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Universitatea Al.

I Cuza din Iasi

Facultatea de Geografie si

-intre vis si realitate-

Marin Simona-Andra
Grupa 11


(Capitala Accra)

Republica Ghana este un stat din Africa de Vest. Se nvecineaz cu Coasta de

Filde la vest, cu Burkina Faso la nord, cu Togo la est i cu Golful Guineei la sud. Teritoriul a intrat n secolul al
XV-lea sub influen portughez, iar n 1874, Regatul Unit formeaz o colonie, Coasta de Aur.
Odat cu independena statului din 1957, la 6 martie, numele de Ghana a fost ales cu referire la Imperiul Ghana,
ce a existat n vestul Africii n antichitate. Ghana are o suprafa de 239.460 kmp i o popula ie de 25 de
milioane de locuitori. Grupuri etnice: africani 98% (triburile Akan, Moshi-Dagomba, Ewe, Ga, Gurma, Zoruba),
europeni i asiatici (1,5%). Capitala se afl la Accra, iar limba oficial este engleza, dei sunt folosite i cteva
limbi naionale/tribale: Akan, Moshi Ewe, Ga. Religia: cretini (63%), musulmani (16%), credine locale (21%).
mprirea administrativ a rii include zece regiuni.
Teritoriul Ghanei este format dintr-o cmpie ntins, vlurit, strbtut de fluviul Volta, mrginit de regiuni de
podi, mai extinse n vest i n nord, i de cmpia litoral. Clima este ecuatorial, iar n nord este subecuatorial.
Subsolul Ghanei conine mari rezerve de aur (de unde numele de Coasta de Aur, dat de coloni tii englezi),
diamante, minereuri de mangan, bauxit. Pe Volta Superioar, care strbate Ghana, se afl cel mai mare lac de
acumulare din lume: Lacul de la Akosombo, cu o suprafa de 9.665
Ghana este o ar bogat n materii prime, cu o economie
predominant agricol. Principalele resurse naturale sunt: cacao (300
mii tone anual), bauxit (300 mii tone), aluminiu. Aceast ar mai
posed aur, diamante, magneziu. Se mai cultiv banane, cafea, orez,
manioc, sorg. Creterea animalelor i pescuitul, pe lng agricultur,
sunt ocupaii de baz ale populaiei. Industria este relativ dezvoltat,
n raport cu alte state africane, avnd ca sectoare de baz:
metalurgia, rafinarea hidrocarburilor i industria chimic. Ghana
export aur, cacao, lemn, bauxit, aluminiu, minereu de mangan,
diamante, principalii parteneri fiind Frana, Olanda, SUA, Italia i
Marea Britanie. Import, n principal, echipamente, produse
petroliere i alimente din Frana, China, Nigeria, SUA, India,
Olanda i Marea Britanie.
Ghana este o ar relativ mic, ale crei principale atracii se bazeaz pe motenirea fostului centru de comer cu
aur, filde i sclavi, n secolele XVII, XVIII, cnd teritoriul era dominat de Imperiul Ashanti. Ghana de ine i
una dintre cele mai bune rezervaii din Africa de vest, precum i o multitudine de plaje frumoase i de localnici



n mod paradoxal, Africa, cel mai bogat continent n resurse naturale, este i cel mai srac continent, dup
nivelul de trai i bunstarea oamenilor. De ce?

Simplu: export de resurse la un pre redus, mult sub preul pieei i impot la un pre mult mai ridicat dect cel de
export, rezultnd profituri semnificativ reduse pentru rile africane bogate. De ce?
Simplu: din cauza lipsei companiilor proprii i a prezenei covritoare a companiilor multina ionale. Profitul
NU rmne n Africa. Bogiile Africii se pierd n sistemul corupt, lipsa democra iei i proasta guvernare, fr
ca mcar de-o pictur s se bucure majoritatea populaiei.

Se spune c Africa este cel mai vechi teritoriu locuit de pe pmnt, rasa uman avndu- i originea pe acest
continent. Cu toate astea, Africa a fost exploatata dintotdeauna. Aruncnd o privire la istoria tumultoas a
acestui continent, remarcm c Africa a contribuit la construcia bunstrii n statele dezvoltate (SUA i
Europa), pe dou ci: prin comerul cu sclavi i
prin colonizarea continentului.

When the missionaries came to Africa they had

the Bible and we had the land. They said Let us
pray . We closed our eyes. When we opened
them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
Bishop Desmond Tutu.
Astzi, lumea dezvoltat e din nou n criz. Oare
va apela, din nou, la vechiul partener?
Despre potenialul Africii se vorbete tot mai des.
Interesul e ridicat. Specialitii Bncii Mondiale
estimeaz c anul acesta, economia continentului
negru va nregistra un plus de peste 5%.
Ovidiu Tender, romnul care a cucerit Africa, precizeaz c oportunitile de afaceri oferite de Africa sunt
imense, chiar dac piaa este deja disputat de companii chineze, coreene, japoneze, franceze sau americane, n
urma primei vizite de 10 zile n Senegal, Guinea, Guinea Bissau i Capul Verde n scopul gsirii de noi piee
pentru companiile romneti.
Anul trecut,compania Prospeciuni , controlat de Tender SA Timioara, a ctigat n Senegal mai multe licitaii
n vederea obinerii a 7 permise de explorare i exploatare de fosfai, metale grele, metale rare, aur i cupru i va
face investigarea geologic a ntregului stat Guinea Bissau. Va realiza, totodat, servicii pentru industria
extractiv de petrol i gaze, att pe teritoriul Senegalului, ct i a altor 10 state din Africa de Vest: Mauritania,
Mali, Guineea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso i Coasta de Filde.
Africa de Vest este considerat una dintre cele mai prietenoase regiuni din lume din punct de vedere fiscal.
Investitorii strini pot obine faciliti fiscale importante pe continentul negru, dac intenioneaz s deruleze
afaceri n domeniile considerate prioritare: energie, agricultur i infrastructur.

Africa este nc ultima lume neatins de lumea de azi, ultimul spaiu cu potenial de cretere economic.

