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2016 - 2017 1

Artmark Historical Estate aduce mulumiri celor care au contribuit la realizarea

catalogului: d-lor Narcis Dorin Ion, Gabriel Nicolae, Doru Ghizdvescu, Daniel Mladin,
respectiv colectivului asociaiei ARCH, colecionarilor i instituiilor care ne-au pus la
dispoziie informaii i fotografii n vederea documentrii istoricului proprietilor ce fac
obiectul catalogului.

Rugm persoanele care sesizeaz erori n textele ori referinele unora dintre
imobile ori care pur i simplu se afl n posesia unor date relevante pentru o mai
bun documentare a acestora, s ne contacteze la adresa:
Mulumiri anticipate!

Abrevieri surse documentare: (MU), (SA), constanta-imagini-vechi. (CIV), - Paul D. Popescu (ZP), www. arhitectura-1906.
ro (A1906); (WP); (IG)
2016 - 2017
Narcis Dorin Ioan, Reedine i familii aristocratice din Romnia, Institutul Cul-
tural Romn, 2007 (RFA); Narcis Dorin Ion, Elitele i arhitectura rezidenial n rile
Romne (sec.XIX-XX), Ed. Oscar Print, 2011 (EAZ); Emil Murgu, Comuna Petri, trecut
i prezent, Editura Mirador, 2009 (CPM); Arhitectul Henri Susskind, Emanuel Bdescu
badescu-galerie-foto-10582542/ (HS); Bicsok Zoltn, Orbn Zsolt, Isten segedelmvel
udvaromat megptetten.., Gutenberg Kiad, Cskszereda, 2015 (ISUM); Ovidiu Dumitriu,
Adrian Nstase, Descriptio Ponti Euxini. Marea Neagr n patru secole de cartografie,
Muzeul Naional al Hrilor i Crii vechi, ICR, 2016 (DPE); Oana Marinache, Patrimoniul
imobiliar al familiei Chrissoveloni de-a lungul veacurilor, Ed. Istoria Artei, Bucureti,
2016 (PIC); NArcis Dorin Ion, Palate din Bucureti, NOI media Print, Bucureti, 2013 (PB)
Colecia Narcis Dorin Ioan (NDI), Colecia Constantin Prisecaru (CP), Colecia Gabriel
Nicolae (GN), Arhiva personal Mircea Nasta (MN), Colecia Daniel Mladin (DM);

Texte romn
Iulian Pletiu
Corectur texte englez
Cristina Buduan
Design grafic, DTP
Veronica Dnil

ISBN: 978-606-8605-60-9

2016 Artmark Historical Estate

Nicio parte din acest catalog nu poate fi Pentru detalii i informaii suplimentare cu privire la proprietile puse n vnzare:
reprodus sau transmis n niciun mod,
sub nicio form fr consimmntul Constantin Prisecaru, CEO
scris al deintorilor de copyright. / 0040 757 026 450

2 3
Artmark Historical Estate aduce mulumiri celor care au contribuit la realizarea
catalogului: d-lor Narcis Dorin Ion, Gabriel Nicolae, Doru Ghizdvescu, Daniel Mladin,
respectiv colectivului asociaiei ARCH, colecionarilor i instituiilor care ne-au pus la
dispoziie informaii i fotografii n vederea documentrii istoricului proprietilor ce fac
obiectul catalogului.

Rugm persoanele care sesizeaz erori n textele ori referinele unora dintre
imobile ori care pur i simplu se afl n posesia unor date relevante pentru o mai
bun documentare a acestora, s ne contacteze la adresa:
Mulumiri anticipate!

Abrevieri surse documentare: (MU), (SA), constanta-imagini-vechi. (CIV), - Paul D. Popescu (ZP), www. arhitectura-1906.
ro (A1906); (WP); (IG)
2016 - 2017
Narcis Dorin Ioan, Reedine i familii aristocratice din Romnia, Institutul Cul-
tural Romn, 2007 (RFA); Narcis Dorin Ion, Elitele i arhitectura rezidenial n rile
Romne (sec.XIX-XX), Ed. Oscar Print, 2011 (EAZ); Emil Murgu, Comuna Petri, trecut
i prezent, Editura Mirador, 2009 (CPM); Arhitectul Henri Susskind, Emanuel Bdescu
badescu-galerie-foto-10582542/ (HS); Bicsok Zoltn, Orbn Zsolt, Isten segedelmvel
udvaromat megptetten.., Gutenberg Kiad, Cskszereda, 2015 (ISUM); Ovidiu Dumitriu,
Adrian Nstase, Descriptio Ponti Euxini. Marea Neagr n patru secole de cartografie,
Muzeul Naional al Hrilor i Crii vechi, ICR, 2016 (DPE); Oana Marinache, Patrimoniul
imobiliar al familiei Chrissoveloni de-a lungul veacurilor, Ed. Istoria Artei, Bucureti,
2016 (PIC); NArcis Dorin Ion, Palate din Bucureti, NOI media Print, Bucureti, 2013 (PB)
Colecia Narcis Dorin Ioan (NDI), Colecia Constantin Prisecaru (CP), Colecia Gabriel
Nicolae (GN), Arhiva personal Mircea Nasta (MN), Colecia Daniel Mladin (DM);

Texte romn
Iulian Pletiu
Corectur texte englez
Cristina Buduan
Design grafic, DTP
Veronica Dnil

ISBN: 978-606-8605-60-9

2016 Artmark Historical Estate

Nicio parte din acest catalog nu poate fi Pentru detalii i informaii suplimentare cu privire la proprietile puse n vnzare:
reprodus sau transmis n niciun mod,
sub nicio form fr consimmntul Constantin Prisecaru, CEO
scris al deintorilor de copyright. / 0040 757 026 450

2 3

Rafinat. Exclusivist. Discret. Artmark Historical Estate este portalul ctre cele mai spectacu- Prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 2020, Romnia are acces la fonduri europene dedicate
loase reedine istorice i artistice din Romnia, care v susine n pasiunea de a aprecia timpul CONSERVRII, PROTEJRII, PROMOVRII I DEZVOLTRII PATRIMONIULUI NATURAL I CULTURAL.
i valorile autentice. Iar noi v ajutm s redescoperii c, pentru dumneavoastr, frumosul nu
este un lux. Este o necesitate. Activitile finanabile specifice obiectivelor de patrimoniu cultural includ, dar nu se limiteaz la:
- restaurarea, consolidarea, protecia i conservarea monumentelor istorice;
Refined. Exclusive. Discret. Artmark Historical Estate is the portal to the most spectacular - dotri interioare (instalaii, echipamente i dotri pentru asigurarea condiiilor de climatizare, siguran la foc, antiefracie);
historic and artistic residencies in Romania, which supports your passion to appreciate the au- - dotri pentru expunerea i protecia patrimoniului cultural mobil i imobil;
thentic values. And we help you rediscover that for you, beauty is not a luxury. It is a necessity. - activiti de marketing i promovare turistic a obiectivului restaurat, inclusiv digitizarea acestuia, n cadrul proiectului.

Criteriile care fac obiectul monitorizrii implementrii i performanei investiiei propuse prin proiect se refer la:
- numrul de obiective de patrimoniu restaurate/protejate/conservate;
- numrul de vizitatori nainte, respectiv dup intervenia asupra obiectivului de patrimoniu care beneficiaz de sprijin;
- suprafaa restaurat/protejat/conservat a obiectivului de patrimoniu care beneficiaz de sprijin (mp), dup caz.

Rata de cofinanare din partea Uniunii Europene este de 98% din valoarea proiectului
Solicitantul poate fi un ONG care are drept de proprietate, administrare sau concesiune asupra obiectivului de patrimoniu.
Un solicitant poate depune mai multe cereri de finanare pentru obiective de patrimoniu diferite, valoarea fiecrui proiect trebuind
s fie cuprins ntre 100.000 si 5.000.000 euro.

Prin partenerii si, Artmark Historical Estate ofer servicii de:

- asisten financiar investiional;
COMPANIA - elaborarea proiectelor de finanare: analiza eligibilitii i elaborarea documentaiei necesare accesrii finanrii nerambursabile;
De la fondarea Casei de licitaii n 2008, Artmark s-a constituit n scurt timp drept unul dintre - implementarea proiectelor finanate.
cei mai importani promotori ai artei romneti de patrimoniu i contemporane, precum i
o for motric a pieei de bunuri artistice i istorice romneti, contribuind la conturarea
i impulsionarea dezvoltrii acesteia spre cotele integrate ale pieei internaionale de art.
Reputaia de actor esenial al pieei de art a fost consolidat prin profesionalism, stabilitate
i responsabilitate, ctignd astfel ncrederea i suportul tuturor celor care s-au regsit n
viziunea pe care se fundamenteaz activitatea Artmark.

Since the founding of the auction house in 2008, Artmark shortly established itself as one of
the leading promoters of Romanian heritage and contemporary art, a driving force of artistic
and historical goods for Romanian market, helping to shape and accelerate its development
towards the international art market. The reputation of crucial player in the art market has
been strengthened through professionalism, stability and responsibility, earning the trust
and the support of all those who found themselves in the vision on which the activity of Under the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Romania has access to European funds dedicated to the

HISTORICAL ESTATE The fundable activities that are specific to the cultural heritage objectives include, but are not limited to:
Din vastul portfoliu de proiecte Artmark s-a creat divizia Historical Estate, sub deviza Unique - restoration, consolidation, protection and preservation of historical monuments;
Homes for the Connoisseur of Life. Pentru prima oar n Romnia, dup modelul marilor - interior fittings (installations, equipment and facilities for ensuring the air conditioning, fire safety, intrusion);
Case internaionale de licitaii, Artmark Historical Estate ofer accesul iubitorilor de frumos - facilities for the exposure and protection of the movable and immovable cultural heritage;
la acest segment special de pia, dedicat proprietilor istorice i artistice precum palate, - marketing activities for promoting tourism to the rehabilitated objectives, including their digitalization, within the project.
ceti, conace i vile vechi de secole, repere n Registrul Monumentelor Istorice. Experiena
anterioar n tranzacii cu valori mari a operelor de patrimoniu i competenele n reglaje fine The criteria that represent the monitorization, implementation and investment performance proposed within the project refer to:
ne recomand drept soluia ideal pentru toi pasionaii de adevrate bijuterii arhitecturale - the number of patrimony objectives that are rehabilited, protected, conservated;
reprezentative pentru spaiul romnesc. - the number of visitors before and after the intervention on the patrimony objective that benefits from assistance;
- the area that is rehabilitated, protected, conservated of the patrimony objective that benefits from assistance.
From the vast portfolio of Artmark projects, the Historical Estate division was created, with The rate of co-financing from the European Union is 98% of the project.
the motto Unique Homes for the Connoisseur of Life. For the first time in Romania, follow- An applicant may submit several applications for funding for different patrimony objectives, the value of each project has to be
ing the model of large international consultancy real estate companies, Artmark Historical between 100,000 and 5,000,000 euros.
Estate provides access to this particular segment of the market, dedicated to the historical
and artistic properties: palaces, castles, fortresses, mansions and villas that are centuries- Through its partners, Artmark Historical Estate provides:
old, all these being regarded as landmarks in the Register of Historical Monuments. Our - financial assistance investment;
previous experience with transactions that concern works of high value, as well as our fine - elaboration of financing projects: necessary eligibility analysis and documentation to access the grant;
tuning skills in heritage recommend us as the ideal solution for all lovers of true architec- - implementation of projects funded.
tural jewels representative for Romania.

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Principatul Transilvaniei n fiecare din popoarele, casele i regiunile sale...,
Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremberg, 1723

Castelul generalului austriac Gyulay Ferencz

Castelul a fost construit n secolul XVII de ctre Gyulay Ferencz, un The castle was built during the 17th century by Gyulay Ferencz, an
general austriac, singurul copil al nobilului maghiar Gyulay Ignacz. Austrian general, the only child of Hungarian nobleman Gyulay
Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 800.000
Ferencz a ridicat conacul n locul unui imobil de dimensiuni mai Ignacz. Ferencz built the mansion on the site of a smaller build-
sat Mintia, Veel, Hunedoara Estimare/Estimate: 1.000.000 - 1.250.000 mici. Familia generalului stpnea pe atunci toat localitatea ing. The generals family ruled the town called Mintia, that was
5 km fa de Deva, 140 km fa de Timioara Mintia, creia i-a adugat la nume titlul Marosnemeti, de la renamed Marosnemeti, a term derived from the Hungarian word
maghiarul nemet care nseamn neam La Castel au locuit nemet, that translates to German.
mai muli descendeni ai familiei Gyulay. n 1806, documentele Several descendants of the Gyulay family lived at the castle.
pomenesc c moia Mintia era stpnit de Gyulay Istvan. Au Historical documents from 1806 state that the Mintia mansion
urmat Albert i K.R. Gyulay. Contesa Constance Gyulay de Mintia, was owned at that time by Gyulay Istvan, followed by Albert and
care s-a cstorit cu Ladislau Kuun de Osdola, a motenit apoi K.R Gyulay. Countess Gyulay of Mintia, who married Ladislau Kuun
domeniul mpreun cu fratele ei, Ludovic. n 1848, familia Gyulay of Osdola, later inherited the domain together with her brother,
se refugiaz la Cluj, iar dup revoluie revin la Mintia doar Ludovic, Ludovic. In 1848, the Gyulay family took refuge at Cluj and, after
Ladislau Kuun i soia sa, Constance, i copiii acestora, Irene i the revolution, Ludovic, Ladislau Kuun, his wife Constance, and
Geza. Ludovic a fost ultimul motenitor din familia Gyulay. El a their children, Irene and Geza, returned to Mintia.
scris peste 100 de jurnale despre conac i despre Mintia. Toate Ludovic was the last heir of the Gyulay family. He wrote over 100
sunt pstrate la Muzeul de Istorie din Cluj-Napoca. Ludovic journals about the mansion and about Mintia. All of them are
Gyulay a modificat imobilul n anul 1834, dndu-i forma pe preserved at the Cluj-Napoca history museum. Ludovic Gyulay
care o are astzi. Ludovic Gyulay n-a fost cstorit i, deci, n-a modified the building in 1834, giving it the shape it has today.
avut urmai. Averea a ajuns la soul surorii sale, Ladislau Kuun, Ludovic Gyulay never got married and, therefore, never had any
fiind motenit apoi de fiul acestuia, Geza Kuun. Geza a studiat heirs. His fortune was inherited by his brother-in-law, Ladislau
literatura maghiar i german la Universitile din Budapesta Kuun, followed by his son, Geza Kuun. Geza studied Hungarian
i Gottingen i a fost membru i vicepreedinte al Academiei de and German literature at the Universities of Budapest and Got-
tiine din Budapesta. A frecventat cercurile nalte de la Viena i a tingen, and was a member and vice president of the Budapest
intrat n relaii amicale cu celebrul compozitor Franz Liszt - unul Academy of Sciences. He was part of Viennas elite social circles,
dintre cei mai renumii pianiti ai tuturor timpurilor. n aceleai and became friends with the famous composer Franz Liszt one
mprejurri a cunoscut-o i pe scriitoarea Elena Ghica fiica of the most prominent pianists of all time. It was then that he
marelui ban Mihai Ghica, nepoata domnitorului Grigore al IV-lea also met writer Elena Ghica daughter of Mihai Ghica, niece of
Ghica i prima femeie care a escaladat vrful Mont Blanc, pe 1 Grigore Ghica the 4th, and the first woman to have climbed the
iunie 1860. Dup 1870, Geza Kunn s-a stabilit la Mintia i s-a Mont Blanc peak, on June 1st 1860.
cstorit cu Vilma Kemeny, fiica baronului Kemeny de Magyar- After 1870, Geza Kunn settled at Mintia and married Vilma Ke-
Gyeno Monosto. Prezena lui aici a transformat localitatea ntr-un meny, the daughter of baron Kemeny of Magyar-Gyeno Mono-
loc de pelerinaj pentru personaliti din domeniul culturii i sto. His presence here transformed the town into a gathering
tiinei. Printre acestea s-au numrat V. Zakrzewski profesor place for eminent representatives of the cultural and scientific
la Universitatea din Cracovia, Al. Szilagyi secretarul Societii scenes, which included V. Zakrzewski professor at the Cracovia
Istorice, baronul Balazs Orban, A. Szecsen marealul Curii University, Al. Szilagyi secretary of the Historical Society, baron
Imperiale. Frumuseea conacului de pe malul Mureului a fost Balazs Orban, A. Szecsen Imperial Court marchal. The beauty
admirat i de preedintele Societii Arheologice Solyon Fekete, of the mansion located on the bank of Mure River was also
directorul Muzeului de Istorie i al colii reale din Deva Teglas admired by the president of the Archeological Society Solyon
Gabor, savantul Samuel Brassay supranumit ultimul polimat al Fekete, the director of the Deva History Museum Teglas Gabor,
Transilvaniei (polimat persoan care are cunotine multe and by scientist Samuel Brassay regarded as Transylvanias
i variate). Prin imensa bibliotec a Castelului de la Mintia i prin last polymath. The immense library of the Mintia Castle and the
salonul decorat cu portrete de familie i cu obiecte preioase au salon, decorated with family portraits and precious objects, were
Detalii proprietate/Property details: trecut i prefectul George Pogany, subprefectul Coloman Barcsay, visited by prefect George Pogany, subprefect Coloman Barcsay,
Suprafa teren/Land area: 6 ha contele Coloman Esterhazy - directorul Muzeului Transilvaniei, count Coloman Esterhazy director of the Transylvania Museum,
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1.8 mp/sqm Otto von Keller profesor la Universitatea din Praga, Zsolt Beothy by Otto von Keller professor at the University of Prague, Zsolt
Suprafa util/Usable area: mp/sqm profesor la Universitatea din Budapesta i savantul norveg- Beothy professor at the Budapest University, and by Norwegian
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 924 mp/sqm ian Conrad Nielsen. Baronul Miklos Josika venea, i el, adesea de scientist Conrad Nielsen. Baron Miklos Josika also traveled from
Structur: DS+P/Floors: SB+GF la Brnica la Mintia, uneori pe jos, alteori clare sau cu maina, Brnica to Mintia, either on foot, by car, or on horseback. He also
Camere/Rooms: 20, Bi/Baths: 5 sau cu barca pe Mure, ca s admire n special parcul din jurul traveled by boat on Mure River in order to admire the park that
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: foior = 136 mp, garaj = 78 mp i castelului. Speciile rare de plante i arborii seculari pe care-i ve- surrounded the castle.
grajd = 365 mp, n total 579 mp suprafa construit. Terenul este deai aici i luau ochii. Contele Kuun a dat copacilor numele celor The rare species of plants and trees that embellished the park
compus din 5 ha de parc dendrologic clasificat i 1 ha cu livad. mai mari scriitori maghiari decedai, muli dintre ei foti prieteni. were mesmerizing. Count Kuun named the trees after the most
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1642/1834 Exista, de pild, Arborele lui Attila, n memoria lui Attila Gerando. important Hungarian writers, many of whom had been his
Cod LMI/LMI Code: HD-II-a-A-03366 Printre tufele de trandafiri, privitorul descoperea i numeroase friends. One of the trees, for example, bore the name of Attila, in
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Castel de vntoare, Centru altare onorifice ori funerare. Geza Kuun a murit n 1905, pe 10 the memory of Attila Gerando. Amid the rose bushes, the visitor
de evenimente, Centru medical, Centru social, Complex turistic, aprilie, i a fost nmormntat la Cluj. Se spune c trupul contelui could also discover numerous honorary or mortuary shrines. Geza
Reedin bifamilial Geza a fost nmormntat la Cluj, dar inima sa a fost ngropat n Kuun died in 1905, on April 10th, and was entombed at Cluj. Leg-
ID proprietate/Property ID: HD02AHE-AS-A cca. 1877, WP cimitirul din curtea Bisericii Reformate din Mintia, alturi de ali end has it that, although the body of count Geza was inhumed at

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membri ai familiei sale i de foti stpni ai Castelului. Arhivele Cluj, his heart was buried in the cemetery of the Mintia Reformed Gyulay Lajos (1800 - 1869), 1834, ISUM Proprietarii alturi de invitai, mijlocul anilor 20,
mai pomenesc printre proprietarii castelului i pe Adalbert Fay, un Church, alongside other members of his family and former own- sursa: arhiva familiei
apropiat al mpratului Franz Iosef i soul surorii lui Geza Kuun. ers of the castle.
Acesta a stpnit domeniul dup moartea contelui care nu a avut Archives also mention the owners of the castle and Adalbert Fay,
urmai. El a mbogit parcul conacului cu numeroase specii de a close friend of Emperor Franz Joseph and the husband of Geza
arbori exotici. Era unul dintre cei mai mari specialiti n dome- Kuuns sister. The latter became the owner of the domain after
niul biologiei. n 1908, domeniul de la Mintia a fost cumprat de the heirless count died. As he was a specialist in the field of biol-
groful Horvath Toldi Rudolf. n acte scrie c l-a cumprat de la un ogy, he enriched the mansions park with numerous species of
motenitor de-al soiei lui Geza Kuun, un anume Joseph, care l-a exotic trees.
nstrinat din pricina problemelor financiare. S-a a pltit pe toat In 1908, the Mintia domain was acquired by Horvath Toldi Rudolf.
proprietatea 792.000 de forini din aur. Pe lng asta, mai avea The papers prove that he bought it from an inheritor of Geza
10.000 de hectare de teren arabil, tot la Mintia. Horvath Toldi Kuuns wife, named Joseph, who sold it due to financial prob-
Rudolf a murit n 1931 i a avut o fat i un biat. Fata i-a motenit lems. The whole property was bought for 792.000 gold forints.
imensa colecie de timbre o raritate la vremea acea. Nepotul In addition to this, he also owned 10.000 ha of ploughland in
lui spune c avea toate mrcile potale tiprite pn n 1919, cu Mintia. Horvath Toldi Rudolf died in 1931 and was the father of a
trei excepii. Conacul a fost motenit de fiul lui Rudolf, Istvan. El girl and a boy. The girl inherited his great stamp collection, which
a fost ultimul proprietar al domeniului de la Mintia, pn n 1945, was a rarity at the time. His grandson claims that he had all the
cnd a aprut Legea Reformei Agrare. n timpul comunismului, postage stamps that had been published up to 1919, with three
castelul a avut mai multe destinatii. Pn n 1989 a fost numit exceptions. Rudolfs son, Istvan, inherited the mansion. He was
Casa agronomului. n 2007 castelul i-a fost retrocedat fiului lui the last owner of the Mintia domain until 1945, when the Agrarian
Horvath-Toldi Istvan, care, ntors din Australia dup 27 de ani, Reform Law was adopted.
a nceput lucrrile de restaurare, aproape finalizate n prezent, During the communist regime, the castle was put to various uses.
pentru a reda castelului i parcului ce l nconjoar, strlucirea de Up to 1989, it was named The Agronomists House. In 2007,
odinioar. Ansamblul castelului de la Mintia, format din castel i the castle was retroceded to Horvath-Toldi Istvans son. When he
parc, este declarat monument istoric de importan naional returned to Mintia after having lived in Australia for 27 years, he
i universal, clasa A. Surs: Bicsok Zoltn i Orbn Zsolt, Isten started to renovate the building, in order to bring back the castle
segedelmvel udvaromat megpitettem.... Trtnelmi csaldok and the surrounding park to their former glory. The restoration
kastlyai Erdlyben. Gutenberg Kiad, Csikszereda, 2011, pp. 246- process is almost finished now.
248. The Mintia domain, that comprises the castle and the park, is
Surs: Bicsok Zoltn i Orbn Zsolt, Isten segedelmvel udvaro- classed as a historical monument of national and universal im-
mat megpitettem.... Trtnelmi csaldok kastlyai Erdlyben. portance, class A
Gutenberg Kiad, Csikszereda, 2011, pp. 246-248.

