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-)) Kroll. Strictly Privileged and Confidential For Addressce Only 20 December 2017 Governor National Bank of Moldova 1d, Grigor Vien nr. 1 (MD.2005 Chins Dear Governor ‘We refer to our meetings with you, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Parliament and other State agencies and officials in Chisinau on 7 November 2017 at which we discussed progress ‘of Phase Il ofthe investigation that we have been conducting with the assistance of Steptoe & Johnson UK LLP (togetter “the Consortium") ‘We have now concluded our investigation and we attach our report summarising te findings to date (the “Summary Report). Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Summary Report. You have previously indicated thatthe National Bank of Moldova intended t publish this report and the Consortium has no objection to this, subject tothe terms of our agreement with you For the avoidance of doubt, the National Bank of Moldova will, in ceondance with clause 5() ofthe Leter of Engagement, hold Kroll harmless for any claims, damages or costs, including reasonable legal fes and expenses, that Kroll incurs arising ou of a in connection ‘with this publication, We also atach a draft detailed roport and appendices (together, the “Detailed Report”) that provide futher detail ofthe underlying transactions, the modus operandi ofthe frauds, and the methodology of our investigations to date. The Detailed Report is sent o you in deat and we should be grateful if you would review and provide your comments to enable us to finalise this report shorly. Please note that the Detaled Report is sticdly confidential. Any ‘communication. publiction, disclosure, dissemination or reproduction of thie rete any portion ofits contents to third partes is subject fo the advance written consent of Kroll Together the Summary Repost and the Detailed Report represen the Phase II Reports as per ‘our leter of engagemen We confirm that, in January 2018, we will be in a position to deliver to the Moldovan Prosecutor a confidential set of working papers containing detailed tracing analyses, which we ‘expect will assist with the on-going criminal investigations. We intend that these working ‘papers will be provided in person tothe Prosecutor only because any wider circulation of publication might prejudice the recoverability of the funds that have been misappropriated andlor criminal prosecutions. ‘We look forward to hearing from you in relation to dates in early 2018 when you are avilable meet with us to discus the Phase If Reports and also our potential cooperation for the Phase I, ie. the implementaion of the recovery strategy tht we have strongly recommended and Which we understand from our meeting in Chisinas has the support ofthe Prime Minister and the Government. ‘We look forward to hearing from you Yours fithlly Lol. Kroll Associates U.K. Limited

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