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,, European Schools for a Living Planet “

( Şcoli europene pentru o planetă vie )


Şcoala Gimnazială Palanca, judeţul Bacău

WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), ERSTE Foundation Academy şi

Nationalpark Neusiedlersee din Austria patronează proiectul”European schools for a
living planet”, proiect care are ca scop, iniţierea profesorilor şi elevilor din Europa în
managementul proiectelor de mediu.

Astfel, în perioada 22 – 27 octombrie 2011 un profesor şi un elev de la Şcoala cu

clasele I-VIII Palanca, respectiv profesor Juverdeanu Andreea, specialitatea biologie şi
Biro – Bălan Antonia, elevă în clasa a VI-a, au participat la un curs de management al
proiectelor de mediu, în Austria, la Ilmitz, alături de profesori şi elevi din alte 9 ţări

În urma cursului, profesorul şi elevul, au împărtăşit celor de acasă informaţiile

dobandite în Austria şi au propus finanţatorilor un proiect.

Fundaţia ERSTE Austria a oferit 200 de Euro pentru a sprijini punerea în aplicare
a proiectului propus de Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Palanca.

Dintre cele trei teme propuse de organizatori, Dunărea – linia vieţii din Europa,
Cetăţenie activă şi Amprenta ecologică – stilul de viaţă şi efectele ei globale asupra
naturii, echipa din Palanca a ales-o pe cea din urmă, propunând un proiect despre
utilizarea resurselor de hrană proprii în vederea reducerii poluării mediului şi crearea
premiselor unei dezvoltări durabile.
Iată planul proiectului nostru:

Our Project – Plan




What is the TITLE of your project?


Which PROBLEM will your project address/impact?

The urban family life style invaded Romanian rural community and very few people from
villages can resiste to the agresive adds of big food companies that are presented on all
our TV chanels. Children and young people are the main target of such publicity. The
role of women changed also in the traditional rural families and young mothers wants to
have more time for other activities than the household. Statistics indicate that in the rural
area the percentage of low income families is very high and subsistence farms are
common in our villages.
As a result more and more rural families rely on cheap food bought from shops and local
food economy is disapearing. Is very common to buy potatoes from Holland, tomatoes
from Italy, Turkey, chicken from US, etc. Even if we don’t consider the production way
(often non-sustainable) only, its transportation have a huge contribution to the carbon
dioxide emissions.

What is your MOTIVATION to take action?

As a villager I feel that our local food production and products loose their
deserved places in the favour of industralised and globalised food.
As a biology teacher and class master I noticed that if my students are challanged with
questions and new perspectives on common issues they become interested to explore
more, and to do connections with other topics. Food footprint is such a rich topic to start
to look gradually at food production, food preservation, food transportation, food
marketing, food equity, healty nutrition, local food markets, traditional gastronomy, fast
food, slow food, family life, etc
At the end is possible to highlight the enormous hidden costs and negative impact on
health and environment of the junk food and hope to have the step from “to know” to “to
act to change habits”.

What is the GOAL of your project?

To built knowleadge and abilities to 30 students from Palanca school to make in their life
informed choices for a healty life style and a clean environment and to value traditional
agriculture and local gastronomy for a sustainable development of our community.

What are your OBJECTIVES to reach your goal?

1. Document with Students the Health and Environmental Impact of the Traditional
Agriculture and Food Habits in Palanca
2. Document with Students the Health and Environmental Impact of the New Life
Styles in Palanca
3. Support Students to Step from Knowleage to Action

Who is/are your TARGET – GROUP(S)?

30 School students and parents from Palanca village

What are the main ACTIONS that you will take to reach your goal?

Project management

Dissemination of information and activities learned at the Academy of Ilmitz .

Forming the project team, deciding the topic and preparing the project proposal (already
Project planning .
Partnership with the NGO "Earth Friends" Galati for Climate Change and Slow Food
issues .
Dissemination the project results online and in school magazine.
Document the Health and Environmental Impact of the Traditional Agriculture and
Food Habits in Palanca.

Visit to the Ethnographic Museum of Comanesti city and the Ethnographic Museum
”Grandparents House " from Palanca village.

