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PLAN DE INVATAMANT valabilincepind din anul uniyersitar 2022-2023 UNIVERSITATEA BABES-BOLYAI CLUJ-NAPOCA FACULTATEA DE TEATRU SI FILM Domeniut: TEATRU $1 ARTELE SPECTACOLULUI Specializerea/Programul de studi: Arta Teatralt - Regie! Thestre Ads Directing Limba ce predare: Romina Tithl absolventuluis MASTER Durta studilor: 4 semestre Forma de invatimint: eu freeventt ‘pul specializiriliprogramului de master: profesional |. CERINTE PENTRU OBTINEREA DIPLOMEI DE MASTER 120 de eredite din care: 90 de eredite la disciplinele obligatoris 30 de credit la dseiplineleoptionele; si 10 credit a examenul de sustincre a disertiel Penini a ocups postur didactice in tnvaiinéntul Iiceal, postlicesl si universitar, absolvengi rebute sa osede Certificat ce absolvine:a Programuiui se stu psibopedepogice, Nivel Il, a Deparamentulsi pentru pregitirca personalului didcife, Disciplinelor Depariamentulul I se repert.zeara 30 de credite (5 crediteaferente examenulai de absalvire) IL_DESPASURAREA STUDIILOR (in numar de siptimani) “Activitat ‘Sesiune de a a Sandi aera Lie / Stage Vacanti Sem 1 [semi [ 1 [ v [ m |Somesst| practicl [aT prim | vara [Amul uw fiw [3fs fet a 3 [1 [e ‘Amul 1 mw pe tstst2] 2 3-1 [2 RECTOR, OECAN, = Protwuniver. Dang pavio Profuniv.dr. Liviu Malita IIL NUMARUL ORELOR PE SAPTAMANA ‘Semesirul 1 Semesteul Il [Anat 16 16 [Ani 16 15 IVEXAMENUL DE DISERTATIE- pevioads funie-uli (1 siptimding) Proba: Prezentarea gi sustinerea lueriri de diseraje - 10 eredite \V. MODUL DE ALEGERE A DISCIPLINELOR OPTIONALE, SI Sealege odin in pacha: VMI IB0 (VMI SRS VRB) Sin 2: Sexes o disiping din packers VADANG (YMRDAHS, VARIG) ‘Sem 5 Sealee odieiint da paet: VNXSE90(VOIRBERS, VR {in contula cel mult 3 discipline epyionae, studentul are dreptal aleuga 3 discipline de a alte specialize ale faculttilor din Universitatea ,Babes Bolyai’,respoctine conditiondile din planurile de invipimnt ale respectivelor specialize VI. UNIVERSITATI DE REFERINTA DIN TOP 500: University of Edinburgh, UK, University of Urocht, NL. Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle 1 FR = Lector univ.dr. Razvan Muresé VIL. TABELUL DISCIPLINELOR ANULL, SEMESTRUL Credite | Ore fizice saptamanale | Ore alocate studiului | Forme deevaluare | Fetut rers[c [Tos [ple] tft fe c | vp |fisciotines Mciode de cerectare th avtle specatcolulil/ Research methods Inthe Performing Arts DA E [V3ME1906 [Performance Theory / Teoria Performance (cus inTb, eng) 7 [272 [el+lolfule DA E cop DENUMIREA DISCIPLINELOR vr i901 sf2}o1 fo 6 | 9 [Praciclcolaborative in teatrulcontemporan / Collaborative practices in comtemporary theatre [VMECT8BO [Optional (1) / Elective Course (1) a ve | _DA [Practick ars -profect enleetv (1) /Ardsie Prases - Ensemble WMRITI project (1) (100 deore/0 hours) ofa LE SG) |e TOTAL wt e ts [i tele tsts>ito rir % | la o fs}a}ota ANUL 1, SEMESTRUL? (Credite | Ore fizice siptimanale | Ore alocate studiulut | Forme de evaluare | Felul cop DENUMIREA DISCIPLINELOR sers{ c | s jute tt [rel c | ve Teal seooluTat RX. Refone, anions, periments 7/20 WMR2709 |censuy Theatre: Reforms, manifests, experiments. e | 2 b | | ee ‘viraoae [Maragementul compenict independents / Independent Theane e ba a tltor Nan icles DA {Company Management [Fehnicifundamentele d= creafle eeniek / Fandamental wohniques oF 7 i VMR2710 ee emon 6/1 of3a}a]r] ule DA \VMIR3905_|ctcd integrate academic / Bibi and Academie MISE 2 [4 a Da, [VMX28N0) Optional @) /Flestive Course 2) ma o [4ts fs [a yr [Da 1o7i1 PPsitiekantisted - protect coleeiv (2)/ ATIRis Pracice- EnSemDIE oe WMRO7H Jprnjact 2) (100 ds ore/100 hours) es |i I |, ta Oh eee a psy TOTAL woes ae Pe ea é RECTOR, DECAN, ee) Th DIRECTOR DE DEPARTAMAEN. Prof univ.dr