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Luna în tranzit pătrat Natal Soare

Acest tranzit poate indica conflict între ceea ce doriți și ceea ce aveți nevoie. S-ar putea să fiți motivați
să lucrați la rezolvarea oricăror probleme continue cu care vă confruntați, dar sunteți apt să fiți destul de
iritabil și nervos acum, din cauza lipsei de armonie interioară. Se pare că nu puteți ignora problemele
sau pur și simplu le lăsați să treacă. Relațiile de familie sunt destul de tensionate.

Luna în tranzit pătrat Natal Mercur

Erorile de judecată, datorate prejudecăților personale sau emoției, sunt apt să apară. Starea ta de spirit
îți colorează foarte mult gândirea chiar acum. Cu toate acestea, puteți purta discuții fructuoase cu
prietenii apropiați sau cu membrii familiei.

Luna tranzitorie quincunx Natal Venus

Achizițiile impulsive bazate pe un impuls emoțional nu sunt recomandate în acest
moment. Sunteți apt să vă lăsați pe ceva care mai târziu se dovedește că nu vi se
potrivește deloc.
Tentația de a depăși limitele bugetare sau dietetice este, de asemenea, destul de
puternică, dar de scurtă durată.

Transiting Moon
Moon transits only last for a few hours at most. The moon affects our emotions, and the effects are
strongest during a full or new moon.  Because the moons transits are so fleeting, they aren’t as
powerful as outer planet transits, however, they are very good for timing of important events.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Sun
This transit can be thought of as a personal New Moon. It is a good time for new beginnings. Your
vitality and personal impact on others is higher now. You experience inner harmony now which is likely
to draw attention to yourself without trying or to receive some special recognition. Relations with others
flow smoothly.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Sun
Positive feelings and high self-confidence make this a good time to go out, meet with people, or get
some recognition and support for creative projects. However, there can be a lack of harmony between
your personal and professional life, or there may be conflict between your instincts and what you feel
you should do.
Transiting Moon square Natal Sun
This transit can indicate conflict between what you want and what you need. You may be motivated to
work at resolving any ongoing problems you may be dealing with, but you’re apt to be rather irritable
and edgy now also due to the lack of inner harmony. You can’t seem to ignore problems or just let them
pass. Family relations are rather tense.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Sun
Positive feelings and inner harmony engender smooth and comfortable relations with others at this
time. Your intuition or gut feelings are apt to be right on the mark.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Sun
Social relationships, friendships, and supportive alliances are strengthened now. Your energy and
confidence are high and you can accomplish much in a harmonious, flowing manner right now.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Sun
A minor emotional disequilibrium or feeling of being off-center is apt to disrupt your day. You are in a bit
of a funk which, fortunately, is apt to be short-lived. However, major decisions or appointments are best
postponed until you are feeling more balanced.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Moon
Your moods, feelings, and instincts rule you and you’re apt to act out of emotion or habit rather than
reason or conscious choice. You seek the known, comfortable, and familiar, and you’re disinclined to
confront new people or situations. It may be uncomfortable for you to be away from your home at this
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Moon
Buried or neglected emotions come to the surface. Memories and concerns from the past arise.
Interactions with parents, children, or significant others in your life trigger strong emotions now.
Transiting Moon square Natal Moon
You’re more moody, oversensitive, or touchy than usual, and your irritability is apt to provoke discord in
your immediate environment. Relations with parents, children, or other close associates are tense.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Moon
Your rapport and empathy with others is flowing well now. Supportive alliances are formed or
strengthened, and family solidarity and kinship ties are emphasized.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Moon
Sympathetic and mutually supportive contacts can be established easily now. You experience feelings
of well being, contentment, and emotional harmony both within yourself and with those in your
immediate environment.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Moon
Emotionally (and possibly physically as well) you are apt to feel out of sorts, congested, or stuffy.
Unbidden emotions or childish behavior surface now also, perhaps as just a passing mood or in
response to others. You are affected more than usual by subjective influences, the emotional tone of
your surroundings, the feeling of the place you are in. It is a good time to make adjustments or
refinements in your home.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Mercury
Communication along personal lines, such as corresponding with a friend or telephoning a relative, are
favored. Memories, thoughts of the past, or even fragments of dreams come into your mind.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Mercury
