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Expresii | || marinaresti in limbile engleza siromana POTN DECAL TL De, FOLOSIRE A LUCRARIL 1. In varianta ,engleza-romana“ , expresiile sint or- donate alfabetic, renuntindu-se la articolul hot&rit ,,the“ situat la inceputul acestora. Acest procedeu este indrep- tatit si de faptul ca in limbajul marinaresc, la inceputul unor expresii (uneori gi in cuprinsul acestora), dar mai ales la comenzi, raspunsuri gi mesaje, nu se foloseste articolul hotarit. Articolele nehotarite ,,a“ si-,an“ se folosesc numai in anumite expresii, iar in interiorul expresiilor nu se tine seama de ele la ordonarea alfabetica. Expresiile care incep cu forme verbale si cele intero- gative sint trecute alfabetic la litera verbului de baza Iuat la infinittv. De exemplu: stop: | | I am stopping the engine. call: i : Shall I call the captain? Unele expresii sint ordonate in functie de cuvintul principal la care se tefera. De exemplu: aboard: Are you all right aboard? ladder : u : Which side do you want a ladder: ; on {a traducerea unor expres, ca forma verbala ¢ fost adoptata cea folositi cu precadere 10 ee at De exemplu: ,, You ould Bltien coulee 7s imac as chimbati de drum". ae na 2. In varianta romanad-engleza", expresil's oe Ae donate alfabetic, renuntindu-se la articolele nehotarite sun gi ,,0°. ete ne ae Pentru verbe s-a folosit infinitivul scurt fara particula infinitivala ea Verbele reflexive apart tiparite cu /pat- ticula respectiva pusa in paranteza dupa verb. . Expresiile care nu incep cu forme verbale ae au de raspuns sint trecute, de regula, alfabetic, la itera verbului de baza. De exemplu: " (leplasa : La ce ora va ‘deplasati? Nu va deplasati inainte. ae Unele expresii sint ordonate in functie de cuvintul ptincipal ja care Sf refers. De exemplu: vagina : : Te Ae ors yer a) cena we ae Bd Vee para suiple | Gespatte a es ae bt Aan able. De exemplu: Touch the pottom/ground of the sea. Luati drum invers/opus. Bara dubla |/ desparte solutii diferite ca Sens ™ ace- lasi context. De exemplu: ree “Slew the stern to port|/starboard. | Ma. deplasez ‘nainte//inapol. Parantezele rotunde () cuprind cuvinte care pot fi omise, fara a se schimba sensul expresiei, De exemplu: Right full (rudder) ! Navigati cu (viteza) ... noduri. Termenii folositi numai in $.U.A. sint fiarcati prin- tr-un asterisc, iar cei folositi numai in marea Britanie, cu doua asteriscuri. La traducerea expresiilor s-a dat sensul cel mai apro- piat. Traducerile echivalente sint copes te prin vir- gulaé sau prin punct $1 virgula. PA Peay L sareecroeesoti EXPRESII MARINARESTI IN LIMBA ENGLEZA i. GUVERNAREA NAVEI (STEERING SHIP) 1A Comenzi la timona (Steering orders) A hand to the helm | A-port ! A-starboard ! All a-port ! All a-starboard ! All pert! All starboard | Amidships (helm) ! Bear steady ! Better left*/port ! Better right*/starboard | Check (the) helm ! Come left! Come left to... Come no nearer | Come right ! Come right to .-- degrees | Don’t let her yaw ! Don’t sheer so much | Don't yaw ! 4 be ce degrees t Don't yaw. to port}/starboard ! Ease the helm! Ease her ! Ease over helm! Ease the rudder/ship/wheel |! Easy the helm/wheel | ‘Timonierul la post! “* Cirma stinga ! Cirma dreapta ! Cirma banda stinga ! Cirma banda dreapta ! Banta stinga ! Banda dreapta ! Cirma zero ! Tine asa!; Drept asa ! Mai mult la stinga!; Vino la stinga | Mai mult la dreapta.!; Vino la dreapta ! Atentie la cirma!; Verifica dramul/capul ! Vino la stinga! Vino la stinga, la...gradet Nimic in vint ! Vino la dreapta ! Vino ja ‘dreaptas (tao ‘Fine drept ! Nu te abate aga mult | Yine drept (drumul) be din cirma. ! Nimic la stinga//dreapta ! Ya din cirma!; Da drumul cirmet | grade !} Nu juca Ja din cirma ! Cirma incet banda! ta din cirma!. Ta din cirma! 16 cent ek a pone aK PRAMS ri RR ete nA NE i etn tt nce hemo fig name npmererieanntas Put the helm up! Right ! Right ahead ! Right course |! Right ... (degrees) ! Right ... degrees rudder !** Right full (rudder) !* Right half rudder ! Right handsomely ! Right (the) helm ! Right the helm gently ! Right a little ! Right rudder !* Right so! tight standard half rudder !* Right standard rudder ! Rudder amidships ! Rudder hard port//starboard ! Shift the helm to port//starboard ! Starboard ! Starboard ... |! Starboard course ! Starboard ... (degrees) |! Starboard full (rudder) ! Starboard handsomely ! Starboard (the) helm! Starboard the helm gently ! Starboard a little ! Starboard on. Course ... degrees ! Starboard rudder ! Stéady |! Steady a-port//a-starboard ! Steady as she goes ! steady as you go! Steady the helm! Steady on course | Mai vino putin !; Cirma in vint | Vino la dreapta!; (Cirma)- dreapta ! Drept asa ! Cirma dreapta pe drum ! Vino ... grade la dreapta! ... grade la dreapta ! Banda dreapta ! jJumatate (banda) dreapta!; _ Cirma jumatate dreapta |! Usor la dreapta!; Dreapta usor ! Cirma (la) dreapta ! Vino usor la dreapta!; Cirma usor la dreapta ! Usor (la) dreapta ! Cirma dreapta ! Drept asa! Cirma jumatate dreapta! (la unghiul stabilit) Dreapta, la unghiul stabilit ! Cirma zero ! Cirma banda stinga//dreapta ! Schimba cirma la babord//tribord! Cirma dreapta ! Dreapta ... (puncte)! Cirma dreapta pe drum ! Vino ... grade la dreapta ! Banda dreapta ! (Vino) usor la dreapta ! Cirma dreapta !; Vino la dreapta ! ‘Vino usor la dreapta ! Usor la dreapta ! Cirma dreapta la drum ... grade! Cirma dreapta!; Cirma la tri- bord ! Drept asa !; Tine asa ! Vino mai la_ stinga//dreapta !; Vino la babord//tribord ! Drept asa ! Drept asa ! Drept asa! Vino la drum | Drept asa!; Tine asa | Tine (bine) drumul! | i. (grade)! Guverneaza in siaj! Vino mai la stinga//dreapta |! Drept asa! Atentie la cirma ! Steady so! Steer the course ! Steer ... (degrees)! - Drum Steer in her wake ! Steer more to port//starboard ! Straight so! iy Watch your steering ! 1.2. Comenzi la masini (Engine orders) Gata de mars! : Toate masinile inapoi! Gata de mars! : | Toate (masinile) inapoi ! (7a na- vele cu trei elice); Amindoua inapoi! (la navele cw doug elice) : fnapoi!; Masinile inapoi! Stinga inapoi! ~ ie Stinga inapoi, dreapta inainte ! Dreapta ftnapoi ! ra . Dreapta ipapoi, stinga inainte ! Fiti gata de mars ! Amindoud masinile foarte incet inainte | Amindou& masinile jumatate inainte ! Porniti babordul//tribordul ! Tncet tnainte ! | Incet inapoi ! Foarte incet ! Foarte incet inainte//inapoi | Incet inainte//inapoi ! Micsorati viteza ! Masina incet ! Incet ! AmindouS incet!; Micsorati nu- All-a-taut ! All astern ! All-taut ! Rack all astern ! Back her ! Back port ! iy Back port, give way starboard ! Back starboard ! Hack starboard, give way port ! ie ready for sea! ada Both engines ahead one-third i ' ; ! Hoth engines ahead two-thirds | Connect up port//starboard | Dead ahead ! Head astern ! Dead slow! Dead slow ahead//astern ! (use (her) ahead//astern ! Kase off! Kase the engine ! asy ! eat marul de rotatiil Kasy her | Masina (la) incet | i & 18 paassrtncsmrsas Sasy (her) ahead ! fasy (her) astern ! Emergency full (speed) ahead! E emergency full (speed) astern !! Engine is ready ! Is ready the engine? Faster ! Finish with (the) engine ! Full (power) ahead ! Full (power) astern ! | Full speed ! Full speed ahead ! Full,speed astern ! Give her everything ! Give way port |! Give way starboard ! Go astern ! Half ahead ! Half astern ! Half speed ! Half-speed ahead ! Half-speed astern ! Half turn ahead ! Half turn astern ! Keep the steam ! Left ahead ! Left astern |! Left handsomely ! Machine ready for action ! One kick ahead ! One kick astern ! Port ahead ! ’ Port astern ! Port a little ! Port telegraph showing half ahead//full astern//etc.! Right ahead ! Right astern | _rASTRMBOEEC! (Masinile) incet inainte ! (Masinile) incet inapoi ! Viteza maxima inainte | Viteza maxima inapoi ! Masina * (este) gata .de mary! (Este) gata masina? Mariti numarul de rotatiil; Mariti viteza ! Liber la masini! Toata forta inainte ! ‘Toata forta inapoi! Pe drum! (la numdrul de rotatit maxim) Toata viteza inainte ! Toata viteza inapoi! Toata viteza (maxima) jnainte! Stinga inainte! Dreapta inainte ! Inapoi!; Masinile inapoi ! Jumatate inainte! Jumatate inapot ! . Jumétate-viteza ! Jumatate-viteza inainte ! Jumatate-viteza inapoi ! Jumatate stors inainte ! Jumatate stors inapoi! Mentineti presiunea la cal Stinga inainte ! Stinga inapoi! . : Stinga usor ! Masina (este) gata de mars! Stors inainte!; Mamnevrati ina- inte ! Stors inapoi!; Manevrati inapoi ! Babord fnainte ! Babord inapoi ! Stinga usor ! Telegraful babord indica juma- tate inainte//toata viteza inapoi//etc, ! Dreapta inainte ! Dreapta inapoi ! tight handsomely ! slow | : Slow ahead ! slow astern ! Slower ! Siand by below! Siand by (the) engine ! Starboard ahead ! Starboard astern ! Starboard a little ! Starboard telegraph showing half ahead//full astern//etc. | Sieam off!. Op | Stop both engines | stop the engine! ‘lop the engines ! Stop her | ivy the engines ! rir ahead | furn astern ! ery slow | ery slow ahead//astern ! 1.3. Expresii generale e Dreapta ugor + ! {ncet ! incet inainte ! Incet inapoi ! Micsorati viteza!; Mai incet.!; Micsorati numa ul de rotati \ Atentie la masini ! Pregatiti maginile !; masini ! Tribord inainte ! Tribord inapoi! Dreapta usor! . Telegraful tribord indica, ju- mAatate’ inainte//toata viteza inapoi//ete. | Purjati aburul ! Stop ! Amindoua stop ! Stop masina !’ Stop masinile ! Stop masina ! Balansati masinile ! Stors inainte { Stors inapoi! Foarte incet ! Foarte incet inainte//inapoi ! Ahantae la (General terms) mawer the rudder readily sewer the rudder sluggishly ship to port//starboard aiil ihe yyy. a little lee// weather helm suse to much weather helm ame between wind and current a raspunde bine la cirma; a asculta de cirma a raspunde greu la cirma; a nu asculta cirma . a intoarce nava cu prova la babord//tribord veni usor sub//in vint a cauza tendinte de venire ra- pida in vint | venl cu prova intre vint $1 curent © 2 déeaden the headway//sternway dip into the trough easy the ship execute left//right rudder fall broadside in the trough of seas get steady on the course give the ship a good swing to port//starboard. give the ship a short kick ahead//astern to cant her to port//starboard go out of control/steerage have the wind astern have the wind right ahead head into the sea//wind head up into the? wind heave the ship ahead//astern keep broadside on the sea keep the head to the wind keep on the right track keep the ship's headway ‘under control keep the stern to the wind keep the weather ga(u)ge leave the rudder on too long make a short cant to port//star- board move. the rudder inboard put down the cudder put the helm a-port//-starboard put the ship before the wind regain steering control reverse the steering effect of the rudder a anula inertia la mars inainte//. inapoi a. intra cu prova intre valuri a mentine nava travers pe val a pune cirma la babord//tribord a sta travers pe val a veni precis la drumul stabilit a intoarce nava mult la babord// tribord a da un stors inainte//inapoi pentru a veni cu prova la babord//tribord a pierde capacitatea de guvernare a avea vintul din pupa’ a avea vintul drept din prova a guverna pe val//in vint a veni cu prova in vint a pune masina inainte//inapo1; a se trage pe parime inainte// inapol a sta cu bordul in val; a se men- tine intre valuri | a tine prova in vint a se mentine pe drumul stabilit a tine sub control miscarea de inertie ‘inainte a navei a dine “pupa in vint) a tine in vint; a se mentine in vintul altei nave a pune cirma cu intirzieré; a intirzia punerea cirmei “a intoarce nava putin la babord// tribord a reduce unghiul de cirma; a lua din cirma a dua din cirma; a unghiul de cirma a pune cirma la babord//tribord a veni cu pupa in vint a redeveni stapin, pe manevra micsora a actiona in directia opusa sen- sului de rotire a cirmel cece iaee ss CLE LEADEL EO AA send the engine ahead//astern hift the control of the ship steer along the Jand/shore ateer the course indicated by compass es steer directly for the beacon// buoy . dteer with large//small helm stop the ship's head way//stern- way ' swing bow to port//starboard on backing tail down to leeward//windward turn bow away from. the wind use a large amount of rudder use opposite. rudder : weathereock into the wind work the screw ahead//astern © oo o 2 rote! +e) pune masina inainte//inapol schimba postul de guvernare a navel ae guverna de-a lungul coastet guverna pe drumul indicat de compas(ul magnetic) euverna direct pe geamandura guverna cu unghiuri mari// mici de cirma : opri inertia inainte//inapoi semnal|]/ se abate la babord//tribord la mars inapoi (cu prova) fugi cu pupa sub//in vint ‘ntoarce cu. prova in vint pune cirma cu unghiuri marl pune cirma in bordul opus yeni cu prova in vint pune masina inainte//inapol 2. MANEVRA NAVEI 7 (MANOEUVRING SHIP) 2.1. Drumul si viteza (Course and speed) Alter the’ course. Alter the course to port//starboard. Alter the course to port//star- board ... degrees. I am altering course to... I am, altering my course to port//starboard. You should alter course to... approach: You should not approach too close. Back-stern the engines. . carry out: I am carrying out manoeu- vring trials. What manoeuvres do you in- tend to carry out? Change the course. Check the way of the ship. Course to place... is ... degrees. engine: At what time will your | en- gines be ready? My engines are going ahead// astern. My engines are stopped. My engines are working astern. Schimbati drumul/de drum. Schimbati de drum la babord// tribord. Schimbati de drum cu... grade la babord//tribord. ; Schimb de drum la ... Schimb de drum spre babord// tribord. Trebuie s& schimbati de drum 1B. ss Nu trebuie sa va apropiati prea- mult. Puneti maginile inapot. —Execut probe de manevra. Ce manevre intentionati sa efec- tuati? Schimbati drumul/de drum. Anulati inertia navel. Drumul spre punctul... este de wee Brade. La ce ora vor fi: prégatite masi~- nile dv.? Masinile mele sint la mars ina- inte//inapoi. Masinile mele sint stopate. Masinile mele sint la marg inapoi. . a eter engine: My engines will be ready at- time indicated. You should have your engines ready as. quick as possible. You should keep your engines going ahead//astern. Go back. Go ahead//astern. Go aheadjjastern dead slow. Go at moderate speed. Go backwards. Go forward. Go full’ speed ahead//astern. Go half speed. Go slow. Go slew ahead//astern. Go slowet. I am going ahead/ jastern. I cannot go ahead//astern. I will go ahead//astern. I will go ahead//astern dead slow. 1 will go slower. I will keep going ahead// astem. No go ahead//astern any mote. You should go ahead//astern. You should go full speed ahead /jastern. You should go slow ahead// astern. You should keep going ahead// astern. Masinile mele Vor fi pregatite la ora indicata. Trebuie s& aveti masinile pre- gitite cit mai repede posibil. Trebuie sa tineti masinile la mars inainte// inapoi. Deplasati-va/Mergeti inapol. Deplasati-va inainte//inapol. Puneti masinile inainte//inapol. Puneti masinile inainte//inapoi la , foarte fncet™. Mergeti cu viteza moderata. Deplasati-v4/Mergeti inapol. Deplasati-va/Mergeti inainte. Mergeti cu toata viteza inainte]/ inapol. we Mergeti cu jumatate viteza. De- ‘plasati-va cu viteza medie/ moderata. Mergeti cu viteza redusa. Mergeti cu _,,incet inainte//ina- poi’. Micsorati viteza. ; Ma deplasez inainte//inapol. Nu pot sa merg inainte//inapol. 1 Ma voi. deplasa fnainte//inapol. Jinapol Ma voi deplasa inainte/ cu_,,foarte ineet™. Voi micsora\ viteza. Voi tine masinile la mars ina- inte//inapol. Nu mergeti inainte//inapol. Trebuie s& mergeti inainte//ina- pol: Trebuie sa mergeti cu toata vie teza inainte//inapot. Trebuie sa mergeti cu cen inainte//inapoi'. Trebuie sa mentineti la. marg fnainte//inapoi. go: You should not go ahead// astern any more. Hold her headway//sternway. Increase speed. Keep the course. Keep the engines going ahead// ' astern. Keep going ahead//astern. Keep her way. \ Keep the_ speed. Keep speed of the ship. Keep your engines ready. I will keep ahead//astern. Kill the way. leave: You should leave when your engines are ready. Lower the speed. Maximum speed is ... knots. Maintain your present course. I am maintaining my present course. I cannot maintain my present course. You should maintain your present _ course. Proceed at high speed. Proceed at .. knots. Proceed easy ahead//astern. You should proceed at time indicated. You should proceed to desti- nation. Reduce ship’s speed. Reduce (the) speed. Report when your engines are ready. Reverse the course. Nu trebuie si vi mai deplasati tnainte//inapol. Continuati deplasarea inainte/ | inapoi prin inertie. Mariti viteza. Mentineti drumul. Mentineti masinile la mars ina- inte//i inapol. Deplasati-va. in continuare ina= inte//inapoi. : Continuati deplasarea prin inertie. Mentineti viteza. Mentineti viteza navel. ‘Tineti masinile pregatite. MA voi mentine la mars inainte [| inapoi. Opriti inertia navei. Trebuie si plecati cind aveti masinile pregatite. Reduceti viteza. Viteza maxima este de ... noduri. Mentineti drumul actual. Mentin drumul actual. Nu pot s& mentin drumul actual. Trebuie s& mentineti drumul (dv.) actual. Deplasati-va cu viteza mare. Deplasati-va cu ... noduri. Deplasati-va incet inainte//ina~ poi. Trebuie sa va deplasati la ora: indicata. Trebuie si destinatie. Reduceti viteza navel. Reduceti viteza. , Raportati cind aveti masinile’ pregatite. Luati drum invers/opus. Keverse the engine. ail at the tae of ... knots. Sail full speed. slacken ship’s way- Slacken way. Speed in relation to the bottom is ... knots. At what time will you follow at full speed? My present speed. is ... knots. What is your present speed? square the course. steady on the new cours Steam (at).... knots. Steam (a course) -.. degrees. Steam on a steady course. sieer: : I cannot steer without assis- tance. a What course should 1} steer? You should steer Course --- top the engines. Stop the ship’s headway. Slop your engines immediately. {1 am obliged to stop my engines. i am stopping my engines. 1 am stopping my vessel. My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water. You should step your engines. You should:stop your engines immediately. You should stop your vessel and wait for instructions. You should stop your vessel instantly. Inver sati/Rasturnati masina. witeza de... noduri, Navigati cu viteza Teeth, Opriti inertia navel. Micsorati viteza. | Viteza.deasupra fundului este de . noduri. a) ce ora veti urma cu toata viteza? Viteza mea actuala este de. noduri. Care este viteza dv. actuala? Veniti la drumul stabilit. Adu- ceti nava la drumul stabilit. Veniti la noul drum. ; Navigati cu (viteza) ... noduri. Navigati in drum ... gerade. Navigati pe un drum constant. Nu pot sa guvernez fara ajutor/ asistent’. : in ce drum trebuie sa guvernez? Trebuie si guvernati in drum... Stopati masinile. Opriti inertia navei inainte. Stopati masinile imediat. Sint obligat sa stopez masinile. Stopez masinile Stopez nava. Nava mea este sto pata si nu are inertie prin apa. Trebuie sa sto pati masinile. Trebuie si stopati imediat masi- nile. Trebuie s& stopati nava si sa asteptati jnustructiuni. Trebuie sa, opriti nava imediat. 26 ee Take off the headway Take (the) way off the ship. way: I am under way. I have headway//sternway. You gave the ship teo much headway//sternway. * carry her headway//sternway carry her way through the water get good way on her go astern on the engine have (the)/ way on/upon her make way through the water proceed under her own power straighten out:'on one’s final _ course Micsorati inertia navel. Opriti inertia navel. . Sie Va mars. Am‘ inertie inainte//inapol, Ati dat navei viteza prea mare as 1 a) je) inainte//inapoi. deplasarea ina- continua inte//inapol continua deplasarea prin inertie dezvolta o vitezd suficienta merge inapoi manevrind cu masinile avea viteza ; a fi in mars avea inertie (cu masinile stopate) se dep lasa cu masinile pro- prii yeni definitiv la drumul stabilit 2.2. Giratia navei (Ship turning) back into the wind direct the course to port//star- board gauge the ship's swing get much of swing on. her pay her head around. run round in circles slow the stern to port// starboad swing out a cross in the hawse swing past the course swing to the tide - turn in her own lenght a a gira cu pupa in vint etn be: de drum spre tribord baberd/] .aprecia deriva in giratie obtine inertie mare la giratie gira cu'prova (pupa stind pe loc) gira de mai multe ori gira cu pupa spre babord// tribord (pe punct fix) gira in sens opus: pentfu des- curcarea lanturilor ancorelor gira trecind de drumul stabilit gira in curentul de maree intoarce in/pe log 2.3. Evitarea coliziunii (Avoidance. of collision) fall in with a ship vet to close quarters ‘ e place to a ship have the right way over the or- dinary vessels keep clear of a ship observe the rules of the road’ pass by on port// starboard side pass on port// starboard side swing the ship clear # a veni la intilnire ¢u o nava a se opri la distanta minima de pupa a lAsa loc unei nave a avea prioritate de trecere fata de navele obisnuite a se mentine la distantd fata de o nava i a respecta regulile de drum a trece prin pabordul// tribordul unei nave a trece prin babord//tribord a evita prin intoarcerea navel 2.4. Evitarea pericolelor de navigatie (Avoidance of navigational dangers) Area . Prohibited area | hoom: There is a boom = across. Clear the navigational danger/ obstacle. Coast is dangerous in this area. Coast is very dangerous. Follow in the wake of the indi- cated vessel. Get clear of this danger. (jive a clear/fair/wide berth (fo) (io ahead and lead the course. Keep aloof. Kecp away. Raion interzis ! Estacada transversala instalata. Evitati/Ocoliti per ricolul de na- vigatie. in acest raion coasta este pericu- loasa. Coasta este foarte periculoasa. Urmati in siajul navei indicate. Evitati acest pericol. Tineti departe de.. Tinetila‘;o distanta ‘suficienta fata de... Mergeti in prova $1 indicati dru- mul. Jineti la distanta. Mentineti-va la distanta. 