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Piept de pui Diana


pentru 3 portii

3 bucati piept de pui dezosat si transat (aprox. 600g)

2 legaturi ceapa verde sau 2 cepe potrivite
100g mustar
100g unt
100ml coniac
sare, piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Prajiti in ulei bucatile de piept de pui, pe ambele parti, pana se rumenesc. Scurgeti uleiul, si
adaugati untul, ceapa verde taiata segmente de 2-3cm si prajiti timp de 5-7 minute.

2. Intre timp, dizolvati mustarul in coniac si 100ml apa. Adaugati un praf de sare si piper si turnati
amestecul in tigaie. Continuati sa tineti pe foc inca 5 minute, apoi serviti cu piure de cartofi, cu cartofi
natur sau cu orez.

Reteta furnizata de restaurantul White Horse din Bucuresti.

Foto: Radu Grozescu pentru Avantaje

Placinta ciobaneasca (“Shepherd’s pie“)


pentru 8-10 portii

1kg carne de vita tocata

100g unt
3 morcovi potriviti
2 cepe potrivite
200g mazare fiarta (din conserva)
200ml lapte
2 legaturi patrunjel proaspat, tocat
sare, piper, cimbru pentru asezonat
busuioc pentru ornat
sos picant (facultativ)
Mod de preparare:

1. Curatati si taiati ceapa pestisori. Caliti ceapa in unt timp de 3-5 minute, adaugati morcovii
taiati cubulete si caliti inca 5 minute. Adaugati carnea tocata si potriviti de sare, piper si
cimbru. Inabusiti compozitia timp de 6-8 minute, si apoi adaugati mazarea, patrunjelul si
laptele; tineti pe foc pana ce lichidul scade (circa 3 minute).

2. Daca doriti, condimentati cu sos picant. Puneti compozitia in boluri termorezistente si

acoperiti cu un strat de piure de cartofi. Dati la cuptor sa se rumeneasca (aprox. 15 min).

Serviti ornat cu busuioc.

4 portii
Timp de pregatire: 15 minute
Timp de coacere: 5 minute


50 ml ulei
400 g cartofi
6 oua
2 rosii mai mari
un ardei gras
2 legaturi de ceapa verde
marar verde
sare, piper
smantana, optional

Mod de preparare:

Curatati cartofii, taiati-i rondele de jumatate de centimetru si prajiti-i in ulei incins. Scoateti cartofii si
asezati-i intr-o tigaie de teflon. Rumeniti ceapa, apoi puneti-o intr-un bol si amestecati-o cu cele 6 oua
crude, ardeii si rosiile taiate cubulete, mararul tocat, sarea si piperul. Turnati acest amestec peste
cartofii din tigaie. Incingeti uleiul, apoi micsorati focul. Lasati timp de 3-4 minute. Acoperiti cu un capac
si intoarceti, cu ajutorul capacului. Mai lasati 2-3 minute, apoi rasturnati-o pe un platou. Se poate servi
calda sau rece, cu sau fara smantana.

Rulada de porc
4 portii
Timp de preparare: 20 de min
Timp de prajire si coacere: 20+20 min

1,200 kg file de porc
200 g creier de vaca
200 g mazare
2 morcovi
3-4 catei de usturoi
70 g pasta tomate
100 ml ulei
1 ou, batut
sare, piper
legatura de patrunjel, tocat

Mod de preparare:

Taiati din fileul de porc 4 bucati a cate 200 g. Sarati si bateti cu ciocanul de snitel. Dati prin
masina restul de carne. Adaugati morcovii taiati foarte marunt, mazarea, sarea, piperul si
verdeata. Amestecati bine. Impartiti compozitia in patru si puneti cate o lingura de compozitie
pe fiecare felie de carne. Adaugati si cate o lingura de creier, apoi rulati feliile, dati-le prin oul
batut, stropiti-le cu putina apa si asezati-le intr-o tava unsa cu ulei. Dati la cuptor, la foc potrivit,
timp de 20 min. Din pasta de tomate, verdeata, sare, piper si o cana cu apa preparati, pe foc
mic, un sos. Turnati sosul peste rulade. Acoperiti cu o folie de aluminiu. Fierbeti la foc mic,
timp de 20 min. Se poate servi cu garnitura de cartofi fierti.

Rulou de pui cu garnitura de cartofi umpluti

Timp de pregatire: 25 min
Timp de prajit si coacere: 20 min



Pentru ruloul de pui:

150 g de pui dezosat

25 g cascaval
25 g ciuperci
150 g pesmet
150 g faina
1 ou

Pentru garnitura:
2 cartofi mari
50 ml smantana
cateva fire de verdeata
1 ou

Mod de preparare:
Pentru rulou:
Taiati pieptul de pui in doua. Bateti bine fiecare transa, ca pentru snitel. Umpleti cu o felie de cascaval
si jumatate din ciuperci si rulati ca la clatite. Dati prin faina, ou, pesmet si din nou prin faina, ou si
pesmet. Prajiti la foc mic, in 100 ml ulei.

Pentru garnitura:
Curatati cartofii si taiati-i in doua. Fierbeti-i. Dintr-unul faceti piureul, in care amestecati oul si
smantana. Puneti piureul cu posul (seringa de ornat) pe cele doua jumatati de cartof. Dati la cuptor
timp de 3-5 minute, sa se gratineze. Cand scoateti din cuptor, adaugati putina sare si ornati, daca
doriti, cu patrunjel verde.

Supa cu foi de clatite

6 portii
Timp de preparare si gatit: 30 minute


3 cuburi de supa concentrat de pasare sau vita

2 oua
200 g faina
1 legatura de patrunjel
250 ml lapte
2 linguri ulei
sare, piper - dupa gust

Mod de preparare:

Introduceti cubuletele de supa intr-un vas cu 1,5 l apa si lasati sa fiarba citeva minute.
Asezonati cu putina verdeata. Separat, din oua, faina, sare, piper, lapte si verdeata tocata
marunt, pregatiti o compozitie de clatite.
Portionati si turnati apoi in uleiul incins. Vor rezulta 5-6 foi de clatite.
Rulati fiecare foaie si taiati-o taitei.
Adaugati taiteii astfel obtinuti in supa fierbinte. (Puteti prepara acest fel de supa si cu zeama
obtinuta din fierberea pieptului de vita).

Supa de chimen
Mod de preparare:

Puneti la fiert, in doi litri de apa, oasele de vaca, sparte, zarzavatul si un praf de sare. Lasati sa fiarba
timp de 2 ore.
Separat, puneti uleiul la incins si adaugati faina. Faceti un sos alb, in care presarati boiaua, apoi
stingeti cu supa de oase. Lasati la fiert 30 de min, dupa care strecurati. Adaugati chimenul si mai lasati
pe foc inca 5 min. Serviti fierbinte, cu crutoane deasupra.

Pofta buna!
Calitatile mararului
Planta aromata folosita frecvent in bucataria romaneasca in alimente pe baza de branza, in preparate
cu dovlecel sau conopida, in alte mancaruri, mararul verde are si alte calitati. Şi nu e vorba doar de
folosirea lui la muraturi si la varza murata.

