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Transiting Ceres

Ceres tranzitoriu conjunctiv Natal Soare
În acest moment îi faci duș pe cei dragi cu grija și grija ta. Vei dori să știe că pot depinde de tine
pentru protecție, îngrijire și acceptare. Există un sentiment reciproc de loialitate și respect în cadrul
celor mai apropiate relații. Simțiți un sentiment de importanță atunci când oferiți celorlalți sprijin și
hrană și inspirați mândrie și încredere în realizările lor. Pe de altă parte, puteți aduce propriile idei și
proiecte creative în centrul atenției chiar acum, încurajându-vă propriul sentiment de împlinire.
Acesta este un moment excelent pentru a demonstra publicului orice talent creativ sau artistic pe
care îl dețineți. Există posibilitatea de a dezvolta caracteristici ale compasiunii, sensibilității și
abilităților de îngrijire.
Poate exista, de asemenea, implicare cu copiii în care instruirea și îngrijirea ta joacă un rol
important în stimularea respectului de sine.

Trecând Ceres opozitie Natal Sun

Problemele de familie au nevoie de atenția ta în acest moment. Dacă ați neglijat propriile dorințe
personale și ați neglijat responsabilitățile familiale, va trebui să vă puneți din nou grija în viața de
acasă. Nevoile și interesele personale ale tuturor le depășesc pe ale voastre și pot exista conflicte și
litigii pe care trebuie să le ajutați să le rezolvați. Poate că va trebui să „stabiliți legea” în ceea ce
privește regulile, structura și disciplina pentru copiii dvs. sau pentru ceilalți din grija dvs. Există, de
asemenea, necesitatea de a echilibra preocuparea posesivă și protectoare pe care o manifestați
pentru ceilalți, cu apreciere pentru propria lor autonomie. Pe de altă parte, aceasta poate reprezenta
un moment în care locul de muncă al soțului / soției sau reapariția în forța de muncă interferează cu
poziția dvs. de putere și autoritate pe terenul de acasă.
În plus, iubitul, soția sau copiii dvs. ar putea să vă solicite prea multe, ceea ce va duce la o lipsă de
timp personal pentru a vă dezvolta propriile ambiții. Numai prin conștientizarea necesității de a
împărtăși, de a coopera și de a face compromisuri cu ceilalți, aceste probleme pot fi aduse la o
soluție rezonabilă.

În tranzit Ceres pătrat Natal Soare

S-ar putea să vă supărați în acest moment din cauza problemelor de pe front. Simțiți un sentiment de
discordie în mediul dvs. imediat în legătură cu cerințele și activitățile conflictuale ale membrilor
familiei, prietenilor sau colegilor de muncă. Devine destul de o provocare să îndeplinești nevoile
tuturor și să găsești timp pentru tine în acest proces. Acest lucru sugerează că vă veți sacrifica
propriile dorințe personale de dragul altora. Cu toate acestea, apropierea emoțională și intimitatea
pe care o tânjești în schimb pot fi refuzate. Sau poate avea loc o perioadă de izolare sau separare de
cei dragi în acest moment. Trebuie să vă concentrați asupra recunoașterii propriei valori de sine și
completării sistemului suprasolicitat pentru a vă proteja sănătatea și bunăstarea.

Tranzit Ceres trine Natal Sun

Aceasta este o perioadă plăcută pentru interesele de acasă și de carieră. Vă simțiți mai încrezători
acum și descrieți altora un puternic sentiment de mândrie în familie, muncă sau eforturi creative.
Puteți primi beneficii sau recompense și oportunități la locul de muncă, deoarece abilitățile dvs. de
conducere sunt ușor acceptate de alții. Sau dacă aveți copii, aceștia pot primi premii de burse sau
onoruri artistice și se pot bucura de încredere în abilitățile lor.
S-ar putea să fie acum o oportunitate de a întineri și a îmbunătăți relația cu un părinte. În plus,
dragostea și acceptarea ta față de cei dragi le oferă posibilitatea de a-și elibera temerile sau
sentimentele de durere și durere. Ieșiți din acest ciclu mai compasiv, matur și mai simpatic.

În tranzit Ceres sextile Natal Sun

Îți vine să iei inițiativa energică în realizarea ideilor și ambițiilor tale creative. Recunoașteți ceea ce
trebuie schimbat în împrejurimile voastre imediate și aveți maturitatea de a continua cu un nou curs
de acțiune. Există mai puține interferențe din partea forțelor exterioare și ar trebui să profitați de
oportunități pentru a vă urmări obiectivele.
Activitățile recreative sau de divertisment cu cei dragi sunt favorizate în acest moment. Personal, vă
puteți gândi să vă alăturați unui club de sănătate, să planificați un nou regim alimentar sau să găsiți
modalități de a vă îmbunătăți bunăstarea și vitalitatea.

Trecerea Ceres quincunx Natal Soare

Problemele interne pot fi o sursă de disconfort pentru dvs. acum. Dacă ai fost dependent de cei
dragi, de copiii tăi sau de alte relații intime pentru a te face să te simți important și special, atunci
vei fi forțat să înveți câteva lecții dificile în această perioadă. Membrii familiei și ceilalți nu vă vor
accepta sau sprijini impulsul ego-ului, nevoia de asigurare sau obiectivele și obiectivele dvs. Va
trebui să examinați ce trebuie modificat sau revizuit în aceste relații. Puteți fie să eliberați o parte
din atașamentul dvs. față de acești indivizi și să vă construiți pe propriul sentiment de auto-valoare,
fie s-ar putea să fie necesar să renunțați la anumite așteptări de care aveți nevoie acum. Acesta este
un moment în care trebuie să vă folosiți propriile resurse interioare pentru a vă satisface nevoile.

Ceres tranzitat conjunctiv Natal Venus

Cei dragi pot fi asigurați de îndrumarea și căldura dvs. în acest moment. Există o îmbunătățire a
relațiilor dvs. cele mai intime, deoarece îngrijirea și îngrijorarea dvs. blândă împlinesc speranțele și
așteptările celor dragi. Există o anumită tandrețe și dragoste senzuală pe care doriți să o împărtășiți
cu un partener, deoarece imaginea dvs. de sine este îmbunătățită prin simțirea atractivă și dezirabilă.
Îndemnul tău de a-i mulțumi pe ceilalți este puternic acum și experimentezi sentimente de dorință
de îngrijire și protejare a celor pe care îi iubești. Nevoia ta de a arăta dragoste se va exprima prin
capacitatea ta de a oferi celorlalți hrană, adăpost și securitate internă. Acesta este un moment
favorabil pentru a-ți întemeia o familie, a te logodi sau a începe o nouă relație de dragoste.

Trecând prin Ceres vizavi de Natal Venus

Relațiile au nevoie de îngrijirea și iubirea ta în acest moment. Apare situații care vă fac necesar să
sacrificați unele dintre propriile nevoi personale pentru a ajuta pe cineva drag care poate întâmpina
dificultăți. Problemele financiare referitoare la copii sau interesul amoros devin din ce în ce mai
greu de gestionat. Un copil poate simți că ți-ai înlocuit temporar îngrijorarea și ai grijă de ei cu
compensații financiare sau laude false. Cei dragi pot simți că relaționarea și îngrijirea dvs. sunt în
contradicție cu eforturile dvs. de muncă sau carieră și, prin urmare, se răzvrătesc împotriva
autorității voastre asupra lor.
În relațiile de dragoste, partenerul tău poate simți că neglijezi nevoile lor și pot apărea argumente
sau separări.

