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Elevi în situaţii

 Cloninger (1999) - ponderea eredităţii în determinismul celor 16 factori
identificaţi de Cattell:
 0.50 pentru factorul A (rece-cald),
 0.75 pentru factorul B (gândire concretă - gândire abstractă),
 0.40 pentru factorul C (instabilitate emoţională - stabilitate emoţională),
 0.25 pentru factorul E (supus - dominant),
 0.60 pentru factorul F (serios/ reţinut - entuziast),
 0.40 pentru factorul G (autoindulgent - conştiincios),
 0.40 pentru factorul H (timiditate - noninhibat),
 0.50 pentru factorul I (realist - sensibil),
 0.50 pentru factorul L (încrezător - bănuitor),
 0.40 pentru factorul M (practic - imaginativ),
 0.25 pentru factorul N (deschis, naiv - lucid, raţional, subtil),
 0.25 pentru factorul O (sigur pe sine - temător, îngrijorat),
 0.10 pentru factorul Q1 (conservator - liberal),
 0.25 pentru factorul Q2 (orientat spre grup - autosuficienţă),
 0.40 pentru factorul Q3 (nedisciplinat - controlat),
 0.10 pentru factorul Q4 (destins, relaxat - încordat).
Social Relationship Scale
(Allan H. McFarlane, 1981)
 Notaţi mai jos persoanele din familia dvs/ rudele dvs şi apreciaţi
efectul discuţiilor cu acestea. Bifaţi cu X varianta aleasă

 Discuţiile cu el/ ea  Ai mai vorbi cu

 Nume
- înrăutăţesc lucrurile mai mult
.................. el/ea
.... - înrăutăţesc lucrurile cât de cât
- Îmbunătăţesc lucrurile cât de
cât - DA, NU
- Îmbunătăţesc lucrurile în mare
The Social Support Questionnaire
 2. Whom could you really count on to help you if a person whom you thought was a good
friend insulted you
 and told you that he/she didn’t want to see you again?
 3. Whose lives do you feel that you are an important part of?
 4. Whom do you feel would help you if you were married and had just separated from your
 5. Whom could you really count on to help you out in a crisis situation, even though they
would have to go out
 of their way to do so?
 6. Whom can you talk with frankly, without having to watch what you say?
 7. Who helps you feel that you truly have something positive to contribute to others?
 8. Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under
 9. Whom can you really count on to be dependable when you need help?
 10. Whom could you really count on to help you out if you had just been fired from your
job or expelled from
 school?
 11. With whom can you totally be yourself?
 12. Whom do you feel really appreciates you as a person?
 13. Whom can you really count on to give you useful suggestions that help you to avoid
making mistakes?
 14. Whom can you count on to listen openly and uncritically to your innermost feelings?
 15. Who will comfort you when you need it by holding you in their arms?
 16. Whom do you feel would help if a good friend of yours had been in a car
accident and was hospitalized in
 serious condition?
 17. Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are
under pressure or tense?
 18. Whom do you feel would help if a family member very close to you died?
 19. Who accepts you totally, including both your worst and your best points?
 20. Whom can you really count on to care about you, regardless of what is
happening to you?
 21. Whom can you really count on to listen to you when you are very angry at
someone else?
 22. Whom can you really count on to tell you, in a thoughtful manner, when you
need to improve in some way?
 23. Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling
generally down-in-the-dumps?
 24. Whom do you feel truly loves you deeply?
 25. Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset?
 26. Whom can you really count on to support you in major decisions you make?
 27. Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are very
irritable, ready to get angry at
 almost anything?
The Social Dysfunction Rating
 Score each of the items as follows:
1. Not Present
2. Very
3. Mild
4. Moderate
5. Severe
6. Very severe
A. Self system
 1. ____________ Low self concept (feeling of
inadequacy, not measuring up to self ideal)
 2. ____________ Goallessness (lack of inner
motivation and sense of future orientation)
 3. ____________ Lack of a satisfying
philosophy or meaning of life (a conceptual
framework for integrating
 past and present experiences)
 4. ____________ Self-health concern
(preoccupation with physical health, somatic
Interpersonal system
 5. ____________ Emotional withdrawal (degree of
deficiency in relating to others)
 6. ____________ Hostility (degree of aggression toward
 7. ____________ Manipulation (exploiting of
environment, controlling at other’s expense)
 8. ____________ Over-dependency (degree of parasitic
attachment to others)
 9. ____________ Anxiety (degree of feeling of
uneasiness, impending doom)
 10. ____________ Suspiciousness (degree of distrust or
paranoid ideation)
Performance system
 11. ____________ Lack of satisfying relationships with significant persons
(spouse, children, kin, significant persons serving in a family role)
 12. ____________ Lack of friends, social contacts
 13. ____________ Expressed need for more friends, social contacts
 14. ____________ Lack of work (remunerative or non-remunerative,
productive work activities which normally give a sense of usefulness, status,
 15. ____________ Lack of satisfaction from work
 16. ____________ Lack of leisure time activities
 17. ____________ Expressed need for more leisure, self-enhancing and
satisfying activities
 18. ____________ Lack of participation in community activities
 19. ____________ Lack of interest in community affairs and activities which
influence others
 20. ____________ Financial insecurity
 21. ____________ Adaptive rigidity (lack of complex coping patterns to
 Cattel

