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Kate Tranter invata singur limba engleza - incepatori - & 4 CD-uri audio Traducere: Adriana Andriescu NICULESCU D : ° tu a ¢ q Le ec v Ps E vc 6 ° in fc Denson 1a Bb Nana» Roane * ‘ae we ib nll ep & 4 CD wi Kate Trt. Anis, = Sat acces 2007 s TSaNsTeaTS OS ‘ ‘Asc tase) man R ‘© Ka Sys eH Sut Fe Rpt Geen, 280 “Tone Cob aatgets bel R eke P Se tei iss 1.30.10, 181 r ‘eho 8 ures ee , onder Cannas « Fw Dee 1232 i Ree oes tt } ‘an nicuLescu 2007 1 ‘ce opal tD Seth Dae Ronin ] Jaeopniasie es0302 97.64 f safes CHIBI Ean (a eS : Ec chbGriaeeno Inet penal Prosi compra: S.C ARETE COMPUTER DESIGN SRL, ‘Ttiia Rota saw orem 1480132 ' “ete pach eos. co pe see ms rt apts Paros a ice ed pan jo, ere umes, Sk tn ooeae, negro Suze lc sensu pao a, prion Ede NULESCH, ‘teenie aes eect coaue rd adoral a Mapnces pow of rae perso rnd profaee ta, Bine att venit in universul limbll englezet Doriti si tnvdtat limba englezi si, mai ales, invita aceast limba cu plicere, Dorit s&s tatelegeti pe erie si american sisi folost limba engle2 pentru ¢ putea comunica sia vi face fneles fe Mreaga lume, Prezentul curs v8 va Tasoti pe acest drum gi vA va ttansmite int-o manic atractiva tot mai multe ccunoytine de limba englezd. Cam este construit cursul? Cursul consti din opt modite, fiecare cu cine lecfl (Gnits), urmate de recapitulare (Consolidation). Lectile suatafcatuite din dovil pai, a sib, fiecare avind cite dout pagini, Cele doud dialoguri au continuitate intre ele si duc iawn final neasteptat. ‘Voeabularul si gramatica: Dupt fiecare dialog sau text va sunt prezentate ints-un chenar toate cuvintele noi. Veti invata pas cu pas gramatica pe baza unor explicatii simple. Exerciile: Pin exercitileserse si orale de pe CD-uri si din carte v8 putes consolida eanostintele de ‘vocabular si gramatic’. Exercitiile matcate cu RNAP vi stau la dispozitie pe CD-uri, Cele cu 268686 vor fi Iuerate cu ajutorul CD-urilor gi al cil, Exercifille de rezolvat In scris sunt marcate cu SQM), iar exercitile cu ROFERMP se recomandt st fie rezolvate pe o foie separati, Veti lucra exercitiile marcate Ja indicapile de lucru en» S88} + OF cu ajutorul CD-urilor sinpe © foaie separatl. Cel mai bine este si {olosi in acest scop on caiet, th care sé vi adunal exerci astel inci pute ntotdeauna cluta st veifica Supesti pentru toviare: La bri vei fla metode practice care va vor aja seins ‘vocabularu now mai repede si sé vi organizati invatarea fntr-un mod eficient. Retinetit si Engleza autenticlit €B: fn aceste dovit rubrici gtsiti indicat utile si expresii din limba ‘orbits. in plus, veti avea 0 privire de ansamblu asupra englezei attentive britanice si americane. Recapitulare: La sfyitul unui modu) ves putea face bilanpu prin texte i exeriti suplimentarereca- Pitulaji materia fecitei leek, aprofundasi cunostinfele de limb i completa eventuatele lacune. Jnfoematii culturale: Informayileculqurale vi furmizeszt aspect teresante despre tar gi oameni. ‘Anexe: La sfaryitul cli gist textele pentru exerctile de pe CD-i, precum si cheta exeretiflor. Compendiul de graniatied reaumd én mod clar si sistematic notiumile de gramatick intlnite in coy ‘ntrepul fond de cuvinte acumulat de dumneavoasted in acest curs este sintetizat in vocabular. Aici puteli cdutaoriednd, dae’ nu suntetisiguri fn privinta unui cuvant. Din nou céteva indicatii importante cu privire la utilizarea acestui curs ‘Ascuhat tna fiecare dialog de mai multe ori. Pronuntati xi dumneavonstré cu voce tare, chiar dact ‘nelsgeritocul de prima dati, Dacd v3 vine ai usor s&invatai citing, atunci itt inti textal si ascultai-l ulterior. Invétai regula si fn exape scurte, Nu imaneti prea malt simp lao leetie, deoarece vetiavea dit ‘nou nearia, in partea de recapitulare, si reluati cele invatate, Si acum, va invitém s pitrundei Sn universu fib engleze... Distractle placuta si succes! five 5 (Cuprins Sees ey eves Soeseeuser 6 sx Pagina 5 ‘Asaluta A malpumi + A-silua rinas ban + ‘Cum ne descurctim le aeroport + Despre twcuings Where's Fiona? 8 Nice to meet you 10 Are you ready? . az To the airgort 4 Fiona’s house 16 Fiona’s baby 18 Where's the check-in? 20 At the check-in 22 A flat or an apartment 24 Have a good fight 2% Recapitutare | 28 Informatii despre drum * Expriniarea orinjelor + A-sioferiajutorul + Exprimarea ‘unei rugiminti * Comands la restaurant + A da informati Tube, underground or subway? 34 ‘Where's the Red Lion? 36 Don’t worry 38 Is everything OK? 40 Lunch in London 42 London's different 44 On the plane 46 ‘Where's my saxophone? 48 ‘Appub lunch 50 ‘What's your phone number? 52 Recapitulare Il 54 na Ww Ra 12 Ba wa ub Ba Sb ‘A vorbi despre prezent + A vorbi. despre viitor + A-si exprima regretul + Cam ne descurcim la gars Thora is ill 60 Fiona phones her mather 62 ve lost my saxophone 64 We've lost our lusuage 66 Single or one way? 68 Where's my train? 70 To hire a car 2 Matthew's driving licence 4 A family photo 7 Vm not very welt 7B Recapitulare It 80 ‘A vorbi despre serviciu * A vorbi despre sport si timpul liber * A-si exprima prefe- rintafdezaprobarea * A gisi camer la un hotel Ona train to Bristol 86 Areal Londoner 88 Aroom for tonight 90, Where's the |i 92 Welcame to Bristol 94 Filip from Rome 9% Bed and breakfast. 8 . i 100 T've missed my train! 102 A waste of time 104 Recapitulare IV 108 wl BVYRBRRRNNER V_ Atelefona + A face o propunere +A face VILA cumplira haine i cadouri A vorbi despre presupuneris A vorbi despre trecut® A vorbi zilele de nagtere + A face planuri + A vorbi espre preturi, despre activitati din timpul liber 2a Mad about antiques M2 31a. It’sa tong way 164 2b Asurprise 114 31b An English breakfast 166 22a The Rock Bottom Band 6 32a A boat trip 168 22b_ Secrets are fun 118 32b Made in England 170 23a The silver teapot 120 33a. The right card 17 23b Don't mention it 122 33b_ The capital of Romania 174 ‘24a The line is bad 124. 3a Ashirt andtie 176 24D A misunderstanding 126 3ab Homesick 178 25a Frank's Motel... 128 35a Night life 180 25b ..and a luxury hotel 130 35b A breakdown 182 Recapltulare V 132 Recapitulare VIL 184 VA vorbi despre stinatate + A vorbi despre VIM A face o invitatie * A-si exprima bucuria * rene A vorbi despre eSlstorit+ A serie o ‘Mai mult despre irecut * A respinge 0 carte postal propunere * A. Iva rimas bun 26a A present for Jenny + 138 36a Hows Thomas? 190 26b A souvenir for Jenny 140 36b Sarah and Jenny as2 27a_ A distant relative 142 37a Who's Filip? ase 27b Unattended baggage 144 B7b_ Secrets and surprises 196 2Ba_ Chips or French fries? 146 38a. Just good friends 198 28 Filip isn't happy 148 38b Just a coincidence 200 29a Coffee and cake 150 39a Friends or family? 202 29b The weather forecast 152 39b A special guest 204 30a The weather 154 40a Oliver or Filip? 206 30b Dear Alison... Love, Sarah 156 40 Who knows? 208 Recapitulare VI 158 Recapitulare Vil 210 Anexe Cheia exereitilor 216 ‘Compeadiu de gramatic& 242 Transcrierea textelor si exercitilor de pe CD. 256 Pronuntia, Semele de transcriere fonetic& zm Vocabular seven 7 iery Jenny Rose este americanc’, Bunicul ei a emigrst in urmé cu multi ani in America fn urma nei dispute in familie, Nu a mai pastrat legétura cu familia timasi in patrie, O rudi indepairtacs a invitat-o acum pe Jenny tn Anglia la nunta ei si Jenny se bucuré si eunoased intreaga familie Jenny este pentru prima daté in Anglia, Verigoara.ei, Fiona, a promis co asteaptt la aeroportu Yondonez Heathraw. Binefaieles cl Jenny si Fiona nu se cunose, Ascultati dialogul si cititi cu voce tare in acelasi timp. > Jenny: Hello, are you Fiona Munro? Otrecdtoare: No, sorry. Jenny: Oh dear. Excuse me, ave you Fiona Munro? Trecdtoarea 2: No, sorry. denny: Gh dear. Excuse me, are you Fiana Munro? ‘Trecdtoarea 3: No, sorry. Jenay: Oh dear, where Is Fiona? Fiona: Jenny, Jeany .., Jessy? ‘Ave you Jenny Rose? Jenny: Yes, that’s right. where’s..? Tunde exe? 70 me (where is..2) sorry fii pare réu hello salut, buns ziua oh dear Dumsezeule! are yo. dumnenvoasrd suet... | | excuse me sours, seuzatimnd teen... yes oa voi sunt? that’s right ayn ese, curtet (AZ) Ascultati acum propozitiile si repetati-fe. Incercati sa imitati accentul englezesc. incercati de mai multe ori, B eight Ac ver CEs Seu Dui Bu nos ja Totul este in ordine! Repetati propozitiile de atftes ori pana le stti pe de rost. Acum completati Bex in spatile Hibere cuvintele care lipsese. . 1. Excuse. 2. APE a Fiona Munro? 3B 4 you Jenny Rose? Be saeentarssetn is Fiona? 6. Oh a ‘Acum afi intalnit pintra de temetie a timbii engleze: verbul Be (afi) ‘Aceste cuvinte sunt pronuntate impreund (se pot serie impreund, dar nu in situatile oficiale) Pria urmare, spunem: te din nou randul dumneavoastea, Traduceti urmétoarele propoziti tn englez’: Ed Seucati-mnd, Dumneavoastra sunteti Arthur? Eu sunt Jenny Rose. ~..<8, Inainte de a fntreba ceva, spuneti Excuse me, dacd vreti s& atrageti atentia unui str8in asupra damneavoastra, Acest luctu este valabil si pe stead sau la restaurant, c&nd vreti s& chemali chelneral (waiter), la magazin, cand vreti s& intrebati cova Vancitoarea (shop assistant) si oriunde solicit informatii Acum ati terminat prima parte din lecria 1, Ina dona jumatate (74) sunt reluate cAteva probleme cu- + noscute, dar apar si informalii noi. Astfel vi veti putea consolida pas cu pas cunostintele de englez8. é sine 9 | Jenny: I’m Jenny Rose. Are you...? ! we | Fiona: I'm Fiona. I'm so sorry. 25 : | Jenny: That's OX, Fiona I's rice to meet ai | you ae | Fiona: [v's nice to meet you, too, : I I'm so sorry. I’m late. I'm so late. » 5B | denny: That's OK, Fiona, ' : You're here now! Re | Fiona: Um here and you're here, i 00. . | Where's your iuggage? i | Jenny: I's here. ‘ | Fiona: IK, 1 3 k (Ep Mai \ sase Tim so sory Tai paw aa dem Tow am that's OK I regal nue nici and 5 problema you're (you are) |) dumneavoasts sunt it's nice to meet you) sit bucue si vine ext vor sot enose your ty, ca bale vost, too ae memenca ‘osstr, vost vane, fe carzin dumneavossai Tm late amintaiae luggage bagi so saga de 0K in regula, foane bine here sick CF Ascultati ined o dat propocitie si incercati c imitati accentul englezesc. Incercati de mai multe ori! sgegfWy_ CD) Este din ce in ce mai bine! Cu siguranti nu vi vai grew st comple urmitoarele spai tibere, eee SS ak aga? 1. Ws nice to aan 6. Um late. 2. It's nice to meet you, 7. You're here v. on 3. I'm 8. Wheres YOUF aeccenenennnenn 4.1m 9. Its. Si 8. im : fas 10 ten (3) Doriti s& faceti un mic exercitiu de traducere? Incercati! Cum se spune in englezi: he 1, Am intdrziat, Ym. seneese 2, Seurati-ma, . -me. 3, Imi pare 4, Dumnezeule! Oh. 5. Nuenici o problema, ch ta englez nu exist nici o diferent intre 1, vo! si dumneavoasirdl. Se foloseste fntordeauna you. Englezii nu fac, de asemenea, nici o diferent& fntre pe tine, fe, fie iti pe voi, v4, voud $i dumneavoasird. $e foloseste, la fel, doar you, Sigur ati observat cd, spre deosebire de limba romana, persoana I singular (eu) se serie fn englezd totdeauna cu litera mare. De exemply: You're here and Fm here, too. Sorry, Fm tate. {Moi jes sunt prezeatate cinci situali. Fiecare situafie exprim® ceva. Cuvintele vorbitorului se sgdsese in roma, sub fiecare imagine. Ganditi-va si scrieti ce ar fi spus persoanele in englezé. 3 2 ei a 1. Ai intarziat! 2. Dumneavoastra sunteti 3, Ati intdrziat! Fiona Munro? 4, Afi sosit Si iat cf ati si ajuns la sférsivul lectiet J inainte de a trece ta lectia 2, mai ascultati inc o daté tntreaga lectie 1. > 2a—{Are you ready?}- Sarah si soful ei, Matthew, locuiesc tn Irlanda (Elre). Ei sunt invitati in Scotia la nunte unui (2) Mer prieten si au decis sé mai petreacd acolo cateva zile de concediu. Pentru a economisi timp, iau avionul de Ja Shannon fa Manchester. Matthew vine acasi direct de la serviciu, ca sé meargi hd ‘impreund cu Sarah la acroport, > 2) Matthew: Hello, 'm heve Sarah: Hello, you're fate, 4. Matthew; Am [? Oh, dear. I'm sorry. Are you ready? 5. | Sarah: Yes, I'm ready, Are you? Matthew: Yes. Este ‘Sarah: Good. Let’s a0, pun Matthew: Just a minute, where's my passport? az Sarah: Your passport? I don’t know. Here’s your saxophone... and your suitcase. Matthew: And my ticket and my jacket. But where’s my passport? Sarah: Oh dear! { don’t know. Is itn your suitcase? Or in your jacket? Matthew: Of course, in my jacket pocket. Thank you. You're an angel. ‘Sarah: Mmmh. Ls 2 3k AE Ss ready 6s wa suitcase Tai, Feanaan s are you ready? cestifsunteti gata? ticket bilet bine Jacket jachett a ergem but dor wa just a minute. oclipt it cl, ea (pentre tucruri} a} Ase my fete men in i ‘passport ‘pagaport or sau Re your Teua,voxr, vows, | | ofcourse bites, desigur amnennast pocket buco I don't know nia tank you rlomese : know a an ne ; saxoghone s1ofo0 ange! ing MOY] Aditawtes tow!” Ascultati acum propozitite si promuntati dupa CD. Observati tonul melodios. “~~ Tncercati sa imitati intonatia limbii engleze. Dac 12 twelve (Z) Memoria dumneavoastrii este din nou soticitatt! Ce cuvinte trebuie completate? 1. Dat cas ssi 6, I don’t - 7. sorry, 8, Thank... .aminute! 9 5. Where's oa.. passport? Fite important si putefi pune instebtri, in special in strbinatate. Cu verbul be (a fi) puteti sé ‘puneti intrebiiri foarte simplu, schimband topica, adic inversdad subiectul i predicatul. In acest caz tis’, cuvintele trebuie promuntate si serise in tntregime. 1. Suntesi gata? 2, Bsti gata? 3. Este in valiza ta? 4, Am intéraiat? 5, Dumaeavoastrd sunteti Jenny Rose? 6. Situ ai tntdrziat? {@ Ascultati rezolvarile si pronuntati in acelagi timp proporitiile. cl ia Marea Britanie nu exista buletin de identitate gi obligatia de a-ti declara la politie sederea in localitate. Cine mu are pasaport trebuie si se legitimeze cu permisul de conducere, abonamentut 1u- nar de transport sau cu 6 carte de credit? Dacd sunteti gata, urcati, pentra cf fn lectia urmatoare mergem Ja aeroport, thirteen 13, 2»——{ifo the airport} —____— ‘ah si Matthew pleact in graba de acasa, pentru ci un taxi fi agteaptd deja de citeva minute. Sarah: Matthew: Taximetristul: Matthew: Taximetristul: Matthew: Sarah: Matthew: Sarah: Matthew: Sarah: Matthew: Sarah: Matthew: Sarah: Taximetristul: Good afternoon. Hello. Good afternoon. ‘Where to? To the airport, please. Ok. Nice day today. Mmm, yes, very nice, Matthew, where’s my bag? Your bag? Yes, my handbag. Its here. ‘Thank you, So, here's my mee ticket, my purse, my passport: pee ee, ‘Oh no! Where’s my camera? Your camera? I don’t know. What's this? What? This phone number. Filip, Who's Filip? Fitip? Oh, well... um... he’s... oh, here's my camera. Here we are. Here's the airport, To the airport ruse portmone od afternoon camera aparat de fotograiat where to? what’s..? ceeste..? to (hat s..2) ‘the ‘articot hottrit this + | acest, ocasta airport seroport phone number | nemir de telefon please te 10g, vivo, cine ese...? nice Arigot -f framos,-oast today asthe oi, bine. (W's.a) nice day | astizi este o2i frumoas | | e's (he is) lest today we nok very fate we are nok suntem handbag geal, posett sap (G) Acum stiti ce este de ficut, nu-i asa” Exact. Repetati propozitiile si imitati ton: propozitile de la exercitiul te vocilor. iene (Z) Din nou dumneavoastra. peat urmatoarele enunturi gi intrebri, dar tainte ascultati 1... afternoon. 5, I don't... os 2. To the alrport, +b eceeeeeeees Filip? Be WHEPE'S sesensrnrnnneenennnets BQ? Ty HOE WE ssrsansatanatnennetsinneneetst 4. my camera? 14 fourteen da 2a. ab. 2b. Exe inl —2h (B) Gear fst meeret iar o nied raducere? De data aceasta alternative engle stn romans! gafasye 1. Where's my gassport? Romant: 4, Este i Buzunarul jachetet tale? Engleza: oe 5. Of course. Thank you. Romine: (@) Este din ce fn ce mai bine! Acumm n-ar trebui si va fie greu si alclauiti cu ajutorul urmiitoarelor ples imagini intrebari si fispunsuri. {n afar de aceasta ati observat probabil si ci in englezd exist doar un cuvant pentru meu, mea, mei, mele, Cavaintul este my. Acelasi lucru este valabil $i pentru Your tdi, ta, tai, tale, vostra, voasird, vostri, vaastre, dumneavoastr. Ja. Where's my .. 2a. Where's MY sos ? 2 ‘ 1b B. é 3b ab 3b. Ldon’t know IS iL In YOUr sss 4p. Idon't know. sit in your 3a, Where's my 4a. Where's my... 1b. I don’t know. Is it In your . 25. I don’t kntow. Is it in your Exemplu; B intrebare: Where's my jacket? —» Rspuns: BI don’t know, Is it in your suitcase? Recapitulati acum deca 2. {in tectia urmitoare aflayi Ge-a mai facut Jenny Sntre timp. fifteen 15, (Fons house) — Sa mai aruncim acum o privire Ja Jenny si Fiona... Din fericire, pe Jenny a asteptat-o verisoara ei la geroport. Acum merg impreuna cu masina acasa la Fiona, unde tocmai au ajuns. <> Fiona: Here we are. This is our house. ae Jenny: Oh, beautéful Fiona: Peter, we're here! Peter: T'm coming. Welcome to your: English family! Fiona: Jenny, this is my husband, Peter. Peter; How de you do, Jenny? How do you do, Peter? It's nice to meet you. “Sans ‘We're so glad you're here. 2 Oh, ans this is our cat, Sam, % Hoalio, Sam. You're a nice cat. Come in, come in, Jenny. Make yourself at home. | | | | \ | Thank you. ‘our Rouse ‘asa neat How do you do? | bun vival, moana! beautiful feumos, -oast glad ucuros,-cnss Pm coming, Vin, sosese cat pisick welcome bun venit a un, English engl, come in ‘uu ina family familie make yourself at | sinte-e/ husband sot home. cass 7) Acum ascultati exercitiile de pronuntie si repetati propozitiite. Observati cum sunt legate cu- vintele fr lanqu? vorbitii. Exersati pint cfind aproape ati invtat propozitiile pe de rost. EW (Z) Ce cuvinte trebuie completate aici? Ascultai task mai inti propozitile de Ia (1). 1. THIS IS 2. This Is. 3. How do you 4, Wice to. wwhouse, 5, We've husband. 6. Come ? sould you're here. you. (P Cunoasteti deja edteva cuvinte interogative. Cum se spune in engleza? Le COP sss 2. Unde? . 3. Incotro? ne 4 Cite? 16 sxeen Atentie! Where? inseamna ade? si Wha? faseamank Cine? Aceste don’ covinte imterogative se con- funda adesea, (&) in acest exercitin cuvintele interogative sunt corelate cu plrti neportivite de propozitie. Constr ‘propozitii corecte, legdnd pitile corespunt’toare. incereati la sfarsit st traduceti intrebitrite. 2. What's Filip? - seen 2. Where to? my passport? wn. 3. Who's To the airport... 4, Where's THIS? sresrnans (B) Aogeti unul din uritoarele cuvinte $i completayi propozitile. Atenfie inst ~ un cuvant este in plus! passport, phone nurnber house saxophone ticket cat 1. To 6 046 sare Southdown 2. This is my 1 53871 3. This is our. a, This is my 5, This is my (Retinetir) ~..c8 englezi/americanii isi dau rar mana ~ de cele mai multe ori numai cAnd se prezinta prima dati. Atunci folosese cdteodati expresia pe care a ulilizat-o si Peter tn dialog, cénd, s-a prezentat Jui Jenny; How do you da? Adesea ce adaugi $i numele: How iio you do? My name iS..sevsenssimeeee - Dac un Yorbitor nativ se prezinti astfel, puteti sti raspundeti cu exact aceleasi cuvinte - folositi, bineineles, propriul dumneavoastrii nume, How do you do? este destul de oficial si de aceea nu se mai foloseste astizi atat de mult, Jenny a raspuns, de exemple, foarte simplu: Nice to meet you, Dasi va prezentati inte-un, cadru privat, puteti s spuneti doar: Helio. My name is, + sau chiar: Md, Fm... Le Sugestit ‘Ce Gitvime sau propozifii au fost cete mai importante pentru dumneavoastri sau care v-au plicut pant acum cel mai mult? Scrieti-le cu litere mari si Lisati-le undeva prin ‘casi, de exemplu In baie sau pe televizor, ca si le vedeti in fiecare zi su curdnd au Te veri mai vita! Nu uitati nici c& povestea cu Jenny merge mai departe. fn lectia urmiitoare, Jenny arunci o Privire prin locuinta Fionei si a lui Peter. way Oh, what a beautiful, big kitchen! ‘Yes, we've got a big kitchen, The living room is small, but we've got a nice big room for the baby. Oh yes, where is the baby? ‘Oh, Tora, He’s asleep, Asleep? Oh no, He’s not asleep. He's not very well. He's got a cold. Oh dea: Heve he is now, Oh, what a cute baby! He's got red hair like me, con te mare he's asleep doarme Duedtiie not nu he’s not very wall fu se sinne prea dine he's got cat ericit cute trig, 8, degen ved halr pr rogeat entry like me ‘caine Debelus, copie incercati din nou exercifile de pronuntie. Repetati propozifiile pana le stiti pe de rost! Aici lipsese cfteva cuvinte. Completati notiunile care lipsesc, ajutlindu-v8 de urmitoarea lista de cuvinte. Dar atentic ~ exist& din nou un cuvaint in plus! asleep a cat red deautiful small where's 2. What a... 2. We've got a een Bee - .. the baby? 4 He's... eae 5. He's got eee Cold, 6. He's got .. coe at, ‘in englez& se folosese dovd cuvinte pentru a ave, Bave got. aavea—> have got 1B eighteen Jea a Vorn intalni dia nou verbul have got, de aceea st nu vi fie team dacd incl no Jat inteles foarte bine, Incercati totusi si Intelegeti propozifile urmiioare. Se potrivesc cu povestizes? Subliniati yes seu m0. 3. Fiona and Peter have got a big living room. Yes/No 2. They've got a baby, YevNo 3. He's got a cold. YesiNe 4, Peter's got a cold, Yes/No 5. Jenny and Fiona have got red hair. Yea 6. Me gota cat. YesiNo ‘8 Traduceti propozitiile de mai sus, ‘Aloculin Anglia) Multi englezi locuiesc intr-o casd proprie, destul de mica si simplu construiti. Totusi, lumea isi schimbi locuinta mai des ca in Roménia— fie din motive famuiliale, cum ar fi eresterea numarului membrilar familie, fe din motive profesionsle, sau pentru c& ocasd este dati la vanzare, se poate vedea adesea pe terenal din jurul case o piteurs pe care serie: For Sale, Retineti! ch fa englezt folosim fe pentma persoane de gen masculin i she pentru persoane de gen feminin, Pentru lucruri, animale, timp, distanté, vreme folosim it, ca si pentra bebelusi, despre care se obisnuieste sf se intrebe daci sunt de sex masculin — he sau ferninin — she. Si cum este cu animmalele de casi? Auzind numele, vom sti ck Sam este motan. De aceea spunem he, pentru c& it ar fi nepoliticos fat de animal, Jenny poate si se elaxeze acum putin la Fiona. Dar ce §-a mai intmpfat cu Matthew si Sarah? Aflati imediat. Acum sunteti deja destul de departe. Ce-ar fi tasa s& recapitulati lectia 7 inainte de a trece Ja dectia 4? nineteen 19 __{Where’s the check-in? } {Where's the check-in? - intre timp, in Irlanda... 