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Asist. Univ. Dr. Alexandra Bolo, Asist. Univ. Dr. Anamaria Burlea,
Prof. Dr. Roxana Chiri
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Iai

Tulburrile afective bipolare reprezint o condiie medical nc subdiagnosticat sau nediagnosticat la
copii i adolesceni. Trsturile clinice specifice, cum ar fi ciclarea rapid i episoadele mixte, complic, de
obicei, posibilitile de diagnostic clinic. n plus, comorbiditile asociate sau supraadugate pot avea impact
asupra diagnosticului diferenial. Astfel, vor fi necesare studii specifice diferitelor grupe de vrst care vor
genera criterii de diagnostic particulare fiecrei vrste. Acest lucru este necesar pentru tinerii pacieni
deoarece un diagnostic adecvat ct mai precoce va determina i un management terapeutic adecvat.

Cuvinte cheie: tulburare afectiv, diagnostic, adolesceni, terapie

Tulburrile psihice ale copiilor sunt mult mai bipolari au prezentat un prim episod afectiv naintea
dificil de caracterizat dect cele ale adulilor. Dei vrstei de 18 ani. Simptomatologia specific
s-au realizat progrese n ceea ce privete diagnosticul tulburrilor afective bipolare este variabil la copii
tulburrilor psihice la copii, multe tratamente sunt i adolesceni i prezint o serie de simptome supra-
administrate pentru o simptomatologie vag, cum adugate i comorbiditi, cum ar fi abuzul de dro-
ar fi agresivitate, depresie sau manifestri discom- guri sau ADHD. Astfel, se constat c la un numr
portamentale (1). O serie de factori contribuie la important de copii tulburarea afectiv bipolar este
aceast situaie, cum ar fi: greit diagnosticat; de aceea, se ncearc gsirea
mult timp copiii au fost neglijai de serviciile unei soluii n ceea ce privete diagnosticarea pre-
medicale psihiatrice; coce a acestei tulburri psihice pentru a asigura un
conceptul de anormalitate la copii este influ- tratament adecvat. Diagnosticarea ct mai precoce
enat de procesul de dezvoltare a acestora, a tulburrii afective bipolare reprezint un obiectiv
ceea ce face mult mai dificil interpretarea clinic important, avndu-se n vedere urmtoarele
unor indicatori ai disfuncionaliti cerebrale; motive (4):
diagnosticul diferenial este mult mai dificil tulburarea afectiv bipolar reprezint o surs
de realizat la copii comparativ cu adulii, din important de disfuncionalitate psihosocial
cauza lipsei expresivitii modificrilor com- pentru copii i adolesceni, cu importante
portamentale din psihopatologia copiilor; consecine asupra vieii acestora;
copiii prezint multe dificulti n ceea ce exist evidene clinice care arat faptul c un
privete descrierea simptomatologiei psihia- sindrom psihiatric, cu ct este mai prelungit,
trice. cu att acesta este mai refractar la tratament.
Debutul simptomatologiei tulburrilor afective Un diagnostic precoce al tulburrii afective bi-
bipolare se realizeaz la vrste foarte diferite, n polare la copii i adolesceni este asigurat de o serie
special ntre 18 i 24 de ani, dar 59% dintre adulii de factori, i anume (5):

Adresa de coresponden:
Asist. Univ. Dr. Anamaria Burlea, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Str. Universitii Nr. 16, Iai