Trecând cu piața Ceres Natal Venus

În acest moment poate fi necesar să le oferiți celor dragi spațiu pentru a respira. Echilibrul în
relațiile voastre de dragoste devine necesar în această perioadă de timp, pe măsură ce simțiți dorința
de a vă exceda în rolul dvs. de hrănitor și de a vă arăta dorința de a „avea grijă” de altul. Te simți
posesiv pentru oamenii pe care îi iubești, precum și pentru obiectele și ideile pe care le prețuiești.
Această legătură emoțională pe care o faceți cu alte persoane în acest moment este plină de conflicte
și dezamăgiri, deoarece comportamentul dvs. este considerat sufocant și sufocant. Dacă este posibil,
încercați să creați o împărtășire mai egală a iubirii și hrănirii în parteneriatele voastre.

Tranzit Ceres trine Natal Venus

Acesta este un moment în care dorințele și nevoile sunt îndeplinite cu ușurință în relațiile tale cu cei
dragi și copii. Întâlnirile de familie și festive sunt plăcute, iar legăturile emoționale pot fi întărite cu
ceilalți. O relație de dragoste actuală poate prospera datorită schimbului cald de sentimente și grijii
arătate unul pentru celălalt. Aceasta este o perioadă confortabilă în cadrul cercului familial și există
o îmbunătățire semnificativă a disponibilității de a coopera în relații. Acesta poate fi un moment bun
pentru a îmbunătăți obiceiurile alimentare și regimurile de sănătate sau doar pentru a vă răsfăța. De
asemenea, grădinăritul, plantarea și pregătirea meselor hrănitoare vă sunt deosebit de satisfăcătoare.

Tranzit Ceres sextil Natal Venus

Nevoia ta de dragoste, companie și sprijin emoțional este satisfăcută prin participarea la relații
sociale, domestice sau romantice în acest moment. Dorința de unire și armonie face din aceasta o
perioadă plăcută pentru împărtășirea afacerilor de familie și crește afecțiunea și creșterea și în
relațiile de dragoste. În relațiile angajate, acesta poate fi un moment favorabil pentru o logodnă sau
o căsătorie sau pentru începerea unei familii. Dacă ai deja copii, dorința ta de a-i hrăni și a-i proteja
îți va fi deosebit de satisfăcătoare acum.

Trecerea Ceres quincunx Natal Venus

Neînțelegerea, iritabilitatea și tensiunea în relațiile domestice sau de dragoste sunt evidențiate acum.
S-ar putea să vă simțiți epuizat sau ineficient în tratarea nevoilor și cerințelor partenerului, copiilor
sau altor membri ai familiei în acest moment. Ar putea deveni o luptă pentru dvs. să oferiți celor
dragi măsuri adecvate de îngrijire, hrană fizică și îngrijire emoțională în această perioadă.
În ceea ce privește finanțele și bunurile personale, această perioadă poate indica schimbări sau
pierderi în acest domeniu. S-ar putea să fie nevoie să modificați sau să analizați modul în care vă
puteți cheltui banii și să vă îngrijiți mai eficient obiectele de valoare.

În tranzit Ceres pătrat Natal Mars

Acesta este un moment pentru a vă depune eforturile în echilibrarea cerințelor familiale și
profesionale. Dorința ta de a îndeplini sarcini și de a cuceri provocările din munca sau cariera ta este
în conflict cu cerințele tale de joacă și timp liber. Multe obligații familiale ar putea fi necesare
pentru a fi îndeplinite în arena de acasă, unde cei dragi pot prezenta o nevoie excesivă, ceea ce vă
pune la încercare nivelul de energie și vitalitatea. S-ar putea să vă confruntați cu o perioadă
stresantă și ocupată în carieră, doar pentru a vă găsi dedicați mai puțin timp familiei și nevoilor
personale. Trebuie să dezvoltați cicluri adecvate pentru perioadele de muncă și activitățile de
agrement. Dacă puteți stoarce ceva timp pentru satisfacția personală, un regim de exerciții fizice sau
o clasă de aerobic vă vor oferi o priză pentru a elibera tensiunile acumulate într-un mod constructiv.

Tranzit Ceres pătrat Natal Jupiter

Atât mediul de acasă, cât și locul de muncă vă pot pune dileme în acest moment. Tranzacțiile de
călătorie și de afaceri se pot dovedi stresante. Pot exista probleme juridice care apar acum și se
dovedesc a fi costisitoare mai târziu. În viața ta personală, tu sau cei dragi s-ar putea să te descurci
în plăcerile personale, cum ar fi consumul de alimente nedorite, cheltuielile excesive sau
satisfacerea obiceiurilor de dependență, cum ar fi jocurile de noroc, fumatul sau alcoolul. Atmosfera
de acasă poate părea un câmp de luptă, cu nevoile și dorințele tuturor din abundență, lăsându-vă mai
puțin timp pentru propria libertate individuală. Acesta poate fi un moment în care trebuie să
sacrificați multe ore de plăcere în scopuri de carieră sau cerințe familiale. Dacă sunteți părinte,
copiii dvs. își pot evita îndatoririle și responsabilitățile la școală sau acasă, sporind astfel implicarea
dvs. în educația sau disciplina lor. La nivel personal, poate fi necesară modificarea dietei, întrucât s-
ar putea să vă regăsiți în exces pentru a compensa faptul că ați fost hrăniți necorespunzător.

Ceres tranzitoriu conjunctiv Natal Neptun

Faceți tot posibilul pentru a sprijini și îngriji membrii familiei în acest moment. Sentimentele de
compasiune și căldură față de cei pe care îi iubești și îi protejezi sunt principiile de bază pe care
acționează calitățile tale de hrănire în această perioadă de timp. Un sentiment de iubire
necondiționată și capacitatea adevărată de a simpatiza cu cei dragi este evidențiat în tine, iar
capacitatea ta de a vindeca și de a ajuta pe alții poate fi simțită atât la nivel spiritual, cât și fizic.
Jertfa de sine și dorința de a oferi îngrijire și protecție membrilor familiei vă sunt satisfăcătoare.
Trăiești un dor profund de conexiuni emoționale și spirituale atunci când dăruiești altruist celorlalți.
Ceres în tranzit, vizavi de Natal Neptun
În acest moment pot apărea greșeli de comunicare în mediul dvs. intern. Judecarea și luarea
deciziilor sunt afectate de gestionarea responsabilităților de zi cu zi. Acest lucru poate fi cauzat de
lipsa de interes față de mediul înconjurător sau de suprasensibilitate la emoțiile oamenilor la care ții.
Percepțiile greșite despre nevoile dvs. individuale față de dorințele altora pot provoca confruntări și
situații care vă consumă energia. Acesta este un moment în care puteți fi ușor sedus într-o relație de
co-dependență, în care nu sunteți complet conștienți de a vă pierde sentimentul de valoare de sine.
Majoritatea oamenilor vor experimenta o perioadă ușor confuză care interferează cu îngrijirea
productivă față de ceilalți.
Tranzit Ceres pătrat Natal Neptun
Este posibil să vă simțiți excesiv de dependenți de cei dragi în acest moment. Sprijinul emoțional și
hrana pe care le primiți în viața dvs. casnică sau romantică pot fi pline de dezamăgire și victimizare.
Ajustările necesare vor include necesitatea de a vă concentra pe percepțiile realiste ale celor dragi și
abilitățile acestora de a vă atenua în mod adecvat nevoia emoțională. Lipsa compasiunii, energia
disipată și intuiția slăbită interferează cu capacitatea ta de a-i ajuta și de a-i vindeca pe ceilalți.
Acesta este un moment în care predomină insensibilitatea în casă și există confuzie cu privire la
cine trebuie să ofere securitatea și îngrijirea pentru ca unitatea familială să funcționeze funcțional.
Copiii pot părea distanți și evaziți, pot experimenta schimbări de dispoziție sau pot acționa
iresponsabil în ceea ce privește îndatoririle lor.
Tranzit Ceres trine Natal Neptun
Răspundeți mai ușor la nevoile celor dragi în acest moment. Sunteți cel mai receptiv la vindecarea
emoțională din interior oferind în mod altruist ajutor, dragoste și compasiune celor care suferă sau
au nevoie. Empatia și sensibilitatea ta față de ceilalți atenuează durerea pe care o experimentează
atunci când se ocupă de probleme personale. Hrănindu-i pe ceilalți, vă puteți alina propria durere
sau durere în legătură cu condițiile trecute pe care doriți să le eliberați. Relațiile de familie pot fi
sensibilizate la influența voastră, iar razele de vindecare a energiei pe care le oferiți celorlalți vor
beneficia pe oricine din structura familiei.
Sextile Ceres tranzitorii Natal Neptun
Căutați o implicare profundă cu membrii familiei și cei dragi acum. Te simți compătimitor față de
partenerul tău sau copii și ai dorința de a-i ajuta să-și aline temerile sau grijile. În această perioadă,
le puteți oferi oamenilor cărora le pasă de sprijinul emoțional și de dragostea inspirațională fără a le
cere să răspundă în schimb. Gândurile tale se îndreaptă spre a te extinde la alții defavorizați sau care
suferă greutăți. Le puteți oferi adăpost, hrană sau confort în acest moment, pe măsură ce calitățile
voastre de hrănire și vindecare sunt scoase la suprafață. Munca de voluntariat sau de caritate în
spitale sau instituții este favorabilă în acest moment.
Tranzit Ceres quincunx Natal Neptun
Vă simțiți confuz, anxios și pierdeți să vedeți lucrurile așa cum sunt într-adevăr în relațiile voastre
intime. Fluctuați între sensibilitatea poftei și compasiunea de la cei mai dragi dvs. și vă retrageți
într-o lume fantezistă din propria voastră creație. Pot exista respingeri reale sau imaginate, impuneri
sau înșelăciuni în familia și cele mai apropiate relații personale, provocând o defalcare a capacității
tale de a da și primi dragoste, îngrijire și afecțiune.
Este posibil să nu puteți găsi o soluție perfectă pentru problemele din mediul dvs. intern, deoarece
aveți tendința de a fi indecis și pasiv acum. Cel mai bine ar fi să așteptați până când veți obține o
perspectivă mai realistă asupra situației.