This is a good time to phone friends or family, write personal letters, or record any thoughts or feelings
that you have. Emotions and personal biases are apt to cloud your objectivity, however, so you may
wish to postpone activities that require strict logic and clarity.
Transiting Moon square Natal Mercury
Errors in judgment, due to personal prejudices or emotion, are apt to occur. Your mood very much
colors your thinking right now. You can have fruitful discussions with your close friends or family
members, however.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Mercury
Memories, thoughts, and conversations about the past and personal, intimate discussions are featured.
This is a good time to reach out to family members and get (or keep) a flow of communication going.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Mercury
Communicating with neighbors, friends, and family is accentuated. This is a good time to establish
friendly relations at work also. Gossip and trivial conversation are temptations now.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Mercury
Subjective influences, subtle prejudices, or personal biases color your thoughts and decisions more
than you realize right now. Interactions with children or family members can be a bit frustrating, as if you
are repeating the “same old words” and not really getting anywhere. On the other hand, things you may
have felt for some time but have not voiced may pop out of you unexpectedly, creating some minor
tension or embarrassment.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Venus
You feel love, affection, harmony with others, and a need for beauty in your surroundings. Doing
something to add to the attractiveness of your environment or appearance will make you happy.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Venus
Social and personal relationships are smooth and harmonious, especially if you show the affection and
tenderness you are feeling now.
Transiting Moon square Natal Venus
Right now you feel a need for sweetness – perhaps in the form of emotional and physical affection, or
even of food. You are apt to be pleasantly self-indulgent.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Venus
Loving family relationships and warm personal and social contacts are emphasized now. This is a good
time to create goodwill and trust between yourself and others.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Venus
Sharing your hospitality, entertaining, giving something special and personal to a friend, and other
loving gestures are emphasized now. You are apt to feel relaxed and pleasantly unambitious now.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Venus
Impulsive purchases based on an emotional urge are not recommended at this time. You are apt to
splurge on something which later on turns out not to suit you at all. The temptation to override budget or
dietary limits is also quite strong, but short-lived.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Mars
Your sexual and aggressive energies are stimulated, and you take the initiative. Emotional outbursts
and impatience are also likely. You’re in a combative, energetic mood.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Mars
Blowups in the domestic sphere are likely, as you aren’t feeling very patient or conciliatory. Passionate
feelings of all kinds are aroused.
Transiting Moon square Natal Mars
Your competitive, aggressive, and/or sexual energies are stimulated, and your temper is apt to be
aroused also. Patience, especially with family members, is in short supply.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Mars
You are in an eager, confident mood and this is a good time for any competitive endeavor or anything
that requires a lot of energy.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Mars
Shared enthusiasm for some project or athletic event is accentuated now. This is a good time to
coordinate your efforts with others and really get something started.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Mars
You are feeling testy and contentious, which can lead you to rashly say or do something you will later
regret. Try not to put yourself into situations which you know from experience try your patience; you will
be in short supply now. On the other hand, you may be the target of others’ frustrations and anger,
whether justified or not, so try not to make their problem your problem by responding tit for tat… a
headache or even an accident could result.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Jupiter
Social events, cultural activities, and entertainment are highly favored. You feel good and can enjoy
yourself. There’s a tendency to overindulge in food or other comforts.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Jupiter
Relationships with females are highly favorable now, and you benefit from seeking out social and
emotional connections with them. Your mood is expansive and open, and you may overdo in some way
– overspend, overeat, or commit yourself to something you really don’t have the resources for.
Transiting Moon square Natal Jupiter
You feel lucky and are apt to overestimate yourself or the possibilities in some situation. Don’t over
commit yourself or promise too much, as you’re apt to feel foolish or overextended later. Your mood is
jovial, however, and social relations are good.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Jupiter
