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MIHAELA TUDOR sector 5 P.O. Box

Redactor ef; DORIN Stt, Dr. Staicovici cod 70700 Bucureti,

telefon; 637.69,00; 638.33 00 executat la Tipografia Familiei str General nr, 90, sector Bucureti ISBN 973-9059-29-5

Acest manual este conceput n vederea unei familiarizri rapide cu limba englez, sau pentru remprosptarea de limb englez de ctre cei care au vorbit-o, dar n-au mi utilizat-o mult vreme. Manualul este util i pentru cei ce doresc s fac o cltorie turistic sau de afaceri n ri vorbitoare de limb englez. Lucrarea cuprinde situaiile de baz stabilite de o comisie european specializat n studiile de limb i situaiile de dialog n cele mai diverse domenii. Majoritatea snt situaii de contacte sociale obinuite. Manualul este la fel de practic i pentru elevii din primul an de englez, prin casetele anexate un contact cu limba vie, cu pronunia. n structura lucrrii vei gsi n toate capitolele patru dialog, cum se exerciii, ascultai cu atenie. Dialogurile conin exemple exprimate n forma unei mici convorbiri care este o mostr a felului n care se exprim n englez o anumit situaie: cutarea unei strzi, comand la hotel sau restaurant, ajutor medical etc. Exist, apoi, n Cum se reguli gramaticale sau de flexiune. Exerciiile din fiecare capitol urmresc textul imprimat pe casete i snt menite familiarizeze pe cel ce ascult cu dialogurile, cu partenerul de conversaie, cu pronunia. Partea intitulat Ascultai cu atenie se refer la caseta nr. 4, care conine unele dialoguri sau reportaje n care snt folosite vocabule i structuri nenvate nc n lecii. Ghidul de conversaie alturat este un ndrumar practic, n format de buzunar, uor de luat cu sine.

n fiecare din capitole gsii urmtoarele seciuni: Dialoguri Dialogues Cum se spune How to say it Exerciii Exercises i, cu capitolul Ascultai cu atenie Listen to this

Dialoguri Dialogues Cuprind exemple de limb vorbit n forma unor scurte Fiecare dialog este un model pentru cum se vorbete engleza n situaii concrete. Astfel de exemplu ntr-unui din capitole cum ntrebi pentru a afla drumul corect sau n altul cum se vorbete despre hobby-uri i interese comune. n prima coloan gsii traducerea n limba romn a dialogurilor. Cu acestei traduceri putei fi mereu siguri c ai neles totul corect. La dialogurilor exist, acolo unde este cazul, probleme de gramatic. 2. Cum se spune How to say it n aceast seciune a fiecrui capitol expresiile tipice, cele mai importante pe care trebuie s le nvai pentru a putea transpune n englez situaii asemntoare cu cele ntlnite n dialoguri. In principiu, aceste expresii snt prezentate sub form de tabel. Cu ajutorul acestor tabele putei s recunoatei uor cum un model de construcie sintactic poate s difere din punct de vedere al coninutului. De asemenea, vei ntlni i probleme de gramatic. 3. Exerciii Exercises n cadrul fiecrui capitol ntlnii o serie de exerciii. Cu ajutorul lor putei s folosii structurile nvate n capitol, mai cursiv i mai sigur. (Rezolvrile exerciiilor le gsii pe casete). Casetele conin convorbiri incomplete pentru a v da posibilitatea s preluai o parte a dialogului. Sntei astfel invitai s conversai direct pe caset cu partenerul de dialog i putei n felul acesta s simulai o convorbire aproape autentic, iar apoi, cu ajutorul rezolvrilor de la cursului, s verificai dac ai vorbit corect. 4. Ascultai cu atenie Listen to this Caseta nr. 5 conine o serie de exerciii de relatri scenete. Aceste exerciii snt n aa fel concepute nct s conin cuvinte, expresii, structuri pe care nu le-ai nvat din manual. Trebuie s v obinuii ncetul cu ncetul c ntr-o convorbire cu un englez sau ntr-o emisiune de televiziune ori de radio limbajul nu este cu grij ales ca n exerciiile sau dialogurile din curs. Cu ajutorul acestei casete v exersai capacitatea de a nelege un coninut chiar dac nu cunoatei fiecare cuvnt n parte.

Este ataat cursului i cuprinde principalele expresii i cuvinte care snt necesare cnd ntreprinzi o cltorie. Este un ndrumar n form de ghid de buzunar pe care l putei avea oricnd cu dumneavoastr.


n primul rnd, ascultai dialogurile de pe casete pentru a v putea concentra asupra textului englez, fr a v folosi de manual. La a doua ascultare, citii din manual textele dialogurilor. De ori simii nevoia, apsai

pe butonul pauz, oprii caseta i citii n linite. Dac dorii s revenii, derulai caseta i reluai partea dorit! n al doilea rnd, dublai cu voce tare dialogul de pe caset, lecie cu lecie. Oprii banda i reluai de cte ori este nevoie, dac dorii s ascultai o secven anume. Urmrii cu atenie preluarea exact a pronuniei i intonaiei. Cnd sntei sigur c putei repeta dialogul, din nou cu voce tare din manual. n al treilea rnd, axai-v pe acele pri din lecii intitulate Cum se exprim. cu i aflai ce nsemneaz. Eventual ascultai din nou dialogurile de pe casete, cuprinznd situaiile respective. Gsii moduri de exprimare i reguli gramaticale simple, pentru a v constitui o baz a limbii engleze. al patrulea rnd, folosii componenta exerciii din fiecare lecie. n majoritatea cazurilor avei de-a face cu o convorbire. Citii indicaiile cu atenie pentru a ti la care parte a exerciiului v referii. Soluiile exerciiilor le gsii pe casete. Lucrai exerciiile pasaj cu pasaj. Dai rspunsul cu voce tare. Ascultai rspunsul de pe caset ori utilizai soluiile oferite de manual, soluia proprie. Dup fiecare soluie, pe caset este o scurt pauz. Dac acea pauz nu v este suficient pentru soluionare, acionai butonul pauz" al Acordai atenie exprimrii i i cutai s le reproducei. Repetai de cte ori simii c este necesar. n al cincilea rnd, ascultai nc o dat dialogurile. Vei remarca faptul c nelegei sensurile fr nici un efort. Repetai operaia de cte ori este nevoie pentru a nelege i a v exprima corect. Nu v sfiii s vorbii cu voce tare. Este cea mai bun formul de nvare. n partea a doua a manualului, gsii un grup de scenete al cror coninut este astfel dozat nct numrul vocabulelor s creasc de la prima spre ultima scenet. Este vorba de vocabule pe care nc nu le-ai nvat. Nu v alarmai, dac nu putei rspunde imediat unei ntrebri. Reascultai sceneta de cte ori este nevoie. Dac socotii necesar, derulai puin caseta napoi i ascultai din nou, pn ce, cu ajutorul vocabulelor deja nvate, putei descurca lucrurile i putei da rspunsul. Nu uitai s vorbii cu voce tarei

