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Cursul pentru nivel intermediar cuprinde 32 de leei. Fiecarelectie are doua pari In prima lectie s alla exercitjile eu materia noua. in partea a doua a celei de a dou leit nu am introdus cunostin noi ic gsi exerci de verificae. Fiecare lectie se termina cu recapitulareanoilorreguli gramatical si cu tema pentru acasa, La sfarsitul caietului de curs este inserat un vocabular confindnd cuvintel si expresile noi in ordine alfabetica, precum si transcrierea lor fonetica. Pronuntia se afl int paranteze drepte. Pe marginea paginilor veti intalni urmatoarele semne: Lanivelul acestui semn, textul cules cu litere inclinate descrie earacteristcile lexicale sau gramaticah specifice limbii engleze; Exercitiu pentru verificarea materialului lexical gi gramatical insusit; Cuvinte noi; acest exercitiu este prezentata in Compendiul de gramatica la punctul 5.2: eS Observatiile cele mai importante, care se refera la regulile gramaticale sau la pronuntie, vor fi intotdeauna reliefate prin acest semn grafic Textul care urmeaza dupa semnul ,, >” tiparit cu rogu (care nu se vede in cazul folosiiéfltuly osu) arata cd exercitiul trebuie rezolvat conform indicatie, de ex. completarea unui text sau traducere unei propoziti. in final, remarca. La radio 4 televizorauzii adesea conversaii sau cantece in limba englezt Uneori pronuntia acestora difera de ceea ce va propunem noi in cadrul lectilor, adie& varianta stan dard a limbii. Aceasta se intémpla deoarece gi dialectul londonez sau cel din Liverpool precum § engleza vorbita in $.U.A, sau in Australia sunt diferite, constituind forme specifice ale limbii TRANSCRIEREA FONETICA in caietele destinate incepatorilor si cursantilor de nivel mediu vom utiliza sistemul EUROCOR de transeriere fonetica, pe care I-am conceput tindnd seama atat de particularitatile de pronuntie ale limbii roméne, cat si de accesibilitatea unui astfel de sistem pentru cei care parcurg aceste tape ale Invatarii limbii engleze.Vom descrie mai jos sistemul de simboluri fonetice folosite comparéndu-le cu suntele roménesti similare. Semnul (a] desemneazd un a scurt, format in centrul gurii, Acest sunet este intalnit in majoritatea cuvintelor formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) si reprezinta vocala w aflata intre dou’ consoane, ca in exemplul: bus > [bas] = autobuz ‘Semnul (a:] este reprezentarea fonetica a unui a lung prezent in interjectia romaneasca “aa!”. Ca si in cazul tuturor celorlalte vocale, semnul [:} noteaza lungitea vocalei de care a fost atasat. plant > [plant] + planta [E] este 0 vocala fir corespondent in limba romana. Este situata intre e si a; se rostegte e cu deschiderea gurii ca pentru a. traffic > [WEfik] - circulatie Sunetul fi] se pronunta similar cu i din limba romana, in > Lin] -in Semnul fonetic[ j) indica un sunet moale, asemananator celui din grupurile de vocale “iu”, “ei”, “ea” din limba romana. Se pronunta ca primul sunet din cuvintele “jute”, “ea station > [stein] = statie Semnul [i:] desemneaza un i lung, ca in exemplul: read > [rid] acti scurt se noteaza prin[o} se pronunfa ca un obignuit din limba romana: shop > [sop] ~ magazin [o-] desemneaza un 0 lung. to fall > {tu fo:l} ~acadea U scurt se noteaza[u] i se pronunta ca un u obignuit roménese, ca in exemplul: good > [gud] = bun Semnul[u:} indica un w lung, dupa cum urmeaza: school > [sku:l] = scoala ‘Dupa cum desigur ati observat, in ultimele doua exemple grupul de vocale oo a fost pronuntat in doua feluri diferite, Aceasta este una din numeroasele exceptii de la regulile de pronuntie ale limbii engleze. De aceea, pentru o maxima exactitate, va recomandam sa consultati in permanent listele de cuvinte de la sfarsitul caietelor de lectic. ‘Semnul fonetic{"] se rosteste ca un r romanese dar mult mai slab gi corespunde unui sunet precedat de obicei de o vocala lunga, floor >[flo"] + etaj Semnul fonetic[*} desemneaza sunetul semivocalic u, ca in euvantul roménese “cuart". Acest sunet corespunde de regulé literei w, care se pronunta doar cind este urmata de o vocala sau ‘ind nu este urmeta de nici un alt sunet. railway > [rei] seale ferata Aji observat de ascmenea c@, in transcrierea foneticd a cuvintelor care au mai mult de o sitaba, unele vocale au fost serise ingrosat. Aceste vocale fac parte din silaba accentuata @ cuvantului respectiv, ca in exemplul: visit >[vizit] -vizita Grupul ing se pronunta ca in limba romana, dar g se aude slab: shopping >{sopin®] -cumparaturi Jn mod similar se pronunta sunetul i din grupul ink ink > [in -cerneala [ts] este notatia fonetica a grupului de sunete ee/ei din limba romana. church >fisacts) biserica Grupul che/ehi din limba romana este notat cu]. key >tki] -cheie Veti recunoaste grupul ge/gi din limba romana in simbolul fonetic{ dj) John >[djon} Notatia fonetica a grupului ghefghi este[ ge], respectiv(gi}. get Peet] a lua, a obfine guitar >{gita -chitara ‘Semnul foneticfr] nu va fi interpretat ca un r romanese. Sunetul corespunzator se pronunté fara s@ atingeti cerul gurii cu limba gi fara a lasa limba si vibreze. street > [strict] ~strada Z pronunfat cu limba intre dinti este un sunet care nu are echivalent in limba romana gi cate se noteaza[D 4. this >[Dis] -acesta, aceasta Perechea surda a acestui sunet, care de asemenea nu are echivalent roménesc, este[T'] i se ronunfa ca un s cu limba intre dingi thick >(T ik] gros Restul simbolurilor fonetice se vor citi ca sunetele existente in limba romana. LECTIA 1 — PARTEA iNTAI In exercitile de mai jos sunt recapitulate cele invajate in LECTIA 1, PARTEA INTAI din Cursul Engleca pentru incepatori A, Completati propozitiile folosind unul dintre cuvintele din lista de mai jos. Utilizati filtrul rosu pentru a va veri 1. shop 5. train 6. house 9. shopping-street Ceasul din turla bisericii bate ora gase. Trenul a parisit gara. Ce se vinde in acel magazin? Noi locuim intr-o easura. Intri in casa prin usa de la strada, Se circula intens pe aceasta strada? Pe strada comerciala se afla multi pietoni. ‘Vreau sa prind trenul de ora cinci Nu lasa usa deschisa! Acesta este cel mai inalt turn pe care eam vazut (vreodata). 2. railway station 3. tower 4. door 7. street 8, church-tower 10. street-door church-tower is striking six -The train has left the >railway-station. -What do they sell in that >shop? -We live in a small >hou: -You enter the house through the >street-door. -ls there much traffic in this >street? “There are many pedestrians in the >shopping-street, train, -Don't leave the >door open! -This is the tallest >tower I have ever seen, Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu cuvintele care lipsese (Cand a intrat (el) in camera? Magazinele deschid la (ora) noua. ‘Vom pleca impreuna, Ei ered cf este dificil, Putem vedea birou! Ei ne vor vizita Ei intotdeauna merg cu autobuzul. Poti lua aceasta Turnul si biserica sunt vechi [Nu ered 8 ne-am mai intnit/ca ne cunoastem. fn fiecare dimineata beau 0 ceagea de ceai When did he >enter the room ? open at nine. ->We shall leave together. ->They think it is difficult, -We can >see the office They will >visit us. -They >always go by bus. >You can take this. and the church are old. ~>1 don’t think we have met before. -> Every morning I drink a cup of tea. In exercitiul urmator vom repeta folosirea articolului nehotarat Pentru rezolvarea acestuia, consultati mai intai sectiunea respectiva din Compendiu (v. 1.1.) Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu articolele nehotarate a sau an’, dupa caz, Nu ital si folostifiltrul rosu, Are acest sat 0 gara? Ea intenjioneaza sa-si cumpere © maging. Ai vrea (5a mandnci) un mar? © femeie m-a rugat s-o ajut ‘Am gasit repede o usa deschist. Ei au nevoie de un birou. S-a intdmplat int-o seara de mai Ei locuiese intro casa pe strada aceasta Poti sa agtepti o jumatate de ora? Exista un magazin dupa colt Ea statea linga o fereastra mare Era o 2i foarte friguroasa, Este aceasta o unealta folositoare? Aceasta este 0 strada cu sens unic. Fratele ei este muncitor necalificat. Ai mai vazut vreodati dn om atit de urit? ‘Am vazut un baiat in apa pe plimbam, In faa bisericii era 0 scoala Vezi o intrare? Bl cauta atunci o iesire isi place 8 muncesti intro fabrica? O sticla goala a fost tot ce am gasit. Vrei un fotoliu? Ce gre este masa aceasta! Are acest oras un aeropor’? Ea purta un pulovar de lana cand ne-am intalnit -Has this village >a railway-station? She is going to buy >a cat. -Would you like >an apple? “>A woman asked me for help. -We soon found >an open door. They need >an office. -It happened on >an evening in May. They live in >a house in this street. -Can you wait half an hour? -There is >a shop round the comer. “She was sitting by >a large window. It was >a very cold day. -Is this >a useful tool? “This is >a one-way street, Her brother is >an unskilled labourer. Have you ever seen such >an ugly man? - saw >a boy in the water when I was walking. There was >a school opposite the church. -Do you see an entrance? -He was looking for >an exit then. -Do you like working in > factory ? Pan empty bottle was all we found. -Do you want >an easy chair? What >a heavy table this ist -Has this town 2an airport? -She was wearing >a woolen jersey when we met Well, we'll visita few countries in Europe. We're going to stay in hotels and take guided trips to see the most interesting things. Pealready bought some guides to read about the places we are ‘going to visit. ‘What about you, are you going to stay in town all summer? Oh, no. I've just finished preparations for my voyage to South America, I'm leaving tomorrow. ‘That's interesting! I didn’t know you were such a traveller! Si acum, exersati propozitiile din cel de-al doilea dialog gi retineti-le Look! There are so many people at the ticket- windows. I need a return ticket, Wel, Ihave a season ticket. 1 think you ean buy your ticket from the guard No, you can’t. I have to buy it here. ‘You can wait for me in the waiting-room, > [el Sial vizit a fiw kantriz in cuarap) > [iar givin tu ster in hautelz End teik gaidid trips tu siz D'a maust intrastin’® Tin'®)gz] > [aiv olredi bo:t sam gaidz tu ri:d abaut D's pleisiz “i: a gauin(®) tw vizit) > [ot abaut fu: a: ju: gauin'® tu stef in taunol sama") > [au nau aly djast finigt prepareisnz fo:" mai voiidj tu sauT* amerika] > [aim lisvin'® tumorau] > [D*Ets intrastin'®} > [ai didnt nau iu: * sats a trEvla"] > [luk Drea’ a: sau mEni ipl Et D’a tikit Sindauz] > [ai nisd a rit kit] > [lel ai HEV a sizn tikit) > [ai Pink fu: kEn bar fos tikit from Dea gard) > [nau fu: ka:nt af HEV tw bai it hia") > [ius KEn “eit foe! mi: in D’a “eitin®? usm] Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu cuvintele potrivite {In trecut o calatorie peste ocean era adesea periculoasa. Cei de la agentia de voiaj nu ‘m-au putut ajuta. -Vom vizita citeva yari europene, Vom sta ta hotel si vom face excursii insotiti de ‘ghid pentru a vedea cele mai interesante obiective. -Deja am cumparat cdteva ghiduri turistice pentru a citi despre locurile pe care Ie vom vizita. -Dar tu? Ai de gind sa ramai fn oras toata vara? -Nu.Tocmai mi-am incheiat pregatirile pentru calatoria in America de Sud. -Voi pleca/plee maine. -Nu stiam cai place atit de mult sa calatorest! traducerea in limba romana, -Uite ce multi oameni sunt la casele de bilete! Am nevoie de un bilet dus-intors. -Eu am abonament, -Cred c& poti sa-ti cumperi bilet de la conductor. -Nu se poate. Trebuie sa-l cumpar de aici Poti sa ma astepfi in sala de asteptare, ~ In the past a> Voyage across the ocean was often dangerous. = The people at the > travel agency could not help me. Ne-a placut foarte mult plimbarea pina la plaja, Maine dimineata vom merge intr-o excursie cu ghid. Cumparind un abonament economisi ban. [Am ficut de multe ori acea calatore. CCalatoit au tebuit sa agtepte doud ore Fara ghid te ori rataci. ‘Numai un ghigeu (de bilete) era deschis. Conductorul le-a cerut s8-si arate biletele. Este frig. Nu exista o sala de asteptare? Sunt ocupati cu pregatirile, Daca te intorci in aceeasi zi cumperi un bilet ddus-intors, Cititi cu voce tare urmatoarele cuvinte si invatati-le by air > [bai ea] to prepare > [tu pripeat) by sail > [bas rel] to clip > ftw Klip] ‘on business > [on biznas] to lean > [ww lis boring > [bo:rin®) to leave for > (tu liv foe] to change > [tu tgeindj) instructive > [instraktiv] by sea > [bai sii] to check > [tu tgek] -We enjoyed the > trip to the beach very much. Tomorrow morning we are going on a > guided trip. -Buying a > season ticket saves money, I have made that > journey many times. ~The > travellers had to wait for two hour Without a> guide you may lose your wa -Only one > ticket-window Was open. -The > guard asked them to show their tickets -It is cold. Is there no > wait room here -They are busy making > preparations -If you return on the same day you buy @ > return ticket traducerea: -cu avionul a pregati -cu trenul -a composta, a perfora (biletele) -in interes de serviei; ew/pentru afaceri wa se apleca -plicticos -a pleca (a) a schimba -instructiv cu vaporul, pe mare -a controla; a verifica Cuvintele noi au fost folosite in propozitii. Citii-le cu voce tare si invatati traducerea in limba romana: You have to be prepared > [/u: hEv tu bi: pripea'd —Trebuie sa fti pregatiti pentru for a long journey. fo a lon? djani] a calatorie lunga, He thinks travelling by > [hit Tinks wEviin'® -E] crede cao calitorie pe mare sea takes too long, bai si: terks tu: lon!®] dureaza prea mult The guard checks the > [Da ga‘d tyeks D’a -Conductorul controleaza tickets. tikits) biletele I travel a lot on business. >[ai trEvl a lot on biznis] __-Calatoresc mult in interes de serviciu/pentru afaceri A journey is instructive, > [a dja'ni iz instraktiv] -O calatorie este instructiva. Has your ticket been > [hEz io: tkit bisn Klipt] __Ti-a fost perforat/compostat clipped? biletul? Don’t lean out of the >[daunt fin aut av D*a -Nu te apleca pe fereastra window. Yindau) Is travelling by air > [iz WEvlin® bai ea -Este interesant sa calatoresti eu exciting? iksaitin'®] avionul? ‘Some people think it > [sam pi:pl T'in!®k it Uni oameni cred ca ¢ plicticos. boring bosrin'=)) Do we have to change > [du “i: hEv to tgeind “Trebuie sa schimbam (mijlocul anywhere? eniteat} de locomotie) undeva? ‘They will travel by rail. > (D¥er “il tfEvl bai reil] -Vor ealitori cu trenul Completati frazele de mai jos cu unul dintre cuvintele nou invajate: Bagajele vor fi controlate cand sosim. Prefer sa calatorese cu vaporul/pe mare nd nu ma grabese. (El) nu uita niciodata sa-si composteze biletele? Pe drum a trebuit sa schimbam (trenul) de doua ori Calatoria cu avionul este calea cea mai rapida. A vizita alte tari este chiar mai instructiv decit a citi despre ele. Nu este plicticos sa stai tot timpul Este periculos sa te apleci pe fereastra. -Your luggage will be > checked when we arrive, + prefer travelling > by sea when there is enough time. -Does he never forget to > clip the tickets? -On our way we had to > change twice. “Travelling > by air is the fastest way. Visiting other countries is even more > instructive than reading about them. -Isn't it > boring to stay at home all the time? -Itis dangerous to > lean out of the window. -10- Persoanele care au masina nu prea calatorese cu trenul Totul a fost pregatit pentru plecarea lor. Persoanele care calatorese pentru afaceri sunt de acord ca timpul inseamna bani, Sai aprofundém in continuare cunostintele noastre despre a ‘People who have cars don’t often travel by rail Everything has been > prepared for their departure, -People travelling > on business agree that time is money. ul nehotirat. Articole nehotardte anla sunt utilizate dupa as si for inaintea substantivelor la singular She works here as a teacher This room is used as an office As a guide he is really very good T want to stay at home for a change. ‘What does this boy want as a present, ng? -Ea lucreaza aici ca profesoara, -Aceasti camera este folosita ca birou. -Este intr-adevar foarte bun ca ghid -Vreau si mai stau gi acasa (ca sa mai schimb atmosfera) -Ce cadou vrea acest baiat? -Ce ocupatie are ea? Articolul nehotarét este de asemenea utilizat dupé with/without inaintea substantivelor la singular. ‘You can't get in without a ticket {want a watch with a second-hand. He wants @ room with a fireplace She was working at a desk without a lamp. What do they call a plane without an engine? -Nu pot intra fara bit =Vreau un ceas cu secundar. -El vrea o camera eu semineu, Ea luera un birou fara lamps, -Cum se numeste un avion fara motor? Articolul nehotardt este de asemenea utilizat inaintea substantivelor la singular in cadrul exclamatilor care incep cu what $i such: What a beautiful evening! What a nice trip! What a delicious dinner that was! What a hurry they are in! ‘What a pity! Such a kind woman! Such a good film! Ce seara frumoasa! “Ce excursie frumoasat Ce cind delicioasa (a fost)! “Ce grabiti sunt (ei! Ce pacat! Ce femeie amabilat “Ce film bun! efile Completati spatiile libere din propozitile in limba engleza: Ai lucrat aici ca dactilografa? -Have you worked here > a8 a typist? Fabrica a