5) fr Dupa o scurtt cilttorie cu taxinl, Sarah si Mathew ajung la aeroport. > ® es n Sarah: Here's the airport. Good. t Matthew: Yes, here we are. Not too late. " Sarah: Thank goodness. « Taximetristul: All right? Here’s your luggage: That's seven pounds, please sit. fy Matthew: Here you are, Call it eight pourds. Taximetristul: Thank you very much, sit. Have a safe journey! Matthew: Thank you. Now, where's the check-in? Sarah: Over there, Oh no, ‘that’s British Always, Where’s Air Lingus? Matthew: Over there. Two ite call ieeight pri opt Te thank goodness pounds allright thank you very | makurose fosrte mult that’s we . seven have a safe cittore placura j pounds line (ict este vorba deine journey (si sigur! : irlandeze) checkin verifcue, contol sit adresare potions’ ft de | | over there scol0 i rs domme British Airways | companieaeriandbrtonicas ‘here you are poftim, pot! deand se Ale Lingus ‘compante aeriant fer ceva) irlindezt oat >} Acum ascultati exercfiile de pronunte si tepetati propozitile. Observati cum sunt legate cu- : ~~ vintele in Jantul vorbiri, Exersati pani cénd aproape cit siti propozitiile pe de rost. 1 cate (Z Acum sigur sunteti in stare sa tntelegeti si s8 folositi céteva propoziti simple, pentru a putea conversa cu un sofer de taxi engle2. Corelati propozitiile cu traducerea fn Jimba romani! 2 1. Thank you. a) Costa sapte lire, vat rog. 3 2. Where to? b) Brand viva. 4 3. Call it eight pounds. ¢) La aeroport, va rog. 4. That's seven pounds, pleas. d) Unde este bagajul? 7 5. Goodbye, €) Multumese frumos. 6. To the airport, please. 1) fncotro? 7. Good afternoon. 9) Opriti opt lire. & Where's the luggage? hh) La revedere. 20. twenty (3) Inenglezd nu existt nici o deosebire inte articolete hottie, Ia diferitele genuri si cazuri, cum romana, ty englez’ folosim numai the. Este atat de simplu! Dar afi observat cli se pro- in mod diferir? Ascultati: Where’s the check-in? Here’s the taxi. To the airport. ‘in mod normal pronuntim the, cala the check-in, the taxfsau the baby. in fata unei vocale (3, €, f, 0, u) ae este tns& gren st pronuntim astfel. De aces, pronuntim inainte de o vocal thi, ca la the airport si the afternoon (dupa-cniaca) Pentru articolul nehotiat (un, o) este valabil acelasilucru, Exist numai a, jar inainte de o vocal an (vezi Recapitulare 0), () Ascultati acum propozitiile si repetati-le, Incercati din now sa lasati cuvintele si curga unele din altele, (B) Completa cuvimtele potrvite in spajilelibere din peapozitile de mai jos. Apoi tntregiti pi- ianjenul, contpletand cuvintele dupa cum indica stigetle. 1. Isit in your 2 5. se .me, are you 2 its. cesta meet you, Fiona Munro? 6, Call BAe 2 pounds. ef nu trebuie sa va fie teama s& folositi cuvantul slce (driigua), Puteti si-l folositi foarte des ~ mult mai des ca in roméng. Este cuvéinta) cel mai muit folosit din limba englezd. Acestea find zise, lectia s-a sfargit. A fost nice, der si lectia urmatoare este mice! twentyone 22. Sarah si Matthew merg repede Ia ghigeul Afr Lingus. Din fericire on este multi lume la rand Plus si ajung dupa putin timp la ghiseu, cum | Funcfionarul: Good evening, siz. Your passports, please. one | Matthew: — Here you are. pass Functionarut: Thank you. Matthew: Have you got a window seat? G) tes Functicnaru(: No, I'm sorry. You're a bit late. Matthew: Oh dear. 1H | sarah: We've always a bit fate, 2st | Matthew: Sarah, please. £ Funcfionarul: We've got two seats together 31 } in row seven. 4. Wi | Matthew: OK-That's fine 5. 1 Functionarul: How many suitcases have you got? 6. We Matthew: Two suitcases. The saxophone Js cabin Iuagage. Functionarut: Fine, sir. Here are your tickets. Gate ten, boarding now. Have a good flight. ! Matthew: Thank you. OK, Sarah? Let’s go, a ry vow wand ood evening bunt sara fine foarte bine your passports, | paspunulediomenvoun, |] how many? cit... ofte..0 please vig! cabin taggege | bags) de ming window fereasrs sate oat seat toe ten rece abit tag um pe hoarsing timbarcere always (inkondesona fight bor two 0%, dowd have a good fight | vi urim un 2bor plies! fogether Senge ay (1) Din now un mic exercitiu de pronuntie? Repetati propozifiile. Imaginati-vi c& sunteti Ia aeroport, Cum ati reactions? Completati rispunsurile care lipsesc si alcatuiti un dialog, Ascultati apoi, pentru control, dialogul de pe CD si promuntati proporitile ‘in acelasi timp. Sirisp 1, Where's the check-in? . emul 2. Have you got a window seat? Patetis 3. You're a bit late... Here y 4, Have a good flight. Dumne Raspur 22 twenty-two Plurabal se formeaz’s adiugind un -§ sau, céteodatt, -es unui cnvant. Este foarte simple, dupa ‘cum veti vedeat one suitcase two suitcases ticket tickets passport passports seat seats ‘Transformati de la singular 1a plural. Procedati ea fn exemplu: We've got a suitcase. > We've got two suitcases. He's got a saxophone. She's got a passport. . They've got a cat. . We've got a window seat. . ve got a jacket, Welue got a ticket. Pentyu afi mai siguri, traduceti propozitiile in zomana (@ Potrivig cuvintete cu imnaginile? two suitcases GIB a ticket (G avassport EB ww seats EB sate 10 EBB two jackets Wa ~-Cumn mhultwmviti, Exist mai multe posibitititi, de exemphi: L_ solpat de o grija, two saxophones Thawte you insearnn matnimese sau mulrumese frumos. Thank you very much . inseamn’ — multumesc din suflet gi este o expresic mult mai puternica din punct de vedere semantic Thanks: ‘tnseamnad — mulyumese si se foloseste fn limbajul colocvial. Thank goodness nseamn’ — miltumesc tui Dumnezeu gi se foloseste cand ati Si réspunsul la thank you? Adesea mu rispundem in nici un fel. In Statele Unite insi, auzist de multe ori you're welcome asadar, cu plaicere. Pureti sd exersati acest Iueru, muljumind pentru lectia urmitoare: Here you are~ Unit Sa! Dumneavoastra multamiti cu urmétoarele envinte: Bispunsul este: You're welcome. twenty-theee 23 (Cocuintete) Ga * ‘in Marea Britanie se locuieste intr-un apartament — flat (in engleza american’ — apartment) sau, adesea, intr-o cas — Mouse. fn fath sau in spate este o grédina - garden (in engleza 1 americana - yard) si poate un garaj - garage, Acelasi lucru este valabil si pentre 5.U.A. 2 fn State sunt ease sau blocuri cu apartamente de inchiriat - apartment buildings) sau 3. apartament proprictate personala - condominiums, nai scurt condos. Asa se numesc de 4. cele mai multe ori casele de vacanta la mare. Z ep CD Numeraicte Numbers) Ascultat $i repetati urmatoarele numerale, _ “one iwo2 three3 fourd five5 six seven7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 6)™ ne. (3) Cav Cite? How many? How many bedrooms? How many bathrooms? \ Cititi urmatoarele descrieri despre diferite case de vacanta de pe coasta de sud a Angliei. 2. Ascultati textele de pe CD $i cempletat ciftele corecte. ‘€ bedroom dorsivor ining rors suger hatiroor bie sitting room ‘cameri de, slonas 1 3 Fiat in apartment building? sitting/dining room, bedrooms, small kitchen, bathroom, no garage, no garden. Big house: ...... bedrooms, ssoseee Bathrooms, big kit- chen and dining room. Big garden savages. ‘Small house in city: bathroom, ....... bedrooms, kitchen/dining room, sitting room, No garage, no garden. Simall at! bedroom, bathroom, kitchervdtning room. Houses... bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, sitsIng toom/dining room, smail garden, sorry, no garage. PgR FT) Pv acum imaginile. Ce eredeti? Ce anunt se potriveste iecielimagini? Completai sumaeul °* anuntului in cisuta de lang’ imagines pottivitd. 1 a 7) EARN GZ) In care din locuimtele descrise ati prefera 1, ...sdl vit petreceti concediul cu prictenii? (29) si petreceti cu partenerul/partencra dumneavoastra sffrsitul de siptimana? £59 3. .. sii locuiti permanent? €& 4, ...Sifiti angajat la mentinerea curiteniei? (3 Notati numiirel corespunzitor atatur Dae 24 twenty-four (G Ascuttati cum vorbese Jenny si Fiona despre tocuima lui Jenny din Statele Unite, Cititi pro- ~ potitite si decideti dack enunturile de mai jos suit adevirate sau false, . Jenny has got an apartment. Yes/No . TL has got three bedraams. Yes / lo She's got a big living room. Yes/No ‘Ali observat cum se realizeaz’ She's got a biy kitchen. Yes/No negatia tui haveyhas got? 3. She hasn't got a garage. Yes / No She hasn't got # garden. Yess Mo (© Tedeesi: 1. Bu me am grain, 2. Eanuare garaj. Corect: Pentru negatie se ataseazit pur si simplu n’t (forma contrasé de la mot = nu) le have/has. V-ar plicea un mic exercitiu de traducere? Here you are: Hello, 1’m Kate. This is my flat. Jes gota big kitchen, a sitting room, 2 bedrooms and a small bathroom. ithasn’t got a dining room. f haven‘ got a garden, But Ive got a smalf garage. And ve got a cat like Fiona and Peter (@)Si dumneavoaste2? Unde locuiti? SetieticAteva propoziti despre loosinta dumnewoasted. gaffes incepeti nstfel: BEE: Helio. Lin It hasn't got .... Thaven’t ot wan. But I've got... (Darlin domneavonsr ideals? Cum aati magina-vd un csi! nSpanla iineepticu amen ~ uurmiitoarele cuvinte: iy ideal houseffist has got... Dacl ati visat suficient ta castelul fn Spania, treceti la fecyia $6! 5b--(Have a good FBR - HQ (7 Stttl mat mutt decat credest “ Limba internationalit in transporturile aeriene este engleza. Farad cunostinje de limba englezi, sunteti aproape pierdut in orice aeroport international. Afi auzit multe cuvinte deja, Dar despre armatoarele notiuni ce credeti? Ascultati gi gasiti imaginea potrivita fiecirui cuvant, no smoking ©) GD tollets @) & telephones ©) 8) duty-free shop a @ itt al (QZ) Dinexerciziut 1 de mai sus puter s& deduceti acum, cu siguranta, traducerea in limba roman a urmatoarelor cuvinte: Lseatbelt 2.smoking ==. tollet =, telephone = 5. shop tft 4 (3) Asa araté tabela de plecdti pe care o privesc Sarah si Matthew in aeroportul Shannon din Ielanda: delayed Manchester boarding now New York. London - Heathrow cancelled Zborul de la Sibiu iararzie. The flight is delayed. Zdorul de la Londra este anulat. The flight is cancelled. Calitori se pot imbarca imediat numai pentru Menchester ‘Acum ascultati enunful, Ce se intmpl cand Jenny soseste 1a Londra’? Re New York 7 Amsterdam t Paris a ‘Timisoara — Fiona: I'm sorry, Jenny. Peter and 1 are at work tomar Jenny: Aha, and what about Torn? Fiona: Oh, he’s at the childminder’s all day. Jenny: — Fine.Then I can go to Londen. Peter: Yes, you can go sightseeing, Fiona: Can you meet me for lunch? Jenny: Yes, of course. Where can I meet you? Fiona: Mmm, I don’t know, Peter: What about the Red Lion? Fiona: Yes, that’s a good idea. It’s a nice pub. Jenny: A pub? That’s nice. Peter: You can take the tube to Bank. Jenny: Tube? Peter: The tube, it’s... underground... the underaroun denny: Oh, the subway! In the States it’s { subway, ‘ube, subway 105) _] metron ana underground masa dey pene at work 1a serviiu idee bark tomorrow maine Leal Rogu énamele unui ce se mpl cu...” i) Ta bons ub bar, crvium’ englezease’ snd in cna acesa take lo (oath aia Bank ruomele une sai de a merge, seduce rmeirow din Londra pot st merg the States Statste Unite ale Arveioi 0 sightseeing aviaia obizetvee triste Metroul tondonez ‘Metrout londonez (numit tube) este cel mai vechi sistem de metrou din ume, Primul trasew a fost inaugurat in 1863. Circulatia in Londra era atunei au mult mai lentd decdt ast&zi, adic in medie 12 mile (19 km) pe ord. ge (1) Gisiti porechile: uniti printr-o nie, apo: ascultayi CD-ul, Pronuntayi dup aceea fn acelagi rtm, 1. We're at work all day. a) [don’t know. 2. Can you meet me? b) That's nice, 3. Where can I meet you? €} What about Tom? 4, A pub? 4) Yes, of course, 34 tirtytour (3 Teduceti in limba roman: 1. We're at work ali day, 4. Yes, of course. 2, What about Thornas? «5. Where can I meet yu? 8. That's nice. 3, Can you meet me? 6. [don’t know, Can inseamné a putea, a fi th stare; a sti. ‘Verbul modal can este foarte usor de folosit, intrucat igi plstreaz& forma la toate persoanele. Ceva mai usor nu exists, Nici verbul predicativ, in acest caz go, mu se schimbi. In cazul fntre- birilor functioneazi in felul urmator; Traduceti urmatoarele propoziti, Incercati Madi fir a citi dialogul! 1. Pot si merg la Londra, 3, Polish te tntdlnesti cu mine? 2, Poti si vizitezi obiectivele turistice. 4. -Putetis8 luagi metroul. Dumneavoastré veti spune in curdnd... J eam speak English, Eu stin (si vorbesc) englezi. “68 pofine caviate dig limba englezA se scriu cu liter mare, numai substantivele proprii sititurile. De exemplu Bank — aga se numeste statia de metzou in upropiere de Bank of England, Banca Centiald a Angliei. Asadar nu o banca oarecare. Una de acest fel se serie cu ner mies (ami), La fel si numele barutui, the Red Lion, Intectia urmiteare, Jenny incearck st giseascd barul the Red Lion, Daca reuseste, veti afla imediat! thirtysive 35 6p----{Where’s the Red Lion? A doua 2i Jenny pleacttJa Londra, La praz caut® o stafie de metrou, ca sf meargt pand la stajia de metrou Bank si sé o intélneascé pe Fiona, pentru a lua prinzul. Jenny ma gaseste ins metroul. Jenny: Excuse me, where's the nearest subway ... um tube station, please? Trecdtoarea A: Qué? Jenny: ‘The nearest tube station? Trecdtoarea A: Sorry, I don’t know. Jenny’ Oh, thank you. Excuse me, where's the nearest tube station, please? Trec&torul B: Bitte? Tube? I’m not sure, Over there, J think. Jenny: Oh dear everyone here is a tourist ike ane. 'é beter buy a guidboak an a map of London, jn cele din urma giseste o statie de metrou si merge pant la statia Bank, Acolo coboeri si cauté barul the Red Lion. Acesta nu sé giseste fnsf pe hart. denny: Excuse me, where’s the Red Lion? Trec&torul C: Oh, just a minute, I think it’s down here on the left. Jemny: Thank you. Un trecitor vede cil Jenny cautd ceva si doreste 30 jute. Trecdtorul D: Can I help you? Jenny: ‘Yes, please, I'm looking for the Red Lion. Trec&torul D: The Red Lion? it’s down here on the right. Jenny: On the right? Trecdtorul D: Yes, that’s right. senny: h, thank you. Thank you very much. the nearest celmal spropiaveen mai) [guidebook a popiats m hart, plan subway (Us) reel aa, ale fue £68) retro jown here sci, mat jos station 7 statis on ze Tm not sure ‘nu sun siger on the lett pesttnga think cred can I balp you? pot si va ajut?, pot sk va everyone tof, care fu de folox? tourist turist Tm looking for ‘caut Pd petter buy... | mai bine cumpie ‘on the right pe dreapta 36 thirtysix _ —— 6 ‘(H Este din nou timput pentru un mic exercitiu de pronuntie. Incercati din nou sa Yésati propazitiile Qe sé curgh unele in altele, Chiar faceti progrese! Ascultati incd o dati propozitiile si completati cuvintole potivite 1. Excuse 5, Everyone's a... 2, Where’s the nearest tube .. eoey Be UM for the Red Lion. please? t's down here, 3, Tm not, 4, Over ~-6f oamenii tn Marea Britanie sau in Statele Unite fi ajutd fn general cu plicere pe strini. ‘Veti auzi co sigurantd de multe ori o expresie, cdnd veti fi intr-o tard vorbitoare de limba cenglezi: Can Ihelp you? Accast& expresie este folosite pentcu. asi oferi ajutorul la mag ls informati, 1a telefon sau pe stradd (Z) Aco spandeg Ia imrebarea Gan Thal you? Dumneavonsttclutati obiectivul eprezenist — ge in immagine. 1. Can I help you? a Yes, please. I’m looking for ... 2. Can I help you? Yes, please. 1 erases 3. Can J help you? Yes, please... 4, Can Ihelp you? YES, ass 5, Can [help you? 6, Can help you? = 2. Can J helo you? cue lar dac& acum cdutayi lectia urmftoare, fntoarceti pur gi simplu pagina! thirty-seven 37 7a—{Don’t worry — —— ‘Ce s-a mai fntdmplat ou Sarah gi Matthew? Sunt tot in eeroportul din Irianda si sunt presati de timp. Se gribesc spre poerté ca si prinds avionul cltre Manchester. Matthew trebuie insi si dea tun telefon la birou si si procure o sticld de whisky irlandez pentru prietenut su. Matthew: [ have to phone the office and get a bottle of whiskey for Hugh. Sarah: ‘Have we got time? Matthew: Yes, of course, Don’t worry. We've got ten minutes. Sarah: Mamb. OK. I'll get the whiskey. Have you got a ohone card? Matthew: No, have you got one in your bag? Let ' re fook. Sarah: No, no, give me my bag. Let me iook. Matthew: What's the matter? | Sarah: Nothing. Nothing, Hete’s the card. i Go and phone. Please ~ we're late! Matthew: All right. Don’t worry. Go and get the whiskey. Saran: All right, I'm going... Oh dear. Now I can’t phone Filip, don't worry Ta Taee/au ee Tiget taste eit can cartel have to arebui phone card salt de wefon elejahione telefon, oda welefon one nut, une office brow let me look lastmdasag it ot aet ale sive me dtenifdatrmi tottle sila wiat's the cea intimplat? whiskey whisky matter? tor penta nothing simic Hugh prenume Barbtiese got duttfduceg-vit time ‘inp Pm gaing sm ducfam pleeat minute minut can't a pu putes ray (@) Ascuttati din now exercigiite de pronuntie gi pronuntati si dumneavoastcd in acelagi timp. Apoi cititi propozitiile, A: 8: Thave to phone the office. All right. Dan’t worry, Thave to get a bottle of whiskey. All right, Don’t worry. Have we got time? Yes. Don't worry. Have you got a phone card? Yes, Don’t worry, We're late, Yes. Don’t worry. Can { go and phone? Yes. Go and phone. All right, Thank goodness. 38 thirty-cight 7a Dic dvim smug ceva pe prictei nog sau dct ne dorim spontn ceva, tem sk folosin gfe ca imperativ forma de infinitiv a verbului, de exemplu; go ~ da-te, duceti-vit; get ~ ia, luati. Unde se sisesc urmitoasele comtenzi in dialog? Traducefi-le fn limba englezi, 1, Dute sidt telefon! 2, Dustesi iuwhisky! 3. Di-mi posetal..n 4, Lasd-mi si vit .., (Mai sti cum a invitat-o Peter pe Jenny in casa? Inte F Sitnengleat? . Engle sunt cunoscuti pentru faptul c& sunt meteu politicosi. De cele mai multe ori nu trebuie sk fim prea directi cdind exprimiim o rugiminte, Folosim 6am sav, mai precaut, could, de exemplu: Gan you meet me for lunch? Porifputet siti intdnit cu mine pentru masa de pring? Couid you buy the whiskey? Ai putea/ajt putea sa cumptrati whisky? Could este mai putin direct gi se folososte edesea — chiar si fntre prieteni —cand cineva no este sigur decd rugimintea lui este considerata sau nu o indréanealé. Dauileste vorbs tntr-adovitr de o ruganinte, nu uitati cuvantul englezesc please —te roghvt vag. Ascultati propozitifle si completati cuvantul potrivit Alegeti cate un cuvant dintre cele ce fgg urmeaza {ua cuvant este in plus!): get look tome give 90 phone 1. Can you he airport, please? 2. Could you. soesenitcese M@ YOUF phone card, please? 4. COU YOU Loren - the suitcases, please? 4, Can you 10 the check-in for me, please? 5, Could you oo . in my jacket pocket, please? chin tirile vorbitoare de limba . ‘englez’ telefonul mobil se numegte SV (ye, thave Te mobile phone sau cellphone. JOH! £65433, Mathew avea cu el zelefonul mobil? Nu. De aceea a tebuit sf caute 0 cabin’ telefonicd. O va sisi la timp? Aflatiimediat... Uiety-nine 38 Th. (is everything OK?} fn timp ce sotal ci telefoneazé Ie birou, Sarah cumpard o sticli de whisky, Ba se afld acum in imagazinal duty-free: Sarah: Excuse me, I’m looking for whiskey, Vanzdtoarea: Over there, madam. By the cigarettes. Sarah: Thank you. Matthew: Excuse me, where’s the nearest telephone? Lucratorul din Over there, si. By the duty-free shops, aeroport: Matthew: Thank you. Matthew: (la telefon) Hello, John? This is Matthew here, No, I’m at the airport. Is everything OK for tomorrow? Oh good. Thank you. 'tl phone you again from England. Thank you. Goodbye. Anunt: Last call for Air Lingus Flight E1162 to Manchester, Matthew: Oh there you are, Have you got ‘the whiskey? Sarah: Yes, here itis. Matthew: Oh good. Thanks, Oh no! Sarah: What's the matter? Matthew: Thisis Scottish whisky. 1 can't take Scottish whisky from Treland to a friend in Scotland! everything eal From Ga madam ‘adresarepotiiconsé fart | | England ‘Anglia dev doom last ima, lima cigarettes tigi last call ‘hima apel by ingE, altar de Treland Irland duty-free ‘ira axe varale Scottish seofian shop smagizin Scotland Scotia again in ou iar friend pricten, pretend whisky sau whiskey? wey proporitiilor. 40 forty GH) Din nou un exercitiu de pronuntie. Whisky-cl scotian (Scotch) este exportt in proportie de 90% gi este uaul dintre cele mai importante bunuri de export britanice. Cuvantul whisky provine din expresia galici pentra apa viet". Whiskey provine din Inlanda sau din Statele Unite, iar whisky (Par8 e) din Scotia si din celetatte tii, Incercati de mai multe ori si imitati pronuntia | @)Completati in spatitle Libere urmétoarste cuvinte — dar atentie, un cavant este in plus! Apoi Qu ascultati exercitiul anterior inca o data, pentru a v4 controla raspunsurite. where's everything can’t worry matter whiskey time shop here 1. Have We GOL seston 2, IS. 2. Dont ne 3. Excuse me, .. 4, By the duty-free 6, Have you got the . ‘the nearest teleshone? 7. Yes, . + 8, What's the Everyone and everything Traducem everyone prin sori si everything prin rou. Every inseamna fizcare. Cuvant cu cuvant everyone inseamni flecare persoand gi everything | fecare lucra, De aceea, spunem everyone is (ou “are”) si everything is. Este rotul clay? Atunci pute st facet ogi exercitiul urmitor. Is everything OK? Then every- one can do this next exercise. 