Ceres tranzitoriu conjunct Natal Pluto

Implicările interne și personale sunt accentuate acum. Căutați experiențe nutritive printr-un profund
schimb emoțional cu ceilalți. Poate exista o dorință intensă de a crea și de a hrăni viața. Cunoașterea
pe care o dobândești în acest timp îți transformă convingerile în ceea ce privește capacitatea ta de a-
i avea pe cei dragi și de a crea descendenți. Modificări în mediul sau relațiile de acasă pot apărea în
ceea ce privește problemele de control, co-dependență sau modificări ale capacității dvs. de a
alimenta relațiile. Este posibil să fiți forțat să vă asumați singura responsabilitate pentru îngrijirea
membrilor familiei. Acesta poate fi, de asemenea, un moment de găsire a unor noi modalități de a
face față durerii și tristeții. S-ar putea să recunoașteți că trebuie să eliberați o legătură cu cineva pe
care îl iubiți și pe care îl aveți grijă pentru a elibera și a începe un nou ciclu de creștere și reînnoire

Trecând prin Ceres opozitie Natal Pluto

Este posibil ca membrii familiei și cei dragi să nu aprecieze modul tău intens în acest moment.
Puteți încerca să vă impuneți credințele prețioase și dorințele compulsive oamenilor pe care îi iubiți
și cărora le pasă. S-ar putea să simțiți că alții ar beneficia de îmbunătățirea responsabilităților lor
interne sau a obiceiurilor alimentare și a altor domenii pe care credeți că trebuie schimbate.
Problema este că ajungi cu o forță sau o obsesie neclintită în acest moment, încât luptele pentru
putere se dezvoltă și alții se opun opiniilor tale sau se simt copleșite de orice manipulare din partea
ta. Persoanele aflate în grija dvs. ar putea să vă dorească să vă luminați și să le permiteți libertatea
de a acționa singuri. La un nivel subconștient, este posibil să vă hrăniți într-o manieră intensă din
cauza fricii de pierdere sau a separărilor de cei dragi. Dacă sunteți divorțat și aveți copii, luptele
pentru custodie pot fi amare și greu de rezolvat, uneori până la punctul în care unui părinte i se
refuză accesul la descendenți. Dumneavoastră sau fostul dvs. soț s-ar putea să aveți o rezistență
extraordinară la împărtășirea copiilor sau unul dintre voi ar putea avea fonduri inadecvate pentru a
le sprijini și îngriji financiar.

Tranzit Ceres pătrat Natal Pluto

În familie sau viața personală pot apărea confruntări emoționale și intense. Conține-ți nevoia de a
controla oamenii pe care îi iubești și îi îngrijești. Este posibil să simțiți urgent să adăpostiți și să
protejați aceste persoane, dar apar circumstanțe care amenință siguranța pe care o considerați
necesară. De exemplu, una dintre aceste persoane te poate forța să-ți schimbi situația actuală de
viață plecând de acasă sau s-ar putea să găsești că relațiile de dragoste se rup din cauza geloziei și a
problemelor de control. Poate exista un dezacord cu privire la disciplina și creșterea copiilor în
gospodărie, ceea ce agravează și mai mult o situație deja tensionată. Pe de altă parte, experiențele
transformatoare pot apărea acum, cum ar fi să te confrunți cu durerea și tristețea și să renunți la cei
dragi sau la cele mai prețuite idei și dorințe.

Tranzit Ceres trine Natal Pluto

Îngrijirea și îngrijorarea față de cei dragi iau acum un sens mai profund pentru tine. Experimentezi o
reînnoire a încrederii și acceptării în cele mai intime relații. Este posibil să aveți un efect intens
asupra celorlalți în această perioadă, unde grija și înțelegerea dvs. vă ajută să îi ghidați prin tranziții
emoționale sau fizice dificile. Acesta este un moment excelent pentru a vă transforma viziunile și
idealurile creative în realitate. Dacă vă ocupați de profesiile medicale, de asistență medicală sau de
vindecare, acesta este un moment în care veți fi mai priceput în reabilitarea celor aflați în îngrijirea

Tranzit Ceres sextil Natal Pluto

În această perioadă, este posibil să aveți dorința de a vă conecta cu ceilalți în schimburi emoționale
sau sexuale puternice și intense. Îndemnul de a-ți demonstra virilitatea sau capacitatea de a crea
ceva (inclusiv descendenți) este puternic. Dorința de a avea grijă de ceilalți și de a se simți legați de
ei este prioritatea ta. Atâta timp cât respectați dorințele și drepturile membrilor familiei și ale
oamenilor pe care îi iubiți, transformările care apar în relațiile voastre vor avea un efect benefic
asupra tuturor celor implicați.

Tranzit Ceres quincunx Natal Pluto

Schimbările inevitabile și conflictele intense pot apărea în relațiile tale cele mai apropiate și
prețuite. Membrii familiei și cei dragi prezintă nevoi și dorințe emoționale compulsive, iar dvs.
puteți fi constrâns sau convins să le îndepliniți cerințele. Sau pot apărea motivații inconștiente, care
decurg din experiențe din trecut, care vă vor conduce să vă agățați de partenerul dvs., de copii sau
de părinți într-o manieră nesănătoasă sau distructivă. Va fi dificil să renunțați la atașamentele
emoționale în acest moment, deși luptele de putere cu ceilalți vă pot obliga să vă confruntați și să vă
ocupați de această problemă. Trebuie să învățați să vă reexaminați și să vă eliberați tendințele
posesive și să vă concentrați pe a deveni mai simpatic și mai plin de compasiune față de persoanele
aflate în grija și preocuparea dvs.

Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Sun

At this time you shower loved ones with your care and concern. You will want them to know that they
can depend upon you for protection, nurturing, and acceptance. There is a mutual feeling of loyalty and
respect within your closest relationships. You feel a sense of importance when you provide others with
support and nourishment and inspire pride and confidence in their achievements. On the other hand,
you can bring your own creative ideas and projects into the limelight just now, encouraging your own
sense of fulfillment. This is an excellent time for demonstrating to the public any creative or artistic
talents you possess. There is an opportunity to develop characteristics of compassion, sensitivity, and
nurturing skills.
There may also be involvement with children where your instruction and caring play an important role in
fostering their self-esteem.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Sun
Family matters need your attention at this time. If you have been overindulging in your own personal desires and
neglecting your family responsibilities, you will have to put your concern back into your home life. Everyone’s
needs and personal interests outshine your own, and there may be conflicts and disputes which you need to help
resolve. You may have to “lay down the law” as far as rules, structure, and discipline for your children or others in
your care. There is also a need to balance the possessive and protective concern you show for others with an
appreciation for their own autonomy. On the other hand, this can represent a time when your spouse’s job or re-
emergence into the workforce interferes with your position of power and authority on your home terrain.
In addition, your lover, spouse, or children might place too many demands upon you, resulting in a shortage of
personal time to develop your own ambitions. Only through awareness of the need to share, cooperate, and
compromise with others can these issues be brought to a reasonable solution.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Sun
You may be upset at this time over problems on the home front. You feel a sense of discord in your immediate
environment over conflicting demands and activities of family members, friends, or co-workers. It becomes quite
a challenge to meet everyone’s needs and find time for yourself in the process. This suggests you will sacrifice
your own personal desires for the sake of others. However, the emotional closeness and intimacy you crave in
return may be denied. Or a period of isolation or separation from loved ones can occur at this time. You need to
concentrate on recognizing your own self-worth and replenishing your overtaxed system to protect your health
and well-being.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Sun
This is an enjoyable period for home and career interests. You feel more confident now and portray to others a
strong sense of pride in either family, work, or creative endeavors. You may receive benefits or rewards and
opportunities at your job as your leadership abilities are easily accepted by others. Or if you have children, they
may receive scholarship awards or artistic honors and enjoy confidence in their abilities.
There may be an opportunity now to rejuvenate and improve a relationship with a parent. In addition, your love
and acceptance toward loved ones offers them an opportunity to release their fears or feelings of grief and sorrow.
You emerge from this cycle more compassionate, mature, and sympathetic.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Sun
You feel like vigorously taking the initiative in carrying out your creative ideas and ambitions. You acknowledge
what needs to be changed in your immediate surroundings and have the maturity to follow through with a new
course of action. There is less interference from outside forces and you should take advantage of opportunities to
pursue your goals.
Recreational or entertainment activities with loved ones is favored at this time. Personally, you may consider
joining a health club, planning out a new dietary regimen, or finding ways to improve your well-being and vitality.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Sun
Domestic problems can be a source of discomfort for you now. If you have been dependent upon loved ones, your
children, or other intimate relationships to make you feel important and special, then you will forced to learn some
difficult lessons during this period. Family members and others will not accept or support your ego drive, need for
reassurance, or your goals and objectives. You will have to examine what needs to be altered or revised in these
relationships. You can either release some of your attachment to these individuals and build upon your own sense
of self-worth, or you may find it necessary to let go of certain expectations that you require now. This is a time
when you must use your own inner resources to meet your needs.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Moon
During this time period you affectionately cater to the wishes and desires of loved ones. A deep emotional
connection can occur now as you put tender, unselfish nurturing and true compassion into your closest
relationships. This is a time when home matters take precedence over other areas in your life, as you desire to
have a warm exchange of feelings within your family and build a strong foundation for security and sustenance in
relations. There may be an increase in the family circle through a birth, marriage, or engagement. A new phase
begins where your desire to mother and nurture is brought forth. You also may begin a diet or health regimen at
this time which will improve your vitality and energy level.
This conjunction may indicate a fertile period in a female’s chart. In a male’s chart, it may represent a time when
you respond with more sensitivity and compassion toward home and family responsibilities.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Moon
This can be an emotionally trying period in your personal life. You confront your innermost desires and longings
at this time and may have doubt about your ability to offer love, guidance, and support in your closest
relationships. This is a time when you may experience some kind of an emotional block and you unconsciously
display detached, impersonal indifference toward nurturing and caretaking responsibilities for yourself or loved
ones. You may feel isolated from loved ones and receive inadequate support or feedback to fill your void. There
could be many anxieties, fears of separations, emotional hurts, and rejections.
Professional plans or creative endeavors may be left hanging until you make attempts to straighten out the
difficulties in your domestic environment. If you are a male, the women in your life may seem unimpassioned or
reserved in their dealings with you or disapprove of your personal ambitions. Children may display emotional
neediness which interferes with your own personal freedom.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Moon
The caretaking of partnerships and family members becomes an emotional struggle at this time. You recognize
now that your past emotional behavior patterns are ineffective and inadequate in your current relationships. The
people that you take care of and nurture are most likely to be in discord with you. Loved ones may feel you have
been insensitive to their needs, while also perceiving you as overemotional and undependable. One way to help
resolve this situation may be to address your unresolved past feelings of sorrow, sadness, or grief. If you can vent
or release these issues appropriately, then you may be able to restructure your emotional responses toward loved
ones in a more caring, understanding manner. You must deal with the conflict between your own personal needs
and those of the people you care about.
This can be a challenging time if you are a parent, as your children are sensitive to inadequate amounts of love,
caring, and affection now and may display excitability and disturbing behavior.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Moon
It is easy at this time for you to strengthen emotional bonds with your loved ones. Your sympathetic and
compassionate nature is awakened and enhanced. Since your desire to protect and care for your loved ones makes
you feel content, people around you will feel secure in your presence. Family members may flourish in all
endeavors through the happiness they feel in the home environment. You will take pride in the role of caretaker,
provider, and protector of those you love.
Careers in the social services profession, nursing, or in an educational field will benefit greatly during this transit.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Moon
You feel emotionally attached to loved ones and family members at this time. Domestic security and stability may
be one of your most important priorities now. You respond with affection, love, caring, and deep concern for loved
ones, and you will want everyone in your family circle to feel protected, safe, and content. You may empathize
easily with other people’s moods and feelings now, and you make efforts to help others deal with their pain,
sorrow, or grief.
If you are a parent, your children can be a source of joy and inspiration, and they are supportive and sympathetic
toward your personal needs.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Moon
This is an emotionally distressing period when you are quite susceptible to moodiness, sensitivity, and negative
attitudes. You must get in touch with your inner feelings and reflect upon some of the ways in which you
instinctively react and respond in your close, intimate relationships. You have difficulty in letting go of your
attachments to the past, including your former emotional conditioning at this time. You may have to adjust to new
conditions and alterations in your domestic environment which are displeasing to you but necessary now. Making
a decision on a domestic or family matter may be difficult, especially since your emotions may color your
thoughts and moods regarding such issues. Instead, wait until a more appropriate time when you can act with
sensitivity and clear understanding.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Mercury
This is a time when you will want to communicate candidly with loved ones. It can be a fruitful time when
conversations with or about your children or family members are enlightening. This is a time when you come
across as articulate and intelligent and therefore receive positive responses from others. You can open new lines of
communication with a loved one or intimate partner by expressing the love and caring you feel for them.
A career in the medical or educational fields or in social services may thrive, as healing and communication skills
are highly developed during this time period. You take a personal interest in your health and well-being and search
for new ways to improve your dietary habits.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Mercury
Your thoughts and ideas may be out of sync with loved ones at this time. The expression of your deepest desires
