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In eeonomia soeietatea romfmeasea sehimbarile survenite in ultimii ani au adus eu ele multe
probleme, dar multe oportunitati. Pentru a putea profita de aeestea, este foarte importanta
unei limbi de eireulatie internationala. In domeniul relatiilor eeonomice
internationale, al turismului al eulturii, limbii engleze este indispensabila. De
aeeea, in cele mai multe tari europene limba engleza se preda deja la nivelul institutiilor primare
de edueatie.
Metoda introdusa de EUROCOR, se utilizeaza de mult timp cu sueees in tarile vest-europene
in Statele Unite. Dupa cateva. Ieqii dumneavoastra yeti eonstata ea obtineti rezultate rapide eu
eforturi relativ miei. Este de ajuns sa invatati zilnie 15 minute. Nu va pierdeti rabdarea in eursul
rcpetarii sistematice a excrcitiilor atunei Yeti progresa in mod garantat. Pareurgeti odata eel
mult 0 jumatate de lcqie. Fieeare parte a unei leqii contine 0 cantitate suficienta de material nou
pentru a exersa.
Cursul pentru incepatori este alcatuit din 32 de leqii grupate in 16 caiete. Fieeare Iectie are doua
parti. In prima parte a fiecarei Jectii, se introduce materia noua, pentru a carei intelegere
fixare va sunt propuse diferite tipuri de exercitii. Partea a doua a celei de a doua leqii nu
cuprinde noi, aiei fiind inserate doar exereitii de verifieare. Fieeare leqie se termina
eu reeapitularea noilor reguli gramatieale eu tema pentru acas3. La caietului de curs
se afla voeabularul introdus in leqiile respective eontinand euvintele expresiile noi, prezentate
in ordine alfabetica, precum transcrierea lor fonetica.
Atunei cand rezolvati pentru prima data un exereitiu, nu folositi de la ineeput filtrul
Folosirca aeestuia are sens doar daea ati repetat exercitiul deja de trei-patru ori. Daea tcxtul seris
cu litere este aeoperit eu filtrul raspunsul eoreet devine invizibil iar dumneavoastra
va trcbui sa apclati la nou introduse. Prin indepartarea filtrului, puteti veri fica daea
ati rezolvat eoreet exereitiul. Atat filtrul cat easeta care va este trimisa impreuna eu
eaietul de eurs va vor aj uta sa verifieati pronuntia cuvintelor invatate.
Profesorii sunt gata sa va aeorde tot sprijinul va sa deveniti cursant EUROCOR.
6. Va rugam, scrie(i citep
Veti vedea, eforturile dumneavoastra VOl' fi displatite. Va dorim mult succes!
Atunei dnd invatam 0 limba straina, trcbuie sa exersam sa recapitulam cu
perseverenta. In acest scop v-au fost propusc anumite exercitii. Va sugeram sa
revedeti din cand in cand materialul deja parcurs. In scurt timp va yeti convinge ca
acest lucru nu este lipsit de sens. De altfel, rezolvarca tcmei implica intotdeauna
repetarea materiei din leqiile anterioarc. eu acest mod de lueru, care
va improspateaza consolideaza fara sa fili nevoit(a) sa faee(i
eforturi deosebite. Urmfmd metoda de studiu pe care v-a propunem nu ave(i
nevoie de un talent deosebit pentru a ob(inc rczultate bune in invatarea limbilor
straine. Persoanele mai in varsta, precum ccle care sunt mai putin talentate in
invatarea limbilor straine, vor ajunge dupa cfttcva luni de studiu la un nivel la care
nici nu au sperat.
1. Va sfatuim sa incepe1i rezolvarea temei pentru acasa numai dupa ce a1i parcurs
intregul material prezentat in caietul de studiu, dupa ce ati repetat cuvintele ati
rezolvat ultimele exercitii de verificare. Daca incepeti prea devreme sa rezolvati
tema pentru acasa, nu yeti putea folosi corect intregul material al unei leqii yeti
fi nevoit(a) sa recapitulati. Inainte de a inccpe rezolvarea temei, va recomandam sa
studiati eu atentie sa parcurgeti inca 0 data regulile pe care Recapitularea Ie
accentueaza prin punctare.
3. Rezolvand in "cioma" exerci(iiIc pcntru acasa, va va fi mai sa va corecta(i
sa propuneti mai muIte posibi1c raspunsuri, iar, la sfaqit, sa alege(i raspunsul care
vi se pare a fi eel mai bun.
5. Nu uita(i sa va scrieti numele, prenumele, adresa, numanll de cursant sub care ati
fost inregistrat mai ales, codul profesorului! Acesta din urma se in
scrisoarea care eonfirma participarea dumneavoastra la curs.
4. Cfmd sunteti siguri de rezolvare, trimiteti tema pe paginile destinate corecturii
observatiilor profesorului. Pentru expedierea temei, folosi(i paginile tiparite in
Pentru a va invatarea, pe marginea fiecarei pagini am plasat 0 serie de simboluri grafice.
Acestea vor indica diverse genuri de exercitii sau seqiunile de gramatica, fiindu-va astfel mai
sa Ie localizati sau sa Ie recapitulati.
Pe marginea paginilor yeti intiHni urmatoarele semne:
in dreptul acestui semn, textul cules cu litere inclinate puncteazii no{iunile gramaticale # de
vocabular care sunt nou introduse in lectia respectivii.
Exercitiu pentru verificarea materialului lexical gramatical
Cuvinte noi
Problema aparuta in acest exercitiu este tratata in leqia 3 la pagina 21
Observatiile cele mai importante care se refera la regulile gramaticale sau
la pronuntie, vor fi intotdeauna reliefate prin acest semn grafic.
Tcxtul care urmeaza dupa semnul ,,>" tiparit cu (care nu se vede in cazul folosirii filtrului
arata ca exercitiul trebuie rezolvat conform indicatiei, de exemplu, completarea unui text
sau traducerea unei propozitii.
In final, 0 remarca. La radio televizor auziti adesea conversatii sau ciintece in limba engleza.
Uneori pronuntia acestora difera de ceea ce va propunem noi in cadrul lectiilor. Aceasta se
intiimpla deoarece exista diferenle de pronunlie intre engleza vorbita in Marea Britanie, in SUA
cea din Australia.
Cititi cu atentie transerierea fonetiea, tiparita eu aflata in paranteze
drepte. Pentru sunetele care nu exista in limba romana, folosim semne
Diftongul [auJ se pronunFi la fel ca in limba romana: "dau, sau". Sunetul
raj este neaccentuat, scurt. La cuvantului, "r"-ul se pronunta doar
daca este urmat de un ait cuvant: > [taua
Semnul fonetic [i] indica un sunet moale, asemanator grupului de vocale
"iu", "ea", "ei" din limba romana. Se pronunta ca primul sunet din cuvin!ele:
"iute, ea": >
- strada cu magazine
- strada
- gara, statie
- turn de biserica
- statie
- turn
" "
> [stri:t]
> [taua']
- care da la strada
> [do:IJ -
este un ,,0" lung ca in interjectia din limba romana "oo!":
, ,
shopping street
railway > [rei] L1 ei] - cale ferata
Semnul fonetic [U] indica litera "w" care, de obicei, nu se pronunta. In
cazurile In care se pronunta, rotunjim gura ca pentru "u" spunem "v":
>[ rei!liei].
railway station
Consoana [r] din limba engleza difera de "r"-ul romanesc. Rostiti "r" lara
sa atingeti cerulgurii cu Jimba lara vibrarea limbii. Astfel, obtineti un
"r" englezesc. Semnul [i:] se pronunta ca un "i" lung, ca in cuvintele "vii,
mii": >[strit].
church tower
shopping > - eumpariituri
Complexul de sunete n(g) eorespunde sunetelor similare din limba romfma,
dar "g" se aude slab, ca in euvantul romanesc "lung".
in cuvintele din Jimba engleza formate din mai muite silabe, una dintre
silabeeste accentuata. In transcrierea fonetica, vocala scrisa cu litera
semnaleaza silaba accentuata: >
shop > - magazin, praviHie
Semnul [0J este un ,,0" scurt. Se ,,0" cu deschiderea gurii ca i -----TU
"a": >
church > t:;;] - biserica
Sunetul notat prin este 0 consoana asemanatoare cu "c(i)", "c(e)", "cere,
zece" din limba romana. in Iimba engleza insa sunetul poate fi urmat
direct de orice vocala, tara a mai fi nevoie de un "e" sau "i" intermediar.
Sunetul [a:J se pronunta ca "a" lung. Semnul [I] (r ridicat) indica un
care se aude foarte slab:
street door
Sunetul [0: J
> [do:
Folosindu-va de sistemul de transcriere fonetica descris anterior, familiarizati-va cu pronuntia corecta
a urmatoarelor cuvinte:
shopping - cumparaturi
shop - magazlD > [00 P]
street - strada > [stri:t]
railway - cale ferata > [rei/"ei]
train - tren > [trein]
station - statie > [steisan]
church - biserica > [tsJ:'t
tower - tum > [t3L1J']
house - casa > [halls]
door - usa > [do:']
Cititi cu voce tare unnatoarele expresii in limba engleza:
church tower > [tsa:'t
taLla'] > tum de biserica
railway station > [rei/"ei stelsan] > gara, statie
shopping street > stri:t] > strada eu magazine
street door > I etll lllo" ' l > usa care da in strada
Sit cxcrsam noile cuvinte; II\i atcn\i la pronulI\ic si sensuI lor in limba romana:
shopping > 1 - eumparaturi
shop > - magazin
street > [5t1I.t] - strada
railway > [rei/"ei] - cale ferata
train > [trein] - tren
station > [steisim] - statie
church > [1.)a.'ts] - biserica
tower > [taLl<:l'] - tum
house > [h<:lLls] - casa
door > [do:'] - usa
in limba englezii, inaintea Cl/wlntului care define!jte un lucru sau 0 noriune (adicii. inaintea unui
substantiv) stii un articol. Articolul nehotiirat a se ajlii inaintea euvintelor care definesc lueruri sau
noriuni despre care vorbim la modul general. Corespunde artieolelor: un, 0, dar de multe ori niei nil
se traduce inlil1lba romanii. Atunei eand ne referil1lla un anumit lucruJoiosil1l inaintea,substantivlIlui
articolul hotiirat the.
Sa repetam inca 0 data cuvintele, dar intr-o alta ordine, impreuna cu traducerea. Pronuntati cu voce
tare urmatoarele cuvinte:
Articolul hotiirat the se pronun{ii [Dza]. Acest sunet nu existii in limba rom{mii [DZ] se pronun/ii ea
"z" cu limba intre din{i. Pronunra{i "z" de cateva ori. Acum, cu gura intredeschisii, pronun/ari
"z" cu limba intre din/i, retriigi1l1d limba i/l momentul in care s-a produs sunetul [D
]. Acesta este un
sunet sonor; punand degetele pe gat, veri simri vibrariile corzilor vocale.
Acum intr-o alta ordine:
the door > [Dla do.'] a station > ld
a house > [ahaus] the church > llYa
the station > [DZastct;;an] a train > [a trem]
a tower > 1,11aua'J a shop > [a $Op]
the train > I [)!d llClIlJ the house > [Dla haus]
the shop > ([Ya sop I the street > [D'a stJi:t]
a street > [a stll tI the tower > [D'a taua']
a church > [a 'tsJ a door > [a do:']
the house > [DZa hausj - casa
a station > [a - 0 statie
a door > [a do:'] - 0
the tower > [D'a taua'] - tumul
Articol Pronun!ia Tipul articolului
a >[aJ vocaHi scurta nehotanlt
the >[D'aJ limba intre dinti hotarat
Exersati cuvintele in limba engleza folosind articolul:
a shop > [a the shop > [D'a $Op]
a street > [a stn tJ the street > [DZa Stll:t]
a train > [a ttemJ the train > [D'a trem]

a station > [a J the station > [DZa stel$an]
a church > [a t;;a.'t;;] the church > [D'a t;;a:'t;;]
a tower > la taua'] the tower > [D'a taua']
a house > [a haus] the house > l[Ya halls]
a door > [a do.'] the door > [Dla do:']
the shop
> [DLa
- magazinul
a train
> [a trem]
- un tren
a church
- 0 biserica
the street

- strada
a house
- 0 casa
the train
- trenul
a shop
- un magazin
the station
> [D/ a
- statia
a tower
- un tum
the church
>[D/a tsa
- biserica
the door
> [D/a llo"']
a street
- 0 strada
Ati repetat de mai multe ori cuvintele noi deci, probabil deja le-ati invatat. Incercati sa traduceti in
limba engleza:
o casa > a house
> [a

> the door
> IIYa do:']
un magazin > a shop

statia > the station
> [[Ya
> [tu vizit]
-----_._-------- - -- -
Exersati cu voce tare pronuntia urmatoarelor verbe, cu ajutorul transcrierii fonetice:
to see > [tLl si.] - a vedea to see > [tu si:]
to visit > [tu vizit] - a vizita, a merge la to visit > [tLl vizit]
to open > [tLl aLlpn] - a deschide, a desface to open > [tLl aupn]
to enter > [tu enta'] - a intra to enter > [tLl enta']
to visit > [tuvizit] - a vizita, a merge la to visit
to open > [tu aLlpn] - a deschide, a desface to open
to see > [tLl si:] - a vedea to see
to enter > [tLl ental] - a intra to enter
Sa Ie repetam acum intr-o ordine diferita:
Iar acum vom i'nvata cateva verbe. eu ajutorullor putem forma deja propozitii simple:
Verbul este partea de vorbire care exprimii 0 acriune, 0 intamplare, ca de exemplu: a vizita, a
deschide etc. in limba englezii, cand verbulnu este conjugat (cand inaintea lui nu apar pronumele
personale eu, tu, el, noi etc.), verbul este la modul infinitiv si este precedat de particula to [tu]. in
limba romanii, infinitivul este indicat de particula a, ca de exemplu: a vedea, a intra etc.
o biserica > a church > [a
casa > the house > [D/ ahalls]
o strada > a street >[astri:t]
turnul > the tower > lOLa taLla
o > a door > [a do:']
magazinul > the shop > [D/ a
un tren > a train >[atrell1]
biserica > the church > [D/a
un tum > a tower > [a taLla']
strada > the street > [D/a stri :t]
o statie > a station > [a
trenul > the train > [IYa trell1]
tumul de biserial > the church tower > [[Ya taLla']
dinspre strada > the street door > [IY;\ stITt do:']
strada cu magazine > the shopping street
> (1)/;1 stiTt]
gara > the railway station > llYa I el1"ei

> to enkr a church
> to open the door
> to see the toIVer
> 1(1 c'lltCI thc ,1,1tI01l
> to VISit the shop
> [tu si: D"atauf)']
> [tll alll'n D/ado:']
> [lll l'111.!' I)/;1
to see the train
> [tll ,j D'a trein] - a vedea trenul
to visit the station > [tll \ i/lt D'a - a vizita statia
to enter the house > I tlll'nLl' D/a haus] - a intra in easa
to open the door > [tll allpn D/a do:'] - a deschide
to enter a shop > [tll cnU a sop] - a intra intr-un magazin
to see the street > [til :;) IYa stn:t] - a vedea strada
to open the door > [tll ,illl'n D/a do:'] - a desehide
to visit a tower > [tll IflZJ1 a lalla'] - a vizita un tum
In urmatorul exereitiu yeti intalni verbele nou invatate impreuna eu substantivele. Cititi eu voce tare
expresiile retineti tradueerea acestora:
Ati sa invatati cuvintele? Cu urmatorul exercitiu puteti veri fica acest lucru. Traduceti in limba
engleza urmatoarele expresii, incerdind sa Ie pronuntati cat mai eoreet:
a intra intr-o biseriea
a intra in statie
a vedea tumul
a deschide usa
a vedea strada
a vedea 0 casa
a merge la magazin
> [ail - eu >[al]
you > [ill:] - tu, dumneavoastra you >[IU.]
> [ul.]
- nOI we
you > [IU:] - dumneavoastra, voi you >[II'.J
> I, D/ei]
- ei, ele they >[IYei]
in limba eng/eza. cand un verb este conjugat, este precedat de pronume personaIe ca de exemp/u:
eu, tu, noi, voi etc.
Sa invatam ciiteva pronume personale in limba engleza.
Aten,tie: in limba eng/eza you inseamna tu, dumneavoastra, voi.
- des
- intotdeauna
- in fiecare zi
- in fiecare dimineata
- every day
- always
- often
- rar
- seldom
- every morning
- (Iu) deschizi in fiecare zi.
- Vedem Intotdeauna trenul.
- Ei viziteaza rar
- (Eu) intru des In biserica.
----._----- ---
>[ oftal1, ofl1]
>[ otbn, oln]
> [e\ II 1110
> [c\ 11 dCl]
> [07el scldam vizit
> lUi: o:lUclz si: D
a trell1]
> [sclc1am]
> I III ijupn O/a do ' cvn dL:/1
> tal Ofll enta' D
every day
every mornmg
Sa repetam inca 0 data:
Pentru a forma propozitii in limba engleza, avem nevoie de cuvinte ca:
in fiecare dimineata
Cuvintele "often, always, seldom" stau intotdeauna intre verb
pronumele personal, pe cand expresiile "every day, every morning" stau
la inceputul sau la propozitiei.
in fiecare zi
I often enter the church_
We always see the train.
You open the door every day.
Exersati cuvintele noi:
(eu) vad > I scc >[al Sl:]
(tu) deschizi > you opcn >[iu: aupnJ
(noi) intram > we entcr > [Ui: cnta']
(ei, ele) viziteaza > they VISit >[O'ei viZl!]
Acum vom construi cateva propozitii simple. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
They seldom visit
the tower.
Re(ineri: in limba romGmi, (de obicei) nu fo!osim inail/tea verbu!ui pronume!e persona!, ceea ce nu
schimba sensu!; de exemp!u: eu vad =vad. ill Iimb(J el/g!ezii, insa. este ob!igatoriu sa indicam printr-un
pronume persona! persoanG care (Jeri/I/lea: de exemp!u. I see.

Conjunctia se traduce in limba engleza prin "and"ll:ndJ.
> We always see the tower.
> You see the station
every mornll1g.
> I enter the shop every day.
> They seldom \ iSlt the church.
> You oncn cnlci jill' 1101lse.
> J always open the door.
> 'Iliey sec 111,' :-;[Iccl evelY day.
- (Tu) deschizi intotdeauna
eu intru in casa.
- (Noi) intram des in gara
eu vad trenul.
> [ai enta' DZa evri
> [ui. o.IUc/z si: DZa taua']
>1"101111'111.1' IV,I h.llIsl
> [al 0 I"eli' aupn rYa do:']
> [/U: Sl: DZa evri
>[iu: o:l"e/z iiupn DZa do:'
Ene! ai enta' DZii h,lUS]
> [DIl'l seldam vizit DZii

>[UI: ofn enta' DZa reil"ei
stei;;i\l1 End ai si: DZa trein]
(noi) vizitam > we VIsit >[UI: vizit]
(ei, ele) intra > they enter >[DZei enta']
(eu) deschid > I open >[ai iiupn]
(tu) vezi > you see >[iu: si:]
Viziteaza rar biserica.
Nu uitati! Cuvantul "I" se scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare.
Acum sa aplicam cele invatate. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii din limba romana in limba engleza.
Folositi filtrul
[E] este 0 vocala care nu are corespondent in limba romana. Se situeaza
intre "e" "a". Se "e" cu deschiderea gurii ca pentru "a".
(Noi) intotdeauna vedem
(Voi) intra\i des in casa.
(Eu) intru in magazin
in fiecare zi.
(Tu) vezi statia in fiecare
(Ell) deschid intotdeauna
Acum putem forma deja propozitii mai lungi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
(Ei) vad strada in fieearc zi.
You always open the door
and 1enter the house.
We often enter the railway
station and I see the train.
- Miat
- apartamentul
- cladire
- trotuar
- femeie
- autobuz
- automobil
- intrare
> I hoi]
> (bildin
> [bas]
> [entrans]
the apartment
In cele mai multe cazuri "u" se pronunta "a" scurt: > (bas]
atenti la prima silaba accentuata: > [U
Se accentueaza prima silaba: > (bildin
Sunetul "g" de la cuvantului nu se pronunta, iar "n"-ul premergator
este mai lung mai moaIe: > (hilclin(gl]
Acesta este un cuvant american, Accentul cade pe prima silaba, de aceea
,,1"-uI de Ia cuvantului nu se pronunta: > [sa:iduo:k]
$i acesta este un cuvi'mt american. Accentul eade pe silaba a doua,
Daea substantivlli pronllntat Ineepe eu 0 vocala, de exemplu [apa:rtmantl
atunci artieolul "the" care II precede se pronunta (D'i] La fel, In locul
artieolllllli nehotarat "a" se atla "an" [an] pentru a fi
> [an apa:'lmantl
Semnul [a.] se ca un "a" lung la fel ca 'in cuvi'mtul romi'mesc
"mare". SunetuI "r" aflat la cuvi'mtului se pronunta doar atunci
dind acesta este uonat de un aIt cuvant care 'incepe cu 0 vocala, 'in rest nu
se pronunta: > [ka:']
In continuare, yom i'nvata expresii cuvinte noi:
Sunetul "a" aflat in silaba neaccentuata se pronunta ca un "a" scurt:
> [entrans]
Cititi cu atentie transcrierea fonetidi a noului set de cuvinte:
- (Noi) vedcm baiatul in fieeare zi.
- (Eu) vad trotuarul.
- Ei intotdeauna Ii [ae vizite
- Ei vad intrarea.
- (Eu) vad rar autobuzul.
- (Tu) intri in apartament
in fieeare dimineata.
- (Eu) vad 0
- (Tu) intri des in cladire.
> ["1. SI' [Ya bOI evri deij
> [ill. rilla' 0'1 apaItm:'lnl
C\ I! 111
> [Ill: ofn enUl' Ola bildin(glj
> [07ei o.l"cIZ viZlt
Olil Uumanj
> [aiseldam Sl: O"a bas]
> [al si: a ka" j
I see the side-walk.
We see the boy every day.
They see the entrance.
I seldom see the bus.
You enter the apartment
every momlllg.
They always visit
the woman.
You often enter the building.
Cititi cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I see a car.
entrance > [en(r,lnS 1
- intrare
car > [LI 'j
- automobil
bus > l bas]
- autobuz
woman > l "11111,1111
- femeie
side-walk > I,aid"" LI
- trotuar
building > I hil,IIII''''1
- cladire
apartment > 1;'1';' '111l.11111
- apartament
boy > IhOiI
- baiat
Sa repetam acum cuvintele noi intr-o alta ordine; grija sa va corect pronuntia
traducerea lor in limba ramana:
the entrance > [D/i entrims]
- intrarea
the car > [O/a b.'j
- automobilul
the bus > [r)l,1 bas]
- autobuzul
the woman > [IYa"ulllan]
a side-walk > [il"lId"o.kj
- un trotuar
a building > [a - 0 cladire
an apartment > [an <lI,a '(Illant]
- un apartament
a boy > [:1 bOil
- un baiat
- (Noi) Intotdeauna mergem
pana acasa.
- (Eu) conduc des
- Ei au un apartament.
- rar trotuarul.
- Ne uitam la c1adire In
fiecare zi.
- Am 0
- ea
- el
> [ul. 0 !UC/Z gall tll
D/ a halls]
> [Ill. seldam JlIk Et
D/a S3ICi"o.k]
> I "I luk Lt D';I hildll(!
> lalhFvaka']
> J
> [hi
Nu uitati!
In limba engleza folosim cuvantul "to":
to walk >[tuUok] - a se plimba, a merge pe jos
to go > [Iu gau] - a merge
to have > [tuhE\] - a avea
to look > [tu 1uk] - a se uita, a privi
to drive > [tu dI<lIv] - a conduce
to go to > [tLl gall tll] - a merge la
to look at > [tLl lLlk El] - a se uita, a privi la ceva
2. Pentru a desemna 1ntr-o anumita directie (la, spre, catre).
-- ---
Acum unneaza cateva verbe noi. Fiti atenti la pronuntia corecta:
1. Daca preceda verbulla infinitiv.
We always go to the house.
You seldom look at
the side-walk.
Cititi cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii:
lata celelalte pronume personale:
They have an apartment.
We look at the building
every day.
1often drive a car.
1 have a car.
Cititi propozitiile de mai jos; incercati sa Ie pronuntati cat mai corect:
- ea se plimba
- el conduce
- Femeia conduce des

- (EI) vede
- Ea cladirea
in fiecare dimineata.
- el merge
- ea are
- el are
- Femeia merge des
la magazin.
- Strada are trotuar.
- Ea merge la biserica
jn fiecare zi.
- Magazinul are 0
- EI se uita intotdeauna la
- (Eu) merg rar la statia de
- Vedem un baiat 0 femeie.
- Biserica are un turn.
>[DZa stri:t hez a said"o:k]
>[ D/ a hEz atauil']
>[ gilUZ tu
evri dei]
>["i: 5i: a hOI hld a "11Illan]
>[ D/a Uuman ofn gauz
tll a
>[hi: o:l"eiz luks Et
>[I)!a hE;: a do:']
>1 hi )',;Ill/ I
>[ al seldam gau ttl abas
>[ hi: draivz]
>[ "o:ks]
Terminatia -s se pronunta(s] dupa consoanele surde (de exemplu p,
t, k, f):
looks :::{ luks].
Terrninatia -s aflata dupa consoanele sonore se pronunta [z]:
drives >[ draivz].
The woman often drives a car. > [O/a ofn draivz
a b:']
he drives
she walks
He sees the car. > [hI. 51 Z Ol;} ka:
She looks at the building Iliks Et D'a bildm
every mornmg. {'HI Illo:'nin
he has
she has
he goes
Dacii inaintea verbului to go stau pronumele personale he, she sau it, atunci -s prime$te $i vocala
de legiiturii -e. Acesta nu are nici un 1'01 in pronun!ie.
He always looks at
the apartment.
The woman often goes
to a shop.
Pronuntati dar propozitiile urrnatoare:
The shop has a door.
We see a boy and a woman.
La timpul prezent. dupii pronumele personale he, she, it sau substantivele pe care Ie inlocuiesc,
verbul prinJe$te termina!ia -so
The street has a side-walk.
The church has a tower.
She goes to
every day.
I seldom go to a bus station.
Si vcr/1II1 to havc slIji'ui al/IIII/ilc l1IodijiCliri:

Repetati de eateva ori urmatoarele propozitii. Yeti vedea ea in curand Ie veti invata:
by train
> II h'll hi gall! tu a
> [hi hEz nilu ka
sau hi: "o:ks]
> ["en DIC\ trein entalz D' a pLta'
luks Et DZa bildidg)zj
> [pi tCtI ofn gauz tu bl ukarest
hI. gfluz bai tI ein]
> I hi viZlts a taua' Dla talla' hEz a do:']
> I hi \ izits Dlj taua' End luks Et biucarest]
by bus
He visits a church tower. The tower has a door.
When the train enters the station Peter
looks at the buildings.
He has no car, so he walks.
Peter often goes to Bucharest.
He goes by train.
He visits the tower and looks at Bucharest.
1/1 expresia to go to church (a merge]a biserica), inaintea cuvantului church nu articolul.
Then he goes to a shop.
to go by > [tu gau bal] - a calatori, a se deplasa eu
by train > [bal tJClIlj - eu trenul
no > [n<\lI] - nu, niei un, niei 0
so > [Selll] - astfel,
when > ["en] - eand, atunei eand
He has no car. > [hi: hEz nau ka:IJ - EI nu are
in textul de mai sus apar cateva cuvinte noi, Cititi-Ie de mai multe ori pentru a Ie retine:
>the towelS
> an apartment
> the side-\\" Ik
> to look at
>10 dll\c a car
> he goes
>a building
> 1he shoppIng street
>110 bus
> she sees
>to look at the towel
>then [ go
>111<' ,'11111' Ii
>to go
> I 11,1\'1<
>1',1 \1 ,I
>1;111 ,11';1 '1111.11111
>1 iii, 1',111/ I
>1111 [IlL I 11
>11) .1 ',;lId".. L 1
>1111 Til ,III ,I L.J 'I
>[;11 hh]
>[nau b;ls]
>[tu luk Et Dfa taLla']
>[ tLi gau]
>(1)1::1 '''uman ofn luks]
>1 [Y,I k;I.'/j
>[I)fa [S,\.' J
shop magazm shops - magazme >[
street strada streets - strazi >[ stri :ts]
train - tren trains - trenuri >[ treznz]
tower tum towers - tumuri >[taua'z]
car cars - >[ka.'z]
un apartament
a se uita, a privi la

Dupii cum a!i putut observa, in cazul cuwintului buildings, pluralul se formeazii prin adiiugarea
unui -s final.Aceastii regulii este valabilii pentru cele mai multe cuvinte:
Daca gasiti cuvinte care va par necunoscute, atunci recititi prima parte a leqiei.
femeia des
nici un autobuz
strada cu magazine
Pentru prolllln!ia termina!iei -s sunt valabile acelea$i reguli ca $i la verbe.
el merge
Acum sa exersam cuvintele noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie. Yeti intl'ilni aproape
toate cuvintele din leqia 1:
o cladire
a merge
ea vede
apOl merg
a conduce
Semnificaria cuwintului no este nu sau nid un, nid 0 $i dii propozi!iei sens negativ. De aceea
propozi!ia "He has no car." 0 traducem: "Nu are (nici 0)
a privi tumul
astfel intotdeauna > [sau o:l"eIZ] > so alwavs
bisericii > [Dl a do.'] > the ChUll It dool
baiatul > [DLaboil > the boy
o statie de autobuz > [a bas > a bus station
a vizita easa > [tu vizit D/ a halls] > to visit the hou,,
un tren un autobuz > [a trem l:nd a bas J > a train and a bus
vedem in fieeare zi > ["I. SI. eVrI del] > we see every
gara > [rell"el > railway statIon
Cititi urmatoarele euvinte. Vocalele din fieeare eoloana serise eu litere desemneazil
sunet: --..
[ i:] [e] [el] [ 3.] [ au] [ai]
we then train car so by
see enter station apartment no side-walk
street entrance they drive
1.2. Articolul se schimba inaintea substantivelor care incep cu 0 vocala:
- euam
- ea are
- articol nehotarat
- articol hotarilt
she has
I have [ai hEvJ
- Viid biiiatul in fiecare zi.
- Eu il vad des pe haiat.
we see [Ui: si:J - noi vedem
they see [D/ el Sl. J - ei vad
an apartment [an apa:'tmant]
the entrance [011 entransJ
III vezi
-eu merg
-el merge
- ell vad
[a bas]
[Ill: Sl: J
[ al si: J
I;ll gauJ
a bus
the car
you see
he goes
she visits I '> I \ i/II', I ea viziteaza
he opens 1111 :l1I1"1/ I eJ deschide
the woman looks
the boy walks
I 1) ,I IWI ",I "s]
baiatul se plimba
I see the boy every day.
I go
I often see the boy.
IA. Daca inaintea verbului se alla pWlllImele "he" sau "she" sau substantive proprii sau
comune, atunci verbul primqk Icrminatia ,,-s":
Pronumele personal "I" - "Cll" sc scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare.
in acest caz "a" devine "an" I ;1I1J, iar articolul hotarat "the" se pronunta [DziJ.
1.1. In limba engleza, articolele stau inaintea substantivelor:
1.3. Daca inaintea verbului se ana pronumele ,,1, you, we, they" sau cuvinte care Ie inlocuiesc,
atunci fonna verbului nu sc schimba.
1.5. In cazul verbelor ,,10 go" "to have" are loc 0 alta schimbare, daca sunt precedate
.de pronumeJe "he" sau "she":
1.6. Cuvintele "often, always, seldom" stau inaintea verbului, in schimb "every day", "every
morning" se giisesc fie la inceputul, fie la propozitiei; de exemplu:
A Reguli gramaticale
Alte semne pe care Ie Intalniti de-a lungullectiilor:
1.8. Pluralul substantivelor se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei ,,-s":
-Ia hotel
- a vedea
to see
to the hotel
a building - buildings
a tower - towers [taua'z]
a car - cars [ka:rz]
a shop - shops
[-s] [-z]
looks [ luks] drives [
walks ["o ks] has [hEz]
visits [ viZlls] opens [aupll71
shops towers [taua'/l
streets [Sill Is] cars [ka'/]
r La pronuntia sunetului "r" in limba engleza, limba nu vibreaza, 11Ir "r"-lil de la
cuvantului se pronunta complet, doar In cazul In carc cstc lIrlllat de un
cuvant care Incepe cu 0 vocala. In transcrierea fonetica am folosit nota\ia [']
lata cateva exemple de consoane sonore echivalentele lor sur-de In cuvintc I
Intelesul difera datorita faptului ca sunet se pronunta 0 data sonm, apoi surd.
Controlati In care din cazuri vibreaza corzile vocale In care cazuri nll vibrcaza:
DZ Este varianta pe care am folosit-o pentru a nota varianta sononl a grupului "th"
din limba engleza.
1.7. Particula "to" atunci cand se aDa Inaintea verbului, indica infinitivul, dar folosit ca
prepozitie, inseamna "Ia, in, spre".
1.9. Daca un cuvant se termina Intr-un din consoanele surde, (de exemplu, "k, f, p, 1")
atunci telminatia "s" se pronunta [-s]. Daca un cuvant se termina Intr-o consoana sonora,
sau Intr-o vocala, atunci terminatia ,,-s" se pronunta [-z].
1.10. Dupa cum ati putut observa, exista 0 mare diferenta Intre limba scrisa cea vorbita.
Unele sunete nu se rostesc clar, exceptie Iacand doar cele din silabele acccni \llIlc. Acest
lucru are 0 mare semnificatie in pronuntia propozitiilor. Vocala silabci acccntuate
este tiparita de exemplu: [entrans]
Rezolvati trimiteti pentm verificare urmatoarele exercitii:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba ramana:
I. I often ga by bus.
2. She has no car.
3. So she visits the bay every day.
4. We have an apartment.
5. He seldam gaes to the shopping streets.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Baiatul deschide rar
2. (EI) se plimba intatdeauna pana la turn.
3. Ai (a)
4. (Eu) merg des cu trenuJ.
5. (Nai) vedem cladirea.
C. Alegeti raspunsul carect incerclIi(i litera corespunzataare (exista un singur raspuns careet,
de exemplu: la, 2c etc.):
l. Care este cuvantulla care 1I1111na lilerll se pronunta [-z]?
a. side-walks
b. shops
c. stations
d. streets
2. Care este propozi(ia corcc!a'!
a. I often go and she go.
b. He has and she has.
c. We seldom goes and he goes.
d. I look and we looks.
3. Care este propozitia
a. She has an car.
b. We have a car.
c. They have an apartment.
d. He has a car.
Sa repetam cuvintele, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Incepem lectia cu setul de cuvinte noi:
Pronuntia sunetului [LJ este 0 vocaHi care nu are corespondent In Iimba
romfma (vezi la pagina 9); se situeaza 'intre "e" "a". Se prommV' "c" cu
gura deschisa larg ca pentru "a": >[ trEfik], > [tEktari].
" "
hotel > [hautel] - hotel
room > [ru:m] - camera
window > ["inclau] - fereastra
restaurant > - restaurant
[restro: nt)
traffic > [trEfik] - circulatie
bicycle > [baisikl] - bicicleta
school > [sku:1] -
factory > [tEktari] - fabrica, uzina
office > [OflS] - birou, oficiu
school > [sku:1] -
office > [OtIS] - birou, oficiu
factory > [tEktari] - fabrica, llzina
restaurant > [restarant] - restaurant
[ restro:nt)
hotel > [hautel] - hotel
room > [null] - camerll
window > [Uindau] - fereastra
traffic > [trEfik] - circula\ic
bicycle > [baisikl] - bicicleHt
Acum va propunem unnatorul exercitiu. Cititi cu voce tare cuvintele de mai jos:
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozi(ii. Cititi-le cu voce tare verificati-va pronuntia:
- Camera are 0 fereastra.
- Mergem rar in fabrica.
- Vedem circulatia.
- Am 0 bicicleta.
- Mergi rar la restaurant.
- El vede un hotel.
- 0 un birou.
>11 )'" III III III / ,I "il1d<lllJ
>1 "I ,,('1,1,1111 1'.111 III IYa
>1"1',1 I) ,1111,111,1
>1111 ;,('ltI,1I11 1'.1l1 111 ,I
I (",I, \ I ,II \ I I
>1111 "1 ,. ,I \',1111('11
>1:1""" I I 11,1.\11 011\ I
factory > - fabrica, uzina
>[IIII11J - camera
> I"illdau] - fereastra
traffic > 1111'I]k] - circulatie
restaurant > 1I(':-,1;11 al1t1 - restaurant
office > lolls I - birou, oficiu
school > 1 :-,kll II -
hotel >111,1111('11 - hotel
bicycle > 1h:II',ILJ 1 - bicicleta
We seldom go to the factory.
We see the traffic.
He sees a hotel.
The room has a window.
You seldom go to a
A school and an office.
I have a bicycle.
Cu unniitorul exercitiu puteti veri fica daca v-ali cuvintcle noi. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte
din limba romana in limba engleza:
fabrica, uzina > I,ll 1"1 \' >[ fEktariJ
camera > II \('"1 >[rll:mJ
fereastra > II'II\(I,,\\' >[ L1indauJ
circulatie >tl,IIII' >[ trEtlkJ
restaurant > 1,';,1.1111.1\11 >[ restarillltJ
birou, oficiu > oil \( \'
>[ ofisJ
> S\ \'0,,1
hotel > holl'! >[ hautel J
bicicleta > IJIl:yck >[baislklJ
Cititi unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza. Fiti atenti la sensullor:
- in, la, inauntrul
- aproape, in preajma, aproape de,
- de asemenea
- Acesta este un birou.
- Aceasta este 0 static.
- Acesta este un hotc1.
- Este 0 bicicleta in cas:!.
- In apropierea s(a!ici sc afla
o fabrica.
- Este 0 intrare
in cladire.
- Este 0 fereastra In camera.
- Acesta este un reS(i\l\l ant.
- Acesta este un birOlI.
- Este 0 in
>[ olsau]
> [It 1Z a hautel]
> [it 1Z a
> [It IZ an O[IS]
>[DZearz a"indau In
DZa ru.m]
>[DZea' IZ an entrans
in DZa bildm(g)]
> [D7ea' lZ a bUlsikl in
DZa haus]
> I [Year lZ a fEktan TIl a'
>[DZea'z a sku lilia'
>[lt5;1Il OIISJ
"acesta este" sau "acela este" in limba engleza se reda prin: "it is" III 1/ J.
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii unnariti traducerea lor:
Unneaza alte cuvinte noi:
It is a station.
It's an office.
It's a restaurant.
It is a hotel.
"este, se afla, exista" se traduce in limba engleza prin: there is [Olea' 1/ I.
Incepem propozitia cu aceasta constructie cand vrem sa exprimam ca
ceva este, exista. Propozitia este completa daca raspunde la intrebarea
"unde?". Inaintea substantivului sta articolul "a", iar inaintea adverbului
de loc sta articolul "the".
It is an office.
There is a bicycle in
the house.
There's a window in
the room.
lata diteva exemple:
There is a factory near
the station.
There's a school near
the station.
There is an entrance
in the building.
in mod curent, expresia it is se prescurteaza it's [ItsJ, tot astfel expresia there is: tltt'J'e'sll ) (.I
z] .
Acum veti invQ!a toateformele conjugate ale \lcrbului aft - to be I1II hI: I:
In urmatoarele propozitii yeti Intiilni cateva dintre cuYintele noi. Cititi propozitiile In limba rorpiina
Incercati sa Ie traduceti In limba engleza:
in urmatoarele propozitii Yeti regasi cuYintele expresiile noi. Cititi propozitiile, fiind atenti la
- Este un hotel In
apropierea statiei.
- tu yezi
- Este un Miat In casa.
- Aceasta nu este 0
> [ai ofn si: DZa boiz]
> [D/ea' a baisikl
in D/
> ["i: olueiz gau niii'
DZa sku:l]
> alsau vizits DZa uuman
everi dei]
> [07a bildin
iz not
an oris]
> [IYea' a hautel nia'
Of a
> I ill: olsbll si: aka:']
> IIVe;\'/. a boi in
1)/;1 h;llls]
> Ills not a sku:l] It's not a school.
You also see the car.
There's a boy in the house.
There's a hotel near
the station.
Mergem intotdeauna > WL' ,i1I\ .I\S!-'O lIear
In apropierea the s,' hoo I
Ii yad des pe baieti. > I orlL"11 ",c tlic hoys.
Este 0 bicicleta In cladire. > Thcl,"" ;1 "ICicle
in I hc' I>I111<lll1g
Cladirea nu este un oficiu. > Th,' Illllidlll.I' I', IJ<II
;111 or! \C('
ea 0 Yiziteaza In fiecare zi > Shc ,liso IISI1': thl' woman
pe femeie. c)'c'\ \' d,l\"
lam - eu sunt > 1.11 lilll I am > [ai Em]
you are - tu dumneaYoastra sunte\i > [Ill. ;\.'J you are > [ill: a:
he is - el este > [hi: \z] he is >[hi:iz]
she is - ea este > iz] she is
it is - acesta, asta este (genul neutru) >[itiz] it is >[itiz]
weare - noi suntem > ["i: a:'] we are > [Ui: a:']
you are - yoi sunteti, durnneayoastra sunteti > [ill: 3:'] you are > [iu: a:'J
they are - ei sunt >[D/cia'] they are > [D/ei ;1 ' I
Sa exersam verbul "to be". Cititi Cll voce tare urmatoarele propozitii:
Traduceti in limba engJeza urmatoarele propozitii. Nu uitati sa folosili pronumele persollal, dl:oarece
in limba engleza pronumele nu se omite:
- Noi suntem in
- Ei sunt baieti.
- Sunteti in
- Aceasta este 0
You are a boy. > [ItI ;1.',11'"1\
- Tu baial.
She is in the street. > I 1/ 11\ I) ,I stlI:tJ
- Ea este pe strada.
> I am in the otlice.
> They are in the sll l:cl.
> We are near the school.
> She IS a woman.
> You are in Bucharest
> He is in the room.
Ea este a femeie.
Ei sunt pe strada.
It is a car. >
[it iz aka:']
We are in the building. >
lUi: a.' in D/ a bildin(gl]
You are In Bucharest. >
[iu: a:'in biUcarcst]
They are boys. >
[D'zei ar boiz]
El este in camera.
Sunteti la
(Noi) suntem in apropierea
(Eu) sunt in birou.
He is near the door. > [hl: iz nla' DZa do.')
- El este langa
1am in the house. > [ai Em m D7ahalls]
- Eu sunt in casa.
lar acum yom folosi aceste verbe in propozitii. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu verbele
care lipsesc. Folositi filtrul
$i celelalte forme ale verbului to be asel1uinator lui it is, se pot prescurta:
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind f()l"Jnele prescurtate:

> It is a station.
> You are near the station.
> You're in Bucharest.
> I'Ill in the office.
> She's a woman.
> He's in the room.
> We' re near the school.
> Ihey're ill the street.
> \'''11 ;11<' Ill:;!r tile statioll
> II is;1 s(;lliull.
> TI1l"\" re III the street.
- She always >gets [gets] a room in the hotel.
- He often >waits ["eits] near the school.
- 1seldom >speak [spi:k].
- We >work ["a:lk] in Predeal.
- They >like [lalk] the
aproape de static.
Aceasta este 0 statie.
Lor Ie place femeia.
Lucram la Predeal.
El este in camera.
Ea intotdeauna obtine 0 camera la hotel.
El des in apropierea
Vorbesc rar.
Ei sunt in strada.
aproape de statie.
Ei sunt in strada.
Acum sa invaVim ciiteva verbe noi:
Sunt in birou.
Suntem in apropierea
to work > 1111 ";\ '1,1 - a lucra
to get > IIU - a primi, a obtine
to know > 11UIl<lU] - a a
to wait > [tu"ed] - a
to speak > l tu spik] - a vorbi
to like > [tu laik] - a(-i) placea, a indragi
Aceasta este 0 statie.
Sunteti la
Ea este 0 feme ie,
lam - I'm > [all11]
you are - you're > [iua
she is - she's >
he is - he's > [hi:z]
it is - it's > [its]
weare - we're > ["ia
you are - you're > [iua
they are - they're > [Dlei']
UrmiHoarele expresii se folosesc destul de des:
Completati verbele care lipsesc din textul in Iimba engleza:
in exercitiul urmator, exersati-va inca 0 data pronuntia traducerea:
>[hl olil g,lll/ III I) " 11.1111<'11
>[11l: iz 111 1)/,1 III III I
scld.lIII Illk , I I
D/ a k.l'/I
>[al Spl k III I) .1 1',,1 1'1 I I
111() 'nlll
>[L11: 0 1'\'1/ "1'1 I) ,I III 1111
>[hl: "\.1h III ' I) ,I 111'111
\.'\'\\ dell
- She >lJkes to llalks tll] go to Bucharest.
- He >works in ["a:'ks m] the oHice,
- We always >.vait for [Ueit 1'0 'I the bus,
> 1Je often goes to the hote I.
> lie IS 111 the roOIll
> Sill' sL'll!ol111ooks at
the C,II',
> \Ve ail, ays ,!el th\.' 100111,
> He \\-alts I'm the 11',!II1
every d'lY.
> I sp\.'ak tIl 111l' boy
C\ ('J) \11\\\ \1\1\).'.
Lucreaza In birou.
to wo'rk at/in > l tu "a:'k Et/ll1] - a lucra la
to wait for > [tu "el t fa,'] - a pe cinev", ceva
to speak to >[tllspd] - a vorbi Cll cineva
to like to > [tu lalk tll] - a-i placea sa faca ceva
intotdeauna autobuzul.
Intotdeauna primim camera.
El merge des la hotel.
Ea se uita rar la
El se afla in camera.
Traduceti In limba engleza propozitiile de mai jos. La nu uitati sa va verilical i ll'llducerea
Ii place sa mearga la
El trenul
in fi ecare zi.
to work in a factory >(tu lJa:'k 111 d IlJJan] - a lucra intr-o fabrica
to get a bicycle >[tu get ,I balslkll - a primi 0 bicicletil
to like to speak >[tll 1<1Ik tll spl.kJ - a-i placea sa vorbeasca
to wait for a bus >[tll LICit Co:' a bas] - a un autobu/
to speak to a boy >[tll sJ!l.k tu a bOI] - a vorbi cu un biliat
to know the entrance >[tu nau D7j entJans] - a intrarca
Vorbese eu baiatul
in fieeare dimineata.
In expresiile to go to work (a merge la mUllcd) ,\'i to go to school (a merge la !jcoala) omitem articolul,
ca!ji In cazul expresiei to go to church (a merge la biserica) .
to drive > IIII dr;lfl I - a conduce
driver > Idlafl ;,' I - conducator auto
to speak > Illl SI)IJ.: I - a vorbi
a speech > I;, 'phi - vorbire, discurs
- a se plimba
- munca
- 0 plimbare
- a lucra
- merge la plimbare in fiecare zi.
- Este un discurs.
- Ei vorbesc despre orice.
- Noi mergem sa lucram in fiecare dimineala.
> It's ncar the school. > [its nij' D7a sku:l]
> J orten go to church. > [ai ofn gau tLl
> There is a factory in Buzau, > [D"ea' izj fEkEui in buziiu]
> I Ilk,' 10 work, > [ai laik tu"a:'k]
> I Ie ;J1so kllOws the hotel. > [hi: olsau nauz DZii hautel]
> I ;J1:;o c'IIll'l the building > [at olsau enta' D7a bildin
CI CI \ IIIOrJlIllg, {'vri mO:'nin(gl]
> ,\/rl' "IIL'I! by bus. > ofn gilliz baf bas]
el hoteluL
Este aproape de
Merg des la biserica.
Este 0 fabrica la Buzau.
Imi place sa lucrez.
eu intru in cladire
in fiecare dimineala.
Ea merge des cu autobuzul.
to walk > I III "0 kI
a walk > l a "0 J.: I
to work > [Ill ";1 'J.:
work > [";1'1,1
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii:
Unele verbe au aceea!ji forma ca !jf suhstalltivele:
Exista !ji substantive pe care Ie formam dill verhe:
We go to work every morning.
The driver goes for a walk every day.
There is also a speech.
They speak about everything.
in the morning
> [111 [)/a mO:'nll1(gl]
- dimineata (ca perioada de limp)
red > lied]
five > [fa/v] - cinci
good > [gud] - bun
evening > [i.vnm
] - seanl
bad > [bEd] - rau
two >1
.1 - doi
> !1ll0 '11111
- dimincaja
there > [I l'Ld') - acolo
in the evening > lin D'I i:\JlIJl1"lj
- scanl (ca per!oada de limp)
white > ["a'l) - alb
- dimincata (ca pCllOada de timp)
- dimineata
- searii
- seara (ca perioada de limp)
- alb
- bun
- rau
- acolo (cuvantul cste
adverb de lac, de aCl:ca sc afla la
- cwei
- doi
> [mo:'nin
> [i: Vllll1(g)j
> [gud]
> [red]
> [Ill D/I i:vnin
> ["a't]
> [ fa/v]
> [bEd]
> [tlL]
in the morning
lata cateva cuvinte noi:
in the evening
Acum citili cuvintele invajate antenor, intr-o alta ordine:
> good school
> five windows
> ncar the red tower
> two evenings
> bad work
- I often go >therc l Olea'].
- He often walks >in the evening [in D/i
i: vnin
- She is not in Bucharest >in the morning
[in D'a mo:'nin
- She's a >bad [bEd] woman.
- The dri ver also has a >red [red] car.
-It's a >good [gud] speech.
- I see >two [tu:] boys near the school.
- They also have >five [faiv] cars.
- We see the >white ["ait] building.
> l hl.d ";, 'k I
El se plimba des seara.
Ea este 0 femeie rea.
ei au cinci
are 0
Merg des acolo.
In exercitiul care unneaza, cuvintele din limba romana trebuie traduse In limba engleza:
Ea nu este In dimineata.
Vad doi baieti in apropierea
Acesta este un discurs bun.
Completati propozitiile In limba engleza:
Noi vedem cladirea alba.
langa turnul
munca grea
cinci ferestre
doua seri
In magazinul alb > 1111 [)':I "aft J > in the white shop
nu dimineata > [not in IYa mo:'nin
] > not in the morning
I este un baiat rau.
> [hiz a bEd boi] > He's a bad boy.
I ':1I merge des la lucru.
hllll nlU
el esle in alba.
1111 St'arll
a 11Il'1':I intr-ull birotl
> ofn gi:llIZ tu "a:'k)
> [gud End bEd]
> [hi: iz ii!S,lll in IYa
"ait hildin,glJ
> I III ":I:'k III :11, ollsJ
> She often goes to work:
> good and bad
> He is also in the white
> not in the evening
> to work in an oHice
Repetati cu voce tare:
Citind eu voce tare, invatati mai mult dedit ati erede.
Peter likes to go to school. When he enters the building he goes to a 1'1I011I, Then he
opens the red window and looks at the boys and girls in the street.
He also likes to go to the hotel. He knows five rooms in the hotl'!.
You go to the restaurant every day. John waits for you in the cwning. I often see you in
the traffic.
We go to school in the evening
There's a good hotel In The hotel has a white entrancc. The hoft'! also has a
restaurant; it's a good restaurant. I work there. I like there. I like 10 work there. I go
there in the morning.
John also likes to go to the restaurant. He goes there every day.
There's a church in the shopping street.
I know the church. It's near the railway station. We go there every mOl'lling.
I often go to school by bus. I know the driver. He likes the traffic in thc
I go to work by bicycle. I always see Peter. He walks on the sidc-w:dk IIr goes to
in aeeasta parte a leqiei nu mai introdueem materie noua; doar repetam eeea ee am invll\at pana aeum.
Cu ajutorul exercitiulul de citire yeti invata care este structura unei propozitii In limba engleza.
Va veti mult mai repede expresiile eonstruetia propozitiei. in acest fel, yeti inva(a kCllile din
ce in ce mai repede mai
Cititi dar, pronuntand cat mai corect urmatorul dialog. Repetati exercitiul pana cand IHI VL(I l11ai fa,
niei a Daca nu sunteti siguri In legatura cu pronuntia unul cuvant, cautati-l In vocahularul de
la eaietului de curs. Pentru pronuntiei. am tiparit silabele accentuate culikrc
Repetarea permanentii a material ului asigura consolidarea dar utilizarea lor eu
Dupa un timp veti observa ea nu mai trebuie sa faceti eforturi pentru a va aminti un clIv[mt sau topiea
unei propozitii.
Folositi filtrul Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii, apoi verificati-va.
Acum repetati tot ce ati invatat pana acum. Daca nu sunteti siguri de pronuntia sau intelesul unul
cuvant, cautali-l in vocabularul de la caietului de curs.
Efectuati tema pentru acasa numai dupa ce ati rezolvat acest exercitiu, tara Daca nu ati
nu intrati in panica; citili de mai multe ori propozitiile in limba romana reveniti asupra elementelor
de gramatica sau de vocabular care va ridica inca proQleme:
> The boy often looks at the tower.
> Then she goes to work.
> There's traffic in the street.
> In the evening she waits for the car.
> He sees two windows.
> She knows the work.
> Barbara always opens the door.
> He often goes to church.
> There's a red and a white entrance.
> He likes to go to the tower.
> The house is near the church.
> They also visit the office every day.
> She seldom looks at the traffic.
> Barbara always drives the red car.
> Then they go by car.
Ea rar circulatia.
Ea munca.
Este 0 intrare in una in alb.
EI vede doua ferestre.
Baiatul se uita des la turn.
Este circulatie pe strada.
Dupa aceea ea merge sa lucreze.
Barbara conduce intotdeauna
Barbara deschide intotdeauna
$i ei viziteaza biroul in fiecare zi.
Lui ii place sa mearga la turn.
EI merge des la biserica.
Seara ea
Casa este aproape de biserica.
Dupa aceea ei merg cu
Lui ii place sa conduca
> He likes to drive a car.
Intotdeauna desehid
> 1 always open the door.
j n fiecare zi te plimbi pana la cladire.
( 'i'\lId Ie privim
I' ircula\ia de pe strada.
Sl'ara ca merge intotdeauna cu autobuzul.
I\POI ca mcrge la gara.
III ll'sl:llIrallt ea cu baiatul.
Ilaiallllilingl" eu trcnul in fiecare diminea\:1.
0l"o,da l'sll' ill Strada Sla\iei.
> You walk to the building every day.
> When we wait for you we look at the
traffic in the street.
> In the evening she always goes by bus.
> Then she goes to the railway station
> In the restaurant she speaks to the hoy.
> Thl" boy goes by train every lTIornillv.
> The school is in Station Street.
> There is also a factory ncar thl" sl:lIioll
urmatoarele cuvinte. Literele din fieeare coloana tiparite cu caractere dcscmneaza
Dupa aceea merge cu trenul vede hotelurile
EI deschide intotdeauna birou1
cu Peter.
> He always opens the Uj'lllT
and speaks to Peter.
> Tom works there.
> The factory also has ullll'C
> Tom often waits for Petel
> It" s a bad car.
> He is in the ShOpplllg stlcl'l
> John is not in the apal tllll'lll
> ] walt for John every day
> He seldom looks at the eli'
> Tom has a good car.
> It's a Rolls Royce,
> He also has two red blcyck '
> Then he goes by train ami ',ll' III\" Illllcls
and the restaurants.
> In the evening he visits Illil 11.11\ I
fabrica are un birou.
Tom lucreaza acolo.
Este a proasta.
EI este pe strada cu magazine.
Tom il des pe Peter.
John nu este In apartament.
iJ pe John in fiecare zi.
El rar
Tom are a buna.
EI viziteaza seara
Acesta este un Rolls Royce.
E1 are doua biciclete
2.5. Uncle verbe Ie folosim des in combina\ie cu anumite cuvinte:
2.2. in unniitoarele expresii nu se articol:
2.4. Formele conjugate ale verbului ,,10 be" (a fi) variantele prescurtate sunt urmatoarele:
- a merge la
- a merge la biserica
- a merge la lucru
- Este 0 pe strada.
- Ea luereaza acolo.
- a pe cineva, ceva
- a vorbi eu cineva
- a lucra undeva
- EI 0 Intotdeauna pe Barbara.
- Vorbim eu Peter in fiecare zi.
to go to church
to go to work
to go to school
There is a red car in the street.
She works there.
to drive - a conduce driver - ;;ofer, conducator auto
to speak - a vorbi speech - discurs, vorbire
to work - a lucra work - munca
to walk - a se plimba walk - plimbare
to enter - a intra in, a in entrance - intrare
We speak to Peter every day.
to wait for
to speak to
to work at/in
lam I'm - ell slInt we are we're noi suntem
you are you're - tu e$tl, dumneata you are you're voi sunteti
- dUl11ncavoastrii sunte\i
he is he's - el estc they are they're - ei sunt
she is she's - ea cstc
it is it's - acesta, asta este
He always waits for Barbara.
Daca cuvantul "there" se afla la propozitiei, are rol de adverb de loc se traduce
2.1. "Acesta este" sau "acela este" se traduce In limba engleza prin "it is"l it if I . Accs!:! sc
prescurteaza In vorbire, dar in scris; astfel, scrierea corecta pronuntia este "it's"! '1:;1 .
2.3. Dad vrem sa exprimam eil ceva cste, exista, folosim expresia "there is", a carei forma
prescUliata este "there's".
2.6. lata ciiteva substantive formate din verbe:
Rezolvati trimiteti spre verificare unnatoarele exercitii:
Indicatiile referitoare la rezolvarea temei modul lor de trimitere Ie gasiti in indrulllarul de la
caietului de curs:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. Is he near the railway station?
2. No, he always goes by bus.
3. The driver waits for Peter every morning.
4. He also likes to speak to Barbara.
5. There's a good restaurant in the hotel.
6. I walk to work every day.
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Ea merge des seara la restaurant.
2. Vedem gara in fiecare zi.
3. Camera are ferestre.
4. Fabrica este in apropierea oficiului.
5. Cunosc cladirea alba.
6. In fabrica este un birou.
C. Construiti propozitii in limba engleza folosind cuvintele de mai jos:
I. like to, I, drive, car, a
2. the driver, often, speak to, we
3. by car, she, goes, every day, to work
4. has, windows, the building, five
- un (articol nehotariH)
- sunt
- la fel ... de asemenea
- bicicleta
- cladire
- Intotdeauna, mereu
- baiat
- sunte\i, suntem, sunt
- rau
- un (articol nehotarat, se
Inaintea cuvintelor care Incep
cu 0 vocala)
- bloc
- de autobuz
- apartament
- autobuz
- turn de biserica
- automobil
- biserica
- cu, pe (a calatori)
- a intra In, a patrunde In
- a conduce
- intrare
- seara (ca perioada de timp)
- seara
- conducator auto
- fiecare, toate
- fiecare zi
- fabrica, uzina
> [tll bl.l
> [apa:'tJll;ln\ I
> [End]
> [a:']

> (alia']
> [do:']
>[tll ellta']
> [b;\/]
> [ba/slkll
> [bo/]
> [in IYi i\1l111','lj
> [dra/va']
> [entrails]
> [tLl dra/v]
a >ldj
am > l EmJ
an >[<lnl
to be
bus station
to enter
to drive
in the evening
every day
, ,
church tower
five > [fa/v] -cmci
to get > [tLiget] - a primi, a obtine
to go > [tu gall] - a merge
to go to > [tu gau tLl] - a merge la
good > [gud] - bun
to have > [tu h\] - a avea
he > [hi:] - el
he's > [hl:z] - el este
hotel > [hautel] - hotel
house > [haus] - casa
> [a/]
I'm > [aim] - eu sunt
III > [111] - in, la, inauntruJ
IS > [IZ] - este, e
it > [It] - acesta, asta (pentrll obiectc, notiuni
abstracte, animalc, gellul neutru)
it's > [ItS] - asta este
to know > [tLi Hau]
- a a
to like > [tLi lark] - a(-i) placea, a i'ndragi
to like to > [Ill laik tu] - a-i placea sa faea eeva
to look > [tu lllk] - a privi, a se lIita
to look at > [tLl luk Et] - a se uita la, a privi la
> [Illo:'nin(g)]
- dimineaFI
in the morning
> [in DZa mo:rnin(g)]
- dimineala (ca pcrioada de timp)
near > I ilia'] - aproape, 111 preajma
no > [Ilau] - nu, I1ICI 1111, l1ici 0
not > [noll - nu
office > [otis] - biroll, oliciu
often > [oftan], [ofn] - des
to open > [tu aUfln] - a dcschide, a desface
railway > [reil"ei] - cale ferata
railway station > [led"el - gara
red > [red]
(ower > [tawl']
> [trEfik]
> [Ireln]
Iwo > 111I1
(0 vi:;i( > [Ill \'i/ill
(0 wail
:- 1111",/11
to wait lor
'. 1III ", '/1 [" ' 1
to see
shopping street
to speak
to speak to
> llestarant],[restro:nt]
> [ru:m]
> [skull
> [IU si:]
> [seld:ull]
> lsi]
> [sopin"'l stri:l]
> l s:)/d"() LI
>[Iu spiLJ
> [Spl"]
> [slci:;n]
> [slii I I
> I [)Iell]
> [IYea']
> [[Yea'z]
> lD/el]
> [D"el']
> [tll]
- restaurant
- camera
- a vedea
- rar
- ea
- ea este
- magazlll
- cumparaturi
- strada cu magazine
- trotuar
- astfel,
- a vorbi
- a vorbi cu cineva, cuiva
- vorbire, discurs
- statie
- strada
- (articol hotariit)
- atunci, dupa aceea, apoi
- acolo
- acolo este
- ei, ele
- ei/ele sunt
- 1. la, spre, catre
2. indica modul infinitival
verbelor; de exemplu: to speak
- circulatie
- tren
- a vizita, a merge la
- a
.. a pe cineva, ceva
to walk > [tu uu.k] - a merge pe jos, a se plimba
walk :> ["o:k] - plimbare
we > [Ui'] -noi
we're >[Uia'] - noi suntem
when > [lien] - dnd, atunci cand
white > [t/att] - alb
window > ["ind:H1] - fereastra
woman > [" umim] - femeie, solie
to work >[tu"a"k] - a lucra
to work in/at > [tll "a"k ,nlEt] - a lucra la
work >(Ua.kJ -munca
you > [ill: 1 - tu, voi, dumneavoaslra
you're > [ilia'] - tu e ~ t i voi suntc\i,
dumneata e ~ t i
dumneavoastra SlII11c(i
1'n cazuri/e in care aufost prezentate dOUG prol1un(ii d ~ e r i t e pentru ace/a!j! cuwln(. 11IS('(1I1II1U cd pot
fi folosite ambele variante.
Deseori, intre probei de zeee mii de metri restul eoneurentilor e 0 diferenta de
doar ciitiva metri.
Aeesta este rezultatul unui antrenament mai sustinut, al unui mod de viata mai sanatos si al unei ..'
, "
pregatiri mai laborioase. faetori hotarase rezultatul final ii difcrentiaza pc de
Dumncavoastra a\i hotanit sa partieipati sa absolvi(i eursul dc limba cngleza pentru ineepatori,
pentrll a fi mai bine pregatit pentru restul vietii. Exersa\i in ficcarc zi un sfert de ora! Nu este
mult, dar cstc foarte important sa faeeti aeest lueru eonsecvent sistematico Nu va pierdeti
elanul Inlllpta ell grijilc cotidiene nu va abateti de la Invii\arca zilnica. In eunind yeti eonstata
ca cforturile dlll11nCavoastru dau rczultate. Veti fi mai l11ai dc persoanele straine,
yeti plltca vedca fill11e, yeti putea eiti in limba engleza. acestei limbi de eireulatie
international a va poate influenta aetivitatea profesionalil, precllm alte domenii ale vietii
dumneavoastra, indiferent daea este yorba de petreeerea limplIllii liber, de viata soeiala sau de
aveti numai de
Va ureaza mult sueees,
Profesorul dumneavoastra
Copyright by
EUROCOR - Institutul European de Cursuri prin Coresponden1ii S. R. L.
1. va rugam, rezolvarea temei pentru acasa numai dupa ce par-curs
intregul material, ati repetat cuvintele ati rezolvat tara grqeli ultimele exercitii
de verificare. Inainte de a incepe rezolvarca acesteia va recomandam sa studiati cu
atentie sa recititi inca 0 data textul, urmarind reguli1e pe care reeapitularea Ie
accentueaza prin punetare.
2. Atunei cand Invatam olimba straina, aceasta trebuie exersata repetata eu
perseverenta cu care am Invatat sa mcrgem. In acest seop v-au fost propuse 0 serie
de exereitii. Va sugeram sa revedeti din cand "in dnd materialul deja parcurs. In
scurt timp, eursantul se va convinge di accsl lucru nu cste lipsit de sens. Tema
implica intotdeauna repetarea materiei din Icqiile anterioare. cu
acest mod de lucru, care, in mod spontan tara eforturi deosebite, va
improspateaza consolideaza Pentru a putea obtine rezultate in
invatarea limbilor straine cu ajutorull11etodei noastre, nu aveti nevoie de un talent
deosebit. Chiar cei care sunt mai putini receptivi in invatarea lil11bilor straine,
vor ajunge dupa cateva luni de studiu la un nivella care nici nu au sperat.
Deci, fiti gata de lucru!
3. Propunerea cste sa Incepeti rezolvarea temei folosind ciorna. Va fi l11ai
sa va corccta\i sfl propuncti mai multe posibile raspunsuri, iar la sa
alcgeti varianta care vi sc parc a fi cea l11ai buna.
4. Transcrieti tema "pc curat" doar cand sunteti siguri de rezolvare. Pentru trimiterea
temelor folositi forn1Ularele tiparite in acest scop.
5. Nu uitati sa va scrieti numele, prenumele, adresa, codul profesorului numarul
de cursant sub care ati fost inregistrat. Acesta din urma se in scrisoarea care
confinna participarea dvs. la curs.
6. Va rugam scrieti citet!
7. Alaturati temei pentru acasa un plic timbrat autoadresat. In acest plic yeti primi
tema corectata.
8. Este foartc important Sil nola\i pc plic numarul de cursant sub care ati fost
9. In cazul In t:al"l: WlllaIH!a\i matcrialc noi de curs, sau aveti alte cereri legate de
rcla(iilc t:u puhliclIl, st:ric(i-Ic scparal pe 0 foaie de bartie trimiteti-le pe adresa
noastra ImprcLilla t:1I lcma. In wI\lIl din stflllgajos al scrisorii, scrieti "Relatii cu
1O. Dumneavoastra suntcti cel care termenul de trnmtere a temei.
Independent de acesta, lUCl-area dUl11neavostra va fi intotdeauna controlata
retrimisa de catre profesor.
Veti vedea, eforturile dumneavoastra vor fi rasplatite. Va dorim mult succes!
Ineepem eu invatarea catorva euvinte noi:
Iar aeum sa exersam intr-o alta ordine euvintele noi impreuna eu
artieolul. Rcpetati:
town >[taun]
table > [teibl] - masa
clock >[klok] - eeas, orologiu
on > [on] - pe
day > [dei] - Zl
girl >[ga:rl] - fata
time > [taim] - timp, vreme
afternoon > [a:ftarnu :n]
- dupa-amiaza
mother >[maDZa']
- mama
usually > [iu:juaJi] - de obieei,
in mod
the day > r dci] -ZlUa
usually ;;. IlIljllali I - de obieci,
III mod
a table > I a (tilll] - omasa
the afternoon > [O/i a:fht'nu:n]
- dupa-amiaza
the mother > [DZa maDZa
- mama
the time > [DZa taim]
- timpul, vremea
a town > [a taun] - un
on > [on] - pe
a clock > [a klok]
- un eeas, un orologiu
a girl >[aga:'l] - 0 fata
---------------- --_.. -------------
- Aceasta este 0 zi buna.
- dupa-amiaza
- Mama se uita de obicei
la ceas.
- ceasul de pc masa
- baiatul fata
> [it iz a gud dell
> [maDZa
iu:juaiJ luks
Et DZa klok]
> [DZa bOI End DZa ga: rI]
> [DZa klok on D'a teibl]
Dupa cum ati observat, inaintea cuvantului "mother" nu este
necesara folosirea articolului.
I have no time to visit > [al hEy taim ttl vizit - Nu am timp sa 0 vizitez pe
Barbara. ba"bla] Barbara.
He goes to school 1D > l hl: ga11 / (II SkII: I In - Dupa-amiaza el merge la
the afternoon. (YI ;l.lta'lIl1 111
She likes to go to town. > l;lIks III L;\II to 1.\11/1 I - Ei ii place sa mearga in
The girl usually waits > [Dla ga:rlllJ:Jllall ''l'lls - Fata de obicei
for the train. fo:
DZa trelll] trenul.
It's a good day to work. > [its a gud del tll ua:'k] - Aceasta este 0 zi buna pentru
The boy has two tables > [Dla boi hEz tu: te/blz - Baiatul are doua mese
in the room. in DZa nnn] in camera.
Mother is in the room. > [malY,Y 17. III D'a ru:m] - Mama este in camera.
Ati /nvii(at ca particllla to precede verbul fa modul injinitiv, lnsii ea este folosita pentru a
indica directia, tradllcClIldu-se prin la, spre, catre.
I ar acum unneaza propozitii in care yom intalni cuvintele noi. Inainte insa, inca un lucru important:
Nu sc articolul lnaintea cuvantului town atunci cand reiese clar din context la care
ora.. se refera vorbitorul. ill cursul lectiei vom Intalni mai multe exemple In acest sens.
Mother usually looks
at the clock.
in the afternoon
It is a good day.
the clock on the table
In acest exercitiu yeti intalni cuvintele noi in expresii. Cititi textul fiti atenti Ia pronuntie:
the boy and the girl
deja cuvintele noi? Citi!i cu voce tare propozi!iile in limba engleza completa!i-Ie:
First he sees a white building. >[ta:rst hi: si:z a Uait bildin(g)] - intili el vede 0 cladire alba.
in propozitiile anterioare ati putut observa cd putem combina cuvantul for cu diferite cuvinte
astjet fntelesul lui diferd de la caz la caz.
- Ea este 0 fata draguta.
- pentru 0 zi, 0 zi, timp de 0 zi
- a cauta
- a merge la plimbare
- a pe cineva, ceva
- There are two> clocks [kloks] in the room.
- We go to church> in the afternoon
[DZi a:ftarnu:n].
- I often wait> in town [in taun] for a day.
- > Mother [maDzii"] is in the building.
- I have no > time [talm] for shopping.
- It's a good> day [dei] to go for a walk.
DZei:'F] - Ea este acolo.
>[ ai nau sam gud - Cunosc ciHeva magazine bune.
>[DZearz a big tEktari DZea
] - Acolo este 0 fabrica mare.
>[ a nals ga:rl]
I know some good shops.
Shc's there.
There's a big factory there.
She's a nice girl.
Yom invata din nou cilteva cuvinte noi. Fiti atenti 1a pronuntie!
>1 pi 1
1 popor, na\iune, oameni people >[ pi:pl]
IIIC(; 111.1/',1 placlIl, f"llIllIOS, dragu\, sil1lpalic nice >11I<l/S]
big >Illlt'l 111(\1l', voltlll1il1os, Ill<lsiv big >[bigJ
first >[ta:'st] - prim, intai first
some >[sam] - ceva, cateva, ciltiva, unii some >[sam]
country >[kantri] - tara, stat country >[kantri]
to wait for
in urmatoarele propozitii yeti vedea felul in care folosim aceste cuvinte. Cititi propozitiile
verificati pronuntia.
to go for a walk
to look for
for a day
des cate 0 zi in
Dupa-amiaza mergem la biserica.
in camera sunt doua ceasuri.
Mama este in cladire.
Aceasta este 0 zi buna pentru plimbare.
Nu am timp pentru cumparaturi.
urmiltoarele expresii propozitii incercati sa Ie traduceti:
>0 lara mare
>prima cladire
> este frumos.
>El vedc 0 statie mare.
>De obicci mergem primii.
>Am cateva ceasuri.
> Unor fcte Ie place sa se plimbe.
- Aceasta este 0 tara frumoasa.
- Unii oameni au case,
iar unii au apartamente.
- Aceasta este 0 mare.
- Este placut sa 0 vad/
vedem pe Mary.
>[a big kantri]
>[DZa fa:rst bildin(g)]
>[ bukarest II: n,lls]
>[al hEv sam kloks]
>1 sam ga:'!/ lalk III "o'k]
> [its a nais kantri]
> [its a big ka:
>[sam pi:pl hEv hauziz
End sam hEv apa:rtmants]
> [its nais tu si: meari]
In limba engleza diteodata nu se articolul inaintea
substantivului, daca substantivul este la plural, de exemplu: "Some
people have houses and some have apartments."
cateva ceasuri mari >I S;II11 hi!', k lobI - some big clocks
o tara frumoasa
>1" 11"1', kalllill - a nice country
doua mese mari
>[lu. hlg 1('/111/1
- two big tabks
prima zi frumoasa
>[DZa 11,11:, d"11 - the first nice day
cateva fete >[sam ga:'lz] - some girls
>[falV taunz]
- five towns
Sa exersam cuvintele noi. Traduceti-Ie in limba engleza:
a big country
Daca cuvantul "some" se afla inaintea substantivului, atunci nu
folosim articolul.
the first building
He drives a big car every day. >[ hi: (!I-alv/ ,1 hIL', ka:' eVil dCI] >El conduce zilnic 0 mare.
Bucharest is nice.
He sees a big station.
I have somc clocks.
We usually go first.
Some girls like to walk.
It's a nice country.
It's nice to see Mary.
It's a big car.
Some people have houses
and some have apartments.
Transformati urmatoarele propozitii afirmative in propozitii interogative:
Sa verifieam daea deja euvintele noi. Tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
In leetia anterioara am diseutat deja despre vcrbul "to be" - "a fi". In aceasta leqie vom prezenta
formele interogative negative ale acestui verb.
- Suntem in
- Ea este mama?
- She goes to the office
some afternoons.
- Mary is often there.
- It's time to go.
- I often speak to mother.
> So11](' pcople go for a walk 111 the evenings.
> It's a town ncar Bucharcst.
> The clock is nice,
> It's a big country.
> Mother enters the shop every day.
> I have no tlme to go for a walk.
> Some rooms have five windows.
> There's a big table in the office.
> He's a nice boy.
> We often go to town in the afternoon.
> We are first.
>Are we in town?
>Is she a mother?
> gauz tu DZi ofis sam
>[meari iz ofn D'eiF]
> [ai ofn spi:k tu maDZiF]
> [its taim tu gau]
We are in town.
She is a mother.
Ajirmativ: Interogativ:
I am a girl. - Eu sunt (0) fata. Am I a girl? - Eu sunt (0) fata?
He is a boy. - El este (un) Miat. Is he a boy? - Este el (un) Miat?
They are in the - Ei sunt in camera. Are they in the - Ei sunt in camera?
room. room?
The girl is nice. - Fata este draguta. Is the girl nice? - Este draguta fata?
Aceasta estc a tara mare.
Unii Oal11Cnl I11crg Sl'ara la plimbare.
Aeesta este un aproape de
Mama intra in magazin in fiecare zi.
in cazul formiirii interogativului verbului to be se schimbii ordinea cuvintelor din cadrul
propozitiei, adicii substantivul sau pronumele personal oJi verbul loJi schimbii locul lntre ele.
Acest pro'cedeu se numeoJte inversiune.
In birou este 0 masa mare.
Ceasul este fmmos.
Nu am timp sa merg la plimbare.
Cateva eamere au einei ferestre.
El este un baiat dragut.
Dupa-amiaza mergem des in
Noi suntem primii.
Este timpul sa pleeam.
Nfaria este des aeolo.
Ea merge cateva
dupa-amieze la birou.
Vorbese des eu mama.
Iar acum unneaza diteva exemple in care raspunsul este pozitiv:
- EI este in birou?
- Este frumoasa
- (un) Miat bun?
- Sunt cladiri mari?
- Sunt in casa?
- Aceasta este 0 mare?
> Yes, they are.
> Ycs, it is.
> Yl"" he is.
--.. 'I t'" I ,1111
> Yes, It is.
> Am I in the house?
> Js he in the officc'?
> Are they big buildings?
> Is the car nicc')
> Is it a big car'?
> Are you a good hoy')
Is she a good girl?
Is the boy in the building?
Are the people in the restaurant?
Is the bicycle white?
Are we near Bucharest?
Am I in the office?
Is it a church?
Are they in the street?
Raspundeti la intrebari:
Cand raspunsul este negativ, folosim cuvantul no [nau] urmat de pronumele personal, apoi de
verb, urmat de cuviintul not [not}
It substantivele ajlate la persoana a treia singulQl; daca ne referim la obiecte, animale
sau abstrac{iuni. In celelalte cazuri folosim pronumele he sau she; they inlocuie9te substantivul
la plural.
Are you in the house? - in casa? Yes, I am. - Da.
Is he a nice boy? - Este un Miat dragut? Yes, he is. - Da.
Are the people in the hotel? - Oamenii sunt in hotel? Yes, they are. - Da.
Are they in the office? - Ei sunt in birou? Yes, they are. - Da.
Are the cars white? - sunt albe? Yes, they are. - Da.
Is the boy in the room? - Baiatul este in camera? Yes, he is. - Da.
Is the girl nice? - Este draguta fata? Yes, she is. - Da.
Is the house big? - Este mare casa? Yes, it is. - Da.
I am in the house.
He is in the office.
Cfllld rrispunsulla int'rebare este ajirmativ, acesta este fonnulat cu ajutorul cuvantului yes [ies]
- da, urmat de pronumelepersonal9i de catre verb. Substantivulfolosit in intrebare vafi inlocuit
de catre pronumele personal.
It's a big car.
The car is nice.
You are a good boy.
They are big buildings.
la! aClllll S[l rCpC!11ll cxcrci\iul anll'l"JOr l(lloslI1<1 In rlspllllS f'ormclc prcscurtatc ale vcrbului:
who >[hll:] - cine, pe cine who >[ Ill!:]
what >[Uot] - ce what >[ "ot]
where >[ UCaf]
- unde, pe unde, incotro where
>[ Ueaf]
when >[Uen] - cand when >[ Uen]
- Nu.
- Nu.
- Nu.
No, they are not.
No, he is not.
No, I am not.
> No, she isn't.
> No, they aren't.
> No, he isn't.
> No, we aren't.
> No, it isn't.
> No, it isn't.
> No, "Ill Ilot
> No, he Isn't.
> No, she is not.
> No, he is not.
> No, they are not.
> No, we are not.
> No, it is not.
> No, it is not.
> No, I am not.
> No, he is not.
- Sunt primii?
- EI este in casa?
- Tu ~ t fata?
Is the boy in the car?
Is the factory big?
Are the people nice?
Is mother in the shop?
Is it a big car?
Is he in the car?
Are we near Bucharest?
Are you a boy?
Is it a big car?
Is the boy in the car?
Acum unneaza cateva cuvinte cu ajutorul carora putem forma intrebari:
"is not" se prescurteaza "isn't" [iznt], iar "are not" se prescurtcaza
"aren't" [a:fnt]. "am not" de obicei se prescurteaza numai in cazul
construqici "I am not" care poate fi inlocuit cu fonna prescurtata
"I'1lI not".
Is mother in the shop?
Is the factory big?
Are the people nice?
Is he in the car?
Are we near Bucharest?
Raspundeti negativ la unnatoarele propozitii dupa modelul descris anterior:
Are you a boy?
Is he in the house?
Are they first?
Are you a girl?
Sa vedem cateva exemple:
- Cine este?
- Ce este?
- Unde este Miatul?
- Cand in cHidire?
- > Where ["car] is the church?
->Who[hu:] is it?
- > What ["ot] is on the table?
>When arc you in the office?
>What is in the building?
>Where is the car?
>Who is the girl'l
>[Uen a:
iu: in 1)/;1
>[ 1m: iz it]
Unde este biserica?
to think
In fntrebari, cuvintele interogative who, what, where, when stau fnaintea
What is it?
rar acum sa Ie vedem in propozitii interogative:
La transcrierea foneticii a ultimului verb v-afi illlii/nil cu /1/1 semll !lOU, l' 1"]. Este folosit la
notarea grupului th, asemamitor semnului [ IY I.
When are you in the
Where is the boy?
Sa exersam cuvintele noi. Completati propozitiile Cli pronumele interogativ corespunzator:
Cine este [ata?
Unde este
Ce este pe masa?
Cine este?
Acum urmeaza cateva verbe noi. Repetati-le cu VOce tare:
Folositi cuvintele noi la traduccrca urmatoarelor propozitii:
Who is it?
to ask >I III I - a intreba, a cere (cuiva, ceva) to ask >{tu a:sk]
to live >{ III IIV I - a trai, a locui to live >(tu liv]
to want >{ tu uontj - a vrca, a dori to want >[lu "onl)
to think
>etu Tsin(g)k]
- a gandi, a sc gilndi la to think >1 til T'lII(l')kj
Desigur nu ali uitat semnul [DZ] . Semnul [TsJ esteIoarte asemiiniitor, cu deosebirea cii nu este
sonor. Se ca t, cu limba fntre din(i. In timp ce ne retragem limba dintre dinfi, pronun!iim
un s. In acest caz corzile vocale nu vibreaza.
Cand in birou?
Ce este in cladire?
Sa vedem daca ati sa vi Ie Cititi completati unnatoarele propozitii:
> [Dzen Uonts tu vizit
>[Ui: liv in abig kantri]
Uonts tu si: DZa
> [al TSin(g)k laiks tu liv
in taun]
- 1>tiJlIlk I I' 111("lk I it is a bad school.
- I >w.l11i I"oldl to have a car.
- We >are ['lor] always there.
- She >wants [Uonts] to live in Bucharest.
- I often >ask [a:sk] Mary.
- 1>think [TSin(g)k] he wants to be first.
- We like to>live [liv] in Bucharest.
> Then she wants to visit
the church.
> We live III a big country.
> She wants to see the
shopping street.
> I think she likes to live
III town.
In propozitiile atributive, cuvintele relativ-interogative who,
where, when pot fi omise.
Traim intr-o tara mare.
Apoi ea vrea sa mearga
la biserica.
Ea vrea sa vada strada
Folositi cuvintele noi in traducerea urmatoarelor propozitii:
Cred ca ii place sa locuiasca
Vrcau sa al11 0
Ea vrca sri locuiasca la
Eu cred ca aceasta nu este 0 buna.
Suntcm intotdeauna aeola.
Ne place sa locuim la
Cred ca vrea sa fie primul.
o intreb des pe Maria.
el este >he is >[hi: iz]
eu vreau > I want >[aIUont]
ei gandesc >they think
>[DZel TSin(g)k]
noi traim/locuim >we live >[Ui: liv]
tu intrebi >you ask >[iu: a:sk]
ei intreaba > they ask >[DZei a:sk]
tu > you are >[iu: a:
> he bves >[hi: livz]
noi vrem >we want >[Ui: Uont]
voi ganditi >you think
> [iu: TSin(g)k]
Sa repetam verbele noi. Traduceti unnatoarele expresii in limba engleza fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- Ea vede 0
pe fereastra.
- Tu mergi des la biserica
din spatele
- E1 merge cu bicicleta prin
in fiecare zi.
- ClInosc de la un capat
la celalalt.
- Ea cstc in spatclc magazinului.
- Ea este in spatele cladirii.
- De obicei merge in urma lui John.
- Oficiul este in spatele
- Este 0 strada pentru circulatie continua.
- Privesc rar prin geam (pe fereastra).
- Accsta este un tren direct spre Londra.
- de la un capat la celalalt (de-a lungul
de-a latul)
>[iu: ofn gau tu DZa
Qihamd DZa stei:;;n]
>[hi: gauz bal baisikl TSru:
DZa taun evri dei]
si:z a red ka
I "ILl:
DZa Uindau]
>[ainall IYal.lllll 1'111
End TSru:]
He goes by bicycle through
the town every day.
You often go to the church
behind the station.
She sees a red car through
the window.
I know the town through
and through.
She is behind the shop.
Sa exersam cuvintele noi eu ajutoruf cfttorva cxcmplc. Rcpctati propozitiile fiti atcnti la

He usually walks behind John.
It's a through train to London.
"He usually walks behind John."
It's a street for through traffic.
lata inca un cuvant nou:
The office is behind the school.
She's behind the building.
through and through
propozitiile traducerea noului cuvant:
In urmatoare intaIni un cuvant nccunoscut. Pentru inceput, sa exersam pronuntia lui:
1seldom look through the window.
Transformati unnatoarele propozitii in propozitii interogative:
Comparati propozitiile afinnative cu propozitiile corespunzatoare interogative repetati:
- Fetele locuiesc la
- Vrei 0
- Lor Ie place
- Mergi des la plimbare.
- Mergi des la plimbare?
- intotdeauna
- intotdeauna
- Mergl la magazin
in licearc zi'!
- Imi place
- Imi place
>00 we seldom see the boy?
>00 we usually walk to work')
>00 the boys like the town'?
>00 you always work in the big building?
>00 I visit Mary every day?
>Do they often go to church?
in Bucharest?
a car?
the town?
>[iu: ofn gau fo:[ a "o:k]
'1 dll III 1',111 III I Va sup
('I'll dul
>[ du "i: o:l"eiz "eit
fo:[ OZa trein]
>[ du iu: ofn gau fo:[ a"o:k]
>l"" O:I"CU liCit 1'0:'
DZa trein]
>[du ai lalk DZa taun]
>[ai laik DZii taun]
La timpul prezent, daca verbul de conjugat nu este to be, intrebarea
se fonnuleaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to do.
the girls
I visit Mary every day.
The boys like the town.
We usually walk to work.
We seldom see the boy.
You always work in the big building.
They often go to church.
Do you often go for a walk?
Do we always wait
for the train?
You often go for a walk.
We always wait for
the train.
Do you go to [he shop
every day?
I like the town.
Do I like the town?
You go to the shop every day. >1 Ill. gdll tll 1)1a sop eVIl dC!] - Mergi la magazin in fiecare zi.
Sa urmarim exemplele:
Verb + pronume personal +
auxiliar sau substantiv
In prima parte a lectiei am clarificat regulile de formare a intrebarilor raspunsunlor cu ajutorul
verbului to be. lnversiunea nu poate fi folosita in toate cazurile de formulare a intrebarilor.
in propozifiile aflrmative intalnite pana aeum, verbul era folosit la timpul prezent simplu -
(the Simple Present Tense [DZa simpl prezant tens]). in propozi{iile interogative, toate verbele
cu exceptia lui to be, sunt illsofite de auxiliarul verbul to do [tu du]. in aeest caz verbul to do
[tu du] sta inaintea subiectului dupa care urmeaza verbul de conjugat.
We seldom see the buildings. - What >do we seldolll see? - Ce vedem rar?
acum, prin intennediul exemplelor urmatoare yeti vedea cum folosim verbul auxiliar "does":
- Ciind deschide (el)
- Ei cand viziteaza fendeia?
- Unde se Jplimba Ion
in ficcare zi?
- Unde se plimba (ei)
in fiecare zi?
- Ce iti place?
- Ce fel de ii plac (ei)?
- El cand viziteaza fata?
- Unde mergi de obicei
- Ciind deschizi de obicei
- Petre merge la
in fiecare zi?
- Ea merge des la Bucurqti?
- When >does he open
the shop?
- Where ><Iocs .lohn walk
every day?
- When >do they VISII the
>["en daz hi: vizll [Ya ga:'I]
>["ca' du lYcl "o.k
eVil dC11
>1"01 sku.1 <Ill Ill: lalk]
>["ot ka:rz daz lalk]
du iu: iu:juali gau
in DZa mo:rnin(g)]
>["en du LU: iu:juali aupn
ofn gallZ tu bubrest]
>[ daz ofn gall
tu bukarestJ
>[hi: seldam vi71ts mean]
>[ daz hi: scldiill1 vint mcari] - El 0 viziteaza rar pe Maria?
Daca in intrebare figureaza pronumele he, she, it sau un substantiv,
verbul auxiliar va fi does [daz), iar verbul aflat in propozitie nu
terminatia ,,-s".
He opens the shop
in the morning.
Completati unnatoarc!e propozitii:
They often visit the woman.
John walks to work
every day.
What cars does she like?
Where do they walk
every day?
When does he visit the girl?
What school do you like')
When do you usually open
the shop?
Where do you usually go
in the morning?
Ca in cazul verbului "to be ", in intrebiiri fo!oslIn cuvinte interogative (" where ", "when ",
etc.) care stau inaintea verbe!or auxiliare !a inceputu! propozifiei, de exemplu:
Peter goes to school every day. >[pi:ta
gauz tu sku:1 evri dei]
Does Peter go to school >[daz pi:ta
gall tLi sku:l
every day? evri dei)
He seldom visits Mary.
Does he seldom visit Mary?
She often goes to Bucharest.
Does she often go
to Bucharest?
$i acum sa vedem ciiteva exemple in acest sens:
intrebari cu ajutorul cuvantului "who":
- Cui ii plac

- Cine vede rar
- Cine deschide
in fiecare zi?
>[hu: seldam si:z
>[I1U: laiks ka:rz]
>[hu: aupnz DZa do:
evri del]
>WlJo VISits every day'!
>Wlw lIkes Ihe !lousc'!
> WI1() W;lliis !() I()I ;1 w;Jik'!
>Who seldom speaks to Mary')
Propozi!ie interogativii folosind "who":
Who likes cars?
Who seldom sees
the station?
Who opens the door
every day?
Constructia interogativului fonnulata cu ajutorul cuvantului "who"
("cine?") este asemanatoare cu cea a propozitiei afirmative, numai
ca pronumele personal sau substantivul este inlocuit de cuvantul
"who". In acest caz, verbul va fi conjugat la persoana a treia
singular, deci va primi intotdeauna tenninatia ,,-s".
Do you like the girl? Yes, I do. - Da.
Does she live in Bucharest? Yes, she does. - Da.
Do we go to school Yes, we do. - Da.
in the morning?
Does he visit the woman Yes, he does. - Da.
every day?
Does the boy like cars? Yes, he does. - Da.
Does mother go to work Yes, she does. - Da.
every day?
Cine il viziteaza pe Richard III ficcarc zi?
Cine vrea sa la plimbarc?
Dacii riispundem afirmativ la 0 fntrebare care fncepe cu do/does, atunci dupa cuvantul yes
punem pronumele personal corespunziitor, apoi verbul auxiliar. in eazul raspunsurilor seurte
do se pronun!a cu "u" lung.
Cui Ii place casa?
Cine vorbqte rar Cll Maria?
Propozi!ie afirmativii:
They seldom see
the station.
You like cars.
John opens the door
every day.
!ntrebarea se formuleaza altfel cu ajutorul cuvfmtului who.
Acum sa folosim formele prescurtate. Dati raspunsuri negative la urmatoarele intrebari:
>Where do you want to go by bus?
> 1)0 you know the hotel in Station Street?
> Do you want to go there in the afternoon?
>When does she want to go to Bucharest?
>Is it an office?
>Who IS in thc building?
> Where is Peter'.'
> I )\) II\cy scc lhe bus through the window?
> I )(WS lill' I' Iii ;lIso W;lllt to go hy train?
> Do you often open the window?
>When do you usually go for a walk?
>Who likes to look at the traffic?
> Do they visit the woman every day?
>Where do you often go')
>No, he doesn't.
>No, we don't.
>No, she doesn't
>No, I don't.
Fonna prescurtata a lui "do not" este "don't" [daunt], iar a lui
"does not" este "doesn't [daznt].
Vrei sa mergi aeolo dupa-amiaza?
Unde vrei sa mergi eu autobuzul?
Cand vrea ea sa mearga la
Aeesta este un birou?
hotelul din strada Garii?
Cine este In cladire?
fata vrea sa mearga cu trenul?
Cine 11 intotdeauna pe biilat?
Ei vad autobuzul pc fereastra?
Unde este Petre?
Ei 0 viziteaza pe fcmeie In fiecare zi?
Cand mergi de obieei sa te plimbi?
Cui Ii place sa se uite la eirculatie?
Deschizi des fereastra?
Unde mcrgi adesea?
In continuare vom exersa formarea interogativului la timpul Simple Present.
Traduceti in limba engleza:
Does he visit the woman every day?
Does she live in Bucharest?
Do we go to school in the morning?
Do you like the girl?
Do you like the girl? No, I do not. Nu.
Does she live in Bucharest? No, she does not. Nu.
Do we go to school No, we do not. Nu.
in the morning?
Does he visit the woman No, he does not. Nu.
every day?
Does the woman like No, she does not. Nu.
Dacii riispunsulla fntrebare este negativ, pronumele personal se aflii dupii cuvfmtul "no ", urmat
de verbul auxiliar cuvantul "not ", de exemplu:
Sa continuiim cu fnviitarea exprimarii posesiei, deci cu adjectivele posesive:
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii care cuprind adjective posesive. Fiti atenti la pronuntia corecta:
- magazinele mele my shops - magazinul meu
It is my house. >[it iz mai halls] - Aceasta este casa mea.
Our car is red. >[aua
iz red] - noastra este
Your clock is nice. >[io:
klok 17 IlaIS] - Ceasul tau este frumos.
It is a nice house. >[it iz nais haus] - Aceasta este 0 casa frumoasa.
Its windows are big. >[its Uindauz a:
big] - Geamurile sale sunt mario
His shops are big. >[hiz a:
big] - Magazinele lui sunt mario
my shop
Polosim accs(e ./iJrme ale adjectivului posesiv atat pentru singular, cat pentru plural, de
my > [mail - meu, mea, mei, mele
your > [ LO:
] - tau, ta, Uii, tale
his > [hiz] allui/sau, a lui/sa, ai lui/sai, ale lui/sale
her > [ha:
] - al ei/sa, a ei/sa, ai ei/sai, ale ei/sale
its > [its] lui, sale, ei (pentru obiecte, notiuni abstracte,
our > [ aua
] - nostru, noastra, noastre
your > [ io:
] - vashTI, voastra, voastre,
their > IIYl'I' I - lor
- Aceasta este omasa mare/lunga.
- Intotdeauna mult
timp autobuzul.
- Adesea merg sa fac 0 plimbare
- Accasta este 0 casa verde.
- Am 0 albastra.
- Aceasta este bicicleta ei.
- lor este pe strada
- Tara voastra este mare.
- Where is > your bicycle?
- > Our fathergoes to the shop every day.
- We seldom visit> their mother.
- Does she often go to > his house?
- Where is > her school?
- timp indelungat, pe/pentru timp indelungatl
multa vreme
i: o-I"ci/ '\'11 Ill' 1)/,1 h,IS
fo:' a 1.111111
>llls:t 1',11'11 il,IlIS]
>1,11 (1111 !'dll lu I d:;;U 'I
"u.k I
>1 ,If ilLv (l bill: ka:']
>[it iz ha:' baisikl]
> [DZel' sku:1 iz in
>[io:' kantri iz big]
In limba engleza adjectivele (ca de exemplu: "big", "nice", "long",
"short") nu se conjuga, forma de la plural fiind cu cea de
In limba engleza, daca se adjectivul posesiv, articolul
este omis.
for a long time
It's a long table.
We always wait for the bus
for a long time.
Retineti urmatoarea expresie:
I have a blue car.
I often go for a short
It's a green house.
Unde este bicicleta ta?
Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare, articulat:
green >[gri:n] - verde >[gri:n] green
blue >[blu:] - albastru >[blu:] blue

- scurt, mic, scund short
- lung, indelungat, mare
Acum urmeaza cuvinte noi:
Tatal nostru merge la magazin in fiecare zi.
o vizitam rar pe mama lor.
Unde este ei?
Ea merge des in casa lui?
Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu pronumele posesiv corespunzator.
It is her bicycle.
Their school is in Station
Your country is big.
Traduce1i in limba engleza urmatoarele propozi1ii:
Urmeaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele at1ate in colmma scrise desemneaza
In acest ultim exercitiu al leqiei vom recapitula cuvintele noi gramatica. Treceti la rezolvarea
temei doar daca efectuati acest exercitiu tara credeti ca ati sa va materialuI.
Traduceti in limba engleza:
>Their mothers are in town.
>When do you wait for your mother?
>There are some big clocks in the town.
>Her mother often looks through the window.
>What is it?
>I think it's a nice hotel.
>There is through tranlc III tile town.
>Our mother thinks we are in the house.
> I like to speak to his mother.
>Do some people go for a walk in the evening?
>Who usually enters the building first?
>There is a nice clock on the table.
>There is a school behind the station.
>I often go to Bucharest for a day.
>We have no time to visit the girls.
>Where do you live?
> Is your country big?
>It's a long street.
>There is a blue r00111 Il1 the house.
>There are also short streets in the town.
> I don't like green and blue.
[all [ei] [a: ] [au] [11 J
nice day car know school
time table are window you
five wait afternoon go blue
like railway ask through
white they two
Mama noastra crede ca suntem in casa.
ered ca este un hotel dragut.
Mama ei se uita des pe fereastra.
Mamele lor sunt in
In este un trafic permanent.
Cand a pc mama ta?
Ce este?
Pe masa este un ccas frumos.
Imi place vorbesc cu mama lui.
Sunt eateva orologii mari in
Unde locuiqti?
Merg des la pentru 0 zi.
In spatele statiei este 0
Unii oameni merg seara la plimbare?
Cine intra de obicei primul in cladire?
Nu avem timp sa vizitam fetele.
Tara voastra este mare?
Nu imi place albastrul verdele.
In sunt strazi scurte.
Este 0 camera albastra in casa.
Aceasta este 0 strada lunga.
1 Q
3.4. Cuvantul "for" poate fi folosit atat cu verbe, cat cu substantive:
3.3. Nu folosim articol inaintea cuvantului "mother" daca precis despre cille este yorba:
- No, she is not.
- Ycs, he is.
- Yes, she is.
- Arc Ihl.' boys nice?
- Is she" girl"
- De obicei rna due acolo sa vizitez baiatul.
- Mergem des in
- a cauta
- pentro 0 zi
- a merge la plimbare
- timp indelungat, multa vreme
- Mama este in camera.
- a (pe cineva)
Is she in the office?
Is the boy in the office?
Is she a girl?
The boys arc nice.
She is a girl.
for a long time
to look for
for a day
to go for a walk
to wait for
I usually go there to visit the boy.
We often go to town.
Mother is in the room.
3.5.1. Fonnulamintrebarea cu ajutorol verbului "to be" inversancl ordinea propozitiei
afinnative, deci substantivul sau pronumelc personal schimba locul cu verbul.
Acest procedeu se inversiune:
3.5.5. In intrebari care cer un raspuns descriptiv, pronumele interogative stau la
inceputul propozitiei:
3.5.4. "is not" sepoate prescurtaca"isn't", iar "are not" ca "aren't". Forma "amnot" nu se
prescurteaza. Doar fonna "I'm not" poate fi folosita in locullui "I am not".
3.5.2. Daca dam un raspuns afirmativ, allinci propozitia incepe cu "yes", unnat
de pronumele personal verb. Slibslan(ivul care figureaza in intrebare va fi
inlocuit cu pronumele personal corcspllnzator:
3.5.3. In cazul negatiei cuvantul "no" este urmat de pronumele personal, verb
cuvfmtul "not":
3.5. Intrebari raspunsuri cu verbul "to be" la timpul prezentul simplu (Simple Present):
3.2. Ati observat mai devreme ca particula "to" precede verbulla modul infinitiv, insa
ea se mai pentro a indica directia, (traducfmdu-se prin "la", "spre",
"catre") sau pentro introducerea unor prepozitii.
3.1. Nu se foloseste articolul inaintea cuvantului "town" daca precis despre care
este Yorba, de exemplu:
A. Reguli gramaticale
When does she go to work?
Who looks through the window?
3.7.1. Adjectivele posesive sehimba fonna la plural:
our - nostru, noastra, noastre
your - vostru, voastra, voastre,
dUl11itale, dumneavoastra
thclr - lor
- (Acesta) este scaunul meu.
- (Acestea) sunt scaunele mele.
No, he does not.
No, she doesn't.
Yes, he does.
- Does he visit Mary every day?
- Ce este aceasta?
It is my chair.
They are my chairs.
No, I do not.
Yes, I do.
Do you like the girl?
What is it?
No, we don't.
my - meu, mea, mei, mele
your - tau, ta, tai, tale
3.6.4. Daca dam un raspuns afinnativ la 0 intrebare care incepe eu "do/does" atunci
raspunsul incepe ell "yes" fiind unnat de pronumele personal de verbul auxiliar:
his - allui/sau, a lui/sa, ai lui/sai, ale lui/sale
her - ei, sau, sa, sai, sale
its -lui, sale, ei (pentm obiectc, notiuni abstracte, animale)
3.6.6. "do not" se prescurteaza "don't", iar "does not" se prescurteaza "doesn't":
:1. (1.5 R:lspunsuI llcgativ incepc cu "no", apoi unneaza pronumele personal verbul
auxiliar sc lumina ell "not":
3.6.3. Construetia intrebalilor care ineep eu "who" este identiea eu eea a propozitiilor
afinnative, cu deosebirea ca in locul pronumelui personal sau al substantivului
sta cuvantul "who". Vcrbul se afla intotdeauna la persoana a treia singular, deci
tenninatia "s":
3.6.2. Cuvintele interogative "what", "where", "when" stau inaintea verbelor auxiliare
3.6.1. Formulam intrebarea eu ajutorul verbelor auxiliare "do" sau "does" care
sunt unnate de un pronume personal sau substantiv apoi de verb. Verbul
nu se conjuga. "does" se in cazul persoanei a treia singular, in rest
folosim "do":
3.7. Adjectivele posesive:
3.6. Intrebari raspunsuri la timpul Simple Present:
- Baietii sunt draguti.,
- Este un baiat dragut.
- EI 0 viziteaza des pe mama sa. He often visits his mother.
It's a nice boy.
The boys are nice.
3.7.2. In eazul folosirii pronumelor posesive nu punem artieolinaintea substantivului:
3.10. In raspunsurile seurte "do" se pronunta eu "u" lung [du:]
3.9. Pronuntia grupului de sunete [TS], eorespunzatoare lui "th", este asemanatoare
eu pronuntia eomplexului de sunete [D
], eu deosebirea ea primul nu este sonor.
[TS] se r o s t ~ t ea "t" eu limba intre dinti. In timp ee ne retragem limba dintre dinti,
pronuntam un "s". In aeest eaz eorzile voeale nu vibreaza:
3.8. In limba engleza adjeetivele, ea de exemplu: "big", "niee", "Iong", "short" nu se
aeorda in gen ~ i numar eu substantivul detenninat.
B. Pronuntia
Rezolvati exercitiile trimiteti-le spre corectare.
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
1. I think he wants to be first at work.
2. There is a big building behind the station.
3. Where does his mother work?
4. The girl wants to visit Bucharest.
5. Who often sees your mother?
6. Are the clocks on the table in the room?
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Cred ca ea vrea sa locuiasca intr-un fmmos.
2. Unde vor sa mearga baietii seara?
3. a roaga pe mama sa sa mearga la plimbare.
4. des trenul?
5. Cand merge ea de obicei la biserica?
6. Cui ii place sa viziteze hoteluri Ie?
C. Urmatoarele propozi(ii sunt Serieti-le corect:
I. I orten goes to the school behind the station.
2. Where do he wants to live?
3. I usually go to school in afternoon.
4. We also are in her big house.
5. He often want to go by bus.
Repetati aceste cuvinte in alta ordine:
Vom invata acum alte cuvinte noio Cititi-le straduiti-va sa Ie pronunt
cat mai corect.
Aici nu "a", ci "an" [an] sUi inaintea lui "hour", deoarece pronun!ia
cuvantului incepe cu 0 vocala: [aua'] .
- 0 ora >[all aua']
an hour
>[fa:DzarJ - tata
>[ skUea'] - piata
hour >[ aua'] - ceas, (ora)
six o'clock >[ siks aklok] - ora
statue >[stElill:l - statuic
chair >lls\o:\' I - seaun
the sccond
11 )/" sd.;llld I - al doilea
--II;lIk/l - azi, (astazi)
minute >lllIillill - minut
] - ceas, (ora)
>[minit] - minut
] - tata
chair >[ - scaun
>[tadei] - azi, (astazi)
six o'clock >[siks aklok] - ora
the second
>[DZa sekand] - al doilea
>[ skUea'] - piata
statue >[ stEtiu:] - statuie
Iar acum vom forma propozitii folosind cuvintele noi. Traduceti propozitiile In limba engleza
verificati rczolvarea:
- Raeori mergem In
pentru 0 ora.
- A doua este
- In fiecare zi autobuzul
cinci minute.
- In camera sunt diteva scaune.
- Este ora
- In piata este 0 statuie.
> He has a blue chair.
> I always wait for Mary one hour and
five minutes.
>It's six o'clock in the evening.
>Is the statue in the square?
>Does the second bus go to the square?
>six o'clock
>thc sccone!
>[ Dl[( sekand ka:
iz red]
>[U1: seldam gau tu taun
fo:' "an aua']
>[ al "cit fo:' DZa bas faiv
minits evri dei]
>[ its siks aklok
in D
:'! mo:rnin(g)]
>[DZea' a:' sam
in DI[( ru:m]
>[DZea'z a stEtiu:
:'! skUea
Inainlca cuvantului ,,father" nu folosim articolul, ca si in cazul
eu vfllllUlui "mother".
Intotdeauna 0 pe Maria 0 ora
cinci minute.
Este ora seara.
Statuia este in piata?
EI are un scaun albastru.
Al doilea autobuz merge in piata?
al doilca
Traduceti cuvintele noi in limba engleza:
We seldom go to town
for one hour.
The second car is red.
It's six 0' clock
in the morning.
There are some chairs
in the room.
1wait for the bus five
minutes every day.
There's a statue
in the square.
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii fiti atenti la traducerea lor:
Pentru a vi Ie cititi cu voce tare urmataarele randuri de cifre:
Traduceti unnataarele cifre in limba engleza. Fiti atenti la pronuntie!
> [sevn elt nam ten]
> [fa: f falv siks]
- at ten 0' clock
- at seven 0' clock
> ten-clght-thrcc-six
> one-two-nine-ten
> three-one-six-nine
> ane-three-five-seven
> twa-faur-six-eight
la zece
Expresia o'clock apare In propozifie cand ne referim la orejixe.ln alte situafii nufolosim aeest
euvant. Atunei eand menfionam ora $i minutulnu este obligatoriu safolosim $i cuvantul minute.
Dadi vrem sa spunem ea la 0 anumita ora se lntampla ceva, folosim prepozitia at lllaintea orei
in vorbirea eurenta adeseori se lIeglijeaza euvantul a' clock.
Observa{i ca In limba engleza exprimarea lui unu jumatate: (half past one) ar lnsemna, printr-o
traducere cuvant cu cuvant, "cu jumatate de ora trecut de ora unu ".
>Iklll - jumatate
:-- II ).1 .J I - trccut (de);
half an hour
>1 Ii.l I .III all,l'l - jumatate de ora
half past one
>llwl"p<l:-.t ",1111
- unu jumatate
CunosC(]nd acum ciJrele, vam lnviifa cuvintele necesare pentrll exprilllare(/ orei. lata cliteva:
> [Uan]
-unu SIX > [siks] -
> [tu'] - doi seven > [sevn] -
>[TSli:] - trei eight > [elt] - opt
- patru nme > [nam] -naua
>[falv] - cinci ten
> [ten] - zece
Aminvatat deja aproape toate numeralele de la unu la zece. Acum Ie vom completa cu numeralele
care lipsesc.
Nu uitali cii ill lilli/ill el/,l!,/e::;u /Jro/JOzitiile de tipul Este ora zece incep cu cuvantul it: It is ten.
in leclia anterio(/l"ii till josf illfroduse cu riispunsurile scurte care se dau la timpul Prezentul
Simplu (Simple Presclll). Acum vom vedea cum se jormeazii negafia en cazul riispunsurilor
- Nu primul.
- Ei nu sunt draguti.
- Acesta nu este un scaun.
- Nu suntem in
- El nu este in piata.
- Ea nu este in cladire.
- Nu sunt in birou.
- Tu nu tata.
- Este ora noua.
- Ea crede ca este ora noua.
- De obicei merg Ia Ia ora
- Este ora zece minute.
- Trenul meu este la doua jumatate.
They aren't nice.
You aren't first.
We aren't in Bucharest.
He isn't in the square.
She isn't in the building.
It isn't a chair.
I'm not in the office.
You aren't a father.
It's ten past six.
It's nine.
My train is at half past two.
I usually go to school at seven 0' clock
in the morning.
She thinks it's nine 0' clock.
$i acum sa vedem toate acestea in propozitii:
Traduceti urmatoareJc propozilii In limb:! englez:!:
Sa vedem restul exemplelor, de data aceasta in exercitii. Completati propozitille folositi
formeIe scurte de negare:
Daca In Intrebarefolosim verbul to have (a avea), utilizam inversiunea (schimbarea locurilor)
lafel ca [n cazul verbului to be. in cursul negatiei cuvantul not se leagade verbul have/has.
>Sllc' Isn't in the street.
> It Isn't their house.
>He isn't a nice boy.
> Illl"v 't in the house.
>We don't visit her mother every day.
- You> (1011'1 like my father.
- She> isn't his mother.
> lie doesn't want the car.
- It > isn't my train.
.> I d'"I'1 like IllS father.
- They> don't like to go to school.
- I > don't want to wait.
- I> am not in town.
- We> don't like cars.
- She> doesn't want to go for a walk.
- Nu mergi in fiecare zi la plimbare.
- Nu 0 viziUim des pe mama noastra.
- Ea nu-I vede pe tatal ei.
- Nu 0 pe Maria.
- Tu nu mergi de obicei seara la serviciu.
- Nu-mi place albastrul.
El nu vrea
Aceasta nu este casa lor.
EI nu este un baiat dragut.
Nu 0 vizitam pe mama ei in fiecare zi.
El nu sunt in casa.
Ea nu este in strada.
Nu imi place tatal lui.
Nu este mama lui.
Nu vreau sa
Nu Ie place sa mearga la
Nu sunt In
Nu iti place tatal meu.
Acesta nu este trenul meu.
Nu ne plac
Ea nu vrea sa mearga la plimbare.
You don't go for a walk every day.
He does not know Mary.
We don't often visit our mother.
She doesn't see her father.
I don't like blue.
You do not usually go to work in the
Observati propozi!iile de mai jos:
In acele propozitii [n care nu folosim verbul to be situatia este asemanatoare. Nu uitati ca not
sta dupa verbul auxiliar, iar verbul nu terminafia -so
In exercitiul urmator comp1etati propozitiile eu fonnele interogative sau afirmative eorespunzatoare:
Propozifia I haven't a car are semnificafie ca propozifia I have no car. Varianta din
urmii exprimii insii mai accentuat lucru.
- Ei merg intotdeauna prima data
in easa.
- into
- a intra undeva
- She> Iwsll't a bicycle.
- > the boy a clock?
- > Have you time?
- > Have you a restaurant?
- I > haven't a big car.
- They> haven't a father.
- Nu am
- Ea nu are casa.
- Da.
- Nu.
- (Ea) are 0 casa frumoasa?
- Ea are 0 casa frumoasa.
- Nu (nu am).
- Da (am).
- Am 0
- Ai
>[DZei o:IUeiz gau fa:rst intu
DZa haus]
"have not" se prescurteazii "haven't" [hEvnt], iar "has not" se
prescurteazii "hasn't" l hEznt].
They always go first into
the house.
to go into
in propozifie cuvantul into stii dupii verb, de exemplu:
Ai timp?
Ea nu arc bicickta.
Baiatul are un ceas?
Nu au tata.
Nu am mare.
Ai un restaurant?
She hasn't a house.
Aeum urmeaza alte euvinte noi. Pentru inceplit cllvantlll "into" I illill Jeare inseamna "in", "spre",
"inspre", "eu". Repetati:
I haven't a car.
$i in propozitiile afirmative se potfolosiforme prescurtate de negare:
Has she a nice house?
She has a nice house.
No, she has not.
Have you a car?
Yes, she has.
No, I have not.
I have a car.
Yes, I have.
Sa vedem exemplele:
Cititi cu voce tare unnatoarele propozitii observati semnificatia cuvintelor noi:
Cu ajutorul tabclului de mai sus introdueeti in propozitie pronumcle adjcctivele demonstrative
this >[ Dlis] - acesta, aeeasta
these >[ DZi:z] - acestea
that >[DlEt] - acela, aeeea
those >[DZauz] - aeela
- Aeelor baieti Ie place sa mearga
eu trenul.
- aceasta este
- Oamenii sunt
in cladire.
- Fata aeeea este draguta.
- Are> those chairs green?
- They often go to > this hotel.
- Do they like> these towns?
- I think it's> that bus.
- When do you usually open> these
- Who likes> those girls?
- .'-' I III'. is a nice clock.
- > is his mother.
- Is> 111.11 table white?
>[DZis ka:' lZ red]
>[ DZEt ga:'] iz nats]
>[DZauz b01Z lalk tu gall
bal trezn]
>[DZi:z pi:pl a:' lJ1
DZa bildin(g)]
APROAPE (aici) DEPARTE (aeolo)
singular this >[JYis I that >LD'Et]
plural these >[IYi:z] those >[D'i111Z]
Le plae aeeste
Scaunele aeelea sunt verzi?
Ei merg adesea in aeest hotel.
Cui ii plae fetele aeelea?
Tu cand deschizi de obicei ferestrele
Masa aeeea este alba?
Acesta este un ccas frumos.
Aceasta este mama lui.
Pronumele adjectivele demonstrative this, that, these, those rae posibilii stabilirea preeisii
a persoanelor sau a altor substantive. Nu uitafi: dacii 0 persoanii sau un obieet sunt aproape de
noi, atunei folosim pronumele demonstrativ this (singular) sau these (plural). Daeii persoana
sau obieetul sunt departe de noi, atunei folosim la singularpronumele .Ji adjeetivul demonstrativ
that, iar la plural pronumele .Ji adjeetivul demonstrativ those.
These people are in
the building.
This car is red.
Those boys like to go
by train.
That girl is nice.
. Cred ea este autobuzul acela.
Ati sa invatati toate pronumele? Daca nu, repetati inca 0 data partea corespunzatoare a lee\iei.
>(tu teik]
>[ tu fait]
- a merge acasa
- easa
- aeasa (unde?)
- casa, tara, locuinia, camin
>to take
>to thank (for)
>to write (to)
- la lueru
- la illeeput, pentru inccput
- a privi, a se uita la ceva
- b
- acasa
- la ora
- De obicei ciind mergi acasa?
- In aeeasta casa sunt cinci eamere.
- Aceasta este 0 casa mare.
- Lui ii place sa fie acasa.
- a serie (cuiva)
- a lua, a prinde
- a multumi (pcntru
>1 tll gall hilum]
>l J:t h,IUl11]
>jIll 1:1111
a multumi pentru ceva
Repetati cuvintele traducC\i-1c In Jimba englezii:
a serie (cuiva)
a lua, a prinde
to take
to write (to)
to thank (fol)
at first
It's a big house.
at work
at school
to look at
at six o'clock
He likes to be at home.
at home
In Icqie vom 11lai inva\a doar trei verbe noi. Cititi-Ie eu voce tare:
Observati cd semnificatia cuvantului you poate ji tie, voua, dumneavoastra, pe tine, pe voi,
pe dumneavoastrii.
Cuvalltul at se In mai l11Ulte expresii.
When do you usually go homc'}
Propozitii exemplificative:
There are five rooms in this house.
at home
to 1',0 home
Cuwilltlll home poate fi intililit ill diferite expresii:
In limba englcza sunt doua cuvinte al caror inteles este asemanator. Observati deosebirile dintre
aceste cuvinte:
Tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii fiti atenti la sensullor in limba romana:
- De obieei ma due la lueru
eu autobuzul.
- EI te ia drept
- Iti ia eeva timp.
- Ii ia 0 ora sa ajunga
>Are these streets long?
>Where are they?
>It takes an hour to write to Mary.
'11.,'. ',1" ,1,1\1\ kill Ilel room?
>TllOSC girls always wait for
this car.
>Are you at home at half past nine?
>Whcl c do these people go by this bus?
>WIIO wants to go home?
''vVII\'II IIm's he WrIte to his father?
:. III\'Y go to work at nine in the morning.
- a lua dreptJa eonsidera/a eonfunda eu
>Thcy usually take their books to school.
> She often writes to Mary.
>Thank you for this car.
Strazile acestea sunt lungi?
Unde sunt ei?
Dureaza 0 ora pana ii serie Mariei.
(are nevoie de 0 ora)
aeasa la noua jumatate?
l[nde merg oamenii eu aeest autobuz?
Fetele aeelea intotdeauna
Cine vrea sa mearga aeasa?
Ei merg la lueru la ora naua diminca\a.
Ea are ccas In camera ei?
Cind ii serie el tatalui sau'!
Elmcrgc intotdcauna eu al doilea
I usually take a bus to work. >[ al iu :jual i lei k a bas tu
to take (...) for... .
Cu urmatorul exereitiu puteti eontrola daea v-ati euvintele noi regulilc gramatieale.
Tradueeti propozitiile de mai jos in limba engleza:
In ultima propozitie semnifieatia verbului "take" poate fi interpretata in felul urmator:
He takes you for a driver. >[ hi: teiks Ill: fo:[ a dralvii.']
It takes some time. >[it telks sam lann]
De obieei due eartile la
Iti multumese pentru aeeasta
Ea ii serie des Mariei.
Dadi verbul thank (for) se ajla la persoana illtai singular, atunci nu este precedat de pronumele
personal r.
It takes an hour to go home. >[ it teiks an alia' III gau
Mama tatal1ui sunt la serviciu toata ziua.
iti mu1tumesc pentru aceasta bicicleUi.
El ia intotdeauna autobuzul ace1a.
Nu Ie place sa mearga in aceasta piata.
Azi vreau sa mcrg 1a p1imbare.
in aceasta camera sunt cateva scaunc.
EI nu are timp sa vorbeasca eu mama lui.
>His mother and father are at work for a day.
> Thank you for this bicycle.
>He always takes that bus.
>They don't like to go to this square.
>Today 1want to go for a walle
>There arc some chairs in this room.
> He hasn't time to speak to his mother.
In aceasta parte a leqiei vom recapitula cele invatate pfma acum. Repetati cu voce tare urmatoarele
propozitii: Silabele accentuate sunt tiparite
Where is the driver?
He's there, behind that bus. Do you see?
I think it isn't the driver. He's behind this big building.
Have you time for a walk?
No, I haven't. I want to take these green chairs and clocks to the school.
Are the boys in the shop?
No, they aren't. This shop is for girls.
Where is she?
In the shopping street. She usually waits for her mother in the shopping street.
I think she's at home.
Do you want to write to your father?
No, it isn't a good time to write.
Where is her father?
Where do you think he is?
He's at school at three every day.
[Ie isn't there today. [Ie is in the restaurant. Ilc has a table near the window.
It's good to be at homc. 1)0 you often work at home?
No, I don't. I usually work in the ofl'ice.
It's half past five. Do you want to speak to their father?
He is usually at home at six in the evening.
Have you a big white car?
Yes, I have. It's behind the house.
I think it isn't. Your car is near the white entrance.
Who wants to speak to my father?
The two girls in the big blue car.
In ultimul exercitiu alleqiei putem recapitula din nou cele invatate. Incepeti rezolvarea temei
doar dupa ce ati rezolvat acest exercitiu rara
Do you often see her mother?
We visit her mother every day. Our mother and father are also there. We usually
take a through train to Bucharest.
When I look through the window I always see those boys in the street.
Have they a blue car?
Yes, they have.
Then they are Tom and Peter.
>Where does he go in the evening?
> Does this train always go into the station
in the morning?
>11 ,III Illlm III go home.
>There are two clocks in this room.
> Do you go for a walk every day')
>Who thinks this building is nice?
>No, he isn't there.
>Sll Illl' 11';11 ns arc through trains.
>We haven't time to speak to you.
>Thcse streets arc for through traffic.
>Do you think he's there?
> Mary opens her shop
;iI"ighl III the morning.
>They usually wait for their father at home.
>Do you see those blue cars')
>I always go home by bus.
>When I look through the window 1see
those shops in the shopping street.
>He wants to write to his mother today.
>When I go to Bucharest I always visit
this square and look at this statue.
>My chair is in the second room.
>It's eight (minutes) past three.
Mergi la plimbare in fiecare zi?
Nu, el nu estc acolo.
Acest tren intra intotdeauna dimineata
in gara?
Cine crede ca aceasta cladire este frumoasa?
Maria deschide magazinul sau
la ora opt dimineata.
Nu avem timp sa vorbim cu tine.
De obicei il pe tatal lor acasa.
Uncle trclluri sunl trcnuri dircclc.
EI vrea sa scrie azi mamei sale.
Crezi ca cl cstc acolo'l
Sunt doua ceasuri in aceasta camera.
Acestc strazi sunt e\I circula\ic continua.
Drumul pana acasa durcaza 0 orr\.
Intotdeauna merg acasa cu autobuzul.
Unde merge el seara?
Este ora trei opt minute.
Vezi acelea albastre?
Scaunul meu este in camera a doua.
Cand merg la vizitez intotdeauna
aceasia piata ma uit la aceasta statuie.
Cand rna uit pe fereastra vad acele magazine
de pe strada comerciala.
Repetati urmatoarele cuvinte. Literele scrise aflate in coloana, desemneaza
[u: ] [ei'i'] [i] [IS]
you chair live three
blue square minute thank
two where visit through
there think
> I live behind that apartment
> r think he wants to visit this tower.
> I always wait for him for some time.
> Do you know those shopping streets?
> I don't like those boys. Nu imi plac baietii aceia.
Intotdeauna II catva timp.
aeele strazi comereiale?
Cred ca el vrea sa viziteze aeest turn.
Locuiese in spatele aeelui blue
eli apartamente.
4.2. Definirea timpului se face in felul unnator:
4.3. Forml'le de negare prezentate in leqia a treia pot fi utilizate in propozitii i'ntregi:
4.2.3. In comunicarea timpului, cuvantul "minute" poate fi omis:
- Ea nu are
- No, I haven't.
- Yes, 1haye.
- Nu-mi place de tine.
- EI nu este acasa.
- la
- Este doua cinci minute.
- Este ora
- Este ora
- Este zece jumatate.
- de obicei
- in fiecare (zi, dimineata ... )
- rar
- des
- i'ntotdeauna
She hasn't a car.
at six
It's five (minutes) past two.
It's seven.
It's seven o'clock.
It's half past ten.
Have you a car?
I don't likc you.
He isn't al homc.
4.2.4. Daca vremsa spunemca la 0 anumita ora se intampla ceva, atunci inaintea orei respective
se pune prepozitia "at":
4.4.1. Fonnele de negare pot fi folosite in propozitii i'ntregi, deci nu numai in raspunsuri
4.2. I. In engleza "unu jumatate" este "halfpast one", care tradus cuvant cu cuvant inseamna
"cu jumatate de ora trecut de ora unu":
every (day, morning ... )
4.2.2. Cuvantul"o' clock" se doar daca ne referim la ore fixe. In celelalte situatii
acest cuvant nu se
In vorbirca curenta nu este necesara folosirea cuvantului "o'clock" nici macar
pentru orele fixe.
4.4. Daca [()l"IlIulalll Itllrebarea ell vcrbul ,,10 havc", utiliz[uTI inversiunca (schimbarea ordinii in
propozi!ic). Negatia sc (llmeazil lcgand dc vcrbul ,,10 havc" cuvantul "not"; "have not" se
prescurleaza "havcn't", iar "has not", "hasn'I".
4.1. Folosim prezentul simplu (Simple Prezent) daca este yorba de 0 actiune sau
care se repeta sistematico Pentru aceasta utilizam urmatoarele complemente de timp:
4.5. Pronume demonstrative:
4.6.1. Cuvantul "home" poate fi intalnit in anumite expresii:
4.7. Cuvantul "at" se in mai multe expresii:
- Mliitumese pentru
- Imi place de tine.
- a merge acasa
- acasa (raspunde la intrebarea "unde?")
to go home
at home
Thank you for the car.
I likc you.
at six - la ora
at home - acasa (unde?)
at school - la
to look at - a se uita la ceva
at work - la serviciu
at first - pentru prima oara
singular this (acesta) that (acela)
plural these (acestea) those (acelea)
4.9. Daca verblll "thank" (Iilr) se alla la persoana Intfli singular atunci nu folosim pronume!E
personal ,,1" :
4.8. Nu uitati ca "you" poate semnifica "tie", "iti", "ti", "dumitale", "durnneavoastra", "voua",
"pc tine", "pe dumneata", "pe dumneavoastra", "pe voi", de exemplu:
4.6. In limba engleza cuvantul "house" inseamna "casa", iar "home" inseamna "patrie", "casa",
3. Who want (0 go by train?
1. It's nice to sec those nice boy at work.
6. Nu vreau sa 0 vizitez pc kmcia aceasta.
I don't often see Mary at work.
Who is the woman in the window?
She hasn't time to visit her mother and father in the evening.
Do you think she wants to be there at first?
It takes half a day to go to Bucharest by car.
It isn't a nice day to go for a walk to that square.
I. Dc ohicci dimineata merg la
2. Does he goes hOl1le at six 0' clock in the evening?
4. Do you be in Bucharest today?
S. The table isn't blue, they are red.
S. Aveti CillCi minute sa sla\i de yorba cu mine?
3. Baiatul aeda 1111 ca eu nu am
4. Acest scaun sc alla In spatelc aeestei mese albe.
2. In ficcarc scarf! la jumatate lucram acasa.
C. Urmatoarele propozitii sunt Scrieti-le corect:
B. Traducqi urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Rezolvati exercitiile trimiteti-Ie pentru verificare.
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:

