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Unii oameni ii citesc imediat pe altii, in timp ce altii intampina probleme.

In functie de expresia fetei cuiva poti sa iti dai seama de starea sa si sa decizi daca este cazul sa incepi o discutie. Care2 iti prezinta cateva expretii ale fetei si ce inseamna acestea: Paul Ekman, profesor de psihologie la Universitatea din California, crede ca oamenii fac aceste "fete" in mod inconstient si astfel sentimentele ne sunt tradate.

Coltul buzelor ridicat si pleoapele incretite sunt semne ca persoana este fericita. Mare atentie la ochi. Acestia iti spun daca zambetul este autentic sau nu. Atunci cand exista "picioruse de cioara" inseamna ca persoana este sincera.

Frica este adesea caracterizata prin buze intredeschise, ochi larg deschisi si sprancene ridicate. De asemenea, strangerea buzelor cu gura inchisa inseamna ca omul este nervos sau speriat.

Furia nu este greu de recunoscut. Sprancenele incruntate, gura la fel, barbia in afara si ochii ingustati sunt semne clare ca trebuie sa te dai la o parte.

Oamenii suparati au coltul buzelor putin lasat si cateva cute in colt pentru ca strang buzele. Este exact ca atunci cand simti ca te bufneste plansul, dar te stapanesti.

Te uiti la o persoana si observi ca a ridicat putin o parte a gurii? E semn de dispret sau dezgust.

Expresia unei fete surprinse se aseamana putin cu teama, doar ca gura este larg deschisa, ochii larg deschisi si sprancene ridicate.





The Associated PressPresident


Obama listens to a question during a news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON -- A chastened President Barack Obama signaled a willingness to compromise with Republicans on tax cuts and energy policy Wednesday, one day after his party lost control of the House and suffered deep Senate losses in midterm elections. Obama ruefully called the Republican victories "a shellacking." At a White House news conference, the president said that when Congress returns, "my goal is to make sure we don't have a huge spike in taxes for middle class families." He made no mention of his campaign-long insistence that tax cuts be permitted to expire on upper-income families, a position he said would avoid swelling the deficit but put him in conflict with Republicans. He also virtually abandoned his legislation -- hopelessly stalled in the Senate -economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions from power plants, vehicles and other sources. "I'm going to be looking for other means of addressing this problem," he said. "Cap and trade was just one way of skinning the cat," he said, strongly implying there will be others.

In the campaign, Republicans slammed the bill as a "national energy tax" and jobs killer, and numerous Democrats sought to emphasize their opposition to the measure during their own re-election races. The president opened his post-election news conference by saying voters who felt frustrated by the sluggish pace of economic recovery had dictated the Republican takeover in the House. Asked to reflect on the returns, he said, "I feel bad," adding that many Democrats who went down to defeat had done so knowing they risked their careers to support his agenda of economic stimulus legislation and a landmark health care bill. The president said he was eager to sit down with the leaders of both political parties "and figure out how we can move forward together." "It won't be easy," he said, noting the two parties differ profoundly in some key areas. One controversial issue, the president said he saw a possibility that Congress might agree to overturn the military's ban on openly gay service members when lawmakers return to the Capitol for a post-election session later this month. The election was a humbling episode for the once-high-flying president, and the change showed during his news conference. Largely absent were his smiles and buoyant demeanor, replaced by somberness and an acknowledgment that his policies may have alienated some Americans. "I think people started looking at all this, and it felt as if government was getting much more intrusive into people's lives than they were accustomed to," he conceded. But he wasn't talking surrender either. He sought to tread a careful line, suggesting he would cooperate with Republicans where it was possible and confront them when it was not. "No one party will be able to dictate where we go from here," he said, a clear warning to Republicans that he won't simply bow to their demands for a sharply conservative switch in economic policy.

With his comments, Obama largely followed the lead of Republican leaders who said earlier in the day they were willing to compromise -- within limits. With unemployment at 9.6 percent, both the president and the Republicans will be under pressure to compromise. Yet neither must lose faith with core supporters -- the Republicans with the tea party activists who helped them win power, Obama with the voters whose support he will need in 2012. The president said the economy had begun a recovery since he took office but Americans became wary when they saw government bailouts of failing banks and two of the Big Three U.S. automakers. Many Republicans campaigned by calling for repeal of the health care legislation Obama won from Congress, but the president said repeal was a nonstarter. "If Republicans have some ideas" for cutting costs of health care or making other changes in the bill, he said he would be glad to take a look. "There are going to be some examples of where we can tweak and make progress," he said. "But I don't think if you ask the American people, 'should we stop trying to close the doughnut hole that helps seniors get prescription drugs, should we go back to where people with pre-existing conditions can't get health insurance' ... I don't think you'd have a strong vote from people saying, 'Those are provisions I want to eliminate.'" Famously unemotional in public, Obama was asked whether he needs to change his leadership style, and he responded: "When you're in this place, it is hard not to seem removed." He said he needs to do more "to ensure I'm getting out of here." He also pointed out that "a couple of great communicators" -- Reagan and Clinton -- also stood at the podium two years into their presidencies "getting very similar questions." Actually, Clinton's electoral comeuppance was worse. Republicans won both the House and Senate at his first midterm, but he recovered to win re-election two years later.