Interiorul castelului, 1934, sursa: arhiva familiei Ferencz Jozsef Gyulay (1799 - 1868), CP

cca. 1900, WP 1905, WP

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Casa Biedermann din braov, stil Art nouveau

Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 530.000

str. Lucian Blaga nr. 1, Braov Estimare/Estimate: 550.000 - 650.000

Braov, 1897, CP

Casa Biedermann poart numele primilor proprietari ai imobilului

ridicat pe str. Lucian Blaga (fost Timiului). Victor Biedermann,
alturi de soia Aurelia (Aranka) Keller, i construiau reedina n Named after its first owners, Biedermann and his wife Aurelia
cursul anului 1936, bucurndu-se de ea doar 5 ani, pn n 1941. (Aranka) Keller, this property was built in 1936 and, in January
n ianuarie 1941 casa era ocupat de autoritile naziste, moment 1941, was occupied by Nazi authorities. That was the time when
din care imobilul avea s intre n administrarea sau posesia a numerous institutions took turns at managing the house. After
numeroase instituii. Dup retragerea german, Casa Biedermann the withdrawal of Germans, the house was under the manage-
intra n administrarea comunitii evreieti, ns, dup 1945, imo- ment of the Jewish community, but after 1945 (when the Roma-
bilul ajungea n circuitul statului comunist, fiind ocupat pe rnd nian government was under communist influence), the building
de Ministerul Muncii, ca local pentru coala de ucenici, ulterior was occupied, in turn, by the Ministry of Labour, the local school
de Ministerul Educaiei, drept sediu al unei coli profesionale de of disciples, and finally by the Ministry of Education, which used
Detalii proprietate/Property details: biei i fete. n anii 50 casa intra n posesia Statului, fiind ulterior it as a vocational school for boys and girls. Back in the 50s, the
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1.001 mp/sqm naionalizat. State took possession of the house, which was then nationalized.
Suprafa construit/Built area: 600 mp/sqm
Suprafa util/Usable area: 450 mp/sqm Imobilul se regsete pe aceeai suprafa construit i amenajat Built in 1936, the very first owner of this property was Victor Bie-
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 272 mp/sqm n cursul anului 1936 de ctre primul proprietar, Victor Bieder- dermann. On his 1000 sqm land, Biedermann built this incredible
Structur: DS+P+M/Floors: SB+GF+A mann. Pe cei 1000 mp Biederman amenaja o mic grdin i parc 9-room house, featuring a basement and an attic, equipped and
Camere/Rooms: 9, Bi/Baths: 1 cu pomi fructiferi i ridica un imobil cu subsol i mansard, ale furnished at the highest standards a rich family in the interwar
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1936 crui 9 camere erau utilate i amenajate la standardele interbe- period could have. Moreover, Bierdermann embellished this
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Cafenea, lice pentru locuina unei familii nstrite. Poziionarea casei ofer property by adding a small fruit tree garden. Extremely well po-
Centru de evenimente, Reedin unifamilial, Restaurant o privelite extraordinar asupra Tmpei, fiind totodat foarte sitioned, Biedermann House has an extraordinary view of Tmpa,
ID proprietate/Property ID: BV03AHE-NC aproape de Centrul Istoric al Braovului. and is, at the same time, very close to the citys historical center

30 31
32 33
34 35

Adresa/Address: Veresszk, Iacobeni, Harghita Pre la cerere

80 km fa de Braov Price upon request

cca. 1930, SA cca. 1930, SA

Chiar din inima Harghitei, la Sud-Est de satul Iacobeni, se ridic Right in the heart of Harghita, in South East of Iacobeni village,
din adncul pmntului izvorul de ap mineral de la Veresszk. the mineral spring water from Veresszk rises from the depths of
Izvorul se ascunde ntr-un mediu pitoresc, n poalele naturii the Earth. The spring water hides in a picturesque environment,
slbatice, nconjurat de pduri. Acesta a fost descoperit chiar in the foothills of wild nature, surrounded by forests. It was
de proprietarul acelor vremuri, moierul Balsy Simon Jzsef. discovered by the owner at that time, the landowner Simon Jzsef
Acesta a captat izvorul amenajnd mprejurimile, iar n 1894 a Balsy. He took the mineral spring and arranged the surround-
pus n funciune staia de mbuteliere. Apa mineral a izvorului ings and in 1894 he put into function the water bottling station.
denumit Borrniky, Pn sau Szentgyrgy a fost considerat cea Borrniky mineral water spring called Pan or Szentgyrgy was
mai igienic, fr bacterie pentru consumaie, al munilor Cason. considered the most hygienic, bacteria free, of the Cason moun-
Apa teric cu coninut de lithium i hidro-carbonat din Veresszk tains. The teric water of Veresszk containing lithium and hydro
a fost curativ n cazurile diverselor afeciuni, ns a fost apreciat -carbonate cured various diseases, but it was also appreciated
i ca ap de mas. Se poate bine pstra, nu se stric i izvornd as table water. It preserves well, does not go off, and, since it
din piatr are un caracter de durabilitate, scria pe eticheta apei springs from the stone, it has a character of sustainability -
minerale Pn. these words were written on the label of the Pan mineral water.
La nceputul secolului XX, Boldizsr Lajos a fost cel care a exploa- In the early XX century, Lajos Boldizsr was the one who exploited
tat comorile minerale ale izvorului de la Veresszk, iar n anul 1920 the mineral treasures of the Veresszk spring, and in 1920 they
acestea i staia de mbuteliere au fost preluate de Dr. Fogolyn and the water bottling station were taken over by Dr. Fogolyn
Kristf, directorul Spitalului din Sfntu Gheorghe, spital care Kristf, director of St. Gheorghe Hospital, the hospital that bears
astzi i poart numele. n aceast perioad, medicul l ntlnete his name today. During this period, the doctor meets Ks Kroly,
pe renumitul arhitect Ks Kroly, cel care a proiectat complexul the renowned architect who designed the building complex of
de cldiri al Grdinii Zoologice din Budapesta, Muzeul Naional the Budapest Zoo, the Szekler National Museum and St. Gheorghe
Secuiesc i spitalul din Sfntul Gheorghe, Biserica Reformat de Hospital, the Reformed Church of Cluj, etc. Kroly Kos is the one
pe strada Moilor din Cluj s.a. Ks Kroly este cel care ntocmete who prepares the design work for the construction of a new hos-
lucrrile de proiectare pentru construcia unei noi cldiri de spital. pital building. A lifelong friendship would be created between the
ntre cei doi s-a esut de atunci o prietenie pe via. Arhitectul Ks two men. The architect Kos Kroly designed the building above
Kroly a proiectat i cldirea de deasupra izvorului de pe dome- the spring in the field of Veresszk, built between 1924 and 1926
niul de la Veresszk, ridicat ntre 1924 i 1926, iar apa mineral and the mineral water bottled here was distributed under the
mbuteliat aici a fost distribuit sub numele de Salvatore. name of Salvatore .
Detalii proprietate/Property details: n anii de dup cel de-al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, producia din In the years after the Second World War, the production was
Suprafa teren/Land area: 190,83 ha staia de mbuteliere a fost oprit. Dup o perioad cnd bunurile stopped in the bottling station. After a period when the assets
Suprafa construit/Built area: 425 mp/sqm i drepturile unitii de mbuteliere i ale exploatrii treceau de la and rights of exploitation and bottling unit went from a commu-
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 276 mp/sqm o ntreprindere comunist la alta, staia a fost desfiinat definitiv nist organization to another, the station was closed and de-
Structur: P+1E/Floors: GF+1F i distrus. stroyed permanently. In the post-revolutionary period, thanks to
Construcii anexe: caban DS+P+M, 161 mp. Terenul are n n perioada post-decembrist, din iniiativ privat, casa Dr. a private initiative, Dr. Fogolyn Kristf house and the surround-
componen 167 ha de pdure i 24 ha de pune. Fogolyn Kristf i zona nconjurtoare, de o rar frumusee, cu ing area of rare beauty, with forests and pastures populated by a
Outbuildings: chalet, SB+GF+A, 161 sqm. The land consists in 167 pduri i puni populate de o faun bogat, au intrat ntr-un lung rich fauna, have entered a long process of rehabilitation and con-
ha of forrest and 25 ha of meadows. proces de reabilitare i conservare, aflat n prezent n stare final. servation, currently in the final stage. The rarity and the beauty
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1924-1926 Raritatea i frumuseea domeniului Veresszk a fcut ca acesta s of Veresszk area were it to be integrated into the Natura 2000,
Cod LMI: neclasat fie integrat n programul Natura 2000, reea european de zone European network of protected natural areas, created in 1992
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, Castel de naturale protejate, creat n 1992 din necesitatea de a proteja na- from the need to protect nature and maintain natural resources
vntoare, Complex turistic tura i de a menine pe termen lung resursele naturale necesare necessary for the socio-economic development in the long term.
ID proprietate/Property ID: HR01AHE-AS-NC Eticheta apei minerale Pan, sfritul sec. XIX dezvoltrii socio-economice. (SA) (SA)

36 37
38 39
40 41
42 43
44 45
46 47

An imposing Baroque Palace, 6 annexes of the XVII - XIX cen-

Un palat baroc impuntor, 6 anexe de secol XVIII-nceput de secol tury (stables, riding stables, crypt, greenhouse, barn) that were
XIX (curie, grajd, manej, cript, ser, ur) integrate ntr-un fost integrated in a dendrological park in the early XIX century, rear-
Adresa/Address: Jibou, Slaj Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.500.000 parc dendrologic de nceput de secol XIX, reamenajat ca grdin ranged in the 70s as a botanical garden and refurbished over the
87 km fa de Cluj-Napoca Estimare/Estimate: 1.500.000 - 1.700.000 botanic n anii 70 i renovat de-a lungul timpului. time.
Dintre construciile ce compun ansamblul, prima i cea mai veche Among the buildings that make up the whole, the first and the
este curia (reedin nobiliar modest), refcut din temelii n oldest is curia (modest noble residence), rebuilt from scratch in
1702 de ctre baronul Wesselnyi Istvn i de contesa Bnffy Kata. 1702 by the Wesselnyi Istvan Baron and the Bnffy Kata Count-
nceputurile lucrrilor de construcie la cldirea palatului sunt ess. The beginnings of the Palace construction are related to
legate de cstoria baronului Wesslenyi i de stabilirea curii Baron Wesselnyis marriage and to the establishment of the
nobiliare a familiei pe domeniul de la Jibou, n jurul anului 1778. nobily family court to Jibou, around 1778. From that date until the
ncepnd cu aceast dat i pn la ncarcerarea baronului la Barons incarceration at Kufstein in 1785, the main body of the
Kufstein n 1785, va fi construit corpul principal al palatului. Palace would be built.
Bir Jzsef atribuie concepia cldirii baronului Wesslenyi, care Jzsef Biro assigned the building design to Baron Wesselenyi, who
a dorit s-i regseasc temperamentul, gustul i ateptrile wanted to find his temperament, his taste and his expectations
n nfiarea castelului. n arhitectura palatului se recunoate in the appearance of the castle. In the Palace architecture one
influena vechilor reedine nobiliare, nconjurat de fortificaii i can recognise the influence of the old noble families, surrounded
bastioane. Construcia corpului principal s-a ncheiat, cel mai by fortifications and towers. The construction of the main body
probabil, nainte de 1785. was most likely completed before 1785.
Lucrrile de amploare au renceput la palatul Wesslenyi din The scale works resumed only in 1796, probably thanks to Czech
Jibou abia n 1796, probabil datorit apariiei arhitectului ceh architect Franz Wrabetz. During his stay in Jibou, Wrabetz worked
Franz Wrabetz. n perioada ederii la Jibou, Wrabetz s-a ocupat at the interior construction. During this period they commis-
de amenajarea interioarelor. n aceast perioad s-au comandat sioned many pieces of furniture in Vienna and painters were
numeroase piese de mobilier de la Viena i s-au pltit pictori care paid to decorate the rooms. The interiors would only be finished
s decoreze camerele. Interioarele vor fi terminate abia n jurul around 1800. The interiors were painted by Franz Neuhauser and
anului 1800. De pictarea interioarelor s-au ocupat Franz Johann Martin Stock, two famous painters in Transylvania at the
Neuhauser i Johann Martin Stock, doi pictori renumii n time.
Transilvania la acea vreme. In 1809 Mikls Wesselnyis political career is over, and shortly
n 1809, cariera politic a lui Wesslenyi Mikls se ncheie, iar la after this the Baron dies.
scurt timp baronul nceteaz din via. In 1810 the construction works were completed finished. Mean-
n 1810 lucrrile de construcie i amenajare ale ansamblului while, the palace served as the sojourn place of many artists,
erau terminate. n tot acest timp, palatul fusese locul de popas a including painters, sculptors and actors.
numeroi artiti, att pictori i sculptori, ct i actori. Mikls Wesselnyi is succeeded by his son, Wesslenyi Mikls the
Wesslenyi Mikls este urmat de fiul su, Wesslenyi Mikls al 2nd, who preserves the cultural atmosphere of the palace, invit-
II-lea, care pstreaz atmosfera cultural de la palat, invitnd aici ing politicians and writers who embraced the revolutionary ideas
numeroi oameni politici i scriitori contemporani, adepi ai ideilor of 1848. He made various
minor works at the residence of Jibou,
revoluionare de la 1848. Acesta a ntreprins diverse lucrri minore preserving by and large the original layout.
la reedina din Jibou, pstrnd n mare parte aspectul original. The subsequent interventions on the domain are made after
Urmtoarele intervenii asupra ansamblului se fac dup nationalization, when the Palace and its extensions will have
naionalizare cnd palatul i anexele sunt refuncionalizate pentru another purpose, namely to serve the cultural needs of the new
a servi cerinelor culturale ale noii societi: coal general, society: school, high school, boarding house pioneers, city mu-
liceu, internat, casa pionierilor, muzeul oraului i Staiunea seum and experimental Stations for young naturalists. The latter
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 experimental a tinerilor naturaliti. Aceasta din urm i parcul and the dendrological park made possible the future botanical
dendrologic au creat premisele nfiinrii grdinii botanice, a crei garden, whose planning began in 1968 under the guidance of
amenajare a nceput n 1968, sub coordonarea profesorului Vasile Professor Vasile Fati.
Fati. After 1990, various functions disappeared, and in 2010 it was
Dup 1990, diversele funciuni au disprut, iar n 2010 n palat mai only the Jibou Childrens Club that functioned in the Palace. The
funciona doar Clubul copiilor din Jibou. Exteriorul palatului nu a exterior of the palace has not undergone recent major interven-
Detalii proprietate/Property details: suferit intervenii majore recente. Interiorul n schimb a fost afec- tions. The interior, on the other hand, was affected, therefore
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1,31 ha tat, palatul fiind azi n mare parte gol. Mobila, sobele, tablourile i today the Palace is largely empty. Furniture, stoves, paintings and
Suprafa construit/Built area: 3.443 mp/sqm obiectele decorative ce mpodobeau pn la jumtatea secolului decorative items that adorned the Palace until the middle of the
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 2.201 mp/sqm XX ncperile palatului s-au pierdut. Ne putem face totui o im- XX century were lost. We can still get an impression if we look at
Structur: P+1E; D+P; P/Floors: GF+1F; SB+L presie dac privim imaginile de arhiv. the archival images.
Camere/Rooms: 50 Recent, palatul i o parte din anexe au fost retrocedate Recently, the Palace and some of the extensions were returned to
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1702/1778-1810 motenitorilor, dup un lung proces, fiind acum spre vnzare. the heirs, after a long process, and now they are up for sale. The
Cod LMI/LMI Code: SJ-II-a-A-05075 Grdina botanic nu a fost afectat de aceast decizie. Cripta botanical garden was not affected by this decision. The Wessl-
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Castel de vntoare, familiei Wesselnyi, grajdul i manejul au rmas n posesia Cen- nyi crypt, stable and playpens remained in the possession of the
Centru de evenimente, Centru medical, Centru social, trului de Cercetri Biologice Jibou care i-a propus s le restau- Biological Research Center Jibou possesion, which aims to restore
Complex multifuncional, Complex turistic reze i s le redea circuitului turistic. and reintegrate them in tourism.
ID proprietate/Property ID: SJ01AHE-AS-A cca. 1920, MU Istoric arhitect Irina Leca (MU) Historical architect Irina Leca (MU)

48 49
cca. 1930, CP

cca. 1920, MU 1942, arhiva familiei Wesseleny

cca. 1920, MU cca. 1900, MU

50 51
52 53
54 55
56 57
58 59
Conacul baronului Urbn de Monyor

Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 750.000

imand, Arad Estimare/Estimate: 800.000 - 1.000.000
28 km fa de Arad

1900, CP

Familia Urbn de Monyor a fost una dintre familiile importante,

nnobilate ale aristocraiei maghiare. Vatra nobillilor Urban era
localitatea Monyord (astzi Mneru, Arad), iar primul membru
al familiei menionat n documente oficiale a fost Joseph Urbn,
n 1828. Conacul neoclasic ridicat n imand, la doar civa zeci Urbn of Monyor family was one of the important noble families
de km distan de Monyord, era ridicat n a doua jumtate a of the Hungarian aristocracy. As mentioned in official records
secolului al XIX-lea, fiind cel mai probabil opera ctitoriceasc a (1828), the first family member was Joseph Urbn, and the fam-
lui Gyula Urbn, tatl celui mai important membru al familiei, ilys home was in Monyord (today Mneru, Arad). The neoclas-
i anume Peter Urbn (1870-1935). imandul reprezint pentru sical mansion in Simand (just a few kilometers from Monyord)
istoria Transilvaniei un punct important arheologic i istoric. De was built in the second half of the 19th century. The mansion
la urmele aezrilor din eneolitic, pn la prima atestare (anul most likely belonged to Gyula Urbn, the father of the most
953), imandul se va afla n cercul de influen a diverse puteri important family member, Peter Urbn (1870-1935). Starting with
zonale sau locale, devenind n evul mediu trziu un pol economic, the Eneolithic period up to the year 953 when it is mentioned
prin organizarea de trguri, cunoscnd i o puternic comuni- officially for the first time , and on to modern times, imand was
tate evreiasc (n 1828 erau 400 de persoane de rit ebraic). nali one of the most important places in Transylvanian history. More-
dregtori, politicieni i prefeci n judeul Arad, membrii familiei over, in the 19th century, imand was a strong economic hub. For
Urbn aveau s dein domeniul din imand cca. 100 de ani, about 100 years, by the time the mansion was built, the domain
perioad n care conacul era ridicat. was owned by Urban de Monyor family members. Most of them
were dignitaries, politicians and even prefects in Arad county.
Detalii proprietate/Property details: Conacul, construit n a doua jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea de
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1,18 ha ctre baronii Urbn de Monyor, este situat pe drumul naional Built in the middle on the 19th century by baron Urbn Petru of
Suprafa construit/Built area: 950 mp/sqm 79, pe oseaua Arad - Oradea, la o distan de 28 kilometri de Monyor, the mansion is located on the 79th National highway,
Suprafa util/Usable area: 640 mp/sqm municipiul Arad. n 1994, conacul a fost complet renovat, fiind on the road between Arad and Oradea, 28 km from Arad.
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 517 mp/sqm pstrate toate elementele originale ale arhitecturii. Construcia In 1994, the mansion was completely renovated, and all the origi-
Structur: DS+P/Floors: SB+GF ofer tot confortul modern, fiind racordat la reeaua de ap, are nal architectural elements were preserved. The mansion provides
Camere/Rooms: 16, Bi/Baths: 3 canalizare proprie i trei centrale pe gaz pentru nclzirea cldirii. all the modern comfort, as it is connected to the water network,
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: Cas istorica - Corp B, 300 mp, Conacul are ca i anex un corp B, dotat cu toate utilitile, iar has its own sewage and three gas central heating systems. There
S+P; Cas nou - Corp C, 202 mp, P; Magazie i garaj, 176 mp. pe terenul generos a fost construit o cldire nou, n prezent is an annex to the main building, equipped with all the standard
Anul construciei/Construction year: mijlocul sec. XIX n curs de finalizare, cu funcie rezidenial. n faa conacului a utilities. As the yard is quite big, another house is being built,
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Cas de vacan, Pensiune, fost construit o piscina de 50 mp. Piscina poate fi amenajat n which will be used for residential purposes. In front of the man-
Reedin bifamilial scopul valorificrii resursei de ap termal aflat la o adncime de sion, there is a 50 sqm pool. There are thermal water springs at a
ID proprietate/Property ID: AR02AHE-NC 1900, MU 700 metri. depth of 700 m, which can be used to fill up the pool.