Mai nou i s-au descoperit si valente cosmetice. In inlaturarea petelor de pe fata mararul crud are puteri
miraculoase. Intai se curata bine fata. Tratamentul se aplica mai eficient dupa baie sau dus, cand porii
sunt deschisi. Atunci, imediat, obrazul se freaca bine cu un pumn de tarate de grau, inlaturandu-se
celulele moarte. Fata se clateste cu apa calduta, apoi se aplica mararul zdrobit. O jumatate de
legatura de marar verde se spala bine, se zvanta si se zdrobeste cu dosul unei lingurite dupa ce s-au
indepartat tulpinile (cozile mai groase). Amestecul (frunze zdrobite si suc) se pastreaza pe fata 10
minute. Apoi se clateste cu apa calduta si se tamponeaza usor cu un prosop curat.

Retete de post
Maioneza: 200 g cartofi, 150 g telina, 300 ml ulei, 1-2 lingurite cu mustar, putin suc de lamaie, sare.
Se fierb cartofii in coaja. Cand s-au racit se curata si se sfarma bine. Se fierbe telina. Cand s-a racit se
sfarma. Se amesteca cu cartofii, mustarul, sarea, lamaia si se adauga, treptat, uleiul, mestecandu-se

Pasta de fasole uscata (boabe): 1/2 kg fasole boabe, 1-2 kg morcovi, 1/2 kg ceapa, 200 ml ulei,
bulion, pasta de ardei, foi de dafin, sare, piper, 1 lingura de zahar. Dupa ce s-a lasat fasolea la muiat
(o zi), se fierbe in doua ape, care se arunca. In cea de-a treia apa se pun 2 foi de dafin. Se fierbe bine.
Se strecoara si se paseaza boabele. Se fierb morcovii, se strecoara si se paseaza (supa de la morcovi
si fasole poate fi folosita la ciorba). Se caleste ceapa, se amesteca cu fasolea, morcovii, uleiul,
bulionul, pasta de ardei, sare, piper si o lingura de zahar.

Pilaf: o cana cu orez, 5 cani cu apa, 1-2 linguri cu ulei, ceapa (dupa gust), taiata marunt, vegeta, sare,
piper. Se amesteca toate si se da vasul la cuptor.

Mix up 2 spoonfuls of cream cheese with one and a half spoonfuls of honey. Spread this mixture
uniformly with your fingers on the face well clean.
Let this mask take action for 20 minutes, preferable when you bathe because the humidity opens the
pores and the active substance of honey acts better.
After 20 minutes wash well with warm water. The skin becomes vivid and more elastic.
The mask with honey (2 spoonfuls) and almond oil (1 spoonful) + one yolk of egg has same action.
Use this mask like the previous one.

Mix up the same quantity of honey with corn oil and add one yolk of egg.
Clean the low-cut neck with a lotion based on alcohol.
On the skin well cleaned and dry apply a layer of mixture and let it take action for 30 minutes.
Wash up with warm water.


1/3 cup (80 ml) Distilled water
1 tsp. (5 ml) Honey
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) Rosewater
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) Orangeflower water
1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml) Vitamin C
4 drops Lavender essential oil
3 drops Sweet orange essential oil
3 drops Lemon essential oil


1/4 cup (60 ml) Jojoba oil

1/4 cup (60 ml) Soybean oil
1 tsp. (5 ml) Honey
1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml) Polysorbate 80 (emulsifier)
35 drops Rosemary essential oil
30 drops Lemon essential oil
10 drops Sandalwood essential oil


Reminiscent of lasagna, this tasty dish uses tender potatoes instead of pasta. Serve with a fresh
green salad to complete the meal.

Est. preparation time: 20 mins

Est. cooking time: 45 mins

This recipe serves 6 people


2 large potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced

1 (300 g.) package frozen spinach, thawed and well-drained
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 (425 g.) can tomato sauce
1 cup pesto sauce
1 (425 g.) container ricotta cheese
8 ounces mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven .Grease a medium square baking pan.

Steam potatoes until just tender, about 10 minutes; drain and cool slightly. While potatoes are
steaming, squeeze out excess moisture from spinach.

Layer half the potatoes in prepared baking pan and sprinkle with half the salt and pepper. Add half the
tomato sauce, all of the spinach, pesto sauce, ricotta cheese and half the mozzarella. Repeat with
potatoes, salt and pepper, remaining sauce and mozzarella cheese. Top with Parmesan and evenly
drizzle with olive oil. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 15 minutes, or
until hot and top is golden brown. Serve warm.

Retete simple
Cartofi picanti. Se spala si se fierb cartofii (1 kg). Se curata si se dau pe razatoarea de mere. Se
caleste in ulei (50-80 ml) o ceapa mai mare sau doua mai mici tocate marunt si 2-3 catei de usturoi
pisati. Cand au devenit aurii se pune o lingurita de boia dulce si se adauga imediat cartofii. Se
amesteca bine; se mai lasa 2-3 minute pe foc mestecandu-se mereu. Se sareaza si se servesc cu
diverse salate, cu varza calita, cu muraturi.

Inghetata de fructe. Se pot folosi zmeura, fragute, caise foarte coapte. Pentru 2 borcane (de 400 g)
de zmeura ne trebuie o cutie de smantana si una egala ca gramaj sau o cana de iaurt proaspat, 150
zahar (sau dupa gust). Se sfarma fructele cu furculita, se freaca bine cu zaharul, dupa care se adauga
smantana si iaurtul mestecandu-se sa se omogenizeze. Se pune in caserole sau in pahare de plastic
si se introduce in congelator sa se inghete.

Alt articol

Parul si canicula
Razele solare afecteaza aspectul si sanatatea parului nostru. De aceea in zilele caniculare este bine
sa stimulam circulatia sanguina prin masarea usoara a pielii capului in fiecare zi. Se evita folosirea in
exces a produselor de coafare si se spala parul cu sampoane regenerante. Seara se perie macar 10
minute pentru a indeparta praful si impuritatile. Saptamanal se aplica o masca regeneranta pentru a
preveni uscarea excesiva. Masca se poate face si in casa dintr-un galbenus, cate o fiola de vitamina C
si alta de vitamina A si se aplica 10 minute pe parul proaspat spalat dupa care se clateste cu apa
calduta. Feonul (mai ales la viteza maxima) e contraindicat.

ROSEWATER © Millie Fodor

2 cups distilled water
1/4 cup vodka
1/2 cup rose petals
15 drops rose essential.oil opt.
Combine ingredients and set in sun for the day. Strain and add essential oils. Refrigerate. Use
within two weeks.
1 part distilled water
1 part 100 proof vodka
1 drop peppermint essential oil per teaspoon of liquid
Place ingredients in a small bottle or atomizer. Shake well. Use one drop on your tongue.
Variations: Use spearmint or wintergreen essential oil for flavoring.

Banana Hair Mask

For very dry or damaged hair.

1 banana
2-3 dollops of mayonaisse
1tbls.olive oil

Put banana in blender and puree until completely smooth. (You don't want clumps of banana
in your hair.) Then add mayo and oil and blend until smooth and creamy. Apply to hair. Let sit
for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo as usual.

Honey, Vinegar and Almond Mask

Use this mask for facial toning and softening. Great for very dry skin.

2tbls. honey
1/2sweet almond oil
Heat honey until honey is soft and pliable. Add oil and vinegar. Mix well until you have a
smooth consistency. When it is cool enough, apply to face. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.

Orange Yogurt Mask

Ingredients Needed:
• 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)

• the juice of 1/4 of an orange

Stir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool
and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the
perfect mask for you.
*Yogurt will clenase and nourish
*The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA's
*Don't let the yogurt go to waste. Add a little fresh fruit and you have the makings of a
nutritious lunch.

