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# 0115
joi, 22 septembrie 2016


Pag. 14


22.09. 1931: La propunerea lui Nicolae Iorga, Constantin
Brncui decorat cu "Meritul cultural pentru art plastic"

Trimitei observaiile, comentariile, propunerile i solicitrile Dvs. la

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS

h t t p : / / w w w. c o m p e t i t i v e i n t e l l i g e n c e . r o

joi, 22 septembrie 2016


Cap. Romania: Aviation & Defence (RO A&D) ................................................... 5

BVB - industria aeronautic ................................................................................................... 5
Motoc: Primele ase avioane F-16 vor fi preluate oficial pe 28 septembrie .......................... 6
Vil ha Super Puma tilbake ...................................................................................................... 6
Airbus-sjefen mener Super Puma vil fly i Norge igjen .......................................................... 7
Accidente Super Puma n Norvegia ....................................................................................... 9
Licitaie Romtehnica pentru 286 de autoturisme de teren blindate de 367,4 mil. lei........... 11
Global Small Arms Market 2016-2020 ................................................................................ 11
Cnd va fi produs primul elicopter la fabrica inaugurat de Francois Hollande .................. 12
Maricel Popa: Nu l schimb din funcie pe Bodea ............................................................ 13
Cap. Internaional A&D ............................................................................................... 14
Son of the Earth 3/3 .............................................................................................................. 14
When only grinding will do ................................................................................................. 17
Insights ................................................................................................................................. 19
Cap. Decizional ................................................................................................................ 19
Vizita n Romnia a subsecretarului de stat pentru industria de aprare a Turciei .............. 19
Despre Ministerul Apararii Nationale ............................................................................. 19
General Denis Mercier ......................................................................................................... 20
Summit-ul liderilor privind criza global a refugiailor ....................................................... 20
Cap. Finane ...................................................................................................................... 21
Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 23
Promovarea exportului ......................................................................................................... 23
Recuperare a Creanelor Provenite din Infraciuni ............................................................... 23
Cap. Europa ....................................................................................................................... 23
Cazul Zaharcenko se transform n cel mai mare dosar de corupie al Rusiei postsovietice.
.............................................................................................................................................. 23
FMI: Belarus ........................................................................................................................ 26
Cap. Evenimente ............................................................................................................. 27
Iran: elicopter ambulan Bell 214 prbuit ......................................................................... 27
Cap. Diverse ...................................................................................................................... 27
Tarom rmne fr dou aeronave Airbus A310 i nu le va nlocui n acest an .................. 27
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Cap. Competitive Intelligence ................................................................................. 28

Competitive Intelligence in Romania ................................................................................... 28
Definiie Competitive Intelligence ....................................................................................... 28
Ingineri membri ai Academiei Romne .............................................................. 29
fiecare tire reprezint doar punctul de vedere al autorului,
iar linkul conduce la surs i forma original i integral a articolului.

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS

h t t p : / / w w w. c o m p e t i t i v e i n t e l l i g e n c e . r o

Cap. Romania: Aviation & Defence (RO A&D)

BVB - industria aeronautic

Herald Insights
AEROSTAR Bacu (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX),
Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare total de pia: 169,49 milioane euro




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Milioane Euro





















Motoc: Primele ase avioane F-16 vor fi preluate oficial pe 28


Ministrul Aprrii Naionale, Mihnea Motoc, a anunat, miercuri, c primele ase aparate de
tip F-16 vor fi preluate oficial, de la baza militar portughez Monte Real, pe 28 septembrie.
"Discuie foarte bun astzi cu remarcabilul ambasador al Portugaliei n Romnia, domnul
Joao-Bernardo Weinstein; am discutat, ntre altele, i despre modalitile de marcare oficial
a prelurii n serviciul Forelor Aeriene Romne a primelor 6 aparate F-16, pe 28 septembrie,
la Baza Aerian Monte Real din Portugalia, respectiv la nceputul lunii octombrie, la Baza
Aerian Feteti", a scris Motoc pe Facebook.
n 2013, Romnia a decis s cumpere din Portugalia 12 avioane de tip F-16 folosite. Iniial sa intenionat achiziionarea a 24 de avioane, dar decizia final a fost pentru 12, din motive
bugetare. Dincolo de F-16, au mai prezentat oferte companiile productoare ale avioanelor
JAS-39 Gripen i Eurofighter Typhoon, pentru aparate noi. A fost, de asemenea, analizat
oferta pentru aeronava Rafale, produs de grupul francez Dassault. Preul pentru cele 12
aeronave F-16 a fost stabilit la 628 milioane de euro, ele urmnd s staioneze la bazele
aeriene de la Feteti i Cmpia Turzii, modernizate special pentru acest tip de avion.
Potrivit specialitilor, Romnia are nevoie de 48 de aeronave multirol, adic patru escadrile.
n 2015 autoritile romne au anunat intenia de a mai achiziiona i alte aparate tip F-16.
Ministrul Aprrii, Mihnea Motoc, declara, pe 22 februarie, c Romnia intenioneaz s
cumpere nc 12 avioane F-16, anul acesta urmnd s fie pregtite procedurile de atribuire a
contractului pentru aceast a doua escadril.
"Anul acesta, avem n vedere s pregtim procedurile de atribuire a contractului pentru o a
doua escadril, ceea ce s-ar ntmpla n 2017 dup proiecia pe care o avem acum. (...)
Dac suntem n grafic, anul acesta trecem prin nite proceduri foarte laborioase de pregtire
a atribuirii n cursul anului viitor. Noi urmrim s achiziionam din excedentul disponibil al
unor aliai aparatur care este n resurs, este performant, este operaional. Nu pot s
subscriu la etichetarea lor ca fiind de mna a doua. Nu tim de unde le vom achiziiona.
Deocamdat, am lansat o cerere de informaii de la toate rile aliate care au n dotare
asemenea aparate, inclusiv de la SUA i cinci aliai europeni. Ateptm rspunsurile lor s
vedem n ce direcie ne putem duce", preciza Motoc.

Vil ha Super Puma tilbake

Av Rolf Helge Tveit
21.09.2016 06:30:43

Toppsjefen i Airbus er klar p at ulykkeshelikopteret Super

Puma skal komme tilbake i drift, melder NRK.
Selskapet mener sikkerheten vil vre p topp og at Super
Puma av samme type som styrtet ved Tury m kunne tas
tilbake i drift.
Det sier fagforeningene i olj kontant nei til. -Tilliten til dette
helikopteret er helt p bunn, heter det fra Safe.

Traducere Google: Super Puma dorii napoi / Compania consider securitatea va fi pe partea de
sus i Super Puma de acelai tip, care sa prbuit la Tury trebuie s fie luate n funciune.
Se spune sindicatele din numerar refuzul industriei petroliere. -Tilliten Pentru acest elicopter este
destul de la partea de jos, se spune la sigur.

