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Negoescu, M.,C., 11,

The State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova
Din categoria disciplinelor opționale face parte și disciplina Educaţie fizică, pe care o
consederăm în categoria formativă, necesară pentru continuarea proceselor de dezvoltare a tânărului
aflat în etapa studenției.
Educația fizică este prevăzută în curriculum-ul instituţiei cu un număr de ore diferenţiat, în
funcţie de anul de studiu și specializarea urmată.
Obiectivele acestei discipline cuprinse în aria curriculară au la bază asigurarea dezvoltării
aptitudinilor bio-psiho-motrice şi formarea capacităţii studenților de a acţiona asupra acestora, în
vederea menţinerii permanente a stării optime de sănătate, asigurarea unei dezvoltări fizice
armonioase şi manifestarea unei capacităţi motrice favorabile inserţiei profesionale şi sociale a
tânărului student.
Aceasta activitate face parte din domeniul educaţiei generale, împreună cu educaţia
intelectuală, morală, estetică, tehnico-profesională şi se desfăşoară în prezența cadrului didactic
specializat, după anumite reguli, norme şi metodologii.
Cuvinte cheie: abilitate, autoaparare, student, educație fizică, obiectiv
From the category of optional subjects is also the discipline of Physical Education, which
we hold in the formative category, necessary for the continuation of the development processes of
the young student in the student stage.
Physical education is provided in the curriculum of the institution with a number of different hours,
depending on the year of study and the specialization followed.
The objectives of this discipline are based on ensuring the development of bio-psycho-
motor skills and the ability of students to work on them, in order to maintain the optimal health
status, to ensure a harmonious physical development and the manifestation of a driving capacity
favorable to the insertion professional and social aspects of the young student.
This activity is part of general education, together with intellectual, moral, aesthetic,
technical and professional education, and is carried out in the presence of the specialized teaching
staff, according to certain rules, norms and methodologies.

Adresă de corespondenţă a autorului Tel.: +0-000-000-0000

Keywords: skill, self defense, student, physical education, objective

1. Introduction
The weight and contribution of the physical education curriculum to the
achievement of the objectives and the finality in the student education system is of
particular significance through its contribution to: forming a correct outfit and
straightening some posture deficiencies; pharmonic physical development of the
body; maintaining an optimal state of health; developing intellectual, moral-voltive,
aesthetic, civic and technical-professional features and qualities.
To all this, there are added a number of other benefits that arise as a result
of the organized physical education activity:
 development of the basic motor skills, skills and motor skills specific to
sport samples and branches; in the case of the Police Academy, it is about
skills and skills specific to fighting sports that develop strength;
 developing the body's exercise capacity and strength;
 forming and developing the expressiveness of practitioners' gestures;
 developing the relaxation capacity of the main muscle groups, but also of
the body as a whole;
 providing restoration after certain traumas;
 Forming the habit of practicing independent, systematic, correct and
conscious exercise during leisure.
According to Torje D., physical education is a motric activity, the purpose of
which is to achieve well-defined educational and educational objectives. This
activity is included in the field of education, along with intellectual, moral,
aesthetic, technical-professional education and is carried out according to certain
laws, norms and methodical prescriptions.
Physical education is the activity that systematically capitalizes on all the forms
of practicing physical exercises in order to increase mainly the biological potential
of man in accordance with social requirements. " Physical education means a
diverse effort, always so motrically structured, in the most varied attitudes.
The Law of Physical Education and Sport in Romania, issued in 2000,
stipulates in Article 2 that "physical education and sport means all forms of
physical activity intended, through an organized or independent participation, to
express or improve physical condition and spiritual comfort , to establish civilized
social relations and to lead to results in competitions of any level ". According to
the same law, both physical education and sport are "state-supported activities of
national interest".
Physical education and sport are physical activities that improve or keep
practitioners in a state of physical and mental health. Both are playful and allow the
subject to express himself / herself or face himself / herself or with the other
2. Material and method
Physical education becomes as important as it is indispensable. For

example, life-threatening situations can always arise in everyday life, as evidenced

by the number and variety of crimes committed in recent years, or at such times,
the level of motor skills or self-defense knowledge play a role decisive. That is why
we can say that in shaping the personality of the young person, the physical and
sporting aspect of the physical education is more and more necessary as a social
necessity towards some possible situations that may arise.

