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Tranzitarea pătratului lui Jupiter Natal Moon

În această perioadă de timp, insistați să aveți mai mult timp pentru a vă bucura de compania
prietenilor și a familiei. O întâlnire de familie este probabil în acest moment. Dispunerea ta este
veselă, plină de viață și caldă și îți petreci timpul minunat împărtășind sentimente și interese cu
ceilalți. Acesta este un moment în care puteți distruge o barieră de comunicare sau un sentiment de
distanță cu o persoană de care simțiți că nu vă puteți apropia.
Dacă v-ați simțit singur sau ați dori să aveți mai mulți prieteni, acesta este un moment excelent
pentru a ieși din casa dvs. și a cunoaște oameni noi. Alăturați-vă unui club sau participați la o
întâlnire sau eveniment social; veți întâlni oameni a căror companie vă place cu adevărat și vă veți
bucura că ați mers. Trebuie să vă extindeți puțin cercul de prieteni acum și să ieșiți din vechile
obiceiuri care vă țin prins într-o rutină.
Interesul tău de a te distra și de a te distra este probabil să se extindă și la mâncare și s-ar putea să
dai câteva kilograme. Desigur, nu este sănătos să treci peste bord cu alimente bogate și dulciuri. Pe
de altă parte, regimul alimentar în acest moment nu va avea succes, iar acesta nu este un moment
bun pentru a participa la un program strict de reducere a greutății.

Tranzitarea lui Jupiter sextil Natal Mercury

Comunicările la distanță și relațiile comerciale au succes acum. De exemplu, dacă trebuie să apelați
o companie sau o companie pentru asistență, veți descoperi că puteți ajunge la o persoană de ajutor
care vă poate ajuta. De asemenea, puteți comunica cu succes cu colegii și colegii cu privire la
planurile și obiectivele generale ale afacerii sau comerțului în care sunteți implicat.
Acesta este un moment bun pentru a face publicitate, publica sau participa la comunicări mass-
media în orice scop. Alții răspund cu interes mesajului tău și tu poți ajunge la o bună înțelegere cu
ceilalți. Ești capabil să te ridici deasupra meschinătății și a detaliilor distractive în comunicarea cu
ceilalți și ajungi la problemele filosofice mai largi sau la atitudini importante.
Singura caracteristică proastă a acestei influențe astrologice este că nu este foarte puternică! Poate fi
copleșit de alte influențe astrologice mai puternice, așa că nu vă bazați pe acesta pentru a fi un
panaceu pentru alte influențe care sunt mai urâte.

Tranzitarea pătratului Jupiter Natal Venus

Munca și alte responsabilități sunt deosebit de enervante pentru dvs. în acest moment. Simți că este
„timpul de joacă” și vrei să ieși, să râzi, să te joci și să cânți. Petreceri și adunări sociale vă atrag, de
asemenea, acum și vă bucurați să cunoașteți oameni noi. Ești într-o dispoziție festivă, iar starea ta
fericită este contagioasă; alții se alătură distracției cu tine. Acesta este un moment minunat pentru a
avea o petrecere, a vă implica în sporturi de echipă sau în vacanță. Munca grea și efortul concentrat
sunt dificile pentru dvs. acum, iar productivitatea la locul de muncă este probabil să scadă, mai ales
dacă linia dvs. de muncă necesită efort concentrat.
Dețineți puțin control asupra emoțiilor dvs. în acest moment. Veți cheltui mai mulți bani decât ar
trebui și veți mânca mai mult decât ar trebui. Dar vă veți bucura! Sperăm că nu treceți peste măsură
în măsura în care vă regretați serios achizițiile și excesele.
Un lucru care te poate freca într-un mod greșit acum este restricțiile și responsabilitățile. Dacă soțul,
membru al familiei sau prietenul apropiat vă solicită o mulțime de cereri, atunci vă veți simți extrem
de incomod și veți fi greu să înțelegeți de ce pur și simplu nu își pot lăsa grijile și se pot distra.

Tranzitarea lui Jupiter sextil Natal Venus

Acesta este un moment excelent pentru relații personale și prietenii. Ești capabil să împărtășești
sentimentele, interesele și preocupările în mod deschis și sincer cu ceilalți. Descoperiți că puteți fi
mai sincer decât de obicei, fără a insulta sau a fi nepoliticos față de cealaltă persoană. Reversul este,
de asemenea, adevărat; sunteți mai dispus și mai gata să primiți sugestii de la alții. Dacă există o
persoană cu care vă simțiți inconfortabil sau cu care este dificil să comunicați, acesta este un
moment excelent pentru a sparge peretele înghețat dintre voi și a elimina confuzia. Chiar dacă
relația dvs. cu soțul, membrii familiei și prietenii apropiați este deja foarte deschisă și iubitoare, veți
găsi totuși că acesta este un moment în care puteți obține o apreciere, o dragoste și un respect și mai
mare pentru ei.
Relațiile comerciale și asociațiile profesionale sunt, de asemenea, beneficiate în acest moment.
Întâlnirile de afaceri sunt impregnate de o atmosferă pozitivă, armonioasă, care favorizează o bună
înțelegere între membri. Contractele semnate în acest moment sunt susceptibile să funcționeze cu
succes pentru toate părțile implicate.

Tranzitarea pătratului lui Jupiter Natal Saturn

Schimbări și oportunități semnificative vă confruntă în acest moment, dar luarea deciziei corecte cu
privire la ce să faceți nu este ușoară.
Aceasta este o perioadă de decizii critice și tranziție. O schimbare majoră în viața ta poate apărea
acum (un nou loc de muncă, mutarea, încheierea unei relații pe termen lung sau începerea unei noi
relații etc.). De fapt, nu este neobișnuit să apară mai multe schimbări importante de această natură.
Din păcate, vă este dificil să decideți dacă să mergeți împreună cu noile oportunități sau chiar să vă
împingeți mai mult pentru a face schimbări sau dacă să încercați să mențineți stilul de viață vechi și
familiar, rutinele și împrejurimile.

O parte din voi este nerăbdătoare să facă unele schimbări majore. Te-ai săturat de aceeași rutină și
stil de viață vechi. Vrei să te eliberezi și să faci lucrurile să se miște cu adevărat. Simți că există
mult mai mult în viață și nu crești și trăiești la fel de deplin pe cât ar trebui să fii.
Cealaltă parte a dumneavoastră este precaută de schimbări; pot fi doar vise de pipă și pur și simplu
duc la stres și dezamăgire considerabile. La baza tuturor acestea se află întrebarea constrângătoare a
ceea ce apreciați cu adevărat și dacă noile oportunități sunt mai valoroase decât implicările dvs.
actuale. Din păcate, nimeni nu poate lua deciziile pentru tine și trebuie să-ți rezolvi singur lucrurile.

În mod clar, TREBUIE SĂ FACEȚI UNELE SCHIMBĂRI. A lăsa lucrurile să rămână așa cum
sunt, va duce la stagnare. Pe de altă parte, trebuie să aveți grijă ca modificările pe care le faceți să
aducă LUCRURILE PE CARE DORIȚI CU adevărat. De exemplu, dacă accepți un nou loc de
muncă doar pentru că aduce mai mulți bani, dar trebuie să sacrifici alte beneficii ale stilului tău
actual de viață, atunci poți constata ulterior că creșterea venitului nu a meritat sacrificiile. Dacă nu
sunteți cinstiți cu voi înșivă sau dacă acordați prea multă valoare lucrurilor care sunt cu adevărat de
importanță secundară, atunci veți lua o decizie greșită.

O altă problemă pentru dvs. acum este cum să vă îndepliniți toate obligațiile în timp ce aveți timp să
faceți lucrurile pe care le doriți. Responsabilitățile dvs. sunt probabil similare cu cele ale majorității
oamenilor: cu membrii familiei, cu plata facturilor etc. În acest moment critic puteți găsi noi
modalități de a vă îndeplini aceste obligații, permițându-vă în același timp mai mult timp pentru a
face lucrurile pe care doriți să le faceți. Cel puțin, veți descoperi că vă puteți rearanja viața și puteți
face unele schimbări semnificative în rutina zilnică, care sunt pași mari spre a duce o viață mai
împlinită. Puteți decide, de asemenea, că este necesară o schimbare mai radicală a stilului de viață
(loc de muncă nou, relocare etc.). Depinde de dvs. să decideți ce este cu adevărat important și cum
să echilibrați cel mai bine toate aspectele vieții voastre. Dacă sunteți creativi, sinceri cu voi înșivă și
sunteți dispuși să faceți unele ajustări, veți ieși mult mai bine atunci când această influență
astrologică se va termina.

La baza schimbărilor din viața ta și a deciziilor pe care trebuie să le iei se află o schimbare în
valorile și atitudinile tale față de viață. Acum poți să-ți vezi viața dintr-o perspectivă mai largă și
cauți o semnificație mai mare în viața ta.

Tranzitarea pătratului lui Jupiter Natal Moon

În această perioadă de timp, insistați să aveți mai mult timp pentru a vă bucura de compania
prietenilor și a familiei. O întâlnire de familie este probabil în acest moment. Dispunerea ta este
veselă, plină de viață și caldă și îți petreci timpul minunat împărtășind sentimente și interese cu
ceilalți. Acesta este un moment în care puteți distruge o barieră de comunicare sau un sentiment de
distanță cu o persoană de care simțiți că nu vă puteți apropia.
Dacă v-ați simțit singur sau ați dori să aveți mai mulți prieteni, acesta este un moment excelent
pentru a ieși din casa dvs. și a cunoaște oameni noi. Alăturați-vă unui club sau participați la o
întâlnire sau eveniment social; veți întâlni oameni a căror companie vă place cu adevărat și vă veți
bucura că ați mers. Trebuie să vă extindeți puțin cercul de prieteni acum și să ieșiți din vechile
obiceiuri care vă țin prins într-o rutină.
Interesul tău de a te distra și de a te distra este probabil să se extindă și la mâncare și s-ar putea să
dai câteva kilograme. Desigur, nu este sănătos să treci peste bord cu alimente bogate și dulciuri. Pe
de altă parte, regimul alimentar în acest moment nu va avea succes, iar acesta nu este un moment
bun pentru a participa la un program strict de reducere a greutății.