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Airbus-sjefen mener Super Puma vil fly i Norge igjen


SOLA: Han hadde en del svare for, Guillaume Faury, da han tirsdag mtte en
helikopternring fortsatt preget av Tury-ulykken 29. april.
Som toppsjef i Airbus Helicopters har Faury til syvende og sist ansvaret for H225
Super Puma-helikopteret som havarerte og tok livet til alle 13 om bord.
- Det er tffe tider for oss alle. Den eneste mten vi kan finne noen form for mening etter en
slik tragisk ulykke, er om vi kan lre av den. Det er min plikt n, srge for at vi hever
sikkerhetsnivet i selskapet, sa Faury p Solakonferansen.
Tror fortsatt p 225
Iflge Statens havarikommisjon for transport (SHT) er den mest sannsynlige direkte rsaken
til at hovedrotoren lsnet, et utmattingsbrudd i ett av tte planetgir i andre trinn i den
episykliske modulen i hovedgirkassa (MGB).
Snart fem mneder etter ulykken gjelder det fortsatt et generelt flyforbud for Super
Puma-helikoptre av typen EC225LP (H225) og AS332L2. Over 300 sivile helikoptre str
p bakken, selv om de militre versjonene fortsatt er i drift.
Det er penbart en tillitskrise blant en majoritet av H225-brukerne p bde britisk og norsk
side av Nordsjen.
Leveres av Teknisk Ukeblad Guillaume Faury er
direktr i Airbus Helicopters.

En generell aktivitetsnedgang p sokkelen har

gjort det mindre smertefullt enn det ellers ville
vrt erstatte helikoptertypen:
Mens det i 2015 var 51 helikoptre i 2015, vil det
iflge anslag fra CHC Helikopter Service, vre
maksimalt 31 helikoptre p kontrakt p norsk
sokkel i lpet av neste r. Samtlige vil vre av
typen Sikorsky S-92.
Likevel mener Faury at H225 har en framtid i
offshoreoperasjoner i Nordsjen.
- Tillitsmangelen er helt naturlig s lenge vi ikke har full forstelse av ulykken. Dette er
en prosess som vil ta tid og det er mye arbeid som m gjres steg for steg. Det vi kan
gjre, er kartlegge nyaktig hva som skjedde og med full penhet og rlighet
forklare hva slags tiltak vi gjr for hindre at noe slikt skjer igjen, sier Faury.
Les ogs: Her er Forsvarets nye ubt-jeger

Seful Airbus crede Super Puma va zbura din nou n Norvegia

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I den nrmeste tiden etter ulykken satte Airbus Helicopters skelys p innfestningen til
lftestagene p hovedgirboksen, og at svikt her var en sannsynlig utlsende rsak til
I tillegg deltok selskapets sikkerhetssjef p et ekstraordinrt mte i Samarbeidsforum for
helikoptersikkerhet p norsk kontinentalsokkel (SF) to uker etter ulykken, der han iflge
referatet gikk langt i frikjenne hovedgirboksen (MGB).
Faury beklager mten selskapet kommuniserte p, men mener ogs at noe skyldes
- Vi har aldri utelukket noen grunnleggende eller utlsende rsaker, og har hele tiden
vrt p linje med den norske havarikommisjonen, understreker Faury p et
pressetreff p Sola.
Han forteller at helikopterprodusenten har mobilisert det de har av ingenirressurser til
ulykkesunderskelsen. Andre pgende program blir utsatt.
Les ogs: Nytt mulig oljehelikopter styrtet under testing
Lignende ulykker
28. juni offentliggjorde Statens havarikommisjon for transport (SHT) den fjerde og siste
forelpige rapporten etter Tury-ulykken.
Som Teknisk Ukeblad har omtalt en rekke ganger, skjedde noe lignende i 2009 nordst for
Peterhead i Skottland.
Da styrtet et AS332L2 Super Puma-helikopter da hovedrotoren lsnet etter at MGB
havarerte som flge av utmattelsesbrudd p et tilsvarende gir, og det skal vre opplagte
likheter p bruddflatene.
- Det er likheter, men ogs en del forskjeller mellom de to ulykkene. Det er for tidlig
fastsl noe som helst, sier Faury.
En vesentlig forskjell er for eksempel at det i forkant av 2009-ulykken ble funnet
metallfragmenter i girboksoljen, mens det i 2016 ikke er noe som tyder p at det kom noe
tilsvarende forvarsel i form av sponing eller avskalling.
Les ogs: Mens Airbus Helicopters er i krise, feirer Sikorsky seg selv
Preventive tiltak
Det kan virke rart, men den militre versjonen H225M har nyaktig det samme girsystemet,
men er alts fortsatt i operasjon, dog med visse begrensninger.
Det siste fre-var-tiltaket fra Airbus Helicopters, formulert i en skalt emergency alert
service bulletin (EASB) og en safety information notice (SIN), har vrt instruere alle
som fortsatt flyr H225 om beholde kun tannhjul med en bestemt type lager som skal ha
strst toleranse og driftssikkerhet.
Planetgirene er konstruert slik at de fungerer som gir p utsiden samtidig som de utgjr ytre
lagerbane for et sfrisk rullelager p innsiden.
Et annet preventivt tiltak er at alle operatrer bes om identifisere episykliske moduler som
har vrt involvert i en uvanlig hendelse siden den var ny eller ble overhalt, og sende denne
inn til ny overhaling.
Det skyldes at MGB-en i det norske ulykkeshelikopteret ble utsatt for kraftig sttbelastning
(shock impact) under en bilulykke i Australia noen mneder tidligere.
I tillegg m alle operatrene sjekke hovedgirboksens oljefilter og magnetdetektorer etter siste
flygning hver dag. Hensikten med dette tiltaket er styrke overvkingen av den episykliske
- Innenfor rammene disse preventive tiltakene setter, er det trygt operere H225, sier
Han er administrerende direktr, men har ogs detaljkunnskap om Super Puma. Han var
blant annet sjefingenir for EC225/725-programmet tidlig p 2000-tallet. Han overtok som
sjef etter at forgjengeren gikk av i etterkant av at to EC225 ndlandet i Nordsjen med
havarert hovedgirboks (MGB) med sprekk p samme sted p akslingen i 2012.
Les ogs: Her er Norges nye redningshelikopter i 330-skvadronens farger
Nytt tungt helikopter
Det virker som at H225 har en mrk framtid nr det gjelder sivil drift rundt Nordsjen,
uavhengig av om luftfartsmyndighetene opphever flyforbudet.
P Solakonferansen deltar ogs Rgis Magnac, sjef for operational marketing i Airbus
Helicopter, for fortelle om selskapets innovasjonsarbeid.

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Et innovasjonssprsml er om Airbus Helicopters setter fart p X6-programmet, som

defortalte om frste gang p Paris air show i fjor, og som potensielt kan erstatte Super
Da ble det sagt at X6 blir et tungt helikopter rettet mot offshorebransjen, samt sk- og
redning, og at den skal vre klar p 2020tallet en gang.
Leveres av Teknisk Ukeblad X6 finnes forelpig kun
p skissestadiet.

