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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr.




Ion Cristinel RUJAN*

Ion Cristinel RUJAN**
Abstract: Normele de drept penal intern i
dispoziiile dreptului penal internaional protejeaz Abstract: The rules of domestic criminal law
cel mai important dintre drepturile fundamentale ale and regulations of international criminal law protect
omului consfinite i garantate constituional n the most important of fundamental human rights
Romnia, n acord cu prevederile Declaraiei approved and guaranteed constitutionally in
Universale a Drepturilor Omului i ale Conveniei Romania, in accordance with the provisions of the
Europene a Drepturilor Omului. Analiza Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
infraciunilor referitoare la omor din noul cod penal European Convention on Human Rights. The analysis
are n vedere, n primul rnd, restructurarea textelor of the offenses relating to murder of the new Criminal
care ncrimineaz faptele penale ndreptate contra Code envisages firstly, the reorganization of the texts
vieii persoanei i, n al doilea rnd, subliniaz that incriminate the criminal offences directed against
noutile ce vizeaz coninutul infraciunii de omor human life and, secondly, highlights the news
calificat i regimul sancionator. targeting the offenses of first-degree murder and
sentencing regime.
Cuvinte cheie: dreptul la via, infraciunea
de omor, infraciunea de omor calificat, pedeaps. Key words: right to life, murder, first-degree
murder, punishment.
I. Consideraii introductive.

Viaa reprezint dreptul omului I. Introduction.

cel mai de pre, fiind un dar de la Dumnezeu, Life is the most precious human
un act al creaiei Sale n Facerea lumii. right, as a gift from God, an act of His
Paradigma teologic n care se circumscrie creation in the Genesis. The theological
dreptul la via presupune c nimeni, n afar paradigm which circumscribes the right to
de Dumnezeu, nu poate dispune de viaa altei life means that no one but God can dispose
persoane, nici mcar de propria sa via. n of another person's life, even his own life. In
acest sens, porunca lui Dumnezeu din this sense, the commandment of God from
Decalogul lui Moise este limpede: S nu the Ten Commandments of Moses is clear:
ucizi, aceasta fiind o norm cretin "Do not kill", which is an imperative
imperativ de natur moral, care Christian moral norm that underlies criminal
fundamenteaz norma penal codificat standard subsequently codified (Exodus. 20,
ulterior (Exod. 20, 13; Deut. 5, 17)1. 13; Deut. 5, 17)16.
n lumina nvturii bisericilor In the light of the teachings of the
cretine, viaa reprezint un dar Christian church, life is a divine gift, the
dumnezeiesc, valoarea suprem a omului pe supreme value of man on earth, for it is the
pmnt, fiindc ea este suportul tuturor support of all other values, which reflect and
celorlalte valori, care o exprim i o impun require its coming before of all these,
n fruntea tuturor acestora, pentru c omul a because man was made in the image and

Lect. univ. dr., Departamentul tiine Juridice, Facultatea de Relaii Internaionale, Drept i tiine
Administrative, Universitatea Constantin Brncui din Tg-Jiu
University Lecturer, PhD, Department of Juridical Sciences, Faculty of International Relations, Law and
Administrative Sciences Constantin Brncui University of Tg-Jiu

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2014
Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2014

