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Adelina Ghetiu, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences,

University lecturer, Head of the DCPT, SUPES


Decree of the President of the Republic of Moldova no. 771-IV of 21.09.2006:

The National Institute of Physical Education and Sport was reorganized in the
State University of Physical Education and Sport.



Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020

KA2 – Cooperare pentru inovare și schimb de bune practici. Consolidarea
capacităților în învățământul superior
Numar de referință: 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Perioada proiectului: 15/11/2018 - 14/11/2021
EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, se adresează procesului de integrare
a modelului universitar de învățare continuă (ULLL) incluziv și receptiv ca
fiind cel care necesită reacții imediate la nivel național și instituțional și
acțiune comună în Moldova.
Acordarea posibilității ca organismele naționale de învățământ superior și
instituțiile de învățământ superior să administreze strategic învățarea
continuă integrată a învățământului superior este considerat obiectivul
general al proiectului și principala susținere a rolului responsabil și
complementar al Republicii Moldova în cadrul EHEA.
Grupurile țintă: reprezentanți ai ministerelor
învățământului superior; Promotori Bologna la nivel
național; managerii de rang înalt ai universităților, directorii
ULLL, personalul operațional ULLL.
Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect constă în
contribuția la integrarea mai profundă a Republicii
Moldova în EUCEN prin integrarea unui model
universitar de învățare continuă (ULLL) în Moldova
Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului sunt:

OB1: Promovarea si consolidarea culturii LLL (Life Long Learning) în

Moldova și consolidarea consensului național al actorilor-cheie cu privire la
problemele de dezvoltare până în noiembrie 2021;

OB2: Dezvoltarea și promovarea unui cadru legislativ național și stimularea

schimbărilor de reglementare în domeniul LLL în Moldova până în noiembrie

OB3: Creșterea funcției de integrare a universității în Moldova prin

dezvoltarea strategiilor integrate universitare de LLL până în noiembrie

OB4: Sporirea capacităților instituționale ale universității în Moldova pentru

implementarea eficientă a reformei LLL până în noiembrie 2021.
Activităţile proiectului:

1)Creșterea gradului de conștientizare a rolului LLL în societatea din

Moldova și creșterea numărului de grupuri - țintă și a părților interesate

2) Elaborarea documentelor legislative naționale privind învățarea de

formare profesională în Moldova.

3) Elaborarea regulamentelor privind LLL.

4) Consolidarea structurilor de învățare și formare profesională la

universitățile din Moldova, precum și servicii, cursuri de LLL.
Rezultatele proiectului:
R1. Crearea și implementarea legislației naționale care a lipsit până în
prezent în Moldova: Foaie de parcurs națională LLL; Regulamentul de
validare a învățării anterioare, inclusiv formal și informal (VPL);
Regulamentul privind aplicarea instrumentelor și procedurilor ECTS
existente pentru LLL etc).
R2. Elaborarea și implementarea unor strategii universitare eficiente cu
privire la LLL integrat, împreună cu măsuri instituționale coerente capabile
de orientare pe tot parcursul vieții și VPL, îmbunătățirea capacităților
instituționale pentru sporirea participării la LLL.
•Academy of Music, Theatre and Plastic Arts
•University of Physical Education and Sport
•State Pedagogical University ,,Ion Creanga”
•Trade Cooperative University of Moldova
•Comrat State University
•Rectors` Council of Moldova
•Ministry of Education of Moldova
•European University Continuing Education Network (Belgium)
•University of Turku (Finland)
•Danube University of Krems (Austria)
•University of Graz (Austria)
•European Policy Development and Research Institute (Slovenia)
•University of Barcelona (Spain)
•Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
•University of Brest (France)
Programmes carried out in SUPES:


•Physical education– 180 credits

•Modern and Sports dance – 180 credits
•Sports training (correlated to Physical education and sport)- 240 credits
•Organization and management of sport -180 credits
•Hotel services, tourism and leisure - 180 credits
•Kinetotherapy and occupational therapy (correlated to Recovery Physical
Culture)- 240 credits
•Fitness and programmes and recreation (correlated to Recovery Physical
Culture)- 180 credits
•Property security services - 180 credits
•Civil and public security (correlated to Civil security and public order) - 180
•Rescuers and firefighters (correlated to Anti Fire Services) - 180 credits

•Psycho-pedagogical assistance in sport - 90/120 credits

•Theory and methodology of motor activity - 90/120 credits
•Technology of education and motor training - 90/120 credits
•Physical culture management – 120 credits
•Marketing and legislation in sport – 120 credits
•Sport and media – 120 credits
•Technology of sports training - 90/120 credits
•Technology and management in fitness – 120 credits
•Recovery kinetotherapeutical technologies- 90/120 credits
•Manual therapy and applicative kinesiology – 120 credits
•Speech therapy and verbal motion – 120 credits
•Technologies and management in tourism – 120 credits
•Management in protection, guard and security – 120 credits
•Sports and diet nutrition – 120 credits

Physical education, sport, kinetotherapy and recreation – 180



•Training of physical education teachers – 20/60/90 credits

•Sports training – 20/60/90 credits
The State University of Physical Education and Sport (SUPES)



24/1 Andrei Doga street, block 2, the first floor, office 100 and 103,
mun. Chisinau

Telephone numbers: (022) 49 77 20 – Head of DCPT

(022) 43 85 33 - methodist

DCPT – subdivision of SUPES, was founded by order of the Ministry of Science
and Education of the Republic of Moldova no. 247 of 05.08.1993, by which the
Physical Education discipline from the Chair of Educational Discipline of the
National Institute of Continuous Training was transferred within the Faculty of
Further training and Retraining of specialists in the field of physical education
and sport.

In 1999, the abovementioned faculty, being merged with the Faculty of

Education with Reduced Frequency, functioned as a subdivision of the SUPES
until the summer of 2007.
By the decision of the Ministry of Education and Youth no. 04-04-1140 of
28.08.2007 the Department of Continuous Professional Training (DCPT) was
founded, whose staff numbers foresaw 5 units.
The Mission of the Department of Continuous Professional Training is
to provide educational services of the continuous quality professional
training required by the beneficiaries of continuous professional
training: institutions and individuals interested in updating knowledge
or acquiring new knowledge and skills necessary for further training or
professional retraining in the field of physical education and sport in
order to actively integrate into the labor market.
Continuous professional training is a set of activities organized for

recurrent or compensatory education that prolong or replace initial

education, and thanks to which the physical education and sport teachers

develop their skills, enrich their knowledge, improve or renew their

professional qualification, they form a new orientation and make possible

the evolution of pedagogical skills.

Key words:
personal development,
human resources.

Education Code of the RM no.152 of 17.07.2014

Education Development Strategy for 2014-2020 “Education-2020” (GD no. 944 of

 Regulation on Continuous Adult Training (GD no. 193 of 24.03.2017)

 Methodological norms for the development and implementation of standards for continuous
professional training programmes (order MEYS no. 549 of 16.11.2005)
 Institutional development strategy of SUPES 2015-2020

Regulation on Continuous Training within the SUPES, approved by the SUPES Senate,
official record no. 1 of 26.09.2017
The Development Strategy of DCPT for 2018-2022, approved by the Senate, official record
no. 4 of 12.01.2018
Statute of DCPT, approved by the SUPES Senate, official record no. 5 of 01.02.2018

Regulation on the organization and operation of the DCPT, approved by the SUPES Senate,
official record no. 5 of 01.02.2018

( )
General domain of study – 011. Education Sciences
Professional training domain – 0114. Teacher training
Continuous training programme – Physical education Total No. of study credits - 20

General domain of study – 100 Sport Sciences

Professional training domain – 1000 Sport Sciences
Continuous training programme – Sports training Total No. of study credits - 20

