delinsterat —|fviestul 1, 2070)[n Unitele reauselofTranemis WET pre consul] in 5 nents 24 ti went ear Gmembicu pe ONE HESTON aot ASAC-2anhuge dite sue ger ravigabitti aeronavelor sia. producer ee emul oy Pte ln vgoare —|ntastuctri ela moment inasin ate sure (aise reperelar si dispozitvelor aeronautice si Fase scien eet aera vigoare a Acordului Hehnica UE ,Suport "1438 din 24.05.2019 aterantea epider 8 PESINANS ay, rope 4 dspocte se cones T4089 laeronautce gi autorizarea intrepinderio aed - kia personalu cu ati in domenia —, SlUrmeari a fi_remis spre] Irranspune: sia Contrala’) Ieavizare dupa prima etapa de| [Regulamentul (UE) nr-1321/2014 favizare. Regulamentul (CE) ar. 2027197 al Consifulil [Lege intrata infunisterul —_|Irimestrul_, 2078) JA fost aprobat in prima lectural cin 9 octombrie 1997 privind raspunderea|LT4. Act nou - igoare —_[Economiei _s{Confarm ASAC -2 ani lin Parlament. loperatorlor de transport aerian in caz de[Proiectul de lege cu privire la priving) |nfastructuri [ue la momentul intra es Aspunderea soetnele de asiguare a ba égore a Ac peratarlor rien i a operatrior del Regulamentul (CE) ne. 78872004 allocronave Patamentuli European si al Consiiuli din 21 Transpune: ariie 2004 privnd cernjele de esigurare af, Regulament (CE) 202787; opertoior de transport aerian sia operatorlr|2 Reguamentl (CE) 78572004; de aeronave [Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1178/2011 al Comisiei [Hotarie delMinisieral __|rmestrul tN, 2079, ITransmis MEI spre _consultar| Jdin 3 noiembrie 2011 de stabiire a cerinfelor|SLT#0. Act nou \Gwver intratafEconomied _s{Conform ASAC ~ 2 ani lpublce $i avizare tehnice gia procedurlor administrative Poiectul hotérri Guvernuui cu privire hn vigoare —fnfastructuri de la momenta intr referitoare la personalul navigant din aviaija|@robarea ret cae priving} in vigoare a Acordulul fr. 1439 din 24.05.2019 civia. in temeiul Regulamentului (CE) ,[provedurle administrative refertoar (2 . 1216/2008 al Parlamentului European si al[Personalul navigant din aviatia civil jpemaalicars 148-2013; Consist Irma lurmeaza a fi remis in gedinja Requlrnentd (VE) 1178/2011 lecretaior de stat pentru fnitierea procedurl de avizare gi lconsutare publica Regulamentul (UE) 34072015 al Comisie din 20| februzre 2016 de stabire a cernjlo tenice si ISLT11. Act now tare de)inister saver intrte|Economie in st rimestrul 0, 2019] sonform ASAC — 2 an [Aprobata HG r.134/2079, MO| |n.94-99/190 din 15.03.2018. Ja proceduilor administrative retertoare la[Prietl hot Guvemui cu pire lin vigoare |inastueturi ela momenta ina licefcle 51 cerfcatele contoorlor de vaicleprobarea Regulamentuli de stabiie o fr vignere a Acre aerian in conformitate cu Regulamentul (CE)lernilor si procedilor admiisative nr 216/2008 a1 Patamentiui European si alfefertoae la certificate conlrlr de Ordinal AAC mr24iceN de 26.04.2019, MOwnr-62-166/803 Consul, de mexifcare » Regulameniuisi derafe aeron SM AniEaie puere in apcare (UE) wr. 82372012 al Comisie tes Js de abrogate a Regulamentului (UE)|Tanspune: lr, 8052011 al Comisied JRegulamentu UE} nr. 340/205, RRegulamentul (CE) nt. 6072008 _allSLT12. Act now otarre —_definsters’ —ffrmestul V, 2078] Jroiecotafostavizat in prezent Parlamentului European si al Consifuli din 14| anuarie 2009 privind un cod de conduit pentru sistemele informalizate de rezervare si de| sbrogare a Reguiamentuui (CEE) nr. 2200/80 al Consul probarea Regulamentulvi prvind codulin vigoare ie conduit pentru sistemele informatizate de rezervare [Trenspune: Reguiament (UE) 80/2008; PProiectul hot! Guvernuui cu privie f]Guver intratafEconomiei |nfrastructr st {Conform ASAC — 2 an fie la momentul nia [in vigoare @ Acorduli leste la