fost folosita drept spital The factory was used > a a hospital Ca si mai schimbarn, hai st mergem in Anglia. -Let’s go to England > for a change ‘Au plecat fara ghid. They left > without a guide, Ce om dragut ne-a ajutat! > Such a nice man helped ust Ce picat c4 (ci) nu pot veni! <> What a pity they can’t come! Iyi doresti vreun cadou anume? ls there anything you want > for a present? Ce surpriza sa te vad aici! => What a surprise to see you here! Nu pot face decat putine Iueruri fara cuit without a knife ‘Vrem 0 camera cu pat dublu -We want a room > with @ double bed, Va dam mai jos numele cétorva jari europene. Citiji-le cu atentie fiind foarte atenti la pronuntie: Ireland >{aisland) —-Irlanda-—— Holland {holand] -Olanda Austria >{ostria] ~Austria The Netherlands > D*a neD*arlands] | -Olanda Spain >spein] -Spania Portugal Apor'tsugl -Portugalia Germany -Adj@'mani] Germania Belgium beldjam] -Belgia Sweden >{s"i:dn) -Suedia Denmark >{denma:‘k] -Danemarca_ Finland >{finland] -Finlanda France offra:ns) -Franja. Greece gris} -Grecia. Norway >{n0:ei] -Norvegia Italy iti] -ltalia Switzerland _>{s*ita"land] -Elvetia Am invatat deja: England > {inl@land] Anglia Romania >{rumeinia] —- Romania -12- LECTIA 1 — PARTEA A DOUA In exemplele urmatoare sunt recapitulate cele invite in LECTIA 1, PARTEA A DOUA din Cursul Engleza pentru incepator A Completati propozitiile folosind unul dintre cuvintele potrivite alese din lista de mai jos. Utilizai filtrul rosu pentru a va verifica. 1. building 2, boy 5. woman 6. bus Gara are mai multe intrari, Un barbat era agezat pe trotuar ‘Aceasta este cea mai inalta cladire din oras, Cand eram copil nu era un trafic atat de intens. Era putind mobila in apartament. Masina ta este mai fiabila decat a mea. Zilnic iau autobuzul spre birou. car 4. entrance apartment 8. side-walk -The railway station has more than one > entrance, -A man was lying on the > side-walk. This is the highest > building in town, -When I was a> boy there wasn’t much traffic “There was little furniture in the > apartment, -Your > car is more reliable than mine. bus to the office every day. Inserati in propozitiile care urmeaza cuvintele potrivite: Atunci a fost momentul/ora plecarii. Uitte Ta pastrea aceeal Cand va sosi (el)? Sa mergem cu magina? ‘Nu mai sunt bilete, ‘Vrem si ne ducem acasa S$tii sa conduci o masina? Eram grabit, asa inedt am Iuat un taxi Mergi incet, te rog. EI se duce acasa devreme. Ea are un singur copil Maine vom merge la Bucuresti “13. -It was time to go > then. > Look at that bird! > When will he come? ~Shall we go > by car? There are > no tickets left -We want to > go home Can you > drive a car? -l was in a hury > 501 took a cab. > Walk slowly, please. “He > goes home early. “She > has one child -Tomorrow we are going > to Bucharest. Pentru rezolvarea acestui exercitiu, consultati regulile respective din Compendiu (V. 1.4-1.5.). c. ‘Traduceti urmatoarele fraze in engleza. Fiti foarte atenti la folosirea articolului nehotarat alan: Mirele era american. John doreste sa fie frizer. Sora lui este dactilograf’. El va fi intro 2i presedintele acestei tar Vrei si devii doctor/medic? Este (el) catolic? (ED) nu mai este brutar Pe atunci el era macelar. Fiica mea este politista El este mecanic de mulfi ani (ED este secretarul sindicatului nostru, Colegul meu este englez. Ce masa grea este aceasta! Ce prost a fost! >The bridegroom was an American, >Yohn wants (0 be a barber DHis sister is a typist. >He will be president of this country one day. >Do you want to be a doctor? Dis he a Roman-Catholic? PHe is not a baker any more >He was a butcher then. >My daughter is a policewoman. >He has been a mechanic for years. Die is secretary of our trade union, >My colleague is an Englishman, >What a heavy table this is! >How stupid he was! Completati frazele de mai jos folosind, atunci cénd este cazul, articolul hotarat the, Aceasta este casa in care am locuit multi S-a agezat pe cel mai bun scaun. Pentru a ajunge acolo trebuie sa mergem (cu masina) spre nord, (Ei) este secretarul sindicatului nostru, {i cunosti pe barbatul in costum maro? Ela alergat cel mai repede din toi El va deveni pregedintele acestei tari intro zi, Vom merge cu masina Ei se vor intoarce inainte de cin Este sufrageria destul de mare? [Lam eunoscut in toamna lui 1952. Copilul ranit a fost dus la sptal Inchisoarea este departe (de aici) ? -14- -This is >the house where I lived for ‘many years “She sat down in >the best chair. To get there we have to drive > north -He is > secretary of our trade union. -Do you know >the man in >the brown suit? -Of all those people he ran > fastest -He will be > president of this country cone day. -We shall go by > car. They will return before > dinner. Is >the dining-room large enough? -We met them in >the autumn of 1952. ~The injured child was taken to > hospital ls it far from here to > the prison? Vom invata alte cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare si retineti sraducerea: carriage compartment smoker non-smoker railway accident conductor ‘goods train fast train engine cengine-driver passenger > [kEridi] > [kampa:tmant] > [smaiuka'] > [nonsmauka’] > [reil*er Eksidant] > [kindakta’] > [gudz tren) > [fast trein] > [endjin] > fendjin draiv > [pEsingja"] Si acum, repetaticle in alta ordine: non-smoker ‘goods train carriage passenger railway accident smoker conductor compartment engine-driver engine fast train > {nonsmauks’] > [gute ei] > (kes) > [pksing > [reited Eksidant > [smauker] > fkandakta’] > (kampa:tmant] > [endjin draiva > [endjin} > [fast trein] -vagon -compartiment -compartiment pentru fumatori; fumator -compartiment pentru nefumatori; nefumator -accident de cale ferata -conductor tren de marfa, marfar (tren) rapid -locomotiva; motor -mecanie de locomotiva -pasager, calator -compartiment pentru nnefumatori; nefumator teen de marta, macfar -vagon -pasager, ealator accident de cale ferata -compartiment pentru fumatori; fumator -conductor -compartiment -mecanic de locomotiva -locomotiva; motor (tren) rapid Acum vom introduce toate cuvintele nou invafate intr-un dialog. Citii cu atentie: Chris: Jodi: Chris: Jodi Chris: Jodi: Chris: Jodi: ON THE TRAIN Let me see the tickets. Our seats are in the carriage right behind the engine. T hope our compartment is not a smoker. No, it's not. I asked for tickets in @ non-smoker. Look! There are no passengers in our compartinent. ‘That's nice. But you know, I don’t feel good after hearing yesterday’s news about the railway accident. What accident? I haven't heard anything about it. {A goods train drove into the engine of a fast train, Both engine drivers were killed and a few passengers and conductors were injured It sounds horrible. But let's not talk about accidents, Cititi cu voce tare fiecare propozitie din acest dialog. Pronuntati-le cu atentie si refineti traducerea in Jimba roming: On the tain > [on Da trein} -in tren Let me see the tickets > [let mi si: D%a skits} +(Vreau) sé vad biletele! Our seats are in the > [aua’ sits «in D%a kEridj -Locurile noastre sunt chiar in carviage right behind the rait bihaind D%i endjin] __-vagonul din spatele locomotive. engine. T hope our compartment is > [ai haup aua’ kampa:‘tmant -Compartimentul nostru, sper, not a smoker, iz not a smauka’) nue pentru fumatori No, it's not. Lasked for > [nau its not ai askt for tkits -Nu este. Am cerutbilete inte-un tickets in a non-smoker. in a nonsmauka’) compartiment pentru nefumatori. Look! There are no > [luk Dea’ a nau pEsingja'z. -Uite! Nu e nici un cdlétor in passengers in our in auat kampa:‘umant] compartimentul nostru ‘compartment. ‘That's nice. But you know, > [DPEts nas bat iu: nau a? -Foarte bine, Numai c& nu ma 1 don’t feel good after dunt fil gud afta’ hisfn(®) sie in siguranta dupa ce am hearing yesterday’s news: iesta'deiz niu:z abaut Da auzit despre accidentul de tren about the railway accident. reil'ei Eksidant] de ier. What accident? [haven't > [Sot Eksidant ar hEvant —_-Ce accident? Eu mu am auzit heard anything about it had EniTin® abaut it} nimic despre asta! ‘A goods train drove into > [a gudz trein drauy intu “Un tren de marfa s-a cioenit eu the engine of a fast train, D4 endjin av a fast trein] _locomotiva unui rapid = 16- Both engine drivers were Killed and a few passengers and conductors were injured, kild End a fiw It sounds horrible But Let’s not talk about accidents. Eksidants) > [bau endjin draiva'z ‘a? End kandakta'z > [it saundz horibl] > [bat lets not to:k abaut -Ambii mecanici de locomotiva au fost omoriti, iar cétiva calatori si