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Ph.D. Enăchescu Sorin11,

The State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova,

Etapele de formare organizate de o echipă de instructori la care am participat, am fost
impresionată de starea fizică a agilității lor, a vitezei de reacție, a vitezei explozive, a flexibilității, a
mobilității și a varietății de tehnici și metode de luptă cu și fără arme.
Punctele forte ale acestor abilități au fost aplicate mișcărilor de sincronizare și efortului
minim. Informațiile adunate prin discuții dar si o documentare specializata m-au determinat să
realizez acest studiu.Pregătirea fizică este baza pregătirii de luptă, o parte componentă principală în
instruirea şi educarea întregului efectiv.
Scopul pregătirii fizice este de a asigura condiţia fizică a militarilor în vederea acţiunilor de
luptă şi sarcinile specifice în instruirea şi educarea lor, acestea având ca obiectiv optimizarea
calitǎţilor de forţǎ şi vitezǎ, care pot accesa îndeplinirea pozitivă a îndatoririlor funcţionale,
optimizarea anduranţei, care, face posibilă menţinerea acţiunilor îndelungate a efectivului în situaţii
extreme, acestea ducând la scăderea stresurilor psihologice.
Cuvinte cheie: antrenament , instructor fitness , luptător de autoapărare
The training stages organized by a team of instructors I participated in
were impressed by the physical state of their agility, reaction speed, explosive
speed, flexibility, mobility and a variety of techniques and methods of fighting
with and without weapons.
The strengths of these abilities have been applied to synchronization
movements and minimal effort. The information gathered through discussions
and specialized documentation has led me to realize this study. Physical
training is the basis of battle training, a major component in the training and
education of the whole body.
The purpose of physical training is to ensure the physical condition of
the military in view combat actions and specific tasks in their training and
education, aiming at optimizing the strength and speed qualities that can be
used to fulfill the positive fulfillment of the functional duties, optimizing the
endurance, which makes it possible to maintain the prolonged actions of the
staff in extreme situations, to reduce psychological stress.
Adresă de corespondenţă a autorului Tel.: +0-000-000-0000

Key words: Training , fitness instructor , self-defense method fighter.

1. Introduction
Physical training is based on planning that pursues general objectives:
preserving and strengthening health, increasing physical and intellectual
capabilities, improving fitness; developing basic motor skills: strength, strength,
speed, skill, initiative, ingenuity, will, determination, self-confidence and courage,
attention, orientation; developing skills to act quickly and accurately, including in
physical tiredness and mental tension; training the soldiers for fast and varied
running, crossing obstacles, throwing hand grenades, fighting melee with
individual weaponry; improving the body's ability to act in the presence of
radiation and toxic gases, heat and cold, as well as other unfavorable factors
occurring during the fight; maintaining a permanent exercise program (2).
At the same time physical training pursues specific objectives depending on
the particularities of the weapon: the formation of the skills to act promptly, using
the armament and the equipment provided during the fight, during the movement
and in the station; engaging in endurance for long-lasting physical exercise, on-the-
go driving, and the ability to train for long stays and reduced mobility; the
development of physical force for boarding and disembarking heavy materials on
and off motor vehicles; increasing reaction and execution speeds, training skills and
detention for jumping, throwing, action on and on combat machines (7).
For this study we used the research literature as research methods, the
observation to which we added the personal experience in the field. So I noticed at
the training sessions organized by a team of Chinese instructors, to which I
participated, their excellent physical condition, agility, reaction speed, explosive
speed, flexibility, mobility and variety of "melee" combat techniques and
procedures with and without weapon (5). The strengths of these abilities were the
synchronization of movement and the minimum effort.
The information gathered on the basis of discussions with the martial arts
specialists, both Romanian and foreign, in the military field, but also through a
specialized theoretical and practical documentation, determined me to make this
2. Material and method
The objective. We assume that by using the professional-applied military
physical training of selected techniques and techniques in martial arts in
combination with an operational crossing, the capacity of training and fighting
personnel of the National Security and Defense System (4) will be improved.
We have been aiming to bring in this study new improvements to a training
program for the personnel of the National Security and Defense System, with
reference to the melee struggle, with or without a weapon, applying techniques,
techniques and specific methods in the arts martial, to make their execution more
efficient in the engagements they are involved in. We are especially concerned with
the martial aspects of the combat program in special situations, and not the sports

