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UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA din IASI FACULTATEA DE FIZICA Domeniul fundamental: tiine exacte Domeniul de licen: Fizic

Specializarea: Fizic medical Titlul obinut: liceniat n FIZIC Durata studiilor: 3 ani (180 credite) Forma de nvmnt: ZI

Plan de nvmnt - BOLOGNA

an universitar 2012/2013
Codul disciplinei
Condiionri cod

Anul I
Semestrul 1 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 2 3 3 2 2 1 13 Seminar 2 2 2 2 1 2 9+2 Laborator 2 2 2 6 Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 13 12 Disciplina

Semestrul 2 Forma de verificare C E E C E C 3E + 3C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 1 3 2 2 2 1 10+ 1 Seminar 1 2 1 2 1 2 6+3 Laborator 2 2 2 4 6+4 Forma de verificare C E E E E C C PV 4E + 4C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -

Fizic general / General Physics Mecanic clasic / Classical Mechanics Fizic molecular i cldur / Molecular Physics and Heat Tehnologii informaionale / Informational Technologies Analiz matematic / Mathematical Analysis Limba strin / Foreign Language Electricitate i magnetism / Electricity and Magnetism Oscilaii i unde / Oscillations and Waves Limbaje de programare / Programming Languages Algebr i elemente de geometrie / Algebra and Elements of Geometry Practic de laborator* / Laboratory practice Curs facultativ 1 / Facultative course Educaie fizic - facultativ / Physical Education - facultative

Total Total general

*) 2 sptmni la sfritul sem. II

28 + 2


22 + 4 + 4

30 + 10

Curs Facultativ - Rezolvare de probleme/Facultative course - Problems solving RECTOR, prof. univ. dr. Vasile ISAN

DECAN, conf. univ. dr. Sebastian POPESCU

UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA din IASI FACULTATEA DE FIZICA Domeniul fundamental: tiine exacte Domeniul de licen: Fizic Specializarea: Fizic medical Titlul obinut: liceniat n FIZIC Durata studiilor: 3 ani Forma de nvmnt: ZI

Plan de nvmnt Anul II - Fizic medical

Codul disciplinei Nr. crt.
Condiionri cod

an universitar 2013/2014
Semestrul 1 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 2 3 2 2 2 1 12 Seminar 2 2 2 2 1 2 9+2 Laborator 2 2 4 Forma de verificare E E E E C C 4E+2C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 1 3 3 2 3 12 Seminar 1 2 2 2 2 7+2 Laborator 2 2 2 4 6+4 Semestrul 2 Forma de verificare C E E E E C PV 4E+3C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ecuaii difereniale i ecuaiile fizicii matematice Differential equations and mathematical physics equations Optic / Optics Electrodinamic / Electrodynamics Mecanic teoretic / Theoretical mechanics Prelucrarea datelor fizice / Physical data processing Limba strin / Foreign language Electronic / Electronics Mecanic cuantic / Quantum mechanics Biofizic general / General biophysics Fizica atomului i moleculei / Atom and molecule physics Practic de specialitate*/ Speciality practice Educaie fizic - facultativ Physical education - facultative

Total Total general

*) 2 sptmni la sfritul sem. II RECTOR, prof.univ.dr. Vasile ISAN





DECAN, conf. univ. dr. Sebastian POPESCU

UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA din IASI FACULTATEA DE FIZICA Domeniul fundamental: tiine exacte Domeniul de licen: Fizic Specializarea: Fizic medical Titlul obinut: liceniat n FIZIC Durata studiilor: 3 ani Forma de nvmnt: ZI

Plan de nvmnt Anul III - Fizic medical

Codul disciplinei Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Condiionri cod

an universitar 2014/2015 an universitar 2012/2013

Semestrul 1 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 Seminar 2 2 Laborator 2 2 2 2 2 10 Forma de verificare C E E E C C 3E+3C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 Nr.ore/sem. Curs 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 Seminar 0 Laborator 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 Semestrul 2 Forma de verificare E E E C C C 3E+3C Numar credite 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


Fundamentele chimiei / Fundamentals of chemistry Fizica nucleului / Physics of nucleus Detectori, dozimetrie i radioprotecie Detectors, dosimetry and radioprotection Termodinamic i fizic statistic Thermodynamics & statistical physics Modelarea numeric i analogic a proceselor biologice / Numeric and analogical modelling of biological processes Opional (1) / Optional (1) Radiologie i imagistic medical Radiology and medical imaging Electronic i aparatur medical Electronics and medical instrumentation Anatomia i fiziologia omului/Human anatomy and physiology Opional (2) / Optional (2) Opional (3) / Optional (3) Opional (4) / Optional (4) Licen / Licence

Total Total general





RECTOR, prof.univ.dr. Vasile ISAN

DECAN, conf. univ. dr. Sebastian POPESCU

Cursuri opionale - anul III Opional (1) 1. Radiobiologie / Radiobiology 2. Laseri. Aplicaii n medicin / Lasers. Applications in medicine. Opional (2) 1. Tehnici de diagnoz i tratament cu ultrasunete / Techniques of diagnosis and treatment with ultrasounds 2. Bioenergetic / Bioenergetics Opional (3) 1. Elemente de fizica plasmei. Interaciunea plasmei cu materiale biologic active / Elements of plasma physics. Plasma interactions with bioactive materials. 2. Elemente de cinetica i dinamica sistemelor biologice / Elements of kinetics and dynamics of biological sistems.

Opional (4) 1. Sisteme de achiziie i procesare a datelor / Systems for da ta acquisition and processing 2. Medicin nuclear / Nuclear medicine RECTOR, prof.univ.dr. Vasile ISAN DECAN, conf. univ. dr. Sebastian POPESCU

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