Alfabetul englez se compune din 26 de litere, din care 5 vocale e, i, o, u), dou y) i consoane. Literele alfabetului luate singure se pronun n modul urmtor: a b c d e f ei] si] di] i] ai] en] ou] .kju] [a] s [es] t [ti] u [iu] [vi] [eks] y z [zed]

kei] I [el] m [em] Pronunarea cuvintelor este destul de dificil n limba englez. Consoanele se pronun aproape toate ca n romnete, dar se pronun foarte diferit; astfel: A se pronun "ei" n cuvinte ca: grape [greip] strugure; name [neim] nume; paper [peip] 2. "e" n cuvinte ca: and i; bad ru; flag steag; map [maep] hart. De fapt acest sunet n limba englez este mai mult un sunet ntre "e" i "a" care se pronun astfel: deschidem gura ca pentru a pronuna sunetul de fapt sunetul "e". 3. un "o" lung (marcat n englez o.) n cuvinte ca: tot, toi, toate, toat; ball minge; small mic, mic sau o" scurt ca n cuvintele: what ce. 4. " i " n cuvinte ca: climate clim; language [laenguidji] limb; palace palat; village sat. 5. "" (marcat n englez) ca n cuvintele: after dup; beggar ceretor. NOTA: Toate vocalele marcate fonetic cu dou puncte[:] reprezint sunet lungi "E" se pronun: " i " accentuat n cuvinte ca fever febr; meter [mit] metru; serious [siris] serios. 2. "e" n cuvinte ca: [bed] pat; less [Ies] mai puin; red [red] rou. 3. n cuvinte ca: her ei (dativ, acuzativ); certain sigur, nerve [nov] nerv; service serviciu. 4. " i " n cuvinte ca: English englez(esc); begin [bigin] a ncepe; repeat repeta. NOTA: Semnul / ntlnit mai sus n cuvntul English [ingli/] reproduce sunetul romnesc "". 5. "" n cuvinte ca better mai bun, member membru, never niciodat.

se n cuvinte ca big mare, bill fish pete, milk lapte, till pn. Aici nu am folosit transcrierea fonetic, cuvintele se pronun aproape la fel cum snt scrise. 2. n cuvinte ca: Friday vineri; ice ghia; [naif] cuit; Ine [lain] linie; time timp. 3. " lung" n cuvinte ca: bird [b :d] pasre; dirty [d :ti] murdar; first [f :st] primul; girl [g :l] fat; shirt [f :t] cma. "O" se pronun: n cuvinte ca: dog fog cea; frost ger; hot fierbinte; lock a ncuia. 2. n cuvinte ca: horse [ho:s] cal; fork [fo:k] lord [lo:d] lord, storm [sto:m] furtun. Snt acestea cuvinte n care sunetul "r" nu se aude aproape deloc, fiind aproape aspirat de o. 3. "ou" n cuvinte ca: singur; close nchis; gold aur; moment [moument] moment; open [oupn] deschis 4. Ca un fel de "a" nchis i scurt, marcat n englez cu semnul fonetic A, n aa fel nct s se ating cu limbii partea posterioar a cerului gurii; done [dAn] fcut, glove v] mnu, money ni] bani, sometimes uneori, tongue limb. 5. "u"lung n cuvinte ca: lose [lu:z] a pierde; prove [pru:v] a dovedi; two doi; whom[hu:m] cruia, pe cine; whose [hu:z] a cui. 6. (ua) n cuvinte ca one [wan] unu, once [wans] odat. 7. ""n cuvinte ca: lemmon n sailor marinar tailor 8. nu se pronun n cuvinte ca: bacon [beikn] unc; lesson lecie; prisoner [prizn prizonier; season [sizn] anotimp. "U" se pronun: n cuvinte ca: true adevrat; full [ful] plin; put a pune, rule regul. 2. n cuvinte ca: duty datorie; music [mjuzik] muzic; pupil elev(). 3. "a" nchis spre n cuvinte ca: dust [dAst] praf; buttler majordom, hunger foamete, shut a nchide, umbrella umbrel. 4. lung n cuvinte ca: fur[f blan; curl [k :l] ondulat; nurse [n :s] sor, purse [p :s] poet. 5. cuvinte ca: business afacere, minute minut. 6. scurt n cuvinte ca: nature natur; Saturday :dei] smbt. "Y" se pronun: n cuvinte ca: city ora, happy [haepi] fericit; lady doamn; merry vesel, ready gata; 2. "ai" n cuvinte ca: fly a zbura; Friday [fraidi] vineri, myself eu nsumi; sky [skai] cer. 10

CAP. 1

Meeting People


n acest capitol cum s aflai numele, adresa i numrul de telefon; s ntrebai cum se pronun; liter cu liter, un nume sau un cuvnt; s construii expresiile corespunztoare.

Dialog Anne (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R)
AB: My name is Bardy... Anne Bardy. R: How do you spell it? AB: B-A-R-D-Y R: Yes, Mrs, Bardy.

AB: M numesc Bardy... Anne Bardy. R: Cum se pronun AB: B-A-R-D-Y R: Da, d-n Bardy.


Dialog 2. Felicity (F), a friend (Fr)

F: Fr: F: Fr: F: Fr: F; Fr: Unde locuii? n York. Ce adres avei? Calea Grii 29. Avei telefon? Da. Ce numr avei? York 653217. 29 Station Road, Dup ai F: Fr: F: Fr: F: Fr: F: Fr: Where do you live? In York. What is your address? 29 Station Road. Are you on the phone? Yes. What's your number? York 653217. folosesc numrul casei



a friend (Fr)
Fr W Fr W Fr: Fr Are you living in London? Yes. What's your address? 134 Newbury Street. Are you on the phone? Yes. What's the number? 8704690. 11

Fr W Fr W Fr Fr

Locuii la Londra? Da. Care este adresa d-voastr? Newbury Street Avei telefon? Da. Care-i numrul?

