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Venus în tranzitare, quincunx Natal Moon

Este posibil să nu vă simțiți foarte social, dar prietenii sau angajamentele sociale vă îndepărtează de
Alternativ, poate doriți să ieșiți și să vă bucurați de ceva timp cu prietenii sau să faceți ceva
socializare ușoară, dar acum aveți nevoie de mai mult acasă. Există un echilibru neplăcut între
loialitatea față de familie față de prieteni sau alte interese plăcute.
Este o situație sau / și probabil că ceva trebuie sacrificat temporar.
Venus în tranzit quincunx Natal Saturn
Este indicată dezamăgirea unui prieten sau iubit și / sau realizarea că v-ați neglijat propriile nevoi de
socializare, afecțiune și companie. În ambele cazuri, pot apărea singurătatea și sentimentele de
pustiire. Poate că sacrificați plăcere și dragoste de dragul realizărilor sau pentru a vă îndeplini
Cu toate acestea, dacă te găsești cu adevărat nefericit chiar acum, probabil că trebuie să reevaluezi
echilibrul din viața ta între muncă și joc, între nevoile emoționale și preocupările practice.

Venus în tranzit quincunx Natal Saturn

Este indicată dezamăgirea unui prieten sau iubit și / sau realizarea că v-ați neglijat propriile nevoi de
socializare, afecțiune și companie. În ambele cazuri, pot apărea singurătatea și sentimentele de
pustiire. Poate că sacrificați plăcere și dragoste de dragul realizărilor sau pentru a vă îndeplini
Cu toate acestea, dacă te găsești cu adevărat nefericit chiar acum, probabil că trebuie să reevaluezi
echilibrul din viața ta între muncă și joc, între nevoile emoționale și preocupările practice.

Venus tranzitor quincunx Natal Ascendent

Nu sunteți înclinați să provocați probleme sau să provocați neplăceri de orice fel în acest moment.
Relațiile sunt astfel capabile să fie netede, dar acest lucru poate avea un cost pentru dvs. S-ar putea
să fiți în pace cu ceilalți și în război cu voi înșivă; s-ar putea să mergeți împreună cu ceva acum că
vă veți lovi cu piciorul pentru mai târziu. Alegeți-vă compania cu atenție.
Petreceți timp cu cei în care aveți încredere cu adevărat si să te bucuri nu ar trebui să fie o
Transiting Venus
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Sun
Your personal magnetism is strong and you attract appreciation, affection, and attention at this time.
Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are strong. You beautify your
surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance. This is a good time to treat yourself or do
something fun just for you.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Sun
You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. Also, your
desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. If you are artistic, your work will be particularly inspired now.
Indulging in your desire for beauty or luxury is likely at this time.
Transiting Venus square Natal Sun
Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or
complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood
and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and
personal relationships are favored.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Sun
Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or to be
involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative,
harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like
socializing and being friendly.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Sun
Opportunities for friendship, cooperation, love, and shared happiness arise. The warmth and good will
you generate now is likely to be a benefit to you both now and later on. You feel especially friendly and
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Sun
Right now, you will be tempted to do something for pleasure which you ordinarily wouldn’t enjoy or even
be interested in. Influences from a lover or friend pull you in a direction that is a bit off the beaten track
for you. If you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later. Beware
of indulgences that compromise your values or integrity.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Moon
Feelings of tenderness and love, especially for family or children, are very strong at this time. You want
to shower loved ones with affection, to invite friends into your home, and to be pampered and cared for.
Your relationships with women are very harmonious and positive now.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Moon
Your feelings, friends, and female relatives figure prominently in your life now. You realize how much
you appreciate and need their love and support, and you are particularly affectionate now. You may also
initiate a relationship in which you take care of, support, and “baby” someone else.
Transiting Venus square Natal Moon
The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a
good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the
most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted and may do something “maternal” on impulse
(such as take home a stray kitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).
Transiting Venus trine Natal Moon
You are in a mood to relax and enjoy harmonious surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of
particular pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or pamper them in some way.