Tranzitarea pătratului lui Jupiter Natal Uranus

Neliniștit și plin de spirit, simți că trebuie să te relaxezi și să te eliberezi de situații restrictive în

acest moment.
Căutați libertate și spontaneitate și aveți puțină răbdare cu situații uscate, plictisitoare. În mod
normal, ați putea tolera un blocaj de trafic, dar nu acum. Din fericire, nu ai tendința de a reacționa
cu furie; pur și simplu te duci și faci ceva care este mai distractiv, chiar dacă asta înseamnă lipsa
programărilor sau a fi neglijent în îndeplinirea responsabilităților.
Ai o dispoziție prea bună pentru a te împotmoli de obligații. Poate că acest lucru nu este întotdeauna
înțelept, dar vă simțiți bine!
Acesta este momentul să faci ceva nou și neobișnuit.
Este posibil să primiți un impuls de a experimenta ceva nou sau un prieten vă poate invita să faceți
ceva ce nu ați făcut până acum. Mergeți de-a lungul; o să-ți placă și te vei bucura că ai plecat.
Te simți destul de tânăr și nesăbuit. Vă poate plăcea să jucați farse și să vă angajați în alte delicii
copilărești în acest moment. Inutil să spun că acest lucru poate fi jenant pentru prieteni și familie!
Cu toate acestea, acționând în afara caracterului este un lucru bun de făcut acum și nu vei regreta că
ai făcut-o atâta timp cât nu devii atât de nesăbuit încât te rănești pe tine sau pe altcineva.
De asemenea, vă simțiți neobișnuit de norocoși și, prin urmare, nu ezitați să jucați sau să speculați.
De fapt, sunteți puțin mai norocoși decât de obicei acum, dar, la fel ca proverbialul jucător care nu
știe când să se oprească, este probabil să continuați să pariați și să pierdeți foarte mult în cele din
Jupiter tranzitoriu conjunct Natal Pluto
Nevoia de recunoaștere personală și succes sunt probleme cheie în această perioadă de timp. Simți
un impuls profund, irezistibil, de a-ți îmbunătăți situația din viață, de a fi mai puțin dependent de
ceilalți și de a atinge un nivel mai înalt de prosperitate, bunăstare și libertate în viața ta.
Foarte des această influență astrologică se manifestă ca sentimentul că acum este momentul potrivit
pentru a avansa la o poziție de influență și prestigiu mai mare. Simți că ești la fel de informat și
capabil ca șeful sau supraveghetorul tău și este timpul să începi să primești mai multe beneficii și
prestigiu. Inutil să spun că în consecință pot apărea lupte pentru putere și conflicte cu ceilalți. În
cele din urmă, este posibil un anumit nivel de avansare, dar aveți grijă să vă asigurați că dorințele
voastre nu se bazează în primul rând pe motive lacome, satisfăcătoare de sine și egocentrice.
Sunteți mai deschiși cu privire la dorințele și obiectivele voastre interioare acum și aduceți interese
și dorințe pe care le-ați păstrat anterior pentru voi. Dacă aveți un hobby sau un interes personal
puternic pentru un subiect, scoateți acest interes în evidență acum.

Tranzitorul lui Jupiter, Natal Midheaven

Împrejurările norocoase vă ajută în carieră. Obstacolele și impedimentele par să dispară și munca ta
progresează foarte ușor. Acesta este un moment de creștere și progres constant, combinat cu o
atmosferă plăcută și armonioasă. Te simți bine cu tine însuți și cu direcția vieții tale. Simți că munca
ta este semnificativă, extinzându-ți în continuare sentimentul de bunăstare și fericire în acest
moment. Evenimentele neobișnuite sau extrem de neașteptate nu apar, dar schimbarea treptată a
tonului și calității vieții tale aduce o situație mult îmbunătățită pentru tine.
S-ar putea să vă simțiți atât de confortabil în această perioadă de timp încât să faceți puțin pentru a
profita din plin de oportunitățile disponibile.
Nu vă așezați și urmăriți această influență cum trece!
Rețineți că momentul precis al acestei influențe astrologice este foarte dependent de ora exactă a
nașterii, astfel încât datele date sunt corecte doar dacă ora nașterii dvs. este foarte precisă.

Jupiter în tranzit conjunctiv Natal Pallas

Acesta este un moment foarte promițător pentru activități mentale, creative, educative și spirituale.
Studiile și aspirațiile dvs. personale vă vor conduce probabil la o nouă creștere personală, contacte
influente și orizonturi mai largi. Veți beneficia foarte mult de oportunități de călătorie, învățare
superioară sau probleme juridice și profesionale. Dacă aveți o abilitate sau talent într-o anumită
zonă, acesta ar fi un moment bun pentru a îmbunătăți sau a spori această abilitate. Blițurile sau
intuițiile intuitive pot dezvălui idei perspicace sau modalități utile de a planifica și a strategiza noi
metode sau întreprinderi creative. Rețeaua cu oameni care împărtășesc interesele dvs. intelectuale și
creative va funcționa și în beneficiul dvs. acum.

Jupiter tranzitor conjunctiv Natal Juno

Este posibil să aveți ocazia să vă îmbunătățiți căsnicia sau relația de dragoste în acest moment. S-ar
putea să te raportezi la o persoană dragă cu mai multă generozitate, veselie și optimism, precum și
să le prețuiești încrederea, credința și angajamentul. Chiar dacă exagerați pentru persoana iubită
acum, atitudinea dvs. pozitivă va aduce beneficii relației sau căsătoriei. Este probabil să descoperiți
mai multe despre dvs. prin experiențele pe care le împărtășiți cu un partener sau partener în această
perioadă. Puteți căuta modalități de îmbunătățire a comunității prin asumarea unui interes nou, cum
ar fi călătoriile, educația sau un nou obiectiv de afaceri sau prin recâștigarea unui sentiment de
religie sau spiritualitate în parteneriatul dvs. Planificarea viselor și viziunilor viitoare cu partenerul
tău îți poate fi foarte plină de satisfacții acum.

Tranzitarea lui Jupiter sextil Natal Juno

Sentimente pozitive și expansive despre căsătoria ta sau despre relația de dragoste semnificativă
apar în acest moment. S-ar putea să aveți acum așteptări foarte optimiste și speranțe de anvergură în
ceea ce privește dragostea și căsătoria. În mod similar, aveți tendința de a trece cu vederea orice
defecte sau neajunsuri și, în schimb, veți pune mai mult accent pe securitate, loialitate și încredere
în relația voastră. Această perioadă poate aduce, de asemenea, beneficii și oportunități prin
aspirațiile profesionale, juridice, educaționale, de călătorie sau spirituale ale partenerului

Jupiter în tranzit conjunctiv Natal Vesta

Entuziasmul poate fi la un nivel maxim din toate timpurile și vă orientați spre a face ceva
semnificativ și profitabil pentru a extinde aspirațiile de afaceri, profesionale sau personale.
Dedicarea, angajamentul și curajul vă permit să fiți absorbiți de orice sarcină, efort sau aventură pe
care o concepeți, are valoare și substanță reale. Dacă munca dvs. sau o ambiție personală este
neîndeplinită, puteți căuta pășuni mai verzi sau puteți căuta modalități de a vă îmbunătăți situația
actuală. Puteți obține informații prin educație, călătorii, cursuri de afaceri sau instruire într-un
domeniu specific de interes pentru dvs.
Veți dori să îi convingeți pe colegi și profesioniști că vă veți extinde și îi veți servi la maximum de
abilitățile voastre.
Deoarece unele dintre obiectivele și obiectivele tale pot implica muncă sau interese în afara
relațiilor familiale și romantice, va trebui să fii deschis și sincer cu cei dragi, care se pot simți puțin
lăsați în frig.

Tranzitarea lui Jupiter trine Natal Vesta

S-ar putea să găsiți oportunități pentru entuziasmul și dorința dvs. în interesele de muncă, de afaceri,
educaționale sau de călătorie în acest moment.
Responsabilitățile sau angajamentele anterioare pot fi moderate sau ridicate, oferindu-vă astfel
oportunități de a descoperi noi obiective, obiective și aspirații cu privire la viața dvs. profesională
sau de a urmări o nouă aventură sau interes personal. Încercați să țineți pasul cu obligațiile
personale față de cei dragi, în timp ce vă îndreptați spre noi direcții.

Trecând de Jupiter alături de Natal Chiron

Valorile dvs. personale, spirituale sau culturale pot fi supuse la întrebări. Problemele pot apărea
dacă ați dedicat prea mult timp, interes,
și energie către o anumită zonă, cu excluderea altor obiective.
Este posibil să vă simțiți provocat să vă conformați așteptărilor sau standardelor tradiționale ale
oamenilor din viața dvs. personală sau profesională în acest moment. Sunteți apt să aveți mai multă
credință în propriile viziuni și adevăruri, pe care ați putea să le purtați la extrem.
Sunteți înclinat să vă exagerați convingerile, creând astfel probleme și confruntări cu ceilalți în
această perioadă.
Transiting Jupiter
Jupiter inspires us to grow, expand and take risks. It also presides over philosophy, religion and wisdom
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Sun

Your spirits are high at this time, and you feel optimistic, self-confident, generous, and good-natured.
You greet life with a fresh attitude, and it is easy for you to forget the mistakes of the past and envision
bright new avenues for growth and fulfillment.
In general, this is a positive time for you, and the sense of fresh exuberance that you feel is largely due
to the fact that the astrological influence at work now indicates the beginning of a new 12-year cycle.
This is a time of planning and sowing seeds for new projects or a change of lifestyle. It is a good time to
start a self-improvement plan such as improving your education or health, and your plan is likely to
benefit you for years to come.
Note, however, that your optimism and confidence can easily go overboard, and you tend to
overestimate the potential gain that can be derived from a situation. Do not let your enthusiasm and
optimism incline you to speculate foolishly, squander assets, or exaggerate the potential benefits to be
derived from your plans.

Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Sun

During this time period, you feel like it is time to “go for the gold”. You want to hit the jackpot, and you
may find yourself walking with a little extra spring and bounce and whistling zippity-doo-dah! This is,
indeed, a time of opportunity and good times. However, you also tend to harbor unrealistic hopes,
exaggerate the possibilities, and lack a sense of realism.
Your need for fulfillment and success is strong, and you may splurge, run up a very high bill on your
credit card, or take on a new monthly payment in order to obtain the possessions that you want.
However, do not let material acquisitions be a substitute for the fulfillment derived from personal
achievement and success. If you allow this to happen, you will regret your purchases and become
inclined to feel depressed and empty after your buying spree.
You may also find your moods swinging from very high points of enthusiasm and optimism to low points
of discontent and restlessness. This results from the increased need for success and fulfillment that you
feel at this time. If you feel like you are not successful and you see no new doors opening for you, then
you begin to feel emotionally depressed. However, the pep and zest of the astrological influence at
work now will not keep you down for long, and you bounce back again.
This is a time to go after your dreams. Try not to feel disappointed if you do not find a pot of gold at the
end of each rainbow. But keep looking because you certainly do have a little extra good luck on your
side during this time period.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Sun
Daily chores and details are annoying to you now. Your eye is on greener pastures. Suddenly you feel
dissatisfied with your lot in life or with possessions or people that did not bother you before.
Your aspirations soar during this time period. This can spur you to discover ways of improving your life
and career. You are also more willing to take risks and speculate. Your luck is better than usual now, but
your inclination to be overly optimistic is even greater! Consequently, you are likely to overshoot the
mark, push for what you want too hard, and be seen by others as being rather arrogant and self-
In short, you should certainly spread your wings during this time period and seek out new opportunities
for growth and advancement, but try to curb wild and unrealistic ideas of what benefits can accrue. With
a little care and attention to detail, you can, indeed, help turn the corner, bringing yourself a step closer
to your goals.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Sun
Now is the time to unwind, relax, and enjoy yourself. This is a good time to travel or vacation. Even if
you do not vacation at this time, you are likely to find that you enjoy life more. Life is less stressful, and
you are much less annoyed by inconveniences or difficult personalities than you usually are.
You take a more relaxed and creative approach to life now, and you are likely to take the time to enjoy a
hobby or activity that you have not made enough room for in your life. Let this inclination grow and
develop during this time period and, most importantly, see if you can sustain it after this astrological
influence is over.
This is a good time for invigorating, but not overly strenuous, outdoor activity. Your health is robust now,
and this can be a good time for rejuvenation. Activities like golf, swimming, or hiking are very enjoyable
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Sun
This time period is harmonious and pleasant. Relationships are particularly pleasant and productive
now, and you will find that business agreements and partnerships formed now work out very well.
Cooperation and camaraderie is strong now, and you may receive a gift or offer from someone.
This is a wonderful time to simply enjoy life; you find it easy now to put any worries or concerns to the
side. You are likely to spend some time with friends or take a weekend vacation and thoroughly enjoy it.
Have fun!@
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Sun
Carefully assess the cost of your actions and decisions at this time, as you are prone to be
overconfident, inflated, or foolishly optimistic. Investments, sales, or financial decisions are best
postponed for a more favorable time. You can be wasteful or overlook crucial details that will come as a
sobering surprise later on.
Weight gain and/or sluggishness due to overindulgence also need to be guarded against.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Moon
During this time period you are more tolerant, forgiving, and generous than usual. You feel good about
yourself and are usually in a cheerful mood. Domestic life and family matters are particularly important
to you now, and you are likely to spend a great deal of time with family and close friends. You may also
decide to make some kind of home improvement – perhaps fixing up or expanding your home, or
landscaping. You could move to a larger home or to a place where you feel happier and more at home.
The nurturing side of you is highlighted, and you enjoy helping others, cooking, and baking. If you are
trying to keep your weight down, then this astrological influence will bring one unwelcome tendency:
eating too much, especially of rich foods. Try not to go overboard on goodies. On the other hand, don’t
try to go to the opposite extreme either; crash diets or fasting is not likely to work out well for you at this
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Moon
You express good will more openly than usual now. You are eager to lend a helping hand and are very
generous. More than likely, you will make charitable donations or spend time helping someone who can
use your assistance.
You find it very easy to overlook traits in others that irritate you at other times. Your helpful, cheerful
attitude hits a harmonious chord with others, and you find that friends and acquaintances reciprocate
with help and assistance. This is a time when you are able to effectively communicate because you are
able to express positive feelings effectively and empathize with others.
Your increased sense of good will and helpfulness also causes you to feel upset about cruelty, neglect,
and indifference on the part of others. You may find yourself becoming very outspoken about human
rights issues and the needs of the disadvantaged. You may also become angry or fed up with any
family member who fails to demonstrate warmth and consideration for other family members.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Moon
During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A
family get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have
a wonderful time sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a
communication barrier or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.
If you have been feeling lonely or wish you had more friends, this is an excellent time to get out of your
house and meet new people. Join a club or attend a meeting or social event; you will meet people
whose company you really enjoy and be glad you went. You need to expand your circle of friends a little
now and break out of some old habits that are keeping you caught in a rut.
Your interest in enjoying yourself and having a good time is likely to extend to food as well, and you
may put on a few pounds. Of course, it is not healthful to go overboard on rich foods and sweets. On
the other hand, dieting at this time is likely to be unsuccessful and this is not a good time to be on a
strict weight-reducing program.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Moon
Your mood is easygoing, agreeable, and tolerant at this time. In fact, you may feel downright lazy!
Lounging around at home and relaxing or perhaps unwinding at the beach or lake appeals to you. If you
are normally very high-strung, then take advantage of this time to recuperate, relax, and rejuvenate. If
you normally tend to be lethargic, then try to maintain at least a modest activity level by going for walks
or bicycling, for example, during this time period.
At the least, this will be a pleasant time for you. Harmonious, pleasant relationships and surroundings
seem to just “fall in your lap”. Otherwise, the astrological influence at work here does not promise to
make this a particularly eventful time (unless, of course, other astrological influences augment this one).
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Moon
Your ability to communicate in a warm, understanding manner during this time period is especially
strong. You have a knack for picking up on others’ concerns and interests and effectively sharing helpful
advice and a compassionate understanding of others’ needs.
If you are having a difficult time with a family member, co-worker, or friend, this is an excellent time to
clear up any misunderstandings and develop a much better rapport.
This is a positive, enjoyable time for you. You feel good about yourself and are able to share your
feelings with relative ease. Your friends are just as helpful to you as you are to them, and you find that
they really appreciate you and take an interest in your welfare.
Agreements or contracts that are written or signed at this time work out well, especially if they relate
directly to your personal or domestic life.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Moon
You are apt to feel overextended, coping with an increase in the family, company in your home, or even
an abundance of pleasant opportunities which you are unable to resist. If your life is too quiet or
predictable you will be restless, craving some fun or expansion. You also spend money freely, even
extravagantly, at this time and you may later regret splurging. Or you may not choose to spend for
pleasure but you find your expenses for children or for home improvement will exceed your
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Mercury
You can see things from a broader perspective than usual at this time. You can see the big picture
clearly, and you better appreciate how your personal activities, interests, and goals fit into the needs of
society as a whole. Consequently, you see ways that you can expand your career goals and avail
yourself of opportunities and resources that you have been neglecting or overlooking. You are likely to
make long-distance phone calls and write letters to distant places in your pursuit of a grander vision for
yourself. These contacts are likely to prove successful.
This is also a good time to travel or further your education in some way. Foreign cultures appeal to you
now also. You would be wise to use the new experiences and ideas that come to you now as material to
mold new plans and goals for yourself.
The only negative tendencies are having an exaggerated, overly optimistic assessment of a plan or
project, ignoring important details, and underestimating the amount of time and energy that is needed to
reach a goal.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Mercury
You are talkative, optimistic, and philosophical during this period. You see things from a broader
perspective, and you come into contact with people that you learn a great deal from. This is an
excellent time for traveling, attending seminars, and exploring cultural and business functions that you
usually overlook.
This is also an excellent time for public speaking and advertising. Your ideas come across well, and
others respond enthusiastically. Business contracts or agreements, especially ones involving large-
scale distribution or communications, are also successful.
There are some caveats however. Enthusiasm and optimism are high but you are also inclined to be a
little unrealistic. Underestimating the time and effort required to implement one’s plans is a common
mistake under this astrological influence.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Mercury
During this time period you are planning big things for the future. You become excited about an idea
that promises much greener pastures for you. Your enthusiasm and optimism are so strong that it is
difficult for you to realistically evaluate the situation. If others question or doubt your plan, you quickly
brush their concerns aside, as you pursue a grander vision. Hopefully, you have done your homework
or else your grand dream can go up in smoke.
This is an excellent time to spread your wings, to travel and visit new places. You may read something
that causes you to view life in a very different light. Your mind soars to a broader, more encompassing
view and perspective. You should not rein your thoughts in; the only warning is to be careful when
making practical decisions based on these ideas. You can easily overlook the importance of practical
details needed to successfully carry out a plan.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Mercury
You will be exposed to new ideas and information during this time period. You are likely to be introduced
to a subject area that you have little previous experience with. The information greatly expands your
breadth of knowledge and is very beneficial to you.
New ideas are likely to come to you via a number of different methods – classes, books, and
discussions. You should take advantage of these opportunities to expand your mental horizons. You
have the option to refuse the opportunity, but you would be foolish to do so as you will learn a great
deal and it will be very enjoyable as well.
You are receptive to new ideas at this time, and you also are able to see your life in a clear light. This is
a good time to take stock of the general direction of your life and career and make decisions regarding
any needed adjustments.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Mercury
Long-distance communications and business dealings are successful now. For example, if you need to
call a business or company for assistance, you will find that you are able to get through to a helpful
person who can assist you. You are also able to communicate successfully with co-workers and
colleagues regarding overall plans and goals of the business or trade that you are involved in.