 16 factori de personalitate:
 Schizotimie/ ciclotimie,
 Abilitate rezolutivă generală,
 Instabilitate/ stabilitate emoţională,
 Supunere/ Dominanţă,
 Expansivitate/ Nonexpansivitate,
 Supraeu slab/ Forţa supraeului,
 timiditate/ curaj,
 realist/ estetic,
 adaptat la ceilalţi/ neadaptat,
 practic, conştiincios/ neconvenţional excentric,
 Naivitate/ Subtilitate,
 Încredere/ Tendinţa de culpabilizare.
Tabel 360 grd

Participativ Creativ Cu iniţiativa ...

Comportament şi situaţie/context

 Fiecare situaţie activează anumite roluri şi

repertorii comportamentale datorită
normelor care sunt învăţate încă din
copilărie cu privire la modul de raportare,
iar în situaţii noi idividul apelează la
repertoriu comportamental de care
 Krause (1970) a identificat 7 clase
situaţionale sociale:

 munca/ activitatea de grup;

 tranzacţionarea/ schimbul;
 confruntarea;
 învăţarea supervizată;
 autocunoaşterea;
 ajutorarea;
 recreerea.
 Van Heck (1989, apud. ibid.) a obţinut o
taxonomie cu zece dimensiuni:
 conflict interpersonal;
 muncă în echipă şi schimb de idei, informaţii;
 relaţii interpersonale, intimitate;
 recreere;
 călătorie;
 ritualuri;
 sport;
 excese;
 ajutorare;
 tranzacţionare.
declansatori si
Noteaza ce se …… ………. ….. ……..
Isi face temele …….. ………. ……… …….
Incearca sa ………. …….. …….. …………
Se implica in ……. ………… …………. ………
Este atent …

Deseneaza Matematica, Aprox. 20 Zilnic 40% De la mijlocul

romana, min la orei pana la
geografie fiecare sfarsit.
Canta Romana, ed. 15min Zilnic 10% De la
civica inceputul orei.
Ameninta Ed.fizica 10 min 1 data pe sapt El are
colegii initiativa
Se uita pe …… ….. ….. …..
Noteaza …….. …… ….. …..
partial cele
intarzie ……. ….. ….. ….
Face remarci ……. …. ….. ….
Trimite …… …… ……. ……
The SCL-90
 nine primary symptom dimensions:

I. Somatization
II. Obsessive-compulsive
III. Interpersonal sensitivity
IV. Depression
V. Anxiety
VI. Hostility
VII. Phobic anxiety
VIII. Paranoid ideation
IX. Psychoticism
QUESTIONNAIRE 28 (Goldberg & Hillier 1979)

 A – somatic symptoms (items 1-7)

 B – anxiety/insomnia (items 8-14)
 C – social dysfunction (items 15-21)
 D – severe depression (items 22-28)

 GHQ (Acute) scoring methods (traditional

method); scores of:
0 for choices 1 and 2
 1 for choices 3 and 4
A – somatic symptoms (items 1-7)