Appreciation for your home and a desire to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Moon
This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable
and loving and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements
or beautifying your surroundings in some way is also favored now.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Moon
You may not feel very social, but friends or social commitments pull you away from home. Alternately,
you may want to go out and enjoy some time with your friends or do some light socializing, but you are
needed more at home right now. There is an uneasy balance between your loyalty to your family versus
your friends or other pleasurable interests. It is an either/or situation and probably something has to be
sacrificed temporarily.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Mercury
You use charm, humor, and a light touch to get your point across now, and your friendly attitude makes
a favorable impression on others. Your artistic and aesthetic sense is heightened now also, and interest
in literature, poetry, and culture is strong. Serious and demanding mental work should probably be put
off for another time, as either your mind is more on matters of the heart or you simply want to relax and
think of lighter topics.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Mercury
You are more clear and objective about personal matters and your relationships, so this is a favorable
time to iron out differences or come to a decision. Communicating openly with loved ones, taking a trip
to visit friends, or going on an outing accompanied by one you love figures prominently now.
Transiting Venus square Natal Mercury
Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your
personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss
your personal needs and desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your
decor or buy something to beautify your surroundings.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Mercury
This is a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings where tact and friendliness
would be a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. Also,
attending cultural events such as an art show or a play is favored. Thoughts of love, an appreciation for
beauty, and an aesthetic enjoyment of your surroundings are brought to the fore. A short pleasure trip
would also be beneficial now.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Mercury
This is a very good time to go to the theater, an art exhibit, or social gathering. You want to see beautiful
things and exchange pleasantries with others. In fact, matters of the heart are on your mind and you
may want to play match-maker now.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Mercury
You may decide to change the decor of your home, or you may attend a musical or artistic event that
exposes you to new styles that are different from your customary tastes. Communications with family
and friends can be strained at this time, as you try to clear up points of confusion. This is a good time to
get a new perspective on your relationships and your life style, but do not force yourself to make
important decisions now while you are not completely comfortable with any of the alternatives.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Venus
Your desire for love, companionship, and affection predominates at this time. A new friendship or
romance could begin, or an established relationship can be revitalized and enhanced. If there is
someone you have wanted to reach out to, doing so now is likely to create warm feelings between you
and may be the start of something beautiful. You also need to be surrounded by beauty and harmony
and your artistic inclinations are stimulated now.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Venus
Your needs for love, companionship, friendship, and sharing are very strong now, and you won’t want to
be alone or go off to do solitary work. In fact, you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life
rather than laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks. A significant development in a close relationship
or strong feelings of attraction to someone you encounter are very likely at this time.
Transiting Venus square Natal Venus
What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel, and want in your relationships. If you
are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you’ll need to face what is causing your
dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You
also feel amorous and loving and, if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy and
appreciate it.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Venus
Contentment, emotional well-being, and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you
relax and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this
influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow
along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Venus
Opportunities for friendship, pleasant associations, and enjoyable social interactions occur now.
Personal relationships are harmonious and rewarding. Also, financial transactions go smoothly for you
and material benefits are possible at this time.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Venus
Differences in styles, personal tastes, aesthetic appreciation, or values is an issue in your life at this
time. You may feel unloved or not valued due to differences in the way you and a significant other
express affection. In social situations, you may well feel out of place, awkward, and ill at ease; perhaps
you run into an old lover or are in a social setting which is distinctly different from the one you are
familiar with. You are apt to be conciliatory and gracious about making adjustments and concessions,
but you feel rather uncomfortable internally.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Mars
Your amorous desires and romantic urges are very strong now. In all of your relationships, whether
romantic or not, you feel quite warm and affectionate. You are less competitive, more interested in
pleasing others and creating harmony. You may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic,
something to express your craving for beauty.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Mars
Relationships with the opposite sex are intensified now. You experience strong feelings of attraction and
desire and, if you are unhappy in your sexual life, you can be very tense and angry “for no reason” now.
You may be tempted to act on an infatuation.
Transiting Venus square Natal Mars
Tangles in romantic relationships are likely now. Your sexual drive is quite strong, and you may be more
concerned with satisfying your own desires than in being sensitive to your partner. All interactions with
people of the opposite sex are inclined to be tense right now.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Mars
You feel quite amorous and affectionate now and will very much want to share this time with someone
you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated,
and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Mars
Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings
flow between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also
strengthened at this time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Mars
Tensions in an intimate relationship make themselves felt now. You may feel out of sync with your
partner, dissatisfied in a way that may be difficult to pinpoint and resolve. Most likely, you are pulled
between pleasing your partner and expressing your own desires and needs. Your love rhythms are a bit
off. This affects all your relationships but particularly those that are sexual in nature.
