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64 ron /lună
Valabilitate: 12 luni

Set anual de analize fără Analize cu recomandarea
recomandarea unui medic* medicului MedLife
Test Papanicolau clasic / PSA inclus 1/an Toxicologie 30% discount
Sumar de urină inclus 1/an Screening prenatal 30% discount
Glicemie inclus 1/an Parazitologie 30% discount
LDL colesterol inclus 1/an Microbiologie 30% discount
HDL colesterol inclus 1/an Bacteriologie 30% discount
Trigliceride inclus 1/an Markeri tumorali 30% discount
Hemoleucogramă inclus 1/an Markeri ososi 30% discount
VSH inclus 1/an Markeri infectiosi 30% discount
Transaminaze (TGO, TGP) inclus 1/an Markeri hepatici 30% discount
Creatinină serică inclus 1/an Markeri endocrini 30% discount
Colesterol total inclus 1/an Markeri cardiovasculari 30% discount
Markeri anemie 30% discount
*Pentru investigațiile de laborator care sunt incluse limitat (1/an), limita se
aplică de la momentul accesării serviciului, nu de la momentul încheierii Markeri alergii 30% discount
Diagnostic prenatal 30% discount
Imunologie 30% discount
Analize fără recomandarea Electroforeza
30% discount
30% discount
unui medic* Coagulare 30% discount
Biologie moleculara 30% discount
Papanicolau în mediu lichid 50% discount
Anatomie patologica 30% discount
Testare COVID-19, PCR 20% discount
Biochimie 30% discount
și anticorpi

*Un departament include mai multe tipuri de teste. Discountul se acordă

*Un departament include mai multe tipuri de teste. Discountul se acordă investigațiilor incluse în Anexa Analize Laborator. Analizele neincluse în
investigațiilor incluse în Anexa Analize Laborator. Analizele neincluse în Anexă se vor achita integral. A se vedea la finalul anexei lista completă a
Anexă se vor achita integral. analizelor care beneficiază de discount.

Medicină Generală Consultații, controale, interpretare analize inclus 3/an*

Eliberare certificate medicale / avize** inclus
Eliberare certificate prenupțiale** inclus

Medicină Internă Consultații, controale, interpretare analize inclus 3/an*

3/an la alegere din lista de mai jos:

• Alergologie și imunologie clinică • Obstetrică – Ginecologie
• Boli infecțioase • Oftalmologie
• Cardiologie • Oncologie
• Chirurgie generală • ORL
• Dermatologie • Ortopedie și traumatologie
• Diabet și boli metabolice • Pneumoftiziologie
• Endocrinologie • Psihiatrie
• Gastroenterologie • Recuperare medicală
• Hematologie • Reumatologie
• Nefrologie • Urologie
• Neurologie

*30% discount după consumul consultaţiilor incluse în abonament; Pentru consultațile de specialitate care sunt incluse limitat (3/an) limita
se aplică de la momentul activării abonamentului.
**În cadrul specialităților enumerate, beneficiați de gratuitate sau discount la serviciile de consultație, control sau interpretare de analize.
Alte servicii efectuate de medici aparținând specialităților descrise se achită la preț de listă.
***Abonamentul oferă acces direct către specialitățile medicale menționate în prezenta anexă. În cazul în care abonatul dorește să acceseze servicii
medicale la un anumit medic și/sau locație se pot achita costuri suplimentare, în funcție de abonamentul și discounturile pe care le deține.
****Beneficiezi de gratuitate sau discount la medicii interni MedLife din Spitalul de Ortopedie, în funcție de varianta de abonament aleasă.

Hotline Medical** - 24/7inclus

Consultații în camere de gardă pentru spitalele din București (luni – duminică, 08:00 – 20:00):


• Spitalul de ortopedie 24/7 20% discount
L-V 09:00-20:00 / S-D 09:00-19:00

**Sfaturi medicale prin linie telefonică în cazul unei urgențe - 24/7. Numarul de acces la Hotline Medical este 0756565644.

Discount-ul face referire la consultul în Camera de Gardă. În camerele de gardă nu sunt incluse consumabilele utilizate și medicamentația
Spitalizările, intervențiile chirugicale sau alte servicii efectuate în Spitalele MedLife sau ale partenerilor, nu fac obiectul contractului.

