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Amenințarea ambasadorului SUA Grenell,

în Germania, a eșuat
24aug. 2019

1 comentariu

Amenințarea ambasadorului SUA, Grenell, în Germania, a eșuat, ducând Germania mai

aproape de Rusia

Editor ER: Richard Grenell, alegerea lui Trump 2018 pentru ambasadorul SUA în Germania,
în forma. Acest raport al Vice din martie a acestui an German lawmakers want Trump’s
ambassador kicked out, – parlamentarii germani doresc ca ambasadorul lui Trump să fie
expulzat -, arată de ce parlamentarii germani au dreptate fiindca se pare să fi avut destule.
Acest articol din 2017 de la Daily Mail dezvăluie motivul pentru care Trump l-ar fi putut
alege pe Grenell, nu pentru abilitățile sale diplomatice: Trump picks openly gay former
diplomat and cancer survivor Ric Grenell as ambassador to Germany. Trump îl alege pe
fostul diplomat și supraviețuitorul unui cancer, declarat deschis gay, Ric Grenell, în calitate de
ambasador în Germania. Acest raport de la Pink News dezvăluie, de asemenea, că Trump ar
putea să-l folosească pentru a avansa într-un aspect al agendei „progresiste” globaliste:
Richard Grenell: Gay Republican who aims to decriminalise homosexuality globally.
Richard Grenell: republican gay care își propune să decriminalizeze homosexualitatea la nivel
global. Citește și Trump va lansa lupta în favoarea homosexualitații la nivel mondial

Săptămâna trecută, parlamentarii germani au trimis un mesaj clar către Washington.
Argumentul s-a accentuat în urma unei serii de comentarii aprinse făcute de
ambasadorul american Richard Grenell, care ceruse Germaniei să-și crească cheltuielile
de apărare, susținând că era „într-adevăr insultător să se aștepte ca contribuabilul
american să plătească pentru peste 50.000 de americani” staționați în Germania, și că
SUA ar face bine să-și mute toate activele militare din Germania spre Est, în Polonia.
Parlamentarii de la Berlin au reacționat salutând o retragere a SUA din pământul
german – și au spus Statelor Unite că-și poate lua armele nucleare cu ele.
Dietmar Bartsch, președintele Partidului de Stânga, a declarat: „Ambasadorul SUA are
dreptate: contribuabilii americani nu ar trebui să plătească pentru trupele americane din
Germania … Dacă americanii își scot soldații, trebuie să-și scoată și armele nucleare.”

Au vorbit și alți parlamentari germani. Lars Klingbeil, secretar general al SPD, l-a acuzat pe
Grenell că ar fi intimidat Berlinul, afirmând: „Nu vom fi șantajați de americani”.
În mod clar, acesta a fost un alt eșec epic al diplomației din partea administrației Trump
aparent fără direcție.

Din păcate, nu este prima dată când Grenell a tras un foc de la Berlin. De asemenea, el a fost
acuzat accused de Wolfgang Kubicki, liderul adjunct al democraților liberi (FDP), că ar
acționa ca „un înalt comisar al unei puteri ocupante”.
În cele din urmă, acest tip de clownerii fără sens de la Washington vor duce doar la unirea
Europei și a Rusiei mai strâns.

Având în vedere că proiectul conductei de petrol Nord Stream II pipeline este încă în curs,
acest lucru ar putea ajunge la o mișcare extrem de costisitoare pentru lobby-ul anti-Rusia de la
Washington. reports…raportează …

Relațiile Statelor Unite cu mai multe națiuni s-au confruntat cu provocări cu

schimbările prioritare majore ale președintelui Trump. Germania nu face excepție și
ceea ce a fost mult timp una dintre cele mai apropiate relații din Occident este acum
fragilă și se înrăutățește constant. West is now fragile, and steadily worsening.

Există o serie de motive. Puterea economică a Germaniei a făcut-o o țintă pentru războaiele
comerciale ale lui Trump. Ostilitatea lui Trump față de Uniunea Europeană de asemenea l-a
pus în contradicție cu Germania și vecinii săi. Și un motiv important este că Trump și
cancelarul german Angela Merkel nu comunică cu adevărat atât de mult.

