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În colegiul Ferdinand I din Bacău, informatica, nu este o disciplină ca toate

celelalte. A reușit să fie unul dintre instrumentele care apropie elevii de ceea ce
însemnă un învățământ actual, ancorat în provăcările lumii moderne.
Competiția și reușita sunt două dintre trăsăturile spiritului ferdinandist. Anul acesta,
colegiul nostru împlinește 150 de ani. Sunt 150 de ani de excelență în educație.
YoungCoderCamp va demonstra modul în care informatica, o disciplină care se
“asortează” cu orice, este liantul, instrumentul care poate schimba constructiv lumea
interconectată în care trăim.
YoungCoderCamp se va desfășura în perioada 16-21 octombrie 2017, în cadrul
Evenimentului EU Code Week, eveniment care beneficiază de sprijinul Comisiei Europene.
Acest proiect a câștigat o finanțare în valoare de 300 EURO.
YoungCoderCamp va include activități și concursuri pe echipe și individual, pe
domeniile: Robotics Drones, 2D/3D Animations, Programming. Concursul va avea 4
secțiuni Code Fashion (secțiune dedicată exclusiv fetelor –având la dispoziție o
temă dată, echipele vor realiza un proiect care să pună accent pe eleganța în
programare), Programming Drones and Robots (fiecare echipă mixtă va programa
utilizând elemente de programare, va realiza o poveste animată

dedicată sărbătoririi celor 150 de ani ai colegiului), High

Development of Code (este secțiunea dedicată participanților la olimpiadele și
concursurile de informatică).

“Ferdinand I” National College is a 150- year old institution situated in an urban area,
in the centre of Moldavia region, in the underdeveloped north-east region of
Romania. There are 1150 students aged 6-18, coming from different social
backgrounds, taught by a number of 70 teachers. For primary school pupils, parents
can choose optional classes of English, Drama or ICT and there is also the “After
school” programme, aimed at improving pupils’ performances.

Older students can choose from a wider range of courses. Languages also play an
important role in our school – students can study English, French, German, Spanish
or Chinese (with a native speaker, part of the Confucius programme).The school is
involved in various community programmes, such as protecting the environment,
healthy eating habits, volunteering, crime prevention, tolerance and fighting

CNFI takes pride in its excellent results in the field of Computer Science and ICT. Our
school is an authorized ECDL centre and language testing centre for Cambridge
exams (FCE and CAE).

Young Coder:
Lego Robotics, for students aged 7-14
Arduino Robotics, for 15-18 year olds
Photoshop Club, Photography and Film Club
AppInventor, a mobile application

Competitions organized by our students and IT teachers

ExploreIT – national contest of digital creativity
RoboSmart- regional contest
IScratch and InfoJunior, county contests (the latter included 3 sections: InfoGates-
C++ programming, InfoBricks- Scratch animation and InfoPicasso- drawing using

Cooperation with schools in Europe has always been the aim for the development of
our institution and also an excellent way of preparing our students for the labour
market and for teachers to improve their teaching methods through international
collaborations. Since 2009, our College has developed two Comenius projects, a
Leonardo one, two Erasmus+ projects, many teachers participating in training
courses in Romania and abroad.

"Ferdinand I" National College is a 145 years old educational institution situated in
an urban area in N-E Romania. It schools 1095 students, aged 6-19, taught by a
number of 79 teachers. There are preschool , primary and secondary school classes
but most of the students are high school pupils. We offer our high school students
general theoretical tuition with a focus onMaths, ICT and mother tongue and foreign
languages. There are both special classes of Informatics for students who take an
exam that certifies their ICT competences and intensive language study classes for
students who graduate by getting a foreign language competece certificate. Most of
these students follow an academic career in informatics and programming, language
teachinng, medicine, law and justice , economics and many others, in our country as
well as abroad.
The school staff has always developed and is still developing various partnership
programmes with local, national and international institutions by which students
enrich and improve communication, digital, civic and interpersonal techniques and
competences, thus rendering them responsible, competitive and self-confident in an
ever changing society. This envolvment allows students and teachers alike to learn to
be more flexible and tolerant and to feel included in the European community,
understanding their role as active citizens responsible for cherishing their own
language and cultural heritage as well as embracing the other's similar values. They
also feel more motivated to learn and to play an active role in the school curricular
and extracurricular activities.
Through the students’ and teachers’ remarkable annualy results in every and each
competition we make ourselves better known as an educational institution, both
nationally and internatioonally. It is our school policy to be open to new
opportunities, to fruitful exchanges that enable us providing our students with equal
education opportunities, in our own country and abroad

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