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avalanche blizzard breeze cyclone drought flood flurries fog frost hail heat-wave humidity hurricane ice lightning

precipitation puddle rainbow raindrop shower slush snowstorm sunshine thunder thunderstorm tornado UV rays weather forecast meteorologist temperature thermometer Celsius degree Fahrenheit degree

avalan viscol adiere de vnt ciclon secet inundaie rafale cea ger, nghe grindin val de cldur umiditate uragan ghea fulger precipitaii balt curcubeu strop de ploaie avers de ploaie lapovi / flecial furtun de zpad lumina soarelui tunet furtun cu trsnete tornad raze ultra-violete prognoz meteo meteorolog temperatur termometru grad Celsius grad Fahrenheit

chilly cloudy partly cloudy foggy icy rainy snowy stormy sunny windy clear cool freezing freezing cold mild rcoros nnorat parial nnorat ceos ngheat ploios cu ninsoare, nins furtunos nsorit cu vnt limpede rcoros cu nghe, ngheat teribil de rece, de frig blnd

(to) rain cats and dogs (a) ploua din greu

Body parts
head face hair forehead eyes eyelids eyebrows eyelashes ears nose nostrils mouth tooth, pl. teeth lips tongue cheeks cheekbones dimples chin moustache beard arm elbow hand fingers (finger)nails leg knee foot, pl. feet toes (toe)nails body skin neck shoulders back chest waist hips cap fa pr frunte ochi pleoape sprncene gene urechi nas nri gur dinte buze limb obraji pomei gropie brbie musta barb bra cot mn degetele de la mini unghiile (de la mini) picior genunchi laba piciorului degetele de la picioare unghiile (de la picioare) corp piele gt umeri spate piept talie olduri

good happy big young beautiful tall fat long thick heavy hard bun vesel, fericit mare tnr frumos nalt gras lung gros greu tare bad sad small old ugly short slim short thin light soft ru trist mic btrn urt scund slab, subire scurt subire uor moale

smooth full hot bright cheap new clean easy quick loud strong rich smart intelligent pretty nice kind (to)

fin plin fierbinte luminos ieftin nou curat uor rapid zgomotos

rough empty cold dark expensive old dirty difficult slow quiet

aspru gol rece ntunecat scump vechi murdar dificil lent silenios

puternic weak slab bogat poor srac iste stupid prost inteligent drgu (aspectul fizic) drgu (obiecte, aciuni, idei etc.) binevoitor (cu)

Food Fruits
food drink fruit fruits apple pear orange lemon grapefruit banana coconut cherry strawberry raspberry blueberry peach apricot plum grapes melon watermelon mncare butur fructe soiuri de fructe mr par portocal lmie grepfrut banan nuc de cocos cirea cpun zmeur afin piersic cais prun struguri pepene galben pepene rou

Food Vegetables
vegetables tomato potatoe carrot cucumber onion legume roie cartof morcov castravete ceap

garlic beans peas red pepper eggplant radish cauliflower spinach mushrooms

usturoi fasole mazre ardei gras vnt ridiche conopid spanac ciuperci

Other food
chocolate ice-cream pudding cake cookie pie honey jam toast sandwich ciocolat ngheat budinc tort prjitur, fursec plcint miere gem pine prjit sandvi

water juice orange juice soda beer wine coffee tea ap suc (natural, de fructe) suc de portocale suc carbogazos bere vin cafea ceai

likes dislikes lucruri care ne plac lucruri care ne displac

(to) like (to) dislike (to) love (to) hate (a)(-i) plcea (a) nu(-i) plcea (a) iubi (a) ur

Rooms in a house
flat (Br.) apartament apartment (Am.) house cas living room/ sufragerie dining room bedroom dormitor kitchen buctrie bathroom baie camer de guest room oaspei

store room


Other parts of a house

hall staircase roof chimney attic basement cellar front yard backyard fence bench garage first floor second floor hol scri acoperi co de fum pod subsol pivni curtea din fa curtea din spate gard banc garaj etajul nti etajul al doilea

Parts of a room
door wall floor ceiling window u perete podea tavan fereastr

Objects in a room
table desk chair armchair couch bed wardrobe shelf bookshelf carpet curtain light bulb lamp mas birou scaun fotoliu canapea pat dulap raft raft pentru cri carpet / covor perdea bec lamp

Prepositions of place
in on under behind in front of above below between next to near around n pe sub n spatele n faa deasupra dedesubt ntre lng n apropierea n jurul

Adverbs of frequency

Here are some very simple adverbs for expressing time. All of them refer to frequency. These adverbs are used with Present Simple. They are called adverbs of frequency. always ntotdeauna usually de obicei regularly n mod regulat normally n mod normal often deseori sometimes uneori occasionally ocazional rarely rareori seldom rareori never niciodat We will continue with: several nouns expressing periods of time, then with times of the day, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, adverbs and, finally, verbs expressing daily activities.