Der H225 har aner helt tilbake til SA 330

Puma, som fly allerede for 50 r siden, skal
X6 designes fra blanke ark. Helikoptertypen
skal dele mye av teknologien fra selskapets
supermedium H175 og ikke minst den
nylanserte H160 som er i testflygingsfasen.
Det er en lang vei igjen nr det gjelder
velge ideelt konsept og strrelse. Det blir
garantert et tungt helikopter, men det er
ikke dermed sagt at det skal erstatte H225. Vi har mange rs produksjon igjen av den
militre versjonen, forklarte Magnac.
H225M Caracal heter den militre versjonen, og det er denne som s langt i r har vrt det
eneste lyspunktet for markedsavdelingen i Airbus Helicopters, blant annet med en kontrakt
p 30 maskiner til forsvaret i Kuwait.
Les ogs: Det nye Airbus-helikopteret er stappfullt av nyvinninger

Accidente Super Puma n Norvegia

Aviation Safety







Arospatiale AS 332L Super



Service A/S

70nm SW of Stavanger


332L1 Super Puma




North Sea, 40nm SW Sola


332L1 Super Puma



Airlift A/S

Wijdefjorden, Svalbard


332L1 Super Puma







Eurocopter EC 225LP Super

Puma Mk2+


CHC Helikopter

sgrd B floating offshore



Eurocopter EC 225LP Super

Puma Mk2+


CHC Helikopter


Tury just west of Sotra,

near Bergen


11:55 LT

C/n / msn:
Other fatalities:

Eurocopter EC 225LP Super Puma Mk2+

CHC Helikopter Service
Fatalities: 13 / Occupants: 13

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Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)

Tury just west of Sotra, near Bergen Norway
En route
Non Scheduled Passenger
Departure airport: Gullfaks B offshore installation
Destination airport:Bergen-Flesland Airport (BGO/ENBR)
Flight HKS241 impacted the rocky shoreline of the Tury Island, off Norway. All thirteen
occupants were killed. The helicopter operated on a round trip from Bergen-Flesland Airport,
Norway to the Gullfaks B offshore installation in the North Sea. A video shot by an
eyewitness show the main rotor falling, separated from the helicopter.
The recordings on the CVFDR showed that everything appeared to be normal until a sudden
catastrophic failure developed in 1-2 seconds. The CVFDR recordings ended abruptly at the
same time.
CAA Norway issued a Safety Directive on 29 April 2016, followed by one from the UK CAA,
temporarily prohibiting the use of the EC225LP for commercial air transport.
AIBN report 1 May 2016 that the CVFDR has been sent to the UK for analysis and major
items of hardware are being examined in Bergen. On 2 May 2016 they confirm the CVFDR
data has been downloaded, is of 'good quality' and has been retuned to Norway for analysis.
An Emergency AD was issued by EASA on 3 May 2016 with a second on 1 June 16
regarding suspension bar fittings.
The AIBN issued a first Preliminary Report on 13 May 2016 (updated 2 weeks later and a
third on 1 June 16). Following the third an EASA Flight Prohibition was issued. AIBN
announced on 28 June 2016 that a 2nd stage planetary gear failure was 'most likely'.

Airbus Helicopters:

CAA Norway (Luftfartstilsynet) :


AIB-N: (1 May 16) (2 May 16) (6 May 2016) (13 May 16) (updated preliminary report 27 May, 1 June and 28 June 16)

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The Eurocopter EC225 that crashed near Bergen was flying from "Gullfaks B" oil platform
13:51 - 29 Avr 2016

6666 j'aime

Licitaie Romtehnica pentru 286 de autoturisme de teren blindate de

367,4 mil. lei
Adrian Dumitrache
scris 20.09.2016, 09:44

Compania Naional Romtehnica a iniiat o licitaie pentru cumprarea unui numr de

286 de autoturisme de teren blindate de tip uor, contract estimat la 367,4 milioane de
lei, fr TVA, pentru o perioad de 3 ani.
Ofertele vor fi deschise n a doua parte a lunii octombrie.
Primele 80 de vehicule vor fi livrate n 2018, potrivit estimrilor Romtehnica, alte 80, un an
mai trziu, iar 126, n anul 2020.
Furnizorul are obligaia de a livra, la fiecare 40 vehicule, cte un set de testarediagnosticare,
dispozitive i scule necesare executrii n volum complet a activitilor de mentenan de
nivel intermediar, fr obligaii de plat suplimentar n sarcina Romtehnica i fr
modificarea preului total al contractului.

Global Small Arms Market 2016-2020

Aerospace & Defence - Network
Published: Sep 2016
Publisher: technavio
Report code: ASDR-289803

The global small arms market has undergone a major transformation over the last one
decade. The long-standing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have infused several changes in the
development and manufacture of small arms by both major countries as well as emerging
nations of the world. The close quarter combats (CQC) between various military units and
militant groups have spawned a wide range of developments in military small arms segment.
These new upgrades range from extensive re-engineering and system modifications to the
development of new infantry weapons. The weapons not only aim at rendering long-range
engagement capacity but also offer improvements in lethal capability.
Analysts forecast the global small arms market to grow at a CAGR of 2.49% during the
period 2016-2020.
Key Vendors
Arsenal JSCo
Browning Arms
Colts Manufacturing Company
E.R. Shaw
FN Herstal
Heckler & Koch
HS Produkt

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Indian Ordnance Factories

Israel Military Industries
Smith & Wesson
Market Driver:
Self-defense and usage in sports and hunting
Market Challenge: Growing number of civilian casualties
Market Trend:
Emerging small arms technology

Cnd va fi produs primul elicopter la fabrica inaugurat de Francois


Publicat Mari, 13 septembrie 2016

Compania franco-german Airbus Helicopters Industries, care a ridicat o fabric de

elicoptere la Ghimbav n cadrul unui parteneriat cu IAR Braov, va produce elicopterul H215,
iar linia de asamblare va fi funcional n 2019, moment din care vor fi fabricate 15 aparate
pe an.

Iniial, primul elicopter produs la Ghimbav urma s fie gata pn la finele anului viitor.
Guillaume Faury, CEO Airbus Helicopters, a declarat c la Ghimbav va fi asamblat
elicopterul H215, ultimul venit n familia de aeronave H a grupului franco-german, fratele mai
mic al H225.
H215 este o variant avansat a fostului elicopter AS332 Cie/L1e, care ar urma s fie vndut
la preuri accesibile, deoarece costurile sunt mici.
Airbus H215 este un elicopter multirol, folosit n special n domeniul aprrii i poliiei.
Elicopterul poate transporta pn la 22 de pasageri i poate fi adaptat pentru transport n
regim VIP. Airbus Helicopters Industries, compania recent nfiinat n Romnia, se ocup de
construcia liniei finale de asamblare H215 din Romnia i se va ocupa cu vnzarea i
exportul produselor.
"2015 s-a dovedit un an de cretere, ntruct a fost creat o nou companie Airbus
Helicopters Industries care a deschis drumul ctre o colaborare mai puternic i a ntrit
legturile noastre cu Industria Aeronautic din Romnia", a declarat directorul general al
Airbus Helicopters n Romnia, Serge Durand, citat ntr-un comunicat.
La dezvoltarea proiectului H215 n Romnia particip comaniile romneti IAR, Aerostar,
Aeroteh i Turbomecanica. Airbus Helicopters, divizie a Airbus Group, are aproximativ
23.000 de angajai la nivel mondial, i este prezent n Romnia prin Eurocopter Romnia,
unde deine 51% din aciuni, diferena fiind controlat de IAR.
Compania are n funciune o flot de aproximativ 12.000 de elicoptere operate de peste
3.000 de clieni n aproximativ 154 de ri. Airbus Helicopters a generat un venit de 6,8
miliarde de euro n 2015. Fabrica s-a construit pe un teren de 27.000 metri ptrai pus la
dispoziie de IAR Ghimbav, iar investiia a fost de 40 milioane euro, la care se vor aduga