26 Keep buoy on your port//starbo- ard side. Keep out. Keep a wide berth (to)... Mole under construction//repairs, navigate: I am in shallow water and, please, direct me how to navigate. ) You should navigate with caution. pass: You can pass the buoy on the port//starboard side. proceed: It is dangerous to proceed on present course. remain: It is dangerous ‘to remain in present position. | Steer clear of... Zone : Prohibited zone. be in (navigational) danger be out of (navigational) danger escape a navigational danger keep as close as possible keep out of navigational dang er keep the ship at a distance plough the bottom with the keel sheer through the shoaling of the water beneath her Strike the bottom of the sea tooch ground with her portside// starboardside visite a AE TE LEED ‘Mentineti geamandura in babor- dul//tribordul dv. Mentineti-va in afara/la distanta. Tineti la distanta fata de... Dig in constructie//reparatii: Ma giasesc pe adincimi mici si va rog sami spuneti cum sd execut navigatia. Trebuie si navigati cu precautie. Puteti s& treceti pe linga gea- mandura prin babord//tribord., Este periculos s& urmati pe ac- tualul drum. Este periculos s& ramineti in pozitia actuala. Nu vai apropiati de... Mentine-. ti-va la distanta de 7ona interzisa. a fi in pericol (de navigatie) a fi in afara unui pericol (de na- vigatie) a evita/a ocoli un pericol de na- vigatie a se apropia cit este posibil a tamine in afara unui pericol de navigatie — a tine nava la distanta a atinge fundul m&rii cu chila a trece peste o intinsura atingind fundul : a atinge fundul marii -a atinge fundul marii cu babore dul//tribordul emee ane mab fa = Se i 29 2.5. Manevra reciproca a navelor (Handling ships in company) \pproch the vessel. | Do not approah from leeward // windward. You should approach close to my vessel. Bear abeam//astern//forward. hearing: Let me know my’ bearing from you: ‘ What is my bearing from you? What is your bearing from (the) leader? Change the place. Close the bearing. Close the range between. ships. Come as near as possible. Come to close quarters. Come under my stern. Come up on the beam. Come up with vessel. Come within hail. Come within hailing distance from me. Not come any close. ontinue on the present course. Shall I continue on the present course? ourse for you to steer towards me 18... Course to reach me is... My course is... What is your course? ~ ross ahead of the ship. (ross the bows of the ship. Apropiati-va de nava. Nu va apropiati de sub//din vint. Trebuie s& va apropiati strins de nava mea. Mentineti-va la travers//in pupa //im prova. Comunicati-mi relevmentul de la |) Gy. daamane: Care este relevmentul de la dv. la mine? Care este relevmentul dv. de la nava directoare? Schimbati locul. (in formatie) Micsorati relevmentul. Micsorati/ Reduceti distanta din- tre nave. Veniti cit~mai aproape posibil. Veniti in imediata -apropiere. Veniti in pupa mea. Veniti la travers. Depasiti nava. Veniti Ja distanta de megafon. Veniti la distanta de megafon ‘fati de mine. Nu veniti mai aproape. Continuati (margul) pe drumul actual. Pot s& continui (marsul) pe dru- mul actual? Drumul dv.'de guvernare spre Mine. GSte. s+ Drumul de intilnire cu mine este Drumul meu este Care este drumul dv.? TAiati drumul navei prin prova. Treceti prin prova navel. Cross the course of the ship. Direct the course to port//star- board. I am directing my Course to. port//starboard. Draw ahead of the ship. Ease the engine, engine : . My engines are going ahead// astern. Fall astern/behind. Fall astern of position/station. Fall in astern of.. Fall into line the ships. far: How far out from the coast? Follow closely. Follow the coast at a safe dis- tance. Follow in wake. Follow me. Follow the same course as ano- ther ship. _ Follow ship. Do not follow me. I am following you. I will not follow you. Gather on the ship. Get ahead of the ship. Get astern of position/station. Get on parallel courses. Give way to me. Go in the wake of ... . Green ... degrees a ship. Haul away. Haul the course . Hold course and speed. Hold a close distance. Hold a hailing distance. Intersectati drumul nave. Schimbati de drum la babord// tribord. Schimb de drum spre babord// t tribord. Depasiti nava. Micsorati/Reduceti viteza. Am masinile la mars inainte/] inapoi. Ramineti in urm4/in pupa, Ramineti in urma. (7m convot) Veniti in siajul Aliniati navele. Cit de departe fata de coasta? Urmariti indeaproape. Urmati de-a lungul coastei la distanta de siguranta. Navigati in siaj. Urmati-ma. ' Luati acelasi drum cu cealalta nava. Navigati in siaj. Nu ma urmati. Va urmez. Nu va urmez. Ajungeti si intreceti nava. Depasiti nava. Ramineti in urma&. (¢n formatie) Manevrati pe drumuri paralele. Cedati-mi drumul. .Navigati in siajul ... Tribord ... grade o nava. Nava la tribord... grade. Mariti viteza. Schimbati drumul — navei. Mentineti drumul si viteza. Mentineti-va la distanta foartey mica. Mentineti-va gafon. la distanta de més Hold a large//medium//short dis- tance. Increase (the) distance. increase’ the’ distance vessels. lucrease (the) speed. 1 am increasing the distance// speed. Indicate position, speed. Will you indicate the course for me to steer towards you? lnquire if we could let the ship pass ahead us. between course and Keep abeam/abreast. iK.eep ahead. Keep alongside. Keep astern. Keep away. Keep away from me. Keep back. Keep close. Keep \closer' in to the Keep closer to me. Keep (the) distance. Keep further. away from the coast. Keep (her) away. coast. hee off/out. Keep to leeward//windward. Keep well clear of me. Keep within eclipse. distance. Heep within hail. ‘ Keep within visual signal dis- lance from me. Keep your distance. ol Mentineti-va la distanta mare// medie//mica. Mariti distanta. Mariti distanta dintre nave. Mariti viteza. Maresc distanta//viteza. Indicats i, pozitia, drumul si vite- Za. | imi. veti indica drumul de gu- vernare spre dv.? intrebati dac&i'putem sa lasam nava sa treaca ‘in prova noastra. Mentineti-va la travers. Mentineti-v& in prova. Mentineti-va de-a lungul bor- dului. Mentineti-va in pupa. Mentinett vi la distanta. Nu va apropiati. Timeti la distanta fata de mine. Ram ineti in pupa. Tineti aproape. Tineti mai aproape de coasta. Tineti mai aproape de mine. Mentineti distanta Tineti mai departe de coasta. Pastrati distanta. Nu va apro- piati. Ramineti la-distanta/larg. Tineti sub//in vint. Manevrati cu atentic- pe linga imine. \ Mentineti-va . in de catare..” : Raimineti la distanta de megafon. Mentineti-va la distanta de sem- . nalizare vizuala fata de mine. Mentineti/Pastrati distanta. bataia: eclipse Lay aft//forward. Lay head. Magnetic course for the vessel to regain her port is .... _ Manoeuvre for position. I am manoeuvring with diffi- culty. Now’s the time of manoeuvre. overtake: Do not overtake me. Pass ahead//astern. Pass ahead of me. Pass ahead of the indicated ship. Pass astern of the indicated vessel. Pass astern of me. Pass by on our port//starboard side. Pass to leeward// windward of me. Do not pass ahead//astern of me. Do not pass on my starboard side. port// Do not pass too close to me. position : My present position, course and speed are lat..., long ... and ... knots. What are your present posi- tion, Course and speed? Proceed with great caution. You should proceed at slow speed when passing me. Reed .. degrees a ship. Reduce (the speed). Ship ahead ! Shorten the distance. Treceti in pupa//prova. Treceti in prova. Drumul magnetic al navei pen- tru a ajunge in portul sau este ... Manevrati pentru ocupatea Ppo- zitiel. Manevrez cu dificultate, Acum este momentul manevrei, Nu ma depasiti. Treceti prin prova//pupa. Treceti in prova mea. Treceti in prova navei indicate, Treceti in pupa navei indicate. Treceti in pupa mea. Treceti prin babordul// tribordul nostru. Treceti sub//in vintul meu. Nu treceti prin prova//pupa mea. Nu treceti prin bordul meu. babordul//tri- Nu treceti:prea aproape de mine, Pozitia mea, drumul si viteza actuale sint: lat ..., long ... si... noduri. Care sint pozitia dv., drumul $4 viteza actuale. Deplasati-va cu mare atentie, Trebuie sa va deplasati cu viteza imici cind treceti pe linga mine. Babord ... grade, o nava. Nava la babord ... grade. Reduceti viteza. Nava in prova! Micsoraty distanta., Shorten .the vm So ee eee eee een nt ni a coerce app A LLC LL distance between vessels. i am tance. 