, ,
> [a:ftarnu :nJ - dupa-amiaza
in the afternoon >[in D'i a:ftafnu:nJ - dupa-amiaza (dnd?)
to ask > [tu a:skJ - a intreba, a cere (cuiva, ceva),
a ruga (pe cineva)
to ask for >[tu a:sk fo:'J - a cere
a intreba de
at > [EtJ - la
at five o'clock > [Et falv aklokJ - la ora cinci
at work
>[Et ua:rkJ
- la serviciu
behind > [billa ll1d J - in unna, in spate, indaratul, dupa
big > [bigJ - mare, voluminos, masiv
blue >[blu:J - albastru
chair > [ t ~ e a - scaun
clock >[klokJ - ceas, orologiu
o'clock > [aklokJ - (de exemplu 6) ora fixa
country > [kantriJ - tara, stat
day > [deiJ - Zl
for a day >[fo:radeiJ - pentru 0 zi, (timp de) 0 zi
eight > [eitJ - opt
father > [fa: D'a'J - taUI
first :- 11.1 'sll - prim, i'nlai, primul, pentru
pri ilia oara
at first >11-11.1'''11 - la i'nccput, intaia data, mai intai
for >[lo.'J - pcntru
four >[fo:rJ - patru
girl > [ga:rlJ - fata
green > [gri:nJ - verde
half > [ha:f] - jumatate
half an hour > [ha:f an auarJ - 0 jumatate de ora
her > [ba:
] - (adj. posesiv) ei, sa, sale
his > [hiz] - (adj. posesiv) lui, sau, ii, -i
home > [baum] - camin, casa
at home > [Et haUtn] - acasa
hour > [aua'] - ceas, ora
into > [intu] - in (arata spre, inspre
its > [its] - lui, sale, ei (pentru obiecte, notiuni
abstracte, animale)
to live >[tu liv] - a trai, a exista, a loeui
> [lon(g)]
- lung, prelung, de durata, prelungit
minute > [minit] - minut, clipa, moment
> [maDZa'] - mama
my > [mail - Ineu, mea, mei, mele
nIce > [nais] - placut, frumos, dragut, simpatic,
t1lne > [nain] - noua
r-- no > [nau) - nu; nici un, nici a
on > [on] - pe, la, in
one > ["an] - unu
our > [auar] - nostru, noastra, noastre
past >]pa:st) - (care a ) trecut, (In
exprimarea orei)
people > [pi:pl] - oameni
the second > [[Y[\ sekcllltil - al doilea
seven >
short > 't] - scurt, scund
SIX > [siks]
some > I sam] - ceva, cativa, cateva,
- unii, unele
statue > 1c,II':lJu:] - statuie
square > 1sk"ea']
- piata
table :> I Ie/hi I - masa
to take :> 11\1 I\'/k I - a lua, a imprumuta (de la)
to take (... ) for > 1111 leik fa:'] - a lua drept, a eonfunda eu
- a considera
ten > [Iell] - zeee
to thank (for)
> [Ill T

- a multumi (pentru ceva)
that > [[YEt]
- acela, aceea,
their > [Old]
- lor
these >[Dzi:z]
to think >[tu TSm(g)k]
this >[DZis]
those >[D1auz]
three >[ Pri:]
through > [Tsm:]
through and through > [Tsru: End TSru:]
time >[taim]
to > [tu]
today >[tadel]
town > [taun]
two >[tu:]
usually >[Iu:juah]
to want >[tuUont]
what > [Uot]
when > [Uen]
where > [Uear]
who >[hu:]
to write (to) > [tu rait1
'1 III I
your >[10:']
- acestea
- a gandi, a se gandi la
- acesta, aceasta
- aceia, acelea
- trei
- 1. prin, printre, peste
2. (tren) direct, (circulatie)
- de-a lungul de-a latul
de la un caprH la altul
- timp, vreme
- catre, spre, la
- astazi, azi
- doi
- de obicei, in mod
- a vrea, a dori
- ce
- cand
- unde, pe unde, incotro
. .
- cme, pc CIne
- a scric (clIiva)
- lIlI
- (ie, i(i, (i, dumitale,
dumncavoastra, voua, pe tine,
pc dumncata, pe dumneavoastra,
pc voi
- tau, ta, tai, tale, dumitale,
dumneavoastra, vostru, voastra,
Este mai sa intelegi 0 eonvers:nie Intr-o limba straina, dedit sa partieipi aetiv la ea. Prin repetarea
eu voce tare a exereitiilor ve\i rqine euvintele pronuntia. Daea exersati in mod eonseevent, in
fieeare zi, atunei dupa un limp vqi sa asimila!i materialul nou eu Nu trebuie neaparat
sil pe de rost tot ce :1\i inv:ll:ll In Icqiile preeedente, atunei eand merge!i mai departe. Dar nu
uita!i, repel:IIT:1 perlll:lnenta sunt mai importante decal progresul rapid, dar care nu are
un fundament solid.
Daea nu ave\i pre:1 mlill lilllp, :IIIIIICi doar c;lle 0 .i II 111:\1:11 e de Icqie. In mod sigur ve\i
penlru aeeas1a lin sICr1 de or,1 In I"I(T,lre i'.i I I)lIpa c,"lIl'va Illni ve\i ohserva ca Inl.elcget,i texl111 in limba
engleza 1:lra sa-l tradllce\i: Cli :lile clivinil" 'incl'IWli S:1 g:ln<li(i inlro limha straina' In1ui\ia vajuea
un rol din ce In ee mai Illan.: In inlroduse In 1cC\lile url11atoare.
Daeil nu sunte!i eu Inva\area de 21 eu zi, va lrebui s:\ va aU1oeduea\i vointa, fiti mai
eonseeventi, Oricine poale S:l exerseze sistem31ie' Aceasta esle 0 investitie e3re va da roade in viitor.
Pe masuril ee progresa\i, studiul va da 0 satisfaqie din ee in ee mai mare.
De aeeea fiti intotdeauna perseverenti' in felul aeesta yeti sa ob!inqi eu rezultate
remareabile in invatarea limbii engleze.
Va ureaza mult sueees,
Profesorul dumneavoastra
Copyright by
EUROCOR - Institutul European de Cursuri prin Corespondenia S,R.L.
1. Va rugam, inccpcti rczolvarea tCl11ei pentru acasa numai dupa ce ati parcurs
intregu1 material, ati repctat euvintclc ati rezo1vat 1';1ra grqeli u1time1e exereitii
de verificarc. Inainte de a incepc rczolvarca aecsteia va reeomandam sa studiati eu
atcntic sa recititi inca 0 data textul, urmarind rcgulile pe care recapitutarea Ie
aeeentueaza prin punetare.
2. Atunci dind invatam 0 limba straina, aceasta trebuie exersata repetata cu
perseverenta cu care am invatat sa mergem. In aeest scop v-au fost propuse 0 serie
de exercitii. Va sugeram sa revedeti din Cfllld in ciind materia1ul deja patcurs.ln
seurt timp, eursantu1 se va eonvinge ea aeest 1ueru nu este lipsit de sens. Tema
impliea intotdeauna repetarea materiei din leetiile anterioare. eu
ileest mod de lucru, care, in mod spontan tara eforturi deosebite, va
improspi\teazfl eonsolideaza Pentru a putea obtine rezu1tate in
inVa\areil limbilor strfline cu ajutorul metodei noastre, nu aveti nevoie de un talent
l!<:osehil. ( 'hiar cei care sunt mai putini reeeptivi in invatarea limbi10r straine,
VOl' ;\junge dupa eil !eva lun ide studiu la un nivella care niei nu au sperat.
Deei, li!i F.<II<1 de Illcrll!
3. Pmpuncrc<I IHl;\slra sa incepc\i rczolvarca temci folosind ciorna. Va fi mai
sa va corecla!i sa 11ropunc!i mai l11ultc posibilc raspunsuri, iar la sa
alcgCli varianta care vi se pare a {I cea mai bema.
4. Transcric\i ICI11:1 "pc eurat" doarcftnd suntcti siguri de rezolvare. Pentru trimiterea
telllelor I'olosi!i !(lI"Illldarelc tiparite in aeestscop.
5. Nu uita\i s;\ va sloril:\i nUlllck, prcnumelc, adresa, eodul profcsoru1ui numarul
de cursanl SUll can: ;qi Ii lsi llIrl:gisl rat. Acesta din urmil se in scrisoarea care
conlinna parlicipan:a dvs. [.te\ll's.
6. Vii rugilm scric\i cilc!,
7. Alatura\i tCl11ei pentru acasa Ull plie timbrat autoadresat. In aeest plic yeti primi
tema eorectata.
8. Este foalie important sa notati pc 1)lic l1umilrul de cursant sub care ati fost
l) In eazul in care comandati materialc noi de curs, sau aveti alte eereri legate de
rdatiilc Cll rublicul, serieti-le separat pe 0 foaie de hartie trimiteti-le pe adresa
lloas( ra imprcuna eu tema. In eo1tul din stanga jos a1 serisorii, serieti "Relatii eu
10. Dumneavoaslra sUl1lc\i eel care tel1l1enul de trimitere a temei.
Independent de aeesta, Iucrarea dumneavostra va fi intotdeauna controlata
retrimisa de pro l'csor.
Veti vedea, efOliurile dumneavoaslril vor Ii rasplatite. Va dorim mult sucees!
Acum exersati cuvinte in alta ordine:
Sa incepem prima parte a leqiei noastre de engleza cu cateva cuvinte noi.
Repetati-le acordand 0 mare atentie pronuntiei:
Romania > [rul11einia] - Romania
kitchen > \ - bucatarie
post-office > I pall,t uri,] - oficiu
son > l,allJ - fiu
pen > [pen] - stilou
the third > [DZa TSa:'d] - al treilea, a treia
week > [Ui:kJ - saptamana
book > [buk] - carte
letter > [ leta'] - scrisoare
man > [mEn] - barbat
letter > [ leta'] - scnsoare
book > [buk] - carte
post-office > [paust ofis] - oficiu
pen > [pen] - stilou
kitchen > [kit
an] - bucatarie
week > [ ui:k] - saptamana
man > [mEn] - barbat
Romania > [rumeinia] - Romania
son > [san] - fiu
the third > [DZii TSa:'d] - al treilea, a treia
- 0 scrisoare lunga
Binbatul acesta are a carte.
- un stilou frumos
- Mama este in bucatarie.
- A treia este
- Fiul meu este 1a
- 0 saptamana buna
- Traiesc In Romania.
- There is >a book on the table.
- 1want to write >a letter to my mother.
- A >week has seven days.
- It's >the third house in the street.
- This >man has a red car.
- >Romania is a nice coulltry.
- He always takes this >pt'll to work.
- Our >son goes to school.
- She works at the >posl--o/llcc.
>1:1 L'.lItl "1 k 1
'\1)',1 I ,I 't! kd' 1/ Icdl
>llYis 1111'.11 Iii / ['lIkj
>[ai ofn gau tll D"u paust ofis] - Merg des la oficiul
>[mai san iz Et DZa sku:l]
>[al Iiv 111 rLll11ClI1ldj
>llllal )':1' 1/ III 1)'.1 kil\'dlll
Aceasta este a treia casa de pe strada.
Acest barbat are 0
Vreau sa scriu 0 scrisoare mamei mele.
Pe masa este 0 carte.
Fiul nostru merge la
El ia i'ntotdeauna acest stilou la serviciu.
Ea lucreaza la oficiul
Saptamana are zile.
Romania este 0 tara frumoasa.
Verificati in ce masura ati sa relineti cuvintele noi. Traduceli in limba engleza urmatoarele
a nice pen
lata cateva propozilii exprcsii Cli clivintele nO!:
al treilea, a treia > the third
bucatarie > kitchen
carte > book
barbat > man
fiu > son
sCflsoare > letter
stilou > pen
oficiu > post-office
saptamana > week
Romania > Romania
My son is at the school.
a good week
In exerciliul unnator completali propoziliile In limba cng[eza:
This man has a book.
a long letter
Mother is in the kitchen.
The third car is red.
1 often go to the post-office.
1live in Romania.
Aeum vom invata zilele saptamami. Observa\i ca fiecare poate fi pronuntat doua feluri:
Sa exersam cuvintele; completati eu ajutorullor propozitiile de mai jos:
> TJ1JS lTI8n and hIS son go to work
by bus every day.
> It's a green pen.
> The pO':l-oUic,: 10: near the station.
> There are some nice towns in Romama.
> Th is letter is for you.
> There are fUliI books 111 the kitchen.
> I like the thIrd house.
- Do you go to church on >Sunday?
- On >Wednesd,ly I usually go there
in the morning.
- I usually write a letter to my mother
on >Fnday.
- On >Tuesday we are always at home.
- I don't like to go to work on >Monday.
- I want to visit my father on >Saturday.
- Where do you usually go on >Thursday?
Inaintea zilelor saptiim[mii folosim prepozitia "on". In limba engleza zilele
saptamanii se scriu intotdeauna eu litera mare.
Acesta este un stiJou verde.
Imi place a treia casa.
Acest barbat fiul sau merg in fiecare zi
la serviciu cu autobuzul.
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
In bucatarie sllnt patm caz1i.
Aceasta scrisoare este pentru tine.
Oficiul se aila in apropierea statiei.
Mergi duminiea la biserica?
Marti suntem intotdeauna acasa.
Unde mergi de obieei joi?
Nu-mi place sa merg luni la servieiu.
Vreau sa-l vizitez pe tatal meu sambata.
Sunt ci'iteva frumoase in Romania.
Monday >[ m3nclI] >[mandel] -luni
Tuesday >[tll.l:zdi] >[ tiu:zdei] - marti
Wednesday >[ "enzdl] >["enzdel] - miercuri
Thursday >[T'a:'zdi] >[T'ii:'zdc: ] - JOI
Friday >[ fraidi] >jfra I c!cJ J - vineri
Saturday >[sEta'dJ] >j ,E1:I'i!c'lj - sambata
Sunday >j";\I1<111 >j";!l1lkl! - duminica
Miercuri de obicei merg acolo
De obicei vineri seriu mamei mele
a scnsoare.
lar acum L1nneaza cuvinte, dar in alta ordine. Cititi-le cu voce tare:
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozitii. Traduceti din limba engleza in limba romana:
- Ea a carte in fiecare
- Acest barbat iubqte fiuI.
- El vine la oficiul
in fiecare joi.
- Vorbim des eu fiii
- fiecare luni
- fiecare duminica
- What books do they like to >read?
- When does he usually >come to the offiee?
- Do you often >(alk to your mother?
> [til: ofn to:k tu aua' sanz]
> I :;;i: n.d;:.1 hll" eVil
> IIYls ml':n lavz hiz san]
> [du iu: anda'stEnd it]
> [hI: kamz tu D7a pallsl ofis
eVrJ pa.'zdel]
Daca inaintea zilelor saptamanii se afla cuvantul "evely", nu folosim
prepozitia "on":
every Monday
every Sunday
Sa invatam cateva verbe noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare:
to talk (to/with)
> [tu to:k]
- a vorbi, a conversa
to read
> [tu ri:d] - a citi
to come > [tll ":lInJ - a veni, a ajunge
to love > l tll 1:lvJ - a iubi
to understand > l (u anda'slEndJ
- a intelege, a pricepe
We often talk to our sons.
Do you understand it?
Ce fel de carti Ie place sa citeasca?
des cu mama ta?
Cfmd vine el de obicei la birou?
This man loves his son.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii:
She reads a book every
He comes to the post-office
every Thursday.
to talk (to/wi th)
> 1III (0 L I -- a vorbi, a conversa
to understand
> I tll I',lld I
- a intelege, a pricepe
to read
> l (li ri:d] - a citi
to love
> [tLl lay]
- a iubi
to come
- a veni, a ajunge
- in dreapta este 0
- In regula! Acum mergem
- la dreapta!
- Acesta este autobuzul potrivit?
at eight in the evening
at SIX on Monday
- Do you >llnderstand your mother?
> She 101 our s(ln.
> He comes to Y(lUI house every Sunday.
> I often talk to thclr lather.
> r don't understand it.
> I want to read this book.
- I >\ove to go to this square.
- 0 vizitez intotdeauna pe mama (mea)
duminica la ora cinei.
>[0:1 raitllI: a'
DZea' nall]
>[D/ea' IZ a sku:l
on D/a rait]
> [Iuk tu DZa rait]
Daca in propozitie exista doua complemente de timp, atunci pe primul
loe trcee dcfinirca cxaeta a orei (invers ea in Iimba romana):
seam la oril oJll
Iuni 1,1 ora
Vorbesc des eu tatal lor.
imi place sa merg in aceasta piata.
o 'intelegi pe mama ta?
Ea il pe fiul nostru.
El vine in fiecare duminiea la voi.
Vreau sa citese aceasta carte.
Nu inteleg (acest lueru).
Is this the right bus?
Look to the right!
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
All right! We are going
there now.
J think ricrht
There is a school
on the nght.
Cititi cu atentie propozitia urmatoare:
right > [rait] - drept, dreapta, potrivit, coreet
all right > [0:1 rait] - in ardine, in regula
to the right > [tll D'a rail] - la dreapta
to be right > [tu bI: rart] - a avea dreptate
on the nght > [on D/a rait] - in dreapta, in partea dreapta
lar acum yom invata un euvant al earui inteles depinde foarte mull de context:
Sa vedem eateva exemple:
I always visit my mother at five 0' clock
on Sunday.
Deci, timpul prezel1t continuu sef%seo?te pentru acrulI1i/e ('(Ire se desfli,wara in mOl7lell{u/ vorbirh.
Accentuarea acestuia este posibiW eLI ajutoru!urmatoarelor comp/e1nente de (imp:
- Deschid
- Acqti oameni citesc cat1i.
- El merge acasa
- in acest moment, chiar acum "'"'
- acum
- tocmai, chiar acum
- Ei citcsc chiar acum,
- in acest moment ca 0
pe mama sa.
- Chiar acum merge la serviciu
- Acum vizitam biserica.
- Tala\ meu merge
Ja plimbare acum.
- I:!' 1 I" III ,I '
II 1111' I 1111 k'.1
> Il1<1l1l
> II I [) ',1111.11\1\1.11111
> l iz "('Itin
) 1'0:' ha:
maD/a' Et DZa
> (hi: iz dralvin
' tll "alk
Et DZa mallmanl J
> [mal fa:fYa
J/. gallin
fo" a "o:k nUll]
> lUI: a:' vizitin(g) t5a:'t5
He is going home
These people arc
reading books.
Propoziriile la timpul prezent continuu se COIl1PUI7 din:
I am opening the door.
We are visiting the church
Subiect + forma corespunzatoare + verb (cu + complement direct (sau
a verbului "to be" termina,ia ,,-iug") alta parte de propozitie)
am openmg the door,
He is gOIng home.
These people are reading books.
My father is going
for a walk now.
In lectiile antenoare ati Il1vi1\at timpul prezent sll11plu, cu ajutorul caruia putem exprima aqiun;le
zilnice cele care se rereta In mod regulat.
He is driving to work
at the moment.
They are just reading hooks
at the moment
She is walting for her
mother at the moment.
Sa exersam timpul prezent continuu in propozi,ii:
Pentru descrierea ac(iunilor care Iltl au loe zill1 ic sou /1U se repetcll/1 mod regulat, ci se desfii.,ward i/1
momentu! vorhiril, foIosim timpul prczent continuu (Present Continuous Tense). Acest timp se
111 trei ca:lIri pe care le Fe(i swdia in cursuI /ec(iiIor 5-6, In pril1lul rind I'a vedem din ce se
compul1e, cllm se cOl1struie$te propozipa la t/lnpu/ prezent continllu:
Dadi f%sil11 acest timp, verbu/ "to be" 1111 se traduce ill aceste caZUrI. Vel bu! "to be" este 0 parte 0
predicatuIui -Ii Ql'em nevoie de eI doar pel1tru expril71area til71pului.
Sa exersam prezentul eontinuu. Completati propozitiile de mai .ios eu formele eorespunzatoare ale
verbului "to be" ale verbului eu tenninatia ,,-ing";
Dupa cum desigur atl observat deja, in eazul verbelor care se termina eu
litera ,,-e" (ea de exemplu "write") Ia adaugarea tenninatiei ,,-ing" ,,-e"-
u1 se amite.
- That girl >Is Jlist looking at this red house.
- Mary t'0lll.'! to the shop now.
- We >are w,l1kll1g in the square
at the moment.
;> '\1 II" 111111',1, II! yUlI :Ile waiting
I() I \ ( II II 1.11/1 c: l.
- They >are just waiting for you.
>Th")i :\Il )Ihl entering the school.
- At the moment I >tun taking my son to school.
- My father >is readIng this book now.
>\\'L :lIC \ this nice sqllare now.
> My mother IS opening the shop
at the moment.
>Our sons are drivi!lg !lO\\'
>Juhn IS illst LilLIII" \\ Ilh Mell)'.
>1 :1111 \\(lILI"." .111"'lllc!l\J\V
"Just" sta inaintea verbului la aspeetul eontinuu (eu tenninatia ,,-ing''),
iar "now" "at the moment" se gasese Ia ineeputul sau la sfiir::;itul
Fata aeeea toemai prive;;te aeeasta easa
Maria merge aeum Ia magazin.
Ei toemai intra in ;;coalii.
John toemai eu Maria.
Tatal meu eite;;te aeum aeeasta carte.
Fiii no;;tri eondue (ma;;ina) aeum.
Aeum vizitam aeeasta piata frumoasa.
Aeum Iuerez aeasa.
(Chiar aeum) ne plimbam
in piata.
Tradueeti unnatoarele propozi(ii in limba engleza:
Te a;;teapta toemai pe tine.
in acest moment mama mea desehide
Chiar aeum 11 due pe fiul meu Ia
Chiar aeum il a::;tepti
pe tata1 tau.
Exersati fonnularea intrebarilor. Tradueeti in limba engleza propozitiile de mai jos:
Va mai amintiti de fonnarea interogativului verbului "to be"?
-Ea merge eu
serviciu chiar acum?
- John
o earte aeum?
- Mergem aeasa
ehiar aeum?
-Cine luereaza?
(ehiar aeum)
-Unde merge
John aeum?
(ehiar aeum)?
> Ale you ""'iking at home now?
> h ,he talking to the boy at the moment?
> ;\Ie we gOlllg for a walk now')
> ;\IL' they waiting for you at the moment?
> Is he looking at these girls at the moment')
> Where is ,he dlll'llll:'- ill the moment?
> What is he VIsiting Ilmv"l
> What are they taking nO\\,"1
> Who is .Iusl Wrltlllg a letter to mother?
>111 lCILJIl
"1 IY,i b,iS
1u "c1"k 1'1 IY,I
>i il dion ri:dm
,i huk 1l,\lI]
>/ ,; , "I dj,iSl gauin(g)
>1 hu 17 djast "a:'kin(gl]
>l"ea' 17 d.lol1
giiulnl'c' nauJ
>1"01 a' IU Ii.dll1
1:1 IYiI maumant]
Is she taking the bus
to work at the
Is John reading
a book now?
Are we just going
Who is just working?
What are yOll reading
at the moment?
Where is John
going now?
Aeum luerezi aeasa?
El aeeste fete ehiar aeum?
Ea ehiar in elipa aeeasta eu baiatul?
Iar aeum e randul dumneavoastra. Tradueeti urmatoarele intrebari:
Ei te pe tine in aeest moment?
We are just going
John is reading
a book now.
Sa vedem exemplele:
Aeum mergem la plimbare?
She is taking the bus
to work at the
You are reading a
letter at the moment.
Forma interogativti a timpului prezent eontinuu se ob{ine prin acelaii procedeu (inversarea ordinii).
Cine serie toemai aeum a serisoare mamei?
John is going for
a walk now.
La inceputul propozi{iilor interogative putel11 folosi ii pronume interogative:
Unde merge ea eu in aeest moment?
Ce viziteaza el aeum?
Ce iau ei aeum?
My mother is
just working.
No, I am not. - Nu.
Yes, she is. - Da.
Yes, I am. - Da.
- I >am not going
for a walk now.
- She >isn'tjust entering
the school.
- We> aren't driving
home now.
- They >are not reading
letters now.
- My father >isn't
talking with Mary
at the moment.
- No, I >am not.
- No, >she Isnt.
- No, >they aren't.
- No, we >arcn t.
- No, >hc isn't.
- Yes, I >am.
- Yes, >she is
- Yes, >they are.
- Yes, we >are.
- Yes, >he is.
~ acum vom veri fica in ce masura ati r u ~ t sa retineti regulile. Completati raspunsurile scurte ~
propozitiile negative:
She is not looking at this building at the moment. - Ea nu p r v ~ t aceasta cladire chiar acum.
No, she isn't. - Nu.
Are you going
for a walk now?
lar acum sa exersam aceste reguli in propozitii:
Riispllnsunle sClirte afirmative ,vi negative incep Cli euvintele yes/no care sunl urmale de pronumele
personal !iiforllla eorespullziitoare a verbullii to be. La aeeasta se adallgii cuvill1tulnol daca raspunsul
expril1lii 0 nega{ie.
in propo:::i{iile negative forma eorespunziitoare a verbului to be este urmata de clivantul not.
They aren't visiting the church now. - Ei nu viziteaza biserica acum.
No, they aren't. - Nli.
Yes, they are. -- Da.
Are they visiting the church now') ~ (Ei) viziteaza biserica acum?
Is she looking at this building at the moment? - (Ea) Privqte chiar acum aceasta cladire?
I am not going home now. - Acum nu merg acasa.
Are you going home now? - Mergi acasa aCllm?
Are they reading
letters now?
Is she just entering
the school?
Are you driving
home now?
Is my father talking
with Mary at
the moment?
England > [ingland I - AnglIa
Romanian > [rumcflll:lllj - roman
English > eng\ez
to speak Romanian > [tu Spl k IIIIll(/lll.lllj - a vorb!
to speak English > l III "Ill k illgll,.,j - a vorhl
what time ... ? > [\lot t<lIm] - la ce ora?
here > [hid'] - alel
Ii ttle > [Iitl] - mic, un pic, putin
twenty > [t"enti] - douazeci
Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba romfma:
- John >is not working
in the office now.
- I >am not just
taking a bus to school.
- Aceasta este 0 englezeasca.
Talal meu
- Iml plac
- Anglia nu este 0 tara mare.
- Zece cu zece fac douazeci.
- Cat este ceasul acum?
- Am putin timp ca sa te vizitez.
- Fiul meu este aici, in aeeast[\
- Fiullor nu engleza atunci
cand este in Romania.
- No, >he Isn't.
- No, I >am not.
> II YCI' S;1Il da/1I1 Spl k
"ell hi /. III rUl11elllia]
> ["ot taim IZ It nau]
> [mai san lZ hia
in D'is
> Im:11 fa IY.I' 1/ ,pi klll
Illllll' /l11.lll II.lll I
> [Dtis 17. all illgl is k<t :r]
> [ingland iznt a big kantri]
> [ai hEv litl taim to vizit iu:]
> [ten End ten a:
> [aI lay rumeinian taunz]
- Yes, >he lS.
- Yes, I >am.
Iar acum urmeaza cateva cuvinte noi:
Is John working
in the office now?
England isn't a big country.
I have little time to visit you.
Are you just taking
a bus to school?
My father is speaking
Romanian now.
My son is here, in this
I love Romanian towns.
What time is it now?
Ten and ten is twenty.
This is an English car.
Their son doesn't speak
English when he's in Romania.
Um1eaZa dm nou un exercltiu, in care trebUie sa completati propozitii:
Dacd din propozirie reiese ciaI' cd acrillnea se in l71ol7lentlll vorbiril, clIvintele now, at the
moment justfi pot Ol1l1se.
- There are >t\\'cnty letters on the table.
- Do you speak >Romaman ?
- His mother is in >England now.
- >What tllne IS the train to Bucharest?
"Where are you going?"
"We're going home."
- No, we don't. We >speak English.
- Mergem acasa.
- Your book is >here.
- II pe John?
- We live in a >]lttJe town.
- Unde mergetl?
- Da.
"Are they waiting for John?"
"Yes, they are."
Where are you going?
Are they waiting for John?
lata cateva exemple:
We're going home.
Yes, they are.
La ce ora este trenul spre
Sunt douazeei de serisori pe masa.
Mama lui este in Anglia acum.
Nu. Vorbim
Cartea ta este aiei.
Traim intr-un mic.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza, folosind prezentul continuu:
in ultimul exercitiu al acestei parti vom recapitula materialul nou. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Ii scrii 0 scrisoare Mariei?
Unde duci acest scaun?
Duc acest scaun in bucatarie.
Citesc 0 carte.
Mergeti la
ACllm fiul lor merge cu in Romania.
Acum merg la oficiul
Imi plac bucatariile
El are doua stilouri verzi.
Unde merge barbatul acesta acum?
Nu-mi plac zilele de luni.
Miercurea este a treia zi a saptamanii.
El citqte acum 0 carte in engleza?
Mama mea de obicei nu-mi intelege
Trenul nostru tocmai
loi la ora opt il vizitez intotdeauna pe fiul meu.
Cine te acum?
La ce ora mergi la in fiecare zi?
baieti vorbesc acum cu fetele acelea?
Vorbqti engleza?
> Are you writmg 3. letter to Mary')
> Yes, I am.
> Whc] c are you taking this chair?
> I" J1l iakmg thIs chair to the kItchen.
> What arc you readmg')
> I'!l1 Icadmg a book.
> All' you going to school')
> Yes, we are.
> Their son is driving to Romania now.
> I an\ going to the post-office now.
> Llike English kitchens.
> He has two green pens.
> Where is tl1lS m<ln gomg now?
> I don't like Mondays.
> Wednesday is the third day of the week.
> Is he reading an English book now')
> My Il\other docsn't usually understand
I1\Y lelkls
> ()UI [rain IS just eoming.
> 1 always visit my son at eight on Thursday.
> Who is waiting for you now?
> What time do you go to school every day?
> Are these boys talking to those girls now')
> Do you speak English')
Sa repetam cuvintele noi in alta ordine:
Ca ~ i pana acum, ineepem partea a doua a aeestei leqii ell eateva euvinte
- birou, banca
- fiica
e e l u ~
eye >[ a/] -ochi
mouth >[maliT'] -gura
daughter >[ do:ta'J - fiica
baby >[ be/bi] e e l u ~
mouth >[maliT'] - gura
tomorrow >[tCm1orilll] -maine
desk >[ desk] - birou, banea
bed >[becl] -pat
eye >[ ai]
tomorrow >[tamorau]
daughter >[ do:til']
month >[ manl"]
desk >[desk]
mouth >[ maul"]
bed >[bedJ
baby >[beibi]
Folositi expresiile noi In urmiHorul exercitiu de traducere:
Sa folosim cuvintele noi In propozltii. Cititi-le cu voce tare, urmarind eu aten!le pronuntia:
- Ea are ochi
- Gura ta este
- Fuca mea
acum 0 carte.
- Maine este luni.
- a luna are patm saptamani.
- meu este In camera
a treia.
- Biroul ei este bun.
- In camera sunt
trei paturi.
> I want to go to bed.
> HIS daughter has two sons.
> I have no desk m the room.
> It is Tuesday (( 'morrow.
> What month is it now?
- Now she is talking with her >daughter.
> This baby has green eyes and
a big mouth.
- Is the >baby all right?
- It is Friday >tomorrow.
- She has green >eyes and a little mouth.
- Father is in his>bcd.
- My >desk is big.
- It is a nice >month.
> [mai beibi iz in O/a T'a:'d
> hI: hEz blu: alz]
> [10:' mauT' iz red]
> [it iz mandel tamolau]
> [O/Ca.' a:' T'ri: bedz
/11 Df;} ru:m]
> [Uan manT' hEz fo.' "l:ks]
> [ma; do:ta' iz
a buk nau]
> [ha:' desk IZ gud]
Nu uitati, expresia "to go to bed" se interpreteaza In doua feluri: "a se
baga In pat" sau "a merge la culcare".
Your mouth is red.
My baby is in the third
She has blue eyes.
One month has four weeks.
My daughter is reading
a book now.
Ce luna este acum?
Fiica lui are doi fii.
Nu am bHOU in camera.
Vreau sa merg la culcare.
Maine este marti.
There are three beds
in the room.
Ea are ochii verzi 0 gura mica.
Completati propozitiile urmatoare:
Biroul meu este mare.
Este bine
Este 0 luna frumoasa.
Her desk is good.
Aeum cu fiiea sa.
Acest are ochii verzi
o gura mare.
Maine este vineri.
Tata este In patul sau.
It is Monday tomorrow.
Am invatat deja cil prepozItia "into" inseamna in lunba romana: "in, spre, inspre".
Opusul aeesteia, adiea notiunea "afarn din, din" se exprima prin "out of' [aut 0\ J:
i/1 aceasta parte a leC[iei vom invata despre 11/7 alt tip de silllatii in carc sc IIlifl:eazti timpuf prezent
continuu. Acesta poate expnma timpul viitor, caml este vorba desprc 0 ([Crilllle pe care am pliil1uit-o
deja, de aceea i/7 mod sigur eo va (/\'eo loc.
Acesle pro]Jozirii se pot traduce in limba romana la timpul prezenl sau viitor
- Merg in Romania
peste doua zile.
- JOl el VOl' lucra aeasa.
- Maine yom desehide
un magazm.
- Maine merg la
mama mea.
- Vinel i iti SCI iem serisoarea.
- in, peste, in deeurs de, dupa
- urmalor, care urmeaz3, viitor
....: Lunea viitoare te due
in Anglia.
El intra acum 'in bucatane,
El iese din bucataric.
Ea seoate <lCllm din
- peste 0 ora
- peste trei saptamani
- peste doua zile
- luna viitoare
- saptamana viitoare
- simbata viitoare
>[nekst mandel ann tClkll1
iu: tu ingland]
>[ aim gaLlIl1
g) tLl rumeima
111 tLl: dC1Z]
>[ in]
d ' "a 'k 1/1
'I I 1 11.1111111
> [tall1orau "i: a:' 3UPllllll:')
a :;op]
> [nekst]
> l t:111101 au alln gauin(g)
tu lIla' maD/a']
> [on fi aidi "}; a I raitll1
Ict,I' tu lU:]
I'm going to Romania
in two days.
Next Monday I'm taking
you to England.
He is coming into the kitchen now,
in an hour
in three weeks
He is going out of the kitchen now.
next month
next week
Cititi propozitiile urmatoare in care figureaza aeeste expresii:
in two days
next Saturday
Aeeste euvinte se folosese de obicei in unnatoarele expresii:
Sa vedem cateva exemple:
On Friday we are writing
the letter to you.
She is taking the baby out of the car now,
Tomorrow we are opening
a shop,
Tomorrow I'm going
to my mother.
Penlru indicarea viitomfui jJutem folosi urmcltoarele cuvintc:
On Thursday they
are work II1g al home.
Sa exersam formele accstor pronume pentru cazurile acuzativ, respectiv dativ:
In exerci(iulurmator, completati propozitiile eli pronumele eorespunzatoare:
$i acum urmcaZL7 in!orma(ii 1I0i ill legiitllul eLI pronumele pcnonalc !il adjectivele pronominale
posesive. in leeria anterioarii a11l srl/diat pronllmelc you fa aeLlzativ, eLi ill!efesul "pe tme, pe voi, pe
dumncavoastrii, tie, VOila, dllf}/!7emoastrd'. far aellm sci l'cdem ce[e[a{te prol1ume fa cazlinfe
1I0011inatil' ,I'i acuzatil' preCtl111 :;;i adjectivele pronominale posr?sil'r?
- despre, de
- Acum vorbim despre aceasta.
- Ea rna
- Nu 0 1nteleg.
- Tatal lui ne place.
- Acum le scriu 0 serisoare,
- Tocmal Ii vorbese.
- I love :>YOLI.
- I'm just speaking about >him.
- Do you know >her?
- Are you going to school with >lIS tomorrow?
- Who is looking at :>me now?
:>[abaut] about
I'm writing a letter to them now.
We are talking about it now.
Nomillati]' Adjective prol1omi!7a!e ACII:::ativ Dativ)
- eu my meu, mea, me >[1111 I -pe mme, ma,
mei, mele mie, iml, mi-, -ml
you - tu, your - ta, tau, tai, you >[/LI
pc tine, te, tie, iti,
dumneavoastra tale, dumitale, Ii, dumitale, dvs,
he -el his lui/sau, him >[lillllJ - pc d, ii, 1-, lui, ii, i-
she - ea her ei/sau, her >[l1a:'] - pc ea, 0, ci, il
sai, sale
it -cl, ea its lui, sale, ei it >[ it] - pc el, 11, 1-, lui, 1i, i-,
(pt. obiecte, (pt. obiecte, pe ea, 0, ei, ii
l101iuni abstracte, notiuni abstracte,
animale) animal e)
we - nOI our - nostrll, noastra, us >[ - pe noi, ne, noua,
noastre ne, 111
you . voi, dvs. your voslru. vO!lslrfl,
ri, VO:lstl'I.:, you >jlll ) - pe voi, va, pe
(hllnitalc, dvs. dllmneata, pe dvs.
voua, va, vi
they - ei, ele their -lor them >[ D/em] - pe ei/ele, lor, le, Ii
In ultima propozi(ie al11 inta/nit 0 prepozitic noua:
Te iubesc.
Tocmai vorbesc despre el.
o pc ea?
Maine mergi la ell noi?
Cine se uita la mine acum?
1'mjust talking to him.
She loves me.
I don't understand her.
His father likes us.
in unnatorul exereiliu eompletali propoziliile In limba engleza eu adjeetivele pronominale posesive
pronumele personale eorespunzatoare 1a nominativ aeuzativ:
II - eleven > [ilevn]
12 - twelve > [tllelv]
13 - thirteen > [T'il:rti:n]
14 - fourteen > [fo:'ti:n]
15 - fifteen > [fiftin]
16 - sixteen > [siksti:n]
17 - seventeen > [sevnli:n]
18 -- eighteen >[eiti:n]
Exersa(i verbele noi In propozi(ii. Citi(i eu voce tare:
- a arata
- a da, a darui
- a trimite
- Toemai trimit 0 scrisoare.
- Aeum Imi da stiloullui.
- Ei Imi arata aeum
- I'm taking >them to Bucharest tomorrow.
- I'm just reading about >it.
- Is Mary going for a walk with >you
>11c is just writing a letter to >her.
- >\Vc are not talking about >them and
>(iJeir cars.
- >1 am giving >YOll my book now.
- In a week >1 am taking >YOll to my mother.
> [tu send]

> [tu giv]
> [ai Em djast sendin(g)
i\ leEl']
> [Olel 3:' mi:
OZei' apa:rtmimt n3u]
> [hi: iz givin(g) l1l1:
hiz pen nau]
Toemai eitese despre aeeasta.
Maine Ii due la
Maria merge eu tine maine la plimbare?
to send
to show
Iar aeum urmeaz3 trel verbe noi:
to give
Peste 0 saptamana te due la mama mea.
He is givll1g me
his pen now.
Aeum IIi dau eartea mea.
Nu vorbim despre ei
in eontinuare, iata eifre1e de 1a lIla 19:
They are showing me
their apartment now.
EI toemai Ii serie ei 0 serisoare.
1 am just sendmg
a letter.
Sa exersam aceste numere traducand in limba engleza unnatoarele expresii:
> thirteen
> In fourlccn ll101l111s
>tWClll' !llollths
> eleven ll1111l1lL",
> Where IS it?
> On Saturday we always come to you.
> I Ill' thlld hOLlSl' 011 1Ill' lidS twclve rooms.
> Whcre :lIc yOLl her letter')
> Arc they talklllg aboLlt your daughter now?
> We love to go for .\ walk on Sunday.
> l'mJust writlllg a letter to our father.
> SCI ClltCCIl days
> ThiS man has two daughters.
> I don't understand English.
> [ want to give you my books.
> I visit my son every Friday.
> Who has nice eyes?
> I'm not reading this book now.
> They aren't looking at us now.
> At the moment we are not showing her
our house.
> I'm Just taking thell baby to the kitchen.
> There IS a pen on your desk.
> Are you gOll1g to his bouse tomOLTOw?
> in sl,icl'll weeks
> in C1ghllTll CldYS
:> "C'\! II ,'L'k II l' ;\rl: l:\k11lg them to England
I ()I I illL'L' I1 d, I V'.
17 zile
13 cladiri
Cine are ochi
Acest barbat are doua fiice.
Acum ei nu se uita la noi.
Nu inteleg engleza.
Nu citesc aceasta carte acum.
Ei vorbesc acum despre fiica ta?
Maine mergl la el (la casa lui)?
Vreau sa-ti dau cartile mele.
In fiecare vineri 11 vizitez pe fiul meu.
Umlt: trimi(i scrisoarca ci?
Momentan nu-i aratam (ei)
casa noastra.
Ne place sa mergem la plimbare duminica.
Unde este?
12 luni
15 baieti
Sambiitii venim intotdeauna la tine.
11 minute
Saptamfllla viltoarc 11 duccmln Anglla
pentru cincisprezccc zilc.
peste 14 luni
peste 18 zile
Inaintea tenninarii leqiei sa recapitulam cele invatate pana acum. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Pe biroul tau este un stilou.
peste 16 saptamani
Tocmai scriu 0 scrisoare tatalui nostru.
Eu tocmai duc in bucatarie.
A treia casa din dreapta are douasprezecc camerc.
lar acum, la sfaqit, urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Cititi cuvintele grupate dupa vocalele identice:
[ai] [i: J [aLi J [e] [E]
Friday we post enter man
all right see go seven understand
behind read tomorrow every
Aceste complemente de timp se afla la inceputul sau la propozitiei:
5.2. Daca intr-o propozitie sunt doua complemente cireumstantiale de timp, eel care determina
timpul mai exact, treee pe primulloe:
tocmai, chiar
- at five on Saturday
- acum
- luni
- in fieeare luni
- Peste doua zile merg
in Anglia.
- Saptamana viitoare ei deschid
un magaZln.
- Ei scriu acum scrisori.
.., chi'll' acum, in acest moment
- Tocmai vorbesc cu ei.
- Ellucreaza chiar in clipa aceasta.
- unnator, care unneaza (saptamana, luna)
- in, in decurs de (doua ore)
- maine
on Monday
every Monday
I'm going to England
in two days.
next (week, month)
in (two hours)
Next week they are
opening a shop.
I'm just talking to them.
He is working at the moment.
They are writing letters now.
at the moment
sambata la ora cinei
"Just" sta inaintea verbului eu terminatia ,,-ing", iar "now, at the moment" se'itfla la
inceputul sau la propozitiei:
5.3.2. Prezentul continuu se pentru exprimarea acelor evenimente care sunt planuite
in viitorul apropiat se vor in mod sigur. In aceste situatii folosim urmatoarele
complemente de timp:
5.1. In limba engleza zilele saptamanii se seriu eu litera mare:
Monday - luni
Tuesday - marti
Wednesday - 1111ereun
Thursday - J01
Friday - - VInen
Saturday - sambata
Sunday - duminiea
5.1.1. Daea inaintea zilelor saptamanii se afla euvantul "every" (fieeare) atunei nu se
prepozitia "on":
5.3 Present Continuous Tense (timpul prezent continuu)
5.3.1. Timpul prezent continuu se pentru exprimarea unei activitati care se
in momentul vorbirii.
In propozitiile la prezentul continuu se folosesc urmatoarele complemente
eircumstantiale de timp:
5.3.4. Daca verbul se termina in ,,_e", atunci la adaugarea tenninatiei ,,-ing" se omite ,,-e"_ul:
5.4. Cazurile nominativ, acuzatlv dati v ale pronumelor personale precum adjectivele
pronominale posesive sunt cuprinse in tabelul unnator:
5.3.3. Ordinea partilor de propozitie la timpul prezent continuu este urmatoarea:
Subiect + "to be" + verb + complement direct (sau
prezent cu terminatia ,,-ing" alte parti de propozitie)
home now. gOl11g
- Acum nu merge acasa.
- EI merge acum acasa.
- Acum merge acasa?
- writing
- taking
- Vorbim despre ea.
- Ei rna plac.
- des cu ei. (Le des.)
- 11 vizitez in fiecare luni.
is He
He is going home now.
Is he going home now?
Interogativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii:
Negativul se formeaza adaugand particula "not" la "to be":
He isn't going home now.
to take
to write
We are talking about her.
I visit him every Monday.
He often talks to them.
They like me.
Nominativ Adjective pronominale Acuzativ Dativ)
my me - pe mine, ma, mie, imi, mi-,
you your you - tie, iti, -ti, dumitale,
pe dumneavoastra, pe tine, te
he his him - pe el, iI, 1-, lui, ii, i-
she her her - pe ea, ei, ii
it its it - pe ea, 0, ei, ii, pe el, ii, -I, lui, ii,
(pentru obiecte, natiuni
we our us - pe noi, ne, naua, ne, ni
you your you - pe voi, va
pe dumneavoastra, voua, va, vi
they their them - pe ei, ele, lor, Ie, Ii
C. Alcatuiti propozitii foJosind urmatoarele cuvinte:
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
-Rezolvati exercitiile de mai jos trimiteti-le pentru verificare.
1. Next week we are going to England.
2. Who is speaking at the moment?
3. She is just sending a letter to our mother.
4. He wants to speak English.
5. Their sons are just going out of this big building.
1. On every Tuesday I visit my mother.
2. What time are you takeing this book tomorrow?
3. Where do you go now?
4. Who is usually reading books?
5. We are just going to see his.
1. who, us, next, Friday, visiting, is
2. when, they, Romania, to, coming, are
3. boy, the, love, girl, the, does
5. In clip<1 aCC<1s!a I1U lucrez in biroul mcu.
I. Le dai maine aceasta carte?
2. Cine conduce acum noastra?
3. Marti la ora fiica noastra vine la noi.
4. In ficcarc micrcuri scricm scrisori ullor o;lmcni.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana: A.
D. In fiecare din urmatoarele propozitii exista 0 Rescrieti propozitiile, corectand
Repetati aceste cuvinte in alta ordine:
Jar acum sa invaiam cateva expresii:
lncepem lec(ia noua prin invaiarea catorva cuvinte noi. Repetaii cuvintele
fiii atenli la pronuntia corecta:
> Uef] - pe unde
> [DZis Uef] - pe aici, pe aceasta cale
> [tu a:sk a - a pune 0 intrebare,
a intreba ceva
sister > [sista'] - sora
hand >[hEnd] - mana
money > [mani] - bani
question > - intrebare
way > [lief] - drum, cale
garden >[ga:'dn] - gradina
fish > -
suit > [su:t] - costum de haine
animal > [Enimal] - animal
to eat >[tui:t] - a manca, (a se hrani)
this way
garden > [ga:'dn] - gradina
way > [Uef] - drum, cale
to eat >[tui:t] - a manca, (a se hrani)
question > [k"est$<lIl] - intrebare
fish > Ills I -
money >[manij - bani
animal > [Enjmal] - animal
sister > [sista'J -sora
hand > [hEnd] -mana
suit >[su:t] - costum de haine
which way
to ask a question
Substantivul "bani" se intotdeauna la singular:
Nu vreau sa mananc acest
- Maine mergem
in gradina ei.
- Nu am bani.
- Vrei sa-I pui lui
aceasta intrebare?
- Sora mea este 0 fat a draguta.
- Costumele lor sunt verzi.
- Ai acasa animale?
- Femeia aceea are
maini frumoase.
- Drumul spre acest
este lung.
- In a week we are taking our :::iJ.nimals
to the garden.
- Unde sunt banii mci?
- Her :>money is on the table.
- I want to give them these >suits.
- I'm going this >way.
- Our mother and father are walking
in the >garden now.
- We are >eatlllg fish at the moment.
:> Your sIster likes to eat tish.
- Your brother has my book in his :>hand.
- My father has two /SIsters.
- Who is asking him a Xjllcs(lon now?
:> I'm in our garden now.
lli: a:
(li ha:' ga:'dn]
> l lYe? su:ts a:' gri:n]
> [mal sista' iz a nais ga:' I]
> [DIEt Uum[m hEz
nais hEndz]
> l al hEvnt mani]
>[dlllll: "ont tu a:sk him
[Y IS k
> [hL:\' IU: Enimfdz Et haum]
> [Dzb. "el tll D
1S taun
IZ lon(gl]
VVhereis Inylnoney?
Do you want to ask him
this question?
Have you animals at home?
My sister is a nice girl.
Tomorrow we are going
to her garden.
That woman has
nice hands.
Their suits are green.
Banii ei sunt pe masa.
Sa vedem acum ciHeva propozitii cu cuvintele noi. Cititi cu voce tare:
Vreau sa Ie dau aceste costume.
Acum mancam
Acum sunt in gradina noastra.
Eu merg pe aici.
Surarii tale ii place sa manance
I don't want to eat this fish.
Peste 0 saptamana duccm animalele noastre
in gradina.
Cine ii pune acum 0 intrebare?
Mama tatal nostru se plimba
acum in gradina.
The way to this town
is long.
Completati propozitiile in Iimba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Fratele tau are in mana cartea mea.
Traduceti din limba romana in limba engleza:
Tatal meu are dOli a surori.
I haven't money.
Si acum sa vedem cel de-af treilea caz in care se folose-$te timpul Present Continuous. Prezentul
continuu se -$i atunci cfmd ac!iunea se desfa-$oara in prezent -$i se refera la 0 activitate
excepfionalii. acest caz folosim urmiitoarele complemente de timp:
Pe unde mergi la serviciu de obicei?
- De obieei merg la lueru
eu autobuzul, dar azi
merg eu
- De obicei maneam aeasa, dar
In aeeasta saptamana
maneam la restaurant.
- In aeeasta luna scriu
scrisori surorii mele.
- De obieei seara el
earti, dar azi elmerge
la pi imbarc.
..... but today I am going by car."
> Whicll way do you usually go to work')
> He bas money Il1 bis hand.
> Your SUIt IS IlIce.
> I love bIg animals.
> I don't understand your questIon.
- aZI
- aeesta, aeeasta/ln aceasta (saptamana, luna)
hi: 17. gauI1l
f'O:' a "o :k I
>[ai iu.Juali gau tu L1 a.'k
bai bas bat tildei 31 EIll
) bal ka:']
>["i: iu:juaII l.t Et haum bat
DZis "i:k "i: a I itln
Et a restront]
> [DZI s manT' aim raitin
leta'z tu mai sistarJ
>[hi: !U'juali ri:dz buks
in D'I i:vnin
bat tadel
"I usually go to work by bus, ... "
EI are bani In mana.
Costumul tau este frumos.
Iubese animalele mario
Nu Inteleg Intrebarea tao
Sa vedem eateva exemple:
this (week, month)
I usually go to work by bus,
but today I am going by car.
We usually eat at home, but
this week we are eating
at a restaurant.
He usually reads books
in the evenings, but today
he is going for a walk.
This month I'm writing
letters to my sister.
Dupa aceasta pregat!re exerci(iile de traducere nu mai pot constitui 0 problema:
Completa(l propozi(iile de maijos cu verbele la timpul corespunzator, prezentul continuu sau simplu:
- dar, insa,
- Maine ealatorese eu avionul
la Berlin.
- EI..u.aduee des eartiGei.
- Fata aeeea tocmai iti
- My mother usually >\\'orks to eight,
but today she >1:' \1 ell kmg to five.
- Their father >likcs to read books in the
afternoon, but today he >is \'isitlng
his mother.
- a aduee
> I usucdly walk to work, but today
my lalher i:, I;lkmg me by car.
- a zambi (euiva)
- a zbura (a calatori eu avionul)
> 1don't like to wait for his sister,
but today [ 3m waiting.
- This month 1>aml1ot driving the car.
- Today we >are not working but we are laking
our son to Bucharest.
> They u;,ua\\y go III wOlk. in the morning.
but today they are gOing in the afternoon.
- 1 often >go to school in the morning, but
this morning 1 >all1 gum!:! shopping.
> This month I'm takmg him to England.
> I dOll'! like \ll 11:'11 thiS boy.
but thiS \Veek ['m gOing tll hll11.
>l hatJ
> [hi: orll brill/elz ha:'
> 11\1 hllll' '/
> [tamorau !lalll/
tll bil '11I1J
> [DZEt garllz djast
Et iu:]
> flU 11:1/1
Mama mea de obicel lucreaza panil la opt,
dar azi lucreaza pfma la cinci.
In aceasta luna IlU conduc
Tatalui lor ii place sa eitcasca carti dupa-amiaza,
dar azi a viziteaza pe mama sa
Azi nu lunam, dar II duccm pc fiul nostru
la Bucurqli.
He often brings her
Dimineata merg des la dar in
aeeasHi dimineata merg la eumparaturi.
to bring
lar acum urmcaza vcrbe noi:
Inainte de a trece la exercitiul urmator, yom invata un cuvfmt nou:
De obicei merg pe jos la lucru, dar azi
tatal meu ma va lua eu
That girl is just smiling
at you.
Sa vedem aeeste verbe in propozitii:
in accasta luna il due in Anglia.
to smile (at)
Nu-mi place sa-I vizitez pe aeest baiat,
dar saptamana aceasta ma duc la e1.
Tomorrow 1'111, flying
to Berlin.
De obicei ei merg la lucru dimineata,
dar azi merg dupa-amiaza.
to fly
Nu-mi place sa 0 pe sora lui,
dar azi 0
Sa exersam cuvintele noi; completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Sa verificam daca ati asimJ lat cuvintele no1. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitIi in limba engleza:
> This boy always smiles at me.
> Father is bnngll1g the table to the second room.
> Tomorrow 1'm tlyl11g to London.
I like to go by 'I'LIIIC.
- There are three>bedrooms in this house.
- What is your >name?
- I >sometimes see their sister.
.- What are their '>11,ll1ll"."
In limba engleza atat "Eu ma numesc.... " cat "pe mine ma cheama" se
traduc prin "my name is ... ".
Acul11 va vom prezenta din nou cateva cuinte no1. Repetati-le Cli voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Maine calatoresc cu avionul la Londra.
Acest baiat imi zambqte intotdeauna.
plane > [plelll] avion
aeroplane > [earaplell1] - aVlOn
name > [nelln] - nume
bedroom > [bedru.m] - dormitor
sometimes > [samtaimz] - uneori, cateodata
Tata aduce masa In a doua camera.
Imi r1ace sa merg ell aVlOnlil.
to see > [tll si:] a vedea
to know > [tll nall] a a
to like > [tll lazk] a-i placea, a indragi
to think > [tll T'in(glkJ a crede
"' to want >,[tu "ont] a vrea
to have > [tu hEv] a avea, a poseda
Cateodata 0 vad pe sora lor.
Cum te cheama?
In aceasta casa sunt trei dormitoare.
Cum il eheama?
lar acum in cadrlll disCII{iel despre timpul p"ezent conlinuu illlYJ{am 0 regula gramaticalafoarte
importanta Cll privire la folosirea verbelO1: Exista verbe pe care nu Ie putem folosi ia acest timp.
Acestea sunt verbe care exprima senza{ii sau sentimente. lata cateva exemple dinlec{lile anterioare:
Ciliar 1i /n cazlil /n ('(//"c pc Idngcl aceslr: verbe in propozi{ie se afld expresiile now, just, at the mo-
ment /n mod o!Jligll!ul"//I \'(' Iduse,.,e timplll Prcscnt Simple.
>/ :11 <I,llll)j anda'stnd hJJlIJ - Nu-linteleg.
>[ ai daunt nilu It Ilau] -- Acum nu
- a intelege, a pricepe
- a f1
- Our father >is not working in the garden now,
- This week 1 >see her on Tuesday.
- Now J >kJj()\v he >IS going to Bucharest
- Where >are his sisters flying tomorrow?
- These people always >work on Saturdays.
- Who >i, working in the second room now?
- They >don't want to go there with us.
- ThIS clock >is usually in my room,
but today it >is in his bedroom.
- Our son usually >comes home at five in the
afternoon, but today he >is coming at two.
- She >doesn't want to go to school.
> Itll anda'stlnd]
>[lu bL]
>1,\/11,1\1 hlz - 0 cunose pe sora lui.
>11 I l)l,l millunant ai daunt -l\'u-l vad acum.
>[ ai daunt anela' 51 End ill: - Acum nu te Inteleg.
>Iu Lllk ru 1 - Imi placi.
lata cateva exemple:
to be
to understand
I don't know it nov..
oamcni luereaza Intotdeauna sambata.
Cine lucreaza in a doua camera aCllm?
Unde merg eu avionul surorile lui maine?
At the mO!llcnt I d(\n'1
sec hil11.
I like you,
Tatal nostru nu lucreaza acum In gradina.
I don't understand h1m.
Ea TIU vrc<.! sa mearga ::;coala.
Fiul nostru vine acasa de obicei la ora
cinci dupa-arniaza, dar azi vine La doua.
Aces! ceas estc de obicci in camera mea,
dar azi este ill d()fmitoruLLui.
in aceasta saptamana 0 vad marti.
Aeum ea maine elmefge la
Nu VOl' sa meal'ga eu nOI aeolo.
Completati propozitiile Cll verbele corcspunzatoare:
I don't understand you
1 know his sister.
Daca substantivul se termina In -e, la plural prime:;te doar termina{ia -s :;i se pronun{ii la Jel [iz]:
>{ ofislZ]
- a auzl
- a pillti
- a tine
- a lncerca, a proba
he teaches
she goes
- >Houses in Station Street are nice.
- My mother >teachcs English in a school.
- In Bucharest >buses are red.
- There are eleven >offices in this building
- My sister wants to visit those >churches.
- Peter >gocs there every Tuesday.
- buses
- churches
- offices
- houses
- a Invata (pe altii),
- a preda
- a merge
> [tu trail
> [tu pel]
>{ bas]
>{ oris]
>{ tu gau]
to teach
regula este valabila pentru verbe:
to go
Petre merge acolo In fiecare marti.
Termina{ia -es se Jolose:;te la persoana a treia singular :;i In cazul In care verbul la infinitiv se
termina In -0.
La autobuzele sunt
Mama mea preda engleza Intr-o
in cele ce urmeaza ne vom ocupa de plumlul substantivelOl: Acele substantive care la singular au
termina{ia -s, -sh, -ch, -x, la plural primesc termina{ia -es, care se pranun{a liz]:
lata cateva verbe noi:
Sunt unsprezece birouri In aceasta cladire.
Sa exersam regulile. Completati propozitiile In limba engleza cititi-Ie apoi cu voce tare. Atentie la
to try
to pay (for)
to keep
Casele de pe strada Garii sunt frumoase.
to hear
Sora mea vrea sa viziteze acele biscrici.
Dadi ter-millaria -y a lI/llli sllhstalltiv la singular este preceda,ta de 0 vocala, alunci cuviintul
la plural doar termillatia -s:
Urnuitoarea regula se refera la pluralul substantivelor care se termina In -yo Daca Inaintea sunelului
-y se afla (Ia singular) 0 consoana, atunci la plural terminatia -y se schimba In -i, vafi urmal de
lerminatia -es.
- Maria tine acasa un animal.
Cine caI\ile?
- iI auzi pe tatal meu
in gradina?
- Sora ei ii invata in fiecare zi
sa citeasca.
> [beibiz]
- Ei tocmai incearca
sa-ti puna 0 intrebare.
> [hi: tralz]
> peiz]
> Who is tlying to go out of the garden?
> Do you keep animals at home?
> They are trying to write a long letter
to their mother now.
> Tomorrow we are paying for these houses.
> His father has offices in this building.
> 1'11CIl' ;IIC SOII1C 11ICC churchcs in Bucharest.
> l 11<1:' snstii'" DZem
III n d ('vri dei]
> lmean ki:ps an Enimal
1:1 hilUm]
> l IYel a:
djast traiin(g) tll
a:sk iu: a
> I hLl: PClZ fo:' DZa buks]
> Idll ill: hia' mai fa:Dza'
III [Ya ga:'dn]
he tries
she pays
- factories
- babies
- countries
to pay
to try
Mary keeps an animal
at home.
Her sister teaches them
to read every day.
Do you hear my father
in the garden?
Citili urmatoarele propoziFi fili atenli la pronunlie:
Who pays for the books?
Traduceti in lil1lba cnglaa propozitiile de mai jos:
They are just trying to
ask you a question.
Aculll (ci) inccarca sa scrie 0 scrisoare lunga
lllal1lci lor.
Maine piatim aceste case.
Ai animale acasa?
Cine incearca sa iasa din
regula esle valabila -?i penlru verbele eu terminatia -y:
Tatallui are birouri in aceasta cladire.
Sunt cateva biserici frumoase in
Dacd exprimal11 tin ol"din, verbulnu este precedat de particula to:
Atentie: verbul ,.to hear" nu poate fi folosit la timpul prezent continuu.
- Mergi acasa!
Mergeti acasa!
- aceasta carte!
Cititi aceas(a carte!
- Adu-mi Ull scaun!
Aduceti-ml lin scaun!
> His babies are m the garden now
> I ht::-.e factories are big.
> These boys don't want to go home.
> She tnes to read one book every day.
I Ie- I'.IY:-' 'ilL' 20 dollars every month.
- These >boys want to visit some >countnes.
- He always >tlles to be good.
- These >babies don't hear their mothers.
> E\'ery week we send tht:1l1 flvc IcttCIS.
> I don't II ,lilt III ,I,k thc,,,t: hoys to write about it.
> In those 11l'UI'!c 11\t: III IIttlc houses.
- She is just >paymg for these books.
- His father has some >factones.
> [n:d DZ\s buk]
> l gau haumJ
Ea tocmai pentru aceste car-ti.
Read this book!
Imi lunar 20 de dolari.
EI incearca intotdeauna sa fie bun
Bring me a chair!
lui sunt acum in gradina.
Aceste fabrici sunt mario
Acqti baieti nu vor sa mearga acasa.
Acqh baieti vor sa viziteze cateva tari.
Go home!
in exercltiul urmator yom veri fica notiumle pima acum, refelitoare la pluralul substantlvel<!!."..
la ortografia corecta a verbelor conjugate. Traduceti in limba engleza: j
Acqti nu Ie aud pc mamcle lor.
In acele tari oamenii traiesc in case mici.
Tatallui are cateva fabric!.
Ea incearca sa citeasca 0 carte in fiecare zi.
in fiecare saptamana Ie trimitem cinci scrisori.
far acum s(i lnwi!(illl lIIodllllmpcnlliv.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza.
Nu vreau sa Ie cer acestor baieti sa scrie
despre aceasta.
Sa eXl'lsalll ill'l1l't':\IIVltll'l1 :ljlltmul exerci(iului de mai jos:
nuni "r(,171 sci expril71am 0 rugaminte, atunci se adallga cuvantlll pleasel pk?] -te rag, va rag:
- pe sora mea!
Priviti-o pe sora mea!
- Gande;;te-te la asta!
Ganditi-va la asta!
- Platqte aceasta bicicleta, te rag.
- Cere-i lui, te rag.
>Open this door!
>Go for a walk!
>0011' t ta Ik to this girl, please.
>Try to buy it!
>Don 't take my car!
>WclIt for me, please.
>Don't go by car, please.
,1,1.111111 ' .. III 1111 I )'1', hilI. . Nu-mi arata aeeasta carte,
I >II / I te rag.
> [T'mlg1k abaut it]
> [luk Et mai sista']
> [a:sk him fa:" it pli:z]
> [ti:t;; mi:]
> I(LlLInt aupn DZa Uindau] - Nu deschide fereastra!
>- I <I:lllnl T'lnl"lk :,b:lIll II pll /1 Nu tc giindi la asta, te rag.
> [pei fa:' DZis baisikl pli:z]
> Idaunt gau aut av io:' rll:l11j - Nu din eamerele voastre.
In limba engleza pentru persoana a daua atat la singular, cat la plural,
falosim expresie imperativa.
Look at my sister!
Pay for this bicycle, please.
Think about it'
Ask him for it, please.
Desehidc an'asla'
te rag'
Incearca sa-l cumperi I
Don't open the window'
Don't show me this book,
Tcach mc
Nu merge eu k rog.
Nu vorbi eu aeeasta te rag!
Nu lua meal
Don't go out of yOlll' roo111.
Du-te la plimhare!
Don't think about iI, pk:ls\'.
Doni \'/'('11/ .1'(/ ordollclm cuiva sau sa rugam pe cineva sa lUI faca ceva, atunci i'naintea verbului se
PIII/i' lorII/O I/egative! a allxiliarului do (don't).:ji aici putemfolosi verbul please:
Nu lucra seara!
pentru asta!
Trimite aceasta scrisoare, te rag.
- >Don't work in the evening!
- >Thank her for it!
>Send this letter, please.
"Open your mouth, please!"
In a<.:ea'IS!<1 parte vom recapitula reguJile gramaticale cuvintele noi pe care Ie-am Invii\at In cele
dOlla leqii.
In prillllli cxcrcitiu silabele accentuate sunt scrise cu Jitere Pentru Inceput ascultati doar
<lialogllrilc. Apoi ascultati-le Inca a data repeta\i diaJogul.
I want to ask you a questioll: whk-h way arc Tom and Peter going to the office now?
Ask my father, please. I think he knows it.
What is your name?
My name is Peter.
Is the first house your house'!
No, Peter has the first house and John has the third. Our house hasn't a garden. It is
the second.
Is it Sunday today?
No, it is Monday, the second day of the week.
Isn't Monday the first day of the week?
No, Sunuay is the first day of the week in England.
When do you want to go to England?
I want to go there next year, but I don't know English.
Do you like Saturday?
Yes, I do. On Saturday I always go to town so I usually have some time to visit my
\"II('n do you usually go shopping?
I go into some shops on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tomorrow they ,Ire going 10 Bucharest to pay fur the houses,
But where are they uow'!
This morning they are going 10 the post-ofTice. They are going there now.
\Vhal is her name')
ller lIallll' IS Sheila.
ll's a Jlin' name. Some little babies have nice names. She is smiling at you.
Slie always silliles al me to show me she loves me.
What do you see now?
I see a man, a woman and a little boy.
Is she talking to the man at the moment?
Yes, she is.
All right. I'm going there now, Wait for me in the garden.
\Vho is working herc'!
I alll wlII'king hen:, l'nl \\Tiling a letter,
.I ohn:
.I 0 11 n:
Jar acum yom verifica intregul material nou din aceste doua Jectii. Traduceti in limba englez3
propozi1iile de mai jos:
Vreau sa trimit aceste scrisori vineri.
Aceasta carte este pentru tine.
Cred ca aceasta scrisoare este lunga.
Tine acest stilou scrie-i 0 scrisoare.
Romania Anglia sunt tari frumoase.
Sambata voi merge la plimbare.
Mancam des in gradina.
Cui ii place sa citeasca carli?
Miercuri la noua sunt intotdeauna acasa.
Tocmai iqim din casa.
Acum incearca s-o citeasca?
Maria nu viziteaza aceasta biserica acum.
Cat este ceasul acum?
$tiu dar nu engleza.
sunt aici.
In dormitorul mcu se alla un pat un hirOlI.
Fiica lui are ochi () gura
Mama mea lucreaza acum in bucatarie.
Luna viitoare (ei) zboara cu avionul
in Anglia.
Peste zece zile ne ducem la ei.
Maine ne iei pe noi cu tine?
Da-i lui aceasta bicicleta, te rog.
Sora ei se plimba acum in gradina.
EI are un costum verde.
$i este un animal.
Vrei sa ma intrebi ceva?
> J want to send these letters on Fnday.
> This book IS for you.
> I thmk this letter is long.
> Take this pen and write a letter to her.
> and England are nice countries.
> On Saturday I'm gOll1g for a walk.
> We often eat in the garden.
> Who loves to read books?
> At nine on Wednesday I'm always at home.
> We are just going aLIt of the house.
> Is he trying to read it now?
> Mary IS not vIsiting thlS church now.
> What time is it now')
> I know RonWIII:lIl hut I dOll't know English.
> I Ill'Sl' lillie are here.
- I hl'l C a bed and a desk in my bedroom.
> His daughter has blue eyes and a Icd IIlouth.
> My mother is working In the kIll hCIl IlOW.
> Next month they are flying hy pl:llIe
to England.
> We are going to them III tell d:IYS
> Are you taking us With you tomorrow?
> Give him this hicyck, pkase.
> Her sister IS walking III the garden now.
> He has a green suit.
> A fish IS also an animal.
> Do you want to ask me a question'!
lar acum, sa exersam prol1llI1tia vocalelor din urmatoarele grupuri de cuvinte:
(u] I ei I Ii] [ E] [ ai] [ i]
good way keep hand try sister
book pay teach man my office
look day eat animal this
baby read five visit
Crezi ca este 0 cale buna de a obtine
De obicei lucrez luni, dar azi
nu lucrez.
Cine imi
Adu-mi bani.
Cum il cheama?
Acum nu-I vad.
> Do you think it's a good way to get
(h is money')
> I work on Monday but today I am
not work j ng.
> Who is smiling at me')
> Bring me tills money
> What is his name'!
> I don't see it now.
6.1. Cuvimtul "money" este Intotdeauna folosit la singular.
6.2. In limba engleza atat "ma numesc", cat "pe mine ma cheama" se traduc prin "my name is. "
- Ma numesc Mana.lMa cheama Maria.
- Banii mei sunt pe masa.
- Cum te cheama?/Cum te
- El se numqte/pe el Jl cheamalnumele lui
este Peter Smith.
- Cum Ii cheama.?
- a vedea
- a aUZI
- a a
- a-i placea, a i'ndragi
- a crede
- a vrea, a dori
- a avea, a poseda
- a i'ntclcgc, a pi iccpe
-- a fi
Nu te i'nleleg.
- Cred ca ai dreptate.
- Mergem la
- Unde te duci?
- Acum nu-l i'nteleg.
- buses
- churches
Where are you going?
We are going to school.
Now I don't understand him.
My money is on the table.
What is your name?
My name is Mary.
What are their names?
His name is Peter Smith.
to like
to think
to hear
to know
to see
to be
I don't understand you.
I think you are right.
Daca in afara de terminatile de mai sus cuvantulla singular mai are terminatia ,,-e",
atunci la plural doar un ,,-s" pronuntia este de asemenea[ IZ].
to want
to have
to understand
6.3.2. Daca din context reiese ca aqiunea se tocmai i'n momentul vorbirii, atunci
expresiile "now, just, at the moment" pot lipsi din propozitie:
6.3.1. $i i'n cazul In can: i'n propozi(iile care conlin aceste verbe figureaza expresiile "now,
just, at the moment", trebuie folosit timpul prezent simplu:
6.4.1. Daca substantivulla singular se termina in ,,-s, -sh, -ch, -x" pluralul se formeaza
prin adaugarea terminatiei ,,-es" care se pronunta intotdeauna [1/ J :
6.3. Exista verbe care nu pot fi folosite la timpul prezent continuu. Acestea sunt verbele car __
exprima senzatii sau sentimente:
6.4. Pluralul substantivelor
6.5. Fonnarea timpului prezent simplu la persoana a treia singular prin adaugarea la verb a sufixului
()aca vrcm sa nc cxprimam politicos sau vrem doar sa cerem ceva, atunci se adauga
cuvanlul "please":
- babies
- factories
- teaches
- goes
- tries
- Deschide te rag.
- Mergi acasal
Mergeli acasii'
- Mergi acasa!
- Nu-l lua, te rog.
Go home!
(,0 home!
Open the door, please.
Don't take it, please.
6.5.2. Daca infinitivul vcrbului are tenninatia ,,-y" precedata de 0 consoana, atunci la persoana
a treia singular ,,-y"-ul se transforma in "i", la adauga sufixul ,,-es":
6.5.1. Daca la infinitiv verbul are terminatia ,,-s, -sh, -ch,-x" sau ,,-0", atunci la persoana a
treia singular sufixul ,,-es" care se pronunta intotdeauna [iz]:
6.4.2. Daca intr-un cuvant la singular tenninatia ,,-y" este precedata de 0 consoana, atunci la
plural ,,-y" -ul se transforma in ,,-i", la care se adauga tennina(ia ,,-es":
6.6.2. Daca ordonam cuiva sa nu ceva, atunci forma negativa a verbului auxiliar "do"
(don't) inaintea verbului:
Don't go home! - Nu merge acasii'
Putem folosi cuvantul "please" pentru 0 exprimare politicoasa:
(1.(1. I. ()aca vrCI11 sa expnmam un ordin folosim forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului,
fara particula "to":
6.6.3. In limba engleza, forma de imperativ se poate referi aHit 1a singular cat 1a
6.6. f'ropozi(iilc imperative
Rezolvati ~ i trimiteti pentru verificare exercitiile de mai jos:
A. Traduceti unniHoarele propozitii in limba romana:
1. We don't want to visit that man today.
2. Don't try to take this book!
3. Who teaches Romanian in this school?
4. Are the babies at home?
5. What are their names?
6. Where is your money?
B. Traduce1i urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. El ii aude in clipa asta?
2. Aceste doua fabrici sunt in apropierea statiei?
3. Mergi la tata ~ i cere-i bani!
4. Cine vrea sa puna 0 intrebare?
5. Unde sunt aceste biserici?
6. Maine nu am timp sa 0 scriu
c. in propozi\iik: unnaloan: ex Isla g n ~ e l i Corecta\i-le ~ i rescrieti fiecare propozitie:
1. He isn't knowlI1g lhis girl.
2. In eighteen days I go to Bucharest.
3. He's name is Peter.
4. Our bois are good.
5. Her daughter trys to get the car.
6. You don't read this book, please.
, ,
about >
despre, de, eu privire la
aeroplane > - aVlon
/ I - animal
to ask a question > I III <i:sk a
- a pune 0 intrebare
at the moment >
I Ll [Va maumant]
- ill acest moment, chiar acum
baby >
I [wi\) )]
bed > [ heLlJ - pat
bedroom lbcdrll:m] dormitor >
book > l bukJ - carte
to bring >
[Ill hrin(gl]
- a aduee (eu sine)
but > [batJ - dar, i'nsa,
to conle >
[tu kam]
- a veni, a ajunge
daughter > I do: 1;I'J - fiica
desk > I desk I - masa de scris, birou, pupitru, banea
dollar >
- dolar
to eat > I tll ill - a maoea, a se hril11i
eighteen >
[eiti:nJ - optsprezece
eleven > [ilevnJ - ullsprezece
England > [ ingland]
- Anglia
English > J - englez
eye > (all - ochi
fifteen > I Ii It i 111 - cincisprezece
; I t1,1
to fly > 1111 li"'1 - a zbura
fourteen > I r" 'Iinj - paisprezece
Friday >
Ilraid i j. l frairiei] - vmer!
garden >
- gradina
to give > [tL! glvJ - a da, a dami
hand >
- mana
to hear >
[tu hia']
- a auzi
her >
[ ha:']
- pe ea, ei, ii, -i; ei/sau;sai, sale
here >[hia'J - aici, pe aici
him >[hllnJ - pe el, ii, 1-, lui, ii, i-,
In >[II1J - in, la, inauntrul
It >[ ItJ - aceasta, asta (pentru obiecte,
noti uni abstracte, animale)
just >[ dpstJ - tocmai, chiar
to keep >[tu hpj - a tine
kitchen >[ J - bucatarie
letter >[ leta'J - scnsoare
little >[litIJ - mic, un pic, putin
to love >[tu lavJ - a iubi, a-i fi drag
man >[mEnJ - barbat
me >[mi:J - pe mine, ma, mle, imi, mi, -mi
Monday >[mandl], [mandelJ -luni
money >[m3mJ - bani
month >[manT'J - luna (calendaristica)
mouth >[mauT'J - gura
name >[neim] - nume
next >[nekstJ lIrma(or, care urmeaza
nineteen >[nalilti 111 l10uasprezece
now >1 '1.l1I1
- acum
out of '1 ,1111 :1 \ 1 - din (de ex. a scoate ceva din cev?-'-.
to pay (for) I II I 11\'/1 - a plati (ceva/pentru ceva)
pen >1 pL'1l1 - stilou
plane >lpklnj - avion, aeroplan
please >[plnJ - te rag, fii amabil
post-office > [paust ofisJ - oficiu
question > [k J - intrebare
to read >[tu ridJ - a citi
right >[raltJ - drept, potrivit, corect
all right >[o:lraltJ - in ordine, in regula
on the right >[ on [Ya rait] - in dreapta, in partea dreapUi
to the right >1 tll [Ya ral1] -la dreapta
to be right >[ tu bi. ralt] - a avea dreptate
Romania >[rumemia] - Romania
Romanian >[ rumeinian] - roman
Saturday >[sEta'di], [sEta'dei] - sambata
to send >[ tu send] - a trimite
to show >[ tu - a arata
seventeen >[sevnti:n] -
sister >[ - sora
sixteen >[sikstin] -
to smile (at) >[ tu smail l:tJ - a zambi (cuiva)
sometimes >[ samtaimz] - cateodata, uneori
son >[ san] - fiu
suit >[su:t] - costum de haine
Sunday >[ sandi], [sandel] - duminica
to talk (to/with) >[tu to:k] - a vorbi, a conversa
to teach >[tu - a preda, a invata (pe altii)
them >[IYcm]
- pc ci/clc, lor, Ie, Ii
the third >11 )1;1 I ';1 '<II al treilea
thirteen 1
;1 IIi III - treisprezece
- joi Thllrsday :1 '/dll.1 I :t.'/(!c/J
lOlllO'l'OW ll.lfllOI<lllj - maine
to try 1 t 1I 11';\ i I - a incerca, a proba
Tuesday '1I/lI/(li j, [tiuzdei] - marti
twelve "11 ''L-I \' I - doisprezece
twenty >11"clllll - douazeci
to understand >[ tll :IIHL!'stEnd] - a intelege, a pricepe
us >[ as] - pe noi, ne, noua, ne, ni
>[ Uei] - drum, cale, direc(ie
Wednesday >["enzdi], [Uenzdei] - mlercun
week >[Ui:k] - saptamana
what time... ? >[ Uot taim] -la ce ora?
whIch way?
> l t ~ "el ]
> ["iDzJ
> [iu")
- pe care drum, in ee direetie?
- eu, ilTIpreuna eu
- tie, Iti, \1, dumneavoastra,
voua, va, vi, pe tine te,
pe dumneata, pe dvs , pe voi, va
Ati lacut deja primii in invatarea limbii engleze. Ati constatat probabil, ca va este din ce in ce
mai sa intelegeri propozitiile simple. S-ar putea sa averi greutari cu unele structuri gramaticale
sau cu unele cuvinte, dar aceasta este ceva In curand veti putea folosi lara nici 0 dificultate
aceste forme mai complicate.
Pentru a va ajuta, de aCU111 inainlc, 1a inceputul fiecarui manual, vom prezenta 0 recapitulare a
regulilor gramaticalc inva\alc in caiclul precedent. Repetarea sistematica a celor invatate va ajuta
sa vii t1xa\i no\illnilc deja s{lldiate (o(odata, va stimuleaza dezvoltarea de limba
Mull sucCt,:s'
[>rofcsorul dUl11l1cavoaslra
Copyright by
EUROCOR - lnstitutul European de Cursuri prin Corespondentii S.R.L.
ISSN 1453-8474
1. Va rugam, incepcti rezolvarea temei pentru acasa numai dupa ce ati parcurs
intregul material, ati repetat euvinteJc ati rczolvat lara ultimele exercitii
de verificare. Inainte de a Ineepe rezolvarea acestcia va reeomandam sa studiati eu
atentie sa reeititi Inc(\ 0 data (cxlul, urmarind regulile pe care recapitularea Ie
prill plillclarc.
2. Atunci c;\lld Illva\,1I1l (l IiII lila sl ra inil, accasta trebuie exersata repetata cu
perscvcrcn\a Cll can.: am lllva\at sa ll1crgem. In acest scop v-au fost propuse 0 serie
dc cxerci\ii. Va slIgcr,lnl sa rcvedqi din cand In cand matcrialul deja parcurs. In
sClIrt limp, cllrsantlll sc V:I cOllvinge ca aeest lucru nu estc lipsit de sens. Tema
implica Illtotdeauna repclarca maleriei din JcqiiJc anterioare. cu
acest mod de Jucru, care, In mod spontan f<ira eforturi deosebite, va
improspateaza consoJideaza Pentru a putea obtine rezultate in
invatarea limbilor straine cu ajutorul metodei noastre, nu aveti nevoie de un talent
deosebit. Chiar cei care sunt mai putini receptivi in invatarea limbilor straine,
VOl' ajunge dupa cateva luni de studiu laun nivella care nici nu au sperat.
Deci, fiti gata de munca!
3. Propunerea noastra este sa incepeti rezolvarea temei folosind cioma. Va fi mai
sa va corectati sa propuncti mai multe posibile raspunsuri, iar la sa
alcgeti varianta care vi se pare a fi eea mai buna.
4. Transcriqi tema "pc curat" doar cand sunteti siguri de rezolvare. Pentru trimiterea
temelor folositi fonnu]arelc tipilrite In aeest seor.
5. Nu uitati sa va seriqi numeJc, prel1ume!e, adresa, codu! profesorului numarul
dc cursant sub care ati fost inregistrat. Acesta din urma se in scrisoarea care
confirma participarea dvs. la curs.
6. Va rugamscrieti citet!
7. Alaturati temei pentru acasa un plic timbrat autoadresat. In acest plic veti primi
tema corectata.
R. Este foarte important sa notati pc pJic numarul de cursant sub care ati fost
9. In cazulln care comandati matcriale noi de curs, sau aveti alte cereri legate de
relatii1e eu publicul, scrieti-Ie separat pe 0 foaie de hartie trimiteti-le pe adresa
noastra impreuna cu tema. In coltul din stanga jos al scrisorii, scrieti "Relatii cu
10. Dumneavoastra sunteti cel care termenul de tnmltere a temei.
Independent de acesta, luerarea dumneavostra va fi intotdeauna eontrolata
retrimisa de eiltre profesor.
Veti vedea, eforturile dumneavoastra vor fi rasplatite. Va dorim mult succes!
Acum repcla\i clivintele in alta online:
Pentru inceput iata cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi cu voce tare:
year > Ild\ - an (calendaristic)
ship > Isip] - nava, vapor
family > [fEmili] - familie
horse > [ho:'s] - cal
friend > [frend] - prieten
radio > [rcidiau] - radio
musIc > 111I1IL/ik I - muzica
brother > I hral)/:I'J - frate
cigarette > I sigaret] - tigara
> l - dntec, melodic
the fourth > I D'a fo:'P] - al patrulea, a patra
foot > l fut] - laba piciorului
" "
brother > [braDZa
] - frate
friend > Ifrend] - prieten
horse > [ho:'s] - cal
ship > - nava, vapor
cigarette > [sigaret] - tigara
the fourth > [Dca fo:'T'] - al patrulea, a patra
year > [iia
] - an (calendaristic)
foot > [fut] - laba piciorului
radio > [reidiau] - radio
> [son(gl]
- dintec, melodie
music > [l11iu:zik] - mUZlca
family > I IF, 111 iii] - familie
Acum, cOl11pletati propozitIle in limba engJeza. Folositi filtrul
Sa folosim aceste cuvinte in propozltii:
intI-una din propozltiile anterioare ati intalnit expresia:
- Fratele meu se uita
la un cal mare.
- Aduceti-mi tlgarile voastre!
- Maine mergem cu vaporul
in Anglia.
- Aud 0 mel odie la radIO.
- Familiei noastre ii place
sa viziteze Londra.
- Locuiesc in a patra casa
de pe aceasta strada.
-la radio
- Iti place muzica?
- Uita-te la piciorullui drept!
- Is there a >radio in this factory?
- He likes to go by train and by >sIll 11 .
- I love this >song.
- We don't know this >family.
- My >Ji"iend has no sisters.
- I-J e is my >1 (JlIII h brother.
- I see a >horse through the window.
- Does your >foot hurt?
- I'm going to school in a >yeal.
- Their cttes arc on the desk.
- Does your mother like >music?
I (JI) I Vd I "f(!I.1I11
> [bnn(g) mI: 10:' slgarets]
> [mal bi IZ luklt1(gi
Et a big ho 's]
> [al hia:' ason
) on
DZa rCldliiu]
> [aua! fEmill lalks tu villt
> [L1 I: a:' gault1(g) tu in(glgland
bal tamorau]
> [mal frend IZ kallllll
lu 1111: - Prietenul meu vine la mine
DIIS 11'1'] anul acesta.
>['1111\ In IYa (c).'T' haus
IIJ O/IS stn:t]
> [dull! la/k miu zik]
> [luk Et hlz rait fut]
I hear a song on
the radio.
Bring me your cIgarettes!
My brother is looking
at a big horse.
Look at 11lS right foot!
We are gOlllg to England
by ship tomonow.
My friend is coming to me
tillS year.
Our family likes to visit
[ live In the fourth house
in this street.
Do you hke music?
Prietenul meu nu are surori.
Este/Exlsta un radio in aceasta fabrica?
Imi place mult aeest eantec.
Te doare piciorul?
La anul merg la
Lui ii place sa mearga cu trenul cu vaporul.
El este eel de-al patrulea frate al meu.
Vad un cal pe fereastra.
011 the rad 10
Nu aceasta familie.
Mamei tale ii place muziea?
Tigarile lor sunt pe birou.
Urmariti cu atentie felul in care este folosit cuvantul of in urmatoarele expresii:
Oupa cum ati observat, inamtea substantivulUi music (muzica) nu se
pune nici un fel de articol.
- cativa prieteni de-ai mei
- a mu1time de
- a bucata de hartie
- a de cafea
() de ca rea
(dill toata cantitatea de cafea)
- catva, cativa, ceva
> l sam aV mal frendz]
> [a pl.S ilV peipa']
> I a lot av ka:'z]
> [,1 kilp <IV kofl] a cup of coffee
a lot of cars
cup > [kap] -
coffee > [koti] - cafea
a lot of >[alotav] - a multime de, foarte mult,
foarte multi
pIece > [pJ:S] - bucata
paper > [pelpa'] - hartie
lata cuvintele noi din expresiile de mai sus:
some of my friends
lata denumirea catorva alimente in limba engleza:
('111'(/11111/ of ('.I'll' /oIO.l'ill)('1I11'1I iI nj!l'Il1/iI IJO.l'(',\iil (ceva/cineva aparline cuiva). f)(' iI,\'('/I11'Il1'il, pul1'/n
exprill/il ,,\'i ('illIllIl//('1/ ('II illlllol'lIlll1l (If f)(' (,H'II/IJlII:
a piece of paper
a cup of coffee
Of poatefi intiilnit ii in expresia de mai los:
some of
tea > [tl ] - ceal
beer > [hJa'J - bere
water '> 1"0 "I'I - apa
..... I \llll:,1 I
- zahar
pm > Idll III1 - gem, dulceata
honey >111.11111 - miere (de albine)
cheese > I hi /1 - branza
bread > l hledl - paine
butter >lbaUJ - unt
Sa exersarn aeeste euvmte. Tractueep in Illnba engleza:
Sa folosim in propozitii substantivele rara plural. Tradueeti in limba engleza:
> cotfe and tea
> beer and water
> ,bread and buller
> cheese and jam
> sugar and honey
> Do you want to eat bread WIth jam')
> I want tu have a lot of money,
> Do you want coffee?

bere apa
eafea eeai
paine unt (piiine eu unt)
Nu uitati ca inaintea aeestor substantive nu folosim artieolul nehotarat
"a/an". SubstantivuI "money" faee parte tot din aeeasta grupa.
(Atentie! Denurnirea monedei (exemplu: "dolar", "leu") are plural.
Vrei eafea?
Vrei sa manallei paine eu dulceata?
zahar rniere
Vreau sa am a rnultime de bani.
1. lichide, de exemplu: coffee, tea, water, beer, milk
2. substante solidI', de exemplu: sugar, coffee
3. gaze, de exemplu: air [ea' ]- aer
4. produse ca: bread, cheese etc.
Cuvintele de mai sus sunl slIhslanlive carl' IlU au plural. Existii in limba romdnii asemenea sub-
stantive: de exemp/u, za//(11: j'aso/I', SI'II', l11iere Aceastti categorie cuprinde - printre altele-
substantivele care denul11esc materia; de exemplu:
Pentru expril11area cantitiitii folosil11 urnuitoarele douii cuvinte:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
. Ciiti oameni
- mult, multa (se cu
substantivele care nu au plural)
- multi, multe,
numeroase (se doar cu
substantIvele care au plural)
- Nu am multi bani.
- Ea are multe
- cati? ciite? (in cazul substantivelor
care nu au plural)
- cati? cate? (in cazul substantivelor
care au plural)
- Ciit zahar vrei?
> My money lS on the table.
> bo') IS eatll1g bread wIth honey.
- >HO\\ many pieces of cheese are
on the plate?
- >How much bread do you want to eat?
- She has >many English books.
- I haven't >mLlch tea.
- >How much beer do they want to bring?
- >How llluch tea do you want?
- >How many cups of tea does your
sister want?
- We have >m.lIly friends.
> [menll
> [al hE\ nt llldt
> [SI hL/ mcnJ ka 'z]
> 111.\1\ I\}\"\I' I" I"
till III 1],111\
> [hall mats suga'
du Ill: "ont]
> [hau mel1l]
Baiatul acela manfmca piiine cu miere.
Banii mei sunt pe
She has many cars.
Sa vedem ciiteva exemple:
Cate bucati de sunt
pe farfurie?
Ea are multe carti
How many?
Nu am mult ceai.
Cite de ceai vrea sora dumneavoastra?
How much?
DL: L:xL:nlplu:
Avem multi prieteni.
Ciit ceai vrei?
How many people
do you know?
How much sugar
do you want?
Ciita bere vor sa aduca?
Ciita piiine vreti sa miincati?
1 haven't much money.
lntrebiirile referitoare la cantitate in limba englezii sunt:
Iar acum sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozi(ii, Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Expresla a lot of poate fi folosita atiit cu substantivele care au plural, cat
cu cele care nu au plural.
- ieftin
- putin, catva, ceva (cu substantive
care nu au plural)
- impreuna
- scump, costisitor
- caine
- mai mult/mai muM decat, mai
mulWmai multe decat
- mai putin deciit, mai putin de
- pentru ca, fiindca, deoarece
- repede, iute, rapid
- a cumpara, a face cumparaturi
- Scaunele sunt in jurul mesei.
- ce ar fi sa",? cum starn cu.. ,?
, ?
ce mal e cu ''
- in jurul, prin apropiere
- simplu
- Cumpara-mi aceasta bicicleta!
- El are mai putini bani decat
fratele sau.
- Este ieftin.
- Nu cumpar aceasta casa,
deoarece este scumpa.
- Am mai multe decal tine.
- Aceste vapoare sunt rapide.
- Engleza este
> [tageOZa']

>[OZI:Z a:' fa:st]
>[Dla a:' arallnd
DZa te/bl]
>[al hEy mo.' ka:'z OZEl1/lL]
>[hl' h[z III all I [YEn
hiz bl aD!;j' J
>(1\:' pJ
> [IkspenslvJ
>[bal mi: OilS baislklJ
>1;\lIllIlI>t h,I/IIl''') 1)'1\ 11.ltlS
blko/ Ibl'(,II\I\' I
IZ i.zi] English is easy,
a little
I have more cars than you.
Buy me this bicycleI
I'm not buying this house,
because it's expensive.
He has less money than
his brother.
Sa invatam cateva cuvinte noi:
It's cheap.
dog >Idog]
more than >lllw I IVI'Il[
because >[blkozj
less than > [les OlEn]
around > [al allnd]
fast >[fa:st]
what about >["ot abaut]
easy >1 i /11
to buy ,>1111 h.lll
The chairs are around
the table,
These ships are fast
Comrletati rrorozitiile in lirnba engleza cu cuvintele noi:
- Mergem impreuna acolo?
- Va iubiti cainele?
- Va rag, dati-mi putina bere.
- Ce mai face Mary?
I have two ><1",,,, and] love them.
The first ear is >1'111'.11) and the second
IS -T\lll'II';IVl.
- mic, putin
- Am putini bani.
- putin, catva, ceva
- Am ceva bani.
- Ea are un caine mic.
- In a week we are going to England
>[gIV 1m: a litl b1a' plI:z]
>["ot abaut meari]
>[a.'"1. gauJl1(g) OZea'
> [du IU lay io:' dog] Do you love your dog?
What about Mary?
Give me a little beer, please.
De exemplu:
Are we going there
I have a little money.
a little
"Peter has less money than Mary."
I have little money.
Refinefi deosebirile dintre expresiiIe de mai jos. Ambele sunt folosite cu suhstantive care nu au plural.
She has a little dog.
Peste 0 saptamana mergem impreuna in
Cuvantul little poate ji folosit ii ca adjectiv, ii atunci se traduce prin: mic, infim . In acest caz,
fnaintea lui poate sta ii un articol; de exemplu:
AI11 doi cill1li ~ Ii iuhl:sc.
Prima m ~ n este iertina, a dona
este scumpa.
$i acum sa introducem verbele noi in propozitii. Cititi cu voce tare:
Incercati sa traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- a se a
- afuma
- a se a se ingrijora,
face griji
- a canta
Unde vrei sa stai?
- Acum ea canta 0 melodie
placuta la radio.
- Cate tigari fumezil
fumati zilnic?
- Mama se ingrijoreaza intotdeauna
pentm fiicele sale.
- I have >kss beer than Peter.
- Is it >easy to write?
- Do you want >11101 c money?
- I want to eat >;) lIttle bread.
- Does he always walk >fast?
- He is walking >around this building.
- >What about me?
- I Ie \\:ln1s to Slllg all C<.lSY song.
- We want to sit hele.
- DOll'1 \\'0111' I
- She smokes !11ore th:lIl hel Lithe!.
> iz sin(glin(g) a DaIS
son(gl on DZa reidiau nau]
> O:I" CIZ " onz aballt
ha.' do:t<.l'z]
111,1111111'111 '.1".11 ('I' till III
"II. II iI. (' \I I (lc-rl
> I ",.,,' till III "0111 III ',(11
> [tu sm3uk]
> [tll SIt]
> [tu"ori]
El se plimba in jurul acestei cladiri.
Vreau sa mananc putina paine.
Este sa scrii?
Am mai putina bere decat Peter.
Vreti mai multi bani?
Vrem sa ne aici.
to sit
Ea fumeaza mai mult decat tatal ei.
lata cateva verbe noi:
El vrea sa cante 0 melodie
Nu-ti face griji!/Nu va faceti griji!
to worry
Cu mine cum ramane?
Merge intotdeauna repede?
Mother always worries about
her daughters.
to smoke
Where do you want to sit?
She is singing a nice
song on the radio now.
How many cigarettes do you
smoke every day'!
to sing
1. La singular:
> [ozl:Z pi.plz ballS]
1\1 place eflinclc Marici?
- a pc sora nostru?
Aeeasta estc casa prietenilor mei.
- Unde este biroul tatalui tau?
- lntotdeauna il iau cu mine pe fiul
prietenului meu.
- Fratele mamei mele are 0 frumoasa.
- Bicicleta fratelui lor este foarte buna.
- Prietenii familiei noastre sunt tineri.
- >TllIS book is on the table.
- Who wants to see >our father's of1]ces?
- I see >my slster's house.
- Do you want to take me to >your brother's
- >H IS hi othCI',,; 1'1 lend is also my friend.
- Mary's car
- Mary's father
- my brothers' car
- these people's house
fratilor mei
Tatal Mariei.
casa acestor oameni
2. La plural:
My mother's brother has a nice car.
Where is your father's office?
De exemplu:
Genitivul sejormeazii punand Injarii posesorul urmat de un apostrof ii litera s. Apoi urmeazii
obieetul posedat:
Do you like Mary's dog?
Dadi substantivul aflat la pluralnu se terminii In -s atul1ci se adaugd atat apostroful cat Ifi
litera s:
far acum vom Inviirajolosirea genitivului cu apostroj 's, (the Saxon Genitive l [Y<\ s 111 dJenitivn.
Se joloseite de obieei pentru persoane.
Daeii substantivul este la plural ii se terminii eu litera s atund se adaugii doar un apostrof:
Prietenul fratelui sau este prietenul meu.
Vrei sa ma duci la apartamentul
fratelui tau?
I always take my friend's son
with me.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Do you know our driver's sister?
Vad casa surorii mele.
This is Illy li'iends' house.
Cine vrea sa vada birourile tatalui nostru?
Our family's friends are young.
Cartea acestei fete este pe masa.
Their brother's bicycle is very good.
my father's room = the room of my father
my friends' car = the car of my friends
- fereastra acestei camere
- Ea poate sa-ti dea aceasta carte.
- sa conduc
- Ei pot sa stea pe aceste
- Prietenul fratelui meu
poate sa cante acest cantec.
> a cup of coffee
> thc daughter of my brother
> the book of my father
> my brother's blcycle
> a month of the year
> tllc hOI 1l1Oulh
> thl' of thclI fllcnds
> Mary's house
> the lOoms of the house
> the room of my SOI1
> [DZa L1indau av DZ1S ru m]
> kLn glv IU. IYls hukl
> [OZel kEn Sit on IYJ.z
t$ea' z]
> [al kEn dralv aka:']
> [mal bralYa'; IIL'IH!
kEn SIl1'SI lYls SO\1(' IJ
the window of this room
the rooms of the house
a month of the year
the mouth of" the horse
my son's room
two pieces of bread
the bicycle of my brother
She can give you this book.
the house of Mary
a cup of coffee
my father's book
My brother's friend
can sing this song.
in limba englezil, genitivul cu apostrof este mal des falosit.
In exercitiul urmator, transformati genitivul cu apostrof in genitivul format cu prepozitia of. Daca
transformarea nu este posibila, repetati propozltia originala:
Dacii substantivul (posesorul) nu 0 jiin!ii, atuncl se cuvantul ofpentru exprimarea
Pentru jiin!e, se pot folosi ambele construc!ii, cu in!eles:
my brother's daughter
their friend's sister
They can sit on these
I can drive a car.
$i acum sii invii!iim un nou verb: can [kEn] - a putea, a fi capabil, a
lata cateva exemple:
Acest verb face parte din grupa verbelor modale, ceea ce inseamnii cii forma lui este ldentlcii la
toate persoanele, iar verbul care-l urmeazii I1U are particula to.
Interogativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii verbului can :ji a subiectuilli; de exemplu:
- Sora ei sa canduca?
- Pot sa dint?
- Putem sa luam
- Ei pot sa mearga la plimbare?
- Prietenii lui
sa vorbeasca
- Nu.
- Nu,
- Fiica ta sa cante?
- Da.
- $titi sa conduceti?
- Da.
> I c:ln C:l( ten apples.
> My mother's sister can speak
> \Ve cfln III this room.
> They c:ln pay for our tickets.
> You can t:llk with us about It.
. ( ,III I 1.11 " illl'. I"" ,L '.
> Can his son sing?
> (',111 Iii, Y,'''JIll' h,'ll' '" III,' ,ilil'In"OIl')
Can I sing?
Can they go for a walk?
Can we take the car?
Can her sister drive?
>[nall al ka:nt]
>[nall ka.nt]
Can his friends
speak English?
> [kEn 10:' do:ta'
> [kEn IU: draiv]
> [Ies kEn]
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii:
Pot sa mananc zece mere.
Poti sa cu noi despre asta.
Putem sa fumam in aceasta camera.
Ei pot sa plateasca biletele noastre.
We can take the car.
Sora mamei mele sa vorbeasca
Her sister can drive.
They can go for a walk.
No, I can't.
Can you drive?
Yes, I can.
No, she can't.
His friends can
speak English.
Yes, she can.
I can sing.
Pot sa vina (ci) aici dupa-aillia/a'?
Fratclc dUI11JIl::lvoaslra
sa varbeasca
Cititi urmataarele raspunsuri scurte in limba engleza:
Fiullui sa cante?
Can your daughter sing?
Traduceti prapazitiile urmataare in limba engleza:
Rdspunsllrile seurte se jormeaza eu ajutorul pronumele personal :ji a verbului can, in rdspunsuri
negative verblll can este urmat de euvGntul not, iar forma preseurtatd este can't[ ka:nt], Retineti cd
se pot serie:ji fmpreuna: cannot [kEnat],
Pot sa fumez in aceasta camera? > Can l s1110ke 111 this room')
Pot sa-mi arate casa lor? > (";IIJ tlln "how me their house')
Forma negativii cannot sau can't se folose$te $i In alte tipuri de enunturi:
- Nu pot sa dint.
- Ea nu poate deschide
- ai, a, ai, ale cui carui Icarei Icaror
- de ce? pentru ce? din ce cauza?
- mai bun, mai bine
- eel mai bun, eel mai bine
- cum?, in ce fel?
- care, pe care, ce
;> \\' kit tlmc can he come'?
- Unde pot vedea aceste carti?
- Cand poate veni ea la noi?
- Cine nu poate sa mearga acolo?
- Cine poate citi aceasta scrisoare?
> Where can we wait for you?
> When can 1take these letters?
> Who can't speak Romanian?
> Who can Sl11g')
> l al ka:nt sn/
> kEno! aupan DZa do:']
> [hu:z]
> [hau]
> [beta']
> [DZa best]
> ["ai]
I can't sing.
She cannot open the door.
Unde putcm sa va
Who can't go there?
When can she come to us?
La ce ora poate sa vina?
Who can read this letter?
Where can I see these books?
Putem sa scriem aceasta pentru tine. > We can v. rite It for Y0l!.
Tatallui nu poate vorbi acum cu dumneavoastra. > I liS fathcI celn't talk wIth you now.
acum sa exersam ce am invatat pana acum. Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Pot sa te vizitez maine. > I can \'IS1t you tomorrow.
Poti sa-l > l:Ol! Celn walt for hl111.
Ea nu poate manca aceasta branza. > She can't eat this cheese.
Cine sa din!c'!
Cine nu
the best
Sa exersam interogativul cu verbul can. Traduceti in Ill1lba cngleza:
intrebiirileformulate cu verbul can pot Incepe $i cuprol1ume interogative; $i In acest caz se inverseaza
ordinea, de exemplu:
IaNi ultimele cuvinte noi din aceastii parte a lectiei. Cititi-le cu atentie:
Ciind pot sa iau aceste scrisori?
Urmari\i felul in care se folosesc aceste cuvinte in propozi\ii:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- >Whose pen is this?
- >Vvhlch chair is better?
- >Why can't you eat this?
- I don't know >how to write it.
- This book is >the best.
- \\' hy Glll't you go there by ship'!
- Which book can I take?
- i Ild\'C a little money.
- The windows of thIS room are bIg.
-- ( ; I \ (' me (wo cups of coffee.
- \Ve have little cheese.
- In three years I'm buying a car.
- How much bread and butter can you eat?
- How much <10 you wanP
- How many dogs has your friend's sister?
- Can we go there together?
- I C\11 I :'11l0kc hcre, because Mary's brother
dOL'SII'1 IlkL: It.
Which car is better? > l ka I IZ beta
] - Care este mai buna?
How can I write > [h.lll L1:11 al ralt - Cum pot sa scriu
this letter? IYI" Ieul
l aceasta scrisoare?
Why are you worrying? > l ":11 :1 ' III
- De ce te ingrijorezi?
You are my best friend. > [Ill cl I Illdl best ftend] - prietenul meu eel mai bun.
This plane is the best. > [IYI" plt:t'l I;' DZa best] - Acest avion este cel mai bun.
Whose is this bicycle? > [hu / 1/ :/1:; b21lslkl] - A cui este aceasta bicicleta?
Am ;\.iIlIlS la recapitularca materiL:i din accastfl parte a lectiei.
I'ra<lucqi ill limba L:llglcza:
Aceasta carte este cea mai buna.
Putem merge acolo impreuna?
Am bani putini.
Ferestrele acestei camere sunt mario
Nu pot fuma aici, deoarece fratelui lui Mary
nu-i place.
Dati-mi doua de cafea.
Al cui stilou este acesta?
Cat zahar donli?
De ce nu poti merge acolo cu vaporul?
Ale cui cantece Ie can(a ei acum'!
Care scaun este mai bun?
Care carte pot sa a iau? (Ce carte pot sa iau?)
Nu cum sa scriu asta.