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alte 11 milioane euro pe care va trebui s le investeasc IAR Ghimbav, companie care va fi
principalul furnizor al uzinei.
Hala industrial are 8.550 metri ptrai n prim faz. Printre altele, IAR ar putea produce
cablaje electrice, condiia fiind reducerea cu 10% a costurilor recurente fa de Labinal
Maroc, furnizorul actual al Airbus Helicopters. Airbus va angaja circa 350 de oameni pentru
linia de asamblare a elicopterului H215 atunci cnd unitatea va atinge capacitatea maxim,
nivel la care se va ajunge n anul 2019. Acest nivel presupune asamblarea a 15-20 de
Preul unui elicopter Airbus H215 cu dotri minime este de 13 milioane de euro i poate
depi acest nivel n funcie de opionale. Nu tiu cine va fi primul client, ns dorina mea
este ca primul cumprtor s fie din Romnia, a spus Serge Durand.
Executivul spune c producia fabricii din Ghimbav va fi adaptat la cerinele pieei i c
deocamdat se concentreaz pentru atingerea obiectivului de 15-20 avioane anual n 2019.
Avem n prezent prima grup de 23 de angajai care sunt n training la fabrica din Marignane
i investim mult n pregtirea oamenilor aici timp de 11 luni, a spus acesta.
Guillaume Faury, CEO al Airbus Helicopters, companie care are n derulare o investiie ntr-o
unitate de asamblare a elicopterelor Airbus H215 pe platforma IAR Ghimbav (judeul
Braov), spune c unitatea va deservi piaa global.
Am ales Romnia pentru c am crezut i suntem convini nc de faptul c acesta este cel
mai bun loc pentru investiii n domeniu. Avem o relaie ndelungat cu Romnia i atunci
cnd a trebuit s lum decizia (investiiei - n. red.) am observat c abilitile, know-how-ul i
oamenii din Romnia, dar i parteneriatul pe care l aveam la acel moment cu IAR au fost
factorii care au creat un mediu propice pentru a continua s investim.
(...) Elicopterele H215 fcute n Braov vor deservi piaa global, a declarat recent
Guillaume Faury, CEO al Airbus Helicopters. O parte dintre angajaii de la Braov sunt
pregtii la uzina de la Marignane, din sudul Franei. Modelul multiroll H215 poate fi utilizat n
misiuni de salvare, misiuni ale forelor de poliie, transport persoane, operaiuni de meninere
a pcii, dar i de stingere a incendiilor i poate transporta pn la 22 de pasageri. H215 face
parte din familia Super Puma.
Airbus Helicopters se afl n aceast perioad ntr-o situaie complicat pentru c la fabrica
de la Marignane atmosfera este tensionat fiindc se ateapt anunarea unui plan ce ar
prevede suprimarea a 400 de posturi din cele 8.500. Airbus Helicopters este n dificultate i
pentru c dou contracte mari sunt incerte. Mexicul ar trebui s cumpere 50 de elicoptere
Super Puma, pentru dou miliarde euro, iar contractul ar fi trebuit s fie semnat n iulie.
Cu Polonia prea c i sigur un contract pentru 50 de aparate Caracal H225, cu o valoare de
2,5 miliarde euro, ns schimbarea de Guvern de la Varovia a pus semnarea n standby.
Airbus are de suferit i din cauza scderii preului petrolului deoarece companiile petroliere
din Marea Nordului efectueaz mai puine zbouri ntre platformele petroliere i continent,
avnd deci mai puin nevoie de elicoptere.

Maricel Popa: Nu l schimb din funcie pe Bodea
Preedintele Consiliului Judeean Iai, Maricel Popa a avut, ieri, o ntlnire ce a durat mai
bine de trei ore cu directorul Aeroportului Internaional Iai, Marius Bodea...
Ce se ntmpl cu zona Cargo?
Preedintele CJ Iai a reamintit de proiectul zonei Cargo i viitoarea baz Aerostar
Bacu la Iai. eful judeului a subliniat c este nevoie de noi intervenii pentu etajarea
terminalelor actuale i un posibil nou terimal n anii urmtori. Noi am vorbit de proiecte nu
doar pentru urmtorii doi-trei ani, ci pentru 10-20 de ani. Construcia zonei Cargo este foarte
important pentru judeul Iai i consider c o putem construi ntr-un an de zile. Avem
infrastructura necesar pentru aeronave de tip cargo i spaiul necesar. Cu domnul director
am discutat inclusiv construcia unei bretele la captul pistei pentru rularea aeronavelor. S-a
discutat despre baza Aerostar Bacu la Iai, pentru ntreinerea avioanelor. tim c la
Bacu, pista va intra n reparaii, existnd posibilitatea ca traficul s fie preluat de noi, a
completat Maricel Popa.

Page 13 of 29

Cap. Internaional A&D

Son of the Earth 3/3

Aerospace Manufacturing & Design

Michael Standridge

The last of a 3-part series on the history of titanium, its many uses, and how to machine this
important metal.
Earlier in this series, we explored the history and uses of titanium, as well as some ways to
achieve satisfactory tool life while machining it. Yet even the best cutting tools and toolpaths
will fail without a robust way to hold those tools, grip the workpiece securely, and support
toolpaths with a solid and accurate machine tool. Being successful with titanium requires all
this and more; for example, predictable process control is as important as what equipment
and tooling is used.
In this final installment, well put together the other pieces to this challenging material puzzle.
Titanium is a grabby material, and can suck an end mill out of the toolholder during
machining. This is especially true during roughing operations, but tool creep is often a
problem on even lighter finishing cuts. Weldon flat toolholders have long been used to
counteract this disastrous tendency, but the high forces encountered when machining
titanium can loosen even the most tightly torqued set-screw.
Worse, the small amount of necessary clearance between
the cutting tool and a Weldon-style toolholder creates
runout, and runout means poor tool life. At higher spindle
speeds 10,000rpm and above it also creates
unacceptable amounts of vibration, leading to chatter and
possible machine damage.
If your shop is serious about machining titanium, you need
to avoid tool creep and eliminate runout. Unfortunately,
opinions vary on the best way to accomplish this. A needlebearing mechanical milling chuck is a flexible solution for
many general purpose machining applications. Most use
proprietary collets and are tightened by rotating a collar with
a wrench or via an external hydraulic clamping device. They
are suitable for spindle speeds of 20,000rpm or higher
depending on the manufacturer, but are relatively expensive
compared to comparable toolholding options.
Similar to milling chucks, hydraulic toolholders are simpler to use but every bit as strong and
accurate. Instead of a mechanical collar, they use a small cap-screw or rotating nut to
activate a hydraulic bladder, which surrounds and compresses an internal collet. Runout of
less than 4m (0.00016") at a distance of 2.5x diameter from the toolholder face can be
expected, with balancing to 30,000rpm and higher possible. One downside to both
mechanical and hydraulic toolholders is dirt. They must be kept clean, and routine
maintenance is required to assure accuracy and clamping strength.
For the most demanding titanium applications, shrink-fit holders offer the ultimate in high rpm
capability and gripping force. The cost of the toolholders is slightly less than that of hydraulic
ones, but this is offset somewhat by the cost for a shrink-fit machine, which quickly heats the
toolholder to several hundred degrees Celsius, expanding it enough that a carbide cutting
tool can be inserted into the bore. The toolholder is then cooled in the same machine,
creating an interference fit of approximately 0.0015"(0.038mm) on a 0.5000" (12.7mm)
diameter tool.
Shrink-fit toolholders have no external screws or moving parts, and are therefore capable of
50,000rpm and higher spindle speeds. They require little to no maintenance. Runout is often
better than 0.0001" (0.003mm) with somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 lb of clamping
force. If thats still not enough to keep tools in place, many shrink-fit tooling manufacturers
offer spiral-groove systems that mechanically lock the tool and prevent even the slightest