60 61
62 63
64 65
66 67

Adresa/Address: Dumbrvioara, Mure Pre de pornire: 450.000

15 km fa de Trgu Mure Estimare: 500.000 - 600.000

Teleki Samu (1845-1916), explorator n Africa, ISUM

Castelul Teleki este una dintre cele mai fastuoase cldiri lsate
motenire peisajului ardelenesc de ctre familia de nobili Teleki.
Smuel Teleki, cancelarul Transilvaniei n perioada 1791-1822,
fondatorul Bibliotecii Teleki din Trgu Mure i unul dintre cei
mai bogai oameni din regiune, ncepe construcia castelului
din Dumbrvioara (Sromberke n limba maghiar) la sfritul
secolului al XVIII-lea. Construcia ajunge la finalizare n anul 1912,
sub ndrumarea nepotului su Teleki Samu. Cele apte corpuri de
cldiri care formeaz castelul sunt dispuse n plan n form de
U, oferind un spaiu larg att n partea frontal, ct i n spatele
construciei. Poriunea din spate era renumit pentru parcul
dendrologic n stil britanic, heleteul i terenul de clrie, unde Samuel Teleki (1739-1822), ISUM
oaspei prestigioi, precum regele Eduard al VII-lea al Marii Britanii
sau regele bulgar Ferdinand I, se antrenau pentru diverse turniruri
la care participau.
Dei a debutat n stilul baroc, n prezent castelul este fidel stilului
neobaroc. Povestea arhitectural a castelului este, n mare parte, The Teleki Castle is one of the most gorgeous buildings inherited
rezultatul ideilor inovatoare a nobililor Teleki, n urma cltoriilor by the Transylvanian landscape from the noble family Teleki.
acestora n rile Occidentale, dar i n expediiile africane ale Samuel Teleki, chancellor of Transylvania between 1791-1822,
ultimului reprezentant al familiei. De asemenea, interioarele sunt founder of the the Teleki Library in Trgu Mure and one of the
inundate cu detalii baroce luxuriante, mbinndu-se armonios cu richest men in the region, began the construction of the castle
mici accente rococo, fiecare camer fiind specific unui anume in Dumbrvioara (Sromberke in Hungarian) at the end of the
rang. Partea etajat a cldirii a fost mansardat i monopolizat eighteenth century. The construction reaches completion in 1912,
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 de aristrocraii Teleki, parterul fiind destinat slujitorilor. n trecut, under the guidance of his nephew, Teleki Samu. The seven build-
podelele se defineau prin marmur colorat, fiind acoperite de ings that constitute the castle are arranged in the U-plane, pro-
covoare persane. Spectacolul slilor era accentuat de mobila rar viding a large area on both the front and the back of the building.
decorat somptuos mbinnd mai multe stiluri: baroc, rococo The back part was famous for British style dendrological park, the
Detalii proprietate/Property details: sau renascentist, iar fiecare camer beneficia de un model unic pond and horse riding field, where prestigious guests such as King
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1,20 ha de sob. n peisajul telekian se mai adaug i o impresionant Edward VII of Great Britain or Bulgarian King Ferdinand I, trained
Suprafa construit/Built area: 2010 mp/sqm colecie de cri rare (aduse n ar prin prisma cltoriilor n to participate in various tournaments.
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 1232 mp/sqm occident), antichiti de valoare, tablouri, porelanuri decorative, Although started in baroque style, the castle is now true to the
Structur: D+P+M/Floors: SB+GF+A arme i trofee. Neo-Baroque style. The architectural story of the castle is largely
Camere/Rooms: 40 Dup cel de-al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, ntreg patrimoniul grofilor the result of the innovative ideas that the nobles from the Teleki
Pre/mp/Price/sqm: 95 Teleki a fost distrus, dup care a urmat naionalizarea, cldirea family, after their journeys in Western countries, but also from
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 2727 mp/sqm fiind transformat ntr-un liceu agricol, liceu care funcioneaz i the African expeditions of the last representative of the family.
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1769/1912 astzi. Also, the interiors are flooded with lush baroque details, blending
Cod LMI/LMI Code: MS-II-m-A-15663 n apropierea castelului se afl Biserica Reformat medieval a harmoniously with small rococo accents, each room is specific
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Castel de vntoare, satului, construit de acelai Smuel Teleki, unde de altfel este to a particular rank. Near the castle there is located the medieval
Centru medical, Centru social, Complex turistic, Hotel, nmormntat, alturi de ali 15 membrii ai familiei sale. Monu- Reformed Church of the village, built by the same Samuel Teleki,
Pensiune, Reedin multifamilial, coal privat mentul funerar este un obiectiv impuntor, demn de rangul nalt actually where he is buried, along with other 15 members of his
ID proprietate/Property ID: MS01AHE-AS-A cca. 1850, sursa: arhiva familiei Teleki ce-l purta familia nobiliar. family. The tomb is grandiose, worthy of his high rank.

68 69
1916, CP

Interioare, cca. 1930, MU

1930, CP

70 71
72 73
Hart a Moldovei n vremea lui Petru Rare,
Viena, cca. 1550


Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire: 300.000

Guranda, Botoani Estimare/Estimate: 500.000 - 750.000
35 km fa de Botoani, 90 km fa de Iai

anii 20, surs: arhiva familiei

Alexandrescu Manor from Guranda has a history of more than

one century, being built at the order of the spouses Mihai and
Mathilde Alexandrescu, Mihai being a Wallach boyar who settled
down in Moldova at the end of the XIXth century, around 1890.
Conacul Alexandrescu de la Guranda are o istorie de peste un se- Situated at approximately 40 de km from Botoani, the property
col, fiind ridicat la comanda soilor Mihai i Mathilde Alexandrescu, of the family Alexandrescu was about to become not only resi-
Mihai fiind un boiera valah stabilit n Moldova la sfritul secolului dence, but also a source of income, the domain being extended
al XIX-lea, ctre 1890. Aflat la cca. 40 de km de Botoani, moia with hundreds of hectares. The main building was buttoned up
familiei Alexandrescu avea s devin nu doar reedin, ci i surs in 1905, the project being signed by a Venetian architect. The
Detalii proprietate/Property details: de venit, domeniul fiind extins cu sute de hectare. Construcia estate borrows obviously from the typical architecture of those
Suprafa teren/Land area: 16,48 ha principal era finalizat n 1905, proiectul fiind semnat de un arhi- times, Neo Romanian style, the Neo Romanian style being the
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1.334 mp/sqm tect veneian. Imobilul mprumut evident din arhitectura tipic most dashing at the turn of the centuries. Notwithstanding, the
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 790 mp/sqm vremurilor, stilul neoromnesc fiind cel mai n vog la cumpna estate is marked by different decorative effects that offer a special
Structur: S+P+1E+M/Floors: B+GF+1F+A dintre secole. Cu toate acestea, cldirea este punctat de diverse aspect, monumentally the use of the brick in the decoration
Camere/Rooms: 23 motive decorative ce i ofer un aspect aparte, monumental - of the borders or of the wooden frames in the tracing of small
Bi/Baths: 5 folosirea crmizii n decorarea ancadramentelor sau a cadrelor balconies. The heiress of the manor was the only daughter of the
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 440 mp/sqm cldiri de lemn n punctarea micilor balconae. Motenitoarea conacul a Alexandrescu spouses, Yvonne (1890-1974), who had to enter in
i lac pe o suprafa de 2 ha fost unica fiic a soilor Alexandrescu, Yvonne (1890-1974), care the big Cantacuzino family, getting married with Ion Cantacuzino
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1905 avea s intre n marea familie Cantacuzino, cstorindu-se cu Ion (1888-1954), with whom she had a daughter, Claudina (born
Cod LMI/LMI Code: BT-II-m-B-01987 Cantacuzino (1888-1954), alturi de care a avut o fiic, Claudina 1914).
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Castel de vntoare, Centru (nscut 1914). After the dispossessions from the year 1948, the manor enters in
medical, Centru social, Complex multifuncional, Complex turistic, Dup exproprierile din cursul anului 1948, conacul intr n posesia the property of the communist state, which, since 1949, has set
Pensiune, Reedin bifamilial statului comunist, care, din 1949, instaleaz n conacul de la up in the manor from Guranda the Pneumology and Phthisiology
ID proprietate/Property ID: BT01AHE-B anii 20, surs: arhiva familiei Guranda Sanatoriul de Pneumoftiziologie. Sanatorium.

76 77
78 79
80 81
82 83
84 85
86 87

Adresa/Address: Deleni, Iai Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.100.000

44 km fa de Botoani, 79 km fa de Iai Estimare/Estimate: 1.500.000 - 1.900.000

Castelul Cantacuzino-Ghica Deleni este unul dintre castelele The Cantacuzino-Ghica Castle from Deleni is one of the most
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020
cele mai reprezentative ale Moldovei. Prima cldire din actualul representative castles of Moldova. The first building of the current
ansamblu arhitectural a fost biserica, ridicat n anul 1669, n architectural ensemble was the church erected in 1669, near
Detalii proprietate/Property details: apropierea unei curi boiereti, probabil dintre cele mai vechi din a boyars court, probably the oldest in the principality. After the
Suprafa teren/Land area: 4,23 ha voievodat. Dup cstoria Mariei Cantacuzino, n anul 1778, cu marriage of Maria Cantacuzino in 1778, with Constantin Ghica,
Suprafa construit/Built area: 2.230 mp/sqm Constantin Ghica, moia intr n posesia familiei Ghica-Deleni. the estate goes under the possession of Ghica-Deleni family.
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 1.115 mp/sqm Lucrrile de reamenajare efectuate de acetia au dat ansamblului Refurbishment works carried out by them gave the ensemble the
Structur: D+P+1E/Floors: SB+GF+1F configuraia actual. Astfel, pn n anul 1802, au fost executate current configuration. Thus, until 1802, were executed restora-
Camere/Rooms: 36 lucrri de restaurare i extindere, a fost construit zidul de incint tion and expansion works, the inner wall of stone was built, and,
Bi/Baths: 2 din piatr, pentru ca mai apoi, la nceput de secol XX, castelul s afterwards, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the castle
Bi pariale/Unfinished baths: 10 fie reamenajat dup planurile arhitectului Nicolae Ghika-Budeti. was rearranged by architect Nicolae Ghika-Budesti.
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 1.585 mp/sqm Castelul posed spaii ample i luminoase - ncperi, saloane, The castle has large and bright spaces - rooms, lounges, lobbies -
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1730-1810 holuri - dispuse la parter, etaj, i demisol. n timpul celui de-al arranged downstairs, first floor and basement. During the Second
Cod LMI/LMI Code: IS-II-a-A-04146 Doilea Rzboi Mondial, timp de doi ani, n castelul din Deleni au World War for a period of two years, the castle was garrisoned by
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Castel de vntoare, Centru de fost ncartiruite trupe sovietice. Soviet troops.
evenimente, Centru medical, Centru social, Complex multifuncional, Dup naionalizare, cldirea a gzduit Cminul cultural din Deleni, After nationalization, the building hosted the cultural house of
Complex turistic, Reedin multifamilial, Spital privat devenind ulterior unitate medical preventiv, destinaie pe care o Deleni, subsequently becoming a preventive medical unit, and still
ID proprietate/Property ID: IS01AHE-A cca. 1934, NDI are i azi. (RFA, MU) has this use today. (RFA, MU)

88 89
1934, NDI

90 91
92 93
94 95
Abraham Ortelius, Pontus Euxinus, oal flamand, Amsterdam, 1590, DPE

96 97
Grand Hotel, stil art deco

Adresa/Address: b-dul Tomis nr.57 Pre de pornire/Starting price: 950.000

(col cu b-dul Ferdinand nr.7), Constana Estimare/Estimate: 1.000.000 - 1.250.000
n inima oraului, lng Primrie

cca. 1925, CP cca. 1915, CP

Any citizen of Constana has heard of the Grand, but very few
Orice constnean a auzit de Grand, dar foarte puini tiu c people know that this is the name of the citys first hotel that was
acesta este numele primului hotel cu electricitate i nclzire fitted with electricity and central heating.
central din ora. n anul 1912, Stavro Dumitriu, un important In 1912, Stavro Dumitriu, an important businessman, bought
om de afaceri, a cumprat de la Primria Constana un teren de a 1.450 sqm parcel from Constanas city hall. The price of the
1.450 de metri ptrai. Preul terenului a fost de 98.870,50 de land was 98.870,50 lei. The businessmans friends told him that
lei. Prietenii omului de afaceri i-au spus acestuia c este nebun buying land in that area was complete madness. However, eight
s cumpere un teren n acea zon. Opt ani mai trziu, n 1920, years later, in 1920, the hotel that would shortly become a sym-
se deschideau uile hotelului care a devenit, n scurt timp, unul bol of Constana opened its doors.
dintre reperele Constanei. Construcia a durat cinci ani, plan- The construction took five years, and the plans were executed
urile fiind executate de arhitectul francez Edgar de Goue. Fa de by French architect Edgar de Goue. The hotel was built one floor
proiectul iniial, construcia avea cu un etaj mai puin. Acesta a shorter than initially planned. That floor was never completed. The
rmas n faz de proiect i nu a mai fost finalizat. Noul hotel era new hotel was fitted with electricity and central heating, which
dotat cu electricitate i nclzire central i a avut un succes rapid made it highly appreciated by high-ranking people who needed
n rndul oamenilor de vaz care aveau nevoie de cazare. Dup accommodation.
moartea lui Stavro Dumitriu, n 1940, afacerea a fost preluat de After the death of Stavro Dumitriu, in 1940, his son, Dumitru St.
fiul acestuia, Dumitru St. Dumitriu. Hotelul, la parterul cruia se Dumitriu, took over the business. The hotel, which had a restau-
aflau un restaurant, o sal de lectur i mai multe spaii comer- rant, a lecture hall and several commercial spaces to rent out on
ciale nchiriate, era unul dintre punctele de atracie ale oraului. the ground floor, was one of the citys main attractions. Dumitru
Dumitru St. Dumitriu era, la fel ca tatl su, un abil om de afaceri, St. Dumitriu was, just like his father, an astute businessman and
fiind un pion important pe piaa imobiliar dobrogean. Tinereea represented an important figure on the real estate market in Do-
i-a petrecut-o n strintate, ncepnd cu 1926, n calitate de brogea. He had spent his youth abroad, from 1926 onwards, as a
reprezentant direct al societii Ford Motor Company, la Trieste, direct representative of the Ford Motor Company, at Trieste, Alex-
Alexandria i Istanbul. Din 1932, a devenit reprezentant pentru andria and Istanbul. In 1932, he became the representative of the
Balcani al companiei americane. Cnd a preluat hotelul, a nfiinat, American company in the Balkans. When he took over the hotel,
la parterul cldirii, reprezentana Ford n Dobrogea. Influena pe he established the first Ford branch in Dobrogea on the ground
Detalii proprietate/Property details: care Dumitriu o avea pe plan local este ilustrat i de titlul de floor of the building. Dumitrius local influence is also proven by
Suprafa teren/Land area: 716 mp/sqm viceconsul onorific al Cehoslovaciei la Constana. Preluarea puterii the title of honorary Czechoslovakian vice-consul in Constana.
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1.3 mp/sqm de ctre comuniti n Romnia a ncheiat relativ repede povestea Once the communists seized power in Romania, the beautiful
Suprafa util/Usable area: 1.007 mp/sqm frumoas a hotelului Grand. Firea generoas a lui Dumitriu i-a story of the Grand hotel ended swiftly. Dumitrius generous
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 231 mp/sqm salvat, parial, familia de arest, n 1950, atunci cnd un ofier character partially saved his family from arrest when, in 1950,
Structur: S+P+2E/Floors: B+GF+2F sovietic, cruia i fcuse un serviciu, i-a artat recunotina i a Soviet officer, whom he had done a favour for, showed his
Camere/Rooms: 36, Bi/Baths: 8 l-a anunat c evacuarea va fi urmat de ncarcerare. Familia gratitude by warning them that the eviction would be followed by
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: Imobilul, restaurat recent, s-a refugiat n Bucureti, dar fiul lui Dumitriu, Stavro, a fcut doi imprisonment.The family took refuge at Bucharest, but Dumitrius
este format din spaiu comercial parter 200 mp, ani de nchisoare, la Canal. Dup o lupt de cinci ani n justiie, son, Stavro, served a two-year sentence at the Channel.
dou etaje hotel cu 36 camere i teras superioar motenitorii au recptat proprietatea familiei lor i au restau- After a five-year long legal fight, the inheritors recovered their
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1915-1920 rat frumosul imobil, pentru a fi redeschis publicului ca hotel sau familys property and restored the beautiful residence so that it
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Centru social, Clinic pentru a i se da o alt utilitate. could once again be used as a hotel or for a different purpose.
medical, Hotel, Pensiune, coal privat, Spital privat Surse:,
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT05AHE-AS-NC

98 99
100 101
HOTELUL INTIM (DANGLETERRE) ...ed ntr-o mansard i privirea mi-e deschis din dou pri
EMINESCU LA CONSTANA, 1882 asupra mrii, pe care a vrea s plutesc cu tine. Dar aceasta nefiind I am sitting in an attic, and my eyes scrutinize the sea I would like
cu putin, te srut cu dulce, draga mea Veronic, i rmn al tu to float across with you. But this is not possible, so I am sending
Eminescu. - Constana, 16 iunie 1882. you passionate embraces, my dear Veronica, and I remain your
Informaiile documentare legate de acest hotel dateaz din anul Eminescu. Constana, June 16th, 1882.
1882 cnd Eminescu a fost gzduit ntr-o cmru de la mansarda
stabilimentului. Este de presupus c a fost construit prin anii 1880. Archival research on this hotel found information dated 1882, when
Adresa/Address: str. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 9, Pre de pornire: 1.500.000 n vremea aceea, hotelul Carol i hotelul dAngleterre erau cele Mihai Eminescu was a guest here, in a small room in the attic. It is
Constana Estimare/Estimate: 2.000.000 - 2.400.000 dou locuri ale Constanei unde turitii puteau gsi gzduire. Marele assumed it was built in the 1880s. At that time, dAngleterre and
salon al Htel dAngleterre, frapant prin strlucire i elegan, Carol hotels were the two places where tourists could find accom-
gzduia baluri caritabile i banchete oficiale la care participau modation in Constana. Hotel dAngleterres Grand Salon, particu-
personaliti ale oraului. larly striking given its glamor and elegance, hosted charity balls
n prima scrisoare a lui Eminescu ctre ctre Veronica Micle (n and banquets attended by the citys high-ranking officials.
cele zece zile ct a stat la malul mrii, poetul i-a trimis trei scrisori The quote above was taken from his first letter to Veronica Micle
iubitei sale) este scris citatul menionat mai sus. (during the ten days he spent at the seaside, Eminescu sent three
Hotelul este demolat dup anul 1903. Locaia sa este ns letters to his lover).
consemnat ntr-o harta din 1903 elaborat de Union Elektrisi- The hotel was demolished in 1903. It does however appear on a
tas - Geselschaft din Berlin, din dispoziia lui Moses Schwartz. 1903 map, drawn up by Union Elektrisitas Geselschaft from Ber-
Acesta a preconizat posibilitatea de a redeschide fostul hotel Htel lin, commissioned by Moses Schwartz. He was envisaging the pos-
dAngleterre sub un alt nume, ntr-un local nou ridicat dar pe sibility of reopening the former Hotel dAngleterre under another
vechea locaie care prezenta multe avantaje din punct de vedere al name in a new building erected on the same site, which was highly
amplasamentului. advantageous in terms of positioning.
Pe locul vechiului hotel ridicat n anii 1880 avea s fie proiectat i The construction of Regina Hotel started on June 1st, 1906 on the
construit ncepnd cu data de 1 iunie 1906 Hotelul Regina. De same spot where the old hotel had been built in the 1880s. At the
data aceasta ca proprietar al hotelului figureaz n documente un time, the officially recorded owner of the hotel was a man named
anume Theiler. Lucrrile de construcie au fost urmrite atent de Theiler. The construction works were closely supervised by archi-
arhitectul Daniel Renard. Hotelul avea subsol, parter, dou etaje tect Daniel Renard. The hotel had a basement, two floors and an
i mansard. Locaia dispunea de 21 de camere fiecare cu baie attic. It had 21 rooms, each equipped with a private bathroom. It
proprie. Suprafaa total era de 1.650 mp i avea spre folosin had a total area of 1,650 sqm, and also featured a 935 sqm-private
un teren propriu de 935 mp. Elegant i cu o frumoas grdin de land. Given its elegant look and beautiful summer garden, the hotel
var, hotelul a constituit locul predilect pentru banchetele regale. was the perfect place for royal banquets. The building was designed
Cldirea este realizat n stil eclectic, cu elemente predominante in an eclectic style with Art Nouveau elements, and the main
de Art Nouveau i structur neoclasic a faadei principale. Nu se facade was built in a neoclassical style. It is not fully clear who the
cunoate cu certitudine arhitectul edificiului, dar este posibil ca architect was, but it may have been Goue Emil, who was active in
acesta s fi fost Emil Goue, care a practicat n Constana n acea Constana at the time, where he designed several buildings (one
perioad, ridicnd mai multe cldiri, una dintre cele mai notabile of the most notable was the Palace Hotel). The acclaimed scientist
fiind hotelul Palace. Reputatul cercettor arh.Radu Cornescu afirm arh. Radu Cornescu says the building was designed by architect
ns c localul a fost realizat de ctre arhitectul Daniel Renard, care Daniel Renard, who also designed the Constana Casino. The build-
a ridicat i Cazinoul constnean. Construcia, dat n folosin la 18 ing was opened on January 18th, 1909, and was bought soon after
ianuarie 1909, a fost cumprat imediat dup inaugurare de Moses the inauguration by Moses Schwartz, a hotel entrepreneur, and
Schwartz, un mai vechi antreprenor al hotelului, iar ulterior a intrat later became the property of the Trpa brothers.
n proprietatea frailor Trpa. Regina Hotel quickly became a meeting place for intellectuals. In
Hotelul Regina a devenit n scurt timp un loc de ntlnire al in- 1909, this is where the Pharmacy Group and Society of Letters,
telectualilor. n 1909 aici a luat fiin o societate intitulat Cer- Arts and Sports associations were established. The hotel lounges
cul farmaceutic i o alta numit Cercul de litere, arte i sport. housed frequent meetings of politicians, such as the members of
Saloanele hotelului gzduiau frecvent ntlniri ale politicienilor, cum the executive committee of the Conservative Democratic Political
ar fi cea dintre membrii comitetului executiv al Partidului Conserva- Party of Constana, and Take Ionescu, head of the party. This was
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 tor-Democrat din Constana i Take Ionescu, eful partidului. Viaa the new headquarters of the emerging effervescent socialite scene.
monden avea un nou local unde a se putea manifesta n nceputul In addition to the frequent banquets, there were also cultural and
efervescenei sale. Pe lng frecventele banchete aveau loc aici other social events being held here, hosted by the Macedonian
eztori culturale organizate de Societatea Junimea Macedo- Romanian Youth Society of Constana. On July 17th and 18th,
Detalii proprietate/Property details: 1925, the newspapers Dobrogea Juna and Dacia announced
Suprafa teren/Land area: 931 mp/sqm Romn din Constana. Pe 17 i 18 iulie 1925, ziarele Dobrogea
Jun i Dacia anunau renovarea complet a Hotelului Regina: the complete renovation of Regina Hotel: Hear this, hot and cold
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1.516 mp/sqm water, radiators, electricity and a telephone are being installed in
Suprafa util/Usable area: 1.245 mp/sqm Bi, instalaiuni de ap cald i rece n fiecare camer, calorifer,
electricitate, telefon. Se nchiriaz camere fr pensiune. Scriitorul all rooms. Writer Vulcan Peter said in the newspaper Dobrogea
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 379 mp/sqm Juna that, in 1944, the hotel belonged to Toma I. Trpa, who later
Petru Vulcan amintea, n ziarul Dobrogea Jun, c, n 1944, hote-
Structur: S+P+2E+M/Floors: B+GF+2F+A on rented it out to C. Niculescu. Afterwards, during the commu-
lul i aparine lui Toma I. Trp, care l nchiriaz lui C. Niculescu.
Camere/Rooms: 31 nist period, Regina Hotel was called Intim, as known today to
Mai trziu, n perioada comunist, Hotelul Regina a primit de-
Bi/Baths: 26 Constana locals.
numirea Intim, aa cum este cunoscut i acum constnenilor.
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 146 mp/sqm After 1949, the building became the property of the Communist
Dup 1949, cldirea a intrat in patrimoniul Partidului Comunist i
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1880/1906-1909 Party. After being renovated in 1970, the hotel re-entered the tour-
dup o renovare produs n anii 1970, hotelul a reintrat n circuitul
Cod LMI/LMI Code: CT-II-m-B-02845 ist circuit.
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Centru social, n anii 1990 edificiul a fost revendicat de motenitorii fostului pro- After 1990, the building was claimed by the last owners heirs, who
Clinic medical, Hotel, coal privat, Spital privat prietar i ctigat n instan. Hotelul Intim este n prezent n afara won the trial. Intim Hotel is not currently listed in the tourist circuit.
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT04AHE-AS-B 1907, GN circuitului turistic. (CIV) (CIV)

102 103
104 105
106 107
108 109
110 111
blocul interbelic al comunitii evreieti

Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 850.000

str. Petru Rare nr. 4, Constana Estimare/Estimate: 900.000 - 1.000.000
n centrul istoric, la 100 m de Piaa Ovidiu