In social settings, some awkwardness, inappropriate or excessive affection, or unwanted sexual
advances are likely.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Jupiter
Happiness and a desire to share your good fortune and joy with others is the theme now. You are
feeling generous and expansive and are inclined to give lavish gifts or buy something lovely for yourself
that is costly or extravagant. A diet or budget is likely to go out the window right now. As long as you
don’t overextend yourself, this is a good time to indulge your feelings of kindness towards others and
also to be kind and indulgent to yourself.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Jupiter
You are in a festive, partying mood and just want to play and share a good time with your friends.
Community social events and fellowship are very rewarding now. Also, at this time it is hard for you to
say no to food, drink, or extravagances in any form. You are also very generous and tolerant toward
others. Though you feel wonderful now, you’re likely to regret your actions later if you don’t curtail your
impulses to overindulge, overspend, and enjoy too much of a good thing.
Transiting Venus square Natal Jupiter
This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on
beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease and have
luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good
fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship. It’s a good time for a party, as long as you
don’t overdo it.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Jupiter
Emotional well-being and contentment characterize this time period. You feel quite relaxed and
carefree, and this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting
everything to work out well with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky
and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at this
time, but beware of being overly generous or depending too much on Lady Luck.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Jupiter
Both friendship and material benefits may well come to you at this time. You feel very sociable and
gregarious and seek conviviality, especially with people who really know how to have a good time.
Charitable and philanthropic impulses are stronger now, also, and should be followed with positive
action on your part.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Jupiter
Financial excesses and spending money you don’t have on pleasure or luxury are indicated. Over-
eating or partying to excess can also lead to trouble. You may actually get ill from too much rich food,
sweets, or alcohol, so exercise caution. Beware, too, of anyone or anything which is presented to you
now which looks too good to be true – no doubt it is.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Saturn
Emotional self-control and feelings of distance and aloneness characterize this time. You are coolly
objective about your friends and loved ones and their shortcomings as friends or lovers. You are
probably being a bit too critical and hard on them right now. This is also a time for belt-tightening and
being very cautious about investments and expenditures. Going on a diet is favored now.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Saturn
Conflicts between duty and pleasure, or between sober practicality and a yearning for love and
emotional satisfaction, are likely now. This can be a very frustrating time, and you are likely to feel quite
alone, emotionally aloof, or withdrawn.
A relationship may end or a temporary break may be made. This is a time to relinquish something or
someone you once cherished but which no longer has a positive purpose in your life.
Transiting Venus square Natal Saturn
Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are
likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable
now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you
may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to
be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this
can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Saturn
This is an excellent time to make decisions about your financial affairs, as your judgment is sound and
reliable, though a bit conservative. Investing in beautiful things which are likely to increase in value over
time (such as jewelry or fine art) is favored. You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now.
Spending “quality time” with an old and trusted friend or enjoying the company of an experienced,
mature person who has much of substance to give you will make you happy.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Saturn
You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you
respect and can depend upon – your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or
another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Saturn
Disappointment in a friend or lover and/or the realization that you have been neglecting your own needs
for socializing, affection, and companionship is indicated. In either case, loneliness and feelings of
desolation may arise. Perhaps you are sacrificing pleasure and love for the sake of achievements or to
meet responsibilities. However, if you find yourself really unhappy right now, you probably need to
reassess the balance in your life between work and play, between emotional needs and practical
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Uranus
You are craving emotional excitement, stimulation, and something new and alive. This is a time for
music, dancing, and being joyfully spontaneous. Your social inhibitions are loosened, and you may be
tempted to have a wild flirtation or to act in a rather reckless way in a relationship.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Uranus
You are prone to act erratically in your relationships. A sudden infatuation or an impulse to break free or
make radical changes in a current relationship is likely. Also, a taste for the unusual and unconventional
emerges. You may find yourself enjoying things you never thought you would like.