Nouns Periods of time

day week weekend month year season zi sptmn sfrit de sptmn lun an Anotimp

Times of the day

morning afternoon evening night midday midnight diminea dup-amiaz sear noapte miezul zilei miezul nopii astzi la noapte mine poimine

today tonight tomorrow the day after tomorrow

Days of the week

The days of the week are always written in capital letter. Monday luni Tuesday mari Wednesday miercuri Thursday joi Friday vineri Saturday smbt Sunday duminic

Months of the year

The months of the year are always written in capital letter. January ianuarie February februarie March martie

April May June July August September October November December

aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie

spring summer autumn winter primvar var toamn iarn

every day daily weekly monthly yearly once twice three times n fiecare zi zilnic sptmnal lunar anual o dat de dou ori de trei ori

Verbs Daily activities

(to) wake up (to) take a shower (to) brush one's teeth (to) brush one's hair (to) wash one's face (to) shave (to) get dressed (to) eat breakfast (to) drink a coffee (to) read the newspaper (to) leave for work (to) go to work (to) get on the bus (to) ride the bus (to) get off the bus (to) drive the car (to) work (to) take a break (to) return home (to) do the daily shopping (to) take a nap (to) go for a walk (to) go out (to) meet with friends (to) watch TV (to) go to bed (to) sleep (a) (se) trezi (a) face un du (a) (se) peria pe dini (a)(-i) peria prul (a) (se) spla pe fa (a) (se) brbieri (a) (se) mbrca (a) lua micul dejun (a) bea o cafea (a) citi ziarul (a) pleca la lucru (a) merge la lucru (a) se urca n autobuz (a) merge cu autobuzul (a) cobor din autobuz (a) conduce maina (a) munci / (a) lucra (a) face o pauz (a) se ntoarce acas (a) face cumprturile zilnice (a) trage un pui de somn (a) merge la plimbare (a) iei n ora (a) se ntlni cu prietenii (a) se uita la TV (a) merge la culcare (a) dormi

In & On & At
Prepoziiile in, on i at sunt folosite adesea ca prepoziii de timp. Ele introduc momente din timp i sunt utilizate n situaii specifice. In On At months:inMarch years:in2012 inthe morning inthe afternoon inthe evening dates: on the 1st of March days of the week:onFriday hours:at9 o'clock atnight atmidday atmidnight

onthe weekend onMonday morning onFriday afternoon onSunday evening etc. Ascult tutorialul audio din aceast lecie.

What time is it?

Question: What time is it? / What's the time? Answer: It is 9.15. / It's 9.15. quarter sfert half jumtate sharp fix 9.15 a quarter past 9 un sfert dup 9 9.20 twenty past 9 douzeci dup 9 9.30 half past 9 jumtate dup 9 9.40 twenty to 10 douzeci pn la 10 9.45 a quarter to 10 un sfert pn la 10 10.00 10 o'clock / 10 sharp ora 10 / 10 fix Dac minutarul este n prima jumtate a cadranului, ne raportm la ora care a trecut (n cazul nostru, 9) i folosim prepoziia past (dup). Dac minutarul este n a doua jumtate a cadranului, ne raportm la ora care urmeaz (n cazul nostru, 10) i folosim prepoziia to (pn la). O'clock este structura folosit pentru exprimarea orei. Spunem It is 10 o'clock., dar putem spune i numai It is 10. Structurile quarter, half, past, to sunt foarte uzuale n limba englez, dar putem spune i: It is 9 (nine) and 15 (fifteen) minutes. sau It is 9 (nine) 15 (fifteen). Aceasta este metoda utilizat atunci cnd nu avem sferturi sau jumti.

event celebration party birthday party anniversary party Christmas party New Year's party graduation party wedding invitation card eveniment celebrare, srbtoare petrecere petrecere de ziua de natere petrecere aniversar petrecere de Crciun petrecere de Anul Nou petrecere de absolvire nunt invitaie felicitare

letter envelope host guest group of friends present balloons confetti fireworks party hat party costume

scrisoare plic gazd oaspete grup de prieteni cadou baloane confeti artificii plrie pentru peterecere costum pentru petrecere