about the level of caring and concern you need from others somehow gets misinterpreted by other people. You
can’t seem to get your point across or you become angry when others misunderstand your intentions and fail to
respond to your wishes. Or you may have to adapt to inadequate amounts of nurturing and support from others
and this causes your self-image to suffer. People may view your expectations of them as over-demanding and
challenge you, forcing you to find new ways to relate.
If you have children, they might have difficulty in expressing their needs, and you will have to adjust your
schedule to administer sufficient love, caring, and discipline in their lives.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Mercury
A conflict of interest or a difference of opinion between family members is likely. The need for cooperation on
your part during communications with loved ones or relatives becomes apparent to you. You are required to
handle the daily chores and obligations while adhering to strict logic and forethought in your activities. Problems
can develop between family members causing changes of schedules and routines, which may also affect you
directly. You might feel overburdened with obligations and duties, spending more time with letter writing,
telephone calls, and short trips due to the concerns of family members or domestic matters.
In health matters, be watchful of digestive imbalances caused by nervous tension and stress. If you are a parent,
changes and adjustments may be necessary in the education, discipline, and rearing of your children.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Mercury
This is a good time to express your feelings and concern for loved ones. At this time, you are eager to respond to
the needs of others and enjoy spending time communicating and exchanging ideas with the people in your
domestic environment. You can easily listen to others and allow for their indulgences, while providing support and
fuel for their ambitions. Sharing creative and artistic experiences with family members is likely at this time. Short
trips or leisure or educational activities, especially with children, is highlighted now.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Mercury
You let the people you care about know you are available to help and guide them now. Your heightened awareness
and sharp reasoning skills present an opportunity for you to find new ways to communicate with family members
and loved ones. The people who are dependent upon you for support, caring, and nourishment are rewarded with
your acute sense of timing in fulfilling their expectations. Also, this is an excellent time to assert your personal
creative desires and projects as you receive less resistance in your environment. The caretaking of partners or
children is rewarding to you, and you emerge from this period with an empathetic, deeper compassionate feeling
toward loved ones.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Mercury
You will be especially irritated with routine chores and responsibilities in your everyday affairs. Bothersome
demands are placed upon you by family members, other loved ones, or those in your workplace. There will be
difficulties in short distance travel, communications, and business agreements. Carefully weigh both sides of a
situation before making any major decisions.
Matters of health and work require your attention; for instance, you may have to adjust your dietary habits or be
obligated to adapt to new conditions in your job environment.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Venus
Loved ones can be assured of your guidance and warmth at this time. There is an improvement in your most
intimate relationships as your gentle nurturing and concern fulfills the hopes and expectations of loved ones.
There is a certain tenderness and sensual love you wish to share with a partner as your self-image is enhanced by
feeling attractive and desirable. Your urge to please others is strong now and you experience feelings of wanting to
care for and protect those you love. Your need to show love will express itself through your ability to provide
others with food, shelter, and domestic security. This is a favorable time for starting a family, getting engaged, or
beginning a new love relationship.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Venus
Relationships need your nurturing and love at this time. Situations arise which make it necessary for you to
sacrifice some of your own personal needs to help out a loved one who may be experiencing difficulties. Financial
matters regarding children or a love interest become increasingly hard to manage. A child may feel you have
temporarily replaced your concern and care for them with financial compensation or false praise. Loved ones may
feel that your relating and nurturing is at odds with your work or career endeavors and therefore they rebel against
your authority over them.
In love relationships, your partner may feel you are neglecting their needs and arguments or separations may
Transiting Ceres square Natal Venus
At this time you may need to give your loved ones some room to breathe. Balance in your love relationships
becomes necessary during this time period as you feel a desire to overindulge in your role as nurturer and show
your eagerness to “take care of” another. You feel possessive of the people you love, as well as the objects and
ideas you value. This emotional connection that you make with other people at this time is fraught with conflicts
and disappointments as your behavior is regarded as suffocating and smothering. If possible, attempt to create a
more equal sharing of love and nurturing in your partnerships.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Venus
This is a time when desires and needs are easily met in your relationships with loved ones and children. Family
and festive gatherings are enjoyable and emotional bonds can be strengthened with others. A current love
relationship can prosper due to the warm exchange of feelings and caring shown for each other. This is a
comfortable period within the family circle and there is a marked improvement in the willingness to cooperate in
relationships. This can be a good time to improve dietary habits and health regimes or just to pamper yourself.
Also, gardening, planting, and preparing nutritious meals are especially rewarding to you.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Venus
Your need for love, companionship, and emotional support is satisfied by participating in social, domestic, or
romantic relationships at this time. A desire for togetherness and harmony makes this an enjoyable period for
sharing family affairs and increases the affection and nurturing in love relationships as well. In committed
relationships, this can be a favorable time for an engagement or marriage or beginning a family. If you already
have children, your desire to nurture and protect them will be especially rewarding to you now.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Venus
Misunderstanding, irritability, and tension in domestic or love relationships is highlighted now. You might feel
drained or ineffective in handling the needs and demands of your mate, children, or other family members at this
time. It might become a struggle for you to provide your loved ones with adequate measures of caring, physical
nourishment, and emotional nurturing during this period.
With regard to your finances and personal possessions, this period can indicate change or loss in this area. You
might need to modify or analyze how you can spend your money and take care of your valuables more effectively.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Mars
You begin to take on a more direct and forceful attitude in your nurturing and protective role toward family
members. You become deeply involved in the activities of people you are responsible for, defending their actions,
projects, and ambitions. If you have children, you will feel very protective of them now, especially if you are the
primary caretaker. You may be interested in improving the dietary habits, nutrition, and general well-being of
those in your care. You must learn, however, to share the decision making and authoritative role in your home and
find other creative outlets to release your powerful energy and drive.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Mars
Arguments may occur in your domestic and personal life at this time. Your desire to assert your need to nurture
others will result in a power struggle between you and those you care about most. You may be angered over a
situation that has developed in your home regarding family members asserting their independence in an
aggressive manner. This will make you feel inadequate or incompetent in your usual role in the family and can
cause minor disagreements to take place. Children may display rebellious behavior and may need to exert their
self-reliance in a disruptive manner. If possible, try to build the courage and self-confidence of children and loved
ones so that they may foster their independence through the proper channels.
Male members of the family or other loved ones may disapprove of the way you manage your home
Transiting Ceres square Natal Mars
This is a time to put your efforts into balancing family and career demands. Your desire to perform tasks and
conquer challenges in your work or career is conflicting with your play and leisure requirements. Many family
obligations may need to be met in the home arena, where loved ones may display excessive neediness which puts
a strain on your energy level and vitality. You may be experiencing a stressful and busy time in your career, only
to find yourself devoting less time to your family and personal needs. You must develop appropriate cycles for
periods of work and leisure activities. If you can squeeze out some time for personal gratification, an exercise
regime or an aerobics class would help provide you with an outlet to release built-up tensions in an constructive
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Mars
Taking care of yourself and family members keeps you busy at this time. You may begin new activities which
involve taking better care of your health, personal hygiene, and physical well-being. This is a good time to join a
fitness club, begin a diet, or improve on your intake of nutrients in your body. This period is an excellent
opportunity to organize duties and put your affairs in order with respect to career and family responsibilities.
There is a possibility that you are doing more than your share in the role of caretaking and nurturing of your
children and loved ones. Try to instill more self-sufficiency on the part of your dependents to take some of the
pressure off you. Children are apt to be involved in after-school activities or sporting events in which they may
excel or achieve an award for performance.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Mars
You put your efforts into helping others now. This is a good time to become involved with support groups or youth
organizations where your participation provides guidance, love, education, and nurturing to these individuals. Or
you may enjoy activities which focus on family interests and hobbies. Also, this may represent a period when your