This is a good time to advertise, publish, or engage in mass media communications for any purpose.
Others respond with interest to your message, and you are able to reach a good understanding with
others. You are able to rise above pettiness and distracting details in your communication with others,
and you get to the broader philosophical issues or attitudes that are important.
The only bad feature of this astrological influence is that it is not very strong! It can be overpowered by
other, more powerful, astrological influences so don’t count on this one to be a panacea for other
influences that are nastier.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Mercury
Your mental outlook is expectant and growth oriented now, and you may well get some news which
raises hopes for the future. It is a good time to gather information, network, make connections, and
consider any proposals or opportunities which present themselves. However, concrete decisions or
commitments are best postponed; you are apt to get yourself in over your head if you don’t. Legal,
financial, or business matters will prove troublesome now. Small delays, bureaucratic ineptitude, or red
tape can be expected.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Venus
If there is something that you have always wanted but felt that you could not afford, then your wait is
over. You will buy it now, whether you can afford it or not! The urge to splurge is irresistible now, and
your desires for good things can turn into cravings under this astrological influence. If you are dieting, it
is likely that you will need to ease up a little. Of course, you should try to avoid unhealthful indulgence
but asceticism is not in order either. This is a time to enjoy yourself.
You are in a fun-loving mood. Parties and other social occasions, especially of a festive nature, are
likely to turn out better than expected. If there isn’t a good party to go to, you may decide to throw one
yourself – and be glad you did, because it will be fun.
You almost certainly will spend more money than you should, but you may also receive a bonus or gift.
You have a lucky streak now that can bring you unexpected benefits – but don’t use that as an excuse
to throw it away at the races!@
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Venus
You are in a jovial and fun-loving mood during this time period. You are likely to enjoy a wonderful time
at a party and take part in entertaining social events. You can expect lots of laughter, jokes, and happy
times with others during this period.
You are likely to put chores and other responsibilities off for another day. This may annoy your spouse
or other family members. Your desire to socialize and have a good time can easily clash with others’
desires to have you do the work that they expect of you.
You express your feelings openly and warmly, and others enjoy your company. You are also generous,
and you may buy an expensive gift for someone. The reverse is also true, and you may receive a large
or expensive gift at this time. If others can share in your good mood, then all goes well and you share a
happy time together.
You will spend a lot of money at this time, buying things of high quality. You also are likely to indulge in
rich foods and may find that a little extra will power is needed to control your appetite for sweets or rich
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Venus
Work and other responsibilities are particularly irksome to you at this time. You feel like it is “play time”
and you want to get out, laugh, play, and sing. Parties and social gatherings also appeal to you now,
and you enjoy meeting new people. You are in a festive mood, and your happy mood is contagious;
others join in the fun with you. This is a wonderful time to have a party, engage in team sports, or
vacation. Hard work and concentrated effort are difficult for you now, and productivity at work is likely to
decrease, particularly if your line of work requires concentrated effort.
You have little control of your emotions at this time. You will spend more money than you should and
eat more than you should. But you will enjoy it! Hopefully, you do not go overboard to the extent that
you seriously regret your purchases and excesses afterward.
One thing that can rub you the wrong way right now is restrictions and responsibilities. If your spouse,
family member, or close friend makes a lot of demands on you, then you will feel exceedingly
uncomfortable and find it hard to understand why they just can’t drop their concerns and have some
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Venus
This is a very pleasant time for you. You have a need to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, relax,
and collect yourself. Taking a stroll through the woods or visiting a beautiful lake, mountain retreat, or
beach appeals to you now. You also enjoy casual activities like strolling through art galleries and
markets, buying some art work, or visiting friends.
You are very relaxed, not very aggressive or ambitious and perhaps downright lazy now. If you find
yourself struggling at work to maintain your concentration on tasks at hand, then you really should
consider taking a few days of vacation time to do the kinds of things mentioned above.
Relationships with loved ones and friends are especially good now. You are able to share openly with
others and experience mutual appreciation and respect. The love and good will you share with others
may also lead to a pleasant gift or other unexpected benefit.
Beware of a tendency to be too lazy to take advantage of some of the enjoyable and beneficial
occasions that are available at this time. It is good to relax and enjoy yourself, but becoming a “couch
potato” may not be the best way of doing this!@
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Venus
This is an excellent time for personal relationships and friendships. You are able to share feelings,
interests, and concerns openly and honestly with others. You find that you can be more candid than
usual without insulting or being rude to the other person. The reverse is also true; you are more willing
and ready to receive suggestions from others. If there is a person you feel uncomfortable with, or with
whom it is difficult to communicate, this is an excellent time to break the icy wall between you and clear
away the confusion. Even if your relationship with spouse, family members, and close friends is already
very open and loving, you will still find that this is a time when you can gain an even greater
appreciation, love, and respect for them.
Business dealings and professional associations are also benefited at this time. Business meetings are
imbued with a positive, harmonious atmosphere that fosters good understanding between members.
Contracts that are signed at this time are likely to work out successfully for all parties involved.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Venus
Overly generous gifts, profuse sentimentality, cravings for beauty, luxury, or sensual delights, giving in
to the temptation to overindulge, or a lack of moderation in romantic or financial affairs are all definitely
indicated now. There will be tension within you over these issues, and you are apt to seesaw between
immediate gratification and more long lasting benefits.
Social events and festivities may be the scene of some embarrassment or awkwardness, also.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Mars
Physical energy and stamina are very high now. You feel energetic and enthusiastic, and you go after
challenges with gusto. You have a positive “can do” attitude that enables you to accomplish much more
now than is usually possible. In athletic activities, your extra boost of energy causes you to excel.
Because your energy level is high, you may not realize how hard you are working. Be careful not to
overextend yourself. For example, you may do so much physical work that you are sore for a week
afterward! Of course, if you have a health problem or have not kept in good physical shape, then be
extra careful about going the extra mile.
Your self-confidence is also very high; you may feel almost omnipotent. In general, others welcome
your energetic and optimistic input, but there is the possibility of being too brash, impatient, or arrogant
with others, so be careful not to become overbearing.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Mars
A project or interest of yours comes to a critical culmination at this time. If you are employed, there is an
excellent possibility of receiving a raise at this time. If you are self-employed, you may win a contract or
a new opportunity may open up for you at this time.
This is an excellent time to gain more exposure for your personal work and creativity. Your work can
bear fruit now. Contact with a business concern may help you distribute a product or creative work of
yours. This may also be a time when you put the finishing touches on a project that you have been
working on for some time.
You are enormously creative and energetic at this time. You may come up with a creative solution to
achieving your career and personal goals at this time – a way to blend several of your interests in a new
This astrological influence is usually, but not necessarily, positive. The negative tendencies include the
possibility of power struggles and competition with others who share the same professional goals and
aspirations that you have. Another negative tendency is being overconfident and impatient, causing you
to gamble on a venture whose rewards are not as great as you anticipated. Also, you may very strongly
feel the influences given above but not be able to focus on a clear goal. This is particularly true if you
have been unable to focus and dedicate yourself to any specific goals or projects during the last several
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Mars
You are bold, daring, and enterprising during this time. You feel hemmed in by present circumstances
and feel an uncontrollable urge to enlarge your vistas. Your restless need to accomplish more and
break free of present limitations may inspire you to seek a new job, look at new places to live that offer
more opportunities, increase advertising of products that you market, or peruse business opportunities
in your local area.
Because you feel restless and impatient, you may make an important decision too hastily, only to regret
it afterward. You should not dampen your enthusiasm or restrain your search for new vistas, but do
make sure you slow down enough to investigate the details in a sober and realistic manner before
committing yourself to a new venture.
Physical energy is very high now, and you enjoy vigorous activities at this time. However, be careful not
to go overboard, particularly if you have a health problem or your body is not in good enough shape to
handle the exertion.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Mars
Positive developments in career, business, and professional pursuits are likely at this time. A promotion,
salary raise, or an opportunity to advance in your career may present itself at this time. If an offer or
opportunity does not present itself, then apply yourself towards attaining a goal that you have been
seeking. You can have a stroke of good luck now, and your judgment and sense of timing are excellent.
However, it may not just fall in your lap, and you may have need to seek out the opportunity. Also, the
improvement that is possible is usually not of great magnitude, but a solid and significant advancement
is very feasible at this time.
Your health and vitality are good now. You feel confident and ambitious, and you enjoy athletic events
and sports immensely now. You may try your hand at a new sport or athletic game. You are energetic
and optimistic, without being pushy or impatient. Events work out smoothly now.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Mars
Work and career matters work out well now, particularly where cooperation and teamwork are required.
Successful collaboration on a project, coordination with other agencies or companies, and successfully
reaching agreements on plans and goals are likely to occur now. Partnerships or agreements entered
into now will work out well for both parties.
Your health is good and you feel energetic. This is a time when you can get a lot done, without feeling
stressed or fatigued. You pour a lot of creative energy into your work, and consequently you enjoy it
very much and accomplish a great deal as well.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Mars
Poor physical coordination or faulty timing can create minor accidents. You are inclined to take risks
that overextend your energy reserves and to have bursts of activity followed by weakness or
exhaustion. If you pace yourself, being careful not to bite off more than you can chew, the results of
anything you undertake will be better.
You might be tempted to do something that is questionable ethically, cutting corners or otherwise acting
in a way that is not entirely honorable, in the expectation that something great will come of it. However,
this would lead to either legal trouble or damage to your long term goals.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Jupiter
This astrological influence usually manifests in very subtle, hardly noticeable ways in your life, but you
are actually beginning an important 12-year cycle that occurs approximately at ages 12, 24, 36, etc.
This time period marks the beginning of a new cycle, when you formulate plans and ideas that will
extend over the next 12 years. Your ambitions and ideals slowly and gradually shift toward a new focus.
This is a period of rebirth and renewed optimism. You feel ready to start a fresh new beginning in your
life. This is the time to develop new goals and a new vision of yourself. Many of the ideas that you
currently have about your future and your goals will become major themes during the next 12-year
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Jupiter
During this time period you may take a trip to visit old friends, attend a large gathering, or vacation. You
