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Justitia si drepturile cetatenilor

Conceptul de justitie in sensul ce mai larg, include atat sistemul organelor acreditate cu
infaptuirea ei, cat si activitatea desfasurata de aceste organe.In ceea ce priveste drepturile
cetatenilor, acestea sunt in primul rand foarte importante pentru fiecare cetatean si necesita
cunoasterea lor de catre acestia.
Am ales aceasta tema, deoarece, cum spuneam si mai sus ,fiecare om trebuie sa-si cunoasca
drepturile pe care le are fiind cetatean si ceea ce inseamna justitie. Dupa cum toti stim Romania
este o tara care a aderat la Uniunea Europeana si face parte din ea, iar noi suntem deci cetateni ai
UE.In continuare voi prezenta pe scurt drepturile pe care le are un cetatean UE.
Prin instituirea a Tratatului de la Maastricht cetatenia europeana dobandeste un rol esential in
dezvoltarea procesului de integrare europeana. Dispozitiile comunitare stabilesc cetatenia
europeana ca obiectiv ce se constitue intr-o noua etapa a procesului de realizare U.E.
Popoarele Europei,au stabilit o uniune cat mai strinsa intre alesi, au hotarit un viitor pasnic
bazat pe valori comune. Constienta de patrimoniul material si spiritual si moral,
intemeiaza pe valorile indivizibile si universale ale demnitatii umane, libertati,egalitati..U.E. se
sprijina pe statul de drept, totodata situieaza persoana in centrul actiunii sale instituind cetatenia
Uniunii si creind un spatiu de libertate, de securitate, si de justitie. Tot ea contribuie la pastrarea
si dezvoltarea acestor valori comune respectind diversitatea culturilor si traditiilor popoarelor
Europei, precum si a identitatii nationale a statelor membre si a organizatiilor puterilor publice la
nivel national, regional si local.
Uniunea cauta sa promoveze o dezvoltare echilibrata si durabila si sa asigure libera circulatie
a persoanelor, a marfurilor, serviciilor si a capitalurilor, precum si libertatea de stabilire.In acest
scop este necesar ca evidentiindu-le printr-o carta sa fie intarita protectia drepturilor
fundamentale in spiritul evolutie societatii al progresului social si a dezvoltarilor stiintifice si
tehnologice. Respectiva Carta reafirma prin respectarea competentelor si indatoririlor Uniuni
precum si a principiului subsidiaritati, drepturi care in special din traditiile, constitutionale si
obligatiile internationale, comune statelor membre. Conventia Europeana privind apararea a
drepturilor omului si libertatilor fundamentale din cartele sociale adoptate de Uniune si de catre
Consiliul Europei, precum si din jurisprudenta Curti de Justitie U.E. si a Curtii Europene a
Drepturilor Omului.
EU citizenship, conferred automatically on any EU national, brings with it a number of
important rights.
What is EU citizenship?
Any person who holds the nationality of an EU country is automatically also an EU citizen. EU
citizenship is additional to and does not replace national citizenship. It is for each EU country to
lay down the conditions for the acquisition and loss of nationality of that country
Citizenship of the Union is conferred directly on every EU citizen by the Treaty on the
Functioning of the EU .
What rights do you have as an EU citizen?
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union entails the right to:
move and reside freely within the EU;
vote for and stand as a candidate in European Parliament and municipal elections;
be protected by the diplomatic and consular authorities of any other EU country;
petition the European Parliament and complain to the European Ombudsman.
These rights apply to all EU citizens.
EU citizens are entitled to other rights including:
the right to contact and receive a response from any EU institution in one of the EU's official
the right to access European Parliament, European Commissionand Council documents under
certain conditions; and
the right of equal access to the EU Civil Service.
The Treaty also prohibits discrimination on the basis of nationality .
The Lisbon Treaty introduced a new form of public participation for European citizens, the
Citizens' Initiative. This allows one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of
EU countries to call directly on the European Commission to bring forward aninitiative of
interest to them within the framework of its powers

Fundamental rights

The EU is based on the values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of
law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.
Respecting and promoting fundamental rights
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter) brings together into a
single text all the personal, civic, political, economic and social rights enjoyed by people
within the EU.
The Charter became legally binding across the EU with the entry into force of the Treaty of
Lisbon. The EU institutions must respect the rights enshrined in the Charter.
The Charter also applies to EU countries but only when they implement EU law.
The Charter's provisions do not extend to the competences as defined in the EU Treaties. The
EU cannot intervene in fundamental rights issues in areas over which it has no competence.
Moreover, with the Lisbon Treaty the EU will accede to the European Convention on Human
Rights, making the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg competent to review EU acts.
Implementation of the Charter
The Commission adopted a strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter [64
KB] in October 2010. This aims to guarantee that the EU is beyond reproach
in upholding fundamental rights.
As a framework for monitoring progress, since 2010 the Commission has published an annual
report [402 KB] on the application of the Charter.
Rights of children
The promotion and protection of the rights of the child are two key objectives of the EU on
which the Treaty of Lisbon has put further emphasis.
By enshrining the rights of the child, the Charter:
recognises that EU policies which directly or indirectly affect children must be designed,
implemented and monitored taking into account the principle of the best interests of the child;
guarantees the right to such protection and care as is necessary for the well-being of children;
recognises the need to protect children from abuse, neglect and violations of their rights, and
situations which endanger their well-being.
Other Fundamental Rights issues
In line with the implementation of the Charter, the Commission is promoting the fight
against racism and xenophobia, homophobia and the protection of persons belonging
to minorities.
While implementing the Fundamental Rights policy, the Commission relies on the data and
information collected by the Fundamental Rights Agency.
Acestea sunt obiectivele UE ,cu privire la cetatenii ei. Eu cred ca suntem foarte norocosi ca
facem parte din UE,aceasta este ca o mama pentru noi,si nu putem spune ca tara noasrta a trecut
prin perioade groaznice de cand am aderat.Drepturile pe care UE le-a oferit cetatenilor ei sunt
absolut necesare, pentru ca fiecare cetatean sa aiba posibilitatea de exprimare si libera circulatie.
In ceea ce priveste justitia, cooperarea juridica se bazeaza pe urmatoarele:
Judicial co-operation
The EU has put in place a number of measures designed to help individuals with cross-border
litigation. It aims to ensure that people can approach courts and authorities in any EU country as
easily as in their own.
The main tools for facilitating access to cross-border justice are:
the principle of mutual recognition, based on mutual trust between EU countries;
direct judicial cooperation between national courts.
More than 20 legislative instruments have been put in place at European level over the last
Judicial cooperation in civil matters means that clear rules exist on questions such as:
which EU country has jurisdiction;
which court is competent;
which law is applicable; and
ensuring that judgments in one country are recognised and enforced in other countries without
Alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, have also played a big part in easing
cross-border conflicts.
Aceasta tema cuprinde exact ceea ce este cel mai important pentru noi, avem dreptul sa stim
unde trebuie sa mergem pentru a ne rezolva problemele ,iar justitia europeana ne ajuta in acest
sens ; iar drepturile pe care le avem trebuie sa fim constienti de ele si sa ne bazam pe ele. In fata
legii toate persoanele sunt egale. Nediscriminarea este un aspect important pe care UE l-a
indrodus in drepturile omului. Conform Cartei drepturilor fundamentale inclus n partea a doua
a Constituiei Uniunii Europene este interzis orice discriminare bazat n special pe motive de
sex, ras, culoare, origini etnice sau sociale, caracteristici genetice, limb, religie sau convingeri,
opinii politice sau orice alt opinie, apartenen la o minoritate naional, avere, natere,
handicap, vrst sau orientare sexual. Totodata , n domeniul de aplicare a Constituiei i fr s
aduc atingere dispoziiilor specifice, se interzice orice discriminare pe motive de naionalitate.
Exercitarea drepturilor i libertilor recunoscute de prezenta Convenie trebuie s fie asigurat
fr nici o deosebire, n special, de sex, ras, culoare, limb, religie, opinii politice sau orice alte
opinii, origine naional sau social, apartenen la o minoritate naional, avere, natere sau
orice alt situaie.

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