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ligharestehnice, ghiduri de a: (eae Tile ie ona Ee Seng evi a Unease Leen ee tar Tf @ EMILIA NECULAI [: co n Wi Ti o a a I PS C4 uu = Nw Pr — ° F irr] EMILIA NECULAI raat EMILIA NECULAI ENGLEZA FARA PROFESOR | CURS PRACTIC Descrierea CIP a Bibliotécii Nationale a Romaniei EMILIA NECULAL Engleza fra profesor : curs practic / Emilia Neculai. - Constanta : Steaua Nordului, 2007 ISBN 978-973-8459-30-4 811.111(075.4) ‘Tipar executat la: me Tel/Fax: 021 223 22 88; 0241 549 267 norouuut CUVANT iNAINTE Scopul acestei lucrari este de a croi o cale mai usoara celor care se hotérasc si facé cunostinta cu una dintre cele mai vorbite limbi de pe mapamond. Se adreseazi tuturor cunoscatorilor de’ limba englez’, de la incepatori la avansati, de la elevi la studenti si chiar la profesori, find un instrument excelent de folosit in clasa. ‘Manualul este alcatuit din 28 de lecti si alte 9 lectii recapitulative. Aceast structura vine in ajutorul dumneavoastra deoarece dupa fiecare trei lectii urmeaza una recapitulativa gi astfel problemele de gramatica si cuvintele noi vor fi mai usor asimilate. Lectiile sunt alcituite dintr-un text, care reprezinté partea de vocabular, o problema de gramatica si exercifiiin care se aplica chestiunile de gramatica studiate anterior. De asemenea, pentru ca lucrarea de fata si va fie de un real folos ea vine insofita de un CD in care sunt lecturate cele 37 de lectil. Asadar veti avea la indemand profesorul dumneavoastra virtual disponibil oricand s va ajute la perfectionarea pronuntiei limbii engleze. Studentii (cu precidere, cei de la facultatea de Litere) vor gisi foarte utila partea de transcriere fonetica de la vocabularul fiecarei lectii. Pentru ei, si nu numai, am adaugat Ja inceputul cursului un tabel cu toate semnele utilizate in transcrierea foneticé, alaturi de explicatii pentru acele: sunete care nu au corespondent in limba romana. Profesorii se pot folosi de aceasta lucrare la ore dar si pentru a testa cunostintele elevilor lor. Pe lang multe exercitii recapitulative, aceast’, lucrare vine in sprijinul ‘invagicelului’ cu liste cu prepoziti si termeni di diferite domenii, expresit wzuale si idioms, cuvinte ale caror infelesuri se confunda dar si cu un dictionar englez-roman/roman-englez. In sectiunea “Lecturi suplimentare” veti avea ocazia si cititi texte din literatura englezd si american, dar si fragmente din presa scrisa. Subiectele sunt variate asadar garantém ca lecturile vor satisface orice Cititor pretentios si in acelasi timp fiind posibila gio insusire'a expresiilor si cuvintelor uzuale din engleza vorbiti tn zilele noastre. Suntem siguri cd printr-un efort sustinut si bine organizat veti ajunge la o cunoagtere temeinicd a limbii engleze. AUTORUL GREETINGS ALFABETUL LIMBII ENGLEZE (THE ENGLISH ALPHABET) ZF Gititi cuvoce tare x (al, apple ant B {bid Dutterth bee ¢C [si carrot child D [ai] dolphin dog E (id elephant earth E ef] fara G [esi:] glass H [eitch] hero H {ail ice-cream icicle 1 (bel) jaguar jacket x (el king, key GREETINGS (Formule de salut) [gristins) al i I m2 a TaOLSe a Good morning! | Bun’ dimineajal [gud moinin] nN (ent = = ‘Good afternoon! | Bun’ ziual (gud aftonus a (oul aaa al Good evening! Bund searal {gud ivnin] . ibid aun t peach Good night! ‘Noapte bun’ [gue nat) s 7 How are you? Ce faci/faceti {haw ar ju] 2 on aE = Fine, thankyou, | Bine, mulyumese. (fain Bank ju] a el re aeawee Not very wel. _—_[ Nuagadebine,___ [nat veri wel]. T itt] tneth “able Nice to meet you! | Ma bicur s8 vi cunosc! [nals to mat ju] U {ju umbrella university A aA Sea Vv Site waltaiio Mr./Mrs./Miss., domnul/doamna/domnisoara...| misiz/mis] Ww (anbiju] ‘woman wall Good bye! Lalrevedere. [guid bal] x ‘as ae a See you soon. ase curind/Pe (si ju: sum) Y [wail yogurt yacht uri Z [zed] zebra Zero RE Scriet. TRANSCRIEREA FONETICA Alfabetul fonetic gi transcrierea fonetica Prin fonem se intelege o totalitate de sunete foarte putin deosebite intre ele si care tind si se identifice cu un anumit sunet considerat ca tip general al fonemului respectiv in limba respectiva. Sistemul fonetic al limbii engleze este diferit de cel al limbii romane. Daci cel romanesc este considerat unul fonetic, cel englezesc este unul etimologic, adic’ se scrie intr-un fel si se pronunfi altfel. Cele mai multe diferente se inregistreaz4 la nivelul sistemului vocalic: daca in limba romana exista sapte vocale, in limba engleza sunt 12, Exist vocale lungi, marcate cu (J, caz care in limba romana nu se inregistreazé decat in situatii de articulare sau interjectii de tipul “Til, Dill”. Astfel existi o serie de vocale care nu au corespondent in limba romana (exemplu: vocalele lungi, /W/, /C/). Cat despre consoane, in majoritatea cazurilor se pronunté ca in limba romana ({b], (g], [m, [s], [v], 1, (pI, [c], (Kl (t], [dl, In). Sunet | Descriere | Exemplu in | Traducer | Exemplu. Ib. rom, e in Ib. | engl. x ‘ascurt | mac cage [cup a alung barca tata father e escurt bec. pat bed = elung | preot pisica cat i iscurt mic putin bit ilung mii oaie sheep. olung dor 4 four uscurt ud prezent actual gromanese great, good foarte hello, house asemnator cuh romanesc jromanese foarte asemanator cul romanesc mm romanese mum, man| ‘nromanesc. nut, name velar, ca {in cuvintele romanesti »punga’ screanga® (nnazal) sing, song romanes¢, de obicei cu tun ugor h scurt la sfargit pet, open semnificativ diferit fati | der romanese; are o foarte scurtl gi slab vibratie a limbit red, try cas rominese sing, son romanesc short, shirt ‘tromanese time, ten ‘v romanese volume, festival A i hit, live anese zebra, : i ascut z z roman rainy | . erfo tung call, door 2 | oscurt hot, dog : 1g blue, school Combinafii de semne = ah acl asemAnator cu ci cinci, much, Consoane ceara teachet ‘: asemanator cu raf, ger large, 4 € i eee ee | b bromanesc Back bask r + 4 simi] a :, de obicei cu un | cat, blac! ‘Semiconsoane (semivocale) KU Bice tee d foarte asemAnator cu d romanesc dog, today asemnator unui u ‘wet, window f fromanese flower, five romanese | inser ioe | Yes yellow Consoane fara corespondent in limba romana sunetului i romanesc i 'V-ati intrebat vreodati ce inseamna simbolurile din paranteze care apar ling’ un cuvant in dictionar? Acestea sunt simboluri fonetice folosite ca ghid pentru pronuntarea corecta a cuvintelor. Pentru a veni in ajutorul dvs, am dezvoltat un ghid simplu pentru cele mai folosite © [un fal de s cu limba intre dingi | think both Incercati si pronunfati de.mai multe ori la rand t, iar apoi pronuntati cu limba intre dinti simboluri. ® [un fel de z cu limba intre dinji. | this, another Incercafi si pronuntati de mai multe oti Ia rand , far apot pronuntati cu Wecale limba intre dint Sunet Descriere Exemple & [alung arm, glass » | a foarte seurt, apropiat de cup, but romanescul mac" & | sunet intree sia (putejiincerca | eat, family astfel: deschideti gura ca gi cum ati pronunta a si pronuntati e) a: |alung turn, mister, 2 | Arominesc away, again i [lung see, tea i 1" Diftongii limbii engleze Cu tofii stim’ ca diftongii sunt grupuri de doua sunete, formate dintr-o semivocala gi o vocala care se pronunti in aceeasi silaba, lati o list cu diftongii limbi engleze: ai Exemplu: wife [waif] sotie knife [naif] cutit wow Exemplu: bound (baund] a lega hound [haund] ogar, caine de vanatoare wa ‘Exemplu: pay [pei] a plat gravy [greivi] sos de fripturd © Exemplu: fairy [feari] 24nd hair [hea] par io Exemplu: near [nis] aproape hear [his] ~ a auzi oi Exemplu: toy toi] _jucarie choice [tfois] alegere ou Exemplu: pony {pouni] ponei post [poust] posta 08 Exemplu; sore [soa] dureros four [foo] —_patru ow Exemplu: hour [ava] ord oor {pus} sirac LESSON 1 (un stilou) [e] a pen (un pore) Ia pig (an conad) Tila tree (un cal) fo] a horse 4 (@ carte) [u] a book a oe pert (0 ceasca) [a] a cup 2 (un doctor) [a] a doctor (o masa) [ei] a table Ol five Thave a pen. Itisa blue pen, [ai hev pen} {it iz 9 blu: pen} Isee a map. Itis big Tai si: mzep] {itiz big] Ise a tree, The tree has a lot of leaves. {ai sia tri (Go tri: hez.o lot av liz] like the tree. Itisa big tree. [ai laik de tri] [ltiz abig tri] 1 see a house. Itis my house. {ai siso haus) [it iz mai haus} ‘My house has many windows and a door. [mai haus haz meni windouz end @ do:] like houses with many windows. [ai laik hausiz wid meni windouz} A house has walls, rooms, doors and windows. [2 haus haz woelz / ru:ms / doz end windouz) A flat has walls, rooms, doors and windows, too. [2 flet haez wo:lz / ru:ms / do:z end windauz ta:] I see a table with five chairs. [ai sis 0 *teibl wid faiv fe:az] I see a fruit on the table. {ai si:o frust on de “teibal] ‘The doctor has a white shirt. [02 dacta: haz o “wait fort] The house has a big yard. [do haus heez 9 big ja:d] 1 see pigs, dogs and horses in the yard. [ai sis piga / dogs and hossiz in do jad] 4 epee cee ea Pronuntie De obicel, cei care se hotérisc si invefe limba englez intémpina dificultati in vorbire. Nativii de limba romana gisesc ci ¢ greu de pronuntat the [8a] si nu [zi] sau alte variante complet incorecte de pronuntie, ‘Agadar, pentru a va veni in ajutor, tabelul de transcriere fonetica de la inceputul lucririi se va dovedi foarte util pentru aceia dintre dumneavoastra care vor, in special si-si imbunitajeascd pronuntia in limba engleza. $@ Daca in limba romana exist’ sapte vocale, in limba engleza sunt 12 (mengionate deja in tabelul de la inceputul acestui manual), Exist vocale lungi, marcate cu [J]. De asemenea, exist vocale care nu au corespondent in limba romana (/ze/, /3/). “Fin cazul consoanelor, nu se vor intimpina greutati, deoarece in majoritatea cazurilor ele se pronun§ ca si in limba romana ([bl, [8], [ml, (s}, fv}, OL (pl, fel, fd, (el (4), tn). $B Diferente se vor gisi atunci cAnd se vor intalni: {ts] corespunde aproximativ sunetului [f] din limba romana [ec] care se pronunté uneori [s] (ca in citizenship, certificate), [] (ca in Chicago) sau [tf] (ca in cheese) [8] si [6] nu au correspondent in limba romana, HF Accent ['] Semnul acesta grafic se foloseste numai in transcrierile fonetice, pentru a marca silaba accentuati. Exemplu: love [lo'v] $F Accentul logic este intrebuintat ca si in limba romana, in functie de ce anume vrem si accentuam. Exempla: .- I did the shopping. (nu altcineva) I did the shopping, (nu altceva) I did the shopping (chiar am facut cumparaturile) 18 Articolul hotarat (Definite Article) THE bs In limba englezi, articolul hotdrat este invariabil, adicd nu isi schimba forma tn functie de genul saui numarul substantivului la care face referire. the boy, the woman, the childrén Singular Plural the mother = mama the mothers = mamele the father = tatal the fathers = tatii the glass = paharul the glasses = paharele The se foloseste: EB pentru a face referire la ceva ce a fost deja menionat: ‘A dog and a cat are animals. The dog has black fur and the cat has brown fur. (Céinele are bland neagea iar pisica are bani maro.) in propozitii in care se defineste sau identifica o anumité persoana sau obiect: The man who wrote this book is famous. (Omul cate a scris aceasta carte este celebru.) $F pentru a face referire la unele obiecte ca fiind unice: ex: the sun, the moon, the world (soarele, luna, lumea) {naintea superlativelor sia numeralelor ordinale: ex: the highest mountain, the first page, the last book (cel mai inalt munte, prima pagina, ultima carte) ‘cu adjective pentru a se face referire la un grup: ex: the English, the old (englezii, batranii) ‘cu numele regiunilor geografice si oceanelor: ex: the Caraibean, the Atlantic cu nume de institupi: 16 ex: — The Laki (hotel), The National Theatre, cu nume de ziare: ex. The Times cu nuume de vapoare, barci: The Titanic Exceptii Nu se foloseste articolul hotarat: $B cu numele tirilor (la singular): France is an important cultural country. (Franga este o tard cu o important culturala important) (dar: I'm visiting the United States next week. Vol viaita Statele Unite ale Americii saptimina viitoare.) $§@cu numele limbilor: English has many Latin words. (Limba engleza cuprinde multe cuvinte din limba latina.) $F cu numele meselor zilei: Breakfast is the first meal of the day. (Micul dejun este prima masi a zilei) ‘$27 cu numele persoanelor: Mary will come to the party. (Maria va veni la petrecere.) 3H cu titulatuci si nume: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s son. (Pringul Charles este fiul reginei Elisabeta.) (dar: the Queen of England, the Pope) 487 cu substantivele desemnaind profesi Enginnering is a usefull career. (ingineria este o cariera de viitor.) Wouanii: Do you remember 2000? (Adu-ti aminte de anul 2000./ Iti mai amintesti ce s-a intamplat in anul 2000?) $B cu majoritatea numelor de orase, strazi: She lives in London. (Ea locuieste in Londra.) 7 $F in cateva expresii standard: by car = cu magina by train byair on foot = pe jos on holiday = in vacanta at school = la scoala at work = la serviciu in church =a biserica la inchisoare direct (la radio) Articolul nehotarat (Indefinite Article) — un, o = a/an Se foloseste: %@Fa inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o éonsoana si $B an inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o vocala (a, 6 #0, u) ex: boa an orange ahouse —_anapple acer an opera Nota Yan inaintea unui cuvant care incepe cu h mut: an hour, an honour Y ainaintea unui cuvnt care incepe cu u sau eu cind sund ca you": ‘a european, a university, a unit. Articolul nehotirat este folosit: %E pentru a se face referire la ceva pentru prima data: ‘An elephant and a mouse fell in love. ‘Would you like a drink? Thave got a good job. 8 manent YP pentru a se face referire la un anumit membru dintr-un grup sau clas’ exemple: cu numele meseritlo John is a doctor. ‘Victor wants to be an engineer. cu nafionalitigisireligi: He is an Englishman. Mary is an orthodox. cu instrumente muzicale: ‘He was playing a violin when we arrived. (dar, pentru descrierea activitatii vom spune »He plays the violin") cu numele zilelor: Iwas born on a Sunday. casubstantive la singular, dup cuvintele ,what® gi such": ‘What a shame! She is such a beautiful girl. cu injelesul de ,unu’, cind se face referire la un singur obiect sau la singura persoand: Yd like ax orange and two lemons, please. De obicei, spunem a hundred (0 suta), a thousand'(o mie), 4 million (un milion). Articolul nehotarat nu are forma de plural in. limba englez’, deoarece sensul lor este de un, 0. Pentru pluralul se foloseste articolul 2er0. Ex: [see an apple. Eu.vd un mar. 1 see apples. Eu vid niste mere. Nota Y folosim “one” pentru accentuare sau pentru a contrasta cu alte numere: I don’t know one person who likes that. ‘We have five computers but only one printer. Articolul se foloseste generic cénd unei clase de elemente i se atribuie o caracteristic’, iar aceasta caracteristic’ se atribuie doar clasei gi nu unor membrii anume ai casei. Girls like to sing. (Fetelor le place s& cénte.) 