are in an expansive, somewhat adventurous mood. This is a good time to get away from your usual
daily activities. Getting away helps you take stock of your life in general and the overall course of your
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Jupiter
The astrological influence at work now is not very powerful, but it does incline you to feel a bit restless
and dissatisfied with your present situation. You feel limited and restricted by your responsibilities and
impatient to achieve your larger goals. Try not to do anything rash as success cannot be forced
prematurely. A clarification of what goals are really important to you is possible at this time.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Jupiter
This is a good time to spread your wings – perhaps travel, vacation, or get involved in something new.
This is a wonderful time to socialize and meet new people. Unless other astrological influences at this
time indicate differently, you will be in a relaxed, tranquil mood during this time.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Jupiter
Socializing and having a good time with others is highlighted now. You may vacation or travel with a
friend. You may also meet people of importance or influence. This astrological influence is not
particularly strong and is likely to represent casual events of a pleasant nature shared with others, but
not of critical importance to you.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Jupiter
Challenges in the ethical, moral, or professional spheres lead you to reassess where you are investing
your confidence, trust, time, and attention.
Fluctuating conditions make it difficult to feel secure. Your sense of what is worthy or true is shifting and
you will have to make adjustments to accommodate a changing environment.
At this time, you cope with sudden increases and expansion, a vastly extended territory, and the
demands of success in some arena of your life. You may find the transition from being “a big fish in a
little pond” to “a little fish in a big pond” very trying. This can be a rewarding period if you avoid being
overly optimistic or impractical and stay true to your moral standards.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Saturn
You are likely to have some difficulty making an important decision at this time. You may simply feel like
a change in your career and life style is needed, or someone may offer you an alternative career path
that you have to carefully weigh the pros and cons of.
Much of the difficulty in making decisions at this time centers around deciding what is really worth
holding on to and what you should let go of. You have to decide between the old, familiar daily routines
and attachments versus opportunities for new growth. Like a snake shedding its old skin, you must be
willing to leave the old and useless behind. Allow yourself to be flexible and break old habits. However,
there is a fine balance, as you do not want to also discard what is worthwhile. You must decide what
you really value in life and make the decision. If you can be honest with yourself, the decision will be
much easier to make. Others can offer only limited help; ultimately you must make the decision.
Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and
attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek
greater meaningfulness in your life.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Saturn
During this time period you feel a lot of tension between your goals, dreams, and aspirations versus
your responsibilities. Typically, the struggle is between responsibilities to family members (children,
parents, spouse) and career goals and ambitions, although your particular responsibilities and goals
may be of a somewhat different nature. This is a problem many people face today, but at this time in
your life it becomes critically important to strike the right balance.
Of course, you must try to satisfy both your responsibilities and your aspirations. If you err to one
extreme or the other, it is likely that you will make the mistake of restricting yourself unduly. If you are
willing to be fully open and honest about the nature of your responsibilities, you can find a creative way
to meet these responsibilities while, at the same time, not severely restricting your opportunities for
growth and advancement. The solutions are not easy. Difficult adjustments are necessary, and extra
effort, dedication, and integrity may be required of you, but the effort is well worth it. Do not let these
opportunities completely pass you by because you feel bound to other obligations!
Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and
attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek
greater depth and meaningfulness in your life.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Saturn
Significant changes and opportunities face you at this time but making the correct decision about what
to do is not easy. This is a period of critical decisions and transition. A major change in your life can
occur now (new job, relocating, ending a long-term relationship or beginning a new one, etc.). In fact, it
is not unusual for several important changes of this nature to be occurring. Unfortunately, you find it
difficult to decide whether to go along with the new opportunities or even push harder to make changes
occur, or whether to try to maintain the old, familiar life style, routines, and surroundings.
One side of you is impatient to make some major changes. You are tired of the same old routine and life
style. You want to break free and get things really moving. You feel there is much more to life, and you
are not growing and living as fully as you ought to be. The other side of you is wary of the changes;
they may just be pipe dreams and simply lead to considerable stress and disappointment. Underlying
all this is the nagging question of what you really value and whether the new opportunities are more
worthwhile than your current involvements. Unfortunately, no one can make the decisions for you, and
you have to sort things out for yourself.
Clearly, YOU MUST MAKE SOME CHANGES. Letting things remain as they are will lead to stagnation.
On the other hand, you must be careful that the changes you make will bring the THINGS THAT YOU
REALLY WANT. For example, if you accept a new job only because it brings more money, but you must
sacrifice other benefits of your current life style, then you may find afterward that the increase in income
was not worth the sacrifices. If you are not honest with yourself or if you place too much value on things
that are really of secondary importance, then you will make the wrong decision.
Another problem for you now is how to meet all of your obligations while having time to do the things
you want. Your responsibilities are probably similar to those of most people: to family members, to pay
the bills, etc. At this critical time you can find new ways to meet these obligations while allowing yourself
more time to do the things you want to do. At the least, you will find that you can rearrange your life and
make some significant changes in your daily routine, which are big steps towards leading a more
fulfilling life. You may also decide that a more radical change in life style is warranted (new job,
relocation, etc.). It is up to you to decide what is really important and how to best balance all aspects of
your life. If you are creative, honest with yourself, and willing to go through some adjustments, you will
come out much better when this astrological influence is over.
Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and
attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek
greater meaningfulness in your life.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Saturn
You feel the desire to make several minor, but significant, adjustments in your work. For example, if you
are engaged in a business activity, you may discontinue some advertising, use new sources for various
services that you use, assign new tasks to employees, change advertising to appeal to a new market,
make changes in the product line, etc. The worst mistake you can make at this time is to procrastinate
and not act on your ideas! At this time you have an excellent sense of balance and proportion and how
to efficiently meet goals and objectives, and you should utilize this sensitivity to improve upon existing
These qualities are evident in your personal life as well. You are likely to clean out your closets,
reorganize, and also discover new opportunities for growth and enrichment. You may find a business or
agency that is interested in a hobby of yours, or a group of people may express interest in an area that
you have a lot of experience with. Do not let opportunities pass you by. This is a harmonious and
pleasant time for you and one which can also bring some especially nice opportunities to you.
You may decide to further your education or receive additional training at this time. This training will
prove to be a valuable asset for you so take advantage of this opportunity.
Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and
attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek
greater meaningfulness in your life.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Saturn
Cooperation and successful collaboration in the business and professional world are highlighted now.
Legal matters and governmental matters of all kinds run very smoothly now. If you are involved in any
legal disputes or involvements with government agencies, this is a time when a successful resolution
can be reached. This is a good time to bring about increased harmony and cooperation in any
organization, club, or business of which you are a part.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Saturn
Some area of your life which has been difficult, frustrating, or limiting will open up at this time.
Opportunities will be presented to you to help you but you must be willing to give up your familiar,
though restrictive, situation or attitude. Be patient with yourself if you cannot do it all at once, but do
follow the light at the end of the tunnel which comes to you.
Debts, both financial and karmic, can be negotiated or paid off at this time in ways that benefit all
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Uranus
This is an exciting, wonderfully liberating time for you! You feel youthful, exuberant, creative,
adventurous, and genuinely excited and enthusiastic about what you are doing. Fresh ideas and
opportunities abound. This is the time to break out of a rut and get involved with lively, creative people
and activities.
You are more concerned with doing creative, exciting things than with mundane chores and
responsibilities at this time.
There is an excellent chance that you will receive a gift or offer that enables you to have the freedom to
live a richer, more fulfilling life. Even if a tangible, concrete gift does not arrive on your doorstep, this is
still a time of good fortune for you as you become involved with activities that are enriching and
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Uranus
Spontaneity and freedom are the key issues during this time period. Your mood is very upbeat. You are
funny, somewhat eccentric, and you will sometimes act out of character. All of this is simply because
you are less inhibited and cautious than usual, and you feel good.
Dry or tedious activities are not for you. You will simply not tolerate a boring time, even if it means being
a little rude. You will find something more entertaining to do, and be glad that you did. This is a happy
time for you, and you may feel like you have just been let out of prison.
Creative inspirations can come to you now. If you are involved in a mentally creative or artistic area, you
can get some really exciting ideas now.
The only negative possibilities are that you can be negligent and careless in handling some of your
responsibilities because they are too irksome for you to deal with, and you could overexert yourself in
sport, dance, or other enjoyable activity.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Uranus
Restless and free-spirited, you feel like you have to loosen up and break free from restrictive situations
at this time. You seek freedom and spontaneity and have little patience with dry, tedious situations.
Normally, you may be able to tolerate a traffic jam, but not now. Fortunately, you do not tend to react
with anger; you simply go off and do something that is more fun, even if that means missing
appointments or being negligent in meeting responsibilities. You are in too good of a mood to be
bogged down with obligations. This may not always be wise, but you do have a good time!
This is the time to be doing something new and unusual. You may get an impulse to experiment with
something new, or a friend may invite you to do something you haven’t done before. Go along; you will
love it and you will be glad you went.
You feel rather youthful and reckless. You may enjoy playing pranks and engaging in other childish
delights at this time. Needless to say, this may be embarrassing to friends and family! Nevertheless,
acting out of character is a good thing to do now, and you will not regret doing it as long as you don’t
get so reckless that you hurt yourself or someone else.
You also feel unusually lucky and consequently do not hesitate to gamble or speculate. Actually, you
are a little luckier than usual now but, like the proverbial gambler who does not know when to stop, you
are likely to keep betting and lose a great deal in the end.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Uranus
This is a freewheeling, enterprising, and creative time. Fortunate opportunities arise. A new wave of
optimism lifts your spirits, and successful developments in both personal and career matters make this
an enjoyable time. Your creative efforts find a successful outlet, and you receive an enthusiastic
response from others. This is a time of harmony and well-being. If you have been waiting for a time to
open a new door through a job change, business or commercial contact, or outlet for creative work, now