1. Toi sunt turigti 2, Total este in ordine, 3, Toti sunt aici, 4, Toti dorm, 5. Tow! este fnamos, Everyone Vateurist 3:here 5. beautiful Everything 2.0K 4.asleep et facet un mic extitiv de iradcere? Binnie Tradhceilecare epic a acest gf slog la telefon din romand in englez& sau dia englezi in roma: Paul: Bund, Bill. Aici este Paul Morar. Hello Paul. Where are you? Sunt la aeroport Bill: Everything Is OK for tomorrow. Paul: Bine. iii telefonez din nov din Anglia. Bill: Goodbye ‘Ge 6c spune la telefon. In Marea Britanic sau tn Statele Unite, cel apelat réspunde doar cu Heffo sau cu qurmdiral sku de telefon. Persoana care apeleaz’ trebuic sa isi spund Intai runele, de exemplu: “Hetla Tom. This is Kate Tranter here” sau “Hello Liz. It’s Kate”. far noi mergem Ie lectia urmétoare! forty-one 41 Ce mai face oare Jenny? Trebuie sa se fntélneasc’ cu Fiona intr-un bar londonez - the Red Lion, Cu putin ajutor, Jenny giseste barul si pe Fiona, care 0 asteaptit deja. i Jenny: Hi, Fiona. I’m sorry I'm so late. Fiona: Oh, that’s ail right, Jenny. Is everything OK? | Jerry: Yes, it’s OK now. But everyone ia London Is a : tourist like me Fiona: Yes, that’s right. What would you like to drink? | Jenry; Oh, I don’t know. This is my first pub. i ‘What can you recommend? ; t | Fiona: ‘Well, I’ve got shandy. That's beer and fp i lemonade. i | Jenny: Mmm). I'l try that. p | Fiona: Would you like a salad? Or a steak? f | Jenny: 1 think I'd like a saad. A chicken salad. i i And you? ‘ f | Fiona: T'll have chicken and chips. i | T'll order at the bar, : Jenny: At the bar? i Fiona: Yes, of course. This is a pub! : t E P E Tarek Tate Teer ae : that’s all ight si nimecyesteinotie | | lemonade mona i what would you | cea or? viltry am fen : tke? salad slats t bea steak Frnt i rma, prima Ya ike as cri recommend 2 recomanda chicken L well ei bie Tit have chips of ped . shandy camesiee de bere et order amsicomand } dimonad al the bar Inbar Cum se mananca tntr-un pub englezese) in Marea Britanie si Inlanda nu existd in general in pubs servire la mas. Se comand’ imancare gi bauturi Ja bar gi se plateste imediat, Dactt se merge in grup, pliteste cineva din vu un rand (round) pentru toti. Multe pubs oferi méncare bund si avantajoasé ca pret ~ {n orase, in special la prinz, dar gi seara, Puteti mnca intr-o atmosferd plécutl, chiar si fis servire la masi, 42. forty-two (1D Ascutti gi pronontati acum propozitile. (Z) Cum suna intcebarea? $i care a fost rispunsul? Cuvintele din unmdtoarele Intrebliri gi risponsuri suntamestecate $i puse intr-o ordine incorecti. Incercati si construiti propozitii corecie dim punct devedere gramatical 1. ¥ Would te what like you drink? Don’t oh know I, 2.0 Asteak like you would? ¥ Td think a Ike I salad, 3. D Can what recommend you? Got shandy t've beer that’s lemonade and. Vitati-va incl o data la dialog si subliniati toate expresiile care incep cu FH, Le-ati gisit? Tiltry,.., Pi have... si PM Order,,.. Asta inseamnd am sf incerc, am sé iau gi aim sd comand. In decile 7a si 7b ain intdlnit constructii aseménitoare, Le puteti gasi? Corect! I'M get... (am sitiou) si. phone... (am sd telefonez), 1. ara ch orim s& coneretizim o intenfie spontans sau c& promitem ceva, si exprimam acest ‘ucraimediat. Verbut care fi urmeazd tui Uridine neschimbat (get, order, have etc.) (B Vom mai fotaini aceasta structurd, dar inti facem un mic exercitin. Cine ce spune? Corespund ‘enunturile cu dialogul? Marcati adevarat ¥ sau fals *. 1, denny: 2, Flona: 3. Sarah: a) Vl) try a shandy, @ @ Uitey awnisey, ad 11 phone the office. b) Vihave chicken and chips 2) b) 1'li have chicken and chigs.€G b) 1°11 get the whiskey, GE ©) Mlarder atthe bac = (9 ch Vilorder at thebar Bc) Tt phone you again.) Retinetil) cl trebuie 8 aveti grid la cuvéntal chips. Dac dori s& comandatiinty-un local engiazeie chips, veti primi cartofi pri, iar daca veti comanda acest lucru in America, primitt chips de cartofi la fel ca in Romania, Cum se aumese acestia in Marea Britanie? Se numesc erisps. ce comandati in America dack doriti cartofi prajii?” French fries. Ei bine, poftd bun’! {areas lectie si sa le invafati mai inti pe acestea. Dacé ati invatat cuvintele, vi asteapta deja lectia urmitoaret fortytheee 43 8b—_{ London's different}, a Lui Jenny si Fionei Ze-a pliicut foarte mult masa la the Red Lion, Acum discut despre prima 2 a lui Jenny la Londra, Ascultafi dialogul si apoi citifi-I cu voce tare. Fiona: Well, it's your first day in Lendon, Jenny. How do you like it? deny: Oh, it’s wonderful. The buildings are so impressive. And the stores are very interesting. And the part St James's Park Is beautiful Fiona: Oh, yes, 1 like the parks. I tke watching the seople. But the buildings in Chicago are impressive, too, ‘they're famous. Jenny: Of yes, they're wonderful of course, And we've got the lake. Lake Michigan, Sut London's different. I don't kaow what's different. It's the atmoszhere, I think. Fiona: Well, there are a lot of tourists here, Jenny: 1 know. Like me. a Fiona; Oh no. You're different. You're family. 6 denny ‘Well, it sure is nice to hear that. ifferent alte, dient Tiike watching | fini place si pavese F how com people ooameni, lume do you like...? 1 place.,.2& place... famous enum, wonderful mminunet lake he ‘building lice atmosphere armosterd impressive impresionant,-& there are exist, sunt store sugazin alot of smukilmolte b Interesting fnteresant, tie me comine park pare it sure is nice cate int-edevi pact beautiful frumos, 02st, dient, <8 hear eauzi Tike fun place cep (CH) Ascultazi acum exercitiul si pronunfati apoi propozitiile. ete (Z) Cavimtele de mai jos trebuie completate fn urmitourele propo7i ~~ CD-ul, verificdind dacd ati retinut totul corect. people different like alotof impressive beautiful wonderful famous Completati-le si ascultati 1. How do you . London? 2. US 3. The buildings are . 4. The park 15 cnnenee 5. Tike watching the 6. 7 .. The buildings in Chicago are . 1 There BF cose 8. London’s tourists. 44 forty-four Bb Cuajutorl expresie’ englezesti pertee.« f, ne dim seama dacd substantivul care urmeazi acestei cexpresii este Ia singular sau Ta plural. There is a beautiful park Este un pare frumnos, There are a lat of tourists. Sunt multi turisi (5 Completa is sau are in urmatontele propoziii. Gnditi-v’ la oragul dumneavoastr san ta un whew: ‘vas pe cate il cunoasteti bine, Sunt vatabjle aceste propozitii pentru orasti] dumneavoastri? ‘Bilati yes san sre, 1. There 12 lot of Impressive ouildings. Bs EBno . There... .. wonderful shops. 5. There ron BK 9A. ‘There serene a lake, ). There a famous airport. . There 2 lot of tourists. There . lige pubs. There sw n underground, @ Engleza autenticd: Ascultati ce spune aceasta tanaré americanc’ despre ms Bucuresti. Pe care din urmétoarele cuvinte le-afi auzit gi care n-au fost in dialog? Marcati cu“ (prezent in dialog) seu eX (au exist fn dialog). cafés ()_ taxis OQ parks CE. subway C) stores © buildings C) museums C) atmosphere C)— people QE) discos QC) night life (viasd de noaptey () churches (biserici) () music (muzica) C) ~-Chenisto diferenth nite [like si Ii like (1 would like), Folositi I like pentru a exprima faptul c& doriti sau c& vi place ceva: [ike salads (in general), i like (I would like) este folosit pentru a exprima o preferinga: 1'd like a chicken salad (acum). in propozitit ime- ‘togative functioneazi in felul urmater 8 nu witkin ~ ar putea fi foarte nepotiticos faté de engtezi si americani dact nu ,induleiti* expresia I don’t like, De aceea, daci nu folositi expresia chiar in sensul ei propriu, spuneti mai bine: I dont like... very much (eu imi place... in mod deosebit) ‘Acum dou’ intrebari simple, la care puteti s8 rispundeti cu da: o you like English? si Would you like Unit 9a? Deci mergem mai departe! forty-five 85 9a-—-(On the plane } ~ in timp ce Jenny gi Fiona discuté la bar, Sarah si Matthew se gribesc cAtre avionul lor. Reugesc (2) Aseul stiurce la timp si se agazi risuflénd usurati. Avionul decoleaza céteva minute mai t€rziu, iar Sarah si Matthew se afl in drum spre Manchester. Ascultati dialogol si cititicu voce tare inf rae acelasi timp. O 3 Stewardesa: What would you like to drink? : Sarah: Orange juice, please. i ng Stewardesa: And you, sir? : i Matthew: I'd like ved wine, please. i do jin timpul zborului, Sarah vorbeste cu o alta pasager’. ome Sarah: Are you going to Manchester? : vi Doamina: Yes, that’s right, On business. : a Sarah: Oh, on business. : hha Doamna: Mmm, And you? i * Sarah; We're going to Scotland. To a wedding. ; 0 Doamna: Oh, that’s nice, j ‘ Sarah: Mmmh, Yes. I hope so. ame ‘Acum stewardesa doreste si serveasc& bauturi calde. i ». gy Stewardesa: Would you like tea or coffee, madam? § ae Sarah: Tea, please. b ape Stewardlesa: Milk and sugar? E 8 Sarah: Only milk, please. i Stewardesa: Here you are, madam. # Sarah: Thank you. 3 Stewardesa: And you, sir? } Matthew: Coffee, please, with milk and sugar De | Stewardesa: Here you are, sir. napa Matthew: Thank you. Merm, that’s good. What about your tea? vad Sarah: Ouch, it’s hot 4 onthe pace ivaien Thane se = . range jue se de poreale tea eal red wine hog coffee cafea tre yew going to..2 | mergierget i. mit Teo an business fitaaces nines de | sugar aie 4 ssnvieu only doar werre going to | noi ergemin Scoa rae Scotland wedi ut E ry (7) Ascultati acum unele intrebiri gi réspunsusi din dialog si repetatite. : Sig G is 96 fortysix () Ascultati exercitiul (1) inc o datd si uniti fiecare intrebare cu rispunsul corect. am 1.) What would you like to drink? a D Yes, that’s right. 2.9 Would you like tea or coffee? b B I/d like red wine, please. 3.) Are you going to Manchester? cB We're going to Scotland. 4,» And you? dD Coffee, please. Imaginati-vé c& sunteti fa avion (de exemplu spre Anglia) gi ati dori s& fncepeti un dialog cu vecinal sau vecina dumneavoastrd. Cum puteti face acest lueru? Ce-a flcut Sarah? A intrebat doas: Ate you going to Manchester? Pentcu ci se afla in avion, acest Iucru se poate traduce: Zhurati spre Manchester? Verbut go poate fi folosit pentru a merge cu un vehicul, cu dvionu sau chiar pentru a merge pe jos. Aceastt forma se construieste cn verbul be 4c fi) la prezent, cunoscut deja, si cu going: Folosim aceasti forma cind ceva se intimpla exact in acel moment, n cazul de fat, de exemphs, find suntem deja fn avion, pe drum. T’m going to Manchester sau We're going to Scotland. (Priv imaginile. Raspundeti la fntrebiri ca la punctul ar. 1: 1. Is Matthew going to the office? wee vet 2, Are Sarah and Matthew going to Ireland? Ny Ne theyre. 3, 1s Sarah going to the telephone? 4. Is Jenny going to the airport? 5. Are Jenny and Fiona going to a wedding? Retinetit ~.€e spuineti Cénd oferiti cuiva ceva. O stewardesé roméncé ar spune, de exempha, .poftifi!" And fi oferd © blluturi unui pasager, Ce spune ins& insotitoarea de 2bor (fight attendant) in dialog? Corect! Here you are. Rispunsul este foarte simplu: Thank you. Sigur doriti si incepeti noua lectie. Asadar, here you are! forty-seven 47 ob {where's opHOREP) ‘Matthew si Sarah sunt tot in avion, Brose, Matthew isi aminteste ceva. Matthew: Sarah, where’s my saxophone? Have you got it? Sarah: Your saxophone? No, [ haven't. Maybe It's under the seat. Matthew: No, it isn’t. 1 don’t know where it is Sarah: Oh dear. s it in the locker, then? Matthew: No. No, it isn’t. I haven’t got it Sarah: ‘Oh no! Matthew! Do you think it’s at the airport? Matthew: I don’t know. It could be. it could be by the telephone. Sarah ‘Are you sure? Matthew: No, I’m not sure ~ but | think so. 1 need it, I need it for the wedding. What shail 1 do? Sarah: Shall we ask the ‘light attendant? Maybe he can help us. Matthew: ‘That's a good idea. Excuse me! Stewardul: Yes, sir. Can I help you? ‘maybe ‘poste weed a avea revore under sub shall artebui locker alipior do a face then atunci ask tinea do youthink...2 | cxezioredesi..” flight attendant | insositorfinsottoare de it could he arputes fi ‘hor, steward, -e88 sure sigur ws pe noi, ne think so aga cred aay (7) Ascultat intrebirile din dialog gi repetati-le, sae (2) Ciutat in dialog rispunsurile la intrebiirile pe care le-ati auzit si notati-le. 1. Where’s my saxophone? Have you got it? 4. Are you sure? 2. ts it under the seat? 5. Shall we ask the flight attendant? 3. Do you think it’s at the airport? aap (ZB) Controlati-vi rispunsurile, ascultand solutia. Pronuntafi-le i dumncavoastri in paurele dintre propozitii. Cum se rspande politicos tao intrebare? fn englez nu se obisnuieste si rispunzi ta 0 intrebare cu Yes sau No, faré sf se mai adauge ceva, Un astfel de eispuns ar putea fi receptat ca nepoliticos san distant, Ati putea chiar si-I raniti neintentionat pe interlocutorul dumneavoastra. De aceea ar trebui si mai adtugati ceva, Am invafat deja: No, sorry, 4B forty-zight Yes, that's right. Catwodaté rispundem folosind o parte din intrebare intr-o forma prescurtati, de exemplhu ¥ Have you got it? Yes, [have (got it) sau ¥ No, Vhaven’t (got it bIsitinthe locker? Yes, itis in the locker) sau D No, it isn’t Cin the locker. Civtalipentru fiecare din urmatoarele intrebari cate un rispuns potrivit, in forma scurt, din ase pianjena— yes si ptianjenut - aa, Rispundetj cu una din posibiicitile indicate — yes san m0, exerplu: Vareyau asleep? > P Yes, Lam. sav —> No, lm not. 1, Are Sarah and Matthew going to Scotiand? 2. Are you English? 3, Has Sarah got her handbag? 4, Have you got Matthew's saxophone? 5, Is Matthew's passport under the seat? De cele mai multe ori se asteaptt ca dumneavoastr’ si conducesi dislogut maai departe, de ejemplu; Dre you going to London? > Have you got your mobile? 0 Nes, | am. I’m going to a wedding, D No, I haven't. It’s in the office. Seri isnunsu de fa exerci! # noo dat dupa acclasi model si adavgst pe rind una din dmg umitsoarcle propezitis 1. She's got her handbag and her camera. 4, I don’t know where it is, 2, Theyre going 10 a wedding. 5. It’s in his jacket pocket, 3. I'm American. Engleza autentica: Cand veti auzi englezi sau ameticani vorbind, vet f surpring: Ea sd constatati cM multe expresii folosite curg fa vorbire fara nick o pauza, astfel ch thia se mai recunase cuvintele separate. Do you think...? sund aproximativ: D'y'think...? Idon’t know se serie chiar cAteodatd in limba uzual’: J dump, Ascultati fncdi o data acea parte a dialogului, unde Sarah intreabi: De you think it's at the airport?, iar Matthew rispunte: F don’t know. Acum incereati s& pronuntati expresiile tn acelasi fel: Incercati si maine si poimaine. Engleza dumneavousira va suna mult maf autentic. 1oa-—{A pub linch} - Jenny si Fiona s-au intalnit la prdnz fntr-un pub Jonconez. Acolo pot sé mndnce, 88 bea is vor- te Put Foot ad beasc’ intr-o atmosferti plicutl. Asa ar putea s# ohn Bolognese arate meniul de la ,.Leut rosa” (the Red Lion). ee me and chips chicken and chips sein CD) Privigi acum un meniu tipie pentru un bar ~seris a ic and chips SA" pe o tibiigé. Va este foame? Ce-ati dori acum cel asttd sondeniches ‘mai mult? Bifati felurile de mancare. han hiker formato ete. various salads at the ba Tood Thies Toasted Pat mene soup supa sandwich sandvis bread rot hina cheese boas spaghetti Bolognese | spaghti boiognese ham sencd pe pci (ict ceearse) | | tomato rosie fish pete various eieriy iver loughman’s tuneh | pain inecs, brine enghentoh dle ars crieti expresia corecti in dreptul imaginii. Alegetidintre urmtoarele cuvinte. steak pie and chips ploughman’s lunch toasted sandwich tomato soup salad fish and chips ERRRY CT) Vaostefoame? Ce dorsi? What would you tike? Scriyi: Td like a. : Cy (B) Fiona este la bar si ar vrea si comande ceva, I'd like to order something to eat. Ascultati ce comand’. Poate unele ewvinte va vor fi de folos in viitor: eat aminca help yourself serviti-vi 50. titty Ascultai incé 0 data dialogul si luati comanda. Notati comanda pe o foaie de hartie, Rs (5) Reo sexe comens sunt complet amestocte, Pastis svel din now itogu dar > fg date aceasta in ordinea corectil? ‘Cheese, ham, chicken...? 1h. What's the soup? Ham? Fine. I'll go ard get it. ‘re ploughman's func, piease Tomato soup today, Ham, please, Tomato? Oh, I think I'll have a sandwich, Sorry no plovshman's today. Asculta acum dacé ati avut dreptate. Pronuntati si dumneavoastra propozit , ( Obere mica sau una mare? Pind acum ne-am ocupat de mancare. Cam este ins’ cu béutura? In pub nu se vinde nici ceai, nici cafea. Berea se vinde la unitatea de mAsurd numnita pint - un pint i corespande unei jum&etti de litru, Dac un englez ar comanda pentru prima dati intr-o alt tard o halb& (literal ,,o jumitate* — engl. a haff) ar fi foarte mitat s& primeasch 0 {bere mare, deoacece a falFinseamna fn Anglia 0 bere mick, ‘Haveli nevoie de cuvantul of intre unitatea de masura si bau- ‘(ard, atuaci cind comandati ceva, [sede fp) Poteti sa va amintiti ce-au baut fa avion Matthew si Sarah? Corect - Matthew a comandat un pahac (glass) de vin zosu i o cease’ (cup) de cafea, iar Sarah un pahar de suc de portocale si atthe: Sarah: Ab! Siti cum se spune ,noroc* tn onglezi? Cheers! Sa spunem atunci cheers, inainte s& trecem {aleotia urmatoare. 10h {What's your phone number?) aD CD Completati sub cuvintete englezesti traducerea Yor in Fimba romtind. Ascultai cu atentie pronunga O angal Angajat Matthes Angajat Mattie ‘Angaiat ‘telephone box/ booth Matthey Angajat Matthey Angajat Matthey Angalat Matthev Angalat mobile phone’ cellphone telephone book sige (3) Ascultati acest dialog si completaticuvintele care lipsese. ° » What's your phone 2 DS acne vate » Have you. 1 afax? rs » Yes, My fax number is . liert » Have you got a st Ron: Nor Lean goto a phone .. (to yous et ~-Cuvantul zero poate fi tradus in diverse feluri, in functie de context, La telefon, se spune in America de multe ori zero si tn Anglia oh, La matematicd se spune nought sau zero. La un meci de tenis, arbitrul spune fove, iar cAnd este vorba de un meci de fotbal, x spunem cu Roménia, rezultacul final este de cele mai multe ori: England three, Romania nif. Eh, aga ¢ viata! Dac’ nu sunteti siguri, spuneti pur si simplu zero — asta se infelege peste tot. (3) Céteodats, Mathew teebuie s5 dea tetefon in stréinatate, pentru cX firma Jui din Irland incearc 84 realizeze si contracte internationale, De curind a telefonat in Roménia, Din picate, telefonista ra in pavai, iar inlocuitoarea ei nu stia englezti. Ascultati ce s-a intémplat O angajat&: Firma Pra-Tech, Angelica Badea, Buind dimineata, Matthew: Good morning. This is Matthew MacCahey from Shamrock Electronics in Cork. Could T speak to Mr Sténescu, please? O angajata:, Ce ati spus? Cine ¢ acolo? Matthew: Mr St&nescu. Could I speak to Mr St&nescu, please? Oangajata: Imi pare rau, domaul Stanescu nu este aici. Mat fncercati maine. Trebula s4 se Intoarcd. Matthew: I’m sorry, [ don’t understand, I don’t speak Romanian. De you speak English? 52 fity-tw0 Oangajaté: — Englez&? Oumnezeute! A little, Just a moment, please... Angajata 2: Firma Pro-Tech, Sabina Barbu, bund dimineata, Matthew: Matthew MacCakey from Shamrock Electronics. Can you speak English? Angajata 2; OH dear. Yes, a little. Can I help you? Matthew: Yes, 'd like to speak to Mr St8nescu, please. Angajata 2: Yes, of course, I! connect you... Mr MacCahey? i/m sorry, Mr St3nescu isn’t in today. Can you cali back tamoreow? Matthew: Tomorrow? Oh, yes, all right, but... Angalata 2; Or can he eall you back? Hiatthew: Yes, I'l give you my number. 1's 00 353 for Ireland. Angajata 2: 00353, yes... Wathen: Then 21 609 733 Angajata 2: 21 609 733. Matthew: That's right. Thank you very much, Argaieta 2; Thank you, Mr MacCahey, Goodbye. Matthew: Goodbye, ‘good morving ‘Dank dimineage alte putin enuld Tspeak to My as putea vorbesc on Justa moment, us moment, vires Stineseu? ddomnnul Sténesou? please Falike to speak to | as deri si vorkese cu Ul connect you | vi fac Jegtum Mr Stanescu ‘doinnel Seinenen, in aici: ici, la serviciv, tn Ador’t understand | au tucleg ‘ros Keon't speak nu vorbese romana call back s\reveni cu un telofon ‘Romanian sive ada so you speak vorbitiMorbesi englezs? | | double English? Nuinteleg, No vorbesc romana, . Durmneavoastra vorbiti engleza? Ua moment, vitrog. Pot s& vi ajut? El nu este aici astizi. . Putet sf reveniti maine cu un telefon? Poate sf va dea el un telefon? Prima casetl este foarte utila tm multe situatiit! Adoua casetd este foarte urilé pentru convorbirile telefonice!! Dact ati invajat aceste notinni, va puteti descurca la telefon — nt isagi nici un caz 8& va scape telefonul din mana din eavza panicti! fifycttree 53 Recapitulare) aa (1) Ascultati reznmatul ambelor povesti auzite pant acum. Cititi si rszumatul de mai jos, Unde nu ‘Obsery “ se mai potriveste textul tiparit cu cel auzit? Incercati s& corectati, What Shalt Peter and Fiona can go to work, Jenny can go to London and meet Peter for a drink ina Shall pb, Oh, no. Everyone is a tourist lke Jenny, Where’s the nearest tube station? Where's the stat, de Red Lion? On the right and on the left, Fiona’s in the airport and has got a shandy; that's Shall whisky and lemonade. They have to order food at the check-in, Completati aici corecturile dumneavoastrs, Exist nud diferente, 7 8 % 2 Bows B: Sarah and Matthew are at the tube station and have got 10 minutes. They have to get a suitcase from the tube station and Matthew has to phone his friend. Last call for the flight. Trey‘ve got Scottish wine. Can they take Scottish wire from‘Treland to a wedding in Scotland? V’m not sure. Completat’ aici corecturile dumneavoastra, Existd opt diferente. wap Engleza autenticd: Dac doriti ca engleza dumneavoastra si sune autentic, a= ‘rebuie si dramatizati putin, Tonul se schimba mult in en- ¢glez8, chiar si in interiorul unui cova. Ascultati urmitoarele propoziti si pronuntati-le si dumneavoastra, Exagerati fart rif! 1. Have we got time? 3. Oh dear 5. That's. good idea, 2, [think s0, 4. That’s OK. Ian go to London. 