fost fcut dup chipul i asemnarea lui likeness of God . (Fac. I, 26-27).
Dumnezeu. (Fac. I, 26-27). Manslaughter is in the category
Infraciunea de omor este of crimes against life in Article 188 of
cuprins n categoria infraciunilor contra Chapter I of the Criminal Code and it is of
vieii, n art.188 din Capitolul I al Codului importance as it views on the criminal
penal i prezint importan pentru c protection of the right to life, to the
vizeaz protecia penal a dreptului la via, prosecution intended to protect the right to
drept consfinit constituional n art. 22 din life as enshrined constitutionally in Article.
Constituia Romniei2 22 of the Romanian Constitution17.
Dreptul la via este protejat de The right to life is protected by
legea penal din momentul nceperii vieii the criminal law from the start of human life
persoanei i pn la decesul acesteia, fr s and until the death of the person, without
se fac distincie n raport de sex, vrst, ori distinction by gender, age, or other items that
alte elemente ce ar putea fi incluse ntr-o could be included in a discriminatory view18.
perspectiv discriminatorie3. Legal protection of the right to
Protecia juridic a dreptului la life was strengthened by the adoption in
via a fost ntrit prin adoptarea n 1948 a 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Declaraiei Universale a Drepturilor Omului, Rights, which enshrined in Article 3 that
care consacra n cadrul art.3 c orice om are "everyone has the right to life, liberty and
dreptul la via, libertatea i securitatea sa. security. All human beings are born free and
Toate fiinele umane se nasc libere i egale n equal in dignity and rights, each man may
demnitate i drepturi, fiecare om se poate take the rights and fundamental freedoms
preleva de drepturile i libertile without any discrimination as to race, color,
fundamentale, fr nici un fel de deosebire sex, language, religion, political opinion,
de ras, culoare, sex, limb, religie, opinie national or social origin, property , birth or
politic, origine natural sau social, avere, other status. " The International Covenant on
natere sau orice alt situaie. n Pactul Civil and Political Rights, adopted by UN
internaional privind drepturile civile i General Assembly on 16.12.1966 and
politice, adoptat de Adunarea General a entered into force on 11.20.1974, it is stated
O.N.U. la data de16.12.1966 i intrat n in Article 6 that "All human beings have the
vigoare la 20.11.1974, se precizeaz la art.6 inherent right to life. This right shall be
c Dreptul la via este inerent persoanei protected by law. No one shall be deprived
umane. Acest drept trebuie ocrotit prin lege. of his life arbitrarily. "
Nimeni nu poate fi privat de viaa sa n mod First Romanian Criminal Code of
arbitrar. 1937 regulated several offenses of murder:
Primul cod penal romn din 1937 simple murder - art. 463, first degree murder
reglementa mai multe infraciuni de omor: - art. 464, infanticide - art. 465, murder offer
omorul simplu - art. 463, omorul calificat - - art. 466, reckless homicide - art. 467,
art. 464, pruncuciderea - art. 465, oferta de homicide in patience - art. 468, murder by
omor - art. 466, omuciderea prin impruden consensus - art. 469. The Criminal Code of
- art. 467, omuciderea la struin - art. 468, 1939 originally contained only two forms of
omorul prin consens - art. 469. Codul penal committing murder: plain murder and first-
din 1939 coninea iniial numai dou forme degree murder, to which was added
de svrirea a omorului: omorul simplu i aggravated murder in 1957. The Criminal
omorul calificat, la care s-a adugat n 1957, Code of 1969 kept structuring murder in
omorul deosebit de grav. Structurarea three versions: murder, manslaughter and
infraciunilor de omor n trei variante: omor, aggravated murder , which, in the chapter on
omor calificat i omor deosebit de grav a fost offenses against human life, criminalized