(to) give (to) receive (to) send (to) bring (to) come (to) go (to) plan (to) participate (to) party (to) entertain (to) open (to) wrap (to) unwrap (a) da (a) primi (a) trimite (a) aduce (a) veni (a) se duce (a) planifica (a) participa (a) se distra (la o petrecere) (a) ntreine, (a) amuza (a) deschide (a) mpacheta (a) despacheta

Punctm patru prepoziii cu care te-ai ntlnit deja. Vom avea nevoie de ele n seciunea Grammar. for pentru from de la to pentru, ctre (urmeaz dup un verb) with cu

Ordinal numbers (1 - 100)

1 - 10 1 (one) 1st (first) 2 (two) 2nd (second) 3 (three) 3rd (third) 4 (four) 4th (fourth) 5 (five) 5th (fifth) 6 (six) 6th (sixth) 7 (seven) 7th (seventh) 8 (eight) 8th (eighth) 9 (nine) 9th (ninth) 10 (ten) 10th (tenth) 21 - 30 21 (twenty-one) 21st (twenty-first) 22 (twenty-two) 22nd (twenty-second) 11 - 20 11 (eleven) 11th (eleventh) 12 (twelve) 12th (twelfth) 13 (thirteen) 13th (thirteenth) 14 (fourteen) 14th (fourteenth) 15 (fifteen) 15th (fifteenth) 16 (sixteen) 16th (sixteenth) 17 (seventeen) 17th (seventeenth) 18 (eighteen) 18th (eighteenth) 19 (nineteen) 19th (nineteenth) 20 (twenty) 20th (twentieth) 31 - 40 31 (thirty-one) 31st (thirty-first) 32 (thirty-two) 32nd (thirty-second)

23 (twenty-three) 23rd (twenty-third) 24 (twenty-four) 24th (twenty-fourth) 25 (twenty-five) 25th (twenty-fifth) 26 (twenty-six) 26th (twenty-sixth) 27 (twenty-seven) 27th (twentyseventh) 28 (twenty-eight) 28th (twenty-eighth) 29 (twenty-nine) 29th (twenty-ninth) 30 (thirty) 30th (thirtieth) 41 - 50 41 (forty-one) 41st (forty-first) 42 (forty-two) 42nd (forty-second) 43 (forty-three) 43rd (forty-third) 44 (forty-four) 44th (forty-fourth) 45 (forty-five) 45th (forty-fifth) 46 (forty-six) 46th (forty-sixth) 47 (forty-seven) 47th (forty-seventh) 48 (forty-eight) 48th (forty-eighth) 49 (forty-nine) 49th (forty-ninth) 50 (fifty) 50th (fiftieth) 61 - 70 61 (sixty-one) 61st (sixty-first) 62 (sixty-two) 61nd (sixty-second) 63 (sixty-three) 63rd (sixty-third) 64 (sixty-four) 64th (sixty-fourth) 65 (sixty-five) 65th (sixty-fifth) 66 (sixty-six) 66th (sixty-sixth) 67 (sixty-seven) 67th (sixty-seventh) 68 (sixty-eight) 68th (sixty-eighth) 69 (sixty-nine) 69th (sixty-ninth) 70 (seventy) 70th (seventieth) 81 - 90 81 (eighty-one) 81st (eighty-first) 82 (eighty-two) 82nd (eighty-second) 83 (eighty-three) 83rd (eighty-third) 84 (eighty-four) 84th (eighty-fourth) 85 (eighty-five) 85th (eighty-fifth) 86 (eighty-six) 86th (eighty-sixth) 87 (eighty-seven) 87th (eightyseventh) 88 (eighty-eight) 88th (eighty-eighth) 89 (eighty-nine) 89th (eighty-ninth) 90 (ninety) 90th (ninetieth)

