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Ghid de folosire aplicatie ZOOM

(cei din Romania urmariti doar ce este scris la indicatii in limba romana)
ZOOM application user guide

1. Se va primi un link de forma:

A form link will be received:

2. In momentul in care se va da click pe el se va incarca urmatoarea pagina:

When clicked, the following page will load:

Pe calculator sau laptop:

On computer or laptop:

Va aparea o ferestra ca in printscreen in care trebuie sa dati click pe Launch Application.

A window will appear as in the print screen where you have to click on Launch Application.
Daca nu va apare aceasta fereastra trebuie sa dati click pe “download & run Zoom” unde veti avea
posibilitatea de a descarca aplicatia si instala pe calculator.

If this window does not appear, you must click on "download & run Zoom" where you will have the
opportunity to download the application and install it on your computer.

Follow the arrow: click on the file in order to install Zoom
This will appear on the scrren while installing:

Dupa ce veti instala Zoom, aplicatia va va cere sa va conectati. Daca aveti deja cont este minunat, daca nu
aveti cont atunci va puteti face sau va puteti conecta direct prin Facebook ori Contul de Email.

After you install Zoom, the application will ask you to connect. If you already have an account it's great, if
you don’t have an account then you can create or connect directly through Facebook or Email Account.
Dupa ce v-ati facut contul, vi se cere sa va treceti numele. Va rugam sa treceti numele complet pentru a va
putea identifica fara probleme.
After you have made your account, you are asked to enter your name. Please enter your full name so that
we can identify you without any problems.

Apoi, cand veti porni ulterior Zoom, aplicatia se va deschide in browser asa:
Then, when you later start Zoom, the application will open in the browser like this:
Follow tha arrow: Press the button „Open Zoom Meetings“ in order to enter the virtual waiting room
Dupa ce organizatorul iti va aproba accesul in intalnirea online, vei intra in camera virtuala de asteptare
care va arata precum in imaginea de mai jos, cu mentiunea ca NU SE VA REGASI TEXTUL SCRIS CU
ROSU, doar cel in limba engleza „please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon”.

After the organizer approves your access to the online meeting, you will enter the virtual waiting room that
will look like in the image below, with the mention that THE TEXT WRITTEN IN RED WILL NOT
BE FOUND, only the English one: "please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon ”.

Message below: You are in the virtual waiting room. It is the place where you were supposed to get. Stay
here until the reception is starting. Please do not close this window, it is your bridge of communication
with Gilbert. Thank you for your understanding and we wish you an appointment full of awareness. Even
if you need to wait a little, stay here, stay connected!
Foarte important este ca, atunci cand intrati, sa permiteti pornirea camerei web si a sunetului.
It is very important that, when you enter, you allow the webcam and sound to start.

Cateva informatii detaliate despre aplicatia pentru calculator (PC)

Cand se deschide aplicatia trebuie selectat “Join by computer”. Tot aici se poate Testa
daca va merge microfonul si camera, in pagina de testare trebuie apasat pe:

 Audio “Test Speaker” pentru a verifica daca

 auziti sunete
 Audio “Test Mic” pentru a verifica daca merge
 microfonul
 Video “Test Camera” pentru a verifica daca
merge camera

Some detailed information about the computer application (PC)

When the application is opened, select "Join by computer". Also

here you can Test if the microphone and the camera will work, in
the test page you must click on:

Audio "Test Speaker" to check if you hear sounds

Audio "Test Mic“ chck if the microphone works

Video "Test Camera" to check if the camera works

Sus dreapta puteti alege intre:

  “Gallery View – vizualizarea tuturor participantilor in ferestre egale” si
 “Speaker View – vizualizarea ferestrei principale a interlocuitorului, iar participantii in ferestre
mai mici”

Tot de sus dreapta se poate intra in mod FullScreen de pe iconita cu 4 sageti

Pe iconita in forma de “Microfon/Mute” se poate activa si dezactiva microfonul

Pe iconita in forma de “Camera/Start Video” se poate active si dezactiva camera web

Pe iconita “Oameni/Participanti” puteti vizualiza lista de participant iar in dreptul fiecaruia se poate

activa/dezactiva microfonul sau camera si schimba numele

Top right you can choose between:

"Gallery View - viewing all participants in equal windows" and

"Speaker View - viewing the main window of the interlocutor, and participants in smaller windows"

Also from the top right you can enter FullScreen mode from the icon with 4 arrows

The "Microphone / Mute" icon can be turned on and off

On the icon in the form of "Camera / Start Video" you can activate and deactivate the webcam

On the “People / Participants” icon you can view the list of participants and next to each one you can

turn on / off the microphone or camera and change the name
Tot in lista de participant jos aveti posibilitatea de a “Raise Hand” ridica mana (apare o iconita cu
o mana in dreapta numelui tau si host-ul este atentionat ca doresti sa spui ceva) sau “Mute Me” sa
dezactivezi microfonul

Pe iconita “Share Screen” (daca este activat functionalitatea) se pot trimite poze, fisiere, schite

catre Vizualizare

Pe iconita “Chat” se poate deschide chat-ul si se poate scrie pentru toata lumea sau unui participant
in privat

Ultimul buton dreapta jos “Leave Meeting” il folositi pentru a iesi.