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amount of creep. Aside from the initial investment cost, about the only downside to shrink-fit
holders is the risk of a burned finger.
Ways and means
Lets start with the machine tool. In an ideal world, CNC lathes and machining centers
wouldnt deflect when subjected to tool pressure. There would be no expansion or
contraction of the machine base when the temperature of the shop changes, and heat from
cutting processes would have no effect on the spindle and machine guideways. Shops could
buy a one-size-fits-all machine tool that performs equally when cutting aluminum as it does
with steel, iron, and superalloys. Sadly, thats a fantasy. As a rule, high-end equipment
performs better under a wider range of cutting conditions than do commodity machines.
Boxways and geared headstocks are generally more effective in heavy cuts, while linear
ways and direct-drive spindles work best for non-ferrous alloys such as aluminum and
magnesium, and for high-speed contouring work in mold cavities and medical components.
Titanium weights roughly 50% more than aluminum but is twice as strong. Despite its
superior qualities, however, titanium is expensive to manufacture and machine, so is used
primarily for critical airframe structures, engine components, and other parts where high
strength and low weight is needed. Both metals are a favorite for aerospace components,
many of which require large amounts of material removal, making machining efficiency
paramount. Unfortunately, the similarities between the two end there.
Machine tools must be very rigid to withstand the extreme cutting forces encountered when
machining titanium. Cutting speeds are generally low and feed rates relatively high. This calls
for large amounts of spindle torque and axial thrust, and since abrupt tool movements and
dwelling in the corners is a big no-no with titanium, responsiveness in the drive system is
likewise a must. Also, a suitably sized HSK or similar spindle interface with dual face/taper
contact is better able to handle heavy loads than one designed for CAT and BT-flange
Whether your machine is a spring chicken or an old geezer, regular tune-ups are a must.
Spindle drawbar force should be measured frequently and adjusted as necessary,
eliminating many problems with chatter and tool chipping. Regular ballbar or laser
measurement to minimize axial backlash and runout is a good idea no matter what materials
your shop machines. It is also important to keep it clean to assure proper guideway
lubrication and prevent cutting fluid contamination.
Predictable process
Oh great, youre thinking. So much for using that old machining center for the titanium job
you just quoted. Well, maybe so, but even ho-hum machine tools can be used to cut titanium.
The trick is development of a predictable process. Eliminate variables by closely monitoring
wear on cutters, drills, and inserts, and replacing them at regular, predetermined intervals
long before dull tools negatively impact part quality or breakage occurs. And always use the
best cutting tools possible. Perform cutting tests with your top vendors, document the results,
and once the winner has been determined,
continue to use that brand and style of tool for
the duration of your project.
For workholding, unpredictable part movement
can be avoided by pre-machining workpiece
blanks to make locating surfaces square and
burr free. Ditching the traditional6" handtightened machinists vise in favor of hydraulic
or even pneumatic workholding is an excellent
way to eliminate process variables and reduce
operator fatigue. If mechanical clamping must
be used, always employ a torque wrench so the
same amount of force is applied from part to
part. Many shops achieve gripping success with
dovetail-style vises or serrated jaws that bite
into the workpiece, especially on 5-axis
machining centers, where relatively small
amounts of material along the bottom of the blank are used to secure parts.

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Toolholders are another make-or-break aspect of titanium machining. Horror stories of end
mill pullout while roughing expensive billets of titanium are enough to keep veteran
machinists and shop owners awake at night. Well-maintained hydraulic toolholders are one
solution, as is shrink-fit tooling, but toolholders with dedicated anti-pullout devices are the
best bet with heavy cutting, as these feature a positive mechanical stop that eliminates tool
movement under side loads.
Cutting fluid is something many shops take for granted. As long as theres some green or
blue liquid squirting out of the coolant line, no problem, right? Bad idea. Titanium takes
machining physics to the max, and cutting fluid makes a huge difference between success
and failure.
Using clean, filtered fluid thats been mixed to the manufacturers recommended
concentration level is a good idea for any material, but doubly so with titanium. Highly
lubricious water-based or semi-synthetic fluids with a generous amount of extreme pressure
(EP) compounds designed for such work can greatly extend tool life. So, too, can highpressure coolant (HPC). Pump pressures of 1,000psi are fairly common, and serve to blast
chips away from the heat zone and prevent chip recutting - the number one killer of milling
cutters and drills.
With multi-insert, corncob-style cutting tools, smaller coolant pumps might struggle to keep
up due to the number of fluid ports, so pumps should be super-sized in this case to assure
adequate flow. The best advice is to plan ahead, and make certain you explain all current
machining projects as well as anticipated future needs to potential vendors before
purchasing a HPC system.
And dont forget about the toolholders and cutting tools are they coolant-through capable?
How about the machine spindle itself? HPC is an excellent way to improve tool life, control
chips, and improve part quality when machining titanium and other metals.
Look for cutter bodies with reinforced insert pockets and secure clamping mechanisms.
These prevent the micro-shifting that often leads to chipped or broken tools and
unpredictable processes. Integral shank tooling, though slightly more expensive, will provide
better results than two-piece tooling solutions. Quick-change toolholders are a great way to
save time, especially on CNC lathes, where tool changeover times are typically longer. Note
that these should use a dual-contact design and plenty of locating surface area for maximum
Plan for success
The right cutting tools and toolholders, robust workholding, rigid machine tools, and righteous
toolpaths these are all important success factors when machining titanium. Just as
important, though, is having a good machining strategy. For those job shops with generalpurpose tooling and equipment, dont despair. The lighter cuts necessitated by less than
optimal conditions can still get you to the finish line, provided a stable process is developed
It might be a pain in the neck, but good documentation is key to spotting trouble in advance.
Keep track of what feeds and speeds were used, when they were changed and why, which
cutting tools work and which ones dont, and do a root-cause analysis of failures and near
And remember, even though a stable, predictable process is important with titanium,
continuous improvement shouldnt be discounted. With the aerospace industrys increased
emphasis on lightweighting and fuel-efficiency, titaniums not going away anytime soon. This
means cutting tool and tooling manufacturers will continue their endless search for a better
mousetrap to tame both this and other tough materials. Availing oneself of these
technologies can make the difference between a winner job and one youd just as soon
forget. Happy cutting.
Sandvik Coromant
IMTS 2016 Booth #W-1500
About the author: Michael Standridge is an aerospace industry specialist with Sandvik
Coromant and can be reached at 800.Sandvik or