Transiting Venus square Natal Uranus
You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a
stable, predictable relationship that offers little excitement. You may be highly attracted to someone
new, simply because of the novelty and possibilities for adventure. Also, your friends or love partner
may behave in unexpected ways. Flexibility and open-mindedness in your relationships is called for
Transiting Venus trine Natal Uranus
Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful, adventurous attitude in your relationships make
this time period stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual routine and, because you
are willing to experiment and to be spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of
pace. A new romance or a revitalization of a current one is very likely.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Uranus
This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the
ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who
are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting,
though short-lived.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Uranus
You find it stressful to balance needs for freedom and independence with needs for love and intimate
companionship. You really behave quite oddly or aloof right now which will put others off considerably
thus affording you the space you need, but at a cost. You are also attracted to the exotic, offbeat,
unusual, or bizarre at this time. People or things which might offend your senses at other times now
arouse your appreciation and interest. This will not be a boring time if you can help it! But it is apt to be
a tense time if you are in a close, bonded relationship.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Neptune
Your romantic imagination is strong now. Dreams of an idealized “true love” or feelings of compassion
and oneness with others emerge strongly at this time.
Your perception of people gets rather hazy; you tend to see them through rose-colored glasses. It is
best not to make firm commitments at this time.
If you have creative or artistic inclinations, your work will blossom. You can come up with some really
lovely, inspiring images.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Neptune
You are in a dreamy, romantic mood. Yearnings for love, feelings of compassion, or even religious
devotion accompany this time period. You are definitely more idealistic, tolerant, and selfless in your
relationships, which may cause you to act against your own interests. Decisions involving money or
important commitments to others, therefore, should probably be made some other time. A desire for
loveliness and beauty in your surroundings is also strong.
Transiting Venus square Natal Neptune
Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone
you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of
your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active
and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and
your creations please and inspire you.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Neptune
At this time you are more sensitive to beauty and also to the feelings and needs of others. It is easy for
you to give generously of yourself, for you sympathize strongly with other people and spiritual values
are more important than material ones at this time.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Neptune
You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness.
Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in
some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very
happy now.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Neptune
Right now, you are apt to attract people whose helplessness evokes your pity and compassion. Your
discrimination regarding others in general is less acute, and you could be taken advantage of. Your
spiritual idealism or desire to help may be misguided or excessive. On another level, there may be
indiscretions and/or disappointments in a close personal relationship.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Pluto
Deep emotions, both positive and negative, are stirred up within you, and you become more intense
and demanding of the people you are closest to. Fears, insecurities, jealousies, and hidden
resentments may surface, as well as a very strong need to be loved and to love. There is a compelling,
urgent quality to the feelings you experience now, and you may develop a powerful attraction to
someone who fascinates and mystifies you. This is a good time to reveal your deepest feelings, fears,
needs, and yearnings with the ones you love.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Pluto
An intense emotional or sexual attraction, a very revealing, intimate encounter, or a powerful desire to
be close to and share your deepest feelings with someone is very likely now. Emotions and issues in a
close relationship that have been brewing beneath the surface for quite awhile come to the surface at
this time, possibly in a very disruptive way. All of your relationships intensify and you need to be aware
of your tendency to act in a rather compulsive, demanding way towards others.
Transiting Venus square Natal Pluto
Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up
trouble in your closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close
relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation.
Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal
yourself completely to your loved one.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Pluto
You have a special magnetism and attractive power now, and you are feeling intensely loving also. Your
relationships, particularly sexual or romantic ones, intensify and have a deep, compelling, urgent
quality. Your inner feelings and needs for love and closeness emerge very strongly. You may also
channel some of these feelings into creative or artistic work, something that evokes and expresses your
deepest self.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Pluto
Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense.
The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have
an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others – perhaps a forgotten hurt
or hidden resentment – and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Pluto
Fateful encounters which are not altogether pleasant are indicated. If you are in an established intimate
relationship, it is apt to be rough sailing right now. Ultimatums, bringing up past pain and unresolved
issues, jealousy, or unusual neediness or possessiveness may all be part of the scenario, and what
makes all of this quite stressful is that most of it is not blatant but subtle and insidious. Indiscretion and
poor judgment in matters of the heart need to be guarded against.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Ascendant
At this time you come across in an appealing, charming, openly affectionate manner which is likely to
win you new friends and admirers. You make an excellent first impression now. This is a very favorable
time for doing something to enhance your appearance such as getting a hair cut or purchasing new
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Ascendant
This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Your need to be
together and to share loving feelings is very strong. You want to give to your friends and loved ones and
may spend generously in order to make them happy. You may also meet someone now who is very
good for you.
