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Cum a fost creată o narațiune falsă despre hidroxiclorochină.

Medici despre
tratarea cu succes a Covid 19

 Am văzut cu toții în ultimele luni isteria autorităților vis-à-vis de Covid 19. Acum tot
mai mulți oameni și-au dat seama că în spatele acestei așa-zise pandemii există o
Agendă, care este pusă în scenă de politicieni, medici, poliție, iar vârful piramidei
puterii sunt corporațiile Big Pharma și Guvernul din Umbră.
Câțiva medici, care au avut curajul dictat de conștiință, au ieșit în față și din
experimente, au pus la punct un tratament foarte ieftin și eficient împotriva acestui
virus. În continuare, voi expune adevărul care nu este promovat de către autorități
despre acest tratament, din punctul de vedere al unor medici și cercetători dedicați

Nu există lipsă de controverse în legătură cu pandemia COVID-19, dar controversa

privind hidroxiclorochina este poate una dintre cele mai perplexe și frustrante.
Medicii și experții în sănătate din întreaga lume s-au exprimat atât pentru cât și
împotriva consumului de acest medicament, unii raportând beneficii spectaculoase, în
timp ce alții avertizează asupra pericolelor mortale.

Într-un sondaj internațional din 6.227 de medici din 30 de țări, 37% au evaluat
hidroxiclorochina, medicamentul antimalarie, drept „cea mai eficientă terapie”
pentru COVID-19. Sondajul a fost realizat de Sermo, cea mai mare companie de
colectare a datelor de îngrijire a sănătății din lume și platforma socială pentru medici.
În Spania, unde medicamentul a fost utilizat de 72% dintre medici, a fost evaluat „cea
mai eficientă terapie” de 75% dintre aceștia. Doza tipică folosită de majoritatea
medicilor a fost de 400 de miligrame pe zi. Expertul microbiolog și de boli
infecțioase câștigător al unui premiu în știință francez Didier Raoult, fondator și
director al Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection, a raportat că o
combinație de hidroxiclorochinină și azitromicină, administrată imediat după
diagnostic, a dus la recuperare și „vindecare virologică ”- nemaidetectând SARS-
CoV-27 la tampoanele nazale - la 91,7% dintre pacienți.

Potrivit lui Raoult, combinația de medicamente „evită agravarea și elimină

persistența virusului și contagiozitatea în majoritatea cazurilor”. Nu a fost observată
nicio toxicitate cardiacă folosind o doză de 200 mg de trei ori pe zi timp de 10 zile,
împreună cu 500 mg de azitromicină în ziua 1, urmată de 250 mg pe zi pentru
următoarele patru zile. Riscul de toxicitate cardiacă a fost ameliorat prin depistarea cu
atenție a pacienților și efectuarea EKG-urilor în serie. După cum a raportat The
Highwire, din 2 iulie 2020, Raoult este citat că a spus că eșecul de a prescrie
hidroxiclorochina unui pacient COVID-19 „ar trebui să fie motive de malpraxis”.
Între timp, anchetatorii de la Universitatea din Oxford susțin că medicamentul este
inutil și nu ar trebui prescris deloc la pacienții spitalizați (după cum probabil ați auzit
la TV, medicii din România acționează după un ,,protocol” recomandat de criminalii
în masă de la OMS, pe care nu-l fac public, medicii nu au voie să-l dezvăluie și sigur
nu conține hidroxiclorochina, n.b.).
Cei ce neagă hidroxiclorochina "sunt vinovați de omor în masă"
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

 Un site web interesant de urmărire a studiilor despre hidroxiclorochină este Enumeră mai mult de 40 de studii și metaanalize care arată rezultate
pozitive ale medicamentului, comparativ cu nouă care au ajuns la o concluzie
negative. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, medic de îngrijire primară în Monroe, New York, a
raportat, de asemenea, rezultate excelente la utilizarea medicamentului. El a spus că
gazda radio Sean Hannity a avut o rată de succes aproape de 100% folosind
hidroxiclorochina, azitromicină și sulfat de zinc timp de cinci zile. „Am văzut
rezultate remarcabile; aceasta previne într-adevăr evoluția bolii, iar pacienții se simt
bine ”, a spus el pentru Hannity. Într-un interviu, Del Bigtree îl intervievează pe
Zelenko despre criticile formulate împotriva lui pentru promovarea consumului din
acest medicament. Potrivit lui Zelenko, cei ce neagă hidroxiclorochina "sunt vinovați
de omor în masă".