Ghana are resurse naturale din plin, inclusiv lemn, petrol, argint si mangan, dar probabil ca cele mai importante
sunt cele de cacao si aur, doua materii prime pretuite, pentru care Ghana este un producator-cheie. Mina de aur
considerata, in general, cea mai importanta din tara este listata pe mai multe burse ale lumii. In lumea vestica,
ciocolata este omniprezenta, de la praf de cacao instant la trufe artizanale. In India, aurul straluceste aproape
peste tot, iar sezonul nuntilor este complet decorat cu acesta. Piata globala de consumatori pentru aceste marfuri
este sigura. Oricat de importanta ar fi cacaua pentru exporturile Ghanei, tara creste si orez, manioc, arahide,
porumb si banane2 in cantitati semnificative, asa ca bunurile sale agricole sunt destul de bine diversificate.
Aurul negru:

Avand in vedere cererea tot mai mare de energie si preturile mari pentru importul de petrol, probabil ca cea mai
buna veste pentru Ghana a fost descoperirea in largul marii a unor cantitati comerciale de petrol.

In 1983, guvernul a creat o corporatie care sa promoveze explorarea si productia. In 2007, aceasta corporatie a
descoperit un camp petrolifer despre care crede ca va crea conditiile necesare pentru a atinge tinta Ghanei de a
produce 200.000 de barili de petrol pana anul acesta.

Tara are, de asemenea, si gaze naturale, care pot fi folosite pentru a alimenta turbinele pentru productia de
electricitate ceva de care Ghana are mare nevoie. GNPC foloseste gazele offshore pentru generarea
electricitatii prin turbine cu gaze, electricitate care intra mai apoi in reteaua nationala si regionala.


Ghana-A Country of Natural Wealth

Ghana is endowed with abundant natural wealth, including vast agricultural, mining and human resources.
Along with its growing manufacturing sector, agriculture remains a key sector of the economy. The agrarian
sector employs 60 percent of the Ghanaian workforce and makes up almost 44percent of the country's GDP.
Cocoa is the second-largest export, and new exports such as wood products, textiles, jewelry, pineapples, tuna
fish and cotton are rapidly diversifying Ghana's agricultural export profile. The country has over 13.6 million
hectares of arable land suitable for crops or livestock, and a potential annual production of 655,000 metric tons
of fisheries products.
In addition to agricultural wealth, Ghana is also rich in mineral resources. Gold recently replaced cocoa as the
country's primary export, with diamonds, aluminum and bauxite accounting for a large part of the country's
exports. The mining industry was liberalized in 1987, and strategic investors such as de Beers, Lonrho, and
others from the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Britain have already taken advantage of the
new business opportunities.
Gold output rose to some 1.6 million ounces in 1995, and the Ghana Minerals Commission estimates that the
1996 output will reach 1.84 million ounces. Diamond production rose by an estimated 60 percent in 1994, and a
continued rise is expected.
Ghana's industrious, well-educated workforce is one of the country's most valuable resources. There is a strong
primary, secondary and higher education infrastructure, and literacy rates average 53 percent, one of the highest
in the continent. Industrial growth, led by the mining, food processing and textile sectors, reached about 7
percent by the end of 1995.
According to The Economist magazine, the performance of Ghana's agricultural and mining sectors combined
should lead to 5.5 percent GDP growth in 1995, and 5 percent GDP growth in 1996.


Presa internationala - China a

intrat in lupta pentru petrolul african

Planurile Chinei de a-si mari participarea la campurile petrolifere din Africa pot suferi inca o amanare
daca Exxon Mobil reuseste sa obtina drepturile de extractie a petrolului in Ghana, cea mai recenta tara
petrolifera din Africa.
Kosmos Energy a declarat saptamana trecuta ca este dispusa sa-si vanda participatia in campul petrolifer
Jubilee din Ghana catre Exxon Mobil, care in felul acesta va ajunge sa concureze ambitiile Cnooc, companie ce
apartine China National Offshore Oil Corp., informeaza Bloomberg.
Insa, in vreme ce autoritatile guvernamentale ghaneze au declarat ca tranzactia, estimata la aproximativ 4
miliarde de dolari, nu a fost inca finalizata, exploratorii chinezi s-au orientat, inca de la mijlocul verii catre alte
tranzactii in Angola si Libia.
Miza pentru chinezi o constituie
capacitatea de a furniza
suficent petrol pentru propria economie
care a crescut cu 7,9 procente in cel de-
al doilea trimestru, fata de perioada
similara a anului anterior.
Companiile chineze din Africa se
diversifica de la proiecte de constructii
menite sa faciliteze accesul la resursele
minerale si se orienteaza catre strategii
care includ companii occidentale si
banci locale. In cadrul acestui proces
China intra in competitie cu unele dintre
cele mai mari companii din Statele Unite si Europa, in cautare ele insele de resurse in regiune.
"Chinezii sunt deranjati de faptul ca nu fac mai multe tranzactii", a declarat Kobus van der Wath, manager al
Beijing Axis care asigura consultanta companiilor chineze in regiune. "Interesul, intentia si capacitatea de a
incheia astfel de tranzactii este mult mai mare".
Acesta estimeaza ca investitiile non-financiare in Africa se pot ridica pana la 3 miliarde anul acesta, dublu
fata de nivelul din 2008.
De cand premierul chinez Wen Jiabao a vizitat sapte natiuni africane in 2006 si a promis dublarea sumelor
stabilite la 5 miliarde in fonduri de investitii si 3 miliarde de dolari sub forma de imprumuturi, companiile
energetice chineze au anuntat ca intentioneaza sa cheltuiasca cel putin 16 miliarde pentru campurile de petrol
si gaz de pe continent.
"Companiile petroliere chineze sunt foarte interesate in a obtine participatii in marile campuri petrolifere care
sunt aproape de stadiul de productie sau sunt in stadii de dezvoltare", a declarat Thomas Grieder, analist
londonez la IHS Global Insight. "Guvernul chinez este interesat sa asigure resurse pe termen lung".
Economia Chinei va necesita peste 11 milioane de barili de petrol pe zi peste 5 ani, cu 38 de procente mai
mult decat anul trecut, conform analistilor.
La sfarsitul lui august, Cnooc a anuntat ca va incepe exploatarea si achizitionarea campurilor necesare
pentru acoperirea nevoii de petrol in China.