6. Goodbye. Ascultati acum urmitoarele expresii in roman’: 1, Dumnezeule! 2.Bundidee, 3. La revedere. In englez&, accentul se realizeaza prin pozitia tonului (ton inalt sau ton jos). $i acum ascultayi aceste expresi in englezB, 1.0h dear. 2.Good idea. 3, Saodiye Mai incercati o dati cu expresiile in engle2t, 54 fifty-four Observati exemplele cu shall (a trebui) din textele noasire. What shall T do? Cesk fac? Shal we ask the flight attendant? S&L intrebllm pe insotitonul de zbor? Shall we...? si shall I...? se folosesc adesea pentru a face o propunere sau pentru a cere un sfat, de exemplu: Shall we... phone the office? Shail [... have chicken and chips? meet for (unch? get a bottle of whiskey for Hugh? take the tube? have a salad? order at the bar? ask the flight attendant? 90 sightseeing? Scrieti pe baza exemplelor de mai sus patra propozitii care si inceapé cu shall I...?sau cu shall we...? i fiecaze propozitie st se potriveaset unel imagin Sp Fee Ge poe ci de foarte multe ori, cuvintele scurte sunt foarte importante, pentru ca un diatog si fanetiones, Daca cineva Vé intreaba ceva, puteti sd intrebati si dumneavoastra, imediat dup & ai rispuns. Cum? Foaite simplu, folosind And you? Astfel dialogul devine bilsteral, iat dummeavoastrd nu trebuie si vorbiti tot impul tn englez8, i puteti si si ascultat, Aici ave(i cateva exemple, Dar rispunsurile sunt din nou amestecate. Puteti sa le aranjati? incele din ure puteti si accultatjsotutia. 1.9 ’m going to London, And you? a) # My apartment Is In Chicago. 2. Id like a salad. And you? b) D I'm ready, too. 3. 0 We've abt a house in Londen. And yau? ©) ® Coffee for me, please. E 4.) I'm ready. And you? d) B T’m going to Manchester 5.6 (like ved wine, And you? e) DL think Vd like a steak. Cade obicei, dact vd ajuta, puteti tucerca st traduceti propozitile in roman’ Propozitia interogativa Cunoastem deja verbele have/has got (a avea) si be (a fi): Lam, you are etc. in cazul in- tebiritor eu verbul Be, treceti verbul (améis/are) in fata subiectului. Deexemplu: Is she here? ‘Are you ready? Incazal fntrebérilor cu have/has got, treceti have/has in fata subiectolui. Deexempla: Has she got red hair? Have you got a cold? Sijn cal intrebarilor cu verbul modal can: treceti pe cam in acelasi mod fn fata subiectului Deexempla; 1 tsubiect) cam (verb modal) help you. Pot s& vd ajut. (enunj) Can (verb modal) I (subiect) help you? Pot si vit ajut? (intrebare) fiftyfive 55 (gaag, (5) Completaiformele verbalepotivite The baby is asleep. L ss the baby asleep? They've got two sultcases. 2, non they got two suitcases? You can meet me, 3 swesyou meet me? say Vai mai asteapti un mic exercitiu! ‘Teaduceti aceste tntrebai si ascultagi apoi solutia, Vorbiti si dumneavoastel fa acelasi timp. Nu witati— daca este posibil - sf vi inregistrai atunci cind lucrafi un asemenea exercitiu, Copilul este tacit? Esti gata? Putem sticomandiim? |. Este sub scaun? Aveti un foc ta foreastia? (Se circula pe partea dreapta sau pe partea stanga a strazii? ) Pe care parte a staziise circulz, on the P/aBt sau on the eft? Va Statele Unite si in Canada se circull pe partea dresptd a stctzii, an the right, a timp ce tn Iranda gi ta Marea Britanie se circuld pe stings, on the left, Dac mergeti cu feribotul la Dover (Anglia), veti observa cu siguranfa uranttoatele plticute de atenfionare; Keap left! (Tineti stinga!) Pe partea stangt se mai circuli in multe alte tri, cum ar fi Africa de Sud, Hong-Kong, Australia, Nova Zeelanda, India, Kenia, Malta, Jamaica si chiar Japonia. Sica pieton trebuie s& aveti gr si si priviti mai la dreapta: Look right! ‘Yes, he isn’t very Well Yes, and you? .-¥es, of course. svoaNo, it isn’t here, Jo, 'm sorry. eye 7) Stiti mal mutt decat credetit “ @ Stoel deja foarte multe cuvinte cenglezesti. Nu stiati? in acest caz, incercafi in cele ce urmeaza sa aso- ciati cuvéntul cu imaginea potrivits, Astfel veti avea ined 8 cuvinte bine ancorate in memoria damnenvoasti 56 fifty-six Ascultafi acum persoancle de la exerciplul 7. Pe care dintre obiectele reprezentate Je-au numit? Desens Bo Bonners Ae asastern 5 Feces . ‘Wr MacCahey sau Matthew? Prenumele (first names) se folosesc foarte des in tile vorbitoare de Timbi englez’, chist siin mediul comercial. Angajatii ar putea si se adreseze superiotilor lor folosind prenumele acestora ~ cum a procedat Matthew cu gefu sto Solin, Asta nt inpeacanil c& este vorba de o prictenie strénsd, ci doar c&-o relatie profesional devine mai personal, Oamenti care Iu- creazi in domenia prestirilor de servieit se adreseaza clientilor ca Sir san Madam. GB tnvleraautemice: Asculuni acum wn dielog fnte-un tempo normal si matcati cuvintele pe care le auziti. Dact doriti, ascultati dialogul de rai mute ot, Care din umuétoarele cuvints nu sunt in dialog? 1. good 3.recommend 5, soup 7. whisky 9.and you? 2.thank you 4.sandwiches —_6.[ think 8. over there {Sugesti} | Faceti in asa fel incét tvatarea cuvintelor si vi fie mai usoard. Un caiet de cuvinte ar fi | Srumos, dat cine poate tnviita bine dupt liste de cuvinte? Incetcati altfel! Scrieti un cuvant | sau 0 propotitie pe 0 fist colorath sau pe o foaie de hire coloratd. Alegeti hinie de culoares preferati | Lisatibiletelele andeva prin casi sau ipiti-e atran Joc pe ease dl vedeti de mai multe ori | pe i, de piled a oglind, pe figider sau chiar pe usa Jocuintei. CAvtai mereu locuri potrivite “pentru biletele. Astfet, vali privi mere cuvintele &. Engleza americana: Ascultati diferenta dintre cuvintele britanice si amesicane. ‘Cunoasteti deja unele cuvinte. ‘chips [French fries eattofi prijiti crisps: chios chips of course be sure sigur, bineinteles tube subway metrou phone call {3 suna, ada telefon Existi multe propozitii scurte care vit pot fi de folos dacti Ye puteti reeunoaste si chiar folosi, Traduceti aceste expresii, pe care le-ati mai Intalnit in feotile de pnd acum, Cititi mc8 0 dat Gialogurile, pentru a vedea end gi unde au Fost folosite 1. Pou shh ajuk? 3. Bunt idee, 5, Ceati dori? 2, Nu sunt sigur. 4, Si tu/dumneavoastra? ‘ity-seven 57 BHP 0) Scrieti pe o foaie alte rei asemenea expresiipe care ati dori si Je retineti (in englerA si in romdnd), cats (GF) Ce lipseste tn propozitii? Completati cuvintele care lipsese, Puteti apoi sé completati si tabelul, iar cand tabelul este gata, ascultati rezolvarea. 1. T've got... passport. 2. Have yOu got screen ticket? 3. Watthew has lost his saxophone, 4. Sarah's got her bag. 5, We are in... jouse, 6. They can meet their cousin, a Testati-va singurll Completati spatiile bere cu have(n't) gat sau has(n't) got, 1. Fiona and Peter .. ababy. 5.Sarah says (spune), We .nntWO Suitcases. 2. They acat. 6, Sarah. .... Matthew's saxaghone. 3. Peter , aco. 7... ‘Matthew's saxophone. 4.The baby sen noses 8 001d, RA, —_b Un care in englezs pentru dumneavoastra! ia timp ce serieti, pronuntati propozitile cu voce tare, Traduceti-le in cele din urma, acd dori a 2 you like to drink? 1. airport, please. ‘Across 1. Is the saxophone in the 4, Have you got a windaw Down 2..... ssa 4 5.Can I order at the bar? Yes, of .... 6.YOU sssssssesee phone card for this telephone. 7. Shall we meet APBD —«Ascutat asum cateva numere de telefon sf compaati-le cu urmatoarle, Dac cele dou ‘numere corespund, bifati numarul. Dac nu, scrieti varianta corect3 pe o foaie separatt. 2.0711 321489 4.021 5615541 7. 0044 384 677544 2, 0040 21 1799021 5.0211 44523) 8. 001 703 623-2294 3,001 203 428-6651 6,00 353 21 896612 5B. fifty-eignt (ili) ny Cenat tnvagat? Ordonati expresiile in engtezd obiectivelor comunicative exprimate in limba romani, ‘stintrebatipe cineva, daci eVea poate g_@.s4 formulati politicos o rugaminte. si fac ceva, h S St oferiti cuiva ajusorul, sd ceretiiniformatii despre drumal spre | @_s decideti sau si promiteti ceva ‘gard sau spre cel mai apropiat bar. spontan, si dati cuiva informatii. J @ sh spuneti ce va place sice nn. ‘i saltay la telefon gist vi prezentati, si comandati de mancare, siepuneti la revedere“ la telefon, 1 sh intrebati dacd cineva doreste si si dati cuiva ceva (de exemplu: 9 manance sau st bea. bautura), Tin Tooking for the station) = es ae ae Where's the nearest pub?) g Can thelp you? J | phone card, please? Ja, Tl phone again tomorrow. ‘Can you meet me Tl have a steak, olease, Cionssivtoninn), (Sarin Ja , we I Hello. This is Kevla Day. MOSIOIOT), (Fatma), CLaPERE),, Bacgtewee] (Twas wager nT ant like the stations very much. 7 9 Atl mal mvatat: Etpresii importante. ‘Corel tseducerea tn Jimba romand cu expresia In mba englez4. 4 @ cidee buna © @® S-ar putea. > @ Na sunt sigur. f @ Nu inteleg, © & Sper. 9 @® Nu vorbesc engteza. 1 © Cred. b Vorbiti roména? Dayar eat Rona Toate) 8 T don’t understand. l4 I don’t speak English. (Heat seek Eat), (iret), Siacum? V-ati ales cuvintele preferate? Le-ati si favtat? Excelent’ Sigur aveti si bilefele colorate insirate prin casi, Nu uitati si le mai schimbati din cfind fn cfnd! Nuputeti invita totul dintr-o dat, de aceea repetdim ce este important. Let’s go! filty-nne 59 atae Wa-—-(Thomas is il} Jenny petrece inc doutlzile la Londra. De fept dorea si plece chiar a doua zi cu Fiona si Peter {n Scotia, pentru a lua parte la nuntd, dar Thomas, bebelusul Fionei, s-2 imbolnivit dintr-o dat, ceea ce tnsearmn’ ci nu mai pot pleca In cSlétorie conform planului. Fiona ti propune lui Jenny si plece la Bristol, unde locuiesc parintii ei si de acolo s& plece eu acestia in Scotia. Ascultati dialogul si cititi ou vace tare in acelasi timp. <7 Fiona: I'm sorry, Jenny, we can’t go tomorrow. Jenny: Oh dear. What's the matter? Fiona: Thomas is Ili, He’s got flu. Jenny: Poor Thomas. Is it bad? Fiona: Not too bad. We've got an appointment, at the doctor’s this evening. But we can’t travel with him. : Jenny: That's a pity. Can I do anything? Fiona: No. 1 don’t think so, thank you. But I've ‘got an idea. My parents are going to the ‘wedding in the car. They could take you with them. You could go on the train to Bristol and they could meet you there, What do you ‘think? Shall I phone then? Jenny: That's very kind. But I'm sorry you can’t come. Fiona: Me too. oma That's a ity pleat su pute anything ceva spa parents sg Sao, bet ould 25 pute, ai pilosa ba au putea ete, appointment programare take you with — | st tet ia cu ei oct doctor them atthe doctor's [la dooter onthe train ea wesul this evening fn sear aceasta meet aici: wastepta travel per ind raga abit with hire evel me too nie Apu CD) Asculta propociile si pronunaj-te. Gndii-vd meren i mazicaitate specific limb engleza! ans {Z) Ascultati propozitiile nck o dati si completa literele care lipsese, Cate o liter a fiecdrul cuviint este marcatd printr-o stelugd, Aceste litere constituie un cuvant, Notali aici rezoltatul: 1. Oh dear, what's the ____ &_? 6. What do you? 2. We've got an 7. Cant __ * anything? 3, Thomas is___ 8. I'msory you__*"___ come. 4, Wegotan__ *# 9. _ X too. 5. Shall # them? 60. siay F(F) Cunoaseti deja wsmatoarele verbe. Le traducetitotusi int o data? 2. phone 2, meet 3. help 4 take 5. give ET) Complerti verbele de la exercitiul 3 in spagile corecte, Apoi ascultati solutia, 1. Tm sorry, Tean’t you, Ask the flight attendant, 2. Lean't “ Scottish whisky from Ireland to Scotland, 3. No,fcan't you eight pounds now. 4. tant. ..-the office. !haven’t got the number 5. Tean't vseeneue YOU at the Red Lion tomorrow. I’m going on holiday. Can’teste negatia tui can, Lafel ca la can, nici verbul care-1 urmeazi pe can't nu se schimbi, vest verb va sta chiar dupt can’t, De exemplu: / ¢an’t go to Bristol. F5) Auzi diferemtele de pronunfie nice cam neaccentuat [kan] saw accentuat [keenn] si can't fhangy? Daci ati ascultat propozitiile, completafi cam sau can’t in spatiile libere. Ascultai propozitiile inci o datl i pronuntati in acelasi timp, 1, Matthew: speak English, but he . speak Romanian. you recommend a good hotel? find my camera. Where ast it be? 4, Maybe the flight attendant ree 5. Yn sorry, jive you a window seat. You're a bit late. “am rewetionati dact cineva vi povesteste ceva trist sau vi tao veste mu prea fmbucuritcare? Notaji cu ¥’reactia corectt sict * reactia incorectt, iar apoi traduceti propozitile. L.That’s apity.C) 3, Poor thomas. () 5.1/msorry.Q 2.That’s great. 4.That’s very kind, J 6. 0hdear C) ...cum se exprima acordul. Dac un englez vi povesteste ceva si dumneavoastra sunteti de acord, vi exprimati acordul prin éuvintele me foo, fot asa cum am spune in roman yi ew sau si mie. Dar, atentic, in englez se spune doar me too sinu J too. Va bucurati cd trecem I Tectia urmatoare? Si eu. Me too! ‘intone 61 11»—{Flonia phones her mother a Fiona vorbeste cu mama ei latelefon. Fiona: Do you think you could take Jenny with you? .. No, no, she hasn't got a lot of luggage. Maybe you've got six suitcases for ane weekend... Sorry, But tm sure the car is big enough. When are you leaving’... Well, she could take a train from Paddington tomorrow morning. Can Dad meet her at Temple Meads Fine. Then she’s got two days to go sightseeing in Bristol and you can leave early on Saturday An ucrbrelta? .. 12 OK, i tell het. Thanks, Mum. Well, Jenny. That's fine. My mother and father would like to take you with them, They')I meet you in Bristol, ue seony: That's very kind, Thank you, a Fiona, Sas ° Sigur aj fui, His pe 4 Niu treba you could a pean pica Temple Meads [gard in central oral ‘sistematl fake (eany) with | s8.0 sai (pe Jenny}eu Brisol you vi cary devreme weekend stig de spat Saturday sirobied enough esta} ‘umbrella mbrei when ind 4's) aining!? | pow? ihn are you easing? | eénd ploci2cand ptecat?” |} TM tell her Si spun Paddington gard fondoneza Mure mimict Somerrow morning { maine dimineatt mother mame Dad tie father wnt HRBP C1) Accuteas propoaitite si repeta-e. eae (3) Ascultati propozitiile inck o dati si completat! urmatoareie cuvinte, Atentie! Din nou sa stre- - ctirat un cuvdnt tn plus, leaving early tell kind could six alotef enough — morning 5. When are you .. 6. You can leave on Saturday ... TW 2. Ba you think you 2. She hasn’t got 3. Maybe you've dt ... 4, I'm sure the car’s big her 8. That’s very .. 62 say-tne (B) Mai sit com pot fi traduse aceste pronume personale? Ineercati! LL sna BESME eeeeeneseue BME BWP cenesarnene ele cesar Ge they (Cltcodaté aver nevoie si de alte forme ale pronumelui personal, ca in romana, de exemplu, nd eu devine mie, Imi sau pe mine, ned, Astfel, aver umdtoarea schem a pronumelor personale Sigur afi observat cli exist o singurd forma pentru mie, fmi: pe mine, mdi (me) sou pentra du; pe el, 1 (inn) etc, Anurnite iucrurt sunt mai simple ex fp cornsnd. Nu trebuie st Javatayi toate formele dintr-o dati, pentra 3 le vor.mai intalni, Puteti totusi st sistemstizai aveste forme, rezolvaed uerattoarele exercil Vi mai amintiti ce s-a intamplat in povestea noastra? Daei nu, dati cateva pagini Inapoi si completaticuvintele care lipsesc. 2. Canyou meet 4. They'd tke £0 take wee With so 2. Shall T phone vse - 8. Can help 3. NICE tO MEE snes 6. Have you got (Daca nu puteti gési paginite corespunzatosre, cdutati in urmatoarele lectii: 32, 6a, 9b 51 12.) Inlocuiti cuvintele tiptrite cursiv prin pronumele Persona potrivit. Exempiu: They ar looking forward to meeting Jerry. fo meet 1. Shall | ask my father? 2. You can go with my parents. 3, Lave to phone Fiona, 4, Thaven't got the guidebook. 5. Canyou get the tickets, please? Traduceti propoaitile, daci va ajutl in lectie urmitoare aflati cum i miai merge bai Mamhew! sounytneee 63 "a — FE Ti FG J ‘Sarah si Matthew au aterizat in Manchester. Merg imediat la Informatii pentru a intreba dact ar putea fi ajutati tn privinta saxofonufui uitat. Ascultati dialogul si cititi in acelasi timp. <7 Doriti st ccuvinte pre Funegfonarul: Good evening. Can I help you? Matthew: Yes. I've got a problem, I’ve lost my saxophone. I've left itat the airport, Functionarul: At which airport? Matthew: At Shannon airport. We've come on the flight from freland, It’s very urgent, J need it. [have to play at a wedding. Funetionarul: 1 see. And do you know where it could be?, Matthew: Yes, 1 think so. 1 think it’s by the f telephone, near the duty-free shoo. Funcfionarul: Fine. I! phone the airport, ‘Maybe they've found it, Matthew: Thank you very much, Fret argent wear problem play ‘Pye teft.. see which,..2 ‘near we've come Shey have found... BRRERp (L) Ascutaproporitite de mai mute cris pronunaie, Nu uta sh accentuni prin melodies ‘nu prin intensitatea sunetului. Atti anzit deja c& the se pronunté diferit, nu-i asa? fnaimte de o vocal (a, ¢, /, 0, ui se pronuntit nai degraba thii, astfel inet cuvintele $8 curgd mai uyor, Ascultati gi pronvntati cuvintele ined o dats. BREW (J) Ascutai propozitite din now, dar acum avzti a uncle louri un cuvAnt incorect tn foul cevi coreet, Completati euvintele corecte in spatiile libere de mai jos gi formati o propozitie. aranjéad cuvintele in ordinea potrivitl. Aceast4 propozitie ar putea s¥ fie raspunsul de la aeroportul Shannon, Cuvinte: 1 opto Rispuns: 64 sixty-four Doriti sd ajutati pe cineva si st-i cxplicati unde sunt lucrucile lui. fn roménii aveti nevoie de cevinte precum in, la, Mange, sub, in apropiere de etc. Darin englez& cum spuneti? Inviagi acum! Where's the cat? Scriey éspunsurile pentru fiecare imagine, THE Ct IS essesntcen . 2.The cat Pa 3.The sna the baby, <8 folosim foarte des apostroful ” pentru a ardta ci literele sunt omise, iar cuvintele se comiopese, Cunoasteti acest lucru ine& de la inceput, c&ci in primele lecfii am intélnit: Tmsinu Lam it’ssi nu itis, Daci noteste atasat unui alt cuvant, acet cuvint se n't, ca, de exemple, in cazul lui isn’t si haven't. Twould devine I'd. in cazul intrebirilor, folosim forma intreaga, daca yerbul sti in fata pronumelui personal, de exemplu: Here's the next unit! sintystive 65) 126—-(We've lost our luggage — Ceva mai tarziu, Sarah si Matthew vor si-si ia bagajele, dar acestea nu stint de gisit. Bi se adreseaz acum unei alte functionare la ghiseul de predare a bagajelor. Ascultati unmitorul dialog, 0 dati chiar si cu ochii inchisi, Functlonara 1: Good evening. Can I help you? Matthew: Yes. Our luggage hasn’t come. Funefionara 1: I see. Your flight number? Matthew: Just a minute, E1162. Functionara 1: Um, oh yes. I’m sorry, some luggage hhasn’t come yet. It's still in Ireland, Matthew: Damn, What shall we do? Funcfionara 1: We'll send you the luggage, sir. Could you give me your address? Matthew: Our adidress? We're on holiday. Funcfionara 1: Then maybe you could phone us from your hotel. We'll send it there, Matthew: But were going to a wedaing, We've got everything in our suitcases, our clothes, the wedding present, everything. Funcfionara 1: Yes, si. I'm very sorry. We'll send it as soon as passible. Matthew: Hmm, all right. Funefionara 1: Could you filt in this form, please? “hasnt come waa veut hotel hotel some cava, cteva elothes ‘using ovbe dine Some luggage unele bagaje present exdou not. yet feu ines as a Iafel de... ea sll fined as soon ct mai curind posit ama natal send ‘vimite completa address dros formulae on holiday in vecamis Engleza autentica: Ascultati dialogul inca o dati. De data aceasta vorbeste prc mutes ‘numai funetionara de fa aeroport. Dumneavoastré preluati rolul lui Matthew. Ganditi-va la intonatic si exagerati putin, astfel ca engleza dumneavoastril si sune cét mai autentic, Nu ‘vi ruginali, noi oricum mu putem s& vi auzim — din picate? Repetati acest exercitiu de mai multe ori! Cénd tocmna s-a intmplat ceva gi este important, folosim fn engleza un timp trecut format cu havefhas, asemindtor cu perfectul compus din limba roman’, Constrvim acest timp numai cu verbul have (a avea). Veti folosi vorbul have, dar fara cuvantul got. 66 sinty-six ‘Acar: nu este nevoie st stisi mai mult despre acest lucru, dar urm&toarele douil expresii v-ar fatea fide folos dack veti avea probleme pe drum... Cea uitat bacbatul din imagine? Constuti 4 propoziti cu I've forgotten my... Aceastd doamnd a pierdut efteva tucrur, Constiti -propoziti cu Wve fost my. S ems ola ot propontit Priviti aceasta list& si ascultati pronuntia cuvintelor. Dumneavoastrit plecati in concedin gi ‘eset ce at ua fn valiza, (In my suitcase...) si ce ai prefera sf aveti in geantt sau fn rucsac (dn my handbag/backpack...). Probabil nu dori si \wati tote Serieti doua iste, vaniale pantaloni peritti de diag ‘cdr pioptene apecat de ras para de forografiat ford care ‘costum do baie | ocpetaci de sowre Silas c& santetk mai departe cu 0 Jectie! sinty-seven 67 Single or one way?” Jenny a ajuns la gara Paddington dia Londra, Fiona fi c&utase un tren spre Bristol si fi explicase ‘cum ajunge la gard, Jenny observ fa ghiseu cli nu este usor sil cumpere biletul corect de c&lstorie Ascaltati dialogul, citind ia acelagi timp eu voce tate ; denny: } Vanzatorul de bitete: | Jenny: | Vanzatorul de bilete: | Jenny: ‘Vanzatorul de bilete: Jenny: \vanzditorul de bilete: Vanz&torul de bilete: venny: \anzatorul de bilete: | | | I: | Bristol, one way, please, Yes, madam. Sinaie? Pardon? Single? Oh... yes, that’s right. 11)) give you a day return. It’s cheaper ‘than a single. I'm sorry, I don’t understand. Vl give you a return ticket. It’s cheaper, Oh, thank you. Gan | reserve a seat? ‘Are you going today? Yes, at 13.29, ’ Vm sorry. You have to *) reserve 24 hours in advance. a senny: oh. Vanzatorul de bilete: That's 32 pouncs, please.” Jenny: Can I pay by credit card? Vanzatorul de bilete: Yes, of course. single (G57 Tile ceva aN) Tirteen (3) [uinpezoes one way (US) bilet de 9 cilitunie (dus) ‘twenty-nine (29) | douiizeet si nou pardon? pottin? twenty-four (28) f douse si pau day return Dilek dus-fators pentru o zi hour ort cheaper than tt etn deci inatlvance snuine ‘return ticket bilet desintors: thirty-two (32) ‘tuvizeci si doi return ase imate pour tea reserve aredecn ay apis at yor) eredit card cane de erat 1. I'm sorry, f don't 68 sixty-eight Ascultat propozitile si pronunqati-Fe. Nu vitati de muzicalitatea ftazei, Jncereati SX completati cuvintele care lipsese. seseaes YOR a return ticket. 