Transiting Venus square Natal Ascendant
You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever.
Loving relationships, giving and receiving affection, and attracting people into your life who are good for
you are very likely at this time.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Ascendant
At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful
and comfortable. You may also wish to enhance your personal appearance in some way, such as
getting a new hair style or purchasing clothing, cosmetics, and the like. Social gatherings are also very
positive for you now.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Ascendant
Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. You gain what you want through diplomacy
or charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. You are
willing to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in your environment.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Ascendant
You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Relationships
are thus apt to be smooth, but this may well come at a cost to you. You may be at peace with others
and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later.
Choose your company carefully. Spending time with those you truly trust and enjoy should be no
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Midheaven
Your personal charm and attractiveness has a positive effect on your career, reputation, or public
image. People see you as a loving and lovable person and as someone who is aware of their needs
and feelings, which can benefit you at this time. Others are willing to help and cooperate with your aims.
Your interest in the arts or in promoting harmony and good will between people is brought out at this
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Midheaven
This is an excellent time for home improvements, particularly those which enhance the appearance and
beauty of your living space. Decorating or rearranging furniture in order to create a more harmonious
and pleasing arrangement is favored. Relationships with your family are very satisfying and loving, and
you may also wish to invite company into your home. The role of gracious host or hostess suits you
very well right now.
Transiting Venus square Natal Midheaven
The desire to socialize, to be friendly, or loved may interfere with getting work done or acting in a
professional manner. Scheduling time for recreation or to attend to a relationship is a good idea now.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Midheaven
Your friendly concern for others and your willingness to meet people half way benefits your career,
reputation, or public image at this time. This is a favorable time to socialize with people you have
professional ties with since the positive feelings you generate now are likely to be an aid to you in the
future. Beautifying the place where you meet the public and an increased concern about your own
physical appearance are also brought out now.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Midheaven
Meeting people that can benefit your career, getting together with colleagues, or getting to know your
superiors on a more personal, friendly basis is quite likely at this time. Take advantage of all
opportunities to socialize with the people you have professional ties with for the outcome is likely to be
quite positive.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Midheaven
Self-consciousness, anxiety about public images or reputation, and/or a greater concern for the
packaging than the contents are some of the less positive possibilities for you at this time. You are apt
to be rather attractive and appealing, particularly at the work place or in your professional role. Be
careful not to take advantage of this for it could backfire. On a more pleasant note, an inviting
atmosphere at work and appreciation for work well done is indicated. You could make some new
contacts too, which would be good, except for the caution cited above.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Ceres
Your care and concern is primarily focused on loved ones now. This is a good time for stabilizing or
promoting feelings of love, well-being, and inner connections with your mate and/or children. You enjoy
pleasing your partner and are more willing to accommodate the needs of those close to you. Support,
care, and nurturing are the ways you express your love at this time. If you have children, you will
shower them with affection and warmth just now. Creative projects or social events involving children
can be successfully undertaken during this period.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Ceres
Tense moments in your romantic or family life is possible now. The manner in which you show love and
protection to those you care about may not be especially appreciated or noticed at this time. You can
spend this period examining some of the ways you overdo or perhaps avoid nurturing family members,
your mate, or children. You may be at odds with a loved one over caretaking responsibilities or within
yourself regarding how much or how little support you are giving to others. Social activities with family
can seem more of a chore than a pleasure at this time. If you have older children, they may need your
concern or financial assistance during this period.
Transiting Venus square Natal Ceres
You may find yourself uncomfortable and confined by loved ones who cramp your lifestyle at this time.