5% discount la non pharma* + suplimente;

*Dispozitive medicale/ Cosmetice/ Dermatocosmetice/ Baby/ Nutritie/ Parafarmaceutice;

**Discount-ul nu se aplica pe site-ul, pentru RX-uri, nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii/reduceri si nu este valabil pentru produsele deja reduse

• Radiologie 30% discount

• Ortho-spine 30% discount
• Ortho-leg 30% discount

• Mamografie clasică / digitală 30% discount

• Osteodensitometrie 30% discount
• CT / RMN 10% discount
• Ecografie 2D, 3D&4D (cu excepția celor de sarcină) 30% discount
• Ecografie doppler 30% discount
• Urografie 20% discount
• EKG / EKG de efort Holter EKG / Holter TA 30% discount
• Proceduri microchirurgie Investigații dermatologice 30% discount
• Proceduri dermatologice (cauterizări, excizii)* 30% discount
• Endoscopie digestivă superioară și inferioară 30% discount
• Fibroscopie 30% discount
• Rectosigmoidoscopie 30% discount
• Audiometrie 30% discount
• Spirometrie simplă 30% discount
• Spirometrie cu test bronhodilatator 30% discount
• Colposcopie 30% discount
• EEG simplu 30% discount
• Prescriere ochelari 30% discount

*Sunt excluse procedurile efectuate cu laserul.

Se exclud de la discount investigațiile oferite de medici ce activează în Centre de Excelență, în cadrul specialităților enumerate.

Abonamentul îți oferă acces în toate

hyperclinicile MedLife sau ale partenerilor,
precum și în camerele de gardă din spitalele MedLife.

În toate punctele de recoltare MedLife, de pe întreg teritoriul țării.


Prețul abonamentelor este exprimat în RON / persoană / lună.

Plata abonamentului se va realiza în avans, trimestrial / semestrial / anual.
Oferta nu se cumulează cu alte promoții și discount-uri.

Pentru efectuarea investigațiilor medicale (analize de laborator, radiografii, ecografii etc.) incluse în abonament gratuit sau cu discount, este
necesară recomandarea unui medic MedLife.
Abonamentul este nominal, netransmisibil și se adresează persoanelor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 – 65 ani.

Abonamentele individuale nu sunt valabile în Centrele de Excelență.

Serviciile care nu sunt menționate în prezenta anexă și nici în anexele detaliate aferente acesteia, se plătesc integral, conform prețurilor în
vigoare la momentul accesării acestora.
Toxicologie Screening prenatal Parazitologie
Acid hipuric AFP lichid amniotic Amprenta anala
Carboxihemoglobina Estriol liber Ex. coproparazitologic
Nichel PAPP_A Ex. parazitologic picatura groasa
Ag Giardia

Microbiologie Markeri infectiosi Markeri tumorali

Coprocitograma TPHA Calcitonina
Coprocultura VDRL- RPR Acid vanilmandelic
Ex. bact. din lichide de punctie Toxoplasma gondii IgG - aviditate Ag carcinoembrionar (CEA)
Ex. bact. secretie conjunctivala Ac Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Ag. specific prostatic (PSA)
Ex. bact. secretie otica Ac Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Alfa fetoproteina
Ex. bact. secretie uretrala, vaginala, col Ac Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgM CA 125
Ex. bact. secretii,plagi,fistule,abcese Ac Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgG CA 15-3
Ex. bact. sputa Ac Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgM CA 19-9
Ex. citobacteriologic secretie vaginala Ac Anti-HIV 1/2 Free PSA
Ex. micologic (unghii, fir de par, scuame) Ac Anti-Treponema pallidum S 100
Exsudat faringian Ac heterofili (mononucleoza infectioasa) T5 HIAA (5OH Indolaceticacid)
Exsudat lingual VDRL- RPR cantitativ NSE
Exsudat nazal Ac Anti-Echinococcus IgG CA 72-4
Urocultura Ac Anti-Bordetella pertussis CYFRA 21-1
Ac Anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG Ac Anti-Coxiella burneti IgM SCC
Ag Chlamydia Trachomatis Ac Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG – faza 1
Ag Helicobacter Pylori Ac Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG – faza 2
Ag. Adenovirus+Rotavirus Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgG
Ag. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgM
Ag. Norovirus Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgG
Ag. Streptococ beta-hemolitic gr. A Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgM Markeri ososi
Coprocultura ptr Campylobacter spp Ac Anti-Klebsiella
Cultura fungi (mucoase) Ac Anti-Rickettsia Parathormon(iPTH)
Ex bact. str. grup B secretie genitala Ac Anti-Salmonella Beta Crosslaps
Hemocultura Ac Anti-Shigella Osteocalcin
Lohiocultura Ac Anti-Taenia solium IgG 25-OH Vitamina D
Mycoplasma / Ureaplasma- Ac Anti-Toxocara canis IgG
identificare/antibiograma Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgG
Spermocultura Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgM
Hemoragii oculte
Ac Anti-Trichinela spiralis IgG
Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgG
Markeri hepatici
Proba de digestie Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgM Ac Anti-HAV IgG
Spermograma Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgM Ac Anti-HAV IgM
Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgG Ac Anti-HBc
Ac Anti-Yersinia Ac Anti-HBc IgM
Ac Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato IgG Ac Anti-HBe
Ac Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato IgM
Markeri anemie Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA
Ac Anti-HBs
Ac Anti-HCV
Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Ac Anti-HD
Vitamina B12 Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Ac Anti-HD IgM
Brucella IgG - Anticorpi Ag HBe
Brucella IgM- Anticorpi Ag HBs
Ac Anti-Lysteria Ag HD
Hemoragii oculte
Proba de digestie