4 Canton. cheaper than a single, 5, AYE ssn Ge se _ L pay by credit card? Ascullayinumeralele urmtoare si pronuntati-le. 4 (four, 13 thirteen), 25 {fifteen}, 24 (ewenty-four), 29 (twenty-nine), 32 (thirty-two) Dela 13 in 19 se adaugat-feen ciftei wnititilor, tee este cunoscut din cuvantul teenager {addotescent) ~ literal, cineva a clirni vast este Intre 13 si 19 ani 20se spune twenty 30 se spune thirty Oricum, numeralete se pronunté in englezd in ordines Se eare se seriu, aproximativ la fel ea in romani, de exemplu: twenty-four 24 Von mai repeta numeralele, cici trebnie s& ne obisnuiim cu ele, Frivid armatoarele imagin’, ascubiati cx. atentie si notati numerele corecte, Platform) i) teva payini pant la lec 3a si rispundeti fa urmitoarea intrebs “Wat sumber isthe house? Twenty-three, thirteen ot thirty-two? . ‘apuneti cfind nu ati fafeles totul. Dae’ doriti ca partenerul dumneavoastr’ de dialog st ‘epee © proporitie, spuneti: Pardon? (Poftim Cum ati spus, ve rog?) sau: L'm sorry, T don’t understand (Ini pare rau. nu inseteg sre mai putin jenant s& intrebati imediat, decft sii pari c& ati ingeles totul si dupa aceen sit fitinevoiti xa intrebati tnci 0 dat | Sigarati observat ei aveti de tnvitat multe euvinte care nu au decdt rolut s8 fact un dialog i si mieargti mai departe, de exemplu: I don’t understand, Aceste expresii sunt utile in | mumeroase situatit si ele v8 feresc de situatia neplScut& efnd n-ai putea sit spuneti mimic {Nuvi facet griji dact nu infelegeti ined structura lexical sau gtamaticala a unei asemenen expresii, Cu timpul veti observa cum se integreaza in sistemut limbii engleze. Foarte impor- | ant este Ti pentru noi ca dumneavoasted s& puteti Comunica in limba engleza, | Soviet’ una dintre aceste expresii importante pe un bilefe! si fixati-] ing’ oglinda de la baie. | Vet fi mirati si constatati cdt de usor vet} favata expresia i woest fel. siety-ine 69 ” Bb — Jenny nu injelege tn gard tabela de anunturi si este putin dezorientats. Intreaba pe cineva, dar dezorientareaei crest. Ascultati dialogul de mai multe ori gi cit Jenny: Excuse me, is this the train to Bristol? Pasagera 1: Sorry, I don’t know. I'm not going to Bristol, Jenny: Oh. Thank you, Excuse me, is this the train to Bristol? I'm not sure, This train's coing to Exeter ‘out I’m nat sure if it’s stopping at Bristol. You'd better ask someone else. Jenny: Oh. Thank you. Excuse me, where's the train to Bristol? Platform 4, 1 think. I don’t know. Is it ton the screen? I can’t see the screen, You'd better ask the guard. ‘Oh. Thank you. Excuse me, ‘where's the train to Bristol? i: Platform 1 for Bristol Parkway, madam. Platform 1. Thank you. You'd better hurry. It’s leaving In five minutes, Pasagerul 2: Pasageru| 3: Functionarul gariis Jenny: In five minutes, Oh dear. Thank you, It's 50 confusing. Next time I'Nl fy. if desk ‘auard sete en Ws stonping ttrenal) opreste platform peron you'd better fr teu ma bi. Bristol Parkway — | mumete ear naveriilor someone cineva hurry ese gti else alata is leaving plese screen foran Confusing derutant fom the screen peceran next time ‘eu urmatoaree ocazie see aveden fi azbura Calatoria cu trenul in S.U.A, nu se cfilitoreste atae de des cu trenul ca in Europa. in 8.U.A, Jenny sigur ar fi calitorit cu avionul cétre un alt oras mare, pentru ci acolo distantele sunt cu total altfel. De Ja Chicago la New York, de exemplu, sunt aproximativ 1300 km. Zhorul dureaz4 apro- RADY CL) Ascultati propozitile o dst, apo: gronuntat-e in acelasi @ timp. A dows oard vil adresaji doar celui de-al doilea vorbitor. ximatiy o ord $i nu este scump pentru americani. Cine are rai mult timp si mai pufini bani calatoreste cu acele cunoscute autocare, Greyhound husses. Driv wattoarele propoziti: .l'm not going to Bristol. This train’s going to Exeter, It’s leaving in five minutes. ‘Avimal tntlnit aceasta forma verbal sl lecpia Ga. Ce-ati invltat in aceasti Jectie? Cand toomnai js inimpl ceva, folosim verbul he (a) la ptezent, mpreunl cu forma tn -ingea verbului principal, Dack dott st verificati, dati c@teva pagini inapoi. Folosin aceastd formf i cfind stint cd se va tntémpla ceva Mn viitor,ftinded de cele mai multe ori noj sine avem legitur’ cu evenimentul, Evenisventel este deja bine determinat: Inlectia snterioard am intalait intrebarea: Plecati astazi? Si in englez8? .coreat! Are you going today? Vanzatorul de bilete intreabii ce intentioneazt Jenny Revonstiti propozitile, 1. They're going a} the train to Bristol. 2, He's playing b) London tomorrow morning, 3, She's taking ©) our luggage to the hotel. 4. I'm meeting d) his saxophone in a pub on Saturday, 5. We're leaving @) to a wedding tomorrow. 6, They're sending } Flona’s parents at the station, Putetis& traduceti aceste propozitii tn romana? Hk jos sunt intrebati pentru propozifile de la exercitial 2. Completati cuvintele care lipsesc. 1. Wh ssn they going? 4, Where are YOU 2, When is he... oP 5. WHEN seems 3. Where sone Sive going? 6. What are they .. to the hotel? Reveniti asupra inttebacilor de fa exercitiul 3 si ordonati urmbtosrele rispunsuri intrebarilor corespunzitoaze, Scrieti in etsute numarn} inteebarit 4s On Saturday. €B —) At the station. e) To Bristol, 9) Our luggage. d) Toa wedding. #) Tomorrow morning. Ascultati daca solutiile dumneavoastst au fost corecte. Nu uitati de muzicalitatea frazei, in special in cazul intrebaritor! seventy-one 71 era Sarah si Matthew au stabilit la aeroport si cazare, Ardori acum sit inchirieze 0 masini pentru cteve zile, pentru a cunoaste putin fara si oamenii, ia drum spre unt. O Good evening. Can I help you? Yes, we'd like to hire a car: Yes, siz. What would you like? A big, comfortable car,a small car, a fast cay.a camper? Red, black, green? We've got everything, , Matthew: Oh,um, I don’t know. What do you think, Sarah? Sarah: Weil. [ don’t know. But not a camper. Angajatul: Not a camper: Fine. Have you got a lot of luggage? aS Sarah: No. No luggage. It hasn't come yet. £F Matthew: That's not funny. Angajatul: Oh dear. That’s bad luck, sir. So asmall one, maybe? se trimitd bagajul si saxofonul imediat ce gitsese With 2 doors? Sarah Yes, that sounds fine. What do you think, Matthew? Matthew: Oh, I don’t mind. You decide, Sarah: Matthew! That isn’t very helpful, Matthew: Sorry. Tire wivahina ‘a small one ha wi comfortable confortabil, 8 door ost fast pid 2 ‘that sounds tine | suns bine camper slot don't mind aici: mie indiferent blac neart decide abot, a decide sreen verde you decile ty hovirdt funny xxuzant helpful se ajuoe bad fuck shinion Ascultati ftrebiirile si pronunfafi. Observati cum urck ritmul la sf@rsitul fatrebiri. 1.» Can Thelp you? 2. 3 What would you tke? 2, What do you think? 4. B Have you got a lot of luggage? 5, » Asmall one, maybe? Ascultai solutile. Avetiocuzia si rispundefi la Fiecareintrebare in paul. Apo ascultaéspunsul eorecl, pe care il puteti, de asemenea, repeta, 72 seventy-two > Cititi intrebarle din dialog si corelatifiecare intrebare cu rispunsol potrivit. a) B Yes, that sounds fine, b) D No, no luggage. It hasn’t come yet. c) D Yes, we'd Ike to hire a ear 4) D Well, not a camper, I think, e) B Oh, I don’t know. Timpurile se schimba”, spane poetul. ,Totul se schimbi, spunc filozoful. ,Adjectivele ins spine profesorul de engleza. $i ce sunt adjectivele? intreabé elevii. Adjectivele sunt cuvinte are determing alte cuvinte, de regula substantive. engierk edjectivele nu primesc nici o terminatie ~ ele rman intotdeauna la fel. ede, engleza mu este atit de grea! ci doritm 88 comparim ceva, adaug’rn doar terminatia «er. De exemplu: fast (repede) faster (mai repede) cheap Cieftin) cheaper {mat ieftin) tncercati si singuri! Corelati sintagmele din limba romfn’ cu imaginile potrivite. Traduceti apo is mba engteza. @B o masin’ rapid un loc confortabit @ ovaliza mica 0 jachett rosie @ 0 cast mare opisicd draguta @ prietent bunt sescnnsnmreneane Asculay ineegistrarea si asociati obiectul culorié potcvite eeegc oO. ° reé black green yellow white blue gold(en)—_sitver “el 2 & © seventy-three 73: eine aap wae Sarah si Matthew sunt tot la magazinul de inchiriat masini, Persoana care inchiriazit masinile are nevoie de citeva informatii. <> Angalatul: And how fong wotd you tike It for? Watthew: For five days. We'll bring it back on Sunday. Angaiatul: On Sunday? Well, today’s Tuesday. You could hire it for a week, It’s cheaper. Sarah: Cheaper? Angalatul: Yes, madam. For five days the price is per J day, for a week it’s cheaper. We've got a special discount price for a week. But you could still bring it back on Sunday. Matthew: Well if it’s cheaper, well take It for a. week, That’s fine Angajatul: Maithew: driving lleence? Sarah: Matinex, have you lost your driving licence, foo? “> driving Hcence [permis de conducere rice Pre how tong... for? | pentru cat timp...? er es 8 bring back ‘aduceinapo} spectal speci ‘Sunday diminies aiscount reducere ‘on Sunday sutiniea still tonsi Tuestay meni ‘FW cheapor | act este mat eftin week siping may 1...? pot sia? (7) Ascultati acum zitele s’ptamanit si pronuntati-te. “~~ Monday Tuesday Wednesday = Thursday Friday = Saturday Sunday Ayetiin vedere urmitoatele: 1. Toste zilele siptimanii primesc accentul pe prima silaba, de exemplu SUNday, MONday. Partea de sfarsit nu este accentuatd, ci se pronunta ca un di scurt. 2, Zilele siptimani se seriu eu liter mare, (Zpceaieste astizi? Today is... Si mfine? Tomorrow is... (3) Observatt accasté agenda pentru siptimana urmatoare. Aici vedeti programul fratelui Fionei, Patcick, Completati dialogu! de pe pagina urmitoare, mentiontind ziua co- respunzitoare, Apoi ascultati ce spune gi Patrick. 74. seventy-four 1. D Are you going to the pub this week? 2.) When is Hugh’s wedding? DON 3. 9 When are you going to the doctor's? On 4. Are you seeing Fiona this week? » Yes. On 5.) When are you going to Bristol? » on 6, 9 And to Scotland? DOM cereal 7.10 What ave you doing on 2 I don’t know. ‘Toate fotrebatile de mai sus se refer’ la intélniri si lucruri planificate, De aceea folosim verbul bela prezent cu forma in -#ngia verbului de conjugat, cum ati aflat deja in lectia 13b. Sidumneavoastri? Ce faceti duminica viitoare? Réspundeti fa aceast4 intrebare cu ajutorul cavintelor pe care fe cuncasteti. And you? What are you doing on Sunday? Tm essen and I’m not sue |Ce expresii au fost folosite in ultimele lectii (74a gi 14b) in legatur’ cu tema yinchirierea unei magni" Marcati aceste expresi si scrieti traducerea in limba romfint. Prima liter a celor 8 cuvinte pe care au le-ati marcat formeazA un cuvant, al clay’ numa va ‘exe probabil necesar Ia gar, pentru a afla unde este trenul dumneavoastrd, Dar intai tre siaranjali literele in ordinea corect3! Cuvéntul este: Retineti! ch expresia de azi Intr-o sdptdménd fi corespunde in englez4 sintagmei a week (from row) sau, mai sisople, in seven days. Inengleza britanicl existd o expresie speciali pentru £4 zile: a fortnight (fourteen nights = = 14 nopti). Americanii spun, dimpotriva, foarte simplu, fourteen days sas twa weeks. Noi nu ne vedem insd peste 14 zilet Ne vedem Ia lectia urmatoare. seveniyfiee 75, 15a. ‘A family photo aap oaoee Ascultati descrierea de mai multe ori si cititi cu voce tare. Fiona’s got a brother. He’s called Patrick. Here’s a photo of him. Can you see? He's got dark hair and brown eyes. She hasn’t got a sister. ‘You know her parents. Their names are Paul and Margaret, Margaret is her mother and Paul is her father. Here's a photo of them. Paul has got dark hair and brown eyes like Patrick. Margaret has got blue eyes and blond, curly hair. $titi mai mult decat credetit Priviti textul si imaginile fnedl o dat8. Care ar fi traducerea in roméni a urmatoarelor cuvinte ‘in englez4? brother photo hair eyes, know blond is called dark brown sister name curly ‘Citutati la rezolviri gi vedeti dact ati avat dreptate, Ati procedat ca un adevarat detectiv. Vedet ‘se poate afla sensul unui cuvant si flird si fi cunoscut cuvdatul Snainte. Jenny cu ochiiinchisi si incereati si intelegeti c&teva propoziti. Apoi citi dialogul i in cele din urmt recurgeti la lista de cuvinte. Jenny: ...and this is a photo of my family... Fiona: This is your mother Peter: You can see that! denny: Yes, she also has red hair, Peter: Red, curly hair Jenny: Yeah, My hair's red and straight. Peter: It's lovely. Is this your Dad? Jenny: That's right. He has grey hair and a moustache. Fiona: And the airl with the long hair is your sister? Jenny; Where? Fiona: The gil with the long, blond hair next to your father. ‘Oh no, that’s my beother Steve. ‘Oh dear. He looks like a girl. He's cute! You need glasses, Fiona, 1s this your sister with the short, dark hair next to your brather? No, that's his girlfriend, + She's pretty: What's she called? Te seventysix ein: Mandy. She’s tall and slim. And she’s nice. This is my sister here. Fiona: Oh, she's got blond, curly hair like my mother. Jenny: And green eyes jike my mother. Peter: Have you got biue eyes, Jenny? Jenny: Yes, that’s right. Like my father Pater: Blue eyes are nice. ‘emy: But Fiona’s eyes are brown! Pater: 1 know. Flora: Careful, Peter, or you'll have a black eye ae eeasernenen Thort straisht rept sirtfriend wey an pretty ‘moustache musta ‘what is ste au called? lung, tall alturt stim Took like | semina (x) carefull asses cela ablack eye tun ochi invinetit Priv acum imagine si notai cine este fiecare persound reprezentat, pe baza descrieritor din dialogu! anterior. Jenny's mother Jenny's father Jenny's sister Jenny's brother Steve Steve's girlfriend Casi in romana, in limba englezd hair — par este un substantiv colectiv, dup care verbul st lasingolar. Jenny spune: My fair is red and straight. Peter raspunde: It’s lovely. ~ Gum Fatrebm care este numele interlocutoralu » What's your name? — D My name's Jenny, denny Rose. = ¥ And I’m Fiona Mitchell. ‘Cind intrebiim care este numele unei alte persoane, putem spune: ¥ What's hissher name? ~> D His/Her name is Kim Mitchell. sau b What's he/she called? — D He/She’s called Kim Mitchell Dacé doviti ca partenerul de dialog si vi se adreseze cu prenumele dumneavoastra, spuneti: Please call me Peter, sau: And I'm Jenny, seventy-seven 77 15b——{I'm not very well} aap ©] Ascultati acest céintec englezese de copii. Céntati $i dumneavoastri dact dorit! Este un action ‘$009, adic& un cans2< care implic& si migeare, Atingeti scea parte a corpuiui care este mentionaté ‘tn cfntec. A doua oar’ cuvantul head este omis, dar dumneavosstei vi atingeti capol. A treia ari se omit head and shoulders, a patra oar head, shoulders, kneesetc. pan’ cand dumnes- [MB 2! fat voastré ajungeti s4 fredonati fara cuvinte atingand acele p&rti ale corpului. &__| semnalizea ) Priviti desenul si scrieti traducerea langa cuvantul in ~ Jimba englez#, Alegeti pentru traducere céte unul din urmitoarele cuvinte: ochi nas z ‘genunehi ureche &) Ascultati si ¢ cap umir E> Atentic inst 4 ur, degete de la picioare Retinetil ~-6e puteti spune daci mv va simiti bine: I’m not very well, 4 Interlocutorl dumneavoastr poate in acest caz i ntebe ingrijorst: Oh, what's the matter? PE "© Good BERND (3) scat urtoding spray ropocie. nanan sine vr dese gt urerile dumneavoastrd imaginare. Avefi grijla musicalitatea peopozigilor— de faptsuferii,ma-i age? ° D I’m not very well. What's the matter? » I’ve got a sore throat, durere in gas > Wve got. a headache, durere de cap D I've gat a toothache. durere de dinti D I've got a stomach ache. durere de burt > ve got an earache. durere de urechi D I’ve got acold. rasceallt D Ive got an upset stomach. indispotitie la stomac > i've got diarrhoea. diarce » [ve got a pain in my... Ma doare. -wshoulder. unitirad, back. spaiele, knee. -genunchiut, » Gh dear. I’m so sorry. ae (@) Everyone's tt ‘Toatd lurnea © bolnavi! Cineva vorbeste despre diversele boli din familia lui. Notati suferintele descrise. 1. My father’s got 2. My mother’s got eases 3. The baby’s got 4, The cat's got 5. My frlend’s got 6. Im TB. seventy-eight -€hde fapina se asteaptt nici o informatie referitoare la starea de stinAtate a interlocutorul, nd se intreaio How are you? (Cum ffi/vd merge?). Este numei o formulii de politete, care semnalizeazi intentia de a stabili un contact. La casd sau la restaurant se deschide dialogul cu ostfel de formal, Cliente! réspunde: Fine, thanks, And you? acd cineva nu se site prea bine, rispunde: Not so bad, thanks (Nu prea ru, multumesc.) {In cazul in care partenerul de discutic este interesat, poate sf intrebe despre ce este vorba, Ihorice caz, nu agteaptt nimeni o list intreaga de afectiuni, ca tn urmatorut dialog, |Ascultati si completati spatiile tibere din dialog, folosind cuvintele din urm&toarea list. Atentie ins - este un cuvant fn plus! Veti auzi si trei cuvinte noi: terrible (ingrozitor), look at (privestefpriviti la) si why (de ce). faveto very nose with headache appointment pain thanks now sore © Hello, how are you? 1. © Ohfine, ms en, Dt. © Good. Sorry, but I. 2, © .n.but 1'VE Got a svsessnt . throatand... © Oh dear, that’s net so good. But I have... 3. ® ...and a terrible .. and... © Oh, 1 am sorry. But I have to... 4, ® ...and I've got a.... tn my knee and... 5, © Oh, dear. That, too. But have to go... ® ...and look at my nose! 6 © Your ‘What's the matter with your nose? ® Look! It's terrible, 7. © Well it’s... long. © Long? That’s not very kind. &. © Wm sorry. Your nose is fine. But L... sever $0 OW, © Go? Oh. Why? 9. © Te got af wrensusinemsineneinenn at the doctor's. I'm not very well. Farmaciile Patel si mergeti ta un drug store (USA) sau la un chemist’s (UK), pentru a cere un sfet, aeii nu va simiiti bine. fntr-un asemenea magazin trebuie si gisiti ins compartimentul potrivit -se poate numi pharmacy sau prescriptions (retete). Obtinerea medicamentelor este mult mai dificil deedt in Romnia, Mute medicamente mu se pot primi decat cu retett (prescription). De aceea, vizita la doctor (doctor) este in Marea Britanie pentru tur rod normal gracuiti, | Ah, si cum se spune insdindtosire grabnica? Get well soon, acd vi mai simtiti fa fel de bine, puteti 8 treceti la Recapitulare IH. seventy-nine 79 Bas Aici sunt rezumatele celor dowd povesti Citit si incercati s& completati cuvintele care Lipsese, Ascultati apoi textul pentru a va verifica. As The . at the doctor's, Fiona anc! Peter can’t go to the... ae 15 not very well. They've got an . But Flona’s...... them. She can go by trai and they'll going and can take Jenny ..... cenennanconaeesher in Bristol, At the station she can pay for her return. by credit card, but she can’t . ..a seat. Where’s the to Bristal? .. . Matthew's saxophone? He's . vos it. He's let it atthe . . Oh dear! In Manchester he has to ask. They'll the airport in Ireland, Maybe they’Vé ou. Ht, And the . Ithasn‘t come . They leet it as soon as possible The address? They'r2 08 sen vo They'd like to hire a small car fora 1S. srvesenensee thal for five days Engleza autenticd: Sigur v-ati ocupat de exercitiul cu muzicalitatea frazei din ea Recapitulare H. Probabil a fost civdat, pentru c& nu sunteti obignuiti sd va auziti vorbind engleza —este ceva nou! [Nou uitati si inregistrati mereu exerci orale, pentru a va putea verifiea pronuntia, Exagerati fird probleme, jucati teatru? ncercati cu urmitoarele propoziti 1. We can’t go tomorrow. 4, What shall we do? 2. Can Ido anything? 5. We've got everything in our suitcases. 3. Oh no. I've lost my passport. 6. ’m sorry, don’t understand, Ascultati acurn propozitiile de mai sus. Desenaji accentul ca pentru prima propozitie, care serveste aici ca exemplu. Un cere ‘mare O reprezinti aecentul principal, iar cercul mic @ accentele secundare. 0 0 Ocoo 1. We can’t go tomorrow. (Sugest) | ‘Ce-ar fi s& vorbiti englezd la dus in foc si cAntati? | B plicut si nu ascultii nimeni.. i daca, totusi...27 80 ctahty @ Canoasteti deja urmitoarele euvinue: big cheap fast comfortable good Cucasteti si antonimut lui big — este smal Ondonati cuviniele de sus anionimului corespunzitor de mai jos. Apoi, pentru a va verifica, ascultafi rezolvarea, > expensive small had slow uncomfortable acl vi este prea greu st gisiti antonimnul, putet si folositi pur si simpla not, de exemplu: not ‘cheap (= expensive) sau not fast (= stow). Incaz ca trebuie si spuneti in engleri ceva negativ, na vitayi ch rebuie sit exprimati acest lucru politicos. De area este mai bine si folositi adjectivul impreund ctt not, de exernplu: b Pe care dintre aceste masini ati dori s-o fnchitiati? 