These observations are based on experimental research on a psycho-
physical track that is a physical training tool for military training, which is
important for the training of military cadres and which allows the testing of
physical and mental capacities, while also preparing the methods used to overcome
certain obstacles , physically, during the mission (3).
These observations are suitable for courage, physical condition, team spirit,
skills, skill, and speed, and can be of great help in preparing work actions.
3. Results
Organization of research. In practice, a good knowledge of the methods that can
be useful in solving difficult, service-specific situations. Specific training on an
operational crossing is part of the specific field of intervention, being generally an
important element of evaluation for all military cadres.
The subjects of the study are the staff of the National Security and Defense
System, who tested the tests of a psycho-motor track of operational crossing to
deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge.
We strive to achieve positive results in optimizing the process of combining
battlefield elements in the martial arts that lead to the safety, efficiency and
combativity of the National Security and Defense System personnel, to an
improvement in the psycho-motor combat condition to a greater adapting them to
the combat missions that they have in their status of organization and functioning.

Table no. 1 Individualization of concepts regarding threats, risks and

vulnerabilities (after Mostoflei, C., 2005)


SURSĂ Posibila Probabila Certa
ADRESĂ Difuza Posibila Certa During
the SCOP Difuz Probabil Cert training
and at OBIECTIV Difuz Probabil Cert the end
of the EFECTE Posibil Probabile Certe
training, the military responds to the presented methodological means, transmitting
a series of biological information: morphological, biochemical, psychological and
concretized by the reactions of the systems and devices of the body: cardiovascular,
respiratory, neuro-muscular, biochemical aspects of muscle contractions(6).
Objectives impact tasks that must meet military operational in action, and on each
component of the training.
In terms of conditional capacities, the statement of objectives also
determines the content of the training activity: the development of conditional and
coordinating capacities after an upward dynamics over certain time periods and the
maintenance of a certain level of the respective index over a period of time or after
a period of quantitative accumulations (3).
Results analysis. Given that missions require special efforts and high risk,
martial arts training provides emotional stability and, on the other hand, lead to the

acquisition and improvement of effective combat techniques and techniques that in

turn give safety, calmness and confidence the military's own forces and, implicitly,
helps in the successful accomplishment of joint combat missions.
The practical value lies in the fact that the study includes observations on a
model of military professional training that uses close combat and applies technical
techniques in martial arts. The technical procedures for this program are selected
according to the efficiency criterion and are of the following types: projections,
strokes, strangulations, joint actions and actions on vital points.
4. Conclusions and discussions
The study of this program aims at the design of a method and manual, a
regulation that contributes to the efficiency of the specialized training and the
improvement of the specific psycho-physical qualities that are so necessary for
those who work in the National Security and Defense System. At the same time, I
studied a program for a group of military cadres from the National Security and
Defense System, which provides two lessons per week for six months and a three-
week training course at a specialized training center (1).
Subsequently, by comparing the characteristics parameters on which the
observable program is based and the set of parameters of the professional military
training program currently in use in the National Security and Defense System, the
value of any new program may be assessed on the basis of the estimation of the
effectiveness by forecasting the results. Those skilled in the art are of the opinion
that, for these reasons, it is impetuous to realize that regardless of the fighter's
weapon and specialty, he will not be able to survive on the battlefield without
acquiring practical firearms with all armament categories, he will not master the
techniques of immediate retaliation in speed or temporary isolation, all based on
exceptional physical training.

1. Andreescu, A., Macoveanu, D., Păunescu, C.(2003), Defense
Techniques. Handbook for the Fighters in the National Defense System,
Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest
2. Bratu, I.(1985), Basic motor skills, Sport-Turism Publishing House,
3. Du Zengao, (1998), Procedures used by the military and police to
counteract acts of violence, Antet Publishing House, Oradea
4. Grecu, C., (2015), The role and place of physical education in military
educational military, Army Magazine, No. 11, Publishing Staff Land
5. Herlo, N.,J.,(2010), Theoretical and Methodical Basics of Combat
Sports, Eurostampa Publishing House

6. Mostoflei, C, (2006), Security and Defense of South East European

Space in the Context of Transformations at the Beginning of the Third
Millennium, National Defense University Publishing House, Bucharest
7. Petrescu, S., (2008), Primary Threats, Military Publishing House.

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