conductori au fost rani. Esindja’z indja'd] -Suna ingrozitor, -Dar (mai bine) si nu discutam despre accidente, Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu unul din noile cuvinte: Conduetorul ji perforat biletul (de autobuz). Ce baiat nu vrea sa fie mecanic de Tocomativa? Ma grabese, voi lua un tren rapid, inci calatori au fost raniti in accidentul de ier a iesim din acest compartiment de fumatori, am nevoie de aer cura. Locomotiva care trage acest tren este foarte moderna, ‘Trenul de marfai pleaca peste céteva minute, ‘Nu era nimeni alteineva in compartimentul meu, El este in vagonul din spate, ‘Noaptea trecuta a avut loc un grav accident de cale ferata Dou’ bilete intr-un compartiment de nefumatori, va rog, ~The > conductor has clipped your bus ticket What young boy doesn’t want to be an > engine-driver? I’m in a hurry, I'll take a > fast train “Five > passengers were injured in the accident yesterday. -Let’s get out of this > smoker, I need fresh air, -The > engine that pulls this train is very modem, ~The > goods train is leaving in a few ‘minutes, “There was fiobody else in my > compartment. -He is in the > carriage behind ours. -A serious > railway accident happened last night, -Two tickets in a > non-smoker, please, {n locul cuvintelor ,smoker” si ,non-smoker” putem folosi urmatoarele cuvint: smoking compartment non-smoking compartment ~ compartiment de fumatori - compartiment de nefumatori Pronunfati cu voce tare cuvintele urmatoare gi invatati traducerea lor: tropical > [sropikt) -tropical to be due > [tu bis dia] a fl asteptat; -2 trebui i soseas distant > [distnt] -depirtat; indepartat “17. to insure oriental 10 see off native to carry overdue to meet Cuvintele noi au fost folosite in propoz What is your native country? ‘They are taking leave of their children, ‘We shall meet you at the railway station. This bus can carry fifty passengers. ‘The train is overdue. Have you ever been in an oriental country? They spent @ week in a tropical country. We shall see you off at the bus stop. Don’t be so careless with your luggage. ‘Today you can insure almost anything, When is the train due? ‘These people lived in a distant region before. >fto ingua'] >Lorientl] >{1u sis off >{neitiv) >{tu KEri] >[auvatdu:] {tu mit) >{kealas] > [ot iz io: neitiv kantri] > [Déei a teikin'® tiv ay Dei" tildran) > (i: gal mist tu: Et D¥a reil¥ei steign] > [DYis bas kEn kEri fifi pEsindja'z) > [D'a tein iz duvardiu:] > [HEV fu: evaf bisn in an orient! kantri] > [D¥el spent a %i:k in a wopikl kantri] > [ir gal si: us of Et Da bas stop] > [daunt bi: so kea'las *iD* io: Lagi] > (tude! iu: kEn ingua? olmaust eniT*in'®} >[ten iz Da trein dius] > [Diz distot ppl livd in a jan bifo:"] = 18. 2 asigura -oriental a conduce (0 persoana) dle bastina; bastinas a transporta, a duce -intdraiat 2 itil, @ face cunostnta cu -neglijent, neatent ile urmatoare. Citif-le cu voce tare gi fitiatenti la traducere: Care este tara ta/dvs, de bastina? {si iau ramas bun de la copii lor. -Ne vom intalni fa gara -Acest autobuz poate transporta cincizeci de pasageri -Trenul are intarziere. -Ai fost vreodata intr-o fara orientala ? -Ei au petrecut o siptamana intr-o {ara tropicala. -Va vom conduce Ja statia de autobuz. -Nu fi atat de neglijent cu bagajele tale. -Astazi poti sa asiguri aproape -La ce ora trebuie s8 soseascit trenul? -Aceste persoane au locuit inainte r-o regiune indepartata Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu cate unul din cuvintele nou invaate: Autobuzul trebuie s& soseasca peste o jumatate ~The bus is > due in half an hour. de ora Copii sunt foarte neghijenicu carte lor, Children are very > careless with their books. Ij place ealdura aceasta tropicals? -Do you like this > tropical neat? Else va reintoare i fra sa natal He will return to his > native country. Trenul de mari transports cari. “The goods train > cartes potatoes. (Cand au pleeat iam condus la aeroport -When they lef we > saw them > off at the airport E mai bine si asigui bagajele, -Itis better to > insure your luggage Mice teama 8 trenl intirie din nou -I’m afraid the train is > overdue again. CCnd a sost nul agleptanimeni -When he arrived there was nobody to > meet im Es este o nu de-a mea indeparata “She is a> distant relative of mine. EI seamana cu un orienta -He looks like an > oriental ‘Sa ne intoarcem Ia sectiunea de gramatica si sa exersam folosirea articolului. Articolul nehotarat este folosit intr-o serie de expres. Citii-le eu voce tare si invajai-le traducerea: two ata time > [tw Eta tai) ~ ehte doi/dous deodatvin acelasi timp to have a fever > (tu REV a five] ~ ave febra to have a headache > [tw hEv a hedeik} a+] durea capul to be ina hurry > [tu bi: in a havi] ~afi grabit to have an appetite > [iw REV an Epatait] ~ a avea pofté de mancare three times a week > (Pris tame a ck] de trei ori pe saptamana to have a right to > [tu hEv a rait tu] ~.avea dreptul de a in aloud voice > [in @ laud vois) = eu voce tare > {tu tesk an intrest in} = afi interesat de > (Bz a mul] = de regula, de obieei to go on a journey > (tu gau on a dja'ni] ~ a pleca in calatorie to have a good > [to hEv a gud maind tu) a fi hotarat sa to eam a living > ftw avn a livin} = agi cAgtiga existenta to be at a loss what to say > [tu bis Et a los Yot tu sei) ~ afi in incurcatura, a nu sti ce sa spuna to have an opportunity to > [tu hEV an opitiu:nati tu] = a avea ocazia sa ass Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu cuvintele care El are dreptul sa spuna aceasta. Te rog di tei. mi aceste carti cite [Nu stiu ce s8 cred despre asta Mi-a vorbit despre aceasta cu voce tare Copitul are febea Nu te interescaza filmele? De obicei nu este acast Sunt hotarat si-i spun ce ered eu despre asta, Articolul hotarat the” nu se a substantivelor ce denumese la plural utilizate intr-un sens lipsese: -He >has a right to say that -Please, give me those books >three at a time. am >at a loss what to think ofthat -She told me about it >in a Toud voice “The child has >a fever. Don’t you >take an interest in films? As a rule he is not at home. have 8 good! mind to tell him what I think about it. foloseste inaintea substantivelor abstracte, ‘materii sau substanje si a substantivelor general Tata cdteva exemple de propozitil. Cititi-le cu atentie gi urmariti traducerea romaneasca. Fronesty isthe best potiy History is instructive. > Economy is a virtue. Envy is a vice. > [envi iz & vais} Gold is an expensive metal. ‘Wood comes from trees. Glass breaks easily. > [glass breiks i: China is very expensive, ‘Wages are rising. > Lonasti is D'a best polasi] itari iz instraktiv) > [ikonami iz a va‘tgu:) > [gauld iz an ikspensiv met] > [Sued kamz from tri:z] > [tsaina iz veri ikspensiv] > [eidjtz a: raizin®] -Cea mai buna politica este cinstea, -lstoria este instructiva “A fi econom este o virtute. -Invidia este un viciu -Aurul este un metal scump. -Lemnul se obgine din copaci ili) -Sticla se sparge usor. -Porelanul este foarte scump. Salarile crese. Daca insd despre substantivele de acest fel nu se vorbeste intr-un sens general, atunci ele vor fi precedate de articolul hotdrat, ca de exemplu. ‘The wood we were talking about will be brought tomorrow. He reads a lot about the history of English music. Look at the china! It’s so pretty. ~Lemnele despre care vorbeam vor fi aduse El citeste mult despre istoria muzicii engleze. -Uiti-te la bibelou! Este atét de dragut! Folosifi articolul hotarat “the” in frazele de mai jos, atunci cind este cazul Aceasta carte este/vorbeste despre viaja lui -This book is about > the life of Copernicus. Copernic Jumatate din avioanele pe care le vedeti sunt _-Half of > the planes you see are jets, avioane cu reactie. Este oare jaful pedepsit destul de aspru? -Is > burglary punished hard enough? Oricine poate sa greseasca. -Anybody can make > mistakes Cred cf sticla este mai jftina ea lemnul. glass is cheaper than > wood Lemnul acestui seaun provine din Suedia. > The wood of this chair comes from Sweden. Siti ca pestele are nevoie de apa You know that > fish need > water [Ai vorbit cu célatorii din compartimentul tu? Did you speak to > the passengers in your compartment? Lui nui plac edinii “He doesn’t like > dogs. Exercitiile de mai jos reiau toate temele acestei lect Traducefi din limba romana in limba engleza: Pot si folosese acest birou drept scaun? >Can I use this desk as a seat? 4 mergem in Puglia casi mai schimbim > Lets goto Porpa for a hangs. Conductor trebuie s& fie amabil > Guards have to be kind Ce grabiti sunt acei pasageri! >What a hurry those passengers are