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pstrat i n Codul penal din 1969, care, n other acts that resulted in the death of the
cadrul capitolului referitor la infraciuni victim, namely infanticide, manslaughter and
contra vieii persoanei, incrimina i alte fapte causing or aiding suicide.
ce aveau ca urmare moartea victimei, i Regarding the regulation of
anume: pruncuciderea , uciderea din culp i offenses concerning the person in general
determinarea sau nlesnirea sinuciderii. that and person's life in particular, between
Referitor la reglementarea the old penal code and the new penal code
infraciunilor care vizeaz persoana n there are structural and content differences.
general i viaa persoanei, n special, ntre Thus, in the new penal code the chapter
vechiul cod penal i noul cod penal exist regarding crime against life is circumscribed
diferene structurale i de coninut. Astfel, n to crimes against person and includes: art.
noul cod penal, capitolul care prevede 188 - murder, art. 189 first-degree murder,
infraciunile contra vieii este circumscris art. 190 - murder at the request of the victim,
infraciunilor contra persoanei i cuprinde: art. 191 - causing or aiding suicide and art.
art. 188 omorul, art. 189 omorul calificat, 192 - involuntary manslaughter. Old criminal
art. 190 uciderea la cererea victimei, art. law had a different structure in the sense that,
191 determinarea sau nlesnirea sinuciderii in the chapter called Homicide, were
i art. 192 uciderea din culp. Vechea lege incriminated the following offenses: murder
penal avea o structur diferit n sensul c, (article. 174), first degree murder (article.
n cadrul capitolului denumit Omuciderea, 175), first degree murder (article. 176),
erau ncriminate urmtoarele infraciuni: infanticide (art . 177) and involuntary
omorul (art. 174), omorul calificat (art. 175), manslaughter (article. 178)19.
omorul deosebit de grav (art. 176), From the comparative analysis of
pruncuciderea (art. 177) i uciderea din culp the structures of the two codes relating to
(art. 178)4. offenses against human life we can see that
Din analiza comparativ a the old regulation stipulated aggravated
structurilor celor dou coduri referitoare la murder, a crime which does not appear in the
infraciunile contra vieii persoanei se poate new penal code. However, a number of
observa c vechea reglementare prevedea assumptions to commit aggravated murder
omorul deosebit de grav, infraciune care nu were included in the structure of the offense
se mai regsete n noul cod penal. Totui, o of first-degree murder in the new penal code,
parte dintre ipotezele de svrire a omorului while some embodiments described first-
deosebit de grav au fost incluse n structura degree murder in the old penal code can not
infraciunii de omor calificat din noul cod be found in the new regulation.
penal, n timp ce unele variante de realizare a We can also notice that the new
omorului calificat din vechiul cod penal nu Penal Code includes a new offense, namely
se mai regsesc n noua reglementare. the murder at the request of the victim,
De asemenea, putem remarca which is the murder committed at the
faptul c noul cod penal cuprinde o nou explicit, serious, conscious and repeated
infraciune i anume, uciderea la cererea request of the victim suffering from an
victimei, care const n uciderea svrit la incurable disease or severe disability
cererea explicit, serioas, contient i certified medically, causing permanent and
repetat a victimei care sufer de o boal unbearable suffering, and that the offense of
incurabil sau de o infirmitate grav atestat infanticide is charged under a different name
medical, cauzatoare de suferine permanente - Killing or harming the newborn by the
i greu de suportat, dar i faptul c mother, in another chapter of the new code -
infraciunea de pruncucidere este ncriminat Crimes committed against a member of
sub o alt denumire - Uciderea sau family.

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vtmarea nou-nscutului de ctre

mam,ntr-un alt capitol al noului cod II. Manslaughter
Infraciuni svrite asupra unui membru al 1. Legal content
familiei. In accordance with art. 188 Criminal
Code the offense consists of the
II. Infraciunea de omor killing of a person.
1. Coninutul legal 2. Pre-existing conditions
n conformitate cu art. 188 Cod penal a) Legal object. Manslaughter has as
infraciunea const n uciderea unei legal object social relations
persoane. concerning a fundamental right,
2. Condiii preexistente constitutionally guaranteed, namely
a) Obiectul juridic. Omorul are ca the right to life of the person. The
obiect juridic relaiile sociale referitoare la right to life guaranteed under Art. 22
un drept fundamental, garantat constituional, para. (1) of the Romanian
i anume dreptul la via al persoanei. Constitution and Art. 2 para. (1) of
Dreptul la via este garantat, conform art. 22 the European Convention on Human
alin.(1) din Constituia Romniei i art. 2 Rights.
alin. (1) din Convenia european a b) The material object. The material
drepturilor omului. object of the crime of murder is the
b) Obiectul material. Obiectul victim's body. It is necessary that the
material al infraciunii de omor const n person on whom the criminal activity
corpul victimei. Este necesar ca persoana is reflected to be alive at the time of
asupra creia se rsfrnge activitatea the offense.
infracional s fie n via la momentul It is manslaughter even if there are no
svririi faptei. cases that would previously have led to a
Infraciunea de omor exist chiar natural death, so there is no importance of
dac existau anterior faptei, cauze care ar fi how long the victim would have lived if the
determinat o moarte natural, deci nu are victim had not been killed20.
importan ct ar fi trit victima dac nu ar fi c) Subjects of the crime. An active
fost ucis5. subject of manslaughter can be any person
c) Subiecii infraciunii. Subiect activ who fulfills the general conditions required
al infraciunii de omor poate fi orice by the law to have criminal responsibility. A
persoan care ndeplinete condiiile generale passive subject of murder can also be any
cerute de lege pentru a rspunde penal. person alive, regardless of age or health. In
Subiect pasiv al omorului poate fi, de the event, the passive subject is a pregnant
asemenea orice persoan aflat n via, woman, the act will be assigned to the first-
indiferent de vrst ori starea sntii. n degree murder under Article 189 let g) of the
ipoteza, n care subiectul pasiv este o femeie Criminal Code.
gravid, fapta va fi ncadrat la infraciunea If the offender has previously
de omor calificat, conform art.189 lit. g) Cod committed an offense of murder or attempted
penal. murder offense, the offense will be assigned
n situaia n care fptuitorul a comis to the first-degree murder, according to art.
anterior o infraciune de omor sau o tentativ 189 letters e).
la infraciunea de omor, atunci fapta va fi Criminal participation is possible in
ncadrat la omor calificat, potrivit art. 189 all its forms - incitement, complicity and
lit. e). accomplice. Regarding being accomplice in
Participaia penal este posibil sub judicial practice and crime doctrine it was
toate formele sale instigare, complicitate i concluded that there is the case when

