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Ph.D. Udroiu Marian11
The State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova
Luând în considerare faptul că învăţământul trebuie să contribuie la formarea unei
personalităţi active a elevilor, motivată şi creativă, capabilă de opţiune şi de decizie, Legea
Învăţământului nr.84/1995 îşi propune, printre multiplele obiective generale ale sistemului de
educaţie, dezvoltarea armonioasă a individului prin educaţie fizică, educaţie igienico-sanitară şi
practicarea sportului. Legea Educaţiei Fizice şi Sportului, nr. 69/2000, republicată, cu modificările şi
completările ulterioare, precizează că „educaţia fizică şi sportul sunt activităţi de interes naţional,
sprijinite de stat”. Conform acestei legi, „prin educaţie fizică şi sport se înţeleg toate formele de
activitate fizică menite, printr-o participare organizată sau independentă, să exprime sau să
amelioreze condiţia fizică şi confortul spiritual, să stabilească relaţii sociale civilizate şi să conducă
la obţinerea de rezultate în competiţii de orice nivel”.
Cuvinte cheie: educatie fizica, obiectiv, conditie fizica, activitate
Taking into account the fact that the education must contribute to the development of a motivated
and creative pupils' motivating and creative personality, capable of choice and decision-making, the
Education Law no.84 / 1995 aims, among the many general objectives of the education system, the
harmonious development of the individual through physical education, hygienic-sanitary education
and practicing sport. Law on Physical Education and Sport, no. 69/2000, republished, as amended
and supplemented, states that "physical education and sport are activities of national interest,
supported by the state". According to this law, "physical education and sport means all forms of
physical activity intended, through an organized or independent participation, to express or improve
physical condition and spiritual comfort, to establish civilized social relations and to lead to results
in competitions of any level ".
Key words: physical education, objective, physical condition, activity

1. Introduction
In February 2007, the European Parliament through the Committee on
Culture and Education drew attention to the marginal place that physical education
has, although in the curriculum of most of the EU member states. has the same
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status as the other subjects of study.

The debate highlighted the fact that in recent years physical education and
school sport have regressed through (4):
- unjustifiably diminishing the time allocated to driving activities at pre-puberty
and puberty ages, neglecting their substantial contribution to stimulating physical
and mental growth and development, maintaining optimum health;
- not including physical education with an optimal number of lessons in the
common trunk;
- superficial understanding of physical education and sport at school ages by
reducing its effects on the biological sphere, neglecting its role in developing
intellectual processes, modeling affectivity, socializing etc .;
- Increasing the number of students who are physically exempt due to the lack of
motor education of pupils and the lack of interest of parents who do not know the
beneficial effects of physical exercises, opting for extra time for preparing the
lessons (exams);
- the marginalization and discriminatory treatment of overweight pupils over their
colleagues during physical education classes, the lack of interest of many teachers
for their inclusion in the forms of practicing sport activities, choosing to co-opt in
teams of pupils with special abilities;
- the application of a non-attractive, scholastic and methodical methodology for
physical education and sports lessons that cancel pupils' independence in class,
group work and ultimately remove pupils from sports activities, favoring their
orientation towards alcohol consumption, tobacco, drugs, delinquency, etc.
The European Physical Education Association proposed in 1991 a
mandatory minimum of 3 hours / week in all EU countries.
To this end, the Council of Europe Recommendation of 30 April 2003 addressed to
Member States (including Romania) mentions the directions of action for school
and extra-curricular physical education activities, recognition of the contribution,
as well as formal education, the development of the child's personality and social
In 2007, the European Parliament adopted a decision on this. But the time
allocated to physical education is different, and the importance of physical
education changes from one government to another.
The main concern of physical education is to capitalize on the student's free
time, which has a special significance for the generation in training (3). The content
of the student's leisure time, his "occupation" with useful activities, including
sports activities, is at the heart of sociologists' concerns, but especially educators,
educators, pedagogues and psychologists (5).
Continuing classroom physical education activity and promoting
extracurricular activities involving as many students as possible in physical
exercise is a permanent concern of many teachers as a necessity of major
importance in shaping pupils' personality(2).
Continuous reform of contemporary education involves discussion and
generates arguments for and against the introduction of extracurricular activities of

