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Judeţul Maramureş
In northern Romania, at the Ukrainian border, lies the county of Maramures. Here, amidst
mountains, hills and depressions are one of the most interesting tourism objects in the country,
yet very well kept. Here, people lead their lives as authentically and peacefully as in the old times.
Maramureşul nu este doar
un punct de atracţie
turistică: el este mai ales
un simbol de tradiţie
autentică românească şi
continuitate. Maramureşul
este unul dintre puţinele
locuri din România unde
tradiţiile sunt încă
păstrate şi respectate,
aşa cum au fost cu sute
de ani în urmă.

Maramures is not only a

tourist attraction: it’s the
very symbol of Romanian
tradition and continuity.
Maramures is one of the
few places in Romania
where traditions are still
kept and respected, as
they were hundreds of
years ago.
Localitatea Breb (comuna Ocna
Sugatag) a fost atestată
documentar în anul 1360, istoria
lor fiind strâns legată de
exploatarea sării.
Vatra satului este plasată la gura
de vărsare a Văii Caselor în
Valea Breboaiei. O parte din sat
se întinde la sud de biserică,
până peste Valea Sunătoarelor.
Cinci mori apar însemnate pe
Valea Caselor, iar o moară pe
Valea Breboaia.

The village of Breb is a sleepy

little village of around 400 homes
and depending on how many
men and women are working
away or at school in Cluj Napoca
there can be up to 1,500 in the
village. The bottom of the village
is around 400 meters above sea
level and the top is around
550/600 meters
There are two churches,
the Greco Catholic
church which is the 16th
century church made of
solid oak next to the river
and the Orthodox church
that dominates the
skyline for miles around.
Odinioară, toate casele de
la ţară erau acoperite cu
şindrilă. În Maramureş, le
zice draniţe. Meşterii care
fac aşa ceva sunt tot mai
rari. În Breb, încă se mai
învelesc casele cu şindrilă

Once all the country

houses were covered with
shingles. In Maramures,
their name is draniţe.
Craftsmen who do that
are more rare. In Breb,
still surround the houses
with shingle
The courtyard is fronted
with a huge Maramures
Poarta din lemn este cel mai
important element din arhitectura
tradiţională a ţăranului din
Maramureş, reprezentând, în acelaşi
timp, un indiciu al prestigiului social
şi economic al familiei respective. Se
construieşte din trei trunchiuri mari
din stejar, legate între ele prin
intermediul unui fruntar şi având
acoperişul în patru ape, exact ca la

These gates come from the time

when only Lords could afford to have
them to protect their houses and
barns inside there walled gardens. It
became a sigh of wealth and many
of them where made when the men
came home from the last recession
in the early 90's. Each gate has the
date it was made on it and the
person who made it, normally their
owner of the house behind it.
Atât portiţa pentru trecerea
oamenilor, cât şi poarta
mare, pentru atelaje şi
animale, sunt decorate cu
diferite motive care variază
de la însemnele solare,
dintele de lup şi ghinul,
până la flori stilizate, pomul
vieţii în diverse variante şi
o sumedenie de motive
romboidale, mai mari sau
mai mărunte.

The various symbols that

adorn these gates had
specific significance in the
past. The rosette is the
most important of the
motifs. It is the symbol of
the sun, a source of light
which all life depends. The
tree of life represents the
never-ending nature of life,
eternal life without death
Internet image

Biserica ortodoxă „Sfânta Treime” (1981)

There are two churches, the Greco Catholic church

which is the 16th century church made of solid oak next
to the river and the Orthodox church (1981) that
dominates the skyline for miles around.
Biserica ortodoxă
„Sfânta Treime” (1981)
Text: Internet
♦ Sanda Foişoreanu
♦ Mirela Capãtã
♦ Internet slide 1,2,19,35
♦ Otilia Contraş
Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

Fond muzical: Dumitru Fãrcaş – Din Maramureş
Hermina Marc Iluţi -Veniţi creştini la rugãciune

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