19 A boy runs.faster than a girl (Un baiat alearga mai repede decét 0 fat.) Fiind generice, substantivele nu au distinctia de numir, deoarece desi ‘What is this? Fred: What is this? Jane: This is an apple. George: What is this? Amy: This is my dress. John: What is this? Mary: This is our table. . Exercitii: iu ceva normal pentru fiecare dintre membrii clasei, 1.Completati cu a/an urmatoarele propoziti: a Dave sa. pen. b. Mary is eating... Fred is sitting on vrpameao Sam is holding... He saw... accident, lion. chair. Mother is washing ..: T-shirt, 2.Ldentificati obiectele de mai jos si construiti propozitii cu acestea: Scaun Doctor Usa Fructe Masa 20 3. Completati spatiile libere: al a house. b. abig house. © amap. d. The books on e. Iseea table ETRE sn The doctor has @ White secon h see pigs and horses in the yard. i tee, Je My ROUSE 1S wmanee Windows and a door. ke Thave sun. dog. 2 4, Construiti propozitil foloaind tabelele de mai jos si apoi traduceti-le in limba romana: a) pen Like the house yard window b) doctor house pen Pig dog 9 ‘map Itis my horse house 5. Traducefi in limba englezi: (Eu) vid o casi. Este 0 casi mare. Este casa mea. Casa mea are multe ferestre. Imi place casa mea. Are pereti albi si o harti. Are o curte mare. (Eu) vid un cline gi un cal in curte. Imi place cAinele. (Ev) vid o masé, Masa are cinci, scaune. (Eu) vid fructe pe mas (Eu) vad un copac. Este un copac mare. Copacul are multe frunze, Imi place copacul. (Eu) vad un apartament. Este un apartament mare. Este apartamentul meu. Are multi pereti, usi si ferestre. ’ 6. Citifi cu voce tare gi traduceti in scris “What is this?” 22 LESSON 2 school aboy & apen : a notebook gee S poocses So Cantace Isee a school. [aisia skul] Tam a girl. {ai emo gorl] Fred is a boy. [fred iz 2 boi] This is a ball [Bis iz a bol] ‘This is a tree. [is iz 0 tei) Iwrite witha pen. [at rait wid 9 pen] ‘There are five books on my table. teibsl] This ismyhouse. [is iz mai haus} 23 {Geo or faiv buks on mai This isanotebook, [bis iz enoutbuk] Thisis my bed. [Bis iz. mai bed) Tama teacher. [ai em o titfa: Thisis my family. [Bis iz mai femili] VOCABULARY see [si] =a vedea school {skul] = scoala Lam [ai em] = eu sunt gicl[gorl] = fata boy [boi] = baiat this is [Bis iz] = aceasta/ acesta este ball [bol] = minge tree [tri] = copac write (rait] = a scrie with [wid] = cu pen [pen] = stilou there are [Beo or] = sunt, exist book {buk] = carte on [an] = pe ‘my [mai] = a/al/ aif ale mea/ mele table [teibal] = mas house [haus] = casi notebook {noutbuk] = caiet bed [bed] = pat teacher [titfo family (f2emili) GRAMATICA Pozitia adjectivului fn limba englezi este intotdeauna inaintea substantivuli Exemplu: cute cat = pisicé driguts ew hat = palarie now 24 Timpurile verbale In limba engleza, notiunea de timp gramatical se exprima prin cavantul “tense” (tens, in timp ce “time” [taim] exprima timpul fizic, Sistemul verbal englez este foarte diferit de cel al limbilor neo-latine (franceza, italiana, portughez’, spanioli, romana), datoriti nofiunii de aspect. Astfel, existi dowd aspecte: simplu gi continuu, care aratd actiunile exprimate de verb. O alta deosebire intre cele dou’ sisteme gramaticale consti in lipsa inflexiunilor. Limba englez& a pierdut, de-a lungul ultimelor cinci secole, © mare parte din inflexiuni sau terminatii care si marcheze categorii gramaticale cum ar fi: persoana, numat. Spre deosebire unde exist un singur timp prezent, in limba englena exist patru timpuri prezent: + Present Tense Simple (aspectul simplu) + Present Tense Continuous (aspectul continu) + Present Perfect Simple (timp compus, aspect simplu) + Present Perfect Continuous (timp compus, aspect contin) 'impul Prezent Indicatiy (Present Tense Simple) ‘Timpul prezent indic&: $0 actiune sau o stare care are loc in momentul vorbirii. I see my sister playing in the garden. vad pe sora mea jucindu-se in gridina. ¥BFo actiune care este infiptuita de obicei sau zi de zi ‘Tom washes his face every morning. ‘Tom se spalé pe fata in fiecare dimineata. Weonditii, ucruri sau credinte ce nu se pot schimba ‘Two plus two equals four. Doi plus doi egal patru. $F intamplari deja stabilite ci vor avea loc in viitorul apropiat She flies to Bucharest tomorrow. Ea are avion catre Bucuresti maine. (sa luat deja bilet) 25 Forma prezentului este identic’ cu forma de infinitiv, la toate persoanele singular si plural, cu exceptia persoanei a Ilf-a singular, la care se adaugi -(e)s. Din punct de vedere al pronuntiei ~(e)s se pronunta: ‘6 [5] dupa corisoane sure: She sings. [fi sins) ‘§@ [2] dupa consoane sonore gi vocale: She worries. [fi wari: z] @ [iz] dup’ consoane sibilante: She washes. [fi wafiz] Verbele say si do au la persoana’a Ill-a singular o pronuntie deosebita fata de celelalte persoai 1 say [sei] He says [sez] She says [sez] Ido [du] He does [4Az] She does (4Az] Desinenta -s devine es atunci cand verbul se termina in s, x, , chy rch sau o, Exemplu: She presses. She reaches. She goes. She buzzes. ‘Atunci cdnd verbiil se termin8 fn ¥ iat cum formam prezentul. Exemplu:' —_to apply — She applies Yedevine i Exceptie: daca -y este precedat de o vocal play plays pray prays $Pafirmativ subiect + verb (infinitiv scurt) +5 es (persoana a Ill-a singular) ex: goto school every day. He goes to work every day TO TALK TO TRY Talk Tuy You talk You try He talks ; He tries She talks She tries It talks Ittries Wetalke We ty You talk You try They talk They try 26 SE Negativ subiect + do not (don’t) + verb (infinitiv scurt) does not (doesn’t) (petsoana a IIT-a singular) ex: We don’ listen to music. She doesn’t read a book every day. 1 do not go to school every day. It does not rain every day. : TO TALK TOTRY T don’t talk Tdon’t ty ‘You don't talk ‘You don't try He/ She/ It doesn’t talk He/ She/ It doesn’t try ‘We don’t talk We don't try You don't talk You don't try ‘They don't talk ‘They don't try $F interogativ do /does (pers. a IlI-a singular) + subiect + verb (infinitiv scurt) ? don't / doesn’t (pers. aIll-a singular) ex: Do you speak English? Does he speak French? Don’t they usually come at 8 o'clock? Doesn't she go to wotk every day? Forma afirmativa TO TALK TO TRY | Dol talk? Dolby? | Do you talk? Do you try? Does he/ she/ it talk? Does'he/ she/ try? Do we talk? Do we try? Do you talk? Do you try? Do they talk? Do you talk? Forma negativa 3. Identificati obiectele de mai jos cu aj jutorul dictionaruut gi TO TALK TO TRY {incercati si construiti enunturi simple care s& le congind. Don't talk? Don't try? Don't you talk? Don't you try? creion casi aan Doesn'the/ she/ it talk? Doesn't he/ she/it try? Don't we talk? Don't we try? Don't you talk? Don’t you talk? Don't they talk? Don’t they talk? } t do: copac Fred: What do you have in your hand? ‘Amy: [have an apple. : George: What do you see? Jane: see a family. use John: What is she? Mary: She isa teacher. Fred: What is there on the table? George: There is a book on the table. i pat banca ‘Mary: Doesn't he come with us? Jane: No, he can’t come. Exercitii 1, Cititi cu glas tare textul lect wvatafi cuvintele. 2, Copiati textul lectei. 4, Conjugati urmatoarele verbe la prezent simplu. to sing, to eat, to see, to hear, to imagine. 5, Traduceti: a. Eu sunt profesor. b, Pe mine ma cheama John. . Eleste un baiat mare. d. Ea este o fata draguta. e. Aceasta este casa mea. £. Acesta este patul meu, g Aceasta este mama mea. bh. Acestea sunt cartile mele. i, Aceasta este fereastra mea. j. Acesta este cdinele meu. k, Aceasta este familia mea. LAceasta este profesoara mea. m. Ce este pe pat? rn. Vad un mar pe pat. o. Ea nu poate si vind cunoi. p. Ken se spala pe dinti in fiecare dimineata. 