 1. Been feeling perfectly well and in good health?

 2. Been feeling in need of a good tonic?

 3. Been feeling run down and out of sorts?

 4. Felt that you are ill?

 5. Been getting any pains in your head?

 6. Been getting a feeling of tightness or pressure in

B – anxiety/insomnia (items 8-14)

 8. Lost much sleep over worry?

 9. Had difficulty in staying asleep once you are


 10. Felt constantly under strain?

 11. Been getting edgy and bad-tempered?

 12. Been getting scared or panicky for no good

C – social dysfunction (items 15-21)

 15. Been managing to keep yourself busy and occupied?

 16. Been taking longer over the things you do?

 17. Felt on the whole you were doing things well?

 18. Been satisfied with the way you’ve carried out your

 19. Felt that you are playing a useful part in things?

 20. Felt capable of making decisions about things?

D – severe depression (items 22-28)

 22. Been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?

 23. Felt that life is entirely hopeless?

 24. Felt that life isn’t worth living?

 25. Thought of the possibility that you might make away

 yourself?

 26. Found at times you couldn’t do anything because

your nerves were too bad?
The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental
Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)
Below are some statements about feelings and
thoughts. Please tick the box that best describes
your experience of each over the last 2 weeks!
1 None of the time, 2 Rarely, 3 Some of the time, 4
Often, 5 All of the time.
 I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future

 I’ve been feeling useful

 I’ve been feeling relaxed

 I’ve been feeling interested in other people

 I’ve had energy to spare

 I’ve been thinking clearly

 I’ve been feeling good about myself

 I’ve been feeling close to other people

 I’ve been feeling confident

 I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things

 I’ve been feeling loved

 I’ve been interested in new things

 I’ve been feeling cheerful


 In general, I feel confident and positive about


 When I compare myself to friends and

acquaintances, it makes me feel good about
who I am

 In many ways, I feel disappointed about my

achievements in life

 When I look at the story of my life, I am

pleased with how things have turned out so far
Positive relations
 I often feel lonely because I have few close
friends with whom to share my concerns

 It seems to me that most other people have

more friends than I do

 People would describe me as a giving person,

willing to share my time with others

 Maintaining close relationships has been

difficult and frustrating for me

 I have not experienced many warm and

trusting relationships with others
 *I have confidence in my opinions even if they
are contrary to the general consensus

 *I have confidence in my own opinions, even if

they are different from the way most other
people think

 I am not afraid to voice my opinions, even

when they are in opposition to the opinions of
most people

 It’s difficult for me to voice my opinions on

controversial matters
Environmental mastery

 *I am quite good at managing the many

responsibilities of my daily life X
 *I am good at managing the responsibilities
of daily life X
 I have difficulty arranging my life in a way
that is satisfying to me X
 I have been able to create a lifestyle for
myself that is much to my liking X
 In general, I feel I am in charge of the
situation in which I live X
 The demands of everyday life often get me
Kashdan, T.B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F.D. (2004). Curiosity and
exploration: Facilitating positive subjective experiences and
personal growth opportunities. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 82, 291-305.

1. I would describe myself as someone who actively seeks

as much information as I can in a new situation.
2. When I am participating in an activity, I tend to get so
involved that I lose track of time.
3. I frequently find myself looking for new opportunities to
grow as a person (e.g., information, people, resources).
4. I am not the type of person who probes deeply into new
situations or things.
5. When I am actively interested in something, it takes a
great deal to interrupt me.
6. My friends would describe me as someone who is
“extremely intense” when in the middle of doing
7. Everywhere I go, I am out looking for new things or
Purpose in life
 I am an active person in carrying out the plans I set
for myself