General domain of study – 011. Education Sciences

Professional training domain – 0114. Teacher training
Continuous training programme – Physical education Total No. of study credits – 60/90

General domain of study – 100 Sport Sciences

Professional training domain – 1000 Sport Sciences
Continuous training programme – Sports training Total No. of study credits – 60/90

General domain of study - 100 Sport Sciences

Professional training domain - 1000 Sport Sciences
Continuous training programme – Fitness and recreation programmes (aerobic/yoga/bodybuilding şi fitness)
Total No. of study credits – 40

Psycho-pedagogical Module (60 credits) Kinetotherapy and physical rehabilitation

Module (5 credits)
Year of study 2018 – 2019 –
2.032 of vacancies in high schools and gymnasiums in the country
The figure is 780 higher than two years ago (MECR)
Chisinau – 368
Ungheni District - 183
Hancesti and Ialoveni District - 231
Nisporeni District - 106
Gagauzia – 105
Calarasi District - 73
Anenii Noi, Causeni and Orhei District- of 66 …etc.
Of which: 227 of mathematics teachers;
128 of physical education teachers;
118 of Romanian language and literature teachers; Etc.

Retraining: Physical education teachers:

36 of students, of which – 32 – budget studies

Retraining: Coaches for various kinds of sport :

8 students, of which – 3 – budget studies

Total: 44 students: 35 – budget studies;

9 – studies by contract.

SUPES Order no. 28 – PR of 15 October 2018

Programme period

15 October 2018 – 15 October 2019

1800 hours: a) direct contact – 665 hours

b) individual work – 1135 hours

2700 hours: + Compensation Module

University calendar / Schedule of the study

I Semester – 3 weeks – 01.11 – 21.11

II Semester – 3 weeks – 01.06 – 22.06

III Semester – 1 week – 17.09 – 22.09

Work placements:
4 weeks – 01.03 – 30.03 – 240 hours
– 8 credits
4 weeks – 01.07 – 22.09 – 240 hours
– 8 credits
Retraining exam

Theory and methodical of physical education (of sports training)/Ergo physiology

-17.09-22.09 –2 credits
Thesis of requalification - - 17.09-22.09 – 2 credits
Realities and perspectives: the need to strengthen the
partnership between all the representatives of the educational
community in order to increase:

Quality of the education process

Quality of teacher preparing /


Motivation of pedagogical
institutions graduates (SUPES) to
work in general education
Conditions for achieving
an effective / sustainable partnership
• communication
• coordination
• cooperation 
• assumption of risks and responsibilities
• perception partners as valuable people
,, Success, for the most part, lies in the will to win; so let us
try and persevere.” (Seneca)
Reality and perspectives:

The State University of Physical Education and Sport is in

permanent process of searching for enriching traditional practices and

• In recent years the number of young people wishing to

continue their studies in higher education institutions has
decreased considerably, predominantly in those
pedagogical: the educational field has become unattractive
because of the multitude of existing factors.
 There are no EEI in 244 localities in the republic;
 about 91% of the EEI and 36% of the primary, gymnasium and high school and extra-curricular
institutions have no sports ground;
 about 33% of the primary, gymnasium and high school education institutions do not have a sports hall;
 in about 21% of gymnasium and high school education institutions are not physical education teachers
or their number is insufficient;
 in most EEI and primary education, physical education activities are taught occasionally;
 Teachers from EEI and from primary education do not benefit continuous specialized training in
Physical Education discipline;
 about 47% of children and pupils in general education institutions in the country have health problems:
scoliosis, platypodia, obesity etc.
 lack of a national center for continuing education for professors.

Source: Status report of the general education system, 2017 (

Statistical data submitted by OLSDI (March 2018)

Source: Status report of general education system, 2017 (


Never say “it is not possible”,

but starts with “let’s try”.

Nicolae Iorga
Thank you for your attention!

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