Page 16 of 29

When only grinding will do

Aerospace Manufacturing & Design

Arielle Campanalie

Multigrind grinding machines made by Haas Schleifmaschinen GmbH in Trossingen,

Germany, perform demanding grinding tasks for the aerospace industry.
manufacture a variety of
intermediate pressure (IP)
compressor blades, to high
pressure (HP) turbine blades,
HP vanes, or HP shroud
segments for aircraft engine
turbines, which are exposed
to extreme thermal and
company deals with very
demanding materials which
are hard to machine and
where only grinding can be
For the aerospace industry, Tim Kern, demonstrations manager at Haas Schleifmaschinen
says engineers and technicians know what they want.
In comparison to medical equipment, the technical specifications are much tighter in this
sector, Kern explains. We have the technical ability to meet the high requirements which
prevail in this sector with our grinding software, our CNC grinders.
Technical challenges
Wolfram Hermle, manager of software development at Haas Schleifmaschinen, with U.S.
subsidiary Multigrind LLC located in Warsaw, Indiana, says the companys customers want
absolutely reliable, robust processes with which they can achieve reproducible quality.
One component should be just the same as the next, he says.
Kern adds, These challenges from aero engine makers are just what we like to hear. Where
possible, we only clamp a component once, then measure it and machine it in a single
operation to produce the finished item. Having to re-clamp several times costs time.
Hermle explains that the lost time costs the companies money and, above all, precision.
Fewer clamping operations also means that the workpiece spends less time waiting around,
thus shortening the cycle times, Hermle says. You have fewer half-finished, expensive
components lying about, require less effort for quality assurance and measurements, and
need less staff. They dont have to operate five machines just a single grinding machine.
Quality assurance
At Haas, we work with a variety of measurement technologies, including three-two-one
measurements to exactly locate the workpiece in space, Hermle says. In this type of
measurement, three points define the plane, while two other points define the axis, and a
third point is on the workpiece itself.
Ever wonder how many individual components are in a grinding machine? Find out
This is nothing completely new, but so far it has not been common practice to use the
integrated three-two-one measurement when grinding, Hermle says. Especially not in the
way that we further process the result of the three-two-one measurement with our Multigrind
Horizon grinding software. This automatically adapts the grinding program to the workpieces
position in the working space.
With the Multigrind Horizon 3D-CAD package and the 3D-CAM package, Hermle says
aerospace users can cover about 90% of grinding tasks in turbines.

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If users also want to machine teeth for drive functions, where sliding fits are important, then
they will also need the package for rotationally symmetrical workpieces, Hermle says. All of
the measurement functions and the dressing technology to dress the tools in the process are
included in the basic package.
manager, and Wolfram Hermle,
software development manager
at Haas.
Photo credit: Kraas & Lachmann

Kern says casting highpressure

blades is expensive and
time consuming, in terms
The caster is responsible
for the position of the part
in this bismuth holder.
That means that the
process decides whether I
get a good part or an
expensive reject, Kern
Hermle adds, With the three-two-one measurement and Haas sandwich clamping, we have
the technical ability to compensate for casting tolerances. When measuring a compressor
blade, if deviations such as a visually imperceptible warp are revealed, then measurements
will be introduced into our grinding program. We correct casting faults in the grinding process
to permit optimum efficiency
to be achieved for the
Complete machining of turbine
blades with the Haas sandwich
clamping process.
Photo credit: Herbert Naujoks

here include low weight, high
operating temperature, and
tensile strength, Kern says.
Crucial grinding software
Our grinding software is
becoming more important and powerful, especially in the high-precision area
where0.001mm is important, Kern says. Our Multigrind Horizon can generate a lot more
than grinding paths. It is a genuine CAM system, a grinding programming system, a tool
management system, a robot-handling program, an interface to a measurement system and,
operating software which is really easy to use.
Haas grinding software has facets for the designer and the machine operator.
Working with varying rights or user levels has the advantage that a validated grinding
process, as required by the FAA, cannot be changed by an unauthorized person. This means
that the Multigrind Horizon ensures traceability at all times of who changed what and when in
the grinding process. This documentation of absolutely everything is mandatory in the
aerospace industry, Hermle says.
Hass finds that its aerospace users want a grinding process that has been properly tested to
produce faultlessly from the very first day. For the company, this means developing robust
processes and then automating it to work just as well in the United Kingdom as in France,
China, or the United States.
Haas Multigrind LLC
IMTS 2016 Booth #N-7514

Page 18 of 29

Campaigners welcome reports on arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Ekklesia 11:29 Wed, 21 Sep

Indian cabinet approves purchase of 36 Rafale fighter jets

Reuters 18:38 Wed, 21 Sep

Nigerian Air Force Orders More Russian Helicopters

Aviation International News 19:30 Tue, 20 Sep

Pakistan accuses India of arms build-up

BBC 02:17

Probe into firms North Korea trade

Shanghai Daily 19:25 Wed, 21 Sep

Russia shipped Iskander-E export modification to Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net 12:19 Wed, 21 Sep

Russian Helicopters to supply parts to Southeast Asian Armed Forces

HeliHub 15:11 Tue, 20 Sep

Saudi Arabia Losing Influence in the United States

Morocco World News 21:45 Wed, 21 Sep

Updated WZ-10 Combat Choppers for China

HeliHub 10:50 Tue, 20 Sep

Upgrade for South African AF Oryx Helicopters

HeliHub 10:49 Wed, 21 Sep

Weaponry for Africa and some chinks in the armour

Business Day 08:28 Wed, 21 Sep

Cap. Decizional
Vizita n Romnia a subsecretarului de stat pentru industria de
aprare a Turciei

Ministerul Aprrii Naionale

BUCURESTI - 20 septembrie 2016
Comunicat tip General in Administratie Publica

Aflat n vizit oficial n Romnia, subsecretarul de stat pentru industria de aprare a

Turciei, Celal Sami Tfeki, a fost primit de ctre ministrul aprrii naionale, Mihnea
Discuiile s-au concentrat pe subiecte referitoare la situaia de securitate din regiune i la
cooperarea bilateral n domeniul tehnico-militar.
Evoluiile din mediul de securitate regional au fost analizate din perspectiva nevoii stringente
de implementare a deciziilor politice majore adoptate de efii de state i de guverne la
Summit-ul NATO de la Varovia, care includ msuri importante pentru regiunea sud-estic a
flancului de est aliat.
n acest domeniu, oficialul romn a subliniat importana cooperrii
dintre cele dou ri n vederea implementrii, ntr-o manier
credibil i eficient, a deciziilor referitoare la Prezena Aliat
Avansat Adaptat (Tailored Forward Allied Presence) pentru
aceast regiune, pe toate cele trei componente ale sale terestr,
aerian i naval. n context, a fost reiterat importana avansrii
iniiativelor concrete din acest domeniu, n perspectiva reuniunii
ministeriale NATO de la sfritul lunii octombrie a.c.
n ceea ce privete dinamica relaiilor de cooperare tehnicomilitar, cei doi oficiali au trecut n revist programele comune curente desfurate n
domeniul nzestrrii cu tehnic i armament, precum i premisele de extindere a acestui tip
de cooperare.
Despre Ministerul Apararii Nationale
Ministerul Aprrii Naionale (MApN) este organul de specialitate al administraiei publice
centrale, n subordinea Guvernului Romniei, prin care este condus activitatea n domeniul

Page 19 of 29

aprrii naionale, potrivit prevederilor legii i strategiei de securitate naional, pentru

garantarea suveranitii, independenei i unitii statului, integritii teritoriale a rii i
democraiei constituionale.