self-determination and drive inspires you to take the initiative in fulfilling your obligations and duties in your
personal or professional life.
If you have children, this suggests that you will take a more authoritative role in their rearing and upbringing and
encourage them toward autonomy and self-appreciation.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Mars
You are apt to get easily angered if family members or loved ones put their personal needs above your own. If the
obligations and demands of the people you care about are overtaxing your energies, then you may find yourself
giving inadequate love, nurturing, and appreciation to these individuals. There is an urgent need to satisfy your
own self interests and to directly challenge any imposition on your personal space. At this time, you must learn to
control your impulses and actions in order to improve domestic harmony in your life.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Jupiter
The accent is on your personal needs at this time. You may feel an urge to expand your awareness beyond the
everyday duties and responsibilities of your work or domestic life. This is an excellent time to pursue higher
knowledge in fields such as education, healing services, or in the esoteric realm. This can be a favorable period in
the handling of legal affairs, children’s education, or increasing religious and spiritual values in the family unit.
New acquaintances from faraway places may prove helpful to your own personal growth or aspirations as well.
You may feel an inclination to increase the family circle, either by having children or possibly by having someone
else come to live in your home. You may be taking on a larger role in your caretaking responsibilities; however,
you can still manage ways to allow for your personal growth in the process.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Jupiter
Extra responsibilities may appear now regarding your family or domestic life. At this time you may find increased
demands placed upon you with regard to nurturing, caretaking, or domestic concerns. You find it difficult to
decline the needs of loved ones, leading you to feel overburdened with responsibilities. Balancing your own
interests with loved ones is difficult to achieve at this time. Personal overindulgence in areas in which you nurture
yourself, such as overeating, self-pampering or exaggerated possessiveness toward your loved ones will become
annoying to others. Someone living at a distance, a relative or friend, may cause you concern and you may feel
obligated to provide them with either personal, emotional, or financial assistance.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Jupiter
Both the home environment and workplace can pose dilemmas for you at this time. Travel and business
transactions can prove stressful. There may be legal affairs which arise now and prove to be costly later on. In
your personal life, you or your loved ones may overindulge in personal pleasures, such as eating junk foods,
overspending, or satisfying addictive habits such as gambling, smoking, or alcohol. The home atmosphere may
seem like a battleground, with everyone’s needs and desires in abundance, leaving you less time for your own
individual freedom. This can be a time when you must sacrifice many hours of pleasure for career purposes or
family demands. If you are a parent, your children may avoid their duties and responsibilities at school or in the
home, thereby increasing your involvement with their education or discipline. On a personal level, there may be a
need to modify your diet, as you may find yourself overeating in order to compensate for being inadequately
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Jupiter
Fortunate experiences and displays of generosity are in abundance. General good fortune and successful financial
gains are obtained through expanding your creative or career goals. Your personal needs and caretaking abilities
are in tune with your loved ones, and great strides can be made in fulfilling family needs. This is a time when
legal affairs should prove to be beneficial, and there is a possibility of an inheritance or of receiving much needed
financial assistance at this time. The sharing of household responsibilities and nurturing needs are cooperative and
easily handled. Health matters may improve under this astrological influence. Benefits may also come through
your involvement with children, or a desire to expand your family unit could be felt at this time.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Jupiter
There is a possibility now that you may wish to extend yourself to someone by offering them food, shelter,
protection, or caretaking. You are well prepared to handle this task, as your bountiful supply of sympathetic and
compassionate qualities overwhelms even you at this time, and you are convinced you have enough energy and
vitality to take care of everyone! You may be enjoying good health and good fortune and wish to share your
happiness with others. You do not want to passively sit back and watch from the sidelines as you wish to share in
the creation of new ideas and projects with others. In any case, what you give of yourself at this time is returned to
you in abundance.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Jupiter
Family members and loved ones put additional strain on you. There can be new conditions to contend with in your
domestic environment. For instance, there may be an increase in the personal needs of others or an increase in
expenses for the care of your family. You may desire more freedom from your duties and responsibilities in order
to pursue your personal aspirations. However, you must balance this desire with your obligations to nourish the
primary relationships in your life.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Saturn
Your desire to achieve personal ambition is highlighted. The ability to handle responsibilities and outline definite
goals and purposes is important to you. Your emotions are kept under control and your accomplishments will
provide you with a strong sense of self-worth. Leadership roles are likely, as you feel it is your duty to protect and
serve others. Important opportunities may present themselves which require commitment on your part. You feel
extremely responsible and protective toward your loved ones. There may be a situation where you are obligated to
provide care for an elderly parent or loved one and you handle this role with reliability and patience. This can be a
time when children face many responsibilities and demanding school situations and you may be called in to
provide assistance in helping them. In addition, you have the motivation to further your goals and objectives with
respect to your public image.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Saturn
Family members, children, or someone else in your domestic or professional environment may show coldness or
lack of warmth and understanding in their dealings with you. Difficult decisions may be made regarding home or
career. You may be aspiring toward a job promotion or perhaps you wish to delegate more authority within the
home environment. Avoid making unnecessary changes or decisions in these areas as compromise is almost
impossible at this time. You will meet with resistance to your protectiveness and nurturing as others react with
indifference to your concern for them. Trying to care for another while managing your career and personal needs
may cause minor health upsets now. Allow yourself an opportunity to improve your dietary habits and nutritional
intake of healthy foods.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Saturn
Burdens placed on you by family members, especially children, will result in limitations and restrictions in your
personal life at this time. A parent, child, or other loved one may feel neglected or require additional protection
and nurturing which causes periods of tension in the home. Older children may have disagreements with their
father and feel torn about their role in the family. It is a period of time when normal caretaking issues regarding
the raising of children or the care of an elderly parent involves burdens and obligations which create upsets and
interference with your personal objectives. You receive little recognition for your efforts to provide care for others
and sense a feeling of doubt, frustration, or lack of faith in those around you. This is not a time to take on
additional responsibilities in career or home situations, as you already feel overtaxed in these areas.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Saturn
This is a good time to develop your skills or further your education in the healing professions such as counseling,
nursing, or medicine or in a government field. You have a strength of purpose in your abilities to provide love and
care for others and to use sound judgment in your dealings with them. Business trends are favorable and you may
be selected to take on an additional role in your career. Your home life increases in enjoyment and there may be
the possibility of responsibilities being lifted as another person in the family assumes your tasks. A parent or child
or mate may supply your needs with sincere concern and caring.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Saturn
This is a period when you can effectively carry out both your domestic and career obligations with productivity,
growth, and practical decision making. The achievements you accomplish add to your self-acceptance and self-
esteem. There will be an active interest in parental responsibilities and you are eager to prove to family members
your loyalty and dedication. You have the capability to teach others the skills to be self-reliant, as well as provide
them with the proper tools to succeed in the outside world.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Saturn
Domestic responsibilities may seem like a burden at this time. In order to carry out your obligations to family
members and loved ones, you will have to make some adjustments. If your concern and care is too serious or
rigid, then you need to show more love, approval, and appreciation toward the people you care about. You may
even be denying your own needs for emotional gratification within your closest relationships. There can be
tension and difficulty with parents, children, a mate, or people in authority, and you might be forced to re-examine
your expectations of them.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Uranus
During this period, you may take a fresh new approach to your caretaking and domestic responsibilities. Loved
ones and family members will be glad you support their individuality as well as provide them with visions and
ideals. Instead of catering to every whim, you may give your children, mate, or other loved one more personal
freedom and independence now. You may also experience friendships now which take on a more caring and
protective element but also allow you the freedom to pursue your other essential needs. Your intuitive capabilities
are limitless and you easily can sense other people’s desires and needs and therefore know what kind of support or