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coautorat. n ceea ce privete coautoratul, n participants acted with intent to kill even if
practica judiciar i n doctrina penal s-a under the material aspect only the hitting of
concluzionat c exist coautorat atunci cnd one or some were able to cause the victim's
participanii au acionat cu intenia de a ucide death.
chiar dac sub aspect material numai 3. Constitutive Content
loviturile unuia sau unora au fost apte a a) The objective side. The material
produce moartea victimei. element is made through action or inaction,
3. Coninutul constitutiv through physical activity that results in the
a) Latura obiectiv. Elementul death of a person.
material se realizeaz printr-o aciune sau The action of killing may consist of a
inaciune, printr-o activitate material ce are striking, shooting, stabbing, poisoning and
ca rezultat moartea unei persoane. therefore could be brought against the body
Aciunea de uciderea poate consta of the person, but can also target the psyche
ntr-o lovire, mpucare, njunghiere, otrvire of the victim, the offender knowing that the
i, deci poate fi ndreptat mpotriva fizicului victim has heart disease provokes a strong
persoanei, dar poate s vizeze i psihicul emotion that leads to her death21.
victimei, cnd fptuitorul tiind c victima The offender may act on the victim
are o boal cardiac i provoac o emoie with his own energy directly and
puternic ce duce la moartea acesteia6. immediately, or may use a different power or
Fptuitorul poate aciona asupra force, such as, for example, the use of an
victimei cu energia proprie, direct i animal.
nemijlocit, ori poate folosi o alt energie sau The crime doctrine says that murder can be
for, cum ar fi, de exemplu, folosirea unui committed also using the natural energy of
animal. the victim, who is forced to shoot himself, to
n doctrina penal se consider c jump from a high place etc. 22
omorul se poate svri i prin folosirea It constitutes murder the act of the
energiei fizice a victimei, care este vehicle driver who, although he was urged
constrns s se mpute, s se arunce de la by the victim to stop the vehicle to get off,
nlime etc.7 otherwise being forced to jump off while the
Constituie omor fapta conductorului vehicle was not stopped, accelerated when
de autovehicul care, dei i s-a cerut insistent opening the door and the victim`s jumping
de ctre victim s opreasc autovehiculul resulted in death23. Also, murder is the act of
pentru a cobor, altfel fiind nevoit s sar throwing two bricks from the terrace of a
din mers, a accelerat n momentul deschiderii building with eight floors in high-traffic
portierei i sritura victimei a dus la moartea market in front of the building, one of which
acesteia8. De asemenea, constituie omor hit in the head a person who died. 24
fapta de a arunca dou crmizi de pe terasa Murder can be committed through
unui bloc cu opt etaje, n piaa intens inaction when the offender has a duty to act
circulat din faa blocului, dintre care una a to prevent the death of the person. It is the
lovit n cap o persoan care a decedat9. case of the doctor who does not treat his
Omorul poate fi svrit i prin patients or the mother who is not feeding the
inaciune, atunci cnd fptuitorul are baby.
obligaia de a aciona pentru a mpiedica Manslaughter exists when the
moartea persoanei. Este cazul medicului care perpetrator puts the victim in a dangerous
nu trateaz bolnavul aflat n ngrijirea sa sau situation and does nothing to prevent his
situaia n care mama nu-i hrnete copilul. death.
Infraciunea de omor exist i atunci The immediate result is the death of
cnd fptuitorul pune victima ntr-o situaie the victim, not relevant whether this result