Peste trei ani voi cumpara 0

Avem putina branza.
Cali caini are sora prietenului tau?
De ce nu poti manca asta?
Cilta paine cu unt poti manca?
Urmeaza alte ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare:
lata cuvinte, intr-o alta ordine:
- parc
- vara
- diseara, asta seara,
in noaptea asta
- sarac, sarman, biet
- bogat
- pI sIca
- copac, arbore, pom
- mar
- a bea
-. plslca
- copac, arbore, pom
- a bea
- parc
- diseara, asta seara,
in noaptea asta
- vara
- mar
- sarac, sarman, biet
- bogat
> [kEt]
> [sama'l
> I III drin(glkJ
> [lanail]
> [plla'] [po:']
> [tri:]
> [tri:]
> [pa:'k]
> [pa:'k]
> (tLi dr1l1(glk]
> [Epl]
to drink
to drink
cat > [kEI]
summer > Isandl
apple 11<[111
poor > [pLdJ [po:']
tonight > [lanait]
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind adverbul never - niciodata:
- Putem merge in parc?
- Fratele mamei ei este
un om sarac.
- Nu pot sa beau bere diseara.
- Femeia aceea bogata are
trei case.
- Vreau sa am multi copaci
in gradina.
- Ce Ie place pisicilor sa bea?
- Lmi place sa mananc mere vara.
- Ea nu merge niciodata la lucru
-- Eu nu beau niciodata bere.
> They can never drive a car.
> I never sing songs.
> I never go for a walk to that park.
- In >SLlI11l11Cr we often go to the >park.
- These >apples are expensive.
> They never buy cheese.
- I like to look at >trees.
- Why can she >drIllk beer, and I can't?
- Do you want to be >rich?
- They are coming to us >tonight.
- This >poor cat has no home.
> [IYFt "l.IIman hEz
T'11 !l,lL1ZIZ]
>la'"ollt tll hEv meni tri:z
11l mal ga:'dn]
> [ha ' ma D"{\I Z braDza' II
a po' mEn]
> [al talk tll i:t Eplz in samal]
> [:Ij b nt drin(g)k bia' tanait]
> [kLIl "l. gau tu DZa pa:'k]
> 1';1 Ill'\ ,I' !'dll/ III ",I 'k
111 1)',11110 '11111""1
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozltii:
Ei nu eumpara niciodata branza.
Retineti expresia: in summer - vara
Eu nu cant nieiodata cantece.
I want to have many trees
in my garden.
Ei nu pot niciodata sa conduca 0
Eu nu rna plimb niciodata in parcul acela.
What do cats like to drink?
I like to eat apples in summer.
That rich woman has
three houses.
I can't drink beer tonight.
Her mother's brother is
a poor man.
COl11pletati propozitiile in limba engleza; folositi filtrul
Ei vin la noi diseara.
Lmi place sa privesc copacii.
I never drink beer.
Can we go to the park?
Aceasta sannan{\ pisica nu are casa.
Vrcti sa fiti boga!'>
Aceste mere sunt scumpe.
She never goes to work
in the morning.
Ea de ce paate bea bere eu nu?
Vara mergem des in pare.
Adverbul never [neva'] fnseamnii - niciodata, nicicand.
In limba englezii acesta este un adverb de nega!ie, de aceea, aliituri de el nu poatefi folositii nici 0
alia negatie in propozi!ie.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Ne oprim des langa acest magazin.
Asculta! Canta Pink Floyd.
Intotdeauna uit sa-i seriu
(ci) () serisoare.
- scurt, scund
- inalt, marc
- mare, volummos
- mare, spatios, larg
- mare, maret, remarcabil
- a asculta, a fi atent (la)
- a opri, a inceta, a Intrerupe
- a uita, a aminti
- I never enter> tall buildings.
- You are a > gleatfriend.
- Her letter is > short
- They are looking for a > large house.
- Look at this> big building!
- Ea vrea sa se opreasca ca sa fumeze.
-- Ea vrea sa se lase de fumat.
> [to.l]
> [W't]
> [big]
> [la:'dJ]
> [grett]
I ,1/1.111 III li',11 III I) ,I 1l'ldl,1I1 - Seara imi place sa aseult
III 1)'1 i \ lIlli' II radioul.
> [al o'j"elz forget III 1;111
a leta' III ha ' I
> [tu lisn]
> [tu stop]
> [til forget]
> III ,II 1'111
"'1. 110/.1
,I I ,j J ) I 'I JII ( 'J J
> I"! 0111 slop 111.1' I) 1'0 ',oil I
Atunci cand verbul to stop inseamna a inceta, el este urmat de un verb
eu terminatia -ing rara particula to. Daca to stop insearnna a se opri,
atunei verbul eare-l urmeaza este insotit de particula to nu are terminatia
lata cateva adjective noi:
Ei cauta 0 casa spatioasa.
Nu intru niciodata in cladirile inalte.
aceasta cladire mare!
Tu un prieten remarcabil.
Scrisoarea ei este scurta.
We often stop near this shop.
to listen (to)
Sa folosim aceste verbe in propozitii:
I like to listen to the radio
in the evening.
Sa invatam cateva verbe noi:
Listen! Pink Floyd
are singing.
to forget
I always forget to write
a letter to her.
She wants to stop smoking.
She wants to stop to smoke.
to stop
Refinefif Verbul to stop are dOUG infelesuri: a se opri pcntru a face ceva, sau a inceta sa faca ceva.
without >1 "iI Valli I - lara, lipsit de
something > [,ami 'Ill("'] - ceva
too > l tLl:] - prea, foarte
ever > [eva'] - vreodata, candva
forever > [foreva'] - pentru totdeauna, mereu,
between > [blt"i:n] - intre (doua obiecte), dintre
or > I (, 'I
- sau, Of)
good night / I "1111 (Lltil
- no(\ptc bUlla
ever > [eva'] - vreodata, candva
or > [0:'] - sau, on
without > ["iD"aLlt] - lara, lipsit de
too > [tLl.] - prea, foarte
forever > [fore\a'] - pentru totdeauna, mereu,
good night > [gud - noapte buna
something > - eeva
between > [bit"ll,n] - intre (doua obieete, persoane),
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Vreau sa ascult melodiile acestea acum.
Nu uitati ca pot s-o seriu
pentru dumneavoastra.
Ma opresc intotdeauna aiei ca sa privese
aceasta cladire.
Nu mai vreau sa merg eu autobuzul, ci
vreau sa eumpar 0
lata aite euvinte noi. Repetati-Ie:
Exersati euvintele noi intr-o ordine diferita:
> 1 (0 Ilsten to these songs now.
> Don'( I'orgct I can WrIte It
for yOLi.
> 1 ah\ay' .',1'111 11CIC to look at
thlS bLlIlcllll!;
> I want to slop gOIII;' hLis
and buy a cm.
Completatl in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Unneaza un exercitiu de recapitulare. Traduce1i in limba engleza:
- Biroul meu este intre aceasta
cladire restaurant.
- Nu pot Iucra lara
- Nu putem cumpara aceasta
deoarece este prea scwnpa.
- Vreau sa vorbesc cu tine
despre ceva.
- Nu pot (0
- Noapte buna! Merg acasa.
- Vrei ceai sau cafea?
- EI vreodata carti?
They have . to show you.
My brother IS sitting >hl:lwccn these two girls.
A garden >wlthout trees isn't nice.
- He is >too poor to fly by plane.
- I want to buy this >01' that book.
- Does he >ever work at home?
> :::;!lc wants to show me her horse.
> ThiS IS the best musIc.
- 1can't look for it >forever.
> My Jllcnd's brother can sing
thcse songs
> ('Ive me two cups of coffee and a lIttle bread.
> [mal ofis IZ bltllj n DZ1S
End DZa rest{lrantJ
> [lit. ka.nt bal DZIS ka:'
blkoz Its tu lkspenslv]
> [gud nail ann gaulll
> [al ka:nt lI a.'k lI l D
> [du IU: "ont tl: 0:' kofI]
> [a1 ka nl lI ef t forev3']
> [al "ont tu to.k "IDZ Ill:
abaut samPm
> [daz hi: eva' n.d buks]
We can't buy this car
because it's too expensIve.
My office is between this
building and the restaurant.
I can't wait forever!
I can't work without
Does he ever read books?
Good night
['m going
Do you want tea or coffee?
Au sa-(I arale el:va
Noaptc buna!
Ellucreaza vreodata acasa?
Aceasta este cea mai buna muzica.
I want to talk with you
about something.
Da-mi doua de cafea putina paine.
Sa folosim acum aceste cuvinte in propozitii. Cltitl cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntia corecta:
FrateJ.e meu sUi intre aceste doua fete.
Ea vrea sa-mi arate calul ei.
o gradina lara capacI nu este fiumoasa.
Vreau sa cumpar cartea aceasta sau aceea.
EI este prea sarac ca sa zboare cu avionul.
Nu pot sa-l caut mereu.
Fratele prietenului meu poate sa cante
aceste cantece.
In incheierea leetiei, va propunem un exercitiu de pronuntie:
II J I 0 I I II lauJ [E]
hear talk rich know cat
near walk sit show can
daughter listen open
> Can they write long letters')
>\Vhy can't you come t011lght'1
> How much money can you gJve IllC')
>Glvc Illl' fIve slIces of bread.
>She ]);1' Illdll'y (',11\ but too little money
>He ahva\', 'Ih (lIl [hat chair.
>The rooms of thIs IWlI'L' ,IIC Iiltlc.
> 1 can't wnte it bUll can II y
> 1 think thIS park is bettel.
>Can a rich man understand a poor 111<1 n'l
> Tonight we are going to John.
> Call you come to us 111 summer')
> I nevcl honcy 111 the moming.
> ])oe, shc evel \ IS/I hel mother?
> You can '( fOigel about it.
>This large room IS mme.
> 1 like to listen to music when 1 work.
> I want to look for something.
>1 want to ,lop 'IIII)"JI]!!
>1'm worried abolll Illy \1,tCI"S son.
> Are these hIS ti JCll( I,' 11< II I'C")
Diminca(a nu mananc nlciodala Illiere.
Ea a viziteaza vrcodata pe mama sa?
Nu poti sa uiti asta.
Aceasta camera mare este a mea.
Ciind lucrez, imi place sa ascult muzica.
Vreau sa caut ceva.
Pot (ei) sa scrie scrisori lungi?
De ce nu poti veni diseara?
Ciiti bani poti sa-mi dai?
Dati-mi cinci felii de paine.
Ea are multe dar prea pu\ini bani.
EI sta intotdeauna pe scaunu] acela.
Vreau sa rna las de fumat.
Sunt ingrijorat pentru fiul surorii mcle.
Acestea sunt caseIe prictcnilor lui'!
Camerele acestei case SUlIl l11icl
Nu pot sa scriu dar pol sa Inccrc.
Cred ca acest pare esle JIlai bUll.
Un am bogat poalL' lll(elcgc un am sarac?
Discara I1lcl"l:"cI1l 1'1 John.
Po\i velli la lloi vara?
7.3. Many/much:
7.2. Substantivele care nu au plural denumesc materia (Ii chide, solide sau gaze).
- bere
- multa bere
some beer
a lot of beer
- 0 de cafea
- Am bani putini.
- Am un
- Am ceva bani.
- cateva carti
- 0 multime de carti
a cup of coffee
I have a little money.
some books
a lot of books
I have little money.
1 have a little dog.
7.6.1. Genitivul 's se doar eu substantivele care desemneaza fiinte (oameni
7.3.2. Cuvantul much - inseamna mult sau multa; se cu substantive care
nu au plural:
much bread - multa paine
lar how milch arc semnlf"lca\ia de di!i'!, calc'! se relCr<t la 0 cantitate exprimata de
substantive J;tra pllllal'
Ilow much coffee do you want'! ('iita calCa vre\i?
7.2.2. Aceste substantive nu se folosesc la plural: .
She eats a lot of bread. - Ea mananca multa paine.
Pronumele interogativ how many - inseamna cati?, dUe? - se in intrebarile
referitoare la 0 cantitate masurabila, exprimata de substantive care au plural:
How many cars do you have? - Cate aveti?
7.3.1. Cuvantul many inseamna un mare numar de, multi/multe, numeroase,
o multime de - se refera la substantivele care au singular plural:
many books - multe carti
7.2.1. Inaintea substantivelor care nu au plural nu folosim articolul nehotarat a/an:
Do you like cheese? - iti place branza?
7.2.3. Aceste substantive apar intotdeauna la persoana a treia singular:
Honey is good. - Mierea este buna.
7.1. Cuvantul of se pentru expnmarea posesiei (a, ai, ai, ale cui). In limba engleza
putem exprima cu aceasta structura atat cantitatea, cat proportia (cat din ceva):
7.5. Little inseamna putin, a little se traduce prin catva, ceva. Cand stau inaintea substantivelor
eu plural, little inseamna mic:
7.4. Cuvintele a lot of some relCritoare la cantita\i, se folosesc atat in cazul substantivelor
cu plural, cat al celor Tara plural:
7.6. Genitivul cu apostrof 's
3. Raspunsuri:
7.8.3. Forma negativa can't se in propozitii dezvoltate.
b) negativ: no +pronume personal + cannot sau can't
- tatal Mariei
- fratilor mei
- casa acestor oameni
- the windows of this room
- El sa conduca.
No, he can't. Can he sing?
my brol hers' car
these people's house
Propozitia afirmativa:
He can drive.
Mary's father
7.6.3. Plural:
ferestrelc acestci camere
a) afirmativ: yes + pronume personal + can
Can he drive? Yes, he can. - Da.
7.8.1. Forma lui can este la toate persoanele, la singular plural, iar verbul care-I
urmeaza nu are particula to.
7.6.2. Singular:
Genitivul cu apostrof se formeaza prin adaugarea apostrofului dupa substantivul care
posesorul a consoanei s. Apoi urmeaza obiectul posedat:
Mary's car - Mariei
2. Interogativul se formeaza prin inversarca ordinii:
Can he drive? - sa conduca?
I. Daca substantivul la plural are terminatia s, se adauga doar un apostrof dupa
2. "a se opri" -in acest caz, dupa el urmeaza un verb la infinitiv:
I want to stop to smoke. - Vreau sa ma opresc ca sa fumez.
I. a inceta, a intrerupe -in acest caz, dupa el urmeaza un verb cu terminatia -ing:
I want to stop smoking. - Vreau sa ma las de fumat.
2. Daca snbstantivulla plural nu are terminatia s, atunci se adauga atat apostroful
cat terminatia s:
7.8.2. Structura propozitiei:
7.7. Daca suhslalllivnl lin (!l;sclIlllcaza fiin\e, at unci folosim cuvantul of pentm cxprimarea
7.R. Verbul can - este un verb modal, care se traduce prin a putea, a fi in stare, a fi capabil, a
7.9. Cuvantul never este un adverb de negatie care nu poate fi folosit in propozitie impreuna cu
aite negatii:
I never drink beer. - Nu beau niciodata bere.
7.10. Verbul to stop are doua sensuri:
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitli in limba romana:
1. 1 want to drink two cups of tea and eat two slices of bread with Jam.
2. Give me some water to drink.
3. How much money do you want to give him?
4. My brother's friends are nice.
5. Who can sing that song?
6. I will never forget that day.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In Iimba engleza:
1. De ce nu-I poti uita pe baiatul acela?
2. Ei nu merg niciodata Ia piata.
3. Fiii acestui sa conduca
4. Cat zahar doriti?
5. Ferestrele acestei case sunt mario
6. Vreall sa Incclcz sa ma gfllldcsc la accst lllcrll.
C. Corecta\l grc:;;cll!c lim propOl:I\ll!c Urlllatoarc:
1. Car my father's is big.
2. I want to listen music.
3. How much books can you read every day?
4. Why can't he to go there with Mary?
5. Whose are these breads?
6. I don't never worry about my father.
Ca pani\ acum, incepem leqia cu invatarea cuvintelor noi. Cititi-Ie fiti
atenti la pronuntie:
east > [i:st] - rasarit, est
> [Uest] - apus, vest
date > [delt] - data
winter > I "inta'] - iama
leg > [leg] - plclOr
shoe > I,ll I - pantof
barber > l ba:'ba'] - frizer, (barbier)
> [he,ll] - par
the sun > [D'3 san] - soarele
> [UeDZa'] - vreme
snow > [snau] - zapada
ram > [rein] - ploaie
to SIlOW > I III sn;llI] - a ninge
to rain .. jlllll'lIll a p!olla
lata cuvinte in alta ordine:
the sun
> [DZa san] - soarele
> [Uinta'] - iama
east > [i:st] - rasarit, est
shoe > - pantof
barber > [ba:'ba'] - frizer, (barbieI')
to rain > [tu rein] - a ploua
leg > [leg] - plclOr
date > [deit] - data
snow > [snau] - zapada
> [hear] - par
to snow > [tusnall] - a nmge
> [UeD'a']
- vreme
> [rein] - ploaie
> [Uest]
- apus, vest
Retineti felul in care se jormeazd construcriile cu verbele to snow, to rain. Fiti atenti in specialla
jelul in care sejolose,lte cuvcintul it:
- lama de obicei ninge.
- Nu pot cumpara
pantofi scumpi.
- Ea are picioare lungi.
- ce data este azi?
- Vara vremea este intotdeauna
- Parul meu este scurt.
- Imi caut pantofii verzi.
- Poti sa vezi soarele?
- Pioua, deci ilU putem merge
in pare.
- EI este frizer,
"It is snowing."
Yara ploua des.
- lama ninge des,
> [it Ill.j llah snClLlZ in lIinta
> [IZ DZa "eDl a' o:llleiz nais
in sama']
> [SJ: hEz legz]
> [ill ka:nt bal D/J'z
> [mal hea' IZ
> [du iu: nall lIat delt
it lZ tadel]
> [hI. IZ from DZa lIest - El merge de la vest
tLi D7j] la est.
> [aim ]ukm(gl fa:' mai
gn:n z]
> [kEn Ill: S1. Dl a san]
> [hI: iz a ba
> [its reinll1(g) sau lIj: ka:nt
gall tu DZa pa:
r I
,- " I
1/ / /
( /
I / I
1/ /
.f ,
I ,
i / /,
) .
v' , / i r
/ '
I / 1
I ,. I I
1:"- /
I /,
It usually snows in winter.
lar aCllm sa folosim aceste cllvinte In
Do you know what date
it is today?
My hair is short.
I can't buy these
expensive shoes,
Is the weather always nice
in summer?
She has long legs,
He is going from the west
to the east.
Can you see the sun?
"It is raining."
It's raining so we can't
go to the park.
I'm looking for my
green shoes.
He is a barber.
It often snows in winter.
It is raining.
It is snowing.
It often rains in summer.
Completati urmiHoarele propozitil In limba engleza; folositi filtrul
In exercitiul urmator completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu numele corespunzatoare ale lunilor
January > 1til En/u,m] - lanuane
February >11l'11I11;11'1 -.- februarie
March 1,11., '1.1 Ilwrtit:
I "I '"' I
May '\11111\ 111al
June > I "Ill Il J - IUDle
July > l dJula/] - iulie
August > [o:gast] - august
September > [septemba'] - septembrie
October > [oktaubii'] - octombrie
November >[niiu'vcmba'] - noiembrie
December > [disemba' J - decembrie
- The >1,;\1 her thinks my >bair is nice.
We have nice >weather today.
- ('an it >\Il\lW in summer?
- What >date is it today?
- Do you want to live in the Near >East?
- Buy me these >shoes!
- I don't see the >SUJ1 now.
- I don't want to go to the >Wl:st.
- She has long >haJr.
- This dog has short> kgs.
- There is much >rain in >winter sometimes.
- I always visit her in >March.
- Do you want to go to school in >September?
- We go to England in >July.
-It often snows in >January.
- >April is the best month of the year.
- I can't take you to London in >May.
Ce data este azi?
Poate sa ninga vara?
Vreti sa traiti In Orientul Apropiat?
Ea are parullung.
Cumpara-mi pantofi'
Azi avem vreme frumoasa.
Frizerul crede ca paml meu este frUl11os.
Uneori ploua mult iama.
Acest caine are picioare scurte.
Acum nu vad soarele.
Nu vreau sa merg spre vest.
Acum, sa Invatam lunile anului:
Vrei sa mergi la in septembrie?
In ianuarie ninge des.
Aprilie este cea mai buna luna a anului.
Nu te pot lua la Londra in maio
o vizitez intotdeauna in martie,
In iulie mergem in Anglia.
Iar acum vom Invata cateva numcrale noi In limba engleza:
palUi aeum am invdtat cd in limba engleza pluralul substantivelor se formeaza prin addugarea
terminatiei -s sau -es. EXlSta insii !ji substantive eu plural neregulat. latd eateva exemple:
I can go to Greece, but in >June.
- In >February we are opening a big shop
in this street.
- I don't lIke>August.
- In >Decemberwe always visit
our brother's friend.
- I can get work in >October.
- We \Nant to 'emy tnis nouse i1\ >No\lem'ber.
:- IIIIC'(' \\()IlIC'!l
> I()III 1lll'1l
> 1\\ II ILL!
Pot sa gasesc de lucru In octombrie.
Pot sa plec In Grecia, dar In iunie.
In decembrie, II vizitam Intotdeauna
pe prietenul fratelUi nostru.
man > [mEn] - barbat
men > [men] - barbati
woman > [Uuman] - femeie
women > [Uimin] - femei
foot > [fut] - laba piciorului
feet > [fl.t] - picioare (labe)
In februarie deschldem un magazin mare
pe aceasta strada.
Nu-mi place luna august.
30 - thirty > [T'a:'ti]
40 - forty > [fo:'ti]
50 - fifty > [fifti]
60 - sixty > [sikstl]
70 - seventy > [scvntl]
80 - eighty > [Cltl]
90 - ninety > [nalllti]
100 - a hundred > [a handrid]
patm barbati
doua plcioare
trei fcmci
Traduceti urmatoarele expresii:
Dupii cum ali putut ob.l'l:'rva, in cazul numeralelor compuse, hundred este urmal de and, iar cifrele
de fa unu fa zece se leaga prin liniu{ii de cifrele care exprirnii zedle.
('Ilill ell alt'lIl,ll' ~ ell VOCl' I:lll' 1Ir111:llo:IIC!c 111 I 1lll'r:i1c:
99 . Illrwl\ Ill/ll
36 > Ihnly ;,,,
44 > forty-four
71 > seventy-onc
83 > eighty-three
172 > a hundred and seventy-two
III > a hundred and elcvcn
53 > Crlly II1lCl'
65 > SI:\ ty- CI VC
> [ siksti "an]
> [a handrid End faiv]
> [t"enti eit)
> [fo:rti tu:)
> [nainti sevn]
> slxty-forty-fifty
> tcn-twenty-thirty
> ninety-a hundrcd-eighty
> scventy-tlmty-flfty
> Has August thirty-one days?
> Does It often snow in December')
> Some men like long hair.
> This barber is my friend's brother.
> We don't live in the west, but in thc east.
a hundred and five
.- ninety-scven
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarcle numcrale:
Ninge des in decembrie?
lata ~ diteva numeralc COIl1j1usc:
Unor barbati Ie place parullung.
Acest frizer este fratele prietenului meu.
August are treizeci ~ una de zile?
Noi nu traim in vest, ci in est.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozi1ii:
brown > lbIClUI,J - mara, cafeniu, brunet
black > [bIFk] - negru, neagra
else > reb] - mai, inca, alta
what else > ["ot .::1,] - altceva? (mai doriti ceva?)
almost > [0 [m,llIst] - aproape ca
difficult > [difikalt] - dificil, complicat
soon > [su.n] - curand
all > [o:IJ - tot, toata, toate, intreg
from time to time > [from ldlln tu - dill cand in cand
yellow > 1/l'1.1I11 galben
Soarele se arata rar in februarie.
Ce data este azi?
- dificil, complicat
- tot, toata, toate, intreg
- mara, eafeniu, brunet
- curand
- negru, neagra
- mai, inca, alta
- alteeva? (mai doriti ceva?)
- aproape ca
- galben
- din cand in cand
> The sun seldom shows 1Il February.
> What date 10 today'.'
> This \NOmen have short hair.
> Are thlee l11onil-l s 11111ety-three or a hundred
> Do you read mell1) books')
> [0 I]
> l dirlbltJ
> [o:lmaust]
> [bIEk]
> [el s]
> [su:n]
> [from talm tu talm]
> [braun]
> ["at els]
> [Iclau]
Aceste femei au parul scurt.
Urmeaza cuvinlc, um Inll-o ordine uilcrila:
what else
Sa cateva cuvinte. Cititl cu voce tare:
multe carti?
from time to time
Trei luni au nouazeci trei sau 0 suta
de zile?
TladllCC!1 urlllalO,lIclc propozi!ii In limba engleza:
- Tuturor oamenilor Ie plac merele.
- Aceasta carte este prea dificiJa
pentru a fi citita,
- Asta estc altceva.
- Crezi ca galbene
sunt frumoase?
- In curand, ea va merge in Anglia
cu avionul.
- Mai doriti ceva?
- Ea are pantofi negri.
- Din cand in cand ne plimbam
in parcul acela.
- Vrei aeest costum cafeniu'?
- Aproape tuturor femeilor Ie plac
barbatii inalti.
a pune, a a pIasa
a face, a se ocupa cu
a straluci, a lumina, a luci
a taia, a tuncle
> Do you W,lI1t 10 take all the books?
> What else does your dog eat?
> I almost like him.
> I 10111 1liliC (0 tllne 1 lIsten to music
Oil llic I "dIU.
> We are visitmg all these countries soon.
> Is it dIfficult to understand it?
> W!J,11 L'lse c:ln I dnnk'i
> It' s aImost even mg.
> l (u 11111 1
>[tudll I
> [tu k:lll
> [tu 0all11
> [o:]maust 0:1 "imin ]aik
to:1 men]
>[DZIs buk iz tu: difikalt
tu ri:d]
>[0:1 pi:pllalk IEplz]
>lSI hEz blEk 0U.Z]
} tu in(g}gland
> [DZis iz samT'm(g) els]
>[du iu: "ont Df ls bl<lllJ1 Sli 11
>[du iu: T'm(g)k ielau ka:'z
> [fl om taim tu tall11 "I.
fo:' a"o:k tll D/Et pa.'k I
>["ot els du iu: "ont]
to put
to do
to shine
to cut
lata cateva verbe noi:
Din cand In cand ascult muzica la radio.
Aproape ca Iml place de el.
Ce altceva pot sa beau?
Vrei sa ici toate cartile?
Este aproape seara.
In curand vizitam (vom vizita) toate aeeste tari.
Este dificil de Inteles asta?
Ce alteeva mananca cainele tau?
AlnlOsl all women like
tall Illel1.
Iti place sa citqtl eaJ'\1 diricilc?
Pisieile sunt galbene sau mara?
What else do you want?
in call1era IIlC,' cslc llll hirou ncgrll.
All people like apples.
This book IS 100 difficult
to read.
Sa foJosim cuvintele noi in propozitii:
Do you tllIllk yellow cars
are nlee'l
She has black shoes.
This is somctlllllg else.
Do you want this brown suit?
From time to time we go
for a walk to that parle
She's f1ying to England
Unneaza verbe dar intr-o alta ordine:
Completa(i propozi(iile In IlInba cllgleza ClI vcrhele care lipsesc:
- Ce faci acum?
- Ce altceva vrea ea sa mai faca?
- Ce fael in fiecare sambata?
> Ce fac el de obicel dupa-amiaza')
> Nu ne place berea.
> Vara nu nmge.
> Vrea sa faca asta m211ne'7
.. I dOll' t want to ><.!o my homework today.
.. The barber wants to >cut my hair.
- Look! The sun is >shining!
- >Put this book on my table.
:> [lIO! du Ill: dll: eVrI
> [ll ot a:' ill. du:in{g) nau]
> [lIO! el s daz "ont
tll du:]
to do >[tudu:] - a face, a se ocupa cu
to shine - a straluci, a lumina
to cut > [tukat] - a taia, a tunde
to put > [tuput] - a pune, a a pIasa
Unnariti exemplele de mai jos:
"The sun usually shines in July"
What are you doing now?
What cio you do every
What else does she want
to do?
What do they usually do in the afternoon?
Priviti! soarele!
We don't like beer.
Frizerul vrea sa rna tunda.
Pune aceasta carte pe masa mea.
Nu vreau sa-mi tcma azi.
Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii din limba engleza in care figureaza verbul "to do":
Does he want to do it tomorrow?
It doesn't snow in summer.
Va prezentam in continuare verbul to do - a face. Acest verb are -?i rot de auxiliar ce ajuta la
formarea timpului Simple Present, (propozi{ii interogative -?i negative).
Sci vedem eliteva verbe a diror consoana finalii se dubleaza la adaugarea termina{iei -ing:
ACCi/.I'/(i I'cglllti J!0i/IC Ii l%.l'illi "I'i in ('azul verhelor formate din mai multe silabe:
- cuvant format dintr-o singura silabii, de aceea, in mod
automat este aecentuata;
- la mijloc confine 0 vocalii scurta;
- fa verbufui sta 0 singura consoana:
- cuvant compus dintr-o singura silaba, silaba este
- fa se afla 0 singurri consoanii,'
- vocala este lungri;
- in acest caz ultima cOllsoana I1U se dubleaza:
- silaba accentuata;
- fa mijloc are 0 vocalri scurta;
- la cuvantului existri doua consoane, care nu
permit dublarea consoanei: work-working.
ClIlIII1I1 COI11J!II.1' dill doua silabe, a doua silabri este
accell tlli/ IIi:
- silahi/ i/CeCIlIIli/lli COli filiI' 0 voca/ii scurta;
- la wl'hlllui .1'1' alia 0 singura consoanri:
> [stop]
> 11(!I)'l'll
get - getting > [getin(gl]
sit - sitting > [sitll1(g)]
stop - stopping > [stopm(gl]
put - putting > [putin(gl]
cut - cutting
> rkalll1(g)j
forget - forgetting > [ rorgetll1(g)]
Sd VCl!I'11I cli/n ,1'1' aplica aeeastri regula:
Jata 0 reguhi ill1j)ol'li/nfd eu privire la adriugarea termina{iei verbului, Daeri ultima silabaa verbului
este aeeelllllllili confine 0 vocalii seurta (scrisa cu 0 singurri litera) 0 singura consoana, prin
adaugarl'a lermillllfici -ing, aeesta consoanri fin ala se dubleazri,
Un alt exemplu:
Jar acum urmeazri un alt tip de verb:
lnterogativul se formeaza prin inversarea verbului must cu subiectul:
acum, incercati sa adaugati verbelor tennmatia corecta. Completati unnatoarele propozitii in Innba
in continuare. sa invalam un alt verb modal, must [mast] - a trebui. Asemanator lui can iiforma lui
must este identica pentru toate persaanele. iar verbul care-l urmeaza nu are particula to.
- Ei trebuie sa se gandeasca
la copilullor.
- Trebuie sa rna tund.
- Tatal meu trebuie sa cumpere
- Ea trebuie sa-I uite.
- Ce trebuie ea sa citeasca?
- Mary trebuie sa mearga la
- They are just >cutting the trees m the park.
- My father is >walkmg in the garden now.
- My friend is just >stopplng the car.
- She is >sending letters to the post-office.
- 1 am >looking for my yellow shoes now.
- Who is >sltting on that chair?
- They are >vislting this big church now.
- Aren't you >forgettmg something?
- silaba accentuata;
- la sfan;it eXlsta 0 singura consoanii, vocala scurta din
myloc se scrie cu ,,0" dublu. De aceea ultima cansoana
nu se dubleaza: look-looking.
What must she read?
Must Mary go to school?
Must my father buy a car?
> I,ll 11101'1 k,11 111.11 "L'cI' I
> [DZez mast f'mlg1k sbaut
D/ez' belbJ]
> l:)1 mels! iOlget abaut han]
> [Iuk] look
Prietenul meu tocmai
Ei tocmai taie copacii in parc.
Tatal meu se plimba acum in gradina.
Ea trimite scrisori la oficiul
$i iata inca un verb:
She must read this book.
Ei viziteaza acum aceasta biserica mare.
Mary must go to school.
Acum imi caut pantofii galbeni.
Cine sta pe scaunul acela?
Nu uiti ceva?
My father must buy a car.
lata cum sc in propozi\ii:
They must think about
their baby.
She must forget about him.
1must cut my hair.
Iar aeum sa verifieam notiunile invatate. Tradueeti in Jimba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
in ineheierc, sa recapitulam materialul acestei parti a lectiei. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Maine trebuie sa mergi la lueru.
Trebuie sa fae asta azi?
Cine trebuie sa-ti dea aceasta scrisoare?
Ale cui ciintcce trebuie sa Ie cantam?
Trebuie sa-mi arati casa tao
Ea trcbuic sa predea la engleza.
in martie trebuie sa merg la Londra.
Azi eslc 30 noiembrie.
Vara vrcmea este frumoasa.
Pot sa vina in februarie?
Uita-te la aceste femei la barbati.
Imi lIcbuic patruzcci cinci de minute
ca sa ajung acolo.
Ce altceva mai vreti sa vedeti?
Acum ma uit la aceasta neagra.
azi soarele?
Mama i'l tunde acum.
Ce faci acum?
> You must go to work tomorrow.
> Must 1 do It today')
> Who must gwc you this letter"
> Whose songs mllst we sing')
> You must ShOll me YOU! house.
> She must teach EnglIsh at school.
> In March I must go to London.
> Today's date is November 30.
> The weather IS nice in summer.
> Is it snowing?
> Can they come in February?
> Look at these women and these men.
> I Illust have forty-five minutes to get there.
> \V!J;!l l'l.Sl' do yOll w:lnt to see'l
> I'm ]ooklllg at thiS black car now.
> Is the sun shining today')
> Mother is cutting his hair now.
> What are you domg now?
Cititi cu atentie urmiHorul text. Cuvintele silabele accentuate sunt tipiirite cu litere
Can your brother sing?
Yes, he can sing many songs. He listens to music on the radio every day.
Does he know the song "It's a long way to Tipperary"?
Yes, he does, but this song is not difficult to sing.
Tomorrow I'm buying a big, red car. It's a fast car and not too expensive. I want to
show it to you tomorrow evening.
My brother also wants to buy a cheap car, because he has little money. He doesn't like
red, brown or black, so he wants to buy a green or yellow car.
Can I talk to your brother Terry?
Yes, he is at home now.
What is he doing?
He is sitting in his room and writing a long letter to his friend. He can write long
I want to go to the park with him.
I think he can't go with you. He must send the letter, so we must go to the post-office
II ave you a hrol her or sister?
I have a hrolher. Ilis name is Tony. My hrother is a nice boy. He is tall, he has big
black eyes and lonl-: legs.
Tony's ti-iends mllst like him.
Yes, and girls can never forget him.
Why are you going to the kitchen?
Because Tony wants some tea and some bread with jam and I want a cup of coffee.
You can't drink coffee, because there's no sugar.
Where does your family live?
My father and mother hve in Bucharest, my brother and his family live in London.
Where is your house?
It's near Bucharest. Its rooms are big. I have a large bedroom and a big kitchen. I can
have cats and dogs. I want to live there forever.
in Incheiere, urmatoarele In limba engleza:
Father wants to cut your long hair.
Is he trying to do it?
Don't worry. You must go to the barber's shop.
Why 00 you like this park?
lkcause I can see a lot of animals here. All trees in this park are green. It's not easy
to go there: you must take a bicycle, because you can't walk there.
> These black shoes are expensive.
> Cats don't like water.
> Don't forget this date!
> We have too little money to buy
this expensIve house.
> They can't hear us.
> Soon we arc buymg a big aiTlCe.
> He wants to take all the books.
> This week is too long.
> WI10SC IS llw; house')
> They always give liS good tea.
> I lVant something else.
> Is July the hottest month?
> I don't want to cut my hair.
> 1'Ol11ght I'm listening to the radio.
> There is often snow in December.
> Can you bring me some honey')
I think you smoke too many cigarettes and drink too much coffee.
Yes, I want to stop smoking soon.
And whal about coffee?
I like coffee and I don't want to stop drinking it.
Where is your brother going by car tonight?
He is visiting his best friend. He must usually drive a car there, but he likes to drive.
Does he drive much?
Yes, he does. In summer he usually goes to England. Sometimes he goes to the Near
East, because his friend works there.
Ei nu ne pot auzi.
Pisicilor nu Ie place apa.
I':i nc dau Inlotdcauna ceai bun.
Pute\i sa-mi aduce\i pu\ina miere?
Vreau altceva.
Avem prea pu\in bani ca sa cumparam
aceasta casa scumpa.
Nu vreau sa rna tund.
Diseara ascult radioul.
Aceasta saptamana este prea lunga.
EI vrea sa la toak caqile.
pantofi negri sunt scumpi.
A cui este aceasla casa?
In dClTllIhric cslc des zapada.
lulie este cea mai calduroasa luna?
Nu accasla data'
In curand cumparal11 lin blroU mare.
Acest ciiine mara este
prietenu1 meu eel mai bun.
Este prea
Nu-ti face griji in ceea ce vremea.
Avionu1 zboara spre vest.
In gradina noastra este multa zapada.
Ciita dulceata poti miinca?
Nu pune aceasta scrisoare pe masa in bucatarie!
Tocmai i1 intrebam despre fiu11ui.
Cine ne preda eng1eza?
Va rog nu fumati in dorrnitor.
Nu vreau sa 1a
Trebuie sa-i due cu 1a
> rh15 brown dog is
my best fnend.
> It's too easy I
> Don't WOllY the weather'
> The plane IS 11YIng to the west.
> There is a lot Or"SIl')\\, 111 our garden.
> How much jam can vou eat')
> Don't put this letter on \hc table 111 the kitchen'
> We are just askmg him about hiS son.
> Who teaches us English')
> Please don't smoke III the bedroom.
> I don't want to walt forever.
> I must take them to school by car.
I. Ultima silaba este aeeentuata.
2. Contine 0 vocal a seurta.
X.3. La folosirea terminatiei -ing ultima eonsoana se dubleaza, daea:
- Nu face asta nieiodaHi.
- Ce face el aeum?
- women
- Ce faei de obicei duminiea?
- feet
- getting
- stopping
- Must I go home? - Trebuie sa merg aeasa?
- Must Mary drive there? - Mary trebuie sa mearga aeolo
- Where must they go? - Unde trebuie sa mearga?
Mary must drive
They must go to
I must go home.
What is he doing now?
What do you usually do on Sunday?
8.4.1. I un verb modal, eu forma pentru toate persoanele, iar verbul care-I urmeaza
nu are particula to.
She never does it.
8.4.2. Inlcrogativul se formeaza prin inversiune, adiea inversam ordinea lui must a
8.1. Substantive ell pluralul neregulat:
8.4. Must trebui
1\.2. Vcrbul to do are doua funqii: este verb auxiliar ee ajuta la formarea timpului prezent simplu
Simple Present - (propozi,ii interogative negative), sau poate fi verb eu in,elesul de a
face, a se ocupa cu.
A. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba ramana:
I. How much beer can you dnnk today?
2. Who must come here tomorrow?
3. Why can't you go to England in March?
4. Are they cutting the trees in the garden?
5. Our father always forgets to buy bread.
6. Those women have babies.
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba eng1eza:
1. .Trebuie sa venim la tine azi.
2. Am mancat putina ciocolata paine.
3. Ce faci diseara?
4. Tuturor barbatilor Ie place costumul?
5. De ce trebuie sa vorbeasca despre lor?
6. EI sta acum pe scaun.
C. Corcctati din propOl.l\lilc de ll1ai jos:
I. These girls are readdlllg books now.
2. Who are those man?
3. She musts go to her father.
4. Do you must look for those people?
5. There is always many snow in winter.
6. She doesn't never forget to buy bread.
, ,
aIr >l ear] - aer, atmosfera
almost >[ o:lmaust] - aproape ca
all >[0:1] - tot, toata, toti, toate, intreg
apple >[Epl] - mar
April > [eipril] - aprilie
around >[ araund] - prin apropiere, in jurul
August >[o:gast] - august
barber >[ba:'ba'] - frizer, barbier
because >[bikoz] - pentru ca, fiindca, deoarece'
beer >[bla'] - bere
bl'ltl'r >[beta'] - mai bun, mai bine
the best >[D'a best] - cel mai bun, cel mai bine
between >[bitUi:n] - intre (doua obiecte), dintre
big >[big] - mare, voluminos
black >lblHI - negru, neagra
bread >\ btedl - paine
brown >1 bl - maro, cafeniu, brunet
brother >[braDZa'] - frate
butter >[bata'] - unt
to buy >[tu bail - a cumpara, a face cumparaturi
cat >lkE1] - pIslca
can >l - a putea, a fi capabil, a
cannot >[kEnot] - a nu putea, a nu fi capabil,
a nu
cheap - ieftin
cheese >[ - branza
cigarette >[ sigaret] - tigara
coffee >[kofi] - cafea
cup >[kap] -
to cut >[tukat] - a taia, a tunde
date > [dcltJ - data
December > [dlscmba' J - decembrie
difficult > [diilbltJ
- dificil, complicat
to do
- a face, a se ocupa cu
dog > [dog] - caine
to drink
> [tu
- a bea
east >[i:stJ - est, rasarit
easy > [i:ziJ - simplu
eighty > [CltlJ - optzeci
else > [elsJ - mai, inca, alta
ever > [ev[j'J - vreodata, candva
expensive > [ikspenslvJ - scump, costisitor
family > [f1:mIlIJ - familie
fast > [fa.stJ - repede, iute, rapid
February > [februJri J - februarie
feet > [fitJ - labe (de 1a picior)
fifty > IIil111 CIl1CIZCCI
foot 111111
laba piclorului
> 1IIIIl'I ,I' I
- pentru totdeauna, mereu,
to forget
> l tll I'orgct]
- a uita, a aminti
forty > [fo:'tiJ - patruzeci
the fourth
> [DZa fo:'TsJ
- al patrulea, a patra
friend > [frendJ - prieten, amic
from time to time > [from talm tu taimJ - din cand in cand
good night > [gud naitJ - noapte buna
great > [greltJ - mare, maret, remarcabil
> [heaTJ
- par
honey > [haniJ - miere (de albine)
horse > [ho:'5J - cal
how >lh'lL\] - cum?, in ce fel?
how many
>l haLL ll1CI1l]
- diti? cate?
how much
>[hau l11e1t')]
- cati? cate?
>[ hallllrlllJ
- suta
>l dJJ' 1111 - dulceata, gem Jam
>[ d,n':Il/II,m]
- ianuarie
>[djlll;nl J
- iulie
June >ldjll III - iunie
large >[I<I'd ll - mare, spatios, larg
leg >Ilcg] - plclOr
less than >1 ks IYEn] - mai putin decat, mai putin de
to listen (to)
- a asculta, a fi atent (la)
a little
- putin, catva, ceva
alotof >[a lot ov] - 0 multime de, foarte mult,
foarte multi
Illany >[ l11l'ni] - un mare numar, mult,
o multime de
March >1'11.' 'I I - martie
May >11I1l'/1 - mal
men >lIllCIlJ - barbati, oameni
more than >[mo:' D"En] - mai multlmai multalmai multi/
mai multe decat
much - mult, multa
music >[mlU:zlk] - muzica
must >[mast] - a trebui
November > [n:llI vemb" I I - noiembrie
ninety >[naintl] - nouazeci
October >[ oktallb;I' J - octombrie
of >[ 3V] - ai, a, ai, ale, lui
or >[ 0
] - sau, ori
paper >[pclpa
] - hartie
park > [pa:'k] - pare
piece > [pl:S] - bucata
> [pua'] [po"] - sarac, sannan, biet
to put > [tu put]
- a pune, a a piasa
radio > [leldlau] - radio
ram > [rem] - ploaie
to rain > [tu rem] - a ploua
rich > - bogat
September > [septcll1ba'] - septembrie
seventy > [sevantl]
to shine > [ tu - a straluei, a lumina, a luci
ship > - nava, vapor
shoe >[W] - pantof
short > - scurt
to sing
> [tu sm(g)]
- a eanta
to sit >[tUSlt] - a sedea a se aseza
, , .
sixty "> I\ik ',111
to snow > 111I c,lldlll - a nmge
to smoke > [tu smauk] - afuma
something > [samT'in
] - eeva
> [son(g)]
- eantee, melodie
soon > [su:n] - in curand
to stop
- a opri, a inceta, a intrerupe
sugar > - zahar
summer > [sama'] - vara
the sun
> [DZa san]
- soarele
- inalt, mare
tea > I tlJ - cear
thirty > [T>a:'tiJ - treizeci
together > [tageDZa' J - impreuna
tonight > [tanaitJ - diseara, asta seara, in noaptea asta
too >[tu:] - prea, foarte
tree >[tri:] - copac, arbore, pom
water >["o:ta'] - apa
weather >[ lieD/a']
- vreme
west >["est] - vest, apus
what about > ["ot ab3ut] - ce ar fi sa ... ? cum stam cu ... ?
. ?
ce mal e cu ....
what else > ["ot els] - altceva? mai doriti ceva?
which - care, pe care, ce
whose >[hu:zJ - ai, a, ai, ale cui/carui
why > ["al] - de ce? pentm ce? din ce cauzii?
winter >1"illl;j'l - iarna
without >1 "iI)/;!l1i I - lara, lipsit de
women >I"jlllllli - femei
to worry >[tli "on] - a se a se ingrijora,
face grij i
year >[ liarJ - an (calendaristic)
yellow >[ielauJ - galben
1. Articolul hotiirat the:
Daca euvantul care urmeaza dupa artieolul hotiirat ineepe eu 0 voeala, atunei pronuntia
articolului hotarat este [DZi]:
> [kEts]
> [hauziz]
> [basiz]
> [ka:rz]
> [deiz]
the school
the apple
the table
the time
- cats
- buses
> [IYi Epl]
> rlYi ail
- houses
- days
- cars
the eye
the applc
the train
the tower
the office
the car
Daea ultima litera a euvantului este s, sh, ch, x atunci pluralul se formeaza prin adaugarea
terminatiei -es, care se pronunta [iz]:
Daea insa substantivulla singular se termina eu un sunet sonor, atunei terminatia de plural se
pronunta [z]:
Daea substantivul la singular se termina eu un sunet surd; atunei termina\ia de plural se
pronunta [s]:
book - books > [buks]
2. De cCIe l1111i Illllite ori 1(1I"nHII1l plundlll slIhstantivclor adaugand euvalltului terrninatia -s:
suit suits > [su:ts]
De acum inainte yom incepe lectiile cu 0 scurta recapitulare a materialului anterior. Tot aici vor fi
prezentate de gramatica din lectia urmatoare.
Sa repctilm cuvintele, intr-o alta ordine:
fncepem lectia lnvatiind set de cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie elar cu voce tate:
] - sfert, sfert de ceas/ora
tie >[tai] -cravata
husband :{hazband] - sot
parents >[pearants] - parinti
hospital >[hospitl] - spital, clinica
lamp >[lEmp] -lampli
breakfast >[brEkIast] -mic dejun
dining-room >[dainin(g) ru:m] - sufragerie
bookcase >[bukkeis] - raft, biblioteca
plant >[pla:nt] - plantii
" "
] - sfert, sfert de ceas/ora
husband >[hazband] - sot
bookcase > Ibukkeis] - raft, biblioteca
lamp :{lEmp] -lampa
plant >[pla:nt] - planta
tie >ftai] - cravatll
dllini I'll: III I sufragerie
breakfast hrW, lilsll mic dejun
parents ;'1 pClIrilllls! pilrin(i
shirt >f """
hospital >[hospitJ] -- spital, clinica
Retineti utilizarea cuvilntului for in urmatoarele expresii:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele nou invatate:
- Acasa avem multe plante.
Vreau sa cumpar 0
- Sotul ei este bogat.
- Aceste lampi sunt scumpe.
_.0 Acela este pe raft.
- Este cinci un sfert.
- Eu iau des micul dejun la
- Nu-i plac cravatele.
- Ii pe parintii lui?
- Avem 0 sufragerie mare.
- Trebuie sa merg la spital.
- There are many> plants in our house.
- My> shirts are cheap.
- I want to have this green> lamp.
- I must buy a> tie.
- Your> husband is my brother.
- Are his > parents also here?
- They are coming in a > quarter of an hour.
- Ce iti place sa mananci
la micul dejun?
- Ce este azi la micul dejun?
- My father must go to > hospital.
- Put this> bookcase in our bedroom.
- We usually eat in the> dining-room.
- What do you like to eat for> breakfast?
>rrYi:zIEmps a:' ikspensiv]
>[ it iz Oil IYil bllkkeis]
hazband iz
>[lli: hEv meni pla:nts Et
>[its a k"o:'ta
pa:st faiv]
>[du iu: nau hiz pearants]
>[ai ofn i:t brEkrast Et sevn]
>[hi: damt laik taiz]
>[ ai mast gau tu hospitl]
>[ ai "0ll tlll hai a
>[lli; hEv a la:fdj
dainin(g) ru:m]
What do you like to eat
for breakfast?
What's for breakfast today?
Her husband is rich.
We have many plants
at home.
It's a quarter past five.
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii. Repetati-le cu voce tare titi atenti la prommtia lor:
These lamps are expensive.
Do you know his parents?
Ei yin peste un sfert de ora.
Sotul tau este fratele meu.
Eu vreau sa am aceasta lampa verde.
De obicei milncam in sufragerie.
We have a large dining-room.
Tatal meu trebuie sa mearga la spital.
He doesn't like ties.
P!!Ae aceasta biblioteca in donnitorul nostru.
I want to buy a shirt.
Ce iti place sa mananci la micul dejun?
Trebuie sa cumpar 0 cravata.
Sunt parmtii lui aici?
I often eat breakfast at seven.
mele sunt ieftine.
It is on the bookcase.
I must go to hospital.
In casa noastra sunt mUlte plante.
Sa vedem daca ati retinut cuvintelenoi. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Daca mergem la spital in caUtate de vizitator sau ca membru al personalului, atunei spunem:
>Put these books on the bookcase.
>Must I also take a tie?
>Thesc plants must be in the garden.
>1 don't like to be in hospitaL
>Can we eat breakfast together?
>My husband always drives the car.
. Ell la intotdeauua mieul dejun la
>It's a quarter past two.
>We can smoke in the dining-room.
>Which shirt can I take?
>These lamps are nice, but too
>My parents have little money.
- 1ti place vara?
- Cina pe care 0 mananc acum este buna.
- Trebnie sa merg la spital.
- Merg la spital in fiecare zi.
S0tu1 meu conduce intotdeauna
Este doua un sfert. (Este trecut cu
15 minute de ora doua.)
Nu-mi place sa fiu in spitaL
Aceste plante trebuie sa fie in grMina.
Putem sa luam impreuna micul dejuil?
Care pot s-o iau?
Parintii mei au bani putini.
Putem sa fumam in sufragerie.
Trebuie sa iau 0 cravam?
Do you like summer'?
Aceste veioze sunt frumoase, dar prea
Pune aceste cacti in biblioteca.
She always cats breakfllst at sewn.
Inaintea denumirii meselor principale, folosite la modul general:
The dinner which I am eating now is good.
Daca vrem sii ne referim la 0 masii, sau la un anotimp anume, atunci trebuie safolosim articolul
hotiirdt the.
I must go to hospital.
I go to the hospital every day.
!naintea denumirU anotimpuri/or, dacli Ie jhlosim la modul general:
Acum yom invata cateva verbe Doi:
Inaintea cuviintului hospital- spital, clinica nufolosim articolul hotiirdt, daciiparticipam la activitate
in calitate de bolnav:
to park ::{ tu pa:Ck]
- a parca, a staliona
to get up
::{ tu get ap]
- a se ridica in picioare,
a se scula din pat
to put on ::{tu put on]
- a se imbraca, a
to stay ::{tu steil - a sta, a ramane
Articolul hotiidit the se poate amite In cazul unor cuvinte ca: mother, father, town, church, music.
In cele ce urmeazii vaprezentiim alte cazuri asemiiniitoare, ca de exemplu:
Pentru exersarea cuvintelor noi completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:
Verbul to have eu sensul: a avea, a poseda nu sefolose!jte la prezentul continuu.ln unele situafii fnsii,
eu ajutorullui fnloeuim alte verbe. In aeeste eazuri putem folosi verbul to have :;i la timpul prezent
Sa introducem verbele noi in propozitii:
- In Romania starn
intotdeauna la hotel.
- a face, a confeqiona
- a lua micul dejun
- Pot sa (rna) imbrac (cu) costumul
tatalui meu?
- Ei confectioneaza scaune
ill aceasta fabrica.
- Maine trebuie sa rna scol
la 6 dimineata.
- Poti sa parchezi
- La ce ora iei de obieei
micul dejun?
to have breakfast
to have a cigarette
to have tca
- Ce fel de ceai bea el acum?
- John fumeaza a patra tigara.
- I must> stay in hospital for ten days.
- We can't> park in this street.
- I don't like to > get up in the morning.
- Do you always> have breakfast at eight?
- > Put on a white shirt.
- My father is > making a bookcase now.
- lei acum micul dejun?
>[tu meik]
>[tu hEy brEkfast]
>[Uot taim du iu: iu:juali
hEy brEkfast]
>[liunorau ai mast get ap
I':t siks in DZa mo:'nin(g)]
>[DZei meik in
DZjs fEktari]
>[ ill: kEn pa:'k DZa ka:'
>[kEn ai put on mai
fa:Dza'z su:t]
> ru:mcinia "i: o:J"ciz
stci I':t hautel]
to have breakfast
to make
You can park the car here.
Imbracati 0 alba.
Tomorrow I must get up at
6 in the morning.
Can I put on my father's
What time do you usually
have brcakfast?
to eat breakfast
to drink tea
to smoke a cigarette
Tatal meu coIifectioneaza acum 0 biblioteca.
Are you having breakfast now?
Nu putem parca pe aceasta strada.
What tea is be baving now?
John is baving his fourth cigarette.
Nu-mi place sa rna scol dimineata.
Dumneavoastra, luati illtotdeauna micul dejun
la ora opt?
They make chairs in this
Trebuie sa stau zece zile ill spital.
In Romania we always stay
at a hotel.
Sii urmiirim acum folosirea cuvintelor ago :ji last in urmiitoarele structuri:
- in urma(eu), aeum(-)
- ultim, (eel) din urma, treeut
- ieri
> Peter and Mary are having coffee now..
> Now I have two dogs and one cat.
> Are they having breakfast now?
> Which cigarette are you having now?
> I have no money at the moment.
- in urma eu doua zile, acum doua zile
- inurma cu trei saptamani, acum
- in urma eu patru ani, acum patru ani
- anul treeut
- luna trecuta
- duminiea treeuta
>[iestardei], [iestardi]
> [agau]
., ';:';'_.



6: ..
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza folosind forma corespunzatoare a verbului
to have:
Momentan nu am bani.
two days ago
three weeks ago
four years ago
last year
last month
last Sunday
Peter Mary beau cafea acum.
Acum am doi caini 0 pisica.
A cata ligara furnezi acum?
Ei iau micul dejun acum?
Aceste complemente de timp stau la inceputul sau la sfar:jitul propozipei.
Acum vom inwitaformele verbului to be la timpul trecut simplu (the Simple Past Tense [DZa simpl .-
pa:st tens]). Acesta se folose:jte pentru exprimarea unei aCfiuni care s-a petrecut in trecut, la un
moment determinat :ji nu are legiiturii cu prezentul. De obicei folosim aliituri de el urmiitoarele '
complemente de timp:
Iattiformele verbului to be la trecut simplu:
fn urmatoarele propozitii am utilizat formele verbului to be la timpul trecut simplu alaturi de
complementul de timp corespunzator:
I was ;fai "oz] - eu am fost, eu eram
you were ;fiu "a:'] - tu ai fost, tu erai, dumneavoastra
ati fast, dumneavoastra erati
he was ;fhi: "Oz] - el a fast, el era
she was "ozl - ea a fost, ea era
It was :;f it "0/,1 aceasta a fost/asta a fost, era
(genuI neutru)
we were :;f"i: "a:'] -- noi am lost, noi eram
you were ;fiu: "a:'] - voi ati fost, voi erati
they were ;fDZei "a:'] - ei au fost, ei erau
- Saptamana trecuta el a
fost in spital.
- Cred ca ai fast acolo ieri.
- leri seara amfost acasa.
- fn unna cu trei ani am
fast in fabrica aceea.
- Luna trecuta ea a fast in

- Aceasta a fast cu mult
timp in unna.
- ca ai fast in Anglia.
in urma cu doi ani.
- fn urma cu zece ani ei
-Last year we >were together.
- My mother >was in England >a week ago.
-Yesterday I >was in his garden.
- I know he :was at your house
- These people >wcrc in Romania >last year.
-Two years ago you :were in England.
;f len iiarz iigau DZei "a:'
;fPri: iia'z agau "i: "a:'
in DZet lEktari]
;f it "oz a lon(g) taim
;f ai T'in(g)k iu: "a:'
[)Zea' iesta'dei]
;fla:st manTs "oz in
;f ai nou iu: "a:' in
in(g)gHlnd tu: iia'z agau]
;fla:st "i:k hi: uoz in
::fiesta'dei ai Uoz Et
Mum in DZi i:vnin(g)]
ca el a fost la tine acasa ieri.
leri am fost in gradina lui.
oameni au fost in Romania anul trecut.
Mama mea a fost in Anglia in urma cu
o saptamana.
Completati propozitiile in Iimba englcza. Folositi filtrul
Ten years ago they were
Last month she was in
Yesterday I was at home in
the evening.
Last week he was in hospital.
Three years ago we were
in that factory.
Anul trecut am fost impreuna.
In unnii cu doi ani ai fost in Anglia.
I think you were there
It was a long time ago.
I know you were in England
two years ago.
Formulati intrebari ~ i raspunsuri scurte la urmatoarele propozitii, in limba engleza:
Forma de interogativ a verbului to be la timpul trecut simplu se formeazii prin inversarea ordinii
subiectului cu forma corespunzritoare a verbului la timpul trecut.
Construc!ia rrispunsului afirmativ: cuvantul yes, urmat de pronumele personal # de forma
corespunzritoare a verbului to be.
Construc!ia nega!iei: cuvantul no, urmat depronumelepersonal, deforma corespunzritoare a verbului
to be ~ i de cuvdntul not. Construc!ia was not prescurtatii devine wasn't [Uozut]; constructia were not
devine weren't [Ua:'nt).
> [nau ai Uozut]
- No, they weren't.
> [nau DZci lI a:'nt]
NQ, they were not.
> [nau ai uoz not]
No, I was not.
- Nu, (nu a fost).
- Nu, (nu am fost).
-No, he wasn't.
> [nau hi: uoznt]
- Nu, (nu au fast).
- No, I wasn't.
> [nau hi: uoz not]
No, he was not.
> luall IYei "a:' not]
- It> was last year.
- You> were at your daughter's school
> last month.
- Yes, > she was.
- No,> shewasn't.
- > Were we together last year?
- Yes,> we were.
- No,> weweren't.
- >. Was she at work yesterday?
-Da, (am fast).
A fast anul trecut.
Dumneavoastra ati fast luna trecuta la
~ c o l fiicei dumneavoastra.
We were together last year.
> l"a:'1 )/l;i 1':1 h:llIllI la:s( lIi:kl > 1ies I)lei "n:'1
Au J(lsl ci llCUS!\ Du, (uu l(lSl).
saptamfUlll lrccull\'l
De exemplu:
I was at school yesterday.
Were you at school
> [Ua:' iu: Et sku:l iesta'dei]
Last year he was in England.
Was,he in England last Yes, he was.
> [Ua:' hi: in in(g)gliind la:st iia'] > [ies hi: Uoz]
Yesterday she was at work.
-Afast el inAnglia? -Da,(afost).
anul trecut?
They were at home last week.
Were they at home last Yes, they were.
- Ai fast ieri la ~ c o l
1. Substantive care la formarea pluralului f$i schimbii riidiicina $i pronunfia:
- sotii, neveste
- Cand ai fost in Anglia?
- De ce nu a fost ea la
serviciu ieri?
- Ea nu a fost in Anglia in
urma eu trei ani.
- Piirlntii mei nu au fost ieri
> [lauvz]
- > Were they in his office yesterday?
- Yes, > they were.
- No, > they weren't.
- > Was he a good boy ten years ago?
- Yes, > he was.
-- No, > he wasn't.
> Where were they last Saturday?
> Who was in his offiee an hour ago?
> Yesterday we weren't at the post-office.
> Their sister wasn't in London last week.
> [Uai uoznt Et ua:'k
> [Uen ua:r iu: in i.n(g)gHind]
> [mai peiiriints Uli:rnt hia
> Uoznt in in(g)gland
Pri: iiarz agau]
- franzela, paine loaves
(de 0 anumita forma)
- sotie, nevasta
foot >[fut] - pieior, laba feet >[fi:t] - pieioare
tooth >[tu:P] - dinte, masea teeth >[ti:P] - dinti
goose >[gu:s] - gasea geese >[gi:s]
mouse> [maus] - mice >[mais] -
ehild > - eopil children > - eopii
loaf >
He was a good boy ten years ago.
They were in his office yesterday.
Why wasn't she at work
When were you in England?
She wasn't in England three
years ago.
2. Substantive care se terminii fn -f, iar la plural acesta se schimbii fn v. Dacii f e urmat de e,
atunci fi adiiugiim doar un -s, altfel cuwintul prime$te terminafia -es:
Sa ne intoarccm la formarea pluralului. deja ea unele substantive formeaza pluralul in mod
neregulat. 1n cele ee urmeaza yom invata alte doua modalitati de formare a pluralului neregulat:
My parents weren't here
AceasHt ncgatie poate fi folosita in propozitii complete:
In cazul intreMrilor mai detaliate cuvantul interogativ la inceputul intrebiirii:
Unde au fost ei sambiita trecutii?
Cine a f(lS( in biroullui in urma cu 0 ora?
Tradllce\i lIrmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Sora lor nu a fost la Londra saptiimana trecuta.
leri nu lUll fost la oficiul
shelf >[ -raft shelves -rafturi
life >[laif] - viata lives >[laivz] - vieti
half >[ha:f] - jumatate halves >[ha:vz] - jumatati
leaf >[li:f] - frunza leaves >[li:vz] -frunze
knife >[naif] - cutit knives >[naivz] - cutite
Aproape toate accste cuvinte sunt noi pentru dumneavoastra. De aceea, repetati-Ie intr-o alta ordine:
life >[laif] - viata lives >[ Jaivz] - viep
knife >[naif] - cutit knives >[naivz] - cutite
tooth >[tu:T'] - dinte, masea teeth >[ti:T'] - dinti
loaf >[Jiiuf] - franze/a, paine loaves >[lauvz] - franzele
mouse >[maus] - mice >[mais] -
leaf >[li:f] -frunza leaves >[li:vz] -frunze
wife >[uaif] - sope, nevasta wives >[Uaivz] - sotii, neveste
foot >[fut] - picior, laba feet >[fi:t] - picioare
child - copil children >[ - copii
shelf -raft shelves -rafturi
goose >[gu:s] - gasca geese >[gi:s] -
half >[ha:/] - jumatate halves >[ha:vz] - jumatap
"A wife is cutting a loaf into halves with a knife."
Acum yom invata 0 serie de cuvinte noi:
Completati propozitiile in lirnba engleza folosind cuvintele nou invatate:
Aminvatat deja ca structura there is/there are se 1a tirnpu1 prezent in cazul substantivelor
nehotiirate. Forma acestei constructii 1a trecutul simplu este there was/there were. De exemplu:
- Hotelul este vizavi de
casa noastra.
- Bucatana noastra este la
- Ellucreaza inca.
- Parcheaza in fata
acestei cladiri.
- Cred ca el a fost acolo
- Does he > still visit you?
- Erau 0 multirne de copaci in aceasta
gradina anul trecut.
- This man is > in front of our house.
- I can park there> after eight.
- She is just going> downstairs.
- His office is > opposite the bus station.
>[ ai TSin(g)k hi: U
a: na' siks]
>[ aua
>[pa:rk DZa ka:
in frant ]
ov DZis bildin(g) ]
>[DZa hautel iz opazit]
>[hi: iz stil uii:'kin(g)]
downstairs >[ daunsteafz]
- la parter, jos
in front of
>[ in frant ov]
- in fata, dinaintea
- vizavi de, in partea cealalta
>[:1: Ilarl
- dupa, dupa aceea
>[ still
. inca, mai
Pot parca acolo dupa opt.
Ea tocmai se duce la parter.
Acest om este in fata casei noastre.
Park the car in front of this
El te viziteaza inca?
Biroul lui este vizavi de statia de autobuz.
There were a lot of trees in this garden
last year.
Sa folosim cuvintclc noi 1n propozitii:
He is still working.
I think he was there after six.
The hotel is opposite our
Our kitchen is
Sa recapitullim acum materialul din prima parte a lectiei. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba
Acelea sunt cutitele tale (dumneavoastra)?
II vad intotdeauna dupa micul dejun.
Pune lampa pe biblioteca.
Vreau sa cumpar trei franzele.
Vara nu mergem cu
La ce ora se scoala el de obicei?
Te rog, rlimiii dupa cina.
Sunt in aceasta cladire.
Sotului meu ii place aceasta cravata.
Vrei sa 1mbraci asta
Aceste plante au fost in gradina noastra in
urma cu un an.
Ei nu au fost ieri in sufragerie.
Ea are in gradina.
Parintii Uii erau inal\i?
Este aproape cinci un slcrl.
Vezi fj'unze in acest copac'?
Locuim vizavi de 0 biserica.
Maine trebuie sa ma scol dupa patru.
De obicei iau micul dejun la noua.
Te vlid des in fata acestei fabrici.
Dintii lui nu sunt albi.
Inurma cu 0 ora erau multi copli in pare.
> Are those your knives?
> I always see him after breakfast.
>Put the lamp on the bookcase.
> I want to buy three loaves of bread.
> In summer we don't go by car.
> What time docs he usually get up?
> Please, stay aner dinner.
> There are mice in this building.
> My husband likes this tie.
> Do you want to put on this red shirt?
> These plants were in our garden a year
> They weren't in the dining-room yesterday.
> She has geese in the garden.
> Were your parents tall?
> II's almost a quarter past five.
> Do you see leaves in this tree?
> We live opposite a church.
> I must get up after four tomorrow.
> I usually have breakfast at nine.
> I often see you in front of this factory.
> His teeth aren't white.
> An hour ago there were many children
in the park.
Sa relu1\m cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
In partea a doua a acestei lectii vom exersa trecutul simplu. Sa invatam mai intiii ciiteva cuvinte noi:
- masa (principala), priinz,
cina, dineu
- pasare
-- pivnita, beci
- colt
- luna
- televizor
- lucru, obiect
- luna
- camera de zi
- televizor
- lucru, obiect
- pasare
- televizor
- camera de zi
- loc de stat, scaun
- televizor
- loc de stat, scaun
- masa (principala), priinz,
cina, dineu
- pivnita, beci
television set >[ telivijn set]

seat :>[ si:t]
TV set >(ti:vi: set]
sock :>[sok]
cellar :>[ sela']
dinner >[dina']
thing :>[Tsin(g)]
cinema :>[sinama]
the moon >[Dzamu:n]
living-room >(livin(g) ru:m]
bird >[ba:rd]
comer >[ko:Tna']
dinner >(dinan
the moon >(Dzamu:n]
bird >[ba:rd]
cellar >[sela']
corner >[ko:rna']
television set >[ teiivijn set]
TV set >( ti:vi: set]
thing >[Pin(g)]
cincma >[sinama]
sock :>[sok]
living-room >[livin(g) ru:m]
seat :>[ si:t]
Iar acum traduceti in limba engleza propozitiile de mai jos:
Retineti diteva din expresiile folosite 1n propozitiile anterioare:
- In copacii din gradina mea
stau acum pasan.
- Pivnita din casa noastra
- Pune-ti
- Intotdeauna caut un loc ill
- Luna
(lumineaza) acum.
- Imi place sa inerg la cinema.
- Vit des multe lucruri.
- Avem un televizor in
fiecare camera.
- Trebuie sa cumparam un
- era prea mica.
- Acest magazin este pe colt.
- La ce ora cinezi de obicei?
.- Camera noastra de zi este
>They live opposite the cinema.
>I have some letters to write.
>Your bicycle is in the shed.
>Does the moon shine every night?
>Is there aTV set in the living-room?
>Do you want a seat?
>1 don't like white socks.
- in autobuz
- pe colt, in colt
> [ai lav tu gau tu DZa
>["i: mast hai a li:vi: sct]
> [ba:fdz a:
DZa tri:z in mai ga:fdn
>[D'is iz in IYil
>[ai o:l"eiz luk I<>:r ii si:t
011 D/u has]
> [DZa sela
in aua
iz la:rdj]
>[DZa "oz tu: litI]
>[D'u Illu:n iz
>[ ai ofn forget abaut
meni Pin(g)z]
>[ uua
livin(") nUll iz
>[put on io:
>[ ui hEy a telivijn set in
>["ot taim du iu: iu:juali
hEy dinar]
Bicicleta ta este in
Luna (lumineaza) in fiecare noapte?
Am ciiteva scrisori de scris.
Sa folosim cuvintele noi ill propozitii:
Vrei un lac?
I love to go to the cinema.
on the bus
Este televizor in camera de zi?
We must buy a TV sct.
I often forget about many
I always look for a seat on
the bus.
The moon is shining now.
Put on your socks!
Nu-mi plac albe.
Ei locuiesc vizavi de cinema.
The shed was too little.
Our living-room is nicc.
The cellar in our house is
Birds are sitting in the trees
in my garden now.
in the corner
We have a television set in
every room.
What time do you usually
have dinner?
This shop is in the corner.
Dupa cum ati observat verbul prime:jte terminatia -ed. Aceasta se adauga doar verbelor care nu au
terminatia -e:
Sa ne fntoarcem la timpul trecut simplu. $tim deja dind trebuie safolosim acest timp :ji cum trebuie
sa conjugam verbul to be la timpul respectiv. lata alte cateva verbe la timpul trecut:
- len am vizitat-o
- EI m-a
saptamana trecuta.
> [Ueitid]
> There are a lot of mice in the cellar.
> The chair is in the corner.
> Is this television set expensive?
> Can we have dinner together?
forme last week.
my mother yesterday.
- waited
- visited
- liked
- tried
- stopped
Scaunul este in colt.
Sunt multi in pivnita.
Este scump acest televizor?
Putem sa cinam impreuna?
2. Daca terminafia verbului este a consoana sonora sau a vocala - cu exceptia literei e-, atunci
pronuntia terminatiei -ed este [d]:
show - showed >
Pronume personal
sau substantiv
2. In cazul unor verbe, consoana de la sfar:jitul cuvantului se dubleaza, fntocmai ca :ji fn cazul
terminafiei -ing:
Daca verbul are termina\ia -e, i se adauga doar litera -d:
La folosirea terminatiei -ed sa fun atenti la urmatoarele:
1. In cazul verbelor a caror terminatie este litera -y precedata de 0 consoanii, litera y se
transforma fn -i la fe! ca :ji fn cazul formarii pluralului substantivelor:
lar acum sa vedemregulile referitoare la pronun\ia verbelor al caror trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea
sufixului -ed:
1. In cazul fn care consoana de la sfar:jitul verbului nu sepronuntii, terminatia -edvafi pronunfata
3. Dadi consoana finalii a verbului este t sau d, atunci pronunfia terminaliei este [id]:
Completati propozitiilc in limba cnglezA eu forma corespullzatoare a verbului la timpul treeut simplu:
-My parents> opened an office yesterday.
- We > looked for his ties yesterday.
- A week ago I > talked with your brother.
- The driver> showed us his car yesterday.
- When he > entered the house we were in
the garden.
- She> thanked us for it yesterday.
- Last year we > worked in England.
- I > loved this town when I was a boy.
- Yesterday I > waited for her for two hours.
- They> wanted to go there a year ago.
- Last week we > walked to school.
. - Her friend> asked her for a book.
- visited visit
ne-a aratat ieri sa.
Exemplele va vor ajuta sa illtelegeli sa folositi regulile anterioare. Cititi propozitiile de
mai jos eu voee tare:
In urma eu 0 saptiimana am vorbit cu fratele
Prietenul ei i-a eerut 0 carte.
Parintii mci au dcsehis ieri un birou.
Ei au vrut sa mearga acolo acum un an.
Noi am cautat ieri eravatele lui.
Ea ne-a multumit ieri pentru asta.
We visited our parents >[Ui: vizitid aua
peariints - Ieri i-am vizitat pe
yesterday. iestardei] parintii nostri.
, ,
He entered this shop a >[hi: entafd DZis a - EI a intrat in acest magazin in
minute ago. minit agau] urma eu un minut.
They walked to work two >[DZei uo:kt tll lI a:fk tu: - Ei au mers pe jos la lucru
days ago. deiz agau] aeum doua zile.
Yesterday she stopped >[iestafdei stopt - Ea s-a liisat ieri de fumat.
smoking. smaukin(gJ]
She wanted to visit us last >[ lI ontid tu vizit as - Ea a vrut sa ne viziteze.
week. la:st ui:k] saptamiina treeuta.
I worried about you >[ ai uorid abaut iu: - Ieri m-am ingrijorat in
yesterday. iestafdei] legatura eu tine.
They lived in London ten >[DZei livd in landn ten - Ei au loeuit in Londra ill wma
years ago. iiafz agau] eu zeee ani.
He listened to the radio >[hi: lisnd tu DZa reidiau - El a aseultat ieri radioul.
yesterday. iestafdei]
Ciind a intrat el in easil, noi cram in
Noi am luerat in Anglia anul treeut.
leri am doua ore.
Saptiimana trecuta am mel'S pe jos la
1mplacea acest eand eram copil.
Repela(i de mai multe ori cele trei forme ale verbelor neregulate:
In limba engleza exista ~ i 0 serie de verbe neregulate, care nu formeaza timpul trecut cu sutixul
-d sau -ed. Cele trei forme ale acestar verbe trebuie invalate pe de rost.
ati > be > was/were > been
a bea > drink > drank > drunk
a veden > see > saw > seen
a merge > go > went > gone
a manen > eat > ate > eaten
a avea > have > had > had
> You were at work at seven yesterday.
> I saw these people then.
> I drank too much beer yesterday.
> We ate a lot of apples yesterday.
> Two years ago I had an apartment in
> My parents went to England three weeks
Atunci i-am vl\zut pc c e ~ t i oameni.
leri la ~ p t e dumneavoastra erati la lucm.
in urmu eu doi ani anl avut un apartament
leri am bUnt prea multa bere.
Noi am mancat multe mere ieri.
Parintii mei au mers in Anglia acum
trei saptllmani.
Traduec(i unnlltoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Forma I Forma a II-a Forma aID-a
infinitiv trecutul simplu participiul trecut
see > lsi:] - a vedea saw > [so:] seen > [si:n]
go > [gou] -a merge went > ["cnt] gone > [gan)
have > [hEv] -a avea had > [hEd] had > [hEd]
be > fbi:] -ati waslwere > [Uoz/"a:
] been > [bi:n]
eat > [i:t] - a manea ate > ~ i t eaten > [Un]
drink >
-a bea drank
> [drEn(g) k]
> [dran(g)k]
1nvaluli toatc cde trei forme verbale! De participiul trecut (Past Participle) ne vom ocupa in lectia
2. Substantive al caror plural se jormeaza prin adaugarea sufixului -es:
Sa ne fntoarcem acum la problema pluralului neregulat. in cere ce urmeaza vom fnvata 0 altaserie
de substantive neregulate:
> Tomatoes are red.
... four sheep and four deer ...
> These postmen bring letters to our offIce.
> Do you see those deer near the trees?
> We had four oxen and ten sheep.
> Do you like potatoes?
> Those fIremen were tall.
1. Substantive compuse care denumesc ocupapi con,tin substantivele man woman:
> [paustmen]
postmen > [paustman]
> [pali:smen]
> [pali:sman]
> [faia'men] fIremen
> [faiarman]
- pompier/i
policewoman > [pali:s"man] policewomen > [pali:s"imin]
- femei/e poli!ist
potato > [piHeitou] potatoes > [pateitouz] - cartoffi
> [tama:lou]
> [Ulma:tauz]
3. Substantive care primesc suflXul -en la plural:
> [oks]
oxen > [oksn] - boulboi
4. Substantive care au forma la plural, la singular:
deer > [dia
] deer > [dia
] -caprioaraJ
sheep sheep > - oaie/oi
Pompierii aceia erau inalti.
Iti plac cartofii?
... one sheep and one deer ...
Vezi acele caprioare liinga cOPllci?
Tomatele soot
Am avut patru boi zece oi.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
aduc scrisori in biroul nostru.
acum sa recapituHim materia intregii lectii. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
El a vrut sa faea ieri 0 biblioteea,
dar nu a avut timp.
De obicei iau micul dejun aeasa cina
la un restaurant.
Acele cravate nu erau frumoasc.
Ea a fost atunci In spital?
Ai plante In sufragcrie'?
Sotiilor Ie place sa mearga la plimbare cu
sotii lor.
Vara uncori ploua, iar iarna ninge.
Poti sa te scoli?
Trcbuie sa ma Imbrac cu cel mai bun costum.
Pisicilor Ie plac
Ai dinti
Pune aceste carti pe aceste rafturi!
Ciind a coborat, el a vamt doi copii in fata lui.
Acest cinematograf este vizavi de noastra.
Mergi in pivnita adu scaunele verzi!
Am vrut sa cumpar un televizor bun,
dar era prea scump.
leri 1l1-am ingrijorat pentru tine.
Mai mult de a suta de pasari stau
in copacul nostru in clipa aceasta.
Trebuie sa am intotdeauna loc in autobuz.
leri noi am mancat prea mult.
Multe femei politist luereaza in nostru.
leri ti-am vazut bicicleta in aceea
din eoltul gradinii.
leri te-a un in fata easeL
Atunci noi aveam mai multi bani.
> He wanted to make a bookcase yesterday,
but he had no time.
> I usually have breakfast at home
and dinner at a restaurant.
> Those ties weren't nice.
> Was she in hospital then?
> Have you plants in the dining-room?
> Wives like to go for a walk with their
> It sometimes rains in summer
and in winter it snows.
> Can you get up?
> I must put on my best suit.
> Do cats like mice?
> You have nice teeth.
> Put these books on these shelves!
> When he went downstairs he saw two
children in front of him.
> This cinema is opposite our school.
> Go to the cellar and bring the green chairs!
> I wanted to buy a good TV set,
but it was too expensive.
> Yesterday I worried about you.
> More than a hundred birds are sitting on
our tree at the moment.
> I must always have a seat on a bus.
> We ate too much yesterday.
> Many policewomen work in our town.
> Yesterday I saw your bicycle in that shed
in the corner ofthe garder.
> A postman waited for you in front
of the house yesterday.
> We had more money then.
9.2.2. Formele verbului to be la Trecut Simplu:
Aceste trei adverbe de timp stau la Inceputul sau la propoziliei.
9.1.2. Inaintea denumirii anotimpurilor folosite la modill general:
- Iti place vara?
- Trebuie sa merg la spital.
- Ea ia intotdeauna micul dejun la $apte.
- Merg la spital in fiecare zi.
- eina pe care 0 miinanc acurn este buna.
I must go to hospital.
Do you like summer?
I go to the hospital every day.
She always eats breakfast at seven.
The dinner which I am eating
now is good.
I was
[ai Uoz]
- eu am fost, eram
you were [iU: 'a:'] - tu ai fost, erai/dumneavoastra ali fost, erali
he was
[hi: Uoz]
- el a fost, era
she was Uoz]
- ea a fast, era
it was [itUoz]
- aceasta, asta a fast, era (genul neutru)
we were
[Ui: ua:']
- noi am fost, eram
you were [iu: ua:']
- voi ali fost, erali
they were [DZei ua:']
- ei, ele au fost,erau
ago (agiiu] -In urma(cu), acum...
last [Ia:sl] - ultim, cel din urma, trecut
Daca ne referim la 0 masa sau un anotimp anume, atunci se folose$te Intotdeauna
articolul hotarat the:
9.1.3. Inaintea cuvantului hospital, in calitate de bolnav:
Daca starn la spital, sau mergem acolo in vizita, sau ca membru al personalului,
folosim articolul howat:
9.1.1. Inaintea denumirii meselor principale folosite la modul general:
9.2.1. Folosirn aeest limp in cazul unor aC\iuni terminate, care s-au In trecut, care
nu all legatura eu prezentul. Folosim urrnatoarele complemente de timp:
yesterday ricsla'dcilicsla'di] (ziua de) ieri
9.1. In unele situatii putem omite articolul hotarat the, $i anume, in cazul unor cuvinte ca mother,
father, town, church, music. In cele ce urmeaza va prezentam $i alte situatii In care
articolul hotarat poate lipsi:
9.2. The Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu)
Daca ultima litera a verbului este -e, atunci ii adaugam doar un -d.
9.2.4. Constructia propozitiei la timpul trecut simplu:
9.2.5. In cazul utilizarii sufixului -ed trebuie sa fun atenti la urmatoarele:
me last week.
my mother yesterday.

- Jeri am fost la
- Ai fast la
- Da, (am fost).
- Nu, (nu am fost).
- Unde ai fost ieri?
waited for
+ verb
- stopped
- tried
- liked
J was at school yesterday.
Were you at school yesterday?
Yes, I was.
No, J was not.
Where were you yesterday?
Pronume personal
sau substantiv
Daca ultima litera a verbului este 0 consoana sonora sau 0 vocala, atunci pronuntia
sufixului este:
Verbul sufixul-ed. Aceasta regula este valabila daca ultima litera a verbului nu
este -e.
In cazul unor verbe, consoana de la staqitul cuvantului se dubleaza, la fel ca in cazul
adaugarii terminatiei -ing.
Daca ultima litera a verbului este -y, atunci aceasta se transforma ill -i, apoi
terminatia -ed.
9.2.3. Forma interogativa a timpului trecut simplu (Simple Past) a verbului to be se formeaza
prin inversarea subieetului eu forma eorespunzatoare a verbului to be. Construetia
raspunsului afirmativ: yes + pronume personal + forma eorespunzatoare a verbului
to be la timpul treeut simplu. Forma negativa: no + pronume personal + to be
+not. Was not se poate prescurta wasn't; iar, were not - weren't.
9.2.6. Regulile de pronuntie a verbelor formate cu ajutorul terminatiei -ed:
Daca ultima litema verbului la infmitiv este 0 consoana surda atunci pronuntia sufixului
La pagina 37 yeti gasi lista verbelor neregulate lnvatate parra acurn.
9.3.2. Substantive compuse, una din componente fiind man sau woman:
9.3.3. Substantivele care se termina cu vocala 0 primesc la plural terminatia -es:
- cartof/i
- bou/boi
- laba piciorului, labe
- caprioaralcaprioare
[ dia']
- visited
Daca ultima consoana a verbului este -t sau -d atunci pronuntia sufixului este rid]:
9.2.7. Verbe neregulate:
In limba engleza exista verbe al caror trecut nu se formeaza cu ajutorul terrninatiei
-ed. Formele verbelor neregulate pronuntia lor trebuie lnvatate ca cuvinte separate.
9.3.1. Substantive a caror radacina pronuntie se modifica de la singular la plural:
9.3.4. Substantive care la plural primesc terminatia -en:
9.3.5. Substantive care au forma amt la singular cat la plural:
9.3. Pluralul substantivelor neregulate:
A Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Are your brothers having breakfast now?
2. Where were you yesterday?
3. My children like mice, but I don't.
4. I think these knives are on those shelves.
5. In the comer of the cellar there was a little bird.
6. I wanted to go to England last year.
B. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. leri noi am lucrat acasa, dar saptamiina trecuta am fost la birou.
2. El a avut trei neveste.
3. Trebuie sa cumparam cartofi.
4. Azi cinam in restaurantul de vizavi de cinematograf.
5. Nu lua ciorapi
6. Toate caprioarele sunt frumoase.
C. Corectati din propozitiile de mai jos:
I. This policewomen are in the comer, in front of that shop.
2. How many sheeps do you keep in that shed in the garden?
3. ) was at home yesterday and I listened music.
4. My daughter tryed to buy this car, but it was too expensive.
5. We seed your brother three weeks ago.
6. They goed to London then.
Acum repetati cuvinte intr-o alta ordine:
Sa lncepem lectia lnvatfuld dHeva cuvinte noi. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
nurse > [na:'s] - infrrmiera, sora
football > [futbo:l] - fotbal
match > -meci
very > [veri] - foarte
magazine > [mEgazi:n] - revista, magazin
- primavara, primavaratic > [spnn ]
autumn > [o:tam] - toamna
typist > [taipist] - dactilografa
newspaper > [niu:speipa'] - ziar, gazeta
tool > [tu:l] - unealta, scula
baker > [beild] - brutar
" "
tool > [tu:l] - unealta, scula
football > [("litho: I] - fotbal
typist > rtllipisl] - dactilografa
magazine > [ mEg[tzi:n] - revista, magazin
very > [veri] - foarte
newspaper > [niu;speipa'] - ziar, gazeta
nurse > [na:'s] - infirmiera, sora
autumn > [o:tiim] -toamna
baker > [beika'] - brutar
spring >
[ <Ill]
-primavara, pnmavaratic sprm
match > -meci
Folositi cuvintele noi pentru completarea urmiitoarelor propozitii in limba engleza:
Sa [olosim acum cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntia lor:
Iar acum vom invata alte verbe neregulate:
do >[du:] did >( did] done >[dan]
drive >[draiv] drove >(drauv] driven >[drivn]
speak >(spi:k] spoke >(spouk] spoken >(spoukn]
take >(telk] took >(tuk] taken >(telkn]
read >[ri:d] read >(red] read >[red]
write >(rait] wrote >(rout) written >[ritn]
- (Lor) Ie plac revistele pentru
- Ea acum un ziar.
- Tatal meu tine uneltele
in magazie.
- Este inca primavara?
- Trebuie sa avem 0 dactilografii
in birou?
- Este un meci de fotbal
- Toamna vine dupa vara.
- Sora mea este infmniera.
- Acest brutar face paine
foarte buna.
- This> baker's shop is in the comer.
- In > autumn the leaves are yellow.
- Do you often go to > football matches?
- My mother is a> nurse.
- In > spring the trees are green.
- Two > typists work in our office.
- These> tools are> very expensive.
- Bring me my > newspaper!
- Read this> magazine!
/jmai IldYarki:ps hiz
11I:lz ill IYii
>[mai sista
iz a na:fs]
>Jelu fYci laik ml\gill':i:llz
Ill:'" "imin]
>[DZis belka
melks veri
gud bred]
>[ mast lIi: hEy a taipist
in DZi ofis]
>[Dzear iz a futbo:l
>[ iz it stil sprin(g)]
>[ iz ri:din(g) a
niu:speipar nau]
>{ o:tam kamz a:fta
samaf] Autumn comes after summer.
Primavara copacii sunt verzi.
Adu-mi zjaml (meu)!
aceasta revistii!
Mama mea este infirmiera.
Magazinul acestui brutar este pe colt.
My father keeps his tools in
the shed.
Is it still spring?
Acestc unelte sunt foarte scumpe.
There is a football match
Must we have a typist in
the otHee'l
Mergeti des la meciuri de fotbal?
Toamna fmnzele sunt galbene.
Do they like magazines for
She is reading a newspaper
My sister is a nurse.
Dou1i dacHlografe lucreaza in biroul nostru.
This bakcr makes very good
lata ciiteva exemple:
lata un exercitiu de verificare. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
La caietului de curs yeti gasi lista tuturor verbelor neregulate invatate pilna acum.
this book yesterday?
+ ...
- L-a viizut Mary pc John ieri?
- El a fiicut asta ieri.
-Am citit aceasta carte cu multi ani in
- In urma cu un an noi am fost cu in
- Infmniera a vorbit cu prietena sa
saptamilna trecuta.
- leri am dus copiii la
- Sotul meu i-a scris 0 scrisoare surorii sale.
> Last week his sister wrote a long letter
to him.
> We spoke to them two days ago.
> They did it yesterday.
> They took all our money yesterday.
> Then he drove.
>Yesterday I read a nice letter.
+ verb la timpul
Mary saw John yesterday.
Did Mary see John yesterday? >[did mean si: djon iestardei]
My husband wrote a letter to his sister.
Verb auxiliar + pronume personal
sau substantiv
He did it yesterday.
Did you/the student
A year ago we drove to England.
Retineti structura propozitiei:
Atunci el a plecat cu
Ei au fiicut asta ieri.
Nu uitafi!
lnpropozifiile in carefolosim verbul auxiliar did, verbul de conjugat este la prezent, lara particula
leri am citit 0 scrisoare frumoasa.
The nurse spoke with her friend last week.
Ei ne-au luat ieri toti banii.
Saptamilna trecuta sora lui i-a scris 0
scrisoare lunga.
Sa introducem aceste verbe in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Am vorbit cu ei acum doua zile.
In lectia anterioarii ati afTat cum se formeazii interogativul \vi negativul verbului to be la timpul
trecut simplu (Simple Past). Acum veti inviitaformarea interogativului a negativului altor verbe la
acest timp. Asemiiniitor timpului prezent (Simplc Present), la timpul trecutfolosim un verb auxiliar.
Acest verb auxiliar este verbul to do la trecut anume did [did].
Yesterday I took the children to school.
I read this book many years ago.
De cxcmplu:
Acum formulati intrebari, raspunsuri aJinnative ~ i negative la unnatoarele propozitii:
Raspunsurile afirmative Ie formulam folosind euviintul yes, urmat de forma eorespunzatoare a
pronumelui personal ~ i de verbul auxiliar. Propozitiile negative euprind euviintul no, pronumele
personal, .fiirma eorespunztitoare a verbului auxiliar ~ i euviintul not. Construetia did not poate ji
preseurlata subforma didn't [didnt].
- Ei au fumat multe tigari anul
- A baut ea prea multa bere
searaJnoaptea trecuta?
- ieri searalnoapte
- Mi-a dat ieri infmniera un ziar?
- Au vrut ei sa mearga acolo anul trecut?
- >Did they eat too much bread yesterday?
- Yes, > they did.
- No, > they didn't.
- > Did my daughter do it two days ago?
- Yes, > she did.
- No, > she didn't.
- > Did you take the money?
- Yes, > I did.
- No, > I didn't.
,_. > Ilid she worry about her son yesterday?
,,00 Yes, > she did.
- No, > she didn't.
> [ did DZei smauk meni
sigarets la:st iili']
>[did ~ i drin(g)k tu: m t ~
bili' la: st nait]
>1;0S ~ i did]
>Inau ~ i didnt]
>[ ics IYei didl
>[nau lYe; didnq
last night
Retineti urmatorul complement de timp:
They ate too much bread yesterday.
My daughter did it two days ago.
You took the money.
She worried about her son yesterday.
They smoked many cigarettes last year.
Did they smoke many
cigarettes last year?
Did she drink too much beer
last night?
Yes, she did.
Did the nurse give 1110 a newspaper
They wanted to go there last year.
Did they want to go there last year?
Yes, they did.
No, they didn't.
She drank too much beer last night.
No, she didn't.
The nurse gave l11e a newspaper yesterday.
Sa folosirn cele invatate traducand in lirnba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
In cazul fntrebarilor fn care se cer detalii sau completari, pronumele interogativ se pune inaintea
cuvfmtului did:
- Cand au ascultat ei
- Dnde s-a dus John ieri?
- Ce a vrut ea?
>Were this newspapers and magazines
on the table in the kitchen?
>Where did this nurse work last year?
>Did these typists like their work?
>Who went to England last spring?
- Peter a vorbit cu mine
duminica trecuta.
- Cine a vorbit cu mine
duminica trecuta?
- Noi am deschis magazinul
saptamana trecuta.
- Cine a deschis magazinul
saptamana trecuta?
What did she want?
Where did John go yesterday?
When did they listen to
Peter spokc to mc
last Sunday.
Whb spoke to me
last Sunday?
We opened the shop
last week.
Who opened the shop
last week?
Retincti cit structura acclor intrebari in care figureaza pronumele
interogativ who cstc ceu u unei propozitii afirmative, de aceea verbul se
ana la forma a JI-a (Simple Past)/torma de afirmativ:
Did you take
the money?
They listened to music last
Dnde a lucrat aceasta infirmiera anul trecut?
John went home yesterday.
Aceste dactilografe iubeau munca?
Cine s-a dus in Anglia prirnavara trecuta?
Aceste ziare reviste au fost pe masa
in bucatarie?
She wanted these books.
Completa(i propozitiile m limba engleza folosind cuvintele noi:
Sa 1l1vatam allc cutcva cuvinte noi. Citili-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenli la pronuntie:
> Did you take the tools to the shed yesterday?
>Did you see their dining-room?
> Where did Mary's parents go yesterday?
>Did you have breakfast yesterday?
> Who stopped the traffic?
- He was here> before Monday.
-- These two cars are nice but> the other
is better.
- Are you> ready? We must go.
- The bus > full ofpeople.
- She saw him, > too.
- Look! The bird is singing> again!
- I'm too> busy to go with you to the cinema.
- You must work> till five o'clock.
- Did you> watch the match yesterday?
Unde s-au dus ieri parinlii Mariei?
Ai vazut sufrageria lor?
Jeri ai dus uneltele in magazie?
Cine a oprit circulatia?
Ai luat ieri micul dejun?
EI a l()st aici inainte de luni.
gata'? Trebuie sa mergem.
Ea I-a vazut pe el.
Uite! Pasarea cantil din nou!
Aceste doua sunt frumoase dar
cealalta este mai buna.
Autobuzul era plin eu oameni.
Sunt prea oeupat ca sa merg cu tine
la einematograf.
Dumneavoastra trebuie sa Iucrati pana la
ora einci.
Te-ai uitat ieri Ia meci?
again >[agein], [agen]
- din nou, mca 0 data
before >[bifo:']
- inainte de, mai inainte
busy >[bizi] - ocupat
ready >[redi]
- gata
full >[ful] - plin, mcarcat
till >[ til] - pana la, pana ce
too >[tu:]
- de asemenea,
to watch >[tu
- a se uita, a veghea, a paudi
the other >[D'i aDZa']
- eeialalt, cealaita (ceilaW, ceIelalte)
In ultima intrebare a exercitiului anterior ne putem referi la alte persoane.
Sa ne intoarcem acum la regulile timpului trecut simplu (Simple Past Tense). Forma prescurtata
negativa didn't sau forma intreaga did not poate fi folosita in propozifii afirmative. Fifi atenfi
fntotdeauna la faptul cli in cazul in care cuvantul did esie prezent in propozifie, atunci verbul
principal se fara particula to, deci la forma I din dicfionar.
- Poftiti/Poftim.
(Este aici).
- de toate tipOOle, de toate
- de toate felurile, de tot felul
- Tatalui meu ii placeau toatt-.
felOOle de clifti.
- leri am vizitat tot felul
de magazine.
- Ce mai faci?
- Prietenul mamei mele uu
a venit la uoi saptamana trecuta.
- EI nu vamt ieri copiii.
>How is your brother?
>Jlow is he?
>How are they?
- Dati-mi cartea aceea, va rog.
- Poftiti.
>[hia' iu: a:']
>[ 0: 1kaindz ov]
>[ 0: 1 so:'ts ov]
>[mai fa:Dza' lalkt 0:1 so:'ts
ov buks]
>[hau a:' iu:]
>[iesta'dei ui: vizitid 0:1
kaindz ov
>[hi: didnt si: hiz
>[mai maDza'z frend didnt
kam tu as la:st ui:k]
Here you are.
Retineti urmatoarea expresie in limba engleza:
De exemplu:
Give me that book, please.
Here you are.
all kinds of
all sorts of
My father liked all sorts
of books.
Cum este fratele tau?/Cc mai face fratclc tau?
How are you?
Urmeaza alte cuvinte expresii noi:
Cum este el?/Ce mai face el?
He didn't see his children
Cum sunt ei'?/Ce mai tac ci'?
My mother's friend didn't
come to us last week.
De exemplu:
Yesterday we visited all
kinds of shops.
in exerd\illl lIrmiitor vom recapitula prima parte a leetiei:
6 incheiere, cxersati-va pronuntia cu ajutorul unnatoarelor seturi de cuvinte care contin sunet:
[au] [u:] [au] [ei]
brown shoe smoke table
town too no take
our room so wait
hour do go day
tower two know plane
>He didn't stop smoking when he was
in hospital.
> They didn't want to look for it yesterday.
> My parents didn't forget to visit me
> I didn't understand him then.
>Did you thank your sister for this book
>Why did you drive a ear yesterday?
>Who wrote this letter?
>My wife didn't put on these green shoes
>When did you see this match?
>Was this man a baker?
>He had all kinds of tools.
>Yesterday I was too busy to talk with you.
>How did they do it?
>Did you read about it in the newspaper
>What timo did you sec the other man?
>We didn't drink beer yesterday.
Ai dOt desprc usta ieri in ziar?
De ce ui condlls ieri a
EI a avul tot lclul de unelte.
Acest 011\ II (1St brutar?
I-ai mul\umit ieri surorii tale pentru eartea asta?
Ce mai Jilci'l
leri am Ibst prell oClipat ca sa vorbese eu tine.
Traduceti in limba engleza unnatoarele propozitii:
Parintii mei nu au uitat sa rna viziteze ieri.
Atunci nu I-am inteles.
La ce orill-uti vilzlIt dumneavoastra pe
eelalalt om?
Ciind IIi vilzut acest meci?
So\ia mea nu pus pantofi verzi ieri.
leri noi IlU 11m baut bere.
Cum IIlI li1cut asta?
Cine u scds scrisoarea aceasta?
Nu au vrut sa cautc asta ieri.
Nu S-ll lasat de fumat ciind a fost in spital.
Cititi dialogurile unnatoare exersati-va cu atentie pronuntia. Cuvintele silabele care trebuie
accentuate sunt scrise
Can I talk to your husband for a minute or two?
I think you can't. My husband went to our daughter at a quarter to six.
Why did he go there?
He wanted to buy a bookcase and a lamp for her in the shop opposite our house.
What did Peter do after he came home?
He went to the hospital where his mother was.
Did he stay long with his mother?
No, he didn't. He talked to her and they listened to the radio together.
Were you at home yesterday?
Yes, I was, but I wanted to go to the cinema.
Did you go?
No, I didn't. My friend visited me. We stayed at home. We wanted to watch a
football match.
What did you do last week?
On Monday I read a letter. It was a very nice letter.
Did you go to work on Tuesday?
Yes, I did. I had a lot of work to do and I was very busy. I wrote all sorts ofletters.
Are you a typist?
Yes, I am. [ lII<c this work.
Did you have time to talk to John last week?
How is he?
He is aU right. On Wednesday he stopped smoking.
Did he also stop drinking beer?
Yes, he did.
Tom, where did you live when you were a little boy?
When I was a little boy I lived in a little house with my parents.
Did your parents have a garden, too?
Yes, they did. The garden was very nice. We liked to eat in the garden.
And what about animals?
My parents kept geese and sheep in the garden, so many children visited me then.
In ultilllul excreiliu vom reeapitula intregul material allecjiilor noua zece. Dupa ce aji rezolvat
tara acesl cxercijiu, puteji trece la tema pentru acasii:
What did you have for dinner yesterday?
r had some potatoes and some tomatoes.
1 have a letter for you. Here you are.
Thank you.
> You must talk to John's sister.
> My husband ate dinner in the living-room
> Did you see these plants in the garden?
> They didn't make this bookcase.
> Where did you buy this television set?
> I asked the policemen about this street.
> After dinner we are going to the cinema.
> He didn't get up before breakfast.
> They weren't at work yesterday.
> Our bookcase has twelve shelves.
> Who had four wives?
> How long did you stay there then?
Is Tom at home'!
No, hu isn't. Tom is still working.
I SIIW him at nine in the morning.
Usually he gets up at nine in the morning, but today he had breakfast at seven.
Did he have time to go for a walk with your dog?
No, he dido't. After breakfast he went to work.
Mary, come downstairs!
I'm coming!
Can you see that car in front of the shop on the corner?
Yes, I can. It was opposite our house yesterday. Whose car is it?
It's my friend's car. Yesterday I wanted to buy it.
Did you buy it?
No, I didn't.
Because it was too expensive.
De unde ai cumpiirat acest televizor?
Cine a avut patm neveste?
Dupa eina mergem la cinema.
El nu s-a sculat inainte de rnicul dejun.
Biblioteca noastra are douasprezece rafturi.
I-am intrebat pe despre strada aceasta.
leri nu au fast la luem.
Ciim vreme ai ritmas acolo atunei?
SO\lIi mell a cinat ieri in camera de zi.
Ai vilZut aeeslc plante in griidina?
Nu ei au facul llccastii biblioteca.
Trebuie sit cu sora lui John.
Atunei am avut multe pasari in gradina.
Luna a stralueit ieri?
Am ineereat sa fae asta anul trecut.
Acest ziar este foarte bun.
Cine rni-a baut eeaiul?
Ciind au venit ei?
Ai auzit ieri despre asta?
Casa aceasta a fost plina de oameni.
->VIe had many birds in the garden then.
;Did the moon shine yesterday?
:;l tried to do this last year.
>This newspaper is very good.
->VVho drank my tea?
->VVhen did they come?
;Did you hear about it yesterday?
>This house was full of people.
10.1. Interogativul ~ i negatia la timpul treeut simplu (Simple Past):
10.1.3. Lll l<ll'lnularea intrebarilor care cer completare, pronumele interogativ trece maintea
vcrbu lui auxiliar did.
this book yesterday?
+ _.
- John s-a dus ieri acasa.
- Mary I-a vamt ieri pe John.
- L-a viizut Mary pe John ieri?
- Mi-a dat ieri infirmiera un ziar?
' \. da" .
- n lrmlera illl-a t len un Zlar.
- Unde s-a dus ieri John?
+ verb la
timpllI prezent
-- Peter a vorbit cu mine duminica trecutii.
- Cine a vorbil cu mine duminica trecutii?
- de toate tipurile, de toate felurile
- Poftiti! Poftim! (cand dam ceva)
- Ce mai faci?
- de toate felurile/soiurile, de tot felul
you/the boy
+ Pronume personal
sau substantiv
Mary saw John yesterday.
Did Mary see John yesterday?
Where did John go yesterday?
No, she didn't.
I)id the nurse give me a news-
paper yesterday?
Yes, she did.
Structura propozitiei:
John went home yesterday.
The nurse gave me a newspaper
I0.1.4. ~ l r l l t u r interogativului format cu ajutorul pronumelui interogativ who este
identica eu cea a propozitiilor afrrmative, de accea verbul se afla la forma a II-a, dcci
III timpul treeut simplu:
10.1.2. Rl)spunsurile afirmative Ie formuHim eu ajutorul eonstructiei yes + pronume
personal + verb auxiliar. Raspunsurile negative au structura no + pronume personal
I vcrb auxiliar+ not. Forma did not 0 putemprescurta didn't
Who spoke to me last Sunday?
10.1.1. La timpul treeut simplu formulam interogativul folosind verbul auxiliar did, (eare este
forma de treeut a verbului to do).
Peter spoke to me last Sunday.
Here you arc.
How arc you?
all kinds of
10.2. Expresii utile:
all sorts of
A Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii:
1. I wasn't at school two weeks ago.
2. Why did you go to John yesterday?
3. What did these policemen want?
4. How is your mother today?
5. Who worked in the garden last Monday?
6. There are all sorts of cars in that shop.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Unde afost el noaptea trecuta?
2. Cine v-a pus durnneavoastra aceasta intrebare?
3. Ei au fost ieri la eel mai bun restaurant din
4. Ea nu a vrut sa ne pIateasca.
5. Cand te-ai sculat?
6. leri am pIatit aceste
C. Corectati din propozitiile de mai jos:
1. Who did open that door?
2. They didn't be at home yesterday.
3. I sawall kind of small animals.
4. We want to be firemans.
5. I want to keep two oxen and ten sheeps in the garden.
6. She has no knifes in the kitchen.
Forma I Forma a II-a Forma a III-a
Infmitiv Simple Past Past Participle
bring - a aducc, a duce brought >[brcd] brought >[bro:t]
come -- a sosi, a veni came
come >[kam]
cut -a tilia, a tundc cut >rkat] cut >[kat]
do a lilee, a sc ocupa cu did
>[did] done >[dan]
drink l\ hea drank
drive a conduce, a mana drove >[drouv] driven >[drivn]
eat - a manca ate
>[ eit] eaten >[i:tn]
fly a zbura flew >[flu:] flown >[floun]
forget a nita forgot
>[forgot] forgotten
get a obtine, a face rost got >[got] got >[got]
give II da, a darui gave
>[geiv] given >[givn]
go a merge, a umbla went
gone >[gan]
have - a avea had
>[hEd] had
hear a auzi heard >[ha:'d] heard
keep II tine, a pastra kept
>[kept] kept >[kept]
know II a knew >[niu:] known
make II face, a confectiona made
>[meid] made
pay a plati paid
>[peid] paid
put a pune, a put
>[put] put
read ,- II citi read
>[red] read >[red]
see a vcdea saw
>[so:] seen
send a trimite sent
>[ sent] sent
shine '" a straluci, a lumina shone
>[shaun] shone >[shaun]
sing -- a canta sang
sit - a a sta sat
>[sEt] sat
speak - a vorbi spoke
>[spauk] spoken
take - a prinde, a lua took >[tuk] taken
teach -apreda taught
>[to:t] taught
think - a gandi thought
>[T'o:t] thought >[T'o:t]
understand - a intelege, understood
>[ anda'stud] understood
write -a scrie wrote
>[raut] written
, ,
after > [a:fm'] - dupa, dupa aceea
again > [agein], [agen] - din nou, inca 0 data
ago > [agau] - in unna (cu), acum...
autumn > [o:tam] - toarnna
in autumn > [in o:tam] - toarnna
baker > [belka
] - bmtar
before > [bifo:,] - inainte de, mai inainte
bird > [ba:rd] - pasare
bookcase > [bukkeis] - raft, biblioteca
breakfast > [brekfast] - micdejun

busy > [bizi] - ocupat
cellar > [sela'] - pivnita, beci
child/children > - copil/copii
cinema > [sinama] - cinema(tograf)
comer > [ko:rna
] - colt
deer > [dia'] - caprioara, caprioare
dining-room dinner > [dainin(g) ru:m] - sufragerie
dinner > [dinar] - masa (principala), pranz,
cina, dineu
downstairs > [daunstcarz] - la parter, jos
to go downstairs > [lu gou daunsteiFz] - a cobori (la parter),
a merge (in) jos
every > [cvri] - fiecare
fireman/firemen > [ rlliii'"mcn]1{ faiarman] - pompier/pompieri
football > [futbo:l] - fotbal
front > [frant] - partea din fata/de
in front of > [in frant ov] - in fata, dinaintea
full > [full - plin, ineareat
to get up > [tu get ap] - a se scula din pat, a se
ridica in picioare
goose/geese > [gu:s]l{gi:s] -
halflhalves > [ha:f]l{ha:vz] - jumatate/jumatati
to have breakfast > [tu hEv brekfust] - a lua mieul dejun
here you are > [hia
iu: a:'1 - Poftiti! Poftim! (cand dam ceva)
How are you? > [hau a:
iu:] - Ce mai faci? Cum te mai simti?
hospital >[hospitl]
husband >[hazband]
kind >[kaind]
all kinds of >[ 0: 1 kaindz ov]
knife/knives >[' nail]/[naivz]
lamp >111',111]1]
last >Ila:sll
leaf/leaves li:vz]
life/lives .>lllliIH laivz]
living-room :>llIvin(!-'l nun]
loaf/loaves >[ Inllv/I
magazine 1\, I':gozl:ii 1
to make :-1 t1I moil. I
the moOIl >11 Yo 1lI11:nl
mouse/mice >[ J1H1US]!I l1Iuis]
newspaper >[niu:speipa
nurse >[na:rs]
opposite >[ opazit]
the other >[DZiaDza']
ox/oxen >[ oks]ll oksn)
parents >[peariints)
to park >[tu pa:'k)
plant >[pla:nt), [plEnt)
policeman/policemen >[pali:smEn]i[pali:sman]
policewoman/policewomen >[pali:sUrnan) [pali:s"imin]
postman/postmen >[paustmEn)tIpaustman)
potato/potatoes >[pateitou)tIpateitouz)
to put on >(tu put on]
quarter >[kuor:tit]
ready >[redi]
seat >[ si:t]
- spital, clinica
- sot
- fel, tip
- de toate tipurile, de toate felurile
- cutit/cutite
- ultim, (cel) din urma, trecut
- fiunzalfrunze
- viatalvieti
- camera de zi
- franzela, paine (de 0 anurnita
-- revista, magazin
a thee, a confectiona

- ziar, gazetll
- infmniera, sora
- vizavi de, de partea cealalta
- celalalt, cealalta (ceilalp.,
- bou/boi
- parinti
- a parca, a stationa
- planta
- femei politistlfemeie politist
-j carto:ti'cartofi
- a se imbraca, a
- sfert, sfert de ceas/ora
- gata, pregatit
- loc de stat, scaun
sheep > ] - oaie, oi
shel'shelves > - raft/rafturi
shirt > -
sock > [sok] -
sort > - fel, tip
all sorts of > [0: 1 so:'ts ov] - de toate feIuriIe, de tot feIul
spring >
- primavara, primavaratic
in spring >
[in sprin(g)]
- primavara
to stay > [tu stei] - a ramane, a sta
still > [stil] - inca, mai
television set > [telivijn set] - televizor
thing >
)] - lucru, obiect

tie > [tai] . - cravata
till > [til] - pana la, pana ce
tomato/tomatoes > [tama:tou]/[ tama:touz] - tomate
[tu:] - de asemenea,
tool > [tu:l] - uneaIta, scula
tooth/tecth > [tu:T']{ti:T'] - dinte/dinti
TV set > [ti:vi: sct] - televizor
typist > [taipist] - dactilografii
very > [veri] - foarte
to watch > [Ill - a se uita, a veghea, a pandi
wife/wives > ["ail]lt"aivz] - sotie, nevast1ilsotii, neveste
yesterday > [iesl<I'dei], [iesta'di] - ieri
I. Simple Present Tense (prezentul simplu) se pentru a exprima aqiuni
repetabile. Unele verbe se folosesc doar la prezentul simplu, acestea neavand forma continua.
lata cateva exemple:
He often goes to the cmema.
Do you sometimes visit your mother?
They don't like to listen to the radio.
2. Folosim Present Continuous Tense (prezentul continuu) pentru descrierea acelor actiuni care
se chiar in momentul vorbirii, respectiv pentru descrierea aqiunilor diferite de cele
Complementele de timp utilizate cu acest timp verbal sunt: now, this (week, month,
year), today. tllnp se pentru descrierea actiunilor care se vor in
viitorul apropiat. De exemplu:
Mary and John are having breakfast now.
Is he eating at a restaurant this week?
We are not gomg to England next week.
3. Folosim Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu) pentru exprimarea unei aetiuni care s-a
la un moment definit in trecut. De exemplu:
We watched a good film yesterday.
Where did you go last year?
She didn't show me her house when I visited her last week.
4. Conjugarea verbulul to have:
have we have
you have you have
he has they have
she has
it has
" "
Sa invatam cateva cuvinte referitoare la vreme:
cold > [kauld] - rece, racoros
the sky > [DZa skai] - cerul
cloud > [klaud] - nor
fog > [fog] - ceata
wind > [Uind] - vant
strong >
- tare, putemic
heat > [hi:t] - caldura (putemica),
temperature > [ - temperatura, febra
weather-forecast > [lI eD
fo:rka:st] - prognoza vremn,
buletin meteorologic
shawl > - qarra
coat > [kaut] - haina, sacou
boot > [bu:t] - gheata, cizma
Repetati cuvintele, dar intr-o alta ordine; fiti atenti la pronuntie:
heat > [hi:t] - caldura (putemica),
coat > [but] - haina, sacou
the sky > [DZa skai] - cerul
fog > [fog] - ceata
cold > [kauld] - rece, racoros
shawl > [WI] -
cloud > [klaud] - nor
weather-forecast > [UeD/a
fo:rka:st] - prognoza vremii,
buletin meteorologic
temperature > [ - temperatura, febra
boot > [bu:t] - gheata, cizma
wind > [Uind] - vant
strong >
- tare, putemic
Cititi cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii in care au fost introduse cuvintele noi:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte invatate:
Poti citi prognoza vremii in ziar.
- Unde imi sunt cizmele?
- Iti plac temperaturile ridicate?
- De obicei iarna este ceata.
- Aceasta este mea cea
mai buna.
- Azi este foarte rece.
- Vrem sa ascultam buletinul
- Ei nu-i place caldura.
- Sunt multi nori pe cer.
- leri vantul a fost puternic.
- Pune-ti haina.
- Are these >boots expensive?
- Is it his >coat?
- Don't give him >coJd tea!
- You can read the >weather-forecast in
the newspaper.
- The>sky is blue today.
- I don't see her in the>fog.
- I don't like >strong wind.
- They like>heat.
- The moon is behind the >clouds.
- He wanted to buy me a >shawl yesterday.
- What >temperature is it in May?
> ["ear a:rmai bu:tsJ
> [D/ea' lZ 1U:J uali fog
in "intar)
> l du iu: laik hal
tcmpri z]
> [DZis iz mai best :;;o:IJ
> [Its veri kiiuld tadei]
> [put on io:' kautJ
[D/a "ind "oz stron
> daznt laik hi:tJ
> ["I: "ont tu liSll tu DZa
"eD/ar fo:'ka:stJ
> [D/ea' a:
mcni klaudz
III D7a skalJ
Nu-i da (lui) ceai rece!
Azi cerul este albastru.
Este haina lui?
Nu-mi place vantul puternic.
Luna este acoperita de nori.
Lor Ie place caldura.
El a vrut sa-mi cumpere 0 ieri.
Sunt scumpe aceste cizme?
Nu 0 vad in ceata.
Ce temperatura este in mai?
Where are my boots?
There is usually fog
in winter.
It's very cold today.
We want to listen to the
This is my best shawl.
The wind was strong
She doesn't like heat.
Put on your coat.
Do you like high
There are many clouds
in the sky.
- catolic (de religie)
- Sotul ei este american.
- Cine este Romaniei?
> The wind IS too strong today.
- Sora mea este infirmiera.
- El este brutar.
- Ea este dactilograra.
- Eu sunt catolica.
- Cine este Romaniei?
> Can I put on this coat?
> There IS fog in London today.
> I can't see the sun through the clouds.
> What time IS the weather-forecast
on the radIO'!
> Was It cold yesterday?
> Is the sun hIgh in the sky?
> My father bought me a vcry nIce shawl
> I must buy boots.
> Our children have a hIgh temperature.
> Last month we had heat.
- pe cer
> [prezidant]
> [kETSlik]
Retinetl expresia:
in the sky
Who is president of Romania?
Who is the president of Romania?
Her husband is an American.
He is a baker.
My sister is a nurse.
I am a Catholic.
Nu pot vedea soarele printre nori.
Azi este ceata la Londra.
Cdnd vorbim despre 0 funcfie care poate fi indeplinitii doar de 0 singurii persoana, atund putem
neglijafolosirea articolului hotiirdt the.
La ce ora este buletinul meteorologic
la radio?
She is a typist.
Ieri a fost rece?
Numele proprzi ;;i adjectivele provenite din acestea se scriu intotdeauna cu litera mare In limba
Luna trecuta a fost canicula.
in Propozifiile anterioare apar cdteva cuvinte noi:
Trebuie sa cumpar cizme.
Vantul este prea puternic azi.
Tata mi-a cumparat ieri 0
foarte frumoasa.
Pot sa imbrac aceasta haina?
Soarele este sus pe cer?
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Copiii au febra mare.
Articolul nehotardt a/an este folosit intotdeauna inaintea substantivelor care denumesc ocupafii,
religii sau nafionalitii!i. De exemplu:
Construcria propoziriei la timpul Present Pefect este urmiitoarea:
Inainte de a continua, repetati verbele neregulate prezentate la 10.
- $tiam de mama lui.
- Ea mi-a predat engleza.
- Ea cautat haina.
- Ei m-au acasa.
- Am avut febra.
- Parintii mei au fumat
o multime de tigari.
hEz lukt 1'0:' ha:
> [[Yel hEv "c/tld 1'0.'
mi: Et haumJ
> [ai hEv hEd a
> [al hEv noun abaut hlz
malY J
> [mal ]1carants hEv smaukt
a lot av sigaretsJ
They have waited for
me at home.
She has looked for her coat.
Cititi propozitiile unnatoare:
My parents have smoked
a lot of cigarettes.
I have known about his
She has taught me English.
in cazul unui verb regulat. la fel ca $i in cazul timpului Simple Past, verbului se adaugii sufixul
-d sau -ed.
I have had a temperature.
Pronume + verbul + forma a III-a + ...
personal auxiliar a verbului
sau substantiv have/has principal
She has bought a dog. - Ea cumparat un caine.
have seen that house. - Am vazut casa aceea.
We have been at home. - Noi am fost acasa.
Folosim Present Perfect in ca::ul unor evenimente care s-au terminat chiar acum sau ceva mai
devreme, sau care au inceput in trecut (de exemplu: last week) $i se continua in prezent (cu
repercusiuni asupra prezentului). De multe ori, momentul desfii$uriirii acriunii nu este specificat cu
in aceasta lecrie vomface cu un timp nou: Present Perfect Tense [prezant pii:rfikt tens],
adica prezentul perfect. Acest timp se confunda deseori cu Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu),
de aceea va sugeram sa acordari 0 atenrie deosebitafolosirii sale.
in propozirie. verbul auxiliar este reprezentat de forma corespunziitoare a verbului to have, care nu
poate fi tradusa ad literam.
Traduceti in Iimba engleza unnatoarele propozitii, folosind prezentul perfect:
A!dturi de cOlllp!emente!e de timp this ... (week, month, ... ), today, tonight, fo!osim timpu! Present
Perfect. aceste ca::uri vorbim despre evenimente care s-au petrecut in trecut, dar care au !egiiturd
cu pre::entu!. Aceste comp!emente de timp se giisesc !a inceputu! sau !a propozi{iei De
-In seara aceasta (noi) am fost
la cinematograf.
- Azi am fost acasa.
- Ea Iacut temele
saptamiina aceasta.
- Azi (eu) am lucrat in gradina,
> She has come to us with 10hn,
> YOli h'1\ e (II link to mllch bee!.
> I have forgotten to bring you this.
> J hay e thought <lbout It.
> I ha\'c asked hel for my sha\\ I.
> \""c hay c brought thesc ncwspapers.
> We have talked to them.
> We hay c heard the \\ eather-forecast
on the radiO.
- They> have gIven us a very nice car.
> II has heen \ el) cold.
> I have wntten a letter to hun.
> Wc have worked w1th these people.
- I> have v.aitedfor you a long time.
- We> have heard about it.
- They> have askedme for money.
- Father> has \\ rittena letter to me.
> [SI: hEz dan ha:
D/IS lll:k]
> [UI: hEv bl.n Et lYa sinama
> [al hEy bi:n Et haum tadei]
> al hEv U a Ikt
in D/a ga:1dn]
She has done her homework
this week.
We have been at the cinema
I have been at home today.
Today I have worked
in the garden.
Noi am adus aceste ziare.
Ai baut prea multa bere.
Ea a venit la noi cu 10hn.
Am uitat sa-ti aduc asta.
I-am scris 0 scrisoare (lui).
Noi am lucrat cu oameni.
I-am cerut (ei) mea.
M-am giindit la asta.
Ei mi-au cerut bani.
A fost foarte frig.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in Iimba engleza:
Am auzlt la radiO buletmul meteorologic.
Te-am timp indelungat.
Am auzit des pre asta.
Am vorbit cu ei.
Ne-au dat 0 foarte frumoasa.
Tata mi-a scris 0 scrisoare.
Completati propozitiile in hmba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului (Ia Present Perfect):
outside > [auts31l1] - afara
foggy > [fogi] - cetos
to blow > [tu bbu] - a sufla, a bate (despre vant)
sunny > [sanl] - insorit
low > [lau] - JOS
awful > [o:ll] crancen, teribil, ingrozitor
windy > [Uindl] - vantos, cu mult vant
cloudy > [k13u(li] - noros (innorat)
Azi am cumparat flori.
Saptamana asta ne-am vizitat parintil.
Anul acesta am platit casa.
Am trimis aceasta scrisoare saptamana
Luna aceasta am vazut cateva
filme la televizor.
Azi am vorbit cu sora mea.
Traduceti in limba engleza unnatoarele propozitii:
Parintil au plecat azi in Anglia.
Saptamana aceasta am cumparat un sacou
In seara acesta Maria a vizitat-o pe sora
sotului el.
Azi am vorbit cu tata.
Saptamana aceasta am avut febra.
Vara a fost foarte racoroasa in acest an.
In aceasta seara i-am scris 0 scrisoare
prietenului meu.
Anul acesta (noi) am fost la Londra.
Sora mea a predat engleza anul acesta.
In aceasta saptamana am lucrat dupa amiaza.
lata alte cuvinte noi legate de starea vremii:
- I >havc bought flowers today.
- This week we >havc visited our parents.
We >havc p,lId for the house this year.
- I >havc sent this letter this week.
- This month we >havc watched
some films on TV.
- I >have talked to my sister today.
> Our pal ents have gone to England today.
> This \vcek I have bought a coat and a shawl.
> Mary has \ ISlted her husband' S sister tOl1lght.
> We ha\ e talked to our father today.
> I ha\ e had a temperature this \\ eek.
> The summer has been very cold thIS year.
> Tonight I havc \\ ntten a letter to my friend.
> ThiS yeal wc have been Il1 London.
> My sister has taught English tIllS year.
> ThiS \\ eek we ha\ e worked Il1 the afternoon.
Verbul to blow este un verb neregulat. Cele trei forme ale sale sunt urmatoarele:
Repetati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
blown > [bHiun]
- Da, dimineata.
- A fost eeata?
- Ai fost ieri afara?
- Nu, am stat toata ziua acasa.
- Temperatura a fost seazuta?
- Da, a fost foarte seazuta.
a fost vant.
- Soarele a stralueit?
- Nu. Cerul a fost foarte innorat.
- A fost ingrozitoare. A plouat'
foarte multo
- Cum a fost vremea ieri?
> [bIu:] blew
> [nau ai steid Et haum 0:1
> [did iu: gau autsald
> lies III DZa mo:'nin
> [Uoz it fogi]
> [ies it Uoz veri lau
End it Uoz "indi]
> ["oz DZa lau]
> [nau It didnt DZa skai
"OZ ven klaudi]
> [did DZa san
> [It "OZ o:tl "i: hEd a lot
3\ rem]
> ["ot "cDZa! "oz it
> [blau]
Was the temperature low?
Did you go outside
Yes, in the morning.
Was it foggy?
No, I stayed at home all day.
Yes, it was very low.
And it was windy.
Did the sun shine?
No, it didn't. The sky
was very cloudy.
What weather was it
Am introdus euvintele noi in urmatorul dialog. Cititi propozitiile aeordati 0 deosebita atentie
It was awful. We had a lot
of rain.
awful > [o:tl] - erfmeen, teribil, ingrozitor
windy > ["indi] - vantos, eu mult vant
low > [lau]
sunny > [sam] - insorit
outside > [autsaid] - afara
cloudy > [klaudi] - noras, innorat
foggy > [fogl] - eetos

Observa!i folosirea cuvantului it cu referire la starea vremii:

Tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza folosind euvintele noi:
- A fost eeata ieri?
- Azi vremea este frumoasa.
> The temperature IS low, but it isn't foggy.
> In the morning It was windy and cloudy
but now it IS sunny.
> The wind Isn't bloWIng.
> It IS nice today.
- Aeum este insorit.
> How is the weather today?
- Ieri a fost vant.
> I thmk we can have dmner outside.
Was it foggy yesterday?
Now it is sunny.
It is nice today.
It was windy yesterday.
Cum este vremea azi?
Azi vremea este frumoasa.
Nu sufla vantul.
Cred ea putem sa einam afara.
Temperatura este joasa dar nu este eeata.
Dimineata a fost vant innorat,
dar aeum este insorit.
Verifieati daea ati retinut euvintele noi. Tradueeti in limba engleza:

.;, '
> outside

jos, seazut
> low 1- -1
0- 0
1- 1
2 -l
> cloudy
vantos, (eu) vant

> windy
insorit, (eu) soare

> sunny
eetos, (eu) eeata
> foggy
- Last year we >gave them our books.
- The sun>has shone today.
- They>have en!l:red this building.
- J >knew her a long time ago.
- Mary>has sent all the letters today.
- Last week a strong wind >blew.
- They >wanted to do it yesterday.
- We >have seen a lot of plants.
- Yesterday I >bought him a coat and a shawl.
- Yesterday I >walked to work.
- We >knew about it a week ago.
- Today it >has been a foggy day.
- Ei lucreaza inca.
- Ieri am mers cu
- Ei locuiesc in strada Garii.
- Azi am fost in
- Acum conducem spre est.
Soarele a stralucit azi.
Anul trecut Ie-am dat cartile noastre.
Am cunoscut-o cu mult timp in urma.
Ieri i-am cumparat (lui) un sacou 0
Ei au intrat in aceasta cladire.
Ei au vrut sa faca asta ieri.
Maria a trimis toate scrisorile azi.
Jeri am mers pe jos la serviciu.
We have been in town today.
Speram ca exemplele exercitiile v-au ajutat sa intelegeti deosebirile care exista intre cele doua
timpuri. Daca mai aveti unele neclaritati, repetati inca 0 data materia leqiei.
We went by car yesterday.
Saptamana trecuta a suflat un vant putemic.
They live in Station Street.
Am vazut 0 multime de plante.
In urmatorul exercitiu yom face 0 comparatie intre utilizarea timpurilor Simple Past Present Per-
fect. Completati propozitiile in Iimba engleza cu fonnele verbale corespunzatoare:
Azi a fost 0 zi cetoasa.
Urmeazii diteva exemple in care nu se articolul hotiiriit the:
They are still at work.
We are driving east now.
Noi despre asta in urma cu 0 saptamana.
Sa continuam lectia cu diteva cuvinte noi:
> [stEmp]
- timbru
> [tikit]
- bilet
> [novl]
- roman
> [telifaun]
- telefon
> [trEm]
- tramvai
tram stop
> [trEm stop]
- statie de tramvai
bus stop
> [bas stop]
- statie de autobuz
> [tlaua']
- tloare
> [bEn(g)k]
- banca
> [kElinda
- calendar, almanah
> [sekratri]
- secretar(a)
> [pii:'s]
- portofel, geanta, p o ~ t
Repetati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
> [trEm]
- tramvai
> [bEn(g)k]
- banca
ticket > [tikit]
- bilet
purse > [pa:'s]
- portofel, geanta, p o ~ t
stamp > [stEmp]
- timbru
> [novl]
- roman
tlower >
[ /laua']
- tloare
bus stop
> [bas stop]
- statie de autobuz
calendar >
- calendar, almanah
tram stop
> [trEm stop]
- statie de tramvai
,.ecretary >
[ sekratri]
- secretar(a)
telephone >
- telefon
cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii in care apar cuvintele noi:
Completati propozltiile cu cuvintele nOll invatate:
- El a citit acest roman
saptamana trecuta.
- Am vazut portofelul tau
pe masa.
- In bucatane este un calendar.
- Banca este vizavi de casa
lui Petre.
- Trebuie sa mergem acolo
cu tramvaiul.
- Unde este statia de tramvai?
- Statia de autobuz este pe colt.
- Ea mi-a dat flori ieri.
- Anul trecut ei nu avem telefon.
- Ea a cumparat timbre.
- Avem bilete de autobuz.
- Ea este secretara lui Peter.
- Put the >flowers on her desk.
- She has brought the >tickets with her.
- Go to the post-office and buy >stamps.
- Can we go to the >bank together?
- There is a >tram stop in the square.
- There is no >telephone here.
- Yesterday we waited for you at the >bus stop.
- There is little money in my >purse.
- Look at the >calendar.
- Do you like long >novels?
- Her daughter is a >secretary.
- Can we go by >tram?
> [hi: red OIlS nov1la:st
> [O/a bEn(glk iz opaZlt
pi:taTz halls]
> [DZa bas stop iz Et D
> ["eaT IZ fYa trEm stop]
> (O/ea
iz a kEl inda
in DZa
> ge/v 1m: HauaTz
> [ai hEy sl.n 10:' pa:'s
on D'a tcibl]
> iz pi:ta'z sckratri]
> lUi: hEy tikits fo f DZa bas]
> lUi: mast gilU D/eal bai
> hEz bo:t scvn stEmps]
> [D/el didnt hEy a
tclifoun la:st lIa
Du-te la oficiul cumpara timbre.
Pune florile pe biroul ei.
Vita-te in calendar.
Putem merge impreuna la banca?
Ea a adus bJletele cu ea.
Sunt putini bani in portofelul meu.
In piata este 0 statie de tramvai.
Ieri te-am in statia de autobuz.
Nu este telefon aici.
Putem merge cu tramvaiul?
Iti plac romanele lungi?
We have tickets for the bus.
We must go there by tram.
He read this novel last
Where is the tram stop?
Fiica ei este secretara.
The bus stop is at the corner.
The bank is opposite
Peter's house.
She gave me flowers
She is Peter's secretary.
She has bought seven
I have seen your purse
on the table.
There is a calendar
in the kitchen.
They didn't have a
telephone last year.
Traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele urmatoare:
telefon >
statie de tramvai >
tram stop
statie de autobuz >
bus stop
roman >
portofel >
banca >
tramvai >
bilet >
timbru >

floare >
calendar >
secretar(a) >
Sa ne intoarcem din nou la utilizarea timpului Present Perfect Tense. Folosim acest timp pentru
descrierea evenimentelor petrecute in trecut care includ mai mult sau mai putin momentul actual,
alaturi de always, ever, never just, precum alaturi de urmatoarele complemente de timp:
recently >
- recent, de curand
lately >
[ leltli]
- recent, de curand, in ultima vreme
already >
- deja
yet >
[ iet]
- inca, deja
so far >
[sau fa:
- pana acum, deocamdata

Complementul de timp "yet" se afla intotdeauna la propozitiei, "so far" la

inceputul sau la propozitiei, iar celelalte complemente de timp se gasesc
inaintea formei a Ill-a a verbului sau la propozitiei.
Cititi cu voce tare complementele de timp care se folosesc alaturi de Present Perfect:
ever >
- vreodata, candva
already >
[0: lredi]
- deja
always >
- intotdeauna
lately >
- recent, de curand, in ultima vreme
so far >
[sau fa:']
- pana acum, deocamdata
never >
- niciodata
just >
[ dJast]
- tocmai
yet >
[ let]
- inca, deja
recently >
[ ri:snth]
- recent, de curand
Iar acum, completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza. Retineti locul complementelor de timp
in propozitie:
In exemplele urmatoare observati cum este folosit tlmpul Present Perfect complementele de timp
invatate anterior:
- Am auzit despre el in ultima
- Noi tocmai am cinat.
- In ultimul timp, noi am muncit
foarte mult.
- Niciodata nu am vazut-o pe fata
- Le-a placut intotdeauna
aceasta casa.
- Ei au confectionat deja
zece biblioteci.
> So far 1have gone to work by car.
> Mary and her husband have opened
a shop lately.
> John's mother has recently spoken
to hIs wIfe.
> She has just gone for a walk.
> We have always wanted to go to England.
> I have already written five letters.
> She has never loved her husband.
- We >have seen some nice towns lately.
- They >have always walked in the park
in the evening.
- They>have just brought these chairs.
- So far we > have worked in the morning.
- We >have already had two dogs.
> [al hEv ha:'d abaut hun
>[UI: hEv djast hEd dina']
>[DZei hEv o:lredl meld
ten bukke/Slz]
>lDzel hEv o:lue1z la/kt
DZls haus]
>[L1}; hEv ua:'kt a lot
ri: sntli]
>[al hEy neva' sl.n D7Et
Maria sotul ei au deschis de curand
un magazin.
Pana acum m-am dus la serviciu cu
Am scris deja cinci scrisori.
Ea nu iubit niciodata sotul.
Mama lui John a vorbit recent cu sotia lui.
Ea tocmai s-a dus la plimbare.
We have worked a lot
Noi am vrut intotdeauna sa mergem in
Folosirea complementelor de tlmp yet ever la timpul Present Perfect 0 vom prezenta in lectia 12,
ciind yom invata formarea interogativului a negativului.
I have heard about him
I have never seen that girl.
In ultima vreme am vazut cateva frumoase.
We have just had dinner.
Ei tocmai au adus aceste scaune.
Noi am avut deja doi caini.
Pana acum am lucrat dimineata.
They have always liked
this house.
Traduceti in limba engleza propozitiile de mai jos:
Seara ei s-au plimbat intotdeauna prin parco
They have already made
ten bookcases.
lata un nou grup de cuvinte. Fiti atenti la intelesul la pronuntia lor:
Verbul to say face parte din grupa verbelor neregulate. Cele trei forme ale sale sunt urmatoarele:
Sa introducem in propozitii cuvintele recent invatate. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
> [sed]
Forma a Ill-a
- EI spune ca este foarte tarziu.
- Trebuie sa cobor la aceasta statie.
- Casa lor este aproape de banca.
- Ea s-a urcat deja in autobuz.
- Este prea devreme pentru
a merge la cinematograf.
- Am vizitat-o seara tarziu.
> [it lZ tLl: a:'li tll gau tu
D'a sinama]
said > [sed]
> [ai mast get of Et DZis
Forma a II-a
> [hI: iz se/m(g) it iz veri
> [DZel' hallS iz nekst tll
DZa bEn(gJk]
> hEz o:lredi got on
D/a bas]
> [UI: vizltid ha:' leit in
DZi i:vnin(g)]
He is saying it is very late.
I must get off at this stop.
Their house is next to
the bank.
We visited her late in
the evening.
say > [sei]
Forma I
She has already got on
the bus.
It is too early to go to
the cinema.
Formele verbelor to get on to get off sunt identice cu acele forme ale verbului to get pe care Ie-am
prezentat in lectia anterioara.
next to >
[nekst tll]
- aproape de, langa
early >
[ a:'1I]
- devreme
late >
- tarziu
to get on >
[tu get on]
- a (se) urea
to get off >
[tll get oil
- a cobori
to say >
[tll sei]
- a spune
cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
late >
[Ieit] - tarziu
to say >
[tll sell - a spune
to get off >
[tu get oil - a cobori
early >
[a:'lJ] - devreme
to get on >
[tLl get on]
- a (se) urea
next to >
[nekst tLl]
- aproape de, langa
> It has been very cold today.
> He has Just saId he can't go with us.
> Did you buy this car yesterday?
> I have looked for my mother.
> I must put on a coat and a shawl
because it is cold.
> Our children have had a high
temperature today.
> Old a strong wmd blow
- El a intarziat dimineata
la micul dejun.
- A fost prea tarziu, ca sa
mergem acolo.
- Autobuzul a intarziat ieri.
- 1 must >get offat the fourth stop.
- I always get up >early.
- Can you sit >next to me?
- She came to us >late in the afternoon.
- Ma scol intotdeauna devreme.
- >Get on! I can take you to the bank.
- She >says this house is too expensive.
He was late for breakfast
in the morning.
The bus was late yesterday
Complementul de timp late poate avea mai multe intelesuri.
I always get up early.
in limba engleza complementul circumstantial (de exemplu "early")
unneaza, de obicei, dupa verb:
It was too late to go here.
Ieri vantul a suflat cu putere?
Ieri ai cumparat aceasta
Azi copiii au avut
febra mare.
Azi a fost foarte frig.
El tocmai a spus ca nu poate merge cu noi.
La vom repeta intreaga materie. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Am cautat-o pe mama mea.
Trebuie sa imi pun 0 haina 0
pentru ca este frig.
a (se) urca > to get on
tarziu > late
a spune > to say
aproape de, langa > next to
a cobOrl > to get off
devreme > early
Ea spune ca aceasta casa este prea scumpa.
Poti sa te 1<lnga mine?
Ea a venit la noi dupa-amiaza tarziu.
Urca! Pot sa te duc pana la banca.
Sa vedem in ce masura ati retinut cuvintele noi:
Trebuie sa cobor la a patra statie.
Eu rna scol intotdeauna devreme.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
La iata exercitiu de pronuntie:
"My secretary has forgotten to take her
purse today"
> I saw her at the tram stop in the morning.
> Why have you given her flowers?
> My secretary has forgotten to take her
purse today.
> Have these people a telephone?
> Where can I buy a calendar?
> He has never gone to school.
> I have already stopped smoking.
> We have just had breakfast.
> I was there early in the morning.
> Why were you late for work yesterday?
> You must get on at this stop and get off
next to the post-office.
> Is the train late?
> I have read three novels so far.
> It was a sunny day yesterday.
> I don't like foggy mornmgs.
> In the evening we are going outside.
> I like to read English novels.
> I can buy tickets to the cinema.
> Can you give me two stamps?
> We have bought a red telephone
for the kitchen.
[ au] [e] [i: ] [ai]
low best eat buy
ago west keep sky
show seven teach high
coat get feet tie
"We have just had breakfast"
Tocmai am luat micul dejun.
Am fost acolo dimineata devreme.
De ce ai intarziat ieri la serviciu?
Dimineata am vazut-o in statia de tramvai.
De ce i-ai dat ei flori?
Trenul are 'intarziere?
Nu-mi plac diminetile cetoase.
Seara mergem afara.
Imi place sa citesc romane
Pot sa cumpar bilete de cinema.
Poti sa-mi dai doua timbre?
Am cumparat un telefon
pentm bucatarie.
leri a fost 0 zi insorita.
Trebuie sa te urci la aceasta statie
sa cobori langa oficiul
Pana acum am citit trei romane.
Azi secretara mea a uitat ia
oameni au telefon?
De unde pot cumpara un calendar?
EI nu a mers niciodata la
M-am lasat deja de fumat.
11.2.2. Cand folosim acest tlmp:
- Eu sunt catolic.
- Ea este dactilograra.
- Cine este Romaniei?
- Ea a cumparat 0
- So\ul el este amencan.
- AZI am fost acasa.
- Cine este Romaniei?
bought a dog.
forma a III-a +
a verbului principal
verbul auxiliar
She has bought a car.
I have been at home today.
Pronume +
Verbul auxiliar este to have conjugat la indicativ prezent. Daca verbul principal este
regulat atunci terminatia -d sau -ed, iar forma IUl este identica cu forma a Ill-a
din diqlOnar (Simple Past).
Her husband IS an Amencan.
3. Folosim de asemenea, timpul Present Perfect alatun de complementele de timp
always, never, ever, just, recently, lately, already, yet, so far.
Who is the preSident of RomanIa?
1. Foloslm timpul Present Perfect pentru descrierea aC\IUnIlor trecute incheiate:
2. Timpul Present Perfect se alaturi de complementele de timp this (week,
month, ...), today, tonight. Acestea se afla la 'inceputul sau la propozitiei.
Complementul de timp yet se afla intotdeauna la propozitiei, so far la
inceputul sau la propozltiei, iar restul complementelor de timp se gasesc
inaintea formei a Ill-a a verbului sau la propozitiei.
Daca vorblm despre 0 functle care poate fi indeplinita doar de 0 smgura persoana, atunci putem
folosi sau omlte articolului hotarat the:
Who is president of Romania?
11.2.1. Propozl\la se construiqte astfel:
She is a typist.
I am a CatholIc.
11.1. inaintea substantivelor care denumesc ocupatia, religia sau nationalitatea se
'intotdeauna articolul nehotadit a/an:
11.2. The Present Perfect Tense (prezentul perfect)
11.4. Complementul de timp "late" poate avea mai multe intelesuri:
] 1.3 Artlcolul hotarat "the" poate fi omis in urmatoarele situatii:
We went by car yesterday.
They are still at work.
We are driving east now.
We have been in town today.
They live in Station Street.
It is late.
The bus was late yesterday.
He was late for breakfast in the morning.
- Noi am mers ieri cu m ~ i n
- Ei lucreaza inca.
- Noi conducem spre est.
- Noi am fost in o r ~ azi.
- Ei locuiesc in strada Garii.
- Este tarziu.
- Ieri a intarziat autobuzul.
- EI a intiirziat dimineata la micul dejun.
C. Corectati din propozitiile de mai jos:
1. I never saw this town.
2. They were at home all day today.