6. Cititi cu voce tare $i traduceti ‘What do you have?” _ LESON 3 My family [mai feemili] (tata) father (mama) mother (parinti) parents [fas60(0)] ['maBa()] [perantz] (bunici) grandparents | (sora) sister (frate) brother i) [brada(e)] an =| aio (unchi) unde (matuga) aunt (va) cousin {ank'] [ang] {ka:zon] Lt (copii) children (nepofi) grandchildren [(nepot de — unchi) {'Yildron) ('grendfildran] nephew {nefju:] ‘Who is this man? ‘We are engineers. [hus iz dis men] [wis oxr engginiaz] He is my father. Who is Mrs. Smith? (hi: iz mai “faa(0)] (hu iz misiz smi] What is he? Mrs. Smith is my grandmother. [‘wat iz hic] [misiz smi@ iz mai grendmada(r)] He is an engineer. What is she? [hit is an endginia} [wat iz fi] ‘Who is this woman? She is a doctor [hu iz dis wuman} [ft tz dactay] She is my mother. Mr. Smith is my grandfather. [fic i mai mada(r)] [mista: smi iz. mai graendfa:ba:] What is she? ‘What is he? (wat iz Ji] [wat iz his] She is a teacher. Heisa pilot. [fis iz 9 tif) {hi iz @ pailost] What are you? [oat ar jus] Mr. and Mrs. Smith are my grandparents and Lam their grandchild. (mista: end misiz smi@ o:r mai grendperontz end ai em Seio grendfaild] My grandparents have two children: my father and Mrs. Stanford, {mai grendperentz hav tu: Yildran mai fa:Oo: aend misiz stenfod] Mrs. Stanford is my auint and Mr. Stanford is my uncle. [mistz stenfod iz mai aznt end misto: stenfod iz mai ankol] Tam their nephew. [al em Bela nefju:] ‘Their child, Victor, is my cousin. {Seia faild victo iz mai kazon] Victor is a student. [victa iz 9 stjurdant] VOCABULARY parents [perantz] = parinti grandmother (grendmada(s)] = bunici grandfather [grendfa:5a(r)} = bunic grandparents (grendperantz] = bunici aunt [aint] = matuga uncle [ankl] = unchi sister [sistar] = sora brother (brado(x)} = frate ‘cousin [kazon] = var, verigoard grandchild (grendyfaild) = nepot (de bunici) niece (niss]= nepoati (de unchi) nephew {nef}u:] = nepot (de unchi) child {ifaild] = copil children [ffldron} who [hu] = ci copii their [Geia:] = al, ale lor student [stjudant] = student Mr. [misto}] = dl, (prescurtarea-de la domnul) ‘Mrs, [misiz] = d-na (prescurtarea de la doamna) Miss [mis] = domnigoara, my [mai] = al, ale meu/mele pilot (pailot] = pilot teacher [tifa] = profesor, profesoar’ engineer [en¢ginia] = inginer man [men] = barbat ‘woman [wuman] = femeie GRAMATICA $F interogativ TOBE=AFI Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Am 1? Am I not? Afirmatiy Se area ‘Are you? ‘Aren't you? inn Eusunt Is he?_ isn't he? ‘You are ateacher | Tu esti profesor Is she? antl, He / Eleste Is it? Isn't it? She Ea este Are we? Aren't we? We ‘Noi suntem | profesori Are your Aren‘tyout You | are | teachers | Voi sunteti Are they Aren't they! n Ei/ ele sunt hey. Pentru substantivele neanimate, se foloséste la persoana‘a Ill-a Neauliy singular “it”. ote Itisadog. (El) este uncdine. Tam not (im Eunu sunt litiz 2 dog] not) ateacher |Tunuesti | profesor : : Venue nat Exprimarea subiectului (You aren’t) He is not (He Spre deosebire de limba romana, unde subiectul poate fi subinteles, isn’t) Elnueste —_| profesor in limba englezé vom exprima tntotdeauna subiectul. Acesta se poate She is not (She | ateacher | Ea nueste exprima prin substantive, pronume, numerale etc. isn’t) De asemenea, chiar si in cazul expresiilor de tip impersonal Itis not (It isnt) (propozitii prin care se introduc informatii despre vreme, timp sau We are not (We Noi nu distanta), vor folosi subiectul exprimat prin it, aren't)\ suntem es You are not teachers | Voinu profesori (You aren't) sunteti Itisbetter to come tomorrow | Emalbine si vii maine They are not Ei/edenu it iz beta tu: kam tumoraw) aren't) sunt. It is necessary to be here. Este necesar s& fil aici. lit iz nesaseri: tu: bi hia) It snows during winter. Ninge in timpul ie [it snouz djuarin wines] Itshot, E foarte cald, 35 (fitz hAt] It's six o'clock in the morning, E gase dimineata, itz siks oklak in 9 mornin) Iesnear Eaproape. [itz nia} Acest it nu trebuie confundat cu pronumele it, care inlocuieste substantive neanimate, Exist totusi gi situafii cind subiectul poate fi subinteles, si anume atunci cénd exist un singur subiect gi mai multe verbe legate de acelasi subiect. ex: — Icome in, (I) shut the door and (I) sit down. Subiectul poate fi exprimat: $2 printr-un substantiv simplu sau unul colectiv, articulat sau nu, Exemplu: Everybody dreams at night. Toata lumea viseazi noaptea. ‘The children are eating now. Copii manned acum, $27 printr-o constructie infinitivali sau gerundiala Exemplu: Fred is said to be a good fortune teller. Se spune c& Fred e ian ghicitor bun, Her trembeling worried us. ‘Tremuratul ei ne-a ingrijorat. Subiectul poate fi agezat: 1. inaintea verbului, in’ propozitiile “‘enuintiative afirmative si negative, ‘Mary reads the book. _ Mary citeste cartea, ‘Mary doesn't read the book. Mary nu citeste cartea, 2, dupa verb in propozitiile interogative. Does Mary reid the book? Citeste Mary cartea? Doesn't Mary read the book? Nu citeste Mary cartea? 3. dupa verb, atuinci cand este anticipat de it sau there. ‘There is a girl in the room. E o faté in camera, 36 It seems I tryed in vain. degeaba, Se pare ci am_ incercat SUBSTANTIVUL Substantivele din limba engleza pot fi clasificate in: 1. substantive simple: dog, mother, girl 2. substantive compuse cu ajutorul sufixelor sau_prefixelor: dishonest, happiness, unhappiness. 3. substantive formate prin adaugarea unui altai substantiv: schoolmate, bedroom, 4 substantive formate prin “substantivizarea” unor patti de vorbire ~ adjective: the beautiful (frumusete), the rich (bogitie), the good (bunsitate). - verbe la gerunziu: reading (citire) ; Verbe la infinitiv: smell (mnizos), In cea ce priveste ortografia substantivelor, singurele diferente intre limba romana si limba englezi se inregistreazi in ortografia anumitor substantive proprit. Numele de persoane, de tari, de denumiri geografice se scriu cu litere mari ca gi in limba romana. $B In schimb: numele zilelor si ale lunilor anului se scriu cu litera mare. Exemplu: January [ genjuari] = ianuarie September [septembo:} February [*februeri] = februarie = septembrie March (ma:f] = martie October [actauba] April (eipril] = aprilie = octombrie May [mei] = mai November [no*vembo} June [dsu:n] = iunie = noiembrie July [uli] =iulie December [di'semba] August [ogast] = august = decembrie a7 Zilele sptamanii: Sunday ("sandei] = duminica Monday {*mandei) = luni Tuesday ["tju:zdei] ‘Wednesday [“wenzdei] Thursday ["@a:zdei] Friday {‘fraidel] Saturday [‘setadei] marti miercuri vineri sambati EZ —numele de limbi gi nationalitati Exemplu; France -French —_(Franfa ~ francez) [fraens] {freng] Austria. Austrian (Austria ~ austriac) [ostria} [ostrian] England English (Anglia ~ englez) linglond] _[inglif] $F toate substantivele din numele unei lucrari, carfi, articol de ziar, revista sau institutie se scriu cu litere mari. Exemplu: The Times, The United Nations Organization. Genul substantivelor Feminin actor (actor) actress (actrita) {ecto:r] {ectris] ‘waiter (chelner) waitress (chelneri [weitar] [weitris] hero (erou) heroine (eroina) {hirou) [hiroin] Unele substantive pot fi folosite atat la masculin, cat sila femini ex: cousin (var, verisoara) Jriend (prieten, prieten’) doctor (doctor, doctorité) ‘Mary is a doctor. She is a