Informatii detaliate despre aplicatia pentru Telefonul Mobil

In momentul in care se intra pe aplicatia de mobil trebuie selectata optiunea “Call via Device
Audio”pentru a folosi microfonul si camera telefonului

Pe aplicatia de mobil sunt posibile actiunile de pe aplicatia de pe calculator sau laptop.

Informatii generale

In momentul in care veti intra in intalnire microfonul dvs va fi dezactivat (se poate activa ulterior).

De asemenea Share/Share Screen va fi dezactivat si doar host-ul il va putea folosi.

Host-ul va putea face camere de cate x persoane in care veti putea intra doar persoanele desemnate de

Pentru a folosi aplicatia atat pentru video cat si audio este recomandat sa aveti:

 Calculator (PC)
 Casti (sunt potrivite si castile de telefon cu conditia sa aiba si microfon inclus, adica sa fie casti
de vorbit la telefon nu doar pentru ascultat muzica)

 Microfon

 Camera web

 Laptop / Telefon / Tablet

Informatii tehnice

prin imagini (prinscreen), pentru a va ghida in instalarea si folosirea aplicatiei pe Telefonul Mobil.
Foarte important de retinut faptul ca, din cauza modelelor de telefoane/tablete, design-ul grafic si
unele cerinte pot diferi.

Dupa ce veti intra pe link va apare sa decarcati aplicatia ZOOM din Google Play (cei care sunt pe Android)
sau direct de pe ZOOM / iTunes cei care sunt pe iPhone/ iOS.
Va aratam pasii principali, care sunt aproape identici cu cei ai aplicatiei de pe calculator. Dupa ce ati
instalat aplicatia din Google Play/iTunes, asa va arata:

Also in the list of participants below you can "Raise Hand" raise your hand (an icon appears with a hand
to the right of the name

and the host is warned that you want to say something or "Mute Me" to mute the microphone

On the "Share Screen" icon (if the functionality is activated) you can send pictures, files, sketches to the

On the "Chat" icon you can open the chat and write to everyone or a private participant
Use the last button at the bottom right "Leave Meeting" to exit.

Detailed information about the Mobile Phone application

When entering the mobile application you must select the option "Call via Device Audio" to use the
microphone and camera of the phone

On the mobile application, the actions on the application on the computer or laptop are possible.

General information

The moment you enter the meeting, your microphone will be deactivated (it can be activated later).

Also Share / Share Screen will be disabled and only the host will be able to use it.

The host will be able to make rooms of x people in which it will be able to enter only the people
designated by it.

To use the application for both video and audio it is recommended to have:

Computer (PC)
Headphones (headphones are also suitable provided they have a microphone included, like the
headphones on the phone not only for listening to music)



Laptop / Phone / Tablet

Technical information, through images (prinscreen), to guide you in installing and using the application
on your Mobile Phone. It is very important to remember that due to the models of phones / tablets, the
graphic design and some requirements may differ.

After entering the link you will see to download the ZOOM application from Google Play (those on
Android) or directly from ZOOM / iTunes those on iPhone / iOS.

We show you the main steps, which are almost identical to those of the computer application. After
installing the Google Play / iTunes application, it will look like this:
2. Cand o veti porni, dupa instalare, vi se va cere autentificarea

When you start it, after installation, you will be asked to authenticate
3. Dupa ponire, unele informatii vi se vor cere.
After starting, some information will be asked.
4. Pentru a va conecta, va puteti crea cont sau alege sa va conectati prin Facebook sau contul de

In order to log in, you can create an account or choose to log in via Facebook or email account.
5. Asa va arata meniul aplicatiei dupa ce instalarea va fi completa.
This is what the application menu will look like after the installation is complete.
6. După ce veti primi link-ul de conectare la intalnire, doar va trebui sa porniti aplicatia. Dupa
accesarea link-ului de acces, veti ajunge in camera virtuala de asteptare care va arata asa:

Once you receive the meeting login link, you just need to start the application. After accessing the
access link, you will arrive in the virtual waiting room which will look like this:
7. Mai apoi, dupa accept, sa intrati cu sunet si imagine (video).
Then, after accepting, enter with sound and image (video).

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