El subliniază că hidroxiclorochina a fost folosită de zeci de ani și este sigură chiar și

pentru femeile însărcinate și care alăptează, așa că s-a simțit foarte confortabil să-i
prescrie off-label. El a prescris 200 mg de hidroxicloroquina de două ori pe zi, 500
mg de azitromicină o dată pe zi și 220 mg de zinc o dată pe zi, timp de cinci zile.
Tratamentul a fost inițiat în primele cinci zile ale simptomelor clinice ale COVID-19,
pe baza „suspiciunii clinice” de infecție cu SARS-CoV-2 (nu testarea confirmată de
laborator, deoarece rezultatele testului au durat trei zile, iar încărcarea virală de obicei
explodează până în ziua 6 ).

La 30 iunie 2020, Zelenko și doi co-autori au publicat un studiu în care a evidențiat

tratarea pacienților cu COVID-19 ce au confirmat rezultatele pozitive ale testului
„cât mai devreme posibil după debutul simptomului” cu zinc, hidroxiclorochină în
doze mici și azitromicină „a fost asociată cu spitalizări semnificativ mai mici și de
cinci ori mai puține decese cauzale”. După cum a menționat Zelenko în interviul lui
cu Bigtree, adevăratul ucigaș de virus din această combinație este de fapt zincul.
Hidroxiclorochina acționează doar ca un transportor de zinc, permițându-i să intre în
celulă. Antibioticul, între timp, ajută la prevenirea infecțiilor secundare. 

Pe de altă parte există medici precum Dr. Meryl Nass, Chris Martenesen, etc. care
sunt împotriva folosirii hidroxiclorochinei în tratament. Oxford University, care este
masiv finanțată de Fundația Bill&Melinda Gates au experimentat hidroxiclorochina
în cantități mari ca doză, pentru a demonstra că este nocivă în acest tratament. Mă
întreb, sunt pe bune sau în spatele lor stau interesele corporațiilor farmaceutice care
vor să impună medicația lor, scumpă și ineficientă..?? Este vorba despre Remdesivir,
care costă cca. 3400 $/zi tratamentul pentru un singur bolnav. Aceste corporații au
creat din nou o oportunitate de a face bani pe boala pacienților, iar politicienii cu
achiziționarea de echipamente medicale, cum s-a demonstrat fără echivoc și în
Ce au avut în vedere investigatorii acestor trei studii clinice uriașe pentru a utiliza
astfel de dozaje exagerate? Hidroxiclorochina este pe piață de 65 de ani și atât dozele
toxice, cât și efective pentru o varietate de afecțiuni sunt bine documentate. Medicii
care au raportat rezultate excelente de tratament pe teren au rămas în cadrul dozelor
recomandate. Au încercat să saboteze în mod intenționat aceste studii folosind doze
cunoscute a fi toxice? De asemenea, medicii au raportat că cele mai bune rezultate
sunt observate atunci când medicamentul este administrat precoce, în timp ce
simptomele sunt încă ușoare sau moderate, dar în aceste studii medicamentul nu a
fost administrat până nu a fost prea târziu. Se știe că acest virus coagulează sângele
din vasele de sânge minuscule din interiorul plămânilor, iar folosirea aparaturii de
ventilare artificială poate face mult rău pacienților, distrugându-le mecanic interiorul
plămânilor, deci trebuie și un anticoagulant.

O analiză retrospectivă la 1 iulie 2020, din 2541 de pacienți din sistemul Henry Ford
Hospital din Detroit, Michigan, a găsit utilizarea hidroxiclorochinei, că singură a tăiat
mortalitatea cu mai mult de jumătate, de la 26,4% la 13,5%. (Hidroxiclorochina în
combinație cu azitromicină a avut o rată a mortalității de 20,1%, iar azitromicina
singură a avut o rată a mortalității de 22,4%.) Peste 90% dintre pacienți au primit
medicamentul sau medicamentele în 48 de ore de la internarea în spital. Nu s-au
observat evenimente adverse legate de inimă în rândul celor administrați cu