is the time to pursue it with a passion. You are lucky, enthusiastic, and creative but not aggressive or
even that practical, so you may choose to simply enjoy this time with enjoyable and entertaining
activities rather than attempt to gain practical rewards and tangible gains.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Uranus
Your life is very upbeat and progressive now. You enjoy jovial, spirited get-togethers and parties, and
you feel optimistic and enthusiastic. Associates, co-workers, and other businesses that you conduct
business with are now ready and willing to talk to you about making progressive changes. Contracts or
agreements signed at this time tend to be fortunate, although they do lead to progressive changes that
make people who want to hold onto the status quo unhappy.
You become very interested in progressive options in all phases of life, and you take an active interest
in new ideas and inventions. You may also participate in social change which, perhaps surprisingly to
you, is met with little resistance and considerable interest from the public.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Uranus
Unusual ventures, harebrained schemes, unexpected and serendipitous events which create the need
for considerable adjustment on your part are indicated now. Whatever agenda you had planned is apt to
be spontaneously disregarded for what may well be a better alternative. However, you are prone to be
more than a little reckless now, so be certain you are not jeopardizing those areas of your life which are
your support structure and which in fact enable you to experiment and do some of the wilder things you
want to do.
You may play the fool or the iconoclastic upstart in your environment, providing an opportunity for
others to be more truthful, open, or creative. Be aware, however, that you could also be a scapegoat in
that role.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Neptune
Your mind wanders to faraway places, and your imagination is kindled with thoughts of the exotic,
mystical, and fantastic. You feel restless and bored by your daily routine. You are unable to concentrate
on mundane matters and you may find yourself daydreaming. This is a good time to vacation and
A new surge of religious or spiritual aspiration is also evident. You feel a need to be more in touch with
spiritual forces, and this is a good time for attending religious and spiritual functions, reading
inspirational literature, etc. This is the time to open your mind and imagination to a grander vision and to
inspire your highest aspirations. Allow yourself the time to pursue these interests.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Neptune
Your imagination is very strong at this time, and you fantasize about a more perfect life. Perhaps more
importantly, you believe that your fantasies can become reality, and you are inclined to gamble in an
effort to easily achieve your dreams. You are also very gullible at this time, and there is a high
probability that someone will try to take advantage of you, promising you a way to reach your ideals in a
painless, easy way. Be wary of deception from others and of your own tendency to become an easy
victim of this deception.
You are very idealistic at this time, and you tend to project your ideals on others. If you find yourself
thinking and talking about another person in terms that sound exaggerated and fantastic, then you are
probably deceiving yourself. You should not restrain your imagination; let it soar. The only caveat is to
keep from projecting your imagination on others.
Your religious and spiritual proclivities are awakened at this time, and you can experience profound
inner, spiritual experiences now. Also, you may find that the opportunity to vacation or travel a great
distance comes to you now, providing you the opportunity to gain a fresh, more inspired perspective on
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Neptune
Your imagination runs wild during this time period! You are attracted to any kind of fantasy, mysticism,
or imaginative work. Of course, the extent to which this affects you and the precise ways it manifests
depends largely on your own personal tastes and inclinations in these matters. But regardless of your
temperament, your imagination will soar at this time.
Many people find that they simply must travel under this astrological influence. The same, everyday
environment and routine is exceedingly irksome, and a more exotic, imaginative setting is needed.
Some people will find an outlet in fantasy and science fiction. Others feel a tremendous surge of
religious or spiritual inspiration at this time. You probably will notice all of these tendencies at work.
Spread your wings and let your imagination soar. One negative possibility is that you can become
negligent, absent-minded, and unreliable. If you have customers, clients, family members, employees,
or employers who depend on you, make sure that you do not leave them empty-handed and wondering
where you are while you fly off into the sunset!@
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Neptune
You feel a little less ambitious and aggressive than usual, and your attention focuses more on global
issues and philosophical topics. The little details of your life seem less important than the overall
purpose of life and the ideals by which you live. You feel relaxed and somewhat detached from
everyday activities as more abstract and idealistic concerns become more important to you. You are
generous and compassionate and are likely to offer your services to charitable organizations. You may
also donate money to those in need.
There is a tendency to be lazy and lethargic. You can gain a lot of weight and get out of shape
physically. If this occurs, you will find that an inspirational book or movie can motivate you.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Neptune
You are able to share ideals and spiritual concerns with others in a very satisfying way at this time. If
there is someone that you feel does not understand “where you are coming from”, you may find that
you are now able to effectively communicate whatever lofty, idealistic, or abstract ideas that are
important to you. In doing this, you also become clearer about your own ideals and better understand
those of others as well.
This is also a good time to relax and enjoy a good movie or other entertainment or take a trip to a
beautiful, unusual, or inspiring place.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Neptune
Any tendencies you have toward escapist behavior or fantasies are magnified now. Squandering
resources, gambling, speculating or taking ridiculous chances with the belief that providence will take
care of you should all be avoided at present.
Setting limits, maintaining a clear sense of boundaries, or staying grounded and realistic will also be
rather difficult for you. A spirit of generosity is wonderful but at this time you are prone to go overboard,
promising more than you can humanly achieve. This can be a fine time to vacation since you are not in
a very serious or focused mood.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Pluto
The need for personal recognition and success are key issues during this time period. You feel a deep,
irresistible urge to better your situation in life, to be less dependent on others, and to achieve a higher
level of prosperity, well-being, and freedom in your life.
Very often this astrological influence manifests as the feeling that now is the appropriate time to
advance to a position of greater influence and prestige. You feel that you are as knowledgeable and
capable as your boss or supervisor, and it is high time that you started receiving more of the benefits
and prestige. Needless to say, power struggles and conflicts with others can consequently arise. In the
end, some level of advancement is likely, but be careful to make sure that your desires are not based
primarily on greedy, self-satisfying, and self-centered motives.
You are more open about your inner desires and goals now, and you bring forth interests and desires
that you have previously kept to yourself. If you have a hobby or strong personal interest in a subject,
you bring this interest out in the open now.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Pluto
Power and social influence are the key issues for this time period. Projects and goals that you have
been working on come to fruition at this time, and there are opportunities for you to move into a position
of greater social influence and prestige. Unfortunately, power conflicts with others are also likely, and
success is not guaranteed.
You definitely will make an attempt to move up the social and economic ladder but whether you
succeed or not depends on how well you have prepared for this critical time, and how well you are able
to cooperate with others as well as favorably impress them. In any event, the end result will not be
lukewarm; you will view this time as either one of glorious success or painful defeat. This is your chance
to “make it big” and it is up to you to make the most of the opportunity.
Be particularly wary of the tendency to engage in power struggles with others. You may incite opposite
Natal from others by coming on too strong and being domineering, one-sided, or fanatical in your
approach. A scandal or other form of “bad press” can arise from the turmoil created by people
competing greedily to be top dog.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Pluto
Social influence, power, and prestige are critical issues at this time. You try to expand your business
pursuits, gain greater recognition and influence at work, and make significant advancement towards
your career goals. If you have a personal business, you may decide to increase advertising and expand
into new markets. You are optimistic and willing to gamble a little more than you usually would, but
there are obvious risks.
Whether your efforts will be successful or not is difficult to say for much depends on exactly how you
channel the energies, but it is clear that growth and expansion will not come easily. Some fundamental
changes in attitude and overall approach to the project are needed to achieve a major success. You
must be sure that your approach is not too greedy or one-sided and fanatical, thus alienating others and
causing them to withdraw support for you. Some power struggles with competing individuals,
businesses, or organizations are also likely.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Pluto
You feel confident, outgoing, optimistic, and enterprising. Expansion of business and professional
pursuits is likely now. The business you are involved in is likely to attract new customers, develop new
products, and receive increased recognition and influence at this time. You personally also receive
these same benefits, and this is a time when you could receive a significant salary raise or a more
lucrative and influential job. You are able to wield considerable influence and power at this time, and
you may be called upon to assume a position of leadership and social importance. The only negative
possibility is that your pursuits and advancement may be aimed strictly at personal gain and recognition
with little regard for its real value as a contribution to others.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Pluto
Cooperation with businesses, government agencies, organizations, and influential individuals is
highlighted now. You will find that you can gain cooperation and support from authorities and
bureaucracies that previously ignored your requests or advice. Organizations and influential people are
also more willing to assist you in your personal plans and interests.
You may be called upon to be a representative of an organization or to assume a leadership role at this
time. If so, you will perform this function very successfully.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Pluto
Dogmatism and excessive fervor for a particular philosophy, belief system, or transformational growth
experience are definite possibilities for you now. You may meet a person or group that has such a tone
to it or experience this fervor yourself. Trouble with authorities (church or government) or legal
difficulties are also indicated at this time, particularly if you have been excessive in any way in the
period leading up to the present.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Ascendant
You feel confident, optimistic, and have faith in yourself to be able to come forth and be successful. You
project yourself with confidence at this time, and you receive a welcome response from others. For
example, if you are a writer, you are likely to have your material published at this time; if you are an
artist, a successful exhibit of your work may be given; or if you are in sales you may give a successful
presentation to a very large group. You receive attention and are now able to reach a wider audience.
This is a good time for promoting or advertising yourself, your creative work, or products. The only
negative tendencies are the possibility of being overly optimistic and consequently failing in a major
undertaking, or being a little arrogant, self-centered, or materialistic.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Ascendant
You come into contact with a wider circle of people at this time. You may become friends or develop an
association with an influential person or someone that can help you a great deal. This is an excellent
time for advertising, promotion of a product or event, and mass media communications. This is the time
to get out and meet people. You should accept most invitations to attend social events of any kind
because you may be surprised to find that you form important, mutually beneficial relationships.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Ascendant
Someone is likely to offer you a very promising opportunity at this time, or you may have an offer for
someone else that you think will be mutually beneficial. The offer seems like a “deal” that can lead to
tremendous growth and success, and yet you wonder if it is too good to be true. Because there are
