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Aspirator STORM 4040

Model: XV-4040

 Aspirator cu filtrare ciclonica

 2400W, 220-240V, 50 Hz
 Culoare: rosu/ verde 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

Va multumim pentru alegerea acestui produs!


Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie instructiunile si sa pastrati manualul pentru informari ulterioare.

Acest manual este conceput pentru a va oferi toate instructiunile necesare referitoare la
instalarea, utilizarea si intretinerea aparatului.
Pentru a opera unitatea corect si in siguranta, va rugam sa cititi acest manual cu instructiuni
cu atentie inainte de instalare si utilizare.


 Aspirator
 Manual de utilizare
 Certificat de garantie
 Accesoriu 2 in 1: perie podea/covor
 Accesoriu pentru spatii inguste

1 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


1. Cablu alimentare
2. Buton de infasurare/desfasurare automata cabluelectric
3. Buton de pornire/oprire si maner de ajustare a puterii de aspirare
4. Maner
5. Baza
6. Compartiment praf
7. Buton pentru praf
8. Mufa pentru fixarea furtunului
9. Furtun flexibil
10. Perie integrata si duza
11. Perie mare de podea
12. Tub telescopic
13. Selector covor/suprafata dificila
14. Maner pentru tub
15. Cursor putere aspirare

2 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


1. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie manualul de instructiuni inainte de a utiliza aparatul.

2. Inainte de a conecta aspiratorul la priza, asigurati-va ca tensiunea de alimentare
este in corespondenta cu informatiile de pe eticheta produsului.
3. Pentru evitarea incendiilor, soculului electric si altor vatamari, nu scufundati cablul
electric in apa sau in alte lichide.
4. Va rugam deconectati aspiratorul de la priza, atunci cand nu este in functiune si
inainte de curatare.
5. Nu utilizati aparatul daca observati deteriorari la nivelul cablului electric sau ale
aspiratorului in sine.
6. Nu folositi aspiratorul pentru aspirarea apei sau a oricarui alt lichid, substantelor
inflamabile sau a cenusei fierbinti.
7. Nu indreptati furtunul, tubul sau oricare alt accesoriu conectat la aspiratorul in
functiune catre ochi, urechi si nu introduceti in gura.
8. Nu lasati cablul electric sa intre in contact cu suprafete fierbinti.
9. Cand doriti sa scoateti aparatul din priza, trageti de stecher, nu de cablu.
10. Returnati produsele defecte la cel mai apropiat centru de service. Produsul trebuie
reparat doar de persoane calificate.
11. In cazul in care cablul electric este deteriorat, trebuie inlocuit de catre producator
ori de catre agentul sau service, pentru a evita provocarea unor accidente.
12. Aparatul nu trebuie folosit de persoane (inclusiv copii) cu abilitati psihice,
senzoriale sau mentale reduse, sau cu o lipsa de experienta sau cunostinta, doar
daca acestia primesc supraveghere sau instructiuni cu privire la folosirea aparatului
de la o persoana responsabila de siguranta acestora.
13. Copiii trebuie supravegheati, pentru a va asigura ca nu se joaca cu produsul.
14. Atunci cand aspirati scrum/cenusa, nisip, praf de ciment si substante similare, porii
sacului de hartie se infunda, drept pentru care indicatorul de praf va indica faptul
ca sacul este plin. Inlocuiti sacul, chiar daca nu este plin inca.
15. Nu folositi aparatul niciodata fara filtrul de protectie motor, pentru ca acest lucru
va scurta durata de viata a aparatului.
16. Nu folositi niciodata aparatul fara dispozitivul de praf.