You might have to administer a little tender, loving care to yourself before attending to the needs and
responsibilities of those in your care. Family members or a mate in particular may be especially difficult
to satisfy at this time. Social and domestic affairs may seem unsettling or unorganized and you may be
left with the task of having to pull things together for the sake of peace and harmony.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Ceres
Improvements in your personal and romantic life is likely at this time. A sense of mutual harmony and
support makes for more peaceful and secure surroundings. You care deeply and passionately for the
people in your care. Children are especially adored now and flourish through your offers of love and
guidance. You may feel helpful and contented when you mother and comfort your spouse, loved ones,
and children. You enjoy happy times when socializing with your family, which may involve creative
activities or just simple pleasures at this time.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Ceres
Love and nurturing are the themes in your domestic environment at this time. Whether socializing or
staying at home with family, you enjoy warm companionship and greater emotional connections. You
feel an urge to please your loved ones now and show your concern for them through a caring and
supportive attitude. Opportunities for a new romantic interest is favored at this time, as others are
attracted to the love and joy you radiate.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Ceres
Social, home activities, and work duties may all seem to collide head on. Family issues are questioned
and reviewed, as certain loved ones require either more or less of your support and involvement. Trying
to find time for your own personal pleasures is difficult now, as there is much to consume yourself with
in your domestic or romantic life. Heavy expenditures involve children, family affairs, or creative projects
at this time. You may also have to alter the way you “hand out money” for everyone else’s needs.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Pallas
A new love affair may begin now or a current relationship become strengthened, more well-balanced,
and cooperative. Warmth, harmony, and contentment are indicated in romantic and social relationships.
You desire to establish peace and tranquility in your closest partnerships, and you can persuade a
mate, loved one, or friend to follow in your footsteps. Creative or cultural pursuits are very rewarding
now. You can have a greater understanding of patterns and designs, are likely to be highly responsive
to music, and more appreciative of the beauty and colors in your surroundings.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Pallas
A romantic or platonic relationship may undergo difficulties at this time. A mate, friend, or loved one may
be indifferent to your attempts to keep relations peaceful, harmonious, and free of discord. Conflicts of
interest, tastes, and desires can be more evident and noticeable in your close relationships. You may
have a hard time understanding or approaching someone who doesn’t share your thoughts and values.
You may try to appease others now, but it may be a waste of time trying to fix a situation which must be
left to work itself out. In work or career endeavors, your talents may take time to manifest productively
and profitably.
Transiting Venus square Natal Pallas
Your feelings of love may be somewhat reserved, modest, and unobtrusive at this time. Differences
may develop over personal plans or financial affairs in a close association or romantic relationship. You
might have to work extra hard when playing the role of peacekeeper or negotiator in solving problems
with a lover, mate, or friend. It may help to relieve existing tension by discussing things on a less
emotional level. At this time, you may feel that you do not have a clear understanding of where you
stand with a partner or lover on important issues, such as financial, commitment, or security needs in
the relationship. This can also be a difficult period for furthering creative plans and ventures. Close
associates are not likely to be cooperative or you sense that your talents and abilities are going
Transiting Venus trine Natal Pallas
Your romantic and social responses are heightened now. During this period you tend to put more
creativity and imagination into your life and important relationships. A healthy attitude toward your love
life and social involvements can bring out the best in yourself, your talents, and strengths and a new
clarity regarding your relationships. New contacts you make at this time can help give creative or artistic
endeavors a tremendous boost. You may meet someone who shares your interests and intellect in this
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Pallas
Teamwork and cooperation in your romantic and social life is highlighted now. Love relationships and
friendships are kept on an even keel by demonstrating patience and diplomacy during this time. Your
leisure activities may change for the better or will most likely be more interesting than they have
previously been. This period can be a stimulus to creative work or thoughts. You may also win the
support of someone who can benefit you financially or in a particular area of talent or expertise you
possess. Combining your creative abilities or intellectual ideas with others can result in a moneymaking
enterprise or fortunate partnership for you.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Pallas
Minor pressures can interfere with romantic, social, or financial plans during this time. There are times
and circumstances where you may attempt to steer clear of disputes or disruptive influences in your life,
especially if your thinking is cloudy regarding personal issues and close relationships. You may take a
less direct approach to romantic encounters or creative projects, as you tend to feel more self-
conscious than usual in these areas. You might need to reassess a long-standing relationship or
contemplate your values and perspectives on partnership issues. You will have to focus a great deal of
attention on getting to the root of problems or blocks in your romantic or creative world so that you can
start things running as smoothly as possible again.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Juno
You may look forward to an increase in love and appreciation, reciprocated feelings, and commitment in
a close romantic relationship or marriage. Whether you are already married, involved in a serious
partnership, or beginning a new love affair, you can become quite firmly attached to your mate or lover
at this time. Promising developments can bring a new burst of social activity which may set off all kinds
of new romantic or pleasurable opportunities as well. The prospects for harmony, cooperation, and
rapport within your love relationship is greatly enhanced. You may be in the mood to intensify a long-
standing relationship or to begin a new one at this time.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Juno
Irritations and negativism can make this period challenging, especially in the area of romance or
marriage. This is a time in which you will need to act with diplomacy rather than defiance when relating
to people close to you. A tug-of-war may arise between you and a partner, leaving you both with totally
different views on issues of love, values, or finances. It is important to remain fair and objective with
your mate or marriage partner at this time. If you are unattached, you may seem to have trouble
attracting the right type of partner to fulfill your emotional needs.