This is a fortunate time for you, emotionally and possibly in other respects also. A woman can act as a
benefactor to you in some way. Social activities are favored also.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Jupiter
You’ll want to be with people now – entertaining or enjoying some light entertainment. Personal
relationships, particularly with females, are favored.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Jupiter
In a rather fleeting mood of expansiveness and generosity, you offer a service or donation which is
more than you can really afford. Purchasing on impulse is not recommended either, as it is apt to be a
rather frivolous and/or regrettable choice. You are in the mood for diversion now, which is fine as long
as it doesn’t cost you too much in the long run.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Saturn
You’re feeling quiet, somber, realistic, and contained. If a dark mood comes over you, know that it is
temporary. You tend to see things more pessimistically than usual right now.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Saturn
This is a good time for solitude, quiet, or contemplative activities and rest. Your spirits may be
temporarily depressed, so take some time for yourself. Others may criticize you or show little emotional
warmth at this time.
Transiting Moon square Natal Saturn
Duties and obligations seem burdensome or at least emotionally restricting to you, and you may feel
self-pity or temporarily down in the dumps. You are not in a sociable, gregarious mood no matter what
surroundings you find yourself in.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Saturn
Any activity that requires self-control, self-discipline, and concentrated focus will be of benefit now.
Relations with elders are favored also. You are in a quiet, reflective, meditative mood.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Saturn
This is a calm, balanced, rather quiet time. You keep to yourself pretty much and can get some practical
chores accomplished.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Saturn
A need for solitude and a disinclination to socialize or get distracted from more pressing matters colors
your mood. You may act, feel, or appear aloof and detached. Heed your desire for quietness,
peacefulness, and depth, or you are apt to simply feel lonely and left out no matter how many people
you are surrounded with. You are feeling rather somber.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Uranus
Restlessness, nervous haste, and rashness can be something of a problem, for you act on impulse and
may be out of sync with your environment.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Uranus
A sudden, unexpected encounter may catch you off guard. You’re also apt to throw routine to the wind
and do something quite out of character for you.
Transiting Moon square Natal Uranus
You feel a bit wild or impulsive and may act in an impulsive manner which could embarrass you later.
Emotional outbursts are also possible, especially if you’ve been feeling especially constrained or
Transiting Moon trine Natal Uranus
You feel a desire for emotional stimulation and a taste of something new. Try a new restaurant or vary
your routine in some way. You tend to act on impulse.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Uranus
You’re dissatisfied with the “same old tune” you’ve been playing or listening to from others, and now
you’re apt to do something different. You’re drawn to the unfamiliar.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Uranus
You are in an independent or defiant mood, and you chafe at routine and formalities. However, if you
have a great deal of freedom and flexibility in your life at present, you will be in a wild mood and might
decide to change your plans for the day quite suddenly and spontaneously. This may upset people who
were counting on you more than it bothers you at the moment.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Neptune
You are compassionate, sympathetic, and highly emotional now. Also, your imagination is activated and
you may be inspired by some unusual daydream or fleeting thought.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Neptune
Your perceptions of others are rather fuzzy now. You tend to see just what you want to see or to
fantasize a bit too much about another person. Your empathy increases also and you feel “soft” at this
Transiting Moon square Natal Neptune
Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. Dreaminess,
nostalgia, or moodiness may be hard to resist.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Neptune
Your imagination is activated and you’re inclined to feel rather passive & dreamy, or creatively inspired.
Music or art moves you very much now.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Neptune
Your artistic sensitivity, intuition, and imagination are stimulated. A fleeting impression or intuition is apt
to be correct.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Neptune
A mysterious, dreamy, or hypersensitive mood comes over you. You may want to retreat from mundane
life into some beautiful music, inspirational or escapist literature, or simply your own imagination. You
are also gullible at this time and more responsive to atmospherics and subtle vibrations, which you
might ignore or be oblivious to at other times. Perfume, incense, colors, lighting, etc. all have a more