Markeri cardiovasculari
Troponina Ihs

Markeri endocrini
Hormon Anti-Mullerian
Inhibina A
Inhibina B
17 Cetosteroizi
17 OH Corticosteroizi
Aldosteron urinar
Beta hCG
Beta2 Microglobulina
Big prolactina
Free-beta hCG
Infertilitate, Diagnostic prenatal
Indice FAL

Markeri alergii Imunologie Hematologie

IgE Ac Anti-ADN dublucatenari (screening) Criofibrinogen
IgE specific la ampicilina Ac Anti-Beta2 glicoproteina I IgG Fibrinogen
IgE specific la aspirina Ac Anti-Beta2 glicoproteina I IgM Frotiu sanguin
IgE specific la benzocaina Ac Anti-cANCA Grup sangvin ABO si RH
IgE specific la bupivacaina Ac Anti-Cardiolipinici IgG Hemoleucograma completa
IgE specific la caisa Ac Anti-Cardiolipinici IgM Numaratoare de reticulocite
IgE specific la candida Ac Anti-CCP PT
IgE specific la capsuni Ac Anti-Centromer Test Coombs direct
IgE specific la cefalosporine Ac Anti-Insulina Test Coombs indirect
IgE specific la ciprofloxacin Ac Anti-Jo1 VSH
IgE specific la cod Ac Anti-nucleari (ANA) - screening APTT
IgE specific la codeina Ac Anti-pANCA Ac Anti-Gliadina deamidata IgA
IgE specific la creveti Ac Anti-receptor TSH Ac Anti-Gliadina deamidata IgG
IgE specific la diclofenac Ac Anti-RNP (U1-snRNP 70 kDa) Ac Anti-Grup A
IgE specific la doxiciclina Ac Anti-SCL 70 Ac Anti-Grup B
IgE specific la eritromicina Ac Anti-Sm Ac Anti-Grup D (Rh)
IgE specific la fenilbutazona Ac Anti-spermatici Celule lupice
IgE specific la gentamicina Ac Anti-SSa (Ro) Concentrat leucocitar
IgE specific la ibuprofen Ac Anti-SSb (La) Glucozo-6-Fosfat Dehidrogenaza (G6PD)
IgE specific la indometacin Ac Anti-Tireoperoxidaza (TPO) Hemosiderina medulara
IgE specific la lapte de vaca Ac Anti-Tiroglobulina Methanefrine plasmatice
IgE specific la lapte praf Ac Anti-transglutaminaza tisulara IgA Mielograma
IgE specific la lapte uht Ac Anti-transglutaminaza tisulara IgG Rezistenta osmotica
IgE specific la lidocaina Complexe imune circulante
IgE specific la mepivacaina Ac Anti-Mitocondriali (AMA)
IgE specific la moluste Ac Anti-MuSK
IgE specific la neomicina
IgE specific la paracetamol
Ac Anti-Fibra musculara neteda (ASMA)
Ac Anti-GAD (glutamicdecarboxilaza)
IgE specific la penicilina G Ac LKM 1
IgE specific la penicilina V AFP Electroforeza hemoglobinei
IgE specific la piersica Electroforeza proteinelor serice
IgE specific la piroxicam
IgE specific la porc
IgE specific la procaina
IgE specific la pui Coagulare
IgE specific la rata
IgE specific la stafilococ auriu
Anticoagulant lupic
IgE specific la tetraciclina
Antitrombina III
IgE specific la ton
Factor V Leiden (APCR)
IgE specific la venin de albina
Proteina C
IgE specific la venin de viespe
Proteina S
IgE specific la vita
Testul monomerilor de fibrina
IgE specific la xilocaina
Panel 1 mixt Euroimmun
Panel 4 pediatric Euroimmun
Panel alimentar IgE 20
Panel alimentar IgE 36(1)
Panel inhalator IgE 20
Panel inhalator IgE 33
Biologie moleculara Anatomie patologica
Ac Anti-CMV IgG Citodiagnostic Papanicolau
Ac Anti-CMV IgM Citodiagnostic Papanicolau in mediu lichid
HPV - tipaj viral Citologia prin punctie cu ac fin
Viremie hepatita B Citologie secretie mamara
Viremie hepatita C Citologie urinara
ADN Chlamydia trachomatis si Neisseria gonorrhoeae Bloc extern + preparate histopatologice coloratie
HLA B27 Examen histopatologic cu coloratii speciale
Examen histopatologic extemporaneu
Examen histopatologic piesa complexa
Examen histopatologic piesa intermediara
Examen histopatologic piesa mica
Examen histopatologic extemporaneu cu prelucrare la parafină
Citologia lichidelor patologice
Teste imunohistochimice