 I don’t have a good sense of what it is I’m trying to

accomplish in life

 I sometimes feel as if I’ve done all there is to do in


 I used to set goals for myself, but that now seems

like a waste of time

 Some people wander aimlessly through life but I am

not one of them
Meaning in Life MLQ,
Steger, Frazier, Oishi, Kaler
 1 total adevarat, 7 total neadevarat
 1. I understand my life’s meaning.
 2. I am looking for something that makes my life feel
 3. I am always looking to find my life’s purpose.
 4. My life has a clear sense of purpose.
 5. I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful.
 6. I have discovered a satisfying life purpose.
 7. I am always searching for something that makes my life
feel significant.
 8. I am seeking a purpose or mission for my life.
 9. My life has no clear purpose.
 10. I am searching for meaning in my life.
MLQ syntax to create Presence and Search subscales: Presence = 1, 4, 5, 6, & 9-
reverse-coded, Search = 2, 3, 7, 8, & 10
Personal growth
 I have the sense that I have developed a lot as
a person over time

 When I think about it, I haven’t really improved

much as a person over the years

 I think it is important to have new experiences

that challenge how I think about myself and the

 For me, life has been a continuous process of

learning, changing, and growth
Personal Growth Initiative Scale
(PGIS) By Christine Robitschek,
 Using the scale below, circle the number which best describes the extent to which you
agree or disagree with each statement.
 1 = Definitely disagree, 2 = Mostly disagree, 3 = Somewhat disagree, 4 = Somewhat agree
5 = Mostly agree, 6 = Definitely agree.

1. I know how to change specific things that I want to change in

my life.
2. I have a good sense of where I am headed in my life.
3. If I want to change something in my life, I initiate the
transition process.
4. I can choose the role that I want to have in a group.
5. I know what I need to do to get started toward reaching my
6. I have a specific action plan to help me reach my goals.
7. I take charge of my life. 8. I know what my unique
contribution to the world might be.
9. I have a plan for making my life more balanced.
Activitate Scor
incapabil 0
are nevoie de ajutor ( de ex. pentru a tăia, întinde
Hrănire 5
untul, etc.) sau solicită o dietă modificată
independent 10

Activităţile Baie
are nevoie de ajutor pentru managementul feţei,
Aranjare/ îngrijire 0
părului, dinţilor, rasului
zilnice independenţă
are nevoie de ajutor, dar poate face cam jumătate
Îmbrăcat 5
din această activitate
independenţă (nasturi, fermoare, şireturi, etc.) 10
incontinenţă (are nevoie de adjuvante) 0
Intestin accident ocazional 5
continenţă 10
incontinenţă, incapabil să se descurce singur 0
Vezică urinară accident ocazional 5
continenţă 10
dependenţă 0
are nevoie de ajutor, dar parţial se descurcă şi
Utilizarea toaletei 5
independenţă 10
incapabil, nu are echilibru 0
are nevoie de ajutor major (una, două persoane),
Transfer (pat-scaun, 5
poate sta pe scaun
ajutor minor (verbal, fizic) 10
independenţă 15
imobil/ nu poate străbate 50 m 0
poate merge ajutat de dispozitive speciale > 50 m 5
Mobilitate (la nivel merge ajutat de o persoană (verbal sau fizic) > 50
exterior) 10
independent (dar poate ajutat de un obiect –
baston) > 50 m
incapabil 0
Urcare trepte are nevoie de ajutor (verbal, fizic) 5
independent 10
Modified Rankin score (1957) 9
Score Description
0 No symptoms at all
No significant disability despite symptoms; able to carry out all usual duties and
Slight disability; unable to carry out all previous activities, but able to look after own
affairs without assistance
3 Moderate disability; requiring some help, but able to walk without assistance
Moderately severe disability; unable to walk without assistance and unable to attend
to own bodily needs without assistance
Severe disability; bedridden, incontinent and requiring constant nursing care and
6 Dead
Anderson, C.A., Anderson, K.B., & Deuser, W.E. (1996). Examining an affective
aggression framework: Weapon and temperature effects on aggressive thoughts, affect,
and attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 366-376.

 1 very slightly or not at all, 2 a little 3 moderately, 4

quite a bit, 5 extremely

 ____active ____alert ____aroused ____depressed*

 ____drowsy* ____dull* ____energetic ____excited
 ____exhausted* ____fatigued* _forceful __inactive*
 ____lively ____powerful ____quiet* ____sharp
 ____sleepy* ____slow* ____sluggish* ____tired*
 ____vigorous ____weak* ____weary* ____worn-out*

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