Fig. Decision Makers in Optimizing the Instructive-Educational Process of

Physical Education (Ion L., 2003)

To achieve self-defense skills, a unitary system of measures must be

established, which can be ensured through the content of physical education and
the right choice of means according to the particularities of the young person's
training: a very good state of health, great mobility and much willingness to
overcome different obstacles, a strong resistance to stress, etc.
Physical training through means of self-defense complements with a good
psychological training and leads to the optimization of the instructive-educational
process of the Physical Education discipline.
The goal of training in physical self-defense is to provide "a minimum of
knowledge and skills of self-defense and combat necessary to counteract actions by
those persons who might intervene.
3. Results
The formation of a good physical condition by means of physical self-
defense is the main educational conceptual orientation that must contribute to the
formation of special knowledge, psychophysical and motivational qualities,
relationships and cultural values of the personality of the young person.
At the same time, the dynamics of psychophysical parameters is the starting point
in their determination in the professional-applicative physical training.
Thus, in order to determine the content of the physical self-defense training,

it is necessary for each faculty to use the materials on the problems of the
physiology and the psychology of labor and, in their absence, to carry out the
respective complex researches on the activity of the specialists in the concrete
conditions of production.
It is known that the direct external manifestation of any process of work is
accomplished by the respective human motor activities, which have on their
physiological basis a chain of unconditional and conditioned reflexes, showing the
multilateral interactions of man with the environment.

Fig.2. The model of the vocational training of the students for the preparation of
the Physical Education discipline (after Palaga, C., 2016)

Currently, the basic method for determining the characteristics of the

separate stages of the work capacity of the specialist in psychology and physiology
of work has become the method of forming the "curve" of work capacity based on
the fixed changes of the technical-economical and psycho-physiological indexes of
the personality of the professional ( E. Draganescu, 2000).
For the purpose of registering the "technical and economic indices", the
methodology elaborated by Danail, S.N., (1996), with various modifications, is
used to determine the volume, intensity and level of didactic and communication
activity of the teacher's complex coordination.

Self-defense within the discipline Physical education exercises several

functions. These functions are essential in fulfilling his ideal. Some of these
functions are specific to physical self-defense, in the sense that they refer to the two
dimensions of the proper object of study - body development and general motor
capacity, and others are associated in the sense that they complete the effects on the
human organism produced by systematic exercise.
4. Conclusions and discussions
The content of physical self-defense is extremely rich and varied. There is
practically no precise delimitation. In the content of self-defense, we encounter
numerous combat elements and techniques, defense against various forms of
physical aggression, from the simplest to the most complex. This content is in
constant enrichment, in a continuous process of accumulation.
Physical self-defense contains technical and tactical elements and
techniques from several combat sports such as boxing, kick-boxing, judo,
wrestling, karate.
Where the listed sports can not meet the need for self-defense training, the
different fighting techniques that are found in the content of fighting styles in other
martial arts and which are equally useful to the training objectives. At the moment,
over a hundred fighting styles are known in the world.
1. Ceban, V., (2003) Physical-professional training of students
at university pedagogical faculties with specialization in chemistry. Chișinău.
2. Dorgan V., (2003) Some aspects of individualizing training
in sport. In: Current issues regarding the improvement of the learning system in the
field of physical culture. Theses of the International Scientific Conference.
Chişinău, USEFS
3. Dragnea, A., (1991) Theory and methodology of developing motor skills.
Bucharest, ANEFS
4. Deliu D., (2008) Methodology of combat disciplines. Bucharest, Bren
Publishing House
5. Enache, I., (1999) Physical self-defense. Bucharest, Publishing House
"Romania tomorrow"
6. Galan, D., (2005) Self defense course. Bucharest, Cartea
Universitară Publishing House
7. Ion, L. , (2003) Physical vocational-applicative training of students in the
port exploitation faculties of Physical Education. Chișinău, USEFS
8. Palaga C., (2016) Professional training of physical self-defense of police
students within the discipline "Physical Education, Doctoral Thesis, USEFS,
Chisinau, 2016.

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