Clarifying Egg Shampoo

Ingredients Needed:
• 1 egg, lightly whisked

• 1/2 tsp olive oil

• 1/2 tsp lemon juice

• 1/2 cup water

• 1 cup gently commercial shampoo

Making your own shampoo can't be any easier than this. Put all the ingredients into a bowl,
whisk to combine for a few minutes and you are done. Massage into your hair and rinse with
cool water.

Homemade Honey Beauty Recipes

Honey Cleansing Scrub-- Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground
almonds and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub gently onto face. Rinse off with warm water.
Firming Face Mask-- Whisk together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin
(available at drug and beauty stores) and enough flour to form a paste (approximately 1/4
cup). Smooth over face and throat. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Hair Conditioner -- Mix 1/2 cup honey and 1/4 cup olive oil. (Use 2 tablespoons oil for
normal hair.) Work a small amount at a time through hair until coated. Cover hair with a
shower cap; leave on 30 minutes. Remove shower cap; shampoo well and rinse. Dry as
Facial Toner -- In blender, puree 1 tablespoon honey with a peeled, cored apple. Smooth over
face; leave on 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Moisture Mask-- Mix 2 tablespoons honey with 2 teaspoons milk. Smooth over face and
throat. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Smoothing Skin Lotion-- Mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil and 1/4
teaspoon lemon juice. Rub into hands, elbows, heels and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on 10
minutes. Rinse off with water.
Skin Softening Bath-- Add 1/4 cup honey to bath water for a fragrant, silky bath.
Hair Shine-- Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. Blondes may wish to add
a squeeze of lemon. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as

Egyptian Facial Mask

• 1 egg beaten

• 1/2 tsp olive oil

• 1 T flour

• 1/4 tsp sea salt

• 1 T whole milk
Mix together all ingredients until creamy and well blended. Spread the mixture over your face
and neck and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well with cool water and pat dry.

Recipe For Eye Makeup Remover

This recipe will take you seconds. All it takes is a trip to your refrigerator for a jar of
mayonnaise. Scoop a little into a smaller jar and then use as required. Apply gently using
fingertip and remove with a wet cotton ball. Refrigerate remaining mayonnaise.

Hair Moisturizer Recipe

That old fashioned mayonnaise (not the low cal variety) is a great moisturizer for your hair.
Shampoo as usual and then apply about a tablespoon. Wrap your hair in a plastic shower cap
for a half hour and then re-shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
If you’re brown or dark:

Take 1 cup each of dried rosemary, nettles and sage and blend in a bowl. Bring 4
cups of pure water to boil. When boiling, put all the herbs in and shut off the heat.
Allow to steep for at least 1 hour. When cool, add 8 drops of pure rosemary essential
oil. (Not synthetic oil please for best results.) Pot up in a glass jar; jelly or mason jars
work great. Set aside until ready to use or you can store in refrigerator if you want.
The best time to use it is after you have washed your hair. While your hair is still
damp, pour the brew over your hair until it is gone. If you make more and do it
repeatedly for 5 days you will see a noticeable shine and vibrancy to your hair.

If your blond or fair:

Take 1 cup each of dried chamomile, lemon peel and calendula petals and blend in a
bowl. Bring 4 cups of pure water to boil. When boiling, put all the herbs in and shut off
the heat. Allow to steep for at least 1 hour. When cool, add 8 drops of pure lavender
essential oil. (Not synthetic oil please for best results.) Pot up in a glass jar; jelly or
mason jars work great. Set aside until ready to use or you can store in refrigerator if
you want. The best time to use it is after you have washed your hair. While your hair
is still damp, pour the brew over your hair until it is gone. If you make more and do it
repeatedly for 5 days you will see your hair tone will become richer and warmer.
These herbal combinations are very healthy applications you can do yourself that
require very little effort. You can make up quite a bit ahead of time however, you will
want to be sure you keep it cool so it stays fresh and you use it within 5 days.

Hair Care

Egg Conditioner
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp olive oil
3/4 cup lukewarm water
Beat egg yolk until it is thick and light colored.
Slowly drizzle drops of oil into egg, beating
well. Slowly add and beat the water into the egg
mixture. Transfer mixture to a container. After
shampooing, massage all conditioner into hair
and leave on for a few minutes before thoroughly
Protein Conditioner
Beat 1 egg white until foamy. Add to 5 Tbsps
plain natural yogurt. Apply to hair in small
sections at a time. Leave in for 15 minutes.

Split End Treatments

1) Mix 1 tsp honey with 2 Tbsps olive oil, then
beat in 1 egg yolk. Massage on hair in small
sections. Wrap head with shower cap for 30
minutes. Rinse and shampoo.

2) Massage hair and scalp with warm avocado or

olive oil. Wrap hair securly in a towel. Leave oil
on hair about 8 hours or overnight. If left on
overnight, put a shower cap over head to avoid
staining pillows and bedding. Wash hair, then
rinse with a vinegar /water solution.

Hot Oil Treatment

1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup boiling water
Place olive oil and boiling water into large glass
bottle or jar with a lid. You may need to wrap a
towel around the bottle to avoid burning
yourself. Shake very well until oil is emulsified.
Massage into hair, taking care not to burn your
head. Put a shower cap or plastic bag over your
hair and wrap your head in a hot towel that has
been soaked in hot water then wrung out. Leave
mixture on your hair for 1/2 hour, then shampoo
as usual

Mayonnaise Conditioner
To recondition the hair, shampoo hair with
homemade shampoo or a shampoo from the
natural foods store. Rinse and towel dry. Apply
regular mayonnaise (not salad dressing) to the
hair. Massage in. Let sit for 10-15 minutes,
shampoo again lightly and rinse with an apple
cider vinegar and water solution.

1) Make an infusion of 1 ounce each of fresh or
dried rosemary and sage in 2 cups of water. Let
steep for 24 hours, then use daily as a hair rinse.

2) Boil 5 heaping Tbsp dried thyme in 2 cups

water for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Pour 1/2
mixture over clean, damp hair. Massage into
scalp, do not rinse. Use second half of solution
another day.

3) Instead of shampooing, massage handfuls of

baking soda into the hair and scalp to absorb oil
and to loossen dead skin on scalp. Rinse
thoroughly, use no other shampoos. While
initially the hair may seem dry, after several
weeks, dandruff will be gone and hair will be
smooth and shiny.

4) Mint Rinse
1 cup water
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 handful of fresh mint leaves
Strain and pour into a container. With fingertips,
massage solution into the scalp, let dry without
rinsing out.

5) Use the hot oil treatment recipe given on this


6) Soothing Herbal Hair Rinse

Combine equal parts of dried rosemary, comfrey,
witch hazel leaves and nettles to make about 1/2
cup. Add to 2 cups of water in a covered pot.
Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let steep
overnight. Strain. Shampoo and rinse hair then
use herb tea for a final rinse to relieve itchy,
flaky scalp.

Hair Coloring
Herb, Fruit & Vegetable Rinses for Color and
These rinses work over a period of time to
subtlely color and add highlights to the hair. First
wash and rinse hair, then pour any of these rinses
over the hair 15 times catching the excess in a
bowl or the bathroom basin as it runs off the hair,
then pouring it over the hair again.
For Brunettes
1) Cook an unpeeled potato in boiling water.
Cool slighly. Dip a pastry brush or cotton ball in
the cooking water, cover and saturate hair, being
careful not to get any on skin. Leave on hair for
20 minutes then rinse out.