Ministerul Economiet gi lnfrastructurit Planul de actiuni prvind elaborarea actelor normative in cadrul AAC eee Ta nema ¥ Una ee ee ‘Sopra! ogre! SaaS EET Sraman | RRO safe Cnta iran marta | [raticaes normative (WET Osc el Be Moercee — Atos pasa ann 9 Lese_ [Prieto ent modenea Coe atan eta | numa ons pede ‘orosenaoia) ea aT a Tap Do TA Fagen pad eas RTP eT ORS See | pie Ps a ETO = ‘ioe. ‘Transmis a avizare: [nepanont prod menneea navgabiah “rare in asa saat (amen) lacenavur sprue rgeoor st ere |e xcatat | 1826 omen 2020 loco sernauice x aueraxes cc ae Uinash uk ota Inceprncerir se prea cu abun sae 20) ia ag FRET mae = regard sabre a noni de pun ants onl Bt bese eared ths epee seoncoral Enecutat ‘MEL Exnovtat lunie (termen 20 21) | Exacutat in proces: Imes seenavecrsia posure pet ee: were Ssomcino1> heetenies Senseo dex enaz032010 ‘Cemuat jEste tuts Woparnta sent an Feces irxa TORT Fee teas SEE Rea Evecuiat MEL Executat Giunie (termen 20 2f} | In proces: ei sine Soren osu 62019 [Regn pari aponiran SE de eae sorewe arbour nap sotan nota a [recurs cena in cae socona ae 7 reer sucnavocr vac ve ptt woe ip ate ero coc rere att epdaren prod sabres shen ce [isa TEI ORT haa Carpenae saci emo cation "een vo [gen avai agen stone Rect cts araien OR do Rag ERT = Jconouta pann erie nomati ge erent | exci exes seit weit | Pending eae ‘Aas rammative a Ununt Elana de promevare Europene Orgarizaal actor ‘Actronmatt nations Conaaare painter “Tanesatre suualcimeintermatonale | gy [Aizen gtconsuteren | Botntvaren mative labora 7G See roa | Tents | Publearen (Wefoach eG eee eel Publled a prlecital | protect | PA Progam ratana oe seaaiale a avafe vile [Rap ZOTSTO95 UE “apres Urmeaes etnihot Laat pend FReplanenttdevabire anoTeare Ior SoOEST OE prema cu pveta rtosuceea ester de [Rag 872014 UE i sacl _ secant | tweunt | Stell [paar relearn gcc pe ero in Socal Paci 7 ® ® ® HG 2018 [epics doen [reget sana! a sauna zboarior ——|frexo "9 ORG Bec rae aoes Eracut Nel Exacatst In proces (or ise 430514052019) Reguareral de wabie a amie paces Reg WAZOO Execatat |ssrinsratve rfocoar a crtesee perscral rane aese , (ores Regio de aS ai F ORRGT Ray SOT TE Daum [strinsraveetroare la cateatele cortoorier Erect | wc Enwctat recut masts | executes | ES date soon ta naive co wna aprobate de Minltru Sonora i aTasuE A Res avant UE sets crs en ume ipa Inaraserart a eas seranenisi denavgate wpoat | POE, lorena ge ae ture ae gomanogerart soa ach aah 3 pen sugravegharon Scestre [anos 16 ORG Daca JReqiamer pve’ proces ainisative borat ME Jeteoarei atroromuriahetzoruier ama cae (oie: rac fesbinedena he nesesor8 cic [rcramalnanal rns cele alain [Reg T9ROTO UE awa inproows lant ser ij civ ort | erm: 50.09.18 [Psremal natal aeinsri in omen eg RSHEUE MET apes lsc aust owe [beers o8ct Siem eo manages sun [esa 13 GACT Jrapocareseverenioor a vaya cis Rog. 51204 Seca Trane acess csc tel erect Inprooes erie 497745 2016) ane Ta para Una can pene ‘ norma sana ‘irpane orange =a aie creas sar Deets Atatal che nenoraa | ehorre ——pae Pare pee a pees (er eerratel eeeteres {uEy och Team nane | __MEL__ | utes pecan | proetur | 24 rr {ave Cr.68 PAG conform Rasa [roe aol acumeaile Rare oo reer stcov rare a SET eres | Exam recut cxecan | cxecan [wivcer an oo xvoam | eset Tenmiceceretit | pocs secu een o8 rentst | Eset Tegumacenetet | oes uel ‘eons ToS TE loaner | exon | eset exc execan | esncan |wtrcen dn ‘con erecun | execu erect ecu | enon [rocen pac eratt | Emevet erect erecist | creain fron [nara ag SOTTO ar| even | eres ecu erect | exon fravcen en HE | rae aaa a ence} — eee “Beet fseciei a e Specttnt de crteare voone dca EAA 5 -Fsro(ay 68 PSY}. 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