in! Nu ies niciodata fara umbrela. >I never go out without an umbrella A fost o excursie atat de plicticoasa! >Such a boring trip it was! Nu te poti duce acolo fir ghd. >You can't go there without a guide. Istoria ne invata multe lueru. > History teaches us a lot Stil putine despre viya. >You know little about lite. Lana se produce in Anglia? >Is wool made in England? Lina flanelei mele provine din Belgia. >The wool of my jersey is from Belgium, Somajul crest. > Unemployment is rising El este hotarat si 0 concedieze. >He has a good mind to fire her. <2. Vom exersa acum pronuntia unor sunete identice, Pronunjati cu voce tare urmatoarele cuvinte: wid (a) [ai] Leil blue journey guard native choose return harm eight room burn calm wages food learn, fast rail who her last change RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 1 12, 16, Articolul nehotarit este folosit dupa as” si ,for” inaintea substantivelor la singular: My brother worked there as a farmer. -Fratele meu a luerat acolo ca fermier. What does she do for a living? Cum igi cAstiga ea existenta? Articolul nehotarat este folosit dupa ,.with” si ,without” inaintea substantivelor la singular: What do they calla plane without -Cum se mumeste avionul fara an engine? rotor? He wants room with a fireplace. EL sores o camerd eu geminew Articolul nehotarat este folosit inaintea substantivelor la singular in propozitiile exclamative care incep cu ,.what” gi ,such” ‘What a pity you can’t comet -(Ce) pacat c8 nu poti veni! Such nice man! -Ce barbat amabil! ‘Numele catorva tari europene: Spain ~ Spania Norway ~ Norvegia Sweden ~ Suedia Italy Italia Finland - Finlanda Ireland + Ielanda Denmark ~ Danemarea Switzerland - Elvetia Anticolul nehotarat este folosit intr-un mare numar de expresii: two at a time = cate doi/doua deodata in a loud voice = eu voce tare to go on a joumey = a pleca in calatorie three times a week + de trei ori pe saptamina Articolul hotarat ,the” nu se foloseste inainted’substantivelor abstracte, a substantivelor care denumesc materii sau substante, sau a substantivelor la plural care sunt folosite fntr-un sens general, ca de exemplu: Honesty is the best policy. -Cea mai buna politica este cinstea Envy is a vice -Invidia este un vieiu ‘Wood comes from trees. -Lemnul se obtine din copaci China is expensive. -Porjelanul este scump. Cars may not be parked here. -Masinile nu pot fi parcate aici Daca insa despre substantivele de acest fel nu se vorbeste intr-un sens general, atunci ele vor fi precedate de articolul hotarit, ca de exemplu: ‘The wood we were talking about will be -Lemnele despre care vorbeam vor fi aduse brought tomorrow. maine. Look at the china! Uitte la bibelou! 236 TEMA PENTRU ACASA 1 Rezolvati urmatoarele exercitii si trimiteti-le profesorului dumneavoastra spre verificare. La sfargitul carfii veti gast indicatii despre modul de rezolvare si expediere a temei. ‘A. Traduceti in limba romana: 1. What a careless child she ist 2. The life of a baker is not easy. 3. She had a headache during the voyage. 4, Can you be silent for a change? 5. Death is hard to accept. 6. You can’t get your money back without a receipt. B. __Traduceti in limba engleza: 1. Ei gi-au cumparat bilete de la agentia de voiaj. 2, Toti calatorii trebuie sa schimbe aici. 3, El a lucrat ca mecanic de locomotiva in Danemarea acum doi ani 4, El te va conduce la aeroport. 5. Aici viata este foarte plicuta. 6, De obicei mergem acolo de trei ori pe luna. C. __Alegefi rispunsul corect si completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza: 1, The room can be used as ... library b. : 2. He went out without .. hat. boa 3 ‘We will travel by .. ait a. the bo 4, ‘What... beautiful flowers! b : 5 ‘The statue is made of ... gold. a. the v, : Succes! LECTIA 2 — PARTEA iNTAIL in exeriite de pe aceasta pagina se folosesesubstantvele gi alte cuvinte din LECTIA 2, PARTEA INTIL. A. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu unul din urmatoarele cuvinte: 1. bieyele 2 restaurant 3, factory 4. office S.window 6, room 7. hotel 8. traffic 9. school jn ce restaurant vom lua cina? Copii tocmai s-au intors de la scoala, Va trebui sf stai la un hotel Mereu mergi cu bicicleta? ‘imi place sa stau langa fereastra, fn ce camera mi-ai pus bagajele? Ei nu-i place zgomotul circulatici Avioanele sunt facute in fabrica Vara acest birou este confortabil si racoros, De unde pot sa cumpar bilete? Noi locuim linga un tae Nu e bine si faci asta Un mecanic bun va repara magna, Acest bait vrea o biciclet roe Stil ca n-o sa fie usor. Iy place slujba pe care o ai? Poti sisi vezi gi pe ceili? fn pahar este apa. ‘Am facut o greseala grava Va trebui si ma astept sisi vorbeasea mai tarziu Twice” inseamna ,de doua ori”. Ma voi intoarce peste cinci minute. 25 In what >restaurant shall we have dinner? -The children have just returned from > school, You will have to stay at a >hotet -Do you always go by >bicycle? -I Tike sitting by the > window. -In what >room have you put my luggage? -She doesn’t like the noise of the > traffic -Airerafis are made in a > factory -This office is nice and cool in summer Completati cuvintele care lipsese din propozitiile de mai jos: -Where can I >get tickets? near a lake -It is >not good to do that. -A > good mechanic will repare the car This boy wants a >red bicycle You >know it will not be easy. -Do you >Tike your work? Can you >also see the others? “There is water >in the glass I've made a >bad mistake, You will have to > wait for me. He will >speak to you later. Twice means >to times, I shall return in > five minutes. Pentru rezolvarea acestui exercitiu, consultati regulile respective din Compendia (v. 1.6. « 1.14.) In propozitiile ummatoare folosii artcolul hotarit,the” acolo unde este ea Va rog sa traduceti aceasta in engleza. ‘Ti-a placut micul dejun pe care l-am luat acolo? [Nu stiam c& erau in oras. Ce era in paharul pe care i lai dat? Multi oameni cred ca primavara este ‘anotimpul cel mai frumos. Mergem regulat la biserica. Te rog curaja-mi cuptorul Acesti copii se duc la scoala De obicei luim cina tarziu. Se spune c& biserica a fost construita in 1740, Multi copii se jucau pe strada [Noaptea tecuta a ars scoala Razboiul a luat fart in vara Tui 1945. Nu avem nevoie de informatiile pe care le-am obtinut acolo, Din toate strazile, aceasta este cea mai scurta. = 26- -Please translate this into >English -Did you like >the breakfast we had there? town, What was in >the glass you gave to him? “Many people think >spring is the most beautiful season, -We go to >church regularly. -Please clean >the oven for me. These children are going to >school dinner late They say >the church was builtin 1740. “Many children were playing in >the street -Last night >the school was burt down, “The war ended in >the summer of 1945, -We didn’t need >the information we got there, -Of all the streets, this is >the shortest, Rostiti cuvintele de mai jos cu voce tare si invatati traducerea lor: pilot > [pailat] -pilot, aviator captain Eptin] -capitan crow -echipaj departure lounge "Isa" Jaundj] sala de asteptare runway > [rantei] -pista de decolare seat belt > [sict belt] -centurd de siguranta air hostess > [ea haustas) -stewardesa cockpit > [Kokpit] carling, cabina pilotului wings > (Hin'ey -aripi airliner > [ea'laina’) -avion de Tinie landing > [IEndin®] -aterizare hangar > {hEngat) hangar Si acum, aceleasi cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine. runway > [ranvei] -pista de decolare cockpit > [kokpit] -carlinga, cabina pilotului landing > [1Endin®] -aterizare captain > [kEptin} capitan seat belt > [sist bel] -centura de siguranta wings > Linz] -aripi hangar > (hEnga’] hangar crew > [kru:] -echipaj air hostess > [ea haustis] -stewardesa airliner > [eataina’] -avion de linie pilot > fpaitat] -pilot, aviator departure lounge > [ dipa:"tsa* laundj] -sala de asteptare “27. Ne vom ocupa acum de un nou dialog, in care se afla cuvintele pe care tocmai le-ati invatat. Citi textul cu voce tare. ON THE PLANE Chris: 1 love travelling by aeroplane Jodi: I like it too, but I’m a little afraid of landing. Have you ever seen the cockpit? Chris: Yes, I have. One of my friends is a pilot and flies airliners. Once he invited me to come to the hangar and I spent one hour in the cockpit of one of the planes. When I was a boy I dreamt of being a captain of a plane. Jodi: Many boys dream about it. And I wanted to be an air hostess. Oh, good, I have a window seat, But I won't see anything because of the left wing! Chris: What a pity! Jodi, you have sat down on my seat belt. Jodi: Oh, sorry. Do you know where I’ve put my umbrella? Chris: Haven't you left it in the departure lounge? Jodi; Yes, you're right. The captain has just said we will wait 10 minutes because there are many other planes on the runway. So I'll go and get it. Chris: Ask somebody from the crew if you can leave the plane. 