1) pentru urmtitorul concediu? G2} 2) pentru o excursie deo zi? £39 4 smait fast red very cheap not cheap comfortable fast not fast not fast expensive not expecsive blue comfortable Sar hire si car rentaleste acclasiluctu. Car hire se foloseste in special in Marea Britanie si Car renta)in America, Este de cele mai multe ori mai avantajos si rezervati si si platiti in avans o maging (reserve and pay int advance), Partenerul dumneavoastrii poate adesea sf conduct fri costuri suplimentare, Cel mai bine imrebati ta Yata locudui: May my partner drive, tog? (Poate si partencral mew/partencra mea si onducit?) Nu witaté sa iatrebati cat de mare poate fi infarzierea Ia inapoierea masinii ~ in mod normal ‘este de $9 de minutel{ fifty-nine minutes) Facet plinul rezervorului de benaind tnainte de inapoiere (Fill the tank vp) — un rezervor go! Taseamng o plat mai mare. ‘nck ceva... In multe state din $,U.A. aveti voir si facet ta deeapta dact semaforat arati oyu"! (You may turn right on red) Sigur, numai daca banda este liber’. eighty-one 81 MJ-—_{Recapitutare}- aap ag © Engleza autenticd: Ascultati djalogul in tempo normal si, la sfarsit,bifati enun- & {ure care se potrivese. Duct nu suntefi sigur, ascultatit inet Am thvatat deja cite ceva despre timpul verbal care se formeazé cu verbul be la prezent si cu forme tn ing a verbului de conjugat. Aceast timp se numeste Present Continuous si se fsio- seste atone’ cfind: 8) se petrece ceva in momenta) vorbit ») stim cf va avea loc ceva in viitorul apropiat (Unit 92) (Whit 138) Este mai frecventé fotosirea in situatia b). ing se ataseaza a sfarsitul verbului, asadar: Dach verbul se termint fn -e, e-ul dispare ja forma in -ing: (H Completat formete corecte ale verbelor diate coloane. Apoi punetiintrebiri care si contin. cuvintele interogative indicate. Prima propovitie serveste ca exemplu: 1. She 4. today, Jeave 2D stsesssvnee .. Jenny at the station. meet 23. They vase YOUr Saxophone to the hotel, send 4 He .afast, expensive car. hire Be WE seca to London tomorrow. = ga (5) Dact se Intampl vreodaté sf nu mai apan’ bs- gajul dumneavoustrd sau ati pierdut ceva, trebuie. 8 completati in general un formular. Ar putea fi cam ca cel de aliieuri: 1. Data nagterii 6. Semunitura 2. Destinatia 7. Adresa 3. Numdrui zboruini 8. Premumele 4. Numele 9. Numiirul pasaportulut 5. Data ‘Completati acum numirul din dreptul cudnt in imba roman cdsuta corespuncioare alituci de expresia cotectt in limba engleza, o dart, 1. Domnul merge la Bristol.) 4, Bilewal costt cincizeci si trei de tire.) 2. El curnpiird un bilet dus-intors pentru o zi) 5. Poate sit rezerve un loc.) 3. Pleacd maine devreme.() 82. eiohtyaec. (7) Ascultat fn ‘ment? Raspu Sugesti) ‘Atunei ednd invitati cuvinte, incercatis& le invita thtr-ua context, adic& in legdturd cu alte cuvinte, Veti observa c& puteti tavate cuvintele separat, dar, siagure, ele nu folosesc foarie ‘ult, Trebaie 88 tim cum functioneaal limba, pentru a putea aplica si folosi cuviniele. Cand ingelegem gramatica unei limbi, putem si alegem usor dintze mai multe variante pe cea corecti. Cel mai bine Invatati gindindu-v8 cumn funclioneac cuvintcte unele in legdtart cu attete, Astfel va vei mira s& descoperiti cét de mult stépaniti din limba engleza Puteji sit combinati pe I'd Mike, de exeraplu, impreun’ cu to gi cu un alt verb. Een Si.cum ar urma s8 rlspundeti, in caz cd cineva va intresb& dae doriti ceva: Wostld you like...? Exist mai multe posibilitagi: © Yes,that would be mice, De, ar fidraguy/frumos. ® No, Wd rather not. Nu, mai bine nu. &_ Oh, Pmnot sure. Hm, nut sara sigur, scultati mirebarile, Dac cineva vi s-ar adresa cu aceste intrebiri, cum ati reactiona pe mo- ‘vent? Raspastde) in gauze, Repetati exerctiul maine sau peste cfteva zile, Vii doriti tot aceleasi biota? ‘ae «aim Se indica posesia sau rudele unei persoane. Sponem si scriem: Fiona’s parents parintii Fionel Jenay’s brother fratele lui Jenny my brother's car masina fratelui mew the dactor’s jacket —_jacheta doctorulti Atentie: Nu scriem nici the car of my brother; nici the jacket fram the doctor. Trebuie si adingdin numer ’s, De aceea am intélnit in lectia 7a formele at the doctor's (la doctor) si in lectia da at the childminder’s 1a bon’), Ar rebut 58 injelegem cd este vorba de at the doctor's officessur- gerysiat the childrminder’s house Acest uctu ne trebuie confundat cu apostrofui care aratd cuvinte contrase sat litere omise, ca, de exemplu, he’s called (he is catled) sau she's got (she has got). Dac’ nu sume’ sig, risfoit incl o daté lectia 12a - cighty-three 83 Ree) wae (&) Biati propozitiile in care apostroful indict posesia. Puteyi apoi si traduceti toate propozitiile. 1. Jenny's going to London. {BB 4. Matthew's lost his saxophone. EQ) 2. Fiona’s phoning her mother. 5. My sister's got a fast car. & 3. Jenny's brother is called Steve. GJ 6. My sister's car is dark green. ED Ae @ & sngleza american: Ascultali si Completali urmitoarele notiuni ih coloana ordinea corecti, La sfirsit ascultati rezolvarea. one way return — driver's license on vacation —_ single fitout a form — driving licence ive acar sith roundtrip ill on holiday —fillinaform = —tentacar ‘boinav bilet dus-fntors bilet de 0 cattorie us} permis de conducere in concediu: 8 completa un formular ainchinia y masiaa Stiti maf mutt decat crederif “Tocma a descopertcuvinml single. Inseamndo cdlatorte (doar ds), respectiv un ble deo cilétore, Cunoasteti deja cuvfintut — he’s single, adic’ ef este neciisdioris, Atentie: Pronunyim g-ul ca gi cum ar forma dou’ silabe: sing-gf ‘Stiati inst ci acest cuviint pote denumi si o cameré fa hotel? Cum provedtim cu numeralele? Conoasieti deja citeva; -teen, spuneam, ajutt le meraletor de la 13 Ja 19. Sixteen inseamnt asadar saisprezece. Urmeara -ty: -ty ajutt la formarea zecilor. Sixty inseamn’ saizeci. SSADG (iG Ascot urmcoaete numerae 5 promuntate forty 40 sixty 60 eighty 80 ahundved 100 fifty 50 seventy 70 ninety 90 hundred andten 210 8 eighty-four — mw ‘farina cu succes pimele cinciaprenece lcs aria lect de reeapitulare!Ce-ai Invi gu pind acum? Osdonati expresiile n limba englez4 obiectivelor comunicative exprimate in romana: Sitti deja. sf spuneti cl ceva trebuie fécut, —d @...8& reacsiomay mod difest a0 Turebare, + .si soticitay informatii sau ajutor. — ¢ QB... va exprimati regretul. ¢ @ sh oferiticuiva ajutorul dumneavoastra CRASSA) 2 (ai Lab arene Tan Thalp yoy - he has to prone (CayouTelp meT/Excise mie Wis), ; ‘Mai puteti st intelegeti un formu)ar, 5% numarati pnd la o sutd si sf descrieti oamenii, Ceam invatat despre timpurile verbulul? ‘Toemat s-a tntdmplat ceva si acum este foarte important, de exemplu: ve forgotten my camera, >. Suntei siguri cf se va intampla ceva, de exemplu: He's coming tomorrow. ‘Tocmai se TntBenplti ceva, de exemple, We're going to work now. Nu s-a intdmplat fncli ceva c¢-ar fi trebuit s¥ se intimple, de exemplu, They haven’t found the train yet. ‘nlista de mat sus gasiti cate dout exemple pentru timpurile descrise mai sus. Completati ‘umarul propozitiei corespunzitoare (1-4) fn c&sute 2 @ She's phoning the office now. ¢ @ dur luggage hasn't come yet. 0 (B We're going to Bristol tomacrom, f He's forgotten his driving licence, © & ve lost my passport. @ © we're going to a wedding. d @ They're meeting me tomorrow morning. hy ‘Y haven't found my saxophone yet, Siscum? Suit destul de molt engle23, V-ati descurca la gard, 1a aeroport, la magazincle de inchiriat ‘agin sau intr-un puib, Puteti st cere informtatii despre drum, sf cereti ajutor gi chiar si par~ ticiparia smal talk Sigur, fc nu fluent, dar nu vi pierdeticurajul! Cu pasi mici vet ajunge foarte departe, far... britanicii gi amecicanii sunt foarte inedmtasi atunci c&nd dumneavoastris incoteai si vorbit englezt rater. Let's go! S& continuam! elahty-fve 85 Jenny Ist aut un loc in tren sf discuct eu un tnd care isi dt imediat seam, dupl accentul ei, cf Jonny au este din Anglia. Ascultati o dati dialogul cu ochit inchisi tar a doua oara cititi si dumneavoastri. denny: Excuse me, is this seat free? Ua Sorry, t's taken, necunoscut: s | Jenny: Oh. Thank you. Excuse me, is this seat talen? ait Well, think it’s reserved, necunoscut: Jeany: Reserved? Oh, thank you. Excuse me is this seat free? Oliver: Yes, of cauirse. Gan I help you? Gee, thanks! That's all right. Ave you English? Jenny: No, ’m from the States. | Oliver: Oh, fee. I like your American accent. | Jenny: And I like your Beitish accent Oliver: Where are you from in the States? From Wisconsin, Wisconsin? That's... where’s that? 1's in the Midwest, I live ta Wisconsin but I work in Chicago, that’s én iIlino¥s, Oliver: Oh, Chicago. Yes, lovely 1 Jenny: Mremenh, ‘ree ber where are you | de unde sumteiti0e unde taken cocupa from? est? reserved rezervat Wisconsin statin S.A. eet US) Dosennet Midwest arte ceniratt din vestal Lm trom... sunt din... Statetor Unite, Vena Tsee “tele Mijlociu American american Live Joes accent event work erez British bntanie [Minos stat S.A, wey (1) Ascuttatiexercitiul de pe CD de mai multe ox gi promuntati propozitile. Sunetu! englezese ¥ este destut de dificil. Incercati si formagi acest suaet cu buzele, au din gas. 2GGBD! () Liss coum urmiroaele propor ncercat st aducet euvintee fm ordinea corespunztvonte Cand sunteti gata (abia atunci!) ascvltadi sofutia pentru a v8 verifica 1. free seat this is? 3, reserved think it’s 1. 5, you from are where? 2. takensorry it’s, 4, you help Lean? 6, American { accent like your 86 eighty-six “ckincebarea, Where are you from? (De tnde suniett?/De unde esti?) este una din cele mai frecvent adresate strainilor, Rete foarte important& daca vreti sd continuali un dialog cu neva, in prin rama in cazal Sn case oftrorti tn Statele Unite, Cum reactéonati Ia aceaste village — sat city ~ oras muse Kirklington (England) Sighigoara (Rortainiad Los Angeles (USA) Have you heard of (locus? AK cusivad cucit de (locut)? Have you ever been to (locul}? Avi fost/ai fost vreodatd tn (loctal)? Fofesim una dintre aceste intrebiri pentru a implica fa dialog persoana care a intiebat mai ‘mili. Astfet, dialopwl poote sh continue, @) ij auziti acum pe Gemma, Kate si Pau) vorbing despre tara tor. tw timp ce escultagi priviti imaginiie de mai sus, Notati-va Jocul unde locuiese. Paul folosesie cuvantul englezese ald, care Inseam’ vech!, balerdn. Bena orceeeenttnnties REDE vanatcenetnn PAU sense Prien 38 descriess wn loc, de exermplu: an interesting city, a small town, Bucharest isa beautiful city, Sinaia is am old town. abiig city. a tovely town. () Ascatati inc’ o dat de unde sunt Geruma, Kate, Past si seseti oft de mult este posibil despre acesie orase! Los Angeles Is... Kirklington is... Thattingham 95 .... Sighigpara is {a lectia urmitoare afiati mai multe despre Oliver ~ de unde vine, unde merge yi ce face. Rémineti asadar 18 bord! eightyrseven 87 16b——{A reat Londoner} Jenny discut& cu un tanar, Oliver, Spre mirarea ei, Oliver i spune ct a gresit trenul, Pentru a ajunge la destinafic, fa gara central din Bristol, rebuie s& schimbe ~ ar fi putut ins si meargt direct, > Jenny: Yes, Chitago’s wonderful, And you? Where are you from? Oliver: im from Londen. | live in London, I wark in London ~ I’m a-ak a real Londoner. Sut new I’m going te Bristol on business. Jenny: Vm going to Bristol, too! iy friend’s parents are meeting ‘me at the station. It’s got such a funny name, Temple Meads! Oliver: Oh, yes. Oh, but this train isn’t going to Temple Meads. It's going to Bristol Parkway. You'll nave to change. Jenny: To change? Oh no, Oliver: Yes, But you'll get a connection, don't worry. You'll be a bit late, that’s al Jenny: Oh, that’s bad. Oliver: I'm going to Bristo! Parkway, too. 1'li helo you If you like. Jenny: Oh, thank you. I’ not used to trains. Se T don’t go on trains very often at home, == Oliver: Oh, really? like trains. You can read, eat, } sleep or do nothing. And you can meet nice people. Like you. real ovat ‘GaEH Gorestidach Gon Londoner Jondoner used to big ou such a ase ule Tdon't 90 you'l have to vatrebui often desea change aici: © schimba tena at home east get sexe acit, ‘connection eat aminen ‘that’s alt sleep adonni 20 nothing i face nimi Bay (Nu ne-am mai fnidlnit eu cle 6 vreme, dar, fird exercitiile de pronunyie nu se poute, Ascultati ~~ propotitiile si apoi pronunjati, Aveti griji la r-ul englezesc. pO) Peet st aaucesturmatoaretecuvinte nino ordne corecté? L. on going Bristol I'm business to, 4, are friends me meeting parents my. 2, have you'll change to. 5. not to [’m trains used, 3. on don't very I go often trains. Dacd ati terminat (si abia unc, ascultat rezolvarea pentru a va verifica. > BB. cichtyeignt Pentru un enunt general valabil, folosimn forma de infinitiv a verbulni: Vive eu tocuiesc — Lwork eu lueres — Ltike ~ mle imi place ) Prvit aceste propozitii. Care sunt adevarate? Care nu? Bifati cnunturile care se potrivese Be: Pentru Jenny: Pengnt intertocutorul ei din tren, Oliver: 1. Tork in Wisconsin, 4, Llive in London, C3 2, Live in Chicago. 5. [work in Bristol 3. Twork in Chicago. 7) 6. T live in Scotland. C5 Sei acum ct dem se pote despre dutmnesvoat ma tebuie sd corexpunds notte edevéralui! . ina. beautifulwwonderful.. house/flatitown... in/near (oras) in a(n)... old/bigésmall... shoprofiice,.. infnear (Ora8) co at home. bn dialog, Oliver fi spune lui Jenny: PH herp you. fn lecia Sa am spus cd folasim aceasta formi cand decidem ceva spontan sau promitem art ste itt Citas in text traducerite pentru urmitoatete trei propozitit, care incep cu you'll. Va rrebui si schimbati trenul, — Veji aveao legdturd. —Veti intdérzia puain. Cur vedess, you’ exprima’ paverea spontanti a Wui Oliver. Nu stie foarte exact dav ce spune este adeviirat, clici nu isi planificase s8 spund aceste lucreri. Presupune fnsi ~ crede e@ va fiasal Jenny spune: Pim going to England. (Plec in Anglia.) Matthew spune: I’m going to bed. (Ma duc la culcare.) De ce fucruri wu newaie cei dai? Serieti pene fiecare wei propozitii care si Inoeap cu You't reed... ca posibile réspunsuri la enuntutile de mai sus. Alegetidintre variantele de mai jos. ‘camera your swimsuit your toothbrush your passport 2 towel your Byjamas a guidebook an umbrella ‘your glasses an appointment Refinefit ) um pitet! semnaliza c& sunteti un ascultator activ. Prin miei observatii pe eate le faceti in ciind in cand: Interesting Unteresan/), Oh, really? {In:r-adevatr?), Oh, yes (A, da), That's nice (Frumos!) Acum si trecem la fectia 172. eishty-nine 89 AX wae © Pentru cil este deja tirziu, Matthew gi Sarah vor s& caute o camera in apropierea aeroportului Dia pcate, ori nu mai existd camere libere, ori camerele sunt prea scumpe, Ascultati dialogul de mai multe ori gi cititi in acelasi timp. Matthew: Receptionera: Sarah: Recepgionera: Sarah: Receptionera: Sarah: Receptioneva: ‘Matthew: Receptionera: Matthew: Receptionera: Good evening. We're looking for a doubie room for tonight, With a tathroom if possible, I'm very sorry, we haven't got. any vacancies. We're fully booked tonigitt. Haven't you even got a single room? Wo, I'm afraid not. We haven't got any rooms at, all for tonight. Everywhere is full tonight. Can you recommend another hotel? i’m afraid it’s 2 bit dfficutt. You could try near ‘the station. There are some smaller hotels there, Or at the Hilton, They usually have some vacancies, The Hilton? Gh, yes, well, thank you, Maybe, F’m very sorry, madam, How far is it to the station? Oh, H’S not very far, About 20 minutes from here, | think, Have you got your car here? Yes, we have. ZA Hf you turn right out of the car park, then go straight on at the trate lights you'll see the signs for the station, Matthew: We'll try that. Thank you very much, Receationera: Thank you. Goodbye Tonight Tearahnoapten a aifrcult eife batheoom tie ty a fncerca if possitle ac et posbil usually de aici nat... any niciunieio far ‘epane vacancy, vacancies | camers bers turn a ntoasce, 2.08 fully booked complet reinudiwaerar | | out of 8a noteven vil chiar park pareare everywhere sexe tot straight on drop nae full pho ‘attic lignts somator another nal oa an indicator a —~ olde cuvantu) englez pentru , baie” 90 ninety Pronuntati cu voce tare propozitiile si au vitati si Jésati mereu cuvintele sa curgt unele dit “F) Ascultati inc’ o data primele patru propozitii gi cititi-le. in ficcare propozitie este un cuvaat gresit. Completati cuvantul corect, pe care l aua%t, ia spatial Liber. Literele marcate formeaes 1, We're looking for a single room, 2, We haven't got any luggage. 3, We're fully booked today. 4, Can you recommend another fligitt? Priviti uem&tonrele propozi They usually have some vacancies, There are some smatler hotels there. We haven't got any vacancies. We haven't got any raarns at afl. Folosim some in propoziti enuntiative aficmative, de exemplu: We've got some big cars. I get some sandwiches, si any impreund cu not tn propozitille negative, de exemplu: We haven't got any sali cars, T can't get any sandwiches. {B) hneetcayil Completsti Some sau any in urmatoarele propozitii. 2. We havent got s.suueGouble rooms, 4, They havent g0t ou..nune batheDOMs, 2, Weve got sannne Single rooms. 5. They haven't got vacancies for 3, There af@ waucsene hotels near the station. tonight. Folosim some si not... any tmpreundi cu substantivele [a plural, ca aici: rooms, hotels, vacancies. ack au considerdim lucrusile ca unitati ce pot fi numérate, ci ca notiuni colective, folosim substantivele le singular, precum: hnggage (baga)), tea (ceai), lemonade (limonada): 1 like some lemonade. i'm sorry, we haven't got any lemonade. (@) Cue este stvatia actual fw buctria dvmaneavoastsa? Ce proviai avefi? Consul propeniti sandwiches "ve got coffee chicken fish haven't got cheese crisps wine and Se poate refuza politicas. Folosim I’m afraid not (din pacate, nu): Can you meet re tomorrow? Lm afraid not. 1 have to work. Putetifolosi J’m afraid si pentru a exprima piirerea de réu: F'mafraid { don’t understand. I’m afraid I don’t know. I'm atrald tr not sure. And I’m afraid this is the end of Unit 27a sinety-one 91 tb Where's the liff? }—--—. ~.. Sarah s5 Matthew pleacd in oras si fs incearet norocu! la un hotel mic si mx foarte modern, din apropiecea gir Asculiati dialogul gi cititi cu voce ture. OY Matthew: Good evening. We're looking for a room for tonight. Hotelievul: Yes sir. A double roorn? Maithew: Yes, that’s right. With a bathroom if possible Hotelierul: I’m afraid our rooms haven't gat en suite bathrooms. They've got washbasins with het and cold water. The shower Is next to the stairs. Matthew: Ne bathrooms? Oh dear! Hotelierul: We've got 2 deuble raam with twin beds free. Matthew: ow much is it? Hoielierui: 49 pounds, with breakfast. } Matthew: — Pardon? Me | Hotelierul: 49 pounds per eerson, including breakfast, sir, | Matthew: Forty nine pounds?! Oh well, yes, all right. | Hotelierul: Would you tke to pay now, please, sir? Matthew: Now? Oh, yes. Sarah; What tlere is breakfast? Hotelierul: From 7.30 to 9.00, madam. We serve breakfast in your roam, Your room is number 428.0n the fourth floor, Up the stairs over there. Matthew: The stairs? Haven't you got a lift? Hotelierul: 1m afraid not, sit | i Sarah: Is there a telephone? | Matthew: — why do you want a telephone? Who do you want to phone? { Sarah: Oh, nobody. t’s not important. ‘en suite hathroom —] baie in camer wer person Ge pennant ‘washbasin ehiuvess including inchaiv cold rece serve aservi water 2p fourth tloor taj parutea shower oe up the stairs pe set fr us stairs seat fit lt bed pat who da you want | cui vreivrot ‘twin beds oul ptr etviduate to phone? telefonezitelefonai? hhow much eit eos? nobody meni breakfast ti dejun ‘important Important ‘Ati auzit cdte ceva despre th-ul englezesc? Cum —incli nu?! Nici o problemi. Dacé ati citit eu ‘voce tare pana acum toate exercitiile si dialogurile, va veti da seama cX nu aveti de ce sii vi fie team, Se ptonunfi ca sicum am fi peltici. Dar: exist dont feturi de th, Unul este sonor, ca la the. iar celtilalt surd, ca la thanks! 92 ninety-s¥0 cultati diversele cuvinte cu th si pronuntatite! Sonos,eu the: then that they there this with Surd, ca thanks: thank you think thirtzen everything three bathroom fourth Mai aii cum se Sptine me stie? $i nu Pnfeleg? Dati trapoi eateva pagini si notati-vi ambele expres No sit .one eoceuetssnnee Nu inteleg... in mod ascmaniitor spunem nu locwiese, mu {ucrer si mum place: don’t live, I don't work, don’t like. HF) Priviti aceasta sehemi, Cu J don’t puteti st consteuiti multe propozitit. {ntai incereati si ~~? gasiti pentru cele patru propozitii in limba romand de mai jos traducerea corespunzitoare. Api construiti alte propozitii in limba engleza yi scrieti pentru acestea traducerea tn limba rombnd, Co a Gnas) aD a S&S (he in Cos Angeles 1, Nuwimi place whisky foarte mult, 2, Nu beau cafea foarte des. 4, Nu vorbese roména. {G Ascuhuni pentru vontsal tezolvarea si pronuntati propozitile in limbo englezi, 2 formele helfo in Marea Britanie si hita Statete Unite sunt acceptate ca salut pentru orice perioadé din zi. Desi se poate folosi Aisi hello in multe sitvati, exist posibilitatea «ea fi mai ofictat in exprimare, Dimineata puteti spune good morning, dup’ amiazi good afternoon, iar seara good evening, Daca va despiii seara de cineva, putet sii urati good night. La despre se spune si goodbye sau (bye-Ihye (la revedere), iar tase prieteni este fourte uzuald forntula See you sau see You $90N (pe curdind) Leclia s-a sfarsit ~ see you in the next unit! rlnety-trce 9B ‘Tarél Fionei, Paul, stie ci Jenny a incurcat cele dova giir din Bristol sio ayteaptd rabditor. Apoi co duce acasi Ascultati dialogul de doua ori, Cititi prima dat ascultand CD-ul, ier a doua oard inchidet ‘ochii pentru a putea asculta mai bine, > La garit Pau Hello, are you Jenny Rose? I’m Paul, Fiona’s father. Jenny: Hello, Paul. Yes, {'m Jenny, Mice to meet you. Thank, you for waiting 50 long. ’m sorry. Paul: That’s alright. 