Presedintele Fu Chengyu a declarat ca propria companie a suferit o modificare a strategiei si acum se

orienteaza pe obtinerea de participatii in investitii deja initiate, mai degraba decat sa faca preluari de companii,
dupa ce a intampinat greutati in incercarea de preluare a Unocal Corp, in 2005.

Lupta unui romana pentru petrolul din

Volta Basin

Face afaceri cu petrol departe de Romnia i are un succes din ce n ce mai mare. Cea mai recent schimbare n
viaa companiei pe care o conduce este obinerea drepturilor de exploatare a rezervelor de petrol n Liberia.
Este vorba despre omul de
afaceri australiano-romn
Frank Timi, eful African
prima companie care obine
dreptul de exploatare n largul
coastelor liberiene.
Comercializarea va putea
ncepe la orizontul anului
Compania lui Frank
Timi va fi urmat de
americanii de la Anadarko n
luna septembrie i de cei de la
Chevron n
decembrie. African Petroleum mai are drepturi asupra altor dou zone din largul Liberiei, respectiv LB-08 i
LB-09, achiziionate n 2005, care au o suprafa de 7.200 de km ptrai.
Partea interesant abia acum urmeaz. Volta Basin din Ghana ar putea fi concesionat tot companiei
African Petroleum. Ghana National Petroleum Company poart nc discu ii pentru aceast zon care are o
suprafa de peste 100.000 km ptrai. Timi se afl n Topul celor mai bogai 300 de romni realizat de
Capital, a intrat de curnd n topul celor mai bogai oameni din Marea Britanie, a fost inclus n topul celor mai
bogai australieni i este i n topul celor mai bogai oameni de pe planet. Businessman-ul de origine romn a
avut o serie de probleme cu supraveghetorii pieelor de capital din Australia, Marea Britanie i Canada, de-a
lungul carierei sale. Averea sa a cunoscut o cretere spectaculoas anul trecut, datorit unor micri de pe pieele
de capital i creterii valorii activelor de pe bursele de mrfuri. Toate aceste micri au generat o cresterea
valorii averii lui Timi la circa 670 de milioane de lire sterline, adic o avere similar celei a ducelui de
Devonshire, care deine locul 110 n topul celor mai bogai oameni din Marea Britanie. AFRICAN Petroleum,
unde Frank Timi este preedinte, intenioneaz s devin cea mai mare companie petrolier din Vestul Africii.

Keta Block

Ghana Keta Block

Working interest 35%
Operator Eni
Work programme Seismic acquisition and exploration drilling

Afren acquired a 68% working interest and operatorship of the Keta block (which is located offshore Eastern
Ghana, positioned at the heart of the Volta River Basin) from Devon Energy Corporation in June 2008. The
block covers an area of 5,500 km2, in water depths ranging from 1,000 metres to 2,800 metres.
On 25 October 2011, Afren formally completed the farm out of a 35% working interest and transfer of
operatorship of the Keta block to Oil Major Eni. Under the terms of the farm out Afren will receive a carry
through the drilling of one exploration well, back costs and carry through future seismic acquisition and a
milestone bonus payable upon the achievement of first oil on the block.
Prime acreage in an exciting exploration fairway
The Keta Block is located in the Volta River Basin in Eastern Ghana, next to the maritime boundary with Togo.
The block has both Tertiary and Cretaceous prospectivity, with the principal exploration focus being the
Cretaceous Albian to Campanian sections. The block offers multiple prospects and leads, with a variety of
trapping and depositional settings. A number of these show potential for significant stratigraphic trapping and
giant field potential.
On 6 February 2012, Afren announced that Eni had commenced drilling of the Nunya-1x (formerly named
Cuda-2) exploration well, located in the Keta Block with the Marianas semi-submersible drilling rig. The
objective of the Nunya-1x exploration well was to explore a large four-way dip closed Upper Cretaceous
structure. On 25 April 2012, Afren announced that the well intersected 502 ft of very good quality sandstone
reservoirs, however they were interpreted as water bearing. The well which was drilled to a total depth of
14,928 ft in a water depth of 5,535 ft has provided important information with which to calibrate and further
enhance the Groups understanding of this under-explored block in what remains a high-potential basin. The
Partners have since progressed into the next two-year exploration phase.
A one year extension to this licensing phase has been granted. The work programme will be decided based on
the results of the ongoing seismic interpretation.
British Afren says Italian
Eni starts drilling oil at
Keta block offshore Ghana

British oil firm, Afren Plc on February 6, 2012 announced that Italian oil giant Eni has started drilling on the
Keta block, located in the Volta River Basin offshore Ghana.
Eni Ghana exploration and production Ltd., operator of the Keta block which is located in the Volta River
Basin offshore Eastern Ghana, has commenced drilling of the Nunya-1X (formerly named Cuda-2) exploration
well with the Marianas semi-submersible drilling rig, said Afren in a statement.
The Nunya prospect is a four-way dip closed structure with a primary reservoir target comprising Upper
Cretaceous deep-marine fan sandstones that are analogous to those that have yielded significant discoveries
elsewhere along the West Africa
Transform Margin.
Following the farm out in 2011 of
a 35% participating interest in the
Keta block and transfer of
operatorship to Eni, Afren said it has
a 35% participating interest in the
While Japans Mitsui has 20%
interest and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) has 10% interest.