3 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


 Furtun:
 Pentru a conecta furtunul, impingeti-l in aspirator in orificiul special si
rotiti in sensul acelor de ceas. Pentru deconectare, rotiti in sens invers
acelor de ceas si scoateti-l din aspirator. Vezi Fig.1 .
 Ajustati tubul telescopic la lungimea dorita. Impingeti partea cu gradatii
in sus si impingeti partea de jos a tubului in jos - Fig.2

 Tub telescopic:
 Apasati arcul de blocare de pe partea laterala a tubului telescopic si
fixati butonul de fixare in orificiul de pe cealalta parte a tubului.
 Conectati tubul telescopic de manerul furtunului, inserati parte mai
ingusta in partea mai larga si rotiti putin.
 Perie de podea:
 Puteti folosi peria de podea pe covor sau pe pardoseala.
 Pentru curatarea pardoselei, impingeti cu piciorul butonul de deasupra
periei, pentru ca benzile cu peri sa iasa din interior.
 Pentru curatarea covoarelor, apasati pe buton in sens opus, pentru ca
benzile cu peri sa se retraga in interior.
 Peria integrata si duza
 Aspiratorul dumneavoastra este vandut impreuna cu unul dintre aceste
accesorii. Conectati-le direct de manerul furtunului sau de tubul
 Folositi duza pentru locuri inguste pentru aspirarea suprafetelor mici, a
colturilor stramte sau a locurilor dificil de curatat.
 Folositi peria mica pentru a curata computere, rafturi etc.

4 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


 Aspirarea:
Aspiratorul poate fi purtat prin manerul de deasupra aspiratorului.Vezi Fig.3
 Trageti cablul in afara si introduceti stecherul in priza.
 Apasati butonul ON/OFF pentru pornirea aspiratorului.Vezi Fig.4
 Ajustarea puterii de aspirare:
Puteti ajusta puterea de aspirare cu ajutorul:
 Butonului de ajustare a puterii de aspirare situat pe manerul furtunului. Vezi Fig.5
 Butonului de control de pe aspirator (pe anumite modele) Vezi Fig.6

 Golirea containerului de praf:

Goliti containerul pentru praf cel putin atunci cand cantitatea de praf acumulata a atins
marcajul MAX sau cand puterea de aspirare a scazut. Vezi Fig.7
1. Detasati containerul ridicand butonul „Dust Release“. Vezi Fig.8
2. Ridicati containerul din aspirator cu partea de jos in sus..Vezi Fig.9
3. La golire, tineti-l foarte aproape de cosul de gunoi. Vezi Fig.10
4. Trageti de butonul de deschidere iar baza se deschide. Vezi Fig.11
5. Rasuciti incet butonul de deasupra containerului si goliti de praful ramas acolo. Vezi
6. Inchideti baza si puneti containerul de praf in aspirator. Apasati ferm pana cand se
aude un clic si verificati sa fie bine fixat.

5 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Curatarea filtrului si inlocuirea:

 Aspiratorul are urmatoarele filtre: filtrul HEPA,filtrul de protectie per-motor si
filtrul de protectie post-motor.
 Filtrele se pot bloca dupa o perioada de utilizare si astfel reduc din puterea de
aspirare. Este deci foarte important ca filtrele sa fie schimbate dupa un
 Curatarea sau inlocuirea filtrului HEPA:
Intotdeauna scoateti din priza aspiratorul inainte de inlocuirea filtrului. Scoateti
containerul de praf.
1. Deschideti containerul de praf din ambele parti. Detasati partea superioara de
cea inferioara. Vezi Fig.13
2. Tineti capacul de plasa de protectie si rasuciti in directia acelor de cea,
eliberand astfel plasa de protectie. Vezi Fig.14
3. Tineti filtrul HEPA si rotiti in sensul acelor de ceas si apoi indeparati-l. Vezi
4. Daca filtrul HEPA este foarte murdar, clatiti-l foarte bine sub dus si folositi o
5. Lasati filtrul sa se usuce (aprox. 15 h la temepratura camerei). Folositi din nou
numai cand este complet uscat. Daca mizeria nu s-a putut indeparta, inlocuiti
cu un filtru HEPA nou.
6. Plasati containerul de praf in asprator. Apasati ferm pana cand se aude un clic si
verificati sa fie bine fixat.