Republicans lost seats in Congress at Reagan's first midterm election in 1982 but never had a House majority to lose, and kept control of the Senate for four more years.
Text of President Barack Obama Press Conference

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libsarewhacked Funniest line ever: "We made the decision to give the viewers what they come to MSNBC night in and night out for -- Keith, Chris, Rachel, Ed, Lawrence and Gene, who's joined us for election nights for the past several years," an MSNBC spokesman told The Upshot.

5.11.2010, 14:06:08 Reply

mbdjr44 Amazing the reaction the stock market has when Republicans are elected!

5.11.2010, 00:32:37 Reply

randymar Pita, I have was in school a long time, primary and secondary not to mention my time learning the ways of the world by traveling around it, not sitting on my a$$ spewing party non-sense...NAFTA, did nothing but let jobs go south, like all you democrats blame on Bush...And yes YOU should do some research, you will see where Clinton begged, barrowed, and stole to "Balance" the budget. Funny how any die hard party member has a short term memory!

4.11.2010, 18:04:34 Reply

Pitapita This Administration got EXACTLY what it deserved because it lost the PR War.

But do all of you Republican supporters that are basking in the Glow of Victory really think that YOU are going to see any Tax Reductions aimed at You? Do you really think you are going to see the size of Government reduced? Do you really think that you are going to see the size of the Debt under the Republicans reduced? The fact is the Republicans owe their wins to HUGE amounts of Foreign Money and unnamed Corporate Donations. And THOSE are the people that are going to demand a return on their investments.

The very idea of extending ALL the Bush Tax Cuts will add $1.5 Trillion onto the Debt and that figure is by the independent Congressional Budget Office.

The average Tax Payer will not see their Taxes go down ONE SINGLE DOLLAR. You will not see the size of Government reduced or the Debt lowered because of the Republicans. So go ahead and enjoy your victory because the fact is the Republican Party will lose more people when they start their BS and if they even try to Impeach this President you are going to see riots all across this country that would make Watts look like a pillow fight.

You got sold a bill of goods and your bought it, Hook, Line and Sinker. Enjoy it.

4.11.2010, 15:29:33 Reply

kasheen09 As I have stated yesterday. Our great Nation was in peril long before Barack Obama was resurrected by the American people as our President. I am not a Democrat, Republican nor do I support the Tea Party. I am an American. It should be one body, under the constitution of the United States of America. But I guess it wouldn't be right without all the confusion and separatist. The ignorant comments directed towards President Obama on this forum, are fueled by the hatred of mainly Republicans, who are in fact, very bias and racist. Deep down inside, they bare confederate flags on their hearts. They are just as worse as the terrorist that want to kill and destroy Americans. This also applies to some Democrats. Republicans are not for the people. They are only about power, control and becoming wealthy. They want to blame the failure of our economy and all the world problems on President Obama, who has kept us fairly safe at home. These issues were established long before Barack Obama was elected as our President. But many would reject the truth and say its not so. Instead they pray on his downfall. Americans sticking together has always been a dead agenda. So who's really the blame for the failure of our economy? People struggling, working from pay check to pay check, only to see the work and no gain. Families that can't afford to pay their rent or they lose their home. Hard working Americans who are in peril of feeding their family. If anything, be mad at the corporations and a corrupt system that defrauds and steals from the

American people. Hate them, not the President. Who in the end, really doesn't have the say so in our life affairs. He is just a man, who I believe has the best interest of the American people and our future. But there are elements out there, that put their foot on his throat & only wish that he still had to ride on the back of the bus.

4.11.2010, 01:01:10 Reply

19micron51 jaminman

Just keep drinking the koolaid, the healthcare fiasco required serious tort reform to be practical, but that would have put the POTUS'S buddies out of work, nah he couldn't bring himself to do that & really help US citizens as he incorrectly claimed he was doing, so he won't do that, he would rather apoligize to the middle east countries for trying to free them from oppression. The POTUS has not done any credible work yet, & there is none on the horizon. He is just an empty suit, & would make a great pinata!!! I thought he promised that he was going to bring the troops home, another cruel joke on us. This guys nose is getting longer each day!!!

