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Interviul de angajare intr-o limba

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Ati fost invitati la un interviu pe care il veti sustine intr-o limba straina? Va sfatuim cum
sa va pregatiti pentru un asemenea interviu, astfel incat sa va asigurati ca veti face o
impresie buna.
Atunci cand ne referim la sustinerea unui interviu in engleza, franceza, germana, italiana
sau oricare alta limba straina, o pregatire mai amanuntita este necesara. Astfel, daca CVul si scrisoarea voastra de intentie au convins recrutorul sa va cheme la un prim interviu,
specificandu-se ca acesta se va desfasura intr-o limba straina, in pregatirea pentru aceasta
intalnire trebuie urmate cateva reguli generale:
1. Tineti cont de faptul ca asteptarile recrutorului in ceea ce priveste nivelul de cunoastere
a unei limbi straine difera in functie de tipul de job oferit (management, middle, entrylevel) si de locatia unde va veti desfasura activitatea (in tara sau in strainatate).
2. Consultati site-ul firmei si articole din presa pentru a intelege cat mai bine domeniul de
activitate in care activeaza, cat si mai multe detalii despre specificatiile job-ului la care ati
aplicat. Sfatul nostru este sa cautati informatii si in limba desfasurarii interviului si sa
retineti cuvintele cheie si termenii uzuali, utilizati in domeniul respectiv.
3. Avand in vedere ca o prima etapa a interviului presupune o scurta descriere a activitatii
profesionale de pana la momentul respectiv, compuneti o prezentare in limba respectiva
si memorati-o. De asemenea, pregatiti si raspunsuri pentru cele mai uzuale intrebari ce va
pot fi adresate de catre recrutor. Atentie, in cadrul interviului incercati sa vorbiti cursiv,
corect gramatical si relaxat, fara a lasa impresia ca ati memorat dinainte fiecare cuvant al

4. Este bine sa aratati recrutorului ca puteti sustine o conversatie in limba respectiva,

indiferent de subiect. Nu va limitati doar la studii si experienta profesionala, fiti pregatiti
sa abordati si subiecte legate de viata personala, petrecerea timpului liber si hobby-uri.
5. In cazul in care ati aplicat cu un CV in limba romana, pregatiti unul si in limba
respectiva pentru a-l lua cu voi la interviu.
6. Pregatiti-va din timp. Cu cateva zile inaintea interviului incepeti sa exersati
comunicarea in limba respectiva: conversati cu prietenii, urmariti filme sau documentare.
In cazul in care este necesar sa va imbunatatiti cunostintele la nivel conversational iar
prietenii nu va pot ajuta in acest sens, puteti apela la cursuri rapide de pe internet, la un
meditator profesionist sau va puteti alatura unui club de conversatii in limbi straine.
Cunoasterea uneia sau mai multor limbi straine nu poate fi decat un atu in dezvoltarea

carierei profesionale. Pentru a fi pregatiti sa profitati de orice oportunitate, cultivati-va

constant aceste cunostinte.

Care sunt punctele tale tari?

Cariera, Toate articolele | elena.popa | December 19, 2011 at 4:24 am

Care sunt punctele tale tari ?este una

din intrebarile des intalnite la interviu. Eu o consideram a fi una dintre cele mai usoare.
Spre surprinderea mea insa, mare parte din cei aproximativ o mie de candidati
intervievati de mine au avut mari dificultati cu intrebarea asta. Erau evident incurcati de
intrebare si banguiau sa incropeasca un raspuns aproape la nimereala, balbaindu-se
ezitant ca niste scolari prinsi cu lectia neinvatata. Intrebarea se referea anume la propriile
lor persoane, ei sunt cei mai competenti experti posibil in domeniu si totusi nu au stiut ce
sa raspunda! De raspunsul la intrebarea corespondenta despre puncte slabe nici nu mai
vorbesc cum se deruleaza/fractureaza.
Unii mi-au spus ca sunt modesti si ca prefera sa-i lase pe altii care ii cunosc sa raspunda
la aceasta intrebare.
Fratilor, nu merge asa! Credeti-ma pe cuvant: interviul pentru job este ultimul loc in care
ar avea rost sa fii modest! Desigur, nu e cazul sa cadem nici in extrema cealalta, respectiv
auto-atribuirea de calitati care nu exista, inventate pe moment

Altii mi-au replicat ca nu vad rostul intrebarii, ca practic ar putea sa raspunda orice la ea.
Pare, dar nu e chiar asa, pentru ca afirmatiile facute trebuie sustinute mai departe cu
argumente solide, convingatoare.
De exemplu, daca ai spus ca te adaptezi rapid, trebuie sa fii pregatit sa dai un exemplu
cand te-ai adaptat rapid. Sau ai spus ca esti un tip organizat, trebuie sa fii pregatit sa spui
cum iti organizezi munca, cum iti organizezi ziua.