Zincul este cheia crucială

În concluzie, un studiu postat pe serverul prepublicării medRxiv, în 8 mai 2020, a

comparat rezultatele la pacienții cu COVID-19 spitalizați, tratați cu hidroxiclorochină
și azitromicină sau cu regimul triplet de hidroxiclorochinină, azitromicină și zinc
aprobat de Dr. Zelenko. Deși adăugarea de sulfat de zinc nu a avut niciun impact
asupra duratei de spitalizare, a duratei ATI sau a duratei de ventilație, analiza
univariată a arătat că a fost asociată cu alte efecte pozitive:
-         Frecvența crescută de externare din spital
-         A scăzut nevoia de ventilație
-         Scăderea ratelor de admitere la ATI
-         Scăderea ratei transferului la serviciile de asistență medicală pentru pacienții non-
-         Scăderea mortalității
Pe scurt, pentru a maximiza eficacitatea, aveți nevoie de zinc. Hidroxiclorochina
acționează ca un ionofor de zinc, ceea ce înseamnă că transferă zinc în celulele tale,
iar zincul pare a fi un „ingredient magic” necesar pentru a preveni replicarea virală.
Dacă este administrat timpuriu, zincul împreună cu un ionofor de zinc ar trebui, cel
puțin teoretic, să contribuie la scăderea încărcăturii virale și la prevenirea
supraîncărcării sistemului imunitar. Deci, este posibil să nu aveți nevoie de
medicament. De asemenea, puteți schimba antibioticul pentru un antibacterian
natural, cum ar fi frunza de măslin sau uleiul de oregano.

Multă sănătate !

How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created

Added by Citizen Reporter on July 17, 2020.
Saved under Columns, Healthy Living, National-International
Tags: Hydroxychloroquine, Joseph Mercola

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

There’s no shortage of controversies surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, but the

controversy over hydroxychloroquine is perhaps one of the most perplexing and
frustrating. Doctors and health experts around the world have spoken out both for and
against the use of the drug, some reporting spectacular benefits1 while others warn of
mortal dangers.2

Game-Changer or Deadly Treatment?

In one international poll3 of 6,227 doctors in 30 countries, 37% rated the antimalaria
drug hydroxychloroquine as “the most effective therapy” for COVID-19. The poll
was done by Sermo, the world’s largest health care data collection company and
social platform for physicians.

In Spain, where the drug was used by 72% of doctors, it was rated “the most effective
therapy” by 75% of them. The typical dose used by a majority of doctors was 400
milligrams per day.

French science-prize winning microbiologist and infectious disease expert Didier

Raoult, founder and director of the research hospital Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire
Méditerranée Infection,4 reported5,6 that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin, administered immediately upon diagnosis, led to recovery and
“virological cure” — nondetection of SARS-CoV-27 in nasal swabs — in 91.7% of
According to Raoult, the drug combination “avoids worsening and clears virus
persistence and contagiosness in most cases.” No cardiac toxicity was observed using
a dose of 200 mg three times a day for 10 days, along with 500 mg of azithromycin
on Day 1 followed by 250 mg daily for the next four days. The risk of cardiac
toxicity was ameliorated by carefully screening patients and performing serial EKGs.

As reported by The Highwire (see video above), July 2, 2020, Raoult is quoted as
saying failure to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to a COVID-19 patient “should be
grounds for malpractice.” Meanwhile, University of Oxford investigators claim the
drug is useless and shouldn’t be prescribed at all in hospitalized patients.8

Hydroxychloroquine deniers “are guilty of mass murder.” ~ Dr. Vladimir


An interesting website tracking hydroxychloroquine trials is It lists

more than 40 studies and meta-analyses showing positive results of the drug,
compared to nine that have reached a negative conclusion.

The Zelenko Regimen

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a primary care physician in Monroe, New York, has also
reported excellent results using the drug. He told radio host Sean Hannity he’d had a
near-100% success rate using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc sulfate for
five days. “I’ve seen remarkable results; it really prevents progression of disease, and
patients get better,” he told Hannity.

In the video above, Del Bigtree interviews Zelenko about the criticism levied against
him for promoting use of the drug. According to Zelenko, hydroxychloroquine
deniers “are guilty of mass murder.”

He points out hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades and is safe even for
pregnant and nursing women, so he felt very comfortable prescribing it off-label. He
prescribed 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine twice a day, 500 mg of azithromycin once
a day and 220 mg of zinc once a day, for five days.

