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(CH, Emissions in [Myr] ‘500 Total: 400 605 [Mt CHd/yA] 380 aie 200 100 ° Figure 12. Spreads for global natural and anthropogenic methane (CH4) emissions mentioned in literature (reference year 1996) [25, 32, 35, 36, 49-59}. Natural CH, Emissions ‘Anthropogenic CH, Emissions Total: 225 Myr Total: 380 Mt/yr Waste Disposal 133% Fuminants Buring of é Biomass 9% [Coal Mining ‘and Usage 9% ‘Natural Gas and ‘Ol Exploration and Usage 9% Passenger Cars 0.3% Wet Rice Agricuture 35% Trucks 02%, Figure 13. Contribution of various sources to global yearly methane (CH) emissions (reference year 1996). [For literature, see Figure 12.] 350 T 7 T 316 Ea} 328 Eas TT $ 200 295 1960 19% 1900 1992 won A ——|_ ts “| N20 Concentration [ppbv] 3 8 sd ON ~. a 0 200 400 600800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Year Figure 14. Development of nitrous oxide (NO) concentrations in the atmosphere 21. 481. N20 Emissions in [Mtr] Ae 7 Total: wl 51 [MENZO/yr] wl 35 all __ oot 18 —- 18. A 5 ° Natural: 69% ‘Anthropogenic: 31% 1B Scatter Band Most Probable Value Figure 15. Spreads of global natural and anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N30) emissions discussed in the literature [25, 61-66]. NOscEmissions in [MUyr] aoae 140 190 [Mt NOx/ye] 120 110. 100: ‘Natural: 4236 ‘Anthropogenic: 58% Scatter Band — Most Probable Value Figure 18. Spreads of global yearly nitrogen oxide (NO,) emissions from various literature sources [5, 36, 49 , 53, 61, 63, 75, 76, 110, 140-142].

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