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Murillo era un mare pictor spaniol.El avea multi copii doritori sa ii invete
arta picturii.
In fiecare zi se ducea in studioul lui ca sa picteze si sa le predea copiilor.
Intr-o dimineata ,el a plecat foarte devreme si spre surprinderea lui a gasit
in studioul lui un tablou frumos in care era pictat capul unei femei.
Cine a pictat tabloul acesta?isi intreba el copiii dar nimeni nu a
Sebastian,tu ai fost aici toata noaptea,nu ai vazut cine a fost ?
Sebastian era un sclav negru care statea in studiou toata noaptea.
Nu,spuse el,nu am vazut pe nimeni.
Atunci cine a pictat acest tablou ?
Sclavul nu a raspuns.
Noaptea a venit din nou,fiecare a plecat acasa dar Sebastian nu a putut
dormi si s-a intors in studiou ,s-a uitat la tablou si a inceput sa picteze din
Dintr-o data,el a auzit un zgomot,s-a intors si l-a vazut pe stapanul
lui,Murillo in spatele lui...era deja dimineata.
Sebastian..planse Murillo tu esti un pictor foarte bun..cine te-a invatat
sa pictezi ?
Am luat lectii de la tine Murillo.
De la mine ?..pai eu nu ti-am dat nici o lectie..
Da...dar ai dat lectii la copii si am fost in studio.
Ce sa fac eu acum cu tine Sebastian ?Vrei bani ?
Da-i liberatate tatalui meu,spuse Sebastian.
Tu nu esti doar un pictor foarte bun dar si un om cu suflet.O sa il
eliberez pe tatal tau dar si pe tine si de acum incolo vom lucra
impreuna !

Ai vazut vreodata un sphinx ?Ce stii despre el ?
Pai..potrivit unei legende grecesti,sphinxul este o creatura cu cap de om si
corp de leu cateodata cu aripi.Ea nu vorbeste aproape deloc iar cand
vorbeste pune doar intrebari iar daca nu stii sa raspunzi la intrebarea ei te
va manca. Iata una din intrebarile ei :

Care este animalul care merge pe patru picioare dimineata,doua

picioare ziua si pe trei noaptea?
Intr-o zi..un om foarte istet-Oedipus a trecut pe acolo.
Sphinxul i-a pus aceeasi intrebare si in timp ce Oedipus se gandea la
raspuns ,creatura deja se gandea la ce cina buna va avea.
Spre uimirea ei ,Oedipus i-a dat raspunsul corect
Omul spuse el..Cand este bebelus se taraste pe maini si picioare-asta
este dimineata vietii lui.
Cand devine barbat ,el merge pe 2 picioare-asta este ziua vietii lui
Cand este batran,merge cu ajutorul lui baston,asta este seara vietii lui.
Sphinxul a fost atat de furioasa ca un om a putut sa ghiceasca incat s-a

B.Choose one of the following topics and have a

dialogue, in the space given below:
a. You are strolling downtown. Suddenly you meet an old
friend of yours whom you have not seen
since you were in elementary school. You are surprised to
learn that he has become a

b. You are walking down the street. Suddenly you see a

friend in front of you. You run up to him
and say hello, but when he turns around you discover that
he is a stranger.
c. You are a teacher in the first day of school. Present
yourself in front of the class and prompt the
conversation with the students.

Active or passive voice exercise
1. Most things .. plastic these days.
a) made of
b) are made of
c) Either could be used here
2. My mother .. wine from strawberries.
a) makes
b) is made
3. The house
a) is built
b) is being built

c) Either could be used here

4. This bag . of leather.
a) is made
b) make
5. It . disappeared. I cant see it now.
a) has
b) has been
c) Either could be used here
6. Their house last week.
a) sold
b) was sold
c) is sold
7. Do you think that the work by Friday?
a) is completed
c) will be completed
8. These tablets . with food.
a) need to take

b) need to be taken
9. The postman . this letter in the morning.
a) delivered
b) was delivered
10. You . the money last week.
a) should send
b) should have sent
c) send

Phrasal Verbs 1

Complete each of the following sentences.

1. Robert was expected to arrive at 8 oclock, but he didnt turn

______ until midnight.
a) out
b) up
c) off
d) with
2. Peter needs either to get a raise or to get a better job, because
he cant get ______ on his current salary.

a) by
b) out
c) in
d) off
3. Manuela and Glenda didnt like each other at first, but now they
get ______.
a) over
b) across
c) away
d) along
4. The plane is scheduled to take ______ at 7 a.m.
a) away
b) to
c) off
d) with
5. We need milk, but we can do ______ beer.
a) without
b) along
c) away
d) off
6. The wedding was originally scheduled for June 12, but it has
been put ______ until September 24.
a) out
b) away
c) off
d) up

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