44 shortening the dis- speed: Steer directly for 4 I am increasing speed. I am reducing speed. the‘ buoy/| indicated object. { feer more to } Steer to port//starboard. Steer towards me. Stop the ship/vessel. f, 4 approach each-at her, head and 4 essel: Wier vess a] 12 etopne 1 at 1 ma- My vessel is stoppea and ma king way through the water. nN head bring to the same line bring to the ship back away from the ship forge ahead of another ship join a ship on her way keep at safe distance from a ship know the bearings from (the) leader leave behind a ship > nart company at sea nass alongside (of) a ship nass too close in a ship Jough into the stern wave run athwart a ships course steam different courses steer on an opposite course 9 cd. 508 port//starboard. af Micsorati distanta dintre nave. Micsorez distanta. Maresc viteza. Micsorez/Reduc viteza. Guvernati direct pe g ramandura]/ obiectul indicat. Guvernati mai mult la babord/} tribord. Veniti la babord// tribord. Guvernati spre mine. Stopati nava. Nava mea este 'stopala $1 are inertie. ase apropia pe drumuri de iniilnire a aduce in aliniament 4 veni in vintul altei nave a se. departa in mars inapoi de alta nava, ° a depasi o alta nava fortind ma- sinile a ajunge din urma o nava se mentine la distanta de si- guranta fata de o. nava a, * cunoaste relevmentele de la nava directoare a lAsa in urmad o nava ase desparti in mare (de alid nava) a trece prin bordul unei nave a trece prea aproape de o nava a naviga in siajul navei din fata a, intersecta perpendicular drumul unei nave a naviga pe drumuri diferite a naviga pe un drum de intilnire 34 play with the engines ride out the storm run straight for ... steer the vessel with assistance sweep/swing with the stern tail off into deep water ‘test over a range of speed work the engine 2.6. Expresil (General be brought up all standing a. bring herself to rest a carry out a manoeuvre a come to a standstill a cross a dangerous area a give consideration to manoeuvre a have enough sea-room a keep close watch on ship a keep straight on a ‘make shifting right away/off/ a now make a. sternboard out of... a make the weather side a a a generale terms) se opri bruse din mars se opri (despre nava) executa 0 manevra se opri (despre nava) ‘rraversa’ un, raion. periculos da atentie la menevra avea suficient spatiu de ma- nevra urmari indeaproape nava merge drept inainte executa manevra imediat iegsi cu pupa inainte din... sé apropia din vint a, manevra din masini ramine in deriva pe furtuna merge direct spre ... manevra nava sub asistenta matura cu pupa se trage cu pupa spre adincimi mari executa probe de viteza manevra din masini 3. PILOTAJUL (PILOT AGE) 3.1. imbarcarea pilotului (Embarking of pilot) aboard: Are you all right aboard: boat: Does the boat lie fair? Wave you seen the pilot boat? Shall we have your boat hoisted aboard? Shall we take your boat in tow? | Call the captain up to the bridge please. Shall I call the captain? Climb up! Come along to the bridge. Come alongside from port//sta beard//lee side. pet rs Where can 1 get a pilot? You should go ahead and lead the eiugees jacdder Which side do you want a ladder? lake fast astern and steer me. Un dv. ja bord. totul.este in regula? S-a apropiat suficient (de bord) salupa? hn Ati reperat pilotina? SA va ridicim.salupa la bord? Sa va luam salupa la remorca? V4 rog sa chemati comandantul pe comanda. SA chem comandantul? Urcati la bord ! Apropiati-va de bord spre co- manda. Veniti la comanda. Apropiati-va ‘in bordul babord// tribord//de sub vint, Acostati la babord|/tribord| /sab vint. Unde pot s4 iau un pilot? in .prova si indicati i in care bord doriti scara? “W) poh o ‘anid masina inapoi Make a port//starboard lee for the pilot boat. Motor-boat, ahoy ! pilot: Are you licensed pilot? Could you show us your pilot certificate, please? Port authorities will send you their pilot: Put over the boat rope ! relieve: Where will you be relieved by another pilot? “run in: You must run in your :acco- modation ladder. send: They. will send you a port pilot for this. When will you send us Ship the fenders ! situation : Are you quite familiar with lo- cal navigational situation? Describe navigational situa- tion, please. Stand by to take the pilot on board ! take: Shall we have to take another pilot to make the landing in the port? a pilot? Faceti adapost cu nava in ba- bord//tribord pentru pilotina. Alo, salupa ! Aveti brevet de pier -V4. tog, puteti sa ne prezentati -brevetul de pilot? Autoritatile portuare va vor tri- mite pilotul lor. Dati barbeta ! Unde veti fi schimb at de eelalalt pilot? Trebuie si ridicati la bord scara. ww Pentru aceasta va vor trimite un pilot portuar. Cind ne veti trimite un pilot? Scoateti apiratoarele/ba aloanele ! Cunoasteti bine de navigatier Va rog s& descrieti situatia de navigatie. : Pregatiti pentru imbarcarea pilotului ! situatia locala Va trebui s si Iutim alt pilot pentru acostare in port? = 3.2. Relatii despre pibotarea navei. (Relations berth: Is there a free berth at the pier in the port? bring: Who will bring our ship from the anc choragé to the bertl uF on ship's pilotage) Exista dana dbierk la cheul din port? conduce nava’ noastra ancoraj pind la dana? Cane ve de la Al uy sch ir tari =the ech eS altace brands SASS SASS Satiatse seiotateeiamteatcon Saini A ARSE 0 llow i You should follow in the wake of vessel indicated. You should follow pilot boat. Heave to or.anchor until pilot arrives. leave. to. until pilot arrives. s You should heave to. You should heave to or anchor - unit] pilot arrives. v(1° ‘ Can you lead me into port? igation is possible only pilot assistance., Pilot boat cannot get off to you. Pilot boat is most likely on bea- ring ... from you. Another pilot will relieve me abe From thence another pil take you farther on. How far you pilot the : I have a pilot on bea Is a pilot available in the place indicated? Other pilot will manoeuvre the ship into the port. This pilot will bring your ship to her berth. . Up to what place will the other pilot take. us? Wiil you be piloting the ship at night? Your pilot will arrive at , the time indicated. pilolage: yt will In this area. the pilotage is compulsory. Is radar pilotage being effected this port? € Trebuie S| ur re in, siajul Trebuie sa Fats pilotina. Ramineti in derivé, sau. ancorati pind vine pilotul. Mentineti-va in curent/deriva pina vine pilotul. Trebuie s4 va mentineti in Syne / deriva. Trebuie sa va mentineti in deriva sau s& ancorati pina vine pulotul. iteti sA- ma conduceti in port? Navigatia este posibila numai cu ajatoralspilorabh ic) as Pilotina nu poa ate si vind la dv. Pilotina este cel. mai probabil in ré la ‘dv. Celalalt pilot ma va schimba la... De acolo v4 va duce mai departe un alt pilot. Pina unde veti pilota nava? Am pilot la bord. [In punctul indicat exista pilot disponibil? CelAlalt pilot va manevra nava in port. Acest pilot va acosta nava dv. la dana. Pina in ce punct ne va conduce celalalt pilot? Veti pilota nava pe timpul nopfii? ‘Pilotul dv. va sosi la ora indicata. fn acest’: raion pilotajul.~ este obligatoriu. In acest port se practica pilotajul radar? eye ud droceed: Shall we proceed mS ea a Nace a a a eee] We must proceed tHreu: area. remain : We shall remain near the pier for... hours. You should remain where you are. require: I requixe a pilot. roadstead : How. many miles is there to he roadstead? speed: What speed is allowed here? steer : You should steer in my wake. Take the way. off the vessel. I shall take your ship only as far as... : It’s desirable a tug, but not compulsory. wait: 1 a ea oe oy Shall we have to wait at te om det i; a Be eee roadstead till there 1S free berth? oF Engines are in Are your order? At Ua as els 10W. Ti ich time to get the engines 1 wecena canec t tei AtS ERLLAETIIOLET, OA ILE TT je trnecrrncni ne ner ct tes cmey erie « ecrtrcariecetencnerese ate neonate eames? eater ecAeSES asa, pe timpul noptil? ne deplasam prin Vom ramine lingd dig timp de... ores, | Trebuie sai ramineti unde sintefi. Ce vitezi este permisa aici? Guvernati in siajul meu. Opriti imertie navel. Voi pilota: nava. dv. pina la... Aici este- obligatorie asistenta iwnui remorcher? Ar fi: de dorit un remorcher, dar nu in mod obligatoriu. si asteptim in rada j elibera 0 se va Net erfecta stare in .bunad starem f ‘ : Wy 39 . eee ec einer rT Tae engine: Pentru pregdtirea maginilor este nevoie de o ora gi jumatate. It will take one and a half hours to get the engines ready. ret: We must get under way in pa rebiie $8 plecam peste doua ore. two hours. Keep in mind the fact that the ship answers the helm well//: badly. Keep in mind the fact that the ship swings her bow a little to port//starboard on backing. machinery : What propulsion machinery is installed on your-ship? - Maximum speed: of the ship Is ... knots. propeller: How many prop ship? rudder: What rudder is the ship carry- ing? Aveti in vedere ci. nava asculta bine//rau de cirma. Aveti in vedere c& la mars inapoi_ nava fuge putin cu prova la babord//tribord. €e instalatie de propulsie are nava dv.? eza Maxima a navei este de... noduri. ' i. 4 iS Le ps Siew anak e ig neutra a cizmei? run : How many running now? We are running ... knots now. Ship answers the helm badly// well, Ship draws fore... metres and aft ... metres. Ship draws too much water. Nava are un pescaj prea mare. Ship has a... H.P.. reciprocating Nava are © masina cu abur al- ternativa de ... C.P. See eg an dt nie AT AGeaL nAtr ~ e un motor diesel romanesc knots are we Cu cite noduri mergem acum? Acum mergem cu ... noduri. Nava ascult& réu//bine de cirma, Nava calca la prova... metri, iar la pupa ... metri. " steam engine. Ship has a... H.Ps rdiace diesel. Ship runs into .,. tons displace- ment. Ship’s draft when fully pareet. Ship sheers heavily from side to side. Ship yaws a little. Her draft. is... metres fore and ... metres aft. How. does the ship answer the helm? ; Is the ship good at steering? What is _the. ship? draft of your speed : ‘| Js this the maximum the ship? ” ‘steam : How much time will it take to get steam up? test: When shall we be able to test the engine? i J B27 ~ dee 3.4. ‘Pilota (Ship \ a According to regulat Hiens, you must keep out of that ship’s , way All naval, mail and passenger ships have the right of way over the, cargo vessel. Alter the course so that may pass by on our starboard side. anchor: We shall have to anchor here pending the tide. loaded is speed ol : Pescajul navei la plina incarcare este de ... Nava picioare. da ambardee puternice. Nava d& ambardee mici. Pescajul prova, este de ... iar pescajul metric” Cum asculta. nava metri, pupa este de... de ‘cirma? Guverneaza Hine nava. C. este pescajul navel dv.? Ware Aceasta este viteza° maxima a navel? ¥ wn { Cit timp este presiunil dicarea aburului? Cind putem s& executém proba la masini? Conform. regulilor,..trebuie’ sa necesar pentru Tis cedati drumul acestei nave. j 1 Navele militare, postale si dem pasagerl au dreptul Sa depas easct) navele de transport. Sel deabatt de drum péntru ca nave Sa, poate, sa treacd prin bag bordul//tribordul nostru. Vom fi nevoiti sa stam aici laa ancora in asteptarea | fuxulvl i anchor We shall have to an the roadstead. chor in area. - This is a prohibited area. Continue on. your present course ! Cross? We have no right to cross her way ahead. . degrees to the .... of your course Engine must not be stopped during our stay here. Give a wide berth to that molehead |/break water. You gave. the ship too much headway//sternway. Go astern |! (Gio at moderate speed. Increase your speed, please. Keep away before the sea. Keep clear of this: rock//poimt. Keep straight to that lighthouse// breakwater. Keep those two lights in line. I am keeping away before the sea. You