Meeting People
Dialog 4. Henry Gill (HG). Peter Fuller (PF)


HG: Scuza{i-m5. Nu cred cS va HG: Excuse me. I don't think I know cunosc your name. PF: Fuller. Peter Fuller. PF: Fuller. Peter Fuller. HG: Numele meu este Henry Gill. HG: My name is Henry Gill. How do mi pare bine. you do? PF: mi pare bine de PF: How do you do? HG: Acesta este Alan Jones. HG: And this is Alan Jones. PF: mi pare bine de cunotin. PF: How do you do?

HOW DO YOU DO? j Tradus ca mai cuvinte care de data aceasta I Cnd s pe ntrebarea (Cap. 2, Se rspunde cu mi bine de ce mai face, se

Cum se ntreab numele. How to ask for someone's name. Care-i numele dvs?


What's What's

your first family surname


Care este prenumele Nu cred c v cunosc Numele meu este Anne

don't think we've met before. My name is Anne Bardy.





2. Cum se solicit pronunarea unui cuvnt pe litere. How to ask someone to spell a word. How do you spell that? 3. Cum se ntreab unde locuiete o persoan. How to ask where someone lives. Unde locuii? Where do you live? Where are you staying? 12

CAP. 1
Locuiesc la... Care-i adresa? Station Road 29. locuiesc la...

I live in... I am staying in... What's your 29 Road. Are you living Yes. i am living in... No. I am not living in. a n prezent. o aciune care este in



Ascultai pe caset cum se pronun literele alfabetului i Spunei pe litere: Schmidt, Mller, Braun, Katchimsky, Weber. Cu caseta, verificai Pronunai pe litere numele d-vs. Listen on the cassette to how the letters of the alphabet are pronounced and repeat them. Spell these names. Ruckser, Hardier,

Check your answers with the cas sette. Now spell your name.

Ascultai pe caset cum snt pro nunate numerele i Listen on the cassette to how the numbers are pronunced and repeat them.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, 97 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 132, 143, 165, 176, 187, 198, 200, 300, 400, 500


CAP. 1

Meeting People


c una dintre persoanele de mai jos. numele pe litere, precum i adresa i numru. de telefon. Dr. Virgil Popescu 3 Armeneasc st. Bucharest Tel: 90/173846

Imagine you are one of these people. Say and spell your name and address and phone number.

Geta Radu Costin Sandu 2 Koglniceanu st. 32 Lung st Braov Tel: 95/182374 Tel: 92/126348 Check your answers with the cas sette. Now give your own name, address and phone number.

rspunsurile cu caseta. Acum spunei-v pe litere propriul dvs. nume, adresa i numrul de telefon.

Exercise 3.
Ascultai pe caset conversaia care urmeaz i rspundei la ntrebri folosind informaiile a i b. Un prieten. Salut. Unde locuieti? Tu Un prieten: Care-i adresa ta? dvs. Tu Un prieten: Avei (ai) telefon? Tu Un prieten: Ce numr avei? Tu Informaia a) Locuii n Bournemouth, Larches Avenue, la numrul 31. Telefonul este Bournemouth Informaia b) Locuii n York, South View 5, York. Numrul de telefon este York Listen to the following gapped conversation on the cassette, and answer the questions. Use infor mation a) and information b) for your answers. A friend: Hello. Where are you staying? You: A friend: What's your address? You: A friend: Are you on the phone? You: A friend: What's the number? You: Information a) You are staying in Bournemouth, at Larches Avenue. The phone number is Bournemouth 29641. Information b) You are staying in York, at 5, South View, York. The phone num ber is York


CAP. 2

Formule de



in acest capitol cum se face prezentarea; salutul; cunoaterea datei de natere a unei persoane.

Dialogue 1 Henry Gill (HG). Agnes Gill (AG), Mr. Anderson (An)
HG: Hello, Anderson. Bun venit la Londra. An: HG: Aceasta este soia mea, Agnes. AG: Bun seara, d-le Anderson. Ce mai facei? AN: Foarte bine, mulumesc. HG: Helllo, Mr. Anderson. Welcome to London. An: Thank you. HG: This is my wife, Agnes. AG; Good evening, Mr Anderson. How are you? An: Very well, thank you.

Dialogue 2 Mrs. Gammon (WG), a neighbour (N) (un vecin)

Bun dimineaa, doamn Gam mon. Cum v simii n aceast diminea? WG: Foarte bine, mulumesc. Dar dvs. cum v simii? N: Nu prea bine, mi pare ru. Am dormit prost. WG: O, mi pare ru. N: N: Good morning, Mrs. Gammon. How are you this morning?

WG: I am very well thank you. And how are you? N: Not too well. I'm afraid. I slept badly. WG: Oh, sorry to hear that.

THANK YOU fel ca PARE RU au toc fix.


se pune la romn aceste


Dialogue 3 Henry

(HG). Peter Fuller (PF). Mr. Anderson (An)

HG: Peter, this is Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson, this is Mr. An: How do you do? PF: How do you do?

HG: Peter, acesta este domnul Anderson. Domnule Anderson, acesta este dl. An: s v cunosc. PF: i eu, deasemenea.



Formule de salut Greetings



Cum se face introducerea: How to make introductions. husband wife i Peter Mrs. Grammon

de cunotin. 2. Cum se saiut i cum se rspunde. How to greet someone. Hello! Hello! Salut! Ce mai facei? Foarte bine, mulumesc. Bun seara Bun seara. Bun dimineaa Bun dimineaa.

How do you do.

Hello! How are you? Very well, thank you. Good evening Good evening. Good morning Good morning.

3. Cum se data naterii How to ask for someone's date of birth Care este data dvs. de natere? What is your date of birth? 1 Decembrie. December the first. December Februarie. February the eleventh. February 26 Februarie. February twenty sixth. (26"^).


datei se pune mai



Ascultai pe aceast caset cum se pronun lunile i Listen on the cassette to how the months are pronounced and repeat them.


CAP. 2

Formule de salut Greetings

April May June July August September


January February March

October December

Exercise 2
numerele pe caset i repetai-le. Vei auzi mai numerele cardinale i apoi pe cele ordinale. One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen n First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Nineth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Listen to the numbers on the cassette and repeat them. You will hear the cardinal first and then the ordinal numbers. Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty-one Twenty-two Twenty-three Twenty-four Twenty-five Twenty-six Twenty-seven Twenty-eight Twenty-nine Thirty prin i Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Thirtieth

Exercise 3
Ascultai pe caset cum se pronun anii care urmeaz i i dvs. 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1942, 1953, 1964, 1975, 1986, 1984 In fr a se mai se cuvintele i ex. nineteen Listen to the numbers of the year on the cassette and repeat them.