1/5 not easy with the two stations, ‘The car is over there. In masinis Jenny; So this is Bristol. Paul: Yes, this Is the city centre, there’s the cathedral ‘and there’s the university — and that’s the big ZV“ shopping centre over there. And that building is very important ~ Margaret war's there | denny: ~ Oh really? } Paul: ‘Yes. Well, it’s a big insurance company. | She works part-time there, Jenny: And does she enjoy it? Paul: Oh yes, 1 think So. She’s good at computers now. Jenny: Wow That’s good. And what about you? Where do you work? . Paul: Oh, T work in Filton, that's the subur: where we live. But I’m retiring soon, thank goodness. denny: Oh really? Paul: Yes. I’m looking forward to that. And what de you do, Jenny? Jenny: Qh, L work in @ bookshop in dewntown Chicago. Paul: Oh, are you a real bookworm? Jenny: Oh, no, don’t think so. ‘thank you for ‘mlhusene aa partine ‘pala, eclabome waiting astertt floes she enjoy it? | i piace? so ong se de mui mp) ood at buna ia easy sor computer computt. calculator city centre 100 ove nuncted Oh, I think half past seven, please. Yes, I love cooking. f Psvttimaginite. Noteti corespondentul in limba engiezs, al D tsa rainy day today, isn’t t? @ —d) B It’s cold today, isn’t it b) b Hot, isn’t it? 2) B Iy's a windy day today, isn’ J Ob Beautiful day, isn’t it? Ad observat? in englezi exist posibilitatea de a adinga ceva Ja sffryitul propozil ‘beautiful day, isn't 2 ‘Accasti sintagma nu este propriu-zis o intrebare, dar motiveaza ascultitorul 53 ia parte 1a dialog. In Anglia folosim adesea, pentru a deschide un dialog, aceste intrebiri disjunctive, in ‘gecidl edna vorbien despre vreme. Na facema numai afirmatia i's a Heautiful day, ci chutim s8-1 determin pe ascultitor, eu sjutoral acestei intrebsiri, si participe la dialog: It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Parteneral de dialog este solicitat sf eispunda: Yes, wonderful/Yes, thank goouiness/Mmmh, but too hot./Well, not too kad. Aenttie! Puteri s& folositi isn’t it? doar cand propozitia este construitt cu it is. Veli invata si ate fnrebini de acest Tel, dar mad tarziut P Conpletetiintrebirle, otilizand do sau does. Apoi vniti intrebatile cu rispunsurile potrivite ‘Mrs Sykes like cooking? a) Yes, I do. Tam Romanian. --- you like cooking? b) Gh yes, his English is wonderful. Filip speak English? ) No, they live in Cork in Ireland. Jenny speak Romanian? «d)_ Yes, she loves cooking. you speak Romanian? } Yes, he lives and works in London. Oliver live in London? 1) No, she doesn’t, Sarah and Matthew live in London? 9) No, I'm afraid I don’t. _.clia se numeste masa specified fiectrei perioade a zilei. Dimineafa, masa se numteste breakfast (mic dejan), x doua mast st numeste funch (pre). Seara se maniincd de cele nai make ori mancate cald’, Masa de sear se oumeste dirtnersau evening meal (cin@) si este in general principala rasé a zilei, Dac ti rereninat de mancat, trecey ta leetia 20a fone hundred and one 102 20a— {five mss iy Wait} Ca functionar la ghigeul de informatii din gard trebuie sa sti st lucrezi cu fel de fel de oameti Dupi ce Jenny gi-a cump&rat biletvl, a venit la ghiseu un doma mai in varsta cam nervos. Citi textul o dati, apot inchideti ochii si ascultati dialogul de mai multe Functionarul: Good morning. Domaut: [’ve missed my train, I've missed my train! Functionarul: Oh dear, That’s bad luck, sir. Where to? Doma! te Oxford? Functionarut: 1 Domnul: Functi Domnuls Functionarut: Apoi vine o doc Functionarul: Ye Doamn: Funcfionarul: Funetfonarul: Wait? Wal Turistul: Functionarul: Turistul: Fun ° Turistut: Tuvistul: 3.19, sir To Oxford. Oxford. When's the next train 3.19? That's an hour. I can’t wait an hour. jonarul: i'm sorry. That's the next train to Oxford. ‘An hour! What shail 1 do? he café’s over there. Have a cup of coffee! init care se gribeste es, madam, A day return to Reading, please. Here’s my railcard. hank you. That's seventeen pounds, please. Doamna: Thank you. Goodbye, ‘our ticket! Un turist care doreste sd ajunget la Cambridge trebuie st meargd la o alia gard londonez How much is a return ticket to Cambridge? oO fo Cambridge? You can’t go to Cambridge from here. Pardon? To Cambridge? fonarul: You can’t go to Cambridge from this station, sir. You have to go to King’s Cross i Liverpast Street, Tim sorry, I don't understand! Funefionarult: Take the tube to King’s Cross, sit: You can get a train to Cambridge from King’s Cross station. It’s a afferent station. Oh, a different station. Ch dear. Thank you. Tre missed... 1am perl, vaileard ‘abonament de calorie cu miss a sclpa,a pierde ‘een! Oxford ray it sud Anglet ‘Cambridge ‘ora tn estul Ang have a tup of beti 0 ceased de eafea King’s Cross gars fondonerd coffee Liverpool Street | ganz tenddanczdt Reading oras in sul Anglich epetati propozi ‘in timp ce ascultati urmitoarele propozit Je. Nu uitati accentut! © 0 Go © 00 1. How much is #22. I'm sorry. 00 5, Pardon? 102. one hundred and two |. priviti modelul de notare a accentului. A dona oat oo 000 3.1 don’t understand. o 000 4. What shall I do? f) Cluuti pentru ficcare din propozitiile din dreapta (a-e) modell corespunziitor de accent. 1. How much isit? = @ 0 Oo a) That's seventeen pounds. 2 Vesorry. 200 'b) Thank you. 3, Idon'tunderstand. a 0000 ¢} That's an hour, 4, What shall 1do? a0 00 d) Good morning. 5, Pardon? Qo @) ve missed my train, F) Ascultati acum vocea functionacului, Vorbiti dumneavoastrd in locul clientilor. Fiti atenti ta nelodiapropozitici, in special la inttebiri. Observati eum urci vooes? ‘Ora Inaiogut 19p doumna Sykes it intreabi pe Matthew si Sarah cind ar dori sia cina: Half past seven or eight o'clock? Doamna Sykes at fi putot sa spund i astfel: Seven thirty or eight, Asa Mnsearm& cX putem si exprimim ora ca gi cum am citi un ceas electronic. ‘seven thlety ‘two fifty four fifteen nine forty eleven ten Vorbim astfel cind este vorba de mersul trenurilor, de ora exacti a plectrilor sau sosirilor etc. fnceru! fn care nu este clat dacd vorbitorul se refer - de exemplu — ta ora LI dimineata saw séara,atunei adiugim am (2 am) —pronunfat separa: (el em] pentru dimineatt si pm (LZ pan) {pizem] pentru dapi-amiaza gi sears. act mentionim o oré inte-un dialog normal, spuner: fest (in engicza americani after)=si —si_to (in engleza americanti before) = fart F halt = jurdtate si quarter= sfert sium am menfionat deja, o’elock, anunci cand exprimam ora exact half quarter to/before past/after half past quarter past quarter to B) incercati acum si corelafi urmitoarele ore cu ceasvtile clectronice de mai sus. Completati in ‘cisuté mumarul ceasulvi cotespunzator. Apoi asculteti dact ati marcat corect si traducesi orale, Ltentothree GBR 3. half past seven @BB 5. (a) quarter past four 2. twenty to ten (4. ten past eleven Acun este timpul potrivit s& incepeti lectia 20. ne hundred and three 103 Ome 20b—(A waste of time }—--_. (CD Stiti mai mutt decat credeti! Priv ctivititile de mai jos, Inainte s& cititi vocabularut din caseta de ta exercitiul 2, vedet cfte notiuni cunoasteti sau intelegeti din cele de mai jos. Tm not so keen on... de mutt... computer games cards cat de joc football fotbal tennis tenis bowling bowling, popice shopping cumpacatusi read aciti newspaper iat book carte watch aarmari television televizor vi plac foarte mult 1. Hike reading comics, 2. My father likes chatting to friends. 3, Bm not s0 keen on going swimming 4, My partner isn’t so keen on playing cards. 104 one hundred and four (Computer games) Cititi cuvintele gi tracucerea lor in limba romang. nui place aga de jocuri pe calculator ‘swimming watch television video comic go out for a meal on the Internet on the phone disco swim laze around on the beach Matcati, la exercitiul 1, cu @ activitatile pe care te faceti cu phicere si cu ©) pe cele care nu Notati activitatea preferati a dumneavoastr, a unei rude sau 2 unui prieten, precum si activates ‘mai putin placutd. Procedati ca in exemplele de mai je Chtesc eu pliicere benci desenate. Taitlui mew i place st stea de vorbi cu prieint Nu prea tmi place sd merg la fot. Partenerei mele/parienerlui meu ms prea tt place sii joace cart a se vita latelevizor casetd video bbenzi desenate film a lua masa in oras asta de vorbi, a sporovi pe Internet latclefon discotect ainota atenevi Ta plaja 4, Is Kevi 5. Does F 6. Does k Are you | recapitulas F Sigur ati cbservat cf forma verbalii terminati in -ing se foloseste in combinatie cx {ike/not so keen on. Working provine de 1a work, playing de la play, reading de la read etc. Ce se {némpla insa cu chatting, shopping si swimming? Corect! Ultima litera se dubleaza in cazul forme in -ing. Infinitivul este chat, shop, swim. Si cum procedim in cazul cuvintelor care ‘witmind in -@? Blimindm e-ul: fazing vine de la faze, living de 1a live etc, ‘Gist infinitivete verbelor la sfarsitul cri, in vocabular. ¢ Engleza autentica: Ascultati o data (in ritm normal) dialogu] dintre Fiona gi o colegi, citind in acelasi timp. Lucy: Oh dear; everything's going wrong, Fiona: Why, what's the matter? Lucy: Oh, I don’t know. Kevin wants to spend this evening watching a video at home again and 1’d like to go out, Fiona: To go out? Lucy: Yes, to a disca, or for a meal or something. We spend a lot of time at home watching television or just fazing around. And be Hikes chatting on the Internet and playing computer games, but | find it boring. Fiona:But I thought you went swimming last weekend, And you wert boviling on Sunday. Lucy: Yes, I know. But Kevin’s not so keen on sports. I'd like to spend more time playing tennis, but he finds It a waste of time, Fiona: Oh. Well, you could go out to a film and then go home for a drink. Lucy: That's not a bad idea, Fiona:Or you could go shopping together. Luey: Shopping? With Kevin? No, thanks! Fiona: Mrimenh, ‘everything's going | totol menge prost Tiind ti. Tai se pate wrong boring plictsitor rong prost,grepit ls T thought tk gindeam send (time) a petcce (einpul) you went i mesa mers send this evening | si petreacd seara aceasta sports sport ist exe, al awaste of time | picrdeve de timp B Dac atiescultat dialogul de mai multe or, n-ar tebui si va fie grew s&rispundeti la urmétoarele inicebiricu: Yes, that’s right sau No, he/she... Prima propozitie serveste ca exempl 1, Does Kevin’sGirlfrienel want to spend the evening watching a video? —> Ne sh ke o go au F 2. Docs she lke playing computer games? 3. Do they spend a lot of time at home? 4, Ts Kevin keen on playing tennis? 5. Does Fiona thiak they could go shopping together? 6, Does Kevin's girifriend think it’s a good idea to go shopping with him? Are you keen on fearning English? Daci da, continuati. Urmitoarea lectie este una de recapitulare. one hundred ane five 105 Iv—({Recapitulare}——--__—. ae () Cititi rezumatele celor dous povesti. Se potrivese afirmaile? Marcati-le cu adevarat ~ sau fals *. A B: @® 2. Jenny meets a young man calied Oliver. @ 2. Sarah and Matthew are looking fora on the train, double room with a bathroom, He's a Londoner, @® 2. They find a double room with a bath- He helps her with her ticket. room. denny often goes on trains. . Tae train’s going to the wrong station, Oliver likes trains because you can meet, . They have to take the stairs because there isn’t a lift. . Matthew would like to find a telephone, 6 e68e0 nice people, ‘The next night they go to another hotel 7. Fona’s father works for an insurance Mrs Sykes has never been to Tveland, company. Her husband doesn’t drink tea. 8, Flona’s mother is looking forward to Matthew works for a small company retiring soon, ja Shannon, ©) 9. Filip is going to the wedding, too. @B_ 9. He gets up at half past seven on Sa- uo Paul speaks very good Romanian. turdays. @ 10. Sarah and Matthew woutd Iike to go to the waterfall. epee autenticd Nu meren se poate deduce pronuntia unui cuvant englezesc din felul cum se serie. De multe ori, dou’ cuvinte sund la fel desi se seriu in mod diferit. Pronuntati cuvintele de la 1 Ja 4. ‘Apoi notaticuvintele dia list care sunt fa fe, fing’ cuvdntut potrivit, Primul cuvdnt din list - vacancies - serveste ca exempl, Lemore 2. state 3.wite 4think vasarfGies licence visitor before live late away tonight daughter chips door walk cifficult station miles. sign Casi v8 verificati, ascultati exercitiul de pronuatie gi pronunjati cuvintele in pauza. Retinefit ~. care verb se potriveste cu urmtonrele cuvinte: wrang, out, swimming, bowling, home, shopping. Corect — 90! Fic c& este vorba de prezentul continu (am/is/are going), de trecut (went, de prezental simplu (go/goes) sau de infinitiv (ga) —orice formi a lui go se potri- veste! Putem deci sa tinem minte: 106 one hundred and six -Aitovitat t flositi forma verbal be + «ing, atunci cAnd se tntémpla ceva chiar tn acel moment axcind a fost stabilit un lucru, Numim acest timp Present Cantinuous (vezi corapendiu! de patil). find vem si facem o afirmatic generai&, ceea ce se tntdmpli de multe ori, folosim timpul Present Simple, Pentru acest timp avent nevoie de infinitiv, iar 1a persoane a treia singular, f wlagim on le infniiv. ta cazol unor verbe vom adiuga chiar -€s FDecsemplu: go goes do—>does watch + watches cazu ntrebaritor, vorn folosi do sau daes si infinitivul (far +s), Deexemplu: Do you like playing tennis? Does be understand everything? h cazul negatiei, vom folosi don't si doesn’t si infinitivul (irk -s). Deetemplu: Idon'tunderstand. She doesn’t speak French, Ge compendia} de gramatict) cme ce face? Diviti wmatoarele imagini. Imaginile arat& care sunt cele dout activititi efectuate in mod nor- aide Sam, Jenny. Margaret sau Fili Jenny Fe @, gets up before her husband, 5. {9028 to college on the tube, sleeps all day. - takes the car to work. plays badminton on se has breakfast in a café. Saturday mornings. WTraducefi aceste intrebiri in englezt 1 Cind va weziti? 3. Unde luati micul dejun? = 5, Unde locuiti? 2 Unde Tuera 4. Ce vi place st gatiqi? ‘¢Rispundeti la intrebati, dar numai pentru dumneavoastri, cone hundred and seven 107 1 gpa]. Ma. @ Construti propoziti ou wmatosrele element, de exemplu: 1 always get up earty on Mondays. The children usually watch television on Saturdays. Unde Innoptim ) Tn caz of va trebui cfindva sx chutatl cazare (accommadation) nwo (act vorbitoare de limbs englez’, aveti nevoie de cAteva indicatii. Foarte comod gi avantajos ca pret este Bed and Brealcfast tn locuinje private sau in pensiuni mai mici (guest houses). Asta inscamnt int ‘numai innoptat si mic dejun, {a timpul zilei nu rimaneti in camerd, iar cina nu se servestt decht in mod exceptional. $i in pubs pisiti adesea camere bune i ieftine, in timp ce be telurile~ hotels ~ sunt destul de scumpe in comparatie cu alte tri din Europa. fn $.U.A aven motels, care sunt hoteluri pentru conduciitorii auto, situate Jang autostrada, comode d aavantajoase ca pret. Acolo se plateste pe cammert; astfel pot dormi mai multe persoane tnt-0 camerd gi se poate chiar, peiira 0 sum mict, x8 se inchirieze un pat suplimentar— rollaway. Suit{ mai mutt decat credetit Cum puteti vedea mai jos, multe sporturi an nume asemfnitoare fn romAnd si engle2 8 Ce-atijueat deja? Marcati da v’ sau au *, tennis badminton football baseball voileyball table tennis Ice hockey basketball 4 Compfetati sporturile potrivite in spatiile punctate, What do you play? —_Loften play What do you watch? [often watch & Engleza autentlc’: Ascultati cum vorbeste un bili cu tata su fa tempo nor- ‘mal. Sigur nu veti fnjelege fiecare cuvént, darn general veti cunoaste continutal dislogului. Completati mai jos sparturile pomenite in dialog. Aduse in ordinea corect®, terete marcate formeard un cuvént, care nu reprezint& nici un spor, dar are ‘totusi de-a face cu navigarea, and 1 sometimes play .. sad [ sometimes watch La -Opbail Come QD rr eedg TSO. a QDanball Sito Og 8.0. 2s ‘ng Be se soe ee boll Cuvantul-cheie este? OO OO OOOO 108 one hundred and eight fn ful urmator: luatio notiune, in cazul nostra holiday, s10 scriet tn miflocul paginii. Apoi vi gti la alte notuni care pot fi im legéturi cu vacanta, aici airport, car hire, hotel si potvesc temelor. Nu existd cuvinte corecte sau ncorecte — dumneavaastra Insivil decideti ce ‘avitte se potrivesc! Litsati ceva loc liber ~ mai tarziu veti dezvolta poate aceasta mind map. Unexemplu: ~ yeast same FL stench treat ket “Ba ve sigh Zo in tipo a in Cg mia Dial In S.U.A. have gotse foloseste de cete mai multe ori frit got. Se spune de exemplu: Ehave a catsau I have some sandwiches. In acest caz, intrebarea nu va fice in Anglia: have you gst...?,ci: do you have...2, iar negatia: Tdon’t have... Pve got - Thave ... Evam, Thaven’t got 1 don't have .. Eu nu am, Have yougot...? “[_Doyouhave..? [_Ai../Avet re este diferenya intre I want si I'd like, Dupd ambele forme urmeazd fie un substantiv, fieinfins cuun substantiv: Wanteste un verb destul de puternic, in special atunci cand este preferat ator verbe. Matthew siSarah au i-ar spune niciodat doamnei Sykes: We want an evening meal, at insemna ‘insisté sd primeascti cina, Sund foarte itnperativ. Do you want.,..?este folosit mai mult de oamenti care se cunosc foarte bine. indarea noastra: Dac nu sunteti siguri, folosifi intotdeauna would fike. fone hundred and nine 109 Iv-—-(Recapitutare)~ a Cunoasteti deja multe substantive care denumesc membrii familiei, Completati tm spat libere cuvintele care lipsese. Le (prieteni) eres .. and (rude) relations. 2. (prietent) .. and (familie) family, 3.(20f) suasnemnnsersn sn and (sotie) wife, and (fiic8) daughter. (copii) children/klds. 5. (| . (Srafi) brothers and sisters secacsvens 8, (paringi) sussenseees nd (Wilt) cousin, 6. (mama. and 7, (tat)... (verisoard) HREM] bg after deja motte Iucrurl despre familia lai Jenny. Acum serieli ceva despre propria das neavoastt familie, 7 has got family My wife hhasn’t got brother(s) My husband have got daughter's) ‘My parents "ve got children My brother haven't got ~ Heaaigp (5) Testati-va singurit a Vi mai amintiti cuvintele interogative? Scrieti traducerea fn limba romana a urm&toarelo. ccuvinte interogative! 3.When.. 4.Who...? secnenes 5.What ». 6. How muc 7. How far? « GRRE b Ascuter acum cfteva intebiti si rispunsuni In timp oe ascultai, privt intebarle rspunsurile de mai jos. Bifati-le pe acelea pe care Ic auziti. Apoi cititi ined o datt exercifil, [a double room, please? 14 pounds. 1. How much is a single room, please? 40 pounds. a single ticket, please? 4 pounds. @@ [ the station? About ten minutes from here, 2, How far is it to —J the car park? About twenty minutes from here. [the hospital? About two minutes from here. @ Fyour flight? Tomorrow morning. 3. When’s — your appointment? Tomorrow evening. breakfast? Inthe morning, = @B [the hotel? Near the universi 4. Where's, — my passport? Near the door the lift? In your pocket, 210 one hundred and ten a) ‘Ati terminat deja primele douazeci de lectii si a patra lectie de recapitulare! fn lectiile prece- dents ati invatat cdteva formule care sunt folositoare in conversatic. ‘Ordonati expresiile in englezd traducerilor in limba romani. Completati in cisuté numarul cores Expresiife utile au fost: a intr-adevar? @ Aji fost vreodatt tn Romania? b é Ce sunteti de profesie? 3 Daci mu v3 deranjeazi. € E frumos astizi, nu-i aya? Anteresant, Din piicate, nu, Agtept cu neriibdare ziva de maine, frm Tooking forward 2 (Wea rice day today Bt) g ke tamorro (What de oud) 4 1 (ie you ever Beene Germany) , 5 mma), Ati mal invatat 5 8 @ ...s4 facetio afirmatic general despre f 8 «88 intrebaji o persoani de unde este. dumneavosstri la prezentol simplu. 9 Sil faceti deosebirea tntre same si Sti faceti o afirmatie generalti despre nat any. © alti persoand la prezentul simplu. h @@ spuneti cA na agreati foarte mult .--si paneti 0 intrebare la prezentul un uct simplu. 1 @ ...siceseti o camera la hotel. sti negati un verb la prezentul simplu salUtati pe cineva. I ‘sh decideti ceva spontan. k @ prezentati o alta persoant. (G0 you The walking?) x 9 3 (He doesn’t drink coffee. 0 (We need some mifk, (ive in London. (Feworks ina shop.) Z He Pe haven't got ary luggage.) 4 Ceworks ina shop) g (inas), (Ging are you rom?) 5 Good moring) 6 (i'd like @ single room for tonight. 7 (I’m not so keen on playing tennis. a Acum stiti sii exprimati si ora si puteti sa discutati despre sport si timpul liber, Slacum? iti deja destuld englezti — multe envinte si propozitii, dar poate mai sunteti ined putin derutati. ‘Treptat, vé formati insd un sistem, Incereati si va gdnditi gi la situatile in care ali putea folosi ‘cuvintele si propozitiile tnvState, decarece aga Ie fineti minte cet mai bine. Felicititit Agi parcurs deja, cu succes, jumatate de curs, Let’s go. Si continuaim, ‘one hundred and eleven 11 iv ote 21a-—--(Mad about antiques ——— Mama Fionel, Margaret, fa miouldejun cu Jennys Flip si stabilese impreund prograrmut zilei. Margaret: What would you like to do today, Jenny? Jenny: Well, I don’t know. It depends, 1d IIke to 1ook round Bristol, of course, What about you? Do you have to go to work? Margaret: No, not today. And Paul is finishing work early naam ! today, But I’ve got an appointment at the youn hairdresser‘s and then I'm picking up the " wedding present, go Fitip: Shail go with you into town, Jenny? = Biri sh Thave to copy some music for the wedding eg ’ etl com bout it, won’t take long, I could show you round a bit If you like. And we coud have~ SSL alll lunch together. ee RSS a Jenny: ‘Well, if you're sure you don’t mind, Or can I help you, Margaret? Margaret: No, no, that’s very kind of you. You go and look round Bristol. But be careful when you're with Fili. He won't go with you for lunch, he‘li go with you to the @ unmatoaré Nu va mef antique shops and spend hours there. Corect! N Jenny: Oh, is that right, Fifp? Are you interested in antiques? ea Margaret: Interested? He's a real antique fan. He’s quite mad about old things. Flip: Well, don’t know, (@) depends Taping TRvort take Tong su ve dara mat dup’ sens, Jook round priv nur, vi show round 2 sofa conduce prin i finish ‘termina, sist be careful 2 ftent,aavea gai 1. Lwon't he's finishing work | termine progam dele | | he won'tgo... | etna vamerge.. 