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periculoas i nu ntreprinde nimic pentru occurs immediately or later.

mpiedicarea morii acesteia. There must be a causal link between
Urmarea imediat const n moartea the actions of the perpetrator and the victim's
victimei, nefiind relevant dac acest rezultat death. There is causal report also whether the
se produce imediat sau mai trziu. perpetrator`s action is competed by other
Trebuie s existe un raport de pre-existing factors - a disease of the victim,
cauzalitate ntre aciunea fptuitorului i simultaneously hitting by someone else or
moartea victimei. Raportul cauzal exist i post - late hospitalization25.
dac aciunea fptuitorului este concurat de There is the possibility of interrupting
ali factori preexisteni o boal a victimei, causal relationship when, subsequent to the
concomiteni lovituri aplicate de altcineva commission of the offense, there is a cause
sau posteriori internarea tardiv10. that produces the victim's death
Exist posibilitatea ntreruperii independently of the perpetrator`s action 26,
raportului de cauzalitate cnd, ulterior for example administering the wrong
svririi faptei, intervine o cauz, care treatment causing death of the victim
produce moartea victimei independent de hospitalized for injuries.
aciunea fptuitorului11, de exemplu b) The subjective side. Murder is
administrarea unui tratament greit ce committed with intent directly or indirectly.
cauzeaz moartea victimei internate n spital
pentru vtmri corporale. The motive or purpose of committing
b) Latura subiectiv. Omorul se the crime are irrelevant to the existence of
svrete cu intenie direct sau indirect 12. the crime; but they lead to the classification
Mobilul sau scopul svririi faptei of the facts and are considered in the
nu au relevan pentru existena infraciunii; sentence.
ele conduc ns, la calificarea faptei i sunt The error on the person of the victim
luate n considerare la individualizarea does not cover criminal liability for the
pedepsei. offense of murder. It was also considered
Eroarea asupra persoanei victimei nu that there is manslaughter and in the case of
nltur rspunderea penal pentru deflected strike (aberatio ictus) because the
infraciunea de omor. Totodat, s-a perpetrator wanted to kill a person, not
considerat c exist infraciunea de omor i important if the result occurred on the initial
n cazul loviturii deviate (aberatio ictus), subject or on another person.
pentru c fptuitorul a dorit s omoare o Starting from the fact that the murder
persoan, nefiind important dac rezultatul s- is committed intentionally, the distinction
a produs asupra persoanei vizate sau asupra must be made with assault and battery
altei persoane. causing death, offense under art. 195 of the
Pornind de la faptul c omorul este Criminal Code, where the victim's death is
svrit cu intenie, trebuie fcut deosebirea not sought or accepted by the offender, there
cu lovirile i vtmrile cauzatoare de is no intention to the act, resulting being
moarte, infraciune prevzut de art. 195 Cod above the intention.
penal, caz n care moartea victimei nu este As elements differentiating the two
urmrit ori acceptat de fptuitor, nu exist offenses we emphasize: the vital areas of the
intenie n svrirea faptei, rezultatul fiind body of the victim, the offender's ability to
praeterintenionat. use the instrument to produce death, the
Ca elemente de difereniere ntre number and intensity of the blows, previous
cele dou infraciuni subliniem: zonele vitale relationships between offender and victim,
ale corpului victimei, aptitudinea offender's attitude after committing the
instrumentului folosit de fptuitor de a crime28. In this sense, in practice it was