CAP. 2

Formule de salut Greetings



pe caset i rspunsurile folosind informaiile a) i b). Information a) Helga Stein 3.1.1951 Recepia: Bun dimineaa. Care este prenumele v rog? Dvs Recepia: Dar numele de familie? Dvs Recepia: Data naterii? Dvs Recepia: Mulumesc. Luai loc. Verificai caseta. rspunsurile

Listen to the gapped conversation on the cassette and answer the questions. Use information a) and b). Information b) Fritz Popp Receptionist: Good morning. What is your surname, please? You Receptionist: And your first name? You Receptionist: Date of birth? You Receptionist: Thank you. Take a seat, please. Check the answers with the cas sette.

CAP. 3
n acest capitol nvai cum se ntreab despre: naionalitate; origine; cum se fac declaraiile corespunztoare.

Dialogue Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R)
AB: R: AB: R: Good afternoon. Good afternoon, madam. My name is Bardy. Yes, madam. What nationality are you, please? AB: I'm British. R: Thank you, madam.

AB: Bun ziua. Bun ziua, doamn. AB: Numele meu este Bardy. R: Da, d-n. Care naionalitatea AB: Snt englezoaic. R: Mulumesc, doamn.


WB: F: WB: F: WB: F: WB:

Winston Bell (WB), Felicity (F)

WB: F: WB: F: WB: F: WB: Hello. Hello. Where are you from? from London. Whereabouts? From Richmond. And you? I'm from Tooting.

Hello. Hello. De -unde sntei? Snt din Londra. De unde anume? Din Richmond. i Eu snt din Tooting.




(vin de


Dialogue 3. Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF)

AG: Spunei-mi, d-le Fuller, sntei AG: Tell me, Mr$! Fuller, are you ScotPF: AG: PF: AG: Da. Din ce parte sntei? Din Sterling. Se gsete n nord sau n sud? PF: AG: PF: AG: Yes. Oh, what part are you from? From Sterling. Is that north or south? 19

PF: Mm, este nu departe de EdinAG: A, da. PF: Well, it's not far from AG:


A nu se confunda cu SCOTCH. sau Scots) beau Scotch

Cum se ntreab naionalitatea. How to ask about nationality. Care este naionalitatea Snt romn elveian Sntei romn? elveian? austriac? Da, snt. Nu, nu snt. Snt...


What nationality are you? I'm Romanian. Swiss. Are you Romanian? Swiss? Austrian? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I'm...

2. Cum se ntreab o de unde provine. How to ask where a person is from. are you Where What part (of Romania) is he she from? He's from I'm Romania Austria Switzerland Bavaria the North. She's In am he is is se folosesc el ea este Bucharest




pe caset cum se pronun Listen on the cassette to how the numele unor localiti i zone din Germany place and names are Germania: pronounced and repeat them. Pronunai acum numele unor localiti i zone din Romnia lai Cluj Timioara Suceava Oradea Transilvania, Banat, Romnia, Acum spunei c provenii din Now say that you come from these aceste locuri. places.

Exercise 2
Ascultai conversaia urmtoare: Brbat: Hello. Femeie: Hello. Brbat: De unde sntei? Femeie: Snt din Bristol. Brbat: De unde anume? Femeie: Din Pe acelai model rspundei i dvs. rolul femeii i folosind urmtoarele date; Brbat; Hello. Femeie; ... Brbat: De unde sntei? Femeie; ... Brbat; De unde anume? Femeie; ... Pronunai acum numele unor localiti i zone din Romnia. Satu-Mare; Bihor Oradea; Bucureti Crngai; Maramure Cluj Mntur Listen to the following conversa tion; Man; Hello. Woman; Hello. Man; Where are you from? Woman: I'm from Bristol. Man; Whereabouts? Woman; From Clifton. Listen to the following conversa tion on the cassette and say that you from tfiese places: Man; Hello. Woman; ... Man; Where are you from? Woman; Man: Whereabouts? Woman; ...

Exercise 3

Prezentai o persoan


Dvs.; D-le Jones, aceasta este d-na Dl. Jones: ncntat de cunotin. Bun venit n York. Acum prezentai un grup de per soane d-lui Jones. Dr. Schwarz, Weiss, Herr Frulein Jger. Verificai rspunsurile cu caseta.

You introduce somebody to Mr. Jones. You: Mr. Jones, this is Mrs. Boldur. Mr. Jones: How do ^^ou do? Wel come to York. Now introduce a group of people to Mr. Jones. Frau Weinkauf, Herr Schnleben, Check your answers with the cas sette. 21


Familia Family


n acest capitol cum s ntrebai despre familia interlocutorului; situaia familial; cum s formulai rspunsurile respective.


F: W:

Felicity (F), Winston (W)

F: W: Are you British? Yes, I am. I'm from Tooting. What about you? I'm British, too. Well, I'm English. Are you married. Felicity? No, I'm not. Are you? No. I'm single.

Sntei englez? Da, snt din Tooting. Dar

F: i eu snt din Marea Britanie. F: Ei bine, snt englezoaic. W: Eti cstorit, Felicity? F: Nu, nu snt. Dvs. sntei? W: Nu, nu snt nc cstorit. i este

W: F: W:

al sau al regiunii Wales gara nu Un este mai scoian (Scottish) apoi engiez la fel ca un Vei, care e i engiez i snt toi tocuitorti insulelor Britanii n afar de care provin din sau Wales


Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF)

AG: Tell me, Mr. Fuller, are you here on business? PF: Yes. AG: Is your wife with you? PF: No, my wife is at home. AG: Have you got any children? PF: Yes, I've got one son and two daughters. And you, Mrs. Gill? Have you got any children? AG: Yes, I've got one daughter.

AG: Spunei-mi, Fuller, sntei aici cu afaceri? PF: Da. AG: Este i soia PF: Nu, soia mea este acas. AG: Avei copii? PF: Da, am un biat i dou fete. Dar dn avei copii? AG: Da, am o fat.