South Deepwater Tano Block (SDWT)

Adjoining the SDWT Block to the north lies the Hess Block, where both the Pecan-1 and Paradise-1 well
confirmed the southward extension of the Jubilee deepwater turbidite channel petroleum system and logged
light oil and gas-bearing sandstone pay. This part of the West African margin petroleum is generally in
reservoirs associated with stratigraphic traps in a north-south orientation, passing from onshore south to the
Jubilee field. These fields are predominately of Upper Cretaceous Turonian and Cenomanian Age. The Pecan
and Paradise wells confirm its extension further south, and the seismic clearly shows the same system extending
into the SDWT block. Lying south of the Paradise well, Pecan-1 recorded two discrete sandstones with a net oil
pay of 76m.
The SDWT Block of 3,482 km2 is located in deep to
ultra-deep water part of the Tano basin, with water depth
ranging from 2,000m to about 3,500m. It is in close
proximity to the Hess-operated Deepwater Tano - Cape
Three Points block, where seven discoveries have been
made, and the Vanco/Lukoil Deepwater Cape Three
Points block, which has a discovery.
SDWT shares much of the same promising geology
found at the Jubilee field, and the Hess discoveries. It is
located further offshore in the Gulf of Guinea, where it is Map of Ghana

anticipated the turbidite channels associated with the

Jubilee, Paradise and Pecan discoveries will be
composed of cleaner and thicker reservoirs representative
of coalescence of the channels into a basin floor fan depositional environment.

On March 1, 2013 Hess Corp. issued a press release outlining the results of their seven well drilling

in Ghana. As the turbidite channel system develops

offshore, the channels coalesce into cleaner, thicker turbidite basin floor fans. The Pecan-1 well is the furthest
offshore well drilled by Hess and is the closest well to the Minexco SDWT block. As reported, by Hess, this
well has 108 m of net pay suggesting the channel sands are thickening towards the SDWT block.

Summary of Hess Discoveries Offshore Ghana, from public domain.

Well Water Depth (ft) Net pay (ft) Discovery Reservoir Age

Pardise-1 6,040 415 Oil , G/C Turonian/Cenomanian

Hickory North-1 6,455 98 G/C

Beech-1 5,623 146 Oil

Almond-1 7,251 53 Oil

Pecan-1 8,245 245 Oil Turonian

Cob-1 6,330 31 Oil

Pecan North-1 7,411 40 Oil Turonian

Based on these drilling results Hess Corp. plans to submit appraisal plans for seven oil and gas-condensate
discoveries on its operated Deepwater Tano/Cape Three Points block offshore Ghana to Ghanaian authorities by
02 June 2013.
In the press release Hess also stated that the Stena Drillmax drillship was the vessel that drilled the wells at
gross costs averaging USD 40 million per well for the last three wells, including success-case logging, and that
appraisal plans and predevelopment studies have been initiated.

The SDWT block to the south of the Hess block covers approximately 3,500km of the continental shelf and
slope, in water depths of 1.5-3.5 kms abutting the offshore frontier of Cote dlvoire.

Previously licensed to Aker until 2011, the SDWT block was relinquished un-drilled following a settlement
between Aker and GNPC. A 3D seismic survey covering approximately 80% of the block was conducted by
Aker over the block in 2009/10 costing c. USD 30 million. GNPC has bought this data from Aker and Minexco
will have access to the data upon ratification of the Petroleum Agreement. Interpretation of this data has
confirmed the presence within the SDWT block of a number of stratigraphic and structural leads (i.e., features
of interests); some of these are associated with direct hydrocarbon indicators.

In examining the available 3D seismic data set, Minexco Petroleum Inc. estimates a potential for 3.8 BBbls
(gross) on a P50 basis, only associated with the Upper cretaceous turbidite play; there are other plays on the
block, so far un-quantified.

West Cape Three Points Block

The wish by many that Ghanas oil blocks undergo competitive bidding to maximize their values to the country
is soon to become a reality, as the petroleum agreement licensing out the West Cape Three Points (WCTP) block
to Kosmos Energy comes to an end this month, with some international oil companies (IOCs) already
positioning themselves to bid for it.
The country derives its principal benefits under petroleum agreements, from its earnings through royalties and
additional oil entitlements, during production of crude oil.
The petroleum agreement covering WCTP was signed on 22nd July, 2004, for a seven-year period. Article 4
of the agreement provides that, at the end of the period, the contractor (Kosmos) automatically relinquishes
areas that are not deemed to be Discovery, Development or Production areas, except where a force majeure (an
act of God) had altered the time frame.

Sources close to an ongoing tripartite discussion among the Ministry of Energy, Ghana National Petroleum
Corporation (GNPC) and Kosmos Energy, indicate that the WCTP block Operator, has not been able to meet all
of its obligations under the agreement regarding its discovered areas.
The Contractor is, however, to hold on to discoveries over which it has an approved appraisal plan or where
commerciality has been declared, a plan of development.

Companies currently at various stages of activities in Ghanas oil fields include, Afren Plc, Anadarko,
Challenger Minerals, Eni, E.O. Group, Hess Exploration, Kosmos, Lukoil Overseas, Lushann Eternit, Mitsui
Group, Oranto, Sabre Oil, Stone Energy, Tap Oil, Tullow Oil, Vanco Energy, and Vitol Upstream.

ANADARKO Petroleum has announced an oil discovery in the West Cape Three Points block
offshore Ghana as it encountered crude in underground rock similar to that in the country's largest
oil field. The Akasa-I well "encountered 108 at feet (33 meters) of primarily high quality, oil-
bearing pay from four main Turonian-aged sand packages, similar o those found in the Jubilee and
Mahogany East areas," Houston-based Anadarko said. Anadarko has a 30.875 percent working
interest in the West Cape Three Points lock with partners Kosmos Energy (30.875perr cent).
Tullow Oil (26.396 per cent), Sabre Oil & Gas (1.854 per cent) and the Ghana National
Petroleum Corporation (10 cent carried interest) .
"The Akasa-I discovery continues to build upon our partnership's successful West Cape Three
Points programme, enhancing the resource potential of this prolific area," Bob Daniels, Anadarko
senior vice president, worldwide exploration, said in a statement. "After successful appraisal, we
expect the Akasa discovery along with previous discoveries at Teak to potentially anchor an
additional development on the block."
In addition, the partnership also successfully tested the Tweneboa-4 well in the Tano block, and
the results included sustained flow rates of 3,500 barrels of condensate and 30,000 Mcf/d of gas.
Those results combined with others from the Tweneboa-2 well will be used to optimize
development plans for the Tweneboa/Enyenra complex, Anadarko said.
The partnership also mobilized the drillship to drill an "up-dip" appraisal well at Enyenra 3A, it
added. In the Tano block, Anadarko holds an 18 per cent working interest, Tullow is the operator
with a 49.95. per cent interest, Kosmos holds an 18 per cent working interest, Sabre holds 4.05 per
cent .and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation holds 10 per cent carried interest.
Anadarko also provided updates of its activities elsewhere, reiterating how its Montserado
prospect in the Liberian deep water was spud in late July it also was recently issued permits in the
Gulf of Mexico for its Heidelberg appraisal well, the Cheyenne East exploration well and a
development well in the Nansen field.
As for the Ivory Coast, where Anadarko suspended activities in February due to political turmoil,
the company plans to resume drilling in the coming months, it said.
"Additionally, long-lead items are in place, and letters of intent have been signed for two rig slots
in Cote d'Ivoire, where Anadarko plans to begin drilling late this year or early in 2012 at the
Kosrou-1X and Paon-I exploration wells," it said.
Jubilee field