The treatment was initiated within the first five days of clinical symptoms of COVID-
19, based on “clinical suspicion” of SARS-CoV-2 infection (not lab confirmed
testing, as test results took three days and viral load typically explodes by Day 6).

June 30, 2020, Zelenko and two co-authors published a study,10 currently in preprint,
which found treating COVID-19 patients who had confirmed positive test results “as
early as possible after symptom onset” with zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine and
azithromycin “was associated with significantly less hospitalizations and five times
less all-cause deaths.”
As noted by Zelenko in Bigtree’s interview, the real virus killer in this combination is
actually the zinc. The hydroxychloroquine merely acts as a zinc transporter, allowing
it to get into the cell. The antibiotic, meanwhile, helps prevent secondary infections.

Concerted Coordinated Effort to Inhibit Use of Effective Drug?

According to Dr. Meryl Nass, the wildly divergent views on hydroxychloroquine

appear to have little to do with its safety and effectiveness against COVID-19, and
more to do with a concerted and coordinated effort to prevent its use. In the
video11 above, Chris Martensen Ph.D., also reviews the “profound lack of integrity”
we’re currently seeing when it comes to hydroxychloroquine.

Indeed, there are several reasons for why certain individuals and companies might not
want an inexpensive generic drug to work against this pandemic illness. (A 14-day
supply costs just $2 to manufacture12 and can retail for as little as $20.13)

One of the most obvious reasons is because it might eliminate the need for a vaccine
or other antiviral medication currently under development.14 Hundreds of millions of
dollars have already been invested, and vaccine makers are hoping for a payday in the
billions if not trillions of dollars. In a June 27, 2020, blog post, Nass points out:15

“It is remarkable that a series of events taking place over the past three months
produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar
policies about the drug in the U.S., Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.16

The message is that generic, inexpensive hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and

should not be used to treat a potentially fatal disease, COVID-19, for which there are
no (other) reliable treatments.

Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for 65 years in many millions of patients.
And so the message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses, but dangerous
when used for COVID-19. It doesn’t make sense, but it seems to have worked. Were
these acts carefully orchestrated? You decide.

Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going? To sell expensive
drugs and vaccines to a captive population? Could these acts result in prolonged
economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class
to the very rich?”

The fight over hydroxychloroquine may also have political underpinnings. As noted
by investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson in a May 18, 2020, Full Measure report,
“never before has a discussion about choices of medicine been so laced with political
Trials Undermine Safety and Efficacy by Using Toxic Doses

Nass’ article17 lists what has occurred with regard to hydroxychloroquine so far, the
intention being to keep it as a living document that will be added to as time goes on.

Nass says she wrote it in such a way that it might be read as a “to do list … to be
carried out by those who pull the strings,” with the intention of suppressing use of the
drug. At the time of this writing, Nass’ list18 contains 27 bullet point entries. I highly
recommend reading through it, as I will only highlight a select few here.

Several items on Nass’ list detail the various ways in which safe and effective use of
the drug were undermined, which allowed for a false narrative of danger to be

For example, Nass points out that three large, randomized multicenter clinical trials
all used excessive dosages known to be toxic.19 These include the following. She also
discusses these trials in other in-depth articles:20,21,22

•The U.K. Recovery Trial23,24,25 — Funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, Wellcome Trust and the U.K. government through Oxford
University,26 this study randomly assigned patients to usual care or to one of five
primary drug treatments: lopinavir-ritonavir; a corticosteroid (low-dose
dexamethasone); hydroxychloroquine; tociizumab; or azithromycin. They also used
convalescent plasma.

Patients received 2,400 mg of hydroxychloroquine during the first 24 hours — three

to six times higher than the daily dosage recommended27 followed by 400 mg every
12 hours for nine more day for a cumulative dose of 9,200 mg over 10 days. The trial
ended its hydroxychloroquine arm on June 4, reporting “no benefit.”

•The Solidarity Trial28 — Launched by the World Health Organization and funded
by 43 countries and 203,000 individuals and organizations,29 this trial also compares
standard of care against four drug options, including hydroxychloroquine, among
patients in 35 countries.

Strangely, the WHO does not specify the daily dosage used in the trial. However, the
registration of the Canadian30 and Norwegian31 portions of the trial lists a dosage of
2,000 mg on the first day, and a cumulative dose of 8,800 mg over 10 days. This is
only 400 mg less than the U.K.32 Recovery Trial’s toxic dose.