help to deliver. Your acute sense of timing in this regard can inspire others to gravitate toward you for care and
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Uranus
Circumstances now can bring about unexpected or upsetting experiences in the home environment. Changes or
reversals of roles regarding family needs and caretaking are possible. Children, friends, and loved ones challenge
the existing conditions, often breaking the status quo within the family. Rebellious behavior or criticism directed
toward you leads to arguments and separations. This may be brought on by outside pressure from friends or peers,
or by unanticipated events. For instance, a parent may suddenly find themselves being the sole provider or
nurturer for the family unit. You may wish for closer family unity. However, conditions exist where you must find
outside time for personal freedom. There may be problems in trusting your own intuition now, and, therefore, you
have difficulty in choosing the best alternatives for dealing with these new changes in your environment.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Uranus
Domestic and caretaking duties can interfere with some of your personal plans. You experience conflict between
your desire to give in to the needs and concerns of others and your urge to spread your wings with daring
independence. While taking a risk in pursuing your own self-interests may feel exhilarating to you at this time,
family members will suffer from the lack of nurturing and emotional connection with you. Arguments and
temporary separations can occur from the level of stress felt in the home environment. In the workplace, this can
manifest as your overtaxing your system with too many projects, lack of tact, or your appearing nervous and
restless due to your desire to look into new fields of employment. Sudden shifts or changes in departments may
require you to adjust to new conditions. While this influence is only temporary, changes that occur may have the
effect of shocking you into more awareness of a need to become self-sufficient.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Uranus
An excellent time to attend seminars or educational, spiritual, or healing conventions with groups, clubs, or
organizations. A busy, yet enjoyable, period for gathering with friends where the unexpected can happen at any
moment! Family members may feel like doing new and exciting things together and you will wish to share in
these experiences. This is a time when your personal freedom issues are acceptable within your social circle.
Children, as well as other family members, may feel more self-sufficient and less dependent upon you to satisfy
their individual needs.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Uranus
You respect the rights of the people you care about at this time. In addition, you feel the urge to encourage others
to explore and accept themselves and their own original ideals and rights as individuals. You may become
involved with support groups or associations affiliated with humanitarian issues, in which you meet people who
inspire your visions and goals. In fact, friends and group activities are the main source of your nurturing at this
time. As for the members of your family, you will support their personal freedom, allowing them to develop self-
reliance and trust in their own abilities or intuition. If you have children, you can respect their individuality, but
you must still provide them with guidelines and provisions.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Uranus
At this time, you are less dependent upon your partner, children, or parents to take care of your personal needs.
You are more likely to resist structured family bonds and attachments, preferring to seek companionship with new
friends and acquaintances, peers, or organizations, renewing your interest in activities outside of your domestic
life. If there is a loved one who seeks an emotional closeness to you, as well as your concern and attention, then
there may be strain and difficulties within the relationship now. Either you or the other individual must learn to
adapt to these new conditions, or there can be a sudden dissolution of the partnership.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Neptune
You do your best to support and care for family members at this time. Feelings of compassion and warmth toward
those you love and protect are the basic principles on which your nurturing qualities operate during this time
period. A feeling of unconditional love and true ability to sympathize with loved ones is brought out in you, and
your ability to heal and help others can be felt on both a spiritual and physical level. Self-sacrifice and the desire
to provide care and protection to family members is rewarding to you. You experience a deep longing for
emotional and spiritual connections when you selflessly give to others.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Neptune
Miscommunications can occur in your domestic environment at this time. Judgment and decision making is
impaired in your handling of everyday responsibilities. This may be caused by a lack of interest in your
surroundings or oversensitivity to the emotions of the people you care about. Misconceived perceptions about
your individual needs versus the desires of others can cause confrontations and situations which drain your energy.
This is a time when you can be easily seduced into a co-dependency relationship, in which you are completely
unaware of losing your sense of self worth. Most people will experience a mildly confusing period which
interferes with productive nurturing toward others.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Neptune
You may feel overly dependent on loved ones at this time. The emotional support and nurturing you receive in
your domestic or romantic life may be fraught with disappointment and victimization. Necessary adjustments will
include a need to focus on realistic perceptions of loved ones and their abilities to adequately alleviate your
emotional neediness. Lack of compassion, dissipated energy, and weakened intuition interfere with your ability to
help and heal others. This is a time when insensitivity prevails in the home and there is confusion over who is to
provide the security and care in order for the family unit to operate functionally. Children may appear aloof and
evasive, experience mood swings, or act irresponsibly toward their duties.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Neptune
You respond to the needs of loved ones more readily at this time. You are most receptive to emotional healing
from within by selflessly offering aid, love, and compassion to those who are suffering or in need. Your empathy
and sensitivity toward others softens the pain they are experiencing in dealing with personal issues. Through
nurturing others, you can be relieving your own grief or sorrow over past conditions which you wish to release.
Family relations can be sensitized to your influence and the healing rays of energy you provide to others will
benefit anyone within the family structure.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Neptune
You seek deep involvement with family members and loved ones now. You feel compassionate toward your mate
or children and have the desire to help them alleviate their fears or worries. During this period, you can offer the
people you care about emotional support and inspirational love without requiring them to reciprocate in return.
Your thoughts turn toward extending yourself to others who are disadvantaged or suffering hardship. You may
offer them shelter, food, or comfort at this time, as your nurturing and healing qualities are brought to the surface.
Volunteer or charity work in hospitals or institutions is favorable at this time.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Neptune
You feel confused, anxious, and at a loss to see things as they really are in your intimate relationships. You
fluctuate between craving sensitivity and compassion from those dearest to you and retreating into a fantasy world
of your own making. There can be real or imagined rejection, impositions, or deceit within your family and closest
personal relations, causing a breakdown of your ability to give and receive love, care, and affection.
You may not be able to find a perfect solution for the problems in your domestic environment because you have a
tendency to be indecisive and passive now. It would be best to wait until a time when you can gain a more realistic
perspective of the situation.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Pluto
Domestic and personal involvements are accented now. You seek nurturing experiences through a profound
emotional exchange with others. There may be a intense desire to create and nurture life. The knowledge that you
gain during this time transforms your beliefs as to your ability to have loved ones and create offspring. Alterations
in your home environment or relationships can occur with regard to issues of control, co-dependency, or changes
in your ability to nurture relationships. You may be forced to assume sole responsibility for taking care of family
members. This can also be a time of finding new ways to deal with grief and sorrow. You may acknowledge that
you must release a bond with someone you love and care for in order to let go and begin a new cycle of personal
growth and renewal.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Pluto
Family members and loved ones may not appreciate your intense manner at this time. You may attempt to impose
your cherished beliefs and compulsive desires onto the people you love and care about. You may feel others would
benefit from improving their domestic responsibilities or dietary habits and other areas which you think need to be
changed. The problem is that you come on with such unyielding force or obsession at this time that power
struggles develop and others oppose your views or feel overwhelmed by any manipulation on your part. The
individuals in your care may wish you would lighten up and allow them freedom to act on their own. On a
subconscious level, you may be nurturing in an intense manner because of an underlying fear of loss or
separations from loved ones. If you are divorced and have children, custody battles can be bitter and difficult to
resolve, sometimes to the point where one parent is denied access to the offspring. You or your former spouse may
have tremendous resistance to sharing the children, or one of you may have inadequate funds to financially
support and care for them.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Pluto
Emotional and intense confrontations may arise within your family or personal life. Contain your need to control
the people you love and care for. You may feel an urgency to shelter and protect these individuals, but
circumstances occur now that threaten the security you deem necessary. For example, one of these people may
force you to alter your current living situation by leaving home, or you may find love relationships breaking up
due to jealousy and control issues. There may be a disagreement regarding the discipline and rearing of children in
