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^ 1I Nn^

^.\ lliUns
iLu'tl) iilaibutlio lliUrarp iI
The Malphoiio (icorjje Anton Kiraz ('olicction

LdVi \^~> ^ Lc» iouii, ja°Li3» L^i

I V> VIV 1-X rr> VI loou )000 ■-»■' i-> m Oi Ol

^lO L\mo 11oiXi-i. ^ L,-oajo I

1;-^ m loou l_;>um oC^
•:• o>^v_ao^]^ oi^ °io.M Looo^ I
Ainonc who asks tor this xoliinu', to
reach collate, or eop\ from it, .mil who
appropriates it to hmiselt or hefselt, or I
cuts ainthinp out ot it, shoulil re.ili/e £
that (s)he w ill h.i\e to ^l\e .mswer hi'tori-
( I oil’s .iwi'sonii' .is it (s;he h.iil
rohheil a s.mctii.iii. l it such .i pi rson hi'
helil .inathetn.i .mil reci'i\i' no torpt\eness
until the hook IS nturneil. ,^o hi- it.
Amen! \inl ,m\<me who ninoxes these, ilipit.tlK or othi-rwisi-, sh.i
hmiselt receix'e them m ilouhle.

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