De ce oare oameni cu o pregatire foarte buna de altfel si chiar cu experienta solida in

domenii foarte specializate, raman ca blocati la o atat de simpla solicitare? Orice om are
cel putin o trasatura, o capacitate, un talent, o indemanare in care exceleaza.
Iata cateva exemple de puncte tari: abilitati bune de comunicare, de persuasiune, team
worker, abilitati bune de organizare, de prioritizare, capacitate de analiza, atentie la
detalii, adaptabilitate la schimbari, orientare catre rezultat, orientare inspre client,
atitudine pozitiva, atitudine proactiva, personalitate auto-didacta, auto-motivat (adica o
personalitate ce nu are nevoie sa fie impinsa mereu de la spate), punctualitate, dedicatie,
In mod practic si largind discutia, sa iti constientizezi punctele tari te ajuta si in alte
aspecte ale vietii- profesionale si personale. In primul rand, asa cum spuneam, te poate
aduce mai aproape de jobul dorit. Apoi te ajuta sa iti sporesti increderea in tine. Atunci
cand iti cunosti clar atuu-rile, punctele forte, lucrurile la care excelezi, viziunea valorii
tale iti este de folos ca sa te raportezi mai bine atit la munca ta, cat si la cei cu care
relationezi. Este important sa iti constientizezi calitatile atunci cand trebuie sa faci fata
unor probleme sau provocari care apar inevitabil in domeniul tau, in cariera ta. Un alt
punct foarte important de tinut cont este ca atunci cand iti cunosti bine talentele tale
naturale, vei putea sa alegi corect calea pe care sa mergi si oportunitatile care te pot duce
la succes.
Dimpotriva, necunoscandu-te asa cum esti si la ce abilitate a ta poti recurge, sunt sanse
mari sa renunti prea usor, prea repede, e probabil ca niciodata nu vei putea ajunge la
nivelul de excelenta de care ai fi capabil. Necunoasterea de sine prin perspectiva
punctelor tari aduce multe deservicii si asa imi explic de ce candidati cu o pregatire si
experienta foarte bune au fost refuzati de angajator dupa interviu. Pai daca si-au balmajit
prezentarea punctelor forte in fata angajatorului nici nu ma mir ca au fost respinsi.
Si uite asa, dupa nereusita, omul declara scarbit: Si jobul asta s-a dat pe pile, degeaba
am eu experienta, ca a venit altu cu pile si l-a luat. Da, probabil ai dreptate ca s-a dat
pe pile jobul asta. Doar ca n-au fost mai multe, ci doar o singura pila trebuie sa fi
lucrat. Si anume aceea care trebuie folosita pentru a face sa sclipeasca vorbele in mod

Care-i concluzia mea? Sunt inca lucruri simple care nu se predau si nici nu se invata in
nici o sala de curs, dar care sunt taaare-tare de folos sa le cunosti.
Elena Popa -consilier in cariera autor al cartii Invitatie la succes
Testele de aptitudini[1] includ instrumentele de msurare a inteligenei, cele de
msurare a aptitudinilor speciale si cele pentru aptitudinile multiple.
Testele de inteligen sunt special create pentru msurarea abilitii generale de a nva
(sau abilitatea de a performa ntr-o situaie de nvare). Acest tip de instrumente a fost
deseori criticat de specialisti, Howard Gardner introducnd, de altfel, si noiunea de
inteligen multipl si crend un test pentru msurarea acesteia.Cele mai cunoscute teste
de inteligen pe plan mondial sunt Stanford Binet i Scala de inteligen Wechsler
(pentru administrare individual). Teste de inteligen administrabile n grup sunt
orientate mai ales spre msurarea unor componente ale inteligenei aptitudinea de
gndire verbal si numeric, de exemplu (Scholastic Aptitude Test, School and College
Ability Test).
Un instrument foarte raspndit este si testul Raven. Cunoscut si subdenumirea de
matrici progresive, a fost creat n 1938 de L.Penrose si de J.C.Raven, pentru evaluarea
a ceea ce autorii au numit abilitatea educativ nnscut. Testul ofer posibilitatea
calculrii factorului G, de inteligen general (saturaie 0,82) si a factorului de grup
vizual perceptiv, asigurnd, dincolo de influenele culturale asupra subiecilor, depistarea
deficienelor sau a deteriorrilor mintale. Testul se poate aplica att individual, ct i n
grup i poate s aib sau nu limit de timp (n funcie de inteniile investigatorului).
Testele de interese sunt folosite pe scar larg. Trei teste majore sunt n circulaie n
momentul de fa: Holland Self-Directed Search (pentru liceeni, studeni si aduli),
Strong Interest Inventory (pentru aceleasi categorii de vrst) si Kuder Occupational
Interest Survey (pentru liceeni). Aceste instrumente ajut la compararea scorurilor
obinute de candidai n ceea ce priveste preferinele vocaionale cu cele ale unor
persoane care activeaz n toate sectoarele profesionale.













Here are your Interest Profiler

Think of your interests as work you like to do.
Your interests can help you find careers you might like to
explore. The more a career meets your interests, the more
likely it will be satisfying and rewarding to you.
You can click on any interest below to learn more. When
you're ready, click Next to continue.