This building is one of the edifices that enriched the economical

center of Constana in the interwar period. Very close to Ovidiu
Imobilul din str. Petru Rare este unul dintre edificiile ce Square, former historical center of the city, and well-known since
mbogeau n perioada interbelic amenajarea centrului eco- the interwar period, the building was famous back then for its
nomic constnean. Foarte aproape de ceea ce era considerat frequent depictions in various postcards of Constana. Consider-
centrul oraului (istoric), i anume Piaa Ovidiu, cldirea ne este ing the images with the central square edifice, which would be-
cunoscut nc din perioada interbelic din diversele cri potale come the next Museum of History and Archeology (built between
dedicate Constanei. Avnd n vederea imaginile ce prezint n 1911-1929), corroborated with the fact that the Great Synagogue
prim-plan edificiul central al Pieei, i anume viitorul sediu al was built in 1914, the buildings construction could not have be-
Muzeului de Istorie i Arheologie, ridicat ntre 1911-1920, corobo- gun before 1920. Moreover, the defining style of the construction
rat cu faptul c Sinagoga Mare (Achenaz) - astzi lipit de blocul is given by its functionality, which is typical for a residence in the
nostru, era ridicat n 1914, nu putem data mai devreme de 1920 20s or 30s.
construcia acestuia. De altfel, stilul ce definete construcia este
definit de funcionalitate, tipic anilor 20-30 pentru o construcie Located in the Old Town of Constana, at the crossroads of Petru
tip reedin sau pentru birouri. Rare and Traian streets, only 100 m away from Ovidiu Square,
the building is one of Constanas main symbols. Back in 1930,
Situat n centrul vechi al oraului, la intersecia strzii Petru Rare when it was built, Maya Office was one of the highest structures
cu strada Traian, la 100 m de piaa Ovidiu, imobilul reprezint un in the city.
simbol al Constanei, fiind la data construciei, n 1930, una dintre When going from the city center towards Ovidiu Square, as Traian
cele mai nalte cldiri din Constana. Mergnd din ora ctre piaa Street is the only one with vehicle access, one has no choice but
Ovidiu, singura cale de acces cu autovehiculul ctre pia este pe to pass in front of this building.
strada Traian i obligatoriu se trece prin faa acestei cldiri care se Available utilities: Electricity with separate counters on each floor,
situeaz la col cu strada Petru Rare. Utiliti disponibile: energie gas-based heating system on each floor, aluminium radiators,
electric contorizat pe fiecare nivel, nclzire pe gaze cu central running water, sewerage, TV cable, internet, telephone, video-
termic pe gaz pe fiecare nivel, calorifere din aluminiu, ap, intercom, multisplit air conditioning in each office (5 units per
canal, Cablu TV, internet, telefon, videointerfon. Aer condiionat floor).
multisplit n fiecare birou i secretariat (5 aparate pe nivel) Sub- Despite the fact that the basement is not particularly high, it
solul nu este nalt dar se desfoar pe toat amprenta cldirii, covers the buildings entire footprint. It is freshly-painted and
este finisat gresie i lavabil, se poate folosi pentru depozitare features floor tiles, and can therefore be used for storage, but
Detalii proprietate/Property details: sau chiar pretabil pentru o cafenea sau bar intim, avnd grinzile it is also suitable for a coffeehouse or a small, intimate bar. An
Suprafa teren/Land area: 141 mp/sqm originale din ine de cale ferat cu arcade din crmid. De ase- interesting fact about the basement is that it still has its original
Suprafa construit/Built area: 709 mp/sqm menea subsolul este un spaiu inclzit. Parterul are dou intrri train rail beams and brick arches.
Suprafa util/Usable area: 496 mp/sqm separate, deine dou camere mari (sli de edine) cu aparate The ground floor has two separate entrances, two big rooms
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 141 mp/sqm de aer condiionat tip ceiling, un grup sanitar i o camer pentru (meeting rooms) with ceiling-mounted air conditioning systems,
Structur: S+P+3E+M/Floors: B+GF+1F+A materiale de curenie. Din hol se urc pe o scar spaioas cu one toilet and a storage room for cleaning materials.
Camere/Rooms: 26, Bi/Baths: 9 gresie i mn curent din fier forjat, spre celelalte etaje. Palierele The building has a spacious tiled staircase with wrought iron
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1930 sunt nalte, delimitate cu u de acces pe fiecare nivel, cu spaii railing, high ceilings, with an access door on each floor, generous
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Cafenea, Centru social, generoase, cu cte patru birouri, un secretariat central i dou spaces, four offices, a central administrative office and two toi-
Clinic medical, Hotel, Restaurant, Salon de nfrumuseare, grupuri sanitare. De asemenea se poate iei la fiecare etaj n exte- lets. Moreover, each floor has its own balcony which can be used
coal privat rior unde exist o mic curticic (un eventual fumoar). Imobilul a as a smoking area. The building was reinforced and rehabilitated
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT06AHE-AS-NC fost consolidat si reabilitat in anul 2007. in 2007.

112 113
114 115
Blocul neoromnesc arh. Cerchez

Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 250.000

str. Callatis nr. 6, Constana Estimare/Estimate: 400.000 - 500.000
n centrul istoric, pe falez

Actualul monument istoric de clasa B din str. Callatis nr. 6 ne

ntoarce n trecut ctre anul 1900, atunci cnd zona peninsular
constnean cunotea cele mai importante procese arhitec-
turale. Istoria imobilului este legat de figura arh. Grigore Cerchez,
cel care la 1898 i punea amprenta pe cel mai important edificiu
arhitectural al zonei i anume construcia Vilei uu. Terenul pe Cristofi i Valeria Cerchez, anii 1900
care este ridicat cldirea din ceea ce astzi numim str. Callatis
(fost coalei) se pare c aparinuse chiar lui Grigore Cerchez, This historical monument takes us back to 1900, when the
care i i proiectase o construcie proprie, plan ntrerupt n peninsular area of Constana underwent its most important
perioada Primului Rzboi Mondial. Proiectul era reluat un deceniu architectural processes. The estates history is closely linked to
mai trziu de arh. Cristofi Cerchez (1872-1955), cel care superviza arch. Grigore Cerchez, who in 1898 left its mark on the areas
construcia imobilului n cursul anului 1923. Nepot al lui Grigore most notable architectural edifice, utu Villa. Apparently, he was
Cerchez, dublu liceniat al colii de Poduri i osele din Bucureti the owner of Callatis Street, and was planning to build his own
i al Politehnicii din Milano, Cristofi Cerchez i ctigase renumele structure there, but the project was interrupted during World War
n cadrul arhitecturii urbane nc din 1905, prin proiectarea Vilei I. A decade later, the construction plans were resumed by arch.
Minovici, cldire reprezentativ pentru stilul naional, de influen Cristofi Cerchez (1872- 1955), Grigore Cerchezs nephew. Having
Mincu. Legtura lui Cerchez cu dezvoltarea Constanei nu este studied in Bucharest and Milan, he was well-known for a particu-
ntmpltoare. Att apartenena la comunitatea armean, att de lar project he completed in 1905 the Minovici Villa.
important n perioada ante i interbelic n capitala Dobrogei, ct Cerchezs connection to the development of Constana is not
i relaiile profesionale (ocupa la 1900 un post n serviciul tehnic accidental. He was Armenian, had strong professional ties, and
al municipiului Constana) l recomandau chiar pentru proiectarea was undoubtedly the most suitable architect to work on the plans
sediului Camerei de Comer i Burs n Piaa Ovidiu (rmas nefi- for the construction of the Chamber of Commerce and Stock
nalizat). Cldirea ce astzi i poart numele, din str. Callatis nr. 6, Exchange headquarters.
era proiectat n cursul anului 1923, pornind probabil de la plan- Named after him, the building was designed in 1923, probably
urile schiate anterior de unchiul su. Influena maur (ancadra- inspired by Grigore Cerchezs plans. The Moorish art influences
mentele plurilobate ale ferestrelor) ct i scara interioar, identic and the identical design of the uu Villa and Cristofi Cerchez
realizat cu cea din Vila uu stau dovad a proiectului realizat n buildings interior staircases are proof of his intention to built a
compatibilitate cu imobilul menionat. structure that would be fully consistent with the aforementioned
Detalii proprietate/Property details: buildings style.
Suprafa teren/Land area: 146 mp/sqm Blocul Cristofi Cerchez este o construcie realizat n stil eclectic
Suprafa construit/Built area: 736 mp/sqm n care elementele de decoraiune tip maur sunt mbinate unui The Cristofi Cerchez building has an eclectic style that consists of
Suprafa util/Usable area: 600 mp/sqm stil general funcional, de tip englezesc. Faadele sunt lucrate n a combination of Moorish decorations and a general functional
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 155 mp/sqm crmid aparent pe suprafaa creia sunt armonios lucrate English style. With a brick facade that blends harmoniously with
Structur: S+P+3E/Floors: B+GF+3F ancadramentele maure ce decoreaz cadrele ferestrelor i uilor. the Moorish-inspired window frames and doors, the three-level
Camere/Rooms: 15, Bi/Baths: 9 Ridicat pe trei niveluri, avnd un subsol funcional, cldirea a building has undergone various modifications over time. Most
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1923 suferit n timp diverse modificri ale funciunilor rezideniale, of them occurred after the nationalization in 1947 when, among
Cod LMI/LMI Code: CT-II-m-B-02795 majoritatea acestor schimbri survenind n urma naionalizrii din other changes, the building was divided into apartments and
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Centru social, Clinic 1947 - mprirea n apartamente, desfiinarea scrii de serviciu i the service staircase was disbanded. The property is divided into
medical, Pensiune, Reedin multifamilial altele. Imobilul cuprinde un apartament cu 4 camere, 5 aparta- a 4-room apartment, five 2-room apartments, a studio and a
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT08AHE-AS-B mente cu cte 2 camere fiecare i o garsonier. functional basement.

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Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.100.000

str. Krikor Zambaccian nr. 1, Constana Estimare/Estimate: 1.250.000 - 1.500.000

Actul de natere al cldirii avndu-l ca autor pe arhitectul Grigore

Cerchez este datat 1898.
Grigore Cerchez (1850-1927) este dublu liceniat: avea i diplom
de inginer i pe cea de arhitect. Dup ce i-a terminat studiile
la Paris, a profesat la Bucureti n ambele meserii. Devine chiar
inginerul-ef al capitalei ntre 18761879. A fost unul dintre
adepii i susintorii curentului de afirmare a specificului naional
romnesc n arhitectur, dar a exersat i alte stiluri (neoclasic,
eclectic). Printre principalele cldiri avndu-l ca autor se pot enu-
mera: Facultatea de Arhitectur din Bucureti, o arip a Palatului
Cotroceni, Muzeul Antipa, Banca Naional din Brila.
MIhail C. uu (1841 - 1933)
Un proiect aparte se gsete la Constana Vila uu, construit
pe taluzul mrii n stil maur. Proprietarul era Mihai C. uu (1841 -
1933), descendent al unei familii de rang nalt: strbunicul su, pe
nume tot Mihai uu, a fost domn al rii Romneti i al Moldovei
(prin rotaia impus de nalta Poart), iar Constantin uu tatl
su a fost ministru de finane sub domnia lui Alexandru D. Ghica.
El nsui a fost o personalitate marcant: membru al Academiei This villa was built in 1898 by the architect Grigore Cerchez (1850
Romne, inginer cu studii absolvite la Paris, a deinut funcii in - 1927), who was also an engineer. After he completed his studies
Ministerul Domeniilor, apoi a urcat pe scara ierarhic ca director in Paris, he worked in Bucharest as both architect and engineer.
general al Potelor, consilier la nalta Curte de Conturi i guver- He even became Bucharests chief engineer between 1876 and
nator al Bncii Naionale a Romniei. Se numar printre cei mai 1879. He was one of the promotors of the Romanian architectural
importani numismai i metrologi ai epocii. current, but worked in other styles as well (neoclassical, eclectic).
Mihai uu deinea un teren ntr-o locaie de vis: promontoriul Some of his best works include: the Faculty of Architecture in
estic al peninsulei constnene, chiar pe malul Mrii Negre, ntre Bucharest, a wing of Cotroceni Palace, the Antipa Museum, the
strzile coalei (astzi Callatis) i Ceres (astzi Caratzali), unde National Bank in Brila.
tatl su avea o cas de lemn. Pe locul acesteia, arhitectul Grigore He had a special project in Constana the uu villa, built by the
Cerchez i-a ridicat o construcie care domin i acum aceast sea in Moorish style. The owner was Michael C. uu (1841 - 1933),
zon, devenit astzi a Portului Tomis. Accesul la aceast cldire descendant of a high ranking family: his great grandfather, also
era asigurat de strada Mrei (astzi Krikor Zambaccian). Fa de named Mihai utu, was the ruler of Wallachia and Moldavia (by
proiectul iniial, Cerchez a mai fcut cteva modificri (de exem- the rotation imposed by the Sublime Porte), and Constantin uu,
plu a renunat la o a doua scar care cobor la nivelul inferior i his father, was a former Minister of Finance under the reign of
a mai adugat i camerele servitorilor spre sud). Alexandru D. Ghica. He himself was an outstanding personality:
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 Impetuoasa Vil uu, avnd autorizaia de construcie datat 29 Member of the Romanian Academy, engineer who graduated in
iulie 1898, este construit pe stnca rmului rsritean al Paris, he held positions in the Ministry of Estates, then ascended
vechiului Tomis, fiind una dintre puinele construcii n terase the hierarchical ladder as general manager of the Postal Service,
construite n epoc. Zidul de sprijin care nconjoar palatul este Adviser to the High Court of Accounts, and National Bank Gover-
situat n apropiere de locul n care exista i o ieire a galeriilor nor. He is among the leading numismatists and metrologists of
subterane construite de romani n sec. II e.n. (cu rol de alimentare the time.
Detalii proprietate/Property details: cu ap, dar i defensiv). Privirea ne este invadat de stilul maur The construction permit was released on July 29, 1898, and the
Suprafa teren/Land area: 862 mp/sqm al cldirii ce ne poart cu gndul la Andaluzia spaniol, vestit impetuous Villa uu was built on the rocky eastern shore of the
Suprafa construit/Built area: 739 mp/sqm pentru o astfel de arhitectur. old Tomis, and was one of the few terraced structures at the time.
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 309 mp/sqm Din pcate, n perioada 1950 1955 au avut loc unele intervenii There is an abundance of Moorish elements that takes us straight
Structur: DS+P+1E+M/Floors: SB+GF+1F+A la cldire, cnd a fost desfiinat i sacnasiul de la etajul I partea to Spanish Andalusia, well-known for this particular architectural
Camere/Rooms: 13 dinspre nord (sacnasiul era un fel de bowindow de lemn scos n style.
Bi/Baths: 5 afara cldirii i avea un aer aparte). Vila uu a fost rechiziionat The uu villa was requisitioned by the communists, and became
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1898 de puterea comunist i a adpostit dup 1947 mai nti Casa de the headquarters of the Creation House in 1947, and was then
Cod LMI/LMI Code: CT-II-m-A-02863 Creaie, apoi Consulatul Cehoslovaciei. Dup 1989 aici a funcionat passed on to the Consulate of Czechoslovakia. In 2011, after a
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Ambasad/Consulat, Curtea de Apel, iar din 2011 a intrat n posesia motenitorilor, n long series of lawsuits, the Court of Appeal ruled that the villa be
Birouri, Cas de vacan, Hotel, Reedin unifamilial urma unui lung ir de procese. returned to the rightful heirs.
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT03AHE-AS-A cca. 1900, CP Arh. Radu Cornescu Arh. Radu Cornescu

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casa laskaridis
de pe faleza constanei

Adresa/Address: str. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 24, Constana Pre de pornire/Starting price: 775.000
n centrul istoric, la 200 m de Piaa Ovidiu Estimare/Estimate: 800.000 - 900.000

Casa Laskaridis ne introduce n scrierea istoriei modernitii

Constanei, fiind omonim cu una dintre importantele fami-
lii greceti ce au contribuit la evoluia cultural i economic
a oraului-port. Comunitatea elen din Dobrogea i n spe- Laskaridis House introduces us to Constanas modern history, as
cial cea din Constana era recunoscut nu doar prin mrime this is the name of one of the most important Greek families that
(considerabil n perioada interbelic), ci poate mai ales prin contributed to this harbor towns cultural and economical devel-
importana ei n toate domeniile publice ale unei urbe cu tendine opment. The Greek community in Dobrogea, and particularly the
cosmopolite. coala greceasc, Biserica, teatrul i micile afa- one in Constana, was well-known in terms of its size (which was
ceri portuare sau comerciale din centrul (istoric) al Constanei considerable in the interwar period), but perhaps most notably in
au reprezentat edificii culturale i economice ce au nrdcinat terms of its influence in all public areas of this cosmopolitan city.
comunitatea elen n monografia oraului, reprezentanii ei fiind The Greek School, the Church, the Theater and small commercial
deseori enumerai printre naintaii modernitii constnene. businesses from the historical center of Constana were cultural
Imobilul de pe strada Nicolae Titulescu, aadar chiar n peninsul, and economic landmarks in the city, which helped the Greek
n centru administrativ i economic al oraului, era ridicat n community put down roots here. Laskaridis House was built in
1924, n imediata vecintate a celebrului Hotel Regina (Intim), 1924, right in the economic center of the city, close to Hotel Intim
pentru ca, dup 1937, s se regseasc i vis-a-vis de Biserica (en. intimate) formerly known as Regina (en. The Queen). In
Romano Catolic Sf. Anton de Padova. Proprietari ai parcelei de 1937, right across the street, the St. Anton de Padova Ro-
Detalii proprietate/Property details: pmnt dintre strzile Nicolae Titulescu (fost Lascr Catargiu) man Catholic Church was built. The Laskaridis family was known
Suprafa teren/Land area: 743 mp/sqm i Ovidiu au fost diveri membrii ai familiei Laskaridis. Primii doi, for the extensive properties it possessed in the area. Moreover,
Suprafa construit/Built area: 672 mp/sqm fraii Iancu i Lascr, comerciani de esturi, sunt consemnai members of the family, such as brothers Iancu and Lascr,
Suprafa util/Usable area: 485 mp/sqm drept primii proprietari. Cel mai probabil Lascr Laskaridis, seem to have been the first owners of the land between Nicolae
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 286 mp/sqm menionat n monografiile oraului, cu afaceri i magazine n Titulescu (former Lascr Catargiu Street) and Ovidiu streets. The
Structur: S+P+1E+M/Floors: B+GF+1F+A centrul Constanei, este acelai Lascr Laskaridis ce era la 1897- same Lascr Laskaridis, who in 1897-1898 was the president
Camere/Rooms: 17, Bi/Baths: 4 1898 preedinte al comunitii elene. Imobilul avea s fie pstrat of the Greek community, may have been one of the best known
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1924 n familia Laskaridis prin diverse succesiuni i moteniri, actele businessmen at that time. The building remained in this family,
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Cafenea, imobilului consemnnd proprietari ca Dumitru Laskaridis, Spiru and was owned, in turn, by different heirs such as: Dumitru Las-
Reedin bifamilial, Restaurant (Spiridon) Laskaridis, tefan i Ianis t. Laskaridis, ultimul posesor karidis, Spiru (Spiridon) Laskaridis, tefan and Ianis t. Laskaridis,
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT07AHE-AS-NC nainte de naionalizarea din 1950. the last owner before the nationalization in 1950.

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Adresa/Address: b-dul Elisabeta nr. 9, Pre de pornire: 800.000

Constana, pe falez, vizavi de Cazino Estimare/Estimate: 800.000 - 900.000

Istoria Constanei reprezint o pagin remarcabil din istoriei cca. 1920, DM

Romniei, oraul-port fiind astzi una dintre cele mai timpurii
aezri atestate pe teritoriul rii noastre. Tomis, fosta colonie
greceasc, se regsea n ceea ce este astzi numit oraul vechi,
zona istoric din preajma Cazinoului. Aceast sintagm i are
rdcinile n perioada de sistematizare i modernizare a oraului,
perioad instituit n special dup 1878, cnd Constana, alturi
de ntreaga Dobroge, intr n componena Regatului. Moder- The history of Constana is a remarkable page in Romanian his-
nizarea oraului ncepea din zona portului, fiind locul predispus tory, as today this port city is one of the oldest settlements on
datorit amplasrii strategic-economice. Astfel, unul dintre dintre Romanian territory. Tomis, the former Greek colony, was located
primele bulevarde care iau fiin, cu o onomastic regalist, in what we call today the ancient city, the historical area sur-
este Bulevardul Elisabeta, bulevard pe care, odat cu creterea rounding the Casino. This phrase is rooted in the citys develop-
economic i dezvoltarea sistematizat, ncep s apar i edificii ment and modernization period, which was most apparent after
reprezentative. 1878, when the city of Constana, alongside the entire Dobrogea
Aciunile unor personaje ca Antonio Alexandridi (primar n deceni- region, became a part of the Kingdom. The modernization of the
ile 8-9 ale secolului al XIX-lea), Mihail Koiciu (primar n 3 mandate city began with the port area, given its economically strategic
n perioada 1886-1897) sau Panait Holban aveau s nlesneasc location.
procesul de modernizare i dezvoltare urban, astfel nct, n doar The Zottu house, named after its first owner - Gheorghe Zottu
cteva decenii, bulevardul Elisabeta avea s devin centru social, was built on the Elisabeta Boulevard between 1898 and 1900,
rezidenial, economic i turistic. ushering the emergence of other similar buildings in the area: The
Casa Zottu, denumit dup primul ei proprietar Gheorghe Zottu Manisallian house (designed by architect Ion Berindei), and, most
se nla pe Bdul Elisabeta n perioada 1898-1900, anunnd importantly, the Casino. Legal expert Gheorghe Zottu, former
apariia altor edificii din mprejurimi: Casa Manisallian (arhitect investigating judge in Piteti, was, at the turn of the century, one
Ion Berindei) i mai ales Cazinoul. Juristul Gheorghe Zottu, fost of the citys most influential people, and, starting with 1895, the
Detalii proprietate/Property details: judector de instrucie n Piteti, era la cumpna dintre secole chairman of the Constana High Court.
Suprafa teren/Land area: 265 mp/sqm unul dintre cele mai importante personaje ale oraului, fiind, Built in an eclectic style, with rococo motifs, the houses main
Suprafa construit/Built area: 526 mp/sqm ncepnd cu 1895, preedintele Tribunalului Constana. facade is oriented towards the sea; there is also a secondary fa-
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 175 mp/sqm Construit ntr-un stil eclectic, cu mici motive rococo, casa are cade, with a view to the courtyard. However, the houses charac-
Structur: D+P+1E/Floors: SB+GF+1F faada principal spre mare, existnd i o faad secundar, cu ter is most notably influenced by the prism shaped bay-window,
Camere/Rooms: 14 vedere spre o curte interioar. Caracterul construciei este marcat which gives it a particularly distinguished touch, while at the
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1898 ns de bovindoul prismatic ce i ofer cldirii i astzi un aspect same time blending perfectly with the areas architectural style.
Cod LMI/LMI Code: CT-II-m-B-02805 distins, integrndu-se excelent n arhitectura zonei. Edificiul For a while, this was the headquarters of the Lithuanian Consul-
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Ambasad/Consulat, avea s fie pentru o perioad sediul Consulatului Lituaniei din ate in Constana (starting with 1928), and in the 1930s it became
Birouri, Reedin unifamilial, Restaurant Constana (ncepnd cu 1928), pentru ca n anii 30 s intre n the property of the Steaua Romn (Romanian Star) Insurance
ID proprietate/Property ID: CT01AHE-AS-B posesia Societii de Asigurri Steaua Romn. Company.