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produce moartea, numrul i intensitatea considered not the crime of injuries causing
loviturilor, relaiile anterioare dintre fptuitor death, but the crime of manslaughter, the
i victim, atitudinea fptuitorului dup victim's death as a consequence of repeated
comiterea faptei13. n acest sens, n practic blows with fists and feet in the face and
s-a considerat c nu reprezint infraciunea chest, which kicks that generated cardiac
de loviri sau vtmri cauzatoare de moarte, arrest and internal bleeding29.
ci infraciunea de omor, moartea victimei ca
urmare a aplicrii de lovituri repetate, cu 4. Forms. Methods. Sanctions
pumnii i picioarele, n zona feei i a Attempted manslaughter is
toracelui, lovituri care au generat stop cardio punishable under Art. 188 para. (2) Criminal
- respirator i hemoragie intern14. Code. In judicial practice it was raised the
4. Forme. Modaliti. Sanciuni differentiation between the attempted
Tentativa la infraciunea de omor se manslaughter and injury, which endanger
pedepsete, potrivit art. 188 alin. (2) Cod the life of the victim, provided by art. 194
penal. n practica judiciar s-a ridicat para. (1) let. e) of the Criminal Code. The
problema diferenierii dintre tentativa la demarcation between the two offenses is
infraciunea de omor i vtmarea corporal, primarily by reference to the subjective side
prin care se pune n pericol viaa victimei, of the offense, meaning that if injury, the
prevzut de art. 194 alin. (1) lit. e) Cod perpetrator acts with the intention of putting
penal. Delimitarea dintre cele dou the victim's life in danger and not to
infraciuni se face n primul rnd prin suppress life as the active subject
raportarea la latura subiectiv a infraciunii, intellectually acts in the case of
n sensul c, n cazul vtmrii corporale, manslaughter. At the same time,
fptuitorul acioneaz cu intenia de a-i pune distinguishing elements between the two
victimei viaa n pericol i nu de a-i suprima crimes are: the circumstances in which the
viaa, cum acioneaz intelectiv subiectul offense was committed, vital area of the
activ n cazul omorului. Totodat, constituie body where have been applied strokes, the
elemente de difereniere ntre cele dou intensity of the strokes and the object used
infraciuni i: mprejurrile n care a fost to commit the crime.
svrit fapta, zona vital a corpului n care The crime occurs when takes place
au fost aplicate lovituri, intensitatea the dangerous result, the victim's death. 30
loviturilor i obiectul folosit la svrirea Manslaughter is punishable by imprisonment
faptei. for 10 to 20 years and deprivation of certain
Consumarea infraciunii are loc n rights.
momentul n care s-a produs rezultatul Manslaughter committed in certain
periculos, moartea victimei15. circumstances increases the degree of social
Infraciunea de omor se pedepsete danger, as for the way it was committed, the
cu nchisoare de la 10 la 20 de ani i passive subject over whom the criminal
interzicerea exercitrii unor drepturi. activity is reflected, status of second offence
Omorul svrit n anumite or subjective position of the offender. These
mprejurri mrete gradul de pericol social, considerations underlie the regulation of
dat fiind modul de realizare, subiectul pasiv aggravated forms of the offense of murder,
asupra cruia se rsfrnge activitatea contained in art. 189 of the Criminal Code
infracional, starea de recidiv ori poziia under the name of first-degree murder, under
subiectiv a fptuitorului. Aceste which killing is worse if it is committed in
considerente stau la baza reglementrii the following circumstances: a) with
formelor agravate ale infraciunii de omor, premeditation, b) of interest, c) to avoid
cuprinse n art. 189 Cod penal sub titulatura one`s self or another`s criminal liability or