Ghanas Jubilee field, which straddles the Deepwater Tano and

West Cape Three Points licences, was discovered via the
Mahogany-1 and Hyedua-1 exploration wells in 2007.

The two wells were drilled five km apart and intersected a large
continuous accumulation of light sweet crude oil in excellent
quality stacked reservoir sandstones with net oil pays of 95m
and 41m respectively.

Appraisal drilling

Appraisal drilling commenced in 2008 to define the potential of

the Jubilee field. Two further successful wells were drilled on
the field at Mahogany-2 and Hyedua-2. Flow tests on the
Mahogany-1 & 2 and Hyedua-2 wells confirmed that the Jubilee
field was a highly productive and well connected reservoir. In
addition, a water injection test, with rates in excess of 23,000
barrels of water per day, was conducted during the fourth
quarter of 2009 demonstrating well communication over a
distance of up to six km.

The Jubilee Unit Area (JUA) was established to allow for the accelerated Phase 1 development to commence in
2009 with the discoveries immediately to the southeast of the field in the West Cape Three Points licence,
Mahogany and Akasa, awaiting further appraisal and development activity.
More about Jubilee Field

The Jubilee field was discovered in June 2007. It is located 60km offshore between the Deepwater Tano and
West Cape Three Points blocks in Ghana.

The field's recoverable reserves are estimated to be more than 370 million barrels, with an upside potential of
1.8 billion barrels. It is located at a water depth of 1,100m.

Equity partners of the Deepwater Tano block are Tullow with 49.95%, Kosmos with 18%, Anadarko with 18%,
Sabre Oil & Gas with 4.05%, and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) with 10%.

West Cape Three Points is held by Tullow with 22.9%, Kosmos with 30.88%, Anadarko with 30.88%, Sabre Oil
& Gas with 1.85%, Ghana National Petroleum (GNPC) with 10%, and EO Group with 3.5%.

The Jubilee appraisal and development programme began at the end of 2008 and the Odum, Mahogany-2,
Heydua-2 and Mahogany-3 wells were drilled.

Parallel to the appraisal drilling programme, phase I development of the core field has progressed at a rapid
pace since July 2008. The field delivered first oil in December 2010. By May 2011, the field was producing
70,00bopd from five wells.

Jubilee FPSO
"The recoverable reserves of the Jubilee field are estimated at over 600 million barrels."
In October 2008, MODEC was awarded the engineering, procurement and construction contract to provide a
floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for the Jubilee field. MODEC is responsible for the
operation and maintenance of the FPSO.

The tanker vessel Ohdoh was converted for the Jubilee field and christened FPSO Kwame Nkrumah MV21. The
conversion process was completed in May 2010 at the Jurong Shipyard in Singapore. It included the installation
of a water treatment plant, turret and a 120-room accommodation module. A crude separation plant, gas
processing unit and a power generation plant were also installed.

The turret-moored FPSO was towed to its location in the Jubilee field in June 2010. At the field the FPSO is
linked to various production wells.
The FPSO was installed in November 2010, at a water depth of 1,100m. It is designed to operate for 20 years.
The facility processes 120,000bpod and 160mcf per day of gas, and has a storage capacity of 1.6 million barrels
of oil. It injects more than 230,000 barrels of water a day.

Jubilee discovery
In 2007, the Mahogany-1 well discovered the Jubilee oilfield. This provided potential gas cap resources in the
Mahogany-2 location.

Exploration found no gas cap at this location indicating further deep drilling. During the same year the Hyedua-
1 appraisal well confirmed that Jubilee was a world-class sweet oilfield.

Jubilee field development

The Blackford Dolphin and Eirik Raude rigs are conducting development drilling activities on the Jubilee field.
The Attwood Hunter rig arrived in March 2009 and is being used exclusively for exploration and appraisal
activities. It will later be used for drilling two development wells. Another rig, Aban Abraham, arrived at the
filed at the end of 2009.

The Odum well in the West Cape Three Projects block was drilled in February 2008.

"The Odum well in the West Cape Three Projects block was drilled in February 2008."
In June 2008, Mahogany-2, the first appraisal well, was drilled to a depth of 3,443m in a water depth of 1,080m
by Songa Saturn drillship. The results proved that the Jubilee field's turonian turbidite reservoirs were highly
productive, validating its geological and reservoir model.

Before declaring this field as a potential development well, the oil samples were collected for conducting
comprehensive refinery assays. The drilling was conducted by Blackford Dolphin.

In July 2008 the results of a second successful flow test on the Mahogany-2 appraisal well were declared. A
23m perforated interval took over this test, flowing at a rate of 4,448bopd of 39?API oil and approximately
5.1mscfd of associated natural gas on a 36in/64in choke.

Both tests provided data about additional reservoirs in the field.