Top Ten Reasons to Quit Your Job

How Do You Know When it's Time to Quit Your Job?
By Susan M. Heathfield, Guide
You've done everything you can to make your current job work. But,
your current job is not working. These are the top ten reasons why you
might want to quit your current job. These are difficult, if not
impossible, to solve. You need to look out for your best interests. Your
job consumes too many hours of too many days of your life for you to
stay where you are miserable. No excuses, now. If these issues exist
with your job, make a plan, and change jobs.
Need more issues to think about relative to your job? I've added five
more reasons to quit your job.
Top 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job

Your company is experiencing a downward spiral, losing

customers, losing money, and rumors of possible closure, bankruptcy
and failure prevail.

Your relationship with your manager is damaged beyond repair.

You have sought help to mend the boss relationship but you know it
is too damaged for recovery. (Perhaps you were untrustworthy,
missed work on too many days, or the manager acts like an
untrustworthy jerk.) Whatever the reason, the relationship is
irrecoverably damaged.

Your life situation has changed. Perhaps you have married or had
a baby, and the salary and benefits no longer support your life
needs. You need to move on to better opportunities to support your

Your values are at odds with the corporate culture. Perhaps your
company is egalitarian and you believe in assigned parking spots for
salaried employees. Your company does annual employee
satisfaction surveys and you think these are a waste of time. Your
company is hierarchical and you want to influence every aspect of
your job. No matter where the clash is occurring, a lack of
congruence with the corporate culture will destroy your attitude at

You've stopped having fun and enjoying your job. No matter

what changed, when you dread going to work in the morning, it's
time to leave your job.

Your company is ethically challenged. Perhaps, the managers lie

to customers about the quality of the products or the day on which
product will ship. You become aware that the company is stealing
information from competitors. Whatever the issue, don't stay in an
organization where your ethics are out of sync.

For whatever reason, you have behaved in ways that are

considered improper at work. You've missed too many days of work,
slacked off on the job, failed to maintain needed skills and just
generally developed the reputation of a loser. That reputation, once
earned, is unlikely to change, so you might as well move on, while
you have the opportunity.

You've burned your bridges with your co-workers. Your group is

not getting along in an environment that requires people to work
together well. Again, at some point, the reasons don't matter; start
fresh in a new job and resolve to not let this situation happen again.

Your stress level is so high at work that it is affecting your

physical or mental health and your relationships with your friends
and family. Watch for the signs of burnout and if they can't be cured,
move on. Read this article, Tips for Managing Stress and Change at
Work for some ideas about managing work stress.

And the top ten reason for leaving your current miserable job you are unchallenged, need more responsibility, and seek
opportunities that just don't exist for you in your current
organization. You've explored the current and potential options, and
they are limited. It's time to move on.
Ready to quit your job? You can resign from your job in a way that
reinforces your professional image and keeps current employer
relationships positive.

Most common career myths

By Catherine Conlan, Contributing Writer
Could inaccurate assumptions about the world of work be holding you back?
We debunk five of the most common career myths and show you how to
counteract them.
Myth 1: There is one perfect job for you out there, and you better hope you
find it.
Reality: This is one of the most common career myths out there, and people
keep falling for it. "There are many perfect jobs for you, it just depends on where
you are in life," says Matthew Walden, senior vice president at Infinity Consulting
in New York. You may think you've found the perfect job, but anything can
change -- demand for your product or service drops, people get laid off, your
boss jumps to another company, you lose interest in what you're doing. "People
get complacent," Walden says. "You have to be constantly looking." Your career
will likely be a continuum of learning, changing interests, and changing
circumstances, not a goal to be reached, so stay alert to opportunities that might
come when you don't expect them.

Myth 2: Once you're settled in a career path, you're stuck.

Reality: "You're never stuck," Walden says. "You need to look at what you're
willing to do to get unstuck." While there can be financial constraints that may
keep you from switching careers quickly, Walden says taking classes or being
willing to make less money for some time to get on the career path you want
shouldn't hold you back. Many people go to college, major in a line of study, work
for a few years in that area and then find it doesn't suit them at all. Walden says
it's worth the time to make the change. "If you're a good candidate, smart, and
presentable, you need to take those steps now to get yourself on the path you
Myth 3: You should choose your job based on the skills you have.
Reality: Choosing a job because of what you can already do will likely leave you
unfulfilled. Instead, find a career path that will position you for training, learning
new things, and advancement.
Myth 4: Do what you love, and the money will follow.
Reality: This does happen, but rarely, and it takes a lot of lean times and good
luck. Don't talk yourself out of your dreams, but be realistic about the prospects
of the career you want to follow. A better bet is to find ways to combine what you
love with your work, or to identify a career that allows you the means to follow
your passion in your free time.
Myth 5: If you want to make a lot of money, get your MBA.
Reality: If money is all you're looking for, there are plenty of jobs out there that
don't require an MBA. And an MBA is not a guarantee that the money will start
rolling in. But choosing a career only by how much money it can set yourself up
for disappointment in your work life, experts say. It's better to find a balance
among what you like to do, what you can do and the level of income you want to
Being aware of the career myths that can hold you back will help you avoid falling
for them. Being realistic about your career path and what you want from it will
help set you up for success throughout your working life

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