Acid uric Glucoza serica-gri Potasiu urinar
Albumina serica HDL- Colesterol Proteine urinare
Amilaza IgA Sodiu urinar
Amilaza pancreatica IgG Sumar de urina
Apolipoproteina A1 IgM Uree urinara
ASLO cantitativ LDH CTLFe
Bilirubina directa LDL-Colesterol Imunofixare serica
Bilirubina indirecta Lipide totale Lipaza
Bilirubina totala Magneziu Scor Framingham
Calciu ionic Potasiu seric Test de toleranta la glucoza/75 g
Calciu seric total Proteine totale Transferina
Clor seric Sideremie Hemoglobina glicozilata (HbA1C)
Colesterol total Sodiu seric Colinesteraza
Complement seric C3 TGO/AST Raport Albumina/Creatinina
Complement seric C4 TGP/ALT Raport calciu / creatinina
Creatinina serica Trigliceride Alfa 1 antitripsina
Crioglobuline Uree serica Alfa 2 macroglobulina
CRP cantitativ VLDL - Colesterol Coeficient de saturare a transferinei
Factor reumatoid cantitativ Procalcitonina Haptoglobina
Fosfataza alcalina Fosfataza acida totala Apolipoproteina B
Fosfor seric Ex. calcul renal Ceruloplasmina
Gama GT Magneziu urinar
Glucoza serica Microalbuminurie hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

64 ron /month
Validity: 12 months

Annual set of tests without Tests with the referral
referral of a physician* of a MedLife physician
Classic Papanicolau smear / PSA test included 1/year Toxicology 30% discount
Urinalysis included 1/year Prenatal screening 30% discount
Glycemia included 1/year Parasitology 30% discount
LDL cholesterol included 1/year Microbiology 30% discount
HDL cholesterol included 1/year Bacteriology 30% discount
Triglycerides included 1/year Tumor markers 30% discount
Complete blood count included 1/year Bone markers 30% discount
ESR included 1/year Infectious markers 30% discount
Transaminases (GOT, GPT) included 1/year Hepatic markers 30% discount
Serum creatinine included 1/year Endocrine markers 30% discount
Total cholesterol included 1/year Cardiovascular markers 30% discount
Anemia markers 30% discount
** For laboratory investigations that are included on a limited basis (1/year),
the limit applies from the time the service is accessed, not from the time Allergy markers 30% discount
the contract is concluded.
Prenatal diagnosis 30% discount
Immunology 30% discount
Hematology 30% discount
Tests without the referral Electrophoresis 30% discount
of a physician* Coagulation 30% discount
Molecular biology 30% discount
Pap smear in liquid medium 50% discount
Pathological Anatomy 30% discount
COVID-19, PCR and 20% discount
antibody testing Biochemistry 30% discount

*One department includes several types of tests. The discount is granted

to investigations included in the Laboratory Tests Annex.
Analyses not included in the Annex will be paid in full.