risks involved, it is impossible to know whether the offer will work out well, and you consequently are
likely to feel uncertain what to do. In truth, there is definitely the potential for opening up new avenues
for success and fulfillment, but there is also a tendency to overshoot the mark due to overoptimism and
a willingness to gamble and speculate. The best course is usually to proceed with some kind of plan,
but to thoroughly investigate all details as much as possible and to avoid wild speculation.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Ascendant
This is a good time for you. Your ability to express yourself confidently and openly wins you the respect
and admiration of others. You can promote ideas and plans that you believe strongly in and,
surprisingly, others do not resist you now. They quietly accept your proposals and ideas, and even
provide some support. This is an excellent time to influence a government agency or organization, to
start a business, or make a career change. Legal matters of any kind work out fortunately now.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Ascendant
This is a harmonious, enjoyable time for you. Things run smoothly and your work is likely to take an
enjoyable turn now. Pressures and deadlines are lifted. You may be asked to attend an enjoyable event
or travel at this time. You wish that your life was always like this! You are not very aggressive or
particularly energetic, but intense effort is not required.
Cooperation and mutual support in business-related and career-related matters is also very high. You
will also find that peace and cooperation can be established between factions that have been at odds
with each other. Legal matters and any involvement with government agencies or large organizations
work out fortunately now. Personal relationships are also harmonious now, and there is an increased
appreciation for each others’ goals and aspirations, and you help each other more in achieving these
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Ascendant
Unexpected increases or overexpansion creates inconvenience and stress at this time. Too many
opportunities for social, professional, or community involvements can leave you feeling overwhelmed
and stretched to the breaking point. This need not be troublesome if you are willing to decline some of
the invitations and potential for growth which are offered now. Undue restlessness, insatiability, or a
desire for something out of your present grasp is also likely.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Midheaven
A fortunate change of circumstances occurs in your work and career! You may receive a promotion, a
job offer, a large contract, or salary increase. In one way or other, you step out of a situation that had
become limiting and restrictive.
Don’t wait for everything to fall in your lap. This is a good time to investigate new avenues for growth in
career, to interview for a new job, and explore alternative solutions to finding fulfilling and satisfying
employment. You may be surprised to hit upon something that is very good.
The most negative tendency of this astrological influence is to be overly optimistic and consequently
overextend yourself. For example, if you have your own business, you may invest too much money in
advertising and promotion, or you may invest in an expansion project that exceeds available funds. This
is a good time, but do not exaggerate the possibilities and potential in the new opportunities!
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Midheaven
Family and domestic life takes a fortunate turn now. A home improvement or even a new home is a
possibility. A family member may improve in health or receive an advancement in career or important
recognition that brings joy to the whole family.
You feel like your family is working together in a cooperative, mutually supportive, and helpful spirit.
Feelings of closeness with good friends also helps you to feel grateful and happy about the place and
circumstances of your life. This is a time of inner growth and fulfillment. If you have difficulties with
family members, use this time to bring about a resolution and healing of the problem.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Midheaven
You attempt to significantly improve your work and career at this time. You may seek new employment
or a promotion, or request an increase in your salary. You feel ready and fit for a better situation. A
major key in helping you succeed in making a transition is improving your appearance, mannerisms,
and attitudes to fit the position that you are striving for. Oddly enough, relatively superficial issues like
this can be more important than qualifications, credentials, or talent! Also, be careful at this time to not
overshoot the mark. You may attempt a major improvement in your career and overall life style that is
unrealistically grandiose.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Midheaven
Fortunate circumstances assist you in your career. Obstacles and impediments seem to disappear and
your work progresses very smoothly. This is a time of steady growth and progress, combined with an
enjoyable and harmonious atmosphere. You feel good about yourself and the direction of your life. You
feel that your work is meaningful, further expanding your sense of well-being and happiness at this
time. Unusual or highly unexpected events do not occur but the gradual change in tone and quality of
your life brings about a much improved situation for you.
You may feel so comfortable during this time period that you do little to take full advantage of the
opportunities that are available to you. Do not sit back and watch this influence pass you by!
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Midheaven
Cooperation and assistance in business relationships is high now and, consequently, significant growth
and progress in your career is likely at this time. Communications and contacts in business and
professional circles open up, with opportunities to expand your services and professional involvements.
Take advantage of these opportunities because they will prove to be very beneficial. There is no need
to take risks so avoid wild speculation; a very positive avenue for growth is available to you now. This
growth and progress in career is very personally fulfilling and rewarding because the work is meaningful
to you, not just a means of making money. Consequently you feel good about yourself and this spills
over into a happy attitude towards your family. Improvements in your domestic life are also likely. Do not
sit back and watch this influence pass you by; you may feel so comfortable that you do little to take full
advantage of the opportunities.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Midheaven
Opportunities to expand your professional reputation and your standing in the community present
themselves, but are a mixed blessing at this time. Prior commitments may interfere and prevent you
from taking advantage of what is presented, or you will be forced to choose. It is an either/or situation in
some respects. There may also be some minor legal problems or trouble with bureaucrats and officials.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so
the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Ceres
During this period you may overextend yourself to loved ones with generosity, care, and nurturing. This
is a good time to gain insight and understanding into your own personal needs as well as those of the
people closest to you. You can begin to become more of a contributing factor in the education or
spiritual upbringing of your children. You can explore ways to instill positive family values and principles
into your domestic life at this time. There are also possibilities that you will take on a greater role in
caretaking responsibilities, possibly through the concerns of a distant relative or someone else who
openly requests your aid and direction.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Ceres
The freedom to pursue your own personal goals, such as education, business, spirituality, or travel
adventures, may be postponed while you are busy taking care of the needs of your spouse, mate, or
children. In fact, conflicts will likely arise if you do try to extend your outlook outside the domestic
concerns of your family. Emotional caretaking, legal, religious, or academic interests of your children or
mate may require more of your personal involvement than usual. Avoid, however, letting someone take
advantage of your good-will and generous spirit as you may not get the feedback, appreciation, and
nurturance you desire in return.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Ceres
You might feel overwhelmed with domestic concerns or family matters at this time. Priorities or
responsibilities at home can agitate you or interfere with your own personal plans and interests. Taking
care of yourself and getting your emotional and nurturance needs met can be a major obstacle now.
Loved ones may have needs which are far more pressing than your own at this time. There may be
disagreements over family issues concerning education, religion, legal matters, or travel. Also, your
expectations of a mate, a child, or family member may be too high at this time. Similarly, you may be
disappointed by a loved one’s extravagance, untrustworthiness, exaggerations, or personal aspirations.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Ceres
Your optimistic insight can help loved ones immensely at this time. You can favorably influence a
domestic situation through giving wise counsel and loving concern to your mate, children, and other
loved ones. Someone you care for may also be more helpful at this time or attentive to your needs.
They can give you encouragement to take the personal initiative on new interests you wish to explore.
Appropriate outlets now will be through travel, educational, or spiritual activities with family members,
which helps to strengthen the bonds of unity between you and those you love.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Ceres
This is a happy and optimistic period of enjoyment in family activities. Generosity and support for your
personal growth and domestic aspirations are given by loved ones now. You can be benevolent,
compassionate, and devoted to others, while still maintaining a freer lifestyle or pursuing your own
interests. When you feel a need for nurturing and comfort, someone near and dear to you can provide
exactly what you need. Someone in your immediate family may have a fortunate opportunity concerning
their aspirations, education, travel, or legal matters during this period.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Ceres
This is a good time to analyze what you consider meaningful and important in your personal and
domestic relationships. You may not be able to resist getting involved in the superficial concerns of
loved ones. This can lead you to overburden yourself with everyone else’s affairs except your own. You
may have to disengage yourself before falling into the trap of having your life consumed by others now.
Find time to pamper or indulge yourself in something which gives you personal satisfaction, rather than
feeling pressured to meet the expectations and needs of other people at this time.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Pallas
This is a very promising time for mental, creative, educational, and spiritual pursuits. Your studies and
personal aspirations are likely to lead you to new personal growth, influential contacts, and wider
horizons. You will greatly benefit from opportunities to travel, higher learning, or legal and professional
matters. If you have a skill or talent in a particular area, this would be a good time to improve or
enhance this ability. Intuitive flashes or hunches may reveal insightful ideas or useful ways to plan and
strategize new methods or creative enterprises. Networking with people who share your intellectual and
creative interests will also work out to your benefit now.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Pallas
Difficulties may arise in professional, business, creative, or legal affairs at this time. You may make
misjudgments, have inaccurate perceptions, or promise more than you can deliver in these areas. Your
creativity and intellectual drives may be on hold temporarily. You might not be using your knowledge
and skills to the best of your advantage, most likely owing to mental overload or stress. Sticking with
your plans and aspirations may be especially difficult as you might be feeling less confident or overly
judged by colleagues and professionals at this time. Some people may not see the logic of your
approach or may misunderstand your intentions. You should be very careful in contractual matters or in
making agreements with others now.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Pallas
You might not be thinking in clear terms regarding your professional, business, or creative goals at this
time. Lack of good judgment, over optimism, and overextending yourself mentally and creatively may
create complications and entanglements in your personal or professional life. You may have to lower
your expectations and give thought to your future directions and aspirations during this period.
Unreasonable requests or unfair conditions in your work or private life may have you questioning your
worth and your abilities. Try not to judge yourself and others too harshly now. You might have to let go
of some of your plans or unrealistic expectations at this time. Also, avoid wasting energy on needless
discussions with people who don’t believe in your opinions or objectives.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Pallas
A sense of optimism helps relieve worries or mental stress at this time. This is a favorable period to
pursue educational, spiritual, intellectual, travel, or creative aspirations. You may have far-reaching
ideas and plans for expanding your outlook and perspective now. Someone prominent in your life may
be of guidance and assistance to you or may enhance your interest in higher learning or personal
