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Alexandrei nu-i venea să creadă ce văzuse în fața ochilor.

Când ii deschise ușa toti prietenilor ei care

intraseră în pământ în ultimele zile, erau adunați la casa prietenei ei și au organizat o mega surpriză
de ziua ei. foarte supărată, crezând că prietenii ei au uitat ziua ei de naștere, dar când a văzut pe toți
adunați cântând de ziua ei, a fost foarte fericită și emoționată. Tortul era mare ca un castel și toată
lumea abia aștepta să-l mănânce. Muzica și gustările au fost extraordinare, iar alexandra a fost
înconjurată de toți cei care o iubesc și o iubesc. Invitatul principal era sora ei care tocmai sosise de la
studii în străinătate.

Alexandra couldn't believe what she saw in front of

her eyes. When she opened the door to all her friends
who had entered the ground in the last days, they
were gathered at her friend's house and organized a
mega surprise for her birthday. very upset, thinking
that her friends had forgotten her birthday, but when
she saw everyone gathered singing for her birthday,
she was very happy and excited. The cake was as big
as a castle and everyone was looking forward to
eating it. The music and snacks were great, and
alexandra was surrounded by everyone who loves her
and loves her. The main guest was her sister who had
just arrived from study abroad. It was a wonderful
birthday and she received the dream gift

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