8a studiem fiecare din aceste propozitii impreuna cu pronuntia gi traducerea lor. Citif-le eu voce tare. On the plane > [on D’a plein} -ln avion I love travelling by aero- > Lai lay trEvlin'®) bai -Imi place foarte mult sa plane. ea°aplein] calatorese cu avionul. Like it to0, but I'm a little > [ai lik it tu: bat aim a lit -$i mie imi place, numai afraid of landing, afreid av IEndin®] a mice cam fried la aterizate. Have you ever seen the > [nv iu: eva sin D’a Ai vazut vreodata cum e in cockpit? okpit] cabina pilotului? Yes, I have. One of my > [ies ai HEy “an av maf -Da. Unul dintre prietenii friends is a pilot and flies frendz iz & parlat End rei este aviator gi piloteaza airliners flair ea'laina’z] avioane. Once he invited me tocome > [ans hi: invaitid mis tw -Odata m-a invitat fa to the hangar and I spent kam tu D'a hEnga! End ai hangar gi am petrecut © cone hour in the cockpit of spent “an auat in Dia oo in carlinga unuia din cone of the planes. Kokpit av ‘an av Dea avioane. pleinz} When I was a boy I dreamt > [en ai Yor @ boi ai dremt —-Cnd eram mie visam si of being a captain of av bizin(® a keptin av a devin capitan de avion. plane. plein] Many boys dream about it > [mEni boiz drm abaut it} -Multi baieti viseaza asta ‘And I wanted to be an air > [End ai Yontid tu bi: an ea —-$i eu imi doream sa devin hostess. haustas} stewardess, 28 Oh, good, I have a window seat, sist] But I won't see anything because of the left wing. biko: What a pity! Jodi, you have sat down on my Seat bel. Oh, sorry. Do you know where I've put my umbrella? Haven't you left it in the departure lounge? Yes, you're right. ‘The captain has just said we will wait 10 minutes because there are many other planes on the runway. aba" ran'ei] So I'll go and get it > sau ail gau End get it) [Ask somebody from the crew if you can leave the plane. plein] > (au gud af HEV a > bat af Yaunt si: eniTrin'® av D’a left “in'®) > [or a pit] > (djdudi du: hEv sEt daun fon mai si:t belt) > [au sori du fu: nau Yea" aiv put mai ambrela] > (hEvant iu: left it in Dea dipa:'sa! laundj] > fies fuat rat) > [D‘a keptin hEz djast sed Si Sil eit ten minits biko:z Déea as’ mEni pleinz on D¥a > [a:sk sambadi from D'a kkru: if ju: KEn ly D’a -Ce bine ca am un loc la fereastra! -Nuimai ca n-am sé vad nimie din cauza aripii din stinga, ~Ce pacat! Jodi, te-ai agezat pe centura ‘mea de siguranta simi pare rau, si cumva unde tmi-am pus umbrela? -Nu ai lasat-o in sala de asteptare? -Ba da, ai dreptate, -Capitanul tocmai a anuntat 8 vom mai astepta 10 minte finda pe pista sunt prea multe avioane. ~Atunci ma duc so iau. -{ntreaba un membru al echipajului daca poti parasi avionul Completati frazele de mai jos cu unul din cuvintele nou invatate. ‘Multe avioane de linie pot transporta mai mult de o suta de pasageri Pistele de decolare sunt foarte lungi, Capitanul piloteaza avioane de foarte mult timp. in acest hangar este loc pentr tei avioane. Us pilot are nevoie de informa despre vreme. Nu putemn sf ne itdm in cartings. Ea ern foarte agitata in timpul aterizai Motoarcle se afl sub aripi Stewardesa ne-a_adus bauturile Sala de asteptae este adesea aglomerata Acesta centura de siguranté nu functioneaza foarte bine. De la Bucuresti vom avea alt echipai. -Many >airliners can carry more than @ hundred passengers. ~The >runways are very long, ~The >captain has flown planes for a very long time. -In this >hangar there is room for three planes. -A >pilot needs information about the weather. -We cannot have a look in the >cockpit. -During the >landing she felt excited, ~The engines are under the >wings. ~The >air hostess has brought us our drinks. -The >departure lounge is often crowded. This >seat belt doesn’t work very well. -We shall get another >crew in Bucharest. =29- Pronunfati cu voce tare urmatoarele cuvinte gi invatati traducerea lor: to land long-range to hijack four-engined to board forced to crash intermediate to fasten helpful to look after Cuvintele noi au fost folosite in propozitiile de mai jos. Cititi-le traducere: The air hostesses look after the passengers. ‘The plane will make two intermediate landings. You have to fasten your seat belts now. Long-range planes can cross the oceans, Airchostesses are always very helpful. ‘The passengers are boarding the plane. ‘Are four-engined planes safer? Their plane crashed in a wood, The plane was hijacked over the ocean We have permission to land ‘on runway 7. ‘The forced landing caused some damage. > [tu IEnd] > [lon'®-reindj] > [tu haidjEk] > [fo:' endjind} > [tu bord] > [fos'st] > [tu krEs} > Lin iat] > [tu fa:sn) > [helpful] > [tu Tuk al > [Di eat haustasiz luk afta D¥a pEsindja’z] > (D%a plein *il meik tw: inta'misdiat IEndin'#!2] > Liu: REV tu fassn fo: sist belts nau] >[lon(®reindj pleinz KEn ros Dé ausnz} > [eat haustasiz a: o:leiz veri helpful] >[D'a pEsindja’z a:* bo:'din® D%a plein} > [as fos" endjind pleinz seifa'] >[D'eF plein krEst in a *ud] >[D% plein “oz haidjEkt uve’ D4 fusn] >[i: HEV pafmign tu IEnd on ran‘ei sevn] >[D% fost IEndin'®) ko:zd sam dEmidj] -30- -a ateriza scursa lunga -a detuna -evadrimotor, cu patru motoare -a urea la bord -fortat a se prabusi -intermediar a prinde; a fixe -de ajutor, indatoritor, serviabil -a (se) ingrij ccu voce tare, fiind atenti gi la -Stewardesele se ingrijese de pasageri -Avionul va face doua escale. -Acum trebuie sa va prindeti centurile de siguranga -Avioanele de curs lunga pot traversa oceanele. Stewardesele sunt intotdeauna foarte serviabile. -Pasagerii ure’ la bordul avionului -Sunt mai sigure avioanele cu patra motoare? -Avionul lor s-a prabusit intr-o padure. -Avionul a fost deturnat peste -Avem permisiunea si aterizam pe pista 7. -Aterizarea fortata a produs cateva pagube. Completati frazele de mai jos cu unul din cuvintele nou invatate. Toate persoanele au fost ucise cénd avionul s-a prabusit. ‘Veati prins tofi centurile de siguranqa? Avioanele cu patru motoare sunt de obicei foarte mari. A fost rinit cineva in acea aterizare forfata? ‘Am plecat imediat dupa ce am urcat la bord. Un avion de cursa lunga poate transporta mult combustibil. ‘Vom ateriza peste zece minute, Nu va fi necesar si facem nici o escala, ‘Am nevoie de cineva care si se ingrijeasca de copii Doi dintre pasageri au incercat si detumeze avionul. ‘Mulumese, mi-ati fost de mare ajutor. -Everybody was killed when the plane >erashed, Have you all >fastened your seat belts? ->Four-engined planes are usually very large. -Was anybody injured in that >forced landing?” -We departed immediately after >boarding. -A >long-range plane can carry much fuel. -We are going to >and in ten minutes. -No >intermediate landings will be necessary. -I need somebody to ~look after the children. “Two of the passengers tried to hijack the plane. Thank you. You have been very >helpful. Sa vedem gi aspecte ale folosirii articolului hotarat. Articolul hotarit the este folosit intr-un mare numar de expresil to sell by the dozen to join the army to play the piano with the exception of to the surprise of on the average to the satisfaction of to run the risk of with the help of in the presence of at the expense of at the request of “Au sel bal Da den) 24 doin D4 aii) Au per Da pian] 4iD* DA iksepgn a0] “tu D1 spine 6] Aon De Evra Aw DVA sEtistEkgn ay] {tu ran Da risk av] AND? Da help av) {in D'a prezas av] {Et D4 ikspens av} ALEC Dia riktest ay] “ue +a vinde cw duzina 2 intra in armata -2 cdnta a pian cu exceptia a -spre surprinderea/mirarea in medie -spre satisactia a se expune riscului de a -cu ajutorul -in prezenja a -cu pretul, pe cheltuiala sla cererea to give the alarm it is not the rule the sooner the better ‘Traduceti in limba romana: He joined the army at the age of eighteen. ‘The alarm was given when smoke was seen, ‘The sooner we land the better. You can’t say that in the presence of a child. It happens three times on the average. To the surprise of all of us nobody was injured. I gave her that present on the occasion of her birthday. In one year he built a house but only at the expense of his health. ‘Those pens can be bought by the dozen. ‘They let everybody go, with the exception of the crew. We can't run the risk of being late. > [tu giv D4 alas'm] > [it iz not D*a rust) > [D'4 su:na’ Dia beta] = ada alarma ~ regula nu este sa, de obicei mu ~ cu cit mai devreme, cu atat mai bine >A intrat in armata la optsprezece ani. >S-a dat alarma ednd s-a vazut fumul >Cu eat aterizam maj devreme cu atét mai bine. >Nu pofi spune asta in prezenta unui copil > Acest lucru se intimpla in medie de trei ori > Spre surprinderea noastra a tuturor nimeni nu a fost rant > eam dat acest cadou cu ocazia zilei ei de nastere, >intr-un an a construit © casi, dar numai cu pretul sanatatii lui > Acele stilouri pot fi cumparate cu duzina > Tau lasat pe toti sit plece cu exceptia echipajului >Nu putem sa ne expunem riscului de a imtarzia ata céteva expresii in care articolul hotarit nu este folosit: from beginning to end >[from biginin!