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Lista indicatori analiza RU

În baza de date de la Eusrostat aveți atât în secțiunea Database by themes, cât și în secțiunea
Tables by themes. În Tabeles by themes puteți regăsi rate deja calculate și indicatori defalcați
în mod direct pe grupe de vârstă sau sexe, fără ca să mai faceți voi selecția. În plus, la aceasta
secțiune, sistemul vă descarcă un Excel în care aveți și indicatorii explicați. Din păcate în
aceasta secțiune nu puteți alege voi mai multe opțiuni (ex. GDP per capita - in Euro, nu mai
puteți alege voi să schimbați în moneda națională, ca la secțiunea Database by themes)
În prima coloană regăsiți numele indicatorilor, în a doua coloană regăsesc opțiunile în care
poate fi prezentat indicatorul (procent, număr, care poate fi adăugat cu caseta mică , cu
semnul +,tc.) Acolo unde nu se regăsește nimic în a doua coloană, fie puteți să vă alegeți voi
din multitudinea de variante, fie există una singură.

Nume indicator
Gross domestic product at market prices Percentage of EU28 total (based on million
(annual data, quarterly data) euro), current prices
Current prices, million euro
Chain linked volumes, percentage change
on previous period
Percentage of EU28 total per capita (based
on million euro), current prices
Current prices, euro per capita
Chain linked volumes, percentage change
on previous period, per capita
GNI (gross national income) per capita in Current prices, purchasing power standard
PPS per capita
Population and employment Thousand persons
Percentage change on previous period
(based on persons)
Euro/ECU exchange rates Average
(annual data, quarterly data, monthly data) Value at the end of the period
HICP (2015 = 100) - annual data (average Annual average index
index and rate of change)
HICP (2015 = 100) - monthly data (annual Annual rate of change
rate of change)
Food price monitoring tool Index, 2015=100
Purchasing power parities (PPPs), price Nominal expenditure as a percentage of
level indices and real expenditures for ESA GDP (GDP=100)
2010 aggregates (individual consumption or Nominal expenditure (in euro)
food) Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in
Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28)
Population on 1 January by age group and Sex and age
Immigration and emigration Sex and age
Time spent on education and training Mean instruction hours spent by participant
Nume indicator
in education and training by sex
Mean instruction hours spent by participant
in education and training by occupation
Mean instruction hours spent by participant
in education and training by degree of
Distribution of the will to participate, or
participate more, in education and training
Reasons for not participating in education
and training by sex
Obstacles to participation in education and
training by educational attainment level
Adult participation in learning by sex
Employment and activity by sex and age - Age, employment indicators.
annual data
Employment by educational attainment Age and ISCED
level - annual data
Employment rate by educational attainment
Employment rate by sex, age group 20-64
Employment rate of older workers, age
group 55-64
Hours worked per week of full-time
Employed persons with a second job
Employment rate of low skilled persons, age
group 20-64
Youth unemployment rate by sex
Youth employment rate, age group 20-29
Overall employment growth
Part-time employment and temporary Age and sex
contracts - annual data
Hours worked per week of part-time
Newly employed
Duration of working life - annual data Sex
Total unemployment rate
Unemployment rates of the population aged
25-64 by educational attainment level
Unemployment by sex and age - annual Percentage of total population
average Percentage of active population
Long-term unemployment by sex - annual
Long-term unemployment rate by sex
Unemployment by sex, age and educational
attainment - annual averages
Population in jobless households - annual
Nume indicator
Job vacancies in number and % - NACE
Rev. 2, B-S, quarterly data
Job vacancy statistics by NACE Rev. 2
activity - quarterly data (from 2001
Job vacancy statistics by NACE Rev. 2
activity, occupation and NUTS 2 regions -
quarterly data
Annual net earnings
Average gross annual earnings in industry
and services, by sex
Gender employment gap
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
Minimum wages
Average gross annual earnings in industry
and services, by sex
Structure of earnings survey: hourly
Monthly minimum wages - bi-annual data
Labour cost levels by NACE Rev. 2 activity
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2
Mean consumption expenditure per
household and per adult equivalent
Material and social deprivation rate by age, Total
sex and most frequent activity status
International trade
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
by age and sex
Old-age-dependency ratio
Population: Structure indicators Proportion of population aged 0-14 years
Proportion of population aged 0-19 years
Women per 100 men
Age dependency ratio, 1st variant
(population aged 0-14 and 65 and more to
pop. aged 15-64)
Age dependency ratio, 2nd variant
(population aged 0-19 and 60 and more to
pop. aged 20-59)
Young-age dependency ratio 1st variant
(population aged 0-14 to population 15-64
Young-age dependency ratio 2nd variant
(population aged 0-19 to population 20-59
Old dependency ratio 1st variant
Nume indicator
(population 65 and over to population 15
to64 years)
Old dependency ratio 2nd variant
(population 60 and over to population 20 to
59 years)
Median age of population - males
Median age of population - females
Number of foreign languages known (self-
reported) by sex

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