Identificarea simptomelor sugestive pentru TABELUL 1. Evoluia clinic a tulburrii afective bipolare
episodul maniacal; n funcie de vrst
Cnd nu exist simptome psihotice, se va Perioada Perioada de
prepubertal i adolescen tardiv
asigura un diagnostic diferenial adecvat ntre adolescena precoce i adult
manie i ADHD; Episod iniial Depresiv Maniacal
Cnd exist simptome psihotice, diagnosticul Tipul Ciclare rapid, Discret cu debut
diferenial se va realiza ntre manie i schi- episoadelor episod mixt brusc i sfrit distinct
zofrenie. Durata Cronic, ciclare Sptmni
Estimarea prevalenei tulburrilor afective la continu
copii i adolesceni este foarte dificil deoarece Funcionalitate Fr episoade Funcionalitate bun
exist foarte puine studii pe acest tip de populaie.
n trecut, se considera c tulburrile afective bi-
polare ar fi rar ntlnite la copii i adolesceni, dar un studiu efectuat pe pacienii din populaia Amish
n prezent se tie faptul c aceast tulburare psihic a descoperit c tinerii pacieni diagnosticai cu un
este frecvent, prevalena sa fiind nc necunoscut episod maniacal prezint o serie de simptome, cum
(6). Rata prevalenei depinde de criteriile de ar fi ideaia de grandoare, reduse n intensitate, din
diagnostic utilizate. DSM IV prezint aceleai cauza limitelor de natur religioas. De asemenea,
criterii de diagnostic pentru toate tipurile de pacieni studiile au artat faptul c acei copii provenii din
cu tulburare afectiv bipolar, indiferent de vrst minoritile etnice cu un nivel socioeconomic redus
(7). Cu toate acestea, clinicienii trebuie s ia n con- au un risc mai mare de diagnosticare greit a unei
siderare toate aspectele referitoare la dezvoltarea schizofrenii comparativ cu ali pacieni cu tulburare
corespunztoare a copiilor i adolescenilor, atunci afectiv bipolar, deoarece episoadele maniacale
cnd acetia sunt evaluai din punct de vedere psi- prezint frecvent i simptome psihotice. n plus,
hiatric. De aceea, este important s nelegem diferenele rasiale pot influena i managementul
aceast tulburare psihic din punct de vedere al terapeutic (10). Un studiu asupra particularitilor
dezvoltrii i creterii adecvate a acestora. De terapeutice a descoperit faptul c adolescenii
exemplu, unii tineri care prezint ciclare rapid a afroamericani cu tulburare afectiv bipolar primesc
episoadelor sau episoade hipomaniacale nu nde- de dou ori mai multe antipsihotice dect cei de
plinesc criteriile de diagnostic pentru tulburarea origine caucazian, din cauza interpretrii greite a
afectiv bipolar a adultului, dar un diagnostic ct unor simptome. (11) Scopurile principale ale mana-
mai precoce pentru o astfel de categorie de pacieni gementului terapeutic din tulburarea afectiv
i un tratament adecvat determin o mbuntire bipolar sunt reprezentate de mbuntirea simpto-
mai rapid a simptomatologiei. Pe de alt parte, n matologiei i de prevenirea recderilor, avndu-se
situaia n care debutul simptomatologiei este sub n vedere reducerea morbiditii pe termen lung i
vrsta de 13 ani, apar forme atipice i subclinice ale asigurarea unei dezvoltri ct mai normale a acestor
tulburrii afective bipolare (8). n cazul prezenei tineri. Trialurile clinice controlate, efectuate pe
unei ciclri rapide, simptomatologia include epi- tineri, sunt limitate, dar s-a constatat c cele mai
soade mixte, evoluie cronic, labilitate emoional utilizate medicamente cu rol normostabilizator sunt
i episoade maniacale sau depresive cu manifestri reprezentate de Litiu, Carbamazepin i Valproat.
discrete. Copiii pot prezenta manifestri explozive, De obicei, strategiile terapeutice n cazul copiilor i
iar modificrile comportamentale sunt mai degrab adolescenilor sunt bazate pe experiena clinic cu
continue, dect episodice. n timpul unui episod pacienii aduli. Dar, simptomatologia afectiv
maniacal, copiii manifest n general iritabilitate i prezent la tineri nu se suprapune ntotdeauna cu
mai rar dispoziie euforic. Adolescenii diagnos- cea a adulilor i ar fi necesare trialuri clinice
ticai cu tulburare afectiv bipolar prezint o simp- specifice fiecrei vrste pentru a putea identifica un
tomatologie similar cu cea a adulilor i episoade tratament adecvat. naintea iniierii oricrei terapii
afective distincte, cu un debut rapid al simptoma- psihofarmacologice este necesar s se obin un
tologiei. n cazul episoadelor afective, simptoma- consimmnt informat adecvat, s se evalueze
tologia este clasic i diagnosticul este mai uor de corect faza de evoluie a tulburrii afective i s se
identificat. Tabelul 1 prezint difereniat tulburarea estimeze, pe ct posibil, durata tratamentului. Ale-
afectiv bipolar n funcie de vrst (dup Academy gerea terapiei adecvate se bazeaz pe urmtoarele
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) (9). principii: (12)
Toate aceste simptome ale tulburrii afective bi- evidenierea eficacitii medicaiei alese;
polare pot fi influenate de contextul cultural. Astfel, faza de evoluie a tulburrii psihice;