4.11.2010, 00:51:16 Reply

President B. Hussain Obama

I'm good enough; I'm smart enough; and doggonit, people like me.

Now move along, there's nothing to see here.

4.11.2010, 00:40:15 Reply

jamminman This is typical cyclical politics in America. Now that the Republicans figured out how to dedupe the ignorant greedy half of the voting constituency to gain more leverage in the congressional branch, they can jam the stick in the spokes of the wheels of the currant administration that has been trying to clean up the mess that the self righteous party for the rich got us into. Everything bad about this new economy has

been culminating for thirty years now and you people (the phony right wing nuts and cynical centrists) expect to get out of it in two?

If we dont switch to a single payer health car system, we are going to go broke or dye suffering at an early age to be denied the privilege of cure.

If we dont put quotas and tariffs on junky imported goods made from slave labor We will continue to loose living wage jobs.

If we dont free up the cost of training and education through our community and state collages. You will have to pay more taxes if you are one of the fortunate rich who was able to afford an Education, because you will be making all or most of the money. No Politian is going to raise taxes on the poor and under educated.

4.11.2010, 00:31:04 Reply

19micron51 Pouty, Pouty, Pouty, the POTUS needs a time out in the corner. What a creep!!!!!

4.11.2010, 00:28:11 Reply

noisedome I though Rachel Madcows head was going to explode last night. The most I've laughed in a long time. Now I hope this clown plays like Clinton, and moves to the center. All in all, a great day for America.

4.11.2010, 00:27:47 Reply


The repair of the damage done to our great country by Obama & the idiots he surronduded himself with can now begin. We need to deport all illegal aliens, including the POTUS's aunt who had an order of deportation on her sorry a$$ over ten years ago!!!!!! Then we need to stop all unfunded legislation, & put Charlie Rangel in jail, which is where anyone who did what he did & wasn't a Demoncratic crony of the POTUS would be!!!! We also have to stop the POTUS from printing money to cover his stupid spending, enough already!!!!!!!!!!!! We can finish the job of removing the rest of the self serving career politicians in 2012, I can't wait!!!

4.11.2010, 00:27:04 Reply

rhbcazny Um, and, aaaa, ummmm, all this dweeb had to do is say was, 'I will immediatly sign a bill that will extend ALL current tax rates for 2 years. The stock market would have been up 500 points by the time Jim Reith started his whining!

3.11.2010, 23:28:24 Reply


Charles Krauthammer said it perfectly last night. "The Obama agenda is dead."

Only to New Yorkaforinan's and the Haight Ashbury Californian's does this guy matter any longer. If he wishes to take an extended two year trip on Air Force One with Michelle, that could possibly be the best use of my tax dollars in two years. His stooge that ran the House is done. The other stooge in the Senate is there but he will be the Majority leader of a bunch of Democrats that witnessed first hand what happens when you vote for the Obama agenda. You get fired. They want to keep their jobs. So, basically the GOP has the Senate as well.

God Bless this magnificent nation and I have always been proud of my nation, even more so after watching the hurricane hit the Liberal democrats.

3.11.2010, 23:21:25 Reply

Patriot "to say people voted against the Democrats because of what they did to the Country is the most ignorant comment I've heard..... "

Please tell me you are joking! GWB's shortcomings notwithstranding, Barrack Obama is failing miserably at nearly every endeavor his administration has undertaken. Add to that a MOUNTAIN of compaign lies (promises) he told us. Seriously, shall we count? Can you possible be ignorant enough to post blame on GWB for ALL of them?

The result is a republican house and a split congress. We will block ANYTHING your chosen one tries. 2 years of filibusters are better than adding to the damage the liar already made.

3.11.2010, 23:16:20 Reply

randymar You are clueless about smoke and mirrors was Clinton that put us here by trading away any capitol we had left to China and taking out large loans from anyone who would give balance the budget...I'm not sure, but if you barrow it ain't balanced... All those loans came due 2 yrs into Bush's first term, while we were fighting a war Clinton left us, because of his policies and lack of any knowledge outside the Oval office, a cigar, and a blue dress. If you are an Independent, than do your own research and stop listening to any parties "Talking Points"

3.11.2010, 23:12:19 Reply

Patriot "willingness to comprimise on tax cuts"??? Muahahahahahahaha - You are officially a puppet Obama. Your irrelevance is only surpassed by your hypocrite cronie Pelosi. Tell Michelle to start packing.