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Harta Bucuretiului de maiorul Dimitrie Papazoglu, 1871 BUCURETI 139
Palatul de Piatr Udrite Nsturel, sec. XVII
Palatul de Piatr - Udrite Nsturel din Hereti este un obiectiv
singurul monument de arhitectur civil romneasc arhitectural unic n spaiul arhitectural civil romnesc, fiind, att
ridicat n ntregime din piatr prin vechime, ct i prin specificiti, un edificiu indispensabil
istorie arhitecturii romneti (din Ev Mediu pn astzi). Numele
complexului i al ntregii moii ne ndreapt ctre una dintre cele
mai importante familii de boieri i dregtori din spaiul rom-
Adresa/Address: Herti, Giurgiu Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.100.000 nesc ncepnd cu secolul al XVI-lea - Nsturel Herescu. Membrii
Estimare/Estimate: 1.500.000 - 1.800.000 fondatori ai acestei mari familii reprezint figuri importante n
30 km fa de Bucureti, 15 km fa de Dunre
istoria Valahiei: Radu - Mare Logoft, dar i copiii acestuia, fiica
Elena, cstorit cu Matei Basarab i fiii Cazan, Postelnic i Udrite
(Oreste), Mare Ban i crturar, apropiat i el al domnitorului
Matei Basarab. ns Heretii (sau Fieretii, n scrierea veche) sunt
consemnai nc din secolul XIV, atunci cnd Mircea cel Btrn
trimitea drept soli n Polonia pe boierii Manea i Roman Her-
escu. Unirea familiilor Nsturel Herescu este consemnat nc
de la mijlocul secolului al XVI-lea, n perioada domniei lui Mircea
Ciobanul. Construciile de pe moia din Hereti ncepeau ntre
anii 1640-1642, perioad n care cei doi frai Nsturel Herescu se
aflau la apogeul carierelor. Cazan ocupa mici dregtorii n capitala
rii, fiind subprefect al oraului, n timp ce fratele su, Udrite
(1596-1659), devenea unul dintre cei mai nsemnai consilieri
ai domnitorului Matei Basarab (1632-1654). Mare Ban, crturar, Nicolae Grigorescu, Banu Nsturel Herescu,
consilier, Udrite Nsturel Herescu s-a ocupat de marea antepriz Muzeul Naional de Art al Romniei
ctitoriceasc a lui Basarab, a administrat tipografia de la Govora,
unde sunt tiprite primele volume din ara Romneasc, a tradus
Viaa Sfinilor Varlaam i Ioasaf (rmas manuscris) dar i-a
pus amprenta i asupra istoriei Bucuretiului prin cartierul ce
i poart numele (Udrite). Construcia principal, palatul, era
atestat la circa 10 ani distan, cnd, n memoriile sale, Paul de
Alep, secretar al lui Macarie, patriarhul de Antohia, consemna
n cltoriile sale i vizita la conacul Heretilor (Fieretilor) din The palace in Herti is a highly valuable piece of architecture, a
cursul anului 1657. La aproape dou secole de la ridicarea sa, landmark of old Romanian Middle Age architecture. The name of
Palatul i moia intrau n posesia prinului srb Milos Obrenovici, the palace and property relates to the Udrite Nsturel. Plenty of
care achiziiona palatul n cursul anului 1831. Modificrile aduse documents describe the history of the palace and of the founding
de acesta construciilor (anexe gospodreti i grajduri) aveau s families, which goes back to the 14th century. Udrite Nsturel
fie eliminate la distan de mai bine de un secol, cnd, cu ocazia came from one of the countrys influential families: Radu High
restaurrilor i amenajrilor din anul 1954, conacul revenea la Chancellor, his children daughter Elena, wife of Matei Basarab,
configuraia iniial. Dup decesul lui Obrenovici (1860), moia in- the countrys ruler, and two sons: Cazan, who was a seneschal,
tra n posesia ultimei mari familii ce avea s dein palatul pn la and governor Udrite (Oreste) , become well-known as early as
venirea comunismului. n 1881, Anastase Stolojan, fiu de boier, cu the 14th century. During the reign of Mircea cel Btrn, Manea
studii de drept la Paris, fost primar al Craiovei, deputat i ministru and Roman Herescu are sent to Poland as the kings messengers.
n diverse guvernri liberale achiziiona domeniile Hereti. Chiar The construction of the property in Herti started in 1640-1642,
dac un incendiu din 1931 provoca daune importante, perioada when both brothers Cazan and Udrite (1596-1659) were at
cea mai grea pe care a traversat-o conacul a fost desigur dup the top of their careers. Cazan was a Subprefect of Bucharest,
1948. n 1949, autoritile comuniste ncepeau drmarea cldirii while Udrite was one of the main Counselors of Matei Basarab.
cu dorina de a refolosi blocurile de piatr pentru construirea altor Udrite Nsturel Herescu was a reputed scholar, administrator of
utiliti ale Gospodriei Colective, ns este salvat n 1950 cnd Basarabs properties and of a printing house in Govora, translator
Detalii proprietate/Property details: intr n administrarea Comisiei Monumentelor Istorice. n anii and all-around high-ranking figure in Bucharests history, and
Suprafa teren/Land area: 3,79 ha 70 domeniul intra n administrarea Muzeului ranului Romn one of the citys districts was named after him Udrite.
Suprafa construit/Built area: 680 mp/sqm (Muzeul de Arte i Tradiii Populare atunci), devenind Muzeu al The palace is officialy mentioned 10 years later in the memoires of
Suprafa util/Usable area: 475 mp/sqm Lemnului i Feronriei. Momentan, pe suprafaa domeniului Paul of Alep, a Syrian scholar, secretary of Macarie, Patriarch of
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 340 mp/sqm se regsesc trei construcii: Palatul de Piatr, adic reedina Antioch, after a visit in Wallachia when he stopped at the Palace
Structur: S+P+1E/Floors: B+GF+1F iniial a frailor Nsturel Herescu, construit n forma literei L, in Herti.
Camere/Rooms: 7 simetric, cu intrri separate. Din construcia iniial de la mij- The Palace was sold in the 19th century to Serbian prince Milos
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: Casa Stolojan, 1835, monument locul secolului al XVII-lea au rmas neatinse piviniele, parterul Obrenovici. The new owner started to make certain changes, and
istoric de clas B, 468 mp, P+1E; Casa administratorului, 1850, i scrile, etajul suferind diverse intervenii de-a lungul timpului; added new constructions and a tower. After his death, the prop-
monument istoric de clas B, 166 mp, P; Alte anexe de 126 mp. Casa Stolojan, chiar dac construcia era ridicat n perioada erty was sold to Anastase Stolojans family.
Anul construciei/Construction year: nceputul sec. XVII n care domeniul era n posesia lui Milos Obrenovici, n anii 30 Anastase, who came from a very wealthy family, obtained his law
Cod LMI/LMI Code: GR-II-a-A-15013 i GR-II-a-B-15014 imobilul era modernizat, devenind reedin a familiei Stolojan n degree in Paris. Back in his country (called ara Romneasc/
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Cas memorial, Castel de urma incendiului ce distrugea acoperiul Palatului de Piatr. Cea Wallachia at the time) he held different positions such as Mayor of
vntoare, Centru de evenimente, Centru medical, Centru social, de a treia construcie, casa Administratorului, are i ea o vechime Craiova City and Minister in several governments. He restored one
Complex multifuncional, Complex turistic, Han, Muzeu privat nsemnat, fiind ridicat n cursul anului 1850, tot n perioada n of the two buildings raised by Obrenovici, lived there and named it
ID proprietate/Property ID: GR01AHE-A-B nceputul anilor 30, surs: arhiva familiei care moia era n posesia prinului srb. Stolojan, as it is known today.

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Coperta Catalogului produselor
fermei agricole Hereti, 1938-1939, surs: arhiva familiei

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Adresa/Address: Viforta, Dmbovia Pre de pornire: 260.000

5 km fa de Trgovite, 84 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 350.000 - 375.000

Dezvoltarea localitii Viforta este strns legat de ctitorirea The development of the Viforta village is closely linked to the
n nordul oraului Trgovite, astzi la doar 5 km distan, a raising, in the northern city of Trgovite, today at only 5 km
Mnstirii Viforta. n urm cu aproximativ 500 de ani era atestat away, of the Viforta Monastery. About 500 years ago the foun-
ctitoria lui Vlad Vod al V-lea (1530), pentru ca la un secol distan dation of Voda Vlad V (1530) was attested, so that at a distance of
mnstirea s fie rectitorit de Matei Basarab. n timp, micul sat a century, the monastery is re-build by Matei Basarab. Over time,
ce s-a dezvoltat la poalele Mnstirii, nspre Trgovite, avea the small village that developed at the foot of the monastery,
s poarte n el tradiia meteugreasc a esutului, atrgnd towards Trgovite, had to promote handicraft tradition of tissue,
totodat un numr nsemnat de personaliti ale culturii while attracting a large number of personalities of Romanian
romneti prin pitorescul specific zonei. culture through the specific picturesque area.
Castelul Drscu-Enigrescu a fost construit pe culmea The Drscu-Enigrescu Castle was built on top of a hill north-
nord-vestic a dealurilor Trgovitei, pe drumul de acces spre west of Trgovite, the access road to the monastery Viforta
Mnstirea Viforta, fiind finalizat la comanda familiei Drscu being completed on the command of Drscu family in 1910 after
n 1910, la peste 20 de ani de la iniierea construciei. Cu o 20 years from the initiation of construction. With a blurred his-
istorie nceoat, proprietatea avea s scape de naionalizare, tory, the property would escape nationalization, even if at some
chiar dac a activat la un moment dat drept sediu al C.A.P-ului point it served as the seat of the local community, entering the
local, intrnd n perioada 1975-1977 n proprietatea lui Octav period 1975-1977 being owned by Octav Enigrescu. A man of
Enigrescu. Om de o vast cultur, bariton, om de radio, actor, vast culture, baritone, radio man, actor, professor of and director
Detalii proprietate/Property details: profesor de canto i director al Operei Bucuretene (1969-1971), of the Bucharest Opera singing (1969-1971), Octav Enigrescu
Suprafa teren/Land area: 4.450 mp/sqm Octav Enigrescu a apreciat imediat calitile arhitecturale ale immediately appreciated the architectural qualities of the small
Suprafa construit/Built area: 549 mp/sqm micului castel. castle.
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 284 mp/sqm Dispus pe o structur terasat, construcia se nal pe dou Disposed on a terraced structure, the construction stands on
Structur: S+P+1E/Floors: B+GF+1F niveluri, prezentnd totodat i o pivni nalt ce se desfoar two levels and a high basement that is on the entire footprint of
Camere/Rooms: 11 pe ntreaga amprent a cldirii. Punctul central al reedinei este the building. The focus of the residence is indisputably the shape
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1890-1910 indiscutabil forma turnului central, ce amintete de tipologia of central tower reminding of the medieval dungeon typology,
Cod LMI/LMI Code: DB-II-m-B-17762 donjonul medieval, structura camerelor fiind astfel influenat de the structure of the rooms thus being influenced by the circular
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, forma circular. Cldirea avea s fie consolidat de ctre familia shape. The building was strengthened by family Enigrescu, who
Pensiune, Reedin unifamilial Enigrescu, care se ngrijete de ntreinerea castelului, ntrind took care of the maintenance of the castle, reinforcing the struc-
ID proprietate/Property ID: DB01AHE-B structura cu brne de oel, n cursul anului 1988. ture during 1988 with steel beams.

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Adresa/Address: Reviga, Ialomia Pre de pornire: 36.000

110 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 50.000 - 75.000

Marile moii boiereti ale sec. XVIII-XIX din Brgan, n special cele The great land estates of the boyars in the 18-19th centuries in
din nord-estul Bucuretiului, Buzu-Slobozia-Brila, aveau s Brgan, particularly those located north-east of Bucharest,
stea la baza unor importante proprieti fie agricole, viticole sau Buzu-Brila-Slobozia, would be the foundation of important
de vacan, att pentru nobilimea sec. XIX i XX, ct i pentru o agricultural, vineyards and holiday properties for both the nobility
Detalii proprietate/Property details: seam de industriai sau oameni de afaceri ai perioadei de mod- of the 19th and 20th centuries, and for a number of industrialists
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1109 mp/sqm ernizare a Romniei. and businessmen who thrived during Romanias modernization
Suprafa construit/Built area: 368 mp/sqm Reviga, aflat ntre Slobozia i Buzu, a devenit n timp locul unor period. Reviga, located between Slobozia and Buzu, became
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 184 mp/sqm astfel de antreprize, familia Cioceanu cu activiti n domeniul over time the home of such companies. The Cioceanu family -
Structur: S+P+1E/Floors: B+GF+1F morritului - legndu-i existena de localitate prin conacul ridi- involved in the milling industry - linked its existence to the village
Camere/Rooms: 12 cat aici ntre 1930 i 1932. through the mansion built here between 1930 and 1932. Built in a
Pre/mp/Price/sqm: 98 Construit ntr-un stil neoromnesc trziu, epurat de efecte dec- late Neo-Romanian style, lacking decorative effects and defined
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1932 orative i definit de utilitatea construciei, reedina este ridicat solely by practicality, the residence is built on two levels, and has
Cod LMI/LMI Code: IL-II-m-B-14158 pe dou niveluri, prezentnd i o pivni cu acces din interiorul a cellar that can be accessed from inside the house, from the
Tip de proprietate Property type: Cas de vacan, casei, din zona de dependine. Structura respect ns tipologia outbuildings area. The structure fits the Neo-Romanian style ty-
Reedin unifamilial stilului neoromnesc n special prin prezena impuntoare a tur- pology especially due to the addition of a grand central staircase
ID proprietate/Property ID: IL01AHE-B nului scrii centrale, care este deasemenea mansardat. tower, which also has an attic.

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Adresa/Address: Baloteti, Ilfov Pre de pornire: 700.000

20 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 700.000 - 800.000

Istoria conacului Ion Bujoiu ncepea cu civa ani nainte ca acesta Ion Bujoiu Manors history started a few years before he actually
s o achiziioneze. Comand a lui Ion Luca Niculescu, membru purchased it. Commissioned by Ion Luca Niculescu, member of
al unei familii liberale de comerciani i industriai bucureteni, a liberal family of merchants and industrialists from Bucharest,
conacul era ridicat dup planurile arhitectului Statie Ciortan, the mansion was built based on architect Statie Ciortans plans,
reprezentant important al stilului neoromnesc n primele decenii a chief specialist in the Neo-Romanian style in the early decades
ale secolului XX. Construit de antepriza Peternelli, pe trei niveluri, of the 20th century. Built by the Peternelli enterprise, the three-
conacul domina prin logiile frontale, dar mai ales prin turnul scrii level mansion is strikingly grandiose due to its front loggias and
principale. especially to the main staircase tower.
n 1926, conacul intra n posesia lui Ion Bujoiu (1894-1956). Bujoiu In 1926, the manor becomes Ion Bujoius property. Bujoiu was a
a fost inginer stagiar la Cmpina, la Soc. Steaua Romn, unde trainee engineer in Cmpina, at Steaua Romn Company, where
a funcionat pn n 1922, cnd este numit director general al he worked until 1922, when he was appointed manager of Lupeni
societii Lupeni, apoi la Soc. Petroani (pn n 1945). Din Company, and later on manager of Petroani Company (until
momentul intrrii la Soc. Petroani a nceput marea lui ac- 1945). His notable planning activities started the moment he
tivitate de organizator. Cariera politic avea s l propulseze n began working at Petroani Company. His politcal career would
fruntea guvernrii, succedndu-se ntre 1937 i 1939 prin minis- propel him to the forefront of the government, where he worked
terul Industriei i Comerului i cel al Economiei. A purtat o serie for the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Econo-
de funcii importante n domeniul industrial ca vicepreedinte my between 1937 and 1939. He held several important positions
al UGIR (Uniunea General a Inginerilor din Romnia), preedinte in the industrial field, such as Vice President of UGIR (General
al Asociaiei industriilor metalurgice i miniere sau membru n Union of Engineers of Romania), President of the Association of
Consiliul Superior de Mine. metallurgical and mining industries, and member of the Supe-
Detalii proprietate/Property details: Conacul, dup achiziionarea de ctre familia Ana tefnescu i rior Council of Mines. Around 1932, after being purchased by Ana
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1,70 ha Ion Bujoiu, a intra n jurul anului 1932 ntr-un proces de mo- tefnescu and Ion Bujoiu, the manor entered a modernization
Suprafa construit/Built area: 994 mp/sqm dernizare i transformare. Logia cea mare de la nivelul inferior era and transformation process. The biggest loggia from the lower
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 331 mp/sqm nchis, ajungnd la aspectul de astzi, iar turnul central i modi- level was closed and given the form it has today, and the central
Structur: D+P+M/Floors: SB+GF+A fica i el din configuraia iniial, pierznd foiorul nchis. Ultimul tower was modified as well, as the closed gazebo was removed.
Camere/Rooms: 16 aport arhitectural adus mprejurimilor a fost realizat n 1943, cnd The last architectural contribution brought to the surrounding
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1910-1932 cei doi soi ctitoreau biserica din Preoeti. area was noted in 1943, when the couple founded the Preoeti
Cod LMI/LMI Code: IF-II-m-B-15261 Instaurarea regimului comunist avea s destrame viaa lui Bujoiu, Church.
Tip de proprietate/Propetry type: Cas de vacan, fiind condamnat ntr-un proces alturi de Auschnitt, Gheorghe The Communist regime destroyed Bujoius life, as he was sen-
Centru medical, Centru social, Complex turistic, Manu, Horia Mcellariu sau Nicolae Ptracu la munc silnic pe tenced to hard labor for life, alongside others such as Auschnitt,
Pensiune, Reedin bifamilial via. Ion Bujoiu se stingea din via n spitalul nchisorii Vcreti, Gheorghe Manu, Horia Mcellariu and Nicolae Ptracu. Ion Bujoiu
ID proprietate/Property ID: IF02AHE-B cca. 1932, NDI pe 20 mai 1956. died in the Vcreti prison hospital in 1956.

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PALATUL CRISSOVELONI - CANTACUZINO George Grigore Cantacuzino (Nababul),

Adresa/Address: str. G-ral Constantin Buditeanu nr. 15, Pre de pornire: 3.000.000
Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 3.000.000 - 3.500.000

Nikolaos Chrissoveloni,
proprietar ntre 1881-1910, PIC

The Crissoveloni-Cantacuzino Palace takes us through the stories

Palatul Crissoveloni Cantacuzino ne ndrum n istoria marilor of some of Bucharests great families in the 19th and 20th centu-
familii bucuretene ale secolelor XIX i XX. Direct din titulatur fa- ries. The Palaces name contains the names of two families that
cem cunotin cu dou familii ce marcau n diverse feluri evoluia used to influence the development of Bucharest in different ways:
oraului: pe de o parte, primii proprietari, Crissoveloni familie on the one hand, the first owners, Crissoveloni a Greek family
greceasc, reprezentativ pentru mediul bancar i de afaceri al that carried a lot of weight in banking and business in modern
Romniei moderne i, pe de alta, Cantacuzinii, una dintre cele age Romania, and, on the other hand, Cantacuzino, one of the
mai importante familii nobiliare ale spaiului romnesc, cu un countrys most important noble families, with a four-century his-
trecut de aproape patru secole n naltele dregtorii autohtone. tory of high-ranking officials. The connections and the historical
Intersectrile i rdcinile istorice nu se opresc aici ntruct roots dont stop here, as we discover that the land the palace is
descoperim c terenul pe care l ocup astzi palatul se afla, la built on used to be, in mid 19th century, at the junction between
mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, la congruena dintre proprietile the estates of Barbu tirbey Prince (the Royal Palace and its out-
Prinului Barbu tirbey (Palatul domnesc i atenanele sale) i cele buildings), and those of Iancu and Grigore (Scarlat) Grditeanu.
ale frailor Iancu i Grigore (Scarlat) Grditeanu. Dac n perioada When tirbey Palace was a royal residence (1849 1956), the land
n care Palatul tirbey era reedin domneasc (1849-1956), was still owned by the Grditeanu family (according to the R.
terenul era deinut nc de Grditeni (conf planului R.Borroczyn, Borroczyn plan, 1852); however, for the next 40 years, the land on
1852), pentru urmtorii 40 de ani, parcela, pe care avea s fie which the palace would eventually be built did not appear to be
construit palatul, nu va mai aprea individualizat n planurile a separate property in the citys urban planning archives. We can
urbanistice ale Bucuretiului. Astfel, putem presupune c, spre therefore assume that, in late 19th century, the land of the future
sfritul secolului al XIX-lea, terenul viitoarei reedine a familiei family residence of Zannis Manoli Chrissoveloni was purchased
lui Zannis Manoli Chrissoveloni era cumprat de la Grditeni. from the Grditeanu family. Born on the island of Chios (Greece)
Nscut pe insula Chios (Grecia) n 1805, grecul Crissoveloni i in 1805, Crissoveloni made a fortune in Constantinople; in 1848,
va face o avere nsemnat n Constantinopol, de unde, n 1848, he left for Romania, where he opened branches of Chrissove-
va porni ctre rile Romne, deschizndu-i filiale ale firmei loni fils Banque et maison dexportation in Galai, Brila and
Chrissoveloni fils - maison dexportasion et de banques n Bucharest.
Galai, Brila i Bucureti. The first record of the Manea Brutaru Street residence (the previ-
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 Prima consemnare a reedinei din strada Manea Brutaru (numele ous name of General Constantin Budinteanu Street) appears
vechi al strzii G-ral. Constantin Buditeanu) apare n planul on the cadastral map of the Army Geographic Institute (1895
Institutului Geografic al Armatei (1895-1899), atunci imobilul de 1899), when the building located at no. 15 belonged to Zanniss
Detalii proprietate/Property details: la nr. 15 aparinnd fiului lui Zannis, Nicolas Zannis Chrissoveloni son, Nicolas Zannis Chrissoveloni (1837, Constantinople 1913,
Suprafa teren/Land area: 2.145 mp/sqm (1837, Constantinopol 1913, Bucureti), bancher de profesie. Bucharest), banker by profession. He was probably the first owner
Suprafa construit/Built area: 2.220 mp/sqm Probabil el este primul proprietar al palatului, avnd n vedere c of the palace, considering the fact that his father died in 1887,
Suprafa util/Usable area: 1.991 mp/sqm tatl su decedase n 1887 la Constantinopol, iar familia nc tria at Constatinople, and the Chrissoveloni family was still living and
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 993 mp/sqm i fcea afaceri n Galai. Cu doar 3 ani nainte de deces, Nicolas doing business in Galai. Just three years before his death, Nicolas
Structur: S+P+1E+M; S+P+1E; P+2E; P+1E/Floors: Zannis Chrissoveloni avea s i vnd proprietatea lui Nicolae G. Zannis Chrissoveloni sold his property to Nicolae G. Cantacuzino,
B+GF+1F+A; B+GF+1F; GF+2F; GF+1F Cantacuzino, fiul lui Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino (Nababul). the son of Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino (Nababul). Therefore,
Camere/Rooms: 75, Bi/Baths: 6 Aadar, ncepnd cu 1910, palatul devine reedin a lui Nicolae starting with 1910, the palace became the residence of Nicolae
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 102 mp P+1E + cabin portar 6 mp Cantacuzino. Dup moartea acestuia (1944), palatul nu va mai Cantacuzino. After his death (1944), the palace did not remain
Anul construciei/Construction year: sfritul sec. XIX rmne mult vreme n posesia familiei Cantacuzino, ultimii care in possession of the Cantacuzino family; the last ones who lived
Cod LMI/LMI Code: B-II-m-B-18242 au locuit fiind Marga (fiica lui Nicolae) i soul ei, George Florescu there were Marga (Nicolaes daughter) and her husband, George
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Ambasad/Consulat, Birouri, (istoric, genealogist). Florescu (historian, genealogist).
Centru de evenimente, Centru social, Clinic medical, Hotel, n 1948, imobilul a fost naionalizat, pentru ca, pe ntreaga In 1948, the building was nationalized, and during the entire
Muzeu privat, coal privat, Spital privat perioad comunist, aici s funcioneze Institutul Naional de Cer- communist period the National Institute of Scientific Research for
ID proprietate/Property ID: B01AHE-AS-B cetare tiinific pentru Protecia Muncii. Labour Protection was based there.