Danie 9fgypavio rof.univ.dr. Liviu Maliga Lector, Razvan Muresa ANUL U, SEMESTRULS ] Gredite [ Ore five siptimanale [ Ore alocatestudiului | Forme de evaluare | Fell cop DENUMIREA DISCIPLINELOR sets Te Ts Taree Tr Pt Te [© [vp {asseiptines Fray [MEADE ad new moder of owen Tremaine nol - Iya 3 IN MESTS9 I rnodaltat de storytelling (eur in limba englezs) 6 |e] s | Ba pa [WAIR3700 |Laborator do oueu Theats Laboruory a DA, VMRS7I0-Stateai ale create! scene Strategies oF wemnie creation Te | es os ey ee DA, ;MX3690 [Optional 3) /Flestive Course 3) eo ees das ve [pa S711, Pasticd atsek- protect cole (3)7 Anisiic Paice - FasenWe 7 NNASTI [projet (3) (100 de ore/10 hows) Sop) | me) eee £ vali TOTAL, ste} 1 tote ls >ststi ta Z ANULILSEMESTRULS 5 ‘Credite [Ore fizice saptimanale | Ore alocate studiului | Formede wahuare | _Felul cop DENUMH ELOR ACRES DISCAPEINELO) ers{¢ [os Tar} re [1 Tr Pe | c | vp {disciplines [Atelier de cereetare gi ereaties tea Inersh 7 Research and creation [VMR4707 workshop: immersive theatre ° lea te Me | we. [VMIRATOS_[Spectacofopie contemporand 7 Contemporay SpesaeobEy z Tops pests De Profect personal de cereotare si ercate /Rescarch and Creailve vureroe. | ieeetbaies s fifo faf2fa]ofe DA [WMEx4880 |Optional (1) /Eletive Course) 3 a as oe a DSN TOTAL, wots 1 fe fis Pe Doe ts Peto 4 RECTOR, pecan, DIRECTOR DE DEPARTAMEN Profunivde Dania gf vio Profusniv.dr. Liviu Maliga Lector univ.dr. Razvan Whuresa DISCIPLINE OPTIONALE coo DENUMIKEA DISCIPLINELOR Cieite [re iceaptintne | Oreste |] Pom daar | Pal cs jur{rf[att ET cy vel COR OFTIONAL Tia, Smal (COD PACH WaT AR | Reg a ea as nd The Pe ee eee we RIB Rega Sel gnats ns Pacis Time [|| pt wet pA {CORS OP HONAL 1:7, SoneaIE (COD PACHET VIER) Tash sa yatanisa bal omtempn’ biter aor c 5 MRR land atmosphere in contemporary theatre z ¥ a 4 £ ie 3 NE Oe jonas [Sein ate renmatccnteamT TORT TS] apa Ps Tw aire CRS OF TONEY a, Sema (COV PACHET TAH) [VMR3885 [Teatru extrem contemporan /Extrencly Contemporary Theaire Z. 1 v 4 STR iE] VP DA VMR38%6 Neots ‘tehnologit digitale / New digital media and 7 1 ° x $ 8 a vp DA URS OPHONA (aT Sosa COD FACT aT ceed EE aa Sa a OE irae VMRESES [creative workshop: documentary theatre Z : e w 2 Be B B SIs faunas [Peat ats petra SOO RARER PP ca lechly eae! creas TOTAL CREDITE / ORE PE SAPTAMANA /EVALUARI 30 4 o 16 | 20 38 38. 1 o 3 OTAL ORE MZ1CE/ TOTAL ORE ALOCATE STUDIULUE so ae fa Te Pt RECTOR, DECAN, = DIRECTOR DE DEPARTAI Prof.univ dr. Daniel DAVID Profuniv.dr, Liviu Malite Lector univ.dr. Razvan Mutese DISCIPLINE FACULTATIVE TRANSVERSALE (II) Crate [Or fs nti [ Oe anareaa | Farnedewahare |W UMIREA: LINELOR. s[eT os Tile [Tr [it Pe] © | ve |disciptinet a NT BR we REDD jargumentitii\/Fundamentals of Humanities (Argumentation Theory) a 2 & $ & # a ae id [TOTAL CREDITE / ORE PE SAPTAMANA /EVALUARI 6 4 o 0 4 6 w fo 0 2 z TOTALORE FIZICE /TOTAL ORF ALOCATE STUDIULD! 1+ Ta tute Un student poste slege odiscipling facultativa transversali singur’ daid pe parcursul unui sila de studi, in o-ieare din semesree in care aceasta este predata. Atunel e&nd studentul Introduce o disciplina facultatva transversal in Contractul Anual de Studi, itera X din codul discipline va fi inlocuité eu num eemestrului in care ciselina ete stucat (1 4,5 1046), TOTALURI DISCIPLINE FACULTATIVE (+ I) ite | Ore fizice siptiminale | Ore aloeate studinlai | Forme de evaluare al —— Credite iP Total eso Ts [uw[rf[i[tlel ec] vw [TOTAL CREDITET ORE PE SAPTAMIANATEVATUARITTOTAT- 7 SHE 6 f«+[o fefa]s]fufolo [2 ‘TOTAL ORE FIZICE | TOTAL ORE ALOCATE STUDIULUT = = os a SA RECTOR, DecAN, = pirectoa DE Dera TAMEN Prof.unv.dr, Danie pfihypano Prof univ.dr. Livi Male Lector unixde. Rlzvan Murese

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