2. They w atthe hairdressers. | iacosfor antique shop | magazin de antchithi 3. He wor piel up alee spend (time) | apetece (tmpcl) a She wo wedding present — | cadou de musth be interested in... | afi imeresade.. cony copia fan asimirator music diet nove mad about tebun dup fake ails 2 dura things fuera Aveti mai ascultati-le 4. "togethe 2. go for Ii SMP CL) Asculta urmtonrete propor si apo! repeta-e, Ce au i comun, in opinia dumneavonst cuvintele iprite cursiv? What would you like todo? Have you got fo go to work? You go andsee Bristol. of course ‘ve got an appointment. He won't go with you for lunch. (‘Retineti Cuvintele tipiirite cursiv sunt toate neaccentuate. Ele sunita fel ~ pentru edt sunt neac- vs Cae centuate, Acest sunet abia se poate auzi; seamfind cu un &, In transcrierea fonetica, acest sunet exprimi se noteazs [2]. You go Engleza dumneavoastri va suna mult mai autentic imediat ce veti reusi s& pronuntati aceste You are vocale neaccentuate ca la]! Vom mai exersa acest sunet si in lectiile urmatoare. Atentie U2 one hundred and twelve (3) Repetat exercisin! 1, penteu a exersa sunetul neaccentuat [3] Sigur vil amintiti expresiile cu PM (forma intreagt wil) si infinitivul verbului, din lectia 8a, Ai invlfat c& folosim acest J'H, cfind: Juim o decizie spontang, de exemplu: Pi buy the drinks, sau... ... promitem ceva, de exemplu: J'H meet you at the station, Folosim ‘si in combinatie cu alte cuvinte, ca de exemplu: you (Unit 166) si he (In aceasta lectieh pentru a exprinta o pétere despre viitor fie spontant, fie ex doveri concrete! you'll need your passport he'll go with you to the antique shops Puteti s& traduceti Msi infinitivul verbului fie prin viitor, fie prin prezentul simplu, de exemplu: he'll come soon el va vent curdind sau el vine curdnd 3) $i scum 6 fntrebare, Care este negatia lui M (wil)? Céutati in dialog si subliniati wadueeroa urmitoarelor propoziti Nu va merge cu tine la pranz, Nu va dura mull Corect! Negatia lui Weste won't si este la fel pentru toate persoanele: Fé) Es din now timpul pentru o traducere ~ dar mai intai forma perechi din urmitoarele propoziti, dupii sens. 1. Lwon't be late. a) She'll only have one suitcase. 2, They wan't go to Bucharest this week, __b) I'll come as soon as possible. 4. He won't be at home, c) Maybe they'll go next week, 4, She won't have a lot of tuggage. d) He'll be at work. 5) Existé propocitii care va sunt foarte utile atunci efind aveti onspeti vorbitori de limba englez’. Avett mai jos cAteva propuneri, dar cuvintele sunt amestecate, Putefi 8% le descdleiti? Apoi ascultai-le gi le puteti gi repeta. 1, together we shall swimming go? 3. the tommorrow we art could to gallery go. 2. go for ‘ike a you meal would to out? 4, Tf you you shew shops like the I antique could. Retinet ~ Gare este diferenta dintre t0 si at: To (la, spre. inspre, ciltre) se foloseste abun cfind se exprimé o migcare, fn timp ce a€ (la) exprima srarea pe loc, You go to work/the doctor‘sithe station, Youare at work/iome/the doctor’s/the station. Atentie insal: you go home (Fés% to). And naw let's go to the next unit, fre hunceed and thirteen 113 21b- an © (Asarprise (surprise Jenny si Filip discutd dup micul dejun despre oragul Bristol. Jemny este wimitd c& Filip; care vine din Romania, se descurcé in Bristol atat de bine. > Ati tava Jenny: Filip, why do you know so much about Bristot? ee Filip: My sister Sabina was a student here for three years, And I often visited her. Deen ‘ denny: Really? When was that? exon Filip: Oh, a few years ago ~ I was still at school. She’s older in aceasti than me. She works for a big company In Bucharest now. cu forma Jenny: That's nice. frreazul n Filip: She rented a room In Paul and Margaret’s house. tneazul They were very good to her. That’s why we know them he?, wer so well, Sabina’s coming te the wedding, too. To the wedding? Yes, she and Susan and Hugh were good friends at college. They played in a band together, Ina band? ‘Yes, Sabina and Hugh and Matthew MacCahey’ from Ireland, He and his wife, Sarah, are corning Palas too. They were at college together. That’s the surprise. ‘The surprise? (ast we Yes, no one knows Sabina’s coming. And she ... no, well, im afraid the rest is a secret. ester A secret? That sounds exciting. fast we eat That's why de nceea two da att de mult wwe know them sa. ficunoasem aa de bine despre well seth ora a fot at college ta foulte b Serie student, they played au cdatat 1. yesterd {visited ses vain band formatie ee Atew yearsago | acum cétiva an noone simeni 2. last a school scoala est rest fer than me rai fn vist decatnine || secret secret ‘hey were iver, u fos. exciting saptivent Memoria dumneavoastra este din nov sofivitata! Ce cuvinte trebuie completate? Pentru acest Incru ascultati propozitiiie. Literele marcate formeazii un cuvant important pentru povestea noastra, Cate este acest cuvant? 2. Sabina a student, 5, She's. ce su was that? 6. We. B 3. SNS er oe EB than me, 7, They Were at ne Boonen together. Cuvantul-cheie este: B GB a 4. They were very. 114 one hundred and fourteen (& Ascuttai propoziiite ined o data gi promuntai-le, Aver grija la sunetele neaccentuate, cate sunt toate ca [a], de exemplu; was {wez}, than [San], to [ta}, ther (Born). ‘Ati Tovatet deja 0 formd de trecut, construta cu verbul have gi cu forma a treia a verbutsi (vee! lectia-12a si 12b). Deexemplu: He’s lost his saxophone, I’ve forgotten my driving tieence. {naceastl lect tntalniti tne o form de trecut, si anume a verbului he, Acest timp se formeaz’ cu forma a doua a vesbului. in cazul lui #2, avem was (la singular) si were (la plural). In cazul negatiei se adauga numai n't (nat) la sférsitul cuvantului, asadar wasn't/weren' iar {ncazul fntrebailor, se inverseaz locul pronumelui cu cet al verbului, exact ca la prezent: was he?, were you?erc, (&) Subliniati fn dialog formele de trecut ale verbului be (was respectiv were). [@)a Ordonati complementele de timp corespunzitoare traducerii in limba romfn, (ast week terday morning) last weekend) (two days ago} b Scrieti numérul dialogului King® complementul corespunztr. 1, yesterday GB 3. last week BS 5. last weekend 2. last night BB 4. yesterday morning BD 6. two days ago SD Retinetit -»- C@ar trebui si spuneti dacdi nu infelegetitotul imediat, Cateodata trebuie si fntrebati direct, si sX spune{i pur si simplu: Pardon? sau I’m sorry, { don’t understand sau Could you say that again, please? (Ati putea sii mai spuneti o data, va rog?) Mai existé o strategie, care functioneazit fn felul urmator: Repetati sub forma de intrebare un cuvant important, care v-a atras atentia in dialog. Partenerul de dialog observa ci aveti nevoie de informati suplimentare sau de explicafii. Castigati astfel timp ca si va dati scama dacd afi injeles intr-o oarecare misurg ceea ce s-a spus. In dialogul hhostru, Jemny foloseste chiar aceastl strategie: To the wedding? Ina tand? Incercati si dumneavoastra! fone hundred and fifteen 115 220 —{ The Rocke Bolo Bad) Sarah fncearcd de cdteva zile s8-i dea telefon lui Filip, fard s& afle Matthew de acest lucru, Nu este deloc usor, mai ales ci el este foarte suspicios, Sarah mai incearct o dati st-] giseascd la @& Ascuttay telefon pe Filip, cu o seara inainte de sosirea lui Jenny. De data aceasta reugeste! 1 This 2. Etrie Filip: Hello, Filip Martin speaking, Sarah: Hello, Filip. This is Sarah MacCahey. | had a letter from your sister Sabina, Nowa for ‘She gave me your phone number. veti cd Oh, yes. It’s about Susan and Hugh's wedding, I tried to exemplu phone you yesterday, but you weren’t at home. No, we're on holiday in England. ‘On holiday? Oh. Has Matthew got his saxophone with him? ‘Well, he taok it when we left for Manchester because he wanted to play something at the wedding. But... why? Sabina’s coming to the wedding ~ it's a surprise. Great! But if it’s a surprise, why are you telling me? Because she wants to play with Matthew and Hugh at the reception. in cazul Sarah: Oh, the old band? The Rock Bottom Band? play devi Filip: ‘Yes. As a surprise ~ for Hugh, and for Matthew, too. Forma a I'm organising it. I've got the music and the equipment — and a keyboard for I wanted Hugh, Matthew only needs his saxophone. 1 Sarah: But Matthew doesn’t like surprises and... An cazul u Filip: Do you think he'll play? chat devi Sarah: Oh yes, he'l! play, But he's last his saxophone. Folosim Filip: Lost it? ‘a sublinia Sarah: Yes, at the airport. I don’t know when well get it back. Filip: Oh no. What shall we do now? Sunt put Rock Bottom ‘Panetuh Mistim; we left ‘noi am plecat si, treptat, ‘ick: mele forma he wanted ela val puteti fit Thad am primit reception petccere de mint apa } fetter serksoare camer), rept it'sabout... este vos despre, as aici: ca Lied am incest equipment echipament ‘she gave eands keyboard claviatur, tatacurt lay vith him cud primi he took. cla lust seas renin Completa ‘si repetati ‘Daci sunetul de La sfirsital unui cuvant este acelasi cu primul al cuvantului urmitor, acest sunet va fi pronuntat doar o dat. Nu se spune gi nici nu se aude is ~ Sarah, de exemplu, ci fssarah. DD Din punctul de vedere al tonalitai, cele doull cuvinte se contopese intr-umul singur. 2. Thech aap (A) Ascuttati cum se and urmatoarele euvinte, 3. The bu 1. (G@Barah 2. trie|Bo 3. onG@™Bnows 4. hi@Plaxophone 4. My hus t 5. My bos 116 one hundred and sixteen © Avcutte urmatoarele propoziti si repetai-e, Fifi atenti le cum se contopesc cuvintele! 2, This Is Sarah from Ireland, 3, Wo one knaws 2. Itried to phone you yesterday. 4, He’s last his saxophone. ‘Noua forma de treeut din ultima leotie se numeste Simple Past agadar trecutul simplu. Dact velicluta in compendiui de grameticd, veti gisi aceste trei forme ale verbelot neregulate, de exemplu: ‘incagul verbelor regulate se adaug -€d Ia infinitivul verbului, de exemplu; play devine played — want devine wanted rent devine rented Forma a doua sia weia a verbului sunt la fel si ramén neschimbate, de exemplu: iwanted you wanted ~—he/she wanted they wanted etc, {in cazul unor verbe ca chat, shop, stop etc, se dubleazt ultima litera, Asadar: chet devine chatted stop devine stopped Polosim aceasta forms de trecut (forma a doua), cérid credem ci o actiune este incheiats. Pentru acest lucru, utilizém gi un complement de timp, cum at fi yesterday. Sun pugin compticat, au-i aya? Nu vA faceti inst grifi, veti reusi cu sigurangit Vom mai exersa fiuteptat, nulte lncruri vor deveni mai elace... Cel mai important este si puteti intelege si si putet fi fntelesi la r2ndul dumneavoastr’! Ce-ar fi ca intre timp s& facem un mic exercitiu? F5) Umeitoarele verb sunt regulate: play vwatch miss work fetch (a aduce) Completati verbele la forma coreetii de trecut. Ascultafi apoi propazitiile pentru a va controla sirepetaticle cu voce tare, han usneusnee football last Saturday. 2, The children .. television yesterday evening, 3, The bus was late, so T the train yesterday, 4, My nusband . our new car yesterday afternoon, 5. My boss the office last weekend. fone hundred and seventeen 117 22b. maty © ans © (Secrets are fun ‘Aga.cum stabilise, Matthew vrea si dea telefon la aeroport ca s& se intereseze de bagajul pierdut si s& se asigure c& fi va fi trimis, in acelasi timp nu-i place si vada ci Sarah ascunde un secret. > ‘Matthew: I don’t understand ft, My phone card’s empty. I bought It in Manchester two days ago. Sarah: Haven't you get any change? Matthew: Yes, 1 have, but not enough. A phone call to ‘the alrport will he expensive. Sarah: Then use the cresit card. Matthew: It doesn’t work. There’s something wrong with the phone box. But why is my phone card empty? Sarah? Do you know why? Sarah: Weil, yes. T used it yesterday. 1 phoned someone yesterday evening. But it wasn’t a long phone call. Matthew: Who was it? Sarah: Oh, nobody important. Matthew: Who was it? Was it this Fillp? Sarah: It’s not Iniportant! Matthew: Sarah, why have you got all these secrets? I don’t like it, Sarah: Forget it, Matthew. Let’s find another phone box and buy a ‘anew phone card, We ‘won't get the luggage back if we don’t phone the airport. Matthew: And I wont enjoy this holiday if you don’t tell me your secret. Sarah: That's your problem, Secrets are fun, ‘secrets are fun este amuzant easccret | [there's something | cevanuesteinondineca.. fun amvnzament, distrecie wrong with... empty ol, poalt Tused am fotos Thought am curnpaeat Iphone fn sunat ‘twa days ago sum dus ile nobody simeni change a mun, cest these acest, acestea ‘phone call pel telefonic forget it aso bal use a folosi, a wliza find agisi work, lc function new nou, Ascultati din now propozitiile si repetati-le. Observati cu mare atentie intonafia, in special in cazul intrebirilor. Ascultati proporitile incd o data, Exist cite un cuvaintincorect in fiecare propocitie. Completati in rebus cuvantul corect, pe care fl auziti pe CD. Langa cifre serieti traducerea in limba romding. Aveti deja un exemplu. 1B one husadred and eighteen 1. Lean’ 2. Haver 3. Thave 4. Way i 5. Why h 6. We wo Te walt wi 8. I won’ 9. hye ‘Sigur ati o neregulata nici cu um Veti gsi o (3) Acum citi de treeut di T went to he gave n the train station. S took me | (Retineti cee) s&-i ecor money, nsemne Dac’ vi itor: Ye » Ascultati pc false (*). 1. Bill sad 2, Billa vee Veti iatalni 1, Lean’ find It. > — a intelege 2, Haven't you got any money? 3, Thave, out not much, 4, Wihy Is your phone card empty? 5. Wihy have you got that secret? 8, We won't get the card back... 7. wif we don't phone the eank. 8. I wen't enjoy this evening ... 4. wif you don’t tell me your name. Sigur ati observat ef in aceasta lectie precum si fn precedent, forma de trecat a unor verbe este neregulatd, Trebuie si invajat! aceste forme pe de rost. in curdind nu vefi mai avea probleme nici cu urmatoarele verbe netegulate. Vet gis otistd cuprinzatoare a verbelor neregutate in compendiul de gramatia, 5) Acum citti ce fi povesteste Jenny lui Filip, despre peripetile ei tren, Subliniat! woete formele de recut din text, “wert the station on the subway and bought a ticket. | wanted a one-way ticket but he gave me a return. ‘It’s cheaper he Said. | asked someone and! found the platiorm and the train came. I found an emply seat, but it was the wrong train. it stopped at the wrong Station, Someone helped! me ard [ changed trains. 1 was very late, but Paul waited and {took me home, Wasn't that kind? Everyone Is very helpful here. Do you think so, too? Retinetil ~-8 se poate face cu banii ~ money! Puteti si fi cheltuii: You can spend money. Putes, sti economisifi ~ You can save money. intai tebuic si ii clsligati: You have fo earn ‘money. Puteti si-i schimbati: You cam change your money. De accea, change poate si Jngeamne atat marungis, dar si bani de schimb, Change se poate traduce si cu rest de bani, Daca vi plitti la chiose ziarul cu o banenot, ar rebui si primigj ua cest de bani de la Van- tor: Your change, madam/sir. Fyascuhasl povestea Iui Bill si decideti dact urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate () sau fake (*) ‘Bill sa dus Ia gar cu bicicleta lui. 3. Prictenul [vi Bill a adus o hact&, @ 2,Bill a vrut si inchirieze o biciclet’ veche. 4, Cei doi au vrut s& meargi la lac, Vey totdlni mereu noi forme de trecut in urmatoarele lectii. Raimdneti cu noi fone hundred ard nineteen 129 me 23a-—{The sliver teapot - Filip i-a ar8tat lui Jenny cfteva obiective turistice in Bristol, Vechiul pod suspendat din cartierul Clifton a impresionat-o puternic. Sunteti surpringi c8 Jenny se afl acum intrun magazin de antichitati? Ac dori sé-i cumpere mamei ei un cadou, <> Jenny: Oh, Filip. Look at this litle teapot. Isn't it cute? 1'd like to take it home for my mother. ‘Mmm, yes, It Is nice, but it. Excuse me, how much Is this teapot? Negustorut: That silver teapot, madam, that’s a hundred and sixty-nine pounds, Jenny: Ahundred shxty-nine pounds? Oh deay, that’s a bit expensive, Negustorul: Well, A'S & very nice ‘ittle teapot. It’s typically English. You won‘ find better value for money. Manmh, yes. Fillp, what de you think? It’s much too expensive. 1 fs siver, but not very good silver. Much too expensive. Do you think so? But... how old is it? Negustorul: Oh, it’s at least a hundred years old, Oh, really? ‘ hundred years old? No, no, no ~ it’s from the 1930s. Negustorul: Well, sir, it is old. Filip: But not a hundred years old. How about a hundred pounds? What do you think, Jenny? Would you pay a hundred pounds for it? Negusterul: A hundred pounds? I can’t accept that. It’s worth much more. It’s worth al least ahundred and thirty. & Filigs All right we'll give you a hundred and fifteen. OK, Jenny? Negustorul: Let’s say a fhundred and twenty, That's a real bargain, Jenny: Yes, IN take it for a hundred and twenty. Thank you. ‘iver aren Tow oi. THe ahi teapot cetinie ce! putin litte nie in anit 30 take home ala cass cenai tice de,.2 how much is...2 | citeost...? ae..? that. cel, cea a ccepta typically tipic avalora better ‘mal bun, mai bine st mai ule you wan't find nu gtscytinu esiticeve | | let's say si sponem ‘hetter value for | mai avantaos ca pret real bargain um adevirat hip money Ascullati acum propozitile si pronuntai-le si dumneavoaste3, Fiti foarte atenti la intonatie. 120° one hundred and twenty Daca dori ceainicul a in contrast © informay foloseste f £3) Completa wanted 1. Fitlp and 2edenny .. 3. Jenny Ari pul nu este i ‘Completeti ~ tn spatiile i 1. Wd tke, 2, Look at 3. How mu 4, Excuse | 5. 1 ike . Dacd dori sf accentuati ceva, pronuntati verbul in totalitete. Filip spene, de exemplu, c& ceainicul ar fi din acgint, dar nu dintr-un argiat foarte bun, Its silver, but not very good sitver, incontrast cu It’s silver. In acest uitim exemplu, cavéntul sifver este important, el cuprinde o informatie — informatia nu este pus la tadoiali, tar verbul nu este acceniuat: de aceea se foloseste forma seurtt cu ’s £5) Completayi urmatoarele cuvinse in spatite porrivite, wanted bought asked accepted was LFiipand Jenny nue 9 an antique shop. THE APOE abitexpensive, 2eny 10 buy a teapot. 5, The Shp asslstantcessnmnnnnenee £120, aerny se seve the prio. 6. Jenny sonenansathe teapot. care este diferenta intre this si that. in englezd, that (la plural those) indict distanta si se traduce prin acet, acea {la plural acei, aceie), This ia plural these) indica apropierea gi se raduce prin acest, aceasta (la plural acest, aceste). Cind Jenny spun, Look at this teapot, poteti si vi imaginati ci ceainicul este chiar in apropierea ei, poate chiar in mana. Ar fi putut si spuni la fel de bine Look at that teapot; atunci ati i stiut ins ci ceainicul tiaeste in apropiere sau cil gaseste absolut deosedit, B)) Completati this, these, that sau those ha in patie tibere. & J oy LTO LIE cceasasneseee umbrella over there. ws eo ee 2. Look at .. cose People, Be tes ee ey PE 3. How Muh aFe arose books, please? Ta 4, Excuse me, is. sence SAL ree? os fang 5. Hike... buildings over there. ! . ‘ncercati si scrieti pe o foaie de hértie cuvinte in limba engleza, pe care le-ati int@lnit pana acum, $i si ordonati cuvintele in functie de teme: Ta aeroport, 1a gard, la inchirierea unei inasini ete, Aici se potrivesc $i expresifle utile in anumite situatii. Alocati 0 nouii pagina pentru orice tem noua, ‘one hundred and tweety-one 121 Dupa vizita in magazinul de antichitati, Jenny si Filip merg intr-o cafenea driigut4, ca s& minince si st bea ceva, Diseutl despre diverse luc. Jenny: Filip: denny: Margaret was right. You are crazy about, antiques. And you know a ict about them. ‘We don’t have real antique shons in the States. T hope it wasn’t too boring for you. Ob no, It was very interesting. And my mom will love the teapot. It was kind of you to heip me, Thanks a lot. Oh, don’t mention it. Why are you laughing? Don’t mention it sounds so English. We always say you're welcome, ‘Oh. Well, T've never learnt American English. Are there a ot of differences? Oh, not a lot —or maybe T don’t know yet. We normally understand what the Engtish say. Filip: And what about Britain and America - what's J VT different? denny: Oh, the size, Everything is so small here in England, much smatter than in the States. Look at the bridge én Clifton this morning and then look at the Gotden Gate Bridge. It's incredible. Filip: Mmm. Yes, its. Jenny: But here everything is much older. We think the Golden Gate is very, very old and it’s only 60 or 70 years old. That bridge in Clifton is more than a hundred and fifty years old. San Francisco was only a village then. And now it’s much bigger than Bristol Filly: ‘Mmm, And what about the people? Jenny: Oh that’s more difficult. 1 don’t know enough about them yet. be right 3 aver dreplale size ‘aime craay about rebum ups much mit my mom ‘mara mea smatter mai micfiek don’t mention it |) cu plicere(textuat na pod ‘mei adwaducel) vorba ifton carter din Bristol ‘despre asta) Golden Gate pod suspendat peste faugh ardde Briage _golfal Sax Francisco Te never learnt... | n-am invict niciodars. din California difference diferent, deosebire Incredible incredibil normally fn mod noel more than mai mult decd (Great) Britain, Marea Britanie ‘San Francisco Lora mare tn Staiele Unite (7) Ascultati propozitiie si repetai-le. Dramatizati putin, astfel ined vocea sit urce si st eoboare ca tonalitate (dar nu inseamni c4 trebuie s& vorbitialternativ mai tare sau mai inet). Mareati fa dialog traduoerea pentru mai mic decti 122. one hundeed and twenty-two Ce cuvint facem 0 ¢ bazit a adj Cunoasteti gurile refer gazinul de Cand adjes adaug’ nut Launele ad Sn cazul alt lasfirgital jectivutuie construl mult ma (3) Compara dintre cuvir more expe 1. Clifton | 2, But the 3. Alotof| 4, What de 5. It’s Retineti eum § Tid Hike i A cup o1 Cum ris exist

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