3. She wanted to go by the car yesterday.

4. I have already drinked the beer.
5. She has so far written two books.
6. They have bought this nice house three years ago.
A. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii:
1. They have already read this book.
2. Peter has been late for school today.
3. He was a secretary three years ago.
4. My brother has made a nice bookcase for his mother.
5. They have already been in England.
6. I have talked with her lately.
B. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Nu am vazut-o niciodata pe sora tao
2. Tatallui este Romaniei.
3. In ultima vreme am vizitat cateva tari frumoase.
4. Ei au intarziat intotdeauna la
5. Imi place sa rna scol devreme.
6. Am taiat cinci copaci din gradina noastra.

" "
Ca de obicei, yom incepe aceasta lectie invatiind cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu
voce tare fiti atenti la traducerea lor:
floor >
- podea, etaj
carpet >
- covor
f100r lamp >
- lampa cu picior
curtains >
- perdele, draperii
ceiling >
[si: Iin(gl]
- tavan
fireplace >
- camin,
wall-paper >
- tapet
socket >
- priza
picture >

- tablou, pictura
armchair >
- fotoliu
settee >
- canapea
Acum recititi cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
curtains >
- perdele, draperii
settee >
- canapea
floor >
[ flo:
- podea, etaj
fireplace >
- camin,
socket >
- priza
floor lamp >
- lampa cu picior
carpet >
- covor
ceiling >
[si: lin(g)]
- tavan
wall-paper >
- tapet
armchair >
- fotoliu
picture >
- tablou, pictura
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in cadrul unui dialog. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare:
- perdelele?
- Da, nu trebuie nici 0 lampa
pe tavan.
- Cred ea trebuie sa punem
eanapeaua langa
- Camera aceasta este groaznica.
After ...
- Nu Ie vreau aiei.
- In plus, (eu) vreau sa pun
fotoliile langa masa.
- Ce zici de un covor
galben (pe podea)?
- Trebuie sa fie cafenii.
- ee vrei sa faci eu aeeste
- Avem multe prize In camera,
ea putem avea
lampi eu pieior.
> [UI olsau "ant tu put DZa
nekst tu DZa telbl]
> [DZel mast bI: braun]
> [DZis ru:m lZ o:fl]
> [Ul TSm(g)k UI: mast put DZa
seti: nekst tu DZa falafpleis]
> ["I: mast olsau hEy
"mt "a: I pelpa
> ["at abaut DZa bi:ftmz]
> [JI daunt "ODt DZem hia
> [
i: hEy mem soklts
In DZa ru:m sau L1i: kEn
hEy flO:f lEmps]
> [ies End D'eafmas( bl'
nau IEmp on DZa si:lm(g)]
> [End "at du IU: "ant
tu du' "iDZ DZI"Z
> ["ot du 1U: T'in(g)k abaut a
lelau ka:fpit on D'a flo:f]
I also want to put the
armchairs next to the table.
What do you think about a
yellow carpet on the floor?
They must be brown.
I don't want them here.
Before ...
What about the curtains?
We must also have
whIte wall-paper.
I think we must put the
settee next to the fireplace.
This room is awful.
And what do you want
to do with these pictures?
We have many sockets
in the room, so we can
have floor lamps.
Yes, and there must be
no lamp on the ceiling.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limha engleza folosind cuvintele noi:
Re{ine{i consfruc{ia care apare intr-una din propozi{ii:
- The children are sitting on the >tloor now.
- When did you buy this >wall-paper?
- These >curtains are too expensive.
- Did you have a>fireplace then?
- I have put a > floor lamp next to
the window.
- I saw a very nice > picture yesterday.
- The >settee is in the comer of the room.
- I have always liked to sit in this
> armchair.
- The>socket is behind that chair..
- Must the> ceilingbe white?
- Where can I buy a>carpet?
- nu trebuie sa fie n!ci 0 lampa pe tavan
Aveai atunci un
Verificati-va daca ati sa va cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Priza este in spatele acelui scaun.
De uncle pot cumpara un covor?
Aceste perdele sunt prea scumpe.
Plafonul trebuie sa fie alb?
Ieri am vazut un tablou foarte frumos.
intotdeauna mi-a placut sa stau in fotoliul acesta.
Canapeaua este in coltul eamerei.
Cand ai cumparat acest tapet?
there must be no lamp on the ceiling
Copiii stau acum pe podea.
Am pus 0 lampa cu picior langa fereastra.
canapea > settee

lampa eu picior > floor lamp

priza > socket
tapet > wall-paper
tavan > ceiling
covor > carpet
podea > floor
perdele > curtams
> fireplace
tablou > picture
fotoliu > armchair
2. A few [a flu ]- catva, cativa Unamtea substantive/or nUl1uirabile):
1. A little [a litl]- putin, catva, ceva ([naintea substantivelor nenumarabile):
- Ati scris pana acum
doua scrisori?
- Nu a citit niciodata
aceasta carte?
- A Cltlt ea vreodata
aceasta carte?
- Ai vazut deja
acest tablou?
> I hl\ e we already secn t\\ 0 plctUl es')
> Has she been <it work today')
> Has my mother eveI liked my husband?
> Have they taught me English')
> Has she already had breakbst')
I have smoked> a few cigarettes today.
- Bring me > a hit] ewall-paper.
- I visited> a few friends yesterday.
- Sunt diteva stide pe podea.
- Can you give me > a Itttlemoney?
- Este pu!ina pame pe
> [hEv IU: o.lrcch
sl:n OilS
> [hEz Sl: neva' red
O/IS buk]
> [hEz eva' red
OilS buk]
> [hEv IU. litn
tu' ]cta'z sau fa:']
Has she ever read
this book?
Have you written
two letters so far?
Has she never read
thiS book?
Have you already
seen this picture?
There is a little bread on the table.
She has been at work today.
We have already seen two pictures.
My mother has never liked my husband.
We have written
two letters so far.
She has already had breakfast.
They have taught me English.
Treceti urmatoarele propoZitil la fonna mterogativa:
There are a few bottles on the floor.
She has never read
thiS book.
Bnng me some wall-paper.
Inlocuitl adJectivul some cu a little/a few:
Cltiti propozltlile urmatoare :
I have already seen
thiS picture.
Sa ne Intoareem din nou fa tlll/pul Prescnt Perfect sa invafam cum se jormuleaza Intrebarile
Can you give me some money?
Formam mterogatn'ul prm lIl\'erSllll1e: verhul auxilwr have/has ocupa loeul subleetulUl. iar aeesta
treee pe foeul af dotlea.
I have smoked some cigarettes today.
I vIsited some friends yesterday.
:;Itlm ea pronumele nehotdrat some poate sta inall1tea unui substantiv numarabil (In aeest ea: are
infelesul de ciitva, di!iva, unii) sau Inallltea unui substantiv care un obieet ee Ill!
are forma de plural (in aeest co: (' u in(elesul de pu!in, ceva, Putem folosi aeest pronume ca
sinonimul altor doua pronume lIehotanlte'
La formarea fntrebiirilor complexe pronumele interogativ fnaintea verbului auxiliar:
- Ce a Iacut ea pfma acum?
- Cine a spus asta?
- Unde ai vazut-o pe aceasta fata?
- Cite can;i ai adus?
- Yes, I >have.
- No, I >haven't.
- Yes, >they have.
- No, >they haven't.
- Yes, >she has.
- No, >she hasn't.
- Yes, >it has.
- No, >it hasn't.
> [Uot hEz dan sau fa:']
> [Ueat hEv iu: si:n DZis
> [hu: hEz sed DZis]
> [hau meni buks hEv
iu: bro:t]
Pronumele interogativ when - "cand" nu se in intrebarile in care verbul
este la timpul Present Perfect.
What has she done so far?
Who has said this?
Have they wanted to be there first?
Where have you seen this
How many books have
you brought?
Has the secretary forgotten about the letter?
Have you already thought about it?
Has the sun shone today?
Have you cut your hair? No, I have not. > [nau ai hEv not] - Nu.
No, I haven't. >[nau ai hEvnt]
Have they already No, they have not. >[nau DZei hEv not] - Nu.
bought this house? No, they haven't. >[nau DZei hEvnt]
Has she already been No, she has not. > [nau hEz not] - Nu.
in England? No, she hasn't. > [nau hEznt]
Propozitiile negative se formeazii cu ajutorul cuviintului no. a pronumelui personal. a formei
corespunziitoare a verbului auxiliar a cuviintului not. Structura have not poate fi prescurtatii,
devenind haven't [hEvnt]. pe ciindforma prescurtatii construc!iei has not este hasn't[hEznt] :
Completati urmatoarele raspunsuri scurte:
Have you cut your hair? Yes, I have. >[ies ai hEv] - Da.
Have they already Yes, they have. > [ies DZei hEv] - Da.
bought this house?
Has she just come? Yes, she has. > [ies hEz]
- Da.
Riispunsul afirmativ se formuleazii cu ajutorul cuviintului yes. a pronumelui personal a formei
corespunziitoare a verbului auxiliar:
Formele negative se pot folosi ~ i la formularea propozi{iilor fntregi:
In exercitiul urmator completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu partile de propozitie care lipsesc:
- Inca nu mi-au vazut casa.
- Ea nu a citit inca ziarul.
- Nu am vizitat-o inca pe mama.
> The moon hasn't shone yet this nIght.
> Have you already been at home?
> Has she heard It yet?
> Father hasn't got up yet.
> I haven't talked to her yet.
> The typists haven't come to work today.
> We haven't sent thIs letter yet.
- Where>have we worked this week?
- Where>has Peter been today?
- Who >has given me a little beer?
- What>have they had lately?
> rOzel hEvnt SI:n mai
haus ICt]
> [ ~ hEznt red Oza
niu:spclpar let]
> [ai hEvnt vlzitld mai
maDzar iet]
Formele verbului to have se pot prescurta dupti cum urmeazti:
I have I've > [a/v] we have we've > [Ui:v]
you have you've > [IU:V] you have you've > [iu:v]
he has he's > [hu] they have they've
> [DZeiv]
she has she's > [ ~ l Z ]
it has it's > [its]
Luna inca nu a stralucit noaptea aceasta.
We have worked in the office this week.
Inca nu am vorbit cu ea.
Dactilografele nu au venit azi la serviciu.
Ea a auzit deja despre asta?
Complementul de timp already nu poate fi folosit in propozitii negative, in
timp ce complementul de timp yet nu poate fi folosit in propozitii afirmative. In
schimb, ambele complemente circumstantiale pot fi folosite la formarea
interogativului. Retineti, complementul circumstantial yet are doua intelesuri:
deja (in propozitii interogative) ~ i inca nu (in propozitii negative).
Ai fost deja acasii?
Nu am trimis inca aceasta scrisoare.
She has given me a little beer.
Peter has been at home today.
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Tata nu s-a sculat inca,
She hasn't read the
newspaper yet.
They haven't seen my
house yet.
They have had a dog lately.
I haven't visited my
mother yet.
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii. Folositi forrne1e prescurtate daca este posibil:
Sa invatam acurn ciHeva prepozitii. incercati sa retineti foloslrea lor In context;
under > Landa'] - sub
over > [am a'] '- peste, deasupra, pe
across > l akros] - de-a pc partea cealalta
from > [ from] - de la, din
by > [b:ll] - (chiar) liinga, cu
Ei sunt langa fereastra.
Am asta de la mama mea.
- De obicei lucram de la
la trei.
- Adu un scaun din bucatarie.
- Ciiinele este sub masa.
- Tabloul este deasupra lampii.
> \Vhere hay e you put this plant?
> Shc's always liked !lowers.
> We've talked to him recently.
> l"ve already understood it.
> How much coffee have you drunk today?
> Have you ever tried to stop smoking?
> I haven't thought about it yet.
> We haven't watched televiSIOn recently.
> He basn' t come yet
> [al hEY it from l1\<li
> r lYa dog: 11: anda"
IYa ie/hi]
> a from
D/a kit.,an]
> [lYci a.' hai D/a "indau]
> l [Ya piktsa' il: am'ar
IYa tEmp]
> ["i: IU:Juali "a:'k from
s('vn tu T'ri' ]
The picture is over the lamp.
Sa introducem in propozitii cuvintele recent invatate:
We usually work [rom
seven to three.
The dog is under the table.
Bring a chair from
the kitchen.
They are by the wmdow.
Unde ai pus aceasta planta?
Am vorbit eu el recent.
EI i-au placut Intotdeauna t1orile.
El nu a venit inca.
Am inteles deja.
I have it from my mother.
Ai ineercat vreodata sa te de fumat?
Cala eafea ai haut azi?
inca nu m-am gfmdit la asta.
in ultima vrerne nu ne-am uitat la televizor.
- Biroul este de partea cealalta
a pletii.
- El traverseaza strada.
) )
- The plane is flying> over the town.
- Are these flowers> from your husband?
- The armchairs are> by the window.
- Put that table> across the window.
- Our cat likes to sit> under the settee.
Repetati cu atentie grupurile de cuvinte care urmeaza:
[a. f] [au] [al] [u. ]
early know fireplace too
curtains low shine blue
bird go sky you
first over my who
Aceste flori sunt de la sotul tau?
Pisicii noastre ii place sa stea sub canapea.
Fotoliile sunt Hinga fereastra.
Avionul zboara deasupra o r ~ u l u i
Pune masa aceea vis-ii-vis de fereastra.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu prepozitiile care lipsesc:
The office is across the square. > [DZI ofis iz akros
DZa skUea
He is going across the street. > [hi: IZ gaum(g) akros
DZa stn:tJ
Cititi cu atentie urmatoarele dialoguri. Repetati exercitiul pana retineti corect pronuntia intonatia.
Cuvintele silabele accentuate sunt scrise cu litere
Did you hear the weather-forecast on the radio yesterday?
Yes, I did. It was too cold yesterday to go for a walk.
And it was foggy, too.
I have never liked to walk in foggy weather, but the heat in summer was also
awful for me.
Do you want to have breakfast outside?
No, I don't. I think the temperature is very low outside and the wind is blowing.
Tom has already put on his coat and shawl.
We have a very nice house.
Yes, you have, and there is a nice settee in the living-room.
We have bought two armchairs so far, and I want to buy a fireplace to the bedroom.
Have you ever seen a fireplace in the bedroom?
No, I haven't.
Look we can't put the floor lamp next to the table because tht:re is no socket there.
Yes, I see that. But you've just bought nice, green wall-paper.
I wanted to buy a red telephone too, but there was little money in my purse.
And what about those pictures on the wall?
They are also very nice. I have always liked these pictures.
Look at the calendar. Is it Sunday or Monday today?
Today is Sunday.
Then we can go to the cinema today.
First you must buy the tickets and then we can go to the cinema.
I have bought thcm. And we can go by tram.
Is the tram stop across the square?
Yes, it is. I think we must get off at the fourth stop.
Peter, a girl has just entered the house!
Who is she?
I think she is a secretary.
Does this secretary work in a bank?
I think she does, but she has brought you a letter from your sister.
Peter! What have you done so far?
I've been at work today.Why?
Because I want to go to the shop and I want to buy boots for me.
lt's too late to go to the shop now, and you can't buy those boots because
they are too expensive.
Then I want to buy some flowers. Where have you seen those flowers?
I saw them in the shop next to the bank.
In ultimul exercitiu yom recapitula cele invatate pana acum. TraducetI urmatoarele propoZltii in
limba engleza:
Cand au adus asta?
Ei vor sa rna invete sa citesc.
De ce mi-ai luat florile?
Cine a vrut sa cumpere casa aceasta?
Acum cautam 0 canapea frumoasa
cioua fotolii.
Vezi acest avion deasupra parcului?
Inca nu am vorbit cu el.
Am incercat sa-i opresc.
Cand m-am ureat in autobuz, I-am vazut
pe fratele meu.
El a venit deja.
Ai condus vreodata mari?
In ultima vreme nu Ie-am scris serisori
Azi ne-au pus cateva intrebari.
I-ai platit lui deja tapetul?
Ieri am auzit buletinul meteorologic.
Statia npastra de autobuz este pe partea
cealalta a strazii.
Pana acum am scris doua scrisori.
EI nu uitat mciodata prietenii.
Cine a facut asta?
La ce ora ai venit acasa?
Vita-te la florile de langa fereastra.
Nu au cumparat inca perdele in cea
de-a doua camera.
Sora mea a cumparat recent cateva carti.
Cand le-ai aratat casa noastra?
> When did they bring it'!
> They want to teach me to read.
> Why have you taken my flowers?
> Who has wanted to buy this house?
> We are looking for a nice settee and
two armchairs now.
> Do you see this plane over the park?
> I haven't talked to hun yet.
> I tried to stop them.
> \Vhen I got on the bus I saw my brother.
> He's already come.
> Have you ever dnven big cars?
> Lately we haven't written letters to
our friends.
> They have asked us a few question today.
> Have you paid him for the wall-paper yet?
> We heard the weather-forecast yesterday. ,.,
> Our bus stop IS across the street.
> I have written two letters so f .
> He has never forgotten hiS fnends.
> Who has done it?
> What time did you come home'l
> Look at the flowers by the window.
> So far they haven"t bought curtains
for the second room.
> My sister has recently bought a few books.
> \\'hen did you show them our house?
Some poate fi folosit in locul altor doua pronume nehotarate:
2. A few [a fill:] - catva, ca!iva (lnaintea substantivelor numarabile):
- Yes, I have.
- Sunt ciiteva sticle pe podea.
- Have you already seen this picture?
- Unde ai vazut-o pe aceasta fata?
- No, 1have not.
- Este pu!ina paine pe masa.
Where have you seen this girl?
Have you cut your hair'!
I have already seen this picture.
Have you cut your hair?
There is a little bread on
the table.
There are a few bottles on
the floor.
Constructia have not poate fi prescurtata devine haven't [h Evnt], iar eonstructia
has not devine hasn't l hEznt]:
12.2.5. La timplll Present Perfect pronllmele interogativ when - dnd nu poate fi folosit la
formularea interogativllilli.
I. A little l a litl] - pu!in, catva, ceva (lnaintea substantivelor care nu sunt numarabile):
12.2.4. La formarea Intrebarilor complexe pronumele interogativ Inaintea verbului
Am Invaiat ca pronumele nehotanlt some poate sta Inaintea substantivelor numarabile (In
acest caz are in!elesul de dtva, dtiva, unii) inaintea substantivelor care nu au forma
de plural (In aceasta situatie cu semnifica!ia de putin, ceva,
12.2.1. Formulam interogativul pnn inversarea ordinii verbului auxiIJar have/has a
pronumelui personal sau a substantivului cu funqie de subiect:
12.2.2. Formulam raspunsurile afirmative cu ajutorul cuvantului yes, a pronumelui personal
a formei corespunzatoare a verbuJui auxiliar.
12.2.3. Formulam negaiia eu ajutorul euvantului no, a pronumelui personal, a fonnei
corespunzatoare a verbului auxiliar a adverbului not.
12.1. Some, a few a little.
12.2. Intrebarile raspunsurile la timpul Present Perfect.
12.2.6 Complementul circumstantial already nu poate fi folosit in propozitii negatIve, in
timp ce complementul circumstantial yet nu poate. fi folosit in propozitii afirmative.
Ambele complemente circumstantiale pot figura in propozitii interogative, aviind sensuri
12.3 Formele conjugate ale verbului to have pot fi prescurtate in felul urmator:
I have I've [aiv] we have we've
you have you've [IU:V] you have you've [iu:v]
he has he's [hi:z) they have they've
she has she's
it has it's [its]
12.4 Prepozitiile in limba engleza
Folosirea in mod corespunzator a prepozitiilor trebuie retinuta in context.
under > [ anda
] - sub
over > [ auva
] - peste, deasupra, pe
across > [akros] - de-a pe partea cealalta
from > [from) - de la, din
by > [baiJ - (chiar) liinga, cu


A. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii In limba ramana:
1. They have never been there in winter.
2. We have already bought two floor lamps.
3. There were a few annchairs in the livmg-room.
4. Have you already seen these pictures?
5. They haven't read the newspaper yet.
6. The bus stop is across the street.
B. Traduceti propozitiile in hmba engleza:
1. leri am luerat de la ~ p t e la doua.
2. Clnd al cumparat perdelele?
3. Cate a serisori a scris ea pana acum?
4. In ultima vreme nu am vorbit eu el.
5. El a ureat deja In autobuz.
6. Adu-mi 0 e e ~ de eafea din bucaUirie.
C. Completati prepozitii1c corespunzatoare in propozitiile de mai jos:
I. Yesterday 1got nice flowers my husband.
2. How many novels have they read __"_ far?
3. There are some clouds __ the sky.
4. The settee is next the fireplace.
5. Put a coat. It is very cold today.
, ,
forma a II-a
said >[sed]
forma a III-a
blown > [blaun]
> [sed] said
blew >[blau]
> [sei] say
forma I-a
, ,
> [akros]
- de-a pe partea
cealalta, vis-a.-vis
> [o:lredl]
- deja
> [a:
- fotoliu
> [o:tl]
- crancen, teribil, i'ngrozitor
> [bEnlg1k]
- banea
to blow
> [tll blall]
- a sufla, a bate (d. vant)
> [bu:tJ
- gheata, eizma
bus stop
> [bas stop]
- statie de autobuz
> [bail - (chiar) langa, Cll
> [kElinda']
- calendar, almanah
> [ka:'pltJ
- eovor
> [kEl'iJk]
- catolic(a)
> [si:lin
- tavan
> [klaud]
- nor
cloudy >
- IIlBorat, noras
> [but]
- haina, sacau
> [kauldJ
- reee, racoros
> [ka:rtInzJ
- perdele, draperii
> [a:'11J
- devreme
a few
> [il fill:J
- ea(iva, eiiteva
fireplace >
[ faia'plelsJ
- eamin,
floor > [no:'J - podea, etaj
floor lamp >
[no:' lEmp]
- lampa cu picior
> [tlalla']
- floare
> [fog]
- cea(a
foggy >
- cetos, cu ceata
from >
[ from]
- de la, din
to get otf > [tll get oil
- a cobori
to get on
> [tu get on]
- a (se) urea
heat > I hi:tJ
- caldura (puternica), caniculi!
e >
- tiirziu
lately > [ leitli] - recent, de cUfClnd, in ultima vreme
low > [lau] - jos, scazut
next to > [nekst tu] - aproape de, Ifmga
novel > [novl] - roman
outside > [autsaid] - afara
over > l auva'] - peste, deasupra, pe
picture > [ - tablou, pictura
president > [prezidant] -
purse > [pa:'s] - portofel, geanta,

recently > [ri:sntli] - de curand, recent
to say > [tu sel] - a spune
secretary > [sckratri] - secretar(a)
settee > [seti: ] - canapea
shawl > -
the sky > [DZa skai] - cerul
socket > [sokit] - priza
so far > [sau fa:'] - pana acum, deocamdata
stamp > [stEmp] - timbru
strong >
[stron(g)] - tare, putemic
sunny > [sani] - insorit, cu soare
telephone > [tehfaun] - telefon
temperature > [ - temperatura, febra
ticket > [tiklt] - bilet
tram > [trEm] - tramvai
tram stop > [trEm stop] - statie de tramvai
under > [ anda'] - sub
wall > [Uo:l] _0 zid, perete
wall-paper > [Uo:l peipa'] - tapet
weather-forecast > [UeDZa' fo:'ka:st] - prognoza vremii,
buletin meteorologic
wind > [lImd] - vant
windy > [llindl] - vfmtos, cu mult vant
yet > [let] - inca, deja
I am reading a book now.
He is walking at the moment.
We are just working in the garden.
al vostru, a voastra, ai
ale voastre, alai dumitale, dum-
al nostru, a noastra, ai
ale noastre
- alaI, ai/ale lor
mama mea
copilul meu
florile mele
casa mea my house
my mother
my child
my flowers
Se pentru a descriem 0 activitate care se petrece in momentul vorbirii:
Pronumele posesiv in limba engleza are forma pentru toate genurile nu-
her al ei/sau, a ei/sa, ai ei/sai,
ale ei/sale
his al lui/sau, a lui/sa, ai their
lui/sai, ale lui/sale
its a/aI, ai/ale lui, sale, ei
(pentru obiecte, notiuni
abstracte, animale)
your - a ta, al tau, ai tai, ale tale, your
a/al dumitale,
my al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale our
2. Present Continuous Tense (timpul prezent continuu):
1. Pronumele posesiv:
- 1 -
fureul ila
paine praj ita

pahar pentru oua
gratar pentru rrajit
sare (ele bucfltarie)
> legj
> [sr u:n]
> [IiEpkin!
> Isn: ItI
> lIt lustl
> II'o:rk I
> lr leit ]
- 2-
Azi va invitam la micul dejun. Toatc cuvintelc noi se refera la aceasta
Exersati cuvinte, dar In alta ordine:
toast > : tOil .... t j p{line priljita
salt > IS,): It i
sare (de bucatarie)
fork > r1'0: I kI
egg-cup >
leg karl pahar rentru oua
napkin > [nErkin]
saucer > lsu: S{I "J farfurioarii
> leg] OLI
salt-cellar > rso:lt
j solnitii
spoon > I spll:nj lingura
plate > 111kil! farfurie
toaster > ! \oll,L,'!
gratar pentru priijit
Completati propozi}iile in Iimba englcza, utilizand cuvintele noi:
Observati felul in care folosim cuvintele noi in prapozitii. Cititi prapozitii1e eu voce tare
fili atenti la pranuntie.
Aceste pahare pentru ou5
sum foartc frumoase.
Imi place painea prajita la
miCLd dejun.
A\ em acasa

Pot sa iau aceasta lingllra?
Pune p,linca in prajitorul
de paine!
Pori sa-mi aduci 0
Ei trebuie sa ellmpere 0
Adu citteva fureu lite.
Cate oua ai mancat la
mil'ld dejun?
?'\oi toemai am cumparat
far furi i Illari.
. Acasa nu avem sare.
How many >platcs have you bought?
Have you already eatcn your >l,lash ,)
r usually cat one xgg every day.
Bring the , pleasc.
Do you like :>salt '!
These .Y>pO()IlS are too big.
We have brought these from
Which >fnrb do you want to buy'?
The -;.;all-cellar is full.
Thc >napk ill is under your chair.
- I must have >:.1 toaster in the kitchen.
- 3 -
>lhh. lI i: rcd nEpkllh ft
houlll J
>1 !d"n iu: 1111: ,'I
, r
,0: S:I ]
>!lli: 1\1:\ dpst t"u la:'dj
>rkFn ai te/k [J/ is spu:n]
>[[)/ei Illast hai a sO'lt
\cla i I
" r
>[ al b\ toush t,l:
>rlli: uount hE\ so:l! Et
Am adus aceste pahare pcntru oua din
Aduce-ti, va rag, farfurioarcle.
!"t-at miincat deja piiimle prajtte'!
De obicei mananc un au in fiecare zi.
Cite farfurii ai cumparat?
Trebuie sa am un prajitor de paine in
Care furculi(e vrei sa Ie cumperi?
Solnita este plina.
Aceste linguri sunt prea mario
iti place sarea?
$ervetelul estc sub scaunul trlU.
Put the bread into the toaster. >lput O/a bred intu [)/i"l
/ r
These egg-cups arc very nice. >lD i:z eg kaps a: \ crJ
Have we red napkins at
I 100e toasts for breakfast.
Bring a few forks.
Can r take this spoon?
Can you bring me a saucer?
They must buy a salt-cellar.
We don't have salt at home.
We have just bought large
How many eggs did you cat >Ihau mcni cgl UIU iu: i:t
for breakfast? ["oJ brt'klast]
Aceasta este mea.
Casa noastra este mare.
al ei/sau, a ei/sa, ai ei/sai, ale ei/sale
lui, sale, ei (pentm obiecte, notiuni
abstracte, animale)
al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele
al tau, a ta, ai'tai, ale tale, aI, a, ai, ale
dumitale, dumneavoastra
al lui/sau, a lui/sa, ai lui/sai, ale lui/sale
> some toasts
> lwcI'liC toasters
> forty-three salt-cellars
> nincty-ninc platcs
> thirtcen napkins
> a hundred eggs
> twcI1ly-thrcc spoons
> sixty-two
> onc saucer or salt
> sc\cntccn forks
> rIII in I
> I io
This is my car.
Our house is large.
cateva paini prajite
Ali relinut desigur ea, in limba engfeza, pronumele posesiv se ajla de, obieei, inaintea
Sunt insa situalii in care pronumele posesiv sta singur, ca un pronume independent $i nu este
urmat de substantiv. in aeest caz se sehimba $i forma pronumelui, pe care il numim pronume
posesiv independent. De exemplu:
23 de Iinguri
62 de pahare de oua
o farfurioara de sare
17 furculite
12 griitare pentm prajit paine
43 de solnite
99 de farfurii
100 de oua
In mod sigur v-ati foarte bine cuvintele noi. Sa Ie reluam aHituri de numere. Traduceti
In Iimba engleza:
Sa exersam, in propozitii, situatiile in care trebuie sa folosim pronumele posesiv:
al nostru, a noastra, ai ours >Ia\\az]
ale noastre
>LIO.IZ] al vostru, a voastra, ai
v01,itri, ale voastre
theirs >![)\'/1;1 al/a/ai/ale lor
> rcmptl] gol
> [dlli,;>Chl delicios, savuros
fried > [I'j ,,/(.1] fript, pdijit
> [tEt] gras, plin de gdisime
in a hurry
> 1111 CI
in graba, la repezeala
Aceasta este ma1,iina mea.
Aceasta este a
Nu lua stiloul lui!
Ia-I pe al tau!
- Ace1,itia sunt banii lor.
bani sunt ai lor.
Is it > hcr car?
Those cups are> yours.
These desks are> thclrs .
They are> our cats.
They are> my shoes.
This clock is > 1m .
This is >!11" bicycle.
- Is this book >YUUIS?
These pens are > his .
That coat is > hel s .
These are> OUI apples.
Are these cigarettes> J ours?
Is this salt-cellar> thclrs ?
> j dounl lC/k hi! pen]
> [tc/k 10. z]
> [f)"is iz n/c/ mam]
I I r
> [D IS manl II [) CI z1
> [It II l1Iai ka. I
/ r
>: [) IS LI' II main]
Aceste stilouri sunt ale lui.
Acea haina este a ei.
Urmeaza din nou cateva cuvinte noi:
Aceasta carte este a ta?
Aceste tigari sunt ale tale?
AceasHi solnita este a lor?
Acest ceasomic este ale lui.
Este ma1,iina ei?
Acele sunt ale tale.
Aceste birouri sunt ale lor.
Sunt pisicile noastre.
Sunt pantofii mei.
Acestea sunt merele noastre.
in exercitiul urmator, completati propozitiile:
Aceasta este bicicleta mea.
It is my car.
This car is mine.
Don't take his pen.
Take yours.
This is their money.
This money is theirs.
Ma grabesc.
Ei se grabeau.
Nu manca in graba!
Lui ii plac cartofii prajiti.
ta este goaHi.
Aceasta pisica este foarte
Aceste sunt
Is her plate> c'mpt\ ?
This > [,j l man eats too much.
Are you> ill <1 hu:ry?
I like> h'led fish.
This cheese is > lkiiciollS.
> CIl1!1t\
I .
> ill :1 hurry
" r I' . 1
> 110: ",ap 1/ cmplll
> i delicios, savuros
> rill Cl hari] In graba, la repezeala
> [lraiJ I fript, prajit
> [rmpti] gol
> [ fEll gras, piin de grasime
> [hi: laiks fraid pClte;tnllz]
> [dOlillt i:t ill [I hari I
Retineti urmatoarea expresie: to be in a hurry. De exemplu:
I am in a hurry.
They were in a hurry.
He likes fried potatoes.
Your cup is empty.
Don't eat in a hurry.
Pentru exersare traduceti cuvintele noi:
Briinza aceasta este delicioasa.
Acest barbat gras maniinca prea mult.
Farfuria ei este goala?
fmi place prajit.
Folositi cuvintele noi in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
in graM
This cat is very fat.
lar acum cititi cu atentie propozitiile de mai jos In care am indus cuvintele noi:
These tomatoes are delicious. > [D/i:/ r{lll1a:l,lC:/ :1.
in a hurry
Exersati cuvinte, dar in alta ordine:
Urmari{i stuctura propozi(iei:
to you tomorrow.
a letter today.
Diseara voi fi acasa.
Ei vor locui Intotdeauna
Maine la vor lua ei
micul dejun.
Tatal meu va merge
maine in Anglia.
EI 0 va vizita pe mama sa
sapUimana viitoare.
Te vom pana la
ora trci.
We >'.\1]; ,,1.\,1\, hc together.
Next week we > \\ I! 1 I '.1\ for the car.
1>'\111 ,\"l,' to him tomorrow.
Tomorrow we > \\ ill kl\ ,-' dinner in the
Next week we > \\ II: g" to London.
We > \\ ill \ \, It our parents in two days.
Tomorrow evening we >" ill Ih
,:11 t,)
the radio.
> 1,1/ Ii hi b hlHl1ll 111
/. I '-!)
D I I \ !l!1l - I
> Ill!. lid II
I'll I Ill" t d
r'fl :Iklokl
> [[)/'-I IIJi o.llI'-'I/ 11\ 111:1 I
> I f)/C! L1 1l hl.\ hil'L',-"t I!
,t'\ 11 t{lInnrnll]
/ I 'I
> [mal fa:!) a 'II til
illglflild tflIlHHOU\
La persoana a-I-a singular plural (I, we) in locullui will se poate folosi
verbul auxiliar shall.
In limbajul uzual Insi'!, se mai des verbul auxiliar will.
Maine vom eina In gradina.
Vom [1 intotdeauna 'impreuna.
Saptamana viitoare vom plati
Maine 'ii voi scrie lui.
Sapti'!mana viitoare vom merge la Londra.
Peste doua zile ii vom vizita pe parintii -
Maine seara vom asculta radiou!'
I will be at home in the
My father will go to
England tomorrow.
They will always live here.
In exercitiul urmator completati propozitiile cu expresia corespunzatoare la tIlnpul viitor:
We will wait for you till
three o'clock.
They will have breakfast at
seven tomorrow.
He will visit his mother next> [hi. lid \ i/l! hl/ 111:11)/:1
week. 11-: k'! II I k I
Pronumele + verbul auxiliar + foma I-a a +
personal will verbului principal
I will come
She will write
Complementele de timp se plaseaza la inceputul sau la s[anjitlll propozi(iei. Complementele
de timp, care in cazul altar timpuri se alla la mijlocul propozitiei, la acest timp tree inaintea
verbului principal.
Urmeaza ciiteva exemp1e eu viitorul simplu:
in cele ce urmeaza ne vom ocupa de exprimarea ac{iunilor care se vor petrece in viitor. in
limba engleza in acest scop se folose!jte timpul Simple Future Tense r,imp1 IClh I'
Formarea lui este simpla: verbul auxiliar willi "i1] urmat de forma I-a a verbului principal,
Exersati cuvinte, intr-o alta ordine:
They> \\ i II go for a walk in the
She> wi II never see it.
I > will hl' at work at five.
> Ollr parents wi II cOll1e to liS tornorrO\\'.
> Next weeK I will try to make a bookcase.
> The slin \\ill tomorrow.
> Father \\ ill gj\C 111C the on
\Vednesd;l) .
> Wc will get olT at the third stop.
> We will go to London ill March.
> 1 will be therc tomorrow rnorl1lng.
> Thev will wait for liS.
> i \\ili talk with him about this novel.
to leave > [tu h:\] a parasi, a pleca
to boil > [Ill boilj a fierbe, a clocoti
to use > [tu iLL!:l a folosi, a utiliza, a intrebuinta
a tuma, a varsa to pour > po:1
to pass > [lll pa:sJ - a pasa, a da
to tell > [tll tel] a spune
to hang [tu
a atama, a agata > hl:n '" ]
to translate > [tu trEllslcit 1 a traduce
to boil > Itll boil] a fierbe, a clocoti
to pass > [tu pa:s] a pasa, ada
to use > [tu i\lJ 1 a folosi, a utiliza, a intrebuinta
to tell > [tll tell a spune
to hang > [I\I
a atama, a agata
to translate > [ t \I IrEn,;!cil] a traduce
to pour >
It \I
po rI a tuma, a varsa
to leave >
rI \I Ii \ I
a parasi, a pleca
Parintii vor veni maine la noi.
Saptamana viitoare voi incerca sa fac 0
Vom cobori la a treia statie.
Vom merge la Londra in martie.
Maine dimineata voi fi acolo.
Ei ne vor
Voi vorbi cu el despre acest roman.
Tata imi va da miercuri
Iar acum yom invata cateva verbe. Cititi cuvintele cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntia lor
Maine va straluci soarele.
Ea nu va vedea asta niciodata.
Voi fi la servici la cinci.
Vor merge la plimbare dimineata.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Cateva dintre verbele noi sunt neregulate. Sa ne cele trei forme ale acestor verbe:
In exercitiul urmiitOf, completati propozitiile 'in limba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a
Voi fierbe apa.
Nu putem folosi azi
lui Petre.
Ei au plecat deja.
Am tradus deja aceasta
Vreau sa atam aceasta
pictura deasupra canapelei.
Ii voi spune lui despre
- Oa-mi sarea.
- Toama-mi, te rag,
Yesterday I > hung the curtains.
So far I > h;1\ l' trallslalL'd two books.
I'm >pourillg you coffee.
I >wilJ nc\cr tell him about it.
Have you> boilcd eggs?
We will> Ica\ c for Bucharest in a week.
- Can you> pass the sugar?
- You can > lhC his telephone.
> Ipli:z po:r mi: sam ti:]
> [pa:s mi: IJza so:ltJ
> lUi: ka:nl ill:z pi:li/z ka
. 1I . (t>:) z
> !at Olll tll hLn D IS
'k _r _I' 0/- . 1
pI Oll\a ascII:
> [ai lI ij leI him i'lballl it]
> [Ozci hFv o:lredi left]
Retineti ca expresia to leave for se traduce prin: a pleca,
a caIatori undeva.
Pana acum am tradus doua ciini.
Ai fiert oua?
Poti folosi telefonul lui.
Iti tom cafea.
leri am atamat perdelele.
Nu-i voi spune lui despre asta niciodata.
Poti sa dai zaharul?
Peste 0 saptamana vom pleca la
Pass me the salt.
We can't use Peter's car
I will boil the water.
Please, pour me some tea.
lar acum sa vedem cum se folosesc verbele noi In propozitii:
I have already translated this> [ai hEv o:lredi
letter. trEnsleitid f)/is leU{]
I will tell him about it.
I want to hang this picture
over the settee.
forma a-I-a forma a-II-a forma a-III-a
leave >[li:v] left >[lcfi] left > Ilcn]
tell > [tel] told >ltouldJ told >[touldl
> [hEn(g)]
> lhan(gi
> [han(g)]
They have already left.
He > says he doesn't like my sister.
> Say something about your work.
He has> s,lid the sky is blue.
I've already> told you about it.
He hasn't> told me about it yet.
When do you want to > Il'l I your wife
about this car?
Mi-a povestit despre carte.
iti va spune despre fratele meu.
A spus catcva cuvinte dcspre acest
Ei spun ca avem 0 casa frumoasa.
> We will hang this picture in the hedroom.
> ]011111ITO\\ I \\ill bu) pLtlL'S and saucers.
> This car is mine aIIII tbt is his.
> Don't take my spoon. take yours.
> This fried fish is lklicioliS.
> Tell me where the n,lpkins ,Ire.
> \A/hen do VIlll W,lIlt to Iea\ eli))'

> Our children will cOllle til liS on '-;aturdav.
> I can't hclil tile eggs ntlw'
> \\hcre call I klllg my coat'.'
> I 11111'1 this hook hy February.
Acest prajit este delicios.
Vom atama acest tablou in donnitor.
Maine voi cumpara farfurii farfurioare.
Cate paini prajite poti manea?
Nu lua Iingura mea, ia-o pe- a tal
Unde pot sa-mi agar haina?
Copiii vor veni la noi sambata.
Spune-mi unde sunt
Aceasta este a mea, aceea este a
He's said a few words about this noveL
Nu pot fierbe ouale acum!
Trebuie sa traduc aceasta carte pana in
Cand vrei sa pleci Ia
He's told me about the book.
She will tell you about my brother.
Unneaza ultimul exerci!iu al acestei parti a lectiei. Traduce!i propozi!iile in Iimba englcza:
They say we have a nice house.
Ti-am vorbit deja despre asta.
EI spune ca nu-i place sora mea.
Spune ceva despre munca tao
EI a spus ca cerul este albastru.
Inca nu mi-a spus despre asta.
Cand vrei sa-i spui nevestei tale despre
Sa incerciim sa folosim cele invatate. Utilizati forma corespunzatoare a verbului "to say" sau
"to tell" in unnatoarele propozi!ii:
Cu ajutorul verbului say, spunem, exprimam ceva:
Ambele verbe au inteles, dar Ie folosim in contexte di/erite:
""" Cu ajutorul verbului tell spunem cuiva ceva (to tell about a povesti, a spline):
Incepem lectia invatand cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ic cu voce tare incercati
sa Ie retineti:
arm > [a:tm]
- brat
knee > [ni:] -
toe > [tou] - deget de la picior
nail > [neil] - unghie
finger > [Hng!i"] -
belly > [bcli] -
burta, stomac
chest > 1 piept
elbow > [clbou] -
wrist > Irist] -
ineheietura mainii
wrist-watch > [rist ceas de mana
back >
[bEk] spate, spinare
Repetati cuvinte dar in alta ordine:
wrist-watch >
Irist eeas de mana
elbow > [clbou] - cot
finger > [l1ngf/] - deget
knee > Ini:] -
shoulders > houldarz] -
wrist > [rist] - incheietura mainii
chest > I - piept
nail > [neil] - unghie
arm > [aJm]
- brat
back > [hEk] - spate, spinare
toe > [tou] -
deget de la picior
belly > [hcli] - burta, stomac
- II -
> ,11111
> klll'L'
> bcll\
Ai un spate bronzat.
Barbatii au de obicei par
pe piept.
Acest ceas de mana este
al ei.
Cotul meu este bine acum.
Incheietura mainii tale es-
te bine acum?
Omul acela are 0 burta
Unghiile tale sunt prea
Fiecare om are zece
degete la mana zece la
Ea In genunchi.
Ai bra!e lungi.
- Ea are 0 pe umeri.
6. piept
8. brat
9. stomac
10. genunchi
7. deget de la mana > llI1!' l')
/ '
II. deget de la

,ll d
- 12-
> i II II)' rlSt (I I 1";111 ILilll
. [)I 1I I - r ]
> t IS II );1 I
> [Ill hh :1 hraun bLkj
> [mal clhou II (\:1 1",111 1l:1lI]
> !mclJ III jU:Iil hi
Oil ))/:1 i
> 11/1.1 mEn hE! :1 big
bl'll i
> [cvrl I11I'n hEI tcn
z /--.nd tCIl (oU/I
(,,) I
> [/U: hl'\ Ion - a. IIlll
I. spate
5. unghie
2. umar
4. incheietura > \\ I I,t
3. cot
Is your wrist all right now?
Traduceti in limba engleza denumirea unnatoarelor paTti ale corpului:
You have a brown back.
My elbow is all right now.
Men usually have hair on
the chest.
Your nails are too long.
She has a shawl on her
This wrist-watch is hers.
That man has a big belly.
Every man has ten fingers
and ten toes.
You have long anns.
She was on her knees.
Citi!i cu atentie propozi!iile de mai jos, in care veri intalni cuvintele noi:
Tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii interogative in limba engleza:
Raspunsurile afirmative se fiJrmeaza CII ajutoru! cuvdntului yes, a pronumelui personal. $i a
verbului auxiliar will:
Completari pronumele personal verbul auxiliar eorespunzator in urmatoarele raspunsuri
Va merge ea maine
VOl' traduce
aceasta scrisoare?
>[ies D/ei lIi\]
>[ies ai lIil ]
>[ies lI il ]
Yes, >he will .
Yes, >she will
Yes, >1 will.
Yes, >she will
Yes, >he will .
> \Vill you work tOl11orrow?
> Will they take the children to England?
> Will he show us his roOIll'.!
> Will they hang ten picturcs in their
> Will mother tell them about this boy')
> Wil! they try to do it tOI1l0IT()\V'.)
> Will he usc his car next month'!
> Will he sing this song')
> Will we leave for England tomorrow')
> Will they corne to us next week?
> Will you buy me this coat')
> [ui! gou tu
bukarcst tiimornu]
- 13 -
Yes, they will.
Yes, I will.
Yes, she will.
Will she go to
Will they translate > [ll il J)/ei trEns leit
this letter? D/is leta
Will he write to you?
Will she cut the trees tomorrow?
Will you thank them for the book?
Will she wait for us?
Will your brother come to you next month?
Will they make a bookcase tomorrow?
Will you ask him this question?
Will she visit her brother next week?
Lmi vei cumpara aceasta haina?
Va canta el acest e:intee?
Ei vor lua eopiii in Anglia?
Vei luera maine?
VOl' Inecrca sa faca asta maine?
Next week they will come to us.
Mother will tell them about this boy.
Ne va arata cl camera lui?
He will use his father's car next month.
We will leave for England tomorrow.
They will translate
this letter.
Transformati urmatoarcle enunturi in propozitii interogative:
They will hang ten pictures in their
She will go to
Bucharest tomorrow.
intrebarile la timpu! Simple Future se jorrneazii prin inversarea ordinii verbului allxiliar will
$i a substantivullli sau a pronl,lmelui personal.
Acum ne vom intoarce la timpul Simple Future !ii vom invii{a cum se formeazii interogativul
$i raspllnsllrile corespunziitoare.
Formulati raspunsul negativ la urmatoarele intrebiiri:
Struetura negativii will not/won't 0 putem folosi in propozitii integri:

Dnde vor cina?
Cand vei veni?
Nu voi imbraca aceasta
Nu vor cumpara aceasta
Sora mea nu va preda in
> [noll hi: "il Ilot]
> [noll hi: lIounl ]
- Cine va face asta?
> [noLI ai lIi! Ilot I
> [noLI ai lIo11nl J
No, >hc \\ on"1 .
No, >she won"t .
No, >Ihey won'l .
No, >11C won't.
> Whcn wi II yOli go to work.'!
> Whal lime wi II you get UF lomorrow')
> Who wi II look fiJr the dog'!
>Whal car \vill you dri\c 10 London'!
> \Vherc will YlHI hallg thc tclephonc'!
No, he will not.
No, he won't.
No, they will not. > [noll n/ci lIi1 not]
No, they won't. > [noLI D/ei lIo11nt ]
No, I will not.
No, I won't.
Dnde vei agata telefonul?
Cfmd vei merge la lucru?
Cine va cauta ciiinele?
- 14-
La ce ora te vei scula maine?
When will you come? > [lien lI i1 ill: kam]
Who will do it? > Ihu: llil du: it]
Ce vei conduce la Londra?
Will he send this letter?
Will Peter show you the suit?
Will he use this chair?
Will they talk to you?
Will she tell me about this man?
Will your parents visit you tomorrow?
Will you pay for dinner?
Traduceti urmatoarele intrebari in limba engleza:
They won't buy this house. > lI\Hlllt hai f)/is
My sister won't teach in this> [mai sistii'" uOUll1 in
school. D/ ISS kU:I]
I won't put on this coat. > [ai lI 01l1l1 rUI Oil lY!is
kOUl J
Negatia se formeaza eu ajutorul negatiea no pronumelui personala, verbului auxi/iar will,
a euvdntului not. Construetia will not se poate preseurta astfel: won't>[u
I :
Propozitii/e interogative la care raspundem eu propozitii intregi :'ii nu Ilumai eu cuvintele
"sa" sau "nu" sunt propozitii interogative partiale. Acestea se formeazii ell ajlltorlll unui
pronume interogativ, inaintea verbului auxiliar:
flamand, infometat
numai, doar
- insetat
- sens concret, biologic
- sens figurat
- sens propriu
- sens figurat
- 15 -
> [hangri]
> [ounli]
> [taiil\J]
> [ilektrik[
imi este foame.
Sunt infometat dupa ...
Imi este sete.
Sunt insetat (de). Doresc
[ am hungry - eu semnificatia de:
Retineti expresiile urmatoare:
[ am thirsty - cu semnificatia de:
Exersati cuvinte dar in alta ordine:
only > [ounlil numai, doar
hungry > [hangri 1 flamand, infometat
electric > [ilektrik] electric
tired > [taiCI rd1 obosit
thirsty > [T'a:\ti] insetat
sweet >
[s u
Voi vorbi cu tine despre acest magazin. > We will tcll you about this shop.
Vei traduce aceasta scrisoare? > \Vill vou translate this Icttcr')
Unde ne vom opri? > Whcrc wII! \\C stop')
lata cateva cuvinte noi:
Cine te va > Who will wait for you')
Peste doua saptamani nu yom avea de lucru. > \'/c WOI1'( havc \\ork in two wceks.
Mama mea va merge maine la spital. > My mothcr will go to hospital tOl1lornw..
in urmator in limba engleza:
Nu voi fi niciodata dactilograra. > I will nc\cr bc a typist.
Este singurul meu frate.
Azi rna simt foarte bine.
Trebuie sa prind trenul
dimineata devrerne.
Vara incepe intotdeauna
in iunie.
Este singura planta in
aceasta camera.
Ai gustat deja
Ciind ai construit aceasta
- Frunzele cad de pe copaci.
> Have they electric took)
> I was very tired and ycsterday.
> Where did you huy thcse 'iwcct apples')
> I am thirsty.
> They have sent me only one letter.
- 16-
> [ai mast k [)/ a (rein
aJli in [)7
> [t[ldei ai fi:l veri glld]
> [hEv ill: o:lredi teistid
> [07
li:vI a:
from [/a tri:2]
> [uen did ill: hild [)I'is
> [its Ol'j ounli pla:nt In
Ol'is ru:m]
> [hi:z mai ounli bra0
When did you build this
Summer always begins in
Today I feel very good.
Have you already tasted the
Acum sa facem cu diteva verbe noi:
The leaves are falling from
the trees.
to taste > [tll teist] a gusta
to feel > [tll fi:l] - a simti, a atinge, a pipai
to begin > [tll bigin] a incepe, a se apuca de
to build > [tll bild] a c1adi, a construi
to catch > [tll - a prinde, a apuca, a
retine, a sc imbolnavi de
to fall > [tll 1'0:1] a cadea, a se
lata cum folosim aceste verbe in propozitii:
Intelesul expresiei "only" se schimba in cazul in care este precedat de un
articol hotariit. Semnificatia expresiei the only este: singurul, unicuI.
Articolul hotarit "the" poate fi inlocuit cu un pronume posesiv.
It's the only plant in this
De exemplu:
He is my only brother.
I must catch the train early
in the morning.
Au instrumente electrice?
leri am fost foarte obosit infometat.
Unde ai cumparat aceste mere dulci?
Mi-e sete.
In mod sigur v-ati deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza!
Mi-au trimis numai 0 scrisoare.
Cateva verbe noi sunt neregulate. Vom invata formele acestora:
The cat has just> caught a bird.
- How did you > feci when he told you
about It?
I > fell on the floor yesterday.
- They haven't> bUIlt this house yet.
When will you> hegln to read it?
> He has he \\ on't he a drl\ er.
> I \\ on't go hy an empty bus.
> rhls dinner \\ as dclICIUllS.
> ! Ie rassed me the salt
> Till'} \vill ne\el translate thiS hook
> ! ClII't hang rlcturc
> Yesterday \\ e heuan to hu dd a shed In
the garden.
> I'm nut hungl}
> \\ hen WIll you look for my dog')
> 1'111 not takIng l11y car today. I \\ til take
> ! \\ III go to thc shop and huy plates and

- 17-
Nu pot agata acest tablou.
El mi-a dat sarea.
Nu vor traduce niciodata aceasta carte.
Nu voi merge eu un autobuz gol.
EI a spus ca nu va fi
In continuare completati propozitiilc cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
Ai mancat vreodata oua?
Cate unghii are un caine?
Cand imi vei eauta cainele?
Cina aeeasta a fast delieioasa.
Spune-mi unde este fratele tau.
Ieri am inceput sa eladim un in
Azi nu iau mea. a voi lua pe a ei.
Voi merge la magazin voi cumpara
Jeri am cazut pe podea.
Nu mi-e foame.
Pisica tocmai a prins 0 pasare.
Ei nu au construit inca aceasta casa.
Iar acum yom recapitula intregul material al lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Cand vei incepe sa asta?
Forma a I-a Forma a II-a Forma a III-a
feel > [ti'lj felt
> [kit]
> [kit)
begin > [hlgin] began > [hlgEn]
> [hlgan]
catch > caught > rko:t] caught
build > !blld] built > [llIIl]
> [biltj
fall > [hi] fell > [fell fallen > : fo: In]
Cum te-ai simtit cand ti-a vorbit despre
- 18 -
> I will give you my watch.
> I dOIl't want to drink but I am thirsty.
La lectiei iata exercitiu de pronuntie. Repetati cuvintele:
Nu vreau sa beau, dar mi-c sete.
Iti voi da ccasul mcu.
[1I] [ci] [0: J [oil [ail
book taste pour boy fried
look plate floor boil bright
put late door why
good date sky
19 -
13.1. Pronumele posesiv
to you tomorrow.
a letter today.
verb principal +
fonna a-I-a (infinitiv)
- Aceasta cartc este a mea.
- Aceste ma$ini sunt ale ei.
al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele
al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale, alla/ai/ale
dumitale, dumneavoastra
a1 lui/sau, a lui/sa, ai lui/sai, ale lui/sale
a1 ci/sau, a ei/sa, ai ei/sai, ale ei/sale
lui, sale, ci (pentru obiecte, notiuni
abstracte, animale)
- al nostru, a noastra, ai nO$tri, ale noastre
- al vostru, a voastra, ai ale voastre
-- al/a/ai/ale lor
> [hiz]
> [haJz]
> [its]
> [auih]
> [io:rz]
> [Dzc/z]
Pronume + verbul auxiliar +
This book is mine.
These cars are hcrs.
3. La persoana I-a singular $i plural (,,1, we"), verbul auxiliar "will"
"shall" se pot folosi in cgala masura.Verbul auxiliar "will" se
folosqte insa mai des.
Complementele de timp stau la inceputul sau la propozi!iei.
Acele eomplemente de timp care in cazul altor timpuri se afla la
mijlocul propozitiei, la acest timp trec inaintea verbului principal.
2. Fom1area lui este simpla: verbului auxiliar "will" ii adaugam fonna I-a
a verbului principal, infinitivul.
Structura propozi!iei:
1. Pentru descricrea tuturor aqiunilor, evenimentelor obi$nuite sau unice
care se petrec in viitor folosim timpul Simple Futurc.
Sunt insa situatii in care pronumele posesiv apare singur, ca un pronume propriu
$i nu este urmat de substantiv. in acest caz se schimba $i fonna lui. $i se nume$te
pronume posesiv propnu:
mille > [main]
yours > [ioJzj
Pronumele posesiv sta de obicei inaintea substantivului:
This is my car. - Aceasta este ma$ina mea.
Our housc is large. Casa noastra este mare.
13.2. Timpul viitor simplu - Simple Future Tense
13.2.1. Acest timp se astfeI:
- 20-
2. Am nevoie de (necesitate sufleteasca)
Ei spun ca avem 0 casa frumoasa.
EI a spus diteva cuvinte despre acest
- Mi-a povestit despre carte.
Semnificatia propozitiei ,,1 am hungry":
2. Sunt insetat de. Doresc .. , (necesitate sufleteascii)
Raspunsul afirmativ se formeaza cu ajutorul cuvantului "yes", a pronumelui
personal, :;;i a verbului auxiliar "will".
Will they make a bookcase - Yes, they will.
Structura negativa "will not/won't" poate fi folosita ~ i in propozitii complete:
I won't put on this coat. - Nu voi imbraca aceasta haina.
(to tell about - "a povesti, a spune")
He told me about the book.
*tell - "a spune cuiva ceva":
I. Imi este foame. (necesitate fiziologica)
Raspunsul negativ se fonneaza cu ajutorul cuvantului "no", a pronumelui
personal, a verbului auxiliar "will" :;;i a cuvantului de negatie "not", Constructia
"will not" poate fi prescurtata "won't",
Interogativul la timpul Simple Future se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii
verbului auxiliar "will" :;;i a pronumelui personal sau a substantivului.
She will go to Bucharest - Will she go to Bucharest tomorrow?
He said a few words about this
*say - "a spune, a zice ceva":
Semnificatia propozitiei ,,1 am thirsty":
I. Imi este sete. (necesitate biologica)
Ambele verbe au e e ~ i semnificatie dar se folosesc in contexte diferite:
They say we have a nice house.
Semnificatia cuvantului "only" se schimbii in cazul in care este precedat de un
articol hotarat. "The only" are semnificatia de "singurul", "unicul". Articolul hotarat
.,the" poate fi inlocuit cu un pronume posesiv.
13.2.3. Raspunsurile
13.2.2. Intcrogativul
13.4. "Hungry" ~ i "thirsty"
13.5 "Only" ~ i "the only"
13.3. Verbele "say" ~ i "tell"
A. Traduceti propozitiile in limba romana:
I. I haven't caught your cat but theirs.
2. Why are you in a hurry?
3 Who will never build a school?
4. Where won't you go in March?
5. How many pictures has he hung on the wall in the bedroom?
6. I am very hungry.
B. Traduceti propozitiile In limba engleza:
1. Peste 0 saptamana voi merge in Anglia.
2. Miiine nu vom lucra deorecc trebuie sa cumparam ciiteva lucruri.
3. Poti sa-mi dai furculita aceea?
4. Nu Ie spune cine a Iacut asta.
5. Trebuie sa spunem ca noi nu am vazut asta.
6. Pot sa folosesc mai;)ina ta?
C. Corectati grei;)elile din propozitiile urmatoare:
I. I will be sleep tomorrow.
2. Have they already translate this letter?
3. This is my plate and that is your.
4. She has already leaved for London.
5. He can't fell in the street.
6. Mary is my the only sister.
- 21 -
Sa incepem lectia, ca de obicei, cu invatarea cuvintelor noi. Cititi-le
cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
> [pIEtfoJm]
peron, rampa
glass > [gla:s]
sticla, pahar
> [Eksidallt]
ashtray >
> [hEma
vegetables > [vedjitablz]
key > [ki:]
story > [sto:ri]
povcste, povestire
meat > [mi:t]
news > [niu:z]
noutati, vqti
> [lI ud]
padure, !emn
Repetati cuvintc, dar intr-o alta ordine:
vegetables > [vedj itiib lz1
accident > [Eksidallt]
news > [niu:z]
key > [ki:]
> [pi Etfo:rm]
- peron, rampa
hammer > [h Ema
story > [sto:ri]
- poveste, povestire
meat > [mi:t]
ashtray >
> [lI ud]
padurc. lemn
glass >Igla:s] sticla, pahar

- 23-
"There was an accident in the shed."
Nu avem acasa scrumiera.
Sunt multe paduri in Ang-
Este 0 multime de stieHi
pe podea.
Au folosit lemn bun
pentru confeqionarea
Vrei doar legume la cina?
Cine ti-a spus aceasta
EI a baut un pahar cu apa.
Maine vei manca carne?
A fost un accident in
Ai auzit noutatile?
Erau multi oameni pe pe-
Nu uita sa iei cheile!
Adu-mi ciocanul acela
> a
I11cni lI udr III
> Idu ill: lI ont ollllii
r r
ved.iit[lblz 1'0: diner ]
> [lI i : dounl hEv FI
> [0/ci iU:l:d gild llud IU
meik DEC!
> [f/<"[/ iz [I lot 0\ glas
/ r
on 0 a no: j
I t' II r .
> lDea a: melll pi:[1i on
[I [11 Ett'o:rlll ]
Do you want only
vegetables for dinner?
There are many woods in
They used good wood to
make the chairs.
We don't have ashtrays at
Who has told you this story? > [hu: hEI tould iu: [)/is
There is a lot of glass on
the floor.
There was an accident in the> [l/e,'{ lin/' an Eksidant
street. in [/;1 st ri:! J
Will you eat meat tomorrow? > Illi] iu: i:t Il1I'l l[llllorllll]
He drank a glass of water. > [hi: [\ glas ll\
li II: t[l r]
Have you heard the news?
There were many people on
the platform.
lata cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii :
Bring me that big hammer. > Ibrin
) mi: D/EI big
Don't forget to take the keys. > [doun! forget tu leik 0
- 24-
Va mai amintiti cuvintele noi? Daca da, atunci folositi-le in urmatoarele propozitii:
Ea are 0 casa a ei proprie.
Folosesc uneltele mele
El are camera lui proprie.
Am 0 gradina a mea
Give him one > of milk.
The> lumll1Cl fell on the floor.
It will be a long> S\OJ .
Have you> III \\" about the> "celdcnl ?
I have put the> kcy on the table.
Take a little> 111C"t .
[ want to live next to a> \\ (hld.
The train leaves from > 111 two.
> are cheap in the summer.
Can you pass me the > av?
> I J <'\ C
\ II 1I : 0 1I:
l \\ q '> I tl\ " \ l III .1 hookedSl' 0 t
()I\ 11 )
> \1\ blOlhcl hll ... 1,
\1, bn'lhcl has ,1 Ih)lll ,)1
'''\ I
!1l '"
0\\ Ii
> :"1
111' 0\\ 11 dug > \ Iud ,: dog oj 111\ (1\\ 1,
She has a house of her own. > [S! hLI C1 Il<lllS 0\ h:t
Cele doua strueturi se pot inloeui reeiproe.
sticIa > I peron >
accident > accldcllt cheie > Kn
ciocan > h,,111 111 cr
povestire > t 01 ;- padure > \\ ood
lemn > \\
> IlC\\ "
scrumiera > ,I "IHI d) poveste > slon
legume > \ cgcLlblcs noutati > Ile\\ s
Ai biblioteca personala?
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind cele doua expresii ale cuvantului "own":
Fratele meu are hotelul lui
Am avut diinele meu
Urmari{i utilizarea euvantului own [(lllll]. Poale sta atat inaintea substantivului, eal in
urma lUI, dar in aeest eaz se leaga de el prin prepozitia of. De exemplu:
In exercitiul urmator dati corespondentul englezesc al cuvintelor
1 use my own tools. > [,'I III / Il1dl (lUll ttl III
He has his own room. > [Ill hlz oun ru 1111
1 have a garden of my own. > [,II hb :1 ga:1dll 0\ 1ll,1I
Da-i un pahar de lapte!
Ciocanul a cazut pe podea.
Va fi 0 poveste lunga.
Ai despre accident?
Am pus cheile pe masa.
la putina came!
Vreau sa locuiesc langa 0 padure.
Trenul de pe peronul doi.
Vara legumele sunt ieftine.
Poti sa-mi dai scrumiera?
Cateva dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. Invatati formele acestora:
Sa exersam folosirea verbelor in propozitii. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare fiti atenti la
pronuntia corecta:
forma a-I-a forma a-II-a forma a-lII-a
> [scI]
> [sould]
> [sould]
> [faind]
> [faund]
> [faund]
hurt > [ha:rt] hurt
> lha:!t]
> [ha:!t]
Ti-ai curatat deja camera?
Ai stins ieri lampa?
Iti vei vinde casa?
Ei au vandut azi

M-a ajutat sa scriu
aceasta scrisoare
sapUimana trecuta.
j va curata pantofii
Unde ai gasit biletele?
te rog, prajitorul
de paine.
a aprinde (lumina)
a stinge (lumina)
II doare bratul.
a curiita
a ajuta
a vinde
- a gasi
a rani, a j igni, a durea
- 25-
> fUjI iu: sci io:'" haw;]
. I r
> [hlz a: m h{l: IS]
> helpt mi: Iu rait D/is
la:sl lI i:k]
> [Ia:st nait ai h[j:'"t mai ni:] - Noaptea treeuta mam
ranit la genunchi.
> [O/ci hEv sou1d SC\11
ka:'"z ([Idci]
> [hEv iu: kli:nd 10: ru:m
> [liCar did ill: faind D/[j
> [Ill help]
> [Ill sel]
> rIll kli:n]
> [IU faind]
> [Ill ha: I]
ll 'J
> [tll S on
lI. tl
> [III s 0
His arm hurts.
Last night I hurt my knee.
He wI'11 clean hl's OWll shoes. > [hI'. lIl'l kl' I' J
I:n lIZ oun ;;;U:Z
Have you cleaned your
room yet?
Did you switch off the lamp > [did iu: of l/a
yesterday? tEmp icsU/lki]
Will you sell your house?
Where did you find the
They have sold seven cars
. h hi>[ lI. 7 r
Wltc on t e toaster, pease. s on 0 a tOUSt[1
to switch off
to hurt
She helped me to write this
letter last week.
to switch on
to find
to clean
to help
to sell
lata ciHeva verbe noi:
- 26-
Exersati cuvinte intr-o alta ordine:
He has just> hurt his wrist.
Have you > many books?
Yesterday I > fOUlld this hammer.
Mary is just> S\\ Itchll1g nil the radio.
We must> elean the house by Friday.
> Sv" Itch oft the TV set.
a vinde >lO scll > sold >
a rani >tn hurt > hurt > hUI t
a curata >ro clean > cJcdllUl > clcdlled
a aprinde (lumina) > to on > S\\ ItLhcd on > S\\ I tehed Oil
a gasi >to fIlld > fUllild > fdUI1d
a ajuta > to help > helped > hel]1cd
a stinge (lumina) > tl)
'\\Itch oC! > S\\ Itchcd nrl > Itched off
old > [ould I in varsta, vechi, batran
new > [Il/U I nou
> IC\l 11 1n " J tot, toate
everybody > [('vllbodll fiecare, toti, toata lumea
clean > [kl i. n] curat, neted
nobody > InoubodJ I nimeni
nothing >
" (,,)
nimic [naT In " ]
American > [ClmcIIUn] american
everybody > [c\nbodl] fiecare, toti, toata lumea
clean > [kiIn] curat, neted
American > [:lllH.'llkJllJ american
nothing >
s (,)
nimic Illaf Ill" 1
nobody > [lloubociIJ nimeni
new > [Il/ul nou
,S (l!)
> [c\rIl In" tot, toate
old > [ouldj in varsta, vechi, batran
Va amintiti desigur cele trei fonne ale verbelor noi. Traduceti unnatoarele verbe in limba
engleza, cele trei forme ale verbelor:
Acum unneaza ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare tJti atenti la pronuntia corecta:
1 tocmai ranit incheietura mainii.
Ai vandut multe carti?
Ieri am gasit acest ciocan.
Maria tocmai deschide radioul.
Trebuie sa curatam casa pana vineri.
Inchide televizorul!
In exercitiul unnator completati propozitiile cu fonna corespunzatoare a verbului:
Sora ei i-a ajutat des. Her sister often> helr,xi them.
- 27-
Traduceti in limba engleza propozitiile de mai jos:
in exercitiul urmiitor eompletati propozitiile eu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Ea este 0 americanca.
EI a uitat totu\.
Geamurile sunt curate?
Nu era nimeni in camera.
Am cumparat un costum
Aceasta este 0 revista
Toata lumea 0
- Nu este nimic in
Nu am vazut pe nimeni in strada.
Pana acum el nu a facut nimic.
> New books are expensive.
I can do > nothing for you.
Who is this> old man?
I will tell> c\crybody about it.
> !:vcrythint! is ready.
I will help> nobody.
These plates are not> clean.
> Amcrican cars are expensive.
> [O/e/ lI oz noubodi in
D/a nun]
> [ai hb ho:t {I niu: su:t]
> hi: iz an {lIl1crikrll1!
> lc\'ribodi nou/' hfi: ]
> [Olear iz naT'in(gl in
r 0
- 1I. d L I' J
> a: a 111 OUI t\. I:n
> [Ozis iz an ould
He has forgotten everything. > [hi: hEz forgotn
Cartile noi sunt scumpe.
Nu pot face nimic pentru tine.
Cine este acest om batran?
Voi spune asta la toata lumea.
Totul este gata.
Nu voi ajuta pe nimeni.
Aceste farfurii nu sunt curate.
americane sunt seumpe.
I saw nobody in the street.
So far he has done nothing.
Are the windows clean?
There was nobody in the
Nu pot vorbi cu nimeni. > I can talk to nobody.
Iti plac cantecele americane? > Do you like Amcrican songs"
Tocmai am cumparat 0 noua. > I havc just bought a Ih:W car.
Toata lumea vrea sa lucreze in aceasta > Everybody wants tu work in this :>chool.
Trebuie sa vand aceste tablouri vechi. > I must sell these old pictures.
Camera este curata acum. > The mum is clean Il(m.
Nimic nu este > "othlng is casy
Iti voi da totul. > I \\ill gl\<:' vou ,,;vc'lything.
I have bought a new suit.
Legat de complementul circumstantial never, am inviitat deja cii in limba englezii. nu existii
negafie dublii. Aceastii regulii este valabita pentru cuvintele nobody, nothing, de exemplu:
She is an American.
Everybody knows her.
This is an old magazine.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii:
There is nothing in the
yesterday at five.
their room all day
Soarele stralulcea in timp
ce ne plimbam.
Noi ascultam radioul in
timp ce tatal nostru citea
verb principal +
- 28-
LI ( ,,)
> I D a sal1 oz ,;>:1111111 e-
LI LI r II (g)
ail I. d. () kll1 ]
> Illi. L1
J lisnm(g) tu D/a
rciulOu llail aUJ
fa: r/:l
ri:dll1(g) :1
verb auxiliar +
Retineti ca pronumele everybody ("fiecare, toti, toata lumea") se afla
intotdeauna la persoana a-HI-a singular.
We were listening to the
radio, while our father was
reading a newspaper.
The sun was shining while
we were walking.
Conjunctia while [lIad] - pe cfmd, in timp ce, se folose?te des eu timpul Past Continuous,
exprimii simultanii a doua actiuni.
La construirea propozitiei folosim pronumele personal sau substantlvul, forma
corespunziitoare de trecut a verbului to be (was/were) verbul principal cu sufixul -ing.
in lectiile anterioare amfacut deja Cll tlmpul Present Continuous, pe care-l tolosim
pentru exprimarea actiunitor care se in momentul vorbirii. Dacii vrem sii descriem
o actiune din trecut, care s-a la moment dat sau intr-o anumitii perioada. atunci
folosim timpul Past Continuous Tense [pa 'st kontil1luas tCl1s]. Perioda se indicii printr-un
complement de timp, sau cu ajutorul unei propozitli la timpul trecut simplu. dar poale
din context.
rar acum sa exersam timpul trecutul cantinuu. Traduceti in limba engleza propozitiile
Riispunsurile afirmative se formeaza eu ajl/toru! cuvantu!ui yes, a pronumelui personal $i a
verbului auxiliar. La formu!area nega/iei folosim cuvantul no, pronumele personal, verbul
auxiliar was/were $i cuvantu! de nega(ie not (jorma prescurtata: wasn't, weren't).
No, he was not.
No, he wasn't.
No, they were not.
No, they weren't.
M-au de la unu la
Vantul a suflat ieri toata
In urma cu doua zile fiul
sau lucra la
- Cinam dnd a venit John.
1 ea bere dnd l-ai vazut?
Unde mergea cand am venit eu?
- Te plimbai in parc ieri la trei?
> \1 fl\l' \,',kllL" I 1\'\', \1 lltlng d k'ttL'r
> fhl .Iii d,l) )CSICltIJ),
> \\'!lIk I I 11\ chlldrcn \ICIT
> \\ il'!l- I ".Is ,1",\ Ill)! i1;,.. ,dr I S\I\\ 111\
1:1 111,_' "llc:t
> \\ l1c:n I L',I! Iii' It 1-II'Jlng,
> I \\:h Il'(,klnL Illi \!'I' !w'lk In'l11 11\ l' {(1
Yes, he was.
Yes, they were.
- 29-
>[,\1 lim hE\ in(g) dina'
lI cn <lInn kClmJ
/ II 1I (" I
> I]) i\ 111<.1 oz blollll1 "
u:l (kl Ibt:l' dCI]
>1111/ 11(l/ lIi\,l
!lig) 1-'1
tll: dcu [1t!f)1I]
/ lI_ r II ,,(12,) r
> II) CI a, l'ltll1 I'll:
1111: from [\lln III T'n: I
Were they doing it all day yesterday?
Was he driving home at six yesterday?
leri la ora cinci am scris 0 scrisoare.
Soarele a stralucit ieri toata ziua.
in timp ce am Iaceam curat copiii mei
stateau in griidina.
In timp ce conduceam am vazut-o
pe sora mea pe strada.
Ploua dnd m-am trezit.
Am cautat aceasta carte de la cinci la
Alte exemple pentru utilizarea timpului Past Continuous:
Were you walking in the park at three
Was he drinking beer when you saw him?
Where was he going when I came?
His son was working at six
two days ago.
The wind was blowing all
day yesterday.
They were waiting for me
from one to three,
lnterogativul la timpu! Past Continuous se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii subieetului $i a
verbului auxiliar. in cazul intrebarilor complexe. inaintea verbului auxiliar se pune un pronume
I was having dinner when
John came.
Nu uitati ca, in casul folosirii sufixului -ing, precum $i a verbelor care nu au forma continua,
sunt valabile regulile invatate la timpul Present Continuous,
Timpul Past Continuous se folose$te $i atunci eand vrem sa exprimam ea in timpul
unei ac/iuni a inceput 0 alta ac/iune. Aceasta ac/iune din lfrma se exprima prin timpul Simple
Acum tradueeti urmiHoarele propozilii in limba engleza:
Ei nu curalau easa lunea
treeuta la
Ea nu scria cand am venit
in camera.
> Help me to find the keys.
> We \\ III listen to the ne\\'" at cight
> Yesterday llJl1ll1l1lg only ten people wcrc
> Will you buy me thiS watch'?
> What time \I,h thiS aCCident"
> I \Iant til h,1\C ,111 clectnc car
> floll :ue yOll feeling today'?
> Yesterday e\elllllg the) I\Cle stlil
buildlllg the house
> Whdt \\ere yOU dOlllg thiS time
> Whell 1 am tlfed I ah\ a) s go fiJr a short
\\ alk.
> Peter IS the ollly man III OUI lamliy
> I'm 110t hUllgl) but \Ci\ t!lust\
> I \\ as lookmg for the keys all day
> My mother lIas cookmg the dinnel \Ihen
I el1tered the house.
> We \1 el e c1eanll1g the room 1\ hlie father
\\,lS \\orklllg 111 the garden
> Vv here \\ ere you gOlllg at I1me yesterday?
> At five the tialll \\as Iem IIlg hom pldt-
form three.
> \\ hell I was ill Bucharest It \\ dS snowing
all the tnne
- 30 -
> [D/el Ua.f
kJi nln(g)
D/a hallS Et se\ n
U (l.!) U
> oznt rallm en al
kelm intll D"a rll.m]
Imi vei cumpara acest ceas?
La opt vom asculta
Ma doare spatele.
Petre este singurul barbat din familia
Vreau sa am 0 electnca.
Ajuta-ma sa gasesc cheile.
Ieri dimineata lucrau doar zece oameni.
Cand a fost acest aCCident?
Unde te-ai dus ieri la noua?
Mama mea gatea clna cand am intrat in
Noi curatam camera in timp ce tata lucra in
Nu mi-e foame, insa ml-e foarte sete
Cum te simti azi?
Cand am fost la Bucurqti, a nins tot timpul.
Cand sunt oboslt merg intotdeauna la 0
plimbare scurta.
len seara inca mal construiau casa.
Trenul a plecat la clnci de pc peronul trei.
Ce Iaceai leri la aceasta ora?
She wasn't writing when I
came into the room.
Toata ziua am cautati eri cheile.
Structura negativa se folose$te 'Ii in propozi{ii intregi'
They weren't cleaning the
house at seven last Monday.
- 31 -
lata exercitiul pentru exersarea pronuntiei in limba engleza! Repeta!i cuvintcle:
] [i:] [ou} 1
hurt clean toaster find
bird been go smile
work green know kind
church seen own I
> Hc told me the story of his life.
> What were you duing when I sa\\ vou in
the window')
> Nobody wants to lalk with ynu.
> We have already suld a hundred glasses.
> I have already said everything.
> I have nUlhint'.
> Wc were walking in the wood all day
> At which platform is Ullr train')
> Do you like .'\Il1Crlcan cal's')
> We will go to the shop and buy
Am spus deja totuI.
Am vfmdut deja 0 suta de pahare.
Pe care peron este trenul nostru?
hi plac americane?
Nimeni nu vrea sa vorbeascii cu tine.
Nu am nimic.
Toata ziua nc-am plimbat ieri in padure.
Mi-a spus povestea vietii lui.
Ce Iaceai cand te-am viizut in geam?
Vom merge la magazin yom cumpara
Cititi cu atentie dialogul unniHor. Repetati acest exercitlU pfma va convingeti de faptul ca
v-ati pe deplin pronuntia intonatia. Cuvintele si labele accentuate sunt tiparite cu
Do you have eggs for breakfast?
I usually don't have eggs for breakfast.
What do you want for breakfast then?
I want toasts and butter.
Do you like salt on your toast?
No, thank you. Salt makes me thirsty and it is not good for me.
Your toast will be ready in a minute. I use my electric toaster.
Put the napkins near the plates.
Yes, I do it that way. But don't eat III a hurry. It's not good.
I bought an old car last week.
Why did you buy an old car?
Because I didn't have much money, and I have never had a car of my own.
- 32-
John, what have you done all day today?
I have been at work today and now I am thirsty.
Why? Haven't you drunk all day today?
Yes, I have, but I am always thirsty after a long day of work.
What do you want to drink.
I want to have a glass of beer.
Do you want your beer in a tall glass?
Yes, please. I like tall glasses.
And then do you want to listen to the radio?
No. This evening I want to go to the cinema together with you.
I heard sad news yesterday.
What was it about?
It was about a man who left his wife and children and went to America.
What did he do in America?
There he began to build a house but he didn't have money.
And what was the sad news?
He hurt his fingers when he used a hammer.
I saw an accident yesterday.
Was it in Station Street?
Yes, it was. I was buying vegetables when I saw it.
How many people were hurt?
Ten people hurt their arms and legs. The doctors took these people to the
Jar acum sa exersam materialul invatat in cele doua lectii. Traduceti propozitiile in limba
Trebuie sa cumparam farfurii farfurioare
Vei manca oua paine prajita la micul
Ai curatat deja gratarul pentru prajit paine?
Tatal tau are mai multi bani decat al meu.
Camea prajita este adesea unsuroasa.
Nu face asta in graba.
Ei nu ne vor ajuta.
Vei vorbi surorii tale despre acest om?
Parintii mei tocmai pleaca la Londra.
Maine nu voi traduce multe scrisori.
Poti sa-mi tomi 0 de cafea?
Miercurea trecuta au agatat toata ziua
tablouri in dormitor.
Vrei sa spui ca nu ai citit aceasta carte?
Unde pot gasi acest gratar pentru prajit
Unicul lor copil tocmai a plecat in Anglia.
Aceasta paine prajita este a ta?
Ma grabesc deoarece la cinci trebuie sa fiu
Yom face totdeauna mobila buna.
Cand cautam ciocanul am gasit aceasta
scrisoare veche.
Nu-mi vorbi despre acest om.
Unde vei duce copiii anul viitor?
Ieri la noua au plecat in Anglia.
Spune ca nu obosit.
Nimeni nu mi-a spus despre asta.
> We Illust buv new plates and sauccrs.
> Will you cal eggs and fiJr
> Ila\'c: vou ckanecl the toaster yet"
> Your 1:lther has more money than mine,
> Fried meat is oneil faL
> DOll't do it in a hurry,
> They WOll't help we.
> Will you tell your sister about this mall"
> My parents have just left for London,
> I won'! translate many Idters tomorrow,
> Can you pour mc a cup of eofte"
> Last WedJ1l'sday the'y were hanging
pictures in the bedroom all day,
> Do you want to VOLI hal Cl1,t read
this hook')
> \Vhcrc call I find this toaster')
> Their only child has just Idt for England,
> Is this toast yours')
> I alll in a hurry bccluse 1 must be at
hl)l11l' at !I\ e,
> Wl' \\ ill make good furniture,
> When I was look ing for the hammer I
found this old letter.
> Don't tell me about this man.
> Where will you tilke the c:hildren Ilex\
> at 11 i111' th,'\ II ell' leal ill,!! f()r
- 33 -
- 34-
14.4.2. Structura propozitiei:
El are camera proprie.
Am 0 griidina proprie. (Am gradiuamea.)
Ea are 0 casa proprie.
Nu am vazut pe nimeni in starda.
Pana acum e1 nu a Iacut nimic.
- Toata lumea vrea putin ceai.
Pronume + verb auxiliar + verb principal + ...
personal + -ing
I was walking yesterday at five.
They were cleaning theIr rooms all day
Everybody wants some tea.
Ce1e doua expresii se pot inlocui reciproc.
14.4.4. De asemenea timpul Past Continuous se atunci dnd 0 actiune din
trecut a fost intrerupta de 0 alta actiune. (Aceasta ultima actiune este 1a timpu1
Simple Past).
I was having dinner when John - Cinam dnd a venit John.
Acest timp se pentru descrierea actiunilor care s-au intr-un
anumit moment sau intr-o anumita perioada din trecut.
14.4.3. Conjunetia "while" [lIaI! J- "pe cand, in timp ce" se des cu timpu1
Past Continuous exprima faptul ca doua actiuni se in timp:
We were listening to the radio Noi ascultam radioul in timp ce tatal
while our father was reading a nostru citea ziarul.
He has his own room.
I have a garden of my own.
She has a house of her own.
Cuvfmtu1 "own" !, 'lIll; poate figura in doua expresii. Sta inainte sau dupa un
substantiv, impreuna cu pronumele posesiv. Dacii sta dupa substantiv, atunci se
leaga de acesta cu prepozitia "of'. De exemp1u:
I use my own tools. Fo1osesc propriile instrumente.
1 saw nobody in the street.
So far he has done nothing.
14.4.1. Utilizarea timpu1ui:
14.4. Timpu1 trecut continuu - The Past Continuous Tense
14.2. Alaturi de pronume1e "nobody" "nothing" nu se alta negatie. In limba
engleza nu exista negatie dubla.
14.3. Pronumele "everybody" ("fiecare, toti, toata lumea") se afla intotdeauna la persoana
a III-a singular.
14.1. "My own/of my own"
- 35-
14.4.5. Propozitii interogative raspunsurile la acestea.
Were they doing it all day yesterday?
- Yes they were. - No, they weren't.
- No, he wasn't.
Was he driving home at six yesterday?
- Yes, he was.
2. Raspunsurile afinnative se fonneaza cu ajutorul cuvantului "yes", al pronumelui
personal a verbului auxiliar "was/were". La formularea raspunsului negativ
folosim cuvantul de negatie "no", pronumele personal, verbul auxiliar
"was/were" cuvantul "not". ("was/were not" se poate prescurta astfel "wasn't"
3. Structura negativa 0 putem folosi in propozitii complete:
They weren't cleaning the house Ei nu au curatat casa lunea trecuta la
at seven last Monday.
1. Propozitiile interogative la timpul Past Continuous se fonneaza prin inversarea
ordinii subiectului a verbului auxiliar. In cazul 'intrebarilor eomplexe 'inaintea
verbului auxiliar se un pronume interogativ.
Were you walking in the park at Te plimbati in pare ieri la trei?
three yesterday?
Where was he going when I came? - Unde mergea dnd am venit eu?
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
My train is at platform seven.
2. It will be a house of my own.
3. I will tell nobody about this accident.
4. While they were buying vegetables Peter was looking for the keys.
5. Will you help me to clean the house?
6. He has just found his old purse.
B. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
1. Cand taiam paine mi-am taiat degetul.
2. Nu voi merge la
3. Pentru el nimic nu este greu.
4. Aici totul este al tau.
5. In timp ce 0 ajutam sa traduca aceasta scrisoare copiii mei se plimbau in gradina.
6. Vreau sa am un apartament al meu.
C. Corectati din propozitiile de mai jos:
I. She willn't visit her old mother today.
2. I didn't see nobody in the square.
3. They want to have a big house of my own.
4. I looked for my book all day yesterday.
5. Have you already selled that new watch?
6. I will give you every thing.
- 36-
forma I-a
begin > [bigin]
build >[bild]
catch > [kEt';;]
fall > [to:11
feel > [11:1]
find > [faindJ
> [hEn
> [ha:"]
leave > [Ii:v]
sell > [sci]
tell > [tel]
forma a II-a
began > [bigEn]
built > [bilt]
caught > [ko:t]
fell > [fell
felt > Ifelt]
found > [faund]
> [han =,]
hurt > [ha:'t]
left > [lcrt]
sold > [sollld]
told > [touJd]
- 37 -
forma a -III-a
begun > fbigan]
built > [bilt]
caught > [ko:tJ
fallen > [fo:lnj
felt > [felt]
found > [t:lUnd I
> [han ]
hurt > [ha:'t]
left > [lcrt]
sold > [s(\LildJ
told > [tould]
accident > [Ebidiint] accldcnt
American > [amCl lkim] amencan
brat arm > [a. 111]
ashtray > scrumiera
back > [bH] spate, spmare
to begin > [tu hlginl d incepe, a sc apuca de
belly > !bc I! I burta, stomac
to boil > [tu boil] a fierbe, a clocotl
to build >
[tu bJld]
a cladl, a construi
to catch > itu Hh] a prinde, a apuca
chest > plept
clean > [k II :n]
curat ingrIJ it
to clean > [tu kll n]
a curata
delicious > [ delIcios, say uros
.> [eg: I au
egg-cup > leg: kap] pahar pentru oua
elba\'.. > [c1 bou I cot
electric > !llektllk! electne
empty > iem})t!i gal, neoeupat, hbel
everybody > I c'vllbdllI; fiecare, toti. toata 1umea
s (
tot toate(Jucrurile) > [C\ rlT III "" ]
to fall > Itu 1'0'1] a C{idea, a
fat > I1'r t] gras, unsuros
to feel > [tu fl:l] a sllnti
to find > [tu fallld] a gasi
finger > [fing/j deoet
'> [fa \1 furclilita
fried > [frald] prajjt, fhpt
glass > [gla's] stlela, pahar
hammer >
to hang > [IU
h Fn(g)J
a atama, a 19a1a
to help >
[tu help j a
his > [ill/ j al IUI;s{lU: 1111 sa; aI
ale lUI sale
'> Ihill/
al a elisa: dJ el'sal:
ale eiisdle
hungry > [hangn I flamfl11d. infometat
in a hurry > lin il han I in grabiL la repezeala
- 38 -
to be 111 a hurry >
Itu bl: 111 a hanl
a se grabl, a-I da zor
to hurt I tll
a rani, a lovi, a jigni > !la. t]
its > [its] lui, sal.::, ei (pentru
obieete, notiuni abstracte,
[kl: J
knee > [ni: I genunchi
to leave > 111I 11 \ I
a parasi, a pleca, a pleca
la ..
to leave for >
I] \ lu.
] a lasa (ceva pentru). a se
mula de 13 ., .Ia. a
schimba ... eu
meat >
[ml Ii
mIne >
al meu, a mea, al mei, ale
nail >
napkin >
new >
news >
noutate, veste sau
noutati, vqti
nobody >
[1l11llh,di I
nothing >
' (u)
[naT In " I
old >
[ould] in viirsta, e), batriin
only > [OUIl!] ] numai, doar
the only > [P/IOlll1lt] singuruL unieul
ours > : I L] al nostru, a noastra, ai
ale noastre
own > [tHIIl] propriu. personal
to pass > Ilu p,LS I a pasa. a da
plate > [plcit] farfurie
peron, rampa >
IplElro: III I
a tuma, a varsa to pour [tu pll. I
salt > 1st): 11 j sarc (de bU;::iHarie)
salt-cellar >
It solnila
saucer > I j farfurioara, suport pcntru
to sell >
[tll scI]
a \ inde. a desface
shall >
verb auxJlwr pentru
fonnarea viitorului la
1-,] singular
shoulders >
hOllld:! I I
spoon >
I,pu n I
- 39
story > rI] povestire, relatare
sweet > I 1I, II
to switch on
on] a aprinde (lumina), a pune > [tu " Ib
in (functione un aparat
to switch off
a stinge (lumina), a scoate > IlU s on
din (functione un aparat
to taste > Itu tClstl a gusta
to tell > [tu tcl] a spune
theirs > [D/dz] alia/ai/ale lor
thirsty > [Tsa \tl] insetat
tired > [taliI1d] obosit, ostenit
toast > [toust] paine prajita

toaster > [tollstar] gratar pentru prajit piiinea
toe > [tOll] deget de la picior
to translate > [t II trr nslelt 1 a traduce
to use > [t II III /1 a folosi, a utiliza, a
vegetables > [\ Cdjlt{lb,/]
<III i pe ciind, in timp ce >
wood >
padure, codru, lemn
will >
verb auxiliar pentru
forrnarea viitorului
wrist > IrIst] incheietura mainii
ceas de mii::la > [rIst
al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale,

yours > [10' z]
alia/ai/ale dumitale sau
dumneavoastra, al vostru,
a voastra, ai ale
- 40-
1. Folosirea sufixului -ing:
a. Se elimina -e-ul mut de la cuvantului:
come - coming
b. Verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba dubleaza consoana finala:
stop - stopping
Aceasta regula este valabila in cazul verbelor formate din mai multe silabe, daca
ultima silaba este accentuata consoana finala este precedata de 0 vocala:
forget - forgetting
2. Adaugarea sufixelor -s es la substantive la verbe:
a. SubstantiveIe sau verbele care se termina in -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -0 primesc terminatia -es:
watch - watches
teach - teaches
go - goes
b. Litera -y in pozitie final a, precedata de 0 vocala, se transforma in -i, iar apoi se adauga
terminatia -es:
city - cities
try - tries
Sa incepem lectia cu cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu atentie:
fruit > [fru:t] - fruct
grape > [greip] - strugure
grass > [gra:s] - iarba
bill > [bil] - bancnota, factura,
nota de plata
another > l anaD'a
] - altul, alta
library > [Iaibrari] - biblioteca
colour > [kala
] - culoare
break > [breik] - pauza
food > [fu:d] - mancare
orange > [orindj] - portocala
pear > [peil
] - para
neighbour > [neibarJ - vecin
change > [tseindj] - schimbare, schimb
valutar, (bani)
marunt (marunti)
- biblioteca
- fruct
- culoare
- altul, alta
- mancare, hrana
- iarba
- schimbare, schimb
valutar, (bani)
marunt (marunti)
- pauza
- para
- bancnota, factura,
nota de plata
- portocala
- veCln
- strugure
" "
> [bil]
Repetati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
library > [laibrari]
colour > [kala']
fruit > [fj'u:t]
neighbour > [neiba
> [pear]
grape > [grcip]
orange > [orindj]
break > [breik]
grass > [gra:s]
food > [fu:d]
> il']
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu atentie:
- Vremea se schimba.
- Noi cumparam zilnic mancare.
- Acum trebuie sa piatim factura.
- Gusta una din aceste portocale.
- Pana acum am avut 0
singura pauza.
- Trebuie sa cumpar un alt costum.
- Strugurii sunt
- I-ai vazut deja pe noii uli
- Ia cartea aceasta de la
- Ce c'uloare aveau ochii ei?
- De unde pot sa cumpar pere?
- Ei mananca multe fructe.
> [IYI.Z grelps a:'
> [IYel I.t a lot a\ fnl'l]
> [at mast bal ,lI1aIYa' su:t]
> ["ea' kh1 at bal pca'z]
> I ",m av [Yl'Z onndjlz]
> ["I: bai fll'd rvn dC/]
> [kik IYlS buk from
IYa lalbran]
> ["I.\ hEd aunli "an brelk
sau fa:']
> [hEv Ill: sl:n 10:' nlll:
nC/ba'z ICt]
> [nau "I: mast PCI D/a btl]
> [IYca' iz gra:s in alia' ga:'dn] - In gradina noastra este iarba.
> ["ot kala' "a:' ha:' ,liZ]
I must buy another suit.
Have you seen your new
neighbours yet?
What colour were her eyes?
We've had only one break
so far.
Where can I buy pears?
The weather is changing.
We buy food every day.
These grapes are delicious.
They eat a lot of fruit.
Now we must pay the bill.
Taste one of these oranges.
There is grass in our garden.
Take thIs book from
the library.
the nicest
> l [Y.I nalsastj
- cel mai amabil
- We had nice> neighbours then.
- I forgot to buy> food yesterday.
- I don't like these> changes.
- Are> Of anges expensive?
- Do you have>bIlls to pay?
- We have sold all the> fruits.
- There are apples and> pears on the table
- This> break is too long.
- Do you know where this> library is?
- Do you want to buy only> grapes?
- > GI ass is yellow in the autumn.
- What> colour are her eyes?
- Give me > another book.
> [llal\.1 j
- mai amabil
- amabil
> [n<ll>]
Pe atunci aveam vecini amabili.
Sunt scumpe portocalele?
Completati propozitlile in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
Ai facturi de platit?
Am vandut toate fructele.
Ieri am uitat sa cumpar mancare.
Pe masa sunt mere pere.
Nu-mi plac aceste schimbari.
Aceasta pauza este prea lunga.
unde este aceasta biblioteca?
Vrei sa cumperi doar struguri?
Da-mi alta carte.
Ce culoare au ochii ei?
Toamna iarba este galbena.
Sa vedem in ce masura v-ati cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
biblioteca > Ilbl<IIY
iarba >
pauza > hlcJk
fruct >
mfmcare >
altul, alta > anothcr
vecm > nClghhour

. ',.
culoare > colour
schimbare > changc
" .:
para > pcar
portocala > OJ <lngc
chitanta > hill
strugure > grJpc
1. Adjective/e adverbe/e formate dintr-o singurd silabd primesc sujixu/ -er /a comparativ,
respectiv -est /a super/ativ:
Partea de gramaticd a acestei /ectii se referd /a grade/e de comparatie ale adjective/or adverbelor:
Cititi eu atentie propozitiile urmatoare, care contin adjective adverbe la diferite grade de eomparatie:
the windiest
the tallest
the shortest
the biggest
- Azi ai venit mai devreme
ca niciodata.
> [lYa lljmlJast]
- cel mai mare
- eel mai vantos
- cel mai inalt
- Aceasta este cea mai ieftina
din magazinul nostru.
> [[)fa
- Vecinii sunt mai saraci
decat noi.
- Pantalonii mei sunt mai lungi
decat ai tai.
- cel mai scund
> [IYa bigast]
>[alla' He/ba
; a:' pu:ara'
[YEn ilL a"]
> [lade/ ill kam i)IlJa'
>[D/1S \/ [Ya ka:'
111 alia'
> [mal hUllZa'l: a

DTn o/:'z]
- mai vantos
> ["indla']
- mai mare
- mai scund
- mai inalt
> [biga']
> [']
in cazul adjectivelor la gradul comparativ se adesea cuvantul
than [IYf-nJ - ca decat.
>[ lljl1lhJ
>[ big]
- vantos
- scund
- inalt
My trousers are longer
than yours.
Our neighbours are poorer
than we are.
Today you have come earlier
than ever.
This is the cheapest car
in our shop.
Adjectivele $i adverbele care se terminii in -e mut, VOl' piel'de acest -e la adiiugarea terminariei
-er sau -est:
2. Nu uitari: in limba englezii. inaintea superlativului se pune intotdeauna articolul hotiirat the:
4. in cazul adjectivelor $i adverbelor compuse din dOlla sau mai multe silabe care se terminii in
y, litera jinalii se transfol'mii in i la adiiugarea sujixelor -er sau -est:
3. in cadrul recapituliirii v-am reamintit regula potrivit ciil'eia consoana jinalii a verbului se
dubleazii in cazul adiiugiirii unui sujix. Aceastii regulii este va/abilii in cazul adjectivelor:
Iar aeum sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-Ie eu voce tare:
- Our father is >the busiest man.
- Is it >coldertoday than yesterday?
- My brother has>the fastest car
in town.
- I want to be >the nchest man in Romania.
- This woman is >stronger than
two men.
- Who is >taller than my father?
Reluati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine:
These flowers are beautiful. > [O/I.Z flaua'z - Aceste flori sunt frumoase.
Why were you sad yesterday? > [Ualua:' IU: sEd Icsta'dcI] - De ee ai fost trist ieri?
We worked during the night. > [ui. Ua:Tkt dlUarin
) D/a nalt] - Noi am luerat in timpuI noptii.
This is our small house. > [OIlS iz aua' smo: 1haus] - Aeeasta este mica noastra easuta.
Are these vegetables fresh? > [a:' 0/J:Z vcdJ Itablz - Sunt proaspete legumele aeestea?
beautiful > [blU:tlfll1] - frumos, minunat
small > [smo:l] - mle
during > [dlUann
)] - in timp ce
sad >[sEd] - trist
fresh > [fres] - proaspat
glad >[gIEd] - bucuros
ugly > [agh] - urat, pocit
Sa vedem in ce masura v-ati cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
glad > [glEd] - bucuros
sad > [sEd] - trist
beautiful > ['il1] - frumos, minunat
ugly > [agll] - urat, pocit
small > [smo:l] - mie
fresh > - proaspat
during > [dlUann
)] - in timp ce
Este mai rece astazi decat ieri?
Vreau sa fiu cel mai bogat om din Romania.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu adjectivele adverbele corespunzatoare:
Tatal nostru este cel mai ocupat om.
Cine este mai inalt decat tatal meu?
Fratele meu are cea mai rapida
Aceasta femeie este mai puternica
decat doi barbati.
Daea little este folosit In sensu1 de mic, la comparativ superlativ se
folosese fonnell' adjl'c1Ivului small, adiea: smaller, the smallest.
- Aceasta este 0 cHidire urata.
- Ma bucur cit gata.
> Arc these apples Jlesh'l
> It's heen the saddest ttl\' of thIS week
> 1 ate dUring the break.
> Is thIS beautJilil hou:,c theIrs')
> YOLJI car IS uglIer than 111111C.
- His car is >ugly.
- I like >fresh fruit.
- What did you do ::oduring the break?
- He was very >glad I was there.
- Why are you >sad?
- This is a >beautJii.d picture.
- This apartment is too >Sma II for
our family.
>[fYIs lZ an aglr
>[ai Em glEd IU: a" redt]
Merele acestea sunt proaspete?
Am maneat in pauza.
Aeeasta a fast ziua eea mai trista a saptamiinii.
Casa aceasta frumoasa este a lor?
lui este urata.
El a fost foarte bucuros ca eu am fost acolo.
ta l'ste mai urata decat a mea.
Sa ne intoarcem la gradele de comparatie all' adjectivului adverbului . Exista un grup de adjective
adverbe care formeaza gradele de comparatie In mod neregulat. De exemplu:
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:
Gradul pozitiv: Gradul comparativ: Gradul superlativ:
manY>[lllenIJ more the most
much > [Illats] >[lllo.'J > [ D'a maust]
- mult - mai mult - eel mai mult
little less the least
> [I itl] >[lcs] > [D/a II :st]
- putin - mai putin - eel mai putin
bad worse the worst
>[ bEd] >["a:'sJ >llYa "a:'st]
- rau - mal rim - eel mal rau
- prost - mai prost, proasta - eel mai prost, proasta
good better the best
> l gud] > l beta'] >[rYa hest]
- bun - mai bun - eel mai bun
De cl' tnst?
Aceasta l'ste 0 pictura frumoasa.
Aeeasta loeuinta este prea mica pentru
familia mea.
Imi plac fructele proaspete.
Ce-ai facut in timpul pauzei?
I am glad you are ready.
This is an ugly
Completati propozitiile In limba engleza:
Urmariti exemplele de mai jos:
- Acelea au fost cele mai frumoase
zile din viata mea.
- Noi am cumparat cea mai proasta
casa de pe aceasta strada.
- Ei au cea mai putina cafea.
- Acest radio este mai prost,
dar mai ieftin.
- Sora mea are cei mai multi pomi
in gradina.
- Pranzul nostru a fost mai bun
decat al ei.
- Cumpara mai putina paine
decat ieri.
- It is my best car.
> Is your hrothel tallel than :ou')
> I hiS IS the uglIest colour.
> (; 1\ e me a sma] icr pear.
> They all' the \\ Olst nClghbollls,
> I hcl\e bought less Jiult them yestelc1ay.
> Do you \\ clnt to buy a hlgger car')
> 'I hIS IS the sclddest ne\\ s today,
> HI celL must be !ongel
> I ah\ ays buy the best gl apes,
> ronWI IOJ \\ I \\ J!! cOllle to \ ou
>["1 hL\ ho:t lYa "a:'st
haus in [YIS str i tJ
>[lYel hh [Ya h:st kofl]
> [lYauz "a ' J)/a hest dClz
a\ mal lalfJ
> [bal les bl eel IYF11
> [mal sista' hLz lYa maust
tII'Z m lYa ga,'dan]
> I [YIS I en!lau IZ "a:'s bat
> I aucl' lants "az beta'
Daca adjectivulla gradul superlativ este precedat de un pronume posesiv,
articolul hotarat the se elimina:
It is the best car.
Daca prepozitia than este urmata de un pronume personal, acesta este la
cazul acuzativ (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them).
Aceasta este cea mai trista veste de azi.
Eu cumpar intotdeauna cei mai buni struguri.
Da-mi 0 para mai mica.
Ei sunt cei mai rai vecini.
Aceasta este cea mai urata culoare.
Fratele tau este mai inalt decat tine?
Am cumparat mai putine fructe decat ieri.
Vrei sa cumperi 0 mai mare?
Maine yin mai devreme la tine.
Pauzele trebuie sa fie mai lungi.
They have the least coffee.
My sister has the most trees
in the garden.
We have bought the worst
house in this street.
Verificati daca ati retinut cele invatate despre gradeIe de comparatie ale adjectivului adverbului.
Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Those were the best days
of my life.
She has more money than me. > hEz mo:' manI [YEn ml:] - Ea are mai multi bani dedit mine.
This radio is worse but
Buy less bread than
Our lunch was better
than hers.
Cateva dintre verbele de mai sus sunt neregulate. lata cele trei fonne ale acestora:
Unnarili cu atentie cuvintele expresiile noi din proPoziliile unnatoare, scrise cu caractere
> [blkam] become
- Acesta este cel mai bun cantec pe
care I-am auzit vreodatii.
- Aceasta este cea mai lunga
scnsoare pe care
am scris-o vreodatii.
- Aceasta este cea mai rapida
bicicleta dintre toate.
- Dintre toti prietenii ei, fiica
mea este cea mai scunda.
- a (se) intoarce, a da inapoi
- a( aminti, reaminti
- a deveni
- a incepe
- a se intampla
- a donni
- a modifica, a schimba
- a se distra, a se simli bine,
a se bucura
e\ er seen.
> This is the saddest film I have
> Th IS library had the most books of all
JIJ Lngland.
> This IS the \\ orst man J ha\ e e\ er seen.
> These changes al e the greatest of all.
> [blkrlln]
> I slept]
>[tu rImcmba']
>[tu lI1dJOI]
>[tu sta:'tJ
>[tu rIta.'nJ
>[tu slI.pJ
>[tu hEpnJ
> [tu blkam]
> [t II t
ell1dJ J
> l D/ls IZ [Ya lcta'
al hLv c\ a' ritn]
> [D/ls IZ D/a best
al hEv eva' ha.'d]
> [D/b IZ D/a fa:stast
balslkl av 0:1]
> [mal do:ta' IZ D/a so:'tast
'1\ 0.1 h<1:' fi'endz]
>[ blkamJ
to return
to remember
to become
to change
to start
Acestea sunt cele mai mari schimbari.
to happen
to enjoy
Acesta este cel mai trist film pe care
I-am vazut vreodata.
lata cateva verbe noi:
Acesta este cel mai rau om pe care
I-am V3zut vreodata.
Aceasta biblioteca a avut cele mai multe
carli din Anglia.
to sleep
Traduceli unnatoarele propozilii in limba engleza folosind expresiile noi (Atentie: expresia of all
poate fi neglijata in traducerea in limba romana):
This is the best song I have
ever heard.
This is the fastest bicycle
of all.
This is the longest letter
I have ever written.
My daughter is the shortest
of all her friends.
Cititi cu atentie propozitiile unniHoare in care am introdus verbele noi:
- Ce s-a intamplat in timpul
- John a donnit zece ore
- Po,i sa schimbi aceasta bancnota?
- Ea vrea sa devina
- Trebuie sa inapoiez cart;ile
la biblioteca.
- leri am inceput sa lucrez.
- iti acea zi?
- Ei s-au bucurat de soarele
de toamna.
- Pofta buna!
> This IS the nchest man of all my
> We had more tllne to \\ atch TV then.
> We must dnnk less coffee.
> [ like to sleep long
> Why ha\ en 't they returned yet'?
> You must rcturn me the money earlier.
> illS son IS older than mine.
> ThiS dog IS my best fllend.
> Enjoy your meal!
> ThiS awful aCCident happened two
months ago
> What colour is hIS coat')
> Why have you bought ugly plates')
> [lI1djOI 10:' ml1J
> [::;1. "ants tu blkam
d ta/plst]
> [dlon slept ten aua'z
icsta' dei J
> [du IU: nmcmba' D/Et del]
> [Uat hEpnd diuarm(g)
[Ya mEt::;]
> lal mast nta'n [)fa buks
tu DZa la/bran]
> [DZel indjo/d DZI o.tam
> l kEn iu: DZis bll]
> [ai sta:'tld "a:'k Icsta'del]
EnJOY your meal!
What happened during
the match?
John slept ten hours
Retineti expresia urmatoare:
Do you remember that day?
De ce ai cumparat farfurii urate?
De ce nu s-a intors inca?
She wants to become
a typist.
Can you change this bill'?
Fiullui este mai in varsta decat al meu.
imi place sa donn pana tarziu.
Acest ciiine este celmai bun prieten al meu.
Acest accident groaznic s-a intamplat acum
doua luni.
Dintre toti prietenii mei, el este omul cel
mai bogat.
Pofta buna!
They enjoyed the autumn
Trebuie sa bem mai putina cafea.
Trebuie sa-mi dai inapoi banii mai devreme.
Atunci aveam mai mult timp sa ne uitam
la televizor.
in ultimul exercitiu yom recapitula cele invatate. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Ce culoare are paltonullui?
1 must return the books
to the Ii brary.
1started work yesterday.
Unneaza cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Ca de obicei, vom incepe leqia cu setul de cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu atentie:
- intalnire,
- pierdere
- macelar
- rasarit de soare
- vanzator la bacanie,
- furgoneta
- vanzator de legume
- aeroport
- barba
- plecare, pomire
- tema pentru acasa
- SOSlre
>[ mi:tin
] meeting
loss >[los]
sunnse >[sanraiz]
grocer >[grausa']
greengrocer >[ gri: ngrausa']
beard >[bia'd]
van >[vEn]
airport >[ earpo:'t]
homework >[ haum"a:'k]
arrival >[ araival]
departure >[
van >[vEn] - furgoneta
butcher >[but;;a'] - macelar
meeting >[mi:tin(gl]
- intalnire,
departure >[ - plecare, pomire
grocer >[grausCj'] - vanzator la bacanie,
arrival >[ araival] - SOSlre
loss >[Jos] - pierdere
greengrocer >[gri:ngrausa'] - vanzator de legume
homework >[ haulll"a:'k] - tema pentru acasa
beard >[biCI'd] - barba
sunnse >[ sanraiz] - rasarit de soare
airport >[ earpo:'t] - aeroport
- Pentru mine a fost 0 mare
- Ti-ai Iacut deja tema
pentru acasa?
- In nostru este
un aeroport.
- El are 0 barba lunga.
- Intalnirea va fi la ora cinci.
- Am privit rasaritul soarelui.
- La ce ora pleaca ei?
- Poti sa conduci 0 furgoneta?
- Eu cumpar came de la macelar.
- Putem cumpara fmcte de la
magazinul de legume fruete.
- langa noi.
- Nimeni nu i-a vazut dind au sosit.
- Are you a >greengrocer?
- Do you want to be a >butcher?
- When was their >departure?
- It will be a great >loss for us.
la bacanie
- I will teaeh him to drive a >van.
la magazinul de legume fructe
la macelarie
- Have you always had a >beard?
la fratele meu
- la Maria
> [hE\ IU. dan 10.']
a:'k let]
> [[Yea' IZ an earpo:'t Il1
aua' taun]
> [It ",11: a !PClt los for 1m:]
> [IY,IIl1i.tIl1,g) uJi bl:
E! 1'<I/\']
> [kEn iu. (iral\ <I \ En]
> [al balll1!.! Et D/a
> [[)fa grallsa' II \ Z nla' <Is]
> [naubodl so [)lei' ara/\ I]
> lUI. "atsl [)fa saJ1l,l/z]
> [UI: kEn bal flu ts Et D/a
In cazul persoanelor:
Retineti expresiile urmatoare:
at the butcher's
at the grocer's
at the greengrocer's
at my brother's
at Mary's
Sa introdueem euvintele noi In propozitii:
He has a long beard.
It was a great loss for me.
What time is their departure?
Have you done your
homework yet?
The meeting will be
at five.
We watched the sunrise.
I buy meat at the bucher's.
There is an airport in
our town.
Can you drive a van?
We can buy fruits at the
Completa(i lInnatoarele propozltii In limba engleza:
The grocer lives near us.
Vrei sa fii macelar?
Ei cand au plecat?
Pentru noi va fi 0 mare pierdere.
Tu vanzator la magazinul de legume
Nobody saw their arrival.
Am sa-l invat sa eonduca 0 furgoneta.
Ai avut totdeauna barba?
Verifieati-va traducand urmatoarele euvinte:
> hOl11c\\ ork
> grocer
> grcenglocer
> meeting
> airport
> J
> van
> Slll1llSe
> departure
> butchel
> loss
- Is there mueh >homc\'\ ark to do?
- You must be at the >meeting on Friday.
- I will see you at the >airpolt.
- It happened before her >arri \ a!.
- His father was a >groCCI.
- The >sunrlse was beautiful.
tema pentru acasa
rasaritul soarelui
viinzator la magazinul de legume fmcte
Ai multe teme pentru aeasa?
Vineri trebuie sa fii la
Rasaritul de soare a fost frumos.
S-a inHimplat inainte de sosirea ei.
Ne intiilnim la aeroport.
Tatal lui a fost Mean.
In aceastii parte a lectiei ne vom ocupa de un alt aspect legat de gradele de compara{ie ale
adjectivelor adverhelor
the most beautiful
- eel mai frumos
- Este intrebarea eea mai
- aceea era mai ieftina.
- Sora mea este mai frumoasa
decat a tao
- ingust, stramt
- pohtieos
- intuneric, intunecat, inchis
la culoare
- greu
- eiudat
- istet
- destul (de), suficient (de),
- desehis la culoare,
- intunerie, intuneeat, inchis
la euloare
- lat
- eiudat
> rhls IS the mosl beaullful 100\n
I ha\ e e\ er seen.
> ThIS IS 1110lC (!If/lcu]1 tl1:111 J thought.
> The 1110st expcnsive wall-papel
IS the most beautiful.
> (D/[I ka
" az les IkspenSI\ J
> [l11al sisla' IZ 1110 '
htU tll:li OlEn 10.'Z]
more beautiful
> [It IZ IYa maust dificalt