2) Make an strong infusion of any of the

following herbs and teas then use as a rinse:
Raspberry leaves
Ivy Berries
Black coffee
Black Tea (for chestnut highlights).
For Blondes
1) Marigold gives golden highlights to light hair
and brings out red and gold highlights in light
brown and red hair. Saffron, tumeric, calendula,
mullein, privet and yellow broom in addition to
any yellow blossomed herb or flower also add
color and highlights for blondes.

2) Rinse hair with a solution of 1 tablespoon of

lemon juice to one gallon of water after

3) To restore hair that was once blonde, mix 10

grams of licorice root with 10 grams of oat straw,
add a pinch of saffron. Cover with water and boil
to make an infusion. Strain and use a s a rinse
after shampooing. It should be allowed to soak
into the hair and NOT rinsed out.

4) To bring out highlights and lighten blonde

hair, steep 1/2 cup of camomile tea in one quart
of boiling water . Strain and cool slighyly.
Shampoo hair until oil free, then rinse with the
tea infusion.

5) Add 4 tablespoons of chopped rhubarb to 3

cups of hot water, simmer for 15 minutes. Strain,
cool, then use as a rinse after shampooing.

For Redheads
1) Use strong black coffee as a final rinse

2) Use a strong rosehips tea

3) Make a decotion of red hibiscus tea, use as a


4) Make a rinse from calendula

5) Use an infusion of saffron for a rinse.

For Grey Hair

1) Potatoes: Boil potato peels in water, strain,
and cool. Use the strained water as an after-
shampoo rinse to darken grey hair

2) Sage covers the grey when used consistently

over a period of time. Simmer 1/2 cup dried sage
in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes. Steep for 2-3
hours. Strain, use as rinse on clean hair. Leave on
until hair has dried, then rinse out.

3) Mix 1 oz. sage, 1oz. rosemary and 1 pint of

water. Simmer for 30 minutes and strain.
Massage into the scalp and grey hair.

4) Mix 1 tablespoon of apple-cidar vinegar with

one gallon of warm water, use as final rinse.

5) Use an infusion of hollyhock (blue-purple

flowers) to remove the yellow cast from grey

6) Use betony as a rinse to cover yellow in grey


For All Hair Colors

Make an infusion of any of the following for
color, conditioning, highlights and shine:
Catnip: Make a rinse of catnip and water to
promote hair growth and shine.
Rosemary: good as a hair tonic for thinning hair
and dandruff and to stimulate hair growth.
Thyme: makes a great stimulating shampoo.
Yarrow: Use a yarrow rinse for mild cases of

Hair Spray
Chop 2 lemons, add 2 cups water, simmer in a
pan over low heat until lemons are quite soft.
Cool, then strain through cheesecloth. Pour into
a spray bottle, add 1 Tbsp vodka, shake. Dilute
with water if too sticky.

Nana's Egg Shampoo
1 large egg separated
3 Tbsp castile soap
In a bowl, beat egg white until foamy. Blend in
yolk followed by the castile soap. Wet hair with
warm water. Massage half the egg shampoo into
scalp. Rinse well then massage remaining
shampoo into scalp. Leave on hair about 1 min.
Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Egg Shampoo #2
1 egg
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp castile soap
1/2 cup water or herbal tea
Drop of fragrant essential oil of your choice
Combine all in blender and whip until smooth.
Shampoo with mixture using warm, not hot
water for the shampoo and rinse. Store any
remaining shampoo in the refrigerator for use the
next day.

Herbal Shampoo
1/4 cup of your favorite herbal tea, strongly
8 oz liquid castile soap
Add soap to tea. Stir over low heat until well
blended. Store in a capped bottle.

Eye Care

1) The best overall eye tonic is eyebright

(an herb). Make a tea of it and either use
the teabags or soak cotton balls or soft
gauze in the tea and apply to eyes as a
compress while lying down.

2) For puffy and swollen eyes, make a

wet compress of 4 Tbsp. freshly grated
raw potato. Place on the eyes for about
15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

3) To reduce swelling and for bags under

the eyes, brew a cup of strong rosehip
tea. Soak 2 cotton balls in the tea or use 2
tea bags, lie down and place over the

4) For dark cirles, cut a fresh fig in half,

place a half over each eye.
5) To soothe tired, irritated eyes, cut the
end of a cumber into 1/4 in thick slices.
Apply a cool slice to each eye.

6) Raw potato slices laid on sore eyes

reduces heat and redness.

7) For eye puffiness, any tea bag (herbal

is better, especially eyebright), slightly
cooled, placed on the eyes while you rest.

8) For tired or bloodshot eyes, soak

sterile cotton balls or soft cloth in cold
skim milk. Place over eyes for 10
minutes. Rinse entire face in warm,then
cool, water.

9) To lighten dark circles under your

eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in
cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-
20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

1) Apricot Butter Cold Cream (For Dry

10 oz apricot kernel oil
2 oz cocoa butter
2 oz beeswax
Heat all in top of double boiler until wax
and butter are melted. Beat with a
wooden spoon until smooth and cooled.
Transfer to jars, cap and refrigerate.

2) Buttermilk and Fennel Cleansing

Milk (For Oily Skin)
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 Tbsp crushed fennel seeds
Heat the milk and fennel seeds in top of
double boiler for 30 minutes. Turn off
heat, let steep for 2 hours. Strain, cool,
pour into bottle and refrigerate. Keeps for
2 weeks.

3) Chamomile Cleansing Milk (For Dry

and Sensitive Skin)
1/4 cup cream
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp chamomile flowers, fresh or dried
Simmer ingredients in top of a double
boiler for about 30 minutes, do not allow
milk to boil. Turn off heat and let sit for
about 2 hours, strain. Keep refrigerated.
Apply with cotton balls to the face.
Variations: Use elderflowers, sweet
violets or lime blossoms in place of

4) Cornmeal Cleanser (for Oily Skin)

Castile soap
1 Tsp Cornmeal
Wet face. Pour a little castile soap into
the palm of your hand, add cornmeal.
Mix meal and soap into a lather, wash
face, being careful to avoid the delicate
skin around the eyes.

5) Honey Cleanser (For Dry Skin)

Castile soap
1 Tsp Honey
Wet face. Pour a little castile soap into
the palm of your hand, add honey. Mix
honey and soap into a lather, wash face.

6) Honey Almond Scrub

2 Tbsp almonds
2 tsp milk
1/2 tsp flour
1/2 tsp honey
Grind almonds in a blender. Add milk,
flour and honey, mixing until a thick
paste is formed. Rub into skin, rinse with
warm water followed by the pH balancer.

7) Honey 'n Oats Scrub

1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp cider vinegar
1 tsp ground almonds
Moisten face with a warm washcloth then
apply mixture to face avoiding the
sensitive area around the eyes. Let
mixture dry, then remove with a warm,
damp washcloth.

8) Lemon Cleansing Cream (For Oily

1 Tbsp beeswax
1 1/2 Tbsp Unpetroleum Jelly (available
in natural foods stores)
3 Tbsp jojoba oil
1 Tbsp witch hazel
1 Tbsp strained lemon juice
1/8 tsp borax
6 drops essential oil of lemon
Melt beeswax and unpetroleum jelly over
low heat. Add warmed jojoba oil to wax
and jelly mixture, blending for 3-5
minutes. Mix witch hazel and lemon
juice, warm gently, mix in borax until
dissolved. Slowly add this to the wax
mixture, beating until cool and creamy.
After completely cooled, add lemon oil,
spoon into clean jar.