1. Cum se ntreab o persoan dac este cstorit. How to ask a person is 22


Familia Family
Da, snt. Nu, nu snt. Yes, I am. No, I'm not. rspunde este ns s nu snt).


cstorit/cstorit? Are you married? YOU or no). Mo,

2. Cum se ntreab o persoan despre membri How to ask about a person's family. Avei copii? frai? surori? copii frai surori Am Eu am un o copil fiic fiu frate sor Avem Noi avem doi dou trei copii fete biei frai surori Eu Noi nu am nu avem copii frai surori we haven't got any three We've We have got two one I've child daughter son brother sister children daughters sons brothers sisters children brothers avei? childen How many brothers have got? sisters you Have you got any children? brothers? sisters?






se pune o enumerate se ei HOW HOW YOU GOT? CM,

dialogul de pe caset. D-na Wiison: Bun seara, d-le Fiebiger. Sntei aici cu afaceri? Dl. Fiebiger: Da, snt. D-na Wiison: Este i familia cu Dl. Fiebiger: Nu, soia este acas. La fel i copiii. D-na Wiison: copii avei, d-le Fiebiger? Dl. Fiebiger: Am un fiu i o fiic. Acum alctuii aceeai conversaie folosind informaiile a) Dl Rijckert este aici n concediu cu soia i dou fiice. b) Dl este aici cu afaceri cu soia. Nu au copii. c) D-na Denker este aici cu afaceri. Soul este acas. Nu au copii. d) Dl Wacker este aici cu afaceri, singur. Soia este acas cu fiul i cele dou fiice. Verificai rspunsurile cu caseta.

Listen to this dialogue on the cas sette. Mrs. Wilson: Good evening, Mr. Fiebiger. Are you here on busi ness? Mr. Fiebiger: Yes, I am. Mrs. Wilson: Is your family you? Mr. Fiebiger: No, my wife is at home. So are the children. Mrs. Wilson: How many children have you got, Mr. Fiebiger? Mr. Fiebiger: I've got one son and one daughter. Now do the same conversation. Use information Mr. Rijckert is here on holiday with his wife and two daughters. Mr Neubert is here on business with his wife. They have no children. Mrs Denker is here on business. Her husband is at home. They have no children. Mr. Wacker is here on business, alone. His wife is at home, with their son and two daughters. Check your answers with the cas sette.



Familia Family
Listen to this gapped conversation on the cassette. Mrs. Simpson: Good evening, Mr.

Ascultai urmtoarea conversaie de pe caset. Dna Simpson: Bun seara, die Dl. Green: Da, eu snt. Dna. Simpson: ... Dl. Green: Nu, soia este acas avnd grij de copii. Dna Simpson: ... Dl. Green: Am doi fii i o fiic. Toate ntrebrile d-nei Simpson lip sesc. dvs. Verificai caseta. rspunsurile

Mr. Green: Yes, I am. Mrs. Simpson: ... Mr. Green: No, my wife is at home, looking after the children. Mrs. Simpson: ... Mr. Green: We have two sons and a daughter. All Mrs's Simpson questions are missing. Ask them. Check your answers with the cas sette.

dialogul de pe caset. ntrebare: Sntei cstorit? Rspuns: Da. ntrebare: Avei copii? Rspuns: Da, avem un copil. Acum alctuii aceeai conversaie folosind informaiile a) Avei unul din fiecare. b) Avei doi biei. c) Avei trei fete. d) Avei trei fete i un biat. Verificai-v rspunsurile cu caseta. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette. Question: Are you married? Answer: Yes. Question: Have you got any children? Answer: Yes, we have got one child. Now do the same conversation. Use information a) You have got one of each. b) You have got two boys. c) You have got three daughters. d) You have got three girls and a boy. Check your answers with the cas sette.


CAP. 5

La cumprturi Shopping


in acest capitol cum s ceva ntr-un magazin; cum s ntrebai de pre.

DIALOGURI Dialogue 1 Winston (W), Shop Assistant (As) (vnztor)

As: V pot ajuta? W: Da. A dori Mirror", v rog. As: Cost 22 penny. W: i aceste dou reviste. As: Mulumesc. Cost 1,30 As: W: As: W: As: Can I help you? Yes. like the Mirror, please. 22 p. And these two magazines. Thank you. That's 1,30

Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), Shop Assistant (As)

F: M putei ajuta? As: Da F: A dori cteva aspirine, v rog. i acele dou agrafe de pr de acolo. As: Cost 1,70 F: Can you help me, please? As: Yes. F: I'd like some aspirins, please. And those hair grips over there. As: 1,70 please.

OVER Cnd gsesc n (acesta, sau THESE Cnd mai THAT aceea), THOSE

se foicete se

Dialogue 3 Henry

(HG). Shop Assistant (As)

As: Can I help you? HG: Yes. like some flowers. As: I've got some nice freesias here. Or there are some beautiful roses over there. HG: like five roses, please. As: Certainly, sir. Will there be any thing else? HG: Yes, like four freesias as well.

As: V pot ajuta? HG: Da, a dori nite flori. As: Am aici nite frumoase. Sau snt nite trandafiri frumoi acolo. HG: A dori cinci trandafiri, v rog. As: Desigur, Mai dorii ceva? HG: Da, a dori i patru frezii. 26

CAP. 5




Mulumesc. Mai dorii ceva? HG: Nu, mulumesc. Asta e tot. cost? As: Cost 3,80

As: Certainly, sir. Thank you. Will there be anything else? HG: No, thank you, that's all. How much is that? As: That comes to 3,80, sir.


Cum se solicit ceea ce magazin. How to say what you want a shop. a) Dorii s atragei atenia You want to attract the attention vnztorului. of the shop assistant. M Ne putei ajuta v rog? Can you help me us please?

Desigur Da

domnule doamn care timbre aspirine flori cri potale se pot

Certainly, Yes madam.

b) Dorii obiecte numra. A dori nite

You want things you can count. I'd like some stamps. aspirins. flowers. postcards. You want things you can't count.


obiecte care nu se pot numra. spun past de dini tutun

A dori nite

I'd like some

soap. toothpaste. tobacco.

LIKE SOME STAMPS. SOAP. Cuvntul se folosete n de este vorba de obiecte care se pot numra sau nu. n propoziiile negative se ns ANY. ex. I WANT ANY STAMPS vreau timbre). 27

CAP. 5

La cumprturi Shopping
You like individual items. a


obiecte individuale. sandvi. carte potal. revist. ngheat. mr. plic. AM Cnd fo){^ete AN. e) Dorii lucruri care se cumpr la cantitate sau n ambalaj halb cu bere. livr (0,454 kg) de mere kg de banane pahar cu vin. cu lapte. pachet de plicuri cutie cu chibrituri 2. Cum se ntreab preul. How to ask for a price. cost aceea? aceasta?

postcard. magazine. an ice-cream. apple. envelope. pentru toata ncepe cu o vocal, se

You things you buy by the quantity or the container. pint of beer. pound of apples. kilo of bananas. glass of wine. bottle of milk. packet of envelopes. box of matches.

How much is

that this

3. Cum spunei dac mai dorii sau nu altceva. How to say you want or don't want anything else. Mai dorii ceva? Da, a mai vrea Nu, mulumesc, asta e tot. Will there be anything else? Yes, I'd like... as well. No thank you. That's ail.