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Casa Brncoveneasc dr. Vasile Grigorescu

Adresa/Address: str. Paris nr. 7A, sector 1, Bucureti Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.300.000
zona Piaa Victoriei - Dorobani (Capitale) Estimare/Estimate: 1.700.000 - 2.000.000

In present-day Bucharest, one can travel in time just by walking

on the streets bearing capital names between boulevards Avia-
torilor and Dorobani. It`s a select neighborhood with many well-
preserved, restored houses and restaurants, built predominantly
Zona cuprins ntre Bulevardul Aviatorilor i Bulevardul Dorobani in the interwar period. This neighborhood provides the chance to
zona strzilor cu nume de Capitale reprezint n Bucuretiul see beautiful houses from the first half of the 20th century, and
zilelor noastre o adevrat cltorie n timp. Cartier select, cu has preserved its special, distinguished and elitist style, as it was
multe case foarte bine conservate i restaurate, construite cu initially meant to mainly accommodate embassies and ambas-
precdere n perioada interbelic, zona Capitalelor ofer publicului sador residences.
ocazia s vad vile construite n prima jumtate a secolului XX, cu After the division of Filipescus family property, the areas
adevrat splendide. Construit cu scopul de a gzdui mai ales am- spectacular houses start emerging in the beginning of the 20th
basade i reedine de ambasadori, zona Capitalelor a pstrat un century. This neighborhood has a similar development to that of
parfum aparte, elitist. Casele spectaculoase din zona Capitalelor the Ioanid area.
apar n urma parcelrii proprietii familiei Filipescu, la nceput Those wishing to purchase a lot in the Filipescu park in order to
de secol XX, cartierul avnd o dezvoltare oarecum similar cu build a residence had to comply with strict regulations, as the
zona Ioanid. Cei care doreau s-i achiziioneze un lot n parcul height of the buildings could not exceed 13 m. As these rules were
Filipescu pentru a ridica o construcie erau nevoii s respecte efficiently enforced, today we can enjoy a neighborhood with
nite reguli stricte, printre care nlimea cldirii nu trebuia s wide streets and sidewalks full of vegetation.
depeasc 13 m. Respectnd aceste reguli, astzi ne bucurm de In this area, on Paris Street, one can also see the spectacular villa
un cartier cu strzi i trotuare largi i vegetaie bogat. n acest dating back to the interwar period, which belonged to pharma-
peisaj, pe strada Paris se regsete i vila reputatului medic - ceutist doctor Vasile Grigorescu.
farmacist din perioada interbelic, dr. Vasile Grigorescu. Om erudit Dr. Vasile Grigorescu was a talented writer with a vast culture,
i de o vast cultur, dr. Vasile Grigorescu a fost i un talentat who left behind a series of short stories, poems, memoires,
scriitor, de sub condeiul su ieind nuvele, versuri, memorii, comedies and a famous essay about the freedom of the press. Dr.
comedii i un celebru eseu al epocii despre libertatea presei. Dr. Vasile Grigorescu bought the land in 1926, obtained the build-
Vasile Grigorescu a cumprat terenul pe care i-a cldit fru- ing permit in 1931 and, one year later, the house was finished.
moasa vil n 1926 i a obinut autorizaia de construire n 1931. The villa was cleverly designed with two independent areas, so it
Un an mai trziu, n 1932, casa a fost terminat. Pentru a-i da could be used both as a residence and as a pharmacy, one with
o dubl utilitate, de reedin i de cabinet/farmacie, vila a fost direct street access for customers, and the other with separate
Detalii proprietate/Property details: proiectat ingenios, cu dou spaii relativ independente, unul cu access from the courtyard for the residence; they both shared
Suprafa teren/Land area: 370 mp/sqm acces direct din strad, pentru clieni i altul cu acces separat din two staircases.
Suprafa construit/Built area: 856 mp/sqm curte, pentru reedint, dar unite totusi prin dou scri interioare. The elegant arches of the windows and the balcony highlight the
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 215 mp/sqm Stilul arhitectural Brncovenesc al vilei este evideniat de arcadele mansions Brncoveanu architectural style.
Structur: DS+P+1E+M/Floors: SB+GF+1F+A elegante ale ferestrelor i mai ales de balconul cu arcade, specific The building was nationalized by the communists in the 50s ,
Camere/Rooms: 12, Bi/Baths: 5 acestui stil. Naionalizat de ctre comuniti n anii 50, vila a returned to Dr. Vasile Georgescus heirs in 2000, after which its
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: Garaj subteran de 1 loc reintrat n posesia motenitorilor dr-ului Vasile Georgescu n anii structure was reinforced, and the villa restored and brought back
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1932 2000, fiind ulterior consolidat, restaurat i pus n adevrata to its true value.
Cod LMI/LMI Code: neclasat ei valoare. Aflat n imediata apropiere a Guvernului, vila i are As it is located in close proximity to the Government, the mansion
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Ambasad/Consulat, Birouri, vecini de vaz, precum casa scriitoarei Alice Botez (1914-1985), has prominent neighbors such as writer Alice Botez (1914-1985),
Clinic medical, Reedin bifamilial, Restaurant, Salon de casa ing. Viktor Stoica (1905 1980), casa academicianului Miron engineer Viktor Stoica (1905 1980), Romanian Academy mem-
nfrumuseare, coal privat, Showroom Nicolescu (1903 - 1975), dar i ambasadele Emiratelor Arabe ber Miron Nicolescu (1903 - 1975), as well as the Embassies of the
ID proprietate/Property ID: B04AHE-AS-NC Unite, Cile, Siriei, Portugaliei, de pe aceeasi strad Paris. United Arab Emirates, Chile, Syria and Portugal.

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Vila cu platani din Cotroceni

Adresa/Address: str. Doctor Joseph Lister nr. 65, Bucureti Pre de pornire/Starting price: 990.000
Estimare/Estimate: 1.000.000 - 1.200.000 The villa, built in 1938 in a Neo-Romanian style and surrounded
by sycamore trees, was completely refurbished and extended
Vila, construit n anul 1938 n stil neoromnesc i nconjurat de with a spacious dining room, a terrace and a two-car garage in
platani seculari, a fost renovat complet i extins cu un dinning 2000.
room spaios, teras i garaj pentru dou maini, n anul 2000. The finishing work and the interior decorations, the Art Nouveau
Finisajele i amenajrile interioare, mobilierul saloanului n stil furniture in the salon, the high quality decorative objects and
art nouveau, decoraiunile i obiectele de arta de o cert calitate, artworks that embellish the salons imbue the property with an
aflate n saloanele vilei, confer o atmosfer elitist, dar n acelai elitist, yet warm and uplifting atmosphere.
timp cald i reconfortant. Sala de fitness, camera de masaj i The fitness and the massage rooms, along with the loft that
mansarda cu salon, birouri i dormitoare, aduc o not de moder- contains a salon, studies and bedrooms, bring a modern touch
nitate i ofera confortul necesar unui standard de via nalt. Vila and offer the comfort that defines a high lifestyle. The villa comes
se vinde mobilat i cu toate dotrile i decoraiunile existente, de with furniture and all the existing decorations and facilities, from
la plasme i aparate de fitness, la obiecte decorative i de art de plasma TVs and fitness equipment, to decorative objects and
secol XIX sau XX, compunnd astfel un mix n afara cruia nimic nineteenth or twentieth century art.
nu mai trebuie adugat.
The Cotroceni area was first mentioned in official records during
Prima atestare documentar a Cotrocenilor este din timpul lui the reign of Mihai Viteazul, when it was called the Vlsiei Forest.
Mihai Viteazul, cnd pe acele locuri se ntindeau Codrii Vlsiei. The forest was thick and therefore served as the perfect hiding
Pdurea era deas fiind un ascunzi ideal pentru cei certai cu place for those who had problems with the law.
legea sau urmrii din diverse motive. nsui logoftul erban Can- The boyar and future prince erban Cantacuzino himself, who
tacuzino, viitorul domnitor care stpnea satul i pdurea Cotro- ruled over the village and the forest, hid from the persecutors
ceniului, s-a ascuns de urmritorii domnitorului Duca pe care voia sent by Prince Duca, whose throne he then intended to take over.
s-l uzurpeze. Dup ce a ajuns domnitor, ca recunotin pentru After he became a prince, as a sign of gratitude for the place that
locul care i-a salvat viaa i pentru locuitorii care l-au adpostit, saved his life and the people who sheltered him, he built a mon-
a durat n anii 1680-82 o mnstire pe malul Dmboviei, numit astery between 1680 and 1682 on the bank of Dmbovia River.
mnstirea Cotroceni. Aceasta a fost serios zdruncinat de The monastery was named Cotroceni. The building was dam-
cutremurul din 1977 i demolat n 1984. Domnitorul Serban Can- aged during the 1977 earthquake and was demolished in 1984.
tacuzino a construit pe locul unde astzi se afl palatul Cotroceni, On the present-day site of the Cotroceni Palace, Prince erban
case domneti i acareturi din care se mai pstreaz azi cuhiile Cantacuzino built boyar and chattel houses. The kitchen area is
(buctrii). Cum Cuza i apoi regele Carol I au folosit primul palat still preserved today. As Cuza and King Carol I used the first palace
ca reedin de var i apoi n 1883 au construit actualul palat, n as a summer residence, and subsequently built the present-day
jurul lui n cartier au nceput s-i ridice case militari i oameni palace in 1883, military officers and politicians started moving
politici apropiai curii. Cu timpul generaiile s-au schimbat dar in its vicinity. Although several generations have inhabited the
Cotroceniul i-a pstrat caracterul elitist. Aici au locuit poetul area, Cotroceni still is a special elitist neighborhood. Poet Ion Mi-
Minulescu, scriitorul Liviu Rebreanu, Marin Preda, academicianul nulescu, novelists Liviu Rebreanu and Marin Preda, academician
erban Cioculescu, sculptorul Oscar Han dar i Ana Pauker i ali erban Cioculescu, sculptor Oscar Han and communist leader
nomenclaturiti. Sadoveanu obinuia s vin seara n Cotroceni Ana Pauker all lived here. Sadoveanu used to visit Cotroceni in the
s vad apusurile de soare n flcri de pe dealul Cotrocenilor. evening to see the sunset from the Cotroceni hill.
Cartierul nu a putut fi distrus nici de bombardamentele din aprilie The district was not destroyed by the April 1944 bombing, nor was
1944, nici de megalomania lui Ceauescu care n-a mai apucat it ruined by Ceauescus megalomania, who never got the chance
s-l modernizeze. Dup ce Ceauescu a terminat cu construirea to modernise it.
cartierelor satelit n care locuiete cea mai mare parte a populaiei After Ceauescu finished building the satellite districts where
oraului a nceput demolarea unor cartiere istorice din Bucureti. most citizens live today, he started demolishing historical areas.
Detalii proprietate/Property details: S-a construit un ora cu utilitate dar fr identitate. Unul din- He therefore built a city that was cost-effective, but did not have
Suprafa teren/Land area: 436 mp/sqm tre puinele care a scpat, a fost Cotroceniul. O plimbare pe an identity of its own. One of the few places that eluded his plans
Suprafa construit/Built area: 750 mp/sqm strzile Cotroceniului de azi, printre vilele construite n perioada was Cotroceni. A stroll around the present-day streets of Cotro-
Suprafa util/Usable area: 587 mp/sqm interbelic, i confer mult linite, relaxare i ntoarcere la ceni, along the interwar villas, fills one with peace, relaxation and
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 225 mp/sqm Bucuretiul idilic din anii copilriei. Casele fie sunt construite n nostalgia for ones childhood years. The houses are either built
Structur: DS+P+1E+M/Floors: SB+GF+1F+A stilul cubist al anilor 30-40, fie cele nstrite sunt n stil veneian, in the cubist style of the 30s and 40s, or in Venetian or Art Deco
Camere/Rooms: 9, Bi/Baths: 5 fie sunt n stilul art deco, la mod n jurul anului 1925. Suprafaa styles. The latter was particularly fashionable around 1925.
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: Garaj 2 locuri = 70 mp i teras Cotrocenilor este acoperit jumtate de parcuri, iar 90% din The Cotroceni area is half covered with parks, whilst 90 percent of
acoperit deasupra garajului, cu acces din vil strzile sale au nume de doctori. Una dintre ele se numete its streets are named after doctors. One of them is called Doctor
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1938 strada Doctor Joseph Lister, dup numele marelui chirurg englez, Joseph Lister Street, after the name of the great English surgeon
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Cafenea, Reedin inventator al antisepticelor, strad pe care se afl, nconjurat de who invented antiseptics. On this street, you can find our elegant
unifamilial, Restaurant, Salon de nfrumuseare, Showroom platani seculari protejati prin lege, eleganta noastr vil. villa, surrounded by sycamore trees that are protected by law.
ID proprietate/Property ID: B05AHE-NC Surs: Source:

198 199
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202 203
Casa Dr. Dobrovici

Among the charming buildings along Lascr Catargiu Boulevard,

Printre fermectoarele cldiri zidite n perioada interbelic de-a built during the interwar period (nowadays, many of the buildings
lungul bulevardului Lascr Catargiu (astzi, multe dintre ele are declared monuments), the number 40 house, the one with
Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 3.500.000 declarate monument), casa de la numrul 40, cu faada din ceramic facade and various stone decorations, catches the eye of
b-dul Lascr Catargiu nr. 40, sector 1, Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 3.500.000 - 4.000.000 crmid aparent i o bogat i divers decoraie n piatr atrage pedestrians and makes them question its origins. Built between
privirile trectorilor i ridic semne de ntrebare cu privire la 1919 and 1925, commissioned by Doctor Anton Dobrovici, the
originile sale. Construit ntre 1919 i 1925 pentru doctorul Anton building is one of the most remarkable examples of residential
Dobrovici, imobilul reprezint unul dintre cele mai remarcabile architecture that bears the signature of Professor Mark Duiliu,
exemple de arhitectur rezidenial ce poart semntura profe- where the neo-Romanian plastic art style is combined with a
sorului Duiliu Marcu, n care plastica de inspiraie neoromneasc modernist approach of the space.
se mbin cu o abordare modernist a spaiului. O arhitectur A simple, yet detailed architecture, in which the interior was given
simpl, a detaliului, n care interiorul primete aceeai atenie ca the same amount of attention as the exterior.
Dr. Dobrovicis House was restored back to its original shape after
Naionalizat n anii comunismului i compartimentat n mai 1990, after being nationalized and divided into several apart-
multe apartamente, casa a fost readus la forma iniial dup ments during the Communist Era. In 2008, it was transformed
1990. Apoi, n 2008 a fost transformat n Casa Frumoas, un into a multi-brand luxury wear retail store called Casa Frumoasa,
magazin multi-brand, destinat n exclusivitate vestimentaiei de i.e. the Beautiful House.
lux. Pornind de la nevoia de a oferi un fundal elegant i con- The basic trend was to showcase the merchandise in an elegant,
temporan produselor expuse, dar cu respect fa de istoria yet contemporary setting, while respecting, at the same time, the
cldirii, lucrrile efectuate n perioada 2008-2009, sub at- history of the building. The restauration was undergone between
enta coordonare a arhitectului italian Elena Busato, se remarc 2008 and 2009, under the close supervision of Italian architect
prin echilibrul obinut ntre caracteristicile originale ale casei i Elena Busato. The highlight consists of the balance between the
elemente actuale de design. O prim i foarte important etap houses original characteristics and the modern design elements.
a interveniilor din aceast perioad a avut n vedere renovarea A first and very important step of the restauration process was
faadei, pentru care, toate elementele decorative, mpreun cu the renovation of the facade. For this intervention, all the decora-
suprafeele din crmid aparent au fost minuios curate tive elements, together with the brick surfaces, were thoroughly
i tratate cu materiale de protecie de nalt calitate. n ceea cleaned and treated with high quality protection materials.
ce privete interiorul, lucrrile au vizat doar partea de finisaje, Inside the building, the project only addressed finishes, and pre-
pstrndu-se astfel compartimentarea iniial i estetica general served the original planning and general aesthetics of the house.
a casei. Pn i introducerea liftului s-a fcut fr compromisuri, Even the elevator was installed without compromising the main
acesta amenajndu-se, cu ajutorul unei noi structuri metalice, n structure, by using a new metal frame in the place where the old
locul vechilor bi, care erau dispuse pe aceeai direcie la toate bathrooms used to be.
nivelurile. Identitatea interiorului, aa cum reiese i din imaginile As shown in the old pictures, the identity of the interior design
de epoc era dat n mare parte de elementele decorative din was closely linked to the wooden decorations. In order to keep the
lemn. Balustrade frumos sculptate, tocuri masive de ui, grinzi buildings identity, details such as the beautifully-sculpted hand-
cu ornamente discrete, toate au fost pstrate i recondiionate rails, massive door frames and discrete beam ornaments were
din dorina de a pstra spiritul amenajrii semnate n urm cu restored in the same style Duiuliu Marcu envisaged a century ago.
aproape un veac de Duiliu Marcu. La fel s-a ntmplat i cu Moreover, other details, such as the carved stone, were restored
elementele de feronerie sau cu detaliile sculptate n piatr. in order to complete the long series of contemporary elements
Oferind un rspuns noii funciuni a cldirii, toate acestea sunt that were used in the buildings rehabilitation process, which
completate de un lung ir de elemente contemporane, rezultatul resulted in a remarkable dialogue between the old and the new.
fiind un remarcabil dialog ntre vechi i nou. Mozaicul strlucitor The author of the interior redesign project carefully chose the
care mbrac pardoseala holului de intrare, tapetul cu motive elements for the final look, ornaments such as polished mosaic
vegetale din acelai spaiu sau cel care imit vitraliul din ncperea flooring, vegetal motif wallpaper or the stained glass imitation
central a parterului sunt doar cteva dintre finisajele alese cu that can be seen in the central room on the ground floor. Cub
Detalii proprietate/Property details: mult grij de autorul proiectului de reamenajare. Mobilierul casei Design, Baxter SpA, Bussola & Ralph International are just some
Suprafa teren/Land area: 452 mp/sqm a fost selectat de la branduri de nalt calitate precum Cub Design, of the high-quality furniture supply brands.
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1000 mp/sqm Baxter SpA, Bussola & Ralph International. n 2011, magazinul a In 2011, the store was enlarged when the attic was also converted
Suprafa util/Usable area: 840 mp/sqm fost extins prin amenajarea podului i construirea unui restaurant to a commercial space, and a restaurant was built in the Clopo-
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 292 mp/sqm n curtea dinspre strada Clopotarii Vechi - o construcie elegant, tarii Vechi Street sector of the courtyard an elegant fully-win-
Structur: S+DS+P+2E+M/Floors: B+SB+GF+2F+A pe structur metalic i complet vitrat, unde regsim aceeai dowed structure, build on a metal frame, built with the same care
Camere/Rooms: 21, Bi/Baths: 5 grij pentru detaliu. Mobilierul marca Christopher Guy, mo- for details. The Christopher Guy furniture, Sicis mosaic and Seguso
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1919-1925 zaicul Sicis sau candelabrul Seguso susin atmosfera aristocrat chandelier contribute to the aristocratic feel one gets when
Cod LMI/LMI Code: B-II-m-B-18336 a spaiului. Proiectul de amenajare a Casei Frumoase ofer un entering the premises. This project provides an example of how
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Ambasad/Consulat, Birouri, exemplu nu doar prin modul n care s-a recuperat i s-a pus n a monument created by one of the most important architects of
Cafenea, Centru de evenimente, Clinic medical, Muzeu privat, valoare un monument al unuia dintre cei mai importani arhiteci Romanias interwar period can be recovered and restored, but
Reedin unifamilial, Restaurant, Salon de nfrumuseare, interbelici ai Romniei, ci i prin modul n care a soluionat inseria also of how the new can be skillfully and tastefully inserted into
Showroom noului pe fundalul altor vremuri. an age-old backround.
ID proprietate/Property ID: B07AHE-B Text: Reka ugui, surs: Text: Reka ugui, source:

204 205
1930 (detalii faad, interior i intrare), IG

206 207
208 209
210 211
212 213
Casa din strada Frumoas

Adresa/Address: Pre de pornire/Starting price: 1.100.000

str. Frumoas nr. 19, sector 1, Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 1.200.000 - 1.500.000

Detalii proprietate/Property details:

Suprafa teren/Land area: 286 mp/sqm
Suprafa construit/Built area: 500 mp/sqm
Suprafa util/Usable area: 402 mp/sqm Strad ce i ia numele de la Palatul lui Gr.G. Cantacuzino (astzi
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 200 mp/sqm Muzeul Naional George Enescu) - numit n epoc Casa Named after Gr. G. Cantacuzinos Palace (George Enescu
Structur: DS+P+M/Floors: SB+GF+A Frumoas - strada Frumoas avea s-i respecte blazonul, fiind National Museum) former Casa Frumoas (meaning Beautiful
Camere/Rooms: 14, Bi/Baths: 4 ocupat de o serie de imobile impresionante. Astzi, alturi de House) Frumoas Street (en. Beautiful Street) had a series of
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1910 cldirea de la numrul 19, exist alte 6 construcii monument impressive buildings, and was very well-known and respected.
Cod LMI/LMI Code: B-II-m-B-18792 istoric reprezentativ pentru patrimoniul cultural local, clasa B. Back then, when Cantacuzino was also known as The Newab,
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Birouri, Astfel descoperim o strad ncrcat de istorie arhitectural, the street was named after Cantacuzinos Palace only because of
Cafenea, Centru de evenimente, Reedin depindu-i cu uurin statutul pe care l avea odat n epoc its proximity to the residence. Today, next to the building at num-
unifamilial, Restaurant, Salon de nfrumuseare, i anume strad ce purta numele Nababului doar datorit ber 19, there are six other historic buildings, listed as local cultural
Showroom proximitii cu reedina acestuia. Ridicat n 1910, cldirea se afl heritage sites, class B. This is therefore a street rich in architec-
ID proprietate/Property ID: B06AHE-B n captul dinspre strada Buzeti, prin intrarea din str. Sevastopol. tural history, which has constantly developed as time went by.