6 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Curatarea sau inlocuirea filtrului de protectie per-motor:

Intotdeauna scoateti din priza aspiratorul inainte de inlocuirea filtrului. Scoateti
containerul de praf.
Aspiratorul este echipat cu un filtru de protectie per-motor.
1. Se scoate din aspirator containerul de praf.
2. Apasati butonul ca in fig indicata, trageti locasul pentru filtru afara din aspirator.
Vezi Fig.16
3. Deschideti acest compartiment ridicand de cele doua aripioare laterale.Vezi
4. Scoateti filtrul si inserati unul nou in compartiment si apoi apasati cele doua
aripioare pentru fixare. Fig.18.
5. Inserati la loc compartimentul filtrului, apasand ferm pana se aude un clic si se
fixeaza bine.
Nota: Filtrul protectie per-motor nu se spala. Daca este doar putin murdar, este suficient
sa fie curatat scuturandu-l deaspura unui cos de gunoi; totusi, este recomandata
schimbarea regulata a filtrului

 Curatarea sau inlocuirea filtrului de protectie post-motor:

Intotdeauna scoateti din priza aspiratorul inainte de inlocuirea filtrului.
1. Rotiti in sens invers acelor de ceas gratarul de emisie si scoateti-l din aspirator. Vezi
2. Scoateti filtrul si inserati unul nou in loc. Vezi Fig.20
3. Puneti la loc gratarul de emisie, rotind in sensul acelor de ceas.

7 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Curatare:
Intotdeauna scoateti din priza aspiratorul inainte de curatarea oricaror componente.
Nu spalati nicio componenta a aspiratorului in masina de spalat vase; daca este necesar,
curatati cu o laveta umeda.
 Depozitare:
1. Opriti aspiratorul si scoateti din priza.
2. Apasati pe butonul de infasurare a cablului.
3. Aspiratorul poate fi depozitat in pozitie verticala. Vezi Fig21


 Puterea de aspirare este mica:

 Verificati ca filtrul HEPA sau cel per-motor sa nu fie blocat sau prea murdar. Daca
este necesar, curatati sau inlocuiti filtrele.
 Verificati ca butonul de ajustare de pe maner sa unu fie deschis.
 Verificati controlul de putere asirare de pe aspirator (la modele care incorporeaza
acest buton) si setati-l la o putere mai mare.
 Verificati peria de podea sau cea mica sau furtunul sa nu fie blocate. Pentru a
indeparta blocajul, demontati componenta si incercati sa deblocati.

8 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


Caracteristica (Model): XV-4040

Putere: 2400W

Putere de absorbtie: 400W

Nivel de zgomot: <80dB

Alimentare: 230V

Lungime cablu alimentare: 5.2m

Capacitate recipient praf: 4.0L


Poti ajuta la protejarea mediului!
Va rugam sa respectati regulamentele si legile locale: duceti echipamentele electrice nefunctionale
catre un centru de colectare al echipamentelor electrice uzate.

HEINNER este marca inregistrata a companiei Network One Distribution SRL. Celelalte branduri,
denumirile produselor sunt marci înregistrate ale respectivilor deţinători.
Nicio parte a specificatiilor nu poate fi reprodusa sub orice formă sau prin orice mijloc, utilizata
pentru obtinerea unor derivate precum traduceri, transformari sau adaptari, fara permisiunea
prealabila a companiei NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION.
Copyright © 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.,

Acest produs este proiectat si realizat in conformitate cu standardele si normele Comunitatii Europene

Importator: Network One Distribution

Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania
Tel: +40 21 211 18 56, ,

9 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


Code: CVC-H6220

 Cyclonic vacuum cleaner, 2400W

 220-240V, 50 Hz
 Color: Red/ Green

10 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

Thank you for chosing this product!


Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and kee it for later information
This manual is conceived for ofering you all of the necessary info regarding instalation, using
and maintenance of the machine. For a correctly and safely use of the machine, please, read
this manual before instalation and using.