prezena altor tipuri de simptome cum ar fi Pentru psihiatri este foarte important s neleag
ciclarea rapid, simptomele psihotice sau cnd s iniieze i cnd s discontinue terapia cu
modificrile dispoziionale; normostabilizatori. Deoarece exist doar cteva
efectele adverse ale medicaiei; studii la copii i adolesceni cu tulburare afectiv
istoricul pacientului legat de rspunsul la bipolar privind evoluia acesteia, experiena clinic
medicaia anterioar; este cea care furnizeaz cele mai utile informaii
preferinele pacientului i ale familiei. legate de terapie. Astfel, experiena clinicienilor su-
Psihoterapia reprezint un alt element important, gereaz faptul c nivelul terapeutic al timostabili-
parte integrant a managementului terapeutic. Se pot zatorilor trebuie meninut pentru minimum 2 ani,
dezvolta msuri educaionale adecvate n urma con- dup ce s-a obinut remisia simptomatologiei.
sultrii familiei i a educatorilor i astfel pacientul i Uneori, n cazul adolescenilor este necesar discon-
rudele sale vor nva s managerizeze aceast tul- tinuarea tratamentului. Aceast discontinuitate tre-
burare psihic. Msurile psihoterapeutice trebuie s buie efectuat foarte lent, n timp, cu o reducere a
fie adaptate la necesitile pacientului i implic mo- dozelor pe parcursul a minimum 6 luni. (15)
daliti de nvare de ctre pacient a simptomelor Diagnosticarea i tratarea tulburrilor afective
prodromale ce vor prezice un viitor episod afectiv, ba- bipolare la copii i adolesceni rmne o problem
zndu-se pe o serie de factori predictori, cum ar fi dificil avndu-se n vedere complexitatea feno-
deprivarea de somn, modificrile situaionale, patternul menologiei i evoluiei acestei tulburri. Terapia
sezonier, abuzul de droguri sau noncompliana la tra- farmacologic este necesar n scopul asigurrii
tament (13). Psihiatrul trebuie s realizeze un plan unei remisiuni adecvate, dar acest tip de pacieni
terapeutic folosind un algoritm asemntor celui din sunt frecvent subdiagnosticai i tratai necores-
figura urmtoare (14): punztor. Astfel, vor fi necesare i n continuare nu-
Litiu sau valproat (nu este rspuns) meroase cercetri pentru a evalua necesitatea mo-
noterapiei sau a combinaiilor terapeutice la tinerii
Litiu+valproat (nu este rspuns) pacieni, deoarece este absolut necesar o intervenie
precoce i chiar agresiv n cazul acestora.
Carbamazepin (nu este rspuns)

Carbamazepin + litiu (nu este rspuns)

Olanzapin sau risperidon (nu este rspuns)

Noile anticonvulsivante (nu este rspuns)

Terapia electroconvulsivant

Clinical and therapeutical approaches of children and adolescent

bipolar disorders
Alexandra Bolos, Anamaria Burlea, Roxana Chirita
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Iasi

Bipolar disorder remains a condition which it is underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed among children and
adolescents. The specific traits, like rapid cycling and mixed episodes often complicate the diagnosis. In
additional, overlapping and comorbid conditions may influence the differential diagnosis. Thus, it is necessary
that age specific studies may produce diagnostic criteria specific for younger patients because an earlier and
accurate diagnosis will determine an adequate therapeutically management.

Key words: bipolar disorder, children, diagnosis, therapy

Child psychiatric disorders are more difficult to This psychiatric disorder is a source of serious
characterize than those of adults. Although there psychosocial dysfunction for children and
are important advances in diagnosis of psychiatric adolescents with important consequences for
disorder at children, many treatments are prescribed their lives;
for vaguely defined disorder like aggressiveness, There is evidence that a psychiatric syndrome
difficult behavior or depression. There are some is longer it will become more refractory to
factors which contributed to this (1): treatment.
children have been neglected in psychiatric There are three main diagnostic issues which are
services; very important to facilitate an early diagnostic of
abnormality in children is influenced by bipolar disorder in children and adolescents (5):
maturation and development, that make more to identify symptoms suggestive for mania;
difficult for doctors to interpret indicators of to differentiate between mania and ADHD,
brain dysfunction; when there are not psychotic symptoms;
differential diagnosis is more difficult to to discriminate between mania and schi-
realize compared with adult caused to lack of zophrenia, when there are psychotic sym-
richness of behavioral expressions of psycho- ptoms.
pathology at children; To estimate the prevalence of bipolar disorder
children had a lot of difficulties to describe among children and adolescent is very difficult
psychopathological symptoms. because there are only a few studies on this type of
Affective bipolar disorders had a variable age of population. Even, in the past, it is believed that
onset and it is especially diagnosed between ages bipolar disorder occurred rarely among children
of 18 and 24, but 59% of adults experienced their and adolescent, nowadays it is recognized that this
first episode under the age of 18. The symptoms of disorder is frequently, but prevalence is still
bipolar disorders are variable among children and unknown. The prevalence rates depend on diagnostic
adolescence and they had a lot of overlapping and criteria used. (6) The DSM IV presents the same
comorbid conditions like ADHD or substance criteria of diagnosis for all types of patients with
abuse. (2,3) bipolar disorders regardless of age. However, the
Thus, we want to point on fact that a good clinicians should consider developmental issues
number of children presented with bipolar disorder when it is necessary to evaluate children or adoles-
are misdiagnosed and this review offers a little cents. (7) Thus, it is important for all of us to
solution to the problem of an early diagnosis, which understand this disorder from a developmental
it is critical for a good efficacy of treatment. An perspective. For example, some young persons who
early diagnosis of bipolar disorder is a very express rapid cycle episodes and hypomania may
important clinical objective for psychiatrists for do not have criteria for an adult bipolar disorder,
some reasons (4): but an early diagnosis and treatment for such