214 215
216 217
Hart Romnia, ara turismului, 1938 (detaliu)


Adresa/Address: str. Take Ionescu nr. 2, Sinaia, Prahova Pre de pornire: 500.000
120 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 500.000 - 550.000
Vila de pe strada Take Ionescu din Sinaia intr n posesia familiei
Ionescu - Take i soia Bessi Richards - n cursul anului 1893,
fiind adus la nfiarea actual ncepnd cu anul 1895, cnd
intra ntr-un proces de reabilitare i modernizare. Proiectul era
contractat de arhitectul Henri Susskind, elveian nscut la Viena n
Susskind devenea la sfritul secolului al XIX-lea unul dintre cei
mai activi ingineri din Bucureti i Sinaia, avnd un portofoliu inte-
resant: apropiat al lui Lecomte du Noy, lucrnd n biroul acestuia
de arhitectur, iar mai trziu contractor al Societii Marilor Hote-
luri, Susskind avea s i lase amprenta att asupra unor reedine
din cele dou orae menionate anterior, ct i asupra unor edificii
importante ale turismului romnesc. Primele construcii, pe cont
propriu, au fost la Sinaia: Vila Mihai Haret, Vila Testiban, restau-
rarea Vilei Cpria, refacerea Vmii Strunga, Vila Negoiul a lui Take
Ionescu. n Bucureti a ridicat casa doctorului Mirinescu din Strada
Sptarului 54, casa Pompiliu Eliade de pe Splaiul Independenei 74,
casa Scarlat Lahovary din Calea Dorobani col cu Strada Gri-
gore Alexandrescu, distrus de bombardamentele din 1944, casa
inginerului Silviu Costinescu, Strada Icoanei 56, col cu bulevardul
Dacia, casa inginerului Petre Oteteleanu, Strada Grigore Mora 15
sau locuina sa din strada Ecaterina Teodoroiu 10. The Villa on the Take Ionescu street in Sinaia entered the Ionescu
Unele dintre cele mai importante proiecte pe care le-a supervizat familys possession Take and his wife, Bessi Richards in 1893.
Susskind au fost n slujba Societii Marilor Hoteluri, astfel avea s It began changing its appearance in 1895, when the building
administreze proiecte ca Hotelul Athne Palace (1912), Hotelul started going through a rehabilitation and modernization pro-
Palace din Constana, iar n Sinaia Hotelul Palace (1911) i Cazinoul cess. The project was under Henri Susskinds supervision, a Swiss
(1913). born in Vienna in 1868.
Vila este compus din mai multe corpuri, de nlimi i dimensiuni Some of the most important projects that Susskind supervised
diferite, bine precizate att n plan ct i n acoperi. Marea intrare were conducted in collaboration with The Big Hotels Society. He
de la veranda principal, galeriile nchise cu geam, balcoanele, was in charge of projects such as Athne Palace Hotel (1912),
bovindourile, apareiajele din pereii exteriori, toate din lemn nchis Palace Hotel in Constana and Sinaia, Palace Hotel (1911) and the
la culoare, contrastnd cu albul pereilor, ofer o not pitoreasc Casino (1913).
n stilul renaterii germane. Spaiul interior a fost compartimentat The villa is composed of several units, each with its own dimen-
pe msura nevoilor proprietarilor. La parter, n corpul din dreapta, sions, well-defined in terms of architectural style. The main porch
se gsea un birou i alturi, unul mai mic pentru unul dintre se- entrance, its glass enclosed galleries, balconies, bay-windows,
cretari de care, eventual, Ionescu avea nevoie la Sinaia. n corpul the details on the exterior walls all of these made of dark-
central se gsete un vast hol, care comunic, printr-un glasvand, coloured wood, in contrast with the walls white finish, give the
cu marea sufragerie. place a picturesque, German renaissance style-based touch. The
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020
n 1905, consiliul comunal Sinaia a hotrt ca strada pe care interior was divided according to the owners needs. On the first
domicilia Take Ionescu s-i poarte numele. i astfel, adresa vilei floor, on the right side, there was a desk and, next to it, there
devenea Strada Take Ionescu nr. 2. Tot n 1905, politicianul era was a smaller one for the secretary that Take Ionescu needed in
ales preedinte de onoare al Societii filantropice a meseriailor Sinaia. In the central part of the house there is an enormous hall-
sinieni Vrful cu Dor, ataamentul de oraul montan fiind way that connects with the living room through a glass partition.
Detalii proprietate/Property details: definitiv. After the First World War, during which time it was under Ger-
Suprafa teren/Land area: 5.020 mp/sqm Dup Primul Rzboi Mondial, perioad sub ocupaie german, man occupation, the villa entered a new stage. Take Ionescu was
Suprafa construit/Built area: 907 mp/sqm vila intr ntr-o nou etap. Take Ionescu este prins cu politica busy with internal politics, starting with the great unification up
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 382 mp/sqm intern, de la nfptuirea Marii Uniri pn la preluarea guvernului to the moment when he was put in charge of the government at
Structur: D+P+1E+M/Floors:SB+GF+1F+A la sfritul anului 1921, anul 1922 fiind anul decesului marelui om the end of 1921. The great politician died in 1922. His successors
Camere/Rooms: 15 de stat. Motenitorii au stpnit-o i au locuit-o timp de aproape inherited the villa and lived there for almost three decades, until
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 322 mp/sqm trei decenii, pn n 1950, cnd a fost naionalizat. Repartizat 1950, when it was nationalized. Assigned to be an orphanage, the
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1895 unei case de copii, renovrile si reparaiile curente s-au fcut din renovations and repairs were made with the funds of the School
Cod LMI/LMI Code: PH-II-m-A-16683 bugetul Inspectoratului colar i cldirea s-a meninut destul de Inspectorate, and the building was maintained quite well during
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, bine n cele patru decenii ct a avut aceast destinaie. Dup 1990, the four decades it served as an orphanage. After 1990, the es-
Complex turistic, Hotel, Pensiune, Reedin multifamilial imobilul a fost scos din gestiunea Inspectoratului i a statului i a tate was no longer state-managed, and was transferred from the
ID proprietate/Property ID: PH01AHE-A fost retrocedat motenitorilor lui Take Ionescu. (ZP, A1906, HS) Inspectorate and given back to Take Ionescus successors.

220 221
222 223
cca. 1920, MN
cca. 1920, A1906

224 225
226 227
228 229

Adresa/Address: str. Octavian Goga nr.19, Sinaia, Prahova Pre de pornire: 525.000
120 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 525.000 - 575.000

Istoria vilei este legat de nceputurile vieii turistice n Sinaia, n

cea de a doua parte a secolului al XIX-lea. Primul ei proprietar,
fostul valet al prinului Dimitrie Ghica, austriacul Jseph Ungarth, The history of the villa is closely connected to the development
era la 1870 primul hotelier al comunei Podul Neagului (Sinaia of tourism-related activities in Sinaia in the second half of the
avea s fie atestat ca ora la 1 decembrie 1874). nsrcinat 19th century. Its first owner, the Austrian Jseph Ungarth, who
s administreze primul hotel din Sinaia, Ungarth avea s i had been prince Dimitrie Ghicas valet, became in 1870 the first
construiasc ulterior propria afacere, ridicnd n cursul anului hotel-keeper of the Podul Neagului town (Sinaia was only
1896 vila Carola. declared a city on December 1st 1874). After managing Sinaias
Fiind proprietar de hoteluri i un restaurator de mare valoare, first hotel, Ungarth started his own business and built the Carola
dup ce renun la Hotelul Caraiman, austriacul se ocup de villa in 1896.
Vila Carola, nchiriindu-i camerele n regim de pensiune. Luxul i As a hotel owner and a highly-skilled restoration expert, after
confortul au reprezentat cuvintele cheie pentru toi cei care se quitting Caraiman hotel, the Austrian Josef Ungarth was in charge
retrgeau la Vila Carola, austriacul tiind cum s le fac ct mai of Villa Carola. Luxury and comfort were the key words for those
plcut fiecare edere. Astfel, grdina vilei era ntreinut de un who came to Villa Carola, as the Austrian knew how to make
grdinar, exista o trsur a pensiunii care permitea vizitatorilor s each stay as pleasant as possible. Thus, the villa garden was be-
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 se plimbe spre locaiile dorite, iar un cal era pus la dispoziia celor ing taken care of by a gardener, there was a carriage that took
care doreau sa nvee s clreasc. guests wherever they wanted to go, and a horse was put at the
Micul hotel poart numele fiicei lui Jseph Ungarth, Carola, cea disposal of those who wanted to learn how to ride.
care avea s devin ani mai trziu soacra lui Constantin Noica. The small hotel bears the name of Jseph Ungarths daughter,
Detalii proprietate/Property type: Marele filosof se cstorea n 1934 cu Wendy Muston, fiica lui Carola, who, years later, would become Constantin Noicas moth-
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1.593 mp/sqm Walter i Carola Muston, cunoscnd-o pe aceasta nc din er-in-law. In 1934, the great philosopher married Wendy Muston,
Suprafa construit/Built area: 1.321 mp/sqm copilrie i curtnd-o n perioada n care acesta se afla nrolat la the daughter of Walter and Carola Muston. He had known Wendy
Suprafa util/Usable area: 1.053 mp/sqm Sinaia (1931-1932). since her childhood, and had courted her whilst he was enlisted
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 158 mp mp/sqm Locaie select i cochet, hotelul avea s fie i locul secret de at Sinaia (1931-1932).
Structur: S+P+5E/Floors: B+GF+5F ntlnire al amanilor Elena Lupescu i Carol, prinul motenitor. A chic and select place, the hotel also became the secret meeting
Camere/Rooms: 39 Cei doi se cunoscuser n februarie 1925, iar vila Carola, reedina place for Elena Lupescu and Carol, the crown prince. The two had
Bi/Baths: 5 de la acea ora a Elenei Lupescu, avea s fie locul secret de ntl- met in February 1925, and the Carola villa, which was then Elena
Pre/mp/Price/sqm: 246 nire. Lupescus residence, served as their refuge.
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1896 Hotelul poart n pereii lui o istorie ncrcat, astfel descoperim The hotel has a long history in 1927, one of its guests was the
Cod LMI/LMI Code: PH-II-m-B-16681 cum n 1927, camerele lui l cazau i pe cunoscutul dirijor i vio- young Yehudi Menuhin, the future great conductor and violinist.
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Cas de vacan, lonist Yehudi Menuhin. Acesta avea s petreac la vrsta de 11 ani When he was eleven years old, he spent two months at the Carola
Hotel, Pensiune, Reedin multifamilial Constantin Noica n timpul dou luni drept oaspete al Vilei Carola, timp n care frecventa Vila villa, during which he visited the Lumini villa in order to take
ID proprietate/Property ID: PH02AHE-AS-B stagiului militar, Sinaia, cca. 1931-1932 Lumini, pentru leciile de vioar oferite de George Enescu. violin lessons from George Enescu.

230 231
1923, CP
1928, CP

232 233
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236 237
VILA DE PROTOCOL A LUI CEAUESCU DIN PREDEAL Istoria Predealului este legat indiscutabil de procesul de moder-
nizare al Principatelor Romne, apariia ulterioar a oraului fiind
The history of the Predeal Resort is undeniably linked to the
Romanian Principalities modernization process; the city became
consfinit prin nfiinarea liniei ferate instituite prin convenia well-known when the railway line was drawn up by means of
dintre Romnia i Austro-Ungaria din 31 mai 1874. Apariia Grii the Convention between Romania and Austria-Hungary, dated
Predeal, drept punct de jonciune al liniei ferate ce lega Ploietiul 31st of May 1874. The Predeal Station, located on the railway
de Braov, avea s devin punctul de cotitur n dezvoltarea line connecting Ploieti and Braov, was to become the turning
localitii i primii pai spre accelerarea industrial i turistic. point in the settlements development, and set off the first steps
Vila ridicat n a doua jumtate a anilor 20 n zona sportiv- towards a prosperous period in terms of industry and tourism.
Adresa/Address: str. Nicolae Blcescu nr. 39, Pre de pornire/Starting price: 300.000
turistic Cioplea puncteaz una dintre primele construcii de The villa, built in the second half of the 1920s in Cioplea, the citys
Predeal, Braov Estimare/Estimate: 300.000 - 400.000 agrement ridicate n acest sens n zon, devenind reedina de area known for sports and tourism-related activities, was one
25 km fa de Braov, 140 km fa de Bucureti iarn a prof. Teodor Vasilescu. Reedina avea s fie achiziionat of the first recreational buildings constructed in the area, and
ulterior de Comitetul colar al Municipiului Ploieti (1937), acesta subsequently became the winter residence of Professor Teodor
fiind ultimul proprietar pn la venirea la putere a comunitilor. Vasilescu. It later on became the property of the Ploieti school

committee (1937), which was the last owner before the com-
Construit n stil tradiional, ce amintete de casele cu cerdac din munists came to power. Built in a traditional style, similar to that
zona munteneasc, Vila Ceauescu avea s primeasc acest of front porch houses in the Wallachian region, the Ceauescu
Detalii proprietate/Property details: supranume datorit utilizrii ei de ctre Nicolae Ceauescu n villa got this nickname because it was used by Nicolae Ceauescu
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1350 mp/sqm perioada 1950-1958, moment n care reedina se afla n between 1950 and 1958, when the residence was administered
Suprafa construit/Built area: 322 mp/sqm administrarea Ministerului Forelor Armate. n acea perioad, by the Ministry of Armed Forces. At that time, Nicolae Ceauescu,
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 161 mp/sqm Nicolae Ceauescu, n grad de general-maior de armat, ndepli- an army major general, had the functions of Deputy Minister at
Structur: P+1E/Floors: GF+1F nea funciile de ministru adjunct la Ministerul Aprrii Naionale the Ministry of National Defense, and Head of the Armys Superior
Camere/Rooms: 8 i ef al Direciei Superioare Politice a Armatei. Astfel Vila devenea Political Department. This villa thus became Ceauescus first
Bi/Baths: 3 prima reedin de protocol din Predeal pe care a avut-o Nicolae protocol residence in Predeal before he took full control of the
Anul construciei/Construction years: 1927 Ceauescu nainte de preluarea puterii depline. Dup 1965, vila country. After 1965, the protocol villas supervision was trans-
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, de protocol trece n administraia ntreprinderii Economice de ferred from the Ministry of Defence, and started being managed
Pensiune, Reedin bifamilial Odihn, ieind de sub juristicia Ministerului Aprrii chiar n anul by the Recreation Department, in the same year when Ceauescu
ID proprietate/Property ID: BV01AHE-AS-NC n care Nicolae Ceauescu devenea secretar general al PCR. became general secretary of the Communist Party.

238 239
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Hart a Valahiei de Gerard Mercator, gravat i colorat
manual de Guijelmus Bleau, cca. 1630


Adresa/Address: Mldreti, Vlcea Pre de pornire/Starting price: 400.000

4 km fa de Horezu, 45 km fa de Rmnicu Vlcea Estimare/Estimate: 400.000 - 500.000

Cula Greceanu de la Mldreti-Vlcea este cea mai veche cul i

una dintre cele mai spectaculoase din Romnia. Cldirea istoric
este nscris n patrimoniul cultural-naional i face parte din
Complexul Muzeal Mldreti, complex care include i Cula Duca i
Casa Memorial I.G. Duca.
Cula Greceanu a intrat n patrimoniul muzeal n 1956, ea
funcionnd ca muzeu pn n prezent, aceast funciune
fiind pstrat de ctre actualii proprietari, motenitorii Grece-
nilor. Remarcat pentru autenticitatea sa, a fost des folosit n
produciile cinematografice romneti, aici turnndu-se filme
ca: Nenfricaii, Drumul Oaselor sau Iancu Jianu-Haiducul.
Culele au fost ridicate de boierii olteni ncepnd cu sfritul
secolului al XVI-lea, ca msur de aprare mpotriva incursiunilor
otomane. De aici i numele de cul care n limba turc (kule)
nseamn turn. Construit din piatr solid, vruit ntr-un alb
strlucitor, cula Greceanu se nscrie n tiparul locuinelor fortifi-
cate, cu toate cele necesare dublei funcii. Povestea culei ncepe
n anul 1516, cnd Nan Paharnicul construiete un turn de aprare
pentru a-i proteja teritoriul de cetele de haiduci. Civa ani mai
trziu, nepotul su, Tudor Maldr, ridic n jurul turnului o cas
fortificat. Legenda spune c Tudor, un boier n oastea lui Mihai
Viteazul, s-a luptat vitejete cu ttarii, dar victoria nu i-a revenit Greceanu Kula from Maldareti-Valcea is the oldest kula and one
acestuia. Episodul s-ar fi soldat cu moartea lui dac nu interve- of Romanias most spectacular historical monuments. The word
nea fiica hanului ttar, conductorul cotropitorilor. Aceasta s-a kula came from the Turkish kule tower, turret, which
Restaurare finanabil cu fonduri europene prin Programul Operaional Regional 2014 - 2020 ndrgostit de Tudor i pentru c i-a cruat viaa, tnrul i-a oferit refers to a semi-fortified structure found in Oltenia (region of
casa fortificat, abia construit. Forma actual a culei dateaz din Romania), several instances of which are located in the historical
secolul al XVIII-lea, fiind refcut n perioada 1780-1790 de ctre province of Muntenia. The building is registered in the National
boierul Gheorghe Mldrescu i soia acestuia, Eva, care ctitoresc Cultural Heritage and is part of the Mldreti Museum Complex,
n anul 1790 i bisericile Sf. Nicolae i Sf. Voievozi din imediata which includes the Duca Kula and I.G. Ducas Memorial House.
vecintate a culei. Ultimul Maldr care a deinut castelul a fost Greceanu Kula became a museum in 1956, and the current own-
Detalii proprietate/Property details: jupnia Eva care i-a lsat moia Mldreti drept zestre fiicei ei, ers, Greceanus heirs, chose not to change this. Notorious for its
Suprafa teren/Land area: 5.340 mp/sqm Maria. Aceasta s-a cstorit cu Gheorghe Greceanu, iar de atunci, authenticity, the building has been heavily featured in Romanian
Suprafa construit/Built area: 336 mp/sqm motenitorii culei vor fi grecenii. movies. Built of solid stone, painted in a bright white colour,
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 112 mp/sqm Astzi, dup sute de ani, cula este neschimbat pe dinafar. Intra- Greceanu Kula is built in the standard style of fortified houses,
Structur: P+2E/Floors: GF+2F rea se face printr-o u masiv de stejar cu zvoare i druguri de with all the classic dual functions.
Camere/Rooms: 9 fier, care strpung zidurile. Construcia mbin armonios un prid- The Kulas current appearance dates from the 18th century. It
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 135 mp vor nalt i cteva ui de stejar, trei arcade trilobate i turnul de was rebuilt between 1780 and 1790 by the nobleman Gheorghe
Anul construciei/Costruction year: sec. XVI - XVIII aprare, unde ajungi numai urcnd pe-o scar mobil acionat Mldrescu and his wife, Eva, who also founded in 1790 the St.
Cod LMI/LMI code: VL-II-a-A-09812 de o sfoar. Cea mai mare ncpere este sala cu divane, desprite Nicolae and St. Voievozi Churches in the immediate vicinity of
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, dup moda turceasc, de msue. n odaia adiacent se regsete the Kula. Today, hundreds of years later, the Kula is unchanged
Muzeu privat, Pensiune, Reedin unifamilial Mihai Viteazul, Praga, 1601, trecutul Mldretilor, unde Olga Greceanu, urmaa stpnilor on the outside. The entrance consists of a massive oak door with
ID proprietate/Property ID: VL01AHE-A Aegidius Sadeler culei, a pictat n 1934 fresce din istoria familiei. iron locks and crowbars that pierce the walls.

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Adresa/Address: Mldreti, Vlcea Pre de pornire/Starting price: 400.000

4 km fa de Horezu, 45 km fa de Rmnicu Vlcea Estimare/Estimate: 400.000 - 500.000

Greceanu Mansion is located in northern Oltenia, Mldreti

Conacul Greceanu se afl n zona de nord a Olteniei, n localitatea village, Vlcea county. Only 4 km away from Horezus ceramic
Mldreti din Vlcea. La doar 4 km de centrul ceramic Horezu, center, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the mansion is
inclus n patrimoniul UNESCO, conacul, parte a domeniului istoric part of the historic domain of the Greceanu family, and is adja-
al Grecenilor, are n vecintatea sa o salb de mnstiri, cule i cent to a chain of monasteries, kulas and natural attractions.
atracii naturale. nvecinat cu Cula Greceanu, aflat si ea in porto- Neighboring the Maldr-Greceanu Kula, which is also included in
foliul Artmark Historical Estate, conacul are n preajm numero- the Artmark Historical Estate portfolio, the mansion is surrounded
ase atracii turistice i culturale: Cula i Casa Memorial I.G. Duca, by numerous tourist and cultural attractions: Kula and Memo-
prim-ministru al Romniei interbelice, Biserica Greceanu, Conacul rial House of I.G. Duca, Romanian Prime Minister in the inter-
lui Maldr, Parcul Naional Buila-Vnturaria, pentru a meniona war period, Greceanus Church, Maldr Mansion, National Park
doar cteva dintre ele. Complexul istoric Mldreti din care face Buila-Vnturaria, to mention but a few. The mansion belongs
parte conacul se afl la 50 de minute de Rmnicu Vlcea i 3 ore to the Mldreti historical complex, which is located at about a
de Bucureti (220 km). Conacul i alte 10 cldiri anexe, totaliznd 50-minute drive from Rmnicu Vlcea, and a 3-hour drive from
2.800 mp construii, sunt amplasae pe un teren de 21.500 mp, Bucharest (220 km). The mansion and the other 10 annexes,
mrginit de un pru i nconjurat de arbori seculari. totaling 2,800 square meters, are located on a 21,500 square
Dei n stare fizic bun, conacul necesit lucrri de reabilitare, meter-property, which is bordered by a water stream and sur-
iar faptul c nu este nscris n Lista Monumentelor Istorice, face rounded by secular trees. Although in good condition, the man-
ca aceste lucrri sa poat fi derulate fr proceduri de autorizare sion needs restoration works. However, since it is not included on
complicate i cu costuri relativ sczute. Fiind ntr-una din cele the List of Historical Monuments, the process can be undertaken
mai frumoase zone turistice din Romnia, conacul i ntregul without complicated authorization procedures and at a relatively
domeniu se preteaz att ca destinaie de vacan, ct i a fi valo- low cost. As this is one of the most beautiful tourist areas in
rificat n scop turistic, social sau medical, alturi de impresionanta Romania, the mansion and the entire area make for an excellent
Cul Greceanu. holiday destination and can, at the same time, host tourist, social
Aflat n proximitatea Culei Greceanu, Conacul Greceanu este or medical activities.
cea mai trzie construcie din ntregul complex al Grecenilor din Located close to Greceanu Cula, Greceanu Mansion is the lat-
comuna Mldreti. Construit n perioada n care soii Nicolae i est construction of the whole Domain of Greceanu family from
Olga Greceanu ncep s se ngrijeasc de proprietile vlcene, Mldreti Parish. Built in the period when the spouses Nicolae
conacul nu avea s se bucure de o existen uoar. Era finalizat and Olga Greceanu began to care for their properties from Vlcea,
Detalii proprietate/Property details n cursul anului 1943, dup planurile arhitectului Gheorghe (Pichi) the mansion would not enjoy an easy existence. It was completed
Suprafa teren/Land area: 2,15 ha Petracu, fiul pictorului Gheorghe Petracu, coleg de breasl i in 1943 by architect Gheorghe (Pichi) Petracu, the son of famous
Suprafa construit/Built area: 474 mp/sqm apropiat al Olgi Greceanu. Construit pe dou niveluri, cu o pivni painter Gheorghe Petracu, colleague and close friend of Olga
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 272 mp/sqm mic i un cerdac la intrare, conacul are deschidere spre ntregul Greceanu.Built on two levels, with a small cellar and an entrance
Structur: P+1E/Floors: GF+1F complex, relevndu-se acum, ca i la ora ridicrii, drept un conac porch, the mansion opens up to the entire complex, revealing it-
Camere/ Rooms: 8 de vacan i de recepie. Dup 1946, cnd soii Greceanu erau self as a vacation house. After 1946, when the Greceanu spouses
Bi/Baths: 2 evacuai din casa n care se refugiaser dup rzboi, conacul were evicted from the house, where they had taken refuge after
Pre/mp/Price/sqm: 122 din Mldreti, alturi de celelalte componente ale complexului, the war, the Mldreti Manor, along with other components of
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 2795 mp/sqm intra n posesia statului comunist. Conacul, alturi de terenul the complex, were taken into possession by the communist state.
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1943 nconjurtor, avea s fie separat de Cula Greceanu i s intre n The Mansion along with the surrounding land had to be separated
Tip de proprietate/Property Type: Cas de vacan, posesia I.A.S. Mldreti. Ulterior, n cursul anilor 70, proprietatea by the Greceanu Cula to become part of I.A.S Mldreti.
Centru social, Pensiune, Reedin bifamilial este cedat Institului de Apicultur din Bucureti, instituie sub Later in the 70s, the property is transferred to the Bucharest
ID proprietate/Property ID: VL02AHE-NC Olga Greceanu pictnd, anii 60 care a funcionat pn n 2007. Institute of Apiculture, where it stayed until 2007.

