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Ph.D.Ulrich Liviu11
The State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova

Competenţele generale, vizate la nivelul disciplinei Educaţie fizică şi sport, jalonează
achiziţiile elevului pentru întregul ciclu gimnazial. Acestea concură la formarea unui stil de viață
sănătos al elevului, la dezvoltarea fizică armonioasă și a motricității acestuia.
Competenţele specifice sunt derivate din competenţele generale şi reprezintă achiziții
dobândite pe durata unui an şcolar. Pentru realizarea competenţelor specifice, în programă sunt
propuse exemple de activităţi de învăţare care valorifică experienţa concretă a elevului şi care
integrează strategii didactice adecvate unor contexte de învăţare variate.
Cuvinte cheie: competență, dezvoltare fizică, stil de viață, didactic
The general competencies covered at the Physical Education and Sports discipline tear the
student's purchases for the entire gymnasium cycle. They contribute to the formation of a healthy
lifestyle of the pupil, harmonious physical development and its motricity.
Specific competencies are derived from general competences and represent acquisitions
acquired during a school year. For the achievement of specific competencies, the program proposes
examples of learning activities which make use of the pupil's concrete experience and integrate
didactic strategies appropriate to various learning contexts.
Key words: competence, physical development, lifestyle, didactic

1. Introduction
This study aims to show the importance of recreational sport that can be
practiced outside of school curriculum, namely in school camps. The purpose of
these activities is to socialize, maintain health, develop the physical condition and
increase the working capacity of the teenager who has created an increasingly
artificial way of life in front of the computer, phone or tablet (3). Time spent in
nature is becoming less and this may affect its social and motor psychological
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Hiking and sports activities in children's camps are essential, so enough

time will also have to be spent on such activities. Here are some examples of
children's activities that can be practiced in camps:
• Cycling
• Football / Volleyball / Badminton / Tennis / Swimming
• Airsoft
• Rolling with and without compass
• Hiking and picnicking in nature
• Thematic tours.
• Boat trips
• Built in universal boats
Organizing a summer camp can be a simple thing if there are as many
activities as possible for children and there will be various camp games. First of all,
children will promote services.
For active children who love the movement, a summer camp where sport is part of
the daily schedule means a perfect camp.
2. Material and method.
Sociological studies show that the preferences of the individuals of the
society for practicing a certain type of leisure activity can be ranked according to
the social class to which they belong. Thus, the members of the society that are part
of the lower stairs are traditionally oriented towards strength and team sports.
This is reflected in the predominance, to a significant extent, boxing,
wrestling, judo / karate and body-building (7). At the same time, it is noted that
individuals of the middle class manifest a very obvious interest in health, aesthetic
aspect and social recognition, which leads to aerobics, gymnastics, hiking, dancing,
squash, badminton, volleyball, complementing the traditional sports of the class
such as athletics or canoeing (4). Sports requiring more intense training and greater
financial effort, tennis, sails, surfing, riding, even fencing or alpine skiing are more
widespread in upper middle class members. Among the free time sports that are
practiced regardless of social affiliation are swimming, cycling and jogging.
3. Results
A hierarchy of preferences can also be observed with regard to
organizational forms and choice of partners for practicing leisure time sports (9).
The higher the social position, the more obvious the option of practicing individual
sports or with family members in a self-organized form and in an institutional
setting (clubs, recreational sports grounds); and positive assessments of leisure time
and commitment to doing so are more prominent (6). The leisure time sport in the
circle of acquaintances and the orientation towards commercial sports offers as
well as the membership of a sports association is rather a concern for the members
of the middle class society.

Fig.1 The relation of free time-rest-recreation (after Cosmescu, I., 1998, p.20-22)
Regardless of the social status of the practitioner, the general goal of free
time sports is undoubtedly to improve the quality of life. In conclusion, the
valorisation of the loisir, the type of activities chosen, the spirit in which they are
practiced, their insertion in the educational system, depend on the socio-cultural
status of the subjects, the sense of autonomy and human communion, which the
loisir definitively consecrated (1).
Movement, sport and play are youthful environments in which it can
unfold, present and represent itself to others. Many young people experience and
establish their social value through body expressions (5). Today's culture of youth
is expressed mainly by the culture of movement, the culture of the game and the
sport and, as can easily be noticed, wearing the most differentiated forms: from the
unproblematic, harmless to the extremely problematic, difficult to control and
particularly dangerous. If we even refer to the hip-hop culture, widespread amongst
youth today, we will see that it brings together the most diverse culture of
movement, from streetball, inline skating, skateboard and breakdance to spray-
with graffiti and exhibitions or worshiping (8).

Fig.2. Life style structure / model - the well-being paradigm (adaptation by

E. Bugget, 1992)
4. Conclusions and discussions
The interest in participation in physical activities, in all age categories, is
steadily increasing. Studies on the peculiarities of participation in physical
activities at leisure in children and not only have increased in the last period. Social
practice shows a low rate of involvement in this type of activity, so that in

Romania, about 60% of the population is physically inactive according to the

Special Eurobarometer of 2017.
Focused on the school population that has an intensive daily program, there
is insufficient knowledge of options for leisure activities, especially for holiday
activities (2).
Few studies aimed at highlighting the sports that middle school students
would like to practice from a wide range of sports, even in the ideal way, starting
with the very affordable material and financial base, up to at sports considered
extreme, generating adrenaline, requiring more special conditions. Knowing the
teens' preferences in practicing different sports could favor the development of new
strategies and the development of material bases including lesser-known sports
with a recent date of emergence.
Understanding the factors that influence adolescent participation in physical
leisure time activities is important for providing solutions and drawing up plans to
attract, encourage, encourage, and increase the participation of children.
1. Bota, A., (2006), Exercises for an Active Life, Leisure Activities, Publishing
House, Bucharest.
2. Baciu, M., (2009), Sport and Quality of Life, Napoca Star Publishing
House, Cluj-Napoca;
3. Balint, G., (2007), Sports-recreational and leisure activities: paintball,
mountain bike, and climbing, PIM Publishing House, Iasi.
4. Cârstea, Gh., (1993), Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and
Sport, Universul Publishing House, Bucharest
5. Demeter, A., Drăgan, I., (1990), Sport and Health, Sport-Turism Publishing
House, Bucharest.
6. Dragnea, A., Bota A., (1999), Theory of driving activities. Bucharest
Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House
7. Fărcaş, V., (1984), Table sport activity, Sport - Publishing House,
8. Iacob, I., Iacob, M. R., (2005), Sport as Loisir, Demiurgical Publishing
House, Iaşi.
9. Şiclovan I, (1979), Theory of physical education and sport, Sport-Turism
Publishing House, Bucharest.

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