You can blame ALOT of GWB but not any of the lies you told us. to quote Kenny Powers: "You're **** OUT!"

3.11.2010, 23:04:12 Reply

OrangeReb And the most undereported result from last night - Obama's former Senate seat went Republican.

If it had happened to George Bush, it would be the lead for every single news outlet and every left pundit would be screaming it from the rooftops.

3.11.2010, 22:59:46 Reply

mouthy Holy mackerel, he really was clueless about the mood of the nation, or his peeps have been showing him bogus polls.....Mmmmumbai

3.11.2010, 22:52:24 Reply

ChairmanAl01 Hmm, fancy that... a leftist agenda rejected by a centrist nation. Who'da thunk it?

3.11.2010, 22:45:19 Reply


Looks like th POTUS did not like his short trip the woodshed for a sound beating! What a pout, when I grew up, if you did that you got more punishment for being stupid as well! Now we need to repeal Obama care & put his staff members in JAIL where they belong, starting with Geitner & Rohm E. who dismissed the case against the Panthers in Philly. Just imagine how in trouble any white people would be if they threatened black voters in front of the polling place with a bat! Reduce the size of government by 50%, reinstate ths Bush tax relief that is set to sunset Jan. 1, 2011 & make them permanent. Cancel Obama's extravagent trips abroad (India, what a joke)!! The potus & his disbarred wife must have quite a bucket list that they want to complete while they still can on the US taxpayers dime, not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.11.2010, 22:33:06 Reply

cnysptsfan45 One nation under god, so why the two Partys? I just dont get this crap.

3.11.2010, 22:30:57 Reply

zeke54 Lame Ducks Ride in back Please

3.11.2010, 22:29:55 Reply

2stepsahead Anything you would like to say Mr. President?

Obama: Sad Face

3.11.2010, 22:20:31 Reply

Upstate_guy "I think people started looking at all this, and it felt as if government was getting much more intrusive into people's lives than they were accustomed to," he conceded.

You think!

3.11.2010, 21:56:54 Reply

syrguy1000 I am not sure if Obama is just so damn dumb he doesnt get it, or is he so damn arrogant he just doesnt care.....the American people soundly rejected his hard left policies, and have said rather clearly that he needs to come to the center...but I suspect he is going to continue to try and ram through his Socialist agenda, albeit without the help of Pelosi (there is a God......), a Republican House, and a nearly even Senate........if Muffy pulls this one out, he had better be looking over his shoulder for the next two, because a lot of us will be watching him very closely.....

3.11.2010, 21:46:31 Reply

retusa Amazing that he started his press conference at 1 pm, and this story FINALLY showed up at 2:40 PM. Right on it!!!!

Now, the people in office better roll up their sleeves, check their party affiliations at the door and start doing what the MAINSTREAM American

citizens want, or their "burro's" will be canned come next election. Don't tell me your going to cut my taxes and then not do it because you don't know how. You said you'd do it, now it's YOUR JOB to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Your mandate has been assigned. Based on his speech, Rand Paul should be the first speaker to speak in the Senate....he's got some very good questions to ask.

3.11.2010, 21:30:23 Reply

orangefan42 This should be a real intersting next 2 years. First it was the Bush administration that pushed the US into debt and pushed the bail out through. Then, Obama came in and continued putting the US into debt and continued the bail out. I have to say that although I voted in the elections, I didn't like any of the choices. I think both parties are to blame for the position the country is in. I believe both parties would rather do what they can for their party to anger the other party. The bottom line is they are all wealthy americans who go back on their campaign promises and care about nobody but themselves. I believe we should do away with parties and get back to what's important. It's not blame and it's not the party.

3.11.2010, 21:28:32 Reply

dartime When the political party and payback to those that help one get elected are more important than the country (or state), its pretty sad. there should be only one (or maybe many)political party. What we have now is not good. The economy is in trouble because of excessive government spending due to (long) wars, early retirement,entitlements and pay to play. The government (parties)likes to take away from one person so it can give to someone else for their loyalty.

3.11.2010, 22:05:03 Reply

White Devil Glad you are so decisive...There should be only one or many?...Really? Early retirement? Should people work until they're 70+? I can barely stand driving to and from work now avoiding the 70+ crowd.

3.11.2010, 22:41:12

82nd Double A

Oh sad sad face.

Mr. President, the economy was only part of the reason your party suffered such terrible loses nationwide, including governors, the primary reason for Democrat defeats was that Americans do not favor your brand of socialism, unrestrained government expansion and wealth redistribution.

Your agenda was rejected and your job is at risk!

Now get over it and get to work for all Americans, and not just union and Democrat party hacks.

3.11.2010, 21:07:00 Reply

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