9) Milk and Honey Cleanser:

Mix 1 tsp warm honey with 1 tablespoon
milk or cream. This recipe should be
prepared fresh each time.

10) Peppermint Patty Scrub: (For Oily

2 cup rolled oats
1 cup almonds
2 tsp dried lavender
2 tsp dried peppermint
2 cup white cosmetic clay
Grind oats, almonds and herbs to a very
fine powder in blender or with a mortar
and pestle. Mix ground herbs with clay,
store in covered container. To use: mix 1
heaping tsp of mixture with water to
make a paste. Massage into skin then
rinse well with warm water.

11) Sesame Oil Cleanser: (For Dry

Apply sesame oil to face and neck.
Remove oil and makeup with a washcloth
that has been soaked in hot water and
wrung out. Finish with a rinse of the pH

12) Sweet Butter Cleansing Cream:

(For Dry Skin)
Whip sweet, unsalted butter, transfer to
container with a tid lid. May be stored at
room temperature away from heat
sources or refrigerate.
Cleansing Grains:
1) Almond Cleanser
Grind almonds to a fine powder in a
blender. Wet face then rub on almond
powder. Rinse. Store powder in a tighly
sealed container.

2) Orange & Oats Scrubbing Grains

1 cup dried orange peel
1 cup cooked oatmeal
1 cup almonds
Place peels, oats, and almonds in food
processor, blend until mixture is a fine
powder. Place some in the palm of your
hand and moisten with a few drops of
warm water. Rub paste onto face with a
gentle circular motion. Rinse with warm

Dry Skin
1) Make a puree of 1 banana and 1
papaya, peach or avacado. Apply to skin.
Leave on for at least 20 minutes then
rinse with warm water, followed by a
moisturizer of natural margarine or
natural vegetable oil.

2) Apply natural mayonnaise, either

homemade or from natural foods store.
Massage into skin, leave on for 15-20
minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm

Face Lift
Combine a handful of
strawberries, a handful of grapes,
1/2 pear, 1/2 apple and 1 oz.
orange juice in a blender. Apply a
thin layer of honey to face, then
apply fruit mixture to face. Leave
on for 30 minutes. Rinse with
warm water. Finish with a rinse of
the vinegar pH balancer.
Facial Masks
Most facial masks are applied to
the skin, left on for 15-20 minutes
then washed off with warm water,
followed by a cold rinse.

1) Apple & Honey Mask

A mask of grated apple mixed
with a little honey is an excellent
remedy for pimples.

2) Apricot Mask
Mash the fresh fruit for a good
face mask.
Variation: Add apricots to a little
warm olive oil to form a
spreadable paste. Good for dry

3) Avocado & Honey

Moisturizer Mask(For Dry Skin)
Mash up 2 tablespoons avocado,
mix with 2 tablespoons honey and
1 egg yolk. Apply to face, leaving
on about 15-20 minutes. Rinse
with warm water. Finish with a
rinse of the vinegar pH balancer.

4) Creamy Avocado Mask

Mash 1 tablespoon ripe avocado,
add 1/2 tsp honey and mix. Stir in
a little almond meal until creamy.
Apply to clean skin, leave on for
15-20 minutes and wash off with
lukewarm water. Finish with a
rinse of the vinegar pH balancer.

5) Avocado Honey Mask #2(For

Dry Skin)
Peel one ripe avacado, mash the
meat into a creamy texture. Heat
over a double boiler until just
warm,iIncorporate 1 Tbsp of
honey. Massage into the face and
neck. Finish with a rinse of
rosewater, witch hazel or vinegar
pH balancer.
6) Banana Mask
Mash a banana and spread on face
for a soothing, cleansing and
moisturizing face mask. Rinse
celan with warm water finished
with a rinse of the vinegar pH

7) Brewers Yeast Mask(For Oily

Make a paste using the yeast and
a small amount of warm water.

8) Carrot Mask(For Oily Skin)

Carrots make an excellent skin
mask for acne and blemishes.
Apply raw, grated carrots to the
face while lying down, a little
lemon juice may also be added.
For a cooked carrot mask: Boil
three large carrots and mash them,
or process in a food processor.
Add 5 tablespoons of honey or
yogurt (optional). Apply gently, in
an upward motion. Leave on for
15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm
water. Finish with a final rinse of
witch hazel or the vinegar pH

9) Cool As A Cucumber Yogurt

Facial(For Normal/Oily Skin)
1/2 cucumber
1 Tbsp plain yogurt
Puree cucumber in blender. Mix
in yogurt, apply to face. Leave on
for 30 minutes. Rinse well.

10) Elder Flower Mask(For Oily

Mix elder flower herb with yogurt
to make a paste, apply to face.

11) Fennel Wrinkle Mask

Mix a strong infusion of fennel
seed or herb into a liberal amount
of honey and yogurt to form a
paste, add some additional dried
fennel herb, mix well, apply to
12) Honey Mask(For Oily &
Blemished Skin)
Massage a small amount of
slightly heated honey into skin.
Wheat germ may be added for its
abrasive action, protein and

13) Lemon/Egg Mask(For Oily

Squeeze half a lemon and mix the
juice with one beaten egg white.
Apply to face avoiding the area
around the eyes. Leave on your
face overnight or if during the
day, for about 15 minutes. Rinse
with warm water.

14) Oatmeal Facial(For Oily

Make a creamy paste of oatmeal
and water. Apply to face, let dry
completely. Remove by very
gently rubbing off with your

15) Papaya Skin Treatment

A fresh mashed papaya applied as
a face mask will remove dead,
flaky skin.

16) Peach Mask(For Dry Skin)

Mash a fresh peach, mix with
enough warm olive, peach kernel
or almond oil to form a
spreadable paste.

17) Strawberry Mask(For Oily

Mash strawberries then use as a
cleansing face mask.

18) Tomato Mask(For Oily Skin)

Use mashed or sliced tomato for
enlarged pores.

19) Yogurt Mask(For Oily Skin)

Apply natural unflavored yogurt
adding honey and/or oatmeal if

Large Pores:
1) Mix almond meal with enough
water to make a paste. Apply to
pores for 20 minutes. Rinse with
warm water, then apply withch
hazel or a solution of apple cider
vinegar and water.

2) Mix table salt and buttermilk

into a paste, apply on enlarged
pores and massage well. Rinse
with warm water.

Lines and Wrinkles:

1) Apply the leftover eggwhites in the
bottom of the shell to the lines under your

2) Apply odorless castor oil to the crepe-

like skin under the eyes or on the throat.

3) Prick 3 capsules of vitamin E and

drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsps plain
yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon
juice. Apply to face with cotton ball.
Leave on skin for about 10 minutes.

Makeup Removers
1) Apply milk or plain yogurt to
face with a cotton ball, then rinse.

2) Eye Makeup Remover

1 Tbsp castor oil
1 Tbsp light olive oil
2 tsp Canola oil
Blend all ingredients together.
Apply with tissue or cottonball to
remove makeup on and around
the eyes.
Moisturizers, Creams and
1) Peaches & Cream Moisturizing
Peel and mash one very ripe peach. Strain
through a sieve to extract all the juice.
Mix peach juice with an equal quantity of
fresh cream. Keep refrigerated.