pronounced effect on you. You may have a temporary lapse in good judgment and common sense.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Pluto
Intense, irrationally strong or compelling feelings emerge now and intimate relationships are deeply
emotional. You’re apt to overreact.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Pluto
You may find something you believed to be lost or irretrievable. Things that have been forgotten or
hidden come to the surface. Old issues in your personal relationships arise once again also.
Transiting Moon square Natal Pluto
Beware of a tendency to overreact, to go to extremes, or to try to force your intentions on others
regardless of the appropriateness of your actions. A minor crisis in the domestic sphere or an emotional
confrontation is possible.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Pluto
You feel very strongly about something and are unlikely to be influenced or convinced otherwise. You
are moved very deeply by some person or some event. This is a good time to get your feelings out in
some way.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Pluto
You seek emotional depths – a very moving piece of music, an especially intimate, heart-to-heart
connection with a friend or loved one, or some emotional thrill. Your feelings are more intense and
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Pluto
Any compulsions or tendencies to emotional extremes will be triggered now. Your inner feelings,
especially ones you may habitually downplay or try to ignore such as neediness, guilt, jealousy,
passionate desire, or whatever you have been conditioned to believe is unacceptable about yourself,
will likely surface in some manner. You are apt to “overreact” to minor events or be gripped with concern
over something you see or read about, because these things stimulate memories or feelings of which
you are not often conscious.@
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Ascendant
Emotional impulses, moods, and childlike behavior or desires dominate you now and you are apt to do
what you feel like doing rather than what you need to or “should” do. All of your emotions are
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Ascendant
Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal
prejudices, tastes, and needs. You seek out the familiar and find ways to establish an emotional rapport
with other people. Differences between people or encountering strangers may bother you more than
Transiting Moon square Natal Ascendant
You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can’t quite get into a
comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish
impulses are stronger than usual.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Ascendant
Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.
You’re likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and
safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Ascendant
You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or
objects from your past. A nostalgic mood is accented.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Ascendant
Females in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be
unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Other people’s idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or
subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own.
You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. You will be
less open to and less successful with people or situations which are vastly different from the ones you
already know.
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Midheaven
At this time you are extremely subjective and your mood, emotionally-colored desires, and feelings rule
you. Though not a good time for rational judgments or decisions, you can be especially perceptive and
sensitive to those around you and you establish an emotional rapport with those in your environment
much more quickly.
Transiting Moon opposite Natal Midheaven
At this time your feelings and sensitivity are heightened, and you are prone to seek out a safe haven or
to shy away from public life. You feel moody and easily moved by whatever is happening in your
environment and less resistant to outside forces.
Transiting Moon square Natal Midheaven
What you feel like doing and your duties versus what you “should” be doing are likely to clash right now.
Emotional impulses are very strong, and you are likely to behave in a childlike manner at this time.
Transiting Moon trine Natal Midheaven
Feelings of nostalgia, sentimentality, and a yearning for closeness or a sense of emotional rapport are
accented now. Contacting people from your past or supportive friends is rewarding to you now.
Transiting Moon sextile Natal Midheaven
A need for support, sympathetic understanding, a sense of security and continuity with the past, and
sharing on an intimate, personal level is accented now. You respond to others much more emotionally
than you usually would.
Transiting Moon quincunx Natal Midheaven
Your desire for immediate gratification and personal comfort is somehow at odds with your desire to be
seen in a favorable light, especially by influential people or those in authority. You may be publicly
embarrassed or feel uncomfortably exposed. An uneasy balance between family responsibilities or
emotional considerations, and long range goals or your position and reputation is the theme of the

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