CAP. 5



caseta pentru a pronunia, dup care repetai i dvs. nite sandviuri nite flori nite aspirine nite plicuri nite potale ilustrate nite chibrituri nite igri nite spun nite past de dini Acum spunei c dorii aceste obiecte Verificai-v rspunsurile caseta.

Listen on the cassette to how these things are pronunced and repeat them. some sandwiches some flowers some aspirins some envelopes some picture postcards. some matches some cigarettes some soap some toothpaste Now say that you want these things. Check your answers with the cas sette.

Ascultai pronunia repetai i dvs. pe caset i Listen on the cassette to how these things are pronunced and repeat them. a pint of beer a of wine a glass of milk a cup of tea a box of chocolate a carton of orange juice a can of lemonade a kilo of apples a pound of pears Now say that you want these things. Check your answers with the cas sette.

o halb cu bere o sticl cu vin un pahar cu lapte o ceac cu ceai cutie cu ciocolat cutie cu suc de portocale o cutie cu limonada un kg de mere o livr de pere (o,454 kg) Acum spunei c dorii aceste lucruri. Verificai-v rspunsurile cu caseta.

de text am 29

CAP. 5



Exercise 3
iat cteva obiecte de care s-ar putea s nevoie ca turist. ghid de cltorie ghidul hotelurilor pieptene perie de pr ruj de buze caseta. rspunsurile ascultnd Here are some things you might need as a tourist. Ask for them. ice-cream guide book hotel list comb hairbrush lipstick Check your answers with the cas sette.

Exercise 4
Winston viziteaz oraul York i dorete s cumpere nite potale. Ai putea pe baza infor maiilor de mai jos s alctuii con versaia pe care o va avea ntr-un magazin? Ct cost asta? Desigur, d-le. A dori nite cri potale ilustrate. Nu, mulumesc. A dori cinci, v rog. V pot ajuta, d-le? Aceasta cost 1,25 Am aici nite cri potale. dorii ceva, d-le? Verificai-v rspunsurile cu caseta. Winston is visiting York and wants to buy some picture postcards. Can you sort out the conversation he has in a shop? How much is this? Certainly, sir. I'd like some picture postcards. No, thank you. I'd like five, please. Can I help you, sir? That comes to E 1,25. I've got some nice postcards here. Will there be anything else, sir? Check your answers with the cassetta

CAP. 6




in acest capitol nvai

fraze care v-ar putea fi utile ia cumprturi.

DIALOGURI DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs. Gammon (WG), Shop Assistant (As)

WG: Avei unt englezesc? WG: Have you got any English butter? As: Da, l gsii acolo. As: Yes, you'll find it over there. WG: Avei i neagr? WG: And have you got a brown loaf? As: mi pare ru, nu avem. Altceva? As: No, sorry, we haven't. Anything else? WG: A dori o duzin de ou. Ct WG: I'd like a dozen eggs, please. How cost? much is that?

j de BROWN din Noua Zeeland sau este de la denumire

spre deosebire care este srat. of fel ca oricare

BROWN BREAD n realitate cea

Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Barman (Bm)

HG: A dori o halb cu bere. HG: I'd like a pint of beer, please. Bm: John Smith sau Bass? Bm: John Smith's or Bass? HG: Mm, Bass v rog. i un gin HG: Oh, Bass please. And a gin and tonic. tonic. Bm: O halb. Un gin tonic. Face Bm: One pint. One gin and tonic. 1,90 That'll be 1,90. JOHN i BASS dou cunoscute de bere

Dialogue 3 Agness Gill (AG), Shop Assistant (As)

As: V pot ajuta? AG: Nu, mulumesc. Doar privesc. AG: Can I help you? As: No, thank you. I'm just looking. 31

Dialogue 4 Agnes Gill (AG), Clerk (CI)
mi putei da nite informaii? cost un timbru pentru Germania? CI: Scrisoare sau carte potal? AG: Pentru o scrisoare. CI: O scrisoare pentru Germania cost penny. AG: V rog, 6 timbre de 19 p. CI: Asta face 1,14 lire. este AG:

AG: Excuse me. Can you give me some information? much is a stamp for Germany? CI: Letter or card? AG: It's for a letter. CI: A letter to Germany costs p. AG: Coud 1 have six 19 p. stamps, please. CI: That'll be 1,14. tuturor

5 Winston (W), Milton (M). Barman (Bm)

W: M: Ce bei? O halb de biter. (ctre barman) Dou cu biter, v rog. Asta face 1,80 lat 2 Bm: V mulumesc foarte mult, dom nule. Noroci Sntate! W: What's yours? A pint of bitter, please. W: (to the barman) Two pints of bitter, please. That'll be 1,80 please. Here's 2.00. Bm: Thank you very much, sir. W: Cheers! Good health!


pahar cu butur se





1. Cum se spune cnd nu dorii s cumprai ceva. How to say you do not want to buy things. Numai privesc (mulumesc). 32 l'm just looking (thank you).

CAP. 6

La cumprturi



2. Cum se la pot. How to ask about postage. o scrisoare Ct cost o carte potal pt. Romnia? pt. rile CE? pt. Anglia? letter How much is a postcard to Romania? to Ec countries? to Britain? un timbru pentru Doresc cinci timbre Could have a stamp for a card to Romania a letter two five 14 p. 19 p. stamps? 0 carte potal 0 scrisoare pt. Romnia de de penny penny


Ascultai dialogul de dac dorii). pe caset Listen to the dialogue on the cassette (repeat it if you want). Customer: Can you help me? Shop Ass; Certainly. Customer: Have you got any pic ture Shop Ass; Yes, you'll them over there. Customer: And have you got any envelopes? 33

Clientul: M putei ajuta? Desigur. Clientul: Avei cri potale ilustrate? Vnztorul: Da, le gsii acolo. Clientul: Avei i plicuri?

Regret, nu avem. Acum rolul i ntrebrile care lipsesc. Vnztorul: Desigur. Vnztorul: Da, le gsii acolo. Dvs.:... Vnztorul: Regret, nu avem. s cumprai urmtoarele: c): a) past de dini aspirine b) ciocolat pere c) mere flori Verificai-v rspunsurile ascuttnd caseta.