2) High Protein Moisturizer

Beat 1 egg yolk into 1 cup whole milk.
Apply to face with fingertips. Bottle and
store remainder in refrigerator.

3) Apply any of the following vegetable,

seed or nut oils to the skin
a) Virgin olive oil
b) Sesame oil
c) Peanut oil
d) Avocado oil

4) Use 2 parts rose water and 1 part

glycerin to make a lotion. Apply nightly
and work into skin.

5) Buy a pound of natural margarine from

the health food store, NOT the
supermarket. Store in refrigerator. Apply
enough to cover smooth skin. It will
absorb into the skin and surprisingly,
does not leave a greasy residue.

Oily Skin
1) Make a puree of fresh tomatoes, apply
to the skin

2) Beat together 1 egg white, 1 tsp spirits

of camphor, 1 heaping Tbsp skim milk
powder and a scant drop of essential oil
of mint. First apply a thin film of
odorless castor oil to the skin , then apply
a thick layer of the egg white mask. Lie
back for about 15 minutes. Wash off with
warm water, then rinse with an apple
cider vinegar and water solution or witch

Make-Up Recipes
Basic Lip Gloss
1/4 cup beeswax
1/4 cup castor oil
2 tbsp sesame oil
Beet juice
Melt beeswax in top of double
boiler. Remove from heat and add
oils. Add as much beet juice as
desired for color. Store in jar.
Transfer a small portion to a purse
sized container for use when
away from home. Any favorite
essential oil may be added from
Apricot-Orange Lip Gloss
1 tsp beeswax
1 tsp apricot kernel oil
1 tsp calendula oil
3-4 drops of essential oil of
Beet juice
Melt beeswax in top of double
boiler. Add apricot kernel and
calendula oils, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat, add beet juice
if desired, for color. When
partially cooled, add oil of
orange. Store in jar. Transfer a
small portion to a purse sized
container for use when away from

Tooth, Gum & Breath Care

Breath Fresheners
1) Chew fresh parsley to sweeten the breath.
2) Chew fennel seeds to freshen the breath.
3) Chew anise seeds to freshen the breath.
4) Chew a few peppermint or spearmint leaves or drink a cup of
peppermint tea
5) Add 1 drop of myrrh oil to 1 cup of cooled, boiled water. Use
as gargle/mouthwash. tea

Old Fashioned Tooth Powder

2 Tbsp dried lemon or orange rind
1/4 cup baking soda
2 Tsp salt
Place rinds in food processor, grind until peel becomes a fine
powder. Add baking soda and salt then process a few seconds
more until you have a fine powder. Store in an airtight tin or jar.
Dip moistened toothbrush into mixture, brush as usual.

Basic Toothpaste
1 Tsp of the Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1/4 Tsp Hydrogen peroxide
Mix into a paste and brush as usual.

Loretta's Toothpaste
1 Tsp baking soda,
1/4 Tsp hydrogen peroxide
1 drop oil of peppermint
Mix to make a paste, dip toothbrush into mixture, brush as

Lemon Clove Tooth Cleanser

Small amount of finely powdered sage
1 ounce of finely powdered myrrh
1 pound powdered arrow root
3 ounces powdered orris root
20 drops oil of lemon
10 drops oil of cloves
12 drops oil of bergamot
Rub oils into the powdered ingredients until thoroughly mixed.

Strawberry Tooth Cleanser

1 Tsp of the above Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1 Tbsp crushed ripe strawberries
Mix strawberries and powder into a paste and brush as usual.
Vanilla & Rose Geranium Toothpaste
1/2 ounce powdered chalk
3 ounces powdered orris root
4 teaspoons of tincture of vanilla
15 drops oil of rose geranium
Honey, enough to make a paste
Combine all ingredients and mix until you have a paste the
consistency you like. Store in an airtight container. Use a clean
stick (popsicle) to scoop paste onto brush. Store the stick in
same container.

Tooth Care
1) Mash some fresh strawberries and use as you would any
other "tooth paste"
2) Using fresh sage leaves, rub over the teeth to clean and

Rosemary-Mint Mouthwash
2 1/2 cups distilled or mineral water
1 tsp fresh mint leaves
1tsp rosemary leaves
1 tsp anise seeds
Boil the water, add herbs and seeds, infuse for 20 minutes.
Cool, strain and use as a gargle/mouthwash. If you wish to
make up a larger quantity, double or triple the recipe then add 1
tsp of tincture of myrrh as a natural preservative.

Spearmint Mouthwash
6 ounces water
2 ounces vodka
4 teaspoons liquid glycerine
1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
10-15 drops Spearmint essential oil
Boil water and vodka, add glycerine and aloe vera gel. Remove
from the heat, let cool slightly. Add spearmint oil, shake well.
Pour into bottle, cap tightly.
(Recipe By: Wendy Robbins)


Yield: 1 Servings

2 c Flour
1 c Yogurt Laban
1/4 ts Yeast
1/4 ts Salt
Pan and oil for deep frying

Preparation : Dissolve yeast in a little warm water. Add Laban flour

and salt and mix well with electric mixer until thick and creamy. Put
mixture aside and let rise about 45 minutes. Heat oil well and drop
mixture by teaspoonful. Brown well and drain on paper towels.
Drizzle with syrup and serve.

Title: 1-2-3-4 CAKE

Categories: Cakes
Yield: 6 Servings

1 c Butter
1 c Milk
1 ts Vanilla
2 c Sugar
1/2 ts Salt
3 c Flour
3 ts Baking powder
4 Eggs
2 Unsweetened chocolate
1 1/2 c Confectioners sugar
1 Egg, beaten
1 ts Vanilla

ea CHOCOLATE ICING 1/2 c butter CAKE: Cream

butter until fluffy. Add sugar and cream well. Add eggs one at a
time. Beat well. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Add
alternating with milk ending with flour. Beat on low speed. Add
Pour into greased, floured pans. Makes three layers. Bake at 350
for 30 minutes. Test for doneness.µ
CHOCOLATE ICING: Melt butter and chocolate in double boiler. Remove
from heat. Blend sugar, egg, salt and vanilla into chocolate
mixture. Beat until icing is creamy. Double for threelayers.


Categories: Pastanoodle, Beef, Casseroles, Greek
Yield: 6 Servings

1 ts Vegetable oil
2 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Onion, chopped
2 Carrots, finely diced
1 Zucchini, finely chopped
3/4 lb Lean ground beef
1 1/2 ts Dried basil
1 ts Dried oregano
1 ts Cinnamon
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper
1/2 ts Dried thyme
2 tb Tomato paste
19 oz Canned tomatoes
1/4 c Fresh parsley, chopped

MMMMM--------------------PASTA CUSTARD LAYERS-------------------------

3 tb Butter
1/4 c All-purpose flour
3 c Milk
1 Egg
1 c 2% cottage cheese
1 c Mozzarella, part-skin,
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper
1/4 ts Nutmeg
3 c Pasta shells
1/4 c Parmesan, freshly grated

This is the Greek variation of lasagna.

In large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium heat; cook garlic,
onion, carrots and zucchini, stirring, for about 5 minutes or until
softened. Add beef, basil, oregano, cinnamon, salt, pepper and thyme;
cook, stirring to break up beef, for about 3 minutes or until meat is
no longer pink. Pour in tomato paste and tomatoes, mashing tomatoes
with fork; bring to boil. Reduce heat; simmer for about 20 minutes or
until almost all liquid is evaporated and sauce is thickened. Stir in
parsley; set aside.