- mai frumos
>[d;l 'k]
> [kina']
> [lIlaf]
That car was less expensive.
Acesta este cel mai frumos pe care
I-am vazut vreodata.
Adjectlvele cOlllplise din doua sau //lai IIllilte silabe care Iltl se terminii In y, formeazii gradul
cOl11parativ eu ajutorul clivintelor more/less, iar sllperlativul cu expresiile the most/the least. in
al11bele cazliri forma adjectll'ului sail a{/i'erblilui este identica Cll cea de la gradul pozitil'. De
Cititi eu atentie propozitiile de mai jos:
It is the most difficult
My sister is more beautiful
than yours.
Traduceti propozitiile unnatoare in limba engleza:
Este mai greu dedit am crezut.
Tapetul cel mai scump este eel mai frumos.
lata alte eateva euvinte noi:
Reeititi euvintele intr-o alta ordine:
light > [latl]
dark >[da:'kJ
heavy > [he\ IJ
strange > [slrell1dJ]
wide > [ "ani]
narrow > [nErau]
polite > [palall]
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu adjectivele nou invatate:
Cuvantul enough sta inaintea substantivelor dupa adjective sau
- El nu a fost politicos
cu mine ieri.
- El este un baiat
- Nu am avut destul timp
sa fac asta.
- Imi plac strazile din acest
- Azi este foarte intunecat.
- Vremea este indeajuns de insorita
pentru 0 plimbare.
- Este cea mai grea carte pe care
am vazut-o vreodata.
- Este 0 camera 1uminoasa.
- Vezi fata cu parul deschis?
- Aceasta strada este cea mai lata
- A fost un accident ciudat.
- She has just bought a > iIghlcoat.
- I can't read in a > darkroom.
- bani destui
- destul de intuneric
- destul de devreme
> [1l IZ sanl maftu gau
1'0:' a "o.k]
> [[)ZIS IZ DZa heviast buk
'II hEy eva' sJ:n]
> [It iz veri da.'k ladei]
> [hI: "oznl palail tu mi:
> [DZIS IZ [Ya "aldast slrit
m t,llIn]
> [dll IU: Sl: DZa garl "iDz
DZa 1'1/1 heal]
> [It "oz a slrell1dJ Ekslltmt]
> Lal hEvnt hEd mar lalln
III du. It]
> [DZis iz a hut nun]
> [hI: iz a kleva' bOl]
> [al la/k nEI,lll m
[)lis taun]
enough money
dark enough
early enough
Nu pot citi intr-o camera intunecoasa.
Do you see the girl with
the light hair?
He is a clever boy.
Ea tocmai a cumparat un palton de culoare
narrow > [nErau] - ingust, stramt
wide > ["alli] - lat
polite > [pala/t] - politicos
clever > [kleva'] - istet
light > [la/t] - deschis la culoare,
heavy > [hevl] - greu
enough > [man - destul (de), suficient (de),
This is the widest street
in town.
He wasn't polite to me
This is a light room.
It is sunny enough to go
for a walk.
Cititi urmatoarele propozitii in care apar cuvintele noi:
This is the heaviest book
I have ever seen.
It is very dark today.
It was a strange accident.
I like narrow streets in
this town.
I haven't had enough time
to do It.
> [D/a 11 EI auast]
the cleverest
the narrowest
- eel mai ingust
> [IYa kJe\ araslj
- eel mai
- She is very >clever.
- We must cross this >wldc street.
- He is rich >enough to buy it.
- Have you met this >strange man?
- This box is too >hcavv for me.
- This table is too >nan ow.
> lnEraua'J
- mai ingust
- mai
El este destul de bogat ca sa cumpere asta.
L-ai intalnit deja pe acest om ciudat?
Ea este foarte
Aceasta cutie este prea grea pentru mine.
Trebuie sa traversam aceasta strada lata.
Traduceti cuvintele de mai jos in limba engleza:
Masa aceasta este prea ingusta.
greu > heavy
ciudat >stlange
intunecat > dark
ingust > naITll\\
politicos > polIte
lat > wIde
> lIght
destul > cnough
luminos > lIght
> clc\ cr
intuneric > dark
> [nErau]
- ingust
Urmeaza 0 alta regula legata de gradeIe de comparatie ale adjectivelor !ji adverbelor. Adjectivele
formate din doua si/abe. care au termina!ia -ow sau -erformeazii comparativul !ji superlativul tot cu
ajutorul termina!ii/or -er !ji -est:
Fonnati comparativul superlativul unnatoarelor adjective adverbe:
> \\Olse > the worst
> hlgger > the biggest
> bettcr > the best
> longer > the longcst
> nicer > the mcest
> sholier > thc shortest
little (putin)
> less > the least
> cheaper > the cheapcst
> mOle ,hffJcult > the 1110st difficult
> easIer > the easiest
> l110re cxpensive > the most cxpenslvc
> sadder > the saddcst
> uglier > the uglIest
small > "mallcr > the smallest
> more > the most
> \\ idel > the \\ idest
> more pohte > the most polIte
> bUSier > the bUSlcst
> tlesher > the fleshest
> 11101 e Ll\\ ful > the most Ll\\ fuJ
> earlier > the earliest
> later > the latest
> nclITD\\ er > the n,lITO\\ est
> more > the most
> sunnIer > the sunnIest
> more dellclos > the most dellclOs
> lighter > the lightest
> Clslcr > the Llstest
> greater > the glcatest
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Tocmai m-am intalnit cu macelarul.
La ce ora s-a intors el acasa?
Eram acasa cand s-a intamplat.
Cate portocale poti sa mananci?
Imi trebuie 0 pauza mai lunga.
Pofta buna!
Este 0 bacanie aproape de casa noastra.
Poti sa schimbi aceasta bancnota?
Nu uita sa-l vizitezl pe John.
Du-te ]a bacanie ~ i cumpara n i ~ t e branza.
Inta]nirea va fi la aeroport.
Ti-ai Iacut deja tema pentru acasa?
La ce ora a rasarit azi soarele?
Este cea mai ciudata poveste pe care mi-ai
spus-o vreodata.
Cine este mai in varsta decat mine?
Este cea mai trista scrisoare a lui.
Am destui bani sa cumpar cartea aceasta.
M-am dus aco]o indeajuns de devreme ca
sa vad sosirea lor.
Cit timp vrei sa dormi?
Este cea mai proasta cina pe care am
mancat-o vreodata.
Fiorile lor sunt mai dragute decat ale noastre.
A fost lucrul eel mai ciudat.
Trebuie sa port acest sacou inchis la culoare?
Noi avem bani suficienti ca sa mergem in Anglia.
> I ha\ e Just met the butcher.
> What tnne dId he return home'!
> I was at home when it happened.
> lIow many oranges can you cal')
> I must h,1\ e a longel break.
> En JOy) our meal'
> There IS a grocer's ne,lI our house.
> Can you change this bIll"
> Remember to \ ISlt John.
> Go to the grocer's and buy some cheese.
> The meetmg wIll be at the mrpolt.
> I la\ e ) ou already done your homework')
> What tnne \\ as the sunrise today?
> ThiS IS the strangest story you have
e\ er told me.
> Who lS olLlel tban me')
> lt IS hIS ~ e ~ t letter.
> I ha\ e enough money to buy thIS book.
> I \\ent thele early enough to see
then ;11 rI\ a1.
> 110\\ long do you want to sleep')
> It IS the worst dll1ner I have
been eaten.
> TheIr I1m\ ers are mcer than ours.
> It \\ as the stran1!est thmg of all.
> Must I \\ car thIS dark coa!')
> We ha\ e enough money to go to England.
In incheierea leqiei iata un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele reprezinta sunetele identice
din fiecare coloana:
[.:J [EJ [au] [al J
fresh glad grow rise
spend sad grocer arrival
remember bad old wide
when van know behind
then ash tray go polite
15.1.1. Gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor ~ i adverbelor regulate:
the biggest
- cel mai mare
the nicest
the windiest
- cel mai amabil
- eel mai viintos
the narrowest
- cel mai ~ t p t
- cel mai ingust
the cleverest
- mai ~ t p t
- mai mare
- mai ingust
- mai viintos
- mai amabil
- ingust
- amabil
- ~ t p t
- mare
- vantos
I. Adjectivele ~ i adverbele monosilabice primesc terminatia -er Ja comparativ ~ i
terminatia -est la superlativ:
Daca adjectivul se tem1ina cu -e mut, acesta se elimina la adaugarea tenninatiilor
-er ~ i -est.
Regula conform careia consoana finala a verbelor avand 0 singura silaba se
dubleaza in cazul adaugarii unui sufix este valabila ~ i in cazul adjectivelor ~ i
2. Adjectivele ~ i adverbele formate din doua silabe terminate in -y formeaza
comparativul ~ i superlativul schimband -y in -i ~ i adaugiind -er, respectiv -est:
many more the most
-mult - mai mult - cel mai mult
little less the least
- putin - mai putin - cel mai putin
bad worse the worst
- rau - mai rau - cel mai rau
good better the best
- bun - mai bun - cel mai bun
3. Adjectivele ~ i adverbele formate din doua silabe terminate in -ow sau -er
formeaza comparativul ~ i superlativul tot cu ajutorul tenninatiilor -er ~ i -est:
15.1.2. Exista adjective ~ i adverbe ale caror grade de comparatie se formeaza in mod
neregulat. De exemplu:
15.1. Formarea gradelor de comparatie ale adjectivelor ~ i adverbelor:

15.2. Cuvantul enough sUi inaintea substantivelor, dar dupa adjective adverbe:
15.104. Adjeetivele la superlativ sunt preeedate intotdeauna de articolul hotariit the.
15.1.5. Daca adjeetivulla superlativ este preeedat de un pronume posesiv, articolul hotariit
the se elimina:
the most beautiful
the tallest
- eel mai fmmos
- eel mai inalt
- It is my best car.
more beautiful
- mai fmmos
- mai inalt
- bani destui
- destul de devreme
- destul de intunecat
- inalt
It is the best car.
- fmmos
15.1.3. Adjectivele adverbele formate din doua sau mai multe silabe care nu se termina in
-y, formeaza comparativul cu ajutorul cuvintelor more/less, iar superlativul, cu
expresiile the most/the least. In ambele cazuri, forma adjeetivului este identiea eu
forma la gradul pozitiv.
early enough
dark enough
enough money
A urmatoarele propozitii in limba romiina:
1. 1 have never seen the tallest building in the world.
2. My greatest friend is the smartest boy of all I have ever met.
3. It wasn't sunny enough to go for a walk without an umbrella.
4. Who was the strongest man in England then?
5. I will take the heaviest box.
6. Have you bought this meat at the butcher's near the cinema?
B. urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Eu am dormit in camera cea mai mare a casei.
2. imi amintesc ca lui era destul de rapida.
3. EI spune ca vrea sa fie prietenul meu cel mai bun.
4. Cumparam struguri mai tiirziu.
5. Acela era cel mai scump restaurant din
6. Vreau mai multe flori in camera mea.
C. comparativul superlativul adjectivelor de mai jos:
1. delicios
2. foggy

3. light
4. strong
5. ready
6. good
lata ciiteva cuvinte referitoare la imbracaminte:
Acum repetati cuvintele Intr-o ordine diferita:
" "
clothes > [klauD/z] - imbracaminte
button > [batn] - nasture
hat > [hEt] - palarie
collar > [kola'] - guler
sleeve > [sli:v] - maneca (a rochiei,
pocket > [pokit] - buzunar
skirt > [ska:'t] - fusta
blouse > [blauz] - bluza
handbag > [hEndbEg] -
necklace > [ncklis] - colier
ear-nng > - cercel
Jersey > [dja:'zi] - Jerseu
hat > [hEt] - palarie
handbag > [hEndbEg] -
ear-ring > [iarin
] - cercel
clothes > [klauDZz] - imbracaminte
pocket > [pokit] - buzunar
skirt > [ska:'t] - fusta
necklace > [ncklis] - colier
Jersey > [dja:'zi] - Jerseu
button > [batn] - nasture
sleeve > [sliv] - maneca (a rochiei,
blouse > [blauz] - bluza
collar > [kola'] - guler
Retineti ca verbul like inseamna a placea:
- Nu uita
- Vrei sa-ti pui colierul
- eu ce haine pot sa rna imbrac?
- Toate bluzele meIe sunt cu nasturi
cu miineca lunga.
- De ce nu-ti plac?
- Imi plac bluzele cu guler
- Cred ca trebuie sa te imbraci
cu 0 fusta 0 bluza.
- Nu, imi voi pune 0 palarie
haina eu buzunare
- Ma voi imbraca cu bluza aceasta
cu jerseul meu albastru.
- Imi place aceasta casa.
- I like the cheaper >necklace more.
- Ei i-a placut aceasta carte?
- The >sleeves were too short.
- I am looking for >butlons for this coat.
- Mary has taken your green >blousc.
- Do you have coats with bigger >collars?
- My most beautiful >skirt is green.
- This more expensive >jersey is nicer.
- I have bought her beautiful >ear-nngs.
- Keep the money in the >pockct.
- Your >c [othes are on that chair.
- They sell the cheapest >hats.
- I like your >handbag.
> ["al daunt Ill: lalk [Yem]
> [daunt forgct ahuut
[Ya hEndbLg]
> [nau al daunt al "Ii put on a
hl::t End IYakuut lillY
hlg pokih]
> [du IU: "ont tu !elk lYa
nckiIs Lnd
> ["ot klauLYkI-n al put onJ
>[al lalk hluUZlZ "I D/
big kola'zJ
> [al "Ii put on IYls blauz
End mal blu: dp:rzi]
> [al ill: put on a
ska 't l:nd a hlauz]
>[0.1 av mal blau/lz a:[ lillY
buntz End sl J:\ z]
I like this house.
Did she like that book?
Mary ti-a luat bluza albastra.
Do you want to take the
necklace and ear-rings?
Imi place mai mult colierul mai ieftin.
Ei viind cele mai ieftine palarii.
What clothes can I put on?
Imi place tao
Pastreaza-ti banii in buzunar.
Caut nasturi pentru aceasta haina.
Hainele tale sunt pe scaunul acela.
Aveti paltoane cu guler mai mare?
I-am cumparal cercei
Don't forget about
the handbag!
Cea mai frumoasa fusta a mea este verde.
Completati Ulmatoare propozitii in limba engleza:
All of my blouses are with
buttons and long sleeves.
Jerseul acesta mai scump este mai frumos.
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
I think you must put on a
skirt and a blouse.
Miinecile erau prea scurte.
Why don't you like them?
No, I don't. I will put on a
hat and the coat with
big pockets.
I like blouses with
big collars.
I will put on this blouse
and my blue jersey.
Acum traduceti in limba engleza:

lata ciiteva verbe noi:
to lose
to grow
to meet
to rise
to shut
to spend
> handbag
> hat
> pocket
> skirt
> necklace
> clothes
> button
> collar
> sleeve
> blouse
> e,lI-rings
> [tll grau]
> [tu nllz]

> l tu spend]
- a pierde
- a a cultiva
- a (se) intiilni, a (se)
- a rasari
- a inchide
- a cheltui (bani), a (pe) trece (timp)
Repetati verbele intr-o alta ordine:
- Ea pierdut portofelul.
- I-a ereseut repede barba.
- Mary inchide
- Nu ne-am intalnit niciodata.
- Noi vrem sa petrecem trei zile
la Londra.
- Soarele va rasari la ora
- They> metin the shop yesterday.
- You> spendtoo much money on clothes.
- Have you already> shutthe door?
- She always> losestickets.
- We will> growvegetables in the garden.
- Has the sun> risenyet?
> ["I. hEv n('\ a
> [hlz blald gru. fa:st]
> hEz lost ha:
> [O/a san "Ii ralZ Et s('\n]
> ["i: lIont tu spend T'n. delz
IJ1 landn]
A rasarit deja soarele?
Ea pierde totdeauna biletele.
We want to spend three days
in London.
Ieri s-au intalnit la magazin.
Mary is shutting the door.
We have never met.
to grow > [tugrau] - a a cultiva
to spend > [tu spend] - a cheltui (bani), a (pe) trece (timp)
to rise > [tu nllz] - a rasari
to shut > [tu - a inchide
to meet > [tu ml:t] - a (se) intalni
His beard grew fast.
Verbele de mai sus sunt neregulate. invatati cele trei forme ale acestora:
I. II. Ill.
grow >[grau] grew > [gru:] grown > [graun]
spend > [spend] spent >[spent] spent > [spent]
nse >[ralz] rose > [rauz] risen > [Jizn]
lose > [lu:z] lost >[lost] lost > [lost]
shut > shut > [
meet > [mI:t] met > [met] met > [met]
Noi vom cultiva legume in gradina.
The sun will rise at seven.
Cititi cu atentle urmatoarele propozitii, in care au fost folosite verbele nOl:
Cheltui prea multi bani pe haine.
Ai inchis deja
She has lost her purse.
Completati unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu formele verbale corespunzatoare:
Traduceti unnatoarele verbe 'in limba engleza, la cele trei fonne:
Folositi structura comparativa in propozitiile de mai jos:
ill cOllt/l1uare VO/ll lllVIi{a douli expresii utilizate pentru compararea obiectelor .yi persoanelor:
- mea este la fel de scumpa
ca a tao
- la fel de, .. tot de
(in propozitie afinnativa)
- nu (de)." ca (in propozitie
negatlva), nu atat... cat
Nu e de batran ca mine,
- umed, ud
- simplu
- This apple is not >as/so sweet as that.
- I am >as old as you.
- Yesterday it was not >as/so cold as two
days ago,
- This table is >as hcavy as that.
> [simpl J
> [not sau.. Ez]
> [mal ka:' IZ Ez IkspcnsIv
Ez 10:'Z]
> [hI IznotEzauldEzmi']
> [[z... Lz]
In propozItii negative, in loc de not so... as putem folosl expresia not
as... as.
Recititi cuvintele 'intr-o alta ordine:
Ieri nu a fast atat de frig ca acum doua zile.
Acest mar nu este atiit de dulce ca acela,
Aceasta masa este la fel de grea ca cealalta.
out of fashion > [aut av J - demodat
to change > (tu - a (se) schimba
(despre imbracaminte)
> [saukt]
- umed, ud
worn > ["o.'n]
- uzat, folosit (despre haine)
woollen > ["ulan)
- (confectionat din) de lana
> ("ota'pru'f]
- impenneabil, rezistent la apa
simple >[simpl]
- simplu
Am varsta ca tine.
My car is as expensive as
He is not as old as me.
not so.,. as
Sa mai imatam ciHeva cuvinte noi:
De exemplu:
a a cultiva
> gn)\v > grew > gIown
a raS3n >
rise > rose > risen
a pierde >
lose > lost > lost
a inchide >
shut > shut > shut
a petrece (timpul) >
spend > spcnt > spcnt
a intalni, a >
meet > mct > met
as", as
- Gulerele mari sunt demodate
- Te-ai schimbat deja?
- Nu pot sa ma imbrac cu aceasta
haina pentru ca este uda.
- pantofi sunt uzati.
- lmi plac jerseurile de lana.
- Aceste haine sunt
- Este cea mai simpla intrebare
(dintre toate).
- This >\\ 01 n blouse is ugly.
- 1like >simrle songs.
- I must >change before dinner.
- Is this >\\ ookn skirt expensive?
- Hats are >out of
- Is it >\\ atcrprooJ'?
- They were >soaked when they entered
the house.
> \\ :1tt.'1 ploof
> \\ ookn
> sO:lkcd
> slmpk
> out of fashion
> to ch,l!1gc
> \\ OJ n
> I [Yl:Z klauD'z a:'
"ota'plu rj
> [It IZ IYa simplast
:l\ 0: 1]
> [big kola'z a:' aut a\
> tal ka:llt put on IYIs but
blkoz ItlZ s:lLIkt]
Este impermeabil?
Este scumpa aceasta fusta de lana?
Palariile sunt demodate.
Erau uzi cand au intrat In casa.
Aceasta bluza uzata este urata.
Big collars are out of
fashion now.
lata cateva propozitii in care apar cuvintele noi:
woollen > ["ulan] - (confectionat din) de lana
worn > ["o '11] - uzat, folosit (despre haine)
waterproof > ["oLi'r lu i1 - impermeabil, rezistent la apa
to change > [tu hCiI1dJ] - a (se) schimba (despre
out of fashion >[auta\ - demodat
Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu noile cuvinte invatate:
lmi plac cantecele simple.
Trebuie sa ma schimb inainte de cina.
Traduceti in limba engleza:
Have you changed yet?
I can't put on this coat
because it is soaked.
These shoes are worn.
a (se) schimba
de lana
I like woolen jerseys.
These clothes are
It is the simplest question
of all.
- de (un timp)
- Lucrez aici de doi ani.
- Ea nu s-a Intalnit cu el
de luna trecuta.
- Ei s-au schimbat de
anul trecut.
"I have lived in this house since 1975.
1 have lived here for twenty-three years."
- Locuiesc aici din 1975.
Locuiesc aici de dou3zeci trei de ani.
> [a/ hE\ L1 a:'kt hia' fo:'
Ill: ila'zJ
> hEznt met 111111 SII1S
la:st manT'J
> [lYel hE\ t,:,cmd.ld SlOS
la:st Ila'J
> [fo.'J
"I live in this house."
l. -
I have lived here since 1975.
urmatoare cu una dintre since sau for:
She has known about it > since June.
I haven't seen him for a week. > [al hE\nt si:n him 1'0:' a L1i:kJ - Nu I-am vazut de 0 saptamana.
They haven't returned home> for three months.
We have visited them twice> since last Monday.
She hasn't gone for a walk>since last month.
I haven't driven a car> fortwo months.
eu ajutorLlllLli for exprimal11 durata actiunii, de exemplLl: de doi ani, de trei zile.
They have lived in this house> for many years.
I have workrd here for
two years.
She hasn't met him since
last month.
They have changed since
last year.
Predicatul propo::.itiifor care contin since for se traduce in la timpul prezent sau trecut
(vederi exe11lplele de 11Ia1 jos):
lar acum ne vom ocupa din nou de timpul Present Perfect. Doua prepozi!ii se folosesc adesea
impreuna cu timpul menrionat.
I have lived here for twenty-three years.
Since sefolose$te tot pentru exprimarea duratei aC!lll11ii, dar indica $i momentul din trecut in care
a inceput actiunea.
Prepozi{ia since poate fi IIrmatd de 0 propozi{ie seclIlldard fa Simple Past:
She hasn't talked to her husband >slllce last Wednesday.
She has eaten nothing >for more than fout days.
worn >["o:'n]
- Nu I-am mai vazut de dnd
ne-am intalnit in august.
- Nu mai are bani de dnd
- EI inchis fermoarul
de la haina.
- a inchide fennoarul
- pantofi nu mi-au fost
buni niclOdata.
- a tricota
- Ea mi-a tricotat unjerseu frumos.
- a incerca, a proba (despre
- a purta
- a (se) potrivi
> \Vhere have you been for four yeal s')
> I haven't been at home sll1ce Mary came.
> These hats have been out of fashIOn
for two years.
> My SIster hasn't lived with us since
last summer.
> We have known him for many years.
wore>[ lin I]
>[ tu fit]
>[tu ZIp ap]
>[tu nIt]
>[tu tral on]
> [al hEvnt sl:n him sms
ui: met in o:gast]
>[hl: hEz hEd nau manI sins
hI. peld fa ' 11IZ ka:
>[tu "ear]
> [hI. Zipt ap hlz kaut]
nitld ml: a nals dJa:'ZI]
He zipped up his coat.
Verbul to wear este neregulat. Cele trei fonne ale sale sunt:
She knitted me a nice jersey.
These shoes have never fitted. >[O/I:Z hEy neva' fitld]
Sa introducem verbele noi in propozitii:
N-am mai fost acasa de cand a venit Mary.
Unde ai fost timp de patru ani?
Noi il de multi am.
to try on >[tu tral on] - a incerca, a proba (despre
to knit >[tu nit] - a tricota
to wear >[tu "cal] - a purta
to zip up >[ tu ZIp ap] - a trage fennoarul sus
to fit >[ tu fit] - a (se) potrivi
to knit
to wear
to fit
Sora mea nu mai cu noi
de vara trecuta.
lata cateva verbe noi:
to zip up
to tryon
Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Aceste palarii nu mai sunt la moda
de doi ani.
Cititi verbele noi intr-o alta ordine:
1 haven't seen hIm since we
met in August.
He has had no money since
h,e paid for his car.
Unneaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Cititi cu atentie unnatoarele seturi de euvinte:
Completati unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu fonnele verbale corespunzatoare:
In incheierea acestei paTti a lectiei, traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- L-ai probat deja?
- Ei ii place sa poarte fuste
> What tIme dId the sun l'lse yesterday'l
> Long skIrts are out of fashIOn now.
> I wIll knit you a woollen jersey.
> Our house IS not so/as big as theirs.
> The green hat doesn't fIt you.
> Nobody buys waterproof hats.
> Is the collar long enough?
> All my clothes are soakt:d.
> I haven't seen hlln SlllCC hc left
our to\\ n.
> I have lost my handbag
> Do a] I women wear ear-I ings'?
> We have !Iv'ed here for twenty years.
> Who told you this news'?
- Can we >try on this suit?
- Mary is > Zlppmg up her coat.
- My clothes >fit my daughter.
- I never >\\earblouses with long sleeves
III summer.
- She has> knitted three jerseys since last year.
> laiks tu "ea
> [hEv IU: traid It on let]
Casa noastra nu este de mare ca a lor.
Nimeni nu cumpara palarii impermeabile.
Toate hainele mele sunt ude.
Locuim aici de douazeei de ani.
Palaria verde nu ti se
Iti voi tricota un jerseu de lana.
Fustele lungi nu sunt la moda acum.
Mi-am pierdut
[a: '] [ i] [0] [au]
skirt knit collar soaked
Jersey zip pocket clothes
heard fit lost grow
bird big clock know
Vara nu port niciodata bluze cu
maneca lunga.
De anul trecut ea a tricotat trei jerseuri.
Putem proba acest costum?
Toate femeile poarta cereei?
Mary inchide fermoarul de la haina.
Fiicei mele ii sunt bune hainele mele.
Have you tried it on yet?
Nu I-am mai vazut de cand a plecat din
Cine ti-a dat aceasta veste?
She likes to wear long
Gulerul este destul de lung?
Cand a rasarit ieri soarele?
Barbara: Do you think they enjoy life?
Barbara: I must remember to buy some grapes.
You know, Barbara, it's never too late to change. When they change they are glad.
Do you think these people are nice to talk to?
in a cinema.
My sister works at the airport. She must get up early, when it is still dark.
Does she like this work?
I think she does. She likes to watch the planes when they rise into the sky.
Where did she work before?
Yes, I know a lot of them. They are always in a hurry. And some ofthem smoke too much,
So it was easy for her to leave the butcher's for the airport?
Yes, it was. But it was difficult to find this new work. I helped her. She will never return to
the butcher's shop.
At the butcher's. And she wanted to change her work, because she had to clean many
things there. She didn't like it.
Do you like clothes which are out of fashion?
No, I don't. I never buy them.
But they are not so expensive as other clothes. And sometimes I have little money.
Last week I spent a lot of money on a new coat. Another coat was cheaper, but it wasn't
waterproof. And when I tried it on it did not fit.
No, I don't think they do. They never find time to enjoy things. I think they forget to live,
because they are so busy.
Barbara: I think you are right. They don't know what a good book is. And you will never find them
Barbara: No, I don't. They know nothing about all these things. But it is difficult for them to
Barbara: Do you know people who are always busy and spend all their time at work?
The greengrocer in our street always has fresh grapes. And at the green-grocer's you
always meet people to talk to.
Barbara: But I don't have time to talk, because 1have to return some books to the library. It's late
already. And if I return them too late I have to pay more money.
Citi1i cu atentie urmatoarele dialoguri. Silabele cuvintele accentuate sunt scrise cu litere
Do you meet many people who say it is better to eat more vegetables and less meat?
Is it good to listen to these people?
Yes, I do. But what you eat is not the only thing. It is also what you do and don't do.
> I use as little sal! as 1can.
>Thb is the ugliest building
I ha\ e e\ er seen.
> llave you already changed these bills?
> Who is Ihe most he:1lI11 I'ul girl in Romania')
> \Ve wIll grow vegetables in our garden.
> We h:\\ e jusl become neighbours.
> \\'ho spent the leasl money')
> J1:\\ e you :liready shul Ihe wmdow'!
> In \\ Inter I :11\\ ay s wear the warmest
woollen socks,
> Where is your younger brother')
> What tllne must you be al the airport'!
>\ h:\\en'l heen al Mary's since I started
to work,
> You ha\ e come call v enou"h
10 mec\ him.
> \VheI e is the biggest hammer')
> II IS heaVier than I Ihought.
> It IS a \ cry simple questIon,
> He likes only Ilghl CO!OUh,
> I\ly Lllher has heen a grocer slI1ce always.
>Chlldren grow \'ery LISt.
I think it is. Fat people live shorter. Do you want to live a long time?
Yes, I have met a lot of them. And they also say that fresh fruit is good for everybody.
I think you are right. If you sit on a chair all day you get tired. After a walk you will feel
Aceasta cste cea mai urata c1fidire
pe care am vazut-o vreodata.
Lui ii plac numai culorile deschise.
lama intotdeauna port cele mai calduroase
de lana.
Tatal meu este bacan dintotdeauna.
Nu am mai fost la Mary de dnd am inceput
sa lucrez.
Ai venit indeajuns de devreme ca sa
te cu el.
Tocmai am devenit vecini.
Ai schimbat deja aceste bancnote?
Folosesc intotdeauna cat se poate de putina sare.
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Copiii cresc foarte repede.
Unde este cel mai mare ciocan?
Cand trebuie sa fii la aeroport?
Unde este fratele tau mai mic?
Aceasta este 0 intrebare foarte simpla.
Este mai greu decat am crezut.
Ai inchis deja geamul?
Cine a cheltuit cel mai putin?
Noi vom cultiva legume in gradina noastra.
Cine este cea mai frumoasa fata din Romania?
Accidentul s-a intamplat dupa plecarea lor.
Acestjerseu este la fel de frumos ca ~ acela.
Mfmcarea a fost mai proasta acol0 decat acasa.
Colierul mamei mele este mai frumos.
Pot sa incerc aceasta fusta?
Schimba-te inainte de cina.
Avem portocale destule pentru toata lumea.
Acesta este cel mai bun cinematograf
din o r ~ u l nostru.
> The accIdent happencd after thelr departure.
> This jersey IS as nice as 1ha1.
> The food was worse there than at home.
> My mother's nccklace is more beautiful.
> Can j tryon thIs skIrt'!
> Change berO! e (iinner.
> We have enough or,mges for everybody.
> This IS the best clllcma 111 our town.
Since poate fi urmat de 0 propozitie eu predieatulla timpul Simple Past:
Prepozitia for inseamna: pe 0 duratalperioda de.
Aceste structuri se folosesc la compararea obiectelor sau a persoanelor:
- El nu are varsta ca mine.
- Traiesc aici din 1980.
- mea este Ia fel de scumpa
ca a ta.
- Ea nu s-a intalnit cu el de luna trecuta.
- nu ... ca (in propozitie negativa)
nLl atat de
- Traiesc aici de zece ani.
- la fel de, ... ca tot (de) (In
propozitia afirmativa)
- Nu I-am mai vazut de cand ne-am intalnit
in august.
- Nu I-am vazut de 0 saptamana.
I have lived here since 1980.
She hasn't met him since last month.
Prepozitia since inseamna: din, de la un moment dat din trecut.
My car is as expensive as yours.
In propozitii negative, in loc de not so ... as putem folosi expresia not as ... as.
He is not as old as I am.
Se tot pentru exprimarea duratei aqiunii, dar se refera la momentul din trecut in
care a inceput aqiunea.
Predicatul propozitiilor care contin since for se traduce in limba romana fie la timpul
prezent, fie la trecut.
1 have lived here for ten years.
CLl ajutorul acestel prepozitii exprimam durata aqiunii, de exemplu: de doi ani, de trei zile.
not so.. as
as... as
1 haven't seen him since we met
in August.
1 haven't seen hun for a week.
16.2. Prepozitiile for since se folosesc astfeI:
16.1. Construqi ile as... as not so... as
A. unnatoare in limba ramana:
1. J want to try on that blouse.
2. She has worn the same hat for ten years.
3. Last week she knitted this woollen jersey for me.
4. Have you seen him since he changed his apartment?
5. This man is as strange as his neighbour.
6. We must remember to buy the least expensive clothes.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Biserica aceasta este la fel de frumoasa ca cea din Londra.
2. Jeri mi-am pierdut portofelul in autobuz.
3. II cunosc pe acest om de cand am cumparat 0 casa de la el.
4. Fiul nostru a crescut mult in ultimele doua luni.
5. Aceste legume nu sunt la fel de bune ca acelea.
6. Ei lucreaza la un macelar de la anului trecut.
C. Corectati din propozitiile unnatoare:
I. She has knited three jerseys so far.
2. They have spent all their money for last week.
3. My father has been in hospital since he has had an accident.
4. His parents are so nice as mine.
5. They have lately shutted their shop.
6. We haven't been in England since two years.
, ,
II ill
> [bikam]
became > [bikeim] become > [bikam]
> [grall] grew > [gru:] grown > [gralln]
> [Iu:z]
lost > [lost) lost > [lost]
> [mi:t]
met > [met] met > [met]
> [ralZ]
> [rollZ] risen > [rizn]
shut > ~ a t J shut
> [sat] shut > ~ a t
> [siI:p]
> [slept] slept > [slept]
spend > l spend] spent > [spellt] spent > [spent]
wear > ["ea'J wore > ["O:'] worn > [Uo:'n]
, ,
airport >[ carpo:rt]
- aeroport
another >[anaD1a']
- altul, alta, inca unul, inca una
arrival >[ aralval] - sosire
as... as >[ Ez. .. Ez] - ca tot la fel de
baker's >[bclka'z] - brutarie
beard >[bla'd] - barM
beautiful >[biu ural] - frumos, minunat
to become >[ tu blkam] - a deveni
bill >[ bil] - factura, nota de plata
bancnota [USA]
blouse > Ihlallz] - bluza
break >[bITlk] - pauza
butcher > [butsa'] - macelar
butcher's - macelarie
button >[batn] - nasture
to change >[tu tscmel)] - a modifica, a schimba (bani),
- a (se) schimba (despre haine)
change > l - schimbare, schimb de bani,

clever >[klcva'] - istet
clothes > [klallD/z]
- imbracaminte
collar >lkola'] - guler
colour >[kala'] - culoare
dark >lda.'k] - intunecat, inchis la culoare,
departure > [(lJpa - plecare, pomire
> [dlUaJ mig,]
- in timp ce
ear-f1ng > [i'l! m
] - cercel
to enjoy > [tu mdlOf] - a savura, a se simti bine,
a se bucura de
enough >lmaf] - destul, suficient, indeajuns
to fit > [tu fit] - a (se) potrivi
food > [fu:d] - mancare, alimente, hrana
for > [fo:'] - de un anumit timp
fresh > - proaspat
fruit > [fru:t] - fruct
glad > [gIEd] - fericit, bucuros
grape > [grelp] - strugure
grass > [gra:s] - iarba
greengrocer > [gri. ngrallsa'] - vanzator la magazinul de legume
greengrocer's > [gri:ngrallsa'z] - magazinul de legume fructe
grocer > [griillsa'] - Mcan, vanzator la bacanie
grocer's > [grallsa'z] - bacanie
to grow > [tll grau] - a crqte, a cultiva
handbag > [hEndbEg] -
to happen >[tuhEpn] - a (se) intampla
hat > [hEt] - palarie
heavy >[hCVl] - greu
homework > [halll11"a:'k] - tema pentru acasa
Jersey > [dja.'Z1] - Jerseu
to knit > [tu nit] - a tricota
library > [la/brari] - biblioteca
lIght > [la/t] - lUl11inos, deschis (la culoare),

to lose >[tu lu:z] - a pierde
loss > [los] - pierdere
to meet >[tll mi:t] - a (se) intalni, a (se)
meeting >[mi:tin(gl] - intalnire, adunare
narrow >[nErou] - ingust, stramt
necklace >[ncklis] - colier
neighbour >[nc/ba'] - veClll
not so... as >[not sau Ez] - nu (de) ... , ca TIU atat de
not as... as >[ not Ez Ez] - nu (de) ... , ca nu atat de
orange >[ ortnuj] - portocala
out of fashion > [aut ov - demodat
pear >[pea'] - para
pocket >[poklt] - buzunar
polite > [palalt] - politicos
to remember > [tLl rImcll1ba
] - aHi) aminti, aHi) reaminti
to return >[tLl nta:'n] - a (se) intoarce, ada inapoi,
a inapoia
to rise >[tulalz] - a rasari
sad >[,Ed] - trist
to shut >[tu - a inchide
simple > [simpl] - simplu

since >[sins] - de atunci
skirt >[ska:'t] - fusta
to sleep >[tu sh.pJ - a dormi
sleeve >[slI.\ J - maneca (a rochiei, a
small >[smo:1J -mic
soaked >[saukt] - ud, umed
to spend >[ tLl spend] - a cheltui (bani),
a (pe) trece (timp)
to start >[tu'la.'tJ - a incepe
strange >[stlclI1dlJ - ciudat
sunnse >[sanralz] - rasarit de soare

than >[ D/EnJ - decat
to try on >[tu Iral onJ - a incerca, a proba (despre
ugly >[agIJJ - mat, pocit
van > [\ LnJ - furgoneta
waterproof >["ola'pru:J] - impermeabil, rezistent la apa
to wear >[ III "ca'] - a purta (despre haine)
wide > ["af(IJ - lat
woollen >["ulanJ - (confectionat) din lana, de lana
worn > ["ll In] - uzat, folosit (pentru haine)
to zip up >ltuzlpap! - a inchide fermoarul
Prepozitia since indica momentul din trecut in care a inceput actiunea:
4. Constructiile as... as ~ i not so... as folosite pentru compararea obiectelor sau a persoanelor:
- Acum nu am timp.
- Nu a venit nimeni sa ne viziteze.
- Nu am nimic.
- Este 0 m ~ i n in strada.
- Sunt cativa caini in gradina.
- Ea nu s-a intalnit cu el de anul trecut.
- Nu I-am vazut de 0 saptamana.
- Ia feI, ~ de, ... tot ~ de
(in propozitie afirmativa)
- nu ~ ... ca ~ i (in propozitie
negativa), nu atat
- ~ i n mea este Ia fel de scumpa ca ~ i a tao
- Nu e ~ de batran ca mine.
Nu are c e e ~ i varsta ca mine.
I have nothing.
I have no time now.
Nobody came to visit us.
There is a car in the street.
There are some dogs in the garden.
I haven't seen him for a week.
She hasn't met him since last year.
as... as
My car is as expensive as yours.
He is not as old as me.
not so... as
1. Pronumele negativ no, nobody, nothing:
2. There is/there are:
3. Prepozitia for exprima durata actiunii:
Sa exersam cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Sa incepem lectia cu setul de cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare urmariti
traducerea lor in limba romiina:
job > [djob] - munca, ocupatie, slujba
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
raise > [reiz] - marire,
(a salariului)
labourer > [lelbara
] - muncitor
unemployment > [animploimant] -
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
trade-union > [treid iu:nian] - sindicat
member > [memba
] - membru
negotiations > - negocieri
employee > [emploii:] - angajat, salariat
strike > [straik] - greva
management > [mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
strike > [straik] - greva
member > [memba
] - membru
raIse > [reiz] - marire,
(a salariului)
unemployment > [animploimant] -
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
job > [djob] - munca, ocupatie, slujba
management > [mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
trade-union > [treid iu:nian] - sindicat
employee > [emploii:] - angajat, salariat
labourer > [lelbara
] - muncitor
- negocieri
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Ce despre din tara ta?
- I know about these >negotiations.
- conducerea.
- Am multi colegi.
- Negocierile vor fi maine.
- El pierdut slujba.
- Salariatii vor sa vorbeasca.
- EI este membru de sindicat.
- Ieri am primit 0 marire de salariu.
- In Romania
este foarte mare.
- Ei vorbesc despre
ultima greva.
- Crezi ca salariul meu
este mare?
- El este muncitor in
aceasta fabrica?
- Have you the news about the >strike?
- Do you like your :::job?
- My :::colleagues will always help me.
- They get a >raise every year.
- Last year we had more >members.
- What do you know about
:::unemployment in your country?
- In a month our >wages will be higher.
- The :::management of our factory is
very good.
- Have all your ::oemployees families?
- All >labourers have a meeting on Wednesday.
- Are you a member of this :>trade-union?
>[hi: iz a memM' av
a treid iu:nian]
>[ai got a reiz iestardei]
>[ai hEv meni koli:gz]
>[DZa uil bi:
>[Ui: a:' Ueitin(g) fo:
DZa mEnidjmant]
>[DZa emploii:z Uont tu to:k]
>[hi: hEz lost hiz djob]
>[Ui: hEv greit
animploimant in ru:meinia]
>[ DZei a:
) abaut
DZa la:st straik]
>[ iz hi: a lelbara
DZis fEktari]
>[ du iu: TSm(g)k mal Ueidjiz
a.' hai]
He has lost his job.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii:
We are waiting for
the management.
The negotiations will be
I got a raise yesterday.
I have many colleagues.
The employees want to talk.
We have great
unemployment in Romania.
He is a member of
a trade-union.
They are talking about
the last strike.
Do you think my wages
are high?
Is he a labourer m
this factory?
Ai despre greva?
Ei obtin in fiecare an 0 marire de salariu.
Anul trecut am avut mai multi membri.
despre aceste negocieri.
Iti place munca ta?
Peste 0 luna salariile noastre vor fi mai mario
membru al acestui sindicat?
Colegii mei rna vor ajuta intotdeauna.
Toti angajatii tai au familie?
Administratia fabricii noastre este
foarte buna.
Toti muncitorii au miercuri.
Gramatica lecfiei se referii la utilizarea timpului trecut perfect (Past Perfect Tense). Acest timp se
pentru a descrie 0 aCfiune care s-a inaintea unei alte aCfiuni trecute, aceasta din
urmii exprimiindu-se cu timpul Simple Past (trecutul simplu). Complementele circumstanfiale utilizate
cu Past Perfect Tense sunt:
lata cum este folosit Past Perfect Tense in propozitii:
Traduceti in limba engleza noile cuvinte:
this book ...
the house...
- Dupa ce salariatii au obtinut 0
marire de salariu, au inceput
sa lucreze.
- Am luat micul dejun inainte
de a merge la lucm.
> management
> employee
> labourer
> unemployment
> trade-union
> wages
> raIse
> job
> negotiations
> management
> strike
> wages
> colleague
> member
- dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce,
- inainte de, inaintea, dinaintea
forma a Ill-a
a verbului principal
DZi emploii:z hEd got
a reiz DZei sta:ftid tu ua:fk]
>[ai hEd Un brekfast bifo:
ai Uent tu ua:fk]
verb auxiliar
I had eaten breakfast before
I went to work.
After the employees had got
a raise they started to work.
munca, slujba
marire a salariului
Urmiirifi structura propozifiei:
to negotiate > [tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
to raise >[tureiz] - a spori, a mari
to apply for > [tu apJai fo:f] - a cere, a solicita
to earn > [tu a:fn] - a (bani prin munca)
to reduce > [tu ridiu:s] - a reduce, a
to fire > [ttl faia
] - a concedia
to apply for > [tu aplai fo:f] - a cere, a solicita
to reduce > [tu ridiu:s] - a reduce, a
to fire > [tu faia
] - a concedia
to negotiate > [tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
to earn > [tua:fn] - a (bani prin munca)
to raise > [tu reiz] - a spori, a mari
> [bifo:
ai vizitid mai maDZa
- Inainte de a 0 vizita pe mama
al hEd bo:t ha:
tlauih] i-am cumparat flori.
- Ea s-a dus 1a culcare dupa ce
s-a uitat la filmul acela.
> Before I bought this car I had worked
in a bank for a long time.
> After he had returned home he ate
some bread.
> I had tried on this coat before
I bought it.
> She started to worry after
she had got this letter.
> Uent tu bed a:fta

hEd Uot;;t DZEt film]
She went to bed after she
had watched that film.
Before I visited my mother
I had bought her flowers.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Dupa ce s-a intors acasa el a mancat
Inainte de a cumpara aceasta am lucrat
mult timp intr-o banca.
Ea a inceput sa se ingrijoreze dupa ce
a primit aceasta scrisoare.
Am i'ncercat aceasta haina inainte
de a 0 cumpara.
lata acum cateva verbe noi. Retineti traducerea lor:
Sa exersam verbele intr-o alta ordine:
Sii vedem cum se jormeazii interogativul $i negativulla Past Perfect Tense.
Propozitia interogativii se jormeazii prin inversarea ordinii subiectului $i a verbului auxiliar:
Sa introducem nOlle verbe in propozitii:
- Cred ca trebuie sa marim
- Ei spun ca ei prea
putini bani.
- Da, salariatii au solicitat
deja asta.
- Yom negocia asta cu ei.
- Conducerea vrea
sa concedieze 0 suta dintre ei.
- Cum putem sa facem asta daca
ei vor sa concedieze oameni?
- insa ca trebuie
sa reducem
> [hEd DZei bi:n hia
ai keim]
- How many labourers have they already
> fired?
- Will they >raise our wages?
- Before they> reduced unemployment they
had built new factories.
> [hEd hi: bo:t a buk bifo:
hi: lI ent haum]
- Before I >applied for a new job
I had worked in an office.
- Do they> earn less than our parents?
- We will not> negotIate here.
> [DZei sei DZei a:rn tu: Utl]
> [ies aua
emploli:z hEy
o:lredl aplaid fo:' DZls]
> [az Pin(g)k Ui: mast relz
> [Ui: ull it
uiDz DZEm]
> [DZa mEllld]mant Uonts
tu faia
a handnd ov DZem]
> [bat rimemba
1I 1: mast
ridiu:s animplollnant]
> [hau kEn lIi: du: it if DZei
lI ont tu fala
I think we must raise
Yes, our employees have
already applied for this.
We will negotiate It
with them.
They say they earn to little.
The management wants
to fire a hundred of them.
But remember we must
reduce unemployment.
How can we do it If they
want to fire people?
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu verbele corespunzatoare:
Inainte de a reduce ei au construit
fabrici noi.
Ne vor mari salariile?
Cati muncitori au concediat deja?
Ei mai putin decat parintl1
Nu vom negocia aici.
Inainte de a solicita 0 slujba noua,
am lucrat intr-un birou.
Had they been here before I came?
He had bought a book before he went home.
Had he bought a book before he went home?
They had been here before I came.
lata cateva exemple:
Structura had not poatejiprescurtatii hadn't [hEdnt].
Construc!ia negativii hadn't se poate folosi $i in propozi!ii afirmative:
- Ei n-au vazut-o pe Maria inainte
ca ea sa-i fi vizitat.
- Nu au ~ t u t despre asta inainte
ca eu sa Ie fi spus.
> lies ai hEd]
> [nau ai hEdnt]
> [nau ai hEd not]
> lies hi: hEd]
> [nau hi: hEd not]
> [nau hi: hEdnt]
> Had they seen this film before
we visited them?
- Yes, >they had.
- No, >they hadn't.
> Had you been here before it happened?
> Had he been in England before he returned?
- Yes, >he had.
- No, >he hadn't.
> After I had got up I went to the kitchen.
> Had they applied for the job before
I started to work there?
- Yes, >they had.
- No, >they hadn't.
Yes, I had.
No, I hadn't.
No, I had not.
Yes, he had.
No, he hadn't.
No, he had not.
> [DZei hEdnt naun abaut
it bifo:' ai told DZem]
Had you been here before I came?
Had he written the letter before he went to the post-office?
They had seen this film before
we visited them.
He had been in England before he returned.
In exerci!iul urmator formulati intrebari, raspunsuri afirmative ~ negative la urmatoarele propozi!ii:
Riispunslll ajirmativseformeazii cu ajlltorul adverbului yes, alpronumeluipersonal $i al verbului auxiliar
had. Nega!ia se compune din: cuwintul no, pronumele personal, verbul auxiliar had $i adverbul not.
They had applied for the job before
I started to work there.
They hadn't seen Mary before > [DZei hEdnt si:n meari
she visited them. bifo:' ~ vizitId DZem]
Dupa ce m-am sculat m-am dus in bucatarie.
Traduce!i urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Ai fost aici inainte de a se intampla asta?
They hadn't known
about it before I told them.
Repetati cuvintele noi intr-o ordine diferita:
> Had you tried to negotiate before
they fired you?
> I hadn't seen this picture before I arrived here
> I hadn't thought about it before I read
this book.
> After the management had raised wages
the employees were very glad.
> Where are the contents of this book?
> Horses like to eat oats.
> What proceeds have you every year?
> I keep my savings at home.
> How has he earned his riches?
Cuvintele invatate anterior sunt la plural, la fel ca cuviintul wages pe
care il deja.
Ai incercat sa negociezi inainte ca ei
sa te concedieze?
Nu am vazut acest tablou inainte de a sosi aici.
Dupa ce administratia le-a marit salariile,
angajatii au fost foarte
Nu m-am gandit la asta inainte sa fi citit
aceasta carte.
Sa invatam alte ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
oats > [auts] -ovaz
proceeds > [prousl:dz] - (dintr-o activitate)
riches > - avere, bogatie
> [TSEn(g)ks]
- multumiri,
surroundings > [saraundin(glz] - imprejurimi, vecinatate
savings > [seivin(glz] - economii (bani economisiti)
proceeds > [prousi:dz] - (dintr-o activitate)
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
> [TSEn(glks]
- multumiri,
surroundings > [saraundin(glz] - imprejurimi, vecinatate
oats > [auts] - ovaz
savings > [seivin(glz] - economii (bani economisiti)
riches > - avere, bogatie
Unde este cuprinsul acestei carti?
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Cailor Ie place sa manance ovaz.
Ce anual ai?
Imi tin economiile acasa.
Cum el averea?
"I keep my savings at home."
> I gave them my thanks.
> These are nice surroundings.
> Have you already met the new employees?
> His earns too little to have savings.
> The contents of this box are interesting.
> The negotiations will be very difficult, but
we must get a raise.
> He bought a new house after he had started
to earn more.
> Have you ever worked before you applied
for this job?
> Our labourers have been members of a
trade-union for five years.
> After the strike the management fired
many employees.
> We must do something to reduce
Le-am transmis multumirile mele.
Imprejurimile sunt frumoase.
Te-ai Intalnit deja cu salariatii noi?
Iar acum sa recapitulam aceasta parte a lectiei rezolvand urmatorul exercitiu. Traduceti propozitiile
In limba engleza:
Inainte de a-I pe John am lucrat cu Peter. > Before I met John I had worked with Peter.
Negocierile vor fi foarte dificile, dar trebuie
sa obtinem marirea salariilor.
Continutul acestei cutii este interesant.
EI prea putin ca sa economiseasca.
EI a cumparat 0 casa noua dupa ce a Inceput
sa mai mult.
Ai mai lucrat Inainte de-a solicita
aceasta slujba?
Muncitorii sunt membri
ai sindicatului de cinci ani.
Dupa greva conducerea a concediat
multi angajati.
Trebuie sa facem ceva ca sa reducem

lar acum recititi cuvintele cu voce tare, intr-o alta ordine:
Sa continuam lectia invat1ind 0 serie de cuvinte noi legate de cumparaturi.
Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- vanzare la un pret
favorabil, chilipir,
- vanzare, reduceri,
vanzarea soldurilor
- de cumparaturi
- reducere de preturi
- carucior
- vanzare la un pret
favorabil, chilipir,
- vanzare, reduceri,
vanzarea soldurilor
- supermarket
- vitrina
- cumparator, client
- lista de cumparaturi
::.. vanzator, vanzatoare
- chitanta
- lista de cumparaturi
- casa (lntr-un magazin)
- supermarket
- vitrina
- casa (intr-un magazin)
- carucior
- vanzator, vanzatoare
- de cumparaturi
- reducere de preturi
- chitanta
- cumparator, client
> bEg]
> [diskaunt]
> [seilz]
supermarket > [su:parma:rkit]
trolley > [troli]
customer > [kastama
shop-assistant > asistant]
receipt > [risi:t]
shopping-list > list]
cash-desk > desk]
shop-window > Uindau]
exit > [egzit]
bargain > [ba:Tgin]
shopping-list > list]
shop-window > Uindau]
supermarket > [su:parma:'kit]
sales > [seilz]
exit > [egzit]
bargain > [ba:rgin]
shopping-bag > bEg]
discount > [diskaunt]
receipt > [risi:t]
customer > [kastama
shop-assistant > asisUint]
cash-desk > desk]
trolley > [troli]
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozitii:
- My >trolley is full.
- Ai fost deja in
noul supermarket?
- Da. au des reduceri.
- A fost 0 adevarata afacere.
- Poti sa iei un camcior
in acest supermarket.
- Da, au foarte
multi cumparatori.
- leri am cumparat 0 multime
de lucruri la pret redus.
- mea era plina
nu am cheltuit
prea multi bani.
- viinzatorii sunt gata
intotdeauna sa te ajute.
- Poti obtine intotdeauna
o chitanta la casa.
- Poti, de asemenea, sa-i dai
viinzatoarei iista ta
de cumparaturi
sa liinga
- Ea iti va aduce
- au intotdeauna
vitrine minunate.
- How many >cash-desks have you
in the shop?
- I love to buy at >sales.
- I have only one >shopping-bag.
> [ies DZei hEy a lot av
kastama'z DZea']
> [iu: kEn teik a troli
in DZis'ma:'kit]
> [mai bEg Uaz ful
End ai didnt spend
tu: mani]
> [iesta'del al bo:t a lot av
T'in(g)z Et diskaunt]
> [hEy iu: o:lredl bi:n
in DZa niu: su:pa'ma:'kit]
> [it "oz a greit ba:'gin]
> [au ies End DZei ofn
hEy seilz]
> [End DZa asistants a:'
o:lueiz redl tu help iu:]
> [iu: kEn olsau giv DZa
asistant 10:'
list End Ue1t
nia' DZi egzlt]
> ull brm
> [iu: kEn 0: IUeiz get a risi:t
Et DZa desk]
> [End DZei 0:lue1z hEy
biu:tifal uindauz]
My shopping-bag was full,
and I didn't spend
too much money.
It was a great bargain.
And the shop-assistants are
always ready to help you.
Yesterday I bought a lot of
things at discount.
You can take a trolley
in this supermarket.
Yes, they have a lot of
customers there.
Have you already been
in the new supermarket?
Oh, yes. And they often
have sales.
You can also give the
shop-assistant your
shopping-list and wait
near the eXIt.
You can always get a receipt
at the cash-desk.
She will bring you
your shopping.
And they always have
beautiful shop-windows.
Ciite case aveti in magazin?
Imi place sa cumpar la viinzarea soldurilor.
Am doar 0 pentru cumparaturi.
Caruciorul meu este plin.
Acest supermarket este cel mai bun
din nostru.
Aici sunt patru
Acest vanzator este foarte dragut.
Multi cumparatori pleaca acum.
Am pierdut chitanta.
Aceasta casa este la un pret foarte bun.
Ai facut deja !ista de cumparaturi?
In vitrina este un radio dragut.
Facem mari reduceri.
Traduceti in !imba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte:
vanzare la pret favorabil, afacere
(de cumparaturi)
vanzator, vanzatoare

!ista de cumparaturi
reducere de preturi
vanzarea soldurilor, reduceri
- This >supennarket is the best
in our town.
- There are four >exits here.
- This >shop-assistant is very nice.
- Many >customers are leaving now.
- I have lost the >recelpt.
- This house is a >bargain.
- Have you already made the >shopping-!ist?
- There is a nice radio in the >shop-window.
- We give large >discounts.
> bargain
> shopping-bag
> shop-wmdow
> shop-assistant
> exit
> shopping-hst
> discount
> trolley
> sales
> customer
lata cateva exemple:
Desigur vd mai amintili de pronumele some (catva, cativa, ceva, unii, putin):
- Da, (ea) are putin.
- Da, am cateva.
- Da, au 0 multime de
- Da, avem cateva.
> receipt
> cash-desk
> supermarket
- Am citeva carti.
- Am ceva zahar.
> Has hcr sister any good books?
> Did he see any cars?
> Have my parents any friends?
> Has Mary any customers in her shop?
Yes, I have some.
Yes, she has a little.
Yes, they have a lot of cars.
Yes, we have a few.
La forma negativa interogativa in locullui some se pronumele
Acest pronume se in urmatoarele cazuri: la singular la plural,
cu substantive care au plural cu cele care nu au forma la plural in
propozitii interogative negative (in unele cazuri in cele afirmative).
casa (lntr-un magazin)
I have some books.
I have some sugar.
Have they any children? > [hEv DZCl eni tsildran] - Au copii?
Has she any coffee? > [hEz eni kofi] - Ea are cafea?
My parents have some friends.
Have we any tea at home? > [hEv lli: eni ti: Et haum] - Avem ceai acasa?
Her sister has some good books.
Mary has some customers in her shop.
Have you any bread at home? > [hEv iu: eni bred Et haum] - Ai paine acasa?
He saw some cars.
Puneti la forma mterogativa urmiHoarele propozitii:
in limba eng/ezd pronumele any nu poate fi omis din propoziliile interogative. in limba romtinii
traducerea acestui cuviint nu este necesarii. Uneori se traduce totu$i, mai ales ciind se referii la
cantitiiti miCl (vezi exemplele anterioare).
Has she any milk?
Have you any trolleys?
Have they any cars?
Have you any receipts?
Dacd rdspundem afirmativ la intrebarea in care apare pronumele any, atunci riispunsul poate
cuprinde: a lot of, some, a little, a few alte pronume care fac referire la cantitate.
Nu uitati ca not any no inseamna lucru - a nu avea deloc.
Daca raspunsul este negativ, atunci putem folosi doua constructii:
- nu prea, mai niciodata, foarte rar
- folositor
- necalificat
- bani gheata, bani in numerar
- Cat costa... ?
- chiar, pana nici macar
- adevarat
- satisilicut, multumit (de)
- abia, mai deloc, prea putin
- abia, putin/un pic
- important, semnificativ
> They have some/a few dogs.
> Have you any dogs?
> We haven't any pictures.
> We have no pictures.
> I have some/a little butter.
> I see no people here.
> I don't see any people here.
> I know no typists.
> I don't know any typists.
Have you any - No, I haven't any - No, I have no - Nu am chitanta.
receipts? receipts. receipts.
Have you any time? - No, I haven't any - No, I have no time. - Nu am timp.
Have they any - No, they haven't - No, they have - Nu au bani.
money? any money. no money.
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza. In cazul negatiilor folositi ambele forme:
Ai caini?
Nu avem tablouri (nici un tablou).
Au cativa caini.
Nu vad oameni aici (pe nimeni).
Am putin unt.
Nu cunosc dactilografe (nici 0 dactilograili).
lata alte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
important > [impo:'tant]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
hardly > [ha:'dli]
hardly any > [ha:ldli eni]
hardly ever > [h a r dII e\ a
true > [tru ]
even > [i \ n]
How much is ... ? > [h,ll! IZ]
cash >
unskilled > [anskild]
useful > [iu:sfal]
Acum repetati cuvintele intr-o ordine diferita:
Adverbul hardly exprima 0 negatie. De aceea, alaturi de el nu se
alt cuvant de negatie:
- adevarat
- nu prea, mai niciodata, foarte rar
- necalificat
- folositor
- Cit costa... ?
- chiar, pfma nici macar
- abia, putin/un pic
- satisfacut, multumit (de)
- abia (daca), mai deloc, prea putin
- important, semnificativ
- bani gheata, bani in numerar
- Au fost satisfacuti toti
- Vin foarte rar in acest
- Cat costa acest ceas?
- Este adevarata povestea aceea?
- Nu este sare mai deloc.
- EI cumpara intotdeauna
lucruri utile.
- Aceasta este chiar
mai ieftina.
- Trebuie sa cu bani gheata.
- Vor concedia zece muncitori
- Abia daca mai am ceva bani.
- Abia daca mai am vreun prieten.
- a plati cu bani gheata,
a plati in numerar
>[IZ DIEt sto n tru.]
> [hau iz DZis klok]
> [al Em haofdil e\ a' III DZis
>["a:f 0:1 kastama'z
> [DZea' iz ha:'dlJ em so:lt]
> [DZis ka:' iz i:vn
> [iu: mast pei in
> [hI: oYelz balz IU sfal
> [ai hEy ha:'dli cni mani]
> [DZei Uil faia' ten anskil
I have hardly any friends.
Retineti urmatoarea expresie:
to pay in cash
true > [tnt:]
unskilled > [anskild]
hardly ever > [ha:fdli eva
useful > [iu:sfal]
How much is ... ? > [hau iz]
hardly any > [ha:fdh eni]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
even > [i:vn]
hardly > [ha:'dli]
important > [impo:'tant]
cash >
Sa mtroducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
Were all customers
How much is this clock?
Is that story true?
He always buys useful
There is hardly any salt.
This car is even cheaper.
You must pay in cash.
I am hardly ever III thIS
I have hardly any money.
They will fire ten unskilled
I have something to tell you. > [ai hEy samTsin(g) tll tel iu:] - Am ceva sa-ti spun.
Acum sa fnVli{am formele compuse ale pronumelui some:
- cineva
- ceva
- undeva
- Trebuie sa fie undeva.
- Cineva sm langa
m ~ i n noastra.
- >How much is this bicycle?
- They didn't >even fire him.
- We don't want >unskilled employees.
- We always pay >m cash.
- Everybody says it is a >true story.
- Are you >satisfied with your job?
- She >hardly spoke.
- I >hardly ever go to matches.
- It is very >important for me.
> hardly any
> Important
> hardly
> useful
> How much is ... ?
> unskilled
> hardly ever
> even
> satisfied with
> true
> cash
> [It mast bi: samUea']
> [sambadl 1Z stEndin{g)
ma' aua' ka:']
Nu merg aproape niciodata la meciuri.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Nu vrem angajati necalificati.
Platim intotdeauna cu bani gheata.
Este foarte important pentru mine.
~ t i multumit de locul tau de munca?
Toata lumea spline ca este 0 poveste adevarata.
Ea nu a vorbit mai deloc.
Nici macar nu I-au concediat.
Cat costa aceasta bicicleta?
Traduceti urmatoarele expresii in limba engleza:
foarte putinl un pic
Cat costa... ?
abia, mai deloc
satisIacut (de)
mai niciodata
bani gheata
pana ~ i
lata cateva exemple:
Somebody is standing
near our car.
It must be somewhere.
Sa exemplifieam explieatia anterioara:
Traducetl in lImba engleza urmatoarele propozitii. Pentmpropozitiile negative folositi ambele structuri:
in propozi!iile interogative in locullui some sefolosesc formele compuse ale pronumelui any:
- Nu eunose pe nimeni aiei.
- Nu mi-a dat nimie.
- Nu 0 vad nieaieri.
- pe eineva aici?
- 0 vezi undeva pe Maria?
- Ti-a dat eeva?
> Have you seen these gIrls anywhere?
> 1don't want to talk to anybody.
> I want to talk to nobody.
> Can anybody pay in cash?
> I don't like anybody.
> I like nobody.
> My sister is somewhere in England.
> DId you meet anybody important there?
> This man doesn't love anybody.
> This man loves nobody.
> [nau al daunt nau enibadi
> [nau ai nau naubadi hia
> [nau hi: didnt glV mi:
> [nau ai daunt si: ha:
> [nau hi: geiv mi:
> [nau ai si: ha:
Did he give you anything? > [did hi: giv iu: eniTSm(g)]
Do you see Mary anywhere? > [du iu: si: meari eniUea
Do you know anybody here? > [ du IU: nau enibadi hia
Did he give you anything?
No, he didn't give me
No, I know' nobody here.
Do you know anybody here?
No, I don'(know anybody
No, I see her nowhere.
No, he gave me
Nu vreau sa \orbesc cu mmem.
Do you see Mary anywhere?
No, I don't see her
Le-ai vazut undeva pe aceste fete?
Poate cineva sa plateasca cu bani gheata?
Ai intiilnit acolo pe cineva important?
Nu-mi place de nimeni.
Sora mea este undeva in Anglia.
Acest om nu pe nimeni.
Dacii riispunsul este negativ, atunci folosim formele compuse ale cuvdntului any, iar verbul din
propozi/ie va ji la forma negativii. Cdndfolosim formele compuse ale lui no, atunci verbul va ji la
forma ajirmativii. Nu uitali cii in limba englezii nu existii dubIii negalie.
Iar acum sa recapitulam intreaga lectie. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Urmeaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele accentuate din fiecare coloana desemneaza sunete identice:
[E] [0] [u:] [ei]
cash trolley true sales
cat job blue day
hat clock do pay
can sock boot say
> You will get the receipt at the cash-desk.
> We must reduce unemployment in Romania.
> The employees and the management are
meeting tomorrow to negotiate wages.
> Have you seen anything interesting
in the surroundings?
> His proceeds are very high.
> There will be sales in our
supermarket next week.
> The members of our trade-union earn more.
> Our colleagues are applying for a raise.
> How many labourers have they recently fired?
> Before I bought this book I had asked
about its contents.
> Our clients are always satisfied
with their bargains.
> Before I went shoppmg I had written
a shopping-list.
> Can I get a discount?
> Have you any clock at home?
> I hardly ever listen to music.
> How much is this skirt?
> I won't tell anybody about it.
> I will tell nobody about it.
> After I had started work John came.
Vei primi chitanta la casa.
Cati muncitori au concediat in ultima vreme?
Saptamana viitoare vor fi reduceri In
supermarketul nostru.
Colegii solicita 0 marire de salariu.
este foarte mare.
Trebuie sa reducem Romania.
Inainte de a cumpara aceasta carte
m-am interesat de continutul ei.
Salariatii conducerea se intalnesc maine
sa negocieze salariile.
Membrii sindicatului nostru mai mult.
Ai vazut ceva interesant in
Pot sa primesc 0 reducere?
Clientii sunt intotdeauna satisIacuti
de cumparaturile avantajoase.
Ai ceas acasa?
Inainte de a merge la cumparaturi am scris
o lista de cumparaturi.
Nu prea ascult muzica.
Nu voi spune nimanui despre asta.
Cat costa aceasta fusta?
Dupa ce am inceput lucrul a venit John.
17.1. 1. Utilizare
17.1.4. Raspunsuri afirmative negative
17.1. The Past Perfect Tense - timpul trecut perfect
- dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce, ulterior
- inainte, in fata, dinaintea
- Yes, I had.
- No, I had not.
- No, I hadn't.
- continut, cuprins
- ovaz
- (dintr-o activitate)
- avere, bogatie
- multumiri,
- imprejurimi, vecinatate
- economii, bani de 0 parte
- salariu
- Nu au vazut-o pe Maria inainte
ca ea sa-i fi vizitat.
Constructia propozitiei:
Interog,ativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii subiectului a verbului auxiliar:
They had been here before I came. - Had they been here before I came?
Had you been here before I came?
Expresia "had not" se prescurteaza "hadn't":
Raspunsurile afirmative se alcatuiesc cu ajutorul adverbului "yes", a pronumelui
personal a verbului auxiliar "had". Negatiile se formeaza cu ajutorul cuvantului
de negatie "no", a pronumelui personal, a verbului auxiliar "had" a adverbului
II folosim in cazul a doua actiuni din trecut, pentru a indica actiunea care s-a petrecut
mai devreme. Acest timp indica faptul ca prima actiune s-a terminat deja. Cea de-a
doua actiune se exprima cu timpul Simple Past.
They hadn't seen Mary before
she visited them.
Complementele circumstantiale cel mai des utilizate alaturi de acest timp sunt:
subiect + verb + forma a III-a a +
auxiliar verbului principal
She had read this book ...
They had built the house ...
17.1 3. Formarea interogativului
17.1.5. Structura negativa "hadn't" se poate folosi in propozitii afirmative:

17.2. Urmatoarele cuvinte apar de obicei la plural:

In cazul unui raspuns negativ, se folosesc doua structuri:
In propozitiile interogative in locullui "some" folosim adverbul "any".
In propozitii interogative in locullui "some" folosim formele compuse ale lui "any":
- Nu cunosc pe nimeni aici.
- ceva
- cineva
- undeva
- Am cateva carti.
- Ea are vreun prieten?
- Am cevalputin zahar.
- Ai acasa paine?
- pe cineva aici?
No, I haven't any receipts. - Nu, nu am chitante.
No, I have no receipts.
No, I don't know
anybody here.
No, I know nobody
Do you know anybody
Have you any receipts?
Has she any friends?
Retineti ca "not any" "no" inseamna lucru "nici un, nici 0, a nu avea deloc".
Have you any bread at home?
Acest adverb se alaturi de substantive care au sau nu au plural; atat la singular
In cazul unui raspuns negativ se folosesc fonnele compuse ale lui "any" iar verbul are fanna
negativa, sau formele compuse ale lui "no" verbulla fonna afinnativa:
Do you know anybody here?
I have some sugar.
I have some books.
17.3. "Some, any, no"
17.4. Fonnele compuse ale lui "some, any, no"
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. Have you read anything about that accident?
2. I had stopped smoking before I started to work in this office.
3. Before they fired the unskilled labourers they had talked to them.
4. Do you know the contents of this book?
5. Did you get a receipt at the cash-desk in that supermarket?
6. Do these shop-assistants get higher wages than the management?
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Ce creZI despre fratele lui?
2. Ai ceva bani de 0 parte?
3. Nu am vazut pe nimeni in acest parc.
4. Inainte de a rna uita la film, am baut 0 de cafea cu mama.
5. Pot gasi oriunde asemenea farfurii?
6. Cineva ca nu lucrezi aici.
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
I. I haven't seen nobody in the street.
2. I was at school before I returned home.
3. This surroundings are very nice.
4. My mother has any friends.
5. He can't hardly cook dinner.
6. They just took a trolley.
Iar acum repetati-Ie intr-o alta ordine:
tap > [tEp] - robinet
oven > [ovn] - cuptor
fridge > [fridj] - frigider
tile > [tail] - placa de faiantalteracota
gas-cooker > [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
saucepan > [so:spEn] - cratita
sink > [sin(g)k] - chiuveta
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatarie
towel > [taual] - prosop
rubbish-bin > bin]
- lada de gunoi
mop > [mop] - dirpa de pe jos
Sa incepem lectia cu noile cuvinte care definesc articole de uz casnic. Cititi-
Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
towel > [taual] - prosop
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
fridge > [fridj] - frigider
mop > [mop] - carpa de pe jos
sink >
[sin(g)k] - chiuveta
tile > [tail] - placa de faiantalteracota
gas-cooker > [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
tap > [tEp] - robinet
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatarie
rubbish-bin > [rabi;; bin] - lada de gunoi
saucepan > [so:spEn] - cratita
oven > [ ovn] - cuptor
,.. ,..
Sa introducem noile cuvinte In propozitii:
> [ai Uont tu samTsin(gj - Vreau sa schimb ceva
in Dza in bucatarie.
- Voi pune frigiderul
- Aceste dulapuri vor fi agatate
pe pereti.
- Cred ca putem schimba
- Yom cumpara un aragaz
nou un cuptor
- de gunoi galeata
cu carpa de pe jos
pot fi puse aici.
- Iar prosopul poate fi agatat
langa chiuveta.
- ce facem cu cratitele?
- Trebuie sa rna gandesc la asta.
> [Dzi:s kabadz uil hEn(g)
on DZa Uolz]
> [ai ull put DZa fridj nia'
DZa do:']
> [ai Tsin(g)k ui: kEn olsau
DZa tEp]
> [DZa bin End DZa
bakit uiD
DZa mop
kEn bi put hi a']
> [End a
Uont tu hEy tailz on - vreau sa am faianta pe perete
DZa uol auva' DZa sin(g)k] deasupra chiuvetei.
> [Ui: uil bai aniu:
gEs kuka' End
an ilektrik ovn]
> [End DZa taual kEn bi
hEn(g)d nia' DZa sm(g)k]
> [End "ot abaut
D'a so:spEnz]
> [ai mast Pin(g)k abaut it]
And I want to have tiles on
the wall over the sink.
I think we can also
change the tap.
These cupboards will hang
on the walls.
I want to change something
in the kitchen.
I will put the fridge near
the door.
We will buy a new
gas-cooker and
an electric oven.
The rubbish-bin and the
bucket with the mop
can be put here.
And the towel can be
hanged near the smk.
I must think about it.
And what about
the saucepans?
Completati unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
In mod, putem fonna adverbe din substantive care exprima timpul:
- minunat, splendid
- saptamanal,
in fiecare saptamana
- zilnic, in fiecare zi
- lunar, in fiecare luna
- We must buy a new >gas-cookeI:
- Dirty plates are in the >sink.
- I like the >tiles in this shop.
- This >saucepan is not big enough.
- Look for the tea in this >clipboard.
- Have you any clean >towels?
- How much is this >oven?
- We clean the floor with a >mop.
- Take the >rubbish-bin.
- Where can I get big>taps?
- There is something in that>bucket.
- Our >fridge is old.
>[ dedi]
- Zl
- saptamana
- minunat
Aten!ie: in cuviintul daily litera y s-a transformat in i!
Curatam podeaua cu carpa de pe jos.
Ia de gunoi.
De unde pot procura robinete mari?
Este ceva in galeata aceea.
Frigiderul nostru este vechi.
Farfuriile murdare sunt in chiuveta.
Imi place faianta din acest magazin.
Aceasta cratita nu este suficient de mare.
Callta ceaiul in acest dulap.
Ai prosoape curate?
Cat costa acest cuptor?
in continuare vom fnvii!a regulile deformare a adl'erbelor. Adverbele se potforma din adjective, prin
adiiugarea termina!iei -Iy:
Verificati in ce masura ati sa va cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza unnatoarele
cuvinte expresii:
Trebuie sa cumparam un aragaz nou.
de gunoi
> rubbish-bin
cuptor, de gatit
> oven
> towel
carpa de pe jos
> mop
> cupboard
> gas-cooker
> saucepan
> tap
> sink
> tile
> bucket
> fridge
> [felt]
> [smelt]
forma a III-a
- cu
- a arata, a parea sa fie
- a mirosi, a avea miros
- a simti, a se simti
- a gusta, a avea gust (de)
- a suna, a rasuna
the best - cel mai bine
- She sings >beautifully
- The train is going very >slowly
- He said it very >sadly
- We must talk with them >politely
- This child writes >awfully
> [felt]
> [smelt]
> [i:zlli]
better - mai bine
forma a II-a
> [tu luk]
> [tu fi:l]
> [tu tezst]
> [tu smell
> [tu saund]
> [fi:l]
> [smell
in limba engleza, corespondentullui bine este well. Retineti ca gradele
sale de comparatie sunt identice cu ale adjectivului good:
well- bine
Retmeti ca in cazul lUI cheap wide putem folosi terminatia Iy:
"cheaply, widely".
- tarzlU. eu intarziere high -lnalt, sus
- leftm long - lung, indelungat
-larg hard - tare, dur
- repede. lute early - timpuriu, devreme
Verbele invatate anterior pot fi urmate doar de adjective. Nu se folosesc
adverbe impreuna cu ele.
- easy
Ea canta minunat.
Trenul merge foarte Incet.
El a spus asta foarte trist.
Trebuie sa vorbim cu ei politicos.
Acest copil scrie groaznic.
Aceastii schimbare intervine dacii litera y este precedatii de 0 consoanii:
in multe cazuri, adjectivul adverbul se traduc prin cuvant in limba romana.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu adverbele corespunzatoare:
in englezd. la leI ca in limba romtinii, unele adverbe au formii identicii cu adjectivele care Ie
Sa invatam cateva verbe noi:
to feel
to look
to smell
to sound
to taste
forma I
Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate:
Sa invatam alte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Verificati daca ati inteles cum se folosesc adverbele. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare:
> My wife knits beautifully.
> I feel very sad today.
> Why are you working so hard?
> She looks very strange.
> We must go fast now.
> How much money do you spend weekly?
> My father always walks very slowly.
> I have bought It very cheap/cheaply.
> She writes strangely.
> My mother drives very well.
> We can do it very easily.
> [ai fi:l veri gud tadei] - Ma simt foarte bine azi.
> [DZa dina' teists greit] - Cina are un gust grozav.
> [iu: luk biu:tifal] - Arati minunat.
> [DZis miu:zik saundz gu:d] - Muzica aceasta suna bine.
> [meri:z t1aua'z smel nais] - Fiorile Mariei au un miros placut.
You look beautiful.
I feel very good today.
lata diteva exemple:
The dinner tastes great.
This music sounds good.
Mary's flowers smell nice.
Ea arata foarte ciudat.
Azi rna simt foarte trist.
Sotia mea tricoteaza minunat.
Acum trebuie sa mergem repede.
De ce lucrezi de mult?
Ea scrie ciudat.
Cati bani pe saptamana?
Tatal meu merge intotdeauna foarte incet.
Am cumparat asta foarte ieftin.
Putem face asta foarte
Mama mea conduce foarte bine.
to serve > [tu sa:'v] - a servi, a folosi
to wrap (up) > [tu rEp ap] - a impacheta
to deliver > [tu dIliva'] - a distribui, a livra
to stock > [tu stok] - a se aproviziona, a avea marfuri
in stoc
to support > [tu sapo:'t] - a sprijini, a sustine
insulated > [insiuleitid] - izolat
to let > [tu let] - a inchiria, a fi de inchiriat
for sale > [fo:' seil] - de vanzare
out of order > [aut av o:'da'] - stricat, defect
greasy > [gri:si] - unsuros, alunecos
Recititi cuvintele, intr-o alta ordine:
to support
> [tu sapo:rt] - a sprijini, a sustine
to deliver > [tu diliva
] - a distribui, a livra
greasy > [gri:si] - unsuros, alunecos
insulated > [insiuleitid] - izolat
to let > [tu let] - a inchiria, a fi de inchiriat
to stock > [tu stok] - a se aproviziona, a avea marfuri
pe stoc
to serve
>[tu sa:rv] - a servi, a folosi
for sale > [to:' seil] - de vanzare
to wrap (up) >[tu rEp ap] - a impacheta
out of order
> [aut av o:rda
] - stricat, defect
>[ mai sistii'z haus iz fa:
seiJ] - Casa surorii mele este de vanzare.
- Casa ta este izolata?
- Frigiderul este defect.
- Nu folosi aceasta farfurie.
Este unsuroasa.
- Sunt cateva camere
de inchiriat.
- Vanzatorul ne va servi.
- Puteti impacheta
aceste carti?
- Sindicatul sprijina
- Ei vor livra dulapurile
de bucatarie deseara.
- Our house is >insulated.
- This tool >serves to cut wood.
- What time will you >deliver this fridge?
- How long has the car been >out of order?
>[jz ia:
haus insillieitid]
>[DZa asisUmt
Uil sa:rv as]
>[daunt iu:z DZis pleit
it iz gri:si]
> [DZea
a fiu: ru:mz
tll let]
>[kEn ill: rEp ap
D1n buks]
>[DZa fridj iz aut av o:rda
> [DZel uJ! dlliva
kabadz m DZl i:vnm(g)]
> [DZa treld lu:man sapo:rts
DZa leibararz]
Is your house insulated?
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
There are a few rooms
to let.
My sister's house is for sale.
The fridge is out of order.
The shop-assistant
will serve us.
Can you wrap up
these books?
Don't use this plate.
It is greasy.
They will deliver the
cupboards in the evening.
La ce ora vei livra acest frigider?
The trade-union supports
the labourers.
Completati urmataarele propozitii in limba engleza:
De cat timp nu functioneaza
Casa noastra este izolata.
Acesta unealta se la taierea lemnului.
Conform exemplelor prezentate anterior, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:
Verificati daca ati sa retineti cuvintele noi. Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte
Propozi!ia subordonatii scnsa cu caractere ingro!fate se nume!jte intrebare indirecta!ji este introdusa
de un pronume mterogativ (where, who, when), dupa care urmeaza topica obi!jnuitaa unei propozi!ii
- You have >greasy hands.
- Will you >support us at the meeting?
- Is this plane >to let?
- We >stocked it two years ago.
- Do you want to >wrap up this handbag?
> out of order
> insulated
> to deliver
- Our neighbour's house is >for sale.
> to wrap up
> to stock
> greasy
> to serve
> to let
> to support
> for sale
- Nu unde este aceasta carte.
- Spune-mi cand vor veni.
> Do you know what his children are doing?
> Do you know how much it is?
> Tell me when I can visit you.
> I don't know who serves here.
> Peter will tell us which house is to let.
- Nu Ie spune unde mi-am pus economiile.
Ne vei sustine la
Acest avion este de Inchiriat?
Ai mainile unsuroase.
Am avut asta pe stoc acum cinci ani.
Vrei sa Impachetezi aceasta
Casa vecinilor este de vanzare.
a Impacheta
a tine/a avea marfuri pe stoc
a livra
a Inchiria
a servi
I don't know where this book is.
a sprijini
de vanzare
Cititi urmatoarea propozitie In limba engleza:
De exemplu:
Don't tell them where I have put my savings.
Tell me when they WIll come.
cat costa asta?
Spune-mi dind pot sa te vizitez.
Nu cine aici.
Peter ne va spune care casa este de Inchiriat.
ce fac copiii lui?
> [pi:l DZa pateitouz fo:' dinaf] - Curata cartofii pentru cina!
> [tcl:'n on DZa ti: vi: set pli:z] - Da drumulla televizor, te rog.
Trebuie sa praful de pe biblioteca tao
- a (pe jos)
- a calca (cu fierul)
- a coji, a curata (legume, fructe)
- a praful
- a goli, a descarca
- a opri, a stinge, a inchide
- a deschide, a da drumul, a aprinde
- Am deja pe jos.
- Vrei sa-mi calci
- Ai golit scrumierele?
- Trebuie sa praful
de pe scaune.
- Trebuie sa inchizi robinetul.
- While I was >ironing the skirt my husband
- Before I started to eat breakfast
I >had turned on the toaster.
- Are you still >peeling these vegetables?
- We >empty the rubbish-bin every morning.
- You must >dust your bookcase.
- Mother, we can >mop the floor
in the bathroom?
- I remember that I >had turned off the radio
before I left.
> [tu aian]
> [tu mop]
> [tu ta:fn on]
> [tu empti]
> [tu ta:fn of]
> [ai hEv o:lredi mopt
DZa flo:']
> lUi] iu: aian DZis
> lUi: mast dast DZa
> [did iu: empti
> [IU: mast ta:fn ofDza tEp]
to mop
lata cateva verbe noi:
to iron
to dust
to peel
to empty
to tum on
to tum off
Sa introducem aceste verbe in propozitii:
Will you iron this shirt
for me?
We must dust the chairs.
Did you empty
the ash-trays?
I have already mopped
the floor.
Peel the potatoes for dinner.
Turn on the TV set, please.
You must turn off the tap.
Inca mai cureti aceste legume?
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
In timp ce calcam fusta, s-a intors
sotul meu.
Inainte de-a incepe sa mananc micul dejun,
am pomit aparatul de prajit paine.
Golim de gunoi in fiecare dimineatlL
Mama, putem sa pe jos
in baie?
Imi amintesc ca am oprit radioul inainte
de-a pleca.
Existen{a sau prezen{a, respectiv absen{a unei jiin{e sau a unui obiect se exprimii prin construc{ia
there is/there are.
Forma interogativii a acestei expresii se jormeazii prin inversarea ordinii subiectului gramatical
there a verbului auxiliar:
Forma afirmatiwi se formeazii cu adverbul yes, subiectul gramatical there verbul auxiliar. Pentru
forma negativiifolosim cuvantul de nega{ie no, cuvantul there, verbul auxiliar adverbul not:
- Da, este.
Nu, nu este.
- Da, sunt.
- Nu, nu sunt.
- Da, va fi.
- Nu, nu va fi.
- Sunt pe strada?
- Este a carte pe masa?
- A fast a aici?
> to turn off
> to mop
> to iron
> to peel
> to turn on
> to empty
> to dust
> Is there a house for sale in London?
> Were there many bicycles in that shop?
> Will there be sales in this supennarket?
> [les D'ear lZ]
> [nau DZear iznt]
> lies DZear a:']
> [nau DZear a:'nt]
> [ies DZear Uil]
> [nauDZearUount]
Is there a book on the table?
Are there any cars in
the street?
Has there been a meeting
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.
Yes, there will.
No, there won't.
Traduce1i cuvintele expresiile in engleza:
a opn
a pe jos
a calca (cu fierul)
a coji, a cura1a
a deschide
a goli
a praful
There are cars in
the street.
There is a book on the table.
Fonnula1i intrebari pentru unnatoarele propozi1ii:
There has been a meeting
Is there coffee at home?
There were many bicycles in that shop.
Aceastii expresie poate ji folositii la toate timpurile.
There is a house for sale in London.
There will be sales in this supermarket.
Will there be a meeting here?
Are there any mops here?
Formulati raspunsuri afirmative negative la urmatoarele intrebari:
to offer
> [tu Ola'] -. a oferi
to permit
> [tu pamit]
- a permite
to allow
- a permite, a da voie,
- a admite
to promise
> [tu promis]
- a promite
to refuse
> [tu rifiu:z]
- a refuza, a respinge
Have there been any accidents this month?
No, >there haven't.
No, >there won't.
No, >there aren'f.
No, >there haven't.
- Iti vor oferi 0 slujba
mai buna?
- El mi-a promis 0 noua.
- Conducerea a refuzat sa-mi dea
o marire de salariu.
- Mama nu-ti va da voie
sa mergi la cinematograf.
- Ti-au permis
sa aduci ciiinele?
- She >refused to help me.
- I don't>permit/allow you to smoke here.
- > Promise me you will return early.
- I can> otfer you two apartments.
> [hI. prol1w,t mi' a nlll: ka:']
> [0 ,: 1:1EmdJrnant nfiu:zd
tl. ;1\ ill1: a relz]
> [-11 D"el 'u
3 bet:l' dwb
> [m,ID-a' "11 not alau iu:
tu gau tu DZa sinama]
> [hEv DZei pamitid iu:
tu brin(g) DZa dog]
Yes, >there have.
Yes, >there will.
Yes, >there have.
Yes, >there are.
Will there be any good films on TV today?
Are there any cups in the cupboard?
Have there been any labourers here?
Va prezentam ultimul set de verbe noi din aceasta lectie:
Urmantl foloslrea acestor verbe in propozitii:
He promised me a ne\\ car.
The managment refused
to give me a raise.
Will they offer you
a better job?
Have they permItted:. ou
to bring the dog'>
Mother will not allow you
to go to the cinema.
Completatl propozqiile urmatoare cu verbele corespunzatoare:
Promite-mi ca te vei intoarce devreme.
Pot sa-ti ofer doua apartamente.
Nu-ti permit sa fumezi aici.
Ea a refuzat sa rna ajute.
Iar acum sa sintetizam materia din aceasta parte a lectiei intr-un exercitiu. Traduceti in limba engleza
urmatoarele propozitii:
Traduceti verbele unnlitoare in limba engleza:
a oferi
a refuza
a permite
a ingadui
a promite
Trebuie sa golim repede frigiderul.
Cand vor livra dulapurile?
Ea a spus asta foarte politicos.
Poti folosi aceasta galeata.
Cat lunar?
Aratati minunat impreuna.
Spune-mi unde sunt aceste cratite.
Poate cineva sa-mi calce bluza?
Este paine acasa'J
EI a condus intotdeauna foarte bine
> to offer
> to refuse
> to permit
> to allow
> to promise
> We must empty the fridge fast.
> What time will they deliver the cupboards?
> She said this very politely.
> You can use this bucket.
> How much do you earn monthly?
> You look beautiful together.
> Tell me where these saucepans are.
> Can anybody iron my blouse?
> Is there any bread at home?
> He has always driven the car very well.
Cititi cu atentie urmatorul dialog fiind atenti la pronuntie intonatie. Cuvintele silabele accentuate
sunt scrise
Barbara: How did she help you?
John: You know I wanted to buy a car after I had earned more money. But I was still short of
money and she gave me some.
Barbara: Today we must go to the supermarket to do some shopping. There are many things on my
shopping-list. Now you can return this money!
John: Why must we go to the supermarket all the time?
Barbara: Because the shop-assistants are very polite there and they stock almost everything. And
today they have sales there.
Mary, have you heard that a lot oflabourers don't like their jobs?
No, I haven't. And why don't they like their jobs?
They say their wages are too low and they must often apply for a raise.
Well, I have heard about that. But the management has refused their applications so far.
Hardly any employees like the management.
And the other problem is that there is unemployment in our surroundings. Even John has
hardly worked this summer. The trade-union wants to negotiate about the strike.
And all our employees are members of this trade-union. The management already knows
about it and wants to fire some of the employees. Do you know how many people they
want to fire')
No, I don t. I think there must be a few. But there are many unskilled workers and they
will not get a job.
I must give my thanks to your mother because she has helped me.
Good. today I'll take you to the supermarket in my new car.
Mary, today we have a lot of work to do.
I know. I must dust the tables, empty the rubbish-bin and iron my father's shirts.
And I must place the gas-cooker somewhere else, because it cannot stand next to the
But you can't do it today. All of our electric tools are out of order.
I almost forgot about that. Then I'll go and buy a new electric oven to the kitchen.
But Tom, we must pay for it in cash and right now we are short of cash.
Then I will peel the vegetables for dinner.
Barbara: What are the contents of that book?
Barbara: Then I will also read that book.
Barbara: Now you can read it, but later I will turn on the radio and we can listen to some music.
> Will we meet to negotIate raises?
> After I had written a letter I bought
two stamps.
> I think I will apply for a better job
and higher wages.
> They want to grow oats this year.
> Two years ago we lived in
beautiful surroundings.
> Before we started work we had waited
for them.
> Our employees want to change
the management.
> My colleagues don't want this strike.
> All customers are satisfied with the shopping
in our supermarket.
> Have they already raised wages?
> Don't forget to take the shopping-list and
the shopping-bag.
> Do they give discounts only during sales?
> This news is very Important.
> They hardly ever do homework.
> Must I leave the trolley at the cash-desk?
> I haven't any friends in this town.
> I have no friends In thIS town.
> He earns a lot and buys only bargains.
> Do you think this cupboard will be useful
in the kitchen?
> How much is thIS bycicle?
But I want to read this book tonight. You know I read two books daily.
The contents of this book are very important and useful for a secretary.
Ei fac aproape niciodata tema pentru acasa.
Nu uita sa iei lista de cumparaturi
Toti clientii sunt satisfacuti de cumparaturile
din supermagazinul nostru.
Aceasta este foarte importanta.
Cred ca voi solicita 0 slujba mai buna
un salariu mai mare.
Dupa ce am scris 0 scrisoare, am cumparat
doua timbre.
Anul acesta ei vor sa cultive ovaz.
Au marit deja salariile?
Inainte sa incepem lucrul, i-am
Angajatii vor sa schimbe conducerea.
Acum doi ani am locuit intr-o
zona minunata.
Colegii mei nu vor aceasta greva.
Ne vom intalni ca sa negociem
maririle de salarii?
Rezolvati urmatorul exercitiu care sintetizeaza intregul material al lectiei. Traduceti urmatoarele
propozitii in limba engleza:
El multi bani cumpara numai
la pret redus.
Trebuie sa las caruciorulla casa?
Nu am prieteni in acest
Crezi ca acest dulap va fi util in bucatarie?
Cat costa aceasta bicicleta?
Fac reduceri doar in perioada
"Don't forget to take the shopping-list and the shopping-bag."
In incheiere, va propunem un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele de la inceputul coloanelor cele scrise
accentuat indica sunet:
>Where are the towels?
> Before we went to Mary we had mopped
the floors.
>He walks very strangely.
>This story can't be true.
>Have you anything to tell me?
>The shop-asslstant is Just wrapping up
my shoppmg
>The TV set is out of order.
>Ask hIm \\ hen he shuts the shop.
>Can you tum off the radIO')
>Dust the tables and Iron these clothes.
>Are there any books here?
Intreaba-l cand inchide magazinul.
praful de pe mese calca aceste haine.
El merge foarte ciudat.
Unde sunt prosoapele?
Ai ceva sa-mi spui?
Aceasta poveste nu poate fi adevarata.
Inainte sa mergem la Mary noi am
pe jos.
Poti sa radioul?
Televizorul nu functioneaza.
\Tanzatorul tocmai imi impacheteaza
Sunt carti aici?
[i:] [a] [ai] [ei]
peel dust iron sale
seen bucket tile make
leave but wide late
green sun drive date
18.1. Adverbe
18.1.4. Alaturi de unele verbe pot sta doar adjective, nu adverbe:
In mod similar se fonneaza adverbe din substantivele care exprima timpul:
the best - cel mai bme

- a arata, a parea sa fie
- a se simti, a simti, a avea 0 senzatie sau
un sentiment
- a suna, a rasuna
- a gusta, a avea un anumit gust
beautifully - minunat
- a mirosi, a avea un miros
better - mai bine
- minunat
month -luna monthly - lunar, in fiecare luna
week - saptamana weekly - saptamanal, in fiecare

- Zl daily - zilnic, in fiecare zi
well - bine
late - tarziu, cu intarziere
cheap - ieftin
wide -larg
fast - repede, iute
high - inalt, sus
long - lung, indelungat
hard - tare, dur
early - timpuriu, devreme
to feel
In cazul adverbelor "cheap" "wide" se terminatia ,,-ly": "cheaply,
to smell
to look
to taste
Retineti ca in cuvantul "daily", litera y s-a schimbat in i.
schimbare se petrece in cazul in care litera -y este precedata de 0 consoana:
to sound
18.1.1. Majoritatea adverbelor se fonneaza din adjective, prin adaugarea tenninatiei ,,-ly":
18.1.2. In limba engleza adverbul corespunzator adjectivului "bun" este "well". Retineti:
comparativul superlativul lui "well" sunt identice cu fonnele corespunzatoare
ale adjectivului "good":
18.1 .3. In limba engleza, la fel ca in limba romana, mai multe adverbe au fonna identica cu
adjectivele corespunzatoare:
Interogativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii subiectului gramatical "there" ~ a
verbului auxiliar:
Propozitia subordonata este introdusa de un pronume interogativ (where, who, what etc.),
dupa care urmeaza 0 propozitie cu structura afirmativa:
18.3.2. Raspunsul afirmativ se formeaza cu adverbul "yes", subiectul gramatical "there" ~
verbul auxiliar. Negatia se compune din cuvantul "no", subiectul gramatical "there",
verbul auxiliar ~ cuvantul "not":
- Este 0 carte pe masa?
- Nu, nu este.
- Da, este.
- Nu ~ u unde este aceasta carte.
- Nu Ie spune unde
mi-am pus economiile.
Is there a book on
the table?
No, there isn't.
There is a book on
the table.
Is there coffee at home? Yes, there is.
Aceasta structura poate fi folosita la toate timpurile.
I don't know where this book is.
Don't tell them where I have
put my savings.
18.3.1. Interogativul
18.2. Intrebari indirecte
18.3. "There is/there are"
A. Traduce!i urmatoarele propozi!ii in limba romana:
1. They haven't delivered the sink and tap so far.
2. Are there any mops to mop the floors?
3. I don't know where they will stock the cupboards.
4. At the moment he is working hard.
5. She had looked beautiful before she cut her hair.
6. My mother is satisfied with the new toaster.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Aceasta suna minunat, dar nu ~ t i u cand putem merge acolo.
2. Sunt apartamente de inchiriat in aceasta cladire?
3. 1 a spus asta foarte trist.
4. Ne vei sprijini in timpul negocierilor?
5. Muzica a sunat foarte bine, dar textul nu a fost interesant.
6. Este cineva aici?
C. Corectati r ~ l i l din urmatoarele propozitii:
I. I didn't feel very well yesterday.
2. There aren't any money in my purse.
3. I know he works very hardly.
4. Can you tell me what time must we be at school tomorrow?
5. There isn't no restaurant in our surroundings.
6. He usually eats one meal dayly.
Verbele neregulate din lectiile 17 18
forma I
feel > [fil]
smell > [smel]
forma a II-a
felt > [felt]
smelt > [smelt]
forma a III-a
felt > [felt]
smelt > [smelt]
, ,
after > [a:fti'F] - dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce,
to allow > [tu alau] - a permite, a da voie, a admite
any > [eni] - orice, oricare
anybody > [enibadi] - oricine, oricare, cineva
anything >
- orice, ceva
anywhere >
- oriunde, undeva
to apply for > [tu aplai fa:
] - a se adresa pentru, a cere, a solicita
application > [ - cerere, solicitare
bargain > [ba:rgin] - vanzare la pret favorabil, chilipir,
before > [bifo:
] - i'nainte (de), i'naintea, dinaintea
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
cash > - bani gheatii, bani In numerar
cash-desk > desk] - casa (i'ntr-un magazin)
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatane
customer > [kastama
] - cumparator, client
to deliver > [tu diliva
] - a distribui, a livra
discount > [diskaunt] - reducere (de preturi)
to dust > [tu dast] - a praful
to earn > [tu a:rn] - a bani (prin munca)
employee > [emplaii:] - angajat, salariat
to empty > [tu empti] - a goli, a descarca
even > [i:vn] - chiar, pana nici macar
exit > [egzit] -
to feel > [tLl fi:l] - a simti, a se simti
to fire > [tLl faia
] - a concedia
for sale
>[fo:Tseil] - de vanzare
> [fridj] - frigider
> [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
> [gri:si] - unsuros, gras
>[ha:Td] - tare, dur, greu
> [ha:Tdli] - abia, mai deloc, prea putin
hardly any
> [ha:Tdli eni] - abia, putin/un pic
hardly ever
> [ha:Tdli eva
] - foarte rar, aproape niciodata,
nu prea
How much is ...
>[hau iz] - Cat costa...
> [impo:Ttant] - important, semnificativ
> [insiuleitid] - izolat
to iron
>[tu aian] - a calca (cu fierul)
>[djob] - loc de munca, serviciu
] - muncitor
to let
>[tu let] - a inchiria, de inchiriat
to look
>[tu luk] - a parea, a arata, a avea aerul
>[mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
] - membru
>[mop] - carpa de pe jos
to mop
>[tu mop] - a pe jos
> - negocieri
to negotiate
>[tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
] - nicaieri, niciunde
> [outs] - ovaz
to offer
> [tu ofa
] - a oferi, a acorda
out of order
> [aut ov o:rda
] - stricat, defect
>[om] - cuptor
to peel
>[tu pi:!] - a coji, a curata (Iegume/fructe)
to permit
> [tu pamit] - a permite
proceeds > [prousi:dz] - (dintr-o activitale)
to promise >
[tu promis]
raise >
to raise >
[tu reiz]
receipt >
to reduce >
[tu ridiu:s]
to refuse >
[tu rifiu:z]
riches > ]
rubbish-bin > bin]
> [seilz]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
saucepan >
savmgs >
to serve >
[tu sa:rv]
shop-assistant > asistant]
> bEg]
> list]
> Uindau]
short of (something)
> av]
> [sin(g)k]
to smell
> [tu smel]
> [sambadi]
> [samUea
to sound
> [tu saund]
to stock
> [tu stok]
> [straik]
> [su:parma:rkit]
to support
> [tu sapo:rt]
> [saraundintg)z]
> [tEp]
to taste > [tu teist]
- a promite
- sporire, marire
- a spori, a mari
- chitanta, nota de plata
- a reduce, a
- a refuza, a respinge
- avere, bogatie
- de gunoi
- reduceri, vanzarea soldurilor
- satisIacut, multumit (de)
- cratita
- economii (bani)
- a servi, a fi folosit
- vanzator, vanzatoare
- sau punga de cumparaturi
- !ista de cumparaturi
- vitrina
- lipsa de (ceva)
- chiuveta
- a mirosi, a avea miros
- cineva
- undeva
- a suna, a rasuna
- a aproviziona, a tine/a avea
marfuri pe stoc
- greva
- supermarket
- a sprijini, a sustine
- imprejurimi, vecinatate
- robinet
- a gusta, a avea gust (de)
> [TSEn(g)ks] - multumiri,
> [tail]
- faiantalteracota
towel > [taual]
- prosop
trade-union > [treid iu:nian]
- sindicat
trolley > [troli]
- carucior (intr-un supermarket)
true > [tru:]
- adevarat
to tum off
> [tu ta:rn of]
- a opri, a stinge, a inchide
to tum on
> [tu ta:1n on]
- a deschide, ada drumul, a aprinde
(lumina etc.)
unemployement > [animploimant] -
unskilled > [anskild]
- necalificat
useful > [iu:stal]
- folositor, util
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
> [Uel] - bine
to wrap up > [tu rEp ap]
- a impacheta
1. Propozitiile interogative introduse prin pronumele interogativ "who" au intotdeauna structura
unei propozitii afirmative, iar verbul este la persoana a III-a singular.
Who saw you?
Who wants the book?
2. Numeralele ordinale:
the first
the second
the third
the fourth
- Cine te-a vazut?
- Cine vrea cartea?
- primul, prima, intaiul, intaia
- al doilea, a doua
- al treilea, a treia
- al patrulea, a patra
In aceasta parte a lectiei yom invata cuvinte legate de starea vremii.
Cititi-le cu voce tare tlti atenti la intelesul lor in limba romana:
gale > [geil] vant putemic, vijelie
hail > [heil] grindina
shower > haua'] aversa, ploaie torenti-
ice > rais] gheata
shade > heid] umbra, nuanta
dew > [diu:]
thunderstorm > [T'anda
sto: '111 J - fmtuna cu traznete,
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
road > [roud] drum,
hurricane > [harikan] uragan
thaw > [T'o: ] dezghet, topire
sunny spells > [sani spelz] vreme insorita
Cititi din nou cuvintele, dar in alta ordine:
thaw > [TSo:]
dezghet, topire
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
shade > umbra, nuanta
hail > [heil] grindina
sunny spells > [sani spelz] - vreme insorita
road > [roud] drum,
thunderstorm > [T'andarsto:rm]
furtuna cu traznete
ice > [ais] gheata
gale > [gcil ] vant putemic, vijelie
hurricane > [harikanl - uragan
dew > [diu:] roua
shower > aversa, ploaie torenti-
Completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare. Folositi filtrul
> [Dlea' a:' nau - In aceste locuri nu sunt
in D'i:z saraundin(g)z] furtuni cu traznete.
Este multa gheata pe rau.
- E multa umbra
dupa amiaza.
- Toamna nu este des
vreme Insorita.
- Dimineata va fi aversa.
- Poti sa vezi roua
pe iarba?
- Nu-ti uita umbrela!
- Dezghetul va Incepe
luna viitoare.
- Este gheata pe apa.
- Uraganele aduc multa
- Acest drum este prea Ingust
pentru 0 furgoneta.
- Azi dimineata a fost
- Au fost multe vijelii
In ianuarie.
- We must take this >road.
- 1 love >thunderstorms in summer.
- There won't be any >hail this spring.
- There is a lot of >ice on the river.
- I don't like >the thaw.
- The last >sunny spell was a month ago.
- Have you already bought a new >umbrella?
- There was a >Shade of smile on his face.
> [harikanz brin(g) a lot av
> [sani spclz daunt oti1
hEpn in
>[DZa Po: "il sta:'t
nekst manT']
> l daunt forget io:' ambrela]
> [Dlis raud iz tLl: nErau
fo:' aYEn]
> [Dlea' iz ais on Dla "o:ta']
> l D"ea' "a:' a lot ov geilz
in djEniLlari]
> [D"e[l' "il bi: a
in D"a mo:'nin
> [ Dlea' "az sam heil
DZis mo:'nin
> [D1a iz !on(g)
in D"i a: fta'nu:n]
> l kEn iu: si: DLa diu:
on DZa gra:s]
Vara imi plac furtunile cu trasnete.
In aceasta primavara nu va fi grindina.
Trebuie s-o luam pe acest drum.
Ultima zi Insorita a fast in urma cu 0 luna.
A fost 0 nuanta de zambet pe fata lui.
Ti-ai cumparat deja 0 umbrela noua?
Nu-mi place dezghetul.
Sunny spells don't often
happen in autumn.
The shade is long
in the afternoon.
There will be a shower
in the morning.
Don't forget your umbrella!
Hurricanes bring a lot of
The thaw will start
next month.
There is ice on the water.
This road is too narrow
for a van.
There are no thunderstorms
in these surroundings.
lata cuvintele noi In propozitii:
Can you see the dew
on the grass?
There were a lot of gales
in January.
There was some hail
this morning.
Chiar vrei sa pe acest vant puternic? - Do you really want to go out in this >gale?
Uraganul este In apropierea Americii. - The >hurricane is near America.
Dimineata este Intotdeauna roua pe iarba.
Cred ca maine vor fi averse.
- There is always >dcw on the grass
in the morning.
- I think there will be >Showers tomorrow.
Deslgllr arl oh.\ervat cum se utllt:.ea:.a if [If] (inseal11na' daca, presllpunimd ca) in propozitil.
- Oaca ea pJeaca prea tarziu,
va plerde autobuzul.
- Vremea va fi placuta, daca
temperatura nu va fi mai scazutii.
- Oaca inapoiezI aceasta carte,
vel prum alta.
> I like all shades of green.
> ThIs road IS the best.
> I hope there wIll be sunny spells today.
> When there IS thaw, the streets are wet.
> ThIs month there have been
many thundel storms.
> I don't like showers.
> Put on your shoes! There IS dew on the grass.
> \Ve lost everythmg m the hurncane.
> Can I take your umbrella?
> Yestelday we had ram and haIl.
> 00 you Ieally like Ice-tea?
> [here are often gales In WInter.
> SPI mg \\ III come after the last thaw.
> [IfILl IIta.'n O/IS buk
III till gct ana0
> [If iI. vz tu lclt
Sl ull bl. IClt fo.
> LOla L1 eD
a' L111 bl n,IlS If
D/a iznt loua']
Pot sa Iau umbreJa ta?
Acest drum este cel mal bun.
lIm plac toate nuantele de verde.
Luna aceasta au fost multe vlJelIi.
Traduceti propozqllle urmiHoare in Innba engleza.
Sper ca aZI va fi vreme insonta.
Primavara va SOSI dupa ultImul dezghet.
Intr-adevar itl place cealUl rece cu gheata?
lama sunt des vantun putemlce.
In aceasta Jeetle ne vom ocupa de 0 problema nnportanta a gramatIcn engleze, modul conditional.
Propozltla condltlOnala este de trel tipun. lata primul tip.
Cand este dezghet, strazile sunt ude.
NO! am pierdut totul in tlmpul uraganului.
Pune-tl pantofil! Este roua pe iarba.
If she leaves too late,
she will be late for her bus.
Nu-ml plac aversele.
lata cateva exemple.
If you return thIS book
you will get another
leri a fost ploale gnndma.
The weather will be nice If
the temperatlll e Isn't lower.
Rerl/lerl ca in propo:.ltia condltlOllala (care este pnn if) se foloseste tl/npul prezent
simplu (SImple Present), far ill propo:'lrfa prinClpala IItlltzeaza vlitorul Sllllplu (Sllnple Future).
Tipul intii (1. Conditional) refera la vuto/: indepl//urea cond/tiei, respect/v realtzarea activitiiru
\'l/toare, este poslhila.
Sa exersam cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Completati propozitiile unnatoare cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Cititi cu voce tare unnatorlll dialog scurt in care apar cuvintele noi:
- Nu, este groaznica.
- iti place azi vremea?
- If she> doesn't takeher umbrella
she will return home wet.
- If it > ramswe won't go for a walk.
- You won't be a good doctor if
you> don't learn.
- If there > IS frost tomorrow, we will stay
at home.
> [lldll lis II IlJ
> [dll iu. lalk [Ya lIefYa'
No, it's awfuL.
Do you like the weather
lata propozitiile din text traducerea lor in limba romana:
changeable > [t;;emdlabl] - schimbator
oppressive > [OpICSIV] - apasator,
slippery > [slipan] - alunecos
severe > [slviarJ - sever, aspru, cumplit
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
dangerous > [dcmdjaras] -periculos
A: Do you like the weather today?
B: No, it's awful. In the morning the fog was so dense that I didn't see my car.
A: Yes, and the streets were slippery. It was dangerous. I think this winter will be severe.
B: I am not sure. The weather is always changeable in November. And it's better than the
oppressive heat in summer.
slippery > [slipall] - alunecos
severe > [sl\ia'] - sever, aspru, cumplit
changeable > - schimbator
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
oppressIve > [opresiv] - apasator,
dangerous > [dcmdjaras] -periculos
Daca ploua nu vom merge 1a plimbare.
Nu vei fi un medic bun, daca
nu inveti.
Daca ia umbrela, ea se va intoarce
acasa uda.
Oaca maine e gel', vom ramane
lar acum sa invatam cateva adjective noi. Cititi cllvintele cu voce tare retineti corespondentullor
in limba romana:
"Severe frost has set in."
A fost periculos.
Cred ca aceasta iarna va fi
Si este mai bine decat
caldura vara.
Dimineata ceata a fost atat
de deasa, incat nu mi-am
Da, strazile au fost
Nu sunt sigur.
In noiembrie vremea este
intotdeauna schimbatoare.
> Sevel e frost has set in.
We have> changeable weather in
There is > dense traffic in the streets.
The road was> "lIppery so we went on
These animals can be > dangerous.
This summer there has been> oppressIve
> [111 D\l mo:'nin(g) D/a
' U d DIE .
og oz sou ens al
didnt si: mai ka:
> [/\:s End D/a stri:ts ua:r
> !it uoz deindjaras]
> [ai r'in(g)k D/IS uintar IIi]
bi: sidi/]
> [ai Em not ;;ua']
> [D/a ueD/al IZ o:luelz
t;;eindjabl In nouvemb[\I]
> [End its beta
D/En D/a
opresiv 11I.t in sal1la')
And it's better than the
oppressive heat in summer.
Desigur ati memorat deja cuvintele noi. Completati unnatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele cores-
I am not sure.
Yes, and the streets were
In the morning the fog was
so dense that I didn't see my
S-a depus un ger cumplit.
In Romania avem 0 vreme schimbatoare.
Este un trafic intens pe strazi.
Drumul a fost alunecos ca noi am mers
pe jos.
Aceste animaIe pot fi periculoase.
Vara aceasta a fost 0 caldura
The weather is always
changeable in November.
It was dangerous.
I think this winter will be
Traducetl in hmba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte. Folosltl filtrul
Ortografia IIIlOra dintre numerale ordinale se schil11bii prin adiiugarea terl11ina!iei -th:
Celelalte numerale ord/llale se formeazii prin adiiugarea ternlll1a!iel -th la l1umeralele cardinale:
> [t"entl fa:rst]
> [T'a:rti sekand]
> [sikstl T'a 'd]
> [t"entlaT']
> [sevnT
> [fifP]
> [tUclfP]
> [siksT']
- al trellea, a treia
- al doilea, a doua
- al patrulea, a patra
- primul, prima, intaiul, intaia
> ThiS book IS on the twenty-sixth
shelf on the nght.
> It was our tenth day of work.
> The 1"01 ty-se\ enth tcacher has Just
dppllcd for the lob.
- the sixty-third
- the twenty- first
- the thirty-second
Aceasta carte este pe al douazeci
raft la dreapta.
Al patruzeci profesor tocmai
a solicitat sluJba.
A fost a zecea noastra zi de lucru.
al douazeci unulea
Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
al trelzeci doilea
in cazul numeralelor urdlllale compuse - ca de exemplu "al douii::eci unulea, al dOllea, al
trezlea ", in englezii folosim cuvintele first, second, third, etc.:
the third
the first
the fourth
in ca::ul ill care Ilumeralele se terl11inii in -y, acesta se preschimbii in -ie, la adiiugarea terl11ina!iei -th:
Numeralele ordinale invatate pana acum sunt:
the second
> Lhangeable
> dense
alunecos > slippery
sever > scvere

> oppressive
periculos > dangcrous
Sa folosim aceste verbe In propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i urmariti traducerea In limba
> [frollll1]
> [set 111]
forma a III-a
set in
a Ingheta, a degera
a avea nevoie de, a trebui
a topi, a se topi
a bumita
a topi, a se topi
a picura, a ciidea, a scapa
a Incepe, a se instala
a Incepe, a se instala
a picura, a cadea, a scapa
a bumita
a Ingheta, a degera
a avea nevoie de, a trebui
Apa a Inghetat.
El a avut Intotdeauna
nevoie de ajutorul nostru.
- Gheata s-a topit deja.
> [fIOUZ]
> [set Ill]
forma a II-a
set in
> [hi' hEz o:llle/z l1i:did
> [O/a T'o: lid set 111 nekst - Dezghetul va Incepe luna
manT'] viitoare.
> I!tTZ]
> [set mJ
Dintre verbele de mai sus, doua sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:
set in
to drop > [tLl drop]
to melt
> [tLl melt I
to set in > [tLl set in]
to need > [lLl nut]
to drizzle > ItLl drizl]
to freeze > [tLl fri:z]
He has always needed our
Sa exersam e l ~ i verbe Intr-o alta ordine:
Daca numeralele sunt sCl'ise cu cifi-e, atunci c!frelor Ii se adauga ultimele doua litere ale for-
mei serise eu litere:
Acum sa Invatam ~ s e verbe noi:
The ice has already melted. > [D/i alS hEz o'lredi
forma a I-a
to need > [tll nl:dl
to freeze > [tll fri:z]
to melt > [tll melt]
to drizzle > [tLl dtizl]
to drop
> [tu drop]
to set in > [tLl set in]
The water has frozen.
The thaw will set in next
Desigur v-ati deja verbele noi. Traduceti in limba romana:
In exercitiul urmator completati urmatoarele propozitii cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor:
- Nu vom merge in daca
va burnita maine.
- Nu scapa pe podea
aceasta revista.
> to set in
> to freeze
> to melt
> to need
> to drizzle
- Ei fac in aceasta fabrica.
- In aceasta fabrica se fac
> to drop
- Ice will >melt in spring.
- Something has >dropped from the table.
- It >drizzled all day yesterday.
- Do you >need the car today?
- If severe frost >sets in we will leave
this town.
- We must >freeze some food.
> l"i: "ount gau tu taun if it
drizlz tamorau]
> [daunt drop D/is mEgazi:n
on flo:']
Ati sesizat deosebirea?
They make cars in this factory.
Cars are made in this factory.
a scapa
Cititi cu atentie propozitiile:
a burnita
a se topi
A bumitat ieri toata ziua.
Ai nevoie azi de
a se instala, a incepe
Daca incepe un inghet aspru, vom parasi
a avea nevoie de
A cazut ceva de pe masa.
Propozi{ia a doua este la diateza pasiva (Passive Voice [pa: siv vois)), care se atunci ciind
subiectul este obiectul care suferd ac{iunea iar autorul ac{iunii este exprimat printr-ul1 complement.
Diateza pasiva se compune din forma corespunzatoare a verbului to be forma a III-a a verbului
a ingheta
Gheata se va topi primavara.
Trebuie sa congelam mancare.
We won't go to town if it
drizzles tomorrow.
Don't drop this magazine
on the floor.
- 10-
Podeua din bucatarie va fi
spalata maine.
- Ciocanul a fast gasit in