doctor. John isa doctor. He is a doctor. Pentru a face distinctia intre genul substantivelor, putem folosi cuvintele “male” (pentru masculin) sau “female” (pentru feminin). ex: — afemale student; a male cousin Pluralul substantivelor Majoritatea substantivelor formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea unt sau -es la sfarsitul cuvantului. Singular Plural In general nu exista distinctii intre masculin, feminin si neutru in. house (casa) houses (case) limba englezi. Exist totusi cazuri cind genul este exprimat prin forme (haus {hausiz] sau cuvinte diferite: boat (barca) boats (barci) aut] ats) $F __Cuvinte diferite: ‘Masculin Feminin Substantivele care se termina in -y si care sunt precedate de o ‘man (barbat) ‘woman (femeie) consoané fac pluralul prin transformarea lui -y in i plus addugarea -es. [man] _ {wumon] Singular ae Plural bboy (baiat) girl (fata) lady (o doamna) ladies (boi) {eed] [2 leidi [leidig] [waif] husband (sof) ‘city (un orag) cities Z [’hazband] (a siti) [sitiz] Ey Exist céteva forme neregulate de plural. Cele mai folosite sunt listate mai jos: Singular Plural woman women ‘man men child children wife ‘wives tooth (dinte) ‘teeth calf calves elf elves half halves knife knives leaf leaves life lives loaf, Toaves self selves shelf shelves thief TT thieves mouse mice wolf ‘wolves foot feet ose | geese louse lice ox ‘oxen Existi anumite cuvinte in limba englez& care au aceeagi forma atit la singular, cat sila plural: money bani [mani] furniture mobili {fo:nifa] information: informatie [info meifon) news stire {njuz) knowledge ‘cunostinfe, invatatura {naligs] 40 Unele substantive au forma de singular terminati in s, Exemplu: headquarters (sediu), means (mijloc), series (serie), species (specie), bus (autobus) This is a police headquarters, (Acesta ¢ un sediu de politie.) ‘These are police headquarters. (Acestea sunt sedii de politie) Toate substantivele de mai sus au aceiasi forma la ‘plural, cu exceptia Iui bus a carui forma la plural este buses. La fel se intampla gi cu numele de nationalitati, care nu sufera nicio schimbare atunci cand sunt la plural. Exemplu: She is Chinese. Ea este de origine chinezi. ‘The Chinese live in China. Chinezii tréesc in China. Jn limba englezi se gisesc substantive provenite din alte limbi, latina sau germand lat& cu formeaza acestea pluralul. Daca se termina in: 3 us pluralul va fitermiant ini, era, ze, ora Exemplu: stimulus ~ stimuli ‘ genus ~ genera Sa pluralul va fiterminatinea : Exemplu: larva ~ larvae $F um pluralul va fi terminat ina Exemplu: stratum - strata SF is pluralul vasiterminat ines Exemplu: analysis - analyses Substantivele pot fi numérabile sau nenumarabile. on pluralul va fiterminat in a Exemplu: criterion ~ criteria ‘Substantivele pot fi numirabile si nenumarabile. Substantivele numarabile denumesc notiuni care potifinumérate: a book, two books. Substantivele nenumérabile: tea, sugar, salt, beauty. a Who is he? Fred: Who is he? Jane: He is my father. George: Who is she? Amy: She is my grandchild. Gregory: I have one child. You? Jane: [have two children. Exercifii 1. Citigi cu voce tare lectia si apoi traducefi-o, in scris, in limba romana. e. Mrs, Stanford is my £ Victor is van student. 8. Mrs. Smith i8 MY ssn B. What won Mt. Smith? i Me. Smith is @ uo j teacher. 3. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la forma negativé: a. Hes teacher. b. They are teachers. c. We are doctors. . She is an engineer. ¢. He is my brother. £ You are my sister. g-Lama teacher, h. Mr. Smith is my father, i, He is Mr. Stanford. j.Ttisa dog. 4, Tréceti la plural urmatoarele substantive teacher engineer house man . student woman boy 5, Traduceti in limba engleza: a.— Cine este (ea)? — Ea este mama mea. b.—Ceesteea? — Ea este profesoars. = Cine sunt ei? — Ei sunt bunicii met. 4. Buntcul meu este pilot si bunica mea este doctorig. e. Sunt profesor. £—Ce sunt ele? ~ Sunt profesoare. g.—Ceeste el? — El este inginer. h. — Ceeste fratele thu? — Fratele meu este student. El nu este profesor. ~ Cine este acest barbat? — Acest barbat este tatil meu. El este inginer. j. DI. si d-na Smith sunt bunicii mei, iar dl, si d-na Stanford sunt tunchiul si matusa mea. 6.Treceti urmitcarele substantive la plural. (box) (amp) (match) (uncle) (pencil) (cat) (cup) (teacher) 7. Cititi cu voce tare gi traduceti in scris “Who is he?” 43 Lectie recapitulativa I b. nnn book is mine, c. Lhave...... brother. 4. Do you have to eat e. Jim eats ..... apple. 2, Completati cu forma corecté a verbului be: a. Aunt my mother’s sister. b. The children... dirty. Monday... when I go to school. . It....... twenty minutes to two. 1 nu eating. 3, Puneti urmatoarele substantive la plural: . hamburger? Teak man= school. wife- ‘wolf- tent. It's Friday. Peter calls his mother. He dials the number: five, two, knife le ‘one, seven, three, eight. mse freee “Hello.” woman= “Hello, mum’, says Peter. ; “Oh bi Pete” “How ae you?” 4. Serie cit este ceasul: “Ym fine mum.” “How are you?” “Ym ok” 1287 “It's half past ten. Are you hungry?” Oats. “No’, says mum, “You?” 7“ “Mam?” 08:45 “Yes, dea an “I think I will come to you. I miss your delicious chicken.” ann “Oh, Pete. Sure, come along.” “Bye, mum. See you.” “Bye. Take care.” Exercifii 1, Completati cu articolul hotarat sau nehotarat: a. You have.... beautiful ring. LESSON 4 Mr.Jones: Good morning, Mrs. Jackson! ‘Mrs. Jackson: Good morning, Mr. Jones. How are you?, ‘Mr.Jones: I'm fine, thank you, and you? ‘Mrs. Jackson: I'm fine too. Mr. Jones, this is my husband Tom. ‘Tom, this is Mr. Jones, my English teacher. Mr. Jones: Nice to meet you. Mrs. Jackson: Nice to meet you too, Are you from England, Mr. Jones? Mr. Jones: Yes, from London, And, you are from London? Mrs. Jackson: No, I'm ftom Manchester, but I live in London now. Mrs. Jackson: Well, goodbye Mr. Jones, nice to see you. Mr.Jones: Yes, goodbye. 46 Cat e ceasul? E gase fix. - It is six o'dock sharp. E gase gi cinci minute. — It is five (minutes) past six. E gase si zece minute. -It is ten past six. E sase gi un sfert. - It is a quarter past six. E sase si doutzeci.- It is twenty past six. E gase gi treizeci de minute, - Itis half past six. E gase gi treizeci gi cinci. - It is twenty five to seven. E gase si patruzeci de minute. - It is twenty to seven. E gase gi patruzeci si cinci, - It is a quarter to seven. E gase gi cincizeci de minute. — Itis ten to seven. E gase gi cincizeci i cinci de minute, — It is five to seven. Every Monday Tom wakes up at 6.00 a.m, He gets up at 6.15 a.m. and goes to the bathroom. 