Pasta Custard Layers: In heavy saucepan, melt butter over medium

heat; stir in flour. Cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes.
gradually whisk in milk; bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low or
until thickened. In large bowl, whisk eggs; whisk in about 1/2 cup of
the hot milk sauce. Return mixture to saucepan; cook, stirring, for 2
minutes. Remove from heat; blend in cottage cheese, mozzarella, salt,
pepper and nutmeg.

Meanwhile, in large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta for about
8 minutes or until almost tender. Drain; return to pot. Add cheese
sauce; toss well.

Spread half of the pasta mixture in greased 13x9-inch baking dish;

spread meat mixture over top. Spread remaining pasta mixture evenly
over meat. Sprinkle with Parmesan.

[Can be prepared to this point, covered and refrigerated for up to 1

day. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before baking.]

Bake in 375F 190C oven for 1 hour or until heated through and top is
lightly browned. Let stand for 10 minutes.

Serve with a light green salad tossed with a sun-dried tomato


6 servings for $13.26CDN [Nov 95]

Per Serving: about 495 calories, 29 g protein, 19 g fat, 52 g
carbohydrate, high source fibre, good source iron, excellent source


Categories: Desserts, Chocolate
Yield: 1 Servings

Chopped peanuts
Milk chocolate pieces or
-semi-sweet chocolate pieces

1. Chop peanuts in bowl. Put a piece of waxed paper on a plate. 2.

Melt chocolate, stir until chocolate melts. Remove from heat. 3. Peel
banana. Cut banana in half. Push a wooden stick into end of each
banana half (popsicle sticks will work). 4. Dip or spread chocolate
on all sides of banana halves. Roll in peanuts to coat. 5. Put
bananas on waxed paper. Freeze until hard. If you want to save for
another day, wrap in plastic wrap.

Title: 617628 MOUSSAKE (GREEK)

Categories: Greek, Vegetables
Yield: 6 Servings

2 md
1/2 lb
Ground beef
1 cChopped onion
1/4 cBurgundy wine
1/4 cWater
2 tb
Parsley flakes
3 tb
Tomato paste
1 ts
-Dash pepper
1/4 c Bread crumbs
2 Beaten eggs
1/4 c Grated sharp American
-Dash cinnamon
1/4 c Bread crumbs
3 tb Butter or margarine
3 tb Flour
1 1/2 c Milk
1/2 ts Salt
-Dash pepper
-Dash nutmeg
1 Beaten egg
1/4 c Shredded sharp American

Oven temperature - 350 degrees. Pare eggplants; cut into slices 1/4
inch thick. Sprinkle with a little salt and set aside. In skillet,
brown meat and onion; drain off fat. Add wine, water, parsley, tomato
paste and 1 teaspoon salt and dash pepper. Simmer until liquid is
nearly absorbed. Cool. Stir in 1/4 cup bread crumbs and 2 beaten
eggs, the first 1/4 cup cheese and cinnamon. In sauce pan melt
butter, stir in flour and milk and stir until thickened. Add a little
of the hot sauce to the one beaten egg; return to hot mixture. Cook
over low heat 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Brown eggplant slices
on both sides in a little hot oil. Sprinkle bottom of 12 x 7 1/2 x 2
inch baking dish with remaining bread crumbs. Cover with layer of
eggplant slices; spoon on all meat mixture. Arrange remaining
eggplant over meat. Pour milk-egg sauce over top with remaining 1/4
cup shredded cheese. Bake in over for about 45 minutes. Serve hot with
spaghetti sauce and Greek salad.


Categories: Chocolate, Information
Yield: 1 Servings

MMMMM---------------------TYPES OF CHOCOLATE--------------------------

UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE: The basic chocolate from which all other

porducts are made. It is molded into 1-ounce blocks and sold in
8-ounce packages. It may also be sold melted and packaged in
envelopes. SEMISWEET CHOCOLATE: Unsweetened chocolate with sugar,
extra cocoa butter, and flavorings added to give it a satiny gloss.
It is molded into 1-ounce blocks and sold in 8-ounce packages or
formed into chocolate chips. SWEET BAKING CHOCOLATE (GERMAN SWEET
CHOCOLATE): Similar to semisweet chocolate, but has more sugar and is
packaged in 4-ounce bars. MILK CHOCOLATE: Sweet chocolate with milk
added. It is sold in various shapes and bars. ALMOND BARK: An
artificial chocolate made with vegetable fats instead of cocoa
butter, with coloring and flavorings added. It is sold in 1 1/2-
pound packages or in blocks and round discs where candy supplies are
sold. UNSWEETENED COCOA: A form of pure chocolate with most of the
cocoa butter removed and ground into powder. It is sold in 8-ounce or
16-ounce cans. CHOCOLATE-FLAVORED SYRUP: A combination of cocoa, corn
syrup, and flavoring and is available in various sizes in jars, cans,
or plastic containers. Formatted by Rose Capoccia From CHOCOLATE


MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05


Categories: Chocolate, Information
Yield: 1 Servings

MMMMM------------------CHOCOLATE SUBSTITUTIONS-----------------------

1 (1-ounce) square unsweetened chocolate----use 3 tablespoons
unsweetened cocoa and 1 tablespoon shortening.
1 ounce semisweet chocolate----use 3 tablespoons semisweet chocolate
chips or 1 (1-ounce) square unsweetened chocolate and 1 tablespoon
6-ounce package (1 cup) semisweet chocolate morsels----use 6
tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/4 cup shortwning.
4-ounce bar sweet baking chocolate----use 1/4 cup unsweetened
cocoa, 1/3 cup sugar, and 3 tablespoons chortening.

NOTE: When melted, semisweet chocolate morsels and semisweet

chocolate squares can be used interchangeably. Formatted by Rose
Capoccia From Chocolate Fantasies

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05


Categories: Chocolate, Information
Yield: 1 Servings

MMMMM-------------------HOW TO STORE CHOCOLATE------------------------

Store chocolate tightly wrapped or covered in a cool, dry place or

in the refrigerator. If refrigerated, let it warm to room
temperature before using.
Occaionally, there may be a slight graying or "bloom" on
chocolate. This does not alter the quality or flavor and when used in
a recipe, the chocolate will regain its color.
Formatted by Rose Capoccia From Chocolate Fantasies


MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05


Categories: Chocolate, Information
Yield: 1 Servings

MMMMM-------------------HOW TO MELT CHOCOLATE------------------------

Always melt chocolate with gentle heat because it scorches easily.

If chocolate is to be melted alone, make certain that the container
and utensils are absolutely dry; a tiny drop of moisture will cause
the chocolate to become lumpy and stiff. If this should happen, stir
in one teaspoon of vegetable shortening for each ounce of chocolate.
Remember that unsweetened chocolate liquifies when melted, but
semisweet and baking chocolate will hold their shapes until stirred.
For faster melting, cut or chop chocolate into smaller pieces. To
melt chocolate, place it in a heavy saucepan over low heat and stir
until melted. Or, place chocolate in top of a double boiler and melt
over hot water, stirring until smooth.
To melt chocolate in a microwave oven, place a 1-ounce square in a
1-cup glass measure. Microwave, uncovered, at MEDIUM (50% power) for
1 to 2 minutes or until chocolate is almost melted. Stir until
completely melted and smooth. Add 10 seconds for each additional
ounce of chocolate. To melt chocolate morsels in a microwave oven,
place 1 cup chocolate morsels in a 2-cup measure. Microwave,
uncovered, at MEDIUM (50% power) for 2 to 4 minutes or until morsels
are glossy. Stir until smooth. Formatted by Rose Capoccia drnd29a
From Chocolate Fantasies


MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05


Categories: Chocolate
Yield: 1 Servings

MMMMM--------------------CHOCOLATE GARNISHES-------------------------

CHOCOLATE LEAVES: Select non-poisonous leaves such as mint or rose

leaves. Wash the leaves and pat dry with paper towels. Melt 1 or 2
(1-ounce) squares semisweet chocolate over hot water in a double
boiler; let cool slightly. Using a small spatula, spread a thin
layer of chocolate on the back of each leaf. Place leaves on a wax
paper-lined cookie sheet, chocolate side up; freeze until chocolate
is firm, about 10 minutes. Grasp leaf at stem end and carefully peel
away from chocolate. Chill leaves until ready to use.