33 (thirty-three) 33rd (thirty-third) 34 (thirty-four) 34th (thirty-fourth) 35 (thirty-five) 35th (thirty-fifth) 36 (thirty-six) 36th (thirty-sixth) 37 (thirty-seven) 37th (thirty-seventh) 38 (thirty-eight) 38th (thirty-eighth) 39 (thirty-nine) 39th (thirty-ninth) 40 (forty) 40th (fourtieth) 51 - 60 51 (fifty-one) 51st (fifty-first) 52 (fifty-two) 51nd (fifty-second) 53 (fifty-three) 53rd (fifty-third) 54 (fifty-four) 54th (fifty-fourth) 55 (fifty-five) 55th (fifty-fifth) 56 (fifty-six) 56th (fifty-sixth) 57 (fifty-seven) 57th (fifty-seventh) 58 (fifty-eight) 58th (fifty-eighth) 59 (fifty-nine) 59th (fifty-ninth) 60 (sixty) 60th (sixtieth) 71 - 80 71 (seventy-one) 71st (seventy-first) 72 (seventy-two) 72nd (seventy-second) 73 (seventy-three) 73rd (seventy-third) 74 (seventy-four) 74th (seventy-fourth) 75 (seventy-five) 75th (seventy-fifth) 76 (seventy-six) 76th (seventy-sixth) 77 (seventy-seven) 77th (seventyseventh) 78 (seventy-eight) 78th (seventy-eighth) 79 (seventy-nine) 79th (seventy-ninth) 80 (eighty) 80th (eightieth) 91 - 100 91 (ninety-one) 91st (ninety-first) 92 (ninety-two) 92nd (ninety-second) 93 (ninety-three) 93rd (ninety-third) 94 (ninety-four) 94th (ninety-fourth) 95 (ninety-five) 95th (ninety-fifth) 96 (ninety-six) 96th (ninety-sixth) 97 (ninety-seven) 97th (ninety-seventh) 98 (ninety-eight) 98th (ninety-eighth) 99 (ninety-nine) 99th (ninety-ninth) 100 (one hundred) 100th (one hundredth)

letter number hundred thousand business card information first name last name liter numr sut mie carte de vizit informaie / informaii prenume nume

phone phone number car number age birthday question answer friend boyfriend girlfriend keys door boss dollar leash bowl tail

telefon numr de telefon numr de main vrst zi de natere ntrebare rspuns prieten / prieten iubit iubit chei u ef dolar les bol coad

to spell a rosti pe litere

Family members
father dad - familiar mother mum - familiar (Br.) mom - familiar (Am.) parents husband wife son daughter children brother sister grandfather grandmother grandparents grandson granddaughter grandchildren uncle aunt cousin nephew niece in-laws father-in-law mother-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law tat mam prini so soie fiu fiic copii frate sor bunic bunic bunici nepot nepoat nepoi unchi mtu verior / verioar nepot (de frate / sor) nepoat (de frate / sor) rude prin alian socru soacr ginere nor cumnat cumnat

this that these those acesta / aceasta acela / aceea acetia / acestea aceia / acelea

(to) meet (a) ntlni

family member relatives pet house car familie membru rude animal de cas cas main

here there at home aici acolo acas

and but or for of i dar sau pentru a / al / ai / ale


Common expressions
Welcome! Welcome home! Bine ai venit! Bine ai venit acas!

Animals lion leu tiger tigru giraffe giraf zebra zebr monkey maimu snake arpe parrot papagal hippo hipopotam elephant elefant polar bear penguin whale dolphin bear wolf, pl. wolves urs polar pinguin balen delfin urs lup

fox cow bull ox chicken hen rooster goat sheep, pl. sheep pig horse donkey rabbit duck goose, pl. geese mouse, pl. mice rat bat snail hedgehog frog turtle bird fish, pl. fish fly mosquito butterfly ladybug prey

vulpe vac taur bou pui de gin gin coco capr oaie porc cal mgar iepure ra gsc oarece obolan liliac melc arici broasc broasc estoas pasre pete musc nar fluture buburuz prad

sky sun moon star clouds wind rain snow fog plain hill mountain forest river lake sea ocean cer soare lun stea nori vnt ploaie zpad cea cmpie deal munte pdure ru lac mare ocean

(to) bark (a) ltra

(to) blow (to) fall (to) flow (to) fly (to) move (to) rise (to) roar (to) shine (to) wait (to) walk

(a) sufla (a) cdea (a) curge (a) zbura (a)(se) mica (a) rsri, (a) se ridica (a) rage (a) strluci (a) atepta (a) (se) plimba

brightly gently gradually happily heavily loudly patiently quickly quietly slowly softly intens, strlucitor uor, cu blndee treptat cu bucurie din greu zgomotos, rsuntor cu rbdare, rbdtor repede, degrab calm, fr zgomot lent, ncet domol, uurel

Nouns Appliances & Devices

refridgerator / fridge freezer cooker oven washing machine dishwasher cofee grinder cofee maker toaster sandwich maker blender cooker hood air conditioner TV set / TV radio computer desktop PC laptop telephone cell phone / mobile phone hair dryer epilator electric shaver frigider congelator aragaz cuptor main de splat main de splat vase rni de cafea cafetier prjitor de pine sandwich maker blender hot aparat de aer condiionat televizor radio computer computer de birou laptop telefon telefon mobil foen / usctor de pr epilator aparat de ras electric