the household, which further aggravates an already tense situation. On the other hand, transforming experiences
can occur now, such as your dealing with grief and sorrow and letting go of loved ones or of your most cherished
ideas and desires.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Pluto
The care of and concern for loved ones take on a deeper meaning for you now. You experience a renewal of trust
and acceptance in your most intimate relationships. You may have an intense effect on others during this period,
where your care and understanding helps guide them through difficult emotional or physical transitions. This is an
excellent time to transform your creative visions and ideals into actuality. If you are in the medical, nursing, or
healing professions, this is a time when you will be especially proficient in rehabilitating those in your care.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Pluto
During this period, you may have a yearning to connect with others in powerful and intense emotional or sexual
exchanges. The urge to demonstrate your virility or your ability to create something (including offspring) is
strong. The willingness to take care of others and feel bonded to them is your top priority. As long as you respect
the wishes and rights of family members and the people you love, the transformations that occur in your
relationships will have a beneficial effect upon everyone involved.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Pluto
Unavoidable changes and intense conflicts can occur in your closest and cherished relationships. Family members
and loved ones display compulsive emotional needs and desires, and you may be coerced or persuaded into
fulfilling their demands. Or unconscious motivations, stemming from past experiences, might arise, leading you to
cling to your mate, children, or parents in an unhealthy or destructive manner. It will be difficult to let go of
emotional attachments at this moment, although power struggles with others may force you to confront and deal
with this issue. You must learn to re-examine and release your possessive tendencies and concentrate on becoming
more sympathetic and compassionate toward the people in your care and concern.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Ascendant
During this time period, you will experience a softening of your personality and ego drives. You enjoy your role as
a parent and show the more nurturing side of yourself to others. Your concern and sympathy for family members
and loved ones and their warm responsiveness toward you fosters your own growth and self-acceptance. Since
you may appear to others as more “motherly” or supportive, people will to gravitate toward you for emotional
warmth, affection, and caretaking.
You may find you enjoy being around children and involved with their education, nurturing, or activities at this
time. You may also desire to improve your personal appearance by shedding a few pounds or even pampering
yourself. Gardening or working with plants and flowers may also bring personal satisfaction.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Ascendant
A dose of tender loving care may be needed in a close relationship at this time. You may have to increase the
amount of nurturing and support you give to your spouse, children, or other loved ones as well how much you
require in return. You or a loved one may be feeling less concern for the other’s personal interests and needs. You
must learn to integrate your mutual needs for love and acceptance by opening the lines of communication between
the two of you. This is also a time when you should take care of your health, such as developing better dietary
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Ascendant
You may be concerned over your ability to take care of your family or career responsibilities. You feel you are
being tested as to whether or not you can effectively manage your authority and status in these areas. You can
encounter stressful situations and disputes with loved ones and co-workers who feel your interests are in other
directions, while you perceive yourself as struggling to fulfill everyone else’s needs. This will personally make
you feel less secure or unloved during this unsettling, yet brief, period. One area you should not neglect is your
own physical and emotional health. Find time to pamper yourself and take a break from the daily pressures you
experience now.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Ascendant
You now find it easier to act in response to other people’s needs and desires. The cooperation, as well as the
personal concern you receive from those you love, instills in you the desire to establish strong family bonds and
values. This is a period when you are able to effectively harmonize your career or creative ideas with those of
other people in your surroundings. Your health condition or that of a loved one may improve under this
astrological influence. You feel and express more sympathy and compassion in your nurturing role toward others.
You may utilize this time to take up new hobbies which interest you, such as creative projects, gardening, cooking,
or learning more about the healing services, or you may find simple pleasure in taking care of children and family
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Ascendant
This time can be spent sharing and participating in family activities or in pursuing creative endeavors. You feel a
bit more energy and vitality in your domestic relationships. This may be because you give them with your
undivided attention and show concern for the interests of others. You want everyone in your family circle to reap
the benefits of good health, sound nutrition, and security. It is easier for you to take care of others now and
provide them with assurance of your reliability. This is an excellent time for involvement with children, as they
sense your confidence and therefore feel more secure and protected in your care.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Ascendant
Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during
this period. Your fears of rejection, abandonment, and separation may be projected onto your mate, children, and
other loved ones. Relationships will remain stressful and in turmoil until you can release your feelings of
inadequacy and incompetence in giving and receiving supportive family nurturing and care. You need to
experience self-love and acceptance, either from those you care about or by letting go of your own critical beliefs.
On the positive side, you can emerge from this period with more compassion and sensitivity toward loved ones,
once you free yourself from being too dependent upon them.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres conjunct Natal Midheaven
Vocational pursuits can interfere with your personal involvements at this time. You may feel torn between your
need to show your creative ideas and career aspirations to the outside world and your desire to maintain
supremacy and authority in your domestic environment. You may be feeling pressure on both ends, especially if
you have children, as their needs seem to interfere more with your own desires. Or you may be yearning to change
your profession but you receive resistance from your parents or spouse.
If you are in a field such as medical, educational, social services, food preparation, or healing services, you may
receive recognition and a possible promotion. If you are involved in caring for a child, your taking more interest
in your professional pursuits could provide a new challenge to your family responsibilities.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres opposite Natal Midheaven
Family caretaking issues may be in direct conflict with your career projects and plans. You may be encountering
situations where your work takes precedence over your role in the home so that family members disapprove of
your lack of attention to their needs and desires. You may be working extra long hours to provide for their security
and protection; however, they misread your good intentions. In either the area of home or work, you feel
especially bombarded by pressure. You may need to take a stand in your own defense either at work or home
because other people defy your authority or challenge your status.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres square Natal Midheaven
You may need to take charge of an unsettled situation in your domestic life at this time. This period can indicate
the need to establish guidelines and provisions in your home environment. Children or other family members may
display a lack of emotional control with regard to their habits, desires, and objectives. You may have to take an
authoritative position and set limits on their demands. On the other hand, you may personally have to address your
career aspirations and your status in the outer world. There are adjustments to deal with in your work, such as a
supervisor or co-worker exerting pressure on your job performance, or changes of schedule. Authority figures may
infringe upon your developing new concepts and creative ideas.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres trine Natal Midheaven
This is a favorable period for home responsibilities and career opportunities or advancement. Your ideals and
aspirations are easily transmitted to your children, family members, or authority figures, who become willing to
assist you and support your efforts. If you are involved with child care or the healing professions, you are more
aware of your social responsibility in this realm. During this time, your self-acceptance is not only based upon
what you can accomplish in the outside world, but on your family values and structures.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres sextile Natal Midheaven
Domestic and professional responsibilities run smoothly at this time. You are practical about your goals and use
common sense in dealing with associates. You are reliable and dependable in matters dealing with caretaking,
career, and social obligations. You can deal effectively now with people in authority. However, this is a good time
to develop a balance between your work drive and your need to have fun and entertain yourself in your
community. This can be a wonderful period if you can partake in periods of relaxation and play, while also
managing your professional and domestic life.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.
Transiting Ceres quincunx Natal Midheaven
Problems can arise in either your domestic or work environment which result in impositions and adjustments in
your personal or professional life. For instance, you may have to accept more duties and obligations to your mate,
children, or other family members, causing you to become upset over neglecting your own needs and aspirations.
Conflicts with your employer or supervisor require clarification of your job responsibilities and position in the
company. Decisions that you make at this time demand that you do some mature, sensible thinking before taking
action of any sort.
Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates
given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

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