Transiting Venus square Natal Juno
Care must be taken to keep fairness and peace in a close intimate partnership or marriage. The tastes,
values, attitudes, and reactions between you and a mate can pose problems and frustrations in your
relationship now. Either you or your partner may be competing with each other in some subtle manner.
Barriers to romantic or wedded bliss need to be removed through resolution, negotiation, and
compromise at this time. A new love relationship may appear to lack staying power or suffer
interruptions and obstacles to further growth and commitment.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Juno
This is a favorable time for love and marital relationships. You and a mate or lover can have the
opportunity to enjoy mutual interests and find satisfactory solutions to any problems that might arise
now. You will want your loving companion to be there for you, to share in your ups and downs, and to
show loyalty and commitment to the relationship. You expect the same devotion and affection which
you lavish on your mate to be fully reciprocated now. Entertaining in your home or hosting an event or
party with your mate or spouse would be rewarding to you. If you are currently unattached, this period
may feature a brand-new love attraction whom you may meet during a social gathering.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Juno
Your love life or marriage should take a turn for the better. Associates and companions are easier to
handle and can provide you with emotional support and pleasurable experiences. Your own personal
ambitions will not stand in your mate’s way. In all likelihood, you will want to include your partner in all
the decision-making as well as social planning during this time. A new love relationship can be solidified
or a current long-standing relationship strengthened by affectionate expressions, emotional
reassurances, and a greater sense of security and commitment.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Juno
There can be a tense state of affairs in a romantic or marital relationship. Emotional flare-ups may
create some discord or arouse jealousy and resentment from a partner. No matter how much you
attempt to remain conciliatory and compromising, you may discover it is a challenge to keep peace and
harmony in your partnership now. However kindly your motives, you might need to take a long hard look
at a special, emotional relationship to determine in which direction it is headed. A strong and committed
partnership can override this period’s small difficulties. However, a new love interest or less stable
romance may be in need of serious adjustments in order to grow further in commitment and trust.
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Vesta
You seek security and harmony in your relationships, business and personal, during this period. You are
capable of a great deal of dedication and commitment toward partnerships of importance to you. You
may pay more attention to the financial aspects of your relationships, expenses shared with another
individual, or marital funds since you could feel impelled to seek improvement and stability in this realm.
Your social life can consist of mixing work and pleasure now. Or, you may take a more enthusiastic
approach to a new romantic attraction or current love interest.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Vesta
Financial or job-related matters may require your attention now. You might have to devote more time to
addressing important issues or decision-making in the areas of partnership, business, or marital funds.
You and a romantic or business partner may fail to see eye-to-eye when it comes to situations involving
joint finances or ventures. Also, there will likely be some conflict of interest with a mate or lover where
your aims and values are concerned. You are more apt to withdraw affection or show indifference
toward your partner over minor upsets in the relationship. Compromise, objectivity, and fairness are
needed in all one-to-one relations and encounters.