a sports character in the school curriculum, both in terms of activities within the
common trunk and those outside it (6).
2. Material and method
Assumption. The lack of a unitary view of the place and the determinant
role of these activities in the motivational development and physical condition of
the growing pupil is an argument for searching and identifying the possibilities of
elaborating and using programs of free time sports, organized and carried out in
outside the daily program of student preparation (timetable) in order to develop the
motor skills and the pupil's personality training (8).
Few are the conceptual milestones of streamlining this complex education
process through extracurricular activities.
The lack of classroom programs, viable, attractive offers, and a clearer
methodology have led us to study and deepen the issue (9). Through the promotion
and implementation of well thought out and managed physical activities in order to
determine the students for a sustained sports activity, a positive motivation of the
students for the movement can be established, with beneficial effects on their
psychomotor development (1).
Thus, our motive and desideratum is that any designed or independent
motorized activity or activity contributes to the improvement of the physical
condition and the development of the students' driving ability.
3. Results
In order to stimulate cognitive, spiritual, interpersonal and social
development, school and extra-curricular education has always focused on the need
to adapt to the individual, diverse needs of all children, to the interests of knowing
and capitalizing on their creative potential.
So achieving multilateral development in the physical education process
materializes in the influence it has on the development and education of the human
body (harmony, cardio-respiratory resistance to sustained efforts), motor skills, but
also skills and abilities basic and specific motors of some sporting branches applied
in the free independent activity (7).

Fig.1 Content of the concept of fictional and sport education in Romania

(Marinescu, S., 2014)

4. Conclusions and discussions

Extracurricular sports activities are alternative ways of practicing

performance sports, spending leisure time in a useful and recreational manner, but
also training and improving the general and specific driving capacity of students. In
addition to the lessons of physical education, in addition to physical education
lessons, the other forms of organization that are not included in the curriculum have
an important role to play in improving and maintaining health, training and
practicing physical exercise.
Developing and capitalizing on the formative potential of physical
education and sport require the integration of extracurricular sporting activities into
the area of concern for their efficiency with a particular impact on the achievement
of education and full health, and the improvement of children's general motor
Explanations formulated for extracurricular lessons - embodied in the
sporty set - are rather vague. They are provided with one hour / 50 minutes / week
or 2 hours every two weeks and are organized to represent the school in
competitive school competitions, whose calendar is quite poor in competitions and
some branches athletic "sockets" in children are missing. Lessons are organized on
groups of 12-15 students selected from several parallel classes, from the same year
of study or from different years. The whole activity takes place outside of school
hours, after hours or weekends. If they are intended to prepare the representative
team of the school, these classes may be made up of pupils from different classes in
the educational cycle.
1. Carp I., (2000), Basics of Physical Education and Sport, Chişinău:
USEFS., 41p.
2. Cârstea G., (1993), Theory and Methodology of School Physical
Education, Bucharest, Universul Publishing House,112 p.
3. Chicu V., (2006), Motion games to develop coordinating capabilities,
Chişinău: USEFS, , 103 p.
4. Constantin V., (2004), Rugby, technique and tactics, Bucharest, FEST
Publishing House, 351 p.
5. Dragnea A., (1996), Sports training, Didactic and Pedagogical
Publishing House, 300 p.
6. Epuran M., (1996), Methodology of research and physical activities in
physical education and sports – vol. I-II, UNEFS, Bucharest, p. 245 – 297.
7. Manolachi V., (2003), Battle Sports - Theory and Methodology,
Chişinău, USEFS., p.134-170.
8. Matveev L. P., (1991), Training and organizing it, Bucharest:
Performance Sport Series, p.15-30.
9. Platonov N.V., (1984), Theory of sports training, Moscova, p.30-60.

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