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de omor calificat, potrivit cruia omorul este execution of a sentence, d) to facilitate or

mai grav dac este svrit n urmtoarele conceal the commission of another crime e)
mprejurri: a) cu premeditare, b) din interes by a person who has previously committed a
material, c) pentru a se sustrage ori pentru a crime of murder or attempted murder and, f)
sustrage pe altul de la tragerea la rspundere on two or more persons, g) on a pregnant
penal sau de la executarea unei pedepse, d) woman and h) with cruelty. The punishment
pentru a nlesni sau a ascunde svrirea altei for the first-degree murder is imprisonment
infraciuni, e) de ctre o persoan care a mai from 15 to 25 years and deprivation of
comis anterior o infraciune de omor sau o certain rights.
tentativ la infraciunea de omor, f) asupra a
dou sau mai multe persoane, g) asupra unei III. Conclusions
femei gravide i h) prin cruzimi. Pedeapsa The new penal code brings significant
pentru infraciunea de omor calificat este changes in respect of the offenses of murder,
nchisoare de la 15 la 25 de ani i both in terms of structure of the chapter
interzicerea exercitrii unor drepturi. circumscribing criminal acts that result in
death of the victim, and in terms of content
III. Concluzii crimes.
Noul cod penal aduce modificri In relation to the former criminal
semnificative n ceea ce privete infraciunile regulation the new penal code structures the
de omor, att sub aspectul structurii offenses of murder in two articles: Article
capitolului ce circumscrie faptele penale care 188 - murder and Article 189 first - degree
au ca urmare moartea victimei, ct i n ceea murder without also including aggravated
ce privete coninutul infraciunilor. murder, crime existing in the old criminal
n raport cu vechea reglementare code.
penal, noul cod penal structureaz Offense of first-degree murder under
infraciunile de omor n dou articole: Art. 189 of the Criminal Code is different
art.188 - omorul i art.189 omorul calificat, from the art. 175 of the old Criminal Code, it
fr a mai cuprinde i omorul deosebit de includes some circumstances of committing
grav, infraciune existent n vechiul cod the offense previously included in the
penal. offense of aggravated murder, such as
Coninutul infraciunii de omor murder committed against two or more
calificat prevzut de art. 189 Cod penal este persons, murder committed against a
diferit fa de art. 175 din vechiul cod penal, pregnant woman, murder committed by
acesta incluznd unele mprejurri de cruelty or a person who has committed a
svrire a faptei cuprinse anterior n murder.
infraciunea de omor deosebit de grav, cum The inclusion in the first-degree
este cazul omorului svrit asupra a dou murder of killing carried out by a person
sau mai multe persoane, omorul svrit who has committed a murder was done in a
asupra unei femei gravide, omorul svrit clear way, meaning that it was established
prin cruzimi ori de ctre o persoan care a clearly that it is understood first-degree
mai svrit un omor. murder if the other offense of murder was
Includerea n cadrul omorului committed "prior" thus eliminating the
calificat a uciderii realizate de ctre o semantic drawback given by the text of the
persoan care a mai svrit un omor s-a old penal code that generated ambiguity with
fcut ntr-un mod clar, n sensul c s-a the expression "has committed murder,"
stabilit limpede c se reine omorul calificat, which did not clarified the temporal aspect of
dac cealalt infraciune de omor a fost anteriority, even if it was used the past tense
svrit anterior, aspect care nltur of the verb "commit" so that act was

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2014
Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2014

astfel neajunsul semantic dat de textul considered aggravated murder, even if the
vechiului cod penal, care genera un echivoc offender committed murder after he had
dat de expresia a mai svrit un omor, committed another. However, it can be seen
care nu clarifica aspectul temporal de that the new code has clarified also
anterioritate, chiar dac folosea timpul trecut attempted murder case previously committed
al verbului a svri, astfel c se putea as a circumstance that circumstantiates
considera c fapta constituie omor n form murder.
agravat, chiar dac fptuitorul omorului a In the art. 189 Criminal Code there is
mai comis ulterior un alt omor. Totodat, se no longer found consecration aggravating
poate observa c n noul cod a fost clarificat circumstances that were included in art. 175
i situaia tentativei de omor svrit of the old Criminal Code, such as murder
anterior ca pe o mprejurare care committed on the spouse or a close relative,
circumstaniaz omorul. murder taking advantage of the victim's state
n cadrul art. 189 Cod penal nu-i mai of impossibility to defend, murder
regsesc consacrarea mprejurri agravante, committed by means endangering the lives
care erau incluse n art. 175 din vechiul cod of many people, murder committed in
penal, cum ar fi: omorul svrit asupra connection with job duties or public duties of
soului sau unei rude apropiate, omorul the victim and manslaughter committed in
profitnd de starea de neputin a victimei de public.
a se apra, omorul svrit prin mijloace ce
pun n pericol viaa mai multor persoane,
omorul svrit n legtur cu ndeplinirea
ndatoririlor de serviciu sau publice ale
victimei i omorul comis n public.