should. keep buoy//object indicated; on your peort// starboard side. Leave the black//white buoy on the port//starboard side. let: We must let the ship p oe from the opposite direc- tion pass by. We must let that ship pass by on our port//sta arboarc side What ships must we let pass by? Mentineti-va Ditet ope Trebuie sa. dam priorit tate 4} Vom. fi Tada, nevoiti sd ancorim in Acesta este un Continuati raion interzis. pe acelasi drum! Nu avem dreptul s4-i thiem dru- mul prin prova. _ grade la ... fata de drumul dv. Nu trebuie sa se opreaasc’ ma- sina pe timpul stationarii noastre aici. Mentineti-va la distanta fata de acest cap de mol//spargeval. Ati dat navei prea mare inertie inainte//inapoi. | Puneti masinile inapoi ! Navigati cu viteza moderata, Va rog sa mariti eee Navigati."'cu: Valal) din pupa. la distanta de aceasta stinca//acest cap. Tineti drept Re far//spargeval. aliniamentul doua lumini.. Navighez. cu. valul acestor. din pupa. Trebuie s& JAsati gramandura// obiectul indicat la babordul// tribordul dv. Lasati geamandura albi//neagra la babord//tribord. : de tre- cere navelor care vin din sens opus. Trebuie s& lasam aceasta nava si, ne depaseasca prin babord// tribord., CAror mave trebuie sa le _ prioritate de trecere? dam tema break water. Ve have no right You can pas on either ready: Are you ready for manoeuvre? Are you ready to pilot the Round this mole//point. Ship has too much headway// sternway. Ship inquires if we could let her pass ahead of us. Ship is ... degrees port/ /starboard from the course. Ship lost her headway//sternway- Ship’s -head is... degrees now. Ship swings her bow a little to port//starboard on backing. Ship swings her bow to port// starboard on backing. Speed allowed here must not exceed ... Knots. stand: You are standing into danger. Steer for harbour entrance. Steer for that buoy//light to the ancorage. Am I steering the right course? iamansaekianmre mnie suena aomaniatilsadiaratats at ets 4 4 Oa yet pie ates et i ane - rebuie si le lasam os Sy asCa,t ele peg my UE Ue ; Treceti printre mol si spargeval. Nu avem voie s4,trecem pe aici. -Puteti s& lasati geamandura/ t obiectul in orice bord. ti gata pentru mahevra? Sintet ( Sinteti gata pentru pilotarea navei? VA rog s& micsorati viteza. Ocoliti molul//capul acesta. Nava are inertie cam mare ina- inte//inapo1. Nava intreabai daca putem s-o lasim si ne depaseasca. Nava este acum cu... grade la babord//tribord fata de drum. Nava a pierdut inertia inainte/} inapoi. » Acum drumul navei este de... grade. Nava se abate cu prova putin la babord//tribord la mars inapoi. Nava se abate cu prova la ba- bord//tribord la mars inapoi. Aici viteza nu trebuie sa depa- seasca ... noduri. Mergeti spre pericol. Tineti pe intrarea ‘in port. y Tineti pe, aceasta geamandura// 9 lumina spre locul de ancoraj. Tin bine pe drum? : cin secon iri nie ince eee at ST TT oy Lt cage lobject u Stop your-engines at once ! ae I am stopping my engines. Shall we stop the engines at once? We must stop’ the engines | during ... Try the engine, please. UE ee WAL ee We shall now ve sharp turn .to starboard. 1 41 ro a ae Shall we wei Be ready to discharge the pilot ! boat: Shall we give you a | ashore or will you wait the port launch? mea i on ean are Fill out the pilot form, picase. How shail I fill out this form? meal: Will you have your meal here or will you step down to the mess-room? * pilot: ; From thence another pilot will take you farther on. Trebuie sa intoarcem. Nava, i Acum vom gira scurt la babord/) Pregatiti pentru debarcarea pi- lotulut ! Sx vi dim o salup& pentru a debarca la uscat sau astep- tati salupa portuara? , Va. rog s& completati formularul de pilotaj. . Cum trebuie si. complétez acest formular? Coboriti pavilionul de ‘pilot. CAlAtorie placuta ! Doriti sa serviti masa aici sau coboriti. in careu? De aici v4 va pilota mai departs alt pilot, sn SELENIDE SE duties cease here. pilotage : ‘Is pilotage compulsory far- ther on? Pleasant cruise ! Put down the ship’s name, her draft, the irepistered tonnage, today’s date .and your name. Put down your signature here, e Sign the pilot. 1ormn, please. Where shall I sign? Take this note to our agent here. He will pay you the gra atifi- cation. ask for a pilot be low in the. water be rea dy for shi discharge the pilot 4 draw too much water drop the pilot get the pilot pilot down:a s ship pilot in a ship pilot out a ship pilot a ship into’ the open/sea pilot up a ship request a pilot run in . accomunoc run into ... tons send a pilot to 2 from the anchorage take the pilot cist anaeenthimacinmnr nett ENACT EG eer accent AT Obligatiile: mele de Pilot ue ceteaza aici. Mai departe pilotajul este obli- gatoriu? Drum bun !; Navigatie plicuta ! {nscrieti denumirea navei, pes- cajul e1, tonajul inregistrat, data de az. si numele dv. Semnati aici, va Tog. VA rog s& semnati formularul de pilotaj. Unde trebuie sa semmnez? Transmiteti aceasta 0D ota, tului nostra, Elva ova plati eratificatia. agen= A te solicita prlot a a ,eSCAal THaATEe, . 4 4 3 es eet ee eer eS awtt ta Ge Mane Ta arca pilotul a avea un pesca] prea mé Are pilot ul ul) la bo rd pilota nava in aval a pilot ta Dava 1a untrare ilota nava ja iesire yh leba rca, milat! “i ri 1 \ Mare a pilot eu zn oe in amonte ita pilot 4 a avea un deplasament de ... 4 ‘ a pilota nava la tegive i larg/® bi iy . € WW aia. Me aa scara de acces™ tone| a trimite ‘pilot pentru a conduce) nava de ja ljocul de a lua pilot(ul) la bord. eer ner ancorayy Anchorage | is em hn a SE RIN A OI SL A 4. ANCORAREA NAVEL (ANCHORING SHIP) 4.1. Relatii despre locul de ancoraj (Relations on anchorage) Anchor ground. Anchor. in positon imidcated. Are you going to anchor? YT want to anchor at once. May we anchor here? “Shall we anchor at once? We'd better anchor inside the breakwater. a We shall have to anchor at the outer road. We shall have to-anchor here. | Where shall I anchor? Which anchor must be ready to let go? You'd better -inner road. You ‘should anchor as con- anchor at the venient, You should anchor at time indicated. You should anchor to await the tug. Anchorage is not safe. prohibited here. No anchorage ! There is an open anchorag ze, There is an open anchorage and a heavy sea//swell here, Loc de ancora] ( Ancorati in punctil indicat. Mergeti spre locul de ancora]? Doresc s&i ancorez imediat. Putem ancora aici? Trebuie s& ancoram’ imediat? Mai bine’ sa ancoram in partea interioara a spargevalulut. Trebuie s& ancorim' in rada ex- - terioara:. Sintem nevoiti s& ancoram aici. Unde voi ancora? Care ancora trebuie pentru fundarisire? ee Mat bine s& ancorati in rada interioara. “LTe ‘nthe sa ancorati cind va este Gu ceatil Trebuie si ancorati la ora in- dicata. pregatita Trebuie s& ancorati pentru 4 - astepta, remorcherul. Ancorajul nu prezinta siguranta. Aici ancorajul este interzis. Ancorajul (este) interzis ! ‘Aici este un Joc de ancoraj ne- adapostit. Aici este un loc de ancoraj des- chis cu Valuri mari//cu hula pronuntata. 46 anchorage: There is'a heavy sea in the anchorage. pe Anchoring is prohibited. bottom: \ What is the quality of bottom here? What is the quality of bottom in the anchorage? bring : oa Who will bring our ship from the anchorage to the berth? . cast: ’ Dont’t cast anchor here. Change your anchorage. You should change your an- chorage. come: At what time shall I come into anchorage? deep: Is it deep here? It’s deep here. Depth here is... metres//feet// fathoms. What is the depth here? drop: At what depth shall we. drop the anchor? During the ebb-time the ship may get aground. get: You must get un anchor as soon as possible. Great care should be taken not to run aground here. Ground is clayey//muddy//rooky// _ sandy here. There is no good. holding ground in this area. fn locul de ancoraj. marea este agitata. Ancorajul este imterzis. Care este natura fundului (mari) aici? : Care este natura fundului (m4rii) $n locul de ancora)? Cine va pilota nava-noastra de la locul de ancoraj la. dana? - Nu ancorati aici. Schimbati iocul de ancora}, -Tyebuie $3 schimbati locul ds ancora}. Ia ce ora voi veni la ancoraj: Aici adincimile sint mari? Aici adtncimile sint mari. Aici adincimea este de wi metri beams ps ~rate //picioare//brate. Ce adincime este aici? La ce adincime vom fundarisi ancora? Pe timpul refluxului mnava se poate pune pe uscat. de repede. Aici trebuie mers cu multa aten- tie pentru a Du se pune pe uscat. Aici fundul (marii) este argilo’ //milos//pietros//nisi pos. {n acest raion nu este fund care tine bine ancora. Wet wt seen ose trate pmcenanhare nee een eh A EI harbour: There is an overcrowed inner harbour. Inner harbour is overcrowed. Lead me into a safe anchorage. Leave the anchorage. let go: It is dangerous to let go an anchor, Make for the anchorage. need: How much of the chain shall we need? We shall need ... shackles of the chain. pick : : I have picked up telegraph cable with my anchor. Proceed to anchorage. Proceed to anchorage in position indicated (lat... ;° long ...). Proceed to anchorage No ... Not proceed out of anchorage. You should proceed to ancho- rage in position indicated. roadstead: We'll have to ‘ride in the roadstead till the evening. shallow: It’s pretty shallow here. It’s shallow here. Stand for the anchoring place. wait: : Shall we have to wait for the tide to enter the har- bour? 47 Aici rada interioara este foarte aglomerata. Rada interioara este foarte agio- merata/total ocupata. Dirijati-ma spre un loc de an- coraj sigur. Eliberati/Parasiti locul de an- coraj. Este periculos s& se fundariseascd ancora. Indreptati-vai/Mergeti catre lo-_ cul de ancoraj. ‘Cit lant ne trebuie? Avem nevoie de... chei de lant. Am ridicat cu ancora un cablu _ telegrafic. Indreptati-va spre locul de an- coraj. i Mergeti la ancoraj in punctul imicat, (laty.)) 5) LOUR sea: Deplasati-va la locul de ancoraj_ mr bis : : Nu plecati de la ancora}. ‘Trebuie s& vi deplasati la locul de ancoraj in pozitia indicata. Sintem nevoiti sa stationadm in rada pina diseara. Aici adincimile~sint cam mici. Aici adincimea este mica. Indreptati-va spre locul de anco- raj. Vom fi nevoiti si asteptém flu- xul pentru a intra in port? hy 48 4.2. Comenzi pentru manevra ancorel (Orders for anchor’s handling) Ali hands up anchor ! - Anchor a-cock-bill ! Anchor apeack ! Anchor ‘at short stay ! Anchor a’weigh ! Anchor bites ! Anchor clear of the water ! Anchor comes/coming home l Anchor comes up-foul! Anchor comes up-foul with the flukes uppermost ! Anchor drags (home) ! Anchor has bitten ! Anchor has started ! Anchor holds! Anchor hoves sight ! Anchor (is) apeak ! Anchor (is) a-stay! Anchor : (is) atrip ! Anchor (is) awash/a’ wash ! Anchor (is) aweigh ! Anchor is catted ! Anchor is clear ! Anchor is foul! Anchor is home ! Anchor (is) in sight ! Anchor (is) secured ! Anchor is short stay ! ‘Anchor is» starting ! Anchor (is) up! Anchor (is) up and down ! Anchor ready for letting go! fntree echipajul la posturile de plecare de la ancora !