In December 2008 Hyedua-2, the second appraisal well in the Deepwater Tano licence, was also drilled. As a
result, a gross reservoir interval of 120m containing about 55m of high-quality oil bearing reservoir sandstones
was discovered. It was drilled by the Blackford Dolphin semi-submersible to a depth of 3,663m at a water depth
of 1,246m.

The Mahogany-2 and Hyedua-2 wells confirmed that the Jubilee field is highly productive and well connected.
After configuration and when on stream for production, these wells would be capable to produce more than
20,000bopd with 5.5in tubing.

In January 2009 the Mahogany-3 well was drilled and an additional and extensive sand known as Mahogany
Deep was discovered.
In October 2009 the Mahogany-4 well was drilled towards the east of the Jubilee field. The well was drilled to a
depth of 3,680m and encountered 15m of net pay.

In December 2009 the Mahogany Deep-2 well was drilled 3km from Mahogany-3 and encountered 12m of net
pay. The Odum-2 well was also drilled in December 2009 and encountered hydrocarbons.

Phase I development plan

In July 2009 the Energy Ministry of Ghana approved the Jubilee Phase I Development Plan and Unitisation
Agreement. Under this plan the Jubilee field was developed through an FPSO, delivering a plateau oil rate of
120,000bopd, water injection capacity of 230,000bwpd, and gas export and injection capacity of up to

The work began in July 2009 and the delivery of first oil was in December 2010. Four rigs were secured for
commencing the drilling activities.

Jubilee phase IA project is at the planning stage and the development plan is likely to be submitted to the
Government of Ghana in 2012.

Jubilee field contracts

"Phase I began in July 2009 and the delivery of Jubilee's first oil took place in 2010."
Technip was awarded two contracts for engineering and fabrication of a total of 27km of risers and 48km of
flowlines, 26km of umbillicals and other equipment. The company has also installed and tested the subsea
equipment. Technip subcontracted UTEC to provide survey and positioning services for the field.

Subsea 7 was awarded a $20m contract to provide a remote operating vehicle (ROV) system for the Jubilee
FPSO. Under the contract i-Tech, a subsidiary of Subsea 7, supplied a 150hp Centurion QX work-class ROV
system for the FPSO.

In March 2010, Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services group won the contract for pigging of different
flowlines at the field. The company also carried out testing of the flowlines, riser and jumpers and dewatering of
the gas injection system.

Tweneboa Field

In March 2009, the Tweneboa-1 exploration well, in the Deep Water Tano licence 25km from Jubilee,
discovered a highly pressured light hydrocarbon accumulation of up to 1.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
The well encountered 21 metres of net pay on the edge of a giant 200 sq km fan system related to the Jubilee
play. Intriguingly, the well also encountered a four-metre over-pressured oil-bearing sand and an over-pressured
zone at total depth.
Tullow planned to carry out appraisal drilling to test
core areas of the structure where thicker reservoir sections
are mapped. The second well, Tweneboa-2, began drilling
towards the end of 2009. In January 2010 Tullow
announced that the well had encountered two separate
hydrocarbon columns containing oil and gas-condensate
legs. In total, 32 metres of net pay were encountered.
A significant exploratory appraisal programme is now
scheduled for 2010 which will include up to four
Tweneboa wells to allow Tullow to fully evaluate this
giant fan system. The Sedco-702 rig has been contracted
for this accelerated appraisal programme and commenced
drilling at Owo-1 in June 2010.
Field characteristics
Water depth 1,500m - 1,700m
Tweneboa field comprises the eastern part of a
bifurcating Turonian channel/fan system
Proven gas/condensate in Upper Channel overlying oil
in a Lower Channel
Gas water contact unknown
Oil water contact intersected by T-2
Field appraisal
T-3 well to test frontal splay (Ntomme lobe) of a fan complex within stratigraphic/structural trap
Excellent AvO support, Tw-3 will calibrate bright Ntomme anomaly
Expected spud in 2H 2010
T-4 targets a secondary channel within the easternmost part of the fairway
Project team is in place to evaluate field development options

Tullow Discovers Hydrocarbons at Tweneboa Offshore

Tullow Oil announced that the Tweneboa-1 exploration well, drilled in the Deepwater Tano license offshore
Ghana, has discovered a significant highly-pressured light hydrocarbon accumulation.
The well encountered 21 meters of net pay and was drilled to a depth of 3,593 meters and is currently being
deepened to further assess the discovery and the up-dip limit of a potential deeper fan system.
"Tweneboa is another outstanding discovery offshore Ghana which maintains our 100% success rate in the
region," said Angus McCoss, Exploration Director for Tullow Oil. "Substantial upside has been identified, and a
material appraisal program will follow. This result has the potential to deliver yet another transformational
growth step for Tullow."
The well was optimally located to penetrate multiple targets, including the
edge of an undrilled major Turonian fan system. Further drilling will now be
required to test core areas within this potentially giant stratigraphic trap where
thicker Turonian reservoir sections are mapped. The upside area of
approximately 200 square kilometers includes two de-risked prospective parts,
Owo and Ntomme.
The Tweneboa-1 well was drilled by the Eirik Raude deepwater rig in a water Tano Fields
depth of 1,148 meters some 25 kilometers west of the Jubilee Field.
The hydrocarbon accumulation discovered at Tweneboa is in similar-age sands
as the nearby, but separate, Jubilee field.
Tullow (49.95%) operates the Deepwater Tano license and is partnered by Kosmos Energy (18%), Anadarko
Petroleum (18%), Sabre Oil & Gas (4.05%) and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) (10%
carried interest).
According to Anadarko, once drilling activities are finished at the Tweneboa-1 well, the partnership expects to
move the rig to continue activity in the Jubilee field. The partnership also plans to continue an active program
offshore Ghana with initial appraisals of three recent discoveries at Odum and Mahogany Deep on the West
Cape Three Points Block and Tweneboa on the adjacent Deepwater Tano License. In addition, the partnership
expects to continue its exploration program with the Teak prospect on the West Cape Three Points Block and
Onyina on the Deepwater Tano License.


The Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC)intends to use part of its budgetary allocation to secure the
services of eligible Consulting Firms for the Provision of a Pre-StartUp Health, Safety, and Environmental
Readiness Review for its new Gas Processing and Pipeline Infrastructure with associated assets in the Western
Region of Ghana.
The Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC) is a wholly owned State Company. Presently, it is undertaking
the Construction and Installation of a Gas Processing Plant, Pipelines and other associated assets, in order to
leverage gas production from its existing offshore Jubilee Field (owned and operated by others).


To conduct a Pre-Start Up Health, Safety, and Environmental Readiness Review (PSHSER) of the designated
facilities in order to determine if the facilities are in compliance with all national and local health, safety and
environmental standards; that the facilities meet international best practices. It is key that Ghana Gas is able to
conduct the following safely and in an environmentally compliant manner:
Start up facility operations;
Shut down facility operations as necessary;
Ensure local facilities and surrounding areas remain in a safe condition during start up, operations, and shut


The owner wishes to enter into an arrangement with a firm which will be mandated with the operations and
maintenance including training on the:
Off Shore Gas Export Pipeline: A 12 58km long Subsurface Pipeline to transport dense phase gas to the
location of the Gas Processing Plant near Atuabo
Gas Processing Plant Complex
o Gas Inlet Separator
o Gas Dehydration Unit
o Gas Hydrocarbon Dew Point Control Unit
o LPG Recovery Unit
o On Site Storage Tanks for LPG and Stabilized Condensates,
o On site utilities package, including water treatment system, firefighting system, flare system, drainage
system, and black start diesel generation unit and nitrogen distribution system.
o An onsite combustion turbine will also be installed to produce electricity using iso-pentane/condensate
mixtures as fuel.
On shore Gas Pipeline: A 20 111km main pipeline which will transport the processed gas from the Gas
Processing Plant at Atuabo to the Thermal Power Plant at Aboadze. A 20 78km lateral pipeline will transport
the processed gas from Esiama to the future power plant at Prestea.
LPG Gantry located 2.5km from the Plant at Atuabo.
NGLs loading and Export System: LPG pipeline from the Gas Processing Plant at Atuabo to Domunli. The
export system includes an off shore CALM buoy and associated facilities.
The purpose of the PSHSER is to evaluate the readiness of the pipeline and facilities to conduct start up
operations, shut down operations, and sustained operations
in compliance with all applicable Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) standards and best practices.
The scope of services of this assignment is to conduct a PSHSER for a Gas Processing Plant and Distribution
Pipeline Network. The scope includes but is not limited to:
Review and inspect equipment, safety equipment, walking and working surfaces, security, and access to
controls, to ensure that all HSE requirements and other applicable company and regulatory standards have been
Verify that sufficient measures are in place to prevent or mitigate the consequences of equipment failure or
process upsets.
Review and inspect equipment and permits to ensure that the equipment and planned operating procedures
meet all requirements of applicable permits, company practices and state and federal environmental regulations.
Review the HAZOP that was performed to verify that recommendations have either been resolved or
Review all human-machine interfaces for proper coordination or interaction with personnel.
Inspect equipment, vessels and piping to ensure that facilities are ready to operate safely and all required
procedures are in place, and that the appropriate training has been completed.
Review and inspect emergency equipment and emergency response plans to ensure that required equipment
and plans are in place, adequate and functioning properly.
Review all applicable codes, standards and good engineering standards to ensure compliance.
Provide substantive recommendations for improvement to design, procedures, or personnel to ensure
compliance with all HSE standards and best practices.
GNGCs expectation is that the firm to provide these services shall place the highest emphasis on Health,
Safety and the Environmental compliance in carrying out the review.
Interested Consulting Firms with the requisite capacity and experience must provide information indicating
that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments in conducting such
reviews, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skill among staff to execute this
assignment, etc.).


Interested Consulting Firms shall provide the following document as part of their EOI submissions;
Legal status of the firm.
Capability Statement from the firm.
Representative Key Personnel
Provide information and evidence of similar services, this must include experience in conducting similar
reviews for a Gas Processing Plant and Distribution Pipeline Network Infrastructure or similar facilities in the
last five years.
Interested Consulting firms may obtain further information from the Head of Procurement, on Tel. No. : 00-
233-302-744207 between 8.30am and 4.30pm (Monday Friday) or by e-mail:
Expressions of Interests and supplementary documents (one original and four copies), all in English, should
be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked CONSULTANCY FOR THE PROVISION OF A PRE-START
GAS COMPANY (GHANA GAS) addressed to (I) below:
Submissions will be no longer than ten (10) pages to include cover letter and supplementary documents. All
documents will be delivered to the Procurement Department of Ghana Gas located at the No. 10 Drake Avenue,
Airport Residential Area, Airport, Accra on or before 1100 Hours GMT on Tuesday, 12th November 2013.
Late submissions shall not be accepted.
Only short-listed Consulting firms shall be issued with Request for Proposals (RFP) documents.

More information

The discovery of oil and gas reserves in the Jubilee Fields in 2007 signified a turning point in the
developmental efforts of the government and people of Ghana. In recognition of the potential of Ghanas oil and
gas resources in national development, former late president, Professor John Evans Atta Mills in February 2011
commissioned a National Gas Development Task Force to review and make appropriate recommendations for
the speedy realisation of a national gas commercialisation infrastructure system. In April 2011 the Task Force
submitted its report to the President. The recommendations therein included the evacuation and treatment of
associated gas from the Jubilee Field production.
Acting upon the above, President John Atta Mills sanctioned the establishment of an indigenous company to
undertake the project. As a result, the Ghana National Gas Company (Ghana Gas) was formed, hence giving
true expression to government's emphasis on local content in the oil and gas industry.
Ghana Gas was thus incorporated as a limited liability company in July 2011 with the responsibility to build,
own and operate infrastructure required for the gathering, processing, transporting and marketing of natural gas
resources in the country.
The Offshore Pipeline, the Onshore Pipeline, the Gas Processing Plant, the NGLs Export System, and the
Office Complex are collectively the Project and are also sometimes referred to collectively as the Western
Corridor Gas Infrastructure Development Project or the Ghana Early Phase Gas Infrastructure Development