®) to be at stake itu bis at ste] to shake hands with to lose sight of >[tu luz sait ay] to lose patience >ftu lu:z peigns] to declare war on to put to flight >{tu put tu fait] to be on duty >[tu seik hEndz D4] >[tu diklea’ ¥o:* on} >{tu bi: on diusti] tw end] de la inceput la sfirgit, de la un capa la altul a fin joc -a da mana cu cineva, a stringe mina cuiva -a pierde din ochi/vedere -a-gi pierde rabdarea -a declara razboi a pune pe fuga, a alunga -a fide servici Verbul ,to shake” este neregulat si are urmatoarele forme: shake - shook >fguk] : shaken ——_>[seikn] 32. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu expresiile pe care tocmai le-ati invatat: ‘Am pierdut-o cu totul din vedere/Nu o mai vad deloc. -I have completely > lost sight of her; Dupa doua ceasuri de asteptare gi-a pierdut rabdarea, Aminteste-ti ca-fi este slujba in joc. Din fericire am putut si-i pun pe fuga. Stii cine este de serviciu acum? Anglia i-a declarat razboi Germaniei. Micar face placere st dau mana cu el ‘Ne-am uitat la meci de la inceput pina la sfarsit, -After two hours of waiting he > lost patience. -Remember that your job is > at stake. Fortunately, | could > put them > to flight, -Do you know who is on > duty now? -England > declared war on Germany. shake hands with him, -We watched the match > from beginning to end, Dam mai jos adjectivele corespunzitoare numelor de fri pe care le-ati tnvayat: Irish Austrian Spanish German Swedish Finnish Greek Italian Portuguese Belgian Danish French Norwegian Swiss Dutch Hungarian Cuvinte invajate anterior: ~ English + Romanian Haitis] >fostrian] >4spEnig] >fja:'man] stig] Finis] erik) >fitBian] >Apo:'tyugi:z] >{beldjen} >deinis] >ffrents] >no:i:djan] >stis] > dats] >{hangearian] Ain(lis] >{rumeinian] -irlandez -austriae -spaniol ~german -suedez -finlandez grec, grecesc italian -portughez -belgian ~danez -francez -norvegian -elvetian -olandez -ungurese -englez roman, rominese Jn limba engleza aceste adjective sunt intotdeauna scrise cu literd mare. “Be Articolelor trebuie sa li se acorde o atentie speciala atunci half si double. ind sunt folosite alaturi de cuvintele Articolul hotdrat sau nehotarat urmeazét dupa cuvantul halt. 1 need half a bucket of water. He drank half a bottle of wine. Buy half a dozen eggs. T'll be back in half an hour. Half the passengers were alarmed. 1 could get half the money. Half the building was destroyed. Half the bottle had been drunk, Am nevoie de jumatate de galeata de apa El a baut jumatate de sticla de vin -Cumpara gase ou “Ma intore in jumatate de ori. Sumatate din pesageri eraw alarmati Am putut si obtin jumatate din bani Jumatate din cladire a fost distrusa -Tumatate de sticla fusese bauta, Cunoastem deja sensul cuvéntului double. In acest caz articolul hota sau nehotarat st& in faja cuvantului double. I sold the double bed I had had for fifteen years. ‘There is a double in her name. -Am vandut patul dublu pe care il am de cincisprezece ani. -Numele ei se serie eu dublu ya” . Cuvéntul double precedé articolul hotardt cénd inseamné ,,de doud ori mai mult” 1 was offered double the amount. ‘You have to use double the amount of salt. ts His wages are double the national average. ‘Acum traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza: in acest razboi au fost ucisi jumatate de milion de oameni, ‘Ave nevoie de o cantitate de lapte de doua ori mai mare. Aceasta excursie ne va lua numai o jumatate de ora Jumatate din trenuri au intérziere. Aj facut o greseala. Aici trebuie si fie un dublu ,". -Mi s-a oferit 0 suma de doua ori mai mare. -Trebuie sa folosesti de doua ori mai multa sare, -Salariul sau e de doua ori mai mare decdt media pe tara, > Half a million people were killed in this war. > We need double the amount of milk. > This trip will take only half an hour. > Half the trains are overdue, > You have made a mistake, There must be @ double ,.” here. 34 Va prezentim acum, numele locuitorilor tarilor europene ale caror nume Le-ati invatat: an Irishman > Lan airigman] un irlandez an Irishworman > [an alvig*aman) -o irlandeza fan Austrian > [an ostrian] un austriae 2 Spaniard > [a spEniaed] -un spaniol a German > [a dja‘'man] -un german a Swede > [a stisd] sun suedez a Finn > [a fin} -un finlandez a Greek > [a erick] -un grec an Italian > [an Elian] -un italian Portuguese > [a po:'tsugi -un portughez, a Belgian > [a beldjan) -un belgian, a Dane > [a dein] sun danez a Frenchman > [a frentgman} sun francez a Frenchwoman > {a frentyuman] -0 franquzoaics a Norwegian > [a no:"%djan) -un norvegian a Swiss >a stis] sun elvetian a Pole > [a paul] -un polonez a Dutchman > [a datsman} ~un olandez a Dutchwoman > [a datsuman] -0 olandeza an Englishman > [an in'®Lisman] un englez an Englishwoman > [an in'®lig¢aman] -0 englezoaica a Romanian > [a rumeinian} -un roman Irishman” ,,Frenchman", ,,Dutchman” saw ,,Englishman" formeaza pluralul ca substantivul five Irishmen -cinci irlandezi three Frenchmen -trei francezi eight Dutchmen -opt olandezi two Englishmen ~doi englezi Unele din aceste substantive mu tsi schimba forma la plural ten Swiss -zece elvetie six Portuguese pase portughezi | -35- Exercifille care urmeaza recapituleaza notiunile invajate in prima parte a acestei lecyi ‘Traduceti din limba roména in engleza A reugit cu ajutorul a doi elvetieni Dectorul a spus c@ nu e de serviciu, Spre satisfactia noastra ne-am ccapatat bani {napoi Acei portughezi gi-au pierdut rabd Plecim maine spre capitala daneza. Pot si strang mana prietenilor vostri belgieni? Nu putem sa ne expunem riscului unei prabusiri, Cumparase aceasta magina frantuzeasea la Jumatate de prey Stiti e& este in joe 0 suma de dowa ori mai mare? A spus aceasta in prezenta spaniolilor. Acesta masura a fost luata pe cheltuiala suedezilor, ‘Am vorbit cu jumétate din echipajul avionului olandez inainte de aterizare, ‘Acei greci pot plati cu usurinta un pret dublu, S-a facut la cererea capitanului >He could do it with the help of two Swiss >The doctor said that he was not on duty. >To the satisfaction of all of us we got our money back. >Those Portuguese have lost patience. >We are leaving for the Danish capital tomorrow: >Can I shake hands with your Belgian friends? >We cannot run the risk of crashing. > She had bought this French car at half the price. >Do you know that double the amount is at stake? >He said so in the presence of the Spaniards, >This measure was taken at the expense of the Swedes. >I spoke to half the crew of the Dutch plane before landing. >Those Greeks can easily pay double the price, >it was done at the request of the captain, Exersati pronungia sunetelor identice in urmatoarele serii de cuvinte: (ul [orl (au) (e) crew board hostess crash two Jaw so back blue saw know stamp t00 dawn so black soon tall alone attack LECTIA 2— Unnatoarele exer Traduceti dia limba romina in limba engleza: Sa cumparam 0 magina spaniola ca si mai facem o schimbare, Ce pacat c& n-aaa mai ramas decdt jumatate de stictat El vrea un pulovar fara guler. Ce echipaj amabil am avutt in Elvetia ff cumperi acel ceas ta jumatate de pret a lucreazd ca dactlograf la 0 agente de vos isi vor petrece vacan(ele in Spania anul acest Exist un avion spre Finlanda de patra ori pe siptamina. Ea este interesata de istoria Norvegiei. Cele mai multe persoane se tem de moarte. Mi-am castigat intotdeauna existenta ca mecanic de locomativa, Invidia nu va va face mai fericit Preturile nu vor mai creste. Nu gtiu ce st fae cu un pat dublu Nu ati dat inca mina cu acesti englezi. Ea a spus cu voce tate ca i s-a ficut foame. Completati cuvintele care lipsese: Miva placut intotdeauna portelanul Copilul a primit cadou o biciclera. Puteti folosi aceasta galeata drept scaun. *ARTEA A DOUA recapituleaza temele lectilor 1 si 2. > Let's buy a Spanish car for a change. >What a pity that there is only half a bottle left! >He