| » Ancora la gruie!; Ancora gata de fundarisit ! (suspendata la verticald) Ancora la pic! Ancora la pic scurt | Ancora: s-a smuls! . Ancora musca!; Ancora tine | Ancora libera la -suprafata ! Ancora derapeaza!; Ancora nu phate Ancora (vine) tncurcata ! Ancora (vine) incurcata cu palma in sus ! Ancora derapeaza!; Ancora era- peaza ! Ancora a muscat!; Ancora tine ! Ancora s-a smuls ! Ancora tine bine! Ancora la suprafata ! Ancora (este) la pic! Ancora. (este) la pic lung ! Ancora s-a smuls! Ancora (este) la suprafata ! Ancora s-a smuls! Ancora este caponata | Ancora este liber&/curata/dega- jata | Ancora este agatata/incurcata | Ancora (este) la post! Ancora (este) la suprafata ! Ancora (este) la post ! Ancora (este) la pic scurt ! Ancora s-a smuls | . Ancora (este) la suprafata ! Ancora (este) la pic! Ancora gata de fundarisit ! a { aj i al tt auchor: How. is anchor? Is the anchor steady? Avast heaving capstan ! vast heaving on the cable! \vast paying away the cable | hack the cable/chain ! Be ready to heave in! Bowse to the chain compressor ! Cabje chain is slack//taut ! fable enough ! ne Cable is down ! Cable is up)! Wow does the cable grow? , How grows the cable? Chain is leading aft//ahead | Chain is up and down ! Chain tending (slightly) aft ! Clap the stoppers on | Clear anchor! Clear away anchors | Clear away anchors and cables | Clear foul hawse ! @lear the hawse ! Clear up the anchor ! Disengage the wildcat ! Drop (the) anchor ! Kase the cable! Kasy away the chain ! Easy the chain! ze the wildcat ! Norward the boat to drop the warp ! foul anchor ! ree the cable holder ! (et the anchor ! np as (iet both anchors ready ! Get the lead and line//sounding | machine//echo-sounder ready ! | 49 a Cum este ancora? Gata de fundarisit? Stop cabestanul ! Stop-vira lantul ! Stop-fila lantul! Descurcati lantul! Fiti gata de virat}; Pregatiti pentru virare ! Puneti lantul in stopa ! Lantul este slab//strins ! Tine(ti) lantul!! Lantul este molat ! ~Lantul este pe punte! Cum este lantul?; {ncotro in- tinde lantul? Gum araté: lantul?; Cum’ e(ste) lantul? ne Bat Lantul intinde inapoi//inainte | Lantul este la pic! Lantul intinde (usor) inapoi ! Puneti stopele ! Ancora (vine) libera ! Pregatiti ancorele ! (pentru fun- darisive Pregatitie ancorele si lanturile ! Descurcati lantul ancorei ! Descrucisati/Descurcati lanturile! Degajati ‘ancora ! Decuplati barbotinul l Funda ancora! Fila lantul! Fila incet lantul! Fila lantul ! Cuplati barbotinul |. Trimiteti barca pentru transpor- tarea ancorotului ! Ancora (vine) incurcata ! Eliberati stopa lantulut ancorei ! Pregititi ancora ! Pregititi ambele ancore pentru fundarisire ! ae Pregatiti sonda de minad//sonda mecanica//sonda: ultrason ! \ f 50 Get the ready: | Get ready to anchor ! Get ready to weigh anchor! port//starboard anchor Hands by the port/ [starboard an- chor ! “Haul in the cable! Heave Heave Heave away in! away the anchor up ! handsomely ! Heave in and cast the anchor !* Heave in the port//starboard an- chor cable! Heave on the chain ! Heave port anchor ! Heave round the capstan !|* Heavé short the cable! Heave starboard anchor ! Heave-up anchor ! Heaving in sight ! High enough ! Hoist away ! Hold on the cable/chain ! \ House the anchor! ee anchor ready ! Keep the cable/chain slackened ! Let a deck-hand take the sounding here ! Let (go) the anchor ! Let go another anchor ! Let go the port//starboard anchor ! No strain ! Off brake port//starboard ! Off slip! | Pay away... shackles of the chain! Pay away somemore chain ! Put windlass in gear! Ready for letting go! Ready to anchor ! | Lasati Preedtiti ancora babord//tribord pentru fundarisire ! Pregatiti pentru. jancorare ! Pregatiti. pentru ridicarea/vira- _ rea ancorei ! (Fiti) gata de baberdul _ [{triberdul ! Vira ancora ! “ovata Vira ancora! Vira usor! . Ridicati si puneti la net: ancora | Mare, lantul babord //tribord | Vira lantul ! Ridicati/Virati ancora babord ! Vira cabestanul ! Recuperati lantul!; Vireaza strins ! Ridicati/ Virati ancora seems | Vira ancora ! Vira!; Sus ancora | Stop vira |! Vira !; Cabestanul lucreaza ! Stop-fila lantul ! Ridicati ancora la post! Mentineti ancora gata de funda- risit | lantul moale ! Un marinar.s& ma&soare mea aici! Funda ancora ! Fundarisiti cealalt&a ancora ! Funda ancora babord//tribord ! Lantul nu intinde! Eliberati stopa babord//tribord ! Eliberati botul ! Fila ... chei de lant! Mai filati lantul! Cuplati barbotinul ! Gata de fundarisit ! Gata .de ancorat | adincis= Recuper’ |= s Secure the anchors for sea! See all clear for coming to! hackle: How many | water? Stand by the Parhels ! shackles under Stand by the cable | Stand by (the) BAER IE LARD | (an~ chor) ! Siand by to heave away ! by to let go ae starboard anchor land by to weight the anchor ! Stand port// Siand clear of the cable! clear the -port//starboard 2 chain !* | Take the stoppers Under way ! Up anchor ! Veer (the) anchor to the bettom ! Veer (away) cable! Veer out the anchor to the edge ! your anchor ! Stand off ! : water s ; Veer a Walk ! W Weicht your anchor ! o° Amarati/Asigurati ancorele ! Pregatiti pentru ancorare | Cite chei' sint in/la apa? Pregititi pentru ancorare !; (Fa- ceti) gata de. ancorare ! Atentie la lantul ancorei ! (Faceti) gata de ancorat cu ba- bordul//tribordul !; Pregatiti pentru Ree ancora ba- bord//tribord ! Gata de virat! Pregatiti pentru ancorat cu babor- dul//tribordul ! Pregotiti pentru ridicarea anco- rei ! Atentie la lant |: Feriti lantul ! -Atentie la lantul babord|jtribord ! Feriti lantul. babord//tribord ! Eliberati stopele ! Ancora ‘a pornit ! | ee ancora | Filati lantul pina la fund ! Fila incet lantul | - | Filati lantul pina la apa ! Fila lantul. ancorei ! | Fila//Vira cabestanul ! (comanda data dupa comanda top ry dicati ancora ! 4.3. Expresii generale (General terms) Anchor at the inner//ou iter Anchor - the head//stern. Anchor head and stern. road. Ancorati in rada interioara//ex- terioara. F undarisiti ancora (de la) crue | pupa. | Fundarisiti ancorele prova si pupa. | Ancorati in cap fix, f D2 Fee eee ere eT ee ean acest MAROON LE LEI ETE | ‘Anchor in company. Anchor in outer road(stead). Anchor inside the breakwater. Anchor with both anchors. Have your anchors ready for letting go. I have anchored with both anchors. I shali not anchor. I wich to anchor at once. My anchor is foul. Where you have anchored you are likely to drag. You have permission to anchor You should ‘not anchor. Cast to (am) anchor. Change the anchorage. Come at anchor(ing place). Cut anchor immediately. Cut and run. drag: I am dragging my anchor. You appear to be dragging your anchor. Drop anchor. Get the anchor clear. Get shelter or anchorage as soon as possible. Get under way (from the anchor). go to: | You are going anchor. to foul my Lay off the anchor. ‘Leave. the anchorage. Let the anchor. Let. go (the) anchor. Make ready for anchoring. - Fundarisiti ancora. -Mergeti la os Ancorati in formafie. Ancorati in rada exterioara. Ancorati., la adapostul spats valului. Ancorati cu ambele ancore. Ancorele sa fie sit. Am ancotat cu ambele ancore. 9 gata de fundaria Nu’ voi. ancora. -Vrgau si ancorez imediat. Ancora mea este incurcata a Acolo unde ati ancorat se pare ca derapati. Aveti permisiunea sa ancoratl Nu trebuie sa ancorati. Schimbati locul de ancoray. a Veniti la locul de ancora). Pardsiti ancora. imediat. (pra tdievea lantulut) ie Prrisiti ancora. (pentru plecam vyapida) 4 ’ Ancora mea. cer Sé pare c& ancora dv apeaza. derapeama@ C Bt i Fundarisiti ancora. Pregatiti ancora risire. i ; st sau la ancoim e post ibil. pentru funda ' ape cit mai re sped CA 3 “+4 de Me ancora. Sinteti pe cale sa-mi incurcell ' ‘ancora. Fundarisiti ancora, 7 Parisiti/Eliberati locul de al cora]. Fundarisiti ancora. Fundarisiti ancora. Pregatiti pentru ancorare. proceed: Not proceed out of anchorage. request: ‘ I request permission to anchor. Send a boat to where I am to anchor or moor. Slip anchor immediately. Vessel indicated is breaking a- drift. Weigh anchor at time ‘indicated. Weight anchor immediately. I am unable to er my anchor. anchor with a spring arrive at/to the anchorage back an anchor be at anchor be anchored with mooring swivel be awash be aweigh be brought up to a bitter be under weigh be up and down boat the anchor break the anchor out bring home the anchor bring to an anchor bring up the ship with two an- chors clap a spring (up) on the cable Nu va deplasati de la ancora]. Cer permisiune sa “ancorez. Trimiteti o- barca la locul unde —ancorez sau ma leg. Molati ancora imediat. (erm ta- iexea lantulut) Nava indicata s-a rape de la ancora. Ridicati ancora la ora indicata. Ridicati ancora imediat. Sint in imposibilitate de a ri- dica ancora. & a-ancora cu spring > a ambosa a sosi la locul de ancora] a imperechea 0 alicora a sta(tiona) la ancora; a fi an- corat a fi afurcat a iesi din apa (despre ancora) ; a iesi la suprafata a se sthulge de pe fund (despre ancora) - a fi tinut de jlantul ‘ancorei filat la refuz (despre navd) a fi cu ancora la suprafata a fi la pic (despre ancord) a transporta ancora Cu barca (pentru fundaristre), a smulge ancora de pe fund) din mil a veni la pic scurt a sta(tiona) la ancora a opri nava prin fundarea ambelor ancore a lega un spring de lanful ais corel 54. come over the anchor come up on the two chain stop- pers drop an anchor under foot drop the cable in a bunch fall over one’s own anchor get the chain adrift from the buoy | 5 ‘haul up slack chain heave in the (riding) cable heave in some of the cable heave right up in the hawse pipe : Jay out an anchor lie uneasily to an anchor lighten the cable make @ running moor moor for a fair berth ‘moor one anchor and shore-fasis moor with two anchors (ahead) pay out the cable/chain put the chain into the sprocket ride the anchor in a gale ride between wind and tide ride by the port//starboard ~side ride on the wind rise at anchor in a gale screw up the windlass shackle the chain to the anchor stream the anchor buoy swing out.a cross in the hawse ‘ take in the cable/chain take a strain by the windlass veer the anchor. to the . bottom walk out the anchor/chain work the