Daniel ANGHEL - Seful Biroului de Presa

Pentru telefon si e-mail click aici

General Denis Mercier

Preedintele Romniei
21 Septembrie | 2016

Primirea Comandantului suprem al Comandamentului Aliat pentru Transformare al NATO

Summit-ul liderilor privind criza global a refugiailor

Guvernul Romniei

Participarea premierului Dacian Ciolo la Summit-ul liderilor privind criza global a


Page 20 of 29

ntlnirea premierului cu reprezentanii principalelor organizaii evreieti din SUA

Coloana oficial ctre ONU

Cap. Finane








EUR 2016
USD 2016






















cursurile BNR pentru euro/leu i USD/leu

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15 sep.2016


16 sep.2016

19 sep.2016

20 sep.2016

21 sep.2016


EUR 2016

USD 2016


EUR 2015
USD 2015























evoluia pe ultimii 3 ani a cursurilor BNR pentru euro/leu i USD/leu



AUR 2016


AUR 2015






















valoarea n lei a gramului de aur

grafice HERALD INSIGHTS n baza datelor istorice BNR

Page 22 of 29

Cap. MacroE
Promovarea exportului
Guvernul Romniei
Hotrre pentru modificarea Hotrrii Guvernului nr. 296/2007 privind aprobarea
Mecanismelor de derulare a aciunilor din Programul de promovare a exportului, administrat
de Ministerul Economiei i Comerului
Nr. 671 din 19-Septembrie-2016
M. Of. Partea I nr. 733 din 21 Septembrie 2016

Recuperare a Creanelor Provenite din Infraciuni

Guvernul Romniei
Hotrre privind unele msuri pentru organizarea i desfurarea la Bucureti, n
perioada 19-21 octombrie 2016, a Conferinei la Nivel nalt a Platformei Uniunii Europene a
Oficiilor de Recuperare a Creanelor Provenite din Infraciuni
Nr. 672 din 19-Septembrie-2016
M. Of. Partea I nr. 733 din 21 Septembrie 2016

Cap. Europa
Cazul Zaharcenko se transform n cel mai mare dosar de corupie
al Rusiei postsovietice.


20 septembrie 2016, 18:13

de Ion Gaidau

Un scandal de corupie fr precedent zguduie Rusia. Totul a nceput dup ce ntr-un

apartament din Moscova aparinnd colonelului Dmitri Zaharcenko,
un ef anticorupie din Ministerul rus de Interne, au fost gsii 120 de
milioane de dolari i 2 milioane de euro, bani cash. Cazul scoate la
iveal o serie de legturi dubioase ntre funcionari de stat, generali,
politicieni, interlopi i oameni de afaceri, unul dintre ei trecut pe la
Pe 9 septembrie, aproximativ 125 de milioane de euro i 2 milioane
de dolari au fost gsii ntr-un apartament din Moscova ce figureaz
pe numele surorii lui Dmitri Zaharcenko, directorul adjunct al
Serviciului de combatere a corupiei din cadrul Ministerului rus de
Interne. Tot n aceeai zi, ageni ai FSB i din cadrul Comitetului de Anchet au confiscat
peste 200.000 de euro dintr-un autoturism atribuit lui Zaharcenko.
Aceste sume impresionante de bani au fost descoperite n cadrul unei anchete deschise
recent pe numele lui Dmitri Zaharcenko ca urmare a unor suspiciuni de luare de mit. Potrivit
procurorilor, colonelul din Ministerul de Interne a luat mit n valoare de 7 milioane de ruble
(aproximativ 96.000 de euro) n decembrie 2015 pentru a nlesni anumite activiti pentru
oameni de afaceri. ns acest episod este doar un punct de plecare. Potrivit unor surse
apropiate serviciilor de securitate, citate de Novaia Gazeta, arestarea lui Zaharcenko este
legat de cea a liderului mafiot Zahar Kalaov, supranumit arko Tnrul. n urm cu
cteva luni, mai muli responsabili ai Comitetului de Anchet, nsrcinat cu principalele
investigaii n domeniul criminalisticii n Rusia, au fost deja arestai, fiind suspectai c au
nchis ochii la activitile acestui lider mafiot n schimbul unei mite de un milion de dolari.
Apoi, o serie de informaii au nceput s ias la iveal dup reinerea lui Dmitri Zaharcenko.

Page 23 of 29

Adus n faa justiiei pe 10 septembrie, a doua zi dup reinere, Dmitri Zaharcenko a negat
acuzaiile de luare de mit, abuz de putere i obstrucionarea anchetei formulate pe numele
su. El susine c nu are nicio legtur cu banii gsii n apartament i n main.
Nu am locuit niciodat n acel apartament. Maina nu mi aparine. Nu am primit mit. Nu
am fost prezent la percheziii i am deschis mereu toate uile. Acuzaiile sunt de neneles, a
declarat el n instan.

ns proprietarul mainii, a crui identitate nu a fost dezvluit, spune la rndul su c i-a

mprumutat bunul su lui Zaharcenko i c banii sunt ntr-adevr ai lui.
Pn la elucidarea unor aspecte din anchet, Zaharcenko a fost plasat n arest preventiv
pentru dou luni, pn la 8 noiembrie.
ntre timp, presa rus a devenit tot mai interesat de activitile lui Zaharcenko, care, n
opinia unor experi anticorupie, poate ajunge implicat n cel mai important dosar anticorupie
din istoria postsovietic a Rusiei.
De unde provin banii?
Potrivit mai multor surse anonime din cadrul poliiei i serviciilor de securitate citate de
Kommersant, TASS i RIA Novosti, dei Zaharcenko era filat pentru legturile sale cu akro
Tnrul, banii gsii n cursul percheziiilor sus-menionate ar proveni de la Nota Bank, care
a rmas fr licen n noiembrie 2015 i este vizat de o anchet.
Doi foti acionari ai Nota Bank, Dmitri i Vadim Erohin, precum i directoarea financiar
Galina Marciukova au fost arestai la rndul lor la mijlocul lui august i plasai n arest
preventiv pentru dou luni n acest dosar. Ei sunt acuzai c au deturnat 26 de miliarde de
ruble (aproximativ 360.000 de milioane de euro).
Galina Marciukova i Dmitri Zaharcenko sunt prieteni de mai mult timp. El a avertizat-o n
legtur cu percheziiile i cu faptul c risca s fie reinut. De asemenea, a recuperat o
parte din banii deturnai pentru a-i depozita provizoriu, a declarat o surs apropiat
Avocatul lui Zaharcenko, Iuri Novikov, nu a negat, n cursul procesului, legtura dintre
clientul su i Galina Marciukova, dar a dezminit faptul c acesta i-ar fi transmis informaii.
ns acest caz nu este dect unul dintre multe altele.
Averea lui Dmitri Zaharcenko
Potrivit unei surse din cadrul poliiei citate de LifeNews, Dmitri Zaharcenko ar avea patru
apartamente n Moscova, estimate la 700 de milioane de ruble (peste 9,6 milioane de euro).
Aceste apartamente sunt nregistrate pe numele prinilor si, dar i al surorii sale. Potrivit
LifeNews, apartamentul n care au fost gsii banii cash nu era locuit. Rosbalt dezvluie de