A raise> will be negotiated tomorrow.
Her son's shirts> have been ironed.
Newspapers> are delivered every day.
The basket> was emptied.
> I need a 101 of new clothes.
> If the fog is dense, we witl see nothing.
> Slippery roads are very ch,ngerous.
> I have forgotten to take the umbrella.
> We have had only a few thunderstonTIs
this summer.
> This road was buill two y ago.
> All letters have already b,:en sent.
> This is our fiftielh employee.
> The twelfth policeman caine too late.
> My sweater has been knitted.
> If you don't work you will not have
> We ""ill visit John and Mary if it doesn't
> [Dza hEmal' lI oz faund in
Al doisprezecelea politist a sosit prea tarziu.
Daca nu lucrezi nu vei avea bani.
Am avut doar furtuni cu trasnete
vara aceasta.
Puloverul meu a fost
Am uitat sa iau umbrela.
Acest drum a fost construit in urma cu doi
la I
I activa devine subiectul propozitiei la diateza pasiva. I
l .
-._-_._- ._... _._- - ------------------_. - .._---_ .._-_.__._----------.-/
They deliver newspapers every day.
Daca ceata este deasa, nu vom vedea nimic.
We will negotiate a raise tomorrow.
Drumurile alunecoase sunt foarte pericu-
Am nevoie de 0 multime de haine noi.
Acesta este al cincizecilea angajat al nostru.
Sa recapitulam materialul acestei parti a lectiei. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba
She has ironed her son's shirts.
She emptied the basket.
lata dHeva exemple:
The hammer was found in
the shed.
Unneaza un exercitiu Transfonnati propozitiile din diateza activa in diateza pasiva. Com-
pletati propozitiile:
The floor in the kitchen will > lD\\ flo:1' in D/a
be mopped tomorrow. lIj] bi: mopt tamorouj
Toate scrisorile au fost trimise deja.
Ii vom vizita pe John pe Mary dad nu
ploua marunt.
Furtunile ;;i ploile din prima parte a lectiei ne-au Iacut sa ne gfmdim la
caminul nostru confortabil. Sa intram in donnitor:
double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu
sheet > - cear;;af
> [hIEn{g)kit] - piltura
pillow > [pilou] - perna
bedspread > [bedspredj - cuvertura de pat
alarm clock > [ala:1m klok I - ceas de;;teptiitor
sheets > - cear;;afuri, foi de har-
wardrobe > C'o:'droub] - garderoba, ;;ifonier,
dulap de haine
rug > [rag] - covora;;, carpeta
> [dresin(g) gaun]
- halat, capot
single bed > [singI bed] - pat de 0 persoana
dream > [dri:lll] - vis
nightmare > [naitmefl'] - co;;mar
Repetati cuvintele ;;i in aWi ordine. Exersati pronuntia ;;i retineti sensul
lor in limba romfma:
rug > [rag] - covora;;, carpeta
dream > [dri:m] - vis
bedspread > [bedspredl - cuvertura de pat
double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu
pillow > [pilau] - perna
nightmare > [naitmcf{] - co;;mar
blanket > [bIEnlg)kitj
- patura
wardrobe > [uo:rdroub] - garderoba, ;;ifonier,
dulap de haine
alarm clock > [ala:rm klakj - ceas de;;teptator
sheet > - cear;;af
> ldresin(g) gaun]
- halat
single bed > [singl bed] - pat de 0 persoana
sheets > [;;i:tsJ - cear;;afuri, foi de har-
- 11 -
Sa citim cu voce tare dialogul, in care am folosit cuvintele noi:
Da, doua mici
langa pat.
Trebuie sa avem un pat
dublu sau doua paturi
Cred ca putem avea un
mare in coltul
Ma gandesc la ha1ate noi,
peme paturi.
... noi 0
cuvertura de pat mare.
Ne putem pennite asta?
Vom cumpara vise noi,
Putem deasemenea
cumpara un ceas
electric nou.
Sunt foarte bune.
Sper ci'i putem.
Vreau sa cumpar multe
1ucruri noi.
> lUi: mast hEv lI an dabl
bed 0:
tu: sing] bedz]
> [al T\n(1!)k ui: kEn hEv a
1I I'd b' D
Ig o. rou 111 a
ko:1n[\1 ov DZa ru:m]
- 12-
> [n/Ll. :;;i:t<: End a la:l'dj
> [kFn ul. fIfo t
> [ai uont tLl bai me111 nlU:
> [ai Em T'in
1!)kin(g) abaut
nlLl: dresin(g) gaunz
piloLlz End blEn(g)kits]
> [till ul. bal niLl. l1alS
dl! mz tu']
> [<Ii hOLlp u1: kEnJ
> [ul: kEn olsou bal a niu:
ilektnk rda:1m klok]
We must have one double
bed or two single beds.
I hope we can.
What do you want to have in> [uot du iu: uont tu hEv in - Ce vrei sa avem in noul
our new bedroom? aLla' nlU: bedrumJ nostru donnitor?
Yes, and two small rugs near> Iics End tLl smo.l ragz
the bed. nia' D\\ hed]
Sa analizam acum separat fiecare propozitie. Cititi propozitiile fiti atenti la pronuntie:
A: What do you want to have in our bedroom?
B: We must have one double bed or two single beds.
A: I think we can have a wardrobe in the corner of the room.
B: Yes, and two small rugs near the bed. I want to buy many new
things. I am thinking about new dressing-gowns, new pillows
and blankets.
A: ... new sheets and a large bedspread. Can we afford it?
B: I hope we can. We can also buy a new electric alarm clock.
They are very good.
A: Will we buy new, nice dreams too?
B: I think that after we buy all the new things we can afford only
nightmares. They are cheaper.
I want to buy many new
I am thinking about new
dressing-gowns, pillows and
... new sheets and a large
Will we buy new, nIce
dreams too?
I think we can have a big
wardrobe in the comer of the
Can we afford it?
We can also buy a new
electric alann clock.
They are very good.
- 13 -
"I must buy my wife a new dressing-gown".
Cred ca dupa ee
cumparam toate luerurile
noi, ne yom putea permite
- Sunt mai ieftine.
[ai T'm()2Jk D/Et a:fta
lIj: hal 0:1 D/fl nllJ:
T'in()2)z IIi. k1:11 Mold
ounli na/tml.:fllzj
> !D\:i a:
L P'.. . _
Putem sa-ti dam doar paturi peme. We can only give you> blankets and
> pillows.
Visezi des noaptea? Do you often have> dreams at night?
Ultimele zile au fost un pentm mine. The last days were a > nightmare for me.
Ei au aiei eamere eu paturi duble. - They have rooms with> double bed"
Trebuie sa-i cumpar nevestei mele un halat I must buy my wife a new> dressIng
Cit costa acest ceas How much is this> alarm clock?
Ai vazut verzi in magazin? Did you see the green> sheets in the
Vom lua un pat simplu pentru fiica noastra. We'll take one> single bed for our
I think that after we buy all >
the new things we can afford
only nightmares.
Acum folositi noile cuvinte. Introduceti-Ie in unnatoarele propozitii:
Ce culoare au tale? What colour are your >
Cuvertura de pat trebuie sa fie alba. The> bedspread must be white.
Vom face un yom in colt. We'll make a > \\ardrobc and put it in
the corner.
They are cheaper.
Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte: J
> [ba 'nl] burnt
fonna a lll-a
- Aceasta scrisoare a fost scrisa
pe 31 iulie.
- Patul va fi livrat la
15 noiembrie.
- a Ineca, a se Ineca
- a sfarama, a distruge, a avaria
- a omori, a ucide
- a arde, a prajI, a fi aprins
> dream
> \\ ardrobe
> double bed
> dress109-gown
> blanket
> bedspread
> sheet
> pillow
> lUg
> nIghtmare
> smgle bed
> alarm clock
- pe 21 octombrie
> sheets
forma a II-a
> [LYa bed l'll bl. dlliva'd on
[)fa ld'ti.nPav nou\cmb,I']
> [[YIS leta' "az I iln on
DZa Pa"11 fa ' s t ,1\ dlul:lI]
> [Iulck]
> [tll thalln]
> [tll kll]
> [Iu barn]
> [bel 'n] burn
halat, capot
pat dublu
to wreck
to drown
to kill
Unul dmtre verbe este neregulat:
Sa Inva!am cateva verbe noi:

forma I
cuvertura de pat

ceas dqteptator
to bum
on the 21 st of October
Datele se scnu ill fe/ul urmiitor:
foi de hartie
pat de 0 persoana

The bed will be delivered on
the 15th of November.
This letter was written
on 31 st July.
lata cum se folosesc verbele in Propoziiii:
In exercitiul urmator, completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
The hurricane> \\ reck.:d the hotel on
You can> dro\\ n if you swim tomorrow.
A child> \\ as kIlled in the accident.
Our house> \\ as burnt do\\ n last week.
Avionul a fost avariat in
timpul unui uragan.
leri au fost doborati multi
a ars de tot.
Focul va fi stins intr-un
a se distruge, a suferi un
naufragiu, a se avaria
a arde pana in temelii
a dobor!, a rastuma
a sufla, a stinge prin
In acest accident
pierdut viata
de oameni.
Te vei ineca daca ei nu te
invata sa inoti.
Nu-mi distruge
Lemnul arde bine.
EI a ucis oameni.
Omul acela inecat
- a-;;i pierde viata, (a fi
ucis), a ciidea (de ex. in
a se ineca
aut in a minit]
> [meni tri:z lI a:r bloun
daun ieslardei]
> loza ka:
uo? baJnt daun I
> [tu bl. kild]
- 15 -
Furtuna a avariat hotelul in data de 23 maio
Poti sa te ineci daca inoti maine.
Un copil pierdut viata in accident.
Casa noastra a ars pana in temelii saptamana
Many trees were blown
down yesterday.
The car was burnt down.
to be killed
La diateza pasiva aceste verbe noi au alta semnificatie:
a minute.
Urmeaza cateva exemple:
Fifty-two people were killed > [fifJi tu: pi:pl l'U:
kild in -
in this accident. DZis Eksldant!
You will be drowned if they > [iu. llJ! bi: draund if [)zci
don't teach you to swim. dount Ill: tu sllim]
The plane was wrecked in a > [Dza plein lI O? rekt in a
hurricane. harikanJ
The fire will be blown out in> IOza faii/ lIil bi: bloun
to be drowned > [tu bi: draundJ
to be wrecked > [tu bi: rektJ
to be burnt down [tu bi:
> ba: nt daun]
to be blown down > [t u bi. bloun daunj
to be blown out > [tu bi: bioun aut [
He killed seven people. > [hi: kild SC\ n pi:pl]
That man has drowned his > rOZEt mEn h Lz draund
dog. hi? dog]
Don't wreck my car!
> [dount rek mai ka: J
Wood bums easily.
[li d b": . T J
> u a: nz 1:71 1
Cihtl cu atentie unnatoarele propozitii In care apar adjectivele noi:
Acum iata un grup de adjective noi. Exersati pronuntia retineti Intelesul lor In limba romiina:
- Sunt somnoros In
dimineata aceasta.
- Strada noastra este fomie
- copii au fost
- sunt neplacute.
- TrebLlle sa curatam
deoarece este murdara.
- Aceasta este 0 fabrica modema.
- More than a hundred people >were drowned
when the ship >was wrecked.
- The trees >wcre blown down in the gale.
- People >kI11 other people every day.
- Do you >burn wood in the winter?
- The fire >has been blown out.
- Look at your >dlrty hands!
- Our children are very >sleepy.
- I want to live in a >qulct town.
- 1have never been in a more
>unpkasant situation!
- We had neighbours.
- > 1\1 odcrn cars are expensive.
> l O/I'Z t)ilth an Ua '
yen nOIZlJ
> [aua' stll t IZ \ ell kUaiat]
> [naltl11c,j'Z a" anpleznt]
> lO/ls IZ a l11oda'n
> lUI: kll.n lYa ka:
hlkoz It IZ da.'lI]
> l alII I
1110 'nIl1
Uita-te la miiinile tale murdare!
Niciodata nu am fost Intr-o situatle
mai neplacuta!
modeme sunt scumpe.
cu lemne lama?
Am avut vecml
Nightmares are unpleasant.
In exercqlUl unnator completati urmatoarele propozitil In limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
Our street is very quiet.
Focul a fost stins.
COPIll sunt foarte
sleepy > [sli:pl] - somnoros, adonnit
quiet > [kUalat] - calm, potolit
unpleasant > [anpleznt] - neplacut
nOIsy > [nolZl ] - zgomotos, galagios
dirty > l d'.'tl] - murdar
modem > [l11oda'n] - modern, nou, contemporan
Mal mult de 0 suta de oameni s-au Inecat
ciind vaporul a naufragiat.
Copacii s-au rasturnat de viintul puternic.
Vreau sa traiesc Intr-un
Oamenll ucid alti oameni In fIecare Zl.
We must clean the car
because it is dirty.
This is a modern factory.
These children were
very nOIsy.
1feel sleepy this
- 17-
Traduce\i unnatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
in exerci{iul urmator vom inva/a substantive care apar intotdeauna la plural:
[ai uont tu bai a pear av
Vreau sa cumpar 0
trauzarz] pereche de pantaloni.
mai binokiu1i:/z
Unde este binoclul meu? >
ai daunt si: DIem] Nu-l viid.
[L1' I E Id _I'
. I: 1 V sou ten pea z
Azi noi am vandut zece
ov spektaklz tadei) perechi de ochelari.
kEnot faind ha:1'
Ea ochelarii.
[ai mast bai T\i: pei'/Z
Trcbuic sa cumpar trei
ov siza
z] foarfece.
[tu get] -
a obtine, a ajunge, a
eik ap]
a se trezi >
[tu sno:l']
a sforai
[tu dri:m]
a visa, inchipui
Itu ]
a barbieri, a se barbieri
[tu andres]
a (se) dezbraca
[ want to buy a pair of
to undress
to snore
to shave
to dream
to wake up
She cannot find her glasses.
Cititi cu voce tare exemplele:
We have sold ten pairs of
spectacles today.
trousers >
- pantaloni
spectacles >
scissors >
binoculars >
glasses >
lata cateva verbe noi:
to get
Pentru a defini cantitorea exacta a acestor obieete, sefolose$te expresia a pair of [5 pear ov]
o pereche.
I >
murdar >
zgomotos >
modem >
somnoros >
neplacut >
Where are my binoculars?
1 don't see them.
1 must buy three pairs of
Dintre aceste verbe, trei sunt neregulate. Formele lor sunt:
Sa exersam utilizarea verbelor noi in propozitii. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Ne-am trezit la
Ai visat vreodata la 0 casa
Sforai intotdeuna cand
Totdeuna devin somnoros
noaptea tarziu.
Dezbraca-te du-te la
- Te-ai biirbierit deja?
got > [got]
woken > Illoukn]
dreamt > [dremt]
forma a III-a
You must> "have earlier tomorrow.
The children have already> undressed.
Do you usually> snore?
They> V\ oke up before six.
I have > dreamt about a new car.
It is > geltll1g foggy.
> to
> to dre3111
> to get
> to shave
> 10 \\ ake up
> to und! e"s
- 18 -
> [andres End gou tu bed]
> [al 0 jlleiz get SJi:Pl leit
Et na/t]
1I 1I I
> [1: ouk ap J:l sevn
forma a II-a
dreamt > [dremt j
got > [goll
woke > IUouk]
> [get]
> [ueik]
> [dri.mj
a sforai
a obtine
Am visat la 0 noua.
a se barbieri
Have you ever dreamt about> [hEv iu: e\i:\1 dreml abaut
a big house? a big haus]
In umlatorul exercitiu traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
a se dezbraca
S-au trezit inainte de
We woke up at seven.
Undress and go to bed.
a se trezi
a visa
Sforai de obicei?
Have you shaved yet? > [hEv IU: let]
Vremea va deveni cetoasa.
Maine trebuie sa te mai
Copiii s-au dezbracat deja.
Completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
Do you always snore when > [du IU: o:lueiz sno:
you sleep? IU slI:pJ
forma I
I always get sleepy late at
Furtunile cu traznete sunt i'ntotdeauna perieuloase. > Thunderstorms are always dangerous.
Acest ultim exercitiu este de verificare. Traduceti propozltiile in limba engleza exersati pronuntia:
> The food IS frozen.
> The ship was wrecked III a dense fog.
> Do you like changeable weather?
> There was a strong gale on 25th May.
> The chIldren have not woken up yet.
> Their daughter dlOwned last year.
> If it gets dal k we won't find thIS house.
> You won't buy thIS book If you spend
all the lTIon\lY on clothes.
> It is on the twentIeth shel f.
> Your trousers are In the wardrobe.
> There have been many showers this week.
> SIX people were killed III this hurricane.
> This alarm clock \Vas bought in
thiS shop.
Mancarea e congelata.
Copiii nu s-au trezit inca.
Este pe al douazecilea raft.
Vaporul a naufragiat pe a ceata deasa.
Daca se intuncea nu vom gasi aeeasta easa.
Pantalonii tai sunt in dulap.
Fiiea lor s-a inecat anul trecut.
iti place vremea schimbatoare?
Nu vei cumpara aceasta carte daca cheltui
toti banii pe haine.
Acest ceas a fast cumparat din
acest magazin.
La unneaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Cuvintele de pe coloana cantin sunete
oameni pierdut viata in acest uragan.
Pe data de 25 mai a fast un vant putemic.
Saptamana aceasta au fast multe averse.
[au] [a:rJ [c] [ail
shower burn wreck fire
drown dirty get Ice
brown -third dense lllce
down bird set find
- 20-
Semnificatia conjunctiei "if'[if] : "daca".
Daca cumperi ziarul yom citi despre acel
- Pe data de 21 octombrie
- Ciocanul a fost gasit in
If you buy the paper we will read
about that accident.
Daca numeralele ordinale sunt scrise cu cifre, atunci cifrelor Ii se adauga ultimele
doua litere ale formei scrise eu litere:
Daca numeralul se termina in ,,-intai, -doilea, -treilea" atunci in engleza se folosesc
cuvintele "first, second, third":
- twenty-first
In cazul in care numeralele se termina in -y, acesta se preschimba in -ie, dupa
adaugarea terminatiei -th:
twenty -- twentieth
Diateza pasiva se atunci ciind subiectul este obiectul care sufera aqiunea
iar autorul actiunii este exprimat printr-un complement. Propozitia cu structura pa-
siva se formeaza din: forma corespunzatoare a verbului "to be" fonna a II1.-a a
verbului principal.
Acest timp se refera la vii tor. Indeplinirea conditiei, respectiv realizarea activitatii
viitoare este probabila.
Ortografia unor ciitorva numerale se schimba prin adaugarea terminatiei - th:

twelve twelfth
Propozitia conditionala (care sta dupa if) este la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Pre-
sent), iar propozitia principala este la timpul viitor simplu (Simple Future).
Numeralele ordinale se formeaza prin adaugazea terminatia -th la numeralul
In pronuntia datelor apar cuvinte aditionale - care nu se scriu. Acestea sunt "the"
inaintea datei "of' inaintea denumirii lunii.
The hammer was found in the shed.
19.1. Propozitia conditionala tipul intiii. (1. Conditional)
19.2. Numeralele ordinale:
19.3. Diateza pasiva - the Passive Voice
19.4. Scrierea citirea datelor
on 21
[on DZa tllentl fa.'st ov oktouba
A. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii:
I. A lot of people were killed when the house was burnt down.
2. These glasses were broken yesterday.
3. When the sunny spells set in, the ice melted in a short time.
4. Will three pairs of shoes be enough?
5. Today is the thirtieth day of the month.
6. If you don't mop the floor you won't go to the cinema today.
B. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Ma trezesc des, cand afara este galagie.
2. Ochelarii tai sunt mai modemi decat ai mei?
3. copaci au fast doborati de uragan. (diateza pasiva)
4. In acest am cazut de pe 0 cHidire inalta.
5. In aceasta iama vremea a fost schimbatoare.
6. Daca negociem yom primi marire de salariu.
c. Gasiti din unnatoarele propozitii:
I. I will buy this car if it will be cheap.
2. It will be on 23 January.
3. This house wasn't build last year.
4. Last winter was sevire.
5. If she is late for work tomorrow, they fire her.
6. Has that dog been bought last year?
- 21 -
Exersati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
destination > destinatie
pedestrian > [pidestrian1 - pieton
witness > [
itnes] -
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(gl]
zebra, trecere de pie-
underground > landa'graund] - metrou
time-table > Itaim lcibl] - orar, program
traffic lights >
[tr Efi k Iaits ] - stop, semafor
onlookers >
[onlukarz] - privitori, spectatori
ambulance > [Embiulans] - ambulanta
cab > [kEb] - taxi
right of way > [rail ov lI ei1 prioritate de trecere
- 22-
sa incepem lectia cu un grup de cuvinte legate de circulatie. Studiati-le
cu atentie:
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(!l'1
zebra, trecere de pie-
traffic lights >
[trEfik lails] - stop, semafor
pedestrian >
right of way
l rait ov
prioritate de trecere >
time-table > Itaim leibl] - orar, program
cab > [kEb] - taxi
destination > ] destinatie
underground > [andargraund] metrou
witness > [
itnes] martor
ambulance > [Embiulans] ambulanta
onlookers > [onlul<fl'z] - privitori, spectatori
- 23 -
"Even a zebra-crossing can be dangerous".
Am luat un taxi ca sa
merg la birou.
Destinatia acestui vapor
este New York.
din dreapta are
priori tate.
Unde pot gasi orarul?
Unde merg pietoni?
Sunt semafoare in aceasta
Pana trecerea de pietoni
poate fi periculoasa.
Daca mergem cu metroul,
yom ajunge mai repede
Privitorii au vrut sa vada
Un baiat a fost transportat
la spital cu ambulanta.
Au fost multi martori Ie
acel accident.
>rUeal' a:
D/i:z pidestrianz
>fn/a ka:
on D
{[ rait 11[7
O/a rait ov ueij
> IUea
kEn al famd ])/ il
lallll telblj
> [al tuk il kEb tu get tll
[/1 ofis1
> r0
ii 0\' O/is
IZ niu: io:1k]
,f' [I, b .
> I 1: gOll al
_ I' U U
anda graund I: i J get
Cal fa:sti/]
Where are these pedestrians
If we go by underground we
will get there faster.
The car on the right has the
right of way,
Where can I find the
In urmatorul exercitiu veti revedea cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
I took a cab to get to the
The destination of this ship
is New York.
There were many witnesses > i 0
Cal uaJ meni Uitnislz
of that accident. 0\ Diet Eksid:intj
One boy was taken to > IUan boi uo! tClkn lu
hospital in an ambulance. hospitl in an Embiulansj
The onlookers wanted to see> lD/1 onlukal'z uontid tu
everything. si: evriTSin(g)]
E b
. b [. . t I . (l')
ven a ze ra-crossmg can e> 1:\'11 a ze)ra ,rOSin c
dangerous. !den bI: deindjilras]
Are there any traffic lights in >[a:
0\:-5r eni trEfik laits
this street? in D/js stri:t]
- 24-
Sa ne intoarcem acum la diateza pasiva.
If the> ambulance doesn't come we will
take you by car.
I often go by > underground.
What is your> destination?
All > witnesses understood the ques-
This> time-table is old.
We must make more> zebra-crossings.
Do we have the> right of way?
There are many> pedestrians in the
streets today.
The> traffic lights have been out of or-
der for two days.
There were too many> onlookers.
How many> cabs are there in this town?
> cab
> onlookers
> time-table
> underground
> fight of way
> destinatIon
> zebra-crossl11g
> ambulance
> pedestrian
> witness
> traffic-lights
Merg des Cll metroul.
Daca nu vine ambulanta, te yom lua cu

Care este destinatia ta?
Avem prioritate?
Toti martorii au inteles intrebarile?
Cu urmatorul exercitiu yom controla in ce masura v-ati cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba
Forma continua la prezent trecut (Present Continuous, Past Continuous) a verbelor la di-
ateza pasiva se alcatuie$te cu forma continua a verhului to be, ca verb auxiliar, $i forma
being [bi:in
] aflata inaintea formei a III-a verbului principal.
Au fost prea multi privitori.
Completati propozitiile cu cuvintele corespunzatoare! Exerati pronuntia:
Acest orar este vechi.
Trebuie sa facem mai l1111lte treceri de pie-
Semafoarele nu funetioneaza de doua zile.
Cite taxiuri sunt in acest
prioritate de trecere
Azi sunt multi pietoni pe strazi.
Sa mai Invatam cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare retineti sensullor In limba romana:
In urmatorul exercitiu transformati propozitiile cu verbulla diateza activa in propozitii cu verbulla
diateza pasiva:
injured >[indja'd] - ranit, lovit, avariat
unconscious > - involuntar
mainly > [I1lClI1lI] - mai ales, mai cu seama
III yam >[in\clI1] - zadarnic, inutil, In zadar
senous > l si:nas] - serios, important
necessary > [nc,IS;l1 i] - necesar. inevitabil
- 0 carte este
- leri la zece se lacea
curatenie in casa.
- Am Incercat sa ajutam dar a fost
in zadar.
- Cred ca aceasta informatie
este necesara.
- Ei au fost raniti In
- Sora lui John lucreaza mai ales
- Fratele tau este Inca

> [a buk IZ bi:lI1(g)
> The management was being changed
e,telday at two.
> Raises are bcing negotiated at the moment.
> I lel room IS bcing cleaned now.
> [10" braD/ar iz std
> [It "af. a \ ert si nas prublam] - Era 0 carte foarte serioasa.
> [d\Ol1l ,isla' "a 'b memli
Lt Il.lIl J
> ["1 1Ia[(! tu help bat It "al'
> [IYel ",1.' indp'd 111
[)Ii Eksldalltj
> [al') '1l1
'!k I)'",
11 I1l'Si ,;111 ]
- A book lS bell1g
- The house was being > [Q/ a haus "az bi: in
cleaned at ten yesterday. kli:nd Et ten iesta'dei]
John's sister works mainly
at night.
I think this information
is necessary.
lata cuvintele noi in propozqii:
Your brother is still
They are negotiating raises at the moment.
She is cleaning her room now.
They were changing the management
yesterday at two.
They were cleaning the
house at ten yesterday.
lata cateva exemple:
They were injured in
the accident.
We tried to help but it was
111 Yam.
She is readll1g
a book.
It was a very serious book.
Desigur ati memorat deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Toata munca ei nu a
valarat nimic.

Rezultatul meciului este
- Doi minus doi fac zero.
- Sunt grade sub zero.
He tried to understand it but> In \ ain.
They sell> mainly vegetables.
A zebra-crossing is > necessary here.
He was> unconS":IOW, for longer than a
My father asked a > seriolls question.
Seven pedestrians were> injured.
- 26-
> [tu: mainas t\l: iz na:t I
> [D"i1 rizalt ov D/a mEt$
iz ro
> [0.1 hft:' lI a:'k lI a? 1'0:'
It is six degrees below> [it IZ siks dlgri:z bJlou
zero. ziroLl]
The result of the
match is four nil.
Two minus two is
All her work was for
Unneaza un exercitiu nou. Completati propozitiile folosind cuvintele corespunzatoare:
4. Nought (sau naught) [not], se de obicei in matematica literatura:
serios, important > sertous
mai ales > mamly
ranit > injured
zadamic > 111 vam
necesar > necessary
> unconscIous
inutil > 111 \ a111
necesar, inevitabil >
Dintre toate numeralele nu v-am prezentat inca zeroul. in limba engleza zeroul are
mai multe echivalente:
EI a incercat sa inteleaga asta, dar in zadar.
Ei vand mai ales legume.
Aici este necesara 0 trecere de pietoni.
El a fost mai mult de 0
Tatal meu a pus 0 intrebare serioasa.
Au fost raniti pietoni.
2. Nil [niIJ, se la prezentarea rezultatelor sportive:
1. 0 - pronuntat ca [OLl] se utilizeaza atunci cand in!jiram mai multe
Her telephone number> [ha:
telifaun namba
IZ Numarul ei de telefon este
is nine, two, four, 0, nain tu: fa:' ou se\nj noua, doi, patru, zero,
3. Zero lzirouj, se jolose$te la descrierea unitali/or de masura:
"He has a doctor's degree".
dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub
grad, masura, treapta
They live> below us.
It's there, > below.
He has a doctor's> degree.
I like it only to some> degree.
What was the> result of the negotia-
What is the> number of your apartment?
The temperature is > minus five today.
~ _
In exercitiul anterior ati invatat mai multe cuvinte noi:
to prevent > [t u pri vent J a preintampina, a preveni
to run over > [IU
a calca, a lovi cu m a ~ i n a ran OU\ a J
to hit > [tll hit] a lovi, a nimeri
to direct >
[tu d'lIrl'k t]
a dirij a, a conduce
to cause >
[t 1I kIn] a cauza, a provoca
to travel >
I t 1I trE\ II, a calatori
Acum i a r a ~ i yom invata verbe noi:
Ati vazut deja cuvintele noi in exemple. In exercitiul urmator completati propozitiile cu
aceste cuvinte:
Care este numarul apartamentului tau?
Azi temperatura este de minus cinci grade.
number > [nambfl
result > Irizalt]
minus > [mainas]
below > rbilou]
degree > [digri: I
Ei locuiesc sub noi.
Este acolo, jos.
EI are doctoratul.
Imi place asta doar intr-o oarecare masura.
Care a fost rezultatul negocierilor?
> (ran]
> (hIt]
fonna a III-a
- A fost un politist.
- A fost acolo vreun
- Au fost pietoni
pe strada?
- pierdut cineva viata?
- Doi dmtre ei pierdut
vJata 0 femeie a fost
gray ranita.
- Da, a caleat
trei oameni.
- 0 mare a lovit 0 cladire.
- Cand calatoream spre Madrid
am vazut un accident
- Da, dar 0 clipa.
> [h It]
> [lEn]
forma a II-a
> [tid' lYe,l' cnl p:lli sman
> [tu ,1\ lYem ",I ' klld
Fnd ",In 'um,ln "dZ
si 11,IS11 indJd.'d]
> [ICS IYa Ll ' rEn OU\ a'
1"11 pi pI]
> [tl az ctllboUI kJld]
> [tl a ' [Yea' cnl pldcstJlanZ
m IYa SI111]
> ["en "I "a' trEv]m(gl
tu madI id til so a tCrIb!
> (I an]
> [hit]
Were there any policemen
There was one policeman.
Was anybody killed?
Two of them were killed
and one woman was
seriously injured.
Were there any pedestrians
in the street?
A big car hit a building.
Yes, the car ran over
three people.
Yes, but wait a moment.
Sa analtzam separat fiecare propozitle. Cltiti cu voce tare:
When we were travellmg
to Madrid we saw a terrible
Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:
A: Yes, but wait a moment. A big car hit a building.
S: Were there any pedestrians in the street?
A: Yes, the car ran over three people. Two of them were killed and one woman was injured.
S: Were there any policemen there?
A: There was one policeman. He directed the traffic but could not prevent the accident.
S: Do you know what caused the accident?
A: I think the car was out of order.
s: Was anybody killed?
A: When we were travelling to Madrid we saw a terrible accident.
in dialogul nostril apare clI\'iintlll could [kud]. Acesta este forma de trecut a verbllilli modal can.
Verbele noi apar in urmatorul dialog. Cititi textul cu atentie:
Raspundeti in limba engleza la unnatoarele intrebari:
Traduce!i urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Acum ne vom ocupa de pronumele interogativ who urilizarea lui:
Cred ca a fast
EI a dirijat circula!ia, dar
nu a putut preintampina
Cine te
Cine s-a dus acasa?
Cine au fost oameni?
Cu cine te-ai intalnit?
> The car was out of order.
> Yes, there was one policeman.
> Two of the three people were killed.
> He directed the traffic.
> The woman \Vas II1Jured.
> The bIg ear hit a bui lding..
> \Ve saw that terrible d..::cident when we
\\ere travelling to \1adnd
> The car ran over three people.
> \Vhl) ,Ire you look 1I1g for <10\\ 0
> Who \\:lS kJikd ill accident')
> Who do you Sc:C III the stleet every day'?
> \V ho is thIS man i'l a hnm11 coat'?
> Who \', hcal,tiful letters'?
- 29-
> [ai TSin(g)k D/a ka:
aut ov o.IUr1t I
> [du IU: nOll liot ku:zd D/i - Stii ce a cauzat
> [h1: dairektid O/a trEfik
bat kuJ not privent O/j
Eksidant 1
What did he do?
What happened to the woman?
What did the big car hit?
What caused the accident?
Were there any policemen there?
Who likes you?
Who went home?
Who was killed?
Acesr pronume are mai mulre intelesuri: cine, pe cine, cui, cine, care, pe care. Daca intelesul
lui who este cine, inrrebarea se refera doar la persoana who poare jifolosit ca subsrantiv. in
acest caz ordineapropozi(iei este directa, strucrura sa este ajirmariva, iar verbul este la perso-
ana a III-a singular.
How many people did the car run over?
Who were these people?
Who did you meet?
When did you see that terrible accident?
He directed the traffic but
could not prevent the
Cine pierdut via!a in acest accident?
Pe cine vezi pe strada in fiecare zi?
Cine este acest barbat in haina maro?
Cine scrie aceste scrisori minunate?
Pe cine cau!i acum?
Do you know what caused
the accident?
in eazul in care pronumele interogativ who anare cu celalalte in(elesuri, interogativul se for-
meaza cu ajulorul verbelor auxiliare, forma corespunzatoare a verbului to be sau a verbelor
I think the car was out of
- 30-
Maririle de salarii
sunt negociate de
catre sindicat.
Acest scaun a fost
!acut de Peter.
> Who do you lIke?
> These cars are made by a factory m
> Hc \\as kIlled by two men.
> Old they hay e the right of way'?
> Is he seriously mjured'!
> The traffic is bell1g directed by a police-
man no\'..
> Who wrote this time-table?
> My number is one, nme. 0, five, two, 0.
> Forty Jl1l11US furty IS uro/nought.
> He travels main Iy by underground.
> These people tried to help but in \ am.
> These witnesses saw the accident best.
> f was woken up by nOIsy children
> It \'. as five degrces below zero.
> Who was run ovcr by a cab?
> The radio has been turned on by John.
> [D/is 1I
meid bai pi:ti/]
> [reiziz a:
D/[I treld 1U:Jl1an]
Raises are being
negotiated by the
This chair was
made by Peter.
Am fost trezit de copii
El s-a ranit grav?
El a fost ucis de doi oameni.
Pe cine

for, look for, prepozitia trebuie sa apara in diateza pasiva: :
! I looked for it yesterday. - It was looked for yesterday. I
------ ---- --------------------- -_/
Ace;;ti martori au vazut cel mai bine acci-
Patruzeci minus patruzeci fac zero.
Circulatia este dirijata acum de un politist.
De exemplu:
Radioul tocmai a fost pomit de catre John.
Aceste sunt !acute de 0 fabrica din
El mai ales cu metroul.
The trade-union is
negotiating raises,
Au fost cinci grade sub zero.
Cine a fost calcat de un taxi?
Numarul meu de telefon este unu, noua,
zero, cinci, doi, zero.
Peter made this chair,
In exercitiul urmator, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Cine a scris acest orar?
Ei au avut prioritate de trecere?
oameni au incercat sa ajute dar
Si iata ultimul exercitiu al acestei parti, in care 'lorn recapitula materialul invatat pana acum.
Traduce!i propozitiile in limba engleza:
Ne vom intoarce acum fa pasiwI Pentru a indica persoana care executa activitatea in
propozitia fa diateza pasiva, se prepozitia by.
Cuvintele silabele accentuate sunt tiparite
Cititi cu atentie unnatorul dialog! Repetati exercitiul pana cand va convingeti de faptul ca v-ati
pe deplin pronuntia intonatia.
Peter, have you ever been in an accident?
No, I haven't, but my brother was yesterday afternoon.
How did it happen?
My brother was on a zebra-crossing at the traffic-lights and a cab was
coming from the right.
And... what happened?
The cab didn't stop in time and my brother was hit by it.
Was your brother injured?
Yes, he was, but fortunately not seriously.
I am glad he wasn't seriously injured. Were there any witnesses who saw
the accident?
There were many onlookers, and the witnesses say my brother did not
cause the accident.
I feel so tired after a hard day of work.
People are tired when they get home from factories and offices.
And they do nothing only go to bed early because they are sleepy.
When it is too noisy outside they wake up.
I usually wake up even when it's only a little noisy.
But when you have a nightmare you are glad when you hear the alarm
Peter. do you travel mainly by underground to your office?
Yes, J do. You travel by underground fast and easily.
Yes, but it has become very expensive. Do you have a time-table?
There are so many underground trains that you don't need a time-table.
And a modem underground is not noisy or dirty.
- 31 -
Have you heard the news that yesterday a pedestrian was hit by a car at the
No, I haven't, but some pedestrians think they always have the right of
But everybody knows that it is not true.
Yes, everybody knows it only the pedestrians don't. We must all try to
prevent accidents.
You are right. Policemen cannot do everything.
I think it is better when there are also traffic-lights.
- 32-
In ultimul exercitiu al leetiei, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
> In this changeable \\ e;11her ] don't forget
my umbrella.
> 1Ie needs a new paIr of glasses.
> Many ships vvere wrecked.
> These sho\Vers arc good for au' garden.
> These sci:-.sors arc dangerous for children.
> This IS already the fourth gale in eleven
> The Ice has alnC:,lLty melted.
> Fl\ e people were kIlkd in that disaster.
> The fire was blovv n out by a strong wind.
> Is that wardrobe made of Vvood?
> Our housc burnt dO\\ n last v\ eek.
> She \\ ,J>, lIih:OJbCIl'Us \\hen she \\ as
t"ken to !lo"PI tal.
> 1hese bll10culars an:: oid; I n..:ed a new
> They bought "'X pairS or trousers.
> Your spectacles are on your pilloVv.
> \1dWy pedplc .1IT killed on thb narnm
> How much are these alarm eloch)
> This is a bedspread 1'01' a sll1g1e bed.
> In that sc\ele \\ II1kr there \Vas a lot or
cknse fog.
> He was snoring nOIsily
> We sold ten pairs of shoes.
> I hm e burnt my ham!.
> Aftcr thc sunny spells there was a
El a sforait zgomotos.
Au cumparat perechi de pantaloni.
In acea iama aspra a fost de multe ori ceata
Noi am vandut zece perechi de pantofi.
Aceste averse sunt de ploaie bune pentru
gradina noastra.
Casa noastra a ars pana in teme!ii
saptamana trecuta.
Acest binoclu este vechi, am nevoie de unul
Ace! dulap este facut din lemn?
Aceste foarfece sunt periculoase pentru
In aceasta vreme schimbatoare nu-mi uit
Gheata s-a topit deja.
Cinci oameni pierdut viata in acel
Focul a fost stins de un vant putemic.
Aceasta este deja a patra furtuna in un-
sprezece zile.
El are nevoie de 0 pereche noua de oche-
Multe vapoare au suferit naufragiu.
Aceasta este 0 cuvertura pentru un pat de 0
singura persoana.
Cat costa aceste ceasuri
Dupa vremea insorita a fost 0 furtuna cu
Ochelarii tai sunt pe perna tao
Mi-am ars mana.
Multi oameni pierd viata pe acest drum
Ea era dnd a fost dusa la
- 33-
Iar acum iata exercitiul de pronuntie. Repetati cuvintele fiti atenti la pronuntia corecta a
sunetelor Literele aflate in coloana, scrise desemneaza sunete iden-
Asta s-a 'intamplat 'in a noua zi.
Temperatura va cobori sub zero grade.
Nimanui nu-i place aceasta caldura

Acest drum este alunecos in mod periculos.
Daca ai nevoie de bani, ii vei gasi pe
Acest accident s-a intamplat in data de 27
Cumparatorul tocmai este servit de un
Cine a solicitat aceasta slujba?
De cine ai nevoie?
Ei au prevenit accidentul?
rei J [0: J [i' ]
l i J
vain cause degree serious
train nought least spring
mainly brought leave build
rain thought deep
> This happened on the ninth day,
> The temperature wIll drop below zero.
> Nobody lIkes this opplessive heat.
> This road is dangerously slippery.
> If you need this money you \\ ill fInd it
on the shelf.
> This accident happened 011 27th .Junc.
> The cLlstomer is just being served by a
> Who applied for this Job?
> Who do you need')
> Have they prevented the accident?
Dad un verb este compus din doua parti, de exemplu: "wait for, look for", atunci
prepozitia trebuie sa apara la diateza pasiva:
Se 0 carte
tocmai acum.
- Pe cine ai vazut?
> [a buk iz bi:in(g)
- Cine te
- Circulatia a fost dirijata de un politist.
- The bus was waited for.
- 34-
A book is being
Who did you see?
Who likes you?
We waited for the bus.
The traffic was directed by a
(Traducerea cuvant cu cuvant: ,,0 carte este citita tocmai acum".)
20.2.2. In cazul in care pronumele interogativ "who" are oricare din semnificatii-
lor, formam interogativul cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar, a verbului "to be", sau a
verbului modal:
20.1.2. Dad vrem sa indicam persoana care executa activitatea in propozitia la diateza
pasiva, folosim prepozitia "by":
She is reading
a book.
20.1. Dad verbul la diateza pasiva este la un timp continuu (Present Continuous, Past
Continuous) atunci stmctura predicatului este forma continua a verbului "to be", ca
verb auxiliar forma a III-a a verbului principal, iar cuvantul "being" l bi: 111 J trece
inaintea fonnei a III-a a verbului.
20.2. Pronumele interogativ "who"
20.2.1. In cazul in care semnificatia pronumelui interogativ este "cine" ordinea pro-
pozitiei interogative este directa, stmctura sa este afirmativa iar verbul este la
persoana a III-a singular:
A. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
1. Can these pedestrians be witnesses?
2. Who told you about the negotiations?
3. Who have you seen on TV?
4. If you don't iron this shirt I will not put it on.
5. The beds are being delivered at the moment.
6. The underground will take you to your destination.
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Am calatorit repede cu avionul.
2. Circulatia a fost dirijata de politist?
3. Casa noastra se la un colt periculos. (diateza pasiva)
4. Cu cine ai vorbit?
5. Vecinii taie aCUl11 copacii.
6. Dacii l11ananci cina, vei pril11i inghetata.
C. Corectati din unnatoarele propozitii:
1. She bought only necesary things.
2. Who did hit him?
3. Work has been done through Peter.
4. How much is this scissors?
5. This job was applied.
- 35-
Lista verbelor neregulate din lectiile 19 20
forma I forma a II-a
> [ba:1n]
> [ba:1nt]
> [kEn I could > [klld1
> [dri:m] dreamt > ldremt]
> [fri:z]
> [frouz]
> Iget]
got > rgot]
> [hit]
> [hit]
> [ran]
> [rEn]
> [set] set > [sel]
wake > [velk] woke > [vouk]
- 36-
forma a III-a
> [ba:1nt I
> [kud]
dreamt > Idremtl
> [1l-llLlzn]
got > rgot]
hit > [hit]
run > [ran]
set > [set]
woken > [voukn]
alarm clock
> [ala: m klok]
ambulance > [Embiulans]
> [bedspred]
- cuvertura de pat
dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub
> [binokiularz]
blanket > [bIEn(g)kit] cuvertura, patura
to blow
> [tu blou]
a sufla, a se arde
to be blown down
> [tu bi: blolln daun]
a dobor!, a rastuma
to be blown out
> [tll bi: bloun aut]
a stinge, a sufla
tu burn
> [tu ba:rn]
a arde, a praj i, a fi 'aprins
tu be burnt down
a arde pana in temelii, a
>[tu bi: ba: nt dalln]
arde de tot
cab > [kEb]
to cause > [Ill ko:z] - a cauza
changeable > schimbator
dangerous > [deindjaras] periculos
degree > [digri:] grad, masura, treapta
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
destination > destinatie
> [diu:] roua
to direct
> [tu dairekt] - a dirij a, a conduce
dirty > [da:rti] murdar
>[dabl] dublu
double bed
> [dabl bed]
pat dublu
> [dri:m]
to dream
> [tu dri:m]
a visa, a inchipui
dressing-gown > [dresin(g) gaun] halat, capot
to drizzle
> [tu drizl] a bumita, a ploua marunt
to drop
> [tu drop] a picura, a cadea, a scapa
to drown
> [tu draun] a ineca, a se ineca, a
to be drowned > [tu bi: drallnd] a fi inecat
- 37-
to freeze > l tu fri:z] a ingheta, a degera
gale > [geil] vant puternie, furtuna
to get > [tu get] a obpne, a ajunge, a
glasses > [gla:siz] oehelari
hail > [heil ] grindma
to hit > [tu hit] a lovi, a nimeri
hurricane > [hallkan] uragan, furtuna
Ice > [als] gheata
if > [I f] daea, presupunand ea
injured > [indjard] lovit, ranit, avariat
m vam > [in vein] zadamie, inutil, in zadar
to kill > [tu kill a omori, a ueide
to be killed > [tu bi: kild] a-;;i pierde viata, a eadea
(in razboi)
mainly > [mclI1lt] mai ales
to melt > [tu melt] a tOpl, a se topi
mmus > [mainas] minus
modem > [moda1n] modem, nou, contemporan
naught, (nought) > [no:t] zero, nul, nimie
necessary > [ncsisari] necesar, inevitabil
to need > [tu ni:d] a avea nevoie de, a trebui
nightmare > [naltmea
] co;;mar
nil > [nil] zero, nimie
noisy > [noIZl ] zgomotos, galagios
nought, (naught) > [no.t I nimic, zero, nula
number > [namba
] numar, numeral
oh, 0 > [au] zero
onlookers > [onluka'z] privitori, speetatori
oppressive > [opresiv] apasator, inabu;;itor
pair > [pea' ] pereche
pedestrian > [pidestrian] pieton
pillow > [pilau]
- 38-
to prevent > [tu priventJ a preintampina, a preveni
quiet > [kualiH! calm, potolit
result > [nzalt] rezultat, consecinta
right of way > [rait ov
ei] prioritate (de trecere)
road > [roud I drum,
rug > [rag] carpeta
a calca (de 0 to run over > [tu ran oliva]
scissors > [sizal'z] foarfeca
serious > [si:rias] serios, important
to set in > [tu set in] a incepe, a veni (un
severe > [sivial'] sever, aspru
shade > umbra, nuanta
to shave > [tu a barbieri, a se barbieri
sheet > foaie (de hirtie)
sheets > ["i:ls] foi (de hirtie)
shower > [:;>aua'] aversa, ploaie torentiaHi
single > [singl] singur, unic, necasatorit
single bed > [singl bed] pat de 0 singura persoana
sleepy > [sli:pi] somnoros, adormit
slippery > [slipariJ alunecos
a sforai to snore > [tu 5no: ]
spectacles > IspekUiklz] ochelari
sunny spells > [sani spelz] vreme insorita
thaw >
dezghet, topire
thunderstorm >
[T' anda \"SlO: I'm]
furtuna cu traznete
time-table > [laim teibl] orar, program
traffic-lights > [trEfik laits] stop, semafor
to travel > [tu trEvl] a diHitori
trousers > [trauza' zl pantalon
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
unconsciOUS > - involuntar
> [anda graundJ metrou
- 39-
to undress >
[tu andres]
a se dezbraca
unpleasant >
to wake up >
[tLl ueik ap]
a se trezi
wardrobe >
[lI o 'droub]
garderobii, dulap de haine
[li. ]
witness >
martor, martor ocular
to wreck >
[tu rekJ
a srariima, a sparge, a
to be wrecked >
[tLl bi: rekt]
- a suferi un naufragiu, a se
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(gi]
zebra trecere de pietoni
zero >
zero, nul

- 40-
3. Utilizarea verbului auxiliar "to do" in propozitii interogative negative:
on the 2pt of October > [on D/a t"enti fa'st ov oktaubarJ -pe data de 21 octombrie
- structura: - verbul "to be" la timpul corespunzator +forma a III-a a verbului de conjugat
if - Propozitia subordonata
(verbulla Simple Present Tense)
- Hotul a fost prins (de
- va vizita prietenii daca va avea timp.
He will visit his friends if he has time.
- structura:
Propozitia principala
(verbulla Simple Future Tense)
They don't want to go.
We don't live there.
Did they know?
The thief was caught (by the police).
Do you often visit them?
6. Scrierea citirea datelor
1. Comparatia adjectivelor:
good better the best
big bigger the biggest
large larger the largest
easy easier the easiest
5. Fraza conditionala tipul I
4. Diateza pasiva - the Passive Voice
2. Pluralul substantivelor:
Repetati din nou cuvintele, dar intr-o alta ordine:
" "
invention > - inventie, descoperire
film > [film] - film
spy > [spai] - splOn
situation > ] - situatie, stare
disease > [dizi:z] - boala, maladie
struggle > [stragl] - lupta, intrecere
gesture > [ - gest
scene > [si:n] - scena, decor
person > [pa:rsn] - individ, persoana
task > [ta:sk] - sarcina, indatorire
difference > [difrans] - diferenta, deosebire
play > [plei] - joe, piesa
Ca de obicei, incepem aceasta lectie cu cateva cuvinte noi.
Cititi-le cu voce tare retineti sensullor in limba romana:
situation > ] - situatie, stare
scene > [si:n] - scena, decor
film > [film] - film
difference > [difrans] - diferenta, deosebire
disease > [dizi:z] - boala, maladie
gesture >
[ - gest
person >
[pa:rsn] - individ, persoana
invention > - inventie, descoperire
play > [plei] - joe, piesa
task > [ta:sk] - sarcina, indatorire
struggle > [stragl] - lupta, intrecere
spy > [spai] - splOn
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozitii:
We are in a difficult situation. > ["1. a-' In a difikalt - Suntem intr-o situatie dificila.
- Sunt spioni in aceasta
- deosebirea?
- Este un gest dragut.
- Este 0 sarcina grea.
- Este televizorul
o inventie utila?
- Cine sunt aceste persoane?
- A fost 0 lupta lunga?
- Cine a scris aceasta piesa?
- Era un decor minunat.
- Ai vazut filmul acela?
- Este 0 boala periculoasa.
- This>invention is very useful.
- The >dlfkrences are not important.
- I don't know any of these >persons.
- Was he a >spy?
- This is the last >scene of the >fi 1m.
- Your >task is to write an essay.
- This >play is very short.
- There is no news of the >struggle.
- It was a strange>gesture.
- I don't know that >disease.
- Does he know their >sItuation?
> [Uoz it a lon,gl stragl]
> [hu: a:
D/I:z pa:rsnz]
> [It IZ a ha:rd]
> [D'is iz a nais
> [DZear a r spaiz in DZis
> [1m: hEz ritn DZis plel]
> (IZ tellVljn a lU:sfal

> [It IZ a demdjaras dJZi:z]
> [It "oz a blU.tlral si:n]
> [du IU: SI: D'a difrans]
El a fost spion?
El situatia lor?
Aceasta inventie este foarte utila.
Nu cunosc nici una din aceste persoane.
A fost un gest ciudat.
Diferentele nu sunt importante.
Aceasta este ultima scena a filmului.
Sarcina voastra este sa scrieti un eseu.
Was it a long struggle?
Aceasta piesa este foarte scurta.
Nu sunt despre intrecere.
Nu cunosc boala aceea.
Do you see the difference?
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele noi:
Who are these persons?
Is television a useful
Who has written this play?
There are spies in this
Have you seen that film?
It is a hard task.
This is a dangerous disease.
It is a nice gesture.
It was a beautiful scene.
Dintre aceste verbe, to strike este neregulat. Invatati cele trei forme ale sale:
struck> [strak]
- sunt surprinziitoare.
- Munca este obositoare.
- Gestullui a fost ispititor.
- Aceasta munca este epuizantii.
- Deosebirea este frapantii.
- Aceasta boala este molipsitoare. -
> person
> play
> difference
> disease
> task
> struggle
> situation
> gesture
> spy
> scene
> mvention
> film
struck> [stlak]
> [DZls dlzi:z IZ
> [DZa difrans iz stralkin(g)]
> [DZa nlU:Z iz sapralzin(g)]
> [DZa "a.rk iz tamrm(g)]
> [DZls dJob IZ Igzo:stm(gl]
strike> [stral kJ
His gesture was inviting.
lupta, intrecere
to invite > [tu mvalt] - a invita
to surprise > [tu sapralz] - a surprinde, a uimi, a lua prin
to tire > [tu tad] - a obosi
to strike > [tll str<\lk] - a lovi, a izbi, a frapa, a
to exhaust > [tu] - a epuiza, a istovi
Sa invatam verbele noi de la care am format participiul prezent:
The difference is striking.
The work is tiring.
The news is surprising.
This job is exhausting.
De exemplu:
Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
This disease is catching.
Dacii la forma de infinitiv scurt (fiirii particula to a verbului) qdiiugiim terminafia -ing, obfinem
participiul prezent, pe care-l putem folosi in propozifii ca adverb.
Va amintifi desigur de propozifia condifionala de tipul I despre care am discutat in lecfia anterioani.
Conjuncfia ifpoatefi fnlocuita cu alte conjuncfii:
In exercitiul urmator completati spatiile din propozitii cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului sau cu
participiul prezent:
- vor epuiza in curiind
- Ceasul tocmai bate ora

- Munca indelungata rna
- L-am invitat deja pe Peter.
- Imi place sa te iau prin
- This long walk was >exhausting.
- His newest film >struck me.
- Is this difference >striklllg?
- We have already >cxhausted all our money.
- Your proposition sounds >invlting.
- You have >surpnscd me very much.
- It was a very >tinng day.
- His question was >surprising.
- Does this book >tlrc you?
- This >catching dIseaSe is dangerous.
- Who do you want to >invlte?
> ["I: hh O:!TCdl invaitid
> [IYa klok 17 djast stralklll'C)
> ll)l<:I"illg/O.,t D'<:{'
> [al 1,lIk tu S,lpral7 iu:]
> llon'c) "a:'k o:l""iz
131'l'.c ill t: ]
Este frapanta aceasta diferenta?
when > [lien] - ciind
as soon as >[Ez sll'n l:>j - indata ce
after > l a.fla'J - dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce,
before >[blfo:'J - inainte, dinaintea
Propunerea ta e tentanta.
M-ai surprins foarte tare.
Aceasta lunga plimbare a fost epuizanta.
Aceasta boala molipsitoare este periculoasa.
Intrebarea lui a fost surprinzatoare.
Ultimul sau film m-a frapat.
Pe cine vrei sa inviti?
I like to surprise you.
We have already invited
Ne-am cheltuit deja toti banii.
A fost 0 zi foarte obositoare.
Propozifia care incepe cu oricare dintre conjuncfiile de mai sus, se propozitie
circumstantiala de timp. Nu este nici 0 diferenfa intre structurapropozifiei condifionale de tipul I
propozifia circumstanfiala de timp. Verbul din propozifia subordonata introdusade aceste conjuncfii
este la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Present).
Te aceasta carte?
The clock is just striking
Long work always
tires me.
lata cum se folosesc verbele noi in propozitii:
They will exhaust their
savmgs soon.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare fiti atenti la traducerea in limba
Sa lnvatam eateva adjective noi. Unele dintre ele se formeaza din verbe. Cititi-le eu voce tare fiti
atenti la pronuntle:
- Discursullui a fost emotionant.
- Am auzit cateva
- Noi am vazut un meci captivant.
- Cand te vei afla
in situatie
rna vei intelege.
- Dupa ce termin cartea aceasta
o sa fac 0 plimbare.
- El va cumpara de
indata ce banii.
- Voi cina inainte sa merg la el.
> As soon as you read thIS book you wIll
tell me something about It.
> Before we leave we wIll turn off the radio.
> I WIll clean the house after I work
in the garden.
> When it starts to ram we WIll take the dog
> [hlz uoz mu:vm(IP]
> [UI: so. an iksaitin(gJ
> [al hEy ha:rd sam
ala.rmm(g) ntu:z]
> [al ull hEy dina' blfo:'
a' gau tu hIm]
> [a:fta
al DZIS buk
a' uII gau fd a Uo k]
> [Uen 1U. a.' 111 D"a selm
1U. uII
stEnd mI:]
His speech was moving.
We saw an exciting match.
I have heard some
alarming news.
> [ala. rmm(g)]
- alarmant, ingrijorator
> [Iksaltm(g)]
- interesant, captivant
> [mu:vin(gJ]
- emotionant
foreign > [form] - strain
useless > [LU:shs] - inutil, nefolositor
> [nma.rkabl] - remarcabil, deosebit
Voi face curatenie in casa dupa ee lucrez
in gradina.
Inainte de-a pleca yom inchide radioul.
De indata ce aceasta carte imi vei
spune ceva despre asta.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Cind incepe sa ploua yom duce cainele
De exemplu:
He will buy the car as soon as > llll. "II bal DZa ka.
Ez su:n
as he gets the money. Ez hI. gets IYa malll]
When you are in the same
situation you will
understand me.
After I finish this book
I will go for a walk.
I will have dinner before
I go to him.
in textele anterioare am inlocuit uneori substantivele cu pronumele nehotartit one. Utilizarea
pronumelui nehotartit este obligatorie alaturi de adjective, iar ltinga adjectivele sunt deseori un
articol hotartit:
> iz a form spa!)
>[O'IS lZ a m:slis tu:l]
- Aceasta este 0 poveste
- Acesta este un instrument inutil.
- Ea este 0 spioana straina.
> foreIgn
> movmg
> remarkable
> alanmng
> useless
> eX':ltlOg
- The weather forecast is >alarming
- This book is >useless to me.
- Ai vazut vreodata unele mai ieftine?
- This scene is very >moving.
- Au doua EI 0 vrea pe cea mare.
- Imi plac acestea negre.
- Am doua scaune unul alb.
- The film was very >excltmg.
- 1 had a >remarkable dream.
- He has no >forelgn money.
>[IY\s iz a rima:'kabl sto:ri]
Have you ever seen cheaper ones?
I like these black ones.
I have two red chairs and a white one.
Pronumele nehotartit one are forma de plural:
They have two cars. He wants the big one.
remarcabil, deosebit
alarmant, ingrijorator
Aceasta carte imi este nefolositoare.
EI nu are bani straini.
Am avut un vis deosebit.
Aceasta scena este foarte emotionanta.
inutil, nefolositor
Filmul a fost foarte captivant.
Prognoza meteo este alarmanta.
strain, din alta tara
Completati propozitiile cu cuvintele noi:
Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
This is a remarkable story.
This is a useless tool.
She is a foreign spy.
Completati propozitiile cu fonna corespunzatoare a pronumelui "one":
> [t
- a alege, a selecta
- a dezamagi, a deceptiona
- a alanna, a speria
- a ascunde, a acoperi
- a se a se muta,
a (se) emotiona
- a provoca, a emotiona
- This car is a cheap >one.
- Of all these books I want to read only
the exciting >ones.
- I like dogs, but this isn't a nice> one.
- I have many clocks, but no modem> ones.
- He lost his watch and paid a lot of
money for a new>one.
- I haven't many magazines, I will send
these old >ones.
- Her last letter was a short >one.
- Do you also sell foreign> ones?
- I know that glasses are expensive. How much
have you paid for these new>ones?
> [11I(1J
> [tll ala 'ml
> [tll
> [tll b.lid]
> [tll I ksa/l]
> [tll dlsapoll1t]
> [t
> [Iwd]
to alann
to excite
Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. lata fonnele lor:
Unnariti folosirea verbelor in propozitii exersati pronuntia:
to disappoint
Imi plac cainii, dar acesta nu este unul frumos.
Acum sa invatam cateva verbe noi:
Ultima ei scrisoare a fost scurta.
to move
to choose
Am multe ceasuri dar nici unul modem.
You have disappointed me. >llli. hE\ dls:tpointid ml:] - M-ai dezamagit.
to hide
Aveti de vanzare unele straine?
We have moved to Bucharest. > I "I il f'\ I11LJ vel III huh,nest] - Ne-am mutat la
The film excited them. > [ L)/ a (Ii 111 Ii.;sa/tld Diem] - Filmul i-a emotionat.
Dintre toate cartile acestea vreau sa Ie citesc
doar pe cele captivante.
Aceasta este ieftina.
El pierdut ceasul a platit 0 gramada
de bani pentru unul nou.
Nu am multe reviste, Ie voi trimite
pe acestea vechi.
ca ochelarii sunt scumpi. Cat ai platit
pentru noi?
- Au ales covorul
cel mai mare.
- Unde ai ascuns aceea?
- Ie-au speriat pe
- Ce carte ai ales?
tiring work
- She >disappointed her parents.
- The men didn't >move.
- It has always >alarmed us.
- I >chose the most expensive book.
- What has >exclted you?
- Have they >hidden everything?
> ["ea' hEy iu: hidn DZEt]
> [IYa ka:'z ala:'md
DZi Enimalz]
> ["at buk hEy iu:
> [DZei DZii la:'djast
Am ales cea mai scumpa carte.
Ea deceptionat parintii.
Asta ne-a alarmat intotdeauna.
Situatia noastra este foarte dificila. > Our situation is 'very difficult.
Sa recapitulam prima parte a lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
disappointed parents
Inainte sa vedem acest film, ne yom face datoria. > HerO! 10 we see tIllS film, we'll do our task.
Tocmai am primit cateva surprinzlitoare. > [ have Just got some surprising news.
Ti-a placut piesa? > DId you like the play?
Where have you hidden that?
Completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor nou invatate:
Au ascuns totul?
What book have you chosen?
Oamenii nu s-au
They chose the largest
Ce te-a provocat?
The cars alarmed
the animals.
A fost eel mai interesant meei pe care
I-am vazut vreodata.
Cand vrei sa te muti?
Chiar erezi ea este inutil?
S-a intamplat eeva deosebit?
Cartea lui eea mai noua m-a ~ o e t
Este vreo diferenta intre aeeste
doua boli?
surprising news
> It was the most excitmg match
I have ever seen.
> When do you want to move?
> Do you really think It IS useless?
> Has anything remarkable happened')
> HIs newest book struck me.
> Is there any difference between these
two diseases?
exciting match
Sa invatam cateva cuvinte referitoare la m ~ i n i
Repetati cuvintele intr-o aWi ordine:
- necaz, neplacere, griji,
- indicator (de directie etc),
aparat de masural
de control
- m ~ i n de depanare-auto
- benzina, carburant
- benzina, carburant
- ulei
- litru
- m ~ i n de depanare-auto
- motor
- camlOn
- baterie, acurnulator
- camlOn
- baterie, acumulator
- fdina
- motor
- mecanic
- necaz, neplacere, griji,
- anvelopa, cauciuc
- mecanic
- indicator (de directie etc),
aparat de masural
de control
- anvelopa, cauciuc
- litru
- ulei
- frana
> [breikdaun vEn]
> [taia']
> [oil J
engme > [endjin]
petrol > [petral]
litre > [li:tarJ
oil > [oil]
battery > [bEtari]
trouble > [trabl]
lorry > [Iori]
tyre > [taia
brake > [breikJ
mechanic > [mikEnik]
indicator > [indikeita']
breakdown van
trouble > [trabl]
petrol > [petral]
engme > [endjin]
breakdown van > [breikdaun vEn]
litre > [li:ta
lorry > [Iori]
battery > [bEtari]
brake > [hreik]
mechanic > [mikEnik]
indicator > [indikeita
B: Did the mechanic help you?
B: Did he also look at the brakes and the tyres?
- Da, erau in regula.
- S-a uitat la frane
la cauciucuri?
- Te-a ajutat mecanicul?
- Am cumparat doi litri de ulei
el mi I-a schimbat.
- leri am avut probleme
cu camionul meu.
...:. S-a oprit brusc 0
de depanare auto
I-a dus la un mecanic.
- Da, a facut totul foarte repede.
> [did hI: o:lsau luk Et
DZa brelks End D'a talaTz]
> [les Dlel Ua:' 0:1 ralt]
> [nau al didnt D'a bEtari End - Nu. Acumulatorul
D'I indlkeltaTz didnt ua:Tk] indicatoarele n-au functionat.
> [festa'del al hEd sam
trabl uiD
mal Ion]
> [ai bo:t tu: li:taTz avail
End hI: it for mi:]
> [ies hi: dId evnT'in(t')
veri fa:st]
> [dId Ill: hEv endJIn trabl O:T - Ai avut probleme cu motorul
lu: lit] petral] sau prea putina benzina?
> [it sadanli stopt End a
brelkdaun vEn tuk It
tu D'a ImkEmk]
> [dId DZa mlkEmk help iu:]
I bought two litres of oil
and he changed it for me.
No, I didn't. The battery and
the indicators didn't work.
Did he also look at
the brakes and the tyres?
Yes, they were all right.
Did you have engine trouble
or too little petrol?
Did the mechanic help you?
Yesterday I had some
trouble with my lorry.
Yes, he did everything
very fast.
lar acum sa traducem fiecare propozitie:
lata cuvintele noi intr-un scurt dialog. Cititi-l cu atentie:
A: Yesterday I had some trouble with my lorry. It suddenly stopped and a breakdown van took it
to mechanic.
B: Did you have engine trouble or too little petrol?
A: Yes, he did everything very fast.
A: No, I didn't. The battery and the indicators didn't work.
A: Yes, they were all right. I bought two litres of oil and he changed it for me.
It suddenly stopped and a
breakdown van took it
to a mechanic.
Sa ne intoarcem la comparatia adjectivelor adverbelor.
Ciind compariim substantive, superioritatea se exprimii prin forma de comparativ precedatii de
articolul hotiiriit the:
- Dintre cele doua cladiri aceasta
este mai inalti?
- Dintre cele doua aceasta
este mai ieftini.
> indicator
> engine
> 011
> battery
> lorry
> breakdown van
> trouble
> litre
> mechanic
> tyre
> brake
> petrol
- This >battery is out of order.
- >Petrol is expensive in this country.
- I don't know what the >trouble is.
-The mechanic fixed my (car) >brakes.
- How much is this >engine?
- Where can we park these >Iorries?
- Ten >Iitres, please.
- You need another kind of >oiL
- Use the >mdicators!
- She drives a >breakdown van.
- Is there a >mechamc to help me?
- You have two worn out >tyres.
> [DZis iz DZa av
DZa ttl" ka 'z]
> [IZ DZis DZa to:la' '1\
DZa tu: bildlll(g)z]
Is this the taller of
the two buildings?
This is the cheaper of
the two cars.
Traduceti cuvintele urmatoare in limba engleza:
Este aici un mecanic care sa rna ajute?
depanare auto
Acest acumulator nu functioneaza.
Benzina este scumpa in aceasta tara.
cauciuc, pneu
Unde putem parca aceste camioane?
necaz, neplacere
Ea conduce 0 de depanare auto.
Ai nevoie de un alt fel de ulei.
Cat costa acest motor?
Mecanicul mi-a reparat franele (de la
Zece litri, va rog.
Nu care este problema.
Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu cuvintele noi:
Ai doua cauciucuri uzate.
Sa folosim cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi-l cu atentie:
- mergea din
ce in ce mai repede.
- Benzina e din ce in ce
mai scumpa.
- Ei au vorbit din ce in ce
mai tare.
> Th,:; is the more difficult questIOn
of the two.
> They were talking loudhel and loudher.
> They are becoming ncher and ncher.
> He is the older of the t\\ a boys.
> [petIallz blkamin(g) rna:'
End mar Ikspenslv]
> [DZakd:'mu:vdfasta'
End fa:sta']
> [IYel to kt les End
les kUaiath]
Dintre cei doi baieti el este mai mare.
Ei devin din ce in ce mai bogati.
> [spear]
- de rezerva, suplimentar, liber
> [ldt]
- stang, din stanga
> rna']
- spate, dos, din spate
> l J: kanOlTII kal]
- economie(os); eeonom
> [nla/abl]
- dernn de incredere, sigur
> [frant]
- partea din fataJ(de) dinainte, fata
> [blaukn]
- sfiiramat, spart, strieat
Ei au vorbit din ce in ce mai tare.
Dintre cele doua intrebari aceasta este
mai dificila.
Acum iata cateva adjective noi. Cititi euvintele eu voce tare retineti sernnificatia lor in limba
A: Can you see my new car?
B: No, which one is yours?
A: This one. It is the most reliable car in Europe.
B: Is it also economical?
A: Oh, yes. It doesn't use much petrol.
B: Did they give you a spare tyre?
A: Yes, they did. And they also gave me the front and rear lights.
B: But look, the left indicator is broken.
A: Oh, yes! I didn't see that.
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
sau progresiva se exprima prin utilizarea repetata a gradului comparativ al
adjectivului sau adverbului, legate prin conjunctia and:
Petrol is becoming more
and more expensive.
They talked less and
less quietly.
The car moved faster
and faster.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Acum vom traduce fiecare propozitie In parte. Cititi-le cu atentie exersati pronuntia:
> [It IZ D/a maust nlaIabl ka:
- Este cea mai sigura
in lUafap] din Europa.
- A, da. Nu am observat asta.
- Dar indicatorul din
stanga este spart.
- Ti-au dat cauciuc
de rezerva?
- Dh, da. nu consuma
multa benzina.
- Nu, care este a ta?
- Aceasta.
- Este economicoasa?
- Vezi mea cea noua?
> cl'onornJcal
> left
> broken
> spare
- The >tront lights are out of order.
- Which is the most >economical car?
- The right >rear tyre is getting worse
and worse.
- Cars are becoming more and more >reliable.
- There is something in his >left eye.
- All the plates were >broken.
- Can you give me your >spare tyre?
> [bat luk DZa left indlkelta
iz hriiuknJ
> [au It:S al didnt 51. D/Et]
> [Ies D/ei did End DZel o:lsau - Da. mi-au dat
gelV ml: D'il frant End farurile din fata
lalts] din spate.
> [iz It o:lsau l:kanomlkill]
> l allieS it daznt
flU petral]
> l did D/ci giv Ill.
a spea' tala']
> [D'is "an]
> l n:JLl "an iz IO:'Z]
> [kEn ILl: si: mai t1lU: ka:']
(de) rezerva
Traduceti in limba engleza:
Farurile din fata nu functioneaza.
Cauciucul din spate din dreapta e din ce in ce
mai prost.
Care este cea mai economicoasa
devin din ce in ce mai sigure.
Toate farfuriile erau sparte.
Poti sa-mi dai cauciucul tau de rezerva?
Is it also economical?
Yes, they did. And they also
gave me the front and
rear lights.
But look, the left indicator
is broken.
Dh, yes! I didn't see that.
E ceva in ochiul lui stang.
Dh, yes. It doesn't
use much petrol.
Did they give you
a spare tyre?
No, which one is yours?
This one.
Can you see my new car?
It is the most reliable car
in Europe.
Ati vazut deja cum se verbul "to do" ca verb auxiliar la formarea propozitiilor interogative
In limba romana aceasta accentuare a verbului principal se reda prin cuvintele: intr-adeviir, trebuie,
neapiirat etc. De exemplu:
> [auvartclkn]
- a repara, a indrepta
- a frana
- a accelera
- a ajunge din urma, a
- a umple, a ocupa (un post liber),
a completa (un formular)
- a controla, a verifica
> front
> relIable
> rear
> Do help me!
- Vino viziteaza-ma (insist)!
- Staijos (daca iti spun)!
- Pot sa-ti spun ca ellucreaza (intr-adevar).
- Asculta-ma!
> Do have dinner with us!
> He did read this book.
> She did learn a lot.
[tu fil ap]
[tu tgek]
[tu npca
[tu bretk]
[tu aksclarett]
[tu auvartctk]
> [auvartuk]
Formele verbului "to overtake":
to repair
to brake
> [auvartctk]
to accelerate
to overtake
to fill up
to check
EI a citit aceasta carte.
la masa cu noi!
I can tell you that he does work.
Do listen to me!
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
lata cateva verbe noi:
Do come and visit me!
Ea a invatat mult.
Do sit down!
din spate
partea din fata
demn de incredere
In unele situafii verbul auxiliar to do se folose:;te :;i in propozifii afirmative pentru a accentua 0
afirmafie sau verbul principal. In aceste situafii verbul auxiliar va fi accentuat:
Neaparat vino viziteaza-ma!
Trebuie sa stai jos!
Pot sa-ti spun ca el intr-adevar lucreaza!
Verbul to do se in urmiitoarele cazuri:
Sa ne intoarcem din nou 1a folosirea verbului "to do":
Completati propozitiile In limba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor recent Invatate:
- a aceelerat eu
- Ne-au aproape de

- Ati controlat uleiul?
- Au reparat autobuzul
In graM.
- Ai franat la timp?
- Imi faceti plinul, va rog?
> to fill up
> to check
> to accelerate
> to brake
> to repair
> to overtake
- He is trying to >overtake her.
- The indicators have been >checked by me.
- His car is always >repalred
by the same mechanic.
- Have you ever >braked on a slippery road?
- It >accelerates beautifully.
- Who has >filled it up?
> Ua:'ks Ez ha:'d Ez - la fe1 de mu1t
Ill: du:] ca tine.
> [DZel auva'tuk as nia'
> [did iu: breik in t3lm]
> [lIIlIU: fit it ap pli:z]
> [hEv iu: D'i oil]
> [DZei ripca'd D'a bas
III a hari]
> [D'a ka:' akselareitld i:Zlli]
She works as hard as
you do.
a frana
a ump1e
a acce1era
Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoare1e verbe:
Ai franat vreodata pe un drum alunecos?
Accelereaza frumos.
a verifica
L Pentru a evita repetarea verbului principal alpropozifiei, cu excep!ia verbelor to be, to have
a verbelor auxiliare modale.
Indieatoarele au fost verificate de catre mine.
Ellncearca sa 0
Will you fill it up, please?
a repara
Have you checked the oil?
Did you brake in time?
lata verbele noi In propozitii. Cititi cu voce tare:
They repaired the bus
in a hurry.
Cine a Iacut plinul?
lui este reparata Intotdeauna
de mecanic.
They overtook us near
The car accelerated easily.
Ultimul exercitiu allectiei sintetizeaza intregul material invatat. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
2. Cu ajutorullui. ne putem referi la verbul menfionat anterior:
- Cine-l pe acest om?
Eu (il cunosc).
- Scrie la fel de frumos
ca tatallui.
- Le-am spus sa pIece in
au facut.
- Ea i-a spus sa
dar el nu a
- L-am rugat sa repare
el a facut-o (a reparat-o).
> ThIS situatIOn IS an alarming one.
> He mo\ es more quietly than you do.
> H1S struggle a useless one.
> I asked hun to go to the theatre With me
and he did so.
> lie lllany films but he only liked
the English ones.
> He talks as fast as you do.
> I VISited many foreIgn countries, but Denmark
was the most beautiful one.
> My Job IS gettmg more and more tiring.
> ThiS inventIOn is exciting.
> ThiS task IS a difficult one.
> He asked us to say everything and we did so.
> The film was very disappomting for me.
> I asked hun to come early and he did so.
> 1bought as little as he did.
> [hu: nauz DZls mEn
aI du:}
> tauld hun tu Uelt
bat he didnt}
> [Ui: tauld D'em tu li:v
kUaiatli End DLei dId sau]
> [hI. ralts Ez blU. tJ tali
Ez hlz fa DZa
> [al askt him tu ripea
DZa ka:
End hi: did sau]
Who knows this man?
I do.
She told him to wait
but he didn't.
We told them to leave
quietly and they did so.
He writes as beautifully
as his father did.
I asked him to repair
the car and he did so.
L-am rugat sa vina cu mine la teatru
a venit.
Lupta lui a fast (una) inutila.
EI se mai incet deciit tine.
Aceasta situatie este (una) ingrijoratoare.
EI a vazut multe tilme, dar i-au placut
numai cele
Filmul a fost foarte dezamagitor pentru mine.
Am vizitat multe tari straine, dar Danemarca
a fost cea mai frumoasa.
Slujba mea devine din ce in ce mai obositoare.
Aceasta inventie este interesanta.
Aceasta sarcina este (una) dificila.
L-am rugat sa vina devreme a facut.
EI ne-a rugat sa spunem totul am facut.
El la fel de repede ca tine.
Am cumparat la fel de putin ca el.
Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Literele din cuvintele de pe 0 coloana desemneaza sunete
[al] [en] [Cl] [a:]
hide where play alarm
spy repair brake remarkable
tyre there day task
try pair say ask
> She overtakes as many cars as you do.
> Which is the older of the front lyres?
> J asked him to walt for the breakdown van
and he (IJd so.
> The engines are getting more and more
> This mechaJ1lc IS a J eltable one.
> You have changed the front tyres, but what
about the rear ones"
Ea tot atat de multe ca tine.
L-am rugat sa de depanare auto
a mcut.
Acest mecanic este (unul) de incredere.
Motoarele devin din ce in ce mai
Care dintre cauciucurile din fata este mai vechi?
Ai schimbat cauciucurile din fata, dar care
e situatia cu cele din spate?
Pronumele nehotarat one poate sa apara la plural:
21.1. Participiul
- Dintre cele doua aceasta
este mai ieftina.
- Aceasta munca este epuizanta.
- Diferenta este frapanta.
- Ai vazut vreodata unele mai ieftine?
- Imi plac acestea negre.
- Am doua scaune unul alb.
- Ei au doua El 0 vrea pe cea
- de indata ce
- cand
- dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce, ulterior
- inainte, dinaintea, altadata
- El va cumpara de indata
, ce obtine banii.
- Voi cina inainte sa merg la el.
This is the cheaper of the
two cars.
Have you ever seen cheaper ones?
I like these black ones.
I have two red chairs and a white one.
They have two cars. He wants the
blue one.
In cazul unor comparatii sau repetitii, substantiveIe pot fi inlocuite in propozitie de pronumele
nehotarat "one". Utilizarea lui este obligatorie alaturi de adjective in multe cazuri adjectivul
este precedat de articolul hotarat:
Ea poate fi introdusa de unnatoarele conjunqii:
as soon as
21.4.1. In cazul comparatiei referitoare la trasatura a doua substantive, superioritatea
se exprima prin gradul comparativ precedat de articolul hotarat "the":
Verbul din propozitia introdusa de conjunqiile mentionate se afla la timpul prezent simplu
(Simple Present):
This job is exhausting.
The difference is striking.
Daca la fonna de infinitiv scurt (Tara "to") a verbului adaugam tenninatia ,,-ing", obtinem
participiul, care poate functiona ca adjectiv:
He will buy the car as soon as
he gets the money.
1 will have dinner before I go to him.
21.4. Comparatia adjectivelor adverbelor:
21.3. One
21.2. Propozitia circumstantiala de timp are 0 structura identica cu cea a propozitiei conditionale de
tipul I.
21.5.3. Cu ajutorul verbului "to do" ne putem referi la verhul folosit anterior In propozitie:
Urmarind exemplul de mai sus putem ohserva ca folosirea verhului "to do" poate
aduce informatii suplimentare.
- Vino viziteaza-ma neaparat!
- L-am rugat sa repare
el a Iacut-o.
- la fel de mult ca tine.
- mergea din ce In ce
mai repede.
- Benzina e din ce In ce
mai scumpa.
- Eu au vorbit din ce In ce mai aprins.
Petrol is becoming more and
more expensive.
The car moved faster and
She works as as you do.
Do come and visit me!
They talked less and less quietly.
I asked him to repair the car
and he did so.
21.4.2. sau progresiva se exprima prin repetarea formei de
comparativ a adjectivului sau adverbului, cele doua forme fiind legate prin
conjunqia "and":
21.5.2. Verbul "to do" se pentru Inlocuirea verhului principal deja cunoscut, cu
exceptia verbelor "to be, to have" a verbelor auxiliare modale:
21.5.1. Verbul auxiliar "to do" se folosqte In propozitii afirmative pentru a accentua, a
sublinia 0 afirmatie sau pentru accentuarea verbului principal al propozitiei. Verbul
auxiliar va fi accentuat In pronuntie:
21.5. Verbul auxiliar to do
It is getting more and more cloudy.
1. Which is the more exciting of these two films?
1. L-am rugat sa aleaga el a Iacut-o.
4. Este sigura aceasta roata de rezerva?
3. El mai putin deciit ea.
2. Dati-mi, va rog, pe cea economicoasa.
5. Dupa ce termini de citit, vei repara biblioteca.
6. Ma viziteaza din ce in ce mai des.
2. The fast ones are very expensive.
5. We smoke as little as they do.
4. Do invite her for dinner!
3. You will move as soon as your room is ready.
C. Corectati din fiecare propozitie:
1. This is a useles task.

2. I drink less than he do.
3. The red one are sweeter.
4. After she will finish school she will be a teacher.
1% . J
5. Is the engine accelerating good?
B,.. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
A. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba romiina:
Repetati cuvintele noi intr-o alta ordine:
Sa lnvatam ciiteva cuvinte din domeniul bancar:
,.. ,..
withdrawal > [
dro:al] - retragere, ridicare de bani
coin > [koin] -moneda
loan > [laun] - imprumut
account > [akaunt] - cont, factura, nota
de plata
deposit > l dipozit] - depozit, depunere
(la banca)
instalment > [insto:lmant] - rata, plata In rate
rate of interest > rreit av intrist] - rata dobiinzii, doMnda
information > - informatii
cheque > - cec
form > [fo:rm] - formular
balance > lbElans] - balanla, bilant, echilibru,
account > [akauntJ - cont, factura, nota
de plata
cheque > - cec
instalment > [insto:lmant] - rata, plata in rate
loan > [Htlm] - imprumut
rate of interest > [reit av intrist] - rata dobiinzii, dobiinda
coin > [koinj - moneda
form > [fo:rm] - formular
information > - informatii
balance > [bEUms] - balanla, bilanl, echilibru,
withdrawal > [UiDzdro:al] - retragere, ridicare de bani
deposit > [dipozit] - depozit, depunere
(la banca)
2% 8 % 0'0 10,7% 2/5
J% 9.7:A il ,0 9 %
<A.J\. 7,6_% 2/4
10 3,9 % 5,9% 2,1
Completati propozitiile cu cuvintele care lipsesc. Cititi textul cu voce tare:
- Ea face depuneri saptamanal.
- EI a ridicat bani.
- Ai nevoie de aceste formulare.
- Acceptati bani marunti (monede)?
- Este suficient de mare
soldul meu?
- Rata dobfmzii este ridicata.
- Sunt informatii utile.
- Pot obtine aici un imprumut?
- Vreti bani sau un cec?
- Am un cont la 0 banca
de incredere.
- What is this> form for?
- I will make a> withdrawal today.
- The>rate of interest is rising.
> melks ui:kh dipozits]
> [hI: meld a uIDzdro:al]
> [IZ mal bElans hai ina]
> [iu: m:d DZI.Z fo:'mz]
> [du 1U: telk kotnz]
> [DZIs iz lU:sfal
> [DZa relt ov intnst iz hat]
> [du IU: Uont mani
0:' a
> [1U: kEn pel in Insto:lmants] - Poti plati in rate.
> [al hEy an akaunt In a
nlalabl bEnk]
> [kEn ai get a loun hla']
Pentru ce este acest formular?
Azi voi ridica bani.
Rata dobanzii
He made a withdrawal.
Is my balance high enough?
You need these forms.
She makes weekly deposits.
ThiE. is useful information.
You can pay in instalments.
Do you take coins?
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Can I get a loan here?
The rate of interest is high.
Do you want money
or a cheque?
I have an account in a
reliable bank.
in limba englezii existii mai multe substantive care nu au plural; ele sunt urmate de un verb la
persoana a IIl-a singular. in limba romiinii unele se traduc la singular, altele la plural.
Urmariti substantivele de mai jos retineti intelesullor:
El vrea sa schimbe aceste monede.
- proprietate, avere
- informatii
- noutate,
- putere, forta, tarie
- venit, in special din impozit
- afacere, treaba
- mobilier, mobila
> instalment
> balance
> form
> loan
> deposit
> withdrawal
> rate of interest
> cheque
> account
> coin
> information
- He wants to change these >coins.
- We need more >information.
- We need this >loan.
- This is the last >instalment.
- How long have you had an >account?
- I gave him a >cheque.
- This is my first >deposlt.
- Where is the >balance?
> [bizllls]
> [praugres]
> [stren(g)TS]
> [revamu:]
> [proparti]
> [mam]
> [nlU.z]
lata alte substantive:
De cat timp ai un cont?
I-am dat un cec.
Aceasta este prima mea depunere.
Unde este bilantul?
Avem nevoie de mai multe informatii.
Avem nevoie de acest imprumut.
Aceasta este ultima rata.
Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
rata dobanzii
lata acum ciiteva verbe noi. Urmariti semnificatia lor in limba romiina:
- a chema, a striga, a denumi,
a boteza
- a retrage, a lua inapoi, a scoate,
a ridica bani
- a Invata, a afla
- a imprumuta, a lua cu imprumut
- a completa (un formular,
chestionar... )
- a ridica 0 suma, a plati in numerar
- a depune
- a imprumuta, a da cu imprurnut
- Mobila a fost ieftina.
- Afacerile merg bine anul acesta.
- S-a progresat putin.
- They bought the >merchandlse at discount.
- We do a lot of>busmess with them.
- Has there been much >progress?
- Has he much >property?
- The >rcvenue has risen.
- Is this >furniture new?
- Has he enough >strength for this work?
>[tu film]
> [tu borauJ
> [tu ko 1]
> [tLl lend]
> [tll dlpOZIt]
> [tll UiD!dlO ]
> [tu
> [biznIS IZ gud O'lS ila']
> [DZei lost 0 1D/ei
propaTti] - pierdut toata averea.
> [DZa revanlU: 1Z hal maf] - Impozitul este destul de ridicat.
> [DZIs IZ redl] - Aceasta marta este gata.
> [ha:' stren(glp uoz Igzo:stic] - (Ea) era la capatul puterilor.
> [liti praugres uoz meld]
to deposit
to call (to)
to learn
to withdraw
to fill in
to borrow
Impozitul a crescut.
to lend
S-au tacut multe progrese?
Este destul de puternic pentru aceasta munca?
to cash
Facem 0 multime de afaceri cu ei.
Au cumparat marfa la pret redus.
Aceasta mobila este noua?
EI are avere mare?
Little progress was made.
Business is good this year.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele care lipsesc. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare fiti
atenti la pronuntie:
Her strength was exhausted.
They lost all their property.
The revenue is high enough.
This merchandise is ready.
The furniture was cheap.
lata aceste substantive in propozitii:
Unele dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. lata fonnele lor:
fonna I forma a II-a fonna a III-a
lend >
[ lend]
lent > [lent] lent > [ lent]
withdraw >
withdrew > [\liDzdru.]
withdrawn > [\lIDzdro:n]
learn >
learnt > [la.lnt] learnt > [la:'nt]
- How much did he > lendyou?
- Have you> cashed this cheque already?
- You haven't> filledit in yet.
- Fill in this fonn to > wlthdrawmoney, please.
- What did she> callto you?
- We have> borroweda lot of money from him.
- Have you> karnlhow to repair it?
- Do you want to > deposltmuch?
Ai incasat deja acest cec?
Cu cat te-a imprumutat?
Completati, va rag, acest fonnular pentru
ridicarea banilor.
Noi am imprumutat multi bani de la el.
Ce ti-a strigat?
Ai invatat cum se repara asta?
Vrei sa depui multi bani?
Inca nu l-ai completat.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Sa folosim verbele invatate in propozitii:
She cashed the cheque. > DZa I - Ea a incasat cecul.
He has lent us the money. > [hI: hEz lent as IYa marJlj - El ne-a imprumutat banii.
We borrowed less last year. > [\II: boraud les la:st Ila'] - Noi am imprumutat mai putin
anul trecut.
Have you filled in the fonn? > [hEy w: fild in {)fa fa.'m] - Ai completat fonnularul?
What did you learn yesterday? > ["at dId III la:'11 Icsta'dcI] - Ce-ai invatat ieri?
They withdrew all their >
[DZel u1Dzdru: 0:1 Dzei'
- retras toti banii.
How much have you > [hall mats h[ v lU: - Cat ai depus?
We called the cat Blinky.
> [Ui: ko. ld D/a kEt blin(g)ki]
- Am botezat-o Blinky pe pisica.
Ca orice substantiv gerunziul poate sti aparti in propozi(ie ca:
Acum sa ne intoarcem la problema verbelor terminate in ,,-ing".
- Fumatul este daunator (pentru
- Plimbarea in padure este placuta.
- A minca prea mult nu-ti face bine.
- Zborul este periculos?
- Poti sa inveti ceva fiicind (asta).
- Inaintea de a pleca el a scris 0 scrisoare scurtii.
>ApplyIng for a Job IS exhaustmg.
>We are thmkmg about firIng ten employees.
- Au vorbit despre faptul ca merg la cinema.
- Ce parere ai despre cumpirarea unui caine?
> WatchIng TV can be tIrIng.
> I don't Itke dusting the floors.
> to wIthdraw
>-to learn
> to cash
> to borrow
> to fill In
> to depOSIt
> to lend
> to call
They talked about going to the cinema.
What do you think about buying a dog?
Walking in the woods is nice.
Eating too much is not good for you.
Ne giindim sa concediem zece angajati.
Solicitarea unui loc de munca este epuizanta.
A te uita la TV poate fi obositor.
Before leaving he wrote a short letter.
You can learn something by doing it.
Is flying dangerous?
2. Dupti prepozi(ii:
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Subiect:
Nu-mi place sa pe jos.
Smoking is bad for you.
Inainte de a analiza caracteristicile acestei forme verbale, iata cateva exemple. Cu ajutorullor putem
observa ca aceasta forma a verbului se traduce in limba romana printr-un substantiv sau un verb la
Traduceti unnatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
Aceastti 0 formti a verbului desemneazti substantivul format din verb. in propozi{ii ea are roluri
specijice substantivului dar ptistreazti caracterul verbal, datorittifaptului cti cereprepozi{iile $i
cazurile specijiceformei de bazti a.verbului. in limba englezti aceasttiformti a verbului cu termina(ia
,,-ing" se gerund[dJerand].
a depune
ada imprumut (cuiva)
a lua imprumut (de la)
a invata
a completa (un formular)
a retrage, a ridica bani
a chema
a incasa, a schimba in bani (un cec)
Sa invatam ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare retineti sensullor in limba romana:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
- Ciind ai ridicat bani
ultima oara?
- Este riscant sa Ie dai bani
cu imprumut.
- Care este rata actuala
a dobiinzii?
- Este sigur sa depui bani
la banca aceea?
- sigur ca soldul tau este
indeajuns de ridicat?
- Suntem gata sa platim
in numerar.
- riscant, periculos
- anterior, prealabil, precedent
- pregatit, gata (de, sa)
- sigur, lipsit de pericol,
in siguranta
- sigur, convins
- prezent, actual
- The >present balance is very low.
- Cheques are >safer than bills.
- Are you>sure you have an account here?
- This loan is very >risky.
- My >previous deposit was small.
- Are you >prepared to pay cash?
> [Uen Uoz io:
> liz It selftu dlpozit mani
UiD' DzEt bEnk]
> [Iendin<g) D'em mani
iz riski]
> ["ot iz D'a prezant reit
ov intrist]
> [a:
IU: D'Et io:
bElans iz hai inaf]
> [Ui' a:
pripeard tu pei
> [pri:vJas]
> [prezant]
> [riski]
> [pripeard]
> [seif]
Acest imprumut este foarte riscant.
pregatit sa in numerar?
Soldul actual este foarte scazut.
Cecurile sunt mai sigure deciit bancnotele.
sigur ca ai un cont aici?
Ultima mea depunere a fost mica.
Lending them money
is risky.
When was your previous
Are you sure that your
balance is high enough?
What is the present rate
of interest?
Is it safe to deposit money
with that bank?
We are prepared to pay
in cash.
Forma de gerunziu sefolose!jte in urmatoarele cazuri:
Daca substantivul are semnificafie de plural atunci trebuie safie la plural:
])0 they lIke drinkll1g coffee?
This car IS worth buying.
It's no use takmg It now.
He has just stopped wrIting.
- nefolositor, rara rost, nu are rost
- (care) merita
- Nu are rost sa vorbim eu el.
- Cartea merita sa fie citita.
- Ei au incetat lucml dupa cateva ore.
- Ili place sa inoli? (Ili place inotul?)
- In acel accident pierdut viata.
- Fiecare condus
- Noi toti ne-am cumparat biletele proprii.
- Am 0 ora jumatate.
- Loeuiesc aici de trei ani.
- EI are zece ani.
> sure
> prepared
> nsky
> present
> safe
> previous
1. Dupii anumite verbe:
They stopped working after a few hours.
Do you like swimming?
Traduceli urmatoarele propozilii in limba engleza:
Lor Ie place sa bea cafea?
Aceasta merita sa fie cumparata.
Nu are rost sa iei asta acum.
EI tocmai s-a oprit din scris.
2. Cu urmiitoarele expresii:
it is no use
it is worth
It is no use talking to him.
The book is worth reading.
In that accident they lost their lives.
We all drove our own cars.
We all bought our own tickets.
We waited for one and a half hours.
They have lived here for three years.
He is ten years old.
pregatit, gata (de)
sigur, in siguranla
Sa ne intoarcem la pluralul substantivelor.
Traduceli cuvintele in limba engleza:
Daca substantivul este precedat de un numeral, altul dedit unu, atunci substantivul este la plural:
lar acumurmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Cuvintele de pe coloana au un sunet identic, desemnat
de literele scrise Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
In incheire sa recapitulam toate problemele gramaticale discutate. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii
in limba engleza:
> You can do it by selling your property.
> He cashed the cheque one
and a half months ago.
> Making a: deposit is easy.
> This informatIOn is relJable.
> I don't like borrowing.
> I lIke to do business with him.
> How many people lost then lives'!
> Will you call my brother?
> You can pay the car in instalments.
> Are you sure that lending them
money is risky?
> After filling m the forms we got the money.
> Do you know the present rate of mterest?
> I have had an account here for ten years.
> We all used our own bicycles.
[ E] [e] [a] [i: ]
cash lend trouble disease
bank cheque struggle previous
balance left cut scene
stamp twelve but seen
lamp engine sun been
care este rata actuala a dobanzii?
Am avut un cont aici timp de zece ani.
Aceste inforrnatii sunt demne de incredere.
II vei suna pe fratele meu?
Dupa completarea formularelor am primit banii.
Imi place sa fac afaceri cu el.
Poti plati in rate.
EI a incasat cecul in urrna cu
o luna jumatate.
Nu-mi place sa iau cu imprumut.
Cati oameni pierdut viata?
Este sa faci 0 depunere.
Noi toti am folosit bicicletele proprii.
Poti face asta vanzand proprietatea tao
sigur ca este riscant sa Ie
imprumutam bani?
Barbara: Because sometimes there are many people there.
Barbara: The bank always want information, but that takes time, too.
> The last scene was a very remarkable one.
> We saw a movll1g play last mght.
> Not all rtlms are exciting.
> YOLI \\ a1ch mOle films than I cia.
> But 1 like the good ones.
> Some inventIOns are useless.
Peter, don't you think that we still have time for shopping?
I don't know. The streets are still full of traffic and you cannot drive very fast.
And something is wrong with the car. It didn't accelerate well when I was driving home.
And you don't know what the trouble is, so you have to ask a mechanic to check
If the trouble is serious I have to call a breakdown van.
Peter, the mechanic just called and said that he had to put a new engine in our car, but is
that true?
I don't know. You know that some people are not reliable. They only want your money.
But we don't have enough money right now to pay for a new engine.
Then we have to borrow money, at a high rate of interest.
This shows how one bad thing can cause another.
Well, it is better not to worry too much.
People try to write very fast because they have little time.
But when you do the necessary things you leave the bank in a hurry.
Yes, many people want to make a withdrawal or a deposit.
I think so. Why do you ask that?
Dar mie imi plac cele bune.
Ultima scena a fost una remarcabi1a.
Nu toate filmele sunt interesante.
Tu te uiti la mai mu1te filme decat mine.
Seara trecuta noi am vazut 0 piesa emotionanta.
Cateva inventii sunt nefo10sitoare.
Barbara: And you must fill in forms before you can do something.
Urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere In care vom recapitula materialu1 1ectii10r 21 22. Traduceti
propozitiile In limba engleza:
Barbara: John, do you often have to go to the bank?
Cititi cu atentie urmatorul dialog. Silabele cuvintele accentuate sunt evidentiate prin caractere
L-am rugat pe mecanic sa verifice motorul
el a lacut-o.
putea sa-l
straine devin din ce 'in ce mai ieftine.
Dintre cei doi baieti, el 'il 'intreaba pe cel
mai mare unde este banca.
EI nu ne-a putut da
informatiile necesare.
Ei au lacut plinul 'in graba.
Este un motor foarte economic.
sigur ca acumulatorul nu functioneaza?
Este mai sigur sa nu accelerezi prea mult.
Am vazut un politist prin geamul din spate.
Inainte sa repare frana, el a verificat
Nu este greu sa schimbi un cauciuc.
EI a ales 0 straina.
Noi Ie-am 'imprumutat ulei.
gata sa ajuti un spion?
Situatia este 'inca alarmanta?
Poti face asta 'inainte de a incasa cecul?
Camioanele trebuie sa aiba frane foarte bune.
Ei pot face asta lara toate
gesturile acestea.
Vezi diferenta?
Nu are rost sa te ascunzi.
Merita sa cumparam un acumulator nou?
A devenit din ce 'in ce mai riscant.
Am rugat-o sa ridice bani ea a Iacut-o.
Am vrut sa cumparam 0 am ales-o
pe cea economica.
Dintre cele doua, cea ieftina este
cea mai sigura.
> l asked the mechal1lc to check the engine
and he did so.
> I could overtake hIm easily.
> Foreign cars are gettmg cheaper and cheaper.
> He IS asking the 01 der of the two boys
'" here the bank is.
> He could not give us
the necessary mformation.
> They filled up the car m a hurry.
> It is a very economIcal engme.
> Are you sure the battery is out of order?
> It is safer not to accelerate too fast.
> I sa\, a policeman through the rear window.
> Before repainng the brake, he checked
the indicators.
> Changmg a tyre is not dit1icult.
> He has chosen a foreign car.
> \Ve have lent them some OIl.
> Are you prcpared to help a spy?
> Is the situatIon stIlI alarming?
> Can you do this before cashing the cheque?
> Lorries must have very good brakes.
> Thcy can do It without making
all these gcstures.
> Can you see what the difference is?
> It's no use hiding.
> It is worth buying a new battery?
> It was getting riskier and riskier.
> I asked her to withdraw money and she did so.
> We wanted to buy a car and we chose
the economical onc.
> The cheaper of the two is the more
reliable one.
> Yau can sell your property.
> Four people lost their lIves.
> We must choose between withdraWIng money
and borrowlllg it.
> This IS the last Instalment, but when were
the prevIOus ones')
> She gave up smoking last week.
> It IS Important to have a spare tyre.
> Do check the OIl!
Ea s-a lasat de fumat saptamana trecuta.
Iti poti vinde proprietatea.
Patru oameni ~ i u pierdut viata.
Este important sa avem 0 roata de rezerva.
"Changing a tyre is not difficult."
Trebuie sa alegem i'ntre a scoate bani
~ i a-i i'mprumuta.
Aceasta este ultima rata, dar cand au fost
cele anterioare?
Controleaza neaparat ~ i uleiul!
22.2.1. Ca orice substantiv la fel gerunziul apare in propozitie ca :
22.2. Gerunziul (substantive formate din verbe cu terminatia ,,-ing")
Daca substantivul are semnificatie de plural atunci trebuie sa primeasca forma de plural:
- pierdut viata in acel accident.
- EI are zece ani.
- Am 0 ora jumatate.
- Locuiesc aici de trei ani.
- merita sa (00')
- Cartea merita citita.
- nu are rost
- Nu are rost sa vorbim cu el.
- Au vorbit despre plecarea la

- Au incetat sa lucreze dupa
cateva ore.
- afacere, treaba, treburi
- mobilier, mobila
- Plimbarea in padure este placuta.
I. Subiect al propozitiei:
it is worth
2. Cu urmatoarele expresii:
it is no use
It is no use talking to him.
The book is worth reading.
2. Dupa prepozitii:
Walking in the woods is nice.
They talked about going to
In that accident they lost their lives.
We waited for one and a half hours.
They have lived here for three years.
He is ten years old.
22.2.2. Forma de gerunziu 0 folosim:
I. Dupa anumite verbe:
They stopped working after a
few hours.
22.3. Daca substantivul este precedat de un numeral "mai mare decat unu", atunci substantivul
apare la plural:
22.1. in limba engleza exista mai multe substantive care nu au forma de plural alaturi de care
verbul se la persoana a Ill-a singular. in limba romana unele sunt traduse prin forme
de singular, altele prin forme de plural:
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. My previous job was filling in forms.
2. It's no use withdrawing all that money.
3. When did you make your last withdrawal?
4. I think borrowing money is risky.
5. Are you sure there is enough revenue?
6. It is better to ask for information before depositing money.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Noi toti ne-am completat formularele.
2. Rata dobiinzii rapid.
3. gata sa-mi schimbi acest cec in bani?
4. In aceasta situatie poti sa dai bani cu imprumut.
5. Ei au retras multi bani din acest cont.
6. Imi place sa-mi verific des bilantul.
c. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
1. I want more informations.
2. Why have you lended them those books?
3. Is there many progress?
4. It is safer without to borrow.
5. Who withdrawed it?
Lista verbelor neregulate din lecpile 21 22
forma I forma a II-a forma a III-a
choose > chose > chosen >
hide > [hald] hid > [hid] hidden > [hidn]
learn > [Ia.ln] learnt
> [la:fnt]
> [la:fnt]
lend > [lend] lent > [lent] lent > [lent]
strike > [stralk] struck > [strak]
> [strak]
> [U1Dzdro:]
> [UiDzdru']
> [UiDzdro:n]
, ,
to accelerate > [tu akselarelt] - a accelera
account > [akaunt] - cont
to alarm > [tu ala.'m] - a alarrna
as soon as > [Ez su:n Ez] - de indata ce
balance > [bElans] - balanta, bilant, echilibru, sold
battery > [bEtan] - baterie, acumulator
to borrow > [tu borau] - a imprumuta, a lua imprumut
brake > [brelk] - frana
to brake > [tu brelk] - a frana
breakdown van > [brelkdaun yEn] - de depanare auto
broken > [braukn] - sfiiramat, spart, stricat
business > [biznis] - afacere, treaba
to call (to) > [tuko:l] - a chema, a striga, a denumi,
a boteza
to cash > [tu - a incasa, a schimba un cec in bani,
a plati in numerar
- molipsitor, contagios
to check > [tu - a controla, a verifica
cheque > - cec (bancar)
to choose > [tu - a alege, a selecta
coin > [korn] - moneda, bani
deposit > [dlpozit] - depozit, depunere, bani
la banca
to deposit > [tu dlpOZlt] - a depune, a depozita
difference > [difrans] - diferenta, deosebire
to disappoint > [tu dlsapornt] - a dezamagi, a deceptiona
disease > [dlzi:z] - boala, maladie
economical > [J:kanomikal] - econom, economicos
engine > [endJln] - motor
to excite > [tu Iksalt] - a provoca, a emotiona
> [lksaltll1(g)]
- interesant, captivant
to exhaust > [tu Igzo st] - a epuiza, a istovi
exhausting >
- epuizant, istovitor
to fill in > [tu fil m] - a completa (un formular,
chestionar etc.)
to fill up > [tu fil ap] - a umple, a ocupa (un post liber),
a pune (benzina in rezervor)
film > [film] - film
foreign >
- strain, din alta tara
form >
- formular
front >
[ frant]
- partea din fata, front, fata
furniture >
- mobilier, mobila
gerund >
[djerand] - gerunziu (substantiv format
din verb)
gesture > [ - gest
to hide >
[tu hald] - a ascunde, a acoperi
indicator >
] - indicator (de directie, etc), aparat
de masura/control
information > ] - informatii
instalment >
[ insto:lmant] - rata, plata in rate
invention >
- inventie, descoperire
to invite >
[tu invalt] - a invita
inviting >
[ invaitin(g)]
- imbietor, ispititor, ademenitor,
it's no use >
[its nau iu:z] - n-are rost
to learn >
[tu la:fn]
- a invata, a afla
left >
[left] - stang, din stanga
to lend >
[tu lend] - a imprumuta, a da cu imprumut
litre (USA liter) >
[ li:ta
] - litru
loan > [ laun] -imprumut
lorry >
[Ion] - camion
mechanic >
[mikEnik] - mecanic
merchandise >
- marIa
to move >
[tu mu:v]
- a se a se muta, a se deplasa,
a emotiona
movmg >
- emotionant
oil > [011] - ulei
to overtake >
[tu ouvafteik]
- a ajunge din urma, a
person >
- individ, persoana
petrol > [ petral] - benzina, carburant
play > [plei] - joc, piesa
prepared >
- pregatit, gata (de, sa)
present >
- prezent, actual
prevIous >
- anterior, prealabil, precedent
progress >
- progres, evolutie
property >
- proprietate, avere
rate of interest >
[relt ov intnst]
- rata dobanzii, dobanda
rear > [ria
] - (in/din) spate, dos, urma
reliable > [nlaiabl] - demn de Incredere, sigur
remarkable > [nma:rkabl] - remarcabil, deosebit
to repair > [tu npear] - a repara, a Indrepta
revenue > [revaniu:] - venit (anual), beneficii
risky > [riski] - riscant, primejdios, periculos
safe > [ self] - sigur, lipsit de pericol, In siguranta
scene > [si:n] - scena, decor, peisaj
situation > ] - situatie, stare
spare > [spear] - de rezerva, suplimentar, liber
spy > [sPai ]
- splOn
strength > [stren(g)TS] - putere, forta, tarie
to strike > [tu straik] - a lovi, a izbi, a frapa, a
striking > [stralkin(g)] - izbitor, frapant
struggle > [stragl] - lupta, ciocnire, Intrecere
sure > - slgur
to surprise > [tu sapralz] - a surprinde, a uimi,
a lua prin surprindere
surprising > [sapralzin(gl] - surprinzator,
task > [ta:sk] - sarcina, Indatorire
to tire > [tu taia
] - a obosi
tiring > [taiarm(gl] - obositor, plictisitor
trouble > [trabl] - necaz, suparare, griji
tyre > [tad] - pneu, anvelopa, cauciuc

useless > [1U:slis] - inutil, nefolositor, zadamic
to withdraw > [tu uiDzdro:] - a retrage, a lua Inapoi, a scoate,
a ridica bani
withdrawal > [U1Dzdro:al] - retragere, ridicare de bani
worth > [Ua:TT'] - care merita
1. Pronumele "what, how, whIch, whom, whose":
What do you want to do today?
What flowers does she like most?
How fast IS this car?
WhIch school IS the best?
Whom did you see yesterday?
Whose chlld is thIs?
2. Gerunziul:
Walkmg here is nIce.
I don't like ironmg.
They are talking about vlsltmg London.
- Ce vrei sa faci astazi?
- Care flori ji plac cel mai mult?
- Cat de rapida este aceasta
- Care este cea mai buna?
- Pe cme ai vazut ieri?
-- Al cui este acest copil?
- E placut sa te plimbi aicl.
- Nu-mi place sa calc (cu fierul).
- EI vorbesc despre vizitarea Londrei.
Sa repetam cuvinte intr-o alta ordine. Exersati pronuntia memorati
intelesul lor:
Poate ati studiat geografia, dar nu ati fost inca la 0 leqie de geografie tinuta
in limba engleza. Acum va invitam la 0 astfel de lectie:
valley > [ vEli] - vale
source >
- izvor, sursa
earth, Earth > [a'r] - pamant, Pamant (planeta)
canal > [kanEl] - canal
Europe > [iu:rap] - Europa
continent > [kontinant] - continent
lake > [lcik] - lac
ocean > [ - ocean
sea > [si: ] - mare
land > [I End] - uscat, pamant, camp, teren
harbour > [ha:'ba
] - port
mountain > [mauntin] - munte
the Danube > pYa dEniu:b] - DUll<irea
flver > Iriva'] - rau, fluviu
earth, Earth >
- pamant, Pamant (planeta)
continent > [kontinant] - continent
land > [l End] - uscat, pamant, camp, teren
valley > [ vEli] - vale
mountain > [mauntin] - munte
region > - regiune, tinut, zona
source >
- izvor, sursa
canal > [kanEI] - canal
Europe > [iu:rap] - Europa
lake > [leik] - lac
ocean > [ ,- ocean
sea > [si: ] - mare
harbour >
- port
the Danube > [D'a dEniu:b] - Dunarea
fiver > [riva'] - rau, fluviu
"We want to find the source of the Danube"
- Acesta este un rau foarte
- are port?
-Cat de larg este acest canal?
- Locuim langa un lac minunat.
- Vrem sa gasim izvorul Dunarii.
- Nu am vazut niciodata marea.
- Sunt multi munti in Europa?
- Ce oceane
- Am fost fericit cand am vazut
- Care este numele acestui
- nostru este intr-o vale.
- Pe Pamant sunt
> [DZis iz a veri nErou riva"]
> [hEz bukarest a ha:'ba
> [hau lI aid iz D
is kanEI]
> ["ot du iu: nou]
> [ai Uoz hEpi !len ai sou
Dla lEnd]
> [ai hEv neva' si:n D7a si:]
> lUi: liv nekst tu a biu:tifal
> ["ot iz DZa neim ov DZis
> [aua' taun iz in a vEli]
> [Ui: "ont tu faind D7a so:'s
ov D/a dEniu:b]
> [a:' Dlea' meni mauntinz
in iu:rap]
> [Olea' a:' sevn kontinants
on D
i a:'T
How wide is this canal?
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Fiti atenti la pronuntie la traducerea in limba romana:
Are there many mountains
in Europe?
What oceans do you know?
What is the name ofthis
We live next to a beautiful lake.
Has Bucharest a harbour?
Our town is in a valley.
We want to find the source
of the Danube.
This is a very narrow river.
There are seven continents
on the Earth.
I was happy when I saw the
I have never seen the sea.
Completati urmatoarele propozltll in hmba engleza folosind cuvIntele care hpsesc:
Vom invii!a diteva verbe dupii care utihzarea gerunziului este obhgatorie:
- a a tennina
- a uri, a
- a merge mai departe,
a continua
- In spnng the> \ alley of the Danube
looks beautiful.
- This >canalls very narrow.
- There are few> mountaInS in this country.
- Many animals need the >sea to live.
- TIllS animal lives on the >land.
- We spent a week in that >region.
- Is the>Eal1h very large?
- Our > contInentIS called>Europe.
- Is this> n \ el In England?
- They went to the> lake by bus.
- >Oceans are very big.
- Has RomanIa modem >harbours?
- This Infonnation IS from a good >source.
> [tu gou on]
> [Iu finiS]
> [tu helt]
NumeJe de ape sunt intotdeauna precedate de articolul hotarat "the".
to go on
to finish
to hate
Desigur ati retInut cuvIntele Pentru a va veri fica, incercati sa Ie traduceti in limba engleza:
Primavara valea Dunarii arata mInunat.
> ocean
munte >
> 1he Danube
Izvor >
rau >
uscat >
vale >
pamant, >
eatth, Earth
Pamant (planeta)
continent >
Europa >
lac >
mare >
canal >
port >
regiune, tinut >
Sa ne reintoarcem la problema gerunziului.
Ei s-au dus la lac cu autobuzul.
Pamantul este foarte mare?
Acest diu este in Anglia?
Acest animal pe uscat.
NOl am petrecut 0 saptamana in regiunea aceea.
Continentul nostru se Europa.
Romania are portun modeme?
Aceasta informatle proVIne dIntr-o sursa buna.
Sunt doar ciitlva munti in aceasta tara.
Oceanele sunt foarte man.
Multe annnale au neVOle de mare
pentru a trai.
Acest canal este foarte ingust.
Completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor impreuna cu gerunziul:
lata cum se folosesc verbele impreuna cu "gerunziul":
- I can't >giyc up singmg now.
- muntos, de munte
- Au continuat sa lucreze.
- principal. esentiaJ
- plat, intins, neted
- vast, foarte mare
- putin adiinc, superficial
- Au continuat sa invete.
- EI prefera sa piece devreme.
- Multi copii urasc sa mearga
- M-am lasat de fumat.
- Ai terminat de citit?
- adanc
- a continua, a urma, a duce
mai departe
- a abandona, arenunta,
a se lasa (de)
- a prefera, a-i place (mai mult
- She >prefers going by train.
- Have you >finished mopping the floor?
- They >continued learning English.
- They >wcnt on talking.
- I >hate gctting up early.
> [hEv iu: ri:dm(gl]
> [IYel kantiniu:d la:Tnin(gl]
> [meni heit
gauin(g) tu sku: I]
> [hI: pnfa:Tz li:vin(g) a:Tli]
> [DZei tlent on tla:Tkin
> [tu prifa:
> [tu kantiniu:]
> tal hEv givn ap smaukin(g)]
mam >[mem]
mountainous > [mauntinas]
deep > [di:pJ
vast > l]
flat >[nFt]
Ei au continuat sa vorbeasca.
Nu pot sa renunt acum Ja cantat.
Au continuat invatarea limbii engleze.
Ea prefera sa mearga cu trenul.
lar acum sa invatam cateYa cuvinte noi:
Urasc sa rna scol devreme.
Ai terminat de pe jos?
Have you finished reading?
to give up
I have given up smoking.
to continue
He prefers leaving early.
to prefer
They continued learning.
Many children hate
going to school.
They went on working.
A: Is the Danube the main river in Romania?
A: Do you live in the mountains?
- la munte?
- Locuiesc intr-o regiune
- Unde
- Este adiinca?
- Nu, intr-o vale.
- Nu, este putin adanca,
dar foarte intinsa.
- izvorul Dunarii este
'in valea mea.
- Dunarea este fluviul eel mai
mare al Romaniei?
- Da. Iar tu ce mai faci?
- Traiesc intr-o regiune de
campie din estul Romaniei.
- Unde
> [noli in il vEli]
> [ai liv in a mauntinas
> [Lll: a' du iu: liv]
> [du ILl: liv in IYa mauntinz]
> [nou It iz bal veri
> [End [Ya so:'s ov D'a
dEniu:b iz in mai vEIi]
> [iz D'a dEn/u:b D'a mcin
rival ov ru:mcinia]
> [ai liv in a fiEt ri:djan in
D/i i:st ov ru:mciniaJ
> l Ll ca' du iu: livJ
And the source of the
Danube is in my valley.
No, in a valley.
No, it is shallow, but
very vast.
Do you live in the mountains?
Is it deep?
Cititi cu atentie unmitorul dialog in care apar cuvintele noi:
B: Yes, it is. And what about you? Where do you live?
A: Where do you live?
B: No, in a valley.
Where do you live?
Cititi separat fiecare propozitie. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
A: I live in a flat region in the east of Romania.
B: I live in a mountainous region.
B: No, it is shallow, but very vast. And the source of the Danube is
in my valley.
A: Is it deep?
Where do you live?
Is the Danube the main river
of Romania?
Yes, it is. And what about you? > lies il iz End Llol abaul iu:]
I live in a flat region in the
east of Romania.
I live in a mountainous
/ region.
Traduceti umlatoarele propozitii in limba engJeza folosind construetia to have got:
Cand verbul to have illseamna a avea, a poseda, poatefi inloeulf eu eonstrueria to have got.
In exercitiul unnator completati propozitiile In limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
> deep
> vast
> main
- a sta culcat, a zace
- a fura
- a costa
- a Insemna, a avea de gand
- a Inota
- a arunca, a azvarli
- a arunca, a scoate afara
- a rade de
> They have got two houses.
> She has got no dog.
> Have you got any time?
> Why haven't you got any cUI1ains')
- Ea are multe cartl.
- Ai ceva pentru mine?
- El nu are
- vast, larg
- principal, esential
- adanc
- Oceans aren't >shallow.
- There are >vast valleys in these mountains.
- We live in a > flat region.
- This is the >main canal.
- Harbours must be >deep.
- Is Romania a >mountainous country?
> [tu lai]
> ltu stl.1]
> [to kost]
> [tu mi:n]
> [tus"lln]
> [tu Prau]
> l tu "Prau aut]
> [tu la:f Et]
> mountamous
> shallow
> flat
lata acum ciiteva verbe noi:
to lie
to steal
to cost
to mean
to sWIm
to throw
to throw out
to laugh at
EI au doua case.
Ea nu are came.
Ai putm timp'?
De ce nu ai perdele?
mic, putm adanc
pIaL neted
She has got many books.
Have you got anything for me'?
He hasn't got a car.
Oceanele nu sunt superficiale/putm adanci.
In muntl sunt vai intinse.
Locuim intr-o regiune de campie.
Acesta este canalul principal.
Porturile trebuie sa fie adanci.
Romania este 0 tara muntoasa'?
Traduceti cuvmtele in limba engleza:
Dintre verbele noi cele mai multe sunt neregulate. lata cele trei forme ale lor:
Completati unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor:
Cititi cu voce tare unnatoarele propozitii in care sunt incluse ~ i verbele noi:
- We must> throw out these things.
- She> threw the keys on the table.
- Did you often >swim in the lake?
- This> means that everything is lost.
- How much did it > cost you?
- They> stole all my tools.
- Why is it > lying here?
> [it kost mi: naT'in(g) tu get it] - Nu m-a costat nimic sa obtin
> [DZa buk lei on D7a flo:f] - Cartea zace pe podea.
> [D'ei s"Em akros D'a kanEl] - Au inotat de-a lungul
> l D'ci 1"ru: aut D
j aulu - Au aruncat revistele vechi.
> [hiz ka:
hEz bj:n staulim] - ~ i n lui a fost furata.
> [it hEz 0: l"eiz ment D7a seim] - A insemnat intotdeauna
c e l ~ i lucru.
Fonna de gerunziu a verbului to lie este lying.
Ei mi-au furat toate instrumentele.
Asta inseamna ca totul e pierdut.
Ai inotat adesea in lac?
Ea a aruncat cheile pe masa.
De ce zace asta aici?
forma I forma a II-a forma a III-a
lie > [Iai] lay > [lei] lain > [lein]
steal > [sti:l] stole > [staul] stolen
> [stiiulan]
cost > [kost] cost > [kost] cost
> [kost]
mean >[mi:n] meant > [ment] meant
> [ment]
SWim > [sUim] swam > (sUEm] swum > [sUam]
throw > [T'rou] threw > [T'ru:] thrown
> [T'roun]
Trebuie sa aruncam aceste lucruri.
They swam across the canal.
His car has been stolen.
The book lay on the floor.
Cit te-a costat asta?
They threw out the old
It has always meant the same.
It cost me nothing to get it.
Completati unnatoarele propozitii In limba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor:
in Incheiere l'om discuta despre fraza conditionala de tipul II (II Conditional) sau condi{ionalul
prezent. La modul condi{ional prezent, Indeplinirea condi{iei este posibild. Structura frazei
condi{ionale de tipul 11 este: In propozi{ia principald l'erbul este campus din would ["ud] +infinitivul
scurt all'erbului de conjugat (fcirii particula to); In propozi{ia subordonatii introdusd de conjunc{ia
if, l'erbul este la timpul trecut simplu (Simple Past).
Verificati daca ati retinut cele trei forme ale verbelor:
a costa > cost >cost > cost
a Inota > swim > swam > swum
a Insemna, a avea > mean > meant > meant
de gand
a sta culcat > lie >Iay >lam
a fura > steal > stole > stolen
a arunca, a azvarli > throw > threw > thrown
- Nu-mipasa... ;Numa
- Nuse ...
- Nu pot sa nu... ; Nu rna pot
abtine sa...
- Este la fel ca ...
- Este Tara sens... ; Nu are rost
sa... ; Nu merita ...
- Imi permiteti sa... ; Sunteti
atat de amabil sa...
- Daca avea timp, veni
la tine.
- Ea ar scrie 0 scrisoare daca
ar avea un stilou.
- Do you mind >driving the car?
- It's no good >telling him about it.
- I don't mind >writing this letter.
- I can't help >buying new books.
- There is no >saying what he will do.
> [ai dount maind]
> [du iu: maind]
> [D'ca' iz nau]
> [ai ka:nt help]
> [Its nau gud]
> [D'is IS laik]
> [if ai hEd taim ai "ud kam
tu iu:]
> "ud rait a leta' if
hEd apen]
It's no good...
I can't help...
Do you mind...
I don't mind...
Dupa urmatoarele expresii folosirea gerunziului este obligatorie:
This is like...
There is no...
If I had time I would come
to you.
She would write a letter if
she had a pen.
atat de amabil sa conduci
Nu rna deranjeaza ca scriu aceasta scrisoare.
Nu merita sa-i spunem.
Nu se poate (spune) ce va face el.
Nu rna pot abtine sa cumpar carti noi.
Cuviintul would este forma de trecut (Simple Past) a verbului auxiliar will.
lata ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
- In locul tau nu refuza.
> I cannot help laughing.
> I want to continue leaming.
> If I hated him I would not visit him.
> 00 you mind watching this play?
> Romania is in Europe.
> It's no good buying expensive food.
> This is the highest mountain in America.
> 00 vou want to live near the sea'?
> There are a lot of canals in England.
> When you finish dinner we will go
to the lake.
> This is the largest land on E3I1h.
> I prefer swimming in the river.
> Your books are lying on the table
in the room now.
> What do you mean?
> If I were you, I would not tell her about it.
- Ifl >wereyou I >would give up smoking.
- If we >had money we >would have
dinner at a restaurant.
- Ifit >cost less I >would buy it.
> l if ai Ute' iu: ai uud not
rifiu:z IYem]
Prefer sa inot in rau.
atat de amabil sa te uiti la aceasta piesa?
Nu are rost sa cumperi mancaruri scumpe.
In locul tau nu vorbi despre asta.
Acesta este eel mai mare uscat (de) pe Pamant.
Romania este in Europa.
Nu rna pot abtine sa nu rad.
Cartile tale zac acum pe masa in camera.
Acesta este eel mai inalt munte in America.
Vrei sa in apropierea marii?
Vreau sa continuu studiul.
In locul tau lasa de [umat.
Ce vrei sa spui?
Oaca uri, nu vizita.
Sunt 0 multime de canale in Anglia.
If I were you I would not
refuse them.
Introduceti formele corespunzatoare ale verbelor in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Daca am avea bani, am cina Ia restaurant.
Oaca ar costa mai putin, cumpara asta.
Cand vei termina cina, vom merge la lac.
in propozi!ia condi!ionala de tipul II verbul a fi are 0 singura forma - were (I were, she were, he
were, it were):
Repetati euvinte Intr-o alta ordine:

lneepem leetia eu invatarea euvintelor noi. Imaginati-va ea sunteti intr-un

foarte mare. Cititi euvintele eu voce tare fiti atenti la tradueerea lor in
limba romfma:
> [sent,!'] - centru
> [lloiz] - zgomot, galagie
> [TSarafea
] - artera principal a de
eirculatie, strada
> [siti]
> [slamz] - cartier sarae/saracacios
> [milian] - milion
> [dipa:Ttmant sto:
] - magazm
> [inhEbitant] - loeuitor, loeatar
> ["an Uei stri:t] - strada cu sens unie
> [saba:'bz] - suburbie, periferie
> [taun ho: I] - primarie
> [zu:] - gradina zoologica
> [autska:Tts] - periferie (a unui
> [kEpitl] - capital a
department store
town hall
one-way street
city >lsiti] -
capital >[kEpitl] - capitala
inhabitant > [inhEbitant] - loeuitor, loeatar
one-way street
> [Uan Uei stri:t]
- strada cu sens unic
> [autska:Tts] - periferie (a unui
centre > [scnta
] - centru
slums > [slamz] - cartier sarac/saraeaeios
suburbs > [saba:'bz] - suburbie, periferie
department store > l dipa:Ttmant sto:
] - magazm
town hall > [taun ho:l] - primarie
zoo >[zu:] - gradina zoologiea
thoroughfare > [T'arafea
] - artera principala de
cireulatie, strada
million >[milian] - milion
noise > l noiz] - zgomot, galagie
lata cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi-I cu atentie:
Sa urrnarim fiecare propozitie separat. Cititi cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- Da, sunt noua milioane de
locuitori aici.
- Este un mare.
- Iti place sa la Londra?
- Londra este capitala Angliei.
- Casa ta este in centru?
- Casa mea este intr-o strada
cu sens unic.
- Iti place acolo?
- Locuiesc la peri feria unui
- Nu.
- $i este 0 strada principala
langa casa mea.
- Este intotdeauna mult
> [ies Dlea
nain milian
inhEbitants hia
> [du iu: laik livin(gl in
> [du iu: laik it]
> [ai Iiv in Dli autska:rts
ova smo:1 taun]
> [mai haus iz in a kUaiat
uan uei stri:t]
> [Olear iz o:lueiz a lot ov
> [ou nou ai liv in Dla saba:'bz] - Oh, nu. Locuiesc in suburbie.
> [its a big siti]
> [landn iz DZa kEpitl ov
> [iz io:
haus in DZa scnta
> [nau ai daunt]
> [End OZear iz a T'arafea'
nekst tu mai haus]
Is your house in the centre?
A: Do you like living in London? It's a big city.
B: Yes, there are nine million inhabitants here. London is the capital of England.
A: Is your house in the centre?
B: Oh, no. I live in the suburbs. My house is in a quiet one-way street.
A: I live in the outskirts of a small town.
B: Do you like it?
A: No, I don't. I'here are slums near my street. And there is a thoroughfare next
to my house. There is always a lot of noise.
B: Are there any department stores in your town?
A: No, we have only small shops near the town hall. But we have a big and
beautiful zoo.
B: We can go to London zoo now. It's only three streets from here.
It's a big city.
London is the capital of
Do you like it?
I live in the outskirts
of a small town.
There are slums near my street. > [Olear a:
slamz nia:' mai stri:t] - Sunt cartiere saracacioase in
apropierea strazii mele.
And there is thoroughfare
next my house.
Do you like living in
No, I don't.
There is always a lot of
Yes, there are nine million
inhabitants here.
My house is in a quiet
one-way street.
Oh, no. I live in the suburbs.
"Children like going to the zoo"
- Dar avem 0 gradina zoologica
mare minunata.
- Nu, avem doar magazine mici
in apropierea primariei.
- Sunt magazine mari in
- Putem merge acum la gradina
zoologica din Londra.
- The >inhabitants like to go to the mountains
- This is the main >thoroughfare of this town.
- London is a large >city.
- Do you often do shopping in this
>department store?
- Is this >town hall old?
- The >capital of Romania is Bucharest.
- Are there many >one-way streets here?
> [bat "i: hEy a big End
biu:tifM zu:]
> [nou "i: hEy aunli smo:l
DZa taun ho:l]
> la:' D'ea
eni dipa:rtmant
sto:rz in io:
> ["i: kEn gou tu landn
zu: nau]
Locuitorilor Ie place sa mearga vara la munte.
Este veche aceasta primarie?
Are there any department
stores in your town?
It's only three streets from here. > l its aunl i TSri: stri:ts from hia
] - Este doar la trei strazi
departare de aici.
Londra este un mare.
Faci des cumparaturi in acest magazin?
But we have a big and
beautiful zoo.
No, we have only small
shops near the town hall.
este capitala Romaniei.
We can go to London
zoo now.
lata alte exercitii pentru cuvintele noi. Completati urmatoarele propozilii in limba engleza cu cuvintele
care lipsesc:
Sunt multe strazi cu sens unic aici?
Aceasta este cea mai importanta strada
principala din acest
Pentru a veri fica daca ati retinut cuvintele noi, traduceti-Ie In Iimba engleza:
Dar daca what inseamna ce, ce fel de, cum, sau apare infr-un alt caz dedit nominativuf, atunci
propoziria va avea sfructura propoziriei interogative:
> What are you writing now?
> What did he leave?
> What car does he mean?
> What lives on the moon?
- The railway station is in the >centre of
the city.
- Ce fel de munti Iti plac?
- There are few offices in the >suburbs.
- What is that> noise?
- Children like going to the >zoo.
- There are no > sl ums in this town.
- Ce ai vazut atunci?
- Ce culoare are marea?
- Ce s-a Intamplat ieri?
- Ce este in spatele acestui munte?
- Ce In gradina ta?
- I don't want to live in the>outskirts.
What mountains do you like?
What did you see then?
Ce pe luna?
La ce se refera el?
Ce a lasat el?
What happened yesterday?
What is behind this mountain?
What grows in your garden?
Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Ce scrii acum?
What colour is the sea?
Nu sunt cartiere saracacioase In acest
In suburbii sunt putine birouri.
Copiilor Ie place sa mearga la gradina zoologica.
Nu vreau sa locuiesc la peri feria
In lectiile anterioare ati Invatat pronumele who. in aceasta lectie yom Invata despre folosirea
pronumelui what.
Gara este in centrul
primarie > town hall - suburbie > suburbs
periferie (a unui > outskirts > city
gradina zoologica > zoo - capitala > capital
artera principal a > thoroughfare - locuitor, locatar > inhabitant
centru > centre - magazin mixt > department store
cartier sarac > slums - strada cu sens unic > one-way street
zgomot > noise
Ce este zgomotul acesta?
Daca propozi!ia interogativa care incepe cu prol1umefe interogativ what se rejera fa subiect, atunci
propozi!ia va avea structura obi!jnuita a propozifiei afirmative:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Sa verificam daca ati retinut cuvintele noi. Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
The streets are crowded all day. > [DLa stri:ts a:' kraudid 0:1 dei] - Strazile sunt aglomerate toata
- In capitaHi sunt cladiri
- oribil, groaznic
- Locuim intr-un
- industrial
- parasit, pustiu, gal
- Cartierele sarace sunt oribile.
- aglomerat
- Noaptea ele sunt pustii.
- impresionant (care produce
o impresie buna)
- pe jos
- >/ ndustrial towns are not beautiful.
> horrible
- I always go >on foot when the weather
IS DIce.
> crowded
- This town hall is >impressive.
- He saw a >horrible accident yesterday.
- The streets of the city are often :>deserted.
- This square is always >crowded.
> [ai iu:juali gou tu "a:'k on fut] - De obicei merg la lucru pe jos.
> [ imprcsiv]
> [ indastrial]
>[Ui: liv in an indastrial taun]
>lon fut]
> [diza:'tid]
> [Et nait D'ei a:' diza.:'tid]
> [D'ea' a:' impresiv
bildinlg)z in D',1 kEpitl]
> [horibl]
> [DZa slamz a:' horibl]
plin, aglomerat
groaznic, oribil
EI a vazut ieri un accident groaznic.
industriale nu sunt frumoase.
Aceasta piata este intotdeauna aglomerata.
Aceasta primarie este impresionanta.
lata acum diteva cuvinte noi:
Strazile sunt deseori pustii.
. .
We live in an industrial town.
Cand este vremea frumoasa merg
intotdeauna pe jos.
At night they are deserted.
Urmariti cum se folosesc aceste cuvinte in propozitii:
There are impressive
buildings in the capital.
on foot
The slums are horrible.
I usually go to work on foot.
Pronumele what se folose.yte In propozi!ii exclamative care exprinui sentimente emo!ii:
inaintea substantivelor care au forma de singular de plural se
articolul nehotarat a/an la singular, dar nu se pune articol inaintea acestor
substantive daca ele sunt la plural. Tot nu se pune articol inaintea
substantivelor care au numai forma de singular.
- a traversa, a strabate, a trece
dintr-o parte in alta
- a pleca, a pomi, a pleca din
- a sparge, a sfiirama, a rupe,
a frange
- a hrani (a alimenta)
- a desena, a trasa, a trage
- a opri, a interzice, a impiedica
- a ajunge (pana) la, a atinge,
a sosi (la)
> What a fast car!
> industrial
> dcscI1ed
> What a difficult question!
- Ce canicula!
- Ce oameni draguti!
> on foot
> What weather!
> What nice trousers!
> impressive
- Ce cladire frumoasa!
> What delicious apples!
Ce film bun!
> [tu breik]
> [tu dipa:rt]
> [tufi:d]
> [tu dro:]
> [tu
> [tu forbid]
> [tu kros]
to reach
to feed
parasit, pustiu
lata acum un grup de verbe noi:
to cross
to depart
to draw
to forbid
What a nice people!
What a beautiful building!
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in Iimba engleza:
Ce pantaloni
What heat'
Ce vreme!
Ce mere delicioase!
to break
Ce rapida!
What a good film!
Ce intrebare dificila!
Acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
Traversati strada doar pe trecerea de/pentru pietoni! - >Cross the street only at a zebra crossing!
Dintre aceste verbe cateva sunt neregulate. invatati formele lor:
forma I forma a II-a forma a I1I-a
break >[ breik] broke >[brouk] broken >[broukn]
draw >[dro:] drew >[ dru:] drawn >[ dro:n]
feed >[ lid] fed >[ fed] fed >[fed]
forbid >[ forbid] forbade >[forbeid] forbidden >[forbidn]
>to depart
>to cross
>to forbid
- Ei au traversat strada.
- Ai hranit deja animalele?
- Fiului meu ii place sa
deseneze vapoare.
- Ea a ajuns deja la destinatie?
- Tata mi-a interzis sa merg
aco]o cu eI.
- A plecat ea deja.
- a traversa
- a inlerzice
- a pleca
- My parents >forbid me everything.
- What have you ::odrawn there?
- They ::odeparted at seven.
- Have they >reached London?
- I >fed the animals after breakfast.
- She >broke her arm when she fell.
> [mai san lavz tu dro:
> [ fa: DZa
forbeid mi: tu
gau DZea
>[hEz ha:
> [ DZei krost DZa stri:t]
hEz o:lredi dipa:ftid]
>to reach
>10 draw
>10 feed
>to break
a hrani
a atinge
a sparge
a desena
Parintii mei imi interzic totuI.
Verificati daca ati retinut verbele noi:
Ei au plecat la
Au ajuns la Londra?
Ce ai desenat acolo?
Ea rupt bratul cand a cazut.
Am hranit animalele dupa micul dejun.
Have you fed the animals yet? >[hEv iu: fed DZi Enimalz iet]
My son loves to draw ships.
Father forbade me to go
there with him.
lata cum se folosesc verbele noi in propozitii:
Has she reached her
destination yet?
She has already departed.
They crossed the street.
Acum vom sintetiza materialul acestei lectii. Traduceti in limba engleza:
> What did you lose'!
> In zoos feeding the animals is forbidden.
> He hates hving in this industrial (own.
> What happened'?
> It's no good departing now.
> Do you mind lending me money?
> They went on working all night.
> This child's bicycle has been stolen.
> There is no saying which regions
we will visit.
> J could not help smiling when I saw him
after many years.
> I have got three cats.
> What crowded streets'
> Have you given up smoking?
> He prefers going on foot.
[ei] [0:] [E] [a: ]
hate draw shallow vast
break source flat harbour
main hall hat depart
way call cat arm
lake door capital task
Eu am trei pisici.
Ce ai pierdut?
atat de amabil sa-mi imprumuti bani?
Ce s-a intiimplat?
Ei au continuat lucrul toata noaptea.
EI sa locuiasca In acest ora;; industrial.
Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu zambesc cand
I-am vazut dupa atatia ani.
Nu se ce regiuni vom vizita.
Bicicleta acestui copil a fost furata.
EI prefera sa mearga pe jos.
in gradinile zoologice hranirea animalelor
este interzisa.
in incheiere iata exercitiul de pronuntie. Literele aflate in coloana, scrise accentuat, de-
semneaza sunete identice:
Ce strazi aglomerate!
Acum nu are rost sa plecam.
Te-ai lasat de fumat?
23.1 Folosirea gerunziului este obligatorie:
23.3 Propozitia condi\ionala de tipul II - II Conditional
23.3.1 in propozitia conditionala de tipul II indeplinirea conditiei este posibila.
EI nu are
Ai ceva pentru mine?
Ea are muite cani.
- In locul til.U nu refuza.
- Daca avea timp merge
la cinema.
- Este fara sens... ; Nu are rost sa...
- a abandona, a se lasa de
- Imi permiteti sa... ; Sunteti atat de amabil sa...
- Nu pot sa nu... ; Nu ma pot ab\ine sa...
- Este la fel ca ...
- Nu ma deranjeaza; Nu-mi pasa...
- Nu se poate ...
- a uri, a
- a prefera
- a continua
- a continua, a merge mai departe
- a a termina
If I were you I would not
refuse them.
If I had time, I would go
to the cinema.
It's no good...
I can't help...
Do you mind...
to prefer
to continue
to give up
I don't mind...
to hate
to finish
to go on
This is like...
There is no...
I. Dupa urmatoarele verbe:
23.3.3 In propozitia conditionala de tipul II folosim doar 0 singura forma a verbului a fi -
were (l were, she were, he were, it were):
23.3.2 Propozi\ia subordonata introdusa de conjunqia if este la timpu] trecut simplu (Simple
Past). iar in propozitia principala apare constructia would + verbul de conjugat la
infinitiv scurt (fara particula to):
He hasn't got a car.
Have you got anything for me?
She has got many books.
2. Dupa umlatoarele expresii:
23.2 Verbul to have inseamna: a avea, a poseda ceva. Acest verb englezesc poate fi inlocuit cu
constructia to have got:
2304. Pronumele what
- Ce s-a i"ntiimplat ieri?
- Ce oameni draguti!
- Ce film bun!
- Ce culoare are marea'?
What nice people!
What a good film!
What happened yesterday?
What colour is the sea?
lnaintea substantivelor care au ~ i forma de singular ~ i de plural se o l o s ~ t articolul
nehotariit a/an atunci cand sunt la singular, dar nu se pune articolla plural ~ i i"naintea
substantivelor care au numai fonna de singular.
2304.3. Pronumele what poate sa apara i"n propozirii exc1amative care exprima sentimente ~ i
2304.2. Daca what i"nseamna ce, ce fel, cum sau apare i"ntr-un alt caz decat nominativul,
atunci i"ntrebarea va avea structura propoziriei interogative:
2304.1. Daca i"ntrebarea i"ncepe cu pronumele interogati v what ~ i se refera la subiect, atunci
propozitia va avea structura unei propozitii afirmative:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. If I were you I would forbid him to go there.
2. It's no good repairing it today.
3. What a beautiful city!
4. Have you got any news for me?
5. She has given up watching TV late at night.
6. What costs more than a million?
B. Tradllceti unnatoarele propozilii in limba engleza:
I. Vom merge sa cinam la restaurant ciind termin de citit.
2. Ce ochelari
3. Dacii fi tiinar, merge la mllnte.
4. Eu am multi prieteni.
5. Ai avea ceva impotriva sa traversam pe jos aceasta vale?
6. Preferam sa petrecem acasa sarbatorile.
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
I. I would do it if you would wait.
2. What an impressive mountains!
3. The boy went on run.
4. What like you?
5. Is it dangerous to cross the throughfare?
Sa repetam cuvintele noi i'ntr-o alta ordine:


I '

farmer > [fa:rma
] - fennier, taran
fertilizer > [fa:rtilaiza
] - (artificial)
village > [viI idj] - sat, comuna
produce > [prodiu:s] - produs, produse agricole
domestic > [domestik] - domestic
flour > [flaua
] - faina
meadow > [medau] - campie
wheat > [Ui :t] - grau
crop > [krop] - recolta
rye > [rai] - secara
soil > [soil] - sol, pamant
field > [fi:ld] - camp, ogor
Acum yom parasi yom merge la tara. lata cuvintele noi, legate de
viata la tara:
village > [vilidj] - sat, comuna
farmer > [fa:rma
] - ferrnier, taran
crop > [krop] - recolta
meadow > [medau] - campie
produce > [prodiu:s] - produs, produse agricole
field > [fi:ld] - camp, ogor
fertilizer > [fii:rtilaiza
] - (artificial)
soil > [soil] - sol, pamant
rye > [rai] - secara
wheat > [Ui :t] - grau
flour > [flaua
] - faina
domestic > [domestik] - domestic
Acum folosind completati propozitiile in Iimba engleza cuvintele noi:
Incercati sa traduceti singuri in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitil:
> How good of you to do It!
> How good a week that was'
- How much >flOUI must we buy?
- They live in this >vlllage.
- Ce dragut din partea lor ca ne ajuta!
- Ce deliclOs a fost marul acela!
- Is the >soI1 good in thIs mountainous region?
- Ce om dragut este (el)!
- Does >rye grow fast?
- >Dol1lestlc produce is the best.
- >I"ertlhzer IS gettmg more and more
- We haven't had a good >crop for three years.
- All my brothers are >fallners.
- The >fields near the river are good.
- There is dew on the >l1leadows.
- Ce sunt copii!
- Ce dragu! din partea ta ca rna vizitezi!
(cat de bun ca rna vizitezi!)
How nice a man he IS!
Ce saptamana buna a fost aceasta!
How delicious an apple that was!
How nice of them to help!
Ce dragut din partea ta ca faci asta!
How noisy these chIldren are!
How good of you to viSIt me!
Nu am avut recolta buna de trei ani.
Este roua pe campn.
Ei locuiesc in acest sat.
Este bun pamantul in aceasta regmne muntoasa?
devme dm ce in ce mal scump.
Ogoarele din apropierea raului sunt bune
Produsele de casa sunt cele mai bune.
Toti fratii mei sunt fermJeri.
>meadow - grflU > \\ heat
camp,ogor > field - faina > flour
sat, comuna > vIllage - (artificial) > fertlhzer
secara >rye - taran, fermier >fannel
produs > produce - recolta >CIOP
domestic >domestic - sol, pamant >5011
Desigt1{ ati deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti in hmba engleza:
Cilta raina trebuie sa cumparam?
Dupa constructlG how + adjectiv. inaintea substantivelor cu forma de singular $i plural aflate la
singular, putem folosl articolul nehotarat a/an:
Secara repede?
in propozitiile exclamative care expnnu] sentzmente se folose$te des pronumele how - cum, ce
dragu!, cat de De obicel stii langii un adjectiv sau un verb:
Unneaza expresii cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
Yom folosi cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
- Ce ai lacut acolo?
- Am fost la tara.
- Unde ti-ai petrecut concediul?
- Ce?
- Am cosit ran.
- EI a avut 0 recolta bogata in
aceasta vara, ca am mers
acolo ca sa-I ajut.
- Da, prietenul meu este fermier.
- Foarte mult. Timpul a fost
favorabil munca a fost
- $i cum ti-a placut viata la tara?
> How beatiful these meadows are!
> How nice a house it was!
> [hi: hEd an abandant krop
DZis samar sau ai Uent
tu help him]
>[End hau did iu: laik
DZa ru:rallaifJ
>[Uea' did iu: spend
io:' holidei]
>[ veri DZa UcDZa
Uaz fcivarabl End DZa ua:rk
Uaz nais]
>[ai meid hei]
>[ ai Uoz in DZa kantri]
>[ ies mai frend iz a fa'ma
Yes, my friend is a farmer.
Very much. The weather
was favourable and the work
was nice.
And how did you like
the rural life?
What did you do there?
I was in the country.
He had an abundant crop
this summer so I went
there to help him.
B: Yes, my friend is a farmer. He had an abundant crop this summer
so I went there to help him.
A: And how did you like the rural life?
B: Very much. The weather was favourable and the work was nice.
A: Where did you spend your holiday?
B: I was in the country.
A: What did you do there?
B: I made hay.
A: What?
Ce frurmoasa era casa aceea!
Ce minunate sunt aceste campii!
Where did you spend
your holiday?
lar acum cititi separat aceste propozitii:
in the country
> [in DZa kantriJ
- la tara
to make hay
> [tu mcik hei]
- a cosi/a usca ranul
- abundent, bogat
> [feivarabl]
- favorabil
- rural, de tara, rustic
- zi de odihna, vacanta,
I made hay.
Acum incercati sa traduceli cuvintele urmatoare in Iimba engleza:
In exercillUl urmator completali propoziliile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care Iipsesc:
- I spent my >hollday at home.
- There is a >favourable wind today.
- We must >make hay fast.
- These >rural surroundings are very quiet.
> In the country
- There is not much traffic >in the country.
> to make hay
> favourable
- This crop is more >abundant than
the prevIOUS one.
> abundant
> holiday
- Care dintre voi unde sunt cheile mele?
- Care dintre acei?ti angajali lucreaza cel
mai bine?
- Care dintre caini a alergat mai repede?
- Pe care dintre ei il
- Dintre aceIe pe care ai cumparat-o?
- Care dintre aceste case iti place eel mai mult?
- Pe care dintre aceste carli ai citit-o deja?
- Cu care dmtre el te-ai intalnit recent?
- Care dintre aceste raun este eel mai lung?
Aceste imprejurimi rurale sunt foarte Iinii?tite.
Mi-am petrecut concediul acasa.
Azi este un vant favorabil.
Trebuie sa cosim repede anul.
Aceasta recolta este mal bogata decat
cea anterioara.
rural, de lara
la lara
a cosi fanul
concediu, vacanla
abundent, bogat
Which of these employees works the best?
Sa ne reintoarcem la pronumele interogative.
WhIch of you knows where my keys are?
Which of these dogs ran faster?
Which of them do you know?
Which of those cars have you bought?
Which of these books have you already read?
Which of them have you recently met?
Ari inviirat deja pronumefe interogativ refativ which - care, pe care, ceo Construcria which of -
care din/dintre se foarte des. Dacii acest pronume se referii fa subiect, atunci propozi!ia
va avea structura propoziriei afirmative.
Which of these rivers is the longest?
Which of these houses do you like the best?
Desigur atwICl cilild intrebarea nu se referii fa subiect, strllctura propoziriei este cea a propozir
_La lara nu este multa circulatie.
2. Pronumele personal la nominativ ~ i la acuzativ:
1. Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu) descrie 0 actiune, petrecuta in trecut:
3. Folosirea pronumelui relativ "that" in propozitia subordonata atributiva restrictiva:
- EI ~ i a distrus ieri m a ~ i n a
- Ei ne-au vizitat luna. trecuta.
- Oamenii carora Ie place sa lucreze,
sunt intotdeauna ocupati.
He wrecked his car yesterday.
They visited us last month.
People that like to work
are always busy.
Nominativ: Acuzativ:
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
La inceput yom invata substantive noi, legate de viata la tara:
" "
Repetati cuvinte in alta ordine fiti atenti la traducerea lor in
limba romana:
furrow > [farou] - brazda
cow > [bu] - vaca
seed > [si:d] - samanta

gram > [grcin] - graunte, bob

bam > [ba:Tn] - hambar,
barley > [ba:Tli] - orz
com > [ko:Tn] - cereale, grane, porumb
plough > [pIau] - plug
farmhand > [fa:TmhEnd] - muncitor agricol
agriculture > [ - agricultura
pasture > [ -
tractor > [trEktil
] - tractor
barley > [ba:Tli] - orz
seed > [si :d] - samanta
agriculture > [Egrika - agricultura
pasture > -
farmhand > [fa:TmhEnd] - muncitor agricol
plough > [pIau] - plug
furrow > [farou] - brazda
tractor > [trEkE1
] - tractor
com > [ko:Tn] - cereale,grane,grau,porumb
grain > [grein] - graunte, bob
bam > [ba:Tn] - hambar,
cow > [kau] - vaca
Acum introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Ulmariti cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi propozitiile cu voce tare fiti atenti la
Where will we buy seeds from? >r"clrlld "I. bal from]
- Acest plug va fi reparat.
- Acest fermier cultiva orz.
- Plugul face brazde in pamant.
- De unde vom cumpara seminte?
- Agricultura este importanta
in aceasta tara.
- La ce se folosesc
- Muncitorii agricoli ara.
- Avem un hambar foarte mare.
- Fermierii au platit impreuna
acest tractor.
- Multe graunte sunt mancate
de pasari.
- Ce fel de cereale
- Cite vaci are acest felmier?
- In September our :::ham is full.
- The >6ra111s are ground into flour.
- This :::tractor is often out of order.
- We want to by a modern :::plough.
- The :::t:ows are in the pasture.
- This :::t:orn is from that field.
- Do people earn much in :::agriculture?
- Is )barky expensive this year?
- Has this )fannhand worked here
for a long time?
- The :::sceds are thrown into the >furrows
- The :::fuITOWS must be wide enough.
>rD/is piau "il bi' ripea'dl
>r a piau I1lclks farouz
in D/a soill
>1 fYI>, fa.'llla' grauz ba.'li]
>r"<lt kall1dz a\' ko:'n
du Ill: nau]
>[D'a fa:'mhEndz a:'
>r"i: hE\ <l \ eri la"dJ ba:fn]
>r meni grcltlz a:' Un b<ll
D/a ba:'dz]
>["ot a:' iu:zd fo:']
>rhau meni kaLlZ hEz DIEt
>r Egi ika Itsa' iz lInpo :'tant
111 D/is bntri]
>rD/a hE\' pCld fo.'
D/is trEkta' tageD'a'l
Acest tractor este adesea defect.
Semintele se pun in brazde.
Vacile sunt pe
In septembrie hambarul nostru este plin.
mult oamenii in agricultura?
Brazdele trebuie sa fie suficient de largi.
This farmer grows barley.
Orzul este scump anul acesta?
Acest muncitor agricol lucreaza de mult aici?
Vrem sa cumparam un plug modern.
Grauntele sunt macinate pentru faina.
We have a very large bam.
What are pastures used for?
Acest porumb este de pe acel ogor.
Many grains are eaten by
the birds.
How many cows has that
farmer got?
Agriculture is important
in this country.
The farmers have paid for
this tractor together.
A plough makes furrows
in the soil.
What kinds of com
do you know?
The farmhands are
This plough will be repaired.
Urmeaza un scurt exercitiu cu verbul to have to. Traduceti propozi!iile in limba engleza:
lata acum un exercitiu de control. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
- Trebuie sa lucrezi azi?
- Nu va trebui sa merg acolo
- Ea trebuie sa bea mai putina cafea.
> 1had to repair the tap yesterday.
> When wlll you have to fi11lsh work?
> What Will I have to \\ lIte tomorrow'?
> She has to take the cows to the pasture.
> We don"t have to grind wheat today.
> rdu Ill. hEv tu"a:'k tade/]
> ral "aunt hEv tu gau D'ea
> r hEz tu drll1(l'lk les kufl]
Nu uitati verbul auxiliar must poate fi folosit doar la timpul prezent. La
timpul trecut viitor in locul lui se constructia to have to.
Ea trebuie sa duccl vacile pc camp.
Ce va trebui sa scriu maine?
Cand va trebui sa termini lucrul?
Nu trebuie sa macinam grilu azi.
Do you have to work today?
leri a trebuit sa repar robinetul.
Sa urmarim propozitiile:
She has to drink less coffee.
I won't have to go there
In foeul verbuflli auxiliar must - trebuie, a fi obligat - care exprimii 0 obliga{ie, 0 neeesitate, In
anumite eazuri se eonstrlletia to have to.
plug > plough
vaca > cow
brazda > flllTOW
orz > barley
tractor > tractor
muncitor agricol > flnnhand
cereale > corn
graunte, bob > gram
> pasture
samanta > seed
hambar > barn
agricultura > agncultun;
lata alte cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare memora!i intelesul lor in limba romana:
lar acum sa urmarim fiecare propozi!ie separat. Fi!i atenti la pronun!ie:
Acum vom exersa cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi propozitiile cu atentie:
- I!i place sa intr-o regiune
- Da.
- Dar nu este prea grea munca?
- Da.
- Dar este interesanta viala aici?
- Sunt multe lucruri interesante
de Iacut.
- Avem de toate aici, cu excePlia
> [n<l\l it iznt]
> [IIi: hEv C\TIT'in
> [hat iznt IYa lI a:'k tu: hn:'d]
> [O/ca' a:' lneni intrnstll1(gl
T'in(g,z tu du:]
> [ics It iz]
> [ics ni du:]
> rni T'il/g1k it iz helT'ia' tu liv - Cred ca este mai sanatos sa
in O/a kantri O/En in Ola siti] la tara decat la
> rdu iu: lnik livlI1(g) in nn
We have everything here
except cinemas.
No, it isn't.
But isn't the work too hard?
A: Do you like living in an agricultural region?
B: Yes, I do. I think it is healthier to live in the country than in the city.
A: But is the life here interesting?
B: Yes, it is. There are many interesting things to do. We have everything here
except cinemas.
A: But isn't the work too hard?
B: No, it isn't. I only have to fertilize the soil regularly because it is not fertile
A: Is it possible to grow all kinds of crops here?
B: Certainly. I grow wheat, rye and barley.
But is the life here interesting? > [bat iz Ola latfhia'
Yes, it is.
There are many interesting
things to do.
Yes. I do.
Do you like living in an
agricultural region?
agricultural > r I] - agricol
fertile > rfa:'tnil] - fertil, rodnic
regularly > [n:giula'li]
- (in mod)
healthy > [helT'i] - sanatos
except >riksept] - cu excep!ia, in afara de
possible > rposibl] - posibil
interesting > rintrastin
] - interesant
I think it is healthier to live
in the country than in the city.
- Desigur.
- Eu cultiv grau, secara orz.
- Trebuie doar sa fertilizez pamantul
in mod regulat pentru ca nu este
destuI de fertil.
- Este posibil sa cultivi aici toate
felurile de cereale?
> regularly
> except
> healthy
> agricultural
> possIble
> fClidc
- I always read the >agncultural news
in the newspaper.
- Is it >possible to sell these tickets?
- We can all come, >exccptMark.
- These cows are not >healthy.
- Our village lies in a >terti Ie valley.
- We >rcgularly go to a football match.
> [sa:'tanlil
> [ai aunh hEy tu ra.'tJla/z
D/a soil rcgllda'Jj bikoz
It IZ not rartaillllaf]
> raJ grau "jot raJ End ba:rli]
> [iz it poslbl tu grau 0.1
kamuz <IV bops hia
in mod
cu exceptia, in afara de
ferti 1, rodnic
I only have to fertilize
the soil regularly because
it is not fertile enough.
Ati retinut cuvintele noi? lata un exercitiu de verificare. Traduceti in limba engleza:
I grow wheat, rye and barley.
"These cows are not healthy."
Mergem in mod regulat la meciul de fotbal.
Este posibil sa vinzi aceste bilete?
Is it possible to grow all
kinds of crops here?
Satul nostru se afla intr-o vale fertila.
Putem veni toti cu exceptia lui Mark.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza eu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Aceste vaci nu sunt sanatoase.
Cltesc intotdeauna agricole in ziar.
Propozi!ia para!i-azatii a fost "1 grow all kinds of corn."
Ati observat deosebirile dintre timpurile verbelor folosite?
in propozipa principalii, verhul se ajlii cel mai des la timpul trecut simplu (Simple Past).
- a tine, a depozita
- a semana, a insamanta
- a recolta, a secera
Past Continuous
Simple Past
- Ea a spus ca intarzie intotdeauna de la lucru.
- He told me he >was tired.
- Am auzit ca au venit.
- EI mi-a spus ca el cultiva toate soiurile
de grane.
- Mother said she >had no money.
- "Ea p r g t ~ t cina" a spus Peter.
- Who said they >didn' t Iike working?
- Jane said she >was writing a letter.
- Peter a spus ca ea p r g t ~ t cina.
- "Imi place cafeaua" a spus John.
- John a spus ca ii place cafeaua.
> [tusto:'l
> [tu ha:"'istl to harvest
to store
rar acum sa invatam un grup de verbe noi:
to sow
Mama mi-a spus ca nu are bani.
El mi-a spus ca este obosit.
Cine a spus ca nu Ie place sa lucreze?
She said she was always late for work.
Jane a spus ea scrie 0 scrisoare.
Urmariti cu atentie urmatoarele propozitii
lata cateva exemple:
Present Continuous
He told me he grew all kinds of corn.
In exercitiul urmator, introduceti forma corespunzatoare a verbului in propozitiile in limba engleza:
John said he liked coffee.
Simple Present
""1 like coffee" said John.
Peter said she was cooking dinner.
in cazul vorhirii indirecte, structura propozi!iei este urll1iitoarea: dacii verhul propozi!iei principale
(de exemplu John said, Peter said) este la timpul trecut (Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect),
atunci timpul verbului din propozi!ia secundara. se schimhii conform regulii de concordanta a
timpurilor, care este urmiitoarea:
1heard they were coming.
"She is cooking dinner" said Peter,
In ambele cazuri avem de-a face cu vorbirea illdirecfii, care se folose.!}te de obicei atunci ciind
paraji-aziim spusele cuiva.
Ca exercitiu, traduceti noile cuvinte in lirnba engleza:
lata verbele noi in propozitii. Cititi eu voce tare fHi atenti la pronuntie:
- Nu ai muls inca vacile.
forma a III-a
- Vacile au pascut pe
in fiecare vara.
- Ai semanat deja graul?
sown > [soun]
- Recolta a Yost slaba anul acela.
- Am recoltat tot graul nostru.
- a nu (la, in), a cadea
- Au depozitat graul in
hambarele lor.
- a a duce la paseut
- a mulge
> to harvcst
> to mtlk
- The cows always >grazcd
near the river.
- Have you >storcd it in a bam?
- He has >failcd to return in time.
- We >sowed the barley yesterday.
> to gtazc
- They >milkcd the cows very regularly.
- Have you >harvcstcd much rye this year?
sowed > [soud]
> [!Ii: hEv ha.'vistid 0.1
aua' ko.'n]
> [D/a klUp fctld D7Et iia'l
> [D'a kauz grclZd In D/a
evl'l sama']
forma a II-a
> [IU: hEvnt milkt DEa
kauz ICt]
> [tu feil]
> [D/ cl sto:'d D/a krop in
DLc? ba:'nz]
> [tu grCIZ]
> [tu mtlk]
a rnulge
a secera
El nu a sa se intoarca la tirnp.
L-ai depozitat in harnbar?
Noi am sernanat orzul ieri.
Ai recoltat multa secara anul acesta?
Vacile au pascut intotdeauna
in apropierea riiului.
Au muls vacile foarte regulat.
to fail
Have you sown the wheat yet? > [hEv Ill. saun D/a !li:t Ict]
sow > [sou]
The crop failed that year.
Verbul to sow este neregulat. Retineti formele lui:
We have harvested all
Iar acum urmeaza un exercitiu cu verbele noi. Introduceti formele corespunzatoare ale verbelor in
urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
to milk
You haven't milked
the cows yet.
to graze
our com.
The cows grazed in the
pastures every summer.
They stored the crop in
their barns.
forma I
In incheiere sa ne reintoarcem la timpul Prezentul Continuu.
Cu ajutoru! timpu!ui prezent continull se exprimii atitudinea criticii (neriibdare, supiirare) fn
!egiiturii Cll 0 activitate sau un eveniment. Comp!ementu! de timp utilizat fn acest caz este always Cll
sensu! de (in)totdeauna, mereu:
a nu
a semana, a insamanta
a tine, a depozita
He is always forbidding me watching TV!
She is always smoking cigarettes!
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Ei rna refuza intotdeauna!
EI mereu ziarele!
Ei vorbesc mereu despre cai!
Tatal meu bea intotdeauna doar cafea!
> to fail
>to sow
> to store
- EI imi interzice intotdeauna sa rna uit
la televizor!
- Ea fumeaza mereu!
> They are always refusing me!
> He is always reading newspapers!
> They are always talking about horses!
> :'vly father is always drinking only coffee!
tn partea a doua sa ne mai imbogatim vocabularul legat de viata la tara,
lata cuvintele noi:
country lane > [kantri kin] - drum de tara
hedge > [hcdj] - gard viu
crow > [krau] - cioara
scarecrow > [skea'krau] - sperietoare (de ciori)
cattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovine
cattle farming > [kEtl fa:'min(gJ] - crescatorie de vite
arable farming > [Eri\bl fa:'min
] - cultivarea plantelor
mixed farming > [mikst fa:'min
] - cultivare mixta; ferma
rat > [rEt] -
rodent > [raudcnt] - rozatoare
dairy > [deari] - laptarie, fabrica de
prelucrare a laptelui
dairy produce > [deill'i prodiu:s] - produse lactate
Exersati cuvinte, dar in alta ordine incercati sa va
pronuntia sensullor in limba romana:
arable farming > [Erilhl fa:'min
] - cultivarea plantelor
dairy > [de,lri] - Iaptarie, fabrica de
prelucrare a laptelui
crow > [ krim] - cioara
country lane > [kantri kin] - drum de tara
rodent > [raudcnt] - rozatoare
dairy produce > [deilri prodiu:s] - produse lactate
rat > [rEt] -
hedge > [hcdj] - gard viu
cattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovine
mixed farming > [mikst fa:'min
] - cultivare mixta; ferma
scarecrow > [skea'krilu] - sperietoare (de ciori)
cattle farming > [kEtl fa:'min(CI]
- crescatorie de vite
Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- Un este mai mare decat
- Rozatoarele mananca cereale?
- Noi cultivam de toate.
- Untul branza sunt
produse lactate.
- Ducem laptele in mod
regulat la Hiptarie.
- Sunt multe crescatorii de vite
in Romania?
- La ce 0 sperietoare?
- Sunt multe ciori pe camp.
- Cultivarea plantelor este
mai importanta.
- Vitele pasco
- Drumul de trece
printre ogoare.
- Acolo sunt garduri vii.
- We were walking in a >collntry lane.
- Do you like >dairy produce?
- There is a lot of>mixcd fanning
in this region.
- There is a >dalry in our village.
- What colour is a >crow?
- He doesn't like >arahk farming.
> [hata
End a:' deari
> [a rEt iz biga' D"En a malls1
> ["i: a:' III mikst fa:'mlll(gJ1
> ["i: teik D'a milk tll D7a
dean rcgiularl i1
> [Erabl fa:'min(g) iz mo:
> [lint iz a skea'krall f,):r1
> I du Hllldents It ko:'n J
> [iz IYca
fa:'min1t'1 in
> I D"ca
meni krallz in
Dla fi'ldzl
> [a kantn kin iz a raud
T'ru: fi.ldz1
Substantivul cattle este un substantiv colectiv, de aceea verbul aflat
langa el se afla intotdeauna la plural.
Ne plimbam pe un drum de tara.
Lui nu-i place sa cultive plante.
Iti plac produsele lactate?
In satul nostru se afla 0 lapUirie.
Se afla multe ferme mixte
in aceasta regiune.
Ce culoare are cioara?
We take the milk to
the dairy regularly.
Butter and cheese are dairy
What is a scarecrow for?
Is there much cattle farming
in Romania?
There are hedges there.
There are many crows in
the fields.
Arable farming is more
Acum cuvintele noi in propozitii:
A country lane is a road
through fields.
Do rodents eat com?
We are in mixed farming.
A rat is bigger than a mouse.
The cattle are grazing.
"It's no use having a scarecrow".
> country Jane
> c,lttlc farmlllg
> arabic farming
> hedge
> scarecrow
> daIry produce
> cattle
> rodent
> rat
> crow
> dairy
> mixed fannmg
- >Cattlc fanning is not possible here.
- It's no use having a >scarccrow.
- We sold our >cattlc last year.
- The are not very high.
- I have caught a >rat
- Do you know what >rodents are?

produse lactate
sperietoare (de ciori)
gard viu
cultivarea de plante
crescatorie de vite
drum de tara
ferma mixta

ce sunt rozatoarele?
V-ali deja eu siguranpi cuvintele noi. Pentru verificare, traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte In
limba engleza:
Este imposibil sa vite aici.
Gardurile vii nu sunt foarte Inalte.
Nu are rost sa folosim 0 sperietoare (de ciori).
Am prins un
Ne-am vandut anul treeut vitele.
Acum vom inviita pronumele reflexiv. Formele sale sunt:
- S-a ranit
- S-au oferit
pentru aceasta munca.
- Nu rna pot vedea In
aceasta oglinda.
Past Perfect
Past Perfect
>She ironed a blouse for herself.
>T have bought a car for myself.
>This will not hurt them. but yourself'
>1 have hurt myself.
- John said he had never seen a scarecrow.
- Mary told me she had been there three
years before.
>[hi: ha:rt himselfl
>[al ka:nt si: maiselfin
D/is mirarl
>rD/el D/emselvz
D/is dJob1
>[Iuk Et io:rseltl
Retinep.: In vorbirea indirecta, tn locul adverbului ago se
adverbul before!
Mary told me "1 was there three years ago".
John said "1 have never seen a scarecrow".
De exemplu:
Present Perfect
Simple Past
M-am ranit.
Mi-am cumparat 0
Ea calcat 0 bluza.
Iatii-ne din nou la vorbirea indirectii la concordanta timpurilor. Regulile de concordantii ale
timpurilor in cazul trecutului simplu al prezentului perfect sunt:
Traduceti propozitiile In limba engleza:
Aceasta nu-i va rani pe ei, ci pe tine Insuti!
They offered themselves for
this job.
Urmariti folosirea acestor forme In propozitii:
He hurt himself.
Look at yourself!
1 myself > rmaiseltl
you yourself > [io:rselfj
he himself > [himself]
she herself > [ha:
it itself > ritseltl
we ourselves >[auarselvzl
you yourselves >[ io:rselvzl
they themselves >[D'emselvz]
1can't see myself in this
Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Sa mai invatam cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie eu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntia lor:
- Luna aeeasta a fost foarte
- De-a lungul drumului sunt
garduri vii.
- Fumatul este daunator?
- Nu depozita graul intr-un loc
- Bineinteles ca este adevarat.
- Agricultura este profitabila?
- I heard yesterday they >hadn't rctumedyet.
- Peter said he >hadn't watched that film.
- >Of COUI se he can drive a car.
- John said he >hadn't known that man.
- Mary read that the management ofthis factory
> hadn't fired the labourers.
- The streets are not>dry yet.
- What grows well >alongthe roads?
- Which is more >profitablc, arable
fanning or cattle fanning?
- Rodents are very >h,mnfu I.
- Which is the >wettest month of the year?
> rdaunt sto
ko fn 111 a "et
> a:
hedjlz alon(")
D/a raud]
> rD'lsmanT'hEzbi:n
veri drai]
> [IZ profitabll
> [0\ ko:fsitiztrll.]
> [IZ smaukin(g) ha f mfall
Care este cea mai umeda luna a anului?
Bineinteles ca el poate conduce 0
Strazile nu sunt inca uscate.
Am auzit ieri ca ei nu s-au intors inca.
Ce bine de-a lungul drumurilor?
Ce este mai rentabil, cultivarea plantelor sau
Rozatoarele sunt foarte daunatoare.
Peter a spus ca nu a vazut acel film.
John a spus ca nu I-a cunoscut pe omul acela.
Don't store com in a wet
This month has been
very dry.
Is agriculture profitable?
Cu ajutorul celor invatate, folositi fonna corespunzatoare a verbelor in unnatoarele propozitii in
limba engleza:
Mary a citlt ca administratia acestei fabrici
nu a concediat muncitorii.
Is smoking hannful?
Iar acum sa exersam cuvintele noi in propozitii. Incercati sa Ie traduceti:
There are hedges along
the road.
Of course it is true.
of course > ray ko:fs] - bineinteles, desigur,
along > [alon(gl] - de-a lungul, in lungul
hannful > rha:fmfal] - daunator, rau
wet > ["etl - ud, umed, ploios
dry > [drail - uscat
profitable > [protitabl] - profitabil, rentabil
Verificati-va Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
lata verbele noi in propozitii. Nu uitati nici de exersarea pronuntiei:
Doua dintre verbe sunt neregulate. Invatati formele lor:
> [sdj
shom >
- a planta, a sarli
- a tunde
- a acoperi, a inveli
- a speria, a ingrozi, a inspaimanta
forma a III-a
- a produce, a da, a rezulta, a ceda
- Te-am speriat?
- Noi am tuns oile in martie.
- a pune, a a situa
- a usca
- Ea a pus florile in apa.
- Noi I-am rugat sa faca asta,
dar el nu a cedat.
- Acopera painea!
- Graul s-a uscat timp de mai multe
- Cat a fost recolta de grau?
> wct
> of coursc
> harmful
> dry
> profitable
> along
> [sct]
> [kava' 1Ya brcll1
sheared >
> [D/a skca'd as I - Furtuna (cu trasnete) ne-a speriat.
> [tu skca']
> sct IYa tlaua'z in "u:ta']
> [hE\' a; skca'd iu:l
> lUi: IYa
> [Dla ko:'n dr'lld to:' meni
> [tll
forma a II-a
> lUi: askt bim tu du: it hat
hi: didnt Uont tu iI: Id]
> [t\1 sct]
> [tu drilll
> [hau hEz D/a krop
> [tu kava']
> [tu li:ldl
> [tu pla:nt]
> [sct]
How much has the crop
We asked him to do it, but
he didn't want to yield.
The thunderstorm scared us.
Cover the breadl
She set the flowers in water.
The com dried for many
Have I scared you?
We sheared the sheep
in March.
shear >
to cover
bineinteles, desigur
to set
to scare
to shear
to plant
to dry
de-a lungul, in lungul
umed, ploios
lata acum verbe noi:
to yield
profitabil, avantajos
Verificati-va Traduceti unnatoarele verbe in limba engleza:
lar acum introduceti fonna corespunzatoare a verbului in unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
> Petcr SaId he would bc thcre
> :'v1othcr smd wc would plant tomatocs
in that field.
> Tomol1"ow wc wil] havc to sow wheat.
> Hc said rodcnts had eatcn all thc rye.
> She is always storing old nc\\spapers!
> Havc you milked all the eows yct'?
> father said hc was hcalthy.
> Look at yourself'
- She said she would not go there.
- John said he would have dinner at seven.
- They >shcarcd the sheep on a sunny day.
- We >plantcd the potatoes yesterday.
- The com >dricd well.
- You must >sct it next to the window.
- He forgot about >covcnng the food.
- The scarecrow doesn't >scarc the birds.
Maine va trebui sa semanam graul.
Tata a spus ca este sanatos.
Ai muls deja toate vacile?
Ea pastreaza intotdeauna ziarele vechi!
El a spus ca rozatoarele au mancat toata
Uita-te la tine!
Peter a spus ca va fi acolo.
Mama a spus ca vom sadi
In pamantul acela.
Ei au tuns oile Intr-o zi insorita.
lata ultimu1 exercitiu al lectiei, in care vom recapitula intregul material. Traduceti urmatoarele
propozitii in limba engleza:
El a uitat sa acopere mancarea.
Noi am pus ieri cartofii.
Cerealele s-au uscat bine.
In vorbirea indirectii, verbul auxiliar will,folosit laformarea timpului viitor simplu (Simple Future)
areforma de trecut - would:
She said "1 will not go there".
John said "1 will have dinner at seven".
Sperietoarea nu sperie pasarile.
asperia > to scarc

a planta, a sadi > to plant

a tunde > to shcar
a usca > to drv
a produce, a rezulta, a da > to yield
a pune, a > to sct
a acoperi, a inveli > to covcr
Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Trebuie sa pui asta langa fereastra.
In Incheiere urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Literele aflate in coloana notate cu caractere
accentuate desemneaza un sunet identic. Cititi cu voce tare cuvintele fiti atenti la pronuntie:
r0:1 rEl
raul raul raul
shorn rat plough farmer rodent
com cattle cow barley crow
worn cash now bam sow
forty fat brown car show
caught flat mouth father blow
> Rodents cat grains of corn.
> I like walking along the country lanes.
> The cattle graze in the pastures.
> They arc always talking about their fast cars.
> Is there a dairy in your village?
> Only the feliile fields will yield !TIuch.
> There are rats in our ham.
> The com cannot be harvested yet.
> Where will we store the barley?
> Of eourse we have shorn the sheep already.
> \Ve are haryesting tomOlTOw.
> He said he had seen her two weeks before.
Bineinteles ca am tuns deja oile.
Unde vom depozita orzul?
Ei vorbesc mereu despre lor rapide.
El a spus ea a vazut-o acum doua saptamani.
Este Taptarie In satul vostru?
Maine vom seeera.
Rozatoarele mananca graunte de cereale.
Graul nu poate fi arat Inca.
Vitele pase pe
In hambarul nostru sunt
Doar pamanturile fertile vor da 0 recolta mare.
Imi place sa rna plimb de-a lungul
drumurilor de tara.
25.2. Vorbirea indirecUi
Forma verbului la timpul Past Perfect ramane neschimbata.
- Mary mi-a spus ca a fost acolo in urma
cu trei ani.
- John a spus ca nu a vazut niciodata
o sperietoare.
- Ea trebuie sa bea mai putina cafea.
- John a spus ca ii place cafeaua.
- Imi interzice intotdeauna sa rna uit
la televizor!
- Peter a spus ca ea a cina.
John said he liked coffee.
Peter said she was cooking dinner.
Mary told me she had been there
three years before.
John said he had never seen
a scarecrow.
Simple Present Simple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Simple Past Past Perfect
Present Perfect Past Perfect
will would
He is always forbidding me watching TV!
25.2.3. In vorbirea indirecta in locul adverbului ago se adverbul before.
She has to drink less coffee.
Cu ajutorul timpului Present Continuous putem exprima atitudinea critica (nerabdare,
nervozitate, suparare) in legatura eu 0 activitate sau un eveniment. Complementul de timp eel
mai des utilizat in acest caz este always, care aici are semnificatia de intotdeauna, mereu.
25.2.2. Daca verbul propozitiei principale este La timpul trecut (Simple Past, Past
Continuous, Past Perfect) atunci verbul propozitiei secundare se schimba conform
regulii de concordanta a timpurilor, care este urmatoarea:
25.2.1. Vorbirea indirecta este folosita pentru a parafraza spusele cuiva.
Verbul auxiliar must are doar forma de prezent. La timpurile trecut viitor in locul lui se
verbul to have to.
25.3. Timpul Prezent Continuu
25.1. Verbul auxiliar modal must - care exprima necesitatea, obligatia - poate fi inlocuit cu verbul
to have to. Verbul to have to nu este un verb auxiliar modal:
25.4. Pronumele reflexiv
Formele sale sunt:
Pronumele personal Pronumele reflexiv
~ myself > [ma/self]
you ~ yourself > [w:'seltl
he ~ himself > [hnl1self]
she ~ herself > [ha:'seltl
it ~ itself > [itseltl
we ~ ourselves > [a lla
sel \'z]
you ~ yourselves > I io:rsel\'z]
they ~ themselves > rIYcmsel\'z]
He hurt himself.
They offered themselves for this job.
- El s-a ranit.
- Ei n ~ ~ s-au oferit pentru aceasta munca.
5. I think it is possible to fertile this soil.
Why are they always drive old cars? 2.
3. They have just bought a new house for themselfs.
4. Next month I will must shear the sheep.
I. John said he likes dairy produce.
6. Tata mi-a spus ca vom planta tlori in gradina.
5. Iti voi spune ceva despre mine insumi.
2. 1 a spus ea nu i-a placut sa mearga pe jos pe aeest drum de tara.
6. Mary said she had sown the seeds two hours before.
3. Peter will have to milk all the cows in the pasture.
I. She said they had harvested all the barley.
2. Why are you always storing these useless things?
3. Trebuie sa faeem 0 sperietoare de ciori.
5. Who said my wife was ugly?
4. John a spus ca vitelor nu a fost rentabila in unna eu doi ani.
4. Will you buy yourself a new car now?
I. eopii groaznici ne sperie intotdeauna animalele!
A unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
c. Gasiti eorectati din propozitiile unnatoare:
B. unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Acum repetati cuvinte, dar in alta ordine:
ineepem leetia ell un grup de substantive noi. Cititi-le eu voce tare
retineti intelesul lor in Iimba romana:
" "
frost > [frost] - ger, inghet
rainbow > [reinbou] - cureubeu
thunder > [T'andi{] - tunet
heat-wave > [hi:t lI civ]
- val de caldura
hailstone > [heilstaun] - grindina
distance > [distans] - distanta, departare
shelter > r
- adapost, refugiu
ditch > r - canal ..
twilight > rtllailait]
- amurg, crepuscul
sunset > [sansct] - apus de soare
dawn > [do:n] - zori
lightning > [laitnin(!!)]
- fulger
hailstone > [heilstaun] - grindina
distance > [disUms] - distanta, departare
frost > [frost]
- ger, inghet
lightning > r
- fulger
ditch > r - canal
shelter >
- adapost, refugiu
thunder > [T'anda1 - tunet
rainbow > [reinbou]
- eureubeu
heat-wave > [hi:t lI eiv]
- val de caldura
dawn >[do:n]
- zori
sunset > [sansct]
- apus de soare
twilight > [t'lail ait]
- amurg, crepuscul
The hailstones were very big. > [DLa hedstaunz "a '\ en bIg] - Grindina a fost foarte mare.
- au inghetat.
- Tunetul sperie multi oameni.
- Noi am vazut satul in departare.
- Nu au gasit adapost.
- Ai vazut fulgerul?
- Putem sa lucram dupa asfintit?
- 1 a continuat sa are in amurg.
- Valul de caldura a inceput
in iunie.
- Fermierii incep sa lucreze
in zori.
- Cite culori are un curcubeu?
- Nu a fost inca inghet.
- There is often a >rainbow after a shower.
- What animals live in the >ditches?
- I like the >dawn.
- There was little>tj'ost that winter.
- What is the >distancc between
the two villages?
- We found a >shelter during the thunder-storm.
- >Heat-wa\'cs don't often happen.
- We met nobody in the >twtlight.
- We didn't see the >lightning.
- Some >sunscts are beautiful.
- The >thunder scared the children.
> [IYea' hEznt bm frost iet]
> lUi: so: D'ii vilidJ in
DLa distans]
> [D/ei hlUnd nau
> [hau meni kala'z hEz
a rClIlbou]
> [T'anda' skca'z meni pi:pl]
> [farma'z sta:'t
> [hi. kantinlU:d plauII1(g)
III D/a t"arlalt]
> [D/a hI. t "el\' sta:'tid
111 dJu'n]
> [kEn "I' "a 'k a. fta' sanset]
Noi nu am vazut fulgerul.
Curcubeul apare adesea dupa ploile torentiale.
Valurile de caldura nu sunt dese.
Nu ne-am inHilnit cu nimeni in amurg.
Ce distanta este intre cele doua sate?
Noi am gasit un adapost pe timpul furtunii.
Imi plac zorile.
Ce animale traiesc in canale?
Unele apusuri de soare sunt minunate.
There hasn't been frost yet.
We saw the village in
the distance.
The ditches are frozen.
lata cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii. Repetati propozitiile cu voce tare fiti atenti la
A fost putin inghet iama aceea.
Did you see the lightning?
Tunetul a speriat copiii.
In continuare sa exersam cuvintele noi. Introduceti cuvintele corespunzatoare in urmatoarele
propozitii in limba engleza:
How many colours has
a rainbow?
They found no shelter.
He continued ploughing
in the twilight.
The heat-wave started
in June.
Farmers start working
at dawn.
Can we work after sunset?
Thunder scares many people.
Desigm ati retinut deja corespondentul romanesc al urmatoarelor cuvinte in limba engleza:
Dupa cum ati putut ohserva, In aceste cazuri prol1l11nele poate sa stea la mJjlocul sau la
propozi{iei, lara pierde caractentl de Intarire:
You have done it yomself.
- Eu insumi ti I-am dat.
- Tu insuti ai facut-o.
- Noi ne vom ara pamantmile.
- EI a auzit asta chiar de la doctor.
"Have you done it yourself?"
I myself have given it to you.
You have done it yomself.
We shall plough the fields ourselves.
He has heard it from the doctor himself.
Pronumele de tipul myself, themselves pierd caracterul reflexiv, dadi lefolosim pentru accentuarea
altor suhstantive sau adverhe, devenind pronume de intarire. De exemplu:
You yomself have done it.
val de caldura > Ilcat-wave
apus de soare, asfintit > sunset
zon > dawn
cmcubeu > r2inbow
inghet > fi'ost
tunet > thunder
grindina > hailstone
amurg > twilight
fulger > lightning
distanta > distance
canal > ditch
adapost > shelter
Sometimes the rain is endless. > [samtallnz 0
5 relll iz endlis] - Uneori ploua rara
- Sufla un vant patrunzator
este un frig aspru.
- leri vantul a fost racoros,
dar vremea a fost blanda.
- bland, blajin, moderat
- variabil, schimbator
- interminabil, lara
- Vremea este mereu
schimbatoare in aceasta
regiune ploua des.
- patrunzator, ascutit
- intunecos, sumbru
- crud, nefiert, aspru
- racoros
- Azi vremea este intunecata.
- To some people a week
can be >endlcss.
- March was >mtlder than May.
- We had to work in the >raw wind.
- In this country the weather
is usually >unsettlcd.
- I don't like this >picrcmg cold.
- He is a >gloomy man.
- We can work better when it is >cool.
> [cndlis]
> [O/a lI eo/ar iz o.lllei7
ansetald in O/is ri:djan
End it ufn relllz]
> [ O/a l1\11d 11 07
ku 1bat it 11 07 matld]
> [a plarsin,gl "lnd i7 blau\I1(gj
End Olear 17 roo frost]
> [matldl
> [It 17 a glu.mi de! tadc!]
> [glu:JnJ]
> [ansctald]
> [kull
Lucram mai bine atunci cand este racoare.
Este un om sumbru.
Pentru unii oameni 0 saptamana
poate fi interminabila.
Noi a trebuit sa lucram in vantul acela aspru.
In luna martie vremea a fost mai blanda
decat in luna maio
In aceasta tara vremea este
de obicei schimbatoare.
Nu-mi place acest frig patrunzator.
Yesterday the wind was cool
but it was mild.
Pentru a exersa cuvintele noi, completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
It is a gloomy day today. A piercing wind is blowing and there is raw frost.
Yesterday the wind was cool but it was mild. The weather is always unsettled
in this region and it often rains. Sometimes the rain is endless.
A piercing wind is blowing
and there is raw frost.
Sa urmarim fiecare propozitie separat. Fiti atenti la traducerea lor:
lata un grup de cuvinte noi:
The weather is always
unsettled in this region
and it often rains.
lar acum cititi acest scurt text referitor la starea vremii:
It is a gloomy day today.
- dori ... , vrea (sa fie... )
- ar fi mai bine daea...
- este timpul
- cat de bine ar fi, dori mult
(aceasta expresie de multe ori nu
se traduce in limba romana)
- imagina, Inchipui
- imagina, inchipui
- daca, presupunand ca...
- sa presupunem
- Este timpul sa pleei acasa.
- dori sa fiu bogat.
-Ar fi mai bine daea nu am pleca devreme.
- Cat de bine ar fi sa avem timp suficient!
- Imagineaza-ti ea ai avca 0 multime dc bani.
- ca omul pc care l-ai vazut ar fi
tatal tau!
- Sa presupunem ea ar vcni astazi.

> [itl
> [imEdjin]
> [ifaunli]
> rit "ud hi: beta' itl
> rsapauz]
> [fEnsi]
In accste propozitii secundarc se doar 0 singura forma a verbului
to be, forma de trceut were.
it would be better if
lata aceste expresii In propozitii:
It would be better if we didn't leave early.
If only there wcre cnough timc!
Suppose he came today.
Imaginc you had a lot of money.
Fancy if the man you saw were yom father!
Ati retinut deja cuvintele noi? Traduceti-le in limba engleza:
if only
it is time
I wish
lata un exemplu de folosire a timpului trecut simplu (Simple Past):
It is time you went home.
I wish I were rich.
Forma de trenlt a verbului sefoloseite pentru a exprima ipotezele. dorill{ele, In propozi{iile secundare
cerute de unniitoarele cuvinte ii expresii:
crud, aspru > raw
> endless
schimbator > unsettled
racoros > cool
intunecat, sumbru > gloomy
moderat >mild
patrunzator, ascutit > piercing
Acum urmariti folosirea verbelor 111 propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
- Grindina a distrus recolta.
- Noi am tremurat de frig.
- Cine a murit?
- Tunetul a bubuit
In departare.
- Vitele sufera de caldura. > [D/a kEti a:' safa'lI1(c)
from hi:t]
> rD/a T'anda' "0Z ramblill(gl
in D1a distans]
> [hu: da/d]
> rlYa hetlstoullZ hEy
delmdjd IYa krop]
Forma de gerunziu - gerund - a verbului to die este dying.
Who died?
The hailstones have damaged
the crop.
We shivered with cold.
The cattle are suffering
from heat.
Imagineaza-ti ca John ar fi un bun conducator auto. - Imagine if John >were a good driver.
Sa presupunem ca ne oprim aici. - Suppose we >stopped here.
De-ar conduce mai repede! - If only he >drove faster!
vrea sa ce sa fac. - I wish I >knew what to do.
Acum sa exersamfolosirea timpului trecut simplu. Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
The ploughing seemed endless. > [Ola plautn
) si:md endlis] - Parea ca nu se mai termina
Speram ca ati sa rezolvati exercitiul anterior. Sa invatam cateva verbe noi:
The thunder was rumbling
in the distance.
Ar fi mai bine daca ei nu lua caine. - It would be better if they >didn't buy a dog.
to shiver > [tu - a tremura, a diirdiii (de frig)
to rumble >[turambl] - a bubui
to seem >[tLlsi:ml - a parea, a da impresia
to die > [tu d'll] - amuri
to damage > [tLl dEmidJl - a dcteriora, a strica, a distruge
to suffer > [tu ,.,afa'] - a suferi
Este timpul sa-ti scrie 0 scrisoare. - It is time he :::wrote a letter to you.
ca aceasta casa ar fi a mea. - Fancy ifthis house :::were mine.
Iar acum ne yom ocupa din nou de pronumele re1ativ.
Desigur dupa acest exercitiu deja pe de rost verbele noi. Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
This is the fastest plane (that) I have ever seen. - Acesta este cel mai rapid avion pe care
I-am V3zut vreodata.
- Este putin ceea ce pot face pentru tine.
- Tot ceea ce am cumparat este in bucatarie.
- Tot ceea ce vezi, este allui.
- Acesta este ceva ce nu inteleg.
- Este ceva ce am uitat?
- Acestea sunt ce1e mai ridicate salarii
pe care Ie pIatesc.
- Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.
- El a cumparat cea mai ieftina bicicleta
pe care i-au aratat-o.
> to damage
> to seem
> to rumble
> to die
> to suffer
> to shiver
- We >shlvcrl"d in the piercing cold.
- They have> suffered too long already.
- She >dicdin an accident.
- Who >damaged our car last night?
- It has so far.
DlIpii all:
Everything (that) you see is his.
This is something (that) I don't understand.
Is there anything (that) I have forgotten?
There is little (that) I can do for you.
All (that) we have bought is in the kitchen.
It is the best film (that) I have ever seen.
He bought the cheapest bicycle (that)
they showed him.
These are the highest wages (that)
they pay.
I. DlIpii superlativ:
2. Dupii lIrmiitoarele cuvinte
Cine ne-a stricat noaptea trecuta?
Pana acum parea a fi nefolositor.
Iar acum e n'indul dumneavoastra. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu formele corespunzatoare
ale verbelor:
Noi am tremurat in frigul patrunzator.
Ei au suferit prea multa vreme deja.
Ea a murit intr-un accident.
a tremura, a diirdiii
a deteriora, a strica
a bubui
a parea, ada impresia
a suferi
$tim deja cii pronumele that poate introduce propozi!ia secundarii relativii restrictivii. In cazul
propozi!iilor secundare restrictive, In loclll pronumelui which se In mod obligatoriu acest
prolll/me. In mlilte cazuri Insii, pronllmele that poatefi omis, ca de exemplu In lIrmiitoarele cazllri:
Pentru a exersa cele Invatate anterior, tradueeti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
lata exercitiuI de pronuntie. Literele scrise accentuat aflate In coloana, desemneaza un sunet
> He \\ants to do it himself
> I will do everythl1lg that IS necessary.
> I want to sow barley.
> The only thl1lg that was damaged
was my bicycle.
> If only the weather welTn't so gloomy!
> It IS tnne you wOlked a little harder.
> ThiS was the longest heat-wave (that)
we have e\'er had.
> There was not much that we could sec
111 the twilight.
> It will be cool tonight.
> Twish TdIdn't sh1\'er so'
> I wIsh the weather were not unsettled.
> They have nothing that IS worth the money.
> Is there anything (that) I must know?
> Have you any books (that) J can take'?
> They ha\ e seen hailstones themselves!
> This IS the widest nver (that) I have ever seen.
De n-ar fi vremea aHit de sumbra!
Va fi racoare la noapte.
Este timpul sa lucrezi mai din greu.
Singurullueru (care a fost) deteriorat
a fost bieicleta mea.
Ei au vazut grindina!
A fost eel mai lung val de ealdura pc care
I-am avut vreodata.
vrea sa 0 faca.
Voi face tot ce este neeesar.
Este ceva ce ar trebui sa
Ai vreo carte pe care putea sa 0 iau?
Vreau sa seman orz.
3. Dupa adjectivele any $i only:
Is there any information (that) you can give me? - Este vreo informatie pe care mi-o poti da?
This is the only news (that) I have heard. - Este singura pe care am auzit-o.
vrea sa nu tremur atat!
vrea ca vremea sa nu fie sehimbatoare.
Nu a fost mult ce am putut vedea In amurg.
In ultimul exercitiu de traducere allectiei ne yom referi la temele tratate anterior. Traduceti propozitiile
In limba engleza:
Este raul eel mai lat pe care I-am vazut vreodata.
Nu au nimic care ar merita acei bani.
Exersa!i accentul intonatia in urmatorul dialog. Cititi propozi!iile cu voce tare fiti atenti la
pronuntia cuvintelor a silabelor scrise accentuat:
In incheiere urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere in care am sintetizat cele invatate pana acum. Traduceti
propozitiile in limba englcza:
> What you say cannot be true.
> I have seen it myself.
> He is always talking about his fast car.
> This is something that I have never seen
> If only the weather changed!
> He is driving me home tonight.
> They offered themselves to harvest the rye.
> Who reads books will \cam much.
> Whcn do yOll want to shear the sheep')
> They planted these potatoes themselves.
> \"lYe are leaving for Madrid tomOITOw.
Peter, did you listen to what Barbara and John have just said?
Yes, I did. The weather is something to talk about every day and everywhere.
When people meet, they like to talk about the weather.
They are glad when they can sit in the sun for example.
Sometimes the weather can give us beautiful things.
A lightning can be very impressive, but it also scares some people.
Is there anybody who doesn't enjoy looking at a rainbow? And what about a beautiful
Even a thunderstorm or a shower can be beautiful.
The best thing is to be satisfied with the weather, for there is nothing that we can change
about it.
Barbara, I just read in the newspaper that to people who live in the country and earn their
money in agriculture, the weather is much more important than to those who live in a town
or city.
That's right, favourable weather is necessary for a good crop.
But sometimes it is too dry and at other times it is too wet.
There has to be enough sun, too.
Yes, but if it is too dry for too long, the crop will not grow fast enough.
But we know that farmers are not easily satisfied.
Ei s-au oferit (singuri) sa reeolteze secara.
El ma duce acasa cu diseara.
Am vazut eu insumi asta.
Cand vrci sa tunzi oile?
De s-ar schimba vremea!
Cine cfu1;i, va inva!a multo
Aeesta este eeva ce nu am vazut niciodata
pana acum.
El mereu despre lui rapida.
Ei au plantat eartofi.
Maine pleeam la Madrid.
Nu poate fi adevarat ee spui.
"This is something that I have never seen before."
> This is something that doesn't seem to
be pOSSIble.
> They \\ ent on harvestll1g in the twilight
> We heard the thunder rumbhng
in the distance.
> This field has yielded nothlllg that
can be sold.
> Many old people died during the heat-wave.
> Have the sheep been shorn yet?
> TIm; IS the only eOIll that has been stored
> This IS the mildest weather that we have
had for a long tllne.
> Rodents cat a lot of corn.
> Arc eountly people the healthiest ones')
> The most hannful animals that we know
arc rats.
> is cattle farming still profitable?
> The cattle arc suffcrIng from the raw cold.
> This pasture is too wet.
> ]s there anything that has been damaged
by hailstones')
> Why arc there hedges along the country lane?
Au fost tunse deja oile?
Acest camp nu a dat nimic ee poate fi vandut.
Ei au continuat sa recolteze In amurg.
Aeesta este eeva ee nu pare a fi posibil.
Noi am auzit bubuitul tunetului
In departare.
Multi oameni batdini au murit In timpul
valului de ealdura.
De ee sunt garduri vii de-a lungul
drumurilor de tara?
Vitele sufera de frigul aspru.
Este eeva ee a fost deteriorat de grindma?
Aceasta este prea umeda.
vitelor este Inca rentabila?
Animalele eele mai pe care
Ie sunt
Rozatoarele mananca multe eereale.
Oamenii de la tara sunt eei mai
Este cea mai bHinda vreme pe care noi
am avut-o de mult timp.
Este singurul grfm pe care I-au depozitat
Aceste propozitii secundare se refera intotdeauna la prezent sau viitor, de exemplu;
In accstc propozitii secundare se doar forma de trecut were a verbului to be.
nothing something
- Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.
- EI a cumparat cca mai ieftina-bicicl;ta
pe care i-au aratat-o.
- Estc vreo informatie pe care
mi-o poti da?
- presupunand
- Eu insumi ti-am dat asta.
- este timpul
- Este timpul sa pleci acasa.
- vrea sa fiu bogat.
- a$ dori ... , vrea sa fie .
- daca, presupunand ca .
- exprima 0 dorinta puternica de exemplu:
"de-ar fi ... " de multe ori nu se traduce in
Iimba romana.
- imagina, inchipui
- imagina, inchipui
- ar fi mai bine daca
Dupa all.
It is the best film (that) I have ever seen.
He bought the cheapest bicycle (that)
they showed him.
3. Dupa adjectivele any only:
Is there any information (that)
you can give me?
2. Dupa urmatoarele cuvinte
I wish
if only
it would be better if
it is timc
You yourself have done it.
You have done it yourself.
In acest caz, pronumele sta la mijlocul sau la propozitiei, rara pierde caracterul de
It is time you went home.
r wish I were rich.
r myself have given it to you.
26.3. Pronumele relativ that se poate omite in unnatoarelc situatii;
I. Dupa superlativ;
26.1. Pronumele de tipul myself, themselves Ie putem folosi pentru accentuarea altor substantive.
In aceste cazuri Ie numim pronume de intarire accentul cade pe prima silaba a cuvantului.
26.2. Forma de trecut a verbului se pentru a exprima ipoteze, dorinte, in aceIe propozitii
secundare cerute de urmatoarele cuvinte $i expresii;
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba romana:
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
I wish I am younger.
The thunder rumblled in the distance.
We will see the sunset ourselfs.
This gloomy weather is endles.
Their flower is dieing.
I. De-ar fi copiii mei mai
2. Imagineaza-ti ca ai gasit un portmoneu cu bani.
3. Crezi ca a deteriorat acest lucru?
4. Este tot ce pot face pentru tine.
5. Este timpul sa pleci la lucru!
6. Nu-mi place frigul patrunzator vantul aspru.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:
l. They built their house themselves.
2. If only my daughter were more beautiful!
3. It would be better if they didn't damage our fridge.
4. I have never seen anything more exciting.
5. They are the only people I like.
6. Can you tell me why they are digging ditches?
Lista verbelor neregulate din lectiile 25 26
forma a II-a forma a III-a

rsoun] >
set >
sowed >
forma I
set >
shear >
sow >
, ,
agricultural > - agricol
agriculture > - agricultura
along > [alon(l"l - de-a lungul, in lungul
arable fanning
> [Erabl fa,rmin(gl]
- cultivarea plantelor
barley > [ba:rlil - orz
barn > [ba:rn] - hambar,
cattle > [kEtl] - vite, bovine
cattle fanning
> [kEtl fa:Imin(gl]
- vitelor
cool > r ku:1] - racoros
corn > rko:rnl - grane, cereale, grau, porumb
country lane > rkantri kin] - drum de tara
to cover > Itu kava
] - a acoperi, a inveli
cow > [kau] - vaca
crow > [haul - cioara
dairy > [Jeari] - Hiptarie, fabrica de prelucrare
a laptelui
dairy produce > [Jean prodlU:s] - produse lactate
to damage > [tu dEmidl] - a deteriora, a strica, a distruge
dawn > [Jo:n] - zori, aurora
to die > [tu dal] - a muri, a deceda
distance > [ Jistans] - distanta, departare
ditch > [dit:;;] - canal
dry > [drail - uscat
to dry > [tu dral] - a usca
endless > rendlis] - interminabil
except > [Iksept] - cu exceptia, in afara de
tu fail > [tu tl:tll - a nu a cadea
to fancy > [tu tEnsl] - imagina, inchipui
farmhand > [fa:rmhEnd]
- muncitor agricol
fertile > [fa:rtatl] - fertil, rodnic
frost > [n'ostl - ger, inghet
furrow > [faroul - brazda
gloomy > [glu:mi] - intunecos, sumbru
grain > [grem] - graunte, bob
to graze > [tu grciz] - a a duce la pascut
hailstone > [hl'ilstaun] - grindina
harmful > [ha:'mfal] - daunator, rau
to harvest > [tu ha:'vist] - a recolta, a strange, a secera
to have > [tu hEy tu] - a trebui
to healthy > [hl'IT'i] - sanatos
heat-wave > [Ili:t Uciv] - val de caldura
hedge > [hcdj] - gard viu
herself > [ha:'selfj - ea chiar ea
himself > [himseltl - el chiar el
if only > [ifaunli] - cat de mult ... , de-ar ...
to imagine > [tu imEdjin] - inchipui, imagina
> [intrastin(g)]
- interesant
itself > [itselfj - el
it is time > [it iz taim] - este timpul
it would be better if > [it "ud bl: beta' if] - ar fi mai bine daca
I wish > [ai - dori, vrea sa fie
- fulger
mild > [maild] - bland, blajin, moderat
to milk > [tu milk] - a mulge
mixed fanning
> [mikst fa:rmin(g)]
- cultivare mixta
myself > [maiselfj - insumi, insami, chiar eu
of course
> [av ko:rs]
- bineinteles, desigur,
oneself > ["anselfj -
ourselves > [auarselvz]
pasture > [pa'st<;;il'] -
> [pia'sin(vl]
- patrunzator, ascu!it
to plant > [tu pla:nt] - a planta, a sadi
plough > [piau] - plug
possible > [posibl] - posibil, cu putinta
profitable > [profitabl] - profitabil, rentabil
rainbow > [rel11b(lul - curcubeu
rat > [I Ell -
raw > [ro:l - crud, nefiert, neprelucrat, aspru
regularly > [rcglUla'lll - in mod
rodent > [rIludentl - rozator
to rumble > [nu rambll - a bubui
to scare > [tu skea'l - a speria
scarecrow > [skea'kraul - sperietoare (de ciori)
to seem > [tu sun1 - a parea, a da impresia
seed > [si ,dl - samanta
to set > [tu set] - a pune, a a situa
to shear > [tu sia'] - a tunde
shelter > - adapost, refugiu
to shiver > [tu siva'l - a tremura, a dardai (de frig)
to sow > [tu soul - a semana, a insamanta
to store > [tu sto:'1 - a tine/a depozita
to suffer (from) > [tu safarl - a suferi de
sunset > [sansetl - apus de soare, asfintit
to suppose > [tu sa[Juuzl - a presupune, inchipui
themselves > [D/emsel\'71 - insele, chiar ei/ele

thunder > [randa'l - tunet
twilight > [tUail alt1 - amurg, crepuscul
tractor > [trEktarl - tractor
unsettled > [ansetaldl - variabil, schimbator
wet > ["etl - ud, umed, ploios, de ploaie
to yield > [tu li,lll] - I. a produce, a da, a rezulta;
2. a ceda
yourself > rIO 'self] - tu insuti sau insati, dumneavoastra

yourselves > [10 'schzl - voi, sau dumneavoastra
4. Pronumele relativ "that" se poate omite in urmatoarele situatii:
1. Propozitia conditionala de tipul I se refera la viitor indeplinirea conditiei este posibila:
nothing something
- In locul tau nu cumpara.
- Poti sa-mi dai vreo
- Daca voi avea bani, voi cumpara"
o noua.
- Ea trebuie sa scrie scrisoarea.
- Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.
Is there any information (that)
you can give me?
It is the best film (that) I have seen.
b) Dupa urmatoarele cuvinte:
If I have money I will buy
a new shirt.
If I were you I would not buy it.
Verbul auxiliar modal "modal" are doar 0 forma de prezent. La trecut viitor se in
locullui verbul "to have to".
c) Dupa adjectivele "any" "only":
She has to write the leter.
a) Dupa un superlativ:
2. Propozitia conditionala de tipul II se refera la prezent, iar indeplinirea conditiei este putin
probabila sau imposibila:
3. Verbul auxiliar modal "must" - exprima necesitatea, obligatia. Must poate fi inlocuit cu "to
have to" - care nu este un verb auxiliar modal.
Exersati cuvintele noi fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Aceasta lectie este consacrata problemelor legislative. Cititi cu voce tare
subsantivele noi retineti traducerea lor in limba romana:
,.. ,..
shoplifter > - hot de magazine
thief, thieves > [T'i:fI[Tsi:vzJ - hot, hoti

law > [lo:J - lege
fine > - amenda, penalizare
pickpocket > [pikpokit] - hot de buzunare
robbery > [robari] - jaf, furt
prisoner > [prizana
] - prizonier, detinut
police > [pali:s] - politie
crime > [kraim] - infractiune, crima
theft > [Tseft] -furt
burglary > [bit:fgJari] - spargere (furt)
criminal > [kriminl] - criminal
burglar > [bit:fglafJ - spargator
law > [10:] - lege
crime > [krahn] - infractiune, crima
criminal > [kriminl] - criminal
fine > [fain] - amenda, penalizare
pickpocket > [pikpokitJ - hot de buzunare
burglar > [bit: 'glafJ - spargator
burglary > [bit:
glariJ - spargere (furt)
thief, thieves > [Pi:fl [Pi:vzJ - hot, hoti
theft > [T
ei1J -furt
robbery > [robariJ - jaf, furt
shoplifter > - hot de magazine
prisoner > [prizanafJ - prizonier, detinut
police > [pali:sJ - politie
- Hotii de buzunare vor sa-ti fure
- Criminalul face lucruri care
sunt interzise.
- Sunt multe spargeri
- A omori' 0 persoana este 0 crima.
- Spargatorul intra i'n casa ta
sa fure lucruri.
- Trebuie sa p i t ~ t i amenda.
- Furtul inseamna sustragerea
lucrurilor altor persoane.
- Sunt din ce i'n ce
mai multe jafuri.
- Hotul fura.
> [a krimml daz T'm(glz rYEt
a." forbidn]
> [kiJ m(gl a pa:'sl1 IZ a kralln]
> [Ill. mast pel DZa fam
> [pik]1oklts "ont III stl:l
in.' ]1a.'s]
> [a l'dstl'lz]
> [D'ea' a r melll bit:' glanz
e\'rI del]
> [T'eti IZ sti:lm(gJ aD'ij'
pi plz T'm(glz]
> [IYea' a
mo.' End
InO ' robm IZ)
> l a ba" gla' cnta'z lOr haus
tll SIll T'l1l
Cuvantul police este un substantiv colectiv, precedat intotdeauna de
articolul hotarat the, iar verbul este la plural.
Pickpockets want to steal
your purse.
You must pay the fine.
A burglar enters your house
to steal things.
A thief steals.
A criminal does things that
are forbidden.
Killing a person is a crime.
lata cuvintele noi i'n propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i urmariti traducerea lor i'n limba romana:
The law forbids some things. > [DZa 10: forbidz sam T'm(glz] - Legea interzice unele lucruri.
"Shoplifters take things out of shops without paying for them."
There are more and
more robberies.
Theft is stealing other
people's things.
There are many burglaries
every day.
Probabil ati retinut deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
- Hotii de magazine scot
(sustrag) lucruri din magazine
rara sa plateasca pentru ele.
- Un prizonier a scapat.
- There was a >robbery near
the post-office yesterday.
- When was that>burglary?
- The>burglar broke a leg in our house.
- We had to pay a >fine.
- The >shopllfterwas caught
when he was leaving the shop.
- > PIckpockets have to be very fast.
- Is this against the >law?
- >The polIce are looking for two people.
- Many>cnmmals are not in prison.
- >ThIeves can be dangerous.
- Is car >thefta serious >cnme?
- The >pnsoners spent a long time in prison.
> fine
> pnsoner
> shoplifter
> cnmmal
> burglary
> pollee
> robbery
> burglar
> law
> thIef
> pickpocket
> telk T'm(glz
aut av sops UIDZaut pelln(gl
fa r D'em]
> [a prizana' hEz Iskel pI]
Ati remarcat desigur prepozitia against, care inseamna "impotriva, (in)
amenda, penalizare
prizonier, detinut
Aceasta este impotriva legii?
hot de magazine
hot de buzunare
infractiune, erima
Politia cauta doi oameni.
Hotii de buzunare trebuie sa fie foarte rapizi.
Multi criminali nu sunt in inchisoare.
A prisoner has escaped.
Hotii pot fi
Furtul de este 0 infractiune serioasa?
Cand a avut loc spargerea aceea?
Detinutii au stat mult timp in inchisoare.
Spargatorul rupt piciorul in casa noastra.
Shoplifters take things
out of shops without paying
for them.
leri a avut loc un jaf in apropierea
Completati unnatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
A trebuit sa platim 0 amenda.
Hotul de magazine a fost prins
in timp ce parasea magazinul.
Pe baza exemplelor de mai sus, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Verbele would ~ i could sunt verbe modale. Structura propozitiei interogative in care apar ~ i aceste
verbe este: could/would +subiect +verbul de conjugat, de exemplu:
Vii prezentiim acum cel de-al trei/ea tip de propozitie conditionalii. in acest tip de propozitie
condltia nu este realizabi/ii. Verbul din subordonata conditionalii este la timpul Past Perfect, iar in
propozitia principalii verbul este la conditionalul trecut, care are urmatoarea structura:would +
have +forma a III-a a verbului de conjugat.
- Ifwe >had made hay earlier
we >would have sold it.
- ~ fi avut timp sa 0 citesc,
daca imi spuneai ieri.
- If he >hadn't stolen this book
then he >would not have gone to prison.
- Daca spargatorul nu ar fi fost prins,
pierdeam bani multi.
- I >would have gone to the cinema with you
yesterday if I >had had time.
- He >would have told me about it earlier
ifhe >had known
- Ai putut pleca ieri?
- What >would you have done if
they >had fired you then?
- Nu puteau sa ne vada acolo.
- Mama mea nu ar nu ar cheltui atiit,
daca nu ar avea bani.
- Ce ai face daca ai fi bogat?
My mother wouldn't spend this much
if she hadn't money.
Ce ai fi facut daca
te concediau atunci?
I would have had time to read it
if you had told me yesterday.
Daca noi coseam f'anul mai devreme,
I-am fi viindut.
lata diteva exemple:
What would you do if you were rich?
Mi-ar fi vorbit despre acellucru,
daca ar fi ~ t i u t mai devreme.
They couldn't see us there.
could not -forma prescurtatii couldn't [kudnt]
Could you leave yesterday?
El nu ar fi ajuns la inchisoare,
daca nu ar fi furat aceasta carte.
would not -formaprescurtatii wouldn't [Uudnt]
~ fi mers cu tine ieri la cinematograf,
daca ~ fi avut timp.
If the burglar hadn't been caught, we would
have lost a lot of money.
Forma negativii a acestor verbe sunt:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
lata cuvintele noi intr-un scurt dialog. Cititi cu atentie dialogul:
- Is it possible that she is > guilt)?
- Have you ever heard of this
> outrageous crime?
- They have> obVIOusly heard the news.
- Don't be so > brutll
- The man seemed to be > mnoccnt
Evident, ei au auzit
Nu fii atat de brutal!
Este posibil ca ea este vinovata?
lata cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la traducerea lor in limba romana:
Barbatul parea sa fie nevinovat.
Ai auzit vreodata despre aceasta
crima revoltatoare?
Do you think this man > [L1u /u: f'inlg1k LYis mEn
- Crezi ca acest om
is guilty? lZ giltl] este vinovat?
He can't be innocent. > [hI. ka:nt bi: inasant] - Nu poate fi nevinovat.
He obviously stole the cash > [hI. ob\ las II stau! IYa - Evident, el a furat banii
from the bank.
from D/a bEn(g)k]
din banca.
Yes, that was outrageous. > [ICS DIEt "az autreidjas] - A fost intr-adevar, revoltator.
I heard that he had been > [ai ha:'d D7Et hi hEd bl.n - Am auzit ca a fost

very brutal. veri bru:tl] foarte brutal.
I hope he will go to prison > [ai haup hI: lid gau tu prizn - Sper ca va ajunge la inchisoare
for a long time. fo:' a ]on(gl tann]
pentru multa vreme.
innocent > [inasant] inocent, nevinovat
guilty > [giltl] vinovat
obviously > [obviaslI] (in mod) evident
outrageous > [autre/dps] imoral, revoltator
brutal > [bru:tl] brutal, crud
Traduceti propozitiile din text in limba romana:
A: Do you think this man is guilty?
B: He can't be innocent. He obviously stole the cash from the bank.
A: Yes, that was outrageous. I heard that he had been very brutal.
B: I hope he will go to prison for a long time.
Sa exersam inca 0 data cuvintele noi. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
Acum, treceti propozitiile interogative de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta:
in exercitiul urmator, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
> brutal
> Peter asked if the law forbade It.
> obvIOusly
> Mary asked where he \\ as g01I1g.
- Peter asked when I had been in England.
> .lane asked where we wanted to go.
> JOnocent
- John asked if I were at home.
> outrageous
> John clsked Ifhe liked musIc.
> Peter asked Irthey had met her.
> Mary asked when the police had caught
the thIef
> Jane asked who had taught her how to sWIm.
> John asked if pickpockets
were cnllllnals.
> Pete! asked hO\\ mallY btl!gIaries there
had been in thiS cIty
Jane a intrebat unde vrem sa mergem.
Peter asked "Did they meet her?".
John a intrebat daca hotii de buzunare
sunt infractori.
Mary a intrebat ciind I-a prins politia
pe hot.
Jane asked "Who has taught her how to swim?".
Peter a intrebat ciite spargeri au avut loc
in acest o r ~
Peter asked "When were you in England?".
Peter a intrebat daca legea interzice acellucru.
lata mai intiii, ciiteva exemple:
Mary asked "Where is he going?".
(in mod) evident
John asked "Does he like music?".
John asked "Are you at home?".
Sd urmiirim in contilluare cum se face trecerea din vorbirea directii in vorbire indirectii, in cazul
propozifiilor interogative.
Afi observat desigur, cd ordinea in propozifia indirectd interogatiVii este identicd cu cea din
propozifia ajirmativd. De fapt, este vorba despre 0 propozifie ajirmativd $i nu de una interogativii.
111 cazul intrebiirii decizionale (da/nu), propozifia secundarii care urmeazii dupii propozifia
principalii este introdusii prin prepozifia if. In cazul propozifiei interogative complementare
pronumele interogativ riimane neschimbat. Nu uitafi timpul verbelor se schimbii!
In aceasta Iectie nu ati invatat inca verbe noi. lata-Ie:
- de omul acesta!
- Da.
- Po1itia I-a arestat
dupa ce I-a cautat timp de
doua 1uni.
- EI a jefuit zece oameni bogati.
- I s-a intentat proces?
- Este un criminal.
- Ce infractiune a comis?
- Apoi a fost condarnnat
1a zece ani.
- E1 a recunoscut jafuri1e?
>[dld hI: kanfcs
tll [Ya robanz]
> [hi: rabd (en nt;; pi:pl]
> [D/a pali:s arcstld hI:m
]ukin(g) fa:' hun
tu: man f'J
> [les hI: dId]
> [hI:Z a krimml]
> ["az hI: proSlklll:tId]
> [End [Yen hI: "az sen(anst
(ll tcn la'z]
> ["ot kralln dId hi kamit]
> [les hI: Uaz] Yes, he was.
He robbed ten rich people.
What crime did he commit?
Beware of this man!
Did he confess
to the robberies?
Yes, he did.
He's a criminal.
The police arrested him
after looking for him
for two months.
And then he was sentenced
to ten years.
Cititi propozitile separat fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Was he prosecuted?
Acum yom folosi verbele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
A: Beware of this man! He's a criminal.
B: What crime did he commit?
A: He robbed ten rich people.
B: Was he prosecuted?
A: Yes, he was. The police arrested him after looking for him for two months.
B: Did he confess to the robberies?
A: Yes, he did. And then he was sentenced to ten years.
to commit > [tll kamit] - a comite
to arrest > [tll arest] - a aresta, a pune sub interdictie
to rob > [tll rob] - ajefui, a fura
to prosecute > [tll proslkru:t] - a institui/a intenta (un) proces
to confess > [tll kanfes] - a martllrisi, a
to sentence (to) > [tll sentans] - a condamna
to beware of > [tll blUea
av] - a se feri, a se pazi
lata ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
in urmatorul exercitiu, traduceti verbele noi in limba engleza:
- His neighbour >commited a theft.
- Who has been >arrested?
- Five men >robbed the grocer's yesterday.
- Why haven't they been >prosecuted?
- >Beware of dark streets!
> to prosecute
> to sentence
> to arrest
- He >confessed to all his crimes.
- Who has >sentenced them?
> to commit
> to beware of
> to confess
> to rob
> He asked me when they would sentence him.
> If l had known earlier
I would not have returned home.
> He \\ as arrested because he commited a clime.
> Do you know our brother was prosecuted?
> There have been a lot of burglaries
in OUI surroundings recently.
> Mary asked if this story
was outrageous.
> Do you know our law forbids theft?
> Beware of thIs brutal man!
> She confessed the cnme.
> They sentenced them to five years.
Vecinul lui a comis un furt.
Ieri cinci oameni I-au jefuit pe bacan.
El recunoscut toate infractiunile.
de strazile intunecoase!
Cine a fost arestat?
De ce nu li s-a intentat un proces?
a intenta (un) proces
a condamna
Cine i-a condamnat?
a aresta
a jefui
a se feri
a comite
a marturisi, a
ca legea noastra interzice furtul?
Ea recunoscut crima.
ca fratelui nostru i s-a intentat un proces?
EI a fost arestat pentru ca a comis 0 infractiune.
El m-a intrebat cfmd il vor condamna.
de acest om brutal!
Daca fi mai devreme,
nu fi intors acasa.
Mary a intrebat daca aceasta intiimplare
a fost revoltatoare.
I-au condamnat la cinci ani.
Au avut loc recent multe spargeri
in imprejurimile noastre.
Sa continuam tot cu problemele legislative. Unneaza un grup de substantive
noi. Citili-le cu voce tare:
sentence > [] - sentinta
remorse > [rimo:"s] -
police-station > [pali:s - post de politie
ticket > [tiklltj - bilet, proces verbal
(de contravenlie)
> [spi:din(gl]
- exces de viteza
murder > [ma:rda
] - crima, omucidere
murderer > [mll:'dararj - asasin
evidence > [evidans] - dovada, marturie
behaviour > [bihcivd] - purtare, comportament
blackmail > [bIEkmeil] -
capital > [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitala!
punishment cu moartea
death sentence > [deT' scnlans] - condamnare la moarte
Exersati cuvintele noi, dar in alta ordine:
murderer > [ma:rdara
] - asasin
speeding > [spi:din
] - exces de viteza
sentence > [sentans] - sentinta
capital > [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitaHi/
punishment panismant] cu moartea
remorse > [rimo:rs] - cainta
ticket > [tikat] - bilet, proces verbal
(de contraventie)
blackmail > [blEkmeil] -
murder > [ma:fda'] - crima, omucidere
evidence > [cvicbns] - dovada, marturie
death sentence > [dcT' scntans] - condamnare la moarte
police-station > [pali: s - post de politie
behaviour > [biheivia
] - purtare, comportament
in urmatorul exerc1tiu completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Citili cu voce tare urmatoarele propozilii in limba engleza in care am introdus cuvinte1e noi fili
atenli la traducerea lor in limba romana:
- There is a little >cvldencc.
- Saptamana trecuta am primit
una pentru exces de viteza.
- Ce parere ai despre
comportamentul el?
- Se cine a fost

- des procese verbale
de contraventie?
- Au fost la
postul de polilie.
- Omuciderea este cea mai
serioasa infractiune?
- Condamnarea la moarte
nu I-a speriat.
- EI a primit 0 pedeapsa lunga.
- Sunt dovezi suficiente.
- Sunt vinovali de
- Vor primi pedeapsa
- EI are vreo
- The >police-statj'll1 is next to the hotel.
- Their >beha\ lOur is very strange.
- The >munlcll'rs have been arrested.
- >Blackmcul is often profitable.
- There have been three >murders this week.
- The policeman gave him a >tieket.
- What >sentence did they get?
- Some people think >capital punishment
is useless.
>[lYeiua.l tClkn
tll IYa pali:s stcisn]
> [IZ ma"da' fYa mallst
si'! las krcl/ITI]
> [D/a deT' sentans
did nol skea' him]
> [[Yea' IZ lIlafc\'ldansj
> [hI' got a lan(g' sentans]
>1 daz hi: ft:l enlllmo:'sj
> "L k <11 got "an
fa, spi dmlg1j
> ["a t dll ill, T'lI1
a\ hal blhe/\ la']
> L-Ill [Yel get kEpit!
> [IYel 3:' giltl a\' blEkmell]
> [ iz It 11cllln hu'
> [till Ill, ofi! get a tibt]
UCtga::;11 au tost arestali.
Dovezlle sunt putine.
Pollllstul i-a intocmit un proces verbal.
I)nll oalOeni ered ca pedeapsa capitala
este t':lra rost.
There is enough evidence.
Is murder the most
serious crime?
Do they get capital
Last week I got one
for speeding.
Postul de polItIC este langa hotel.
Is it known who
the murderer was?
Do you often get a ticket?
Santalul adesea profitabil.
Ce pedt"apsa au primit?
Comportamenrullor este foarte ciudat.
He got a long sentence.
Does he feel any remorse?
What do you think
of her behaviour?
They are guilty of blackmail.
Siiptamiina aceasta au avut loc trei crime.
The death sentence
did not scare him.
They were taken
to the police-station.
Desigur, deja sa cuvintele noi in limba engleza:
Pe baza exemplelor, traduceti propozitiile care urmeaza in limba engleza:
> We aren't going to arrest this man.
> Are the police going to take them
to the police-station?
> blackmaIl
> My father is going to sell our old car.
> eVIdence
> capital punishment
> death sentence
> ticket
> sentence
> behaviour
> murderer
> Where are you going to take your children?
> I'm not going to tell you this story.
- Deseara rna uit la un film.
> remorse
> murder
> speedmg
- Is there a >death sentence for theft?
> polIce-statIOn
- >Speeding is dangerous.
Unde iti vei duce copiii?
Politia ii va duce la postul de politie?
Tata! meu va vinde noastra veche.

Nu avem de gand sa-l arestam pe acest om.

I am going to watch a film tonight.
Nu-ti voi povesti aceasta intimplare.
proces verbal de contraventie
latti 0 modalitate de exprzmare a viitorului. cu ajutorul constructiei to be going to - a avea de gand
sa. in aceastti constructie se conjugti doar verbul to be infunctie de persoanti timp (I am going to,
she is going to, they are going to, etc.). De exemplu:
post de politie
exces de viteza
pedeapsa capitalalcu moartea
crima, omucidere
Excesul de viteza este penculos.
Se condamna la moarte pentru furt?
They were going to fly to England. - Ei au avut de gand sa zboare in Anglia.
lnterogativul se formeazti prin inversiunea ordinii subiectului cu forma corespunztitoare a verbului - ..
to be. Nega!ia se formeazti prin adtiugarea la forma corespunztitoare a verbului to be a adverbului 1:::::::::1\:::-.
de nega!ie not. De exemplu: i:" .:'
Where are you going to spend your holiday? - Unde iti vei petrece concediul? it;::!::' ::
I" .
She was not going to visit us yesterday. - Ea nu a avut de gand sa ne viziteze ieri. ! .
condamnare la moarte
lata aIte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare retineti sensullor:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
relieved >lnli.vd] -
sufficient > - suficient
violent >l valalant] - violent
decent >l di:sant) - decent, cumsecade
envious (ot) >l en\'las) - invidios (pe)
gentle >[ dJentl] - bland, amabil
- Majoritatea oamenilor
sunt curnsecade.
- Hotul a spus ca era invidios
pe oamenii bogati.
- Ce persoana amabila este ea!
- El a fost cand
nu i s-a intentat proces.
- Este suficient pentru azi?
- El a fost intotdeauna
un om violent.
> decent
> gentle
> suffiCIent
> leheved
> envious (of)
> \ !Olent
- These are >decent people.
- Is there >sufficient oil?
- Be >gentle to them!
- Were you >reheved, too?
- Are they always so >vlolent?
- It's no use being >envious.
>[DZa TSJ:fsed hi: Uoz envias
3\ pi:pl]
>[hl: "oz nli:vd lien
hi: "az not proslkiu.tid)
>llz D
1s fo:' tadci]
>[ Uot a dJcntl pa:'sn IZ]
>[hi: hEz o:]Ue/z bi:n
a va/alant mEn]
>[maust a:' di:sant)
invidios (pe)

Most people are decent.
What a gentle person she is!
Este suficient ulei?
He was relieved when
he was not prosecuted.
Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
Fii amabil cu ei!
The thief said he was envious
of rich people.
Sunt intotdeauna atat de violenti?
Nu are rost sa fi invidios.
Is this sufficient for today?
He has always been
a violent man.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii:
sunt oameni decenti.
Te-ai simtit tu?
lata acum cateva verbe noi. Citili-le cu atenlie invatati semnificatia lor:
- Oricine vede holul,
trebuie sa anunle polilia.
- Orice
ai alege, te va costa
- Orice s-ar intimpla,
te voi ajuta.
- oricare, orice
- oricine, oricare
- mice
> Whichever house you buy It wJll be too small
for your fatTIlly.
> Whatever you WrIte it will be all right.
> Whoever asks me for money, 1will refuse him.
> l hu eva']
> [hu."va' SI:Z DZa Pl.f
mast tel Dca pzlli:s]
> [tlnteva' hEpnz
al "ll help IU:]
> [lJoteva']
> l a' av IYJ:z ka:'z
Ill. Z It "il kost Ill:
a lot]
Dupa pronumele relative compuse, pentru exprimarea viitorului se
timpul Simple Present.
Whoever sees the thief
must tell the police.
to accuse (of) > l tu aklU:z] - a acuza, a invinui (de)
to release > [tllJllis] - a elibera, a pune in libertate
to murder > (tu ma:'da'j - a ucide, a omori
to report > [tu JIjlO:'\] - a raporta, a anunla
to convict (of) > [\ll kanvikt] - a condamna, a declara vinovat
(pe cineva)
to punish > l tu ] - a pedepsi
to find out > [tu aut] - a constata, a descoperi
Orice scrii va fi bine.
Jar acum vom invata un alt tip de pronume - pronumele relativ compus. lata trei dintre acestea:
Traduceli propoziliile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Whichever of these cars
you choose, it will cost you
a lot.
Orice casa cumperi, va fi prea mica
pentru familia tao
Sa Ie folosim in propozilii:
Oricine imi cere bani, il voi refuza.
Whatever happens
I will help you.
Cititi eLI atentie urmatorul dialog In care apar cuvintele noi:
Did they catch the murderer? > [did IYL'l D a mil:' dara'] - L-au prins pe criminal?
- Ce pedeapsa a primit?
- Da.
- Dar dupa doua saptamani,
el a fost pus In libertate.
- Cu luni In urma,
cineva a anuntat 0 crima
la politie.
- Politia a constatat
ca altcineva a comis crima.
- Nu.
- Nu a fost vinovat?
- Dece?
- EI a fost acuzat
- EI a primit pedeapsa
cu moartea.
- He >accused me of stealing his boots.
- We >reported the theft at the police-station.
- Why have they him?
> l hat ana' Iu "I:ks
hi: "oz nli sl]
> [hal: uoz hI: pamst]
> [hI: "oz scnl,lllS; III
> ll'o,rnt hI'
> ["al]
> [hi "oz aklU:zd Fnd
> l "lks man Ps ag;iu samhodi
lIpo:'(Jd a ma:'da'
tll fYa pali:s]
> l D/a pali.s falJlld aul DiEt
sambodJ els bEd kamilld
D/a ham!]
El m-a acuzat ca i-am furat cizmele.
De ce I-au eliberat?
Noi am anuntat furtulla postul de politie.
The police found out that
somebody else had committed
the crime.
But after two weeks
he was released.
Wasn't he guilty?
How was he punished?
He was accused and
No, he wasn't.
He was sentenced to
capital punishment.
Yes, they did.
Sa exersam folosirea verbelor noi. Completati propozitiile In limba engleza cu forma verbala
Six months ago somebody
reported a murder
to the police.
Traduceti In limba romana propozitiile din text:
A: Six months ago somebody reported a murder to the police.
B: Did they catch the murderer?
A: Yes, they did. He was accused and convicted.
B: Howwas he punished?
A: He was sentenced to capital punishment. But after two weeks he was released.
B: Why? Wasn't he guilty?
A: No, he wasn't. The police found out that somebody else had committed the crime.
"I have already found out who ate my dinner."
> to report
> to convict
> to pUnish
> to find out
> to release
> The burglar would have been caught earher
If we had had a telephone then.
> The polIce don't know where thIs criminal is.
> Two pIckpockets have been arrested today.
> to accuse (of)
- He >has murdered his secretary.
- I have already >found out who ate my dinner.
- What did they >convlct him of?
> They ob\ lOusly cOlTI1mtted thIs cnme.
> to murder
- Why haven't they >punlshed them?
In final, sa verificam in ce masura ati r e u ~ i t sa retineti materialul acestei lectii:
a constata, a descoperi
Doi hoti de buzunare au fost arestati azi.
a elibera, a pune in libertate
Politia nu ~ t i e unde se afla acest criminal.
Evident, ei au comis aceasta infractiune.
De ce nu i-au pedepsit?
EI ~ i omorat secretera.
Am descoperit deja cine mi-a mancat cina.
a condamna, a declara vinovat
a raporta, a anunta
a omori, a ucide
Spargatorul ar fi fost prins mai devreme,
daca am fi avut telefon atunci.
a acuza, a invinui (de)
Pentru ce I-au condamnat?
a pedepsi
Traduceti in limba engleza verbele:
Acum urmeaza exerciliu de pronuntie. Literele din coloana, scrise accentuat,
desemneaza un sunet identic:
[e] [I: ] ['II] [i]
theft relieved fine convict
death decent crime criminal
envious thief time fish
gentle release rise thick
> Peter asked if his fnend
had been sentenced.
> His behavIour is outrageous.
> We don't have enough evidence to accuse
them of thiS robbery.
> Does thiS thief have any remorse'?
> They asked when we would prosecute her.
> How are you going to punish him?
> If you had dnven slowlier you wouldn't
have got a ticket.
> Beware of bad people!
> He got a death sentence.
> The pollce are going to take the murderer
to the pol ice-statlOll,
> Whoe\er comes hetc I wdl throw him out.
Purtarea lui este revolUitoare.
Feriti-va de oamenii rai!
EI a primit pedeapsa eu moartea.
Peter a i'ntrebat daca prietenullui
a fost condamnat.
Ei au intrehat cand yom intenta proces
impotriva ei.
Daea ai fi condus mai incet, nu ti s-ar fi intocmit
un proces verbal de contravenlie.
Acest hot are vreo
Polilia are de gand sa-l duca pe
la postul de politie.
Cum ai de gand sa-l
Oricine va veni aici, 11 voi da afara.
Nu avem suficiente dovezi sa-i acuzam
de acest jaf.
Timpul verbului se schimba conform regulii concordantei timpurilor.
Mary asked "Where is he going?". - Mary asked where he was going.
- ~ fi avut timp sa fac asta
daca imi spuneai ieri.
- Daca spargatorul nu ar fi fost prins,
noi am fi pierdut 0 multime de bani.
- Ii voi vizita azi.
- Ea nu a avut de gand sa ne viziteze
- Unde ai de gand sa-ti petreci
She was not going to visit us
I am going to visit them today.
De exemplu:
If the burglar hadn't been caught
we would have lost a lot of money.
Where are you going to spend
your holiday?
I would have had time to do it
if you had told me yesterday.
in propozitia interogativa complementara, pronumele interogativ ramane neschimbat.
De exemplu:
27.2.1. Ordinea in propozitia indirecta interogativa este identica cu aceea dintr-o propozitie
afirmati va.
27.3.1. in aceasta constructie, se schimba doar forma verbului "to be" in functie de persoana
~ timp (I am going to, she is going to, they are going to etc.). De exemplu:
27.3.2. Interogativul se formeaza prin inversiunea subiectului cu forma corespunzatoare a
verbului to be, iar negatia prin adaugarea adverbului de negatie "not" la forma
corespunzatoare a verbului "to be".
Peter asked "Did they meet her?" - Peter asked if they had met her.
27.1.1. in propozitia conditionala de tipul III conditia este ireala, nu este realizabila.
27.1.2. in propozitia conditionala introdusa de prepozitia "if" verbul este la timpul Past
Perfect, iar in propozitia subordonata apare constructia: "would +have +forma a III-a
a verbului de conjugat".
27.2.2. in cazul intrebarii decizionale (da/nu) propozitia secundara care urmeaza dupa
propozitia principala este introdusa prin prepozitia if. De exemplu:
27.1. Propozitia conditionala de tipul III (III Conditional)
27.2. Vorbirea indirecta, propozitia indirecta interogativa
27.3. Constructia "to be going to" - "a avea de gand sa":
"would not" - forma prescurtata "wouldn't"
"could not" - forma prescurtata "couldn't"
27.5. "Would, could"
- once
- Grice alegi,
te va costa mult.
- oricare, orice
- Mama mea nu ar plati pentru asta
daca nu ar avea bani.
- Nu puteau sa ne vada acolo.
- Ce ai face daca ai fi bogat?
- Ai putut pleca ieri?
- Grice s-ar intampla te voi ajuta.
- oricine, oricare
My mother wouldn't pay for this
if she hadn't money.
What would you do if you
were rich?
Could you leave yesterday?
They couldn't see us there.
Whichever of these cars you choose,
it will cost you a lot.
Whoever sees the thief must tell the police. - Gricine vede hotul, trebuie sa anunte politia.
Whatever happens I will help you.
27.5.1. Verbele "would" "could" sunt verbe auxiliare modale, de aceea propozitiile
interogative formate cu ajutorullor, implica inversiunea, de exemplu:
27.5.2. Formele lor negative sunt:
dupa pronumele relative compuse se timpul Simple Present, de obicei, ele se
refera la viitor.
27.4. Pronumele relative compuse:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. John isn't going to invite her to his house.
2. Whoever comes tell him I am not at home.
3. Peter asked who had caught the pickpocket.
4. If the police had had this information earlier, they would have found the criminal easily.
5. The prisoner asked if he had to pay a fine.
6. This outrageous brutal crime was committed by a very young man.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Spargatorul a fost arestat dupa ce a jefuit doua case.
2. De ce ai de gand sa-I declari vinovat de acest omor?
3. Daca locatarii ar fi anuntat mai devreme spargerea, ei nu ar fi pierdut totul.
4. Grice vrei sa faci, ar fi mai bine daca ai renunta.
5. Maria a intrebat cand ii vor elibera sotul.
6. Peter a intrebat daca hotului de buzunare i s-a intentat proces.
C. Alegeti cuvantul care se p o t r v ~ t in propozitie:
I. John asked who arrested.
a. is
b. was
2. The children going to play in the garden.
a. were
b. wasn't
3. . tells you this, don't think it's true.
a. whatever
b. whoever
4. If they him to capital punishment it would have been horrible.
a. had sentenced
b. sentence
lata noile cuvinte intr-o alta ordine. Fiti atenti la pronuntie retineti
corespondentul lor in limba romana:
Sa revenim la problemele legislative, dar yom studia alte teme. Daca pana
acum ne-am ocupat de expresiile legislatiei penale, in continuare yom
face cu expresii ale legislatiei civile:.
wedding > [\ledin();)] nunta
wedding-day > [\ledin();) dei] ziua nuntii
wedding-ring > ["edin();) rin(g)] verigheta
God, god > [god] Dumnezeu, divinitate
bride > [braid] mireasa
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
> celibatar
bridegroom > [braidgru:m] mire
mamage > [mEridj] casatorie
divorce > [divo:'s] divort
relatives > [relati:vz] rude
> [sa:'vis] serviciu, ceremonie
" "
bachelor > celibatar
bride > [braid] mireasa
God, god > [god] Dumnezeu, divinitate
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
servIce > [sa:rvis] serviciu, ceremonie
wedding-ring > ["edin(g) rin(gl] verigheta
divorce > [divo:rs] divort
wedding > ["edin(gl] nunta
mamage > [mEridj] casatorie
wedding-day > [cledin();) dei] ziua nuntii
relatives > [relati:vz] rude
bridegroom > [braidgru:m] mIre
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- Ceremonia a fost impresionanta.
- Au fost acolo toate rudele tale?
- Mireasa a intfirziat.
- Cand va avea loc nunta lor?
- El a cumparat verighete
- Doamne, ajuta-ma!
- Ei spun ca mariajul va dura
o v e ~ n i i e
- Mirele este foarte inalt.
- Cfiti invitati au fost acolo?
- Sunt multe divorturi
in fiecare an.
- Ce nunta minunata
a fost!
- Acest barbat este celibatar.
"The bridegroom is very tall."
>["a .' 0.1 io:' rclati.vz IYea']
>[hau meni gests "a.' D/ea']
>[DZIS mEn iz a bEt::;ala']
>[god help mi:]
>[D1a braidgru:m lZ ven to:l]
>["ot a hlU:td1tl"edin(g)
DIEt "oz]
>[hl: bo:t lkspensiv
din(g) rin(glz]
> ["en iz Dlel' UeulIllgl dei]
>[ D/ci sci mEnu] iz
>[D/3 sa:'vis "oz lmpreslv]
>[DZa braid U oz leit]
>[ Olea' a
mcni divo:'SIZ
evn la']
Were all your relatives there?
He bought expensive
When is their wedding-day?
How many guests were there?
God, help me!
The service was impressive.
What a beautiful wedding
that was!
There are many divorces
every year.
The bride was late.
The bridegroom is very tall.
They say marriage
is forever.
This man is a bachelor.
Sa revenim la pronumele relative.
Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza, pentru a Ie retine cat mai bine:
> bndegroom
> di\ orce
> guest
> weddl11g-ring
> bnde
> sen Ice
> God
> relatIves
> wedding-day
> wedding
> bachelor
> marnage
- I'm glad I'm a> bachelor
- He said he would never forget his
- They were late for the>service.
- Were you one of the >
- How long has the> bndeknown him?
- The> bndegroomis my brother.
- Everybody talked about their >divorce.
- I know there is > God
- > Marriage is not for me.
- I will not be at their >wedding.
- Have you bought the> wedding-rings yet?
- The> bride and the> bndegroomhave
serviciu, ceremonie
ruda, rude
Pronumele relative aflate la inceputul propozitiilor relative restrictive, pot fi omise in anumite
ziua nuntii
Au intarziat la ceremonie.
El a spus ca nu va uita niciodata
ziua nuntii sale.
De cat timp 11 cuno$tea mireasa?
Ai cumparat deja verighetele?
Mirele este fratele meu.
lata un alt exercitiu: completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Casatoria nu este pentru mine.
Nu voi fi acolo la nunta lor.
ca exista Dumnezeu.
Mireasa $i mirele au putine rude.
Ma bucur ca sunt celibatar.
Toata lumea a vorbit despre divortullor.
Ai fost unul dintre musafiri?
Is the car (which) you drove yesterday expensive? - Este scumpa pe care ai condus-o ieri?
Traduceti in limba engleza frazele care contm propozitii secundare relative. Daca este cazul, omiteti
pronumele relative, conform regulii anterioare:
- religios
- fericit
>The car J bought last week
IS \ ery fast.
- incredibil
- necasatorit, celibatar
- enorm,
>These people. whom I have known for a long
time, were fired yesterday.
>The woman who IS walkmg there is
my father's sIster
>The potatoes we have dug are small.
> The house wc have built is not very high.
>This chair, which IS VClY old,
IS not for sale.
> The policeman that arrested the criminal
said that It hadn't been easy.
> Where have you bought the suit
you are weanng')
- Nu pierde biletul pe care ti I-a dat.
- pe care a auzit-o, a fost foarte proasta.
- Oamenii pe care i-am vizitat, au fost
foarte draguti cu mine.
- Iti place cartea pe care ai citit-o?
> [singl]
> [mkrBdl bal]
> [nlidJas]
Don't lose the ticket (which) he has given to you.
lata acum cateva cuvinte noi:
De exemplu:
Unde ai cumparat costumul
pe care tocmai il porti?
pe care am cumparat-o saptamana trecuta,
este foarte rapida.
Cartofii pe care i-am scos, sunt mici.
oameni pe care ii cunosc demult,
au fost concediati ieri.
Casa pe care am construit-o nu este foarte inalta.
Do you like the book (that) you have read?
Acest scaun, care este foarte vechi,
nu este de vanzare.
The people (whom) I visited were
very nice to me.
The news (which) we heard was very bad.
care se plimba acolo,
este sora tatalui meu.
Politistul care I-a arestat pe infractor,
a spus ca nu a fost
Cititi unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza in care am folosit cuvintele noi:
Ati desigur, sa retineti cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
- oameni sunt
- inca necasatorit?
- Ei vor locui intr-o
casa enonna.
- Divortul lor este incredibil.
- De cfmd sunt logoditi?
- A fost cea mai fericita zi
din viata lor.
> religious
> single
> mcredible
> happy
> engaged
> enormous
- They have been >engaged for only
a short time.
- Were you >happy?
- This is an >enormous garden.
- It is >incredible that he is already here.
- She said that she wanted to stay >single
- Are these people >rehgious?
>[sms lien hEy DZei
bi:n mgeldjd]
> [D'ei a:' gaum(g) tu Iiv
in an ino"mas haus]
>[It "oz DZa hEpiast del
a\' D/ei' lalvz]
>[a:' Ill: stll singl]
> [D/t:z pi:pl a:'
\en rilidjas]
>[D'd divo:'s iz inkredlbal]
Sa revenim la vorbirea indirecta:
1. Propozi{ii condi!ionale
necasatorit, celibatar
Ea a spus ca vrea sa ramana necasatorita.
Aceasta este 0 gradina imensa.
Este incredibil ca el este deja aici.
Smce when have they
been engaged?
Ai fost fericit?
Are you still single?
Ei au fost logoditi doar pentru
scurt timp.
in cazul vorbirii indirecte In propozi!ia condi!ionald de tipull, timpul verbului se schimbii
conform regulii de concordan{ii a timpurilor (timpul prezent se schimba In timp trecut):
Sunt oameni?
Their divorce is incredible.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele noi:
These people are
very religious.
They are going to live
in an enonnous house.
It was the happiest day
of their lives.
Pe baza regulilor enuntate anterior, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Mama mea a spus ca daca ar vrea sa mearga acolo, - My mother Said that if she wanted to go there
s-ar duce. she would go
sworn >[s"o:'n]
- a se casatori (cu), a se insura
forma a III-a
- a fi prezent, a frecventa
- a crede
- ajura
- a divorta
- Peter said he wished he had a house.
- Peter said that if he had time he would
go to the cinema.
- Mary said it was time she went home.
- John said that if he were me he would not
do it.
- it was time
- I wished
- Peter said that If he had enough money
he \\ould lend me some.
- John said that If he had marned Mary
then he \\ollid have been happy.
- Mary told me that It W<lS time I len hIm.
- Joan said she Wished she were richer.
- Mary said that if she had had the money
earlier she would have paid for the car.
>[tu bIli.v]
> [tu mEriJ
forma a II-a
>[tLl divo:'s]
swore> f SuO"]
> l tu atcnd]
> [tu sUea']
it is time
I wish
Peter said "If I have time I will
go to the cinema".
Mary said "If I had had the money earlier
I would have paid for the car."
Mary said "It's time I went home."
Peter said "I wish I had a house."
John said "If I were you I would not
do it."
Verbul "to swear" este neregulat. Formele sale sunt:
2. Expresii dupd care Propozifia secundard trece la timpul Simple Past. in urmdtoarele expresii
se schimbd timpul verbului:
in cazul propozifiilor condifionale de tipulII III, timpul verbului rdmiine neschimbat, de
to swear
to believe
Timpul verbului din propozifiile secundare care urmeazddupd aceste expresii, nu se schimbd.
latd doud exemple:
John a spus ca daca s-ar fi insurat cu Mary,
atunci ar fi fost fericit.
to marry
Peter a spus ca daca ar avea bani destui,
m-ar imprumuta pe mine.
Joan a spus ca ar vrea sa fie mai bogata.
Mary mi-a spus ca este timpul sa il parasesc.
Sa invatam inca eateva verbe:
to attend
to divorce
Pentru a retine verbele noi, traduceti in limba engleza:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza eu forma verbala corespunzatoare:
Cititi eu atentie dialogul urmator in care apar ~ i verbele noi:
- Jur ca este adevarat.
- Dar s-a easatorit eu el acum
un an.
- ~ t i i ca Joan
divorteaza de sotul ei?
- ~ t i u Am participat
la nunta.
- Oh, nul Nu pot sa cred!
- ~ t i sigur?
- Aceasta veste este groaznica.
- Am crezut ca erau
fericiti impreuna.
> 10 many
> to dlvorce
> to believe
> to attend
> to swear
- How many people> attended the wedding?
- They have always> believed in God.
- Whom have you> marned?
- Can you> swear that it is true?
- They have been > divorced for many years.
> [du ill: nOll O'Et djoun
1Z giiuin
tu divo:' s
ha:' halbimd]
> [ill TSo:t D/ei Ua:'
hEp! tageDZa']
> [al nou al iitendld
IYa uedm
> [D'lS nru:z IZ 0.f1]
> [ou nOll ai ka:nt hili:v it]
> [a' Ill: )ua']
> [bat Zil. mErid him
a iia' agou]
> [ai SUear lts trll:]
a fi prezent/de fata la, a participa la
a divorta
a crede
a se casatori, a se insura sau a se marita
Cu cine te-ai casatorit?
Ei au erezut intotdeauna in Dumnezeu.
Au divortat cu multi ani in urma.
Poti sa juri ca este adevarat?
Ciiti oameni au fost prezenti la nunta?
I thought they were
happy together.
I swear it's true.
Are you sure?
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
I know. I attended
the wedding.
This news is awful.
But she married him
a year ago!
Do you know that Joan
is going to divorce
her husband?
Oh, no! I can't believe it!
A: Do you know that Joan is going to divorce her husband?
B: Oh, no! I can't believe it! Are you sure?
A: I swear it's true.
B: But she married him a year ago!
A: I know. I attended the wedding.
B: This news is awful. I thought they were happy together.
> The man they have arrested
has not confessed yet.
- Ai putea deschide geamul?
- ~ t i atat de amabil) Poli sa-mi dai pUlin ceai?
> The bachelor she talked about
was one of my relatIves.
> Would you buy me the tickets?
> Would you clean your room?
> Could you look at my letter?
> The weddIng-day was Incredibly hot.
> They would have convicted the pnsoner
If there had been more eVidence.
> Could you forget these words?
> Would you lend me your books?
~ t i atat de amabil sa-mi cumperi biletele?
lata ciiteva exemple:
Would you give me some tea?
~ t i atat de amabil sa-mi imprumuli carlile tale?
"The wedding-day was incredibly hot."
Ai putea sa te uili la scrisoarea mea?
In exerciliul urmator, vom recapitula materia acestei leclii. Daca nu intampinali dificultali, inseamna
ca puteli trece la partea a doua a lecliei 28. Traduceli in limba engleza:
Ai putea sa uili aceste cuvinte?
In ziua nunlii a fost incredibil de cald.
Traduceli propoziliile urmatoare in limba engleza folosind aceste doua verbe auxiliare:
Vrei sa faci curat in camera?
L-ar fi condarnnat pe prizonier,
daca ar fi fost mai multe dovezi.
Could you open the window?
Celibatarul despre care a vorbit ea,
a fost una dintre rudele mele.
Omul care a fost arestat,
nu a marturisit inca.
lata doua cazuri in care se utilizeaza verbele auxihare could ~ i would.
In incheiere, urmeaza exercitiu de pronuntie. Cititi cu atentie urmatoarele cuvinte:
[E] [e] [0:] [ei]
happy wedding divorce engaged
marriage guest com outrageous
bachelor relatives enormous rate
man men dawn late
hat when sworn gave
> There have been many services this week.
> I am not going to marry him.
> The bridegroom has known the bride
for a very long tunc.
> Why has he sworn to stay smgle?
> The wedding-rings we were shown
were outrageously expensive.
> She is not the happy woman
she was on her wedding-day.
> She is the most beautiful bride
I have ever seen.
> The books which are on the table are yours.
EI de ce a jurat sa ramana celibatar?
Au fost multe ceremonii saptamana aceasta.
Nu rna voi marita cu eL
Car\ile care se afla pe masa sunt ale tale.
Ea este cea mai frumoasa mireasa
pe care am vazut-o vreodata.
Ea nu este acea femeie fericita
din ziua nuntii sale.
Verighetele pe care ni Ie-au aratat,
erau revoltator de scumpe.
Mirele 0 pe mireasa
de mult timp.
Urmeaza ultimul exercitiu de traducere al acestei lectii:
Aceasta parte a lectiei incepe cu un dialog. Fiti atenti la pronuntia cuvintelor ~ silabelor accentuate:
> He said that he would not feel safe
tIll the murderer was arrested.
> Many brutal murders were committed
that month.
> It was rainmg when we were going to tbe
police-statIOn to report the burglary.
> If I had had tune I would have attended
the service.
> 1 he man who was released was
obviously mnocent.
> The crime he was accused of was
a violent one.
> lie is not the man he was when
we first met.
Of course there are happier things to talk about than crime, such as weddings.
Yes, just tell me please who isn't happy himself when he sees other people happy on their
Even if you prefer to stay single you can imagine that this is a day they will never forget.
We must hope that life will always bring us more to be happy about than to be sad about.
Speaking about crime you know that people have always said that crime doesn't pay.
But in some countries crime seems to be profitable because the criminals are not sufficiently
I agree, and if a prisoner is convicted of a crime, he often doesn't have to go to prison for
a long time.
How true it is. They say this is because the criminal didn't know what he was doing when
he commited the crime. Don't ask me how they know.
And if a prisoner's behaviour is good he is released.
I think the only thing we can do to change this situation is to punish the people who don't
want to punish the criminals.
Anul in care recolta s-a distrus, a fost prea secetos. > The year our crop failed, was too dry.
EI a spus ca nu se va simti in siguranta,
pana cand criminalul nu va fi arestat.
Daca ~ fi avut timp, ~ fi fost prezent
la ceremonie.
EI nu este omul care era cand ne-am intalnit
prima data.
Omul care a fost eliberat a fost
evident nevinovat.
Ploua cand ne-am dus la postul de poIitie
ca sa anuntam spargerea.
In luna aceea au fost comise multe
crime brutale.
Crima de care el a fost acuzat, a fost
una violenta.
Crezi ca e vinovat?
Nu vreau platesc amenda pentm ca
sunt nevinovat.
$antajul este infraqiune profitabila.
Acest avion este
L-am intrebat daca oamenii sunt
intotdeauna amabili.
Ea a spus ca nu I-a vawt
de la divort.
A fura este 'impotriva legii.
Saptamana viitoare participam la 0 nunta.
vreau sa fiu din nou celibatar.
Grice faCl, nu-i da drumul.
Aceasta poate fi folosita ca dovada.
Cat de nevinovat parea
sigur ca hotul se ascunde
prin imprejurimi?
> Do you lhll1k he IS gUIlty?
> I don't \\ ant to pay tht' fine because
I am Il1l10cent.
> BlackmaIl is a \ ery prolitable crnne.
> rhls plane IS enOIIIlOllS.
> I asked him If I ellglou" people were
always gentle.
> She saId she had not seen h1111
since the dIvorce.
> Stealing IS agamsl the law.
> We ,Ire attendmg a \\ eddlng next week.
> I WIsh I were a bachelor agam.
> Whatever you do, dOll't release hun.
> ThIS can be used as e\ Idence.
> 'low innocent the murderer looked!
> Are you sure the thief IS hichng
JIl the sUllOlIlldings')
Peter said "I wish I had a house". - Peter said he wished he had a house.
Mary said "It's time I went home". - Mary said it was time she went home.
- Iti place cartea
pe care ai citit-o?
- Oamenii pe care i-am vizitat au fost
foarte draguti cu mine.
- Nu pierde biletul
pe care ti I-a dat.
- John said that if he were me
he would not do it.
- Peter said that if he had time he would go
to the cinema.
- it was time
- Mary said that if she had had the money
earlier she would have paid for the car.
- Ai putea deschide geamul?
- Poti sa-mi dai putin ceai?
- I wished
Peter said "lfI have time I will go
to the cinema".
it is time
I wish
John said "IfI were you
I would not do it".
Mary said "If I had had the money
earlier I would have paid for the car".
Don't lose the ticket (which)
he has given to you.
Would you give me some tea?
28.2.2. Timpul urmatoarelor expresii se schimba conform regulii de concordanta a timpurilor:
In cazul propozitiei conditionale de tipul II III timpul verbului ramane neschimbat:
In schimb in vorbirea indirecta timpul verbului din propozitia secundara, care urmeaza
dupa aceste expresii nu se schimba. De exemplu:
In cazul folosirii vorbirii indirecte In propozitia conditionala de tipul I, timpul
verbulului se schimba conform regulii de concordanta a timpurilor (din timpul prezent
trece la timpul trecut):
The people (whom) I visited were
very nice to me.
Could you open the window?
28.2.1. Propozitia conditionala
Do you like the book (that)
you have read?
28.2. Vorbirea indirecta
28.1. Pronumele relative compuse aflate la Inceputul propozitiilor relative restrictive pot fi omise
In anumite cazuri. Exemple:
28.3. Folosirea verbelor auxiliare modale "could" "would":
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozi1ii in limba romana:
I. The man I met then was divorced.
2. I said that if I were a teacher, I would teach English.
3. The bride wished the service were shorter.
4. Could you tell me )fthey are happy?
5. He told me that ifhe had not bought the wedding-rings earlier, he would not have had
money then.
6. I wanted to attend the wedding but I was late for the train.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozi1ii in limba engleza:
1. EI presupune ca este timpul sa incepi lucrul.
2. Ai cina cu mine? atat de amabil sa cinezi cu mine?)
3. Cine a spus ca daca fi mai tanara, m-ar lua de nevasta?
4. Casa pe care am vazut-o atunci era prea scumpa pentru mine.
5. L-ai putea ruga pe mire sa aduca florile?
6. Ea a spus ca vrea sa fie necasatorita.
C. Corecta1i din urmatoarele propozi1ii:
1. The house has just been bought is large.
2. Could they to swear it's true?
3. He said it is time he leaves.
4. She told me that if she divorces her husband she will be happy.
5. Would you opened the window?
, ,
to a. 'euse (ot)
> [tLi aklU:Z] - a acuza, a invinui (de)
> [agenst] - impotriva, (in) contra
to al resl
> [tLi arest] - a aresta
to attend
> [tLi atend]
- a fi prezent/de faFi la, a participa
- celibatar
> [blhelvla
- purtare, comportament
to belil'\ e
> [tLi bi!i:v] - a crede (in)
to bewan: (of)
> [tublllea']
- a se feri, a se pazi (de)
> [blEkmeiJ]
> [braid] - mireasa
> [braldgru:m] - mire
> [bru:tl] - brutal, violent
> [ba:
gla'] - spargator
> [ba:'glan] - furt cu spargere
> [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitaHi/cu moartea
to commit
> [Iu kamit] - a comite
to conft'ss
> [Iu kanfes] - a marturisi, a
to convict (of)
> [tLi kanvikt] - a condamna, a declara vinovat
(pe cineva)
> [kraim] - infractiune
> [krimml] - criminal
> [del"] - moarte
death sentence > [del" sentiins] - condamnare la moarte
> [di:sant] - decent
> [divo:rs]
- divort
to divorce
> [tu dlVO:rS]
- a divorta
> [mgeidjd]
- logodit
> [mo:'mas]
- enorm, colosal
envious (of)
> [envlas] - invidios (pe)
> [evldans]
- dovada, marturie
> [fam]
- amenda, penalizare
to find out
> [tu fallld aut]
- a constata, a descoperi, a afla
gentle > [dJentl] bland, amabil
God, god > [god] DUlllnezeu, divinitate
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
guilty > [gilti] - Vlllovat
happy > [hEpi] - fericit
incredible > [inkredibal] - incredibil
innocent > [inasant] - inocent, nevinovat
law > [lo:J - lege
to look > [tu lukJ - a privi, a arata cumva (bIDe l'll
marriage > [mEnd)] - casatorie
to marry > [tu mEnJ - a se casatori, a se insura
murder > [ma:'da'] - crima, omucidere
to murder > [tu mao' da'] - a ucide, a omori
murderer > [ma:'dara'j - criminal, asasin,
obviously > [obvlaslJ ] - (in mod) evident
outrageous > [autretdJas] - imoral
pickpocket > [pikpokit] - hot de buzunare
police > [pali:s] - politie
police-station > [pali:s - post sau comisariat de politie
prisoner > [prizana'] - prizonier, detinut
to prosecute > [tu proslklll:t] - a institui/a intenta (un) proces
to punish > [tu - a pedepsi
relatives > [relati: vz] - ruda, rude
to release > [turili:s] - a elibera, a pune in libertate,
a-i da drumul
relieved > [rili:vd] -
religious > [rilidjas] - religios
remorse > [rimo:fs] - mustrare de
to report > [tu npo:ft] - a raporta, a anunta
to rob > [tu rob] - ajefui, a prada (de), a fura
robbery > [robari] - jaf, furt
sentence > [sentans] - sentinta
to sentence (to) > [tu sentans] - a condamna
service > [sa:'vis] - serviciu, ceremonie
> - hot de magazine
single > [sing!]
- necasatorit, celibatar
speeding > [
- exces de viteza
> - suficient, indestuHHor
to swear > [tll sUeaf]
- ajura
> [T'efl] - furt
thief, thieves > [T'i:fJ[T'i:vz]
- hot, hoti
ticket > [tikI!]
- bilet, proces verbal
(de contraventie)
violent > [vaialant] - violent
wedding > [Ucdm(g)]
- nunta, cununie