wants a jersey without a collar. > Such a kind crew we had! >In Switzerland you pay half the price for that watch, > She works at the travel agency as a typist > They are spending their holidays in. Spain this year, > There is an airliner to Finland four times a week > She takes an interest in Norwegian history. > Most people are afraid of death >I have always eamed a living as an engine driver > Envy will not make you any happier > Prices will rise no more. >] am at a loss what to do with a double bed, > You have not shaken hands with these Englishmen yet. > She said in a loud voice that she had an appetite. ching The child got a bicycle > for a present ~You can use that bucket >as a seat Din avion am vazut cdteva lacuri finlandeze. ‘Vom sta ai st pentru ca pe el il doare capul Suni medie patruzeci de pasageri. Istoria acestui sat grecese este interesanta Abonamentele pot fi cumparate la celatalt shiseu de bilete. Viaja devine constant mai scumpa, Este obligatoriu sa-ti prinzi centura de siguranta inainte de aterizare, EL cumpara cartile cu duzina Ea gtia ca este timpul si dea alarma ‘Treaba era gata, spre satisfactia mecanicului, Cu cat veti plati mai devreme, cu atat va fi mai bine, ‘Nu credeti ca muntii austrieci sunt superbi? Ar plati chiar un pret dublu ca si viziteze Irland. =38- -From the plane we could see a number of > Finnish lakes. -We will stay at home because he has > a headach On the aver there are forty passengers. Greek villags interesting. => Season tickets can be bought at the other ticket-window. > Life has constantly become more expen sive. > It is therule to fasten your seat belt before landing. “He buys books > by the dozen, -She knew it was time > to give the alarm -The job was finished > to the satisfaction of the mechanic. > The sooner you pay > the better -Don’t you think the > Austrian mountains are beautiful? “He would even pay > double the price to visit Ireland, RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 2 2 23, 26. Expresit in care se foloseste articolul hotarae: to join the army a intra in armata on the occasion of seu ocazia wits ne bln of eu jute Expresii in care articolul hotardt nu este folosit: to lose patience -avgi pierde rabdarea to put to flight a pune pe fuga to be at stake -a fi in joe Adjective care deriva din numele unor tari europene: Sweden -Swedish Norway -Norwegian Switzerland -Swiss Portugal -Portuguese Folosirea articolului hotarat si nehotarat cu substantivul half. I need half a bucket of water. -lmiftrebuiejumatate de galeata de apa He drank alfa bottle of wine, -El a baut jumatate de sila de vin 1 could get half the money. Aun bjint jumatate de bani Hilf the building was destroyed. -Iumatate de claire a fost distrust Folosirea articolului hotarat gi nehotarét in cazul cuvantului double. He was offered double the amount. -I s-a oferit o suma de doua ori mai mare. You have to use double the -Trebuie si folosesti de doud ori mai multa sere, amount of sal. 1 have sold the double bed. -Am vindut patul dublu, ‘There must be a double ,” here, -Aici trebuie s& fie un dublu ,t”, Numele locuitorilor unor ari europene: a Dane —— -un danez, 0 danez. =a Frenchman un francez, o frantuzoaica an Italian -un italian, o italianca a Swiss -un elvetian, o elvetianca Tata citeva exemple: ten Danes zece danezi two Frenchmen -doi francezi these Portuguese -acesti portughezi five Italians -cinei italien those Swiss -acei elvetieni four Germans -patru germani 30. TEMA PENTRU ACASA 2 A. Traducefi in timba romana 1. He said that in the presence of five Portuguese, 2. He was chosen at the expense of his friend. 3. We could put the enemy to flight 4, Lhave drunk half a bottle of Spanish wine. 5. They had to walk double the distance. 6. The Danes have caught double the amount of fish B. _ Traduceti 8g in limba engleza: 1. Spre surpriza tuturor ea vorbi in spaniol 2. Si-au pierdut rabdarea cand germanii n-au raspuns. 3. In curand nu vom mai vedea muntii din Norvegia, 4, Sea simt mai bine dupa ce a baut jumatate de pahar de apa. 5. Acesti olandezi sunt de serviciu. 6, Este in joc o mare suma de bani C.—— Completati spatiul gol cu prepozitia lips’ din propozitiile urmatoare: 1, She got it .. the oceasion of her birthday. T have read the book from beginning ... end. 3. How long will they be .. duty? 4... the surprise of all of us nobody spoke Spanish there 5. He wished he hadn't said that ... the presence of his brother. -40- VOCABULARUL LECTHLOR 1 SI 2 air hostess airliner appetite asarule average to be at stake to be due beginning to board boring by air by ral by sea captain careless cariage to carry to change to check china to clip cockpit ‘compartment conductor to crash to declare war on departure lounge distant dozen duty >{ea* haustas] >fen'laina >{Epétait] Ez a ruil] Eri] >[tu bi: at sterk] >t bis dius} Adiginin'®} >itu boda] > bosrinte, >tbai eat] Aba rei >{ bai si:) >{kEptin} >ikes'las] >1kErid] >{tw KEri) {tu tgeindj] Sttu tgek] >{r3aina] >{tu tip] >tkokpit] >[kampa:‘tmant] >{kandakti’) {tu kris] >{keu:) >{tu diklea' Yo-" on} >Edipa‘tya" found] >(distnt]) >{dazn] >{diusti] ole -stewardesa -avion de pasageri -pofta, apetit -de regula, de obicei -medie -a fi in joc -a fi programat nceput -a se urea la bord, a se imbarca -plictisitor, plicticos -pe calea aerului -pe cale ferata, cu trenul -pe mare, cu vaporul ~capitan -neatent, neglijent -vagon a cia, a transporta -a schimba +a verifica -portelan -2 perfora -carlinga, cabina pilotului -compartiment ~conductor +a se prabusi -echipaj -a declara razboi sala pentru imbarcare ~indepartat -duzina -datorie; servieiu to eam a living ‘economy engine engine driver envy European exception expense to fasten fast train fever flight forced landing four-engined glass gold ‘goods train guard guide guided trip hangar headache helpful to hijack honesty instructive to insure intermediate landing journey to land landing to lean > [iw an a livin') > Tikonaeni] >Lendjin} >Lendjin draiva’] > [envi] > [Huarepian] >Liksepse] > Likspens} > [tu fa:sn} > [fast tein) >[ftva'} >{Mlait) >[fortst HEndini®} >[fo:* endjind} >Lela:s] >Lgauld] > {aude trein} >[ga:'d] >[gaid] >{gaidia crip} >{Enga) >{hedetk] >thelpfull >{tu haigjEk] >[onasti) > {instraktiv) ftw insua") >finta'mizdiat Indi] >[djaeni] >[tw 1End] >[1Endin'®)} [tw Tien] -42- -a-si cdstiga existenta -motor, locomotiva -mecanic de locomativa -invidie -european -exceptie -cheltuiala, pret a prinde, a fixa ~(tren) rapid fe -zbor -aterizare fora cu patru motoare -stiela stron de marf’ conductor -ahid -excursie eu ghid -bangar ~éurere de eap -serviabil, amabil, indatoritor a deturma cinste -instructiv a asigura sescala -edlatorie -a ateriza -aterizare -a se sprijini long-range to look after to lose sight of to meet metal national native non-smoker non-smoking compartment ‘on business oriental overdue passenger pilot policy precious preparations to prepare present railway accident request return ticket risk runway satisfaction season ticket seat belt to see off >(Jon'®eind) >[tu tuk ata’) >[tu luz sal ay] >[ww mist] > {medi} >[nEsal] >[neitivy >[nonsmankat] >{nonsmaukin'®? kaxnpa:mant] >Lon biznas] >forient!} > [auva'diu:] > [pEsingja’] >[pailat) >[polasi] >ipresis) >(prepareignz] > {tu pripea’] >[preznt] >[reil*er Eksidant] >(rikest] >[ritatn tikit) > [risk] >[ran‘el] > [sEtisfEksn] [siczn tikit] >[sist belt] >ftu sir of] 243 - -de cursa lunga a avea grija de , a se ocupa de 2 scapa din vedere, a nu mai vedea a intdlni, @ face cunostinga cu -metal -national -bastinas, nativ -nefumator; vagon pentru nefumatori -vagon pentru nefumatori in interes de servi oriental -cu intarziere -cilator, pasager -pilot politica, masura -pretios -pregatiri -a (se) pregati -prezent -pista -satisfactie, muljumire -abonament (pe mijloace de transport) centurad de siguranga -a conduce (pe cineva) to shake hands with shaken shook smoker smoking compartment speed surprise ticket-window travel agency traveller trip tropical vice virtue voyage waiting-room ‘what a pity wine wing fiw seik End iD] seiko] atu] >{smiiuka"] >{smiukin'® kampa:‘onant] Aspid] >{safpraiz) >uikic indau) WEvI efdjansi] > teEvlat) >{srip] >{tropikl} >Evais] >{vattgu:] >{ voi] >[Meitin’®) rum] >{ot a piti} >[uain} >[sin'eh} 44 -a da mina cu cineva, a strange mana euiva a treia forind a iui shake” +a doua forma a Ii shake” fumator -vagon pentru fumatori sviteza -surpriza casa de bilete -agemie de voia} -calator sexoursie tropical -vieiw -virtute -ealatorie -sala de asteptare (ce) pacat ! -aripa

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