Visit to traditional household to see how the traditional home-made bread is produced.
Visit a traditional animal farm.

Children presentation for their parents about sustainable agriculture, organic food and
carbon footprint.
Document the Health and Environmental Impact of the New Life Styles in Palanca

Junk food labels analysis.

”My lunch from store” - ecological footprint calculation.

The step from knowleage to action.

Making a “Palanca traditional seeds bank” in the village of Palanca.

Make a mini-greenhouse in the school garden.

Cooking by using renewable energy at Center for Sustainable Development Brusturoasa.

What is the TIMELINE of your project?

12 / 15 / 2011 - 05 / 01 / 2012

What is your main MESSAGE?

Eating local products supports sustainable local development and reduces carbon
footprint of the community.
How will you CELEBRATE?

Home-made School Sandwich Contest

Palanca Potatoe Celebration

Your project team (structure, members, age, ...):

Project manager, Juverdeanu Andreea

School manager / director, Cojocaru Dumitru
Teachers: Juverdeanu Margareta,
Member of NGO "Earth Friends" Galati : Zamfir Camelia
Afilipoae Mihaela – 12 years old
Ahalanei Iuliana Madalina – 12 years old-
Ahalanei Valentin – Petronel - 12 years old
Bartonescu Cosmin – 12 years old
Adomnicai Maria - Madalina– 12 years old
Biro Balan Antonia - 12 years old
Biro Balan Octavia - 14 years old
Bogatu Florina – Mihaela– 12 years old
Ciocan Ioana - Sinziana– 12 years old
Ciotlos Denis Leonard - 12 years old
Craciun Andreea- Teodora – 12 years old
Funduc Oana - Madalina– 12 years old
Grosu Andreea - 12 years old
Lazaroiu Alexandru – Nicolae 12 years old
Leu Andreea – Georgiana– 12 years old
Lupas Adelina - Valentina– 12 years old
Lupas Gabriela - 13 years old
Manole George Gabriel – 12 years old
Oltean Alexandru Viorel– 12 years old
Palistan Florin- Ionut– 12 years old
Pascu Daniel- Adrian - 12 years old
Predoiu Ana Maria - 12 years old
Predoiu Eugen Florin - 12 years old
Rosca Alexandra Dumitrita – 12 years old
Sandor Otilia – Aurica– 12 years old
Stoica Costina - Evelina– 12 years old
Sebestin Paula Alexandra - 13 years old
Tanko Andrea – 12 years old
Tanko Lorena Gabriela– 12 years old
Tuvec Paula - Ioana– 12 years old
Evaluarea finală a concursului a avut loc în iunie 2012, în România. Fiecare echipă din
concurs a fost reprezentată de câte un profesor şi un elev care au prezentat activităţile de
conservare a naturii în cadrul unui adevărat ,,bazar de proiecte” extrem de animat. Patru
şcoli au castigat competiţia printre care şi Şcoala Gimnazială Palanca. Câte cinci copii
din fiecare echipă câştigătoare au participat la o tabără de o săptămână în natură, în
Munţii Vulcan, staţiunea Straja din judeţul Hunedoara.
Organizatia WWF a fost înfiinţată acum aproximativ 50 de ani cu scopul de a
proteja specii ameninţate, cum ar fi ursul panda. Dar provocarea ce o au acum, în frunte
cu noul presedinte ambiţios, e mult mai mare decât era atunci.

Prinţul Charles de Wales, de curând Preşedinte al Organizatiei WWF (Worldwide

Wildlife Fund), a ţinut în Londra o cuvântare cu o tema care atrage atenţia – si anume, el
a prezentat omul ca fiind o specie pe cale de disparitie: “Ştim cu toţii că la nivel mondial
se sting zilnic specii importante ecosistemului nostru. Iar, într-o zi, omul va dispărea şi el
ca element al acestui lanţ”

WWF România, parte a Programului regional Dunăre- Carpaţi, a fost fondat în
anul 2006. Organizaţia are sediul în Bucureşti şi două filiale în ţara: la Braşov şi la Baia

Obiectivele principale ale organizaţiei sunt conservarea, refacerea şi administrarea

responsabilă a zonelor naturale din Munţii Carpaţi şi din lungul Dunării.

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