The hydroxychloroquine arm was halted May 25,33 following the publication of the
Surgisphere study34 in The Lancet. June 3, after tremendous controversy had been
raised over the veracity of the study, and a day before the study was retracted for
using fabricated data,35,36 (and this despite having undergone peer-review), the
hydroxychloroquine arm was restarted.37

June 17, 2020, the hydroxychloroquine arm was stopped again, this time “based on
evidence from the Solidarity trial, U.K.’s Recovery trial and a Cochrane review of
other evidence on hydroxychloroquine.”38

•The REMAP-CAP Trial (Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial Adaptive

Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia)39 — Here, patients either
received nothing, a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir, or hydroxychloroquine
alone or in combination with lopinavir and ritonavir.

REMAP used the same toxic dose as the Recovery Trial but for six days instead of
10. What’s more, only critically ill hospitalized patients were included in this trial.
Nass addresses other concerns as well in her June 19 blog40 about this study.

Is Lifesaving Medicine Withheld to Ensure Profits?  

What possessed the study designers and investigators of these three huge clinical
trials to use such exaggerated dosages? Hydroxychloroquine has been on the market
for 65 years and both toxic and the effective dosages for a variety of ailments are well
documented. Doctors who have reported excellent treatment results in the field stayed
within the recommended hydroxychloroquine dosages.

Were they trying to purposely sabotage these trials using dosages known to be toxic?
Doctors have also reported that best results are observed when the drug is
administered early, while symptoms are still mild or moderate, yet in these trials the
drug was not given until it was too late.

A July 1, 2020, retrospective analysis41,42,43 of 2,541 patients in the Henry Ford

Hospital System in Detroit, Michigan, found use of hydroxychloroquine alone cut
mortality by more than half, from 26.4% to 13.5%. (Hydroxychloroquine in
combination with azithromycin had a mortality rate of 20.1%, and azithromycin alone
had a mortality rate of 22.4%.)

More than 90% of the patients had received the drug or drugs within 48 hours of
admission into the hospital. No adverse heart-related events were observed among
those given hydroxychloroquine.

All three trials above that used toxic hydroxychloroquine doses — Recovery,
Solidarity and REMAP — also failed to include zinc, which appears to be a key
factor. As noted by Zelenko above, the hydroxychloroquine is really only used to
drive the zinc in to the cells. Nass observes:44
“The conclusions to be drawn are frightening:

 WHO and other national health agencies, universities and charities have
conducted large clinical trials that were designed so hydroxychloroquine
would fail to show benefit in the treatment of Covid-19, perhaps to advantage
much more expensive competitors and vaccines in development.

 In so doing, these agencies and charities have de facto conspired to increase the

number of deaths in these trials.
 In so doing, they have conspired to deprive billions of people from potentially
benefiting from a safe and inexpensive drug, when used properly, during a
major pandemic. This might contribute to prolongation of the pandemic,
massive economic losses and many increased cases and deaths.”

Facets That Need To Be Discussed

Aside from that, there are two additional facets of what’s going on that are not yet
being discussed:

1.What we’re seeing happen right now is that patients are being turned into guinea
pigs en masse. As of June 16, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated
the only way a patient should receive hydroxychloroquine is by enlisting in a clinical

Similarly, in the U.K., treating physicians have been asked to enroll all hospitalized
COVID-19 patients into the Recovery and REMAP trials. As of July 9, 2020,
Recovery had enrolled more than 12,000 subjects.46

What this means is that thousands of patients are having their treatment selected via
randomization by computer rather than by their own doctors’ choice of treatment.
The U.K., by the way, has one of the highest COVID-19 death rates in Europe
already.47 By removing physician and patient choice of treatment, the death toll might
end up being far worse than it needs to be.

Importantly, will this trend continue post-COVID? Now that doctors are being
groomed to accept having their patients treated by randomization rather than with the
treatment any given doctor believes to be best, will they sign up their future non-
COVID patients as subjects just as easily?

2.Secondly, three recent papers48,49,50 argue that the excessive doses of

hydroxychloroquine used in the Recovery Trial were not actually toxic. This creates a
serious contradiction that has yet to be addressed. As noted by Nass in an email to
“For argument’s sake, say they are right, and even high doses are safe. Well then,
why are the FDA, European Medicines Agency, pharmacy boards, governors, etc.
restricting this drug that is so safe you can even overdose it and be fine?