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Atribuit Milia Petracu

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Adresa/Address: Climneti, Vlcea Pre de pornire: 50.000

1 km fa de Mnstirea Cozia, 20 km de Rmnicu Vlcea Estimare: 50.000 - 60.000

A resort known for its therapeutic benefits since the Middle

Staiune recunoscut pentru proprietile terapeutice nc din Ages, Climneti has become, as early as the mid-nineteenth
Evul Mediu, Climneti a devenit nc de la jumtatea secolului century, a highly popular destination in Romanian and Euro-
al XIX-lea o destinaie preferat n turismul balnear romnesc i pean spa tourism. As the springs from Cciulata and Climneti
european. Izvoarele de la Cciulata i Climneti, alturi de am- are strategically located on the shores of river Olt, they started
plasarea strategic de pe malul Oltului aveau s iniieze un proces drawing attention to the area, most notably in the first decades
de popularizare a zonei, materializat n special n primele decenii of the twentieth century. The construction of holiday residences,
ale secolului XX. Construirea unor locuine de vacan, destinate intended for spa stays as well, would bring an inflow of high-
totodat sejururilor balneare, avea s aduc n localitatea din profile figures of the political, economic and cultural scenes in the
apropierea Mnstirii Cozia un aflux important de personaliti vicinity of Cozia Monastery.
politice, economice i culturale. The architectural style preferred by most of the seasonal resi-
Stilul arhitectural preferat de majoritatea rezidenilor sezon- dents and owners of hotels was the Neo-Romanian style, which
ieri, dar i a proprietarilor de hoteluri avea s fie coordonat de went far beyond the urban borders of Bucharest, embellishing
stilul neoromnesc, care depea lesne barierele urbane ale the hills of Climneti. In addition to renowned hotels Jeante,
Detalii proprietate/Property details: Bucuretiului, nfrumusend dealurile Climnetiului. Alturi de Vasiu, Govora Society or State Hotel , summer residences of the
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1.000 mp/sqm hotelurile celebre Jeante, Vasiu, Societii Govora sau Hotelul high society of the time appeared around the spa Mcelaru,
Suprafa construit/Built area: 236 mp/sqm Statului, n mprejurimile bilor apar vile-reedin de var a unor Cantacuzino, Mihailidi, Stnescu, Carantino and Trnoveanu vil-
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 118 mp/sqm personaliti din epoc Vila Mcelaru, vila Cantacuzino, Mihailidi las.
Structur: P+1E/Floors: GF+1F i Stnescu sau vilele Carantino i Trnoveanu. A villa built in typical Neo-Romanian style at the turn of the
Camere/Rooms: 4 Vila construit n stilul tipic neoromnesc de la cumpna dintre nineteenth and twentieth centuries has architectural character-
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1900 - 1910 secolele XIX-XX prezint specificaii arhitecturale brncoveneti istics from the Brncoveanu period, such as the upstairs loggia or
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, ca logia de la etaj sau ancadramentele i boltirile trilobate. Nota trilobe vaulting. The facade is given a picturesque note through
Pensiune, Reedin unifamilial de pitoresc este conferit faadei de deschiderea acoladat n stil the Art Nouveau opening, which marks the architectural style of
ID proprietate/Property ID: VL03AHE-NC cca. 1910, CP Art Nouveau, marcnd gustul arhitectural 1900. the 1900s.

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Adresa/Address: Grebnu, Buzu Pre de pornire: 650.000

6 km fa de Rmnicu Srat, 150 km fa de Bucureti Estimare/Estimate: 650.000 - 700.000

Domeniul viticol de la Grebnu este format din conacul uu cu The vineyard from Grebnu consists of the uu Mansion and its
anexele sale, aflate pe un teren de peste 12.000 mp n intravilan i annexes, spread across more than 12.000 sqm, and the 39 ha of
39 ha de teren viticol, cu vi de vie veche de 30 de ani: Feteasca, viticultural land with 30-year-old grapevines: Feteasca, Merlot
Merlot si struguri de mas. and table grapes.
Conacul uu a fost restaurat odat cu reabilitarea ntregului The uu Mansion was rehabilitated together with the entire
domeniu, n 2008, n urma unei investitii de 220.000 euro i domain in 2008, following a 220,000 Euro investment, and is
beneficiaz de toate utilitile (ap curent, canalizare, electrici- equipped with full utilities (running water, sewer, electricity, gas).
tate, gaze naturale). The mansion is partially furnished. The pinnacle gives access to a
Conacul este partial mobilat i dotat. Din foiorul su se deschide beautiful belvedere over the hills with DOC-G certified vineyards in
o frumoas panoram asupra dealurilor viticole ale domeniului, the renowned wine region Dealul Mare. The whole estate is avail-
certificate DOC-G, n renumita zon viticol Dealul Mare. able for sale at 650,000 Euros, which includes the company that
ntreaga moie este disponibil la vnzare cu 650.000 euro, currently owns it, but it is also possible to only buy the mansion,
prin achizitionarea societatii care o deine, dar exist si varianta its annexes, and the 12.000 sqm domain for 416,000 Euros.
vnzarii doar a conacului, cu anexele sale si domeniul aferent de Located between the hills of Buzu and the plains of Rmnic, near
12.000 mp, la preul de 416.000 euro. Poziionat pe dealurile Rmnicu Srat, the Grebnu villages history has been heav-
Buzului spre cmpia rmnicului, n a-propiere de Rmnicu Srat, ily influenced by the noble family uu over the past 200 years.
comuna Grebnu are o mare parte din istoria ultimilor 200 de ani Originally from Epirus (Greece) and later on active in Constan-
influenat direct de familia nobiliar uu. tinople, the direct descendants of the prince and kaymakam
Descendeni direci ai domnitorului i caimacamului Alexandru Alexander uu, lord of the two principalities on several occasions
uu, domn al celor dou principate n mai multe rnduri n- between 1800 and 1821, owned vast land estates throughout the
tre 1800 i 1821, uetii originari din Epir (Grecia) i activi n Buzu-Brila area, and came to be one of the Phanariote Periods
Constantinopol - deineau moii vaste n toat zona Buzu-Brila, most important boyar families.
fiind una dintre cele mai importante familii de boieri din perioada The Grebnu village area and the estate in question were owned
fanariot. by three generations of the family for 110 years, between 1830
Zona comunei Grebnu i a moiei de fa avea s fie deinut de and 1940, during which time the villages development was
3 generaii ale familiei timp de 110 ani, ntre 1830 i 1940, perioad mainly based on vineyard-related activities. Prince Costache
n care comuna se va dezvolta n jurul activitii viticole. Prinul uu, father of the last owner of the Grebnu estate and mansion,
Detalii proprietate/Property details: Costache uu, tatl ultimului posesor al moiei i al conacului din founded in 1844 the St. Nicholas church, thus connecting the
Suprafa teren/Land area: 40,20 ha Grebnu, ctitorea n 1844 Biserica cu hramul Sf. Nicolae, legnd village to the Buzu diocese. The Manor estate, built in Neo-Ro-
Suprafa construit/Built area: 740 mp/sqm n acest fel comuna de episcopia Buzului. Conacul moiei, ridicat manian style, with a large central staircase tower and high oriel,
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 366 mp/sqm n stil neoromnesc, cu un mare turn al scrii centrale i cu foior still bears today a few decorative elements such as medallion
Structur: S+P+M+Foior/Floors: B+GF+A n partea superioar, mai poart astzi cteva meniuni decora- portraits at the base and on the facade of the central body, which
Camere/Rooms: 11 tive cum ar fi medalioanele portret de la baza turnului i de pe hints to the aesthetic preferences of the uu family.
Bi/Baths: 4 faada corpului central, amintind de gustul estetic al familiei uu. After 1940, the story of the mansion and estate changed radi-
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 39 ha teren viticol, Dup 1940, povestea conacului i a moiei se schimb radical, cally, as they entered into the possession of dr. Vasile Noveanu,
1,2 ha curtea conacului i 400 mp/sqm cldiri anexe. acestea intrnd n posesia dr. Vasile Noveanu, legionar, membru al legionary and member of the government led by lon Gigurtu
Anul construciei/Construction year: sfritul sec. XIX guvernului condus de Ion Gigurtu ntre iulie-septembrie 1940. between July and September 1940. The communist period was
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Domeniu viticol Perioada comunist avea s fie marcat de naionalizare i de marked by the nationalization process, and the estate was man-
ID proprietate/Property ID: BZ01AHE-AS-NC intrarea moiei n administrarea statului. aged by the state.

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Adresa/Address: Petiani, Gorj Pre de pornire: 175.000

3 km fa de Hobia, 18 km fa de Trgu Jiu Estimare: 175.000 - 200.000

Constantin Brncui cu Eileen Lane

n atelierul artistului

Petiani, o localitate aflat la 3 km fa de Hobia, este unul

dintre locurile pe care Constantin Brncui le vizita de fiecare dat
cnd se ntorcea n ar. Nu numai pentru pitorescul meleagului,
nu numai pentru prietenul su Mihail Tabacu, ci i ca o chemare a Petiani, a village located 3 km away from Hobia, is one of the
sngelui, ntruct n Petiani se aflau fraii si din prima csnicie places Constantin Brancui visited every time he returned home.
a tatlui. Not only for its picturesque surroundings and for his friend Mihail
Din biografia sculptorului aflm c n 1922 o aduce aici pe Eileen Tabacu, but also because his blood relatives, his brothers from
Lane, una dintre femeile care i-a marcat existena i creaia. his fathers first marriage, were in Petiani. From his biography,
Fascinaia artistului fa de aceast americanc de 20 de ani, we learn that, in 1922, the sculptor brought Eileen Lane here, a
venit n Europa pentru a-i vindeca rnile provocate de o woman who marked his existence and work. His fascination for
logodn euat, a dus la crearea operei Portretului Eileen Lane this 20 year-old American artist who came to Europe to heal her
(1922), aflat n Colecia Botarro. wounds after a failed engagement, led to the creation of Portrait
n timpul petrecut n Petiani, n 1922, cei doi se pare c au trecut of Eileen Lane(1922), which is part of Botarros Collection.
Detalii proprietate/Property details: pragul casei transformat actualmente n Muzeul Brncui din During the time spent in Petiani, in 1922, it seems that, at some
Suprafa teren/Land area: 479 mp/sqm Petiani. point, the couple entered the house, which has since become the
Suprafa construit/Built area: 472 mp/sqm Cldirea a intrat n patrimoniul familiei Brncui odat cu Brncui Museum in Petiani. The building became the property
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 236 mp/sqm cstoria lui Jean Brncui, nepotul artistului, cu nepoata lui Ion of the Brncui family when Jean Brncui, the artists grandson,
Structur: P+1E/Floors: GF+1F Fuiorea, amic al lui Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. Aceast amiciie a married the granddaughter of Ion Fuiorea, a friend of Gheorghe
Camere/Rooms: 10 salvat parial casa de la naionalizare, ntruct pn n 1995 aici a Gheorghiu-Dej. This friendship partially saved the house from
Bi/Baths: 2 funcionat Primria din Petiani, proprietari rmnnd Brncuii. nationalization because, until 1995, it was the headquarters of
Pre/mp/Price/sqm: 282 Actualmente, n afara funciei de muzeu, casa este i sediul the Petiani City Hall, although the Brncui family remained
Construcii anexe/Outbuildings: 148 mp/sqm, P+1E, Fundaiei Casa Brancui Hobia, cu activiti de promovare a the official owners. At present, in addition to being a museum,
la parter magazie, la etaj un apt. cu 2 camere i baie. operei sculptorului i turismului n regiunea n care a copilrit i the house is also the headquarters of the Casa Brncui Hobita
Anul construciei/Construction year: 1920-1930 s-a format Brancui. Foundation, which promotes the artists work, as well as tourism
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan, Viitorii proprietari vor putea pstra funciunea actual a cldirii, in the region where Brncui spent his childhood. Future owners
Cas memorial, Centru de evenimente, Hotel, aceea de cas memorial, muzeu privat, dar o pot transforma i can preserve the buildings current function of memorial house
Muzeu privat, Pensiune, Reedin bifamilial ntr-un centru de evenimente culturale, pensiune pentru turism and private museum, but can also turn it into a cultural center,
ID proprietate/Property ID: GJ01AHE-NC cultural sau chiar reedin. hostel for cultural tourism or even into a private residence.

278 279
280 281

Adresa/Address: Vama Buzului, Braov Pre la cerere

45 km fa de Braov, 200 km fa de Bucureti Price upon request

Valley 21 d o nou dimensiune luxului. Nu n sensul de

extravagan, ci de calitate n esen.
Cumprtorul face parte din noua generaie care deine controlul
n zilele noastre asupra a ceea ce se ntmpl n secolul XXI, cu
influen i cu mintea, creativitatea i motivaia necesare pentru Valley21 gives a new meaning to luxury. Luxury not as in ex-
a face diferena. Acesta nelege diferit ideea de apartenen n travagance, but luxury as in living the essence of qualities.
cadrul unei comuniti, spre deosebire de individualism, care The buyer is part of the new generation that is in control of the
a dominat din ce n ce mai mult lumea n ultimele decenii; este 21st century, holding influential positions and has the mind,
vorba de un sentiment al responsabilitii comune n societatea creativity and drive to make a difference. He has a new sense
n care triete, n cadrul familiei pe care o ngrijete i o iubete. of communality away from the individuality that has increas-
Noua responsabilitate este fa de oameni, fa de natur, un ingly reigned the world over the last decades, a sense of shared
sentiment acut de contientizare a faptului c trim ntr-un responsibility within the society he lives in, within the family he
echilibru ecologic delicat pe planeta noastr mam, Pmntul. fosters and loves. The new responsibility is towards people, is
Minile sclipitoare care produc idei colosale triesc ntr-un corp towards nature, an acute sense of awareness that we are living in
sntos, cu un suflet mpcat. Acetia triesc viei de o cali- a delicate ecological balance on our mother ship, the Earth. Great
tate superioar i neleg esena cuvntului calitate. Calitatea minds that produce great ideas live in a healthy body, live with a
ndeplinete un scop care hrnete n mod esenial mintea pentru soul that is at peace with itself. They live quality lives and under-
trup i suflet; aceste caliti pot fi considerate un lux, ns nu i stand the essence of the word quality. Quality fulfills a purpose
pierd niciodat sensul. that feeds the mind, the body and the soul; these qualities can be
Valley 21 este un spaiu comun, mpreun cu oameni care regarded as a luxury, but qualities are never senseless. Valley21
mprtesc aceeai viziune, indiferent dac acetia i doresc holds the values that they live for.
s se retrag n casele lor cu familiile sau s fac parte dintr-o Valley21 is a shared space with a community of like-minded
comunitate de proprietari pentru a petrece timp mpreun sau people, where they can seek privacy in their homes with their
Detalii proprietate/Property details: pentru a deine n comun o parte dintr-o frm de rai. family, or take part in the community of owners to share good
Suprafa teren/Land area: 1000 mp/sqm Valley 21 reprezint legtura simbolic dintre viaa agitat din time or share common governance over the space, Valley21. Val-
Suprafa construit/Built area: 160 mp/sqm secolul XXI i esena vieii ntr-o comunitare pastoral care ley21 is the symbolic connection between the frantic 21st century
Amprent la sol/Footprint: 64 mp/sqm i are rdcinile n natura pur. Poi lua masa la standarde life and the essence of life in a pastoral community rooted in
Structur: D+P/Floors: B+GF+A internaionale n Braov, iar apoi, pentru puin timp, te poi afla pristine undisturbed nature. One can dine international cuisine in
Camere/Rooms: 4, Bi/Baths: 3 printre lupi, fcnd parte, n acelai timp, dintr-o comunitate Braov, be amongst the wolves a short while later, at the same
Anul construciei/Construction year: 2015 delicat care a supravieuit secolelor de schimbri, care a pstrat time being part of a delicate community that survived centuries
Tip de proprietate/Property type: Cas de vacan valorile ce au disprut n alte zone, prin intermediul comunitii of change; that has preserved values that have become extinct
ID proprietate/Property ID: BV02AHE-AS-NC din Vama Buzului. elsewhere, through the community of Vama Buzului.

282 283
284 285
Proprieti vndute* (SELECIE)
2015-2016 Conacul boieresc Podgoreanu de la Pasrea
sat Cozieni, comuna Gneasa, jude Ilfov
casa pictorului corneliu baba
B-dul Aviatorilor nr. 32, Bucureti, n rondul Monumentului Eroilor Aerului

Castelul nobiliar Pogny, stil baroc

Conacul-cas memorial Ion Mihalache, sat Pclia, comuna Toteti, jude Hunedoara
fondator i preedinte al Partidului rnesc (1919-1926)
nr. 295, sat Dobreti, comuna Dobreti, jude Arge

Conacul Brtianu de la Florica

str. Aleea Staiunii nr. 37, ora tefneti, jude Arge

Castelul nobiliar Salbek, stil neoclasic

sat Petri nr. 83, comuna Petri, jude Arad

Crama i Observatorul Astronomic

de pe domeniul Brtianu de la Florica
Vila Prinului Barbu tirbey din Mamaia str. Aleea Staiunii, ora tefneti, jude Arge
staiunea Mamaia, jude Constana

*Proprietate vndut desemneaz imobilul pentru care s-a ncheiat licitaia, cu desemnarea ctigtorului; n unele cazuri,
proprietatea se afl n proces de finalizare a vnzrii, fr a fi ncheiat contractul de vnzare-cumprare.
286 287

1. Se nainteaz o scrisoare de intenie, prin intermediul site-ului www.artmarkhistorical-, mail ( sau fax (021 210 30 15), n atenia Constantin
Prisecaru, CEO Artmark Historical Estate, cu privire la proprietile de interes;
2. Se organizeaz vizionarea imobilului/imobilelor, data fiind convenit cu minim 7 zile n
3. Se achiziioneaz dosarul cuprinznd documentaia aferent imobilului: acte de pro-
Broker: Dan Caraiani, Constana prietate, cadastru imobiliar, planuri, documentar fotografic i alte documente disponibile:
rapoarte de evaluare, documente de arhiv, studii de restaurare etc., n copie;
4. Se nainteaz oferta ferm de cumprare, sub semnatur privat, in termen de maxim
30 de zile de la data vizionrii;
5. Odat cu oferta de cumprare se depune o garanie de participare la licitaie, n valoare
de 10% din suma ofertat;
6. nainte cu 3 zile de data limit de depunere a ofertelor, se ntiineaz ofertanii
asupra numrului de oferte depuse pna la acel moment i valoarea ofertei cea mai mare,
acordndu-se posibilitatea revizuirii acestora n termen de 48 de ore;
7. La data concursului de oferte private, acestea se centralizeaz i se face public oferta
cea mai mare. Odat cu comunicarea ctre ofertantul adjudecatar, se stabilete data de
perfectare a antecontractului sau a contractului de vnzare-cumprare, n termen de
max. 10 zile de la ntiinarea de ctigare a licitaiei;
8. Semnarea contractului de vnzare-cumprare este condiionat de rspunsul
Ministerului Culturii privind dreptul de preemiune al Statului la cumprare;
9. n cazul nencheierii contractului de vnzare-cumprare din cauze ce nu in de voina
Broker: Horia Hlmagi, Braov prilor, respectiv a promitenilor vnztor i cumprtor, toate sumele pltite cu titlu de
avans se vor restitui integral promitentului cumprtor.


1. A letter of intent shall be submitted via the website

contacts, mail or fax, to the attention of Constantin Prisecaru, CEO Artmark Historical
Estate, on the properties of interest;
2. The viewing of the building/ buildings is organized, the date being agreed upon at least 7
Broker: Zoltan Nemes, Harghita
days in advance;
3. The file with the estate documentation is acquired: property deeds, real estate cadaster
plans, documentary photography and other docments available: evaluation reports, archi-
val documents, restoration projects etc., enclosure copies of documents;
4. The binding offer to purchase is made, under private signature, within 30- 90 days after
the viewing of the estate;
5. Along with the purchase offer, a letter of quarantee is submitted to tender, worth 10%
of the offer;
6. 3 days before the deadline for submission of tenders, tenderers shall be notified of the
number of offers made up to that point and offer the greatest value, with the possibility of
their review within 48 hours;
7. On the competition of private offerings, they are centralized and the highest offer is
made public. With the winning bidder notification to the tenderer, the date for the comple-
tion of the contract of sale is established within maximum 10 days after the notification of
winning the auction;
8. Signing the contract of sale is conditioned by the response of the Ministry of Culture,
Broker: Ctlin Prichici, Bucureti regarding the Right of First Refusal of the State;
9. In case of not closing the contract of sale, due to causes not related to the parties
intentions, the promissory seller and buyer respectively, all sums paid as an advance shall
be repaid in full to the the promissory buyer.

288 289
Conacul Manasia, o bijuterie de patrimoniu unic n peisajul Brganului - inclus n Ansamblul Conacului
Hagianoff, i revendic gloria de altdat prin crearea cadrului perfect pentru experiene sofisticate i
memorabile, adaptate mediului social contemporan. Grija desvrit acordat fiecrui detaliu,
saloanele conacului, crama sau parcul Domeniului Manasia sunt reinventate i adaptate nevoilor oricrei
organizaii, companii sau persoane n cutarea spaiului ideal pentru desfurarea unui eveniment social,
290 corporatist sau privat. 291
292 293
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