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Ph. D. Udroiu Marian11

The State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova

Obiectivele educației fizice sunt comune în toate țările europene, diferențele fiind date de
concepțiile specifice tradiționale și urmăresc în principal: menținerea stării de sănătate; creșterea și
dezvoltarea optimă a organismului; dezvoltarea competenței și performanței motrice; dezvoltarea
educației morale concretizată în aptitudini și valori comportamentale pozitive, respect pentru ceilalți
și pentru mediu; formarea unor deprinderi sociale interpersonale; plăcerea și înțelegerea efectelor
benefice ale participării la activități fizice sistematice de-a lungul vieții; recunoașterea și aprecierea
atât a valorilor tradiției și culturii fizice, cât și a activităților sportive.
Cuvinte cheie: sănătate, dezvoltare, performanță, deprindere, activitate fizică
The objectives of physical education are common in all European countries, the differences being
given by the traditional specific concepts and mainly pursuing: maintaining the state of health;
optimal growth and development of the body; developing competence and driving performance; the
development of moral education materialized in positive behavioral abilities and values, respect for
others and the environment; the formation of interpersonal social skills; pleasure and understanding
of the beneficial effects of participating in systematic physical activities throughout life; recognition
and appreciation of both the values of physical culture and tradition, as well as sports activities.
Key words: health, development, performance, skills, physical activity

1. Introduction
By trying to compare the concept of physical education in Romania and
other countries (Moldova, Bulgaria) with the time allocated to it in some European
countries, we find some similarities but also many differences that are not
favorable to us. As such, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Portugal,
Norway, Slovakia, Hungary have 3 or 4 hours / week, mandatory with the optional
one; Germany, Belgium, allocates 2-4 hours with 2 "basic" lessons and 2 optional

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lessons, with a separate program (it is compulsory throughout the schooling period
and includes athletics, gymnastics, sports games, outdoor activities (escalade,
tennis, swimming, dancing), and each student is required during the school year to
participate in sports camps that include outdoor sports.
The education system in Romania is undergoing major transformations,
aiming at adjusting education to international standards of personality training. The
reform of the educational system in the country calls for sustained concern for
finding activities that support the improvement of the teaching-learning process
and the acquisition of the necessary skills for the social integration of the future
graduates by carrying out extracurricular activities (performing sports performance,
excursions, study visits, viewing of sports performances for teaching purposes,
practicing recreational sports, etc.).
Continuing classroom physical education activity and promoting
extracurricular activities involving as many children as possible in physical
exercise is a permanent concern of many teachers as a major necessity in shaping
pupils' personality (5).
Motivation and prerequisites for choosing the theme. Although the
gymnasium stage creates the most advantageous prerequisites for knowing the
various techniques of rugby play the acquisition of numerous actions specific to
sports disciplines practiced at this age, in the literature the issue of extracurricular
activities is insufficiently addressed.
2. Material and method
Studies in the field of educational activities highlight the necessity of an
educational offer of the school in close connection with the socio-economic
changes and the elaboration of the curriculum from a procedural and structural
The development of the motorcycle of pupils. Trends in the modernization
of education aim at the flexibility of training and education to ensure the
development of each pupil's capacities in relation to his / her own possibilities. Our
research has been based on the theses of psychologists, pedagogues and specialists
in the field of physical education and sport, which reminds us of the importance of
developing the driving skills necessary for everyday activities (6).
The development of the overall driving capacity of children in the process
of growth is conditioned by their functional possibilities, their skills and attitudes,
strongly influenced by the methodological concept of efficient organization of
motor activities (4).
In the elaboration of the concept of improvement of instructive-educational
activity, curricular design in school and sports physical education, by directing the
contents to the development of the general driving force and the motor skills
necessary for practicing some sporting branches, we have as a point of reference:
- Theoretical and methodical bases of school and extra-physical physical education
at high school level;
- the laws of programming and organizing physical education;

- ways to optimize the structure and content of school physical education lessons
and extracurricular activities and sports training of high school students;
- Concepts on the development of motor skills and the training of driving skills
specific to the studied sport field;
- The methodology of teaching the contents of the rugby game and the scientific
report between them on the development of physical qualities.
In this context, the experience gained in the field of efficiency of the
teaching-learning process of physical education and sport in pre-university
education, under different aspects, highlights the need to improve the whole system
of physical education in the idea of improving the level of motor activity,
optimizing physical development, achievement of skills required by social life and
student needs, communication skills, scientific and technical skills, civic
competences, entrepreneurial skills, etc (3).
3. Results
Knowing and promoting the physical and motor development parameters of
the pupils by the teacher, using appropriate methods to influence their
improvement, are groundbreaking arguments for conducting the pedagogical
experiment (7). Diversification of extracurricular programs and their application in
high school education will eventually lead to the considerable improvement and
development of students' driving capacity and the achievement of educational
objectives. Adaptation of the contents of the rugby game to the possibilities and
interests of the students will condition the increase of the general and specific
physical training as well as the improvement of their technical training (1).
Out-of-school sports activity allows the transfer and applicability of
knowledge, skills, competences acquired in the education system in everyday work.

Fig.2 The scheme of indicators for modeling and modeling of training

(Constantin, V., 2004)

In order to stimulate cognitive, spiritual, interpersonal and social

development, school and extra-curricular education has always focused on the need
to adapt to the individual, diverse needs of all children, to the interests of knowing
and capitalizing on their creative potential.
Starting from the above mentioned, we can find that for the theory and

methodology of rugby the researches regarding the efficiency of training of athletes

through the development of motricity in the specialized training are of great
importance. Specialized training is based on a training model specializing in age
and level of training.
In our study we aim to approach the application of a sports training
methodology in the rugby game with the high school students in order to improve
the motricity, the educational and physical competences through trainings and
competitions conducted in extracurricular activities (8).
As research methods we will apply: observation method, case study,
specialty literature study, experimental, questionnaire, survey, test method, video
method, graphic method.
During the study that will take two school and competitive years, we will
conduct research, methodical and applicative activities to confirm the proposed
4. Conclusions and discussions
Developing motricity is a constant concern at the level of the whole pre-
university education, with certain priorities, related to the possibilities of their
optimal development, in relation to the age of different categories of students (2).
At high-school level, priority is transferred to the part of the development of
combined driving qualities - speed, strength, speed, strength in strength (local
strength) or speed, but not excluding acting on the isolated development of certain
qualities, especially those of segmental strength and resistance.
This approach to motor development also has advantages for growth the
effectiveness of the training process specific to sports / sports, in this case rugby.
1. Cârstea G., (1993), Theory and Methodology of School Physical
Education. Bucharest, Universul Publishing House
2. Ciorbă C., (2007), all, Sports games, basic training, Chisinau, Valinex
Publishing House
3. Constantin V., (2004), Rugby, technique and tactics, Bucharest, FEST
Publishing House
4. Dragnea A., (1996), Sport training, Bucharest, Didactic and Pedagogical
Publishing House
5. Epuran M., (1996), Methodology of research and physical activities in
physical education and sports - vol. I-II, Bucharest
6. Marinescu, S., (2014), he Impact of Extracurricular Physical Education
(Basketball) Activities on the Development of Driving Capacities of
Gymnasium Teachers, Doctoral Thesis, USEFS
7. Matveev L. P., (1991), Training and organizing it. Bucharest:
Performance SportPlatonov N.V., (1984), Teoria antrenamentului
sportiv. Moscova
8. Platonov V., (1995), Training and organizing it. Bucharest: Performance

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