6 7 oo. Ledeger beard shower, then he shaves and_ 9 t cAp/ a (i al i He eats breakfast at about 7.00 a.m. ‘VOCABULARY how {hau] = cum how are you {hau a: ju:] = ce mai faci2; ce mai faceti? fine [fain] = bine, frumos, dragut 43 to be fine [tabi fain nice [nais] = draigut to meet [ta mi:t] = a (se) intalni nice to meet you [nais to mit jar] = ma bucur-cé v-am intalnt / vi cunose from [fram] = de la, din yes [yes] no [nou! but [bat] to live [ta liv] = tri, a locui now {nau = acum well [wel] inter). = ei bine, bine goodbye [gud’bail, interj. = la revedere, rimas bun every [evr] adj. = fiecare to wake up [ta weik ap] =a (se) trézi atfot] =a : 6 a.m. [six ei em] = 6 dimineata am, = ante meridian 6pm. =6 seara p.m. = post meridian to get up [to get ap] = a (se) trezi a (se) ridica (din pat) to go [to gaul = a merge bathroom [ba@ru:m] = baie usually {ju:suali] = de obicei shidwer [faus] = dus to have a shower [to hey 2° faua] = a face dus shave [Jeiv] =’barbierit to shave [ta Jélv] =a se barbieri to brash [to braf] = a peria teeth [ti:6] = dinti to eat [ta it] =a manca breakfast (brekfost] = mic dejun about [abaut] = despre at about [at abaut) = in jur de, aproximativ after [afta:] = dupa to read [ta rid] = acti newspaper (‘nju:zpeipa:] = zis fibine, aface bine work [wo to work {to wo:k] = a munci, alucra to reach [ta ris{]= a ajunge office 'afis} = birou, serviciu, slujba Expresii: ‘Meals of the day = mesele zilei [mis ov 60 dei} breakfast (brekfost] = mic dejun ; lunch {Iang] = pranz dinner {'dina] = cina snack [snack] = gustare Acestea sunt precedate de verbul “to have", care aici va avea sensul de ,a servi", si citeodati de “to eat’, cu sensul de ,a manca*. to have breakfast (aservi) Junch dinner ‘Tom has dinner at 8 o'clock in the evening. ‘Tom ia cina la ora 8 seara, Dialogul . In limba engleza nu se foloseste liniuta de dialog. Dupa cum ati putut observa, ti locul liniet de dialog fie folosim numele persoanei respective la inceputul flecirui enunt, fie folosim ghilimelele, in partea de sus, atat la inceputul, cdt gi la sfarsitul flecdrui enunt. Mr.Jones: Good morning, Mrs, Jackson! Mrs. Jackson: Good morning, Mr. Jones! sau “Good morning, Mrs, Jackson!” “Good morning, Mr. Jones!” GRAMATICA Conjugarea verbelor la Present Tense Simple. TO HAVE ‘AFIRMATIV NEGATIV Thave Tdon'thave You have ‘You don'thave He/ She/ Ithas He/ She/ It doesn’t have We have ‘We don't have You have You don't have They have They don’t have INTEROGATIV Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Dot have? [Don't Ihave? Doyouhave? [Don't you have? 7 ‘Does he/ she/ it have? | Doesn't he/ she/it have? Do we have? Don’t we have? Do you have? ‘Don’t you have? Do they have? Don't they have? TOGO AFIRMATIV [ NEGATIV Igo [1don’t go. You go [You don't go He/ She/ It goes “He/ She/ It doesn? go Wego Wedon'tgo You go Youdon'tgo * They go They don't go INTEROGATIV Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Dol go? _ [Don't i gor Do you gor Don't you go? Does he/ she/ it go? Doesn't he/ she/ it go? Do we go? Don't we go? Do you go? Don’t you go? st romana. Do they go? Don't they go? TO STAY AFIRMATIV NEGATIV sta Idon’t stay You sta You don't stay He/ She/ it stays He/ she/ it doesn't stay We stay We don't sta You sta i You don’t stay ‘They stay ‘They don't stay INTEROGATIV, Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Do Tstay? Don't I stay? ‘Do you stay? A Don't you stay? [ Does he/ she/ it stay? Doesn't he/ she/ it stay? Do we stay? Don't we stay? Do you stay? Don't you stay? Do they stay? 2 Don't they stay? ie TO FLY AFIRMATIV NEGATIV ify Tdon’t fly ‘You fly ‘You don’t fly He/ she/ it fies He/ She! it. doesnt fly We We don’t fh You fly You don’t fly They fl They don’t f INTEROGATIV Forma afirmativa Forma negativa DoT fy? Don't] fly? Do you fly? Don’t you fly? ‘Does he/ she/ it fiy? Doesn't he/ she/ it fy? Do we fly? Don't we fly? Do you fly? Don't you fly? Do they fh Don’t they fly? 82 In limba engleza nu exist dubla negatie din limba romana. De exemplu dacl avem: Eu mu, merg niciodata la cinema. Traducerea corecta in limba engleza este: Theyer go to the cinema. ‘Observati cd negatia este purtata de un singur cuvant in propozitie sinu de dou’ cum apare in limba romana, ‘What time is it? George: What time is it? Jane: It’s ten minutes to two, Amy: What time is it? Fred: It's time for dinner. Exercitii 1, Cititi cu voce tare textul lectiei si traduceti-l, in scris, in limba 2. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la prezentul simplu: tocome + = togo - tobe - to rain - tobecome - tohave = to read~ tocome — ~ togo - tosee — he... tohave tobecome ~ 3. Treceti verbele din paranteze la forma potrivitis a. The doctor (to go) to hospital every morning, 53 . He (to walk) to the office every day. c.I (to read) a newspaper every week. 4. He (to see) a map on the wall. ¢, She (to be) an English teacher. £.We (to live) in London. f g You (to have) a dog. 1. It (to rain) every month. i. It (to be) my father. j.1 (to be) an engineer. 4, Construiti propozitii alcdtuind programul:de luni pentru Mary: ‘Monday 8.00 read the newspaper 9.15. listen to the news 10.00 go to the dentist 12.00 have lunch with the director 15.00 buy ticket to Paris 16.15. renta car for the visitors 18.00. meet the business partner at the station 1930 have dinner ata Chinese restaurant 21.00. go to the opera with Mark 5. Traduceti in limba englez3: a, Ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata la.ora 7. MA spal, servesc micul dejun i merg la serviciu. Ajung la birou in jurul orei 8.00. b.— Bund ziua, domnule Ionescut ~ Bund ziua, doamné Dinu! d.— Ce mai faceti? . ~ Bine, mulfumesc. Dys. Ce mai faceti? £.—Bine. g- Ei bine, la revedere. Ma bucur cf v-am intAlnit. h. La revedere, domnule lonescu! 6. Cititi cu voce tare gi traduceti in scris “What time is it LESSON 5 Do you know her? Sarah: Hello. Carrie: Hello, Sarah. How are you? Sarah: I'm fine, thank you. You? Carrie: I'm fine, too. Where are you going? Sarah: I'm going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us? Carrie: Maybe. Who is your friend? Sarah: You don't know her? This is my friend Jenny. Carrie: Hi, Jenny. Nice to meet you. Jenny: Nice to meet you, too, Carrie, Carrie: Ok, girls. 'm going with you to the cinema. Vocabulary too [tu = de asemenea Cinema [sinema] = cinematograf to come [ta kAm| veni with [wi] = cu us [As] = noi ‘maybe [meibi] = poate 55 who [hu] = cine friend [tend] = prieten, & to know [ta nou] = a cunoaste, a sti her [har] = ea Nice to meet you [nais to mit to go [ta gou] =a merge ma bucur si te cunose GRAMATICA, There is/ There are There is/ There are sunt forme impersonale care se folosesc in limba engleza pentru a inlocui roménescul “exista” , "se afla”, Exemple: Pe birou este 0 carte. ‘There is a book on the desk. Exist nigte scaune in camera mea. jefe are some chiars in my room. ‘Sane prezentim: Tam John. Eu sunt John. [aiem dson} ‘What is your surname? Care este numele tau de familie? [wact iz jusr sorneim| My surname is Black. ‘Numele meu de familie este Black. {mai sorneim iz bleek] How old are you? Cati ani ai? (haw old a ju] Tam twenty years old. ‘Am douazeci de ani. [ai em tuenti iorz old] ‘Where are you from? Dende esti? [wea a:a ju: from] Tam from Romania. Sunt din Romania, [ai em from roumzenia] Where do youlive? Unde locuiesti? [wea: du ju: liv] © * live in Constantza, Locuiesc in Constanta. [ai live in konstantza] Live in a block of flats/ in a house. [ail iv in a bIAK aww flets in 9 haus] Locuiesc intr-un bloc/ intr-o casa. live at the second floor, apartment number 6. {ai live at do sekand flor opartmant nAmba siks} Stau la etajul doi, la apartamentul numarul 6 Where do you come from? [wea: du ju: kAm from] I'm Pablo andI come from Spain. Sunt Pablo si sunt din Spania, {aim Pablo and ai km from spein] I'm Joe and I come from the United States. {aim daou and ai kAm from 89 jurnaitid steits) She is Silvie and she comes from France. (fiz silvi and Ji kAmz from freens] He is Peter and he comes from Russia. (hi iz pita: and hi kAmz from rA, Sane descriem Tamaman, Sunt un barbat. [aiemo man] Tama woman. Sunt o femeie, [aiem 9 women} Jam tall/ short. ‘Sunt inalt,a/scund,a, [aiem tol/ fort] Tam fat/ thin. Sunt gras,a/ slab,a. [ai em feet/ din) Tam blond/ brunet, tte) Sunt blond,a/ brunet,a/ saten,a Sbrown-haired, {ai em blond brunet braun herd) Thave blue/green eyes, ‘Am ochii albastri verzi. [aihaey blu grin aiz] Thave a big/ small nose. ‘Am nasul mare/ mic. {ai hee 9 big smol nowz] s7 What colour are your eyes? Fred: What colour are your eyes? “Amy: Thave green eyes. George: How old are you? Amy: Lam thirty years old. Jane: Where are you from? Mary: Lam from Spain. George: Is your father tall? Amy: Yes, my father is tll. Exercitii 1. Citifi cu glas tare textul lectiei si invatati cuvintele. 