 Vacuum cleaner
 Instruction Manual
 Warranty card
 2 in 1 accessory: floor/ carpet brush
 Tight spaces accessory

11 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


1.Power cord
2.Cord rewinder release button
3.On/off switch & suction power adjustment knob
4.Carry handle
5. Lower house
6. Dust container
7. Dust knocking knob
8. Front cover
9. Flexible Hose
10.Integrated brush and nozzle
11.Floor brush
13. Hard floors/carpet selector
14. Hand grip
15. Suction power slider

12 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


1. Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and kee it for later
2. Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains
voltage before you connect the appliance;
3. To protect against electrical shock, do not immerse cord or plug into water or other
4. Do not use the appliance if the plug, the cord or the appliance itself is damaged;
5. If the mains cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced by the producer
or by the authorized service;
6. Keep the appliance out of the reach of children;
7. Never vacuum water or any other liquid, never vacuum flammable substances and
do not vacuum ashes until they are cold;
8. Do not point the hose, the tube or any other accessory at the eyes or ears nor put
it in your mouth when it is connected to the vacuum cleaner and vacuum cleaner is
switched on;
9. When you use the appliance to vacuum ashes, fine sand, lime cement dust and
similar substance, the pores of the paper dust bag become clogged, as a result, the
dust bag full indicator will indicate that the dust bag is full: replace the dust bag,
even if it is not full yet;
10. Never use the appliance without the motor protection filter. This damages the
motor and shortens the life of the appliance;
11. Never use this appliance without a dust bag
12. If faulty, please return this unit to authorized service, the repair must be done by
authorized people only;
13. Never allow a child to operate this appliance. Children are vulnerable in the kitchen
particularly when unsupervised and if appliances are being used or cooking is being
carried out. Teach children to be aware of dangers in the kitchen, warm them of
the dangers of reaching up to areas where they cannot see properly or should not
be reaching;
14. Do not let the power cord to get in contact with hot surfaces;
15. Unplug the vacuum cleaner when you are not using it or when you are cleaning it;

13 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


 Hose:
To connect the hose, push it into the appliance and turn it to click.
To disconnect the hose, press the hook on the 2 side of hose heard, then pull it out of
the appliance. See Fig.1

 Telescopic tube:
 Press the spring loaded lock button on the telescopic tube part and slide the
lock button into the opening of the other tube part.
 Connect the telescopic tube part to the handgrip of the hose, then insert the
narrow section into the wider section and turn a little.
 Adjust the telescopic tube to the length that you find most comfortable
during vacuumming. See Fig.2

 Floor brush:
 You can use the floor brush on the carpet or on the hard floors.
To clean hard floors, push the rocker switch on top of the floor brush with
your foot, in order to make the brush strips come out of the brush housing.
 To clean the carpet, push the rocker switch on the other side to make the
brush strips pop back in the housing.
 Integrate brush & nozzle:
Your vacuum cleaner comes with one of these accessories.
Connect the integrate brush and nozzle directly to the handgrip or to the tube.
1. Use the crevice nozzle to vacuum the small area or to clean narrow
corners or hard-to-reach places.
2. Use the brush nozzle to clean computers, bookshelves etc.

14 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


 Using the appliance:

You can carry the vacuum cleaner by the handle placed on the top front of the appliance. See
1. Pull the electric cord out of the appliance and insert the mains plug into the wall
2. Press the On/Off button on top of the appliance . See Fig.4

 Adjust suction power:

You can adjust the suction power:
 Using the suction power slider on the handgrip of the hose. See Fig.5
 Using the suction power control placed on the vacuum cleaner (Specific types only).See

15 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Emptying the dust container:

You must empty the dust container at least when the swept quantity of dirt in the dust
container has reached the MAX mark or suction power has droped. See Fig.7
1. Release the dust container by lifting up Dust container handle from the top of
dust container. See Fig.8
2. Lift the dust container out of the vacuum cleaner. See Fig.9
3. To the dust container, hold it lower over a dust bin. See Fig.10
4. Push the open button: the bases opens and the dust runs into the dust bin. See
5. Slightly twist the dust knocking knob on top of dust container. Knock the
remaining dust loose. See Fig.12
6. Close the base and place the dust container back in the vacuum cleaner. Press the
dust container firmly into its bracket until it audibly clicks into place. Then check
the dust container to be securely seated.