wedding-day > [Uedm
) dei]
- ziua nuntii
wedding-ring > [Uedm
) rin
- verigheHi
whatever > [Uoteva
- oricare, orice, indiferent de
whichever > a
] - oricare
whoever > [hu:e\ a
] - oncme
b. in propozitiile negative, formele acestor verbe sunt:
4. Folosirea verbelor auxiliare modale could would:
a. propozitiile interogative se formeaza prin inversarea subieetului eu verbul auxiliar modal:
- Nu spune adevaruI daea
nu avea incredere in tine.
- Filmul a fost eaptivant.
- Ea nu-mi va spune, daea n-o intreb.
- Nu am putut veni pentru ea am fost ocupat.
- Daca nu faei 0
va fi in regula.
- Este 0 munca istovitoare.
- Du-te la
- Sunteti at<1t de amabil (incat)
sa rna ajutati?
- Incetati sa beti!
- Ai putea sa-mi imprumuti bani?
- Dueeti-va (mergeti) la
- Inceteaza sa bei!
I couldn't come because I was busy.
Would not - forma prescurtata wouldn't
1wouldn't tell you the truth if
I didn't trust you.
Could not - forma prescurtata couldn't
Could you lend me some money?
Would you be so kind
to help me?
This is tiring work.
Go to school!
The film was exciting.
If you don't make a mistake
it will be all right.
She won't tell me if I don't ask.
Stop drinking!
I. Participiul Prezent:
2. Modul imperativ:
3. Propozitia conditionalii de tipul I:
lata-Ie aCllm in alta ordine:
Prima parte a leqiei se refera la trecerea timpului. Cititi cu voce tare noile
cuvinte retineti traducerea lor in limba romana:
past > [pa:st] - trecut
noon > [nu:n] - amiaza, miezul zilei
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
the day before > l Dfa dei bifo:' - alaltaieri
yesterday iestil'dei]
fortnight > [ fo:'tnait] - doua saptamani
moment > [maum,jnt] - moment, clipa
future > - viitor
the day after > [D/a dei a:fta' - poimaine
tomorrow tall1orau]
midnight > [midnait] - miezul noptii
weekday > ["i:kelci] - zi lucratoare
century > l sent-;;ari] - seeol
leap-year > [li:p id] - an bisect
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
moment > [maumimt] - moment, clipa
midnight > [ midnait] - miezul noptii
noon > [nu:n] - amiaza, miezul zilei
fortnight > [ fo:'tnait] - doua saptamani
weekday > l ui:kdci] - zi lucratoare
leap-year > [li:p iia'] - an bisect l'
century > [sent-;;ari] - seeol
the day before > [D/a dei bifo:' - alaltaieri
yesterday iesta'dei]
the day after > [ D/a dei a: fta' - poimaine
tomorrow tfll110raU]
past > [pa:st] - treeut
future > [ - vii tor
Acum vom folosi cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
In continuare completati propozitiile cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
- A >momcnt, please.
- pana poimaine!
- Acesta este secolul xx.
- Anul acesta este un an bisect.
- Imi place sa citesc
despre trecut.
- Ce ne va aduce viitorul?
- Ea a murit aCllm doua
- Lunea este 0 zi lucratoare.
- Ne-am intiilnit alaltaieri.
- Care este anotimpul
care iti place eel mai mult?
- 0 clipa!
- Ei au venit dupa miezul noptii.
- Yoi fi acolo la amiaza.
- I never go to bed before
- They will marry the >clay after tomolTo\\'.
- The twenty-first >century will start
- The accident happened the >day
before yesterday.
- Summer is the hottest >season
of the year.
- We don't know anything about
the >fllture.
- It was raining at >noon.
- Why are there >Ieap-years?
- Everything was better in the >past.
- Do you work on all >wcekdays?
- They are leaving in a >fortnight.
> ["i: mct (Ya clci biro:
> [ai lalk rLcl1l1
aballt IYa pa:st]
> ["eit a mallmant]
> child a [o:'tnait agiiu]
> [IYcl kcnl1 a:fta' midnait]
> [ail bi: D/ea
Et nu:n]
> IZ D'a sLzn
Ill: 1al k best]
> [D/is iz lYa t"entiaT'
> ["etl til D/a dci a:tta'
> [liat "il D/a
> [mandel IZ a "/:kdc/]
> [IYis /la' iz a li:r ii'l']
o clipa, va rog.
Luerezi in fiecare zi lucratoare?
Yor pleca peste doua saptamani.
Nu nimic despre viitor.
Ei se vor casatori poimaine.
Secolul douazeei unu va incepe
in cudind.
We met the day before
Wait till the day after
She died a fortnight ago.
Which is the season
you like best?
La amiaza ploua.
Yara este anotimpul eel mai fierbinte
al anului.
They came after midnight.
I'll be there at noon.
Wait a moment.
De ce exista ani bisecti?
Toate erau mai bune in trecut.
Nu ma culc niciodata inainte
de miezul noptii.
Accidentul a avut loc alaltaieri.
Monday is a weekday.
This year is a leap-year.
This is the twentieth
I like reading
about the past.
What will the future
bring us?
lata cateva exemple in care am utilizat participiul prezent:
lar acum traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele:
- Cand am deschis am vazut
copiii in camera.
- Daca-i concediaza pe oameni,
ei vor face 0
- Deschizand i-am vazut pe copii
in camera.
- Cand am intrat in camera I-am vazut
- lntrand in camera I-am vazut la masa.
- Concediind oameni ei vor face
> leap-year
> moment
> the day before yesterday
> noon
> past
> weekday
> future
> fortlllght
> ITIldnight
> century
> season
> the day after tomorrow
Firing these people, they will make
a mistake.
Opening the door, I saw the children
in the room.
Entering the room, I saw him at the table.
When I opened the door, 1saw
the children in the room.
If they fire these people, they will make
a mistake.
Pentru prescurtarea propozitiei subordonate, partea de propozitie scrisa accentuat se cu
participiul -ing:
zi lucratoare
When I entered the room, I saw him
at the table.
in exemplele de mai sus afi observat, desiguy, cii atat propozifia subordonatii, in care apare forma
de participiu prezent entering, cat propozitia principalii care contine verbul saw, au
subiect, pronumele I.
Participiul prezent se traduce in limba romtinii prin gerunziu.
miezul noptii
doua saptamani
an bisect
in continuare yom prezenta utilizarea participiului -ing.
Participiul-ing in limba englezii se frecvent in propozitii asemiiniitoare exemplelor de mai
Acum urmeaza un grup de cuvinte noi, care se refera tot la timp:
"Being poor, John couldn't buy a new shirt for himself."
- intr-o zi
- in viitor
- prescurtare de la antemeridian,
inainte de pranz
- prescurtare de la postmeridian,
dupa amiaza
- altadata, odinioara
- >Driving home, he heard the news
on the radio.
- >Standmg on the mountain, we could
see the sea.
- >Waiting for the bus, she saw that
there was a lot of traffic.
- >Rcading the letter, I couldn't
believe my eyes.
- >Being poor, John couldn't buy a new
shirt for himself.
- >Looking through the window, Mark
saw them.
- >Listening to the music, he forgot
the time.
- >Seeing the room, Anne said it wasn't
large enough.
>["an deIJ
> [1'o:'ma'1IJ
> [clemJ
> [Ill (D/a) fiu:tsa'J
> [pi:emJ
one day
in (the) future
Uitandu-se pe geam, Mark
i-a vazut.
Acum alcatuiti constructii asemanatoare celor prezentate anterior completati cu ele propozitiile in
limba engleza:
De pe munte se vedea
Citind scrisoarea, nu-mi venea
sa-mi cred ochilor.
Fiind sarac, John nu putut cumpara 0
autobuzul, ea a vazut
cat de intens este traficul.
Conducand spre casa, el a auzit
la radio.
Vazand camera, Anne a spus ca
nu este destul de mare.
Ascultand muzica, el a uitat
de timp.
lata cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
Iar aeum sa exersam euvintele noi. Completati propozitiile urmatoare:
- Imi amintesc.
- Intr-adevar.
- Oa, in viitor,
dar nu aeum.
- Oa, este.
- Cred ca altadata
nu aveam mult de lucru.
- Sper ea intr-o zi sa
pot sa merg in concediu.
- Dar in ultima vreme s-a schimbat.
- La noua dimineata
yeti avea 0
cu administratia.
- Azi aveti multe
de Iacut intre
- la opt seara iau
cina cu Peter.
- Ce am de Iacut azi, Jane?
- >Onc dayyou will understand me.
- She will have to write all letters > III thc future.
- > Formcrlythere were not many cars.
- At 6 > p.m. the shops are closed.
- Work starts at 8 > a m.
> llcS III IYa
bat not n:lu]
> l bat Its ri:sntlI]
> [al nmemba']
> [tadel IU: hE\ a lot tu duo
blt"i:n D/ a l1li.tll1
End dina']
> [/CS DIEts ra/t]
> [al haup <II kEn hE\
a holidel "an dei]
> [nau IU: didnt]
> l t nam clem IU: hEv
a "lDI
D/a mEnldJl1lant]
> [\lot du al hEy
tu du. tadel dJcm]
> [End Et cit pl:em al hEv
dina' \lIlY pi:ta']
> [ai T'inlg1k al didnt hEv
"ark fo:
Intr-o zi rna vei intelege.
inainte nu erau multe
La seara magazineIe sunt inchise.
Luerul incepe la opt dimineata.
In viitor ea va trebui sa serie toate serisorile.
Yes, that's right.
Today you have a lot to do
between the meeting
and dinner.
Yes, in the future,
but not now.
No, you didn't.
I think I didn't have
much work formerly.
I hope I can have
a holiday one day.
But it's changed recently.
And at eight p.m. I have
dinner with Peter.
Sa exersam fiecare propozitie in parte. Atentie la pronuntie:
At nine a.m. you have
a meeting with
the management.
What do I have
to do today, Jane?
I remember.
A: What do I have to do today, Jane?
B: At nine a.m. you have a meeting with the management.
A: I remember. And at eight p.m. I have dinner with Peter.
B: Yes, that's right. Today you have a lot to do between the meeting and dinner.
A: I think I didn't have much work formerly.
B: No, you didn't. But it's changed recently.
A: I hope I can have a holiday one day.
B: Yes, in the future, but not now.
Urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti cuvintele In limba engleza:
a aparea, a se i n t a t i ~ a a se vedea
leapt >[leptJ
forma a III-a
a descrie, a prezenta
a sari, a salta
a disparea
a ingropa, a inmormanta
> Let them come here'
> Let hun forget about it fast'
> Let's ha\'e dll1ner at home today!
> Let me see It!
> fonnerly
> in (the) future
> one day
- Samergem!
> a.m.
- Lasa-ma sa 0 citesc!
- Las-o sa ia m a ~ i n a
- Lasa-i sa ne invite!
> p.m.
- Lasa-ne sa terminam acum!
>[tu ben]
>[tu dlskralb]
leapt >llcpt]
>[tu apia']
>[tu It:pj
>[tu dlsapia']
forma a II-a
Let's go!
Fonna contrasa a lui "let us" este "Iet's" [lets], de exemplu:
forma I
Verbul to leap este un verb neregulat. lata formeIe sale:
to describe
to disappear
to appear
to leap
to bury
lata cateva verbe noi:
Lasa-ma sa rna uit!
Lasa-i sa vina aici!
Let them invite us!
Inainte de pranz
Let her take the car!
Lasa-l sa uite asta repede!
Let us finish it now!
in viitor
Sa utilizam regulile Invatate anterior In unnatorul exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti propozitiile in
limba engleza:
dupa pranz
Sa cinam azi acasa!
Let me read it!
Intr-o zi
La celelalte persoane, atat la singular cat ~ i la plural, pentru formarea imperativului se folose$te
verbullet [let] - a permite, a ingadui, a lasa. De exemplu:
altadata, odinioara
in lecriile anterioare am studiat imperativulla persoana a II-a singular # plural.
I. Denumiri/e ani/or din trei cifre se citesc dupii cum urmeazii:
Dati echivalentul in limba engleza pentru urmatoarele verbe:
- Copiii au sarit peste

- Unde I-au ingropat?
- Ea a descris hotul
- Hotul de magazine a disparut.
- a aparut
dupa colt.
> to disappear
> to describe
> to appear
>to leap
- twenty hundred ("douazeci de sute")
- seventeen hundred sute")
- nine hundred and sixty-six
- >Leaping you can break your leg.
> to burry
- five hundred and thirty-seven
- The aeroplanes >appeared in the distance.
- When will he >appear again?
- When will these people >be buried?
- Can you >describe the burglar?
- The sun >has disappeared behind the clouds.
> diskralbd D/a T'i:f
tu DZa pali:smEn]
> [D/a [ept akros

> [D'a dlsapia'd]
> ["ea' hEy D'ei berid him]
> [D'a ka:' apia'd bihamd
D/a ko:'na']
Daca sari poti sa-ti rupi piciorul.
a disparea
Poti sa descrii spargatorul?
a sari
a descrie
2. Denumiri/e ani/or formali din patru cifre, dintre care ultimele douii sunt zero, sunt citite ca
multiplu de sute:
a ingropa, a inmormanta
a aparea, a se
Avioanele au aparut in departare.
Where have they buried him?
Soarele a disparut in spatele norilor.
Cand vor fi inmormantati oameni?
Am inviifat deja cum se scriu se citesc datele in limba englezii. Acum vom inviila cum se citesc anii:
The children leapt across
the ditch.
Acum urmariti folosirea verbelor noi in propozitii:
The car appeared behind
the corner.
She described the thief
to the policeman.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu verbele corespunzatoare:
The shoplifter disappeared.
Oind va aparea din nou?
lar acum traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
4. DacG a treia cifrG este 0 - zero, acesta se ca $i oh[au] :
lata cateva exemple de propozitii in care am folosit anii:
> This house was built in eighteen hundred.
> In mnetcen ninety-nme I will finish school.
> Going to school the day before yesterday,
1 stopped near this shop.
> Is summer the nicest season?
> It happened in seven hundred and fifty-three.
> Let's try to meet at noon.
> Formerly there weren't many towns.
- nineteen ninety-five ("nouasprezece nouazeci
- eighteen oh six ("optsprezece zero
- nineteen sixty-one ("nouasprezece
> [t will be nineteen ninety-nine in a fortnight.
> I \\ anted to tell him something but
he disappeared.
> Entcllng the house, he switched on the light.
Aceasta casa a fost construita in 1800.
3. Celelalte numere din patru cifre se impart in dOUG grupuri sunt citite ca dOUG numere de cate
dOUG cifre:
Alaltaieri, mergand la
m-am oprit langa acest magazin.
Odinioara nu erau multe
Peste doua saptamani va fi 1999.
in ultimul exercitiu al lectiei yom recapitula cele invatate pana acum. Traduceti propozitiile in
limba engleza:
Sa incercam sa ne intalnim la pranz.
lntrand in casa, el a aprins lumina.
Vara este eel mai frumos anotimp?
in 1999 voi termina
Our teacher was born in 1961 (nineteen sixty-one). - Profesorul nostru s-a nascut in 1961.
Am vrut sa-i spun ceva, dar el a disparut.
S-a intimplat in 753.
1 lived in England in 1953 (nineteen fifty-three). - in 1953 am stat in Anglia.
lata un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu atentie urmariti traducerea
in limba romiina:
absence > [Ebsans] - absenta, !ipsa
birthday > [ba:'Tsdei] - zi de
delay > l dilei] - intarziere, amanare
display > [displei] - etalare, expunere,
number > [namba'] - numar
occasIOn > [ake(jan] - ocazle
opportunity > [opa'Uu:niti] - prilej favorabil, moment
patience > - rabdare
presence > [prezans] - prezenta
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
trip > [trip] - excursie, calatorie,
word > [ua:rd]
- cuviint
Exersati cuvintele in alta ordine:
patience > - rabdare
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
delay > [dileiJ - intarziere, amiinare
presence > [prezans] - prezenFi
occasion > [akeij,ln] - ocazle
trip > [trip] - excursie, calatorie,
birthday > [ba:'T'dei] - zi de
opportunity > [oparUu:niti] - prilej favorabil, moment
display > [displei] - etalare, expunere,
word > [",L
d] - cuvant
number > [namba'] - numar
absence > [Ebs<lllS] - absenta, !ipsa
This clock has a second hand. > [O/IS k10k hEz a sekand hEndJ - Acest ceas are secundar.
lar acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
- Nu poti spune asta
in prezenta ei.
- Astazi ea douazeci
doi de ani.
- El un moment
- Pot vorbi cu tine?
- Trenul a avut intarziere.
- Ai putina rabdare!
- Am intalnit-o cu ocazia
zilei tale de
- VOl face asta in absenta lor.
- EXlsta un numar mare
de hoteluri in acel
- A fost 0 excursie placuta.
- Our >1111' was only a short one.
- The >cJlsphl\ shows numbers.
- He didn't say a >worcl.
- She gave the party on the >occaSlon
of our wedding.
- Their >absence was alarming.
- I had another >opportunlty later.
- A >nulllbel of people were fired.
- The >second-hand is broken.
> l tadel IZ ha
' t"entl sekand
> [hEy a lit!
> [IU: kEnot sei fYU
in ha:' prezans]
> [al till duo It dlUann
O"el' Ebsans]
> [hi: iz "citin(gl fo:' an
> [It "oz a nais trip]
> [LYea' iz a \a:'dj namba'
av hautelz 111 IYEt taun]
> [al met ha:' on IYi akeljan
m 10.' ba:'T'del]
> [O/a tt em hEd a dilei]
> l kEn al hEv a "a:'d "ilY IU:]
Expresia to have a word with somebody inseamna a vorbi cu cineva (a
schimba 0 yorba cu cineva).
arata numere.
El nu a spus nimic.
Un numar de oameni au fost concediati.
Excursia noastra a fost doar una scurta.
Absenta lor a fost alarmanta.
Secundarul este stricat.
Am avut un alt prilej favorabil mai tarziu.
You cannot say that
in her presence.
Ea a dat petrecerea cu ocazia
casatoriei noastre.
Have a little patience!
He is waiting for an
I will do it dUrIng
their absence.
Can I have a word with you?
Today is her twenty-second
I met her on the occasion
of your birthday.
My watch has a small display. > [mal hEz a smol chsplcl] - Ceasul meu are mic.
The train had a delay.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare:
There is a large number
of hotels in that town.
It was a nice trip.
Sii ne i'ntoarcem la propozi{ia condi{ionalii de tipul I.
Pe baza exemplelor de mai sus, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- Unless you come at 7
we will be late.
- We will start to work
unless he appears.
> Unless you tell them they \\on't kno\\
ho\\ to do It.
> [ wlll write to h11n unless I get
a letter tomO!TO\\.
> dIsplay
> Unless you ha\ e money 1WIll lend you.
> opportunity
> Unless It lams we will go on foot.
> number
> patIence
> Unless you eat we \\on't go
to the zoo.
> occasIOn
> presence
> second hand
> word
> absence
> birthday
> delay
> tnp
- My >birthday is on the ninth.
- She often loses> patience with her children.
- There were no >delays.
- I'll write the letter in your >presence.
- If you don't come at 7
we will be late.
- We will start to work
if he doesn't appear.
Daca nu ploua, mergem pc jos.
Daca nu voi primi maine 0 scrisoare,
ii voi scrie.
Daca nu ai bani, iti voi imprumuta.
Daca nu Ie spui, ei nu vor
cum sa faca asta.
Daca nu mananci, nu mergem
la gradina zoologica.
Daca nu vii la
yom intirzia.
Vom incepe lucrul
daca nu apare.
zi de
Ea pierde adesea rabdarea cu copiii ei.
Voi scrie scrisoarea in prezenta tao
secundar (al ceasului)
prilej favorabil
Ziua mea de este in data de noua.
Traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele:
Nu au fost intarzieri.
Propozi{ia subordonatii condi{iona!ii poatefi introdusii de unless [anles], care inseamnii if not
- daca nu, in afarii de cazu! cando Fo!osind unless cu sensu! de if not, predicatu! propozi{iei
subordonate nu mai poatefi negat, pentru cii in limba englezii nu existii nega{ie dub/ii:
absenta, lipsa
A: What a nice watch you have got!
B: Oh, thanks. I occasionally bought a new watch.
A: Is it digital?
B: Yes, it is. But actually, it's not new. It's a second-hand watch.
A: Does it keep sharp time?
B: Oh, no. I wish it did. Now it's two minutes fast. Yesterday it was one minute slow.
Sa citim propozitiile separat. Exersati pronuntia:
Yeti gasi cuvintele noi in acest scurt dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
- Dh,nu.
- vrea sa mearga.
- leri a intirziat un minut.
- Aeum eu doua minute.
- Da.
- digital
- a se grabi/a fi inainte (ceasul)
- Este un ceas folosit.
- M-am intalnit intamplator cu Fred
am cumparat un eeas de la el.
- Este digital?
- Dh, multumesc.
- Dar, de fapt nu este nou.
- Ce ceas frumos ai!
- Merge bine?
- din ciind in cand, uneori, de oazie
- a intarzia/a ramane in urma
- ascutit, precis, exact
- intr-adevar, in realitate, de fapt
- uzat, folosit, de la mana a doua
>[nau its tu: minlts fa:st]
>[ iz It didJltaI]
>[ ai It dId]
>[ au nau]
>[/csta'del it "oz
"an minlt slau]
>[Ies it iz]
>[bat its not n/u:]
>[ Its a sckand hEnd
>l daz It kJ:p talln]
>[ai akeljanall met fred End
ai bo:t a from him]
>[au TSEn(glks]
> [didjital]
>[tu bl: slau]
> [sekand hEnd]
> [akcljanalI]
> ["ot a nais
iu' hEy got]
>[tu bl: fa:st]
Yesterday it was
one minute slow.
Now it's two minutes fast.
I wish it did.
Does it keep sharp time?
It's a second-hand watch.
Yes, it is.
But actually it's not new.
Is it digital?
Dh, thanks.
What a nice watch
you have got!
to be slow
lata cuvinte si expresii noi:
I occasionally met Fred and
I bought a watch from him.
to be fast
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti expresiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
- > Digital watches are not expensive.
> (JIve hIm more bread'
> (JI\e more bread to hnn'
- He looks very young but he's> actually 50.
> I have descnbed them that accident.
> I have descnbed that accident to them.
> WIll you show me your room'!
> WIll you show your room to me'?
- She doesn't like buying
> second-hand things.
- The clock> is slow again.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- raspunde la intrebarea "cui?"
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- We have to withdraw money> occasionally.
- You'll need a > sharp knife for thIs.
- Their clock> is hardly ever fast
- raspunde la intrebarile "pe cine? ce?"
Le-am descris acel accident.
Da-i (lui) mai multa pame.
Imi vei arata camera ta?
Uneori trebuie sa ridicam bani.
Vei avea nevoie de un cutit ascutit pentru asta.
Ei nu-i place sa cumpere
lucruri uzate.
She gave a book to me.
El arata foarte tanar, dar de fapt are 50 de ani.
Sa incercam sa traducem propozitiile in limba engleza pe baza celor doua constructii de mai sus:
a ramane in urma (ceasul) > to be slow
uzat, folosit > second-hand
ascutit, precis > ~ r p
din cand in cand, uneori > occasionaJly
a merge inamte (ceasul) > to be fast
She gave me a book.
Partea de gramaticii a lec!iei se referii la verbele care au douii complemente:
Ceasul a ramas in urma din nou.
complement indirect
complement direct
Ceasurile digitale nu sunt scumpe.
Ceasullor nu 0 ia inainte niciodata.
Atunci cdnd complementul indirect stii inaintea celui direct, structura propozi!iei este urmiitoarea:
Ordinea complementelor poatefi schimbatii, dar, in acest caz, inaintea complementului indirect se
folosef}te particula to:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza, folosind cuvintele noi:
Have you fixed a date already? >[hEv Ill: fikst a dclt o:lredi] - Ati fixat deja 0 data?
Dintre acestea to ring ~ i to strike sunt verbe neregulate. lata formele lor:
> tn fix
> tn mend
rung >[ rani g)]
struck >[strak]
- Am format numarullui John.
- Telefonul a sunat toata
forma a III-a
~ a forma un numar
- arepara
- a fixa, a consolida, a prinde
- Ceasul a batut ora douasprezece.
- a lovi, a bate
- Ceasul meu va fi reparat
- a suna
- >Has she >cllalled the right number?
- They >fixed a date for the wedding.
- a fixa
- >11<1\ C you >rung them yet?
- The clock >was striking four when
we came home.
- Who >has mended your watch?
- a repara
rang >[ rEn(g)]
>[IYa t e l ~ l n hEz ran
0:1 a:fta'nu:n]
>[ D/a klok strak t"elv]
>[mai "ot:;; lid bi: mcndid
struck >[ strak]
>[tll daial]
>[al datald dionz namba']
forma a II-a
> to stnke
> to cllal
> to Il!1g
a lovi, a bate
a suna
I-ai sunat deja?
Ei au fixat 0 data pentru nunta lor.
Ea a format numarul corect?
a forma un numar
Traduceti in limba engleza verbele urmatoare:
lata acum verbele noi in propozitii. Atentie la pronuntie:
Cine ti-a reparat ceasul?
I dialled John's number.
ring >[rilt"]
forma I
My watch will be mended
to dial
Ceasul tocmai batea ora patru cand
am venit acasa.
The telephone has rung
all afternoon.
to fix >[tll fiks]
to mend >[tu mend]
to ring >[tu rm
to strike > [ tu straik]
The clock struck twelve.
lata acum un grup de verbe noi:
Urmeaza exercitiu de pronuntie. Repetati urmatoarele grupuri de cuvinte:
> Let him buy a big number of new glasses.
> My watch is always slow.
> One day I will not have much patience
with them.
> Unless you write this letter we won't go
for a walk.
> The negotiations will be in nineteen
> I won't give them this money.
> I won't give this money to them.
> The furniture has recently been delivered.
> Hearmg his words, 1couldn't help
> Living in the country, she has never seen
a modem airport.
> Eaming little money, he couldn't buy much.
> Walking to my office, [ saw a serious accident.
[i:] [ u:] l i] [ei]
leap noon fix display
season soon ring patience
mean moon bring occasion
seen food sing day
green spoon digital raise
Ceasul meu ramane mereu in urma.
Daca nu scrii aceasta scrisoare, nu yom merge
la plimbare.
Nu Ie voi da bani.
Lasa-I sa cumpere un numar mare de pahare noi.
putin, el nu a putut cumpara mult.
Negocierile vor avea [oc in 1999.
Iar acum urmeaza ultimul exercitiu allectiei. Incepeti rezolvarea temei pentru acasa doar dupa ce ati
rezolvat rara acest exercitiu:
In drum spre birou am vazut un accident gray.
Traind la tara, ea nu a vazut niciodata
un aeroport modem.
Auzind vorbele lui nu m-am putut abtine
sa nu zambesc.
Mobila a fost recent livrata.
Intr-o zi nu voi mai avea multa rabdare
29.3.l.Anul format din trei cifre se dupa cum urmeaza:
29.2.2. Forma scurta pentru let us este let's, de exemplu:
29.3.4. Daca a treia din cele 4 cifre este ,,0", acesta se "oh":
- twenty hundred ("douazeci de sute")
- seventeen hundred sute")
- eighteen oh six ("optsprezece zero
- Intrand in camera, I-am vazut la masa.
- nineteen sixty-one ("nouasprezece,
- Samergem!
- (Lasa-i) sa ne invite!
- Cand am intrat in camera,
I-am vazut la masa.
- nineteen ninety-five ("nouasprezece,
nouazeci cinci")
- (Lasa-ma) sa fac asta!
- nine hundred and sixty-six
- (Lasa-ne) sa terminam acum!
- five hundred and thirty-seven
- (Las-o) sa ia
Let them invite us!
Let her take the car!
Let us finish it now!
Let's go!
Let me do it!
29.3.3. in alte cazuri anii din patru cifre diferite se impart in doua grupuri se citesc ca atare:
Entering the room, I saw him at the table.
29.2.1. La toate persoanele, (cu exceptia persoanei a II-a) atat la singular cat la plural,
imperativuJ se formeaza cu ajutoruJ verbului let - a permite, a ingadui, a lasa.
29.3.2.Anii formati din patru cifre, dintre care ultimele doua sunt zero, sunt cititi ca multiplu
de sute. De exemplu:
When I entered the room, I saw him
at the table.
29.3. Citirea anilor
29.1. In locul unei propozitii subordonate putem folosi participiul prezent (forma -ing).
29.2. Modul imperatlv
29.4. Propozitia conditionala de tipul 1.
Cand complementul indirect 11 precede pe cel direct, atunci structura propozitiei este urmatoarea:
Unless you come at 7,
we will be late.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- raspunde la intrebarile "pe cine?, ce?"
- raspunde la intrebarea "cui?"
- If you don't come at 7,
we will be late.
Daca nu vii la ~ p t e
vom intirzia.
Propozitia subordonata conditionala poate fi introdusa ~ i cu cuvantul unless in loc de if.
Semnificatia lui unless este ifnot - daca nu, in afara de cazul cando Folosind unless cu sensul
de if not predicatul prepozitiei subordonate este obligatoriu la forma afirmativa.
Unele verbe pot avea doua complemente:
She gave a book to me.
Ordinea complementelor poate fi schimbata, dar In acest caz complementul indirect este
precedat de to:
She gave me a book.
29.5. Complementul direct ~ i indirect
A Traduceti urmatoarcle propozitii in Iimba romana:
1. Reading the newspaper, I couldn't believe the news.
2. Unless she earns enough, she won't go on holiday.
3. Let's open all the windows in the house.
4. Let John go there and find it.
5. Why don't you want to show the picture to me?
6. She will arrive in a fortnight at noon.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Ce vei face in viitor?
2. (Lasa-i) sa ne povesteasca ei aceasta intimplare!
3. Daca nu vei fi serios, intr-o zi n-o sa te mai credo
4. Vrand sa repare radioul, ell-a stricat.
5. Avem un prilej sa mergem intr-o excursie.
6. I-am dat lui ceasul meu digital (2 variante de traducere).
C. Scrieti urmatoarele date cu litere:
1. 1782
2. 795
3. 1900
4. 2005
5. 3000
Repetati cuvintele Intr-o alta ordine:
" "
headline > [hedlain] - titlu (In ziar)
history > [histari] - istorie
environment > [invairanmant] - mediu, ambianta
subscription > ] - abonament
collection > - colectie
attempt > [atempt] - Incercare, tentativa
mornmg paper >
[mo:rnin(g) peipa
- ziar de dimineata
answer > [ a:nsa
] - raspuns
promise > [promis] - promlSlUne
appearance >
- aparitie,
habit > [hEbit] - obicei, deprindere
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, materie
answer > [a:nsa
] - raspuns
appearance > [apiarans]
- aparitie, ivire,
attempt > [atempt] - Incercare, tentativa
collection > - coleqie
environment > [invainlnmant] - mediu, ambianta
habit > [ hEbit] - obicei, deprindere
headline > [hedlain] - titlu (In ziar)
history > [histari] - istorie
mornmg paper >
[mo:rnin(g) peipa
- ziar de dimineata
promise > [promis] - promlslUne
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, materie
subscription > ] - abonament
lncepem lectia cu un grup de substantive noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti
atenti la sensullor In limba romana:

ith some of I fa
You say I I:
:. rid's strong- I :8
Mediul (nostru) Inconjurator este foarte important. - Our >enVlronment is very important.
In continuare sa exersam folosirea cuvintelor noi. Completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza
cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
lata acum cuvintele noi In propozitii:
- Trebuie sa-ti tii
- Citesc doar titlurile principale.
- Trebuie sa curatam mediul
nostru Inconjurator.
- Ea nu mi-a raspuns.
- EI are un abonament
de multi ani.
- Incercarea a fost rara rost.
- EI are obiceiul sa ia tarziu
- Vrei sa vezi colectia mea
de timbre?
- Imi place sa citesc despre
subiectul acela.
- Invatam din istorie.
- Aparitia lor ne-a bucurat.
- I always read the >morning-paper.
- These are bad >habits.
- Also his second >attempt failed.
- Don't give too many >promises!
- They have an impressive >collection.
- He doesn't know the >answer.
- The >sllbscription is cheaper.
- Did you think >history was a nice >sllbject
in school?
> geiv mi: nall ansa']
> [du ill: lI ant tll si:
mai stEmp
> [D1i atempt lI oz iu:slis]
> [ai laik ri:din
) abaut
DIEt sabdjikt]
> [hi: hEz hEd a
fa:' meni iJa'z]
> [ill: hEy tu ki:p
10:' promis]
> [
i: la:rn from histari]
> [DZa nill:Z iz in DZa mo:rnm
) - este In ziarele
peipa'z] de dimineata.
> [
i: hEy tll kli:n ap
alia' invairanmant]
> [it iz hiz hEbit tll hEv
a lelt brekfast]
> [D1ei' apiarans iksaitid as]
> [ai ri:d aunli D1a hedlainz]
Acestea sunt obiceiuri proaste.
Nu promite prea mult!
Ei au 0 colectie impresionanta.
El nu raspunsul.
a doua sa Incercare a
Citesc intotdeauna ziarul de dimineata.
Abonamentul este mai ieftin.
Crezi col istoria era 0 materie placuta
I read only the headlines.
He has had a subscription
for many years.
I like reading about
that subject.
Do you want to see
my stamp-collection?
You have to keep
your promise.
The news is in the morning
The attempt was useless.
We have to clean up
our environment.
She gave me no answer.
We learn from history.
Their appearance excited us.
It is his habit to have
a late breakfast.
> subJect
> mornmg paper
> attempt
> collectIon
> headline
> en, Ironment
> subscnptlOn
> appearance
> habIt
> answer
> promise
- Have you read the >headlines?
> hist'lry
- Her >appearance made us smile.
ei ne-a facut sa zambim.
mediu, inconjurator
titlu (in ziar)
"Her appearance made us smile."
ziar de dimineata
Ati retinut cuvintele noi? Traduceti in limba engleza:
Adverbele once -["ans] - 0 data, twice -l - de doua ori, sunt jolosite joarte des pentru a
exprima frecventa cu care se petrece 0 actiune. Celelalte adverbe se jormeazii cu ajutorul unui
numeral $i al substantivului time: three times, four times etc.
Ai citit titlurile principale?
subiect, terna
incercare, tentativa, experienta
Sa citim propozi1iile din text separat:
Urmari1i expresiile noi in urmatorul dialog. Citi1i eu aten1ie:
Traduce1i urmatoarele propozi1ii, folosind cuvintele inva1ate anterior:
- timp destul
- pU1in/o clipa, ai pU1ina
- intre timp, pana una alta,
- toemai la timp
- pU1in!
- Avem timp destul.
- La ee ora incepe?
- La opt.
- Vom face cumparaturile
vom ajunge tocmai la timp
la cinematograf.
- Acum este
- Desigur.
> I have read this book five times.
> I have lost the keys thl ee times already.
> Think twice before you say something.
> I have met him once.
> [lieit a milllt]
> [sa:rtanli]
> [plcnti av taim]
> [Ueit a minit]
> [dpst in taim]
> [lIl: hEv plenti av taim]
> [its slks nau]
> [Et eit]
> [Ui:l du: D/a
End get tu DZa sinima
dJ ast in taim]
> [in DZami:ntaim]
> [DZear iz an intrastm{g) film - Este un film interesant
on Et DZa sinama tadei] la cinematograf astazi.
> [in D/a mi:ntaim U1: kEn Ju: - Intre timp putem face
sam cumparaturi.
> [liot taim Jaz it start]
It's six now.
Wait a minute!
We have plenty of time.
In the meantime we can do
some shopping.
What time does it start?
Am citit de cinci ori aceasta carte.
At eight.
L-am intalnit 0 singura data.
We'll do the shopping
and get to the cinema
just in time.
There is an interesting film
on at the cinema today.
wait a minute
plenty of time
de doua ori inainte de a spune ceva.
Am pierdut cheile deja de trei ori.
lata din nou expresii cuvinte noi:
in the meantime
A: There is an interesting film on at the cinema today.
B: What time does it start?
A: At eight. We have plenty of time. In the meantime we can do some shopping.
B: Certainly. It's six now. We'll do the shopping and get to the cinema just in time.
A: Wait a minute! I've forgotten we have no money! We can't buy anything.
just in time
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in !imba eng!eza, fo!osind expresiile noi:
> plenty of time
> m the meantIme
- intr-un mod prietenesc
- intr-o maniera draguta
- intr-un mod prostesc
- intr-un mod parintesc
- Nu putem sa cumparam nimic.
- Am uitat, nu avem bani!
> My brother always speaks to me
m a fatherly manner.
> She can sing in a lovely way.
> They talked to us m a fnend!y way.
> Don't do it in a silly manner'
- timp berechet
- There was >plenty of time to return the book.
- >In the meantime clean your room.
- >Walt a minute, and your tickets?
- intre timp
> [in a frend!1 Uei]
> [in afa:Dzarli mEna
> [in a sih mEna']
>[m a lavli "e/ ]
> [a/v forgotn tlJ: hEv
nau manl]
> ["I: ka.nt bal eniT'm(g)]
> just in time
> walt a minute
Fratele meu imi intotdeauna

in a fnendly way
Ea sa cante frumos.
Nu face asta intr-un mod prostesc!
lovely >[lavh] - dragut, simpatic, frumos
fatherly > [fa.Dzarli] - parintesc, patem
silly > [si!l] - prost
friendly > [frendli] - prietenos, arnica1
in a lovely way
in a silly manner
Ne-au vorbit prietenos.
tocmai la timp
A fost timp suficient pentru a inapoia cartea.
Intre timp Ia curat in camera tal
in a fatherly manner
I've forgotten we have
no money!
We can't buy anything!
Urmeaza din nou 0 traducere:
Daca din adjectivele cu termina{ia -Iy vrem saformam un adverb, nu putem sadublam sufixul-Iy. in
aceste cazuri adverbele se formeaza cu urmatoarele structuri:
Am ajuns tocmai la timp ca sa vedem plecarea lor. - We were >just in time to see their departure.
stai putin
Stai putin, biletele tale?
in afara de adjectivele daily, weekly, folosite ca adverbe, in limba engleza sunt alte adjective
a caror termina{ie este -ly, de exemplu:
lata verbele noi in propozitii. Retineti traducerea lor in limba romana fiti atenti la pronuntie:
This river is heavily polluted. > l D/IS rh a' lZ hEvIll palu:tid] - Acest rau este foarte poluat.
- a se abona, a plati cotizatia/
- a a izbuti
- neg1ijat pisicile.
- a polua
- a neglija
- Ea nu a sa faca asta.
- Ai irosit multa apa.
- a irosi, a pierde (inutil)
- M-am abonat 1a un ziar
de dimineata.
- Am (sa fac ceva)
- a a izbuti
- Ea a repare

- They >wasted half an hour on talking.
- We >have not >succeeded in returning
in time.
- He >has subscribed to this paper.
- These children >have been neglected
for years.
- This lake is not >polluted yet.
> [tu saksi:d]
> [tu palu:t]
> [tu sabskraib]
> hEz not saksi.did
in D/is]
> [tu niglckt]
> [tu "eist]
> [Ill: hEy L1 c/stid a lot
av L1 o:ta']
> [ai hEy sabskraibd tu
a pcipa']
Verbul to succeed este folosit in urmatoarea constructie:
She succeeded in mending her car.
to succeed in + verb
cu tenninatia in -ing
I succeeded in...
Au irosit 0 jumatate de ora vorbind.
El s-a abonat la acest ziar.
copii au fost neglijati ani
de-a randul.
Acest lac nu este inca poluat.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Nu am sa ne intoarcem
la timp.
Acum unneaza cu un grup de verbe noi:
to pollute
to waste
to neglect
to subscribe (to)
to succeed (in)
You have wasted a lot
of water.
She has not succeded
in doing this.
I have subscribed to
a mornmg-paper.
They neglected their cats.
Structura propozi!iei dupii eliminarea pronumelui relativ:
Iar acum, exersati folosirea participiulului prezent. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
> Who are the people Slttll1g there"
> The woman \\;alkll1g there IS a secretary.
> The reople visItll1g our vIllage are
(jOIn England
> The pen 1) lI1g on the tahle IS mll1e.
> We were described the accIdent.
> The accident was descnbed to us.
- EI mi-a aratat gradina lui.
- Un barbat, de pe aceasta strada, a fost ranit
ieri intr-un accident.
> You won"t be given the money.
> The money won't be gIven to you.
- Un barbat care pe aceasta strada,
a fost ranit ieri intr-un accident.
> to pollute
> to waste
- Gradina lui mi-a fost aratata.
> He was sellt a letter.
> A letter was sent to him.
> to neglect
> to subscnbe to
- Mi-a fast aratata gradina lui.
> to succeed
Femeia care se plimba acolo este 0 secretara.
Oamenii care viziteaza satul nostru sunt
din Anglia.
Stiloul care se afla pe masa este al meu.
Cine sunt acei oameni care stau acolo?
A man living in this street was injured
in an accident yesterday.
He described the accident to us.
He won't give you the money.
His garden was shown to me.
I was shown his garden.
In exercitiul urmator, incercati sa construiti propozitii la diateza pasiva operand ambele tipuri de
He showed me his garden.
Urmiiri!i exemplele:
A man who lives in this street was injured
in an accident yesterday.
in propozi!ia astfel transformatii, participiul -ing determinii substantivul.
They sent him a letter.
a polua
a irosi, a pierde
a neglija
a a izbuti, a avea succes (In)
Traduceti verbele noi in limba engleza:
a fi abonat, a plati cotizatia/abonamentul
in limba englezii, participiul terminat in -ing poate inlocui propozi{ia relativii.
Dacii verbul are douii complemente (direct indirect), atunci la diateza pasivii, oricare dintre ele
poate ji subiectul propozi{iei:
Urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Cuvinte!e aflate pe coloana cantin un sunet identic. Cititi
cu voce tare:
In ultimul exercitiu al leetiei veti avea ocazia sa reveniti asupra tuturor notiunilor noi de gramatica
> Vie were shown two films.
> Two films were shown to us.
> He came .Just in tnne: we didn't have to wait.
> [ will say it only once.
> They \\ere talking In a fnendly manner.
> I have asked her tWIce to leave quietly.
> Wait a minute, haven't you left your umbrella?
> Animals livmg in the woods
can fll1d enollgh food.
> He spoke to us in a fatherly way.
> The people using these tools
are very satisfied.
> What have you subscnbed to'?
> People neglecting their appearance think it
is not Importallt to look good.
> People wanting more information
can return after five.
> The pictures hanglllg here will be sold.
> There are always many people spending
their holidays here.
> There were people sdlmg
oranges and grapes.
> Do you know the man coming to us?
[e] [E] [a. ] [au]
neglect habit sharp sound
spend can hard house
mend man dark our
met hand ask found
set land arm out
Am rugat-o de doua ori sa piece in
o voi spune doar 0 singura data.
La ce te-ai abonat?
Au vorbit prietenos.
Au sosit tocmai [a timp; nu a trebuit sa
Stai putin, nu ti-ai pierdut umbrela?
Oamenii neglijeaza cred ca
nu este important sa arate bine.
It pe acel om care vine la noi?
Animalele care traiesc in padure,
pot gasi mfmcare suficienta.
Ne-a vorbit
Ne-au aratat doua filme.
Oamenii care folosesc aceste unelte
sunt foarte satisIacuti.
Au fast oameni care au vandut
portocale struguri.
Sunt intotdeauna multi oameni
petrec vacanta aici.
Tablourile care atama aici vor fi vandute.
Cei ce vor mai multe informatii
se pot reintoarce dupa ora cinci.
lata ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Daca sa il faceti lara nici 0 atunci puteti trece la
rezolvarea temei pentru acasa. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
> She was occaSIOnally permitted to leave early.
> The aeroplane leaves at 3 p.m.
> The shIp \\ as wrecked a fortl11ght ago.
> Th IS IS the \\ mdow through which
the burglar dIsappeared.
> Zippll1g up my coat, I left the house
111 a llllrry.
> She has dIalled theIr number tWIce.
> Readmg the mornmg paper. I thought of
the promIse I had made.
> She answered 111 a sIlly way.
> We saw a man havmg no hair on hIS head.
What John was saying was true. But don't other people feel bad when there is nothing for
them to do, or at least they think there is nothing?
Yes, I think so. Usually these people are wasting their time or choose to listen to the radio
or watch television.
And these people are very happy when friends come to visit them so they can talk about
the news or whatever is worth talking about.
Wouldn't it be difficult to say which of these is the better way of spending time?
Well, it's hard to say. We are always ready to say that we are doing things the right way
and other people are not.
But how can we be sure?
It is a good thing that we are all different.
John! Clever people say time is an important thing in our lives.
Of course. To do the things we have to do we need time.
When there is too little time we cannot do things as well as we want to do them.
Yes, but there are people who always know what to do with the time.
You are so right.They go for a walk or read a book or make all kinds of things that are
useful or beautiful.
Sometimes they sell these things, which is their way of showing that time is really money.
Vasul a naufragiat in urma cu doua saptamani.
Ei i s-a permis uneori sa pIece mai devreme.
Ea a format numarullor de doua ori.
Acesta este geamul prin care
a disparut spargatorul.
AvionuI pleaca la trei dupa-amiaza.
Ea a raspuns
Noi am vazut un barbat care nu avea par pe cap.
Tragand fermoarul hamei, am parasit casa
in graba.
Urmeaza un exercitiu de citire pronuntie. Cuvmtele sllabele accentuate Ie-am scris cu litere
Ascultati caseta cititi dialogul cu atentie, pentm a va cat mai corect intonatia
limbii engleze:
Citind ziarul de dimineata m-am gandit
la promisiunea pe care am Iacut-o.
"Their presence is not necessary."
> I saw many people wearing
dark glasses.
> Some people have strange habits.
> Cars pollute the environment.
> She got the letter just in time.
> We succeeded In finishing the work
before nllClnight.
> I was prommised a better job.
> A better job was promised to me.
> There wIiI be more opportunities in the future.
> He visited his sister on the occasion of
her birthday.
> Some people think there is plenty of time
to stop polluting the Earth.
> Their presence is not necessary.
> [n the past many things were cheaper.
> You'll have to be there at eight o'clock sharp.
> In future no time will be wasted.
> In the meantime we'll fix a date,
> There was a delay twice.
> What subjects did you like the best in school?
> Let's go to the cinema today!
> How many leap years are there In a century?
Unii oameni au obieeiuri stranii.
Vor fi mai muIte oeazii favorabile in viitor.
polueaza mediul.
EI vizitat sora eu oeazia
zilei ei de
Va trebui sa fii aeolo exact la ora opt.
Mi s-a promis 0 slujba mai buna.
Prezenta lor nu este neeesara.
Au fost intarzieri de doua ori.
Ea a primit serisoarea tocmai la timp.
Intre timp vom fixa 0 data.
Am vazut multi oameni care purtau
oehelari fumurii.
Ce materii ti-au plaeut eel mai mult la
in treeut multe lueruri erau mai ieftine.
Noi am sa terminam luerul
inainte de miezul noptii.
Cativa oameni ered ea este timp destul
pentru a opri poluarea pamantului.
in viitor nu yom pierde timpul.
Sa mergem azi la einematograf!
Cati ani biseeti sunt intr-un seeol?
30.1. Adjective cu tenninatia -Jy
- Gradina lui mi-a fost aratata.
- lntr-un mod neghiob/prostesc
- Intr-un mod parintesc
- Intr-un mod prietenos
- dragut, simpatic, frumos
- prost
- parintesc, patern
- prietenos, amabil
- EI mi-a aratat gradina lui.
- lntr-un mod placut/dragut
- Mi-a fost aratata gradina lui.
- Un barbat, care l o u i ~ t pe aceasta strada,
a fost ranit ieri Intr-un accident.
- Un barbat de pe aceasta strada a fost ranit
ieri Intr-un accident.
in a silly manner
in a lovely way
in a fatherly manner
in a friendly way
He showed me his garden.
His garden was shown to me.
In asemenea cazuri participiul prezent detennina substantivul.
30.1.2. Daca vrem sa fonnam un adverb din adjectivul cu terminatia -Iy, nu i se adauga Inca un
sufi x -Jy. In acest caz vom folosi urmatoarele structuri adverbiale:
A man living in this street was
injured in an accident.
A man who lives in this street
was injured in an accident yesterday.
30.1.1. In afara de adjectivele daily, weekly care pot fi folosite ~ i ca adverbe, In limba engleza
sunt ~ i alte adjective a caror tenninatie este -Jy. De exemplu:
Jwas shown his garden.
30.2. Daca verbul are doua complemente (direct ~ i indirect), atunci la diateza pasiva, oricare dintre
ele poate fi subiectul propozitiei:
30.3. In fraza din limba engleza, participiul prezent (In -ing) poate Inlocui propozitia subordonata
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. She is always doing serious things in a silly manner.
2. We have succeeded in arriving there just in time.
3. Their children were brought to hospital.
4. Factories polluting the environment are very dangerous.
5. They liked her lovely clothes.
6. How could you waste all the money?
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Am sa rna abonez la acest ziar.
2. Intre timp am citit (doua variante)
3. Ne-au vorbit intotdeauna
4. care folosesc multa benzina sunt scumpe.
5. L-am vazut pe acest barbat doar 0 singura data.
6. Ea foarte putin pe saptamana.
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
1. He loves me fatherly.
2. These cars were sold a rich man.
3. My father succeeded to mend the tap.
4. The children who playing in the room are too noisy.
5. She has already said it twice times.
, ,
forma I
leap > [It:p]
ring > [rin(gl]
strike> [stralk]
forma a II-a
leapt > [lept]
rang > [rEn'gl]
struck > [strak]
forma a III-a
leapt > [Iept]
rung > [ran(g)]
struck > [strak]
, ,
to appear
to be fast
to be slow
to bury
the day after tomorrow
the day before yesterday
to describe
to dial
to disappear
to fix
> [eiem]
> [a:nsa
> [tll apia']
> [atcmpt]
> l tll bl: fa:st]
> l tll bl: slauJ
> [ba:TTsdel]
>[tu beri]
> [sent"ari]
> [O"a dei a:fta
>[O"a deiblfo:
> [tll diskraib]
>[tll dalal]
> [didJital]
>[tll disapia']
>[ dlsplei]
>[tll fiks]
- absenta, lipsa
- intr-adevar, in realitate
- prescurtare de la antemeridian,
inainte de amiaza
- raspuns
- a aparea, a se a se vedea
- aparitie,
- cum, cum
- incercare, tentativa
- a fila 0 lua inainte (ceasul)
- a fila ramane
in urma (ceasul)
- zi de
- a ingropa, a inmormanta
- secol, veae
- colectie
- poimaine
- alaltaieri
- intarziere, amanare
- a descrie, a prezenta
- a forma un numar
- digital
- a disparea
- etalare, expunere,
- mediu, ambianta
- parintese, patem
- a fixa, a consolida, a prinde
- altadata, odinioara
- doua saptamani
in future
in the meantime
just in time
to leap
to mend
mommg paper
to neglect
one day
plenty of time
to pollute
> [frendli]
> [hEbit]
> [hedlam]
> [histari]
> [in
> [in DZa mi:ntaIlTI]
> [dpst in taim]
> [tu lI:p]
> [lavli]
> [mEna']
> [tu mend]
> [midnalt]
> [mallmant]
> [tll niglekt]
> [nll.n]
> [akeljan]
> [akeIJanali]
> [opa'tm:mti]
> [pa:st]
> [plent1 av talm]
> [pum]
> [tll [lolu:t]
> [prezans]
- prietenesc, amical
- viitor
- obicei, deprindere
- titlll principal (in ziar)
- istorie
- in viitor
- intre timp, pana una alta,
- tocmai la timp
- a sari, a salta
- an bisect
- dragut, simpatic, fmmos
- mod, fel, maniera
- a repara
- miezul noptii
- moment, clipa
- ziar de dimineata
- a neglija
- amiaza, miezul zilei
- numar
- ocaZle
- din cand in cand, uneori
- 0 (singura) data
- intr-o zi
- prilej favorabil
- trecut
- rabdare
- timp destul
- prescurtare de la postmeridian,
dupa amiaza
- a polua
- prezenta
promise > [promis] - promlslune
to ring > [tu
- a suna
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
second-hand > [sekand hEnd] - uzat, folosit, purtat
sharp > [p:'p] - ascutit, precis, exact
silly > [sili] - prost, neghiob
to strike > [tu straik] - a lovi, a bate
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, obiect
to subscribe (to) > [tu sabskraib] - a fi abonat
subscription > - abonament
to succeed (in) > [tu saksi:d] - a a izbuti
trip > [trip] - excUTsie, (scurUi) calatorie
twice > [t"ais] - de doua ori
unless > [anles] - daca nu (cumva), In afara
de cazul cand
wait a minute > ["eit a minit] - putin/o clipa,
ai putina rabdare
to waste > [tu "eist] - a irosi, a pierde (inutil)
way > ["et] - drum, cale, mod
weekday > [
i:kdei] - zi de lucru, zi lucratoare
word > ["a:'d] - cuvant
1. Daca un substantiv apare de mai multe ori Intr-o propozitie, poate fi Inlocuit cu cuvantul one:
I don't like this book;
I like that one.
I don't want these shoes;
I want cheaper ones.
2. Modul imperativ:
Come here!
Don't eat so fast!
Let them go now!
3. Genitivul saxon (the Saxon Genitive):
Mary's car
these people's houses
my parent's friends
- Nu-mi place aceasta carte;
mie Imi place aceea.
- Nu vreau e ~ t i pantofi;
vreau unii ieftini.
- Vino aici!
- Nu mancati ~ de repede!
- Lasa-i sa pIece acum!
- m ~ i n Mariei
- casele acestor oameni
- prietenii parintilor mei
Sa exersam cuvintele noi intr-o alta ordine:
Ca pana acum, sa incepem leqia cu ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce
tare retineti sensuI lor in limba romaml:
" "
> [pi:s]
- pace
> [obdj ikt]
- obiect, scop
> [lagidj]
- bagaj
> [mEtil']
- chestiune, problema,
> [insidant]
- incident, intamplare
> [aidia]
- idee
> [fEkt]
- fapt
space travel
> [speis trEvl]
- calatorie in spatiu
> ["O:']
- razboi
> [mistcik]
- eroare
> [kampleint]
- nemultumire, plangere,
> [sauldja']
- soldat
matter >
- chestiune, problema,
fact >
- fapt; realitate
object >
[ obdjikt]
- obiect, scop
idea >
- idee
peace >
- pace
soldier >
- soldat
> ["O:']
- razboi
> [misteik]
> [kampleint]
- nemultumire, plangere,
> [insidant]
- incident, intamplare
> [speis]
- spatiu, univers
space travel
> [speis trEvl]
- calatorie in spatiu
> [lagidj]
- bagaj
Iar acum completati propozitiile 'in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
In exercitiul urmator am folosit cuvintele noi in propozitii:
> [Ill: kI:n ntii:'n It It" O/ca
- Puteti s-o inapoiati daca aveti
kall1plcll1ts] nemultumiri.
- Incidentul a aparut 'in
toate ziarele.
- Prima calatorie in spatiu
a avut loc in 1957.
- Acest bagaj este al tau?
- Ce despre razboi?
- Acest soldat a facut
o serioasa.
- Tot ce dorim este (sa fie) pace.
- Aceste idei nu sunt noi.
- Este destul spatiu
pentru mobila noastra?
- Faptele sunt alarmante.
- Au vazut un obiect straniu
pe cer.
- Nu inca totul
despre aceasta problema.
- The >fact that he helped me impressed
my mother.
- He cannot spend much time on this >mattcr.
- I have read much about that >war.
- Will the negotiations bring >peace?
- Those >Icleas are difficult to understand.
- Is >space travel dangerous?
- I like travelling without any >luggage.
- These >coJl1plaIJ1ts are worth listening to.
- Do these >JIlcldcnts happen regularly?
- Our >object is to get a raise
as soon as possible.
- >Space is incredibly vast.
> [D/a fa'st SPCIS trEvi Uoz IJ1
namtb] finl SC\ nJ
> [17 DZEtlagldj /t)"'zJ
> ["ot dll Ill: nall
aballt IYa "t)"r]
> [01 "1: Jont IZ pl:S]
> ["I: daunt nall cVllT'in\g)
aballt D/is mEta' id]
> [D/ci so: a stlcll1dJ obdjikt
in D/a ska/]
> [D/Is Siill!dp' hEz meld
a si.nas ll1lstcik]
> [IZ D'ca'lI1at"spc/s
to.' aua'
> [Dll insidant "oz in
(J.! D/a pciparz]
> [D/a f1:kts a:' ala:
> [[Yl:Z aidiaz a:' not nlll'\
The facts are alarming.
They saw a strange object
in the sky.
Este periculoasa calatoria in spatiu?
Aceste incidente se petrec in mod regulat?
We don't know everything
about this matter yet.
Universul este incredibil de vast.
EI nu poate sa acorde mult timp acestei probleme.
Imi place sa calatoresc lara bagaje.
Aceste nemultumiri merita sa fie ascultate.
Faptul ca el m-a ajutat a impresionat-o
Acele idei sunt greu de inteles.
All we want is peace.
Is that luggage yours?
Am citit mult despre ace! razboi.
These ideas are not new.
Scopul nostru este sa obtinem 0 marire
de salariu cat mai curand posibil.
Negocierile vor aduce pacea?
The first space travel was in
Is there enough space
for our furniture?
This soldier has made
a serious mistake.
You can return it if there are
The incident was in
all the papers.
What do you know
about the war?
Acum vom inwi(aforma negativii a acestui verb:
> space
> incident
> soldIer
> mIstake
> peace
> war
> matter
> object
> fact
> complamt
- The> soldIers are ready for the fight.
- You have made the same > mIstake twice.
> luggage
> Idea
- Nu ai voie sa aici.
- Ea nu are voie sa fumeze.
You mustn't talk here.
She mustn't smoke.
Ai fiicut de doua ori
"I like travelling without any luggage."
1. Forma negativii a verbului must se ob(ine prin adiiugarea adverbului de nega(ie not: must
not (forma prescurtatii jiind mustn't l masnt] care inseamnii a nu fi permislingaduit, a nu
avea voie, a fi interzis, de exemplu:
Rezolvati urmatorul exercitiu de traducere:
Soldatii sunt gata de lupta.
nemultumire, pliingere, reclamatie
chestiune, problema, treaba
obiect, scop
In lec(iile anterioare, ali intiilnit deja verbul modal must - a trebui.
incident, intiimplare
spatiu, univers
Urmeaza un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Exersati pronuntia retineti intelesullor in limba romana:
Is there concrete information? > [IZ {Yca
konkri:t - Sunt informatii concrete?
2. Structura negativii - BU trebuie, se exprinu] cuforma scurtii needn't lnLdnt], de exemplu:
- Maine va fi ziua
- Aceasta este 0 treaba foarte
- Nu-mi plac subiectele
- Imprejurimile sunt
- Vom incepe imediat.
- Poti sa obiectiv
despre asta?
- We >needn 't go there.
- We >lTIlistn't make this mistake.
- Why >1TI1i stn't I come here?
- Ea nu trebuie faca griji in legatura
cu asta.
- You >1TI1i stn'f leave your luggage here.
- Nu trebuie sa toate aceste cacti.
- I >needn't listen to your complaints.
- This news>needn't be facts.
> l D"is jz a veri a:ldpnt
> l ai daunt hllk
> l kEn Ill: to. k aballt DZIS
> [tamorall uil bi:
D"a disaisiv dC/]
> l Dfa a:
\ en
> lUi:l start it prezantli]
You needn't read all these books.
She needn't worry about it.
We'll start it presently.
Aceste nu sunt neaparat adevarate.
lar acum sa folosim verbele modale invatate anterior. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu
verbul corespunzator:
Nu trebuie sa mergem acolo.
Nu avem voie sa facem aceasta
The surroundings are
very peaceful.
De ce nu am voie sa yin aici?
Nu ai voie sa-ti bagajul aici.
This is a very urgent
Tomorrow will be
the decisive day.
Nu trebuie sa ascult plangerile tale.
lata cum se folosesc cuvintele noi in propozitii:
objective > [abdjekti\]
- obiectiv, nepartinitor
decisive > ldisaislv] - hotarator, decisiv
> [a:ldjant]
- urgent
concrete > l konkri:t] - concret, palpabil
abstract > [EbstrEkt]
- abstract
peaceful > [pi:sfal]
presently > [prezantl i]
- imediat, indata
I don't like abstract
Can you talk about this
Ati sa rezolvati exercitiul anterior? lata acum un grup de verbe noi:
It has to be shown in an >ob.lcctlve way.
> peaceful
>AbStLlct ideas are difficult to understand.
> presently
- We'll finish it >prcsenlly.
- They live in a >pcaccful region.
- A table is a >concrck object.
> urgent
- We need more
- It is difficult to be >obJcctive in this matter.
> aboitract
> deClSI\ c
> cOllclde
Ei traiesc intr-o reglUne
A: Peter, Jane complains that you forbid her everything.
B: Really? I haven't noticed.
A: She wanted to go on holiday with her friends and you didn't agree.
S: I think I was right. But does it matter?
A: Yes, it does. You didn't even tell her why you disagreed.
B: Now you are right. Next time when I decide to forbid her something 1'1\ explain why.
Acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
Aceasta trebuie prezentata intr-un mod obiectiv.
Vom termina imediat.
ldeile abstracte sunt dificil de inteles.
Este greu sa fii obiectiv in aceasta problema.
lata cuvintele noi intr-un scurt dialog. Cititi-l cu atentie:
Masa este un obiect coneret.

Traduceti unnatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
to matter > rtu mEta' j - a conta, a avea importanta

to notice
> [tu naullsj
- a observa, a baga de seama
to complain > l tu kamplclTl ] - a se plange, a reclama
to agree
> [tuagri"]
- a fi de acord, a accepta
to disagree > flU (hsagri:]
- a nu fi de acord, a nu accepta
to decide >[tUJloilltJj
- a decide, a hotari
Avem nevoie urgenta de mai mult
imediat, indata
Acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu verbele corespunzatoare:
- Dar conteaza asta?
- Acum ai dreptate.
- Ea a vrut sa mearga in concediu
cu prietenii ei dar tu
nu ai fost de acord.
- ered ca am avut dreptate.
- Data viitoare cand
voi decide sa-i interzic ceva,
ii voi explica de ceo
- lntr-adevar? Nu am observat.
- Da.
- Nici macar nu i-ai spus
de ce nu ai fost de acord.
> to dec Ide
> to notice
- We >dlsagrt.'cd on that maUer.
> to Jl1.ltkl
- I know they don't >dgrce.
- It >l1lattCl cd a lot to me.
- Have you >J1l,tILcd that he has drunk
too much?
- They>COJl1I' 1:1 i ned of the heat.
- We >declded not to wait for them.
> to c< ,mplain
> lbat daz It mEta' 1
> 1'11, didn! i \ n tel hal
'dl III Ld j
> i pi'fa' dJclll kalt1plcll1z DzEt - Peter, Jane s-a plans
Il,: forhid ba:' cvnl ca Ii interzici totuI.
> 1:11'] 'Jl1'C'k al"OI rail1
> [Sl. "0nlld tll gall on holide:
Jl), hel r frcndl 1 nd Ill:
,iidnt j
> [nallill ;\",ailj
> [ICS It d:l/1
> I IbiI al hF\"llt nallt!st]
> lnd; 'I (<11111 ''\:n dl (!Jsald
tll Illlhid kl" s;\lnT'Jl1':')
:1l1Ibpil'J11 "alJ
a observa
ca ei nu sunt de acord.
Sa analizam acum fiecare separat:
a conta, a avea importanta
Now you are right.
Ai observat ca el a baut prea mult?
Yes, it does.
You didn't even tell her
why you disagreed.
But does it matter?
A contat mult pentru mine.
Peter, Jane complains that
you forbid her everything.
a nu fi de acord
I think I was right.
a accepta, a fi de acord
a se plange, a reclama
Really? I haven't noticed.
Nu am fost de parere in acea problema.
Next time when I decide
to forbid her something
I'll explain why.
She wanted to go on holiday
with her friends and you
didn't agree.
S-au plans de cal dura.
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele verbe:
a decide, a hotari
Noi am decis sa nu-i
lar acum sa revenim la imperativul format cu verbullet.
In exercitiul urmator traduceti propozitiile in Iimba engleza:
> You needn'l thmk about thIS matter.
> It doesn '1 matter.
> Let hun not talk about the war
aII the tIme.
> Let her not make thIs mistake.
> YDU mustn't declClc Wllhout lalkmg to .lane.
> We needn't aglec now.
> LeI them not complalll'
> Space travel IS excllJl1g.
- Sa nu decida ei
> ThIs incIdent mustn't happen again.
> Have you noticed thIS man m a green hat?
> He has a good Idea, let hllll speak.
> Let's not take the luggage wIth us.
- Sa nu fim de acord!
Nu trebuie sa te la aceasta problema.
Acest incident nu trebuie sa se mai intiimple.
Nu trebuie sa ajungem la un acord acum.
L-ai observat pe barbatul cu palaria verde?
Las(-0) sa nu faca aceasta
Urmeaza ultimul exereitiu al lectiei, in care vom sintetiza cele invatate. Traduceti propozitiile
urmatoare in limba engleza:
Let's not agree.
Calatoria in spatiu este captivanta.
Sa nu-i lasam sa se pliinga!
Nu conteaza.
Let them not decide themselves.
El are 0 idee buna, sa-I lasam sa vorbeasca.
Nu ai voie sa lara sa cu Jane.
De exemplu:
Sa nu luam bagajul cu noi!
Sa nu-llasam sa vorbeasca tot timpul
despre razboi.
Dacii propozi(ia in care verbul este la imperativ este flegatlva (vrem ca cineva sa flU facii ceva),
atunci se cuvantul de nega(ie not.
incepem partea a doua a lectiei cu substantive referitoare la razboi.
Cititi cuvintele cu voce tare:
army > [a:fmi] - armata
navy > [neivi] - flota maritima, marina
air force > [eaffo:fs] - forta aeriana
civilian > [sivilian] - civil
trench > -
weapon > [Uepn] - arma
enemy > [cnami] - mamlC
ally > [Elai] - aliat
cartridge > [ka:ftridj] -
atom-bomb > [Etam bom] - bomba atomica
battle > [bEtl] - batalie, lupta
submarine > [sabmari:n] - submarin
Sa exersam cuvintele noi intr-o alta ordine:
enemy > [enami] - inamic
ally > [Elai] - aliat
battle > [bEtl] - batalie, lupta
navy > [neivi] - flota maritima, marina
cartridge > [ka:ftridj] -
submarine > [sabm[lri:n] - submarin
army > [a:'miJ - armata
atom-bomb > [EUun hom] - bomba atomica
air force > [ca
fO:f S] - fortii aeriana
weapon > [Ucpn] - arma
trench > -
civilian > [slvilian] - civil
Acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care Iipsesc:
Unnariti folosirea cuvintelor nOl in propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la traducerea lor in
limba romana:
- Multi civili au fost
- Soldatii au trebuit sa sape

- Annele noastre nu sunt
destul de modeme.
- A fost necesara folosirea
bombei atomice?
- Acestea sunt proaste.
- Aliatii au venit prea tarziu
sa ne ajute.
- Aceasta tara are
o annata mica.
- intr-un razboi foI1a aeriana este
deseori decisiva.
- Flota lor maritima nu are
- Nu avem infonnatii
despre inamic.
- Batalia a inceput noaptea.
- The >atom-bomb was used by our ally.
- Are there enough> caJiridgeS?
- We are using the latest >
- The>trenches are deep enough.
- The >enemyhas modem planes.
- The >battle has continued for a week.
- They are building many >slIbmannes
- Many >civilians are leaving the town.
- Our>allies support us.
> lalla' Elalz "a:' tll: lelt
tll help as]
> [meD! sivillanz "a.' klld]
> l DIIs kantll hEz
a smo:1 armi]
> [uJ. hE\ nall Il1famelSn
on D/) ena111l]
> [Uoz It nCSlsarl tll 11I:Z
DZj Etam bom]
> l In a "o ' \)'1 ea' fo:'slz a:'
olil dlsalsl\]
> [DZa sauldja'z hEd tll dig
> [Dca bEtI sta.'tld Et nait]
> [DzI:z a:
bEd ka:rtnd]lzJ
> [aLia' "frllZ a:
l11oda'n maf]
> l DZel' nervI hEz nall
Aliatii ne sprij ina.
Batalia a continuat timp de 0 saptamana.
Ei construiesc multe submarine.
Bomba atomica a fost folosita de aliatul nostru.
Noi folosim cell' mai modeme anne.
Multi civili parasesc
Our weapons are not
modem enough.
In a war the air forces are
often decisive.
Inamicul are avioane modeme.
This country has
a small army.
Many civilians were killed.
The soldiers had to dig
Sunt destule
We have no infonnation
on the enemy.
The battle started at night.
Was it necessary to use
the atom-bomb?
TheIr navy has no
Our allies were too late
to help us.
sunt suficient de adanci.
These are bad cartridges.
"My brother is in the air force"
- In anii patruzeci au fast (avut lac)
multe lupte.
- The >army needs a lot of petrol.
- My brother is in the >alr force.
- Some countries haven't got a >navy.
> ail force
> battle
> submannc
> weapon
> :III11Y
> dto!1l-bomb
> n:l\ v
>llI1lYd 10.\))/ lYe;}' "'.1.'
men! bEll/J
Fratele meu este in aviatia militara.
In the forties there were
many battles.
Unele tari nu au flota maritima.
Armata are nevoie de mult petrol.
In continuare iatii cum putem exprima datele:
bomba atomica
lupta, batalie
flota maritima
t r n ~ e u
Acum traduceti noile cuvinte in engleza:
forta aeriana
r t u ~
Dupii eum ali observat, expresiile ea anii patruzeci, anii cincizeci etc., se formeazii adiiugiind la
numeral artieolul hotiirat :;i sufixul-es. Nu uitali eii litera -y de la sfar:;itul euviintului se transformii
in -i, iar aeeasta este urmatii de terminalia -es.
Daea vrem sa sllbhniem seeollll, atllnei data se scrie in felul urmiitor:
- anii 0 mie opt sute treizeci
- anii 0 mie noua sute l?aptezeci
- anii douazeci
- anii optzeci
> In the 405 (fortIes) there were fe\\ cars
In Romania.
> ThIs house \\ as built 111 the J 790s
(se\entccn ninetIes).
> Mary was born In the 60s (sIxtIes).
> The war started In the 1930s
(nineteen thIrties).
- anii cincizeci
- anii l?aizeci
- the nineteen seventies
- the twenties
- the eighteen thirties
- the eighties
Unneaza din nou cateva cuvinte noi:
the 80s
Pe baza exemplelor de mai sus traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Razboiul a inceput in anii 1930.
In ann '40 au fost putine mal?mi
in Romania.
- tactic
>[SI\ illan]
- civil
> [11m klIa']
- nuclear
> [1'11\]
- viu, intens
> [I1C{\ I]
- naval, maritim
>[a 'l11d'll]
- blindat, annat
Mary s-a nascut in anii l?aizeci.
Aceasta casa a fost construita in anii 1790.
the sixties
the 1970s
lata exemplele:
the 1830s
the 20s
the fifties
Aeeste expresii pot fi sense eu ajutorul eiji-elor in felul urmiitor:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Unnariti folosirea cuvintelor noi in propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare exersati pronuntia:
Traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele unnatoare:
- Politia a folosit
- Se folosesc avioane
- Annele nucleare sunt extraordinar
de periculoase.
- Avioanele flotei maritime sunt
foarte importante intr-un
razboi modern.
- lnamicul a facut
o tactica.
- Avioanele lor sunt slab
> armoured
> nucleLlr
> naval
- The soldiers were wearing >clvilian clothes.
- The enemy has two >nuclear submarines.
> civIlILln
> (actlc,,1
- The >naval battle was decisive.
> live
- It is not easy to damage
an >armoured plane.
- These children have found >live cartridges.
- The >tactlcal planes are usually not
very big.
> [OZi enami meld
a tEktlkl mistelk]
> [niu:klia
"cpanz a:'
ll1o:'masli dell1djaras]
> [nclvl plelnz a:' IInpo:'tant
III a moda'n "0:']
> [O/el' plelOz a:' aunlI laltli
> [a:lsau :m'ilian plen1Z
a:' iu:zd]
> [D/a pali.s "a:' lU:zin(g)
lalv ka 'tndJlz]
Inamicul are doua submarine nuc1eare.
The police were using
live cartridges.
naval, maritim
copii au gasit adevarate.
Batalia navala a fost decisiva.
Nuclear weapons are
enonnously dangerous.
Naval planes are important
in a modem war.
Also civIlian planes
are used.
The enemy made
a tactical mistake.
De obicei avioanele tactice nu sunt
foarte mario
Their planes are only lightly
Soldatii purtau haine civile.
Nu este sa distrugi
un avion blindat.
forma a I1I-a
fought > [fo.t]
- a (se) lupta, a se bate
- a trage (eu 0 arma)
- a (se) seufunda
- a se preda, a capitula
- a (se)lnarma
- a se uni, a intra (In)
- Inamicul a capitulat repede.
- El a intrat In armata lui,
nOI am intrat In a noastra.
- Aeeasta lara a dus
multe razboaie.
- Nu eumparam nieiodata zarzavaturi.
Noi Ie eultivam.
- El nu are nevoie de tao El are
- NU-li voi da stiloul meu; pe al tau.
fought > [fa. t]
forma a II-a
> [tll fa/a' El]
> [tll f3lt]
> [hI hEz d,oll1d hiZ a:'mi
" 1: hEy djOlml aua' <lun]
> [tua:'m]
> [tu djom]
> [D/] cnami slI.n sarenda'd]
> [D/Is kant!! hEz fa. t
I11CnI "(1 'z1
> [tll sarenda']
He has joined his army,
we have joined our own.
Dintre verbele de mai sus doua sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:
De exemplu:
I won't give you my pen; use your own.
He doesn't need your car. He has
his own.
The enemy soon surrendered.
We never buy vegetables.
We grow our own.
to surrender
to sink
to join
This country has fought
many wars.
Sa invatam eiiteva verbe noi:
fight > [ faIt]
to fight
to arm
Aeum iata noile verbe In propozilii:
to fire at
in eontinuare ne vom oeupa din nou de gramatiea.
latti cdteva detalii:
Cuvdntul one nu se pentru inlocuirea unui substantiv care se repetti. dacti in propozi!ie se
aflti pronumele own.
forma I
sink > [sll1
Am inw'i!at deja cuwintul one, care se pentru inlocuirea unui substantiv care se repetti in
We fired at the enemy planes, > lUi. faia'cl Et 1)'1 cnami pleinz - Am tras in avioanele inamice,
not at our own. not Et au,,' 3un) nu in ale noastre.
Unneaza un exercitiu nou in care vom folosi cuvintele noi. Completati unnatoarele propozitii in
limba engleza:
Nu am tras niciodata asupra nimanui.
- Ei ne-au scufundat deja
prea multe nave.
- We will stop >fighting as soon as the enemy
- After a week he >jomcd his wife
in London.
- We >sanK a ship at midnight.
- I have never >fired at anybody.
- The planes are heavily >armcd.
- How many ships >have becn sunk
this week?
- The two amlies >Jomed before
the last battle.
- They >SllrJ l'ndereu without >fightmg.
- We will >fig-ht to the last man.
> alia' sltuld.FJ'z - Soldatii sunt
a. 'mdl suficient de inarmati?
> lUi: fo:t in velD] - Noi am luptat in zadar.
> [D'el hEy faia'd Et as - Au tras uneori asupra noastra.
> [aua' Elalz hEy sarcnda'd] - Aliatii au capitulat.
> [D'ei a:'md DZemselvz - S-au inannat cu cutitele lor.
lid)' f)'f'I' aun naivz]
> [[Ya sa?man:n - Submarinul a scufundat
l3,v 111 tu: delZ] cinci vapoare in doua zile.
> [D/el hEv tu: mcni
av aua' o:lrccll]
> [lid iu: dJoin as] - Ni te vei alatura?
Cate nave au fast scufundate
in aceasta saptamana?
Ei s-au predat Tara sa lupte.
Vom lupta pana la ultimul om.
Will you join us?
We fought in vain.
Cele doua annate s-au unit inainte
de ultima batalie.
Avioanele sunt foarte inannate.
Dupa 0 saptamana, el a venit dupa sotia sa
la Londra.
Am scufundat un vapor la miezul noptii.
They armed themselves
with their own knives.
They have fired at us
The submarine sank
five ships in two days.
Vom inceta lupta de indata ce inamicul
se va preda.
They have sunk too many
of our ships already.
Are our soldiers
sufficiently armed?
Our allies have surrendered.
Sii revenim incii 0 datii /a f%sirea cuvantu/ui one in in/ocuirea substantive/or.
If you want cigarettes, I can give you some. - Daca vrei tigari, iti pot da cateva.
> We bought two ships
and they bought jive.
- Nu a fast ei, ci a surorii sale.
- Eu am trei scaune ea are cinci.
> 1have 111) 0\\ n 100111 and he has hiS nIl II
- Aceasta bicicleta nu este atiit de scumpa
ca a lui John.
- Dintre toate florile pe care Ie-am vazut azi,
acestea sunt cele mai frumoase.
- Ea a cumparat doua haine a furat trei.
- EI a cautat perdele ieftine,
dar nu a vazut niciuna.
> fiIs car IS not so/as fast as Mary's.
- Dintre toate pe care Ie avem aceasta
este cea mai rapida.
> I lIs \\ Ill.' IS the most bedutlful
Of all the flowers I have seen today,
these are the most beautiful.
Of all the cars we have, this
is the fastest.
He was looking for cheap curtains,
but he didn't see any.
She bought two coats and stole three.
This bicycle is not so expensive
as John's.
I have three chairs and she has five.
It was not her mistake, but her sister's.
Am camera mea el 0 are pe a sa.
Sotia lui este cea mai frumoasa.
Noi am cumparat doua vapoare
ei au cumparat cinci.
lui nu este atiit de rapida ca a lui Mary.
In exercitiul urmator vom exersa constructiile invatate anterior. Traduceti propozitiile in limba
1. Dupii numera/e cardinale:
3. Dupii pronume/e some, any, these, those:
Pentru a verifica daca ati retinut cele studiate piina acum, traduceti verbele urmatoare in limba
a trage (cu 0 arma) >
to fire (at)
a se uni, a intra 1n > to Jom
a (se) scufunda >
to sink
a 1narma >
to ann
a (se) lupta > to fIght
a se preda >
to surrender
2. Dupii genitivu/ saxon:
4. Dupii forma de super/ativ a adjective/or:
latii a/te cazuri in care cuvantu/ one poatefi omis:
Parintii lui John sunt mai batnlni dedit ai lui Mary. > John's parents are older than Mary's.
Urmeaza ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Nu avem nevoie de submarinele flotei lor militare, > We don't need the submarines of theu' navy:
Ie avem pe ale noastre. we have our own.
> You mustn't take it
> You needn't do It today.
> They have decided to use the atom-bomb.
> III the 20s (t\\el1t1es) we had a small anny.
> The complamts of the customers are worth
listening to.
> He made two mistakes, but you made six.
> This boy lS the tallest.
> I soon got tired because my luggage
\\ as hea\').
> The weapons of the enemy are not modem.
> When we noticed it was gettmg dark,
we .lamed our allies.
> We have two children and our nelghbOllrs
have five.
> I needn't borrow any money; I have my own.
In incheiere iata exercitiul de pronuntie. Repetati cuvintele:
le] lei] l all la]
weapon navy decide army
trench naval live arm
bed mistake decisive cartridge
enemy space fire armoured
let lake fight car
Ei au decis sa foloseasca bomba atomica.
Nu trebuie sa faci asta azi.
In anii '20 noi aveam 0 armata mica.
Nu ai voie sa iei asta.
Armele inamicului nu sunt modeme.
EI a Iacut doua dar tu ai Iacut
Am obosit repede pentru ca bagajul meu
a fost greu.
Reclamatiile cumparatorilor merita
Acest baiat este cel mai inaIt.
Ciind am observat ca a inceput sa se intunece,
ne-am alaturat aliatilor
Noi avem doi copii, iar vecinii
au ClnC!.
Nu trebuie sa imprumut bani; ii am pe ai mei.
Daca vrem sa subliniem secolul, atunci data se scrie in felul unnator:
31.1.2. Corespondentul englezesc al expresiei nu trebuie este needn't:
- anll optzeci
- anii 0 mie noua sute
- anii 0 mie opt sute treizeci
- Ea nu are voie sa fumeze.
- Nu ai voie sa aici.
- Nu trebuie sa toate aceste carti.
- Ea nu trebuie faca griji in legatura
cu acest lucm.
- Sa nu-i lasam sa vorbeasca.
- Sa nu mergem acolo!
- anii
.. . . .
- ann cmClzeCl
- the eighties
- the nineteen seventies
- the eighteen thirties
You mustn't talk here.
She mustn't smoke.
You needn't read all these books.
She needn't worry about it.
the 1970s
the sixties
Let them not speak.
Aceste expresii pot fi scrise cu cifre in felul unnator:
Let's not go there!
the fifties
31.1.1. Daca verbulUi modal must i se adauga adverbul de negatie not, obtinem fonna must
not (fonna scurta mustn't) care inseamna a nu fi permis/ingaduit, a nu avea voie, a
fi interzis.
the 1830s
the 80s
31.1. Fonna negativa a verbului modal must
31.3. Expresnle anii patruzeci, anii cincizeci se formeaza adaugand numeralului articolul hotarat
sufixul -es. Litera -y de la cuvantului se transfonna in -i, de exemplu:
31.2. Daca vrem ca cmeva sa nu faca ceva, atunci verbului let i se adauga cuvantul de negatie not:
5. Dupa forma de superlativ a adjectiveIor:
4. Dupa pronumeIe some, any, these, those:
I have three chairs and she has five. - Am trei scaune ea are cinci.
- Daca vrei tigari,
iti pot da cateva.
- Dintre toate pe care Ie avem,
aceasta este cea mai rapida.
- Aceasta bicicleta nu este aHit de scumpa
ca a lui John.
- Nu-ti voi da stiloul meu;
pe aI tau.
I won't give you my pen;
use your own.
If you want cigarettes,
I can give you some.
This bicycle is not so expensive
as John's.
Of all the cars we have,
this is the fastest.
1. Dupa adjectivuI own
3. Dupa genitivuI saxon
2. Dupa numerale cardinale:
31.4. Omiterea cuvantuIui one in cazuI in care substantive:
in unnatoarele cazuri cuvantul one care substantive care se repeta, poate fi omis:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- .......
I. Nu-mi place aceasta idee. 0 prefer pe aceea.
5. You needn't join the army.
I. Let them not buy this expensive bicycle.
2. In the '80s there were a lot of battles.
1. You needn't to go to school today. You can stay at home if you want.
3. I have one daughter and they have two ones.
6. Acesta nu este bagajul meu, ci al Mariei.
2. Let her not to open the window.
4. Sa nu-Ilasam pe John sa se planga.
5. They don't needn't wear these trousers.
4. We met in the 1970.
5. Nu trebuie sa lupt in acest razboi.
6. I wanted stamps but they didn't have any.
2. Oilatoriile in spatiu au inceput in anii treizeci.
3. They have two submarines and we have ten.
4. She mustn't give us these towels.
Corectati g r e ~ e l i l e din urmatoarele propozitii:
3. Nu avem voie sa facem e e ~ i g r e ~ e l de doua ori.
Exersati cuvinte1e noi Intr-o alta ordine:
In continuare va vom prezenta alte cuvinte legate de razboi:
" "
ritle > [raitl] -
> [tEn(g)k]
- tanc
aircraft > [ea'kra:ft] - aVlOn, aVlOane
aircraft carrier > [eilrkra:ft kEria'] - port-avion
anti-aircraft gun > [Enti ea'kra:ft gan] - tun anti-aerian
ammunition > - munitie
target > [ta:'git]
- tinta
casualties > [kEjiualtiz] - pierderi, victime
measures > [meja'z] - masuri, dispozitii
bomber > [boma'] - bombardier, avion de
fighter > [faitil
] - avion de vanatoare
attack > [atEk] - atac, asalt
aircraft carrier > [earkra:ft kEria
] - port-avion
attack > [atEk] - atac, asa1t
> [tEn(g'k]
- tanc
measures > [meja'z] - masuri, dispozitii
ritle > [raitl]
bomber > lboma'] - bombardier, avion de
aircraft > [eil'kra:ft] - avion, avioane
casualties > [kEjiualtiz] - pierderi, victime
ammunition > l - munitie
fighter > l fait a'] - avion de vanatoare
anti-aircraft gun > [Enti ea'kra: ft gan] - tun anti-aerian
target > [ta:'git]
- tinta
- Avioanele noastre nu
s-au intors inca.
- Trebuie sa luam
masuri serioase.
- Bombardierele noastre
au nimerit toate tintele.
- Cite vietime au fost
in aeea biitiilie?
- Ei au probleme
eu munitia lor.
- Avem nevoie de mai multe
tunuri anti-aeriene.
- Port-avioanele sunt
vapoare enorrne.
- Soldatii sunt inarmati
- Jeri noi am pierdut doua
avioane de vfmatoare.
- Cite taneuri are inamieul?
- Ataeul a ineeput
dimineata devreme.
- Un vapor este 0 tinta
> [hau mcn) tEnlg)ks hEz
011 cnalnl got]
> [D/a sauldp'z a
> l ea'kra:1t kEna'z a:'
> [D/CI a:' hE\'m
" I DI [YCI' El111Lll1isn]
> [aua' eil'kra:ft hE\' not
let nta:'nd]
> [") hE\' tu teik
si lIas me)a' z]
> [D/i [ltEk kcnTI 111
011 a:'iI l11o.rmn,g,]
> [a lZ an i:Zl ta:'gltJ
> ["1 lost tu. f alta' z
lesta' del]
> [aua' boma'z hEv hIt
o'j D/a ta:'gits]
> [hall I11Cl1l kEJlualtlz "a '
D/ea'In DIEt bEtl]
> [til: m:d mo"
Entl ca'kra.1t ganz]
We have to take
serious measures.
We lost two fighters
"The soldiers are armed with rifles"

Our aircraft have not
yet returned.
Aircraft carriers are
enormous ships.
How many casualties were
there in that battle?
A ship IS an easy target.
Acum urmariti folosirea cuvintelor noi in propozitii:
How many tanks has
the enemy got?
They are having troubles
with their ammunition.
We need more
anti-aircraft guns.
The soldiers are armed
wIth rifles.
Our bombers have hit
all the targets.
The attack came in
the early morning.
Tunurile noastre anti-aeriene au fost nefolositoare. - Our>anti-aircraft guns were useless.
Sa exersam inca 0 data cuvintele noi. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cuvintele
Bombardierele zboara la inaltime foarte mare.
Acestea sunt p u ~ t i straine.
Au fost putine victime.
Au fost alese multe tinte industriale.
S-au raportat doua avioane de vanatoare avariate.
Atacul va avea loc in ceata.
Ultimul lor port-avion
a fost scufundat in zori.
Pe un port-avion este loc
pentru multe avioane.
Tancurile sunt sigure.
Aceste masuri nu sunt suficiente.
Nu avem munitie pentru aceste arme.
Acum traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele:
avion (avioane)
pierderi, victime
atac, asalt
masuri, dispozitii
avion de vanatoare
p u ~
tun anti-aerian
- The> bombers fly very high.
- These are foreign> nfles.
- There were hardly any > casualties.
- Many industrial> targets were chosen.
- Two> fighterswere reported damaged.
- The> attackwill be made in fog.
- Their last> aircraft carrier
was sunk at dawn.
- On an aircraft carrier there is space
for many> aircraft
- The> tanksare reliable.
- These> measuresare not sufficient.
- We have no > ammunitionfor these weaports.
> aircraft
> ammunition
> casualtIes
> bomber
> attack
> target
> tank
> aircraft carrier
> measures
> fighter
> rifle
> anti-aircraft gun
Nu uita!i sa adauga!i substantivului la singular sau plural apostroful $i litera sf
- disparut
- defensiv, de aparare
- vulnerabil, care poate fi atacat
- militar
- ostil, inamic
- avion cu reactie
- Sunt necesare avioane de
bombardament cu reactie pentru
acele tinte.
- Am luat masuri de aparare.
- Doar tintele militare
sunt importante.
- Tancurile sunt vulnerabile fata de
unele tipuri de avioane.
- S-a raportat disparitia a
douazeci de soldati.
- Nu au fost vazute avioane
de vanatoare inamice in acea zi.
> The school IS a mile's dIstance
fi om my house.
> Do you know anythIng about last week's
> Do you know last Monday's results?
- A fost 0 intarziere de doua ore.
- Ai auzit de ieri seara?
- Cladirea era la 0 distanta de 0 mila de noi.
> [hostad]
> [valnarabl]
> [lil. tuk dlfenslv meJa'z]
> [he\ I dIet boma'z lid bl:
neSlsal1 to' !Yauzta 'glts]
> [tUentl sauld,a'z a
J Ipoltld mism
> [1[n1e1ks a I valnalabl tu S3m
kallldz a\ ea'kJa It]
> [aunl! mihtan ta,'glts
a:' unpo:'tant]
> l nau hostal1 falta'z Ua,l si:n
DIEt del]
> [dJet]
No hostile fighters were seen
that day.
ceva despre intalnirea de saptamana trecuta?
Heavy jet bombers will be
necessary for those targets.
We took defensive measures.
Did you hear last night's news?
In exercitiul urmator puteti urmari folosirea cuvintelor noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu atentie retineti
traducerea lor in limba romana:
Tanks are vulnerable to some
kinds of aircraft.
rezultatele de lunea trecuta?
Sa invatam ciiteva cuvinte noi:
vulnerable (to)
Sa aplicam aceasta regula in urmatorul exercitiu:
Genitivul saxon se inaintea substantivelor care exprima timpul sau distan!a, de exemplu:
The building was a mile's distance from us.
There was a two hours' delay.
Acum ne yom reintoarce la 0 problema gramaticala discutata in lectia anterioara, anume, genitivul
Twenty soldiers are
reported missing.
Only military targets
are important.
se afla la 0 distanta de un kilometru
jumatale de casa mea.
De exemplu:
They were afraid of the enemy. - Le-a fast frica de
I am afraid of big dogs. - Mi-e friea de ciiinii mario
- a fi interesat(a) de/sa...
- a se teme de
>My parents are not interested in my friends.
> Why are you afraId of me')
> I think she will be 1l1terestcd in it.
> Arc you interested in this news?
>They were afraid of the second attack.
> I am interested in submarines.
- The >hostll e bombers are armed.
- Many >military buildings are damaged.
- Five planes are >missing
- We shall need more >defensive weapons.
- Their >jet fighters are very fast. .-
- Ships are >vulnerable to attacks
by submarines.
>[tu bi: afrc/d av]
> [tu bi: intrastid in]
Pe parintii mei nu-i intereseaza prietenii mei.
Le-a fast frica de eel de-al doilea atac.
De ce ti-e frica de mine?
Ma intereseaza submarineIe.
ered ca a va interesa.
Te intereseaza aceasta
to be interested in
How long have you been interested in weapons? - De ciind te intereseaza armele?
Pentru a exersa folosirea eelor doua expresii, traduce1i in limba engleza urmatoarele propozi1ii:
Bombardierele inamice sunt inarmate.
Au disparut cinci avioane.
to be afraid of
They are interested in buying your house. - Sunt interesati sa cumpere casa tao
Avioanele lor de viinatoare cu reactie
sunt foarte rapide.
Multe cladiri militare sunt avariate.
Vapoarele sunt vulnerabile la atacurile
Acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele noi:
Vom avea nevoie de mai multe arme defensive.
Aceste expresii se folosesc la toate timpurile din limba englezii, prin cOlljugarea corespullziltoare a
verbului to be.
Jar acum urmeazii douii expresii f%site des in /imba eng/ezil:
Completati propozitiIie urmatoarele cu verbele corespunzatoare:
Yom invata ultimele verbe noi din aceasta lectie:
- Au fost distruse multe fabrici in
timpul atacului.
- Au doborat trei dintre
avioanele noastre.
- lnamicul a bombardat
capitala noastra.
- Noi am aparat capitala cat
mai mult timp posibil.
- Trei vapoare, care transportau
munitie au fost scufundate.
- Avioanele de vanatoare au atacat
- Avioanele au decolat de pe
vasul purtator de avioane.
- leri am primit 0 scrisoare.
- Can we >dcfend our harbours?
- They >bombed our fighters
before they could take off.
- The planes >took off into the wind.
- Halfofthe tanks were >deslloycd
in the first few minutes.
- The news I have >ICCl'!\ cd is awful.
> [til. dIfcmhd D/a kEpltl
Ez lon,e) Ez ]1oslbl]
> [menl fEktanz tl a:'
dlstlO/d In IYI atEk]
> lO"l cnal1ll bomd
alia' kEpltl]
> [O/el hEv bro:t dalln
T'll av aua' ca'kJa:ft]
> [IVa plell1Z tuk ortrom
f)ll ea'kra:ft kEnai]
> [ai nsi:vd a leta' Icsta'de/]
> [O/a fa/ta'z hEy atckt
IYa I En
> [ r'n. kElIlIl
Ne putem apara portunle?
to destroy > [tu (lIstJ oi] - a distruge, a darama
to bomb > [tu bom] - a bombarda
to bring down > [tu brin
daun] - a dobori (un avion etc.)
to take off > [tu te/k of] - a decola, lua zborul
to attack > [tll atEk] - a ataca, a asalta
to defend > [tu (Mend] - a apara
to receive > l tll nsi v] - aprnm
to carry > l tll kElI] - a transporta, a duce
Avioanele s-au inaltat in direetia vantului.
lata folosirea verbelor noi in lIrmatoarele propozitiJ:
I receIved a letter yesterday.
Yestea pe care am primit-o este ingrozitoare.
Au bombardat avioanele noastre de vanatoare
inainte ca ele sa poata decola.
Jumatate din tancuri au fost distruse
in primele cateva minute.
The planes took off from
the aircraft carrier.
Three ships carrying
ammunition were sunk.
Many factories were
destroyed III the attack.
The fighters have attacked
the tanks.
We defended the capital
as long as possible.
The enemy bombed
our capital.
They have brought down
three of our aircraft.
Iar acum sa ne Intoarcem la pronumele adjectivul pronominal any.
Vii prezentiim formele pronominale compuse ale acestui cuvant:
In Incheierea acestui de exercitii, traduceli In limba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte:
- They can> can") the heaviest bombs.
- The anti-aircraft guns have> broughtdown
many aircraft.
- The bombers> attackedtwice that day.
- Poti pune oriunde scaunul acesta.
- Oamenii aceia vor face orice pentru bani.
- Poti sa dai asta oricarei persoane pe care
o acolo.
- Orice copil raspunsul
la aceasta Intrebare.
- Poli veni In orice zi.
- Oricine 11i poate spune asta.
- Va accepta orice camera pe care poli
sa i-o feri.
You can give it to anyone you meet there.
Anybody can tell you that.
You can put that chair anywhere.
Bombardierele au atacat de doua ori In acea zi.
Ele pot transporta bombele cele mai grele.
Those people will do anything for money.
anybody > [ embodl] - oricine, oricare
anyone > [eni"anj - oricine, orieare
anything > [eniT'in(g)j
- once
anywhere > l cI1l
ea'] - oriunde, In oriee loe
lata ciiteva exemple:
a transporta, a duce > to carry
a apara > to defend
apnml > to receive
a ataca > to attack
a decola > to take off
a doborl > to bring down
a bombarda > to bomb
a distruge > to destroy
Any child knows the answer
to that question.
He will take any room you can
offer to him.
You can come any day.
Tunurile anti-aeriene au doboriit
multe avioane.
Adjeetivul pronominal any se in propozi!ii afirmative. in aeest caz inseamii: orice,
oricare, se pentru determinarea persoQnelor :;;i obiectelor.
in incheierea lectiei, unneaza exercitiu de pronuntie:
lata ultimul exercitiu de traducere din aceasta parte a lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile unnatoare in
limba engleza:
> Any bombel can be blought down.
> It can be done wIth anythmg that is sharp.
> Any room IS good enough for me.
> Anyone who has been there knows how much
hallic there IS.
> Anybody can see that those flowers
,II e not fresh.
> Any defensIve measure wIll help.
> It can be used m any country.
> Any book that IS bought wIll be wrapped up
> Are you interested m these facts?
> Anybody can hit thIS target.
> These tyres are the best.
> If our al lIes need bombers,
we can gIve them some.
> The cnmmal can be hldmg anywhere.
> Of a]] the tal gets \\ e have to defend,
thIS IS the most vulnerable.
> The attack can start anywhere.
> Of a]] the tanks I have driven,
thIS IS the fastest.
> The nfles you ale using are better
than these.
Aceste cauciucuri sunt cele mai bune.
Daca aliatii au nevoie de bombardiere,
putem sa Ie dam cateva.
Te intereseaza aceste fapte?
Poate fi folosit in orice tara.
Dintre toate tintele pe care trebuia sa Ie aparam,
acesta este cea mai vulnerabila.
Poate fi Iacut cu orice lucru ascutit.
Atacul poate incepe oriunde.
Orice masura de aparare ne va ajuta.
Criminalul se poate ascunde oriunde.
Orice bombardier poate fi doborat.
pe care Ie folositi sunt mai bune
decat acestea.
Dintre toate tancurile pe care Ie-am condus,
acesta este cel mai rapid.
Oricine a fost acolo, cat de intens
este traficul.
Oricine poate nimeri aceasta tinta.
Orice carte cumparata va fi impachetata
Orice camera este destul de buna pentm mine.
[eJ [EJ [a1J [IJ
jet casualties rifle military
defend attack fighter missing
measure carry light civilian
trench tactical time bring
send matter find sink
in exercitiul unnator vom exersa utilizarea adjectivului pronominal any a fonnelor sale compuse.
Traduceti propozltlile in Iimba engleza:
Oricine poate vedea ca acele flori
nu sunt proaspete.
Barbara: I agree with what Mary just said, and you John?
lata-ne la ultimul exercitiu al cursului. Ca de obicei, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Cititi cu atentie unnatorul dialog:
> I know your Ideas are better than my own.
> Anybody can see that the enemy
IS losing the war.
> Don't think that a tank can be used anywhere!
> I had lost my ov.n rifle and took Mark's.
> We had to look for aircraft carriers,
but we dIdn't find any.
> He thought there would be no complaints,
but there were four.
> Anybody can carry these cartridges.
Is there anything we can do about it?
I really don't know. Some people say that we have to destroy all weapons and close ,the
factories that make them.
There will always be people who will do anything for money.
But things don't work that way.
Why is it that people cannot live peacefully for a longer time?
Every day when you read the morning papers, there is news about all kinds of wars, isn't
it, Peter?
Well, yes. But is it bad? In this way we cannot forget that while we ourselves are living in
peace, things are not so good for a lot of other people.
This question is hard to answer. it must be something deep within us.
ca ideile tale sunt mai bune deciit ale mele.
Oricine poate transporta aceste
Oricine poate vedea ca
va pierde razboiul.
Mi-am pierdut am luat-o pe a lui Mark.
Nu crede ca un tanc poate fi falosit oriunde!
A trebuit sa cautam port-avioane,
dar nu am gasit niciunul.
EI a crezut ca nu vor fi reclamatii,
dar au fast patru.
John: We have to try to be good to other people and in the meantime remember what has often
been said: if you want peace you have to be prepared to fight.
Barbara: I guess so, but other people say that negotiating is the answer. But it often happens that
people finish negotiations when it seems they are getting less than the others.
> We needn't look for them now.
> In the 70s (Sl'\ cntles) a'lot oLmcraft \H're btult.
> Let them not taik about wcapons'
> A fe\\ tactIcal mIstakes were made.
> !-la\ e )'LlU notIced the large numbcI of
anti-anu aft guns')
> Are you lI1terestcd 111 these meaSlil es'.)
> All the about that \\'ar ale not
yet kncJ\\ Jl
> Willch of thell ships is the most vulnerable'?
> Two naval aIrcraft \\ ere mlssmg
aftcr the battle.
> They ha\ e Jomed the navy.
> Also CIvIlian planes were fired at.
> We mustn't use the atom-bomb.
> What defenSIve weapons have
thell bombers got'!
> They took off to aUclck ammUnItIon factones.
> What has been dccJ(led about
nuclear \\ capons'?
> Our allIes have surrendered.
> Any jet bomber can destroy
those targets.
S-au facut pu,ine tactice.
Nu-i lasa vorbeasca despre anne!
S-au construit multe avioane In anii
Nu sunt cunoscute inca toate faptele legate
de acel razboi.
Ai observat numarul mare de tunuri
Doua avioane ale flotei militare, au disparut
dupa lupta aeriana.
"I had lost my own rifle and took Mark's."
Ce anne defensive au
bombardierele lor?
Acum nu trebuie sa-i cautam.
Te intereseaza aceste masuri?
Care dintre navele lor este cea mai vulnerabila?
Ei au intrat in marina militara.
S-a tras asupra avioanelor civile.
Ei au decolat pentru a ataca fabrici de
Nu trebuie sa folosim bomba atomica.
au capitulat.
Orice bombardier cu reaqie poate distruge
aceIe ,inte.
Ce s-a decis in leg.1Ima cu
anneIe nucleare?
32.1. Alte cazuri de folosire a genitivului saxon

Genitivul saxon se inaintea substantivelor care exprima timpul distanta, de

- oricine, oricare
- A fost 0 intarziere de doua ore.
- Orice copil raspunsul
la intrebarea asta.
- Poti pune oriunde scaunul acela.
- Oamenii aceia vor face orice
pentru bani.
- Poti sa dai asta oricareia dintre
persoanele eu care te aeolo.
- oricine, oricare
- orice
- Cladirea era la 0 distanta de 0 mila
de casa noastra.
- oriunde, in orice loc
- Ai auzit din seara trecuta?
- Oricine iti poate spune asta.
You can put that chair anywhere.
Those people will do anything
for money.
You can give it to anyone
you meet there.
Any child knows the answer
to that question.
Anybody can tell you that.
I. Adjectivul pronominal any se folosqte in propozitii afirmative. In acest caz inseamna:
orice, oricare:
2. Formele compuse ce deriva de la any sunt:
Did you hear last night's news?
There was a two hours' delay.
The building was at a mile's distance
from our house.
32.2. Cuvantul any formele sale compuse
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitli in limba romana:
I. A lot of aircraft joined the battle.
2. Your ten minutes' speech was interesting.
3. Anybody can tell you about Jane.
4. Have you read yesterday's newspaper?
5. We met a lot of hostile people there.
6. I'm afraid it can be anywhere.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Razboiul a inceput dupa doi ani de pace.
2. Ne-am intors acasa infometatl dupa patru ore de plimbare.
3. Grice soldat aceste fapte.
4. Intreaba pe oricine!
5. Poti primi orice la micul dejun.
6. Voi lua orice carte imi vei imprumuta.
C. Alegeti raspunsul corect dintre cele trei variante completati propozitiile urmatoare:
I. . .. can tell you where it is.
a. Anybody
b. None
c. Anything
2. After a ... travel we came to Madrid.
a. two days
b. two day's
c. two days'
3. The ... news is very good.
a. last week
b. last week's
c. last weeks'
, ,
abstract > [EbstrEkt] - abstract
to be afraid of > [tu bi: afreld av] - a se teme de, a avea frica de
to agree > [tuagri.] - a accepta, a fi de acord,
a fi de
aircraft > [ea'kra:ft] - avion, avioane
aircraft carrier > [ea'kra:ft kEria'] - port-avion
air force > [ca' fo:' s] - foI1a aeriana
ally > [Elal] - aliat
ammunition > - munitie
anti-aircraft gun > [anti ea'kra:ft gan] - tun anti-aerian
any > [emJ - orice, oncare
anybody > (enihodl] - oncme, oncare
anyone > [emUan] - oricine, oricare
anything > [eniT'm
] - orice
anywhere > [eniUca'] - in orice loc, oriunde
to ann > [tua:'m] - a inarma, a se inarma
armoured > [a:'ma'dJ - blindat, armat
army > [a:'mi] - armata
atom-bomb > [Etam bom] - bomba atomica
attack > [atEk] - atac, asalt
to attack >[tuatEk] - a ataca, a asalta
battle > [bEtl] - batalie, lupta
to bomb > [tu bom] - a bombarda
bomber > [boma'] - borbardier, avion de
to bring down > [tu brin(g) daunJ - a dobori (un avion etc.)
to carry > [tu kEri] - a duce, a transporta
cartridge > (ka:'tridJ] -
casualties > [kEjlllaltIz] - pierderi, victime
civilian > [51\ ilran] - civil
to complain > [IU kamplein] - a se plange, a reclama
> [kampleint]
- nemultumire, plfmgere,
> [konkn:t]
- concret, palpabil
to decide
> [tu disaid]
- a decide, a hoUiri
> [dlsa/slv]
- hotarator, decisiv
to defend
> [tu dlfend]
- a apara
> [dlfenslv]
- defenslv, de aparare
to destroy
> [tu dlstro/]
- a distruge, a darama
to disagree
> [tu dlsagIi:]
- a nu fi de acord, a nu accepta
> [enaml]
- inamic
> l fEkt]
- fapt, intamplare
to fight
> [tu fail]
- a (se) lupta, a se bate cu
> [fa/tar]
- luptator, avion de vanatoare
to fire (at)
> [tu fa/a']
- a trage (cu 0 anna)
> [hostaJ!]
- ostil; inamic
> [a/dia]
- idee
> l insldant]
- incident, intamplare
to be interested in
>[tutll intrastld 111]
- a (se) interesa de
> [dJet]
- avion cu reaqle
to join
> [tu dlOIl1]
- a se uni, a se asocia
> [la/v]
- viu, intens
> [lagldJJ
- bagaj
> [mEta'J
- chestiune, problema, treaba
to matter
> [tu mEta']
- a conta, a avea importanta
> lmela' z]
- masuri, dispozitii
> [miiItan]
- militar
- disparut
> [mlste/k]
> [masnt]
- a nu avea voie, a nu fi pennis,
a fi interzis
- naval, maritim
to notice
to receive
to sink
space travel
to surrender
to take off
vulnerable (to)
> [neivl]
> [ni:dnt]
> [tu nalltis]
> [nlU:klia']
> [obdjlkt]
> [abdJcktiv]
> [pi:s]
> [pi:sfal]
> [prezantll]
> [tu risi:v]
> [raJtl]
> [tu sin(glk]
> [sauld]a
> [speis]
> [speJS trEvI]
> [sabman:n]
> [tll sMcnda
> [tEktikl]
> [tll telk of]
> [tEn(Clk]
> [ta:'git]
> [a:'djant]
> [valnarabl]
> [Uo:']
> [Uepn]
- flota maritima, marina militara
- nu trebuie, nu e cazul
- a observa, a baga In seama
- nuclear
- obiect, scop
- obiectiv, nepartinitor
- pace
- calm,
- imediat, indata -
- a primi, a lua
- a (se) scufunda
- soldat
- spaliu, univers
- calatorie in spaliu
- submarin
- a capitula, a se preda
- tactic
- a decola, lua zborul
- tane
- linta
- urgent
- vulnerabil
- razboi
- anna

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