chain/cable ccssieumnniitcanmcsne nats Cana eS SEO A a a a a a a a ennai nennementinrnt ene tee veni la chemarea ancorei (despre nava) pune ambele stope la lant fundarisi ancora sub etrava fila lantul gramada (peste an- cora) lovi cu chila propria ancora, impreuna lantul ancorei cu inelul geamandurii de legare recupera burta, lantului ancorel recupera lantul ancorei recupera strins lantul ancorei recupera in tubul narii transporta (cu barca) 0 ancora se mentine greu la ancora fila lantul ancorei ancora din- mers ancora intr-un loc sigur se lega la cheu cu o ancora ~ fundarisita ancora prin afurcare/in barba fila .lantul ancorei pune lantul pe barbotin sta(tiona) la ancora pe furtuna sta(tiona) intre vint si curen- tul de maree , stationa. cu ancora babord// tribord fundarisita sta(tiona) la ancora in vint stationa la ancora pe yreme de furtuna — stringe/a cupla barbotinul impreuna lantul cu ancora lisa la ap& capatina de ancora descurca lanturile girind in sens invers recupera lantul la bord recupera lantul. cu vinciul fundarisi ancora cu vinciul fila lanful ancorei din vinet® manipula lantul de ancora 7 5, ACOSTAREA SI PLECAREA LA//DE LA CHEU SAU GEAMANDURA (MOORING/BERTHING AND UNMOORING/UN- BERTHING SHIP) | 5.1. Relatii despre locul de acostare (Relations on the berthing area) await: You must await berth(age). Berth is not quite suitable. Berth will not suit us. change: You should change your berth. Close the land. Come alongside. Come alongside board side. Can I come alongside? I cannot come alongside. » Not come alongside. depth: : . my port//star- What depth is there along- - side the pier at low water? double up: You have to double up fore and aft. Drop an anchor before coming alongside. Vavourable location for landing is at position indicated. finish: As soon as you finish disch- arging the ... you will have. to shift to another berth. ‘ Trebuie sai asteptati rindul la: acostare/dana. Dana nu este indeajuns de cores~ punzatoare. Dana nu corsepunde pentru noi- Trebuie s& schimbati locul de acostare. . Apropiati-va de mal. Acostati cu bordul. Veniti de-a lungul babordului// tribordului meu. © : Pot acosta cu bordul? : Nu pot s& acostez cu bordul. Nu acostati cu bordul. . Ce’ adincime este acolo la chew Ja reflux? Trebuie si dati dubline la prova. si pupa. Fundarisiti o ancora imainte de a acosta cu bordul. Un loc favorabil pentru acostare este in punctul indicat. Imediat ce veti termina descar- carea ..., trebuie si vi mutati- la alta dana. 56 Get in the bow// stern first. You'll get berthed at berth No... go: I am going to board you. I am going to send a boat, heave: We can heave the ship. along- side. : | land: ; This is. the best place to land. Landing~here is highly dangero- TES 33: : No landing here. Lights will be shown at the lan- ding place. location : A more favourable location for landing is in this di- -rection. Make a port//starboard lee. We must make fast stern to. We shall make a port//star- board side landing. Which side shall we make a landing? moor : At what bert shall we get . moored? We mist get moored by the head. We must get moored by the: head and stern. moor: : We shall have to get moored. We shall have to moor to the mooring buoys. Where shall we get moored? ee aera etait eT Tc ty Apropiati-va de cheu mai intil cu prova//pupa. Veti acosta la dana ir. Intentionez sa acostez la bordul ee: Merg ca sa trimuit 0 barca. Putem s& ne.apropiem cu bordul la’ cheu.’. Acesta este cel mai bun’ loc de acostare. Acostarea aici este - periculoasa. ° - Acostarea interzisa. L.a locul de acostare VOr fio Mize bile lumuini. deosebit de Un loc mai favorabil pentru a- costare se afla in aceasta directié. Faceti adApost cu nava in babord {jtribord. Trebuie si ne legam eu pupa. Vom acosta cu babordul//tribor- aul. Cu ce bord vom acosta? La’ ce dana vom acosta? Trebuie sa ne legam cu prova. Trebuie sa. ne legam cu prova $i Cu pupa. Sintem nevoiti s& acostam aici. Trebuie si ne legam la gearmnan> durile de legare. Wnde vom acosta? cnt niaummuaanensitenaniee cant ee CNL SARC Cet LEGO LOTTO mooring : No mooring. place: This is the best place to land. Send a pilot to shift the ship to another. berth, Send a tug to shift the ship. When will you send us a tug OF A costarea la ° cheu interzisa. (cu legare sau geamandurd) Acesta este cel mai bun loc pens tru acostare.. ‘Trimiteti un pilot pentru a muta nava la alta dana. Trimiteti un remorcher pentru a muta nava. €Cind ne veti trimite un remorcher and a pilot to shift the si un pilot, pentru a muta 7 ship to another berth: nava la alta dana? Shift the berth. Schimbati dana (de ‘acostare). q Which berth must shift to? La ce dana trebuie sA ne mutam? q You must shift the berth to- Irebuie sa schimbafi dana azi. 1 day. q Work into her slip. Indreptati-va. spre dana reparti- 9 gata. { 5.2. Comenzi pentru manevra de acostare ' si plecare la//de la cheu Adrift from moorings ! Mast ! All clear aft//forward ! All fast ! qi All gone ! q All hands-unmoor ship! : q Avast hauling ! 7 : , Avast heaving in! 1 \g Belay on bitts the headrope// sternrope ! ’ Belay the rope on the pollard! 4 Break out the fenders ! | 4 breast line/rope is clear ! Cant the bow//stern off the pier ! (Orders for approach and slipping to//from berth) Parimele sint molate! Volta! Liber la pupa//prova ! -Totul este legat/voltat ! Molat peste tot !; niolate ! rae Echipajul la posturile de plecare Stop-vira! (la inanevra manuala a parimet) Stop-vira! (la amanevra cu cabes- Parimele sint. fanul) Tineti la baba . parima’! prova// pupa !. Puneti parima la baba ! Instalati baloanele de acostare ! Traversa este molata ! Departati prova//pupa de chew! Cast off the bow//stern spring ! Cast off the headrope//sternrope 1 Check the bow//stern spring ! Check your headrope//sternrope ! Clear aft! Clear ahead ! Clear all the (mooring) ropes ! Clear astern ! Clear forward ! ‘Clear the breast rope ! Clear the spring ! Is it clear ahead//astern? It’s cleat ahead//astern ! Come up !: Double bitt ! _ Drop the rope over the bollard ! fast: . ‘Is the rope fast? Fleet the cable on the windlass ! Gangboard aboard//to quay ! Get the hawsers ready to be paid away ! Get the ladder ready at port// _-starboard side ! . Give on shore the -bow//stern spring ! Give. on shore ie breast line/ rope ! Give on shore the headrope// sternrope ! Give on shore the heaving line ! Haul away ! Haul down ! Haul in the slack ! Haul tau (gh)t ! Heave the bow//stern alongside : wath 4 breast line ! Mola springul prova/ {pupa ! Mola parima prova//pupa. ! Tine springul prova//pupa ! Tine (parima) prova//pupa ! Mola pupa! (comandd); Liber (a) 4q pupa ! (rdspuns): Mola prova! (comanda) ; Liber(a) prova ! (vdspuns) Mola peste tot! Mola pupa! (comandd) ; Liber (&) pupa! (vdspuns) Mola prova! (comand) ; Liber(a) @ (prova! (vydspuns) | Mola traversa ! Mola springul ! | Liber’ prova//pupa?; Cum este prova//pupa? Libera prova//pupa ! Fila! ’ Luati © volta dubla ! Puneti parima la baba ! (pe cheut) S-a, legat pariima? Puneti parima la vinci ! Schela la bord//cheu ! Pregatiti parimele de legare pens tru acostare ! Pregatiti schela in babord (is bord | Dati (la mal) springul prova// pupa ! | Dati (la mal) traversa ! Dati (la mal) .parima prova// q pupa ! Aruncati/Bateti b andula ‘Trageti pe parime : ! intinde parima ! Recuperati banda ! Recuperati. strins!; Recu perati burta.! Apropiati prova//pupa cu tra- versa | : Heave in aft! Heave in the bow//stern ‘spring! Heave in fore ! Heave in the headrope//sternrope ! Heave in on the cable! Heave up the ladder ! Hold on the Hee eae Let go! Let go aft ! Let go all! Let go amain ! Let go the bow//stern spring | Let go forward ! Let go the headrope// sternrope ! Let go the rope! Light to! Lines ‘are out ! Lower the ladder ! Make all fast ! Make fast the bow//stern RRHEe | Not clear ! Pay away the bow//stern spring I Pay away cheerily ! yo Pay away some more cable ! Put.over the fenders! — Put the rat-guards on the moo- ring lines ! Ready for sea! Rocket line is held ! Rope is slack! - Run out the bow rope ! Run -out the stern rope ! Secure | See all clear coming to! Ship the fenders ! Shove off ! Slack the rope ! Spring is clear ! Stand’ by mooring | 59 \ Vira parimele pupa !- Vira springul prova//pupa ! Vira parimele prova ! Vira parima prova//pupa ! Vira parima ! Schela la bord ! ° Tine (parima) prova//pupa ! Mola! Mola pupa! Mola peste tot! Mola (parimele) de tot! . Mola springul prova//pupa! Mola prova ! Mola parima prova//pupa ! Mola parima! (dela babaua de la cheu) Aranjati recuperarea | (parima ve- cuperatd) - Parimele sint date (la chen) ! Schela la mal! Volta peste tot ! Volta springul pro vel (pupa | Nu este liber ! Fila springul prova//pupa | Fila repede ! Fila mai multa parima ! - Puneti baloanele ! ‘ Puneti aparatoarele de sobolani la parimele de legare ! Gata de mars! ,Racheta-bandula este lansata. ! ‘Parima (este) in banda !; Parima s-a slabit ! | Dati parima prova ! Dati parima pupa! Asigurati !; Volta ! Pregdtiti pentru acostare ! -Puneti baloanele ! Largati | Parima in banda 1 Springul .este molat ! Pregatiti de/pentru acostare | i Ke i ‘, ‘ iy he iD ve pac A ° fi es ; ‘ Stand by (to) let go! Pregatiti legdturile !; Pregatifi be re ady to sail on... a fi gata de plecare la data... : de molare | ! | hear out forward a apara prova . © ; ilé cf 4A : Stand clear of the heaving line! Atentie la bandula ! an pI od down broadside a se apropia in vitez& cu bordul Strike amain ! Parimele in banda ! { weak adrift a se rupe din legaturi | | a wa pe Ore ee ss Ba . Take up the heaving line! Luati/Prindeti bandula ! a k loose a se desface din legaturt Throw the rope off the ‘bollard! Mola parima de la baba! Ua ¥ rea MOOrMss . a se rupe din legaturi i p . et £ : oS cheu) breast in bodily a se apropia cu bordul (prin vi- Unship the fenders ! | Scoateti/Intrati baloanele! - : varea traverselor) Vast heaving ! Stop-vira ! | 4 bring her into the yetty a presa nava la cheu . Veer out cheerily! | Fila repede ! ae bring the ship to*the berth a dirija nava spre dana ‘ Veer handsomely ! Fila usor ! , east off from the buoy ey pleca de la geamandura Veer port//starboard ! ey Bile, et pordul//tribordul! — . { clap a spring (up) on the cable a lega springul de lantul ancorei | eome alongside a ship/vessel | a acosta bord la bord cu o nava double up fore and aft a da dubline la prova $i pupa Be q fetch a ship/vessel. to the quay a trage 0 nava la cheu 5.3; Expresil generale a wet under way from the buoy a pleca de la geamandura (General terms) . a haul alongside the quay a (se) trage cu bordul de-a lungul 4 cheului ] l in 4 hiok ep f i 1 ois. Rc Approach the vessel. Apropiati- ya de nave, ©. haul in the bight of a rope a recupera burta unet parime Await berth(age). Asteptati-va rindul ja ‘acostare. P haul oneself. ahead//astern a se trage pe parime -tnainte// Berth alongside. | Acostati cu bordul (la ¢heu): ; inapoi Berth port-side//starboard-side a- Acostati cu babordul//tribordul —@ lny alongside the quay/wharf a, sta(tiona) cu bordul la cheu y longside. (la ‘cheu). 