Shop Ass: No, sorry. We haven't. take your part in the gapped conversation. Shop Ass: Certainly. Shop Ass: Yes, you'll over there. them

Shop Ass: No, sorry, we haven't. You want to buy the following a)-c): toothpaste aspirins chocolates pears apples flowers. Check your answers with the cas sette.

comandai ntr-un buturi: bitter o halb gin tonic un pahar bitter 0,5 halb suc de citrice o sticl Coca-cola suc de portocale whisky i sifon un pahar Verificai cu caseta. Dorii s birt want to order the following drinks in a pub: bitter a pint gin tonic a glass bitter 1/2 a pint lager and lime a bottle Coca-cola orange juice whisky and soda a glass Check your answers with the cas sette.

n Anglia timbrele potale se cumpr astfel: a book of first class stamps; a book of second class stamps. Acestea snt nite caiete cu timbre first class pentru expedieri expres i second class pentru expedieri normale. 34

CAP. 6

La cumprturi Shopping


Three p. stamps trei timbre de penny four 14 p. stamps patru timbre de 14 penny Desigur se pot solicita timbrele i dup valoarea lor. two first class stamps (dou timbre pentru expres) and three second class stamps (trei timbre pentru expediere normal). ten air mail stamps (zece timbre pentru expediere par- avion). s cumprai aceste timbre. You want to buy these stamps. i ntrebai de pre. Ask for them and ask for the price. Verificai-v rspunsurile cu caseta. Check your answers with the cas sette.


Localiti Places


in acest capitol nvai: s vorbii despre localiti; s ntrebai unde snt situate; s ntrebai de ele i de descrierea lor; s facei recomandri n legtur cu ele.


W: G; W; G: W: G: W: G:

W: G: W: G: W: Hello, where are you from? I'm from Coxwold. Where's that? It's a small town in Yorkshire. Yorkshire's in the north east of England, isn't it? G: Yes. W: What's it like there? G: There are the Dales. And the North Yorkshire Moors. And there are some very pretty villages. It's lovely. You should go. W: What's the weather like? G: Well, it's changeable. Sometimes it's fine. And sometimes it's wet. Are you from London? W: Yes, I'm from Tooting. G: Where's Tooting? W; It's in the south east of London. What's it like? W: It's just a suburb. Nothing special.

De unde sntei? Snt din Unde este asta? Este un orel n Yorkshire. este n Angliei, nu-i aa?


W: G: W: G: W: G: W:

Ce mai avei pe acolo? Acolo snt i Dales, i North Yorkshire Snt i nite sate foarte frumoase. Este ncnttor, trebuie s mergei acolo. Cum este vremea? Ei, bine, este schimbtoare. Uneori este frumos. Alteori este umed. Sntei din Londra? Da, snt din Tooting. Unde este Este n Londrei. Cum este? Este o simpl suburbie. Nimic special.

Dialogue 2 Mrs Gammon (WG), Henry Gill (HG)

WG: HG: WG: HG: WG: Sntei din York, nu-i aa? Da, sntem. Cred c este un ora frumos. Da, este ncnttor. mi amintesc c este acolo o catedral minunat. WG: You're from York, aren't you? HG: Yes, we are. WG: It's a beautiful city, I believe. HG: Yes, it is. It's lovely. There's a wonderful cathedral I remember.


CAP. 7
HG: Da, Domul. WG: Este vreme bun n acest anotimp? HG: Da, primvara este frumos. Trebuie s WG: plcea.



HG: Yes, the Minster. WG: Is the weather nice at this time of the year? HG: Yes, it's lovely in the spring. You should go. WG: I'd love to.



Cum se ntreab unde se gsete o localitate. How to ask where places are. Salcombe? Where's (unde este) York? in near Hamburg. Scotland. London. the Lake District. the Alps. the Midlands. on the Thames. the Rhine. the coast (of Scotland). 2. Cum se cere descrierea How to ask for a Cum este acolo? Cum este zona? nice beautiful flat hilly mountainous wooded a There's beautiful large an interresting old forest cathedrall lake large mare old vechi forest pdure lake lac 37 localiti. of the region. it like What is the country like? nice plcut beautiful frumos flat neted hilly colinar mountainous muntos wooded mpdurit

CAP. 7
park is a There are river beach parks rivers beaches 3. Cum se despre clim. How to ask about climate. Cum este vremea? Vremea este frumoas. Vremea este frumoas? cold hot wet spring autumn summer winter snow rain in winter



river beach trand, plaj

What's the weather like? The weather is fine/nice. Is the weather nice? spring primvar summer var autumn toamn winter iarn

There's (a lot of)


snow zpad rain ploaie a lot of mult (, i, e)

Exercise 1

Mrs. Gammon is very interested in Germany. Answer her questions. Example: Where is Lbeck? Lbeck is in the north of Germany. I hear you're from Passau. Where's that? So you're from Hamburg, Mr. Schmidt. That's in the north of Germany, isn't it? Whereabouts is Ulm? I have not heard of Oldenburg; where is that?

Dna este foarte interesat de Germania. Rspundei la ntrebrile ei. Exemplu: Unde este Lbeck? Lbeck este n nordul Ger maniei. 1. Am auzit c sntei din Passau. Unde este asta? 2. Sntei din Hamburg, d-le Schmidt. Asta este n nordul Germaniei, nu-i aa? Unde este Ulm? Nu am auzit de Oldenburg; unde este acesta? 38

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Mnchen este la sud, aa? 6. Augsburg este n nordul sau sudul Germaniei? 7. Am auzit de Kiel, unde este acesta? 8. Bremen este la nord?

5. 7.


Munich is in the south, isn't it? Is Augsburg in the north or in the south of Germany? I've heard of Kiel, where is it?

8. Is Bremen in the north?

Exercise 2
dialogul de pe caset. Listen to this dialogue on the cas sette.

Exercise 3
dialogul de pe caset Un american: Unde este Wor cester? Dl. Wagner: Este n Angliei. Este pe Severn. Un american: Cum este? Dl. Wagner: Este acolo o catedral frumoas. Trebuie s Un american: Mm, poate voi merge ntr-o zi. Acum alctuii aceeai conversaie sau una similar cu un american, presupunnd c dvs. ai fost n urmtoarele localiti. Listen to this dialogue on the cas sette. American: Where's Worcester? Mr. Wagner: It's in the south-west of England. It's on the river Severn. American: What's it like? Mr. Wagner: There is a beautiful cathedral. You should go. American: Mm, perhaps I will one day. Now do the same or a similar conversation with an American, assuming you have been to the following places.

York/north east/river Ouse/Minster 2. 3. Canterbury/south east/cathedral 4. Cambridge/north of London/University 5. Avon/theatre 6. Lake District/mountains 7. west/sea/beachers Verificai-v rspunsurile cu caseta. Check your answers with the cas sette.



Cutnd drumul Finding the way


cum s punei ntrebri n legtur cu drumul.