Transiting Venus square Natal Vesta
A certain amount of self-control is essential in a romantic relationship at this time. Your affections and
emotions are more apt to be expressed with an urgency and intensity that approaches obsession. In
some ways, you may be feeling a tremendous sense of responsibility or devotion toward your mate, or
you may rely too heavily upon your partner to supply you with assurances, dependability, and emotional
fulfillment. In a strong and sound relationship, any imbalance or tensions might only require minor
adjustments. However, if a love union is unstable or lacking in security, this may be a time when
separations, break-ups, or unfriendliness and hostility can occur. Also, business partnerships, work or
financial areas of your life may be affected during this time period. You might have to use more
discretion and constraint with regard to these interests as well.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Vesta
Romantic involvements and social activities can be primary concerns for you at this time. You find
pleasure and enjoyment when you are intensely and emotionally involved in something meaningful and
fulfilling. Existing love relationships are benefited through faithfulness, warmth, and devotion. You may
find a safe haven in the security of a love union to uplift or distract you from any unpleasant issues in
your life. Also, your work can be a source of satisfaction to you as well. Job-related goals and financial
activities are productive or promising at this time. If you are unattached or single, you may have an
opportunity to mix business with pleasure or meet a suitable mate through your employment.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Vesta
Your focus is on love or a primary romantic relationship at this time. An enthusiastic or wholehearted
approach to your partnership is one way in which you will express your feelings to a mate or lover. You
may give the impression now that you are seeking more fulfillment, commitment, stability, and
teamwork in love relationships. You will go that extra mile to insure that you can be relied upon to
deliver any promises, pledges, or obligations in the partnership. If you are unattached at the present
time, you may attract a new love interest or search earnestly for a meaningful relationship. Also, this
period can bring an increased need for security in both job-related and financial affairs.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Vesta
Inattentiveness, disinterest, or a sense that something is lacking in your romantic life or a current love
affair may be indicated now. It is likely that interests, obligations, and involvements outside your
relationship are fulfilling some of your needs now; therefore, difficult rifts and tension can occur between
you and a lover or mate. There is a tendency to be indecisive or wavering in your commitment and
reliability as far as love and romance is concerned now. This time period can coincide with a temporary
break or separation from a loved one. It may be necessary to make a heartfelt effort to give more time,
devotion, and appreciation to your relationships without sacrificing your own needs and desires in the
Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Chiron
Positive influences allow you to work through certain difficulties in a love relationship or personal matter.
Healing and resolution of particular issues can begin by opening your heart to giving and receiving
more love and acceptance in a relationship now. A current partner or someone special who comes into
your life at this time can bring you new awareness and understanding of your innermost feelings and
values. You tend to draw to yourself the aid and guidance needed to remove blocks in your mental,
emotional, or spiritual life.
Transiting Venus opposite Natal Chiron
Love relationships can stir up a lot of emotion and confusion at this time. During this period, you may
discover a part of yourself that wants something different from what you are presently receiving from
your intimate involvements. Events which occur now tend to highlight or bring up unresolved and
somewhat painful issues in your relationships. Reviewing the past may help you clarify any unhealthy
patterns you may be unconsciously repeating. Healing, growth, or change will depend much on whether
your mate or partner responds to your needs or how highly they regard your feelings and perspectives.
Transiting Venus square Natal Chiron
Your emotional needs are not readily fulfilled by others now. Seemingly trivial matters or problems in a
close relationship can progress to more important issues and you may sense that a mate or loved one
is not tuned into your true needs and feelings. It may be especially hard for you to let other people give
their guidance, advice, or love at this time, even though it may be what you desire deep inside. Try to
remove internal blocks or fears that may be holding you back from true intimacy and understanding in
your relationships.
Transiting Venus trine Natal Chiron
You may notice a positive difference in your close love relationship. You are likely to sense a
heightened state of expression and feeling coming from your mate or loved one. The emotions you feel
now may lead you on a new path of discovery, specifically with regard to your values and attitudes
toward intimacy, love, and companionship. If you are currently unattached, you might draw others to
you now who reawaken some of your deeper feelings and memories with respect to love and previous
relationships. The love and guidance you receive from others can help squelch any fears or anxieties
which hold you back from accepting love and affection.
Transiting Venus sextile Natal Chiron
You may be given a chance to rectify problems in your close relationships and make changes where
necessary. This period urges you to reach new levels of understanding and emotional awareness as to
your individual needs for love and affection. A mate, partner, or someone wise to your particular
circumstances can greatly assist you with genuine offers of guidance and acceptance. You may come
out of this period with new perspectives, attitudes, and values with regard to love and intimacy.
Transiting Venus quincunx Natal Chiron
At this time you may experience some personal difficulty in a close or intimate relationship. You might
be faced with an emotional decision regarding someone you love, or something you value and desire. A
loved one or partner may not be willing to go with the flow of what you want to do, or they may be
upsetting you by acting out of character or trying to change the status quo. Fears, emotional insecurity,
and resentments can surface now. Unresolved issues with an old lover or mate can trouble you deeply
at this time. Whether you are involved in a relationship or without companionship, there may be a real
need to release yourself from past hurts which interfere with your ability to give and receive love at this

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