1 BN, ih odealaeecr inne 2 Cant the nee ot off the pier, Scoateti prova//pupa afara de la 9 \y inadequate alongside the quay a. stafiona_necorespunzator de-a Ae. iungul cheului i | } c ide ae elie a a h es Cast off the mooring lines. Desfaceti parimele de legare. from alongside another ship a pleca de linga bordul altei1 nave Come alongside. Acostati cu bordul. a leave the side of a ship se indeparta de bordul unei nave or osté : het q a pe ; ; Come along side the quay. Acostati cu bordul la chen. let go by the run a fila parimele de. legare Lower a oat to run the hawsers Lasati o barca pentru a transpor-. @ etn rast toch seach to the mooring buoy. ta parimele la gea amandura de Betas A a ee la cheu legare. ‘ niake a safe landing alongside a face o acostare reusita cu bordul Moor stern to the quay. Acostati cu pupa la cheu. . o Wiake a ship fast ~ . a lega nava la cheu ; ide 4 ; Va rog S O 1 dana. ne ne Provide another berth, please. Vee si: asigurati o alta { Mahe a side landing Dee en Great Take a tug to make the landing. Angajati un remorcher pentru asistenta: la enukane. woo! along (side) the quay a se lega cu bordul la cheu moor one an achor and shore-fasts 4, ancora cu oO atcora si a se lega ee : | la cheu . I pi the cable to. the mooring ada lantul la geamandura dele assign a berth a repartiza o dana q buoy gare ‘ “ “ w z be alongside ' a fi acostat cu bordul ; oe : si Dae be alongst € ¢ i a pay away more line a fila,mai multa parima be board and board a stationa bord la bord 1 i 4 rill te) the moor } ata(tione © namandura be end on to one another a fija sta prova in pr ova, to) the Oe e u(tiona) la geamandura fin out. the head//stern rope a da parima prova//pupa be laying at berth a sta(tiona) la dana sheer out the bow//stern shift the ship ahead//astern shift to the another berth shove off from the quay slack the mooring ropes spring the stern into position stand chine to chine take in the moorings of the buoy throw a heaving line work off the stern. a ws & a scoate afara prova//pupa trage nava pe parime spre va//pupa se muta la se indeparta de slabi legare alta dana cheu aduce pupa la locul stabilit. din legaturi sta{tiona) bord. la bord legaiturile/parimele de " mola legaturile de la geam: anal dura de legare bate/a arunca bandula larga pupa pro-4 i A 6. INTRAREA SI JESIREA NAVEI IN//DIN PORT (SAILING IN//OUT THE HARBOUR) ~ 6.1. Relatii despre intrarea//iesirea navei (Relations on incoming and outgoing) Call at the next port. Course: What is the course ‘to place ee | Direct, the course to port. Enter the harbour/port. (ain immediately the offing. Get into the harbour. Get out of the harbour. Are you ready to. get under way? : I am not ready to get under way. I shall get un der Way aS soon as fhe weather permits. Keep her to the port. repare the ship for sea. proc eed: \ll ships should proceed to sea. . \11 ships should proceed to - sea aS soon as possible. Do not proceed until weather perentts. Not proceed out of harbour. You should proceed into port. should proceed to sea. rou talc ust we take a tug to get out of the harbour? Trebuie ‘Faceti escala in portul urmator. Care este drumul spre punctul > Talat drum spre port. Intrati in. port. lesiti imediat in larg(ul marii). Intrati in port. Tesiti din. port. ginteti gata sa plecati in mars? Nu sint gata sa plec in mars. Voi pleca in mars imediat ce vremea permite. Mentineti nava (in drum) spre port. Pregatifi nava, ee lesire in mare. “Toate bees ¢trebuie sai iasa& in mate. Toate navele trebuie s& ias& in mare cit mai repede posibil. Nu. plecati pina cind nu permite VCE 7) Nu plecati din port Trebuie sa intrati in port. sa iesiti in mare. Trebuie s& ang gajain un remorcher pentru iesire din port? 64 a pce tT time: At what time will you be Lace under way? wait: low water. . 6.2. Expres: (Gener arrange for the vessel to enter port be about to proceed to sea call at an intermediate port call at a port of refuge fall down a harbour: get for the offing ‘ get into position for entering harbour go for a short sea trip head for the harbour/port ‘make certain of the ship's arrival make good the course to harbour nose her way out to sea put out of harbour reach the port of destination ride in the roadstead till the mor- ning etand in for (the) harbour/port stand off from the shore steady out the sea take the open sea take a tug to enter the port wait for the tide to enter the harbour You should wait until high// © Trebute si. asteptati fluxul//Teg : 1 - li al a ora, veti fi in mars? Tacs r : generale terms): pregati nava pentru intrare ia port 1 fi gata de face escala intr-un mediar intra iutr-un port de refugia naviga spre/catre port iesi in largul marii 4 intraja ateriza pe punctul dey acces in port.’ a pleca Intr-un yoiay scurt se iridrepta cdtre port se asigura de sosirea, Maver lua drum corect catre/spre Porm jesi in mare : a iesi din port J ajunge in portul de -destinat ’ astepta in rad& pina dimineat® i‘ pune capul pe intrarea in pom ‘se indeparta de coasta © 7 in mare | iesire in mare | port inter™ 1 a Lesgi | sesi_ im Jare(ul) mar, | ae angaia un remorcher pentil i intrare in. port j astepta fluxul pentru 4 int fin OMe. oe, | 7. TRECEREA PRIN CANALE, 65 STRIMTORI SI_ GHETURI (PASSING THROUGH CANALS, NARROWS AND ICE) 7.1, Relatii despre canal, strimtoare $i (Relations on canal, anchor: Shall we have to anchor when proceeding through this ca- nal//passage//strait! liur is dangerous. liar is not dangerous, (anal/Channel is clear. fanal/Channel is navigable. (anal/Channel is mot clear. (anal /Channel is not navigable. (anal/Channel is temporarily clo- sed for navigation. fanal/Channel will be clear at time indicated. Is the canal clear? ls the canal navigable? Pairavan: Your ship will be the first// second in the caravan. fross here, Can I cross the bar? eurvye ; Dangerous curve. Hepth: There is not less than... tres of water over the bar. (here is sufficient depth of me ka EL water. (here will be... metres of water over the bar at time indicated. Wath is the depth of water over the bar? { ed BOR gheturl narrows and ice) Va fi nevoie si ancoram pe timpul trecerii prin acest canal// aceast& trecere//strimtoare? Bara este periculoasa. Bara nu este periculoasa. Canalul este liber, Canalul este navigabil. Canalul nu este liber. Canalul nu este navigabil. Canalul este inchis temporar pentru navigate. Canalul va fi liber la ora indi- Cala. Canalul este liber? Canalul este navigabil? Nava dv. va fi prima//a doua in convol, Loc de trecere. Pot s& trec peste bara? Cot periculos. Sint cel putin... metri deasupra barei. Sint adincimi suficiente. La ora indicat& vor fi... metri deasupra barei. Care este adincimea apei deasu- pra barei? depth: What is the least depth of wa- ter in the channel//fairway? tngine must not be stopped du ring our stay in this canal. pater : When can I enter the channel? You can enter the channel at time indicated. Fairway is clear. Go slow. Keep to the left/right. We must keep the fairway. We must keep the port//star- board side. You should keep in the centre of the channel//fairway. You should keep on the port//starboard side of the channel//fairway. Least depth of water in the cha- nnel//fairway is ... metres. leave: You should leave the chas- nel//fairway free. Let the ships coming from the opposite direction pass by. make fast: Shall we have to make fast in this canal? We shall have to make fast in this canal. We shall have to make fast in the sidings. obstruction: There is an uncharted obstruc- tion in the channel//fairway. order: What is the order of proceeding through the canal? apei pe canal//senal? e Masina nu trebuie a a pe ting est ¢ pul stafionarii pe canal Cind pot s& intru pe canal? Puteti intra pe dicata. Senalul este liber. Mers incet. Mentineti-va pe stinga//dreaptay Tineti stinga//dreapta. Trebuie sa tinem pe mijlocul senalulut. ‘Trebuie s& tinem pe partea stingt [jdxeapta. Trebuie s& tineti pe centrul cag ‘A nalult ui //senalului. Trebuie s& tineti pe partea stimj ea//drea pb a nalulut. Adincimea minima a apei pe & canalului //s@ Care este adinciinea minima aj canal la ora 17 nal//senal este de... meth Trebuie sa lJasafi canalul//senay lul liber. LAsati-sa treaca navele care Vil din. directia opusa, 4 Vom canal? i Tie ADs rains ¢ cade acOsta pe acCear Va trebui s& acostam pe acee Calas. Vom. acosta.; pe derivatiile late Tale - Pe canal//senal exista un perie@ netrecut pe harta. 4 Care este ordinea de trecere Pe canal? f ‘i Y. p 188? i intend to pass purge the channel//fairwa What ships must by ahead of us? proceed: Do not proceed in channel with out the assistance of ice- breaker//tug. I am proceeding along the ice channel. i will proceed along the ice channel, Shall we proceed through the channel//strait at night? You should proceed with cau- tion. Proceeding through the canal, all naval and passanger ships have the right of way. Speed allowed proceeding through the strait must not exceed ... knots. roe let pass side: What side of the canal//passa- ge must we keep here? t peed ° What speed is allowed pro- ceeding through this canal? alate: What is the state of the chan- nel//fairway? traffic: No traffic, Hiri: Al Llatt | jaeia VO lett//rig 1t turn. Yo to turn ove One way. Intentionez pe senal. Ce nave trebuie sa ldsam sa ne depaseasca ? s& trec prin canal// Nu intrati pe canal fara asistenta spargitorului de gheatii//re- morcherului. Trec de-a lungul canalului prin gheturi. Voi urma de:a lungul canalului prin gheturi. Vom trece prin canal//strimtoare pe timpul noptii? Trebuie s& treceti cu atenfie. La trecerea prin canal au priori- tate toate navele militare $i de pasageri. La trecere prin strimtoare vi- teza nu trebuie si depageasca .. nodurt? Pe ce parte a canalului//strimte- rii trebuie si tinem? Ce vitezi este admisa la trecerea prin acest canal? Care. sint regulile de | canal//senal ? navigatie pe Traficul este interzis/oprit intoarcerea la stinga//dreapta es~ £6 interzisa. fntoarcerea este interzisa. Sens unic.

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