Ambasadorul SUA, Richard Grenell, nu a ajutat deloc, dispretuind evenimentele

tradiționale pe care guvernul german le organizeaza pentru trimisii SUA și se simte
autorizat constantly issue policy demands and threaten repercussions să emită constant
cereri de politică și să amenințe cu repercusiuni dacă Germania nu se conformează.

Ca urmare, Grenell și-a făcut mulți dușmani, și mulți îl consideră ca fiind ceva tipic pentru
modul în care Administrația Trump se comportă în general cu aliații săi tradiționali. Acest
lucru se adaugă încă o dată la problema comunicării, întrucât în munca lui ideal ar fi să
mențină liniile deschise între cele două țări, iar el nu face în mare măsură acest lucru.

Remarks by Vice President Pence at
Swearing-In Ceremony of Richard Grenell
as U.S. Ambassador To Germany
Issued on: May 3, 2018

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The Vice President’s Ceremonial Office

Eisenhower Executive Office Building

3:46 P.M. EDT

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Well, good afternoon. And on behalf of President
Trump and the First Family, it is my privilege to say, welcome to the White House for the
swearing-in of the 29th United States Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell. (Applause.)

Ric, I know you’ve got a lot of friends from many years here, but most importantly, you’ve
got people that you cherish, and your family. I want to acknowledge your mother Judi, who’s
with us today; your brothers, Jeff and Brad; your partner, Matt Lashey; and his parents, Dave
and Nancy; and many others. Let’s thank all the family for being here today. (Applause.)

I also want to welcome all your many friends and supporters who have made time to be here
— noteworthy Americans, including vital members of this administration. We’re proud to be
joined today by Ivanka Trump, a member of the first family. (Applause.) Kellyanne Conway
who is a great admirer. (Applause.) Other noteworthy Americans who are with us include
Hugh Hewitt, who is with us today. Hugh, thank you. (Applause.) And Suzanne Somers is
with us. A great, great friend for many years. Good to see you. (Applause.) Thank you all
for joining us.

Ric, you were confirmed to this post exactly one week ago, and you already hit the ground
running. Those of you may have noticed that on his first day in the job, he joined President
Trump and myself to welcome German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White House for
discussions on strengthening the historic partnership between our two nations.
On that day, President Trump called you an “outstanding man,” who will do a great job as our
Ambassador to Germany. And everyone gathered here, and people across this country, share
that confidence and conviction.

It’s absolutely clear that your career as a policy and communications advisor in the private
sector and at every level of government makes you uniquely qualified to represent our nation
in Berlin and on the world stage.

Since 2010, you’ve been a partner at an international public affairs firm, and before that, you
served as a Senior Vice President of Communications at one of the nation’s leading healthcare

But from 2000 to 2008, you were the longest serving spokesman for America’s Ambassador to
the United Nations and you did a great job for all those years. (Applause.) Ric actually
served under four different ambassadors, including President Trump’s National Security
Advisor, John Bolton, during his stint at the U.N.

Across them all, you earned your colleagues’ respect and admiration for your ability to
promote America’s interests on the world stage, while building international cooperation
around our shared goals of security and prosperity.

And now you’ll advance those very same causes by representing the United States of America
to the people of Germany.

You know, Germany is one of the United States’ most important allies. German families have
come to our shores in search of liberty since long before our nation’s founding. In fact, as you
know, Ric, today, there are over 44 million Americans who proudly trace their heritage to
Germany. And every year, that heritage is celebrated in communities large and small across

But since day one, President Trump has worked to further deepen the ties that join our two
nations and our two people. We all saw that in high relief when the President raised issues
with Chancellor Merkel last week about balancing our trade relationship, strengthening our
military cooperation, and working together to ensure that all NATO-member allies pay their
fair share to maintain this historic alliance.

As the President said then, in his words, “For decades, the alliance and friendship between
Germany and the United States has advanced the cause of peace, prosperity, and freedom.”
And we know that will even grow stronger with you as the American Ambassador to

With Ambassador Grenell leading our diplomatic mission to Germany, we’re going to
confront shared challenges, seize our shared opportunities, and work together to build a
shared future with our allies and friends in Germany.