1, Pr. A. Radu;

2 Art. 22 alin. (1) din Constituia Romniei: Dreptul la via i la integritate fizic i psihic (1) Dreptul la
via, precum i dreptul la integritate fizic i psihic a persoanei sunt garantate.
3 E.G. Simionescu, Criminal Law. General part I, Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014,

4 E.G. Simionescu, Comparative Study on the attempt to curent and future regulations of the Criminal Code, the

volume Scientific Session The Legislation and the education in the perspective of the European integration,
Constantin Brncui University of Trgu- Jiu, 17-18.12.2004, Publishing Universitaria Craiova, p. 227-236.
5 O. Loghin, T. Toader, op. cit., p.89
Gh. Mateu, Drept penal special. Sintez de teorie i practic judiciar, vol. I, Ed. Lumina Lex, 1999, p.65
V. Dongoroz, S. Kahane .a., op. cit., p.214
8 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr.1620/1998, n Dreptul nr. 12/1999, p.171.
9 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr.369/1997, n Dreptul nr.5/1998, p. 124
10 T. Toader, Drept penal. Partea special, Ed. All Beck, Bucureti, 2002, p.41
11 T. Vasiliu, D. Pavel , G. Antoniu, D. Lucinescu, V. Papadopol, V. Rmureanu, Codul penal al R.S.R.,

comentat i adnotat, partea special, Ed. tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1975, p.73
12 E.G. Simionescu, The intention, form of guilt in the Romanian and foreight penal legislation, Annals of

University Constantin Brncuiof Trgu-Jiu, Juridical Science Series, no.3/2013, p.113-126.

T. Toader, op. cit., p.42
14 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr. 1559/1999, n Dreptul nr. 1/2001, p.189.
15 E.G.Simionescu, Consumed offense form of crime intentional, Annals of University Constantin Brncui

of Trgu-Jiu, Juridical Science Series, no.4/2013, p.25-32.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2014
Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 2/2014

16, Pr. A. Radu;

Art. 22 para. (1) of the Constitution: the right to life and to physical and mental integrity "(1) The right to life
and the right to physical and mental integrity of the person are guaranteed".
18 E.G. Simionescu, Criminal Law. General part I, Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014,

19 E.G. Simionescu, Comparative Study on the attempt to curent and future regulations of the Criminal Code, the

volume Scientific Session The Legislation and the education in the perspective of the European integration,
Constantin Brncui University of Trgu- Jiu, 17-18.12.2004, Publishing Universitaria Craiova, p. 227-236.
20 O. Loghin, T. Toader, op. cit., p.89
Gh. Mateu, Drept penal special. Sintez de teorie i practic judiciar, vol. I, Ed. Lumina Lex, 1999, p.65
V. Dongoroz, S. Kahane .a., op. cit., p.214
23 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr.1620/1998, n Dreptul nr. 12/1999, p.171.
24 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr.369/1997, n Dreptul nr.5/1998, p. 124
25 T. Toader, Drept penal. Partea special, Ed. All Beck, Bucureti, 2002, p.41
26 T. Vasiliu, D. Pavel , G. Antoniu, D. Lucinescu, V. Papadopol, V. Rmureanu, Codul penal al R.S.R.,

comentat i adnotat, partea special, Ed. tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1975, p.73
27 E.G. Simionescu, The intention, form of guilt in the Romanian and foreight penal legislation, Annals of

University Constantin Brncuiof Trgu-Jiu, Juridical Science Series, no.3/2013, p.113-126.

T. Toader, op. cit., p.42
29 C.S.J., Secia penal, decizia nr. 1559/1999, n Dreptul nr. 1/2001, p.189.
30 E.G.Simionescu, Consumed offense form of crime intentional, Annals of University Constantin Brncui

of Trgu-Jiu, Juridical Science Series, no.4/2013, p.25-32.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 2/2014

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