General Medicine Consultations, checkups, interpretation of analyses included 3/year*

Issuance of medical certificates / opinions** included
Issuance of prenuptial certificates ** included

Internal Medicine Consultations, checkups, interpretation of analyses included 3/year*

3/year to be chosen from the list below:

• Allergology and clinical immunology • Obstetrics - Gynecology

• Infectious diseases • Ophthalmology
• Cardiology • Oncology
• General surgery • ENT
• Dermatology • Orthopedics and traumatology
• Diabetes and metabolic diseases • Pneumophtisiology
• Endocrinology • Psychiatry
• Gastroenterology • Medical rehabilitation
• Hematology • Rheumatology
• Nephrology • Urology
• Neurology

*30% discount after consumption of consultations included in the subscription; For specialist consultations
that are included limited (3/year) the limit applies from the moment of subscription activation.
***The subscription provides direct access to the medical specialties mentioned in this Annex. If the subscriber
wishes to access medical services at a specific doctor and/or location, additional costs may be payable, depending
on the subscription and discounts held.

Hotline Medical** - 24/7 included

Emergency room consultations for hospitals in Bucharest (Monday - Sunday, 08:00 - 20:00):


• Orthopedics Hospital 24/7 20% discount
Monday through Friday 09:00-20:00 / Saturdays and Sundays 09:00-19:00

** Medical advice by telephone in case of an emergency - 24/7. The Medical Hotline access number is 0756565644.

The discount refers to the consultation in the Emergency Room. On-call rooms do not include supplies used and medication administered.

5% discount for non pharma* + supplements;

*Medical Devices/ Cosmetics/ Dermatocosmetics/ Baby/ Nutrition/ Parapharmaceuticals;

**Discount does not apply on website, for RXs, does not cumulate with other promotions/discounts and is not valid for products already discounted.

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,

• Radiology 30% discount

• Ortho-spine 30% discount
• Ortho-leg 30% discount

• Classic / digital mammography 30% discount

• Osteodensitometry 30% discount
• CT / MRI 10% discount
• 2D, 3D & 4D ultrasound (except for those performed in pregnancy) 30% discount
• Doppler ultrasound 30% discount
• Urography 20% discount
• EKG / stress EKG, Holter EKG / Holter TA 30% discount
• Microsurgical procedures, dermatological investigations 30% discount
• Dermatological procedures (cauterizations, excisions)* 30% discount
• Upper and lower digestive endoscopy 30% discount
• Fibroscopy 30% discount
• Rectosigmoidoscopy 30% discount
• Audiometry 30% discount
• Simple spirometry 30% discount
• Spirometry with bronchodilator test 30% discount
• Colposcopy 30% discount
• Simple EEG 30% discount
• Prescription of glasses 30% discount

*Laser procedures are excluded.

Investigations provided by doctors working in Centres of Excellence in the listed specialties are excluded from the discount.

Membership gives you access to all

MedLife or partner hyperclinics,
as well as the on-call rooms in MedLife hospitals.

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,

At all MedLife collection points throughout the country.


Subscription prices are in RON / person / month.

Subscription payment will be made in advance, quarterly / half-yearly / annually.
The offer cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts..

For medical investigations (laboratory tests, X-rays, ultrasounds, etc.) included in the free or discounted subscription,
a MedLife doctor's referral is required.

The subscription is nominal, non-transferable and is intended for people aged 18-65.

Individual subscriptions are not valid in Centres of Excellence.

Services which are not mentioned in this Annex, nor in the detailed annexes hereto, are payable in full, according to the prices
in force at the time of accessing them.