Ric, President Trump and I are confident that with your experience and your integrity, you
will help make this historic and enduring friendship between the United States and Germany
stronger than ever before
So now, it will be my great honor, on behalf of President Trump, to administer to you the oath
of office. If you place your left hand on that big bible — (laughter) — raise your right hand
and repeat after me.

(The oath is administered.) (Applause.)

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my high honor to introduce to you the
29th United States Ambassador to Germany, Ambassador Richard Grenell. (Applause.)

AMBASSADOR GRENELL: Thank you all. Nothing about this process has been short —
(laughter) — so I’m going to keep this very short.

It’s taken a long time to get here, and so many people in this room were instrumental. So
thank you just for your support through the entire process.

Obviously, I have to thank my mom, who has been a great support through this whole time,
and of course, Matt, who is — as everybody knows, if you know him — the world’s greatest
person. So thank you for all of your support.

Thank you, Mr. Vice President, and thank you, President Trump, for the faith that you both
have put in me. I will not let you down. And I’m ready to work hard.

This administration is totally focused on the American people. I saw the President in action
last Friday in debating and talking and negotiating with Chancellor Merkel. And if every
American could see President Trump negotiate, they would be wildly supportive of having
him as their representative in the White House. This is a man who’s totally focused on the
American people.

And I promise, as a part of this administration, to keep my focus on the American people and
to make sure that I represent you well. So thank you very much. (Applause.)

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all for being here. We’ll mix and mingle, and grab
a few pictures with friends. But it’s an honor to have you all here for such a special occasion.
Thank you.


3:54 P.M. EDT

US Ambassador Grenell’s Threat to

Germany Has Backfired, Driving Germany
Closer to Russia
August 22, 2019 By 21wire 5 Comments
LOST: US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, pictured with President Donald Trump.

Last week, German lawmakers sent a stark message to Washington. The argument
escalated following a series of flippant comments made by US ambassador Richard
Grenell who had demanded Germany increase its defense spending, claiming it was
“really insulting to expect the US taxpayer to keep paying for over 50,000 Americans”
stationed in Germany, and that the US would do well to move all of its military assets
from Germany, and relocate eastward to Poland. Lawmakers in Berlin reacted by
welcoming a US withdrawal from German soil – and proceeded to tell the US it can take
its nuclear weapons with them.

Dietmar Bartsch, chairman of the Left Party, said, “The US ambassador is right: US
taxpayers should not have to pay for US troops in Germany … If the Americans pull out their
soldiers, they also have to pull out their nuclear weapons.”

Other German parliamentarians spoke out. Lars Klingbeil, secretary-general of the SPD,
accusing Grenell of bullying Berlin, stating, “We will not be blackmailed by the Americans.”

Clearly, this has been another epic failure of diplomacy by a seemingly directionless Trump

Unfortunately, it isn’t the first time Grenell has drawn fire from Berlin. He was also accused
of acting like “a high commissioner of an occupying power,” by Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy
leader of the Free Democrats (FDP).
In the end, these type of mindless antics by Washington will only result in pushing Europe
and Russia closer together.

With the Nord Stream II pipeline project still underway, this could end up being an extremely
costly move for the anti-Russia lobby in Washington. reports…

US relationships with several nations have faced challenges with the major priority
changes of President Trump. Germany is no exception, and what was long one of the
closest relationships in the West is now fragile, and steadily worsening.

There are a number of reasons why. Germany’s economic power has made it a target for
Trump’s trade wars. The Trump hostility to the European Union has also put it at odds with
Germany and its neighbors. And a big reason is that Trump and German Chancellor Angela
Merkel really don’t communicate that much.

US Ambassador Richard Grenell hasn’t helped matters, spurning traditional events the
German government puts on for US envoys, and feeling himself entitled to constantly issue
policy demands and threaten repercussions if Germany doesn’t comply.

Grenell has made himself a lot of enemies as a result, and many see it as just typical of the
way the Trump Administration generally behaves around its traditional allies. This once again
adds to the communication problem, as ideally his job would be to keep the lines open
between the two countries, and he’s broadly not doing that.

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