Fashion & Beauty

fashion beauty model mod frumusee manechin

catwalk lifestyle makeup makeup case lipstick eyeliner eyeshadow mascara foundation moisturizer cotton pad dye hot wax hair spray hair mousse blow dryer roller straightener perm roots highlights bun ponytail split ends manicure pedicure complexion pores wrinkles

podium de prezentare a modei stil de via machiaj trus de machiaj ruj creion de ochi fard rimel fond de ten crem hidratant disc demachiant vopsea cear fierbinte spray fixativ spum pentru pr foen / usctor de pr bigudiu plac de ntins prul permanent rdcini uvie coc coad de cal vrfuri despicate manichiur pedichiur ten pori riduri

(to) blow dry (to) dye (to) cover (to) moisturize (to) smooth (to) sew (a) usca (a) vopsi (a) acoperi (a) hidrata (a) calma, (a) netezi (a) coase

clothes shirt T-shirt blouse pullover / jumper cardigan trousers (Br.) pants (Am.) jeans blue jeans shorts skirt dress haine cma / bluz cu mnec lung tricou bluz pulover cardigan pantaloni gini blugi pantaloni scuri fust rochie

coat jacket suit tie socks shoes boots slippers sandals swimsuit underwear pyjama hat cap fur cap gloves mittens scarf collar

palton jachet costum cravat osete pantofi cizme / ghete / bocanci papuci de cas sandale costum de baie lenjerie intim pijama plrie apc / cciul cciul de blan / de iarn mnui mnui cu un singur deget earf / al / fular zgard

(to) describe (a) descrie

appearance hair eyes nfiare pr ochi

Possessive adjectives
my your his her its our your their al meu / a mea / ai mei / ale mele al tau / a ta / ai tai / ale tale al lui / a lui / ai lui / ale lui al ei / a ei / ai ei / ale ei pentru animale al nostru / a noastra / ai nostri / ale noastre al vostru / a voastra / ai vostri / ale voastre al lor / a lor / ai lor / ale lor my dress - rochia mea your jeans - ginii ti his tie - cravata lui her skirt - fusta ei its collar - zgarda lui / ei our gloves - mnuile noastre your shoes - pantofii votri their socks - osetele lor

this that these those acesta / aceasta acela / aceea acetia / acestea aceia / acelea

Pronumele personal
Nominativ I = Eu You = Tu He = El She = Ea It = El, Ea (pentru obiecte, lucruri neinsufletite) We = Noi You = Voi They = Ei Genitiv Mine = Al meu Yours = Al tau His = Al lui Hers= Al ei Ours = Al nostru Yours = Al vostru Theirs = Al lor Dativ (to) me = mie

(to) you = tie (to) him = lui (to) her = ei (to) it = Lui, ei (pentru obiecte, lucruri neinsufletite) (to) us = noua (to) you = voua (to) them = lor

a[ei] b[bi:] c[si:] d[di:] e[i:] f[ef] g[dji:] h[eitch] i[ai] j[gei] k[kei] l[el] m[em] n[en] o[ou] p[pi:] q[kju:] r[a:] s[es] t[ti:] u[ju:] v[vi:] w['dablju:]

x[eks] y[wai] z[zed]

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Prezentul Continuu al unui verb. 1. La forma afirmativa auxiliarul apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa: I'm running You're runnning He's running We're running They're running 2. La forma interogativa se inverseaza ordinea dintre subiect si auxiliar: Am I running? Are you running? Is he running? Is she running? Are we running? Are you running? Are they running? 3. La forma negativa cuvantul not precedat de auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa (dar niciodata dupa am) : I' m not running You aren't running He isn't running She isn't running We aren't running You aren't running They aren't running 4. Forma interogativ-negativa Am I not running ? Aren't you running ? Isn't herunning ? Isn't she running ? Aren't we running ? Aren't you running ? Aren't they running ? B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire) 1. Pentru a descrie o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul vorbirii. In acest caz, este insotit adesea de o indicatie temporala, cum ar fi now, at the moment Look! He's wasing his car. Priveste! El isi spala masina. What are you doing there? Ce faci acolo? 2. Pentru a descrie pozitiile corpului: She's standing. Ea sta in picioare He's leaning against a wall. El sta sprijinit de un perete. 3. Cand e vorba de o actiune viitoare, prevazuta sau programata: They're buying a new house in May. Ei isi cumpara o casa noua in luna mai. What are you doing next Monday? Ce faci lunea viitoare? 4. Cand e vorba de ceva care s-ar putea produce in orice moment: He looks funny when he's playing his trumpet. Arata comic atunci cand canta la trompeta.

5. Impreuna cu always, pentru a exprima iritarea sau dezaprobarea: She's always coming in when we talk something important. Intotdeauna trebuie sa intre in camera fix cand vorbim noi lucruri importante.

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