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Toxicology Prenatal Screening Parasitology
Hippuric acid Amniotic fluid AFP Anal imprint
Carboxyhemoglobin Free estriol Coproparasitic test
Nickel PAPP_A Thick bite parasitological examination
Giardia antigen

Microbiology Infectious Markers Tumor Markers

Coprocytogram TPHA Calcitonin
Coproculture VDRL- RPR Vanilmandelic acid
Bacterial test from puncture fluids Toxoplasma gondii IgG - avidity antibodies Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Bacterial test from conjunctival secretion Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgA antibodies Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
Bacterial test from ear secretion Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgG antibodies Alfa phetoprotein
Bacterial test from urethral, vaginal, cervical secretion Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis IgM antibodies CA 125
Bacterial test from secretions, lesions, Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgG antibodies CA 15-3
fistulae, abscesses Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgM antibodies CA 19-9
Bacterial test from sputum Anti-HIV 1/2 antibodies Free PSA
Cytobacteriological test from vaginal secretion Anti-Treponema pallidum antibodies S 100
Mycologiy test (nails, hairs, squamae) Heterophile (infectious mononucleosis) T5 HIAA (5-OH Indoleacetic acid)
Pharingeal exudate VDRL- RPR quantitative antibodies NSE
Lingual exudate Anti-Echinococcus IgG antibodies CA 72-4
Nasal exudate Anti-Bordetella pertussis antibodies CYFRA 21-1
Uroculture Anti-Coxiella Burneti IgM antibodies SCC
Anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG Antibodies Anti-Coxiella Burnetti IgG - phase 1 antibodies
Chlamydia Trachomatis antigen Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG - phase 2 antibodies
Helicobacter Pylori antigen Anti-Herpes 1 IgG antibodies
Adenovirus+Rotavirus antigen Anti-Herpes 1 IgM antibodies
Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigen Anti-Herpes 2 IgG antibodies
Norovirus antigen
Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus gr. A antigen
Anti-Herpes 2 IgM antibodies
Anti-Klebsiella antibodies
Bone Markers
Coproculture for Campylobacter spp Anti-Rickettsia antibodies
Fungal culture (mucosa) Anti-Salmonella antibodies Parathormon (iPTH)
Bacterial test from group B genital secretion Anti-Shigella antibodies Beta Crosslaps
Hemoculture Anti-Taenia solium IgG antibodies Osteocalcin
Lochia culture Anti-Toxocara canis IgG antibodies 25-OH Vitamin D
Mycoplasma / Ureaplasma - Anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies
identification/antibiogram Anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies
Spermoculture Anti-Trichinela spiralis IgG antibodies
Calprotectine Anti-rubella virus IgG antibodies Hepatic Markers
Occult hemorrhages Anti- rubella virus IgM antibodies
Digestion test Anti-measles virus IgM antibodies Anti-HAV IgG antibodies
Spermogram Anti- measles virus IgG antibodies Anti-HAV IgM antibodies
Anti-Yersinia antibodies Anti-HBc antibodies
Borrelia burgdorferi lato sensu IgG antibodies Anti-HBc IgM antibodies
Borrelia burgdorferi lato sensu IgM antibodies Anti-HBe antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA antibodies Anti-HBs antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG antibodies Anti-HCV antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibodies Anti-HD antibodies
Anemia Markers Brucella IgG - antibodies Anti-HD IgM antigen
Brucella IgM- antibodies HBe antigen
Vitamin B12 Anti-Lysteria antibodies HBs antigen
HD antigen

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Occult hemorrhages
Digestive test

Cardiovascular Markers
hs troponin i

Endocrine Markers
Anti-Mullerian Hormone
Inhibine A
Inhibine B
17 Ketosteroids
17 OH Corticosteroids
Urinary aldosterone
Beta hCG
Beta2 Microglobulin
Big prolactine
Free-beta hCG

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Infertility, Prenatal Diagnosis
FAL Index

