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n faa unui substantiv menionat anterior:

A man and a woman were sitting in front of us. The woman was smiling, but

the man seemed to be very angry.

n faa unui substantiv bine determinat:
The people I met there were very friendly.
The house at the end of the street belongs to my uncle.
n faa substantivelor care denumes ceva unic:
the sun

the moon

the town centre

n faa unui substantiv la singular, pentru a denumi o ntreag specie:
The whale is an endangered species.
n faa unui substantiv folosit n sens general:
the weather
the environment
the wind
n faa numelor de familie la plural pentru a ne referi la membrii acelei familii:
the Adams = familia Adam
n construcii n care apar cuvintele union, state, kingdom, republic, empire, dinasty:
the United States
the Roman Empire
cu naionaliti care se termin n -sh, -ch sau ese:
the French
the Scottish
the Japanese

! Alte naionaliti la plural sunt utilizate ori cu the ori fr:

(the) Americans / (the) Greeks

the King
the President

cu titluri:

! Dar nu i cnd sunt urmate de nume proprii:

Queen Victoria
n denumirile perioadelor / evenimentelor istorice:
the Stone Age
the Industrial Revolution
n numele unor ziare:
the Times
the Daily News
cu nume de cinematografe, teatre, muzee, galerii, hoteluri:
the Rex

the Globe
the British Museum
the Tate Gallery
the Hilton
n denumirile geografice:
o nume de puncte cardinale: the North; the South
o nume de ruri i fluvii: the Thames; the Danube
o nume de mri, oceane i canale: the Dead Sea; the Pacific Ocean; the Panama Canal
o nume de deerturi i golfuri: the Sahara; the Gulf of Mexico
o denumiri ale unor ri: the Netherlands; the Lebanon; the Sudan
o insule, lacuri, lanuri muntoase: the Philippines; the Great Lakes; the Carpathians
nume de gradini zoologice / botanice:
the Bronx Zoo
the Botanical Garden
n denumirea unor instituii, organizaii, organisme sau departamente:
The Red Cross
the police
nume de vase:
the Mary Rose
the Transylvania
n faa adjectivelor pentru a le substantiviza:
the rich
the unemployed
n faa adjectivelor/adverbelor la superlativ:
the biggest
the most important
n faa numeralelor ordinale:
the seventh
n faa instrumentelor muzicale atunci cnd se sugereaz o activitate:
He plays the violin. (dar He has bought a violin.)
n faa cuvintelor morning, afternoon, evening:
We eat dinner in the evening.

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