growth. Your imagination, intuition, and inner confidence may be in abundance during this period. High
spirits and unlimited aspirations could make you quite adventurous at this time.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Pallas
Your intuitive and perceptive capabilities are enhanced at this time. This is a favorable period in which
to broaden your mental and creative outlook beyond the scope of your present horizons. Spiritual,
intellectual, educational, creative, legal, and business endeavors are significant areas of personal
growth and success during this period. You may make a lucky connection with a prominent,
professional, wealthy, or influential person who can provide you with guidance, wisdom, or self-
assurance at this time.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Pallas
It may be time to reassess your business, creative, educational, or personal aspirations at this time.
Reaching out for your ideals and objectives may involve extending your mental and creative abilities
beyond their limits. You may need to pace yourself with regard to a work-related and personal
endeavor. Otherwise, stress and tension will cause mistakes, inefficiency, and complications in these
affairs. Developing confidence in your talents, skills, and abilities will require your dropping your
carefree attitude and putting more enthusiasm into your plans and ideas during this period.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Juno
You may have the opportunity to improve your marriage or love relationship at this time. You might
relate to a loved one with more generosity, cheerfulness, and optimism, as well as cherish their trust,
faith, and commitment now. Even if you overdo for your loved one now, your positive attitude will bring
benefits to your relationship or marriage. There is a likelihood you will discover more about yourself
through the experiences you share with a mate or partner during this period. You may search for ways
to enhance togetherness by taking up a new interest, such as travel, education, or a new business goal
or by regaining a sense of religion or spirituality in your partnership. Planning out future dreams and
visions with your mate can be very rewarding to you now.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Juno
You may be overly concerned with issues in a marital or love relationship during this time. Conflicts over
extravagance in social, financial, and business affairs, as well as personal irritations within your
relationship, are likely now. Similarly, it may be quite challenging to deal with your mate’s idiosyncrasies
and imperfections, especially since you tend to exaggerate or make them bigger than life at this time.
You may need to reach out and meet your partner halfway or lower your expectations, if necessary, in
order to avoid serious confrontations.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Juno
A few distressing problems in a marital or love relationship may arise at this time. Your expectations and
standards regarding love, affection, and commitment might be exaggerated now, and thus you are
prone to disappointments. You may feel that you and your mate are not functioning as equals or fairly
sharing the emotional give and take in the relationship. Also, you may feel hampered and trapped if you
do not get enough time and space for your own personal interests and plans. Petty annoyances and
grievances in your marriage or love affair may be overly irritating to you, and therefore you are more
likely to feel guilty or blame others at this time. You may have to watch a tendency to be narrow-minded
and less empathetic to your partner’s needs in your relationship.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Juno
You may be feeling rather charitable, devoted, and good-natured in a marriage or significant love
relationship at this time. You may be tempted to do something special with your loved one now, such as
vacationing or breaking away from humdrum routines and patterns in your relationship. A sense of
optimism and adventure may make you want to bring more pleasure-oriented experiences and joy into
your marriage or love affair.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Juno
Positive and expansive feelings about your marriage or significant love relationship surface at this time.
You may have very optimistic expectations and far-reaching hopes concerning love and marriage now.
Similarly, you tend to overlook any flaws or shortcomings and instead will put more emphasis on the
security, loyalty, and trust in your relationship. This period may also bring benefits and opportunities
through the professional, legal, educational, travel, or spiritual aspirations of your partner.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Juno
There may be tension-provoking experiences in a marriage or love relationship during this time.
Differences of opinion, beliefs, and perspectives on personal or outside interests may produce stress
and conflict in your relationship. You could express your grievances in an offhanded manner, such as
subtle game-playing, guilt trips, or displays of selfish behavior. Issues regarding goals, aspirations,
religion, and legal or business affairs should be handled with tact and discretion at this time. You may
have to modify some of your ideals and expectations in the relationship in order to get collaboration and
equality now.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Vesta
Enthusiasm may be at an all-time high, and you set your sights on doing something meaningful and
profitable in order to expand business, professional, or personal aspirations. Dedication, commitment,
and courage allows you to get absorbed in any task, endeavor, or venture which you conceive has real
value and substance. If your work or a personal ambition is unfulfilling, you may search for greener
pastures or look for ways to improve your current situation. You may gain insight through education,
travel, business courses, or training in a specific field of interest to you. You will want to convince
colleagues and professionals that you will extend yourself and serve them to the best of your abilities.
Since some of your aims and objectives can involve work or interests outside family and romantic
relationships, you will have to be open and honest with loved ones, who may be feeling a little left out in
the cold.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Vesta
You may have a compulsion to prove yourself beyond your capabilities in a work-related or personal
pursuit. You must be careful, however, not to scatter your inner energy and resources or spread
yourself too thin, as you can be very prone to burn-out and exhaustion during this period. You should
also prepare yourself for challenges from colleagues and professionals who may not share the same
objectives, opinions, and enthusiasm which you possess now. Turning your aspirations into actuality
may require more diligence and discipline, coupled with an inner understanding of what you can
realistically accomplish. Although progress and opportunity may seem just within your reach, make
certain your energies are channeled into proper avenues.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Vesta
Be prepared to follow through on your commitments and responsibilities in work-related or personal
affairs. You may have to tie up loose ends in order to move forward in business or private matters at
this time. If you can harness your enthusiasm and use your powers of motivation, determination, and
self-discipline, you may be able to accomplish the most difficult professional or personal goals.
However, you must balance your focus and energy to avoid burn-out and exhaustion. When dealing
with colleagues or those in authority, avoid overstating your capabilities as they may place extra
burdens on you now. Some constructive risk-taking concerning your goals and aspirations may be
necessary, but you must be certain your expectations are realistic.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Vesta
You may find outlets for your enthusiasm and eagerness in work, business, educational, or travel
interests at this time. Prior responsibilities or commitments may be moderated or lifted, thereby giving
you opportunities to discover new goals, objectives, and aspirations regarding your professional life or
pursue a new personal adventure or interest. Try to keep up with your personal obligations to loved
ones as well while you forge ahead in new directions.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Vesta
Personal gains may come through professional or influential connections in your business life.
Therefore, make certain you put your energies and service at their disposal. Cooperation, devotion to
your work obligations, and a spirit of enthusiasm may bring some type of recognition or reward for your
efforts. All business or legal matters, as well as travel and academic interests, appear more promising
at this time. You may be in an optimistic and expansive mood which increases your vitality and brings
you maximum efficiency and productivity on the job.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Vesta
You may need to curb any extravagances or farsighted inspirations regarding your work or personal
ambitions at this time. Moderation in all facets of handling business and providing services to others, as
well as professional or legal affairs, may be necessary. You should avoid risky or speculative ventures
in connection with your work or career during this period. If your focus is on catching up with unfinished
work or projects, you may need periodic intervals of seclusion in order to concentrate more effectively
on tasks and assignments.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Chiron
You may seek greater personal awareness through interests which expand your knowledge, spirituality,
and beliefs at this time. Educational, religious, social, or personal involvements may help you feel
centered and enlightened. This can be a favorable period to experiment with new boundaries, horizons,
and viewpoints. Or, if you are seeking relief or healing from a personal crisis or prior wound, this can be
a good time to gain a sense of hope and develop a more positive outlook. You could be feeling well-
balanced on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels at this time.
Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Chiron
Your personal, spiritual, or cultural values may undergo questioning. Problems can arise if you have
been devoting too much time, interest, and energy to a specific area to the exclusion of other goals. You
may feel challenged to conform to the expectations or traditional standards of the people in your
personal or professional life at this time. You are apt to have more faith in your own visions and truths,
which you may tend to carry to the extreme. You are inclined to overstate your beliefs, thus creating
problems and confrontations with others during this period.
Transiting Jupiter square Natal Chiron
You may have a tendency to get carried away with your beliefs, faith, confidence, and sense of
optimism during this period. You can unknowingly set yourself up for a rude awakening or
disappointment if you depend too much on your principles and theories. Coming to terms with your
inner world and self-development is fine, as long as you avoid pushing your ideas, objectives, and
viewpoints onto others, as they are less likely to find your visions and quests meaningful at this time.
You may feel set apart from the mainstream as far as your hopes, wishes, and expectations are
concerned. Your faith may mislead you to believe that everything around you can be healed with
positive thinking, yet much more effort is required to handle any personal hardship or crisis at this time.
Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Chiron
A positive and expansive outlook can benefit your well-being at this time. You may be more open-
minded with regard to experiencing new things, which will allow healing of your mind, body, and spirit.
For instance, you could seek higher understanding and meaning in your life through a guide, mentor, or
spiritual person or increase your inner knowledge by means of educational processes, religion, or
meditative practices during this period. An urge to travel to far-away places (real or imaginary) may also
be experienced. You may discover new perspectives on your beliefs, faith, and sense of hope.
Restoring peace and harmony in your personal life and relationships is possible now through your
interest in healing your own wounds, as well as extending compassion and generosity to others.
Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Chiron
You can gain more meaning in your life through higher learning, spirituality, or meditative experiences at
this time. An open heart, a compassionate spirit, and a positive outlook assist you in developing new
philosophies and perspectives, especially with regard to your inner healing and well-being. You may
also put more faith in your abilities to help heal the wounds or hardships of loved ones and will put
kindness, devotion, and depth of feeling into your relationships. Chances to broaden your knowledge
and beliefs may come through simple life experiences, travel, education, or religious activities which are
likely to be very beneficial to your personal growth during this period.
Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Chiron
A need to reexamine your beliefs, philosophies, and personal hopes may characterize this time period.
You may wish to renew your faith in religion or spirituality, pursue educational studies, or make other
changes in your personal life. However, you must guard against having too much faith and optimism in
your ideals, views, and perspectives as it may wreak havoc in your personal relationships. You need to
listen with an open mind to the advice and opinions of loved ones, friends, and acquaintances now.
Avoid getting sidetracked by your differences from others and allow them the same freedom of choice
that you invoke for yourself.

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