Either the drug is so toxic at normal doses that it can’t be used for a life-threatening
illness, or it is perfectly safe at extremely high doses. You can’t have it both ways.”

Zinc Is a Crucial Key

In conclusion, let us circle back to where we started — with the reports of treatment
success. A study51 posted on the prepublication server medRxiv, May 8, 2020,
compared outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with either
hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone, or Zelenko’s triplet regimen of
hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc.

While the addition of zinc sulfate had no impact on the length of hospitalization, ICU
duration or duration of ventilation, univariate analysis showed it was associated with
other positive effects:

 Increased hospital discharge frequency

 Decreased the need for ventilation
 Decreased ICU admission rates
 Decreased the rate of transfer to hospice for non-ICU patients
 Decreased mortality

As noted by the authors:52

“After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an
increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53 …) reduction in mortality or
transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449 …). This study provides the first
in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a
role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.”

In short, to maximize effectiveness, you need zinc. As explained in “Is Quercetin a

Safer Alternative to Hydroxychloroquine?” hydroxychloroquine acts as a zinc
ionophore,53,54 meaning it shuttles zinc into your cells, and zinc appears to be a
“magic ingredient” required to prevent viral replication.55

If given early, zinc along with a zinc ionophore should, at least theoretically, help
lower the viral load and prevent the immune system from becoming overloaded. As
noted in the preprint paper, “Does Zinc Supplementation Enhance the Clinical
Efficacy of Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine to Win Todays Battle Against
COVID-19?” published April 8, 2020:56
“Besides direct antiviral effects, CQ/HCQ [chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine]
specifically target extracellular zinc to intracellular lysosomes where it interferes
with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity and coronavirus replication.

As zinc deficiency frequently occurs in elderly patients and in those with

cardiovascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease, or diabetes, we hypothesize that
CQ/HCQ plus zinc supplementation may be more effective in reducing COVID-19
morbidity and mortality than CQ or HCQ in monotherapy. Therefore, CQ/HCQ in
combination with zinc should be considered as additional study arm for COVID-19
clinical trials.”

So far, no major clinical trial has bothered to follow this rather commonsense advice.
Unfortunately, due to the corruption and politicization of science on this matter, it’s
hard to offer any clear recommendations. In the end, it probably comes down to who
you trust.

Quercetin — An All-Natural Safe Home Alternative

That said, if you suspect you’ve contracted COVID-19, it probably wouldn’t hurt to
give a version of Zelenko’s regimen a try, at the first sign of symptoms. As explained
in “Is Quercetin a Safer Alternative to Hydroxychloroquine?” quercetin is also an
ionophore and has the same mechanism of action as hydroxychloroquine — it
improves zinc uptake by your cells.

So, you might not need the drug. You could also swap out the antibiotic for a natural
antibacterial such as olive leaf or oregano oil. You can find more information about
this in “How to Improve Zinc Uptake with Quercetin to Boost Immune Health.”

Personally, I’m taking quercetin and zinc at bedtime as a prophylactic each day. The
reason it’s best to take them in the evening, several hours after your last meal, and
before the long fast of sleeping, is because quercetin is also a senolytic (i.e., it
selectively kills senescent or old, damaged cells) that is activated by fasting. So, why
not maximize the timing and use of quercetin?

Sources and References

 April 6, 2020
2, 8
    The Guardian June 5, 2020
  Sermo April 2, 2020
  Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection
  Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease May-June 2020; 35: 101738
  New York Times May 12, 2020
  J Med Virol. 2020 May 3
 June 30, 2020; 2020070025, DOI:
  Youtube, Garbage Science: Be Wary of What You’re Being Told
  Science Magazine April 10, 2020
  Good Rx Hydroxychloroquine
  Gates Notes April 30, 2020
15, 17, 18, 19
 June 27, 2020
  Reuters May 27, 2020
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  Recovery Trial
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  Recovery Trial Protocol 2020
 Hydroxychloroquine
  The Solidarity Trial
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 Identifier: NCT04330690, CATCO Solidarity
 Identifier: NCT04321616
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 Solidarity Clinical Trial for COVID-19 Treatments
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 Covid-19 Treatment Guidelines
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      Preprints April 6, 2020 DOI: 10.20944/preprints202004.0124.v1

Copyright © Dr. Joseph Mercola. Republished with permission.

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