Allergy Markers Immunology Hematology

IgE Double-stranded DNA (screening) Cryofibrinogen
IgE specific to ampicillin Beta2 glycoprotein I IgG Fibrinogen
IgE specific to aspirin Beta2 glycoprotein I IgM Blood smear
IgE specific to benzocaine cANCA antibodies ABO blood groups and Rh
IgE specific to bupivacaine Cardiolipinic IgG antibodies Complete blood count
IgE specific to apricots Cardiolipinic IgM antibodies Reticulocyte count
IgE specific to candida CCP antibodies PT
IgE specific to strawberries Centromer antibodies Direct Coombs Test
IgE specific to cephalosporins Insulin antibodies Indirect Coombs Test
IgE specific to ciprofloxacin Jo1 antibodies ESR
IgE specific to cod nuclear antibodies (ANA) - screening APTT
IgE specific to codeine pANCA antibodies Anti-deamydated gliadin IgA antibodies
IgE specific to shrimp TSH receptor antibodies Anti-deamydated gliadin IgG antibodies
IgE specific to diclofenac RNP (U1-snRNP 70 kDa) antibodies Anti-Group A antibodies
IgE specific to doxycycline SCL 70 antibodies Anti-Group B antibodies
IgE specific to erythromycin Sm antibodies Anti-Group D (Rh)
IgE specific to phenylbutazone Spermatic antibodies Lupus cells
IgE specific to gentamycin SSa (Ro) antibodies Leucocyte concentrate
IgE specific to ibuprofen SSb (La) antibodies Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
IgE specific to indomethacin Thyreoperoxydase (TPO) antibodies Medullar hemosiderin
IgE specific to cow milk Thyroglobulin antibodies Plasma methanephrines
IgE specific to powder milk Transglutaminaza tisulara IgA antibodies Myelogram
IgE specific to UHT milk Transglutaminaza tisulara IgG antibodies Osmotic strength
IgE specific to lidocaine Circulaing immune complexes
IgE specific to mepivacaine Anti-Mitochondrial antibodies (AMA)
IgE specific to mollusks Anti-MuSK antibodies
IgE specific to neomycine
IgE specific to paracetamol
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA)
Anti-GAD (glutamic decarboxylase) antibodies
IgE specific to penicillin G LKM 1 antibodies
IgE specific to penicillin V AFP Electrophoresis of hemoglobin
IgE specific to peaches Electrophoresis of serum proteins
IgE specific to piroxicam
IgE specific to pork
IgE specific to procaine
IgE specific to chicken Coagulation
IgE specific to duck
IgE specific to staphylococcus aureus
Lupus anticoagulant
IgE specific to tetracycline
Antithrombin III
IgE specific to tuna
Factor V Leiden (APCR)
IgE specific to bee venom
Protein C
IgE specific to wasp venom
Protein S
IgE specific to beef
Fibrin monomer test
IgE specific to xylocaine
Euroimmun Mixed Panel 1
Euroimmun Pediatric Panel 4
Food Panel IgE 20
Food Panel IgE 36(1)
Inhalant Panel IgE 20
Inhalant Panel IgE 33

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Molecular Biology Pathological Anatomy
Anti-CMV IgG antibodies Papanicolau cytodiagnosis
Anti-CMV IgM antibodies Cytodiagnosis of Papanicolau in fluid medium
HPV – viral typing Cytology by fine needle puncture
Hepatitis B Viremia Cytology of mammary secretion
Hepatitis C Viremia Urinary cytology
DNA Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae External block + histopathological preparations and staining
HLA B27 Histopathological examination with special staining
Extemporaneous histopathological examination
Histopathological examination of a complex piece
Histopathological examination of an intermediate piece
Histopathological examination of a small piece
Extemporaneous histopathological examination with paraffin processing
Cytology of pathological fluids
Immunohistochemical tests

Uric acid Serum glucose - grey Urine potassium
Serum albumin HDL- Cholesterol Urine proteins
Amylase IgA Urine sodium
Pancreatic amylase IgG Urinalysis
Apolipoprotein A1 IgM Urine urea
Quantitative ASLO LDH CTLFe
Direct bilirubin LDL-Cholesterol Serum immunofixation
Indirect bilirubin Total lipids Lipase
Total bilirubin Magnesium Framingham Score
Ionic calcium Serum potassium Glucose tolerance test/75 g
Total serum calcium Total proteins Transferrin
Serum chloride Sideremia Glycosylated hemoglobin(HbAIC)
Total cholesterol Serum sodium Cholinesterase
Serum complement C3 GOT/AST Albumin/creatinine ratio
Serum complement C4 GPT/ALT Calcium /creatinine ratio
Serum creatinine Triglycerides Alfa 1 antitrypsin
Cryoglobulins Serum urea Alfa 2 macroglobulin
Quantitative CRP VLDL - Cholesterol Transferrin saturation coefficient
Quantitative rheumatoid factor Procalcitonin Haptoglobin
Alkaline phosphatase Total acid phosphatase Apolipoprotein B
Serum phosphorus Renal calculi examination Ceruloplasmin
Gamma GT Urine magnesium
Serum glucose Microalbuminuria

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,

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