CHOCOLATE CURLS: Melt 4 (1-ouce) squares semisweet chocolate over hot

water in a double bliler. Pour chocolate out into a wax paper-lined
cookie sheet. Spread chocolate with a spatula into a 3-inch-wide
strip. Smooth top with a spatula. Chill chocolate until it feels
slightly tacky but not firm. (If too hard, curls will break; if too
soft, chocolate will not curl.) Gently pull a vegetable peeler
across chocolate until curls form. Transfer curls to a tray by
inserting a wooden pick in end of curl. Chill curls until ready to
use. CHOCOLATE-DIPPED FRUIT: Make sure fruit is completely dry before
dipping. Melt 4 (1-ounce) squares semisweet chocolate over hot vater
in a double boiler; transfer to a small bowl, and let cool slightly.
Grasp fruit by stem and dip in chocolate, turning to coat the bottom
of the fruit. Allow excess to drip back into bowl. Lay fruit on side
on a wax paper-lined cookie sheet. Allow fruit to stand at room
temperature until chocolate hardens or place in refrigerator about 10
minutes. Don't store coated fruit in refrigerator; the chocolate
coating will sweat when returned to room temperature and will lose
its sheen. CHOCOLATE CUTOUTS: Melt 6 (1-ounce) squares semisweet
chocolate over hot water in a double boiler; cool slightly. Line a
cookie sheet with aluminum foil; pour the chocolate onto the cookie
sheet, and gently shake it until chocolate is smooth and level and
about 1/8-inch thick. Let stand until partially set. Press a cookie
cutter half-way through the chocolate to outline shapes. Remove the
cutter, and let stand until chocolate is firm. When hard, reposition
the cutter over the oulines, and press down to cut smoothly. Lift the
cutter up, and remove the cutout by gently pressing through the
cutter with a small wooden utensil (fingers will leave prints on
chocolate). GRATED CHOCOLATE: You can grate unsweetened, semisweet,
or milk chocolate to sprinkle on top of pies, etc. It's easiest done
in a food processor, but you can grate it by hand. When grating by
hand, hold chocolate with a paper towel or wax paper so heat from
your hand will not soften or melt the chocolate.




MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05


Categories: Chocolate, Info/tips
Yield: 1 Servings


Chocolate scorches easily, so always melt it over hot - not boiling

~ water. It is best to use a double boiler, but you can improvise by
using a c or bowl in a small saucepan over very gentle heat. The
water must be kept below simmering to prevent steam from curling up
and hitting the chocolate. If steam gets into the melted chocolate it
will immediately thicken the mixture to a stiff mass. If this does
happen, however, you can rescue the chocolate by softening it again.
To do this, add 1-2 tb of vegetable shortening (never use butter as
it contains moisture which will cause the chocolate stiffen even
more!) to the chocolate and stir vigorously. You can also melt
chocolate directly over very low heat in a heavy gauge saucepan, but
you must watch the mixture carefully.


Use a vegetable peeler with a long narrow blade and a chunk or bar
of chocolate. Warm chocolate and blade slightly. Be sure your peeler
is absolutely dry. Draw the peeler along the smooth surface of the


Be sure that the block of chocolate is cool and firm. Grate on hand
grater, cleaning the grater often so that the chocolate doesn't clog
the surface of the blade. You cn use a blender, but be sure to cut the
chocolate into sm pieces first.


Chocolate should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature of

about 60F. If the chocolate becomes too warm, the cocoa butter rises
to the surface and forms a dusty gray film known as "bloom." This
"bloom" is not harmful and, once the chocolate is melted, it returns
to its natural rich brown color. If you do store chocolate in the
refrigerator or freezer, take in out and let it stand until it
returns to room temperature before you use it in a recipe. Chocolate
is very sensitive to sudden changes of temperature and you will not
get the best results if you do not treat it with respect.


Categories: Apples, Salads
Yield: 6 Servings

4 oz Strawberry yogurt
4 Juice of citruses
-(Valencia orange, navel,
-tangerine, tangelo,
-for example)
6 Different kinds of apples

Note: Try Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Rome Beauty,
MacIntosh and Winesap apples.

Core and dice apples. mix yogurt and juices and pour over apples.
Chill and serve. Makes 4 to 6 servings.


Categories: Canning
Yield: 4 Servings

5 1/2 lb Apples, peeled

And finely chopped
4 c Sguar
3 ts Cinnamon
1/4 ts Ground cloves
1/4 ts Salt

Recipe by: Taste of Home Oct/Nov '96 Place apples in a slow cooker.
Combine sugar, cinnamon, cloves and salt; pour over apples and mix
well. Cover and cook on high for 1 hour. Reduce heat to low; cover
and cook for 9-11 hours or until thickened and dark brown, stirring
occasionally (stir more frequently as it thickens to prevent
sticking). Uncover and cook on low 1 hour longer. If desired, stir
with a wire whisk until smooth. Spoon into freezer containers,
leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Cover and refrigerate or freeze.

Gustare picanta(pickles)

SE RESPECTA CU STRICTETE! 250ml. otet 65 gr. sare 75 gr. mustar 1 lingura zahar 125 ml. ulei 550
gr.gogosar 250 gr. ardei gras 250 gr. conopida 250 gr. morcov ras 800 gr. gogonele 250 gr. ceapa

Mod de preparare:

Toate ingredientele se toaca marunt (cu exceptia morcovului, care se rade). In otet se adauga sare si zahar (fara
apa)si apoi se pun ingredientele. Se oparesc. Uleiul se freaca impreuna cu mustarul si zaharul (ca o maioneza) si
se pune deasupra.


Se serveste la friptura.


10 morcovi, 10 patrunjei, 1 kg fasole verde, 8-10 vinete, 2 dovlecei, 10 gogosari, 5 kg rosii, 15 cepe
albe, 25 ardei grasi, 1 litru ulei, sare

Mod de preparare:

Toate zarzavaturile (afara de ceapa si rosii) se taie felii subtiri, se sareaza si se lasa sa stea 2-3 ore. Ceapa se
caleste in ulei apoi se taie rosiile felii si dupa ce s-a calit ceapa se aseaza zarzavatul stors intr-o cratita mai mare;
un rind zarzavat, unul de rosii taiate si ceapa calita printre ele, apoi deasupra inca putin ulei si se da la foc, se mai
misca cratita usor sa nu se prinda de ea, se fierbe cca 2 ore. Se ia de la foc se aseaza in borcane nu prea pline,
se pune putin ulei deasupra, se fierb in dunst 1/2 ora

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