patients it is important because early intervention drugs used are Lithium, Valproat, Carbamazepine.
means an improved outcome. On the other hand, Therapeutically strategies for children and adoles-
often, patients with onset of the disorder younger cents with bipolar disorder are based mostly on
than 13 years old had atypical and subthreshold clinical experience with adult patients. But, mani-
forms of bipolar disorder. (8) For those with rapid festation of bipolar disorder in youths doesnt mime
cycling form, symptoms include mixte state, adult type of bipolar disorder and it is necessary
chronic evolution, emotionally labile behavior and more controlled trial age specific to determine
less discrete episode of mania or depression. which therapy is most useful for youths. Before
Children can experience explosive outbursts and initiating psychopharmacological treatment it is
changes in mood are continuous in course, rather recommended to obtain an appropriate informed
than episodic. During a manic episode, children consent, to evaluate the phase of disorder and to
manifest irritability more than euphoric mood. estimate the length of treatment. The choice of me-
Adolescent patients with bipolar disorder had dication is based on the following guidelines (12):
symptoms like adult patients and experience distinct evidence of efficacy of the drug;
episode, unlike children with rapid onset of the phase of the disorder;
symptoms. Also, they present classical symptoms the presence of other symptoms like rapid
of mania and can be easily diagnosed with bipolar cycling, mood changes or psychotic features;
disorder. Table 1 summarizes differences in bipolar side effects of the drug;
disorder based on age of onset (from American the history of the patient regarding the
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry).(9) response to drug;
preferences of patient and family.
TABLE 1. Clinical course of bipolar disorder by age of Psychosocial treatment represents also a part of
an integrated approach of the therapeutically ma-
Prepubertal and Older adolescent and nagement. It can be develop an appropriate learning
young adolescent adult
environment by consultation with families and
Initial episode Depressive Manic
Type of Rapid-cycling, Discrete with sudden
educators, thus patients and family are taught to
episodes mixed onsets and clear osets cope with this disorder. Psychotherapy should be
Duration Chronic, Weeks flexible on the necessities of the patient and it involves
continuous cycling teaching the patient to predict future episode relapses
Interepisodic Nonepisodic Improved functioning based on some factors like sleep deprivation, situational
functioning changes, seasonal patterns, substance abuse and non-
compliance to treatment. (13)
All these expression of bipolar symptoms and Psychiatrists should realize a plan of treatment
behavior may be influenced by cultural context. using an algorithm like in the next figure. (14)
Thus, a study on old order Amish patients found Lithium or valproat (if no response)
that among Amish youths manic symptoms, like
grandiosity were diminished by religious ties. Also, Lithium+valproat (if no response)
studies had shown that children from ethnic mi-
norities with lower socioeconomic backgrounds Carbamazepine (if no response)
had a greater risk of misdiagnosis of schizophrenia
than other patients with bipolar disorder because Carbamazepine+lithium (if no response)
manic episodes include frequently psychotic fea-
tures. In addition, racial differences can influence Olanzapinum or Risperidonum (if no response)
treatment patterns. (10) A study on treatment pat-
terns found that African American adolescents with Newer antiepileptic drugs (if no response)
bipolar disorder were twice as likely as Caucasians
ones to receive treatment with antipsychotic cause Electroconvulsive therapy
to misinterpretation of the symptoms. (11) For psychiatrists, it is also important to
Therapeutic management of bipolar disorder understand when to initiate and when to discontinue
had two principals goals: to improve patient the therapy. Because there are only a few studies
symptoms and to prevent relapses in order to reduce performed in children and adolescents with bipolar
long term morbidity and to have a normal growth disorders regarding the course of the disorder,
for these children. Controlled medication trials in clinical experience provide us a lot of information
younger patients are limited, but the most common useful for treatment. Thus, clinical experience

suggests that therapeutic levels of mood stabilizers phenomenology and course of the disorder. The
should be maintained for at least 2 years after the pharmacological treatment is necessary for a good
resolution of the symptoms. Also, adolescent pa- outcome, but often this kind of patients are mis-
tients may request discontinuation of the treatment. diagnosed and undertreated. Thus, more research is
Discontinuation must occur very slowly and doses required to evaluate monotherapy or combination
should be tapering over 6 month period. (15) of therapies at youths because it is important to
Diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and have an early and even aggressive intervention at
adolescents is complicated by the complexity of the these patients.

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