16 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Cleaning the filter and replacement:

The filters can become blocked after some time of using and can thereby reduce the
suction power. It is therefore important that the above mentioned filters are replaced
from time to time.

 Cleaning or Replacing the HEPA filter:

Always unplug the appliance before you replace the filter. Lift out the dust container
from vacuum cleaner.
1. Open the dust container base. Clockwise twister the HEPA hold, depart the HEPA
frame from dust container. See Fig.13;
2. Hold the mesh protect cover and turn clockwise, release the mesh protect cover.
See Fig.14
3. Hold the HEPA filter and turn clockwise, remove the HEPA filter from dust up part.
See Fig.15
4. If the HEPA filter is very dirty, rinse it thoroughly with a shower head and use a
brush to clean the dirt on HEPA filter;
5. Then leave the filter to dry (approximative 15 hours at room temperature). You can
only use it again when it is completely dry. If the dirt cannot be removed, insert a
new HEPA filter;
6. Place the HEPA Filter and mesh protect cover back to dust up cover;
7. Place the dust container on the vacuum cleaner. Press the dust container firmly
into its bracket until it audibly clicks into place. Then check if the dust container is
securely seated.

17 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Cleaning or Replacing the per motor protecting filter

Always unplug the appliance before you replace the filter.lift out the dust container from
vacuum cleaner.

Your vacuum cleaner is equipped with the per motor protecting filter.
1. Lift the dust container from vacuum cleaner.
2. Press the button as photo shown, pull out the filter holder out of the appliance.see
3. Open the filter holder by lift up two wing on 2 photo show.see Fig.17
4. Remove the filter and Insert a new filter into the holder.and click the 2 wing in the
position. See Fig.18.
5. Insert the holder by pull. And pressing firmly unit it audibly and noticeaby clicks into
Note: The per-motor protecting filter is not washalbe. If it is only slightly dirty, it can also
suffice to knock the filter over a dust bin, however, we recommend you replace the filter

 Cleaning or Replacing the post motor filter:

Always unplug the appliance before you replace the filter.
1. Apart the exhaust grill by hold the lock handle and remove it from vacuum cleaner.
See Fig.19
2. Remove the filter and insert a new filter into the frame. See Fig.20
3. Place the exhaust grill into vacuum cleaner .

Note: The post motor protecting filter is not washalbe. If it is only slightly dirty, it is
sufficient to knock the filter over a dust bin. However, we recommend you to replace the
filter regularly.

18 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V

 Cleaning:
 Always switch off and unplug the appliance before you clean any parts.
 Do not clean any part of the vacuum cleaner in the dishwasher. If neccessary, clean
the parts with a moist cloth.

 Storage:
1. Switch off the appliance and remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
2. Press the cord rewind button to rewind the cord.
You can storage the appliance in vertical parking position. See Fig 21


 Troubleshooting:
The suction power is insufficient
 Perhaps the HEPA filter or per motor protecting filter is too dirty and blocked. If
neccessary, clean or replace the HEPA filter or per motor protecting filter.
 Perhaps the suction power slide on the handgrip is open. Close the slide.
 Perhaps the electronic suction power control (specific types only) has been set to
a low
setting. Set the control to a higher setting.
Perhaps the floor brush, nozzle tube or hose is blocked up. To remove the obstruction,
disconnect the block up item and try to clean it.

19 2400W, 50 Hz, 220-240V


Characteristic (Model): XV-4040

Power: 2400W

Suction power: 400W

Noise level: <80dB

Input: 230V

Power cord length: 5.2m

Dust bag capacity: 4.0 L

Environment friendly disposal

You can help protect the environment!
Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working electrical equipment’s to
an appropriate waste disposal center.

HEINNER is a registered trademark of Network One Distribution SRL. Other brands and product
names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any
derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from NETWORK

Copyright © 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.,,
This product is in conformity with norms and standards of European Community

Importer: Network One Distribution

Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania
Tel: +40 21 211 18 56, ,


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