DIALOGURI DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs (WG), Winston (W)

WG: Scuzai-m. M putei ajuta? WG: Excuse me. Can you help me? Is Exist n o toalet there a ladies' toilet near here? pentru femei? W: Da, este acolo. W: Yes, it's over there.

Dialogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Winston

A6: Scuzai-m, exist n apropiere o cabin telefonic? W: Da. Mergei drept nainte. Exist o cabin telefonic pe dreapta. AB: La ce distan este? W: Aproximativ 200 (1 lard 0,9 m) AB: Mulumesc foarte mult. AB: Excuse me, is there a phone box (booth) near here? W: Yes. Go along here. There's a phone box (booth) on the right. AB: How far is it? W: About 200 yards. AB: Thank you very much.

Dialogue 3 Agnes Gill (AG), Winston (W)

AG: Scuzai-m. Exist o farmacie prin apropiere? W: Da. O luai pe prima strad la stnga. Este vizavi de cinema. AG: Mulumesc. AG: Excuse me, is there a chemist near here? W: Yes. Take the first street on the left. It's opposite the cinema. AG: Thank you.

Dialogue 4 Henry Gill (HG), Winston (W)

HG: Scuzai-m. mi putei spune care este drumul spre cea mai apropiat staie de metrou? W: Da. Mergei drept nainte. Este pe stnga. HG: Mulumesc. 40 HG: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest tube station? W: Yes. Go straight on (ahead). It's on the left. HG: Thank you.


drumul Finding the way


Dialogue 5 Henry Gill (HG), a woman (Wo)

Wo: mi spune unde este Pear Tree Avenue? HG: Nu. Regret. Nu tiu. Nu snt de aici. (Snt strin aici). Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me Pear Tree Avenue is? HG: No. I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm a stranger here.


Winston (W), a woman (Wo)

Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Post Office? W: Yes, Go to the traffic lights. Turn into Duke Street. It's next to the theatre. Wo: How far is it? W: About 500 yards. Wo: Thank you.

mi putei spune care este spre pot? W: Da. Mergei pn la semafor. Cotii pe Duke Este Teatru. Wo: La ce distan este? W: Aproximativ 500 yarzi. (450 m). Wo: Mulumesc.



Cum se ntreab dac ceva este prin apropiere. How to ask if something is near. Is there (exist) a phone box post office bank 2. Cum se ntreab drumul. How to ask ask the way. Can you drumul spre) me the way to the Youth Hostel? theatre? station? post office? nearest tube station? toilet? bank? (mi putei spune care este near here? (n apropiere)




Cutnd drumul Finding the way

Station Road


Can you (mi

me where spune unde)

Pear Tree Avenue the Health Centre the corner.



along here straight on


the bridge. the traffic lights. corner bridge pod traffic light semafor

first Take the second third (right) Turn (left) into Stonegate Piccadilly Coney Street next to opposite on the over there. straight on. next to book shop librrie over there pe aici straight on drept nainte. se ntreab ct de departe se afl locul cutat. How to ask how far away something is. the bank? How far is the post office? it? About 200 500 five ten 42 metres. yards. minute's walk. the post office. the book shop. the cinema. left right to turn a coti, a ntoarce (street) on the left right left right stng(a) dreapta


Cutnd drumul Finding the way



Exercise 1
dialogul de pe caset. Henry: tiu c pota e aproape de aici. Soia: Henry, neam rtcit. Voi ntreba pe cineva. Scuzaim. mi putei spune care este drumul spre pot? c sntei Henry i punei ntrebrile necesare pentru a gsi locurile urmtoare. banca 2. biroul obiectelor pierdute 3. teatrul 4. staia 5. oficiul de turism 6. podul Listen to the dialogue on the cas sette. Henry: I know the post office is near here. Wife: Henry, we're lost! I'll ask some one. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Post Office? Imagine you are Henry and ask the necessary questions to find these places. the bank 2. the lost property office 3. the theatre 4. the station 5. the tourist office 6. the bridge

Exercise 2
DI i Dna Jones viziteaz Londra pentru prima oar. Ei au nite dificulti. Ascultai dialogul de pe caset. Dna Jones: Ah, drag! Trebuie s gsim o toalet. Dl Jones: Scuzai-m, exist o toalet aproape de aici. Imaginai-v c sntei Dl Jones. ntrebai ce avei nevoie. Dna Jones: Trebuie s gsim o pot. 2. Trebuie s gsim o staie de autobuz. 3. Trebuie s gsim o banc. 4. Trebuie s gsim o staie de metrou. 5. Trebuie s gsim parcare. 6. Trebuie s gsim o cabin telefonic. 7. Trebuie s gsim o farmacie. Mr and Mrs Jones are visiting London for the first time. They are having some difficulties. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette. Mrs Jones: Oh, dear! We must find a toilet. Mr Jones: Excuse me, is there a toilet near here? Imagine you are Mr Jones. Ask for what you need. Mrs Jones: We must find a post office. 2. We must find a bus stop. 3. We must find a bank. 4. We must find a tube station. 5. We must find a car park. 6. We must find a phone box. 7. We must find a chemist. 43


Cutnd drumul Finding the way


Exercise 3
fat rspunsuri care vi s-ar putea da cnd de drum. Citii-le i gsii ntrebrile care au fost puse. Apoi ascultai conversaia pe caset. 1. A: ... B: O cabin telefonic? mi pare ru, nu snt de pe aici. 2. A: ... B; Da. peste pod. Apoi drept nainte. 3. A: ... B: Da. Este o staie de autobuz n Tanner Row. 4. A: ... B; Youth Hotel? Da. Este n Water End. 5. A: ... B: Este o farmacie n Parliament Street, cred. 6. A; ... B: Da. Mergei drept nainte i o luai pe a doua la dreapta. Aceea e Piccadilly. 7. ... B: Minster. Da. Mergei pn la i cotii la stnga. 8. A: ... B: Museum Street? Nu, regret, nu tiu. Here are some answers you may be given when asking the way. Read them and work out the questions which were asked. Then listen to the conversation on the cassette. 1. A: ... B: A telephone box? I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here. 2. A: ... B: Mickiegate? Yes. Go over the bridge. Then it's straight on. 3. B: Yes. There's a bus stop in Tan ner Row. 4. A: ... B: The Youth Hostel? Yes, it's in Water End. 5. A: ... B: There-s a chemist in Parliament Street, I think. 6. A: ... B: Yes. Go straight on and take the second on the right. That's Pic cadilly. 7. A: ... B: The Minster? Yes. Go to the traffic lights turn left. 8. A: ... B: Museum Street? No, I'm sorry, I don't know.

S-ar putea să vă placă și