Financing Plan

A US$ 1 billion facility (part of Governments US$3 Billion) has been secured from the Chinese Development
Bank (CDB) through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP) for the implementation of the
project. The government of Ghana is to raise 15% of the total amount whilst the CDB shall fund the remaining

In November 2011 Ghana Gas signed a Project Implementation Agreement (PIA) with Sinopec International
Petroleum Service Corporation (Sinopec) to enable the early implementation of the project. Subsequently, an
Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) agreement was negotiated and signed
with Sinopec.
Under the EPCC contract, Sinopec will execute the following works:
(i) to provide services for the FEED or Updated FEED for each of the Offshore Pipeline, the Onshore Pipeline,
the Gas Processing Plant and the Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) Export System (as each are defined below),
(ii) to provide engineering, procurement, and construction of
a. an approximately forty-five (45) kilometre shallow water offshore Natural Gas pipeline,
b. an onshore Natural Gas pipeline system, consisting of an approximately one hundred and eleven (111)
kilometre Main Pipeline and an approximately seventy five (75) kilometre Lateral Pipeline including bitumen
surface access roads (including culverts) from the nearest existing roads (of whatever surface) to the regulating
& metering stations and valve stations of both Pipelines,
c. an early phase Natural Gas processing plant to be located at Atuabo, Ghana,
d. a NGLs Export System for the export of LPG produced at the Gas Processing Plant, and
e. an operation office complex; and,
(iii) to undertake the pre-commissioning and commissioning of the Offshore Pipeline, the Onshore Pipeline, the
Gas Processing Plant, the NGLs Export System, and the Office Complex.
Project Management
Ghana Gas has awarded the contract for Project Management Consulting Services for the implementation of
the Western Corridor Gas Infrastructure Development Project to AECOM Technology Corporation (AECOM) a
US based global provider of professional technical and management support services.
Under the terms of the agreement, AECOM will take over construction and engineering management from
Ghana Gas, conduct Factory Acceptance Testing of all critical equipment, supervise integration of all systems,
perform pre-commissioning and commissioning of the entire systems and manage transition from construction
to operational start-up. AECOM will also develop the Project Management Directorate of Ghana Gas by
providing training to Ghana Gas personnel in project management.
Prior to the engagement of AECOM, inspectors from two companies, Velosi Ghana and Worrall Lees
Associates Ltd., of UK had been engaged to work with Ghana Gas personnel to manage the Project.


The Western Corridor Gas Infrastructure Project has enormous benefits to Ghana in the area of power
generation, fertilizers (ammonia and urea), catalyst for industrialisation in the salt, alumina, petro-chemicals
such as plastics, methanol, etc. Specific benefits identified with the project in the short to medium term include;
The gas project, especially, will
Generate employment
Create new infrastructure to support a vibrant petroleum and petrochemical industry
Provide a new economic growth pole for Ghana starting with the Western Region
Provide the opportunity for a more competitive pricing of indigenous gas
Secure competitiveness of Ghanaian industry
Accelerate economic development
Support strategic objective of becoming a petroleum processing hub
Resume Ghanas strategic role as preferred exporter of power in the sub-region.
LPG from the project will meet national demand and will eliminate periodic shortages
LPG will replace wood fuels and avoid de-forestation

Flotation of shares of Ghana Gas will ensure:

Wider Ghanaian participation in petroleum activities, and
Economic and social benefits from broadening ownership in the countrys natural resources

The Export of Natural Gas

from Ghana

The export of natural gas from Ghana will open up a whole new revenue stream for the country. There is
already a lot of interest in natural gas, with the China Development Bank Corp. signing an agreement to lend $1
billion to Ghana. Furthermore, the countrys Ghana National Gas Co. has penned another agreement for a
natural gas project with China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. for $850 million. Once the export of natural gas
begins, under this agreement, China will get 13,000 barrels of oil every day from Ghana and the price would be
as per the prevailing price on that particular day.
The Ghana National Petroleum has already drilled many oil wells to get to the natural gas resources and has
also managed to get adequate foreign investment for major exploration and production. Other nations, including
the United States, are looking at Ghana as a potential supplier of natural gas. So export opportunities for the
country are unlimited, especially with rising crude oil prices and with countries looking for greener and cleaner
fuel sources.
In February 2013, Ghana will be in a position to produce commercial quantities of natural gas and US is
willing to partner the government to produce electricity from natural gas. It goes without saying that natural gas
will also be exported to the United States.
So, the outlook for the country and its residents is very bright. Not only job opportunities will be created, it
will also boost the economy, further development and improve the infrastructure.

What is happening in Ghana


Thanks to the natural gas discovery in the country, the impact is already visible. The towns that are closest to
the Jubilee Fields have created employment opportunities for thousands of people. Many towns, such as
Takoradi, have had their fortunes changed with an influx of workers coming in from other parts of the country.
The government has attracted investors, such as China Development Bank Corp, which has lent $1 billion to
the nation for developing its natural gas infrastructure and resources. Furthermore, the Ghana National Gas Co.
has signed an $850 million deal for the natural gas project with China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. In return,
Ghana will be exporting 13,000 barrels of oil to China every day and these barrels will be sold as per the market
price on that particular day.

Ghanaian Natural Gas - A Huge

According to estimates, Ghana has between 1.5 Tcf and 1.7 Tcf of gas reserves. These estimates also include
reserves, which have not been discovered yet. In 1974, the first reserve of natural gas was discovered in Ghana,
What does discovery of natural
in the Cape Three Points Basin. With growing energy needs, this is good news for the country and people.
gas means for Ghana?

The country spends between 20 and 30 percent of its exports earnings to import crude oil and petroleum
products. With fluctuating and ever increasing prices of crude, the discovery of natural gas means that Ghana
can go in for local production. If this production meets even a third of the countrys needs, it will be able to save
around $350 million each year. As a result, this money could be used in other areas of the economy.
The discovery of natural oil in the country means that Ghana can stop using liquid fuels in industry and power
generation; reduce emission of greenhouse gases; and opt for value added processing of minerals.

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