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Detinerea de animale de companie este intr-o crestere in ultimii ani, Romania are cel mai mare procent
de gospodarii ccu caini 45% si pisici 48%.

In anul 2021, 46% din gospodariile Uniunii Europene detineau un animal cel putin, o crestere cu 8% fata
de anul anterior.

In Europa exista 93 milioane de caini si 113,6 milioane de pisici, aceasta statistica releva ca aceste doua
tipuri de animale de companie sa fie preferate de cetatenii europeni.

In Statele Unite ale Americii in anul 2022 aproximativ 70% din gospodarii detin un animal de companie
cu o crestere de 14% fata de 1992, din aceasta statistica putem trage o concluzie, oamenii incearca sa
transforme animalele de companie in membri ai familiei, cumparandu-le hainute, oferindu-le servicii
medicale, etc. O alta statistica privind vanzarile online pentru bunuri de consum claseaza produsele si
hrana pentru animalele de companie pe locul doi si trei dupa vitamine.

Aceasta lucrare presupune o aplicatie ce faciliteaza persoanele ce doresc sa adopte unul sau mai multe
animale de la distanta, cu o vizualizarea a profilelor acesotra aflate pe un site web. Astfel nu mai este
necesara deplasarea la adapostul de animale, peirderea de timp in trafic si carburant al autoturismului.
Animalele de companie, produsele si hrana vor fi livrate in cel mai scurt timp la adresa cumparatorului.

Imi doresc astfel sa incurajez oamenii pentru adoptarea acestor animale nevinovate, deoarece
adaposturile sunt pline iar alte animalute ajung sa fie abandonate din masini pe drumuri, campuri etc,

Nu este nevoie sa cumparam animale din pet shopuri, trebuie sa promovam si sa incurajam adoptiile de
animale. Oamenii trebuie sa inteleaga si animalele au suflet si merita sa aiba un adapost, sa beneficieze
de hrana si apa,
C# is a new computer-programming language developed by microsoft corporation Usa, C# is a fully
object-oriented language like java and is the first component-oriented language. It has been designed to
support the key features of .NET Framework, the new development platform of Microsoft for building
component-based software solution. It is a simple, efficient, productive and type-safe language derived
from popular C and C++, languages. Althought it belongs to the family of C/C++, it is a purely objected-
oriented, modern language suitable for developing Web-based application.

C# is designed for building robust, reliable and durable components to handle real-word applications.

Major highlights of C# are :

It is a brand new language derived form the C/C++ family

It is simplifies and modernizes C++

It is the only component-oriented language available today

It is the only language designed for the .NET Framework

It is concise, lean and modern language

It combines the best features of many commonly used languages: the productivity of Visual Basic, the
power of C++ and elegance of Java

It is intrinsically object-oriented and web-enabled

It has lean and consistent syntax

It embodies todays concern for simplicity, productivity and robustness

It will become the languages of choise for .NET programming

Major parts of .NET Framework are actually coded in C#

Todays Word Wide Web consists of large number of individual web sites that do not cooperate.

The next generation of the Web is expected to have dynamoc cooperating web sites on its network.

The .NET platform and its technologies developed by Microsoft will enable such cooperation among web
sites. C# is expected to play a major role in developing application on cooperationg networks of web
Denumire Versiune Versiunea .N Anul lansării
Visual Studio 4.0 N/A 1995
Visual Studio 97 5.0 N/A 1997
Visual Studio 6.0 6.0 N/A 1998
Visual Studio .NET 7.0 1.0 2002
Visual Studio .NET 7.1 1.1 2003
Visual Studio 2005 8.0 2.0 2005
Visual Studio 2008 9.0 3.5 2007
Visual Studio 2010 10.0 4.0 2010
Martin Thompso
Richard n
1967 BCPL 1970

1972 C Dennis Ritchie

1983 C++ Bjarne Stroustrup

1987 ANSI C ANSI Committee

1991 Oak James Gostling

1995 Java Sun MicroSystems

1996 ANSI C++ ANSI Committee

2000 C# Microsoft
A large number of computer languages, starting from FORTRAN developed in 1957 to the object-
oriented language Java introduced in 1995, are being used for various application.

The choise of a language depends upon many factors such as hardware environment, bussines
environment, user requirements and so on. The primary motivation while developing each of these
languages has been the concern that it be able to handle the increasing complexity of programs that are
robust, durable and maintainable. The history of major languages developed during the last three
decades is given in figure..

C and C++ have been the two most popular and most widely used languages in the software industry for
the past two decades. They provide programmers with a tremendous amount of power and control for
developing scientific, commercial and business applications.

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