2. Traduceti: a, Eu sunt rusoaica. b. Eleste roman. c. Fred este englez sau american? . Ea este din Australia sau din Germania? e. Mihai provine din Italia. £ Eilocuiesc in Spania. g. Joe e un baiat cu ochi albastri. h. Lcunosti? ‘3. Completati spatiile goale cu there is/ there are: a, You were right. wa snake in the house. D. snnue too many fruits in this bag. Ge a towel in this room? d. How can you live like this’ eee @ Clean shirt in this wardrobe. ©. snseum tOO Many mistakes in this fle. £. You have to tell me, wnnnn Ore SUEprises? Benne MO WaY OU. 4. Cititi cu voce tare si traduceti in scris “What colour are your eyes?” 58 LESSON 6 Communication Mary and Victor are doing an English course, They are now having, a coffee-break between classes. Victor: Hi! How are you? Mary: Hil I'm fine, thank you! Victor: Let me introduce myself. My name is Victor Hart. Mary: Nice to meet you. My name is Mary Jones. Victor: Do you speak French? : Mary: Yes, French and a litle bit of Italian. Victor: Are you visiting France this summer? Mary: Yes, 1am travelling to Paris. Victor: Are you here for the first time? Mary: No, it’s the second time. I spent two-weeks in London last summer. Victor: What do you think about our teacher? Mary: She seems very friendly and her lessons are interesting. Victor: Why are you doing this course? ‘Mary: want to pass the proficiency exams. Victor: Why do you need to pass these exams? Mary: _In my country you can become a teacher of English if you have this certificate. Victor: Do you really want to become an English teacher? ‘Mary: Yes, I like children and I find teaching very exciting, 59 VOCABULARY course [ko coffee [kAG] = cafea coffee-break ["kAfibreik] = pauzi de cafea between [br twin] = intre class (klzes] = ord de curs to let [ta let] = a lasa, a permite to introduce [ta intradju:s] = a se prezenta myself [maiself] = eu insumi, insami name [neim] = nume to speak {ta spick] = a vorbi French {frenff} = limba franceza : a litte bit [0 id bit] = putin to visit (to vizit] = a vizita summer [samo: to travel (to trevol] = a cilatori great [grett] = mare, grozav city [siti] = oras mare, metropola so [sou] = atat, aga ct many [meni] = multi, multe thing [ing] = lucru here [hia] = aici time {taim] = timp; (aici) data the first (62 fast] = primul, prima the second [8a sekand] = al doilea, a doua spent [spent] trecutul de la “to spend” = a petrece two tu] = doi week [wi iptamana last {last} = trecut(a) to think {ta ink] = a crede, a gandi about [obaut] = despre ur {aua] = al nostru, a noastr’ teacher [tisfa:] = profesor to seem [to sim] = a prea very [veri] = foarte friendly [frendli] = prietends, -oasi her {hat] = al ei, ale ei lesson [lesan] = lectie interesting [intristin) = interesant to want [te want] = a doti, a voi to pass [ta pees] = a trece, a promova (un examen) Proficiency {pra‘fifensi] = competenta, experienta, pricepere exam fikzem] = examen why [wai] = de ce? to need [ta ni:d] = a'avea nevoie country [kantri] = fara to can [ta keen] = a putea certificate [so'tifikeit] = certificat, adeverinta really [rl] = intr-adevar, cu adevirat to find {to faind] = a gisi teaching [tisfin] = predarea exciting [ik’saitin] = emotionant, palpitant also [olsou) = de asemenea GRAMATICA " Demonstrativele Number apropiere departare Singular this [dis] that [Set] acest, aceasta acel,acea Plural these [6i:s] those [Suz] acesti, aceste acei, acele Spre deosebire de limba romana, in limba englezi demonstrativele se acorda numai in numér cu substantivul pe care fl determina, this girl these girls Y@ —This/ these sunt folosite pentru a ‘arita ca obiectele se gisesc in apropierea vorbitorului. 6 mea. This is my room. ‘These are my drawings. Acestea sunt desenele mele. YF That/ those descrie obiecte ce se afla la 0 mai mare distanta de vorbitor. ‘That cat stole my mouse. Those boys are his friends. Acea pisic& mi-a furat soarecele. Acei baieti sunt prietenii lui. DOS) 1 one [wan] 2 two ftw) 3 three [6ri:] 4 four {f:(0)] 5 five [faiv] 6 six — [siks) 7 seven [sevon] 8 eight [eit] 9 nine {nain] 10 ten [ten] 11 eleven [i'levan} 12 twelve [twelv] *-teen’” [tim] (lung) 13. thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen —_[nain’tiin) , e Aceasta este camera mea sau lati camera 101 “-ty” [ti] (i scurt) twenty ["twenti] twenty one [‘twenti wan] ‘twenty two [*twenti tu:] twenty three [“twenti Ori: ‘twenty four [‘twenti fo(¢)] twenty five [“twenti faiv] twenty six [*twenti siks] twenty seven ['twenti sevan] twenty eight [twenti et) twenty nine [‘twenti nain} thirty [0axti thirtyone —["Oa:ti wan) forty [ fozti) fortyone — [forti wan] fifty (atti) fiftyone —[*fifti wan] ‘sixty Csiksti] sixtyone —_[‘siksti wan] seventy ["sevonti] seventy one _[‘sevanti wan] eighty Ceiti] eighty one __[‘eiti wan] ninety (nainti) ninety one [‘nainti wan] (one) hundred (one) hundred and one thousand [(wan) “@auzond] {(wan) “handrid} {(wan) *handrid end wan) 63 Numeralul ordinal ages (the) first [Bo fo:st} primuil second [sekond] al-doilea third (8o:d] *" altreilea fourth (fo:6] al patrulea fifth (8) al cincilea sixth (siks6] al gaselea seventh [sevan6] al saptelea eighth [ei0] al optuléa ninth {nain6] al noualea tenth [ten6) alzecelea eleventh [ilevan6] al unsprezecelea twelfth [twelfO] al doisprezecelea thirteenth [Oa:ti:n8] al treisprezecelea fourteenth [fo:ti:n6] al patrusprezecilea fifteenth [fiftind] al cincisprezecelea sixteenth [sikstind] al saisprezecelea seventeenth (sevanti:n6] al saptesprezecelea eighteenth {eitizn@] al optsprezecelea nineteenth [nainti:n6] al noudsprezécelea twentieth [twentx] al douazecilea twenty-first [twenti fost) al douzecisiunulea twenty-second [twenti sekend] al douazecisidoilea thirtieth [@o:rt:8] al treizecilea fortieth {fo:tr6] al patruzecilea fiftieth [fit8] al cincizecilea sixtieth [sikst1] al saisprezecelea seventieth [sevai:6] al saptezecilea eightieth [eit:6) al optzecilea ninetieth [nainte®] al nouazecilea hundredth [hAndrod6] alo sutilea hundred and first [hAndrdd® ond fast] al o sutfunilea 64 hundred and twenty-fifth [hAndrod@ ond twenti fif®] alo sutidouazecisicincilea thousandth [@auzn0] alomiilea, Present Tense Continuous (prezentul continuu) Timpul prezent continu descrie o actiune ce are loc in momentul vorbirii si care poate continua si dupa ce a fost constatat’. What are you doing? Lam washing my clothes. . Din aceste doua replici aflam c& subiectul tsi spalé hainele in momentul vorbiri. In schimb, nu cunoastem momentul cind a inceput actiunea 51 nici momentul in care se va termina actiunea. $i cum nu se specifica in propozitie, autorul actiunii continua sa le spele si dupa plecatea interlocutorului. What are you doing? 1am washing my clothes until my mother phones me. Din aceste dou replici aflam cd subiectul isi spalé hainele tn momentul vorbirii. Dar deosebirea dintre aceste replici gi cele de mai sus este cA se specific cind se termina actiunea. Agadar, nu cunoastem momentul inceperii actiunii dar stim cand se va termina. Persoana in cauzi va continua sé spele rufe pana cind mama sa il/ ova suna, Prezentul continuu exprimi 0 acjiune ce se repeti in mod obignuit. Se foloseste impreund cu adverbe de freeventé ca: always (mereu), forever (intotdeauna), all the time (tot timpul). Tam always knocking at the door before entering a room. Mereu bat la ‘usa inainte de a intra intr-o camera. (este un obicei) He is always playing the guitar when I want to get some rest. Intotdeauna cAnté la chitar& atunci cand vreau sa ma odihnesc. (Aici, sensul lui always ¢ de a arta cd vorbitorul este deranjat de actiunea care se repeté.) 65 Afirmativ 7 subject + prezentul verbului TO BE + -ing ex: Lam reading a book now. He is watching TV at the moment. $B Verbele care se termina in e mut, isi pierd e-ul gi primese — ing, Exemplu: name ~ naming write — writing give giving determine — determining Dar see — seeing BF —Verbele monosilabice sau bisilabice, atunci cand trec la prezentul continuu isi dubleazi ultima consoana, Exemplu: run ~running let — letting set — setting travel - travelling Negativ sublect + prezentul verbului TO BE + not + -ing ex: Weare not speaking French now. She is not teaching now. Interogativ Prezentul verbului TO BE + subiect + -ing? ex: — Ishe coming now? Are you speaking to me? Exemplu: TOGO ‘Afirmatiy Tam going = eu merg (acum) ‘You are going = tu merg! He is going el merge She is going = ea merge Itis going = el, ea merge 68 We are going oi mergem You are going = voi mergeti They are going i, ele merg. Negativ ‘You are not going. (You aren't going) He, she, it is not going. (He, she, it isn't going) ‘We, you, they are not going. (We, you, they aren't not going) You are not going. (You aren't going) ‘They are not going, (They aren't going) Interogativ Formaafirmativa | Forma negativa ‘Am going? ‘Am Inot going? Are you going? ‘Are you not going? Ishe, she, it going? [Ish’t. he/ she/ it going? “Are we going? ‘Aren't we going? ‘Are you going? Aren't you going? ‘Are they going? ‘Are they going? SF __Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima: -actiuni in desfésurare in momentul vorbirii: ex: Lam teaching English now. -actiuni viitoare planificate in prezent: ex: - Weare going to the seaside next week -exceptiile unor regal ex: He usually is very polite, but today he is being rude, ‘YT _ Exist totusi verbe care nu se pot folosi la forma continua: ~verbele de perceptie: tosee = avedea to hear = a auzi to smell = a mirosi totaste = a gusta 7 -opinii: to believe =a crede to think = a crede, a gandi -emofii: to love = a iubi to wish = a dori What are you doing? Jane: What are you doing? Fred: I am going to the market. Grace: What are you doing? Amy: 1am thinking. Grace: What are you thinking about? Amy: Iam thinking about Jane. Grace: Jane? What about Jane? Amy: She needs help. George: What are you doing? Helen: [am taking a shower, Exercifii 1, Cititi cu glas tare textul lectiei si traducefi-l, in scris, tn limba romana, 2. Conjugati urmatoarele verbe la prezentul continu afirmativ, negativ si interogativ: to come, to think, to listen. 3. Treceji verbele din paranteze la prezentul continuu: 1 (to listen) to music now. He (to come) next week. We (to read) a newspaper now. Mr. Smith (to work) in the garage. She (to speak) English now. They (to go) home now. He (to think) about the exam. 68 I (to read) a book now. 4. Completati spatille libere cu forma potrivita din paranteze: book (is / are reading). They to the cinema (am / are going). 1 a film now (am / is watching). We English now (is / are speaking). next week (is / are coming). 5, Traduceti in limba englezi: a, Vi viziteazi ei vara viitoare? b, Ploua in acest moment. ¢. Noi invatém engleza acum. 4 El priveste la televizor acum, ¢, Ea ascultd muzica in acest moment. £. Ce faci acum? g; Invat engleza, h, Vizitezi Franta anul acesta? i. Da, merg la Paris, j. Profesoara este foarte prietenoasa gi lectille el sunt interesante, k. Urmez un curs de engleza. 1 Mary §l Victor sunt in pauza de cafea intre orelé’de curs. m, Jenny manned un mar. n. Fred face curat in casa. .. Nu-mi plac merele. Cititi cu voce tare gi traduceti textul , What are you doing?” Lectie recapitulativa IL “Hi Fred, How are you?” “Mmrmm..... fine. I just hate getting up in the morning. But how about you Paul?" “Oh, I'm fine. I'm happy because T am going to a show. Oh, but isn't that your car, Fred?” “Yes itis. What about it?” “It seems smaller than the other day. Are you sure it’s yours?” “Yes. It can't be smaller than yesterday, you are imagining thinks.” “Maybe”, says Paul “it’s because of this show, Never mind, I have to go. See you.” “Bye Paul.” “Bye Fred.” Exercifii 1. Completati spatiile libere cu pronume demonstrative si posesive: a. Look at... house. . Is this book yours? Yes, itis 1ouse, is Carol over there. £ She is singing........ song again. g He gave me wn. jacket. 70 2. Puneti urmatoarele verbe la Present Tense Continuous: a. Gina (talk) toJim b.1 (cat) slice of pizza, -Leannot have peace because my sister (Sing)..emuu in the bath. A. They (Play) en nnnn With Bill. e. He (argue) th his sister every single day. £ You (tell). me about Jane’s problem. 3. Traduceti in limba engleza: a. Aceast carte e mai mici decit cealalta. b. El poate si inoate. ¢. Mama conduce masina chiar acum, 4. Ea se duce in camera ei ori de cite ori vrea si fie singur8. e. Fred e cel mai istet baiat pe care |-am cunoscut vreodati. £ Aceasta este magina mea. g.John e mat inalt decat Jim. h, Maria e mai slaba decat Julie, 1. El nu poate si cinte. j. Asta e cartea lui? k, Plange din cauza lui L Nu stie ce sa spun. m,Nuevina ei. n LESSON 7 Some people in Constan{a live in their own houses but most people live in flats they own or rent. ‘My name is Victor Jones and I live in a large and beautiful flat. My address is 100 Tomis Boulevard, Constanta. ‘The block of flats where I live in is a tall and modern building, In front of it there are some tall trees and beds of flowers. (On the ground-floor of our block of flats there is a big supermarket where most people in the neighbourhood do their shopping. From the first floor up to the loft there are flats, Access to the flats is provided by some elevators and the stairways. My family and I live on the 3" floor. Our flat consists of four rooms, ahall, a bathroom, a lavatory and a kitchen. Two of the rooms are used as bedrooms. There is also a dining-room, where we have our meals, and a living-room, where we watch TV in the evening. There is a bathroom near the bedrooms and a large kitchen where we have breakfast every ‘morning. VOCABULARY some [sam] = uni, cafiva people [pi:pal] = oameni, lume own [ouin] = propriu 2 most [moust] = majoritatea to own [ta au:n] = a stépani, a avea in proprietate to rent [to rent] = a inchiria large [laid] = mare beautiful [‘bjustiful] = frumos tall [to:l] = inalt building [bildin] = cladire bed of flowers [bed av flawarz] = strat de flori ground-floor ["graundflo:] = parter there is [Sar iz] = exist (singular) there are [Dar aia] = existd (plural) big [big] = mare supermarket (su:poma:ket] = mare magazin universal (cu autoservire) where [weoi] = unde neighbourhood (neibahu:d] = vecinatate, cartier shopping [fopin] = cumparaturi floor [flo] = eta) up to [Ap tu] = pana la loft [loft] stairways [ste:awel to consist of [to Kansist ov] = a consta in hall [ho] = hol bathroom [beOrus lavatory (‘lavatri] = toaleta Kitchen ["kifin] = bucatarie dining-room [dainin ru:m] = sufragerie near [nia] = lang&

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