Page 24 of 29

asemenea, n baza unei surse din cadrul forelor de ordine, c familia Zaharcenko are n
proprietate un etaj ntreg dintr-un complex rezidenial din Barcelona. Mai mult, tatl lui Dmitri,
Viktor Zaharcenko, ar ascunde 300 de milioane de euro n conturi bancare deschise n
Cum a fcut un demnitar nsrcinat cu lupta anticorupie atia bani?
Dmitri Zaharcenko a devenit angajat al Poliiei Ruse acum 16 ani. El a lucrat iniial n cadrul
unei brigzi financiare, dup care s-a alturat, n 2005, structurii anticoruie din Ministerul de
Cariera i bunstarea sa au luat avnt n 2007, cnd a fost numit director adjunct al direciei
din cadrul Serviciului anticorupie din Ministerul rus de Interne specializate pe investigarea
fraudelor bancare. Potrivit Rosbalt, odat ajuns n acest post, Zaharcenko s-a mprietenit cu
Dmitri Zabednov, omul care putea rezolva orice problem i care i-a asigurat ascensiunea
Sub supravegherea lui Zabednov, Zaharcenko a devenit implicat n tot felul de activiti
ilegale, intermediind afaceri, avertiznd persoane ajunse n vizorul serviciilor de aplicare a
legii etc. Mijlocitorul Zaharcenko a lucrat i manevrat timp de nou ani pentru/ntre
funcionari de stat, generali, politicieni, interlopi i oameni de afaceri, reuind s se menin
n picioare chiar i dup moartea misterioas a iniiatorului su, n 2012, i fiind remunerat
generos pentru serviciile sale.
El nu ar fi strin de afaceri ale interlopului akro Tnrul i nici de ale omului de afaceri
Mihail Slobodin, acuzat c ar fi ncercat s dea 800 de milioane de ruble (peste 11 milioane
de euro) drept mit Guvernului Republicii Komi.
Zaharcenko era la curent cu mersul unor astfel de afaceri i i folosea poziia n scopuri
personale. Mihail Slobodin a reuit s fug la timp din ar i se afl n prezent n
strintate, a precizat o surs apropiat dosarului pentru Rosbalt.
Salariu lunar de 150.000 de dolari de la Gherman Gorbunov
Tot datorit lui Zabednov, Zaharcenko a ajuns n 2007 n solda bancherului Gherman
Gorbunov, scrie Rosbalt.
Acesta din urm i-ar fi pltit un salariu lunar de 150.000 de dolari pentru a-i asigura spatele
i a-i rezolva diverse probleme cu serviciile de aplicare a legii.
ntre 2005 i 2010, grupul financiar-bancar al lui Gorbunov era considerat cel mai mare
juctor pe piaa de capital din Rusia. Totodat, Gorbunov devenise un maestru n scoaterea
ilicit a capitalului din Rusia n strintate.
Afacerile lui Gorbunov au nceput s scrie n 2009, cnd din una dintre bncile sale a
disprut un miliard de dolari care ar fi aparinut unor parteneri importani ce aveau legturi cu
Cile Ferate Ruse.
Potrivit Rosbalt, Zaharcenko nu l-a trdat pe Gorbunov, dup care au nceput problemele
pentru el.
Gorbunov a fugit n Republica Moldova, unde la sfritul lui 2008 preluase UniversalBank. n
2011, bancherul rus a fost nevoit s fug la Londra, unde n martie 2012 a fost inta unei
tentative de omor comise de interlopul moldovean Vitalie Proca.
Fr precedent
Potrivit militantei anticorupie Irina Rukina, cazul Zaharcenko este fr precedent n istoria
postsovietic a Rusiei.
Nu exist ceva asemntor, nici mcar n ceea ce privete suma de bani. Dac miliardul de
ruble (aproximativ 13,8 milioane de euro) gsit acas la guvernatorul regiunii Sahalin,
Aleksandr Horoavin (arestat n martie 2015, suspectat c a luat mit n valoare de 5,6
milioane de ruble, adic peste 77.000 de euro, n. red.), a fost un oc pentru societate, rmi
de-a dreptul fr voce la tona de bani descoperit asupra unui poliist de rang nalt, a
declarat Rukina pentru
n opinia lui Viktor mbal, un expert al Comitetului Naional Anticorupie, cazul lui Dmitri
Zaharcenko amintete de cel al lui Denis Sugrobov, fostul ef al Serviciului anticorupie din
Ministerul rus de Interne, care a fost arestat la nceputul lui 2014 pentru o serie de infraciuni
n care se intersecteaz abuzul de putere cu corupia.
Acest paradox, cnd cei nsrcinai cu combaterea corupiei se dovedesc a fi cei mai
corupi, e pe cale de a deveni o tradiie de trist amintire pentru istoria recent a Rusiei, i
exprim regretul Viktor mbal.

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De la Kremlin, Dimtri Peskov, purttorul de cuvnt al Preediniei ruse, a dat asigurri c

Vladimir Putin a fost informat cu privire la cazul Zaharcenko, subliniind c lupta anticorupie
este un proces multiform i dificil.
Ministrul de Interne, Vladimir Kolokolev, a ordonat la rndul su o inspecie intern, n
scopul stabilirii cauzelor i circumstanelor arestrii lui Dmitri Zaharcenko, care are loc n
contextul anunrii unor reforme majore n serviciile de securitate i aplicare a legii n Rusia.

FMI: Belarus
septembrie 2016

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Cap. Evenimente
Iran: elicopter ambulan Bell 214 prbuit

Aviation Safety
Bell 214
Owner/operator: Private
Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 4
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Haraz region Iran
En route
The ambulance helicopter crashed in adverse weather conditions.
A technician died in the crash. The helicopter hit an electricity pole while landing.
Three other occupants were injured.

Cap. Diverse
Tarom rmne fr dou aeronave Airbus A310 i nu le va nlocui n
acest an

21 septembrie 2016, 11:26
De Raluca Florescu

Cele dou aeronave A310 ale Tarom, care ies din uz n acest an, nu vor fi nlocuite de
compania de stat n 2016, deoarece Tarom nu are resursele necesare.
Astfel, compania opereaz n prezent cu 22 de aeronave, dup ce unul dintre aparatele
Airbus A310, cumprate n 1992, a ieit din uz n data de 12 septembrie, iar operatorul ia n

Page 27 of 29

calcul pstrarea unei flote de 21 de aeronave n sezonul de iarn, dup ce a doua aeronav
de acelai tip va iei din uz n data de 31 octombrie, scrie Fostul director general,
Gabriel Stoe, declara lunile trecute c Tarom va nlocui aeronavele, cumprate n 1992,
pentru aceasta fiind nevoie de o investiie de circa 5 milioane de dolari, pentru fiecare
aeronav. Compania de stat a raportat ns pierderi de 28,6 milioane de lei pentru primul
semestru (peste 6 milioane euro), de opt ori mai mari fa de nivelul prevzut n bugetul de
venituri si cheltuieli, aa nct planul a fost amnat. Flota Tarom este format din avioane de
mrci diferite, Airbus, ATR i Boeing, cu o medie de vrst de peste 15 ani, situaie care
mrete semnificativ costurile de ntreinere i operare.

Cap. Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence in Romania

Herald Insights
Citete online al patrulea
a aprut n 26 aprilie 2016

numr dedicat SCIP!

Definiie Competitive Intelligence

Emil Hedeiu: Competitive Intelligence este un proces specific unei entiti economice,
comandat, planificat i etapizat, pentru obinerea datelor i informaiilor publice i oficiale, de
analiz a acestora i de valorificare a concluziilor rezultate n scopul obinerii unei mai bune
poziionri fa de concuren.

d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S

Promote Your Interests!

Consultan S.E.T. prin Competitive Intelligence.

Te rog gndete-te la mediul n care vor tri copiii i nepoii notri.

Tiprete acest document sau oricare altul doar dac este chiar necesar!

Page 28 of 29

Ingineri membri ai Academiei Romne

Constantin Sandu-Aldea

n. 14 noiembrie 1874, Tichileti, Brila - d. 21 martie 1927, Bucureti

Al 7-lea inginer membru al Academiei Romne, ales n 1919 membru corespondent
inginer agronom romn, scriitor